WASHINGTON, DC 20301-5000
SUBJECT: Senator Harry Reid's Request to Put the Advanced Aerospace Threat and
Identification Program (AAITP) under Special Access Protection
Senator Harry Reid sent a letter to you on June 24, 2009 requesting the
Department of Defense put the AAITP under 'Restricted Special Access Protection'(Tab
A), The AAITP that SEN Reid refers to is officially the Advanced Aerospace Weapon
System Application Program (AAWSAP) contract managed by DIA. Its primary purpose
is to investigate revolutionary advances in future aerospace technologies with emphasis
on research of unconventional and revolutionary technologies. The sole bid for the
contract was from Bigelow Aerospace Advance Space Studies located in Las Vegas, NV.
The resulting contract was for multiple sub-contractors to perform unclassified research
in 11 technical areas and deliver technical reports on those areas by July 31 2009.
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
directed a quality review or the tecnnical reports tnat
completed in October 2009.
In late October 2009, DIA completed the technical review of the program
deliverables (Tab B) and provided USD(I) SAPCO the current status of the AAWSAP.
The program manager and his leadership advised that they saw no justification for
Special Access protections based on the content of the FY09 deliverables or the
anticipated FY10 work. This
recommendation is formally stated
and outlined in the
attached memorandum from
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
(Tab C).
Senators Reid and Inouye co-sponsored a $10M earmark in the July 2008
supplemental to fund this DIA effort to look at potential future aerospace weapons
threats. A $12M earmark has been allocated to support the program in FY2010.
Based on the recommendation from DIA and my staffs review of the technical
reports, I recommend against establishing a Special Access Program at this time.
James R. Clapper Jr.
Attachments: As stated
Talking Points
DepSecDef Meeting with Senator Harry Reid
November 17, 2009
Topic: Senator Harry Reid's Request to Protect the Advanced Aerospace Weapon
System Application Program as a Special Access Program
Early 2008: Senator Reid met tb
10 USG 424 (b)
a DIA analyst, at a technical
July 2008: Senators Reid and Inouye co-sponsored a $10M earmark in the
Supplemental Appropriation Bill to assess far-term foreign advanced aerospace threats
to the United States. A $12M earmark has been allocated to support the project in
August 2008: DIA learned of counter-intelligence concerns with Bigelow Aerospace,
the parent company of Bigelow Aerospace Advance Space Studies. These concerns do
not appear to be directly related to Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application
Program (AAWSAP).
September 2008: DIA awarded the contract to the sole bidder, Bigelow Aerospace
Advance Space Studies (Las Vegas, NV), to perform unclassified research in 11
technical areas and deliver technical reports on those areas by July 31, 2009.
is the Program Manager for the AAWSAP. Its primary purpose
is to investigate revolutionary advances in future aerospace technologies with
emphasis on research of unconventional and revolutionary technologies.
Senator Reid's office refers to the AAWSAP as the Advanced Aerospace Threat
and Identification Program.
May 19, 2009:
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
met with Senator Reid about several
issues, one of them being the AAWSAP. The project was briefly discussed and limited
feedback was provided.
(b)(3) 10 USG 424 (b)(6)
did not commit to SAP the program.
June 24, 2009: Senator Harry Reid sent a letter to Deputy Secretary Lynn requesting
that DoD put the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program
(AAWSAP) under Special Access Protection (Tab A).
July 31,2009: DIA received all 26 papers, based on research in 12 technical areas.
July — October 2009: Bob Herbert, Senator Reid's personal staffer, made multiple
phone calls to Marcel Lettre, PDASD/LA, inquiring on the status of our response to the
June 24
October 30, 2009: DIA completed quality reviews of all papers and provided an
assessment to Lt. Gen. Burgess (Tab B). The papers are currently Unclassified//For
Official Use Only.
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
November 4,2009:
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
met with Senator Reid's personal staffer, Bob Herbert. Mr. Herbert relayed the
Senator's impatience with the DoD's lack of response to the June 24
(b)(3) 10 USC 424:(b)
assured Mr. Herbert that DIA would provide an assessment to OSD regarding
classification of the project in the coming weeks.
November 13 2009:
(b)(3) 10 USC 424,(b)(6)
sent a memorandum to
USD(1) SAPCO outlining the results of their official review of Senator Reid's Special
Access Program request (Tab C). DIA can see no justification for Special Access
Protections based on the content of the FY09 deliverables or the anticipated FY10
Key Talking Points
The FY09 deliverables for AAWSAP are for academic research and basic scientific
research. The FY09 technical reports are being used to expand the FY10 research into
the realm of scientific and technical intelligence.
The current level of scientific capability does not appear to risk grave damage to
national security if available information was revealed.
Some topics may warrant
Secret" classification consistent with the subject matter
being researched.
The department has reviewed all available information regarding the FY10 research and
finds no justification for applying Special Access Program protection at this time.
Tab A
June 24, 2009 Letter from Senator Reid to Deputy Secretary Lynn
Tab B
October 30, 2009 Memorandum from
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
Subject. Review ol Advanced Aerospace Contract Deliverables
Tab C
November 13, 2009 Memorandum from
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6
USD(I) SAPCO, Subject: Review of Special Access Program Request
Prepared by:
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
ilmted *tam *ante
WASHINGTON, DC 20510-7012
June 24, 2009
Honorable William Lynn
Deputy Secretary of Defense
1010 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1010
Dear Secretary Lynn:
Beginning this past September, the U.S. Senate has mandated that the Defense Intelligence
Agency assess far-term foreign advanced aerospace threats to the United States. The scope of
program interest covers from the present out to forty years and beyond. In order to further our
effort in recognizing emerging disruptive aerospace technologies, technical studies are being
conducted in regard to advanced lift, propulsion, the use of unconventional materials and
controls, signature reduction, weaponry, human interface and human effects.
Since the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AAITP) and study were
first commissioned, much progress has been made with the identification of several highly
sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings. Given the current rate of success, the
continued study of these subjects will likely lead to technology advancements that in the
immediate near-term will require extraordinary protection. Due to the sensitivities of the
information surrounding aspects of this program, I require your assistance in establishing a
Restricted Special-Access-Program (SAP) with a Bigoted Access List for specific portions of the
In order to support this national effort, a small but highly specialized cadre of Department of
Defense (DoD) and private sector individuals are necessary. These individuals must be
specialized in the areas of advanced sciences, sensors, intelligence/counterintelligence, and
advanced aerospace engineering. Given the likelihood that these technologies will be applied to
future systems invoking space flight, weapons, communications, and propulsion, the standard
management and safeguarding procedures for classified information are not sufficient. Even the
use of conventional SAP protocols will not adequately ensure that all aspects of the project are
properly secured. Although not every aspect of AATIP requires Restricted SAP read-on, the
following portions should be maintained at the Restricted SAP level:
The methodology used to identify, acquire, study, and engineer the advanced
technologies associated with AATIP.
Specific methodologies used to study unconventional technology may require
nuanced approaches that will undoubtedly be of significant interest if not a top
priority for adversarial Foreign Intelligence Security Services (PISS).
Undue attention by government, or private sector entities, not involved in AATIP
or any international interest will directly or indirectly interfere with the daily
AATIP mission and perhaps threaten the overall success of the program.
Allocation of personnel, support, and oversight.
Due to the highly specialized nature of the personnel involved with AATIP, the
overt acknowledgement of their participation in the program will lead to an
unnecessary security and counterintelligence risk.
Occasional assistance from specialized individuals within DoD, the scientific
community, or academia may be necessary from time to time based on
demonstrated subject matter expertise. Adequate protection of their identities or
affiliation is critical to avoid unnecessary scrutiny.
Without the appropriate Restricted SAP protection, the cost associated with a
compromise would be significantly higher than the cost associated with a
properly administered Restricted SAP.
Protection of industry partnerships and participation is critical. Public
awareness of an industry's AATIP affiliation may discourage that industry's
further participation with the U.S. Government in this program.
Application and engineering.
The nuanced manner in which some of these technologies will be collected,
engineered and applied by the U.S. may require senior level government approval.
These decision makers must be afforded the necessary time to make strategic
decisions by restricting access to the "big picture" or overall intent of the program
to those on a strict Bigoted List.
Associated exotic teclmologies likely involve extremely sophisticated concepts
within the world of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetic theory,
gravitics, and thermodynamics. Given that all of these have the potential to be
used with catastrophic effects by adversaries, an unusually high degree of
operational security and read-on discretion is required.
Due to the expertise required to carry out the objectives of this program, we will require a
small, specialized group of DoD personnel, who are dedicated to performing the SAP-related
functions and executing programmatic requirements within the program. It is essential that the
Government & military personnel who are already involved with this program are assigned to
further support this program in a Restricted SAP capacity (see Attachment I). These individuals
all currently possess the appropriate security clearances and are already providing unique support
Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the US. Government but I believe will
directly benefit DoD in ways not yet imagined. The technological insight and capability gained will
provide the U.S. with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the U.S. to maintain its
preeminence as a world leader.
Thank you in advance from your time and consideration of this reques If
you or your staff have any questions, please contact (b)(6)
United States Senator
Special Agent
USD (Gov't)
USDI (Gov't)
Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies LLC (BAASS),
Attachment 1
Sponsoring Agency:
Undetermined (DEPSECDEF)
Component-level SAP Central Office:
Undetermined (DEPSECDEF)
Unclassified Nickname:
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)
Program Length:
FY09-FY13 (Preliminary)
Program Funding:
FY09-0&M, FYI 0-FY13-TBD
SAP Category Designation:
Intelligence, DoD Acquisition
FY 10 Preliminary Bigoted List of Government Personnel:
Honorable William Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense (Gov't)
Honorable Senator Harry Reid of Nevada (Gov't)
Honorable Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii (Gov't)
Robert T. Herbert .S Senate
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
FY 10 Preliminary Bigoted List of Contractor Personnel funded under the AATIP:
This document contains information exempt from mandatory disclosure under the FOIA.
Exemptions 1 and 5 apply.
(U) This info memo responds to your request for the
o review the quality and value of the first-year technical reports delivered
un er t e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications contract with
Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS). LLC. As a reminder, you
made this request to
(b)(3) 10
•ersonnel during a 15 May 2009 meeting with you
USG 424
after your meeting wi
ena or Harry Reid. The goal of the contract is to identify
key technologies and physics concepts that would support revolutionary aerospace
vehicle research and development. Contracted studies were designed to provide a
prioritized list of technologies/concepts that then would drive detailed, focused
searches into foreign aerospace research and development. Each research report
fin the areas of lift, propulsion, control, power generation, spatial/temporal
translation, materials, structural configuration, signature reduction, human
interface, human effects, and armament) was written by world-class technical
experts in industry and/or academia.
(b)(3):10 USC 424
(b)(3) 10 USG 424
(b)(3):10 USC 424
30 October 2009
(b)(3):10 USC 424
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
Defense Intelligence Agency
SUBJECT: (U) Review of Advanced Aerospace Contract Deliverables
(U) The table in Enclosure 1 lists the 26 extensive technical reports delivered to
DIA in FY 2009. The report titles highlighted in red and green are the ones that
were reviewed. Eight reviews were performed by other authors listed in the table;
five were performed by outside reviewers, including three research staff members
Sandia National Laboratories. The
(b)(3) 10 USC 424:(b)(6)
has reviewed all of the papers and concurs with the reviews. As the
excerpts indicate, all of the reviews were positive, some exceptionally so. Even
within the limitation of being able to conduct only unclassified research in the first
contract year, the quality hoped for in the reports was achieved.
s to
publish them in coming weeks as Defense Intelligence Studies. Some or all of
these studies may be of interest to Defense Department agencies, national
laboratories, and/or defense industries focused on blue-force capability
development, anj
wilt ensure that they receive copies.
(b)(3):10 USC 424
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
(U) Based on draft budget guidance, Congress apparently will fund the contract's
option year one at $12 million. In FY 2010,
will "Se the 26 FY 2009
technical reports in having BAASS evaluate potential adversary exploitation
worldwide, select studies amenable to classified experimental verification by
BAASS, and have BAASS conduct new classified and unclassified studies with
select academic and industry partners. Deliverables are expected in late summer
2 enclosures as stated
(b)(3):10 USC 424
(U) Prepared by:
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
(U) FY 2009 Technical Reports
Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion
Pulse-Power-Based Weaponry
Space-Time Modifications for Spaceflight Applications
Novel MEMS-Based Biosensors
Theory and Experiments of Invisibility Cloaking
Wormholes in Space Time
Gravity Wave Communication
Superconductors in Gravity Research
Antigravity for Aerospace Applications
Field Effects on Biological Tissues
Positron Aerospace Propulsion
Vacuum Energy Applications
Improved Statistical Approach to Drake Equation
Maverick vs. Corporate Research Cultures
Biosensors and BioMEMS
Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications
Warp Drives
Controlling Devices Without Limb-Operated Interfaces
Materials for Advanced Aerospace Platforms
Metallic Glasses
Programmable Matter
Metallic Spintronics
High-Energy Laser Weapons
Quantum Entanglement Communications
Space Access: Where Been, Where Go
Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Deep Space
Red — Independent review.
Green — Sandia National Laboratories review.
(U) Excerpts From Reviews
(U) All of the following review information and comments are UNCLASSIFIED.
Antigravity for Aerospace Ap lications in 2050
has provided an excel ent overview of conventional approaches to
gravity manipulation within the confines of Newtonian, relativistic and quantum
physics. With his typical lucid style, he takes the time to add useful explanatory
notes which are especially enlightening for those for whom Relativity is not their
first language. In addition, his extensive technical appendix concerning such
exotica as squeezed vacuum states, zero-point fluctuations and negative energy is
of great benefit.
Technological Approaches to Controlling External Devices in the Absence of
Limb Operated Interfaces
The paper by
looks at the present and future prospects for the
human thought control of robotics and machines by way of high technology neural
interfaces. The ultimate aim of such research is to allow an individual to control
the function of a prosthetic or robot as an extension of his own body and mind or
to exercise thought-based control over a mechanized environment. We find from
urrent review that the state of the art is still quite far away from
achieving such control but strong efforts are being made on a number of
On The Role of Superconductors in Gravity Research
Because of the author's involvement and activity in the field, it seems natural that
he chose to write on this subject, and he is able to demonstrate not only a solid
understanding of the research area, but is also able to provide his personal
accounts of meetings with the prominent researchers. In addition, he describes his
own experimental results, or lack thereof Because of his own personal attachment
to the field, I found the report to be somewhat captivating, as I felt a strong sense
of being close to the research and hearing from the 'horse's mouth, 'so to speak
Despite his involvement,
point of view seems to be that of an impartial
observer and he does not appear to take sides, or seem to be trying to promote or
'sell' the research field. He does an excellent job of relaying a candid and
informative survey of what, to me, seems to be a tantalizing yet controversial field
of study.
Metallic Glasses: Status and Prospects for Aerospace Applications
This is an excellent and highly readable Survey report that defines Metallic
glasses, the advantages and disadvantages to other composite materials, and how
their mechanical properties are both alike and different from those of pure metals.
These properties include strength, stiffness, and toughness. The author makes a
case that the processing capability meets and sometimes exceeds those of
thermoplastic polymers, and traditional metals. Glass hybrid composites are found
to excel in almost all cases to current materials in widespread use.
Theory and Experiments of Invisibility Cloaking
The report by
escribes the background and recent advances in the
field of invisibility cloaking. Th's field recently emerged as one of the most
exciting applications of metamaterials — artificially structured media possessing
unusual refractive properties.
_is a pioneer in this field, having
published one of the first theoretical papers describing the possibility of cloaking.
This topic still evokes misunderstandings and confusion. That is not surprising:
the concept of invisibility (although not its technical im lementation) has been
preoccupying people for centuries if not millennia
report does an
excellent job of clearing some of this confusion an provi ing c ear definitions of
what constitutes true cloaking/invisibility. It also honestly discusses technological
challenges to making a practical invisibility cloak.
Positron Aerospace Propulsion
This status paper is very exciting and provides new important information about
the present status and prospects for positron energy production and storage,
especially for space applications. It is recommended reading for both researchers
in the area and aerospace scientists. In addition, others interested in national
policy for both future energy and future space exploration should consider this
status paper to gain further insight into positron energy and propulsion.
Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications: Energy Harvesting, Sub-
Wavelength Imaging, Optical-Device Miniaturization, and Non-Reciprocal
Optical Devices
Metamaterials are "materials beyond materials" with unusual electromagnetic or
optical properties. The report by
describes several possibilities
how such materials can be used for advanced aerospace applications. As
examples, he often uses his own experiments.
is one of the research
leaders in the field of metamaterials and has built up a highly credible reputation
in this area. Although the research area of metamaterials is still rather new and
mostly confined to proof-of-principle academic research at present, it will
undoubtedly revolutionize photonics and lead to commercial applications that are
interesting for the aerospace industry.
Biosensors and BioMEMS: A Survey of the Present Field
This paper reaches toward and achieves a laudable goal: making BioMEMS
understandable and relevant. The author's contribution is important, because the
number of current programs and projects in the US Government that are either
touting the importance of or making responses to research requests in 2009
numbers in the thousands. As many recent US Academy of Sciences and other
scholarly studies have shown, few persons in the decision-making areas of the
government have sufficient background in BioMEMS from which to make
intelligent decisions. As key customers of this study, the sponsors are well-served
survey. Throughout the Survey, the author often introduces
ancillary technologies that will enable further BioMEMS development, solve
problems, or lead to alternative technologies. The survey is made more useful to
the reader and the sponsor because of this.
Metallic Spintronics
paper is concerned wffi an emerging technology known as
spin tronics ("spin-based electronics'). In this technology information is carried
by moving or alteringthe spin of electrons, rather than by moving the charged
articles themselves.
has at least a dozen publications in the field of study in top-tier
journals, and has won NSF grants to pursue the topic. As a result one must regard
him as an expert in the subject and take his opinions seriously. In addition, the
paper cites 97 references, which is quite a lot for a 10,000 word paper. Clearly,
is giving an overview of the entire field rather than just supplying an
incremental addition to it.
Materials for Advanced Aerospace Platforms
The position
takes at the first instant is that previous design
methodologies have largely failed, because of a lack of appreciation of material
property life cycles, which are clearly now known to be very different. If one is to
examine, for example, in an attempt to reverse engineer materials and components
possibly of interest, one might want to approach the "reverse" paradigm from first
principles of materials in contexts of observed performance. (b)(6)
at the
beginning of the study subtly suggests that observed performance... or even
claimed performance... may be a better starting point.
The author elegantly describes how this "commonly encountered inconsistency
between technical innovation and commercial progress" has become [in the West]
a current deterrent to the development and the deployment (adoption) of "literally
all classes...of polymers, metals, and ceramics."
Metallic Glasses: Status and Prospects for Aerospace Applications
I found it to be a clear and even-handed evaluation of the pros and cons of bulk
metallic glasses (BMG) and composites employing them. The author clearly points
out possible advantages in processing while he equally clearly points out the
difficulties associated with inherent unstable shear band formation and
consequent lack of general ductility.
Theory and Experiments of Invisibility Cloaking
Overall, this is a nice qualitatVe description of the rapidly moving field of
invisibility and cloaking and can serve as a good starting point for someone
interested in diving into the details of this new technology.
State-of-the-Art & Evolution of High Energy Laser Weapons
The technical discussions and history review are generally correct to the extent
they address the topics and this paper is a good general introduction for those
unfamiliar with high energy lasers.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20340-5100
U-09-26601(b)(3):10 USC 424
NOV 1 3 2089
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
Defense Intelligence Agency
SUBJECT: (U) Review of Special Access Program Request
This info memo responds to your
request for the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA)
USC 424
to evaluate a request from Senator Harry
Reid (enclosure 1) to establish a restricted special access program (SAP) for the
Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program Contract, referred to in
Senator Reid's letter as the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program
(AAITP). In reviewing the deliverables to date and looking ahead to planned production
in fiscal year (FY) 2010, DIA cannot find adequate justification to establish a restricted
(b)(3):10 USC 424
All program documents delivered to
during FY 2009 (the first year of
the program) were unclassified because the contractor had not established a secure
facility, and program employees were being vetted for clearances. In FY 2010, most
research products will remain at the unclassified level. However, four to six of the
original technical reports will be expanded to included classified data. These reports will
focus on foreign research in a particular technology area and will likely be derivatively
classified at the secret level. Based on classification levels of current and projected
program deliverables, there are insufficient grounds to classify this open program, invoke
alternative or compensatory control measures (ACCM), or establish a restricted SAP.
Classifying the overall program by derivative means is impractical given
Department of Defense Regulation, DoD 5200.1 -R Information Security Program
guidance: No reports produced thus far have extracted, paraphrased, or restated
information obtained from previously classified material (para C3.1.1). Future reports
that contain classified information will be marked and protected according to the
original classification authority (para C3.1.2.I.1).
(Uhif•Iiiiii* Classifying the overall program by original means is inadvisable:
Information contained in the reports is not owned by, produced by or for, or under
control of the U.S. government (para C2.3.1.1). DIA cannot identify any damage that
could result from unauthorized disclosure (para C2.3.13) of publically available
information. Although the information can loosely be tied to one of the eligibility
criteria for classification (scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the
national security (para C2.3.2.5)), DIA is prohibited from classifying basic scientific
research, and its result, unless it clearly relates to national security (para C2.4.3.2).
This requirement has not been met.
In the second paragraph of his letter, Senator Reid cites "the identification
of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings" that will
"require extraordinary protection." Although most of the unclassified reports discuss
unconventional aerospace technologies, DIA is unaware of any report containing
information sufficiently sensitive and vulnerable to require extra protection associated
with either ACCM or a restricted SAP (paras C6.8.1.2 and C8.I .1.3). DIA assumes
these statements are in reference to future phases of this program and highlight
security and counterintelligence concerns that appear to be the main focus of Senator
Reid's letter.
(U)ff#144).Pursuant to a request from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Intelligence, Special Programs staff, (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
for the
Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program Contract, has forwarded draft
copies of technical reports from the first year, which will be published in the coming
months. If you have questions about the contents of these reports, please contact
(b)(3) 10 USG 424 (b)(6)
b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
IHe will arrange to have (b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
review the reports with your staff.
(U) Prepared by:
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
Subject: Review of Special Access Request
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
Review of Special Ac
Date Received: 4 Nov 09
Washington, D.C. 20340
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)
at Nov 09
Attached please revised subject info memo to OUSD(I) for your
review and approval. This version incorporates CP comments.
Very Respectfully,
lp tar]
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
(b)(3):10 USC 424
(tio.X.LcZ tcSO
(b)(3):10 USC 424;(b)(6)
mid t Muni
(b)(3):10 USC