Vollmer, Drew
Working Paper
Is resale needed in markets with refunds? Evidence
from college football ticket sales
EAG Discussion Paper, No. EAG 22-2
Provided in Cooperation with:
Economic Analysis Group (EAG), Antitrust Division, United States Department of Justice
Suggested Citation: Vollmer, Drew (2022) : Is resale needed in markets with refunds? Evidence
from college football ticket sales, EAG Discussion Paper, No. EAG 22-2, U.S. Department of Justice,
Antitrust Division, Economic Analysis Group (EAG), Washington, DC
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Is Resale Needed in Markets with Refunds?
Evidence from College Football Ticket Sales
Drew Vollmer
EAG 22-2 December 2022
EAG Discussion Papers are the primary vehicle used to disseminate research from economists
in the Economic Analysis Group (EAG) of the Antitrust Division. These papers are intended
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herein are entirely those of the author and are not purported to reflect those of the United States
Department of Justice.
Information on the EAG research program and discussion paper series may be obtained from
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Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice. Email: Andrew.Vollmer@usdoj.gov.
Is Resale Needed in Markets with Refunds?
Evidence from College Football Ticket Sales
Drew Vollmer
February 27, 2022
When is resale valuable? And when can it be replaced with re-
funds? I study the performance of common reallocation mechanisms
in perishable goods markets with demand uncertainty. Using primary
and secondary market data on college football ticket sales, I design a
structural model to evaluate the performance of resale, partial refunds,
and a menu of refund contracts. In the model, consumers anticipate
shocks when making initial purchases. After shocks are realized, they
participate in an endogenous resale market. I find that refunds are more
efficient than resale, but that resale is better for sellers and consumers
than not reallocating.
U.S. Department of Justice. Contact: drew.v[email protected]
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the
U.S. Department of Justice. I am grateful for helpful conversations with and comments from
Allan Collard-Wexler, James Roberts, Curtis Taylor, Bryan Bollinger, Jonathan Williams,
Daniel Xu, Juan Carlos Su`arez Serrato, Peter Newberry, and Matt Leisten. I also benefited
from seminar and conference presentations at Duke, the SEAs, and the DC IO Day. I would
like to thank the university that provided its sales records for the project. All errors are
1 Introduction
Is resale valuable? The usual answer is yes, because it reallocates goods
to consumers with high values. For instance, a consumer might buy
a concert ticket, learn she cannot attend, and resell to someone who
can. But there are other methods of reallocating, like refunds, that
could reach the same result. With refunds, the consumer could return
the ticket to the box office for a partial refund, allowing the seller to
offer the recovered ticket to someone else. In fact, many sellers, like air-
lines and hotels, offer partial refunds instead of allowing resale. Would
society be better off if resale were replaced with refunds, or is resale
uniquely valuable? The question matters because reallocation is nec-
essary when consumers receive stochastic demand shocks after initial
purchases. They do so frequently: a consumer might make travel plans
in advance and then learn she has a schedule conflict, or she might buy
clothes online and then learn they do not fit.
In this paper, I evaluate the most common reallocation mechanisms,
resale and refunds, in markets for perishable goods with demand un-
certainty. I use data on college football ticket sales to study the perfor-
mance of resale and two refund strategies, a partial refund and a menu
of state-dependent refund contracts. With a partial refund, consumers
who buy in advance can return the good for some money back; with
a menu of refunds, consumers who buy in advance can choose among
contracts that issue refunds in different states of the world. Football
tickets are an ideal setting because consumers purchase in advance and
then receive different demand shocks,
including schedule conflicts and
aggregate shocks like news about team performance.
After presenting examples in which each strategy can be most effi-
cient, I assess their performance empirically with a structural model in
which consumers purchase football tickets over two periods. In the first
period, consumers decide whether to buy season tickets based on ratio-
nal expectations of shocks and future resale prices. In the second period,
Sweeting (2012) uses sports tickets to study perishable goods. Event tickets have also
been used as a setting in Leslie and Sorensen (2014).
shocks are realized and consumers make final purchase decisions. Con-
sumers who bought tickets in the first period choose whether to attend
or resell; other consumers decide whether to acquire tickets in the pri-
mary or resale markets. The resale price clears the resale market in the
second period and thus depends on realized shocks. In counterfactual
experiments, I replace the resale market with refund policies.
The results suggest that refunds perform as well as resale and are
superior when consumers have heterogeneous preferences over an un-
certain state of the world. By quantifying the effects of resale and
comparing it to refunds, the findings inform the design of aftermarkets
and government policies on resale rights.
The key difference between the strategies is that refunds are central-
ized in the primary market and resale is not. With refunds, consumers
can return their tickets to the primary seller, who puts the recovered
units back on sale. All transactions take place in the primary market at
the seller’s prices. But with resale, consumers can list their tickets on a
third-party resale platform, like StubHub, at prices they choose. Cen-
tralization is beneficial because it reduces frictions and allows the seller
to offer a menu of state-dependent refund contracts; it can be harmful
when primary market prices are suboptimal because of rigidities and
menu costs, unlike resale’s flexible prices.
In numerical examples, I show that each strategy can be most effi-
cient. Suppose that a sports team sells tickets in advance and cannot
change its prices.
Some consumers will purchase early, then learn they
have schedule conflicts and cannot attend. If the optimal price is un-
certain, price rigidities can cause partial refunds to perform badly. For
example, suppose the team’s star player is injured, causing consumer
values to fall. Consumers with conflicts will request a partial refund,
but the seller’s price will be too high to sell the recovered tickets after
the injury. Some tickets will go unused. Resale would perform better
because its prices are flexible: resellers would lower prices after the in-
The strong assumption of complete rigidity holds in my setting, where prices are printed
on the tickets. Weaker rigidities have a similar effect for other sellers, who do not adjust
prices to fully reflect changes in demand. As shown in Section 4, observed demand shifts
are empirically large.
jury so that all tickets are sold and used. But resale is less efficient
when there is no need for price flexibility because it introduces addi-
tional frictions. For example, some consumers may be unaware of the
resale market, or they may dislike browsing or distrust the platform.
The choice between partial refunds and resale depends on the relative
intensity of mispricing and frictions, which must be recovered in esti-
A separate force determines the value of state-dependent refund con-
tracts: whether different consumers want the tickets in different states
of the world. For instance, the consumers who value tickets the most
in a state where covid-19 disappears might not be the same as the
consumers who value them most in a state with widespread infection.
With a menu of refund contracts, the seller could target each group
with refunds that depend on the status of covid-19 or, more generally,
an observable state.
After estimating the model, I find in counterfactual experiments
that the refund strategies are as efficient as resale when there is no un-
certainty over states of the world. Total welfare is 0.5% higher with
refunds and consumer welfare is unchanged, but the seller does earn
2.1% more in profit. The results are noteworthy because they suggest
that, even in a market with inflexible prices and aggregate shocks, resale
can be replaced. All parties benefit from resale and refunds compared
to a market without reallocation: total welfare increases by 5.1%, con-
sumer welfare by 6.9%, and profit by 2.8%. The changes are substantial
because only 8% of tickets are reallocated in the estimated model. In
counterfactuals with uncertainty over whether there will be a covid-19
vaccine, the menu of state-dependent refund contracts offers marked
benefits over resale, raising total welfare by 5.5%, consumer welfare by
8.8%, and profit by 4.5%.
The analysis has broad implications for our understanding of af-
termarkets and resale. Evidence on the performance of reallocation
Refunds are optimal when primary market prices are flexible, as for airlines and hotels.
A related source of uncertainty is if consumers have different probabilities of having a
schedule conflict, studied in Lazarev (2013).
mechanisms, and of the factors that affect them, is valuable for deter-
mining how to run aftermarkets. Yet there is little work on the matter.
This paper contributes by highlighting the forces that determine when
each strategy is efficient and evaluating the strategies empirically. It
also contributes to our understanding of resale by quantifying its net
effects. The effects of resale on both sellers and society have been hotly
contested, with governments alternately restricting and protecting re-
sale of event tickets.
Similarly, some sellers prohibit resale while others
embrace it.
Some of the controversy is due to systematic underpric-
ing, which is not present in this setting, but the net effect of resale
on profit remains ambiguous in theory
and the benefits for consumers
have rarely been measured. Additionally, the relevant class of perishable
goods is large, covering items like reservation goods (e.g. live events,
airlines, hotels, etc.) and seasonal goods (fashion). Online event ticket
sales alone exceeded $56bn in 2019 (Statista (2020)).
The application with state-dependent contracts is valuable because
it quantifies the effects of screening when consumers are heterogeneous,
which are frequently discussed in theory (Courty and Li, 2000) but
rarely measured empirically.
The empirical application to covid-19 is
relevant because of the return of mass gatherings despite uncertainty
over the future status of covid-19 and the resistance offered by vaccina-
The analysis also offers suggestive evidence on alternatives to re-
sale when there are rent-seeking brokers. Much of the resale literature
focuses on markets where brokers purchase underpriced tickets in the
primary market, as in Bhave and Budish (2017) and Leslie and Sorensen
(2014). In fact, Courty (2019) proposes a refund system to eliminate
Many states prohibit resale at prices above face value but have exempted internet sales
(Squire Patton Boggs LLP (2017)). Others forbid sellers from using non-transferrable tick-
ets, which are designed to prevent resale (Pender (2017)).
Musicians like the band U2 have prohibited resale for their concerts (Pender (2017)),
but many sports teams have sponsorship deals with platforms like StubHub and SeatGeek.
The key determinant in this setting is whether resale displaces primary market sales.
Resale is more profitable when capacity constraints are tighter.
An exception is Lazarev (2013), who measures the effects of screening airline passengers
who receive schedule conflicts at different rates.
brokers similar to the one tested in this paper. Underpricing and bro-
kers are not significant in this setting, but the performance of resale
relative to refunds provides suggestive evidence on brokers because bro-
kers magnify both the advantages and disadvantages of resale. Brokers
funnel more tickets through the resale market, leading to more price
flexibility and frictions from resale. However, the predictions are not
definitive because estimated parameters and the initial allocation would
be different with brokers. For example, resale frictions may be lower
with fewer tickets left in the primary market. Similarly, refunds may
perform worse with systematic underpricing because more tickets would
be rationed.
The most important feature of the model is the set of demand shocks
that affect consumer values between the time of initial purchases and
the time of the game. The model includes three distinct shocks that are
common in other markets and salient in the market for football tickets.
The first shock is purely idiosyncratic and can be interpreted as a
schedule conflict, which is common in markets for event tickets and
travel reservations. It causes some consumers who purchase early to
have low final values, motivating reallocation. The second shock, a
common value shock, shifts all consumers’ values by the same amount
and can be interpreted as learning the quality of a good, like the skill of
a sports team or weather in a vacation destination. It makes the mean
valuation and optimal price after shocks unpredictable, boosting the
returns to resale and its flexible prices. The third shock is a state of the
world that has a heterogeneous effect on consumer values. The recession
state of a business cycle, for example, harshly affects some consumers
but hardly affects others. In the market for tickets, the states can be
interpreted as the future status of covid-19, which could ebb or continue
to pose a risk to the vaccinated. The estimation captures the associated
uncertainty using survey data on a similar shock, whether there will be
a covid-19 vaccine (assumed to be effective) at the start of the season.
The survey was distributed in August 2020, when it was unclear if or when there would
be a vaccine. When the survey was distribtued, consumers were unlikely to be aware of the
possibility of breakthrough cases and the Delta variant had not yet been detected.
States of the world cause the efficient allocation to vary with the state,
increasing the return to a menu of state-dependent refund contracts.
I assemble a broad data set to learn about the market and shocks.
The main data set consists of all primary and resale market ticket sales
for one football season at a large U.S. university, covering 30,000 pri-
mary market transactions and 5,500 resale transactions on StubHub.
The data demonstrate that advance sales and resale are features of the
market: 75% of tickets are sold months in advance and 6% of all tick-
ets are resold on StubHub. The second data set includes annual resale
prices for 76 college football teams from 2011–2019, which I gather
from SeatGeek, another online resale market. Resale prices vary signif-
icantly, often differing from the sample average by 25% or more. The
final source of data is a survey. In August 2020, I asked 500 consumers
(250 of whom were 50 or over) their willingness to pay for football tick-
ets in states with and without a covid-19 vaccine. Consumer reactions
to the state with no vaccine are heterogeneous: among consumers with
positive willingness to pay when there is a vaccine, almost a third would
pay the same amount with no vaccine while a fifth would pay nothing.
I estimate the model in two stages. The key parameters in the first
stage govern the demand shocks. The rate of idiosyncratic shocks is
identified by the frequency of observed resale in the ticket sales data.
The size of common value shocks, such as injuries and team perfor-
mance, is identified by year-to-year price variation in the SeatGeek data.
Heterogeneity in values between states with and without a vaccine is
captured by a distribution of value changes. The distribution is identi-
fied by individual-level reports of changes in willingness to pay in the
The second stage uses structural simulations to estimate demand
and other remaining parameters. The simulations match observed to
simulated resale prices and primary market quantities. The compu-
tational challenge is finding a rational expectations equilibrium where
The NFL has offered a similar refund contract where fans only receive a Super Bowl
ticket if their favorite team is in the game. More generally, the principle of contracting on
observed states is the basis for financial derivatives.
There is resale on other sites, but StubHub is the largest resale service (Satariano (2015))
consumers correctly anticipate the distribution of resale prices.
The estimated model allows me to evaluate two core sets of coun-
terfactuals. In the first, I consider a baseline model without states of
the world and compare resale to partial refunds. I also consider bench-
mark cases with no reallocation (neither resale nor refunds) and flexible
prices (refunds with price adjustments after shocks). In the second set
of counterfactuals, the only uncertainty is over the state of the world
and I compare the performance of a menu of refunds to resale.
The remainder of the introduction discusses the relevant literature.
Section 2 presents numerical examples demonstrating how the prop-
erties of demand uncertainty affect the seller’s optimal sales strategy.
Section 3 discusses the data sources used, and Section 4 presents de-
scriptive evidence. Section 5 develops a structural model of the market
and Section 6 details how it is estimated. Section 7 presents the coun-
terfactual experiments and their results. Section 8 concludes.
Related Literature. This paper contributes to several literatures, no-
tably those on resale and demand uncertainty. For the resale literature,
this paper provides estimates of how resale affects profit and welfare by
modeling a primary market and an endogenous resale market. Leslie
and Sorensen (2014) use a similar model combining primary and re-
sale markets to study whether resale increases welfare in the market
for concert tickets, but they do not consider profit because tickets are
systematically underpriced in their sample. Tickets in my setting are
not underpriced and so I study both profit and welfare. Sweeting (2012)
also studies the resale of event tickets, focusing on the use of dynamic
pricing in online resale markets. Lewis et al. (2019) investigate the ef-
fect of resale on demand for season tickets in professional baseball but
do not model how resale of season tickets affects sales of other tickets.
The net effects of resale on buyers and sellers are a traditional focus of
the theory literature on resale, including studies such as Courty (2003)
The menu of refunds is not mutually exclusive from other sales strategies when the full
refund depends on the state. Consumers who receive tickets in the realized state might
still receive idiosyncratic shocks, which leaves room for resale and partial refunds. I do not
consider idiosyncratic shocks to avoid testing combinations of the sales stratgies.
and Cui et al. (2014).
A separate literature considers resale of durable goods. With durable
goods, sellers compete against past vintages of their products, as in
Chen et al. (2013).
This paper also broadens the traditional focus on resale to con-
sider alternative methods of reallocation. Two recent studies, Cui et al.
(2014) and Cachon and Feldman (2018), have compared resale and re-
funds in theory, but neither involves empirics or aggregate shocks.
The current analysis also relates to studies of demand uncertainty
in which aggregate uncertainty affects firms’ strategic choices, such as
Kalouptsidi (2014), Jeon (2020), and Collard-Wexler (2013). This paper
differs by focusing on strategies firms can use to cope with uncertainty.
The emphasis is similar to studies of airline pricing with stochastic
demand, such as Lazarev (2013) and Williams (2020), where stochastic
consumer arrivals make dynamic pricing profitable. In contrast, this
paper focuses on non-price strategies for reallocation.
2 Examples
In this section, I present examples illustrating how demand shocks affect
each sales strategy. The examples show that each strategy can maximize
welfare and profit, with the result depending on the relative strength of
the shocks.
The structure of the examples closely resembles the empirical model.
In each example, there are two periods and the seller has one ticket to
sell to two consumers. The seller can set different prices for each period
but, like the seller in the data, it must commit to its menu at the start of
the first period. Consumers are forward-looking and one arrives in each
period. Suppose that consumer i has value u
= ν
+ V b
(ω), where
is consumer i’s preference for the ticket, V is a common component
to values shared by all consumers, and b
(ω) is consumer i’s individual-
specific response to state of the world ω.
Values are affected by three potential shocks realized at the start of
the second period. The first shock is purely idiosyncratic, like schedule
conflicts: each consumer i receives a shock with probability ψ. Draws
are independent and consumers who receive a shock have zero value.
The second shock changes the common value V , like injuries or team
performance. The third shock is a state of the world ω {ω
, ω
}, like
recessions or the status of covid-19, that affects the b
(ω) term.
Suppose that resale incurs the friction s, so a resale purchase at
price p
earns utility u
s. (All resale takes place in the second
period.) The friction could be due to search costs or distaste for the
resale market. Furthermore, the resale market operator charges a mul-
tiplicative fee τ, so the buyer pays the fee-inclusive price p
while the
reseller receives (1 τ)p
. The reseller makes a take-it-or-leave-it offer
of p
in the examples, but the assumption is only used for simplicity.
Illustrations and a more detailed explanation of each equilibrium
can be found Appendix A.
Example 1: Idiosyncratic Shocks. Suppose that there are only idiosyn-
cratic shocks: ψ =
but V = 0 and b
(ω) = 0. The first consumer,
Alice, arrives in the market in the first period and prefers to buy early;
she has value ν
= 50 in period one, but it falls to ν
= 40 if she waits
to purchase until the second period. The second consumer, Bob, arrives
in period two with ν
= 40 and never receives an idiosyncratic shock.
The seller optimally offers a partial refund r = 5 and sets p
= 41,
= 40.
Alice purchases the ticket in the first period despite the risk
of a schedule conflict.
If Alice has a schedule conflict, she will return her ticket for a partial
refund; Bob then buys the ticket from the seller for p
= 40. Expected
profit and total welfare equal 48, the highest possible value.
With resale, welfare would be lower because of frictions and profit
would be lower because of frictions and fees. Suppose that τ =
and s = 1. In the second period, Alice would resell to Bob at price
With many agents, as in the empirical model, the TILI assumption is not necessary. I
use it here to simplify equilibrium with two agents.
The choice of r = 5 is optimal but not unique. The seller could produce the same
allocation and division of surplus by offering any refund r such that Alice returns her ticket
if and only if she receives an idiosyncratic shock. For any such r, it can charge p
= 40 + ψr
but will pay ψr in expected refunds.
39 because of the resale friction, leading to lower total welfare of 47.8.
Alice only receives 35.10 after fees, so the seller can only charge her
35.10 when she has a conflict, leading to profit of p
= 47.02.
Resale remains superior to not reallocating: total surplus and profit
would be 40 without resale or refunds. However, resale is less valuable to
the seller when there are many tickets to sell and resale merely displaces
demand for tickets in the primary market.
Example 2: Idiosyncratic and Common Value Shocks. Resale can be
superior when flexible prices are valuable, such as when there are com-
mon value shocks. Consider the same setting but suppose that the star
player is injured with probability
, leading to V = 20, and V = 0
If the seller offers a partial refund, it will set r = 5, p
= 37, and
= 40.
As before, Alice purchases in the first period. The key
difference is that Bob is unwilling to purchase at the seller’s optimal
price of p
= 40 after an injury. The seller’s rigid prices thus make
it possible that Alice will request a refund and Bob will not purchase,
causing the ticket to go to waste. Expected profit and welfare equal 42.
But with resale, Alice could resell to Bob at both common values,
setting p
= 39 when V = 0 and p
= 19 when V = 20. Expected
total welfare rises to 42.8 and expected profit to 42.12 because the ticket
is now reallocated and used when V is low.
The first two examples illustrate the tradeoff between resale’s price
flexibility and its frictions. When price flexibility is not valuable, as in
the first example, partial refunds are superior because they avoid resale
frictions (and, for profit, fees). But when price flexibility is valuable,
as in the second example, resale can be efficient and profit-maximizing.
An empirical model is needed to determine which effect dominates.
Example 3: States of the World. A menu of state-dependent contracts
is best when the efficient allocation depends on the state of the world.
Suppose there are are no idiosyncratic or common value shocks, ψ = 0
For a general analysis, see Cui et al. (2014).
As before, the choice of r = 5 is optimal but not unique. The division of surplus is
again the same with other optimal selections of r.
and V = 0, but that there are two states, ω
with widespread vaccina-
tion or low caseloads and ω
with higher risk, and that each occurs with
. The state is realized at the start of the second period.
Alice and Bob both arrive in the first period, and the seller only makes
sales in the first period. Alice’s value is ν
= 40 and does not respond
to the shock—she has b
) = 0. Bob has ν
= 50 but responds
harshly to the shock, b
) = 40.
If the seller offered a single price, it would set p = 40 and sell to
Alice. But in state ω
, Alice would have the ticket when Bob has
a higher value. A single refund would not help because Alice would
return her ticket in both states.
With resale, Alice could resell to Bob
in the good state, but at the cost of fees and frictions.
A menu of state-dependent contracts would avoid fees and maximize
welfare and profit. The seller could offer a contract granting a full refund
in state ω
at price 50, which Bob would purchase, and another granting
a full refund in state ω
at price 40, which Alice would purchase. The
menu is valuable because Alice and Bob have heterogeneous reactions to
the realized state, making the consumer with the highest value different
in each state. If there were no heterogeneity, then one consumer would
have the highest value in both states and the menu would add no value,
as in the first two examples.
3 Data
The analysis relies on three data sets. The first consists of ticket sales for
a single university, covering both the primary and resale markets. Ticket
sales are informative about demand for tickets and the extent of resale.
The second consists of annual resale prices for football tickets at many
universities, which are informative about year-to-year demand swings
that reflect common value shocks. The third is a survey containing
consumer reports of willingness to pay in two states of the world, one
with and one without a covid-19 vaccine.
I assume that Alice’s strategy depends only on her value and the refund.
Ticket Sales. The first source of data includes primary and secondary
market ticket sales for a large U.S. university’s football team. The
primary market records include all ticket sales for two seasons. Each
record indicates the price paid, date of purchase, and seating zone.
Seating zones are clusters of seats sharing one price, which I use as
a measurement of quality. The primary market records also indicate
whether the sale was part of a season ticket package or promotion.
Resale transaction records for the same university come from Stub-
The main difference between the resale and primary market
data is that the resale transactions do not include the transaction price.
To learn about the transaction price, I use daily records of all Stub-
Hub listings for the university’s football games, which I gather using
a web scraper. The listing data overlaps with the resale transaction
data for only the season studied in this paper. Each listing includes a
listing ID, price, number of tickets for sale, and location in the stadium
(section and row). For details on matching listings to transactions, see
Appendix B.
The primary and resale market records are informative about de-
mand for tickets, idiosyncratic shocks, and the choice between buying
tickets in the primary or resale market. Resale is informative about id-
iosyncratic shocks because resale implies that a consumer changed her
mind about whether to attend the game.
Annual Resale Prices. I gather average annual resale prices for 76 col-
lege football teams from SeatGeek, another online resale market. The
annual prices end in 2019 and start as early as 2011, although records
for some teams start later.
The SeatGeek data are informative about common value shocks.
They show that the average price of a resold ticket varies meaningfully
from one year to the next, reflecting changes in common values from
factors like team performance.
Resale is undercounted because consumers also resell on competing sites. However,
StubHub is likely to account for most resale in this market for two reasons. First, the uni-
versity has a partnership with StubHub and recommends that consumers resell on StubHub.
Second, StubHub is one of the largest resale platforms, processing about half of all ticket
resale in 2015 (Satariano (2015)).
Covid-19 Survey. In August 2020, I conducted a survey on consumer
demand with and without a covid-19 vaccine. Respondents report the
maximum they are willing and able to pay for one ticket to a college
football game in several scenarios related to covid-19.
Although there
are several scenarios, including the possibility of social distancing at the
game, responses mainly depend on whether a vaccine was available.
Respondents also report their demographic information and the percent
chance of each scenario in January 2021, September 2021, and January
2022. I distributed the survey to 500 users of Prolific.co, an online
distribution platform, in August 2020. Half of respondents were aged
50 or over. The full survey and details can be found in Appendix E.
The survey is informative about how consumer values change across
aggregate states, which is used to evaluate screening strategies in the
empirical model. Even though vaccines are now available, the hetero-
geneity in values between states is informative about ongoing uncer-
tainty regarding covid-19, like the spread of the Delta variant.
4 Descriptive Evidence
In this section, I provide evidence that advance sales and the three
demand shocks are significant.
Market Background. The university is a monopolist seller of its tick-
In the season used in the analysis, it sells tickets to five home
Eliciting willingness to pay by asking directly is used in other surveys, such as the one
analyzed in Fuster and Zafar (2021). Eliciting assessments of probabilities in the same way
is commonly used in Federal Reserve Bank of New York surveys: see Potter et al. (2017).
When the survey was distributed, public concern focused on whether a vaccine (assumed
to be effective) would exist rather than distribution or mutations of the virus.
Local allegiances mean that nearby schools are not close substitutes.
Despite being a monopolist, quantity distortion is not critical because unversity em-
ployees report a desire to sell all tickets. In the model, the optimal quantity follows from
An additional home game was scheduled but cancelled. The cancelled game is excluded
from the data provided by the university, so I exclude it from the analysis. I assume that
consumers would have made the same season ticket purchases if that game had not been
scheduled, and I use prorated season ticket prices in the estimation.
The stadium has about 50,000 seats, but only 30,000 are available
to the public. Seats unavailable to the public include premium seats for
athletics boosters, student seats, and seats reserved for visiting team
Tickets are sold in two main phases. The first consists of season
ticket sales and takes place months before the season—80% of season
tickets are bought at least four months before the season starts. The
second phase consists of single-game ticket sales and resale and occurs
much later. Single-game tickets do not go on sale until the first game is
about a month away. 70% of resale and full-price single-game transac-
tions occur within a month of the game and 50% within two weeks. The
gap between the two phases makes it plausible that consumers learn new
information between them. The empirical model reflects the timing of
the market, with a first period in which season tickets are available and
a second in which single-game tickets and resale tickets are available.
Of tickets sold to the public, 75% are sold as season tickets, demon-
strating the importance of advance sales in the market. The remaining
tickets are sold as single tickets, in bundles of a subset of games (“mini-
plans”), and unsold. I only consider season tickets and single-game
tickets in the empirical analysis because the mini-plans account for a
minuscule number of sales. I also disregard promotions and group ticket
sales because they are not optimally priced and may only be available to
targeted groups, like veterans.
For additional detail on the breakdown
of ticket sales, see Figure 9 in Appendix C.
The stadium is divided into five seating zones, which I use to measure
the quality of each seat. Higher zones (e.g. zone 5) contain worse seats.
Zone 1 seats are close to the field and near the 50-yard line, but zone 5
seats are at the extreme edges of the upper deck.
The menu of primary market prices is shown in Table 1.
Nearly 40% of promotional tickets in the season were given away for free, and 98% were
sold for half-price or less. Group tickets are discounted by over 40% on average. Promotions
are not used to cope with demand uncertainty because they are too steeply discounted and
too targeted.
The cancelled game is excluded and season ticket prices are prorated to reflect the
canceled game.
market prices vary mainly by seat quality. Tickets in zone 1 cost $60–
$70 depending on the game, but zone 5 tickets always sell for $30.
Season tickets are $25–$35 cheaper than buying primary market tickets
to each game. Prices vary slightly across games, but never by more
than $10.
Resale Markets. Resale is a notable feature of the market, with 5.98% of
all tickets sold to consumers resold on StubHub.
The true resale rate
is higher because some tickets are resold on other resale markets. The
number of tickets resold is consistent with the idea that consumers who
purchase tickets early receive shocks and decide to resell. The difference
in resale rates across zones supports that interpretation. In zones 1 and
2, where advance sales are most common, the resale rate is 6.9%, but
in the remaining zones, it is only 5.0%.
The data support the idea that resale prices are flexible, which is
intuitive because resellers can adjust list prices at any time. Figure 1
demonstrates that resale prices adjust to differ from face value. It shows
the distribution of face values and the distribution of the average fee-
inclusive resale price for each game-quality combination. The differences
reflect changes in demand, and the variation across games suggests that
some games are more valuable.
Figure 2 provides further evidence of price flexibility. It shows the
percent change in the quantity of single-game tickets sold for each game
(in both primary and resale markets) from the season average. The
changes in primary market quantities are practically always larger than
the changes in resale quantities, usually by a large margin. The higher
volatility in the primary market is unsurprising because primary market
prices are fixed. In contrast, resale market prices adjust and smooth
the quantity of tickets resold.
The last important feature of resale markets is that they include
frictions that are not present in the primary market. StubHub charges
The figure excludes tickets sold directly to ticket brokers. I conservatively assume that
all tickets sold to brokers are resold on StubHub.
The difference between zones would be larger without the conservative assumption that
brokers only resell on StubHub. The vast majority of tickets sold to brokers are from zones
1 and 2, causing the assumption to disproportionately lower the resale rate in those zones.
fees amounting to roughly 22% of the amount paid by the buyer.
The average combined fee is $10.71 on each ticket resold, a substantial
amount when the average resale price is under $40.
There is also evidence of non-monetary frictions. If there were no
frictions, consumers would buy single-game tickets for a given section in
whichever market is cheaper. But this is not true in the data: hundreds
of single-game tickets are sold in the primary market when cheaper
resale tickets are available. For instance, the average resale ticket to
game one is over $16 cheaper than the average primary market ticket,
yet over 1,250 single-game tickets are sold in the primary market. There
are several possible explanations for the friction. Consumers might not
like or trust the resale market, they might find searching for tickets
onerous, or they might be unaware of resale tickets.
Annual Price Changes. Annual price changes for each team provide
evidence of common value shocks. Using SeatGeek’s records of average
annual resale prices for 76 universities, I define the normalized price for
university u in year y as
= AvgResalePrice
, (1)
where Y denotes the number of years in the sample for university u.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of deviations from the team average for
all 76 teams after adjusting for time trends.
Year-to-year variation for
each university is significant: the distribution is approximately normal
and has an estimated standard deviation of .25, implying that there is
a roughly one-third chance that prices in any given season will be more
than 25% away from the mean. Further, dispersion is not driven by
a few outliers. The standard deviation of normalized prices is greater
than .2 for more than 70% of all universities.
Resale prices in this paper are fee-inclusive to reflect the amount paid by the buyer.
StubHub’s exact fee structure is not public (StubHub, 2021), but its typical fees are
reported to be 15% of the fee-exclusive price from buyers and 10% from sellers (Goldberg,
2019). I use these values in the analysis.
I regress the normalized prices on year dummies and take the residuals.
The dramatic swings in resale prices likely reflect common value
shocks like changes in team performance. For instance, in Clemson’s
lowest-priced season they lost two of their first three games—as many
as they lost in the entire previous season—and prices were 30% lower
than usual. In their highest-priced season they won the national cham-
pionship game and prices were nearly 35% higher.
Covid-19 Survey. The key result of the survey is whether the same
consumers have the highest willingness to pay (WTP) in all states.
Figure 4 shows that they do not. It plots reported WTP with a vaccine
(the horizontal axis) against the change in WTP from the state with a
vaccine to the state without (the vertical axis).
Reported values do
not involve reduced capacity in the stadium. There are consumers in
the top right with high values in both states, consumers in the bottom
right who only have high values with a vaccine, and consumers in the
top middle who will only have relatively high values in the state with no
vaccine. The changes in WTP are not correlated with initial WTP; the
correlation coefficient between the percent change in reported WTP and
initial WTP is -.07. Surprisingly, changes in WTP also do not correlate
with age.
5 Model
5.1 Outline, Utility, and Shocks
Let i index consumers and j index games. A monopolist seller has
capacity K
for each seat quality q, no marginal costs for each ticket,
and sells tickets over two periods, t = 1, 2. In period one, it only sells
a season ticket bundle including one ticket to each game, and in period
two, it only sells single-game tickets. The seller’s price for a season
ticket bundle with seats in quality q is p
; its price for single-game
tickets of quality q to game j is p
. As in the data, it commits to its
menu at the start of the first period and does not change it afterwards.
The lower triangle is empty because the change in WTP cannot exceed reported WTP.
For details, see Appendix E.
Three shocks are realized at the start of the second period, modeled
almost identically as in Section 2. First, each consumer receives an inde-
pendently drawn idiosyncratic shock for each game with probability ψ,
and any consumer receiving a shock for game j has zero utility for that
game. Second, there is a common component to values V N(0, σ
with a single realization for the season. Third, there is a state of the
world. To match the survey data, ω takes the value ω
if there is a
vaccine and ω
if there is not, but it can be interpreted more broadly
as the prevalence of covid-19. There is a consumer-specific penalty to
utility b
(ω) that depends on the state. When there are no states of the
world in the model, a baseline state ω
is realized with certainty.
There are N consumers who want at most one ticket. A fraction a
arrive in the first period and the rest arrive in the second. In the first
period, consumers decide whether to buy season tickets or wait. In the
second period, consumers who bought season tickets decide whether to
resell tickets or attend each game. Consumers without season tickets
decide whether to purchase in the primary market, secondary market,
or not at all. Only season tickets are offered in the first period and only
single-game tickets are offered in the second.
The model outline is depicted in Figure 5, which includes a timeline
on the right. Consumer decisions for a single game j are shown in period
two but occur for all games.
Consumer i’s utility for a ticket of quality q to game j is measured
in dollars (relative to an outside option normalized to zero) and takes
the form
(V, ω) = α
(V + ν
+ γ
(ω)) . (2)
Consumer i’s utility depends on a scalar α
specific to game j, the
common value V , a consumer-specific taste parameter ν
, a quality-
specific parameter γ
, and consumer i’s distaste for attending sporting
events in state ω, b
(ω). I assume that the taste parameters ν
an exponential distribution with parameter λ
Utility can be broken into two pieces. The piece in parentheses is
constant across games and can be thought of as consumer i’s base utility
for all games. The base utility is multiplied by the second piece, the
scalar α
that describes which games are more desirable.
Changes in V affect each consumer’s utility in the same way. The
penalty b
(ω) only applies to uncertainty from covid-19. Consumers
have lower values without a vaccine, 0 b
) b
), and
face no penalty in the baseline state predating covid-19, b
) = 0.
Realizations when there is no vaccine are heterogeneous and indepen-
dent of ν
5.2 Period Two
At the start of period two, consumers learn the realizations of idiosyn-
cratic shocks, the common value V , and the state of the world ω. Con-
sumers who purchased season tickets decide whether to resell or attend;
all other consumers decide whether to purchase tickets in the primary
or resale markets. Resale prices are noted by p
(V, ω); they include
any fees paid by buyers and vary with realized shocks.
For simplicity, consider game j. Consumers who bought season tick-
ets resell if
(V, ω) (1 τ)p
(V, ω), (3)
where τ is the percent commission charged by StubHub. Consumers
who receive an idiosyncratic shock have value zero and always resell.
Consumers without season tickets decide whether and how to buy
tickets to game j. They have three choices: make no purchase and re-
ceive surplus zero (No Purch. Surplus
), purchase in the primary mar-
ket and receive surplus PM Surplus
(V, ω), or purchase in the sec-
ondary market and receive surplus SM Surplus
(V, ω, s
). The sur-
plus terms are
No Purch. Surplus
= 0, (4)
The independence assumption follows from the lack of correlation between initial values
and change in WTP in the survey.
PM Surplus
(V, ω) = u
, (5)
SM Surplus
(V, ω, s
) = u
(V, ω) s
. (6)
Surplus in the secondary market depends on the friction s
, which
I assume is independently drawn across individuals and games and fol-
lows an exponential distribution, s
). Consumers know the
distribution in the first period but do not learn their realizations un-
til the second. The friction explains why some consumers in the data
purchase single-game tickets in the primary market when similar tickets
are available for less in the secondary market.
The equilibrium resale price p
(V, ω) clears the resale market based
on supply in equation (3) and demand in equations (4), (5), and (6).
If all tickets were available, consumer i would select the maximizer
of the set
(V, ω, s
) = {0, {SM Surplus
(V, ω, s
{PM Surplus
(V, ω)}
But some options might sell out, leaving the consumer unable to
acquire his top choice. Stock-outs are possible in equilibrium because
a high draw of the common value could leave single-game tickets un-
derpriced in the primary market. I assume that tickets are rationed
randomly. Let the probability of receiving a primary market ticket of
quality q to game j be σ
(V, ω). (There is no rationing in the resale
market at equilibrium resale prices.) Consumers rank all options in the
choice set and request their first-choice ticket. They receive the ticket
with the rationing probability and, if they do not receive it, request
their next-preferred ticket.
5.3 Period One
In period one, aN consumers decide whether to buy season tickets.
By buying season tickets, consumers receive the maximum of their value
for attending game j and the after-fee resale price. Surplus depends on
attendance values, resale values, the price of season tickets, and an
additional parameter δ. The purpose of δ is to capture other factors
that affect valuations for season tickets, such as perks for season ticket
holders or diminishing returns from attending many games. Surplus
from season tickets of quality q is
ST Surplus
(1 ψ)u
(V, ω) + ψ(1 τ )p
(V, ω),
(1 τ )p
(V, ω)
+ δ p
The surplus from waiting until period two requires an expectation
for surplus with rationing. Without rationing, surplus is the expected
maximizer of equation (7).
With rationing, it is possible that the consumer must choose his
-best option. Let c
(C) be the m
-largest element of C, and let
(V, ω, c) be the probability of receiving option c. The expected utility
from waiting with choice set C
when the common value is V , state is
ω, and resale friction is s
can be defined recursively as
(V, ω, s
, C
) = σ
(V, ω, c
(1 σ
(V, ω, c
(V, ω, s
, C
\ c
Overall surplus from waiting is the expected value,
= E
(V, ω, S, C
(V, ω, S))) . (10)
The consumer’s choice set in period one is thus
In this section, I only consider season tickets with resale markets. In counterfactuals, I
modify the decision rule to reflect different packages and reallocation policies.
, {ST Surplus
. (11)
Without rationing, the consumer would again select the maximizer.
However, it is possible that some qualities of season tickets will sell out.
I again assume random rationing under the same procedure discussed
for the second period.
5.4 Equilibrium
I search for a fulfilled-expectations equilibrium. The seller anticipates
consumer demand and selects profit-maximizing prices {p
} and {p
(Equivalently, the seller maximizes revenue because tickets have no
marginal cost.) Consumers anticipate the resale price function {p
(V, ω)}
and primary market purchase probabilities {σ
(V, ω)}. In equilibrium,
consumers make optimal choices in the first period given expectations
for resale prices and probabilities, and their expectations are realized in
the second period when they make optimal purchase choices.
6 Estimation and Results
There are two stages in the estimation strategy. The first stage includes
all parameters that can be estimated without structural simulations,
and the second estimates the remaining parameters using the method
of simulated moments. I assume that the realized state is ω
using the sales data because the season predates the covid-19 pandemic.
6.1 First Stage
The fee τ is the percentage of the fee-inclusive price paid by the buyer,
calculated directly from StubHub’s policies. The idiosyncratic shock
rate ψ is identified by the frequency of resale. In the model, observed
resale is explained by idiosyncratic shocks in equilibrium, so the pa-
rameter ψ equals the ratio of tickets resold by consumers to all tickets
sold under the assumption that StubHub represents 75% of the resale
The data are not directly informative about how many consumers
consider season tickets. I calibrate the fraction of consumers arriving
in period one based on purchse data. Specifically, I take a to be the
percentage of tickets sold 30 or more days in advance.
Next, the parameters α
and γ
affect consumer values and hence re-
sale prices. Recovering the parameters requires a model for the price of
resale transaction k. The resale price of listing k depends on all parame-
ters affecting the relative surplus received in the primary and secondary
markets in period two, including the realization of V , the distribution
of resale market frictions, the distribution of consumer types, the menu
of primary market prices, and characteristics X
of listing k. The price
can be written as a non-parametric function,
= g(α
, γ
, λ
, V, λ
, p
, X
) + ε
, (12)
where X
includes the number of tickets in the transaction and the
number of days until the game.
Equation (12) can be simplified because most of its arguments are
constant in the data. For instance, the common value, primary market
prices, and type distribution do not change during the season. More-
over, the resale price is approximately linear in consumers’ attendance
values under mild assumptions.
Consequently, I assume that
, γ
, λ
, V, λ
, p
, X
) = α
+ γ
+ X
β). (13)
The right-hand side of equation (13) is the same as consumers’ values
Resale on other sites is not observed, so the total number of tickets is unknown. 75%
is a conservative assumption for the overall amount of resale: Leslie and Sorensen (2014)
assume a 50% share for StubHub and eBay and Satariano (2015) reports that StubHub has
roughly half of the ticket resale market. If StubHub’s market share is lower than 75%, the
model underestimates the effects of reallocation and the differences between sales strategies.
I discuss robustness in Appendix D.
It is linear if the supply of tickets to the resale market does not change and resale prices
are below primary market prices. The first assumption holds in equilibrium and the second
is nearly always true in the data.
for the game plus an additional term to capture features of listing k. The
approximation does not capture one source of nonlinearity, substitution
to the primary market from the resale friction s
, but estimates are
very similar with a polynomial form that allows nonlinearities.
The identifying variation for α
and γ
comes from across-game and
across-quality variation in resale prices. More precisely, α
explains why
similar tickets for different games sell at different prices and γ
why tickets to the same game with different qualities sell at different
The variance of the common value, σ
is estimated using the dis-
tribution of normalized resale prices shown in Figure 3. I multiply the
distribution of normalized prices by the university’s average resale price
in the SeatGeek sample. Then, I adjust for the average value of α
because the shocks enter utility as α
V . Finally, I take σ
as the vari-
ance of a normal fit to the distribution, which is sensible because the
distribution in Figure 3 is approximately normal. Details can be found
in Appendix D.
The identifying variation for the variance is entirely within each
team. The normalized prices measure year-on-year variation relative to
the team average, so σ
reflects the variation an individual team can
expect from year to year.
The procedure makes three assumptions. First, the year-to-year
variation in the SeatGeek data is the sole source of variation in the
common value. It is not clear if the assumption understates or exagger-
ates the variance: it could understate the variance because annual prices
smooth over game-specific shocks like rain, but it could exaggerate the
variance if some part of the year-to-year change is predictable. Second,
shocks to the common value pass through linearly to resale prices. This
is the same assumption used to estimate α
and γ
in equation (13).
And third, the university faces the same shocks to normalized prices as
all other schools.
The last parameters estimated in the first stage define the effect of
The university’s distribution of normalized prices is similar to those of other schools.
For evidence, see Figure 10 in Appendix C.
states of the world on preferences. The survey asks consumers about
WTP in 2019 and in three scenarios, one with a vaccine and two with-
Consumers reported similar WTP in the two scenarios without
a vaccine, so I combine them into a single no-vaccine state. The survey
also asks for values with and without social distancing in each scenario.
Social distancing also does not significantly affect consumer values, so
I only consider reported WTP without it. See Appendix E for details.
The counterfactual considers sales for the college football season
beginning in September 2021. The probabilities that there will and will
not be a vaccine are taken as the average percent chance of each state
in the survey for September 2021, normalized to sum to one.
There are two necessary adjustments for consumer preferences. The
first is to find the function b
) describing the change in WTP
from the vaccine to the no vaccine state. The second is to find the
analogous function b
) describing the change from the benchmark
year (ω
, measured using reports for 2019) to the vaccine state. The
second adjustment is necessary because the estimated distribution of
values from the sales data reflects a typical year and reported values
are lower with a vaccine.
I assume that each consumer’s reported WTP in the survey is his
utility for a representative game. I also assume that the representative
game has the game-specific parameter ¯α, an average of the estimated
. The change in consumer i’s WTP from state ω to state ω
(ω) W T P
) = ¯α(b
) b
(ω)). (14)
I further assume that ω is a baseline state with b
(ω) = 0 and that
) follows the parametric form
) =
0 w.p. ρ
). There is a mass point at zero to reflect the fact
The scenarios without a vaccine have different numbers of casess.
The normalization excludes a state in which there is no attendance at sporting events.
that many consumers report no change in WTP in the survey.
I estimate two sets of parameters to capture the two reported changes
) and WTP
The parameters for the first difference identify the distribution of b
and are labeled ρ
and ρ
. The parameters for the second identify
the distribution of b
) and are labeled ρ
and ρ
The reported differences in WTP almost directly identify the func-
tion b by equation (14). The sole complication is censoring: the change
in WTP cannot be larger than WTP. After adjusting for censoring, I
estimate by maximum likelihood.
6.2 Second Stage
Three parameters remain for structural estimation: λ
, which defines
the distribution of resale market frictions; λ
, which defines the distri-
bution of consumer values; and δ, which explains why values for season
tickets differ from attendance and resale values. I estimate them using
the method of simulated moments. Because all parameters are from
the demand side,
I take the seller’s price menu as given and simulate
the model with 200,000 consumers who demand up to one ticket. Esti-
mation moments are weighted by their inverse variances. Details are in
Appendix D.
The estimation moments are the number of season tickets purchased,
the average resale price for each game, and the quantity of tickets sold
in the primary market for each game. With five games played, there
are a total of 11 moments.
Each parameter is identified by a combination of the estimation
moments. Start with the distribution of costs of purchasing in the
resale market, which is parameterized by λ
. In the model, consumers
purchase in the primary market if the primary market price is less than
the sum of the resale price and the resale friction. For instance, if the
resale price is $5 less than the primary market price, any consumer with
With fixed seating capacity and no marginal costs, there are no supply-side parameters
to estimate. Although prices are treated as fixed in estimation, the monopolist chooses
profit-maximizing prices in counterfactuals.
s > 5 prefers the primary market. The distribution of s determines the
number of consumers with s > 5 and hence the number of tickets sold in
the primary market. It follows that λ
is identified by primary market
quantities and resale prices, which give an observed difference between
resale and primary market prices and the number of consumers who
prefer the primary market.
Next, consider the additional value of season tickets, δ. Values for
season tickets equal the sum of attendance values, expected resale rev-
enue, and the parameter δ. The role of δ is to explain why observed
demand for season tickets differs from the demand predicted by atten-
dance values and resale revenue. Consequently, it is identified by season
ticket quantities, which capture demand for season tickets, and resale
prices, which capture resale revenue.
The last parameter is the distribution of values for college football
relative to the outside option, parameterized by λ
. Higher values cause
purchase quantities and resale prices to rise, so λ
is explained by all es-
timation moments: season ticket quantities, primary market quantities,
and resale prices.
Equilibrium requires a fixed point of the model: consumers must
have correct expectations for resale prices and rationing probabilities
as a function of V . Finding the fixed point for each set of candidate
parameters is challenging. Moreover, each iteration of each fixed-point
search requires a solution for resale prices for every realization of V .
6.3 Results
Estimated parameters are in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5. The resale fee is
about 22% of the fee-inclusive price paid by the buyer.
The idiosyn-
cratic shock rate suggests that 8% of buyers change their minds about
attending the event between the first and second periods. The frac-
tion of consumers arriving in the first period, a, is calibrated to 77%,
The main motive for shared quality preferences γ
is to reduce the search for resale
prices to one dimension.
For a listing with price p, StubHub charges the buyer 1.15p and gives the seller .9p.
Ultimately, it collects .25/1.15 .22 of the price paid by the buyer.
indicating that most consumers consider whether to buy season tickets.
Consumer values vary widely across games and qualities. I normalize
= 1 and γ
= 0. The best game, game 2, has attendance values 67%
higher than those for the baseline game; the worst game, game 5, has
values nearly 50% lower. The best seats are worth roughly $23 per
ticket more than the worst seats for game 1, with the difference scaled
by the relevant α
for other games.
The standard deviation of the distribution of consumer values is
$7.85. The university thus faces consumer values for the baseline game
that differ from the mean by more than $7.85 about a third of the time.
State probabilities and parameters governing preference changes across
vaccine states are in Tables 3 and 4. Conditional on there being atten-
dance at sporting events, consumers report a 59% chance that there will
be a vaccine in September 2021 and a 41% chance that there will not be
one. 60% of consumers report no value change between the benchmark
and the state with a vaccine, but other consumers report significant
penalties, with a mean uncensored change in WTP of $43.20. For the
transition from the vaccine to the no vaccine state, 29% of consumers
report no change in values. The remaining consumers again report a sig-
nificant change in WTP, with an uncensored mean of $52.27. Appendix
D provides evidence of the fit.
In the second stage, the average consumer’s friction associated with
resale market purchases, s
, is $48.95. Although the average value
is large, the consumers who purchase in the resale market have much
smaller realizations. Two-thirds of frictions are $10 or less, and over
85% are $20 or less. The full distribution of realized costs for resale
market buyers is shown as Figure 14 in Appendix D.
The mean of the distribution of consumer types is 16.18, suggesting
that the average consumer (given the assumed size of the population)
would pay $16.18 for the worst seats to the baseline game in an average
season. Finally, the benefits of season tickets are estimated to be $25.61,
suggesting that the convenience and perks of season tickets outweigh
diminishing marginal returns. Evidence on the fit of the model is in
Appendix D.
7 Counterfactuals
I use the structural estimates to evaluate several counterfactual policies.
In each counterfactual, the seller chooses prices to maximize profit. In
addition to the main experiments on partial refunds and a menu of
refund contracts, I implement counterfactuals to measure the effects of
market features like primary market price rigidities and resale fees.
7.1 Counterfactual Experiments
Benchmarks: No Reallocation and Flexible Prices. The first two coun-
terfactuals, no reallocation and flexible prices, provide benchmarks for
the value of reallocation and price rigidities. Neither counterfactual
allows uncertainty over covid-19 states. In the no reallocation coun-
terfactual, the university prohibits resale and does not offer refunds,
helping to measure the net effect of resale and refunds on profit and
welfare. To implement the counterfactual, I prevent resale transactions
and adjust expectations in the first period accordingly.
A second benchmark allows the seller to adjust its prices and offer
refunds, which measures the harm of primary market price rigidities.
I implement the counterfactual as a partial refund (described below)
with primary market prices responding to shocks as
(V, ω
) = p
+ α
V. (16)
Adjusting prices according to equation (16) is optimal when the
sellers wants to sell all units for the realized value of V . Otherwise it is
tractable and close to optimal.
Partial Refunds. To implement a partial refund, I close the resale mar-
ket and let consumers with idiosyncratic shocks return their tickets to
the seller’s inventory. Tickets are only available in the primary market
in the second period. Season ticket buyers only derive value from using
tickets or returning them for a refund. As in Section 2, the exact level
of the refund is not identified—any refund is optimal if consumers only
request refunds after receiving an idiosyncratic shock.
I assume that
the seller offers such a refund and do not consider uncertainty from
covid-19 states.
Menu of Refunds. The menu of refund contracts is only studied with
uncertainty over the two vaccine states. The seller offers three con-
tracts: a non-refundable package that grants tickets in both states sold
at {p
}, a package granting tickets in the state with a vaccine sold at
)}, and a package granting tickets in the state with no vac-
cine sold at {p
)}. The state-specific packages can be thought
of as conditional full refunds. The seller continues to offer single-game
tickets at prices {p
} in both states. There is no resale market. Con-
sumers can only purchase primary market tickets in the second period,
and consumer who buy season tickets get value from using their tickets
or requesting a refund.
In the counterfactual, I remove uncertainty from idiosyncratic shocks
and the common value, ψ = 0 and σ
= 0. The extra sources of uncer-
tainty are not important for measuring the returns to state-dependent
contracts and removing them simplifies the results.
To implement the
counterfactual, I use the estimated changes in willingness to pay from
Section 6 to obtain consumer values with and without a vaccine. Using
preferences in the vaccine state and the changes if there is no vaccine,
consumers choose between the contracts.
I compare the performance of the menu of refunds to resale mar-
kets and no reallocation. The menu of refunds gives the seller more
control over the final allocation and consequently should be more prof-
itable. The contribution is to measure the size of the gain in profit and
determine the change in welfare.
Frictions. The final set of counterfactuals measures the relative impor-
tance of fees and frictions, the two drawbacks of resale. The frictions,
Risk-neutral consumers pay ψr more for tickets with refund r (as long as they only
return them after receiving a shock). The seller can charge them ψr more, but must pay
them r with probability ψ, leaving profit unchanged.
With all forms of uncertainty, the seller would also need to choose between resale and
refunds for consumers who receive tickets and idiosyncratic shocks. Focusing solely on
uncertainty over states avoids the complication.
which enter as the random variable S, reduce both profit and welfare,
but the fees, which enter through τ, only affect profit. To separate
their effects, I simulate the model with no fees, τ = 0, and no frictions,
= 0, in the baseline model with state ω
7.2 Counterfactual Results
Table 6 presents counterfactual results for the baseline model, compar-
ing the performance of resale and partial refunds with no reallocation
and flexible prices included for comparison. Total welfare is maximized
with partial refunds, edging resale by 0.5%, but consumer welfare is
similar under the two strategies. Profit, however, is 2.1% higher with
refunds than with resale. The results suggest that resale does not confer
a meaningful advantage despite the presence of primary market rigidi-
The counterfactual without reallocation demonstrates that both re-
sale and partial refunds enhance welfare. The increase in welfare is
unsurprising but rarely quantified. Total welfare rises by 5.1% for re-
sale and 5.6% for refunds; consumer welfare rises by 6.9% for both resale
and refunds. The changes are notable because only 8% of tickets are
resold. The predicted welfare gains are larger than the 2.9% gain esti-
mated in Leslie and Sorensen (2014), although their analysis includes
harm from resale that is not relevant for the team studied here. It is
not clear ex ante that resale should increase profit, but the results show
that profit rises by 2.8%.
The counterfactual with flexible prices, however, shows that price
rigidities prevent refunds from being optimal. If the seller could adjust
its prices and offer a partial refund, it would generate 2.3% higher con-
sumer welfare and 1.9% higher total welfare compared to refunds while
earning 1.6% more profit.
Table 7 presents the results for counterfactual experiments in simu-
lations with two states of the world. The menu of refund contracts is
best in theory; the value of the counterfactuals is to quantify the im-
provement. Even relative to resale, the gains from contracting directly
on states of the world are substantial: total welfare rises by 5.5%, con-
sumer welfare by 8.8%, and profit by 4.5%. The benefits are particularly
relevant as mass gatherings return despite uncertainty over covid-19.
The last set of counterfactuals, shown in Table 8, decompose the
effects of fees and frictions on the core counterfactuals in Table 6. Re-
moving only fees does little for efficiency, essentially transferring surplus
from the resale market operator to the seller. Much of the welfare gains
result from removing frictions. When there are fees, the resale market
operator is the main beneficiary. Removing both fees and frictions al-
lows an additional increase in total welfare, which is 3.3% higher than
with fees and frictions.
8 Conclusion
When consumers receive stochastic demand shocks, the initial alloca-
tion of goods can be suboptimal. Both sellers and society can bene-
fit from sales strategies that cope with uncertainty, but it is unclear
which strategy is best. I showed that the optimal strategy depends on
the properties of demand uncertainty—namely the nature and strength
of aggregate shocks—then estimated a structural model describing the
salient shocks in the market for college football tickets and used it to
evaluate each strategy.
The results suggest that refunds are no worse than, and can be more
efficient than, the status quo of resale. In the counterfactual without
uncertainty from covid-19, total welfare is similar, 0.5% higher with
refunds, consumer welfare is similar, and profit is 2.1% higher. With
uncertainty from covid-19, a menu of refunds is considerably better,
raising total welfare by 5.5%, consumer welfare by 8.8%, and profit by
4.5% relative to resale. The menu of refunds could be particularly valu-
able because of uncertainty over the future status of covid-19. However,
I emphasize total welfare rather than profit in Table 8 because the change in reduction
in profit without fees and frictions is an artifact of the model. Setting fees to zero with a
resale market creates small changes in consumers’ willingness to substitute across qualities.
The changes affect demand compared to the majority of counterfactuals.
resale is far superior to not reallocating.
The paper has three core implications for our understanding of re-
sale and aftermarkets. First, the theory demonstrates that resale can
be valuable in markets with primary market rigidities, aggregate uncer-
tainty, and low resale frictions. The market for college football tickets
includes both rigidities and aggregate uncertainty, but resale fees and
frictions are significant enough for refunds to be optimal. In similar
markets without primary market rigidities, like airlines and hotels, re-
funds are a natural choice.
Second, the comparison between sales strategies informs how to run
aftermarkets. The results imply that refund-based strategies are supe-
rior in a perishable goods market with a monopolist seller. A driver
of the benefits is the reduction in search frictions when there is only
one seller. Refunds may not perform as well in markets with many
competing sellers. Although brokers are not prominent in the data, the
results suggest that refund policies are a potentially valuable alternative
to resale when tickets are underpriced. Further investigation is needed
because the results in this paper do not directly apply to markets with
underpricing: the initial allocation and volume of resale may affect the
Third, the paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of resale.
Whether sellers of perishable goods profit from resale is ambiguous in
theory, and this paper shows that sellers benefit in practice. The ef-
fect of resale on consumer welfare informs policy on ticket resale. Total
welfare falls significantly when sellers prohibit resale and do not offer re-
funds. Society would benefit from a legal right to resell tickets provided
that the seller does not offer refunds instead.
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Table 1: Primary market prices for each game, their sum, and season ticket
prices. Table excludes the cancelled game. Season ticket prices are prorated
to reflect the cancellation.
Game Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5
1 and 3 70 60 50 40 30
2 and 4 70 60 55 45 30
5 60 55 40 35 30
Season Tickets 315 270 216 179 125
Face Value Sum 340 295 250 205 150
Figure 1: Distributions of mean fee-inclusive per-game resale prices and face
Figure 2: Percent deviation from season-average quantities sold for each game.
Figure 3: Distribution of resale prices normalized by team-mean in the sample.
Adjusted for yearly trends. From SeatGeek annual average resale prices (76
teams, 576 team-seasons).
Figure 4: Scatterplot of reported willingness to pay with a vaccine and change
in willingness to pay if there is no vaccine.
N Consumers
t = 1 arrivals t = 2 arrivals
Buy ST
Don’t buy ST
Have tickets
Don’t have tickets
(1 a)N
Don’t resell
No Purch.
Primary Mkt.
Resale Mkt.
Don’t attend
t = 1
, p
t = 2
Figure 5: Model timeline and outline for consumer arrivals and choices. Deci-
sions are shown in blue.
Parameter Description Notation Estimate Std. Err.
Resale Fee (%) τ 0.22 -
Idiosyncratic Shock Rate ψ 0.08 -
% in First Period a 0.77 -
Preference for Game 1 α
1.00 -
Preference for Game 2 α
1.67 0.032
Preference for Game 3 α
1.01 0.023
Preference for Game 4 α
1.60 0.029
Preference for Game 5 α
0.56 0.015
Preference for Quality 1 γ
0.00 -
Preference for Quality 2 γ
-12.05 0.581
Preference for Quality 3 γ
-17.58 0.55
Preference for Quality 4 γ
-22.65 0.62
Preference for Quality 5 γ
-21.95 0.687
SD of Common Value σ
7.85 0.231
Table 2: Estimated parameters from the first stage.
Table 3: Expected state probabilities in September 2021
State Probability
Vaccine 0.59
No Vaccine 0.41
Table 4: Estimated preference change parameters.
Parameter Value Std. Err
0.29 0.02
52.27 4.50
0.60 0.02
43.20 4.58
Table 5: Estimated parameters from the second stage.
Parameter Description Notation Estimate Standard Error
Mean Resale Friction λ
51.43 1.56
Mean Consumer Type λ
16.45 0.11
Mean ST Benefits δ 21.89 1.46
Resale Refunds Flex. Prices No Reall.
Profit (mn) 7.23 7.38 7.50 7.03
(0.09) (0.09) (0.09) (0.08)
Consumer Welfare (mn) 2.64 2.64 2.70 2.47
(0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04)
Total Welfare (mn) 9.97 10.02 10.21 9.49
(0.12) (0.12) (0.12) (0.11)
Resale Fees (mn) 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Season Ticket Buyers (1000) 25.56 26.35 25.72 24.80
Season Ticket Base Price 32.38 30.45 30.90 31.40
Single Game Base Price 39.18 38.59 35.70 40.69
Table 6: Counterfactual results for the baseline model. Standard errors shown
in parentheses.
No Reall. Menu of Refunds Resale
Profit (mn) 6.62 7.17 6.86
(0.08) (0.08) (0.07)
Consumer Welfare (mn) 2.52 2.59 2.38
(0.04) (0.04) (0.09)
Total Welfare (mn) 9.13 9.76 9.25
(0.11) (0.11) (0.12)
Resale Fees (mn) 0.00 0.00 0.02
(0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Non-Refund. S. Tix (1000) 24.60 12.06 24.60
Vaccine S. Tix (1000) 0.00 5.79 0.00
No Vaccine S. Tix (1000) 0.00 13.10 0.00
Table 7: Counterfactual results for the model with different states of the world.
Standard errors shown in parentheses.
Resale τ = 0 λ
= 0 τ = 0 and λ
= 0
Profit (mn) 7.23 7.33 7.28 7.17
(0.09) (0.09) (0.09) (0.09)
Consumer Welfare (mn) 2.64 2.65 2.66 3.13
(0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.19)
Total Welfare (mn) 9.97 9.98 10.14 10.30
(0.12) (0.12) (0.13) (0.18)
Resale Fees (mn) 0.10 0.00 0.20 0.00
(0.00) (0.00) (0.01) (0.00)
Season Ticket Buyers (1000) 25.56 25.56 26.19 28.18
Season Ticket Base Price 32.38 32.81 33.50 31.91
Single Game Base Price 39.18 38.68 34.23 27.61
Table 8: Counterfactual results for resale frictions in the baseline model. Stan-
dard errors shown in parentheses.
A Example Details
This section provides illustrations and derivations of the equilibria of
the examples in Section 2. Recall that there is one ticket to be sold over
two periods, that the seller commits to a menu of prices at the start of
the first period, and that three demand shocks have known distributions
in the first period and known realizations in the second. Consumer i
has value u
= ν
+ V b
(ω) and consumers incur a friction s when
buying in the resale market.
A.1 Diagrams
Figures 6, 7, and 8 illustrate the main implications of Section 2. The
diagrams, however, do not explicitly illustrate resale’s fees and frictions.
Figure 6: An illustration of the example with only idiosyncratic uncertainty.
Although Alice receives an idiosyncratic shock, Bob does not and is willing to
purchase the ticket at price p.
Figure 7: An illustration of the example with idiosyncratic and common value
uncertainty. Alice receives an idiosyncratic shock and an aggregate shock
lowers both her and Bob’s values. Bob is unwilling to pay the primary seller’s
price p, but would purchase directly from Alice for a lower price.
Alice (ω
, ω
Bob (ω
Bob (ω
Figure 8: An illustration of the example with states of the world. Alice has
the highest value in state ω
and Bob has the highest value in state ω
A.2 Idiosyncratic Uncertainty
Partial Refunds. The optimal price in the second period is p
= 40. In
the first period, Alice knows that she will earn zero surplus by waiting to
purchase so she can be charged up to her expected surplus from buying
in the first period,
= (1 ψ) · 50 + ψr. (17)
Any (p
, r) pair with 0 r 50 satisfying the expression achieves
the same final allocation, profit, and welfare. For simplicity, suppose
that the seller offers r = 5, leaving p
= 41. Alice purchases the ticket.
With probability
, Alice does not receive an idiosyncratic shock and
uses the ticket, generating total welfare of 50 and profit of 41. With
, Alice returns the ticket, yielding a net profit of 415 = 36
on the first sale and 40 when the ticket is sold again to Bob. The total
profit in this case is 76 and welfare is 40. Expected profit and welfare
are 48.
Resale. The seller sets p
= 40 to ensure that Alice purchases in the
first period.
Alice knows that if she receives a shock, she can resell to
Bob for 39. Total welfare is thus .8 · 50 + .2 · 39 = 47.8.
When reselling, Alice sets p
= 39 and receives (1 .1)39 = 35.1.
She is thus willing to pay
= (1 ψ) · 50 + ψp
= 40 +
35.1 = 47.02. (18)
The seller can again extract all of Alice’s surplus and sets p
= 47.02,
earning profit of 47.02.
A.3 Idiosyncratic and Common Value Uncer-
Suppose there is also an aggregate shock: V = 0 with probability
V = 20 with probability
Doing so is optimal because the seller wants to sell to Alice in the first period: expected
profit exceeds 40 when p
= 40.
Partial Refunds. The seller again offers p
= 40.
In the first period,
it can charge Alice
= (1 ψ)(
· 50 +
· 30) + ψr, (19)
where 0 r 30 so that Alice only returns the ticket after an idiosyn-
cratic shock. There are again many optimal pairs of (p
, r). Without
loss of generality, the seller offers r = 5 and charges p
= 37.
Alice contributes 37 to profit and 45 (in expectation) to total welfare
with probability
. The remaining
of the time, the seller earns a net of
32 from Alice and 40 from Bob with probability
and 0 from Bob with
. Profit and total welfare differ from the optimal level
because of the case where Alice returns the ticket and Bob does not
purchase because V = 20 and p
= 40. Expected profit and welfare
both equal 42.
Resale. With resale, the seller sets p
= 40 so that Alice buys the ticket
in the first period. If Alice has an idiosyncratic shock she resells to Bob
at price 39 when V = 0, earning 35.1 after fees, or 19 when V = 20,
earning 17.1 after fees. The ticket is always allocated to the consumer
with the highest value, yielding total welfare of
· 45 +
· 34 = 42.8.
The seller’s profit is its price p
, which it sets to extract Alice’s full
= (1 ψ) · (
· 50 +
· 30) + ψ(
· 35.1 +
· 17.1) = 42.12. (20)
A.4 States of the World
The states ω
and ω
each occur with probability
. Alice has value 40
in each state, but Bob has value 50 in state ω
and 10 in state ω
. All
sales must occur in the first period, but the state is not realized until
the second period.
Setting p
= 20 is not optimal because, even if the seller extracted all of Alice’s surplus
in the first period, it would prefer to earn
· 40 +
· 0 > 20 when Alice has an idiosyncratic
No Reallocation. Without reallocation, the seller prefers to sell to Alice
at p = 40 than to Bob at p = 30. Profit and welfare are both 40.
Resale. With resale, Bob can resell to Alice in state ω
at price 40,
earning 36. The seller can thus charge Bob up to
p =
· 50 +
36 = 43. (21)
Profit is 43 and total welfare is maximized at 45.
State-Dependent Refund Contracts. The seller can offer a contract
granting a full refund in state ω
at price 40, which Alice is willing
to purchase, and another granting a full refund in state ω
at price 50,
which Bob is willing to purchase. Total welfare is again maximized at
45. Profit is now
40 +
50 = 45.
B Data Construction
I use StubHub listings to infer the distribution of resale transaction
prices. Resale transaction prices are not directly observable from listings
because the StubHub listings only contain tickets currently available
for sale. I start by inferring transactions from changes in listings. For
example, if the number of tickets offered in a listing falls by two from
one day to the next, then I assume two tickets were purchased at the
last observed price.
The procedure leads to false positives because some listings are re-
moved without being sold. I take two steps to correct them. First, I
remove implausibly expensive transactions.
Second, I compare the
number of inferred and actual transactions at the game-section-time
level and assume that the lowest-price inferred transactions are the true
ones. The removed transactions are generally outliers, either occurring
earlier or containing more seats than typical transactions.
These are defined as transactions sold at more than 1.5 times the 75
percentile of price
for similar quality seats.
Figure 9: Sale types and volumes by quality group.
C Additional Descriptive Evidence
Figure 9 shows the average number of tickets sold (across games) for
each sales format and quality zone. As expected, season tickets are
dominant. The “other” cateogry of tickets is also significant, but is
not available to the public. It includes student tickets and tickets for
athletics boosters.
Figure 10 shows the distribution of normalized prices for the fo-
cal university and a random sample of 20 universities. The distribu-
tions demonstrate that within-university price variation is significant
and widespread. Nearly all universities have a season where prices are
25% above and 25% below the sample mean.
D Estimation Details
D.1 Distribution of V
The estimation procedure for the distribution of V uses the normalized
prices defined in equation (1),
Figure 10: Distribution of average annual resale prices (normalized by school
mean) for a random sample of 20 schools in similar conferences.
= AvgResalePrice
(1 revisited)
The distribution of V is based on residuals from the regression
= β
+ ε
. (22)
The residuals form the distribution in Figure 3, which can be inter-
preted as percent deviations from mean prices. To recover the magni-
tude of the deviations for the university, I multiply the residuals by the
university’s mean price, which is adjusted to reflect time trends for the
relevant year.
To recover σ
, the distribution must be adjusted for the effect of
. The adjustment is necessary because changes in V affect utility and
hence resale prices as α
V . Under the assumptions that changes in V
linearly affect resale prices and that deviations in annual resale prices
are solely due to changes in V ,
1 = V
= V
where the vector w
sums to one and determines the relative impor-
tance of each game. SeatGeek does not describe how their averages
are computed, so I assume that they are an average of all transactions
on their platform and weight the α
parameters by number of resale
transactions. The resulting standard deviation is 7.85.
D.2 Vaccine Demand
Recall from Section 6 that the estimated distribution of values from
structural estimation, parameterized by λ
, reflects demand before covid-
19. The survey results suggest that demand with a vaccine is different,
as illustrated in Figure 15.
Section 6 explains how the change in values b
) is estimated.
In the application with states of the world, I adjust values to reflect the
change by defining
= ν
+ b
). (25)
I use the distribution of ν
as the distribution of consumer values in
the application. The value changes b
) are independent of ν
Figure 11 demonstrates that the parametric form of b
(ω) fits the
D.3 Second Stage Details
The second stage of estimation includes a grid of values ν
from $0 to $198 in increments of $0.10. There are 100 values in the grid
for V , the evenly spaced quantiles from 0.5% through 99.5%. The model
iterates until expected and realized resale prices and primary market
purchase probabilities converge, defined as the maximum resale price
difference being within $0.01 and the mean primary market purchase
probability for each quality is within 1%.
Figure 11: Observed and simulated changes in willingness to pay. Top panel
shows change from 2019 WTP to vaccine WTP. Bottom shows vaccine WTP
to no vaccine WTP.
The weight matrix used in the second stage of estimation has mo-
ment variances on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Although the in-
verse covariance matrix is asymptotically optimal for GMM, I am unable
to recover the covariances of most estimation moments because they
come from separate data sources. Even for resale prices for different
games, an observation only contains information about one game and
so a sample is not informative about the covariance between games. The
resulting weight matrix is consistent but not asymptotically optimal.
I calculate the variance of each moment using the bootstrap. Resale
prices for each game are the simplest case. The data contain records
of resale transactions and their prices. If there are N
observed resale
transactions for game j, I repeatedly sample N
draws from the popu-
lation of transactions and take the variance of the sample average price
as the variance for game j.
Calculating the variance is less straightforward for season ticket and
primary market quantities because the decision to not purchase is un-
observed. In each bootstrap sample, I suppose that there are M total
consumers and and take M Bernoulli draws with success probability
/M, where N
is the observed number of tickets purchased. I censor
each sample to ensure that no more tickets are sold than are available,
then take the variance of the resulting sample means as the moment
One concern with this strategy is that the variance depends on the
market size M , which is assumed to be 200,000. If there were no cen-
soring, the variance would follow from M Bernoulli draws with success
probability N
) = N
). (26)
The only dependence on M is mild because M is large relative to
the quantity purchased. Consequently, the last term is close to one and
the variance is robust to different values of M.
Moment variances are presented in Table 9.
I make two adjustments to model output so that it is comparable to
the estimation moments. First, I only use the model’s predicted resale
Table 9: Variance of estimation moments.
Moment Variance
Season Tickets Sold 19899.16
Avg. Resale Price: Game 1 0.30
Avg. Resale Price: Game 2 0.43
Avg. Resale Price: Game 3 0.31
Avg. Resale Price: Game 4 0.53
Avg. Resale Price: Game 5 0.16
PM Tickets Sold: Game 1 1262.01
PM Tickets Sold: Game 2 3286.64
PM Tickets Sold: Game 3 994.04
PM Tickets Sold: Game 4 2394.55
PM Tickets Sold: Game 5 495.96
prices and quantities for the value of V realized in the data. The model
predicts resale prices and quantities for all possible realizations, but only
the one for the realized V is comparable. Second, I weight resale prices
by the observed average quantity of tickets resold in that quantity for
the season. Weighting is necessary because the model predicts resale at
the game-quality level and the mix of qualities resold affects the resale
D.4 Model Fit
Table 10 and Figures 12 and 13 assess the model fit. Observed and
model-implied resale prices are extremely close. The model captures the
patterns in primary market sales across games, but does not fit them
exactly. The looser fit is expected because there are no game-specific
quantity parameters. Finally, the model-implied number of season tick-
ets purchased is within 13% of the true value.
Table 10: Observed and model-implied quantities of season tickets.
Moment Model-Implied Observed
Season Tickets Sold 25226 22471
Figure 12: Observed and model-implied resale prices for each game.
Figure 13: Observed and model-implied primary market quantities sold.
D.5 Parameter Standard Errors
Standard errors for the first stage are calculated using the bootstrap
and the properties of MLE. The errors for the α
and γ
parameters are
calculated using the bootstrap for samples of resale prices. Similarly,
the standard errors for ρ
, ρ
, ρ
, and ρ
are bootstrapped
using repeated sampling of survey responses. The standard error of σ
follows from maximum likelihood.
Standard errors for structural estimation are also calculated using
the bootstrap. I draw a sample of 50 sets of moments from the covari-
ance matrix used to weight moments in estimation and estimate optimal
parameters for each set. The first stage parameters are fixed at their
point estimates.
D.6 Counterfactual Standard Errors
Standard errors for counterfactual estimates such as profit are also cal-
culated using the bootstrap. I evaluate each counterfactual 50 times
using 50 sets of input coefficients. The ideal sampling would draw pa-
rameters from their joint distribution, but the full joint distribution is
unknown since not all parameters are estimated jointly.
I account for the correlation between parameters that are jointly
estimated but assume that draws are independent for parameters that
are estimated separately. For example, draws of (λ
, λ
, δ) are correlated
because they are estimated together; the draws are taken from the set
of bootstrapped parameter estimates. The same is true of draws of
the vector (α, γ). However, values of λ
and each α
are assumed to be
independent because they are taken from separate estimation processes.
D.7 Robustness of a
The parameter a is calibrated as the percentage of tickets sold 30 or
more days in advance. To evaluate its effect on the model, I estimate
the second stage using several alternative values. Results are shown in
Table 11. Changing the value of a has a relatively mild effect on frictions
Figure 14: CDF of realized costs of resale for resale buyers in equilibrium.
and valuations, λ
and λ
, but a significant effect on the parameter δ
that calibrates the appeal of season tickets. The change in δ is not
surprising. It helps fit the number of consumers who purchase season
tickets. As the number of consumers who consider season tickets varies
with a, it is only natural that δ must change to match the number of
season ticket buyers in the data.
Table 11: Second-stage parameter estimates for different values of a.
a λ
0.60 39.73 14.25 60.51
0.70 47.19 15.13 41.78
0.77 51.43 16.45 21.89
0.85 60.84 18.46 -4.34
E Survey
I surveyed 250 Americans under the age of 50 and 250 Americans aged
50 or over, ultimately receiving a total of 457 usable responses. I dis-
tributed the survey through Prolific.co, an online survey distribution
platform. Respondents were paid $9.34 per hour and live in nine states
that each have one dominant college football team: Arkansas, Georgia,
Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, West Virginia, and
Wisconsin. Respondents from each state were asked to consider one
ticket for that team throughout the survey.
I asked for the amount they are willing and able to pay in four
scenarios: (i) the 2019 season, (ii) a covid-19 vaccine, (iii) no vaccine
but the number of cases falls below the CDC’s near-zero benchmark,
and (iv) no vaccine and the number of cases is above the CDC’s near-
zero benchmark.
The CDC’s benchmark for a near-zero number of new cases is 0.7
new cases per 100,000 people. Respondents were given the benchmark
and a practical illustration, that a 25,000-seat stadium filled with ran-
domly selected people would contain an average of 2.5 sick people if
each case lasts two weeks. They were also told that the true number of
infected people would be lower, on average, because some people would
know that are ill and decide not to attend.
The survey includes respondents with a wide range of reported WTP.
Figure 15 shows the distribution of reported WTP for three scenarios
without social distancing: a 2019 baseline, a state with a vaccine, and
a state without one. In each state, some consumers report values for
tickets exceeding $50 and $100.
In the absence of a true measure of the probability of each scenario
in the future, I ask respondents how likely they consider each one at
three future dates. The average percent chances are shown in Figure
16. Respondents do not expect a vaccine in January 2021, but think
the chance exceeds 40% in September 2021 and 60% in January 2022.
Figure 17 shows that the distribution of reported WTP is similar
for the near-zero and above near-zero scenarios.
The distributions are
not exactly the same—consumers are more reluctant to attend when
there are more cases—but the differences are small enough for the two
to be consolidated into a single state without a vaccine. I consolidate
The figure shows reported WTP without social distancing. The analogous figure with
social distancing is similar.
Figure 15: Distribution of reported willingness to pay without social distancing
in 2019, with a vaccine, and with no vaccine.
Figure 16: Average reported percent chance of each scenario occurring in each
WTP as a weighted average, taking the relative probability of the states
in September 2021 as the weights.
Figure 17: WTP distributions with near-zero and above near-zero levels of
Figure 18 shows that the distribution of reported WTP is also similar
with and without social distancing. As before, there are some changes,
but they are not large enough to treat separately. I use reported values
without social distancing because distancing would greatly reduce the
number of tickets the seller can offer.
Surprisingly, demographics were not an important determinant of
the change in WTP across states. I evaluated regression models of the
= αAge
+ βRace
+ γState
+ ε
, (27)
where Age
is a set of age dummies (with decade-long bins, e.g. ages
30 39), Race
is a set of dummies for race, and State
is a dummy
for the state of the respondent. The response variable is measured both
as an absolute number of dollars and as a percentage of initial WTP.
Lower values denote greater sensitivity to the state without a vaccine.
Results are shown in Table 12.
Table 12: Regression output for equation (27).
Dependent variable:
Value DIfference Value Difference (%)
(1) (2)
Age 30-39 12.821 0.220
(8.713) (0.088)
Age 40-49 12.419 0.051
(8.806) (0.089)
Age 50-59 19.863 0.169
(8.911) (0.090)
Age 60-69 7.068 0.125
(9.574) (0.097)
Age 70-79 10.209 0.390
(10.736) (0.109)
Asian 28.256 0.156
(33.078) (0.335)
African American 43.199 0.267
(32.337) (0.328)
Other 35.790 0.495
(36.947) (0.374)
White 50.867 0.034
(30.960) (0.314)
White, Asian 36.666 0.078
(60.378) (0.612)
White, African American 74.146 0.447
(48.460) (0.491)
Constant 59.122 0.213
(32.724) (0.331)
State Fixed Effects Yes Yes
Observations 382 382
0.070 0.114
Adjusted R
0.013 0.060
Residual Std. Error (df = 359) 41.706 0.422
F Statistic (df = 22; 359) 1.233 2.105
Note: Age coefficients relative to respondents aged 22–29.
Race coefficients relative to respondents who are
American Indians or Alaska Natives.
Although all groups were more sensitive than the reference group of
respondents aged 22–29, those aged 50 and over did not report greater
sensitivity to the state without a vaccine than those aged 30–49. (Re-
spondents 70–79 are not numerous and only show a stronger response
in one model.) Responses vary by race, but no coefficients are signifi-
cant and the groups with large changes have few respondents. Because
the covariance of value differences with demographics is not a critical
feature of the data, I make value changes independent in the empirical
The full survey is included below.
Event Expectations (General)
Start of Block: Intro
Q1 This study is conducted by Drew Vollmer, a doctoral student researcher, and his advisor, Dr.
Allan Collard-Wexler, a faculty researcher at Duke University.
The purpose of the research is to design sales strategies that cope with uncertainty over the
covid-19 pandemic. You will be asked about how much you would pay for tickets to an outdoor
college football game under several scenarios related to covid-19. The survey should take 5-10
We do not ask for your name or any other information that might identify you. Although
collected data may be made public or used for future research purposes, your identity will
always remain confidential.
Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may withdraw at any time and you
may choose not to answer any question. You will not be compensated for participating.
If you have any questions about this study, please contact Drew Vollmer. For questions about
your rights as a participant contact the Duke Campus Institutional Review Board at
End of Block: Intro
Start of Block: Block 4
Q16 In which state do you currently reside?
▼ Alabama (1) ... I do not reside in the United States (53)
End of Block: Block 4
Start of Block: WTP
In this section of the survey, you will be asked how much you are willing and able to pay for
one ticket to a football game. Your responses should be dollar amounts.
In some questions, you will be given a scenario related to COVID-19. You should respond with
the amount you would pay if that scenario occurs. You should not consider how likely the
scenario is.
Q3 What is the maximum you would be willing and able to pay for one ticket...
Amount (dollars) (1)
one year ago, in Fall 2019? (1)
if there had not been a global COVID-19
outbreak and the virus had not spread to the
US? (2)
if there is a widely available COVID-19
vaccine? (3)
In the next two questions, suppose that there is no COVID-19 vaccine, but that fans are
allowed to attend sporting events.
You will be asked to consider two levels of risk from the virus:
The CDC says that new cases are near zero. The CDC says that new cases are more than
near zero, but risk is low enough to allow fans at sports games.
The CDC standard for new cases to be near zero is 0.7 new cases per 100,000 people or
fewer. This means that filling a 25,000-seat stadium with randomly selected people would imply
an average of 2.5 sick people in the stadium if each case lasts two weeks. The true number of
infected people at any event, however, would be lower because some people would know they
are sick and would not attend.
Suppose that there is no social distancing in the stadium.
What is the maximum you would be willing and able to pay for one ticket if...
Amount (dollars) (1)
the CDC says that the number of new cases is
near zero
? (4)
the CDC says that the number of new cases is
higher than near-zero, but that the risk from
attending mass gatherings is low enough to
allow fans at sports games? (5)
Suppose that there is social distancing in the stadium.
What is the maximum you would be willing and able to pay for one ticket if...
Amount (dollars) (1)
the CDC says that the number of new cases is
near zero
? (4)
the CDC says that the number of new cases is
higher than near-zero, but that the risk from
attending mass gatherings is low enough to
allow fans at sports games? (5)
Suppose that fans can return their tickets if the number of new virus cases is higher than near-
zero. Tickets are sold out, but there is a wait list in case fans who bought tickets return them
because of the virus.
What is the maximum you would be willing to pay for a ticket on the wait list?
Amount (dollars) (1)
No social distancing in the stadium (1)
Social distancing in the stadium (3)
End of Block: WTP
Start of Block: Probabilities
In this section, you will be asked about the likelihood of COVID-19 scenarios. Your answers
should be percent chances. So, if you believe an outcome has a one-in-four chance of
occurring, the percent chance is 25%.
Q34 What is the percent chance of each outcome in January 2021? Chances must sum to
Current total: 0 / 100
_______ There is a widely available COVID-19 vaccine. (1)
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine and new cases are near zero, as defined by the CDC.
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine and new cases are higher than near-zero, but the
CDC considers the risk from mass gatherings is low enough to allow fans at sports games. (3)
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine, new cases are higher than near-zero, and the CDC
judges that the risk from mass gatherings is high enough that fans cannot attend sports
games. (4)
Q36 What is the percent chance of each outcome in September 2021? Chances must sum to
Current total: 0 / 100
_______ There is a widely available COVID-19 vaccine. (1)
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine and new cases are near zero, as defined by the CDC.
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine and new cases are higher than near-zero, but the
CDC considers the risk from mass gatherings is low enough to allow fans at sports games. (3)
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine, new cases are higher than near-zero, and the CDC
judges that the risk from mass gatherings is high enough that fans cannot attend sports
games. (4)
Q35 What is the percent chance of each outcome in January 2022? Chances must sum to
Current total: 0 / 100
_______ There is a widely available COVID-19 vaccine. (1)
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine and new cases are near zero, as defined by the CDC.
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine and new cases are higher than near-zero, but the
CDC considers the risk from mass gatherings is low enough to allow fans at sports games. (3)
_______ There is no COVID-19 vaccine, new cases are higher than near-zero, and the CDC
judges that the risk from mass gatherings is high enough that fans cannot attend sports
games. (4)
End of Block: Probabilities
Start of Block: Demographics
Q12 What is your year of birth?
Q13 What is your gender?
o Male (1)
o Female (2)
o Prefer not to answer (3)
Q14 What is your ethnicity?
o Hispanic or Latino/Latina (1)
o Not Hispanic or Latino/Latina (2)
Q15 What is your race?
White (1)
Black or African American (2)
American Indian or Alaska Native (3)
Asian (4)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (5)
Other (6) ________________________________________________
End of Block: Demographics
Figure 18: WTP distributions with near-zero and above near-zero levels of