© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org
Mobile Application For Automobile Service And
Sumit Chandra
, A.N. Kshirsagar
, Kartiki Bhos
, Sumedh Borkar
Department of E&TC, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune
bhoskartik[email protected]m
borkarsumed[email protected]m
ABSTRACT- While travelling if a traveler’s automobile gets breakdown due to some reason, issues faced by them are lack of knowledge of nearby
garages, surrounding area unknown to them, breakdown in deserted area, issue of reliable mechanic (expertise level). To overcome this problem, we
have come up with an Android application which uses GPS to locate traveler’s location and accordingly show all nearby garages. Users can put their
issue of breakdown (if known), on the application. Accordingly, one of the garages would take the job and go to the traveler’s location and repair
their automobile. Once the garage delivers the service to the customer, they will get a bill through the application. The project is developed using
Android Studio and google cloud firebase which includes a variety of custom tools and libraries helpful to develop Android based mobile/tablet
applications such as database (Fire-store NoSQL), Google maps support, rich GUI and UI components, etc.
Key Words: Cloud computing, Global Positioning System, NoSQL database, Fire-base.
Almost every man now owns a vehicle and there are always chances for something going wrong with the vehicle which results in a
breakdown. These days, the services accessed from location-based applications is one of the most relevant and commonly explored.
There are many applications which make use of google maps and GPS to explore the neighborhood and give services to the consumers,
E.g. Food delivery, Grocery shopping, etc. But there are very few and limited systems available to solve the problem of vehicle
breakdown. In this project we are going to develop a system to overcome this problem in a effective way. To do this we are developing
an Android application which will help people easily, effectively and in minimum time. In this application, garages are used, searching
by radius. The user will search for nearby garages to his location. The garages will store their shop’s location in the database. Google
Maps API will be used for working of the project.
To develop an android application for auto-mobile repair services. Users can locate and apply for service from a nearby garage.
Garages can see all the requests and location of the users. Garage can provide a bill via application to the users once serviced.
© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org
By studying the previous research paper and surveying some garages and repair station we get to know there are fewer system exists
but not many android applications are there for vehicle services. There is web application which don’t provide the chatbot or billing
module for user. We will be providing this module to make payment easier to do and will help to save the time. Not necessary to carry
cash everywhere there are card and UPI payment made available for that. To minimize all the drawbacks from the previous system of
Automobile servicing, this system reduces complexities in the process of finding garages in emergency and difficulties in management
of services of automobiles. Automobile servicing becomes easy through this application. With the help of this application car owners
can easily locate all the nearby garages in case of car breakdown in an unknown location.
The system mainly consists of three major parts:
1. User
2. Garage
3. Admin
3.1. USER
Sign up page is shown in screenshot 2 with user data. Once user will sign up, user will have to enable its permission for location
access to track his location. Whenever user operates the application, the application connects to the service centers on the fire-base
storage based on the Geo-location. After that Google Maps API is used by the application which will help to locate nearby
registered service centers within the radius of the user's location. For example, after giving
location permission the user will be able to see all nearby garages which are already registered on the application. Whose data is
already on our database with all the detail services provided by that garage owner from those vehicle service center users can choose
the service center and services he wished to get from them. In now days in location-based applications is trending. So, to save time
and efforts this application will help. Due to this kind of location-based application human lifestyle improved. Due to this kind of
application user valuable time gets saved in unknown areas. He can get the services anywhere any-time according to his needs. It's
easy to get the details about the car services.
Registered owner as shown in screenshot after filing location details system updates their location details in the database daily. This
location data every day saved in database. An admin will handle the adding and deleting or modification in details of service
centers. For example, a vehicle service center updates his/her changing locations daily. So, the database saves their most current
location. If a recipient sends out a question within the radius of the service center site, the information stored in the firebase storage
is ready for display as shown in screenshot
3.3. ADMIN
Admin is monitoring body here he will be handling the CURD operation on the database. Only if necessary, then only he will
interfere with the system. He will monitor the billing transaction which is going to handle by the cloud.
Creation of GPS based Android Application.
Using GPS system fetches the location of user and with the help of garage database displays nearby garages.
System is made such that bookings can be made through available list of garages.
After providing the service to user according to its pricing and extra work that is done on the vehicle if any the system will generate
bill on its own. One copy will be sent to user for payment and all the options are made available to user to make payment.
© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org
It comprises of five modules namely Administrator Module, User Module, Garage Module, Helpdesk module and GPS Module.
A. Administrator Module:
In this module admin can use CRUD operations on garage database and monitor it.
B. User Module:
In this Module User can sign up, login, search for nearby garages, selecta garage, select services. This module is build using Fire-
base and Android Studio. Connections between fire-base and User are handled by JSON.
C. Garage Module:
In this Module Garage owner can sign up, login, enter garage details and see requests and location of customers. It is built by fire-
base and Android Studio. All connections between fire-base and Garage is handled by JSON.
D. Helpdesk:
24*7 Admin contact for support and help.
E. GPS Module:
In this Module Google maps API will be used to locate the location to user and garage, find nearby garages around user and display
live location of garage mechanic.
The system mainly consists of three-part customer side, garage side and one is admin side. Whenever user need assist then using
google map API location his/her request gets into our fire-base cloud. With the help of Service Request Manager and Real-Time
database of fire-base cloud user will get the list of nearby garages and he can check the services offered by them. Garage will get the
request if user demands. If garage owner accepts the request, then they can communicate through message or via call. After
providing the service to user garage owner can fill the details of services he has done on vehicle in our app and accordingly system
will generate bill and send one copy to user. Admin will be the monitoring body. He will do the update, delete or create operations
according to the needs.
© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org
User can made booking through application for his/her vehicle. No need to go there and wait for your turn if garage is providing the
pick and drop service then user just have to made booking as per his convenient. After that garage will do the needful.
Users can book the slot according to their convenience and do the payment afterward.
Users can also purchase the various vehicle parts using our application.
The application also consists of a separate page where users can make purchase of second hand vehicles as in OLX.
If user meets an accident, there is feature to call the emergency contact.
© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org
Figure 4. Application Interface Screenshots
1. In case if vehicle breakdown in unknown areas, car owner can get easily help that’s the motive to build the app. By using app, he
can make sure that there will not be that much time wasted insearch of garage.
2. It will also enable option for car owner to get any kind of vehicle servicers on fingertips.
E.g. car owner can ask for washing service, or usual checkup from nearby garage by selecting service from menu of garage services.
If pick and drop is available, then he can ask for that.
3. Our database will take care of bill generation so no paper as well as time will be wasted in that. Vehicle owner can see detailed
bill about the services and pay according to him like he can pay by doing online transaction or he can pay in cash according to
© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org
4. Chatbot we are providing in app so it will help in understanding the app to user and its made available 24*7. And if still there is
some problem then there is customer care service that will help user out in that situation.
The purpose of this project is to provide car or any other auto-mobile servicing system more effectively than the existing system.
There are some disadvantages of the existing service center management systems. Those disadvantages are overcome by this
Automobile repair services application. And it can be made handily available to every person. Previously people could not get help
or locate the service centers conveniently in case of their car break-down or any other emergencies. Thus, this android vehicle repair
application is proposed to assist people and fulfill their requirements easily.
In future, we hope this system helps users to easily find nearby garages for Automobile repair services.
This work can be extended by adding functionality such as:
1. Vehicle health monitoring system:
In future we can add this vehicle health monitoring system in app so that user can check its vehicle health and will know if any
minor problem comes so that how user time will be saved.
2. Marketing platform:
Like Amazon, Flipkart we can extend our work and can make marketing platform available for retailers and automobile parts
provider from where they can directly sell or purchase the automobile parts on their own.
3. Toying providers:
As of now there is no toying service provided if that garage which is selected by user provides then only, he can ask for that service
but in future we can integrate with toying service provider so that user can directly contact with them in case of emergency and ask
for service.
4. Medical help:
In case if any accident situation, on the app by user location we can make available some nearby hospital contact by which user can
ask for medical help. That will be some help for vehicle owner and in less time medical help will made available.
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