Representative Assembly Minutes for June 3, 2024
3:45 PM at HHS Cafeteria
Executive Board: Chris Tyler, Joan McNeese, Eileen Carney, Rob Sachs, Anthony Arenella
HHS: Liz Bruns, Caroline Brennen, Deb DiFiore, Josie Cain, Judi Ford, Rachel Voss,
Mark Roberts
LMK: Kate Biggs, Thomasine Mastrantoni, Andrea Courtney, Dan Rectenwalt,
Christine Kessler, Lenore Lore
PRE: Ann Niemeier, Andy Ciraco, Jennifer Arenella
PUR: Dana Deluca, Diana Wichman, Jan Bailey
PAR: Louanna Andralliski, Emily Goldblatt, Nicole Taliercio
HAS: Tom Garbarino, Patti Mallinson, Kristen Powers, CJ Umbrino
Not present at the meeting:
PAR: Lauren Masi
1. President’s report:
A. District Safety Plan: The school budget has passed and Chris met with Brian to review the
district safety plan. They discussed the entrapments that some of the schools have and the plans
for the ones that need to be getting one soon.
They discussed the possible deescalation training for teacher aids, parents and kids. Chris
reminded if there is any physical altercation, there should be a call to security. There is no
mandate to get physically involved in a physical altercation, but witnessing teachers should take
appropriate action to alert building admin./security.. As reported in last months minutes, if any
injury is sustained due to interaction with a student, however slight, you should report it to the
principal or assistant principal. Once an incident report is submitted, you should follow that with
an email to your administrators. This includes the ESP and FASE classes.
B. Budget Vote: Great news that our District budget passed and reached the override of 60%.
This means there will be no faculty positions threatened by fiscal cuts.
C . New HAT BTF Benefit- Stacey Braun Financial Counseling Program: Chris sent out the
following information in an email:
The HAT Benefit Trust Fund is excited to offer a new benefit for our members which will allow
members to access a team of Certified Financial Planners and Registered Investment Advisors from
Stacey Braun Associates.
Starting on July 1st, this benefit will provide participants annual, toll-free telephone consultations
with a Stacey Braun Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Registered Investment Advisor (RIA).
Consultations can address the participants’ various financial questions and situations. Calls can be
made weekdays, from 8am to 6pm (EST). If a planner or advisor is not available when you call, a
phone consultation/zoom will be scheduled at a convenient time; appointments can be made before
or after normal toll-free hours. Stacey Braun CFPs or RIAs will not attempt to sell you any financial
products their sole purpose is to provide you with objective financial advice. The Trust also
envisions quarterly on-site visits by Stacey Braun Associates.
In order to best understand how you can take advantage of this benefit, Stacey Braun is extending an
invitation to attend an introductory webinar at 3:30 on Monday, June 17th. Please follow this link to
register for the webinar:
Additional information about this new benefit will be placed into your mailboxes.
D. HAT Scholarships: This year 14 HHS students have received a HAT scholarship worth $500.
Rob spoke about looking for ideas to fundraise in the future.
E. TRO Summer School: The Tarrytown Regional Office is bringing back their Summer School
Program. They will offer workshops on union leadership skills such as Building Rep, Grievance
and Negotiations. These classes will take place at the Tarrytown Regional Office located at 520
White Plains Rd, Tarrytown. They will provide lunch and dinner. There is no charge for these
workshops. If you are interested in participating in any of their offerings please contact Chris
Tyler no later than June 28, 2024.
F. HAT Website: It has been updated please check it for any forms you may need. We will
continue to add to the website. If you have not already, please remember to register with the HAT
website. You can make this your homepage on your computer If you have not registered for our
HAT website please log onto The secret code needed during
the registration process is hat4life (all lowercase). Any form you need will be on the website. This
is a secure website where our members can get information and forms. Reps should send
members there if they have questions regarding HAT-associated benefits or issues. If you
experience any technical difficulties with the site, please contact Vernon Morris
([email protected]) for assistance.
Tara Xanthopoulos is running our HAT social media for the Harrison Association of Teachers on
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and our website If you have the
information you’d like to share with the membership please get in touch with Tara
Harrison Association of Teachers
Harrison Association of Teachers (@HATHarrisonNY)
Harrison Association of
Teachers Website
2. Treasurer’s Report: we got $7600 in vote-cope rebate received from the NYSUT Advocacy
Fund. Rob’s report was accepted. We also voted on a approved the Harrison Pantry donation.
(Please see Public Relations below).
3. Grievance Report: Nothing to report from Joan.
4. Committee Reports:
A. Political Action & VOTE-COPE: Political Action: Nothing to report at this time. Any questions
about VOTE COPE Chris will be meeting with Brian soon to see where we are at. Any questions or
if you would like to increase your amount please contact Brian Ennis at [email protected].
Please consider increasing your donations to make up for retirees. Please check out the
Association’s page on Facebook where there are updates all the time about political action issues.
B. Public Relations: A motion was made to donate $4000.00 to the Harrison Pantry. This is a
donation we have continually made over the years. This pantry services over 100 Harrison
families so this money goes to support our students and families. After a short discussion, the
motion was voted on and unanimously approved.
C. Social: Lenore Lore and Liz Bruns have emailed the invitation for the end-of-year party where
we will honor this year's retirees. It is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th at Wellington’s in
Harrison. You should have RSVP’d by May 31st.
Please remember to wear your HAT wear on Fridays.
Please read below as a reminder for benefits trust. Your
information should be updated if you have dependents, address
change, or marital status.
D. New Member & Membership: Please note that any changes to your name, due to marriage
or divorce should go to Rita Beardsley after it has officially been changed with the district.
At that point, she can change it for you. If you have a new address (including apt. #), phone
number, or email address: please send that information to Rita Beardsley to be changed
with NYSUT bear[email protected]g. Please reach out to Rita for New Teacher and to
Chris for Benefit Trust Fund. Send any change to the name, address, or phone number to
Rita Beadsley at HAS.
E. Benefits Trust Fund: *SEE ABOVE* Please reach out to Chris for Benefit Trust Fund. If you
have any changes to your dependents, address, phone number, marital status, or type of
enrollment of dental coverage (switching from single to family or family to single coverage), please
download and fill out a new HAT Benefit Trust Fund Enrollment/Change of Enrollment Form with
the pertinent information along with a very brief note as to why you are submitting a new form.
Any member who is a .5 or higher is eligible for HAT Benefit Trust Fund Benefits. Interoffice
the form to Chris Tyler at the high school. He’ll sign it and send a copy back to you while
forwarding the form to the Preferred Group. If your change involves enrolling into the optional
dental plan or changing from single to family/family to single dental coverage, you will also need
to send a copy of the enrollment form and note explaining the change to Michelle DeCarlo in the
Business Office at LMK.
*Also - if you have a college-age dependent you need to verify every semester that they are a
full-time student taking at least 12 credits. Check for the documents
needed. Coverage ends for dependents who are over the age of 18 if they are not full-time
students.* The form can be found on the secure part of the HAT website - navigate to the
HAT BTF Tab and locate the dropdown option “College Dependent Attest.
5. Building Reports:
Concerns: Students parking on campus: It has come to our attention that several juniors
are parking on campus in the faculty lot.
The only Juniors allowed to park on campus are those who won spots at the Junior Auction and
one student with a special medical allowance. Seniors are very good at reporting underclassmen
to B-123, but if you know of an underclassman parking on campus you can report the name and/
or plate number to B-123. Senior parking privileges can also be in jeopardy as a consequence.
Discussion around parking tags also occurred, with suggestions to change the color or add a
sticker indicating the school year so that the tags cannot be reused.
1. Student attendance in Powerteacher:
In PowerTeacher, the two-week quick lookup appears accurate in reflecting a student’s attendance,
however in the long-term attendance view the only absences reflected seem to be ILL, UNV, IA, and
TST. Labs, field trips, SSV, and nurse visits do not appear. This may give teachers, administration,
and parents an inaccurate view of the student’s actual attendance in a given class. Is there a way to
correct this?
For example, below are two screenshots of long-term attendance vs. quick lookup. It appears that
the student has only 2 absences in period 3 during S2 due to testing, but from the quick lookup
page, this student missed the same class an additional two times.
The quick lookup/two-week view should be accurate with all attendance codes present, and
“Meeting Attendance” will also display all absence codes. If you select attendance by clicking on
the number of absences listed under S2 for a given period, it will only list absences when a student
is out of the building (for NYS reporting purposes). In the past there have been errors when testing
“TST” has been miscoded and was displayed in this list, but has since been corrected and should
not show up for state reporting purposes. It will continue to be logged in the two-week view and
under the long-term “Meeting Attendance”.
2. Changing UNVs- How long after a UNV is entered can it be changed? (Ex. parent calls in a few days
or weeks later to change it). Particularly in the case of a student earning a 0 for a certain
assignment that day. Does the assignment need to be accepted and graded weeks later now that it
has been changed?
No solid timeline exists for this change. Teachers continue to be encouraged to use their
professional judgment regarding reasonable access and timeframe. The administration will
continue to look into whether there can be a policy or deadline put in place.
3. Attendance issues: A common takeaway reported after the discussions during the faculty
meeting on 4/30, was that a large majority of the students discussed have major attendance issues
(either excessive cuts or students not showing up to school entirely). From the group discussions,
it was apparent that faculty are taking the necessary steps (calling/ contacting home) to try to get
these students in class. Could the administration be more transparent in their steps to assist with
getting students to be in school?
In addition to teacher and counselor outreach, families receive quarterly attendance reports. APs
run cut reports weekly, the attendance office sends automated phone calls daily,
counselors/psychologists/APs/SRO will conduct home visits for chronic absenteeism, CPS is
contacted in cases of suspected educational neglect, BASIS BOCES program assistance, etc.
Procedures are individualized for each student. There is no clear number of absences that trigger
these procedures, just as the same formula for motivation/ consequences will not work for all
students. Please continue to contact the student’s counselor and AP if there are concerns.
4. Security before the start of school: In the morning before the official start of the school day,
D-circle often has many students “aimlessly” walking around. There’s a noticeable lack of security
present inside this area of the building, posing safety concerns.
Yes, in the morning most security staff is outside directing traffic with one person staffed in the
Student Union. APs do their best to patrol the hallways in the mornings. If there is an issue, please
call security/B-123. Discussion continued around students walking in the hallways throughout
the day, during class time. Staff are encouraged to allow only one student to leave the classroom at
a time, and those on NIDs are encouraged to ask students where they are going and/or direct them
to go somewhere if they have no destination (library, student union).
5. Senior Patio: With the weather getting warmer the senior patio has become a popular hangout
area, with spike ball, frisbee, and loud noise becoming extremely disruptive to the nearby
classrooms. How is this area supervised?
Staff assigned to NIDs in the hallway next to the senior patio are asked to relocate outside when
the weather permits. Only Seniors should be using this area. Discussion continued around
potentially limiting the sports/games in this area.
6. Additional Concerns:
a. IBD Teacher Training: What are the International Baccalaureate Program requirements
for teacher training for those who teach IBD courses?
All IBD teachers should be trained before teaching an IBD course. Sometimes this may not
be possible depending on summer offerings; in that case, the teacher should be trained
within that year and as soon as possible. Teacher training is reported to the International
Baccalaureate Program every 5 years to ensure compliance.
b. Parking Lot: Reminder provided that the parking lot is to be painted this summer before
the start of the 2024-2025 school year with additional crossings to provide a safe pathway
for teachers and students. Additionally, signage will be installed similar to the middle
school to direct traffic for student drop-off.
Concerns: Nothing to report
Concerns: HIghlighting people who didn’t sign in and name is submitted to HR. Why is that
happening? Some teachers being denied of summer courses.
Concerns: Nothing to report
Concerns: Nothing to report
Concerns: Time given to sign up for classes for the summer because the amount of time
given to look over classes and the date and time to sign up. Chris spoke to Lisa about a better
system. We will continue to work on a better system.
6. Old Business:
7. New Business: Thank yous were received for Kelli Pallone and Jennifer Burkhardt for
their gift baskets for retirement.
Rep Council Schedule for 2024 - 2025 school year
Monday, September 9
Monday, October 7
Monday, November 4
Monday, December 2
Monday, January 6
Monday, February 3
Monday, March 3
Monday, April 7
Monday, May 5
Monday, June 2
Meeting Adjourned at 4:38pm.