International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
Vol-01, Issue 03, June 2015.
INJRV01I03001 © 2015, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Mobile Application Interface to Register Citizen
Dhaval Gherwada,
Vipul Shah,
Deep Shah,
Prof. Harsh N. Bhor
B.E IT Student, KJSIEIT, Sion, Mumbai,
Asst Professor, KJSIEIT, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Abstract The day to day operations and functioning of the city is taken care by local governing bodies which is known
as Government Authorities. Among many other things one of the most important responsibility of the Government
Authorities is to manage and solve the complaints that the residents of the city might have. Now in order to maintain the
large city requires that the Government Authority need to be aware of any problem or shortcoming either through
(sensors/ CCTV cameras) or by allowing the citizens to complaint about these problems. The second option is usually
preferred because it gives the proper valid information. A mechanism to accept the complaints from citizens of the city
24×7 times would be expectation from both the citizens of city and the Government Authorities(GA). The GA generally
allows its citizens to register their complaint through several mediums. [6] The chief modes of complaint registration is
(a) by visiting the nearest Citizen Facilitation Centre (CFC) established by the Municipal Corporation where an officer
listen to the complaints and asks some information and fills it in an electronic form. (b) By calling a contact centre,
where the complaint is registered by a call centre agent by typing the complaint into electronic form, or (c) By filling in
online complaint registration form i.e. through web portal. In this paper we purpose an Android Application Mobile
interface which can be used to lodge complaints. The main idea is to make use of the existing web infrastructure and to
provide an easy, cheap and quick mode of complaint registration. The proposed system will enable the citizens of city to
lodge complaints anytime, anywhere.
Keywords Mobile Application, Android, Citizen Complain, Interface, App.
Municipal services or city services refers to basic services
that residents of a city expect the city government to provide
in exchange for the taxes which citizens pay.[5] Basic city
services may include sanitation (both sewer & refuse),
water, streets, schools, food inspection, fire department,
police, ambulance, and other health department issues and
transportation. City government often operate or contact for
additional utilities like electricity, gas and cable television.
Mumbai city government also provides a lighthouse
services.[2] The available municipal services for any
individual municipality will depend on location, history,
geography, statues and tradition. Provided services may
vary from country to country or even within a country.
Services may run directly by a department of the
municipality or by sub-contracted to a third party.
There has been broad research in the area of e-services
for municipal use.[8] The idea is to understand the benefits,
usability and utility of services that are provided by a city
government using latest and better technologies. The city
government of Mumbai which take care of the upkeep of the
city is one of the more tech-savvy CG (City
Government).[1] There are several departments within the
CG to handle different aspects of the city upkeep. It is
important for the city government to know about the
problems as and when they arrive in to existence of the city.
So that the problem areas can be solved quickly and
efficiently. For easy handling of the problems, the city is
divided into wards. The Mumbai CG has 24 wards. Any
complaints belonging to or originated from a ward is only
handled by the officers of that ward. Complaint redressal
(Resolving process) gets delayed significantly if the
complaint is routed to a different ward other than the
corresponding ward. Efficient functioning of all the
functionality and services in the area under the city
government depends on the citizen participation. City
government of Mumbai allows the citizens to register their
complaint using various interaction mechanism. [2] And a
correctly routed complaint is then handled by the
corresponding departmental authority in that ward. Once a
complaint is registered by the citizens, an appropriate ward
authority is notified about the complaint for action. The
citizen complaining is notified about the status of the
complaint. Citizen can lodge complaints related to solid
waste management, drainage , storm water drain, roads &
traffic factories, license issues, water supply, pest control,
building encroachment etc. by methods enlisted below:- (a)
By visiting the nearest Citizen Facilitation Centre(CFC)
established by Municipal Corporation belonging any of the
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
Vol-01, Issue 03, June 2015.
INJRV01I03001 © 2015, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
24 ward of Mumbai CG where a agent listen to complaints
and asks some additional information and fills it in an
electronic form which is then stored in a central database.(b)
By calling a contact centre, where the complaint is
registered by a call centre agent by typing the complaint into
electronic form which is then stored in a central database.
(c) By filling online complaint registration form in CG’s
Web portal from any computer connected to Internet, either
from home/office/cyber café. [6]
In all the methods described above the complaint is
stored in central database which is accessible to all the
wards of the city government to handle the complaints more
efficiently.[5] This makes the complaints more accessible.
The status of the complaint is available to person who has
placed the complaint through the portal to see 24×7. While
all of these modes have been made available for the citizens
to lodge complaints, the participation by the citizens has
been poor in case of (a) & (b) because these modes requires
more time for different reasons. But these modes of
complaint registration system have poor active citizen
participation because of the forum to register complaints.
The web portal (figure 1) has hand a large number of users
though the usage of computers with Internet connectivity is
not very high in India.
Fig.1 Screenshot of Existing Complaint Registration portal
On the other side the mobile phone usage is very high and is
growing in India in general.[9] It becomes really helpful and
easy for people to provide an easy to use mobile phone
based interface to lodge their complaints using their mobile
devices. If the citizens are given easy, cheap and yet
effective mode of lodging their complaints the active citizen
participation can be evoked easily. In this paper we will
propose Mobile Application Interface to enable the citizens
to register complaints and seek response from city
government. Figure 2 shows rough idea of the proposed
Fig.2 Overview of proposed system
The advantages of this system is:
(a) It requires no change in the already existing web
portal to lodge complaints.
(b) Doesn’t require the citizens to remember any
specific information to lodge their complaints.
The mobile channel makes active citizen participation
possible because of the higher usage of mobile phones in
The web portal interface (Figure 1) to help citizen
complaints is a most important initiative of the City
Government. The web interface consists of essentially
following types of information (a) a set of drop down list
boxes where the user need to select list of predefined
options. The interface consists of some of the mandatory
fields that need to be filled. Those mandatory fields are:
1) Type of complaint (Example: Traffic, Water leakage etc.)
2) Complaint Description (Description about the problem)
3) Address or location (Name of the region where the
complaint is applicable).
4) Landmark (a description of the nearest location).
5) Ward (User needs to be aware of the ward name before
lodging the complaints. Usually they are unaware of ward
6) Personal Information (Name, Contact No. etc.)
The optional inputs required by the interface are
Address, Age, type (Example: Student, Employee) of the
person lodging the complaint. Once all the information is
given the web portal interface display the complaint number
on screen. This complaint number can be used to query the
status of the complaint at a later stage.
The web portal while allowing the users to lodge
complaint has some serious constrains. The user is restricted
to choose from among the list of predefined drop down list.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
Vol-01, Issue 03, June 2015.
INJRV01I03001 © 2015, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
This poses a major problem in the sense that the user tries to
fit his complaint intone of the predefined drop downs. This
results in a wrong fit and the complaint being directed to the
wrong department which in turn affects the time taken to
resolve the problem. The second major constraint is the
need for the user to be aware of the ward number,
additionally the user needs to have access to networked
computer. The mobile interface proposed in this paper tries
to overcome these issues to provide an easy to use Interface.
The proposed mobile application interface emulates the
functionality of the web portal based complaint filing
system. The architecture of the system is shown in figure 3.
The users use the mobile phone and do not need to access
the web portal interface directly to file their complaint. The
user runs the Application and can lodge complaint. Once all
the information about complaint is entered by the user the
application sends the information to server in a compatible
format [as a HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) request]
to the server. Then the response from the server is fetched
and is parsed to determine complaint number. The
complaint number is then received by the user. This
complaint number is then can be used by the user to
generate the status of their complaint. But here the
complaint is only registered when all the mandatory fields
are filled.
Mobile Application will help the citizen of a municipal
corporation to register their complaints about day to day
problems in their ward through a mobile application. Mobile
Application will provide a common man to deliver his
complaints and problems to municipal authority as well as
Fig.3 Architecture of Proposed System [5]
the municipal authorities to address the issue as soon as
possible. The application provides an interface to register
one’s complained and follow it up. The interface will be
provided with camera module which help clicking up a
picture of any generalized problem that people are facing
and will upload this photo along with the complaint. The
location of complaint is tracked by Global Positioning
System (GPS). This module provides exact location of that
particular issue. Thus complaint, once registered, will be
redirected to specific department of Municipal Corporation
for example; a complaint about traffic will be redirected to
Traffic Control department. It is a single point web and
mobile based complaint management system linking all
departments in the organization could take administration
efficiency to the next level. The system benefits the
organization, employees and the citizen. One of the key
features in is the provision for citizens /consumers
/employees to lodge complaints/grievances using their
mobile phones with a software application specially
designed to file complaints.
There are basically following modules involved in a system:
1) Mobile Application :
Citizens will have mobile application .She/he can
register a complaint related to specific zone where he/she
finds a problem. Citizens can also embed an image with the
This application can provides a user friendly UI interface.
Mobile application contains GPS tracking system too.
2) Communication Network :
Communication network is established in
following areas by using some protocols: (a) Mobile
application and server by using various protocols. (b) GPS
satellite and mobile application. (c) Camera module and
3) Server :
It contains request acceptance and processing
system. It will contain specific UI for each department of
Municipal Corporation for example Police, Traffic control
etc. which will solve specific complaint related to that
department only. Server module will accept the
request and redirect it to department module after
scrutinizing it.
Received request can contain: (a) Image (not mandatory) (b)
Text (mandatory) (c) GPS location (automatically
4) Global Positioning System (GPS):
Along with these request application will embed
the location from which request are getting placed. This is
going to work by GPS tracking system. GPS devices are
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
Vol-01, Issue 03, June 2015.
INJRV01I03001 © 2015, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
wireless and use satellites to enable users to detect the
position of mobile on earth.
5) Camera :
Mobile application is connected to camera module
so that one can embed images with the complaints.
The complete block diagram of the system is shown in
fig.4. The users using the mobile application will enter all
the information required to lodge complaints. If image
related to complaint is available then the user can embed the
Image too. And if user uses the GPS-enabled mobile then
the respective location of the complaint site is also
embedded in complaint. Once all the information gets
available the application will render the request and send it
to web server in compatible format. At the server side the
required validation will be made on the complaint. And then
in case of valid complaint, the complaint number is
generated then the complaint number is provided as
response to the citizen who has lodged the complaint.
Fig.4 Block Diagram of Proposed System
A. Functional Description
The overall system is developed to reduce the work of users
and government office employees. Overall system contains
one Mobile Application and Web Application. Through
mobile application people can register their complaint and
can check the status of complaint (open or closed).In Web
Application Complaints are view depending upon login for
example if employee in BMC Office logged in then he can
only see the complaints related to BMC Office and status of
each Complaint
By using Web Application Employees can see the
complaints and can take appropriate action .if complaint is
resolved then he have to change the status of complaint i.e.
closed. The figure 5 shows sequence diagram of the
proposed system which is described as follows:
Fig.5 Sequence diagram of Proposed System
1) Complaint Using Android Mobile Phone:
The User will launch the complaint to the respective
department using his/her Android mobile phone application,
Once the complaint is launch, the complaint description,
image, and the location in the form of latitude and longitude
will be forwarded to the head of the respective department.
2) Complaint Notification:
After launching the complaint successfully the user will get
the acknowledgement in the form of notification from the
Complaint management system. The user can also check the
status of the complaint regularly at any time and at any
place using his/her android mobile phone application.
3) Location tracking module:
The application can be built in such a way that the
corresponding location can be track by using the GPS
module that is present in every android cell phone. [7]That
means once the User launch’s his/her Complaint the Admin
on the server side will also get the current location from
where the complaint is being launched, The location is fetch
in the form of Latitude and longitude.
4) Department-wise Login:
Admin has been created based on the different Department
in the database. The Admin within the different department
can View the complaint that is being launched to that
particular department
5) Complaints management and updating:
Admin based on the different department can view the
complaints that is being launched to particular department.
The Admin has the authority to open or closed the
complaint. Then Admin can also reply to the user in the
form of notification that is being created when the admin
updates the complaint.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
Vol-01, Issue 03, June 2015.
INJRV01I03001 © 2015, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
We have proposed and introduced a novel mobile
application interface for the citizens to register their
complaints about the city. The system is targeted to every
citizen who can own mobile phone and is available all the
time. The proposed system can use the existing web portal
infrastructure of Mumbai City Government in the proposed
complaint registration system. Thus the main idea of the
proposed system is to provide the mobile application which
will facilitate the citizens to register their complaint about
day to day complaints in their locality through a mobile
application. The web application at the other end will
efficiently track and monitor the complaints thereby
generating a quick response to the citizen. In The case when
citizen register complaints, the system generates a contact
number (actually generated by the backend system) and
displays the complaint number to the user on his mobile
phone. This complaint number will help the citizens to
query the status of the complaint in future. In the case when
system fails to register complaint, the system will ask the
mandatory information to user. The proposed system also
allows mobile users to send photograph of the scene which
adds the authenticity in the proposed system and in some
sense makes the complaint details complete. Along with the
image the GPS module will also sends the real-time location
information (which consists of longitude and latitude
information) of the complaint site which provides accurate
determination about the location of site. Thus the proposed
system provides an easy, cheap and quick mode of
complaint registration around the clock.
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