Prepared by:
Liberty Land & Code Consultants, LLC
Gyrome L. Edwards, President
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ARTICLE 1 - TITLE AND PURPOSE .............................................................................. 3
SECTION 1.01 – SHORT TITLE .................................................................................. 3
SECTION 1.02 – PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 3
ARTICLE 2 - ZONING ...................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2.01 – ZONING DISTRICTS ....................................................................... 3
SECTION 2.02 – ZONING MAP ................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2.03 – LOCATION AND BOUNDARIES ................................................... 7
SECTION 2.04 – ZONING OF VACATED AREAS .................................................... 7
SECTION 2.05 – ZONING OF ANNEXED AREAS .................................................... 7
ARTICLE 3 - DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 7
SECTION 3.01 – GENERAL DEFINITIONS ............................................................... 7
SECTION 3.02 – CONDOMINIUM DEFINITIONS .................................................. 17
SECTION 4.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................... 27
SECTION 4.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................... 27
SECTION 4.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES .................................................................. 27
SECTION 4.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ................................................................ 28
SECTION 4.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................... 28
ARTICLE 5 - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-2) ............................. 29
SECTION 5.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................... 29
SECTION 5.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................... 29
SECTION 5.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES .................................................................. 29
SECTION 5.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ................................................................ 30
SECTION 5.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................... 30
ARTICLE 6 - MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT (M) ..................................................... 30
SECTION 6.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................... 30
SECTION 6.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................... 30
SECTION 6.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES .................................................................. 31
SECTION 6.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ................................................................ 31
SECTION 6.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................... 31
ARTICLE 6A - MANUFACTURED HOME PARK DISTRICT (MH).......................... 32
SECTION 6A.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................ 32
SECTION 6A.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................ 32
SECTION 6A.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES ................................................................ 32
SECTION 6A.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ............................................................. 32
SECTION 6A.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................ 33
SECTION 6A.06 – OTHER REQUIREMENTS.......................................................... 33
ARTICLE 7 - CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) .............................................. 34
SECTION 7.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................... 34
SECTION 7.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................... 34
SECTION 7.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES .................................................................. 35
SECTION 7.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ................................................................ 36
SECTION 7.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................... 36
ARTICLE 7A - OFFICE DISTRICT (O) ......................................................................... 36
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SECTION 7A.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................ 36
SECTION 7A.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................ 36
SECTION 7A.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES ................................................................ 37
SECTION 7A.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ............................................................. 37
SECTION 7A.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................ 37
ARTICLE 7B - PUBLIC INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT (PI) ......................................... 37
SECTION 7B.01 – INTENT......................................................................................... 37
SECTION 7B.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................ 37
SECTION 7B.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES ................................................................ 38
SECTION 7B.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ............................................................. 38
SECTION 7B.05 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................ 38
ARTICLE 8 - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (I) ................................................................... 38
SECTION 8.01 – INTENT ........................................................................................... 38
SECTION 8.02 – PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES ................................................... 38
SECTION 8.03 – SPECIAL LAND USES .................................................................. 40
SECTION 8.04 – SITE PLAN APPROVAL ................................................................ 41
SECTION 8.05 – GREENBELT .................................................................................. 41
SECTION 8.06 – DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ............................................... 41
ARTICLE 9 - SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS ........................................................... 41
SECTION 9.01 – GENERAL PROVISIONS .............................................................. 41
SECTION 9.02 – SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS ............................... 43
SECTION 9.03 – FOOTNOTES TO SECTION 9.02 .................................................. 44
ARTICLE 10 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................... 46
SECTION 10.01 – ACCESSORY BUILDINGS.......................................................... 46
SECTION 10.02 – APPROVED FACING MATERIALS ........................................... 47
SECTION 10.03 – BUILDING GRADES ................................................................... 47
SECTION 10.04 – CONFLICTING REGULATIONS ................................................ 47
ON A LOT .................................................................................................................... 48
SECTION 10.07 – ESSENTIAL SERVICES .............................................................. 48
SECTION 10.09 – FRONTAGE .................................................................................. 49
SECTION 10.10 – GENERAL YARD AND AREA LIMITATIONS ........................ 49
STRUCTURES AND PREMISES ............................................................................... 52
SECTION 10.13 – OFF-STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING .......................... 56
SECTION 10.14 – OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE STANDARDS ....................... 57
CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................ 66
SECTION 10.16 – OFF-STREET WAITING SPACE ................................................ 69
SECTION 10.17 – PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE ................................................. 69
SECTION 10.18 – PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ................................................. 69
SECTION 10.19 – PRIVATE DRIVES ....................................................................... 71
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SECTION 10.20 – PRIVATE ROADS ........................................................................ 72
SECTION 10.21 – SCOPE OF ORDINANCE............................................................. 72
SECTION 10.22 – SCREEN WALL AND FENCE REQUIREMENTS ..................... 72
SECTION 10.23 – SIGN REGULATIONS ................................................................. 75
SECTION 10.24 – SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING STANDARDS .......................... 82
SECTION 10.25 – SITE PLAN REVIEW ................................................................... 83
SECTION 10.26 – TEMPORARY DWELLING STRUCTURES .............................. 86
SECTION 10.27 – WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL .......................... 87
SECTION 10.28 – HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ....................................................... 87
SECTION 10.29 – CONDOMINIUM APPROVAL .................................................... 88
SECTION 10.30 – EARTH-SHELTERED BUILDINGS............................................ 93
SECTION 10.31 – KEEPING OF LARGE ANIMALS ............................................... 93
ARTICLE 11 - SPECIAL LAND USES .......................................................................... 94
SECTION 11.01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 94
SECTION 11.02 – PRODEDURES ............................................................................. 95
SECTION 11.03 - ACCESSORY APARTMENT ....................................................... 98
SECTION 11.04 - AGRIBUSINESS USES ................................................................. 99
SECTION 11.05 - AUTO SERVICE CENTERS ....................................................... 100
SECTION 11.06 - AUTO SERVICE STATIONS ..................................................... 100
SECTION 11.08 – CARETAKER’S RESIDENCE ................................................... 101
SECTION 11.09 - CAR WASH ................................................................................. 101
SECTION 11.10 – CEMETERIES ............................................................................. 102
SECTION 11.11 - CHURCHES, HOUSES OF WORSHIP ...................................... 102
SECTION 11.12 - COMPOSTING, YARD WASTE ................................................ 103
SECTION 11.13 - COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ............................................ 104
SECTION 11.14 - COMMERCIAL GREENHOUSE................................................ 105
SECTION 11.15 - COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR RECREATION ............................ 105
SECTION 11.16 - CONVALESCENT OR NURSING/REST HOME...................... 106
SECTION 11.17 - DRIVE-IN MOVIE THEATER ................................................... 106
SECTION 11.18 - DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT ......................................................... 107
SECTION 11.19 - GOLF COURSE ........................................................................... 107
SECTION 11.20 – KENNELS, COMMERCIAL ...................................................... 108
SECTION 11.21 - KENNELS, PRIVATE ................................................................. 108
SECTION 11.22 - LIMITED BUSINESS USES ....................................................... 109
SECTION 11.23 - GROUP CHILD CARE FACILITIES.......................................... 110
SECTION 11.24 - OUTDOOR SALES LOTS........................................................... 110
SECTION 11.25 - PONDS ......................................................................................... 110
SECTION 11.27 - RETAIL USES IN INDUSTRIAL ZONES ................................. 111
SECTION 11.29 – ROADSIDE MARKETS / STANDS ........................................... 112
SECTION 11.30 – SCHOOLS ................................................................................... 113
SECTION 11.31 – SHOOTING RANGES AND GUN CLUBS ............................... 113
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SECTION 11.33 – WAREHOUSE FOR SELF-STORAGE ...................................... 117
SECTION 11.34 – BED & BREAKFAST INNS ....................................................... 118
SECTION 11.35 – CLUSTER HOUSING OPTION (Open Space Plan) .................. 119
ARTICLE 12 - GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ................................................................... 120
SECTION 12.01 – ESSENTIAL SERVICES ............................................................ 120
SECTION 12.02 – VOTING PLACE ......................................................................... 121
SECTION 12.03 – HEIGHT LIMIT ........................................................................... 121
SECTION 12.04 – LOT AREA .................................................................................. 121
SECTION 12.05 – PORCHES AND PATIOS ........................................................... 121
SECTION 12.06 – PROJECTIONS INTO YARDS .................................................. 121
SECTION 12.07 – ACCESS THROUGH YARDS ................................................... 121
ARTICLE 13 - ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT .................................... 122
SECTION 13.01 – ZONING ADMINISTRATOR .................................................... 122
SECTION 13.03 – CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ................................................ 122
ARTICLE 14 - BOARD OF APPEALS ......................................................................... 124
SECTION 14.01 – CREATION AND MEMBERSHIP ............................................. 124
SECTION 14.03 – APPEALS – HOW TAKEN ........................................................ 124
SECTION 14.04 – POWER OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS .......................... 125
SECTION 14.05 – STANDARDS .............................................................................. 126
SECTION 14.06 – MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................... 127
ARTICLE 15 - PLANNING COMMISSION ................................................................ 128
SECTION 15.01 .......................................................................................................... 128
ARTICLE 16 - AMENDMENTS ................................................................................... 128
SECTION 16.01 .......................................................................................................... 128
SECTION 17.01 – ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE .................................................. 128
SECTION 17.02 – ENFORCEMENT ........................................................................ 129
ARTICLE 18 - FEES ...................................................................................................... 129
SECTION 18.01 .......................................................................................................... 129
ARTICLE 19 - VALIDITY AND SEVERABILITY ..................................................... 130
SECTION 19.01 .......................................................................................................... 130
ARTICLE 20 - REPEAL OF PRIOR ORDINANCE ..................................................... 130
SECTION 20.01 .......................................................................................................... 130
REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 130
SECTION 21.01 .......................................................................................................... 130
ARTICLE 22 - EFFECTIVE DATE............................................................................... 130
SECTION 22.01 .......................................................................................................... 130
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An ordinance establishing and governing the incorporated portions of the
Village of Metamora, Lapeer County, Michigan, to protect the public health,
safety and welfare; to regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings,
structures, and land for trade, industry, residence and for public and semi-
public or other specified uses; and to regulate and limit the height and bulk
of buildings and other structures; to define and regulate special land uses, to
regulate the size of yards, courts, and open spaces; to regulate and limit the
density of population, and for said purposes to divide the Village into
districts and establishing the boundaries thereof, providing for changes in
regulations, restrictions, and boundaries of such districts; defining certain
terms and uses herein; providing for enforcement; establishing a Board of
Appeals; and imposing penalties for the violation of the Ordinance, in
accordance with the provisions of Act 33, Public Acts of 2008, as amended.
This Ordinance is also enacted pursuant to the provisions of Act 59, Public
Acts of 1978, as amended, to regulate the condominium subdivision and
condominium development of land; to promote the public health, safety and
general welfare; to provide a procedure for condominium approval and
assure that a condominium development meets the standards and
requirements of the Metamora Village Zoning Ordinance.
Whereas Act 110, P.A. 2006 as amended, empowers the Village to enact a
zoning ordinance and to provided for its administration, enforcement, and
amendment, and
Whereas the Village Council deems it necessary, for the purpose of
promoting the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the Village to
enact such an ordinance, and
Whereas the Village Council, pursuant to the provisions of Act 33, P.A.
2008 as amended has appointed a Planning Commission to recommend the
boundaries of the various original districts and appropriate regulations to be
enforced therein, and
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Whereas the Planning Commission has divided the Village, hereinafter also
referred to as “municipality,” into districts and has prepared regulations
pertaining to such districts designed to lessen congestion in the streets; to
secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to promote health and the
general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the
overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to
facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools,
parks, and other public requirements, and
Whereas the Planning Commission has adopted a Master Plan enabling the
future development of the Village, pursuant to the Municipal Planning Act,
Act 33, P.A. 2008 as amended, and
Whereas the Planning Commission has given reasonable consideration,
among other things, to the character of the districts and their peculiar
suitability for particular uses, with a view to conserving the value of
buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the
Village, and
Whereas Section 141 of Act 59, P.A. 1978, as amended, states that all
condominium projects shall comply with applicable local law, ordinances,
and regulations, and
Whereas the Planning Commission has submitted its report to the Village
Council, and
Whereas the Village Council and Planning Commission have given due
public notice of hearings relating to zoning districts, regulations, and
restrictions, and have held such public hearings as required, and
Whereas all requirements of Act 33, P.A. 2008 as amended, with regard to
the preparation of this Ordinance and subsequent action of the Village
Council have been met;
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This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the “Village of
Metamora Zoning Ordinance.”
The purpose of this Ordinance is to promote and protect the public health,
safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Village of Metamora by
protecting and conserving the character and social and economic stability of
the residential, commercial, industrial, and other use areas; securing the most
appropriate use of land; preventing overcrowding of land and undue
congestion of population; providing adequate light, air and reasonable
access; and facilitating adequate and economical provision of transportation,
water, sewers, schools, recreation, and other public requirements and by
other means, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan.
For the purpose of the Ordinance, the Village of Metamora is hereby divided
into the following zoning districts:
R-1 Low-Density Single Family Residential
R-2 Single-Family Residential
M Multi-Family Residential
MH Manufactured Home Park District
CBD Central Business District
O Office
I Industrial
PI Public Institutional
The zoning districts are shown on the accompanying map entitled “Zoning
Map, Village of Metamora,” which map – including the references,
notations, and other information shown thereon – is made part of this
Ordinance, and is of the same force and effect as if the zones therein
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designated and other references and notations thereon, were fully set forth
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R-1 Low-Density Single Family Residential
R-2 Single Family Residential
M Multi-Family Residential
C Commercial (Central Business District)
O Office
PI Public Institutional
I Industrial
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Unless otherwise designated, the boundary of zoning districts shall be
interpreted as following along section lines, or highways, or waterways, or
lines of customary subdivision of sections, or the centerlines of streets, or
the shorelines of water boundaries or the boundaries of incorporated areas,
or the boundary lines of recorded plates or subdivisions, or the property lines
of legal record on the date of enactment of the Ordinance, or the extension of
said lines. Where unzoned property may exist, or where due to its scale,
lack of detail, or illegibility of the Zoning Map accompanying this
Ordinance, there is any uncertainty, contradiction, or confliction as to the
intended location of any district boundaries shown thereon, interpretation
concerning the exact location of district boundary lines shall be determined,
upon written application, or upon its own motion, by the Zoning Board of
When any street, alley, or other public way within the Village of Metamora
shall be vacated, such street, alley, or other public way or portion thereof
shall automatically be classified in the same zone to which it attaches.
Any area annexed to the Village of Metamora shall immediately upon
annexation be automatically classified as Low-Density, Single Family (R-1)
District until a Zoning Map for said area has been adopted by the Village
For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms are herewith defined. When
not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present include future
tense; words in the singular include plural number, and words in the plural,
the singular number. The word “shall” is mandatory and the word “may” is
A. Accessory building or structure – a supplemental building or
structure on the same parcel of land as the main building or
buildings, structure, or use of land, the use of which is incidental or
secondary to that of the main building or use
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B. Accessory use – a use normally incidental or subordinate to, and
devoted exclusively to the main use of the land, building or
C. Agriculture – the art or science of cultivating the ground, the
production of crops or livestock on a farm; but excluding
agricultural business or industry such as fur farms, piggeries, farms
used for disposal of garbage, sewage, rubbish or offal, and
slaughtering of animals, except animals raised on the premises for
the uses and consumption by persons residing on the premises
D. Altered – any change in the location or use of a building or
structure and any change in supporting members of a building or
structure such as bearing walls, columns, posts, beams, girders, and
similar major components
E. Automobile repair garage – a building or premises where the
following services may be carried out in a completely enclosed
building: general repair, engine rebuilding, rebuilding or
reconditioning of motor vehicles; collision service such as body,
frame, or fender straightening and repair; painting and
undercoating of automobiles
F. Automobile service center – a building or premises used primarily
for the sale and installation of major automobile accessories, such
as tires, batteries, radio, air conditioners and mufflers, plus such
services as brake adjustment, wheel alignment and balancing, but
excluding any major mechanical repairs, collision work,
undercoating or painting. Sale of gasoline (stored only in
underground tanks) shall be incidental to the above enumerated
G. Automobile service station – an establishment for the sale and
dispensing of gasoline, oil, and major accessories, and for minor
repairs such as tune-ups and flat tire repair, but not including body
repair, engine rebuilding, rust proofing and similar activities
H. Basement – that portion of a building which is partly or wholly
below grade but so located that the vertical distance from the
average grade to the floor is greater than the vertical distance from
the average grade to the ceiling. If the vertical distance from the
average grade to the ceiling is over five (5) feet, such basement
shall not be considered a basement.
I. Bed & Breakfast Inn – a single-family dwelling with not more than
eight (8) guest rooms in which the owner/operator provides
overnight accommodations to guests in return for payment, and
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without kitchen facilities for serving or preparing meals for the
overnight guests which are separate from those for the residence.
J. Building, height of – the vertical distance from the average grade
to the highest point of the roof surface on a flat roof, to the deck
line of mansard roofs, and to the mean height between the eaves
and the ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs. Where a building is
located on a terrace, the height may be measured from the average
grade of the terrace along the front and back building walls.
K. Block – the property abutting one side of a street and lying
between the two (2) nearest intersecting streets, or between one (1)
intersecting street and a railroad right-of-way, un-subdivided
acreage or stream; or between any of the foregoing and any other
barrier to the continuity of development. In sparsely developed
areas of the Village without identifiable blocks, a block shall
constitute an area not more than one eighth (1/8) mile on either
side of the building or building site in question.
L. Boarding house – the terms boarding house, rooming house and
lodging house are used synonymously in this Ordinance. A
building, other than a hotel, where, for compensation and/or
prearrangement for periods exceeding ten (10) days, lodging and
meals are provided for three (3) or more persons, which may
include one (1) dwelling unit for occupancy by management.
M. Board of Appeals – the Zoning Board of Appeals of Metamora
N. Building – any structure, temporary or permanent, having one (1)
or more floors and a roof and intended for the shelter or enclosure
of persons, animals and/or property
O. Building, main or principal – a building or, where the context so
indicates, a group of buildings in which is conducted the main or
principal use of the lot on which said building is situated
P. Building line – a line parallel to the front lot line at the minimum
required front setback line
Q. Commercial service drive – a public or private roadway, usually
parallel to a major thoroughfare, designed to provide access to
businesses and business property while limiting the points of
ingress and egress onto the major thoroughfare
R. Drive-in – a business establishment serving food and/or beverages
that is so developed that its principal retail or service character is
dependent on providing a driveway approach or parking spaces for
motor vehicles so as to serve patrons who will consume the food
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and/or beverages in the motor vehicles while on the premises of
the drive-in establishment
S. Dwelling, multiple-family – a building or portion thereof
containing three (3) or more dwelling units
T. Dwelling, one-family – a detached building containing one (1)
dwelling unit
U. Dwelling, two-family – a detached building containing two (2)
dwelling units
V. Dwelling unit – one (1) or more rooms with a bathroom and
principal kitchen facilities as a self-contained unit for occupancy
by one (1) family for living, cooking and sleeping purposes. In the
case of mixed occupancy, the portion of a building occupied as a
dwelling shall be regulated as a dwelling.
W. Earth-sheltered building – a building where a significant portion of
the walls and/or roof are covered with earth; that is specifically
designed and constructed to meet the requirements of this
Ordinance and the building code for minimum floor area, light and
ventilation, emergency egress, waterproofing, and similar
requirements, and approve by the Building Inspector
X. Efficiency apartment – a dwelling unit with a bathroom and
principal kitchen facilities designed as a self-contained unit for
living, cooking and sleeping purposes and having no separate,
designated bedroom
Y. Enlarged – any change in the area or dimension, either vertical or
horizontal, or additions, improvements, enclosures, or changes less
than altered as defined above
Z. Erected – includes built, constructed, reconstructed, moved upon,
or any physical operations on the land required for the building.
Excavations, fill, drainage and the like shall be considered a part of
AA. Essential services – the erection, construction, alteration or
maintenance by public utilities or municipal departments of
underground, surface, or overhead gas, electrical, steam, fuel or
water distribution systems, collection, communication, supply or
disposal systems, including towers, poles, wires, mains, drains,
sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm and police call boxes,
traffic signals, hydrants and similar equipment in connection
herewith, but not including buildings, which are necessary for the
furnishing of adequate services to the Village by such utilities or
municipal departments for general health, safety or welfare
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BB. Family – an individual or group of two (2) or more persons related
by blood, marriage or adoption, together with foster children and
servants of the principal occupants, with not more than one (1)
additional unrelated person, who are domiciled together as a
single, domestic, housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit, or a
collective number of individuals domiciled together in one (1)
dwelling unit whose relationship is of a continuing non-transient
domestic character and who are cooking and living as a single
nonprofit housekeeping unit. This definition shall not include any
group of students or other individuals whose domestic relationship
is of a transitory or seasonal nature or for an anticipated limited
CC. Farm – all of the contiguous, neighboring, or associated land
operated as a single unit on which any agricultural activity or the
raising of livestock or small animals is occurring; provided,
however, that the land to be considered a farm shall include a
continuous unplatted lot not less than ten (10) acres in area
DD. Floor area, Gross – the total horizontal area of all floors of a
building, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls and
including all habitable basement areas, as determined by the
Building Code. For nonresidential buildings, the floor area shall
include accessory buildings and all basement space used for
activities related to the principal use.
EE. Garage, Private – a space or structure not over one story suitable
for storing one (1) or more automobiles and designed and used for
private rather than public, commercial or industrial purposes.
Garages attached to dwellings shall be deemed a part of the
dwelling for purposes of determining yard requirements, but not
floor area.
FF. Garage, Commercial – a building or structure designed or used for
the storage, care, repair or commercial display of automobiles,
tractors, trucks, or other power equipment
GG. Greenbelt – a strip of land of specified width and location reserved
for the planting of shrubs and/or trees to serve as an obscuring
screen or buffer strip
HH. Home Occupation – an occupation, activity or hobby that is
traditionally or customarily carried on within the walls of a
dwelling unit, provided;
1. that such occupation is incidental to the residential use to the
extent that not more than twenty percent (20%) of the gross
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floor area of the principal building or fifty percent (50%) of the
accessory building shall be occupied by such occupation;
2. that no article or service is sold or offered for sale on the
premises except such as is produced by such occupation;
3. that such occupation shall not require internal or external
alterations or construction features, equipment or machinery not
customary in residential areas;
4. that there be not more than one (1) employee other than
members of the resident family;
5. that no sign greater than two (2) square feet shall be displayed
and shall not be illuminated
II. Junk Yard – an open area of more than two hundred (200) square
feet, including an automobile wrecking yard, used for the purchase,
sales, exchange, disassembly, storage, processing, baling or
packaging of junk, including but not limited to scrap metals,
unusable machinery or motor vehicles, tires, bottles and paper, and
not including uses established entirely within enclosed buildings
JJ. Kennel, Commercial – an establishment where three (3) or more
dogs, cats or other pets are confined or kept for sale, boarding,
breeding, or training purposes for remuneration; or where nine (9)
or more pets are kept for any reason
KK. Kennel, Private – an area where more than four (4) but less than
nine (9) dogs, cats or other pets over the age of one (1) year are
kept for recreation or personal use. If nine (9) or more are kept, it
shall be classified as a commercial kennel.
LL. Loading Space – on off-street facility or space on the same lot with
a building or group of buildings, for temporary parking of a
commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise or
MM. Lot Area – the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot. For
lots fronting or adjacent to private streets, lot area shall mean that
area within lot lines and not including any portion of the said
private street.
NN. Lot, Corner – any lot located at the intersection of two (2) streets.
A lot on a curved street shall be considered a corner lot is the
intersection of the two front lot lines forms an interior angle of less
than one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees.
OO. Lot Coverage – that part or percent of the lot occupied by principal
and accessory buildings
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PP. Lot Depth – the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot
lines measured along the median between the side lot lines
QQ. Lot, Interior – any lot other than a corner lot or through lot
RR. Lot Lines (Property Lines) – the lines bounding a lot as defined
1. Front Lot Line: in the case of an interior lot, the line separating
the lot from the street. In the case of a corner lot or through lot,
the line separating the lot from both streets.
2. Rear Lot Lines: that line opposite the front lot line. In the case
of a lot pointed at the rear, the rear lot line shall be an
imaginary line parallel to the front lot line, not less than ten (10)
feet long lying farthest from the front lot line, and wholly
within the lot.
3. Side Lot Line: any lot line other than the front lot line or rear
lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or lots
is an interior side lot line. A lot line separating a lot from a side
street is a front lot line.
SS. Lot of Record – a parcel of land, the dimensions of which area
shown on a recorded plat of file with the County Register of
Deeds, or any parcel which has been separated there from in
accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Control Act and
which exists as described. A lot of record must front a public
street which is dedicated for access as a public street, or upon an
approved private road.
TT. Lot, Through – a double frontage lot, not a corner lot, having a
street for both front and rear lot lines
UU. Lot Width – the length of a straight line measured between the two
points where the building line or minimum required front setback
line intersects the side lot lines
VV. Major Thoroughfare – an arterial street which is designated as a
major thoroughfare on the Thoroughfare Plan for the Village. Also
known as a Major Arterial.
WW. Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan) – the official Comprehensive
Plan for the development of the Village, including but not limited
to graphic and written proposals for thoroughfares, parks, public
buildings, land use and the general physical development of the
Village, adopted by the Planning Commission
XX. Marquee – a roof-like structure of a permanent nature projecting
from the wall of a building
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YY. Mezzanine – an intermediate or fractional story between the floor
and ceiling of a main story occupying not more than thirty percent
(30%) of the floor area of such main story
ZZ. Manufactured Home – a detached, portable, single-family dwelling
unit, prefabricated on its own chassis, to be transported after
fabrication to a location where it will be connected to existing
utilities and utilized for long-term occupancy as a complete
dwelling. This definition does not include a Travel Trailer.
AAA. Manufactured Home Park – a parcel of land developed in
conformity with Michigan Public Act 419 of 1976, as amended.
BBB. Nonconforming Building (Nonconforming Structure) – a building
or structure (or portion thereof) lawfully existing at the time of
adoption of this Ordinance or a subsequent amendment thereto,
that does not conform to the provisions of this Ordinance relative
to height, bulk, area, placement or yards of the zoning district in
which it is located
CCC. Nonconforming Use – a use of a building or structure or of a
parcel, or tract of land, lawfully existing at the time of adoption of
this Ordinance or a subsequent amendment thereto, that does not
conform to the use or regulations of this Ordinance for the zoning
district in which it is situated
DDD. Nonconforming Use and Building – a use and a building lawfully
exiting at the time of adoption of this Ordinance or a subsequent
amendment thereto which does not conform to the use, height,
bulk, placement or yard provisions for the zoning district in which
it is situates
EEE. Nursery School –
Class 1 (Family Day Care Home) – a private residence where care,
protection, and supervision are provided, for a fee, to no more than
six (6) children at one time, including the children of the adult
Class 2 (Group Day Care Home) – a private home in which more
than six (6), but no more than twelve (12), minor children are
given care and supervision for periods less than twenty-four (24)
hours per day unattended by a parent or guardian, except children
related to an adult member of the family. It includes a home that
gives care to unrelated minor children for more than four (4) weeks
per calendar year.
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Class 3 (Group Child Care Facility) – a non-residential building or
structure where care, protection, and supervision are provided, on a
regular schedule, at least twice a week
FFF. Nursing Home (Convalescent or Rest Home) – a home for the care
of the aged, infirm or those suffering from bodily and/or mental
disorders, wherein more than six (6) persons are housed or lodged
and furnished with professional care
GGG. Occupied – used in any way at the time in question
HHH. Odor Threshold – the minimum concentration, in air, of gas, vapor,
or particulate matter that can be detected by the olfactory systems
of a panel of healthy observers
III. Off-street Parking Lot – a facility other than for single or two-
family dwellings providing vehicular parking spaces along with
adequate drives and aisles for maneuvering, so as to provide access
for entrance and exit for the parking of more than three (3) vehicles
JJJ. Owner – the person or persons, firm, or corporation having legal or
equitable title to a lot or parcel of land, or their leases or agents
KKK. Park, Day-Use – a public or private park for outdoor recreation,
such as a playground, sports playing field, picnic area, day camp of
a church group or other quasi-public organization, or similar use,
which does not include overnight camping facilities or outdoor
lighting for use of the park property after dark
LLL. Roadside Stand – a temporary or existing permanent structure
containing not more than two hundred (200) square feet of
enclosed floor area and operating for the purpose of selling
agricultural, dairy or poultry products raised or produced only by
the proprietor of the stand or by his/her family
MMM. Sign – the use of any words, numerals, figures, devices,
designs, or trademarks by which anything is made known to the
general public and is visible off the lot
NNN. Sign Area – the entire area within a regular geometric form
comprising all of the display area and all of the elements of the
matter displayed. The sign area shall be computed on one side of a
single or two-sided sign and on all sides of a sign with three or
more faces.
OOO. Site Plan – a plan showing all salient features of a proposed
development, so that it may be evaluated in order to determine
whether it meets the provisions of this Ordinance. A site plan must
include all of the information required by Section 10.25 of this
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PPP. Setback Line, Required – a line, marking the setback distance from
the street or plot lines, which establishes the minimum required
front, side or rear open space of a lot
QQQ. Stable, Private – an accessory building for the keeping of horses
for non-commercial use of the residents of the principal building
on the lot
RRR. Stable, Riding or Boarding (Including Riding Academies) – a
stable other than a private stable, carried on within an unplatted
parcel of land of not less than forty (40) acres
SSS. Story – that part of a building, except a mezzanine or basement, as
defined herein, included between the surface on one floor and the
surface of the next floor above it, or any portion of a building
between the topmost floor and the roof having a usable floor area
equal to at least fifty percent (50%) of the usable floor area of the
floor immediately below it
TTT. Street – a public thoroughfare or an approved private road which
affords the principal means of access to abutting property
UUU. Structure – any constructed or erected material, the use of which
requires locations on the ground or attachment to something
having location on the ground, including but not limited to
buildings, towers, sheds, fences and signs, but excepting walks,
drives, pavements, and similar access or circulation facilities
VVV. Right-of-way Line – the dividing line between the street and a lot
WWW. Temporary Use, Temporary Building – a use or building
permitted to exist during periods of construction of a main building
or use, or for special events
XXX. Travel Trailer – a vehicle, self-propelled or non self-propelled, so
designed and constructed as to permit its being used as a
conveyance on the public streets and duly licensable as such, and
of a nature that will permit nonpermanent occupancy as a dwelling
unit or rooming unit by one or more persons
YYY. Use, Principal – the primary and chief purpose for which a lot pr
parcel is used
ZZZ. Variance – a modification of the literal provisions of this
Ordinance granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals in situations or
under circumstances where permitted by law
AAAA. Wall – an obscuring structure of definite height and location,
constructed of masonry, concrete or similar approved material
Page | 17
BBBB. Yard – the open spaces on the same lot with a main building,
unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except as
otherwise provided in this Ordinance, and as defined herein:
1. Front Yard – an open space extending the full width of the lot,
the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between
the front lot line and the front setback line
2. Rear Yard – an open space extending the full width of the lot,
the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between
the rear lot line and the rear setback line
3. Side Yard – an open space, extending from the front yard to the
rear yard, the width of which is the horizontal distance from
nearest point of the side lot line to the side setback line
As used in the Ordinance, the following words, terms and phrases are
defined and, where applicable, equate words and terms utilized in the
Condominium Act with words and terms used in Section 3.01 of the Zoning
Ordinance, as amended.
A. Condominium Act means Act 59 of 1978, as amended.
B. Condominium building site shall mean that area containing the
limited common elements together with its condominium unit and
together shall equate to the requirements of a lot and a lot’s
required elements as contained in Metamora Village Zoning
C. Condominium subdivision plan means the site, survey, and
utility plans; flood plain plans; and sections, as appropriate,
showing the existing and proposed structures and improvements
including the location thereof on the land. The condominium
subdivision plan shall show the size, location, area, and horizontal
boundaries of each unit as well as vertical boundaries and volume
for each unit comprised of enclosed air space. A number shall be
assigned to each condominium unit. The condominium
subdivision plan shall include the nature, location, and appropriate
size of common elements, and limited common elements. The
Condominium Subdivision Plan, for purpose of this Ordinance,
shall include the Master Deed and Bylaws of the Condominium
Page | 18
D. Condominium Unit means that portion of the condominium
project designed and intended for separate ownership and use, as
described in the Master Deed.
E. Equivalent word, term – those words and terms and phrases in
the Zoning Ordinance which correspond to that word, term or
phrase set forth in this definition section
F. General common elements – means the portion of the
condominium project other than the condominium unit and limited
common elements.
G. Limited common elements – means a portion of the common
elements reserved in the Master Deed for the exclusive use of less
than all co-owners.
H. Master deed – means the condominium document recording the
condominium project as approved by the Village Council to which
is attached as exhibits and incorporated by reference the approved
Bylaws for the project and the approved condominium subdivision
plans for the project.
I. Manufactured home condominium project – means a
condominium project in which manufactured homes are intended
to be located upon separate condominium units.
J. Setback equivalent – “The distance between the boundary of the
condominium unit and the outer boundary of the limited common
element for that unit,” or, where no limited common element is
provided, “the distance between the nearest point on the
condominium dwelling or structure and the outer boundary of the
condominium unit” is the equivalent phrase for the word “setback”
as contained in the Zoning Ordinance.
K. Site condominium – the resulting “subdivision” or development
of land created under the Condominium Act.
L. Subdivision ordinance – mans the Metamora Village Subdivision
Regulations Ordinance, as amended.
Page | 19
M. Yard area – limited common element reserved exclusively for the
unit located within the yard area.
N. Zoning ordinance means the Metamora Village Zoning
Ordinance, as amended.
The following drawing is provided to illustrate, in a general way, the
correlation between a lot and elements of a lot as provided for in the
Subdivision Control Ordinance and in the Zoning Ordinance and a Site
Condominium Building site and its elements. Where there is a conflict
between this illustration and the terms and conditions of another
ordinance, the terms and conditions of this Section shall control.
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Page | 27
The R-1 district is designed to provide areas for low-density, single family
residential development on larger lots than the R-2 district.
Unless otherwise provided in the Ordinance, no building shall be erected and
no building or land shall be used in an R-1 district except for one or more of
the following:
A. Single-family dwellings
B. Home occupations
C. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the
above permitted uses including not more than one garage with each
dwelling in which may be housed not more than two (2)
commercial farm vehicles. A family day care home is permitted as
an accessory use to a single family home.
D. Farms and agriculture, as defined in Article 3 (Section 10.31)
E. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
subject to the requirements and standards of Article 11. Site plan approval is
required for all special land uses in this district. See Section 10.25.
A. Accessory apartment (Section 11.03)
B. Campgrounds, overnight camping parks (Section 11.07)
C. Caretaker’s residence (Section 11.08)
D. Cemeteries (Section 11.10)
Page | 28
E. Churches (Section 11.11)
F. Colleges and universities (Section 11.13)
G. Commercial greenhouse (Section 11.14)
H. Convalescent, Nursing or Rest Home (Section 11.16)
I. Golf course (Section 11.19)
J. Kennels, private (Section 11.26)
K. Limited business uses (Section 11.28)
L. Ponds (Section 11.32)
M. Public buildings (Section 11.33)
N. Riding academies and stables, commercial (Section 11.36)
O. Roadside stands/markets (Section 11.37)
P. Schools (Section 11.38)
Q. Local utility structures, electric stations (Section 11.40)
R. Bed & Breakfast Inns (Section 11.42)
S. Cluster Housing Option (Section 11.43)
A site plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning
Commission for any new multi-lot or condominium development not subject
to the Subdivision Control Act or any substantial change in a multi-lot or
condominium development. See Section 10.25.
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
Page | 29
The Single Family Residential District (R-2) is intended to provide home
sites and a suitable environment for individuals, and families and individuals
with children. To this end, uses are limited to single family dwellings,
schools, parks, playgrounds, and similar uses which provide a neighborhood
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the R-2 district except for one or
more of the following:
A. Single family dwellings
B. Home occupations
C. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above
permitted uses, including a family day care home
D. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
subject to the requirements and standards of Article 11. Site plan approval is
required for all special land uses in this district. See Section 10.25.
A. Accessory apartment (Section 11.03)
B. Cemeteries (Section 11.10)
C. Churches (Section 11.11)
D. Golf course (Section 11.19)
Page | 30
E. Ponds (Section 11.26)
F. Public buildings (Section 11.27)
G. Schools (Section 11.31)
H. Local utility structures, electric stations (Section 11.33)
I. Bed & Breakfast Inns (Section 11.35)
J. Cluster Housing Option (Section 11.36)
K. (Reserved)
A site plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning
Commission for any new multi-lot or condominium development not subject
to the Subdivision Control Act or any substantial change in a multi-lot or
condominium development. See Section 10.25.
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
The Multiple Family District is intended to provide sites that serve the
Village’s limited needs for apartment-type structures. Such development
should be restricted to those sites where on-site soil conditions are suitable
for septic tank/tile field sewage disposal and to areas where public sewers
are likely.
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the M districts except for one or
more of the following uses:
A. Multiple family dwellings
Page | 31
B. Two-family dwellings
C. Rooming houses
D. Group Child Care Facility
E. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses
F. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
subject to the requirements and standards of Article 11. Site plan approval is
required for all special land uses in this district. See Section 10.25.
Section 6.03 (cont’d)
A. Cemeteries (Section 11.10)
B. Churches (Section 11.11)
C. Convalescent or nursing/rest home (Section 11.16)
D. Schools (Section 11.30)
E. Local utility structures, electric stations (Section 11.32)
A site plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning
Commission for any new multi-lot or condominium development not subject
to the Subdivision Control Act or any substantial change in a multi-lot or
condominium development. See Section 10.25.
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
Page | 32
The Manufactured Home Park District is intended to provide an area that
can serve the Village’s limited needs for manufactured homes within a
manufactured home park setting.
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the MH district except for one or
more of the following uses:
A. Manufactured home park or manufactured home condominium
B. Parks and public recreation facilities
C. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses
D. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
and review and approval by the Village Council subject to the requirements
and standards of Article 11. Site plan approval is required for all special
land uses in this district. See Section 10.25.
A. Local utility structures, electric stations (Section 11.32)
B. Group Child Care Facilities (Section 11.23)
A site plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning
Commission for any new use, addition to an existing use, structural
alteration or substantial change in use. Site plan approval is required for all
permitted uses and special land uses in this district. See Section 10.25.
Page | 33
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
All manufactured home park development shall be served by public sewer
unless an alternative form of sewage disposal capable of handling the
anticipated capacity without negatively impacting the health, safety, and
welfare of the Village is approved by the Planning Commission.
In order to provide a buffer between a manufactured home park and an
adjacent residential area with less density, a 15-foot wide landscaped
greenbelt shall be provided along all property lines abutting an R-1 or R-2
district, per the requirements of Section 10.11. Furthermore, all exposed
areas within a manufactured home park shall be seeded or sodded with grass
or similar ground cover to reduce soil erosion and maintain a pleasing
aesthetic appearance.
All manufactured homes shall be skirted within thirty (30) days of placement
within the manufactured home park. At a minimum, the skirting shall cover
the entire undercarriage of the manufactured home, be manufactured with a
material similar in appearance to the manufactured home exterior, and be
sufficient to comply with the regulations of the State Mobile Home
All dead-end roads shall have a cul-de-sac or similar means of allowing Fire
Department and emergency vehicles to turn around smoothly and safely. In
addition, the main entrance road connecting the manufactured home park to
the public street system shall be at least 24 feet wide (27 feet back to back
with curbs), have radii of at least 35 feet at the intersection with a public
road, and meet the Village’s 750-foot intersection sight distance standard.
Page | 34
Accessory Structures
Any accessory structure (e.g., storage shed) placed on a manufactured home
lot or parcel shall be located in the rear yard.
The Central Business District is designed to provide sites for office and
diversified business types which would often be incompatible with nearby
residential uses.
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the Central Business District except
for one or more of the following uses:
A. Generally recognized retail businesses which supply commodities
on the premises, such as, but not limited to: groceries, meats, dairy
products, baked goods, or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing
or notions, and hardware
B. Personal service establishments which perform services on the
premises such as, but not limited to: watch, radio, television, or
shoe repair, tailor shops, beauty parlors or barber shops,
photographic studios, self-service laundries or dry cleaners, and
C. Laundry, dry cleaning establishments or pick-up stations, dealing
directly with the consumer. Central dry cleaning plants serving
more than one retail outlet shall be prohibited.
D. Restaurants
E. Automobile service stations; tire, battery and accessory sales, and
other similar types of facilities that do not have outdoor storage of
materials, wastes, or damaged or wrecked vehicles
Page | 35
F. Office buildings for occupations such as real estate, accounting,
clerical, stenographic, insurance, legal, architectural, engineering
and similar professions
G. Medical and dental offices, including clinics
H. Public buildings and utility company buildings, without service or
storage yards or buildings
I. Banks, credit unions, and similar uses
J. Car wash (fully enclosed)
K. Veterinary offices and clinics, excluding kennels
L. New car or boat sales offices and showrooms, including accessory
service facilities, provided that outdoor sales areas for used cars
and boats are permitted only as an accessory use to the new vehicle
M. Clubs, lodge halls, rental or catering halls, and similar uses
N. Funeral homes
O. Hotels and motels
P. Apartments located above commercial establishments
Q. Utility distribution system structures
R. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses
S. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
subject to the requirements and standards of Article 11.
Page | 36
A. Auto service centers (Section 11.05)
B. Car wash (Section 11.09)
C. Commercial outdoor recreation (Section 11.15)
D. Kennels, commercial (Section 11.20)
E. Local utility structures (Section 11.32)
F. (Reserved)
Site plan approval is required for all permitted uses and special land uses in
this district. See Section 10.25.
All new construction and major additions to existing structures within the
Central Business District shall maintain the historic character and
architecture of the district including exterior facades, exterior lighting and
The Office district is designed to provide sites for office development,
serving as a transition area between the more intense commercial district and
less intense residential areas.
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the O district except for one or more
of the following uses:
A. General office and medical office
B. Office of a real estate business
C. Banks and savings and loans and credit unions
Page | 37
D. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses
E. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
subject to the requirements and standards of Article 11.
A. Local utility structures (Section 11.32)
B. Group Child Care Facility (Section 11.23)
Site plan approval is required for all permitted uses and special land uses in
this district. See Section 10.25.
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
The Public Institutional district is designed to provide sites for public and
private recreation, public uses and utilities, commercial outdoor recreation
facilities, and similar uses.
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the PI district except for one or more
of the following uses:
A. Public parks and recreation facilities
B. Public utilities, including sewage treatment plants and facilities
C. Lodge halls and similar meeting areas associated with a
recreational site
Page | 38
D. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses
E. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given and after review and approval by the Planning Commission,
subject to the requirements and standards of Article 11.
A. Local utility structures (Section 11.32)
B. Group Child Care Facility (Section 11.23)
C. Commercial Outdoor Recreation (Section 11.15)
Site plan approval is required for all permitted uses and special land uses in
this district. See Section 10.25.
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
The Industrial (I) district is intended to accommodate certain industrial,
research and warehousing activities whose external physical effects are
minimal and in no way detrimental to surrounding districts plus certain
wholesale and intensive service activities of a nature that does not justify
their inclusion in any commercial use district. To this end, all I uses shall
comply with the Performance Standards of Section 10.18.
Unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance, no building shall be erected
and no building or land shall be used in the I district except for one or more
of the following uses:
Page | 39
A. Any use charged with the principal function of basic research,
design and pilot or experimental product development when
conducted within a completely enclosed building. The growing of
any vegetation requisite to the conducting of basic research shall
be excluded from the requirement for enclosure.
B. Research and office uses related to permitted industrial operations
C. Any of the following uses when conducted wholly within a
completely enclosed building:
1. Warehousing and wholesale establishments, tool, die, gauge
and machine shops
2. The manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or
treatment of such products as: cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,
toiletries, food products, hardware and household supplies
3. The manufacture, compounding, assembling or treatment of
articles or merchandise from the following types of previously
prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork,
feathers, felt, fur, glass, leather, paper, plastics, precious or
semi-precious metals or stones, sheet metal (excluding large
stampings such as automobile fenders or bodies), ferrous and
non-ferrous metals (excluding large castings and fabrications),
shell, wax, wire, wood (excluding saw and planning mills) and
4. The manufacture of pottery and figurines, or other similar
ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay and
kilns fired only by electricity or gas
D. Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties, and metal or
rubber stamps or other small molded rubber products, or injection
molded or vacuum-formed plastic products
E. Manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, electronic
instruments, radios and phonographs, computers, and similar
F. Experimental, film or testing laboratories
Page | 40
G. Manufacture and repair of electric or neon signs, light sheet metal
products, such as heating and ventilating equipment and ductwork,
gutters, downspouts, and the like
H. Storage, transfer and trucking terminals, mini-warehouses, electric
and gas company and municipal service buildings and yards,
sewage treatment and disposal plants
I. Lumber yards, building materials storage and sales
J. Heavy automobile repair garages (excluding junk yards or storage
of wrecked vehicles)
K. Indoor racquet sports building, ice arena, and similar uses
involving large structures of the type that can be easily converted
to industrial usage
L. Contractor or builder’s office, including an equipment storage yard
if related to the contractor or builder’s business
M. Rental space for storage of travel trailers, motor homes,
recreational vehicles, campers, boats and the like, provided all
sides which abut property zoned for residential use shall have a six
(6)-foot-high, completely obscuring wall or fence
N. Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses
O. Uses which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, are
similar to the above permitted uses
The following special land uses shall be permitted only after proper notice
has been given, after review and recommendation by the Planning
Commission and after review and approval by the Village Council, subject
to the requirements and standards of Article 11.
A. Drive-in movie theater (Section 11.17)
B. Kennels, commercial (Section 11.20)
Page | 41
C. Retail uses (Section 11.27)
D. Shooting ranges, gun clubs (Section 11.31)
E. Utility uses (Section 11.32)
F. Yard compost facilities (Section 11.12)
G. Commercial Greenhouse (Section 11.14)
H. Bus Passenger Station
Site plan approval is required for all permitted uses and special land uses in
this district. See Section 10.25.
Whenever an industrial use is adjacent to a Residential (R-2), Multi-Family
(M), Low-Density (R-1), or Commercial (CBD) use, a greenbelt shall be
provided as set forth in Section 10.11.
See Article 9, Schedule of Regulations, for height, bulk, density, area, and
setback requirements.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Ordinance, no lot shall be
smaller than the minimum size specified in Section 9.02, nor shall the
buildings or structures on any lot occupy a greater percentage of the lot than
the maximum specified below.
Also, except as provided otherwise in this Ordinance, no structure shall be
erected or maintained between any lot line and the pertinent setback distance
listed below, and no building shall be erected or maintained which exceeds
the height limit specified below. The side setback requirement applies to a
side lot line and shall also apply to any lot line which is neither a front, rear
or side lot line as defined in the ordinance. No space which for the purpose
of a building has been counted or calculated as part of a side yard, rear yard,
Page | 42
front yard or other open space, may be counted or calculated to satisfy a yard
or other open space requirement for any other building which is not located
on the same lot.
Page | 44
A. The ratio of lot depth to lot width shall not exceed 4:1 for any lot
20 acres or less in any district. Also, the “with sewer” densities
may be permitted for developments proposed to have all units
connected to the Village sewer system and for any development
providing its own master wastewater treatment facility meeting the
standards of the State Health Department and the Department of
Natural Resources and Environment.
B. In determining required yard spaces (minimum setbacks) for all
land uses in any zoning district, the determination of such yard
spaces shall be the distance from the building or structure on the
lot at the nearest lot line. Front yard setbacks for the yard spaces
shall be measured from the edge of the existing right-of-way line
for such thoroughfare to the building or structure on a lot. See
Section 10.01 for setbacks applying to accessory buildings.
C. Where a front yard of less depth than the specified depths exists in
the front of more than 50 percent of the lots of record on one side
of the street in any block at the time of the passage of this
Ordinance, the depth of the front yard of any building subsequently
erected on that side of the street in the block shall not be less than
the average depths of the front yards of such existing dwellings. In
rural areas, a block shall be measured 1,300 feet in each direction
from the centerline axis of the lot in question or to the nearest
intersecting street, whichever is less.
D. The following shall apply to all districts: where a side yard abuts
upon a street, it shall constitute a front yard and all buildings,
structures and accessory uses shall be located not less than the
required front setback.
Page | 45
E. Multiple Family Residential Development Requirements:
Front, side, and rear yards relating to the spacing between
buildings in multiple family developments shall have the following
overall dimensions:
Building Relationship
Overall Distance Between
(Exclusive of Parking Area)
Front to Front 50
Front to Side 40’
Front to Rear 50’*
Rear to Rear 50’*
Rear to Side 40’
Side to Side 30’
Corner to Corner 25’
*Parking may be permitted in up to 50 percent of the required
yard, provided there is at least 25’ of yard space between the
building and parking area.
F. For side yards which border on a residential district, there shall be
provided a setback of at least thirty (30’) feet.
G. Walls must meet appropriate fireproof rating (see building code) or
a 10’ setback will be required.
H. The minimum floor area, per unit, for multiple family dwellings
shall be as follows:
Efficiency unit 600 square feet
One bedroom unit 720 square feet
Two bedroom unit 840 square feet
Three bedroom unit 960 square feet
Each additional bedroom
120 square feet
Page | 46
All accessory buildings, except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance,
shall be subject to the following regulations:
A. Where the accessory building is structurally attached to the main
building, it shall be subject to, and must conform to, all regulations
of this ordinance applicable to the main building.
B. No accessory building shall be erected in any required yard, except
a rear yard.
C. Where a building in a non-residential district is accessory to a use
of land, it shall comply with all setback requirements for a main
D. Accessory buildings on corner lots shall maintain the specified
front setback from both streets, as required for main buildings in
the same zoning district.
E. No accessory building shall be erected prior to the construction of
the main building unless approved by the Zoning Board of
Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall require that a cash
performance guarantee be posted to insure completion of the main
building, as a condition of approval for prior construction of an
accessory building.
F. Buildings accessory to residential building, in R-1, R-2, M, and
MH districts shall comply with the following:
1. No residential accessory building shall have exposed or
uncovered cement block walls, tarpaper, plywood sheathing, or
similar materials. All exposed walls shall have a finished
appearance by the application of face brick, wood, aluminum or
composition siding, or similar materials approved by the
Building Inspector.
2. In order to maintain the appearance of a residential accessory
building, overhead or similar doors over 8 feet high, and similar
equipment and features shall not be permitted.
Page | 47
3. A minimum setback of 10 feet from all property lines shall be
maintained. In no instance shall an accessory structure be
closer than 15 feet from any traveled way.
4. The combined gross floor area of all accessory structures on a
lot shall not exceed the gross floor area of the main building.
All residential dwellings in R-1, R-2, MH, and M districts shall have their
exposed exterior walls covered by face brick, aluminum, wood or
composition siding, or other similar materials approved by the Building
Inspector. In no instance shall any dwelling have exposed concrete, cement,
or cinder block, or other similar unfinished exterior surfaces.
A. Any building requiring yard space shall be located at such an
elevation that a sloping grade shall be maintained to cause the flow
of surface water to run away from the walls of the building. There
shall be a sloping grade beginning at the finished grade line at the
front of the building to the front lot line. However, this shall not
prevent the maintenance of naturally existing grades or the grading
of a yard space to provide sunken or terraced areas, provided
proper means are constructed and maintained to prevent the run-off
of surface water from flowing onto the adjacent properties.
B. When a new building is constructed on a vacant lot between two
(2) existing buildings or adjacent to an existing building, the
existing established grade shall be used in determining the grade
around the new building. The yard around the new building shall
be graded in such a manner as to meet existing grades and not to
permit run-off of surface water to flow onto the adjacent
properties. A minimum grade of eighteen (18”) inches shall be
established above the crown of the road for all dwellings.
C. Final grades shall be approved by the Building Inspector. The
Building Inspector may require the developer to submit a written
opinion of a registered civil engineer or land surveyor.
Whenever any provision of this Ordinance imposes more stringent
requirements, regulations, restrictions or limitations than are imposed or
required by the provisions of any other law or ordinance, then the provisions
of this Ordinance shall govern. Whenever the provisions of any other law or
Page | 48
ordinance impose more stringent requirements than are imposed or required
by this Ordinance, then the provisions of such ordinance shall govern.
In all districts, no fence, wall shrubbery, sign or other obstruction to vision
above the height of thirty (30) inches from the established street grades shall
be permitted within the intersection of any street drawn between right-of-
way lines at a distance along each line of twenty-five (25) feet from their
point of intersection.
In all R-1 and R-2 districts and on subdivision lots in M districts, there shall
not be more than one (1) residential dwelling on a recorded lot or parcel
except for a Caretaker’s Residence approved under Section 11.08. See
Section 10.29 for Condominium Approval requirement.
The erection, construction, alteration, or maintenance by public utilities or
municipal departments or commissions of underground or overhead gas,
electrical, communication, supply or disposal systems, including mains,
drains, sewer pipes, conduits, wires, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call
boxes, accessories in connection therewith, but not including buildings,
which are necessary for the furnishing of adequate service to the residents of
the Village by such utilities or municipal departments for the general health,
safety and welfare are exempt from the requirements of this ordinance unless
otherwise provided for herein. Essential services, as used in this Ordinance,
do not include utility structures, utility transmission systems, or utility
transmission structures regulated by Section 11.32.
The Village of Metamora finds that flood plain protection is important in
order to reduce the flood risk to Village residents and other communities
upstream. Likewise, wetlands conservation is a matter of Village concern
since loss of wetlands may deprive people in the Village of: flood and storm
control by hydrologic absorption and storage capacity of the wetland;
wildlife habitat through loss of breeding, nesting and feeding grounds;
protection of subsurface water resources and provision of valuable
watersheds and groundwater recharge areas; pollution treatment by serving
Page | 49
as a biological and chemical oxidation basin; and erosion control by serving
as a sedimentation area and filtering basin, absorbing silt and organic matter.
For the above reasons it shall be unlawful to construct any building or
otherwise fill any area that causes a reduction in the floodway of a river or
stream in the Village. Likewise, it shall be unlawful to deposit or permit the
placing of fill material in a wetland; dredge, remove, or permit the removal
of soil or minerals from a wetland; construct, operate, or maintain any use or
development in a wetland; or drain surface water from a wetland unless a
permit is granted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and
Environment. A wetland shall be defined as any area shown as a marsh,
wooded marsh or submerged marsh on United States Geological Survey
(USGS) data or any other area so defined by the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources and Environment or Public Act 203 of 1979.
All proposed development on property with identified wetlands shall require
site plan review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to
beginning construction. Where there is an identified flood plain, no
development shall occur within the flood plain or an area 30 feet above the
established 100-year flood plain level. Where no official flood plain level
has been established, there shall be no development within an area 30 feet
above the water’s edge.
Every dwelling or principal building shall be located on a lot or parcel which
fronts upon a public road for the minimum width of the lot or upon an
approved private road which meets all requirements of the Village’s Road
Ordinance. Modification of this requirement may be permitted by the
Village Council only in the specific instance of private drives as provided
for in the Road Ordinance.
A. Nonduplication. In determining area and yard requirements, no
area shall be counted as accessory to more than one dwelling or
main building or use, and no area necessary for the compliance
with the open-space requirements for one dwelling or main
building or use shall be counted in the calculation of the open-
space accessory to any other dwelling or main building or use.
B. Minimum Area. No parcel of land shall be so reduced that the
yards or other open spaces or the area thereof is less than the
Page | 50
minimum required by this Ordinance. Accessory buildings,
including garages, enclosed porches and carports attached to a
dwelling or other main building shall be deemed part of such
building for the purpose of determining yard requirement.
C. Yard Abutting Highways. Where a rear yard abuts upon a public
highway, the setback of all buildings from the nearest side of the
highway right-of-way shall be no less than the yard requirements
of other buildings fronting upon such highway.
D. Established Front Yards. In the event that any vacant parcel of
land on which a dwelling or other main building is to be erected is
located between other lots or parcels of land on which existing
dwellings or main buildings have front yards less than the depth
required by appropriate section of this Ordinance, then the front
yards shall not be less than the average depth of the front yards of
all such buildings within one hundred (100) feet of the side lines of
such parcel.
E. Rear Yard Uses. No accessory building or structure shall be
erected, nor shall any vehicle or structure shall be erected, nor shall
any vehicle or structure be stored in any yard except the rear yard.
A. Whenever a greenbelt is required by this ordinance or landscaping
is proposed by a developer, it shall be planted within six (6)
months from the date a certificate of occupancy is issued and shall
thereafter be maintained in a healthy, growing condition to provide
a screen to abutting properties. Specific planting requirements for
greenbelts are as follows:
1. The planting strip shall be no less than fifteen (15) feet in
2. Plant materials shall not be placed closer than four (4) feet from
the property line.
3. A minimum of one (1) evergreen tree shall be planted at ten
(10) foot intervals.
4. A minimum of three (3) intermediate shrubs shall be placed
between the spaced evergreen trees.
5. Plant materials within the greenbelt should have a pleasing
natural appearance by staggering the plants in one or more rows
or by grouping of materials.
Page | 51
6. No earthen berm shall exceed a height of four (4) feet. To
avoid a monotonous appearance and insure proper drainage in
the area, the berm shall be broken or provided with openings at
least every seventy-five (75) feet.
B. Suggested plant materials:
1. The following evergreens and all similar plants proposed shall
be a minimum of four (4) feet in height with an average spread
of thirty (30) inches:
Fir Pine
Juniper Red Cedar
American Arborvitae Pyramidal Arborvitae
Columnar Juniper Irish Juniper
2. The following types of single stem, tree-like shrubs shall have a
minimum caliper of two (2) inches installed:
Flowering Crabs Russian Olive
Smoke Bush Clump Bush
Mountain Ash Dogwood
Red Bud Rose of Sharon
3. The following types of deciduous shrubs shall have a minimum
height of three (3) feet when installed:
Honey Suckle Viburnum
Mockorange Tall hedge
Holly (Varieties) Forsythia
Barberry Ninebark
4. The following types of trees shall have a minimum caliper of
three (3) inches when installed:
Marshall Seedless Ash
Thornless, Seedless Varieties of Locust
Hard Maples
Page | 52
A. Intent:
It is the intent of this Ordinance to permit nonconforming lots, structures,
or uses to continue until they are removed but not to encourage their
It is recognized that there exists within the districts established by this
Ordinance and subsequent amendments, uses which were lawful before
this Ordinance was passed or amended which would be prohibited,
regulated, or restricted under the terms of this Ordinance or future
amendments. Such uses are declared by this Ordinance to be
incompatible permitted uses in the districts involved. It is further the
intent of this Ordinance that nonconformities shall not be enlarged upon
or expanded, nor be used as grounds for adding other structures or uses
prohibited elsewhere in the same district.
A nonconforming use of a structure, a nonconforming use of land, or a
nonconforming use of a structure and land shall not be extended or
enlarged after passage of this Ordinance by attachment on a building or
premises of additional signs intended to be seen from off the premises, or
by the addition of other uses of a nature which would be prohibited
generally in the district involved.
To avoid undue hardship, nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to
require a change in the plans, construction, or designated use of any
building on which actual construction was lawfully begun prior to the
effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance and upon
which actual building construction has been diligently carried on. Actual
construction is hereby defined to include the placing of construction
material in permanent position and fastened in a permanent manner;
except that where demolition or removal of an existing building has been
substantially begun preparatory to rebuilding, such demolition or removal
shall be deemed to be actual construction, provided that work shall be
diligently carried on until completion of the building involved.
B. Nonconforming Lots:
Page | 53
1. In any district in which single-family dwellings are permitted,
notwithstanding limitations imposed by other provisions of this
Ordinance, a single-family dwelling and customary accessory
buildings may be erected on any single lot of record at the
effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance.
This provision shall apply even though such lot fails to meet the
requirements for area, or width, or both, that are generally
applicable in the district; provided that yard dimensions and
other requirements not involving area or width, or both, of the
lot shall conform to the regulations for the district in which
such lot is located. Yard requirements variances may be
obtained through approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
2. If two or more lots or combinations of lots and portions of lots
with continuous frontage in single ownership are of record at
the time of passage or amendment of this Ordinance, and if all
or part of the lots do not meet the requirements for lot width
and area as established by this Ordinance, the lands involved
shall be considered to be an undivided parcel for the purposes
of this Ordinance, and no portion of said parcel shall be used or
occupied which does not meet lot width and area requirements
established by the Ordinance, nor shall any division of the
parcel be made which leaves remaining any lot with width or
area below the requirements stated in this Ordinance.
C. Nonconforming Uses of Land:
Where, at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance,
lawful use of land exists that is made no longer permissible under the
terms of this Ordinance as enacted or amended, such use may be
continued, so long as it remains lawful, subject to the following
1. No such nonconforming use shall be enlarged or increased, to
occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance.
2. No such nonconforming use shall be moved in whole or in part
to any other portion of the lot or parcel occupied by such use at
the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance.
3. If such nonconforming use of land ceases for any reason for a
period of six (6) consecutive months or for eighteen (18)
Page | 54
months during any three year period, any subsequent use of
such land shall conform to the regulations specified by this
Ordinance for the district in which such land is located.
D. Nonconforming Structures:
Where a lawful structure exists at the effective date of adoption or
amendment of this Ordinance that could not be built under the terms of
this Ordinance by reason of restrictions on area, lot coverage, height,
yards, or other characteristics of the structure or its location on the lot,
such structure may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful,
subject to the following provisions:
1. No such structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which
increases its nonconformity; for example, existing residences
on lots of a width less than required herein may add a rear
porch provided that other requirements relative to yard space
and land coverage are met.
2. Should such structure be destroyed by any means to an extent
of more than sixty (60) percent of its replacement cost,
exclusive of the foundation at the time of destruction, it shall
not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of
this Ordinance.
3. Should such structure be moved for any reason for any distance
whatever, it shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the
district in which it is located after it is moved.
E. Nonconforming Uses of Structures and Land:
If a lawful use of a structure, or of structures and land in combination,
exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance,
that would not be allowed in the district under the terms of this
Ordinance, the lawful use may be continued so long as it remains
otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
1. No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this
Ordinance in the district in which it is located shall be enlarged,
constructed, moved or structurally altered except in changing
the use of the structure to a use permitted in the district in
which it is located
Page | 55
2. Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any parts
of the building which were manifestly arranged or designed for
such use, and which existed at the time of adoption or
amendment of this Ordinance, but no such use shall be
extended to occupy any land outside such building.
3. In any district, if no structural alteration s are made, any
nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and premises
may be changed to another nonconforming use of the same or a
more restricted classification provided that the Board of
Appeals, either by general rule or by making findings in the
specific case, shall find that the proposed use is equally
appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the existing
nonconforming use. In permitting such change, the Board of
Appeals may require appropriate conditions and safeguards in
accord with the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. Where a
nonconforming use of a structure, land or a structure and land
in combination is hereafter changed to a more restrictive
classification, it shall not thereafter be changed to a less
restricted classification.
4. Any structure, or structure and land in combination, in or on
which a nonconforming use is superseded by a permitted use,
shall thereafter conform to the regulations for the district ins
which such structure is located, and the nonconforming use
may not thereafter be resumed
5. When a nonconforming use of a structure and premises in
combination, is discontinued or ceases to exist for six (6)
consecutive months or for eighteen (18) months during any
three year period, the structure, or structure and premises in
combination, shall not thereafter by used except in conformance
with the regulations of the district in which it is located.
Structures occupied by seasonal uses shall be excepted from
this provision.
6. Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and
premises in combination, removal or destruction of the structure
shall eliminate the nonconforming status of the land
F. Repairs and Maintenance:
On any building devoted in whole or in part to any nonconforming use,
work may be done in any period of twelve (12) consecutive months on
Page | 56
ordinary repairs, or on repair or replacement of nonbearing walls,
fixtures, wiring or plumbing to an extent not exceeding fifty (50) percent
of the assessed value of the building, provided that the cubic content of
the building as it existed at the time of passage or amendment of this
Ordinance shall not be increased.
Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening
or restoring to a safe condition of any building or part thereof declared to
be unsafe by any official charged with protecting public safety, upon
order of such official.
G. Uses Allowed as Special Land Uses:
Any use which is permitted as special land use as provided in this
Ordinance shall not be deemed a nonconforming use but shall without
further action be deemed as a conforming use in such district.
H. Change of Tenancy or Ownership:
There may be a change in tenancy, ownership or management of any
existing nonconforming uses of land, structures and premises provided
there is no change in the nature or character of such nonconforming uses.
On the same premises with every building, structure, or part thereof,
involving the receipt or distribution of vehicles or materials or merchandise,
there shall be provided and maintained on the lot adequate space for
standing, loading and unloading in order to avoid undue interference with
public use of dedicated rights-of-way. Such space shall be provided as
A. All spaces shall be provided so as not to interfere with any off-
street parking spaces or maneuvering lanes.
B. All spaces shall be laid out in the dimension of at least ten by fifty
(10 x 50) feet, or five hundred (500) square feet in area, with
clearance of at least fourteen (14) feet in height. Loading dock
approaches shall be provided with a pavement having an asphaltic
or Portland cement binder so as to provide a permanent, durable
and dustless surface. All spaces in I district shall be provided in
the ratio of one (1) space for each 20,000 square feet of gross floor
Page | 57
area up to a maximum of five (5) required loading spaces. All
industrial and commercial businesses shall provide at least one (1)
off-street loading/unloading space.
There shall be provided in all districts at the time of erection or enlargement
of any main building or structure, or the establishment of any use,
automobile off-street parking space with adequate access to all spaces, in
conjunction with all land or building uses (including the principal use and all
auxiliary uses).
A. Off-street parking for other than residential uses shall be either on
the same lot or within three hundred (300) feet of the building it is
intended to serve, measured from the nearest point of the building
to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot, without crossing
any major thoroughfare. Ownership shall be shown of all lots or
parcels intended for use as parking by the applicant when an
application for a building permit or a certificate of occupancy is
B. Residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of a parking
strip, parking bay, driveway, garage, parking lot, or combination
thereof. Such spaces shall be located on the premises they are
intended to serve. Single and two-family residential off-street
parking are exempt from regulations of the Article governing a
parking lot.
C. Any area designated as required off-street parking shall never be
changed to any other use unless and until equal facilities are
provided in a location which meets all requirements of this
D. Off-street parking existing at the effective date of this Ordinance in
connection with the operation of an existing building or use shall
not be reduced to an amount less than hereinafter required for a
similar new building or new use. Two or more buildings or uses
may collectively provide the required off-street parking, in which
case the required number of parking spaces shall not be less than
the sum of the requirements for the several individual uses
computed separately.
Page | 58
E. Where the owners of two buildings, or uses, whose operating hours
do not overlap, desire to utilize common off-street parking
facilities, application shall be made to the Zoning Board of
Appeals. The Board may grant approval of such dual function off-
street parking facilities, subject to a finding that the following
conditions have been met:
1. The office hours of the two buildings, or uses, in no way
overlap, except for custodial personnel.
2. The common parking lot meets the off-street parking
requirements of the larger building or use plus fifteen (15)
3. The common parking lot meets all location requirements of this
Ordinance with respect to each building or use.
F. Required off-street parking space shall be for the use of occupants,
employees, visitors, customers, clients and patrons. Under no
circumstances shall it be rented, used for other than parking
purposes, or allowed to become unusable (except for temporary
repairs). The storage of vehicles or the repair of vehicles on any
off-street parking space is prohibited.
G. For those uses not specifically mentioned, the requirements of off-
street parking facilities shall be interpreted by the Planning
Commission from requirements for uses similar in type.
H. For the purpose of computing the number of parking spaces
required in commercial or industrial uses, the definition of Gross
Floor Area, in Article 3, definitions, shall govern.
I. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces by type of use
shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule
(multiple-page table):
Page | 59
One-Family Residential Two (2) for each unit
Two-Family Residential Two (2) for each unit
Multiple-Family Residential Two (2) for each unit
Independent Elderly, where residents
live in their own independent
apartment or other housekeeping unit
One (1) for each dwelling unit and
one (1) for each employee
Congregate Elderly, where residents
occupy a private or shared room, and
have meals, medical, laundry, and
other services provided daily
One (1) for each four (4) units
Page | 60
Homes for the Aged
(assisted living, convalescent care,
and nursing homes)
One (1) for each two (2) beds
Churches or Temples One (1) for each three (3) persons
allowed under state, county or local
fire and health regulations or one (1)
for each five (5) feet of pews in the
main unit of worship, whichever is
Hospitals Two (2) for each one (1) bed plus
parking for related uses
Private and Public Elementary and
Junior High Schools, and similar
One (1) for each two (2) seats in the
auditorium or assembly hall, or one
(1) space for each employee, plus ten
(10) visitor spaces, whichever is
Public and Private High Schools and
similar institutions
One (1) for each two (2) seats in the
auditorium or assembly hall, or one
(1) space for each employee, plus
one (1) space for each four (4)
students, whichever is greater
Public and Private Schools converted
for Adult Education Classes
One (1) space for each one and one-
half (1-1/2) students based on the
maximum occupancy as determined
by local or state fire codes
Commuter/Community College,
University, Business Vocational, or
similar school principally enrolling
students 17 years of age or older
One (1) parking space for each pupil
plus parking requirements for places
of public assembly shall be met if
used during periods of classroom
Small Residential Colleges, religious
schools, and similar institutions
One (1) for each three (3) students
plus one (1) for each employee
Page | 61
Private clubs or lodges One (1) for each three (3) persons
allowed within the maximum
occupancy load as established by
local, county, or state fire and health
Private swimming pool clubs or
other similar uses
One (1) for each two (2) member
families or individuals, plus spaces
required for each accessory use such
as a restaurant or bar
Fraternity or Sorority One (1) for each five (5) permitted
active members, or one (1) for each
two (2) beds, whichever is greater
Theaters and auditoriums One (1) for each three (3) seats plus
one (1) for each employee
Theaters and auditoriums in
shopping centers
One (1) for each four (4) seats
Stadia, Sports Arenas, or other place
of outdoor assembly
One (1) for each three (3) seats or
five (5) feet of benches
Libraries, Museums, or Post Offices One (1) for each two hundred (200)
square feet of gross floor area (5
spaces per 1,000 sq.ft. GFA)
Nursery Schools, day nurseries, or
child care centers
One (1) for each three hundred fifty
(350) square feet of usable floor area
(2.86 spaces per 1,000 sq.ft), plus
one (1) space for each employee
Banks, Savings & Loans, or Credit
One (1) for each two hundred (200)
square feet of usable floor area (5
spaces per 1,000 sq.ft), plus five (5)
automobile standing (queue) areas
for each drive-thru teller window.
The automobile standing space shall
not be less than twenty (20) feet by
nine (9) feet. The standing area shall
not be considered parking space.
Page | 62
Offices under 50,000 square feet
Four and one-half (4.5) spaces for
each 1,000 square feet of GFA
Offices containing 50,000 – 99,999
square feet GFA
Four (4) spaces for each 1,000 square
feet of GFA
Offices containing 100,000+ square
feet GFA
Three and one-half (3.5) spaces for
each 1,000 square feet of GFA
*Professional offices of doctors,
dentists, veterinarians, or similar
professions; also Outpatient Clinics
One (1) space for each seventy-five
(75) square feet of GFA
Industrial or Research establishments
and related accessory offices
Five (5) plus one (1) for each
employee in largest working shift, or
five (5) plus one (1) for each five
hundred (500) square feet GFA (2
spaces per 1,000 square feet),
whichever is greater
Warehouses and Wholesale
establishments and related accessory
Five (5) plus one (1) for each
employee in largest working shift, or
five (5) plus one (1) for each
seventeen hundred (1,700) square
feet of GFA (0.59 spaces per 1,000
square feet), whichever is greater
Self-storage or Mini-warehouses One (1) for each ten (10) storage
Commercial or Shipping Center One (1) for each two hundred (200)
square feet of GFA (5 spaces per
1,000 square feet)
Furniture and Appliance, Hardware,
household equipment repair shops,
showroom of a plumber, decorator,
electrician, similar trade; other
similar uses
One (1) for each eight hundred (800)
square feet of GFA (1.25 spaces per
1,000 square feet), plus one (1) for
each two (2) employees
Page | 63
Beauty and Barber Shops Three (3) for each chair, tanning
station, or similar use area
Mortuaries and Funeral Parlors One (1) for each three (3) persons
allowed under state, county, or local
fire and health codes
Miniature Golf establishments Two (2) for each one (1) hole and
one (1) for each employee, plus
parking for accessory uses
Golf Driving Ranges One and one-half (1-1/2) for each
driving pad
Bowling Alleys Five (5) for each bowling lane plus
parking for accessory uses
Dance halls, Pool or Billiard parlors,
Roller Skating rinks, and Exhibition
halls without fixed seats
One (1) for each three (3) persons
allowed under state, county, or local
fire and health codes
Establishments for the sale and
consumption on the premises of
Beverages, Food or Refreshments
(except fast food restaurants)
One (1) for each one hundred (100)
square feet of GFA (10 spaces per
1,000 square feet)
Fast Food Restaurants One (1) space for each sixty (60)
square feet of GFA (16.7 spaces per
1,000 sq.ft), plus a minimum of eight
(8) automobile standing spaces for
drive-up window (if provided). The
automobile standing space shall not
be less than twenty (20) feet by nine
(9) feet. The automobile standing
area shall not count towards the
parking requirement.
Page | 64
Carry-out only Restaurants One (1) for each twenty-five (25)
square feet of usable floor area (40
spaces per 1,000 sq.ft), plus a
minimum of eight (8) automobile
standing spaces for drive-up window
(if provided). The automobile
standing space shall not be less than
twenty (20) feet by nine (9) feet.
The automobile standing area shall
not count towards the parking
Laundromats and coin-operated
laundry, and Dry Cleaners
One space (1) for each two (2)
Automobile Wash (automatic) One (1) space for each one (1)
employee plus an automobile
standing area outside the car wash
structure equal to four (4) times the
maximum capacity of the auto wash.
The maximum capacity of the auto
wash shall mean the greatest number
of automobiles possible undergoing
some phase of washing at the same
time, which shall be determined by
dividing the length in feet of each
wash line by twenty (20).
Automobile Wash (self-service) One (1) space for each employee
plus five (5) automobile standing
spaces for each washing stall in
addition to the stall itself. The
automobile standing spaces shall be
no less than twenty (20) feet by nine
(9) feet.
Page | 65
Gasoline Service Stations (full-
Four (4) parking spaces, exclusive of
stall space, for each stall, plus one
(1) for each fuel pump. In no
instance shall required parking space
or maneuvering area conflict with
vehicles being re-fueled or awaiting
Gasoline Stations (no vehicle repair,
alterations or service)
One (1) space for each fuel pump
plus one (1) space for each
employee. In no instance shall
required parking space or
maneuvering area conflict with
vehicles being re-fueled or awaiting
Gasoline Stations with convenience
retail food and beverage sales other
than machine sales
Same as above plus one (1) space for
each two hundred fifty (250) square
feet of GFA devoted to retail food &
beverage sales
Motel, Hotel or other commercial
lodging establishments
One and one-quarter (1.25) spaces
for each unit plus parking for
accessory uses
Motor Vehicle Sales and Service One (1) space for each two hundred
(200) square feet of usable floor area
of sales room and one (1) for each
one (1) auto service stall exclusive of
the stall itself
Conference Facility One (1) for every three (3) persons
allowed within the maximum
occupancy established by the fire
department or state, county, or local
building and health codes, plus
parking for accessory uses
Retail stores except as specified
One (1) space for each one hundred
fifty (150) square feet of GFA
Page | 66
When units of measurement determining number of required parking spaces
result in requirement of a fractional space, any fraction up to and including
one-half (1/2) shall be disregarded and fractions over one-half (1/2) shall
require one parking space.
Whenever the off-street parking requirements in Section 10.14 require the
building of an off-street parking facility, such off-street parking lot shall bed
laid out, constructed and maintained in accordance with the following
standards and regulations:
A. No parking lot shall be constructed unless and until a permit
therefore is issued by the Building Inspector or Official.
Applications for a permit shall be submitted in such form as may
be determined by the Building Inspector or Official, and shall be
accompanied with two (2) sets of plans for the development and
construction of the parking lot showing that the provisions of this
Section will be fully complied with.
B. Plans for the layout of off-street parking facilities shall be in
accordance with the following minimum requirements:
(in degrees)
Lane Width Space Width Space Length
Total width
of 2 tiers of
spaces plus
0 (Parallel) 12’ 8’ 23’ 40’
30 – 53 12’ 9’ 18 52
54 – 74 15’ 9’ 18 58
75 – 90 24’ 9’ 18 60
C. All spaces shall be provided adequate access by means of
maneuvering lanes. Backing directly onto the street shall be
Page | 67
D. Adequate ingress and egress to the parking lot by means of clearly
limited and defined drives shall be provided for all vehicles.
Ingress and egress to a parking lot lying in an area zoned for other
than single-family residential use shall not be across land zoned for
single-family residential use.
E. All maneuvering lane widths shall permit one-way traffic
movement, except that the 90 degree pattern may permit two-way
F. Each entrance and exit to and from any off-street parking lot
located in an area zoned for other than single-family residential use
shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet distant from any adjacent
property located in any single-family residential district.
G. The off-street parking area shall be provided with a continuous and
obscuring wall not less than four feet six inches (4’6”) in height
measured from the surface of the parking area. This wall shall be
provided on all sides where the next zoning district is designated as
a residential district (R-1, R-2, MH or M) and shall be subject
further to the requirements of Section 10.22.
When a front yard setback is required, all land between said wall
and the front property line or street right-of-way line shall be kept
free from refuse and debris and shall be landscaped with deciduous
shrubs, evergreen material and ornamental trees. The ground area
shall be planted and kept in lawn. All such landscaping and
planting shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition, neat
and orderly in appearance.
H. The entire parking area, including parking spaces and maneuvering
lanes, required under this section, shall be provided with asphaltic
or concrete surfacing in accordance with specification s approved
by the Planning Commission. The parking area shall be surfaced
within one year of the date the permit for its construction is issued
or within six months of completion of an associated principal
structure, whichever comes first.
Page | 68
Off-street parking areas shall be drained so as to dispose of all
surface water accumulated in the parking area in such a way as to
preclude drainage of water onto adjacent property or toward
buildings, and plans shall meet the approval of the Village.
I. All lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be
installed as to be confined within and directed onto the parking
area only.
J. Parking Lot Landscaping Requirement
In addition to requirements for landscaping setback areas, all off-
street parking lots of more than forty (40) spaces shall incorporate
and provide curbed or otherwise protected landscaped islands
located within the parking lot itself. The minimum size for a
landscaped island shall be five by fifty (50) square feet. The ratio
of landscaped area to number of parking spaces shall be one
hundred (100) square feet or each twenty (20) parking spaces. The
landscaped islands shall be provided with a variety of plant
materials including trees of a selected variety and size as may be
practical for planting and architectural effect, and a variety of low-
growing shrubs. Maximum mature shrub height shall be twenty-
four inches (24”) and minimum canopy height of deciduous trees
shall be six feet (6’).
K. End Islands Required
In order to delineate on-site circulation, ensure adequate sight
distance at the intersection of parking aisles, ring roads, and private
roads; protect the vehicle at the end of a parking bay, and define
the geometry of internal intersections, end islands (painted,
landscaped, or raised curb) shall be required at the end of all
parking bays in off-street parking lots of more than forty (40)
spaces. At a minimum, one landscaped island (see J. above) or
raised curb island shall be provided for every two (2) painted
L. In all cases where a screen wall extends to a driveway which is a
means of ingress and egress to an off-street parking area, it shall be
permissible to end the wall not more than fifteen (15) feet from
Page | 69
such driveway line in order to permit a wider means of access to
the parking area.
M. The Village may substitute a screen fence and/or a greenbelt in
place of the wall, as provided in Section 10.22, where no good
purpose would be served by the wall.
All businesses which provide a drive-up window or similar method for
serving customers while staying in their automobiles shall provide adequate
off-street waiting space. Each off-street waiting space shall occupy an area
eight (8) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long and shall be exclusive of all
required parking and maneuvering aisles.
Whenever improvements such as paving of parking areas, greenbelts, screen
walls, or other improvements are required by the Ordinance, they shall be
shown on a site plan for the proposed use. In addition, the owner of the
subject property shall deposit with the Village Clerk a cash performance
guarantee or equivalent financial instrument in the amount of $500.00 or
20% of the estimated cost of the required improvements, whichever is the
larger amount. The entire sum shall be returned to the owner upon
satisfactory completion of the required improvements within the time limits
specified herein.
Except for agricultural operations using generally recognized good farming
techniques, no use otherwise allowed shall be permitted within any district
which does not conform to the following minimum requirements and
standards of use, occupancy and operation:
A. Smoke
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit
the emission of any smoke from any source whatever to an opacity
grater than twenty percent (20%), such measurement being taken
as the average over a period of six minutes, as measure by U.S.
EPA Method #9. In no case shall any property, business, or use
emit smoke in a way which becomes offensive or a nuisance to
adjoining properties.
Page | 70
B. Dust, Dirt, and Fly Ash
No person, firm, or corporation shall operate any process, device,
or equipment in a manner that causes dust, dirt, or fly ash to settle
upon or otherwise interfere with the use of other properties.
C. Open Storage
The open storage of any industrial or commercial equipment,
vehicles and all materials, including wastes, except new vehicles
for sale and/or display, shall be screened from public view, from a
public street and from adjoining properties by an obscuring
masonry wall or pressure treated wood fence not less than the
height of the equipment, vehicles, or materials to be stored to a
maximum height of eight (8) feet. Whenever such open storage is
adjacent to any residential zone, the required obscuring wall or
fence shall be at least six (6) feet in height. In no instance shall
any open storage of equipment, vehicles and/or materials be
permitted within a required front yard in any zoning district.
D. Glare and Radioactive Materials
Glare from any process (such as or similar to arc welding, or
acetylene torch cutting) which emits harmful ultraviolet rays shall
be performed in such a manner as not to be seen from any point
beyond the property line, and as not to create a public nuisance or
hazard along lot lines. Radioactive materials and wastes, and
including electro-magnetic radiation such as x-ray machine
operation, shall not be emitted to exceed quantities established as
safe by the U.S. Bureau of Standards, when measured at the
property line.
E. Fire and Explosive Hazards
The storage and handling of flammable liquids, liquefied
petroleum, gases, and explosives shall comply with the Rules and
Regulations of the State of Michigan.
F. Noise
Page | 71
No operation or activity shall cause or create noise that has any
annoying or disruptive effect on adjoining properties, that becomes
a nuisance to adjacent uses and/or that exceeds the sound levels
prescribed below, using an A-weighted decibel scale dB(A), when
measured at the lot line of any adjoining use, based upon the
following maximum allowable levels for each use district:
Zoning of Adjoining
Land Use
Maximum Allowable Noise Level
Measured in dB(A)
6 am to 9 pm 9 pm to 6 am
R-1, R-2, M 60 45
C 70 60
I 85 75
G. Odors
Odorous matter released from any commercial or industrial uses or
district shall not exceed the odor threshold concentration beyond
the property lines when measured either at ground level or
habitable elevation. The air samples shall be taken at the common
property line with an adjoining use.
H. No garbage, sewage, filth, refuse, waste, trash, debris, or rubbish,
including cans, bottles, waste paper, cartons, boxes, and crates, or
other offensive or obnoxious matter shall be piled, placed, stored
or dumped on any land within the Village until the operator has
obtained a landfill permit from the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources and Environment and Village Board approval.
All uses in every zoning district shall place waste materials in an
appropriate covered container and properly dispose of same at least
once each month in accordance with State Law and Village
Ordinance. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the reasonable
use of fertilizers, manures, and similar materials for the
improvement of land utilized for agricultural purposes where such
use does not constitute a public or private health hazard.
Private drives, other than private roads, which serve parcels of land without
frontage are subject to the following requirements:
Page | 72
A. Only one (1) residence may have access to and from a private
B. The private drive easement shall be a minimum of sixty-six feet
(66’) wide for its entire length. It shall be shown on the deed or
land contract as being for ingress, egress and roadway purposes,
and a copy of same provided to the Village.
C. A copy of the property deed or land contract shall be submitted and
shall clearly indicate that the maintenance of the private drive is
the responsibility of the owners of said parcel.
D. The driveway shall be properly landscaped and maintained, and
dust shall be controlled at all times by hard surfacing or chemical
E. The address of the subject parcel shall be permanently posted, to
assist the Fire Department in identifying homes during a fire call.
The location and design of the address sign shall conform to
standards adopted by resolution of the Village Council.
No private road shall be developed in Metamora Village unless it has been
approved by the Village and meets all requirements of the Metamora Village
Road Ordinance and any subsequent amendments.
Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, no land or existing building
or structure, and no new building or structure, or part thereof, shall hereafter
be located, erected, used or altered other than inconformity with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
A. All fences of any nature, type or description located in the Village
shall conform to the following regulations:
1. The erection, construction or alteration of any fence, wall or
other type of protective barrier shall be approved by the
Building Inspector as conforming to the requirements of the
Page | 73
zoning district wherein they are located and to the requirements
of this Section.
2. Fences in Residential Districts, which are not specifically
required under the regulations for the individual zoning
districts, shall conform to the following requirements:
a. No fence shall hereafter be erected, along the line
dividing lots or parcels of land or located within any
required side or rear yard, in excess of six (6) feet in
height or less than three (3) feet in height above the
grade of the surrounding land.
b. No fence shall hereafter be located in the front yard
of the lots or parcels in question more than three (3)
feet in height.
c. All fences hereafter erected shall be of an
ornamental nature. Barbed wire, spikes, nails, or
any other sharp point or instrument of any kind on
top or on the sides of any fence, or electric current or
charge in said fences is prohibited, except as
provided below. Barbed wire cradles may be placed
on top of fences enclosing public utility buildings as
deemed necessary in the interests of public safety.
3. Fences in R-1 districts and fences for agricultural uses in other
districts, after approval as to location and type by the Building
Inspector, may be located on all property or road right-of-way
lines of a parcel of land providing such fences are maintained in
a good condition and do not result in an unreasonable hazard to
persons who might come near them.
4. No fence or wall shall be erected, established, or maintained on
any corner lot which will obstruct the view of a driver of a
vehicle approaching the intersection, within a triangular area
formed by the street right-of-way lines and a line connecting
them at points twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of the
street lines or in the case of a rounded property corner from the
intersection of the street right-of-way extended.
Page | 74
5. Whenever a fence is proposed in other than a residential or
agricultural district, it shall require the issuance of a building
permit and shall comply with the following:
a. The maximum height for all fences, including
security fences and obscuring fences, shall be six (6)
feet, unless otherwise provided for in this
b. Open, wire fences shall be of a chain-link variety
only. Plastic, vinyl, aluminum or wood slats, or
similar devices placed through the wire fences, shall
not be used to satisfy the requirements of this
Ordinance for screening or an obscuring fence.
c. When an obscuring wood fence is proposed, it shall
be constructed entirely of pressure treated wood or
metal posts and pressure treated wood panels, to
assure durability and relative freedom from the need
for regular maintenance.
B. For those Use Districts and uses listed below, there shall be
provided and maintained on those sides abutting or adjacent to a
residential district an obscuring wall as required below:
Off-street Parking Area 4’6” high wall
CBD Districts 4’6” high wall
I Districts (open storage
areas, loading & unloading
areas, service areas)
5’ to 8’ high wall
C. Required walls shall be located on the lot line except where
underground utilities interfere and except in instances where this
Ordinance requires conformance with front yard setback lines in
abutting Residential Districts.
D. Such walls and screening barriers shall have no openings for
vehicular traffic or other purposes, except as otherwise provided in
the Ordinance and except such openings as may be approved by
the Building Inspector. All walls herein required shall be
Page | 75
constructed of material approved by the Building Inspector to be
durable, weather resistant, rust proof and easily maintained.
Masonry walls shall be erected on a concrete foundation which
shall have a minimum depth of forty-two (42) inches below a
grade approved by the Building Inspector and shall not be less than
four (4) inches wider than the wall to be erected.
Masonry walls may be constructed with openings higher than
thirty-two (32) inches above grade provided such openings are not
larger than sixty-four (64) square inches, provided that the
openings shall be so spaced as to maintain the obscuring character
required, and shall not reduce the minimum wall height
E. The Planning Commission may substitute an obscuring fence
and/or a greenbelt for the required masonry screen wall where they
determine that a wall would serve no good purpose and the
obscuring fence and/or a greenbelt would uphold the intent of this
Ordinance. An obscuring fence shall meet all requirements of this
section and all greenbelts shall comply with Section 10.11.
A. General requirements that apply to all signs
1. A building permit shall be required for the erection,
construction or alteration of any sign and all such signs shall
require site plan approval by the Planning Commission. This
shall not be construed to require a permit for a change of copy
on a changeable copy sign, or the re-painting, cleaning and
other normal maintenance or minor repair of a sign or sign
structure, so long as the sign or sign structure is not
substantially altered.
2. There shall be no flashing, oscillating or intermittent type of
illuminated sign or display; nor shall there by any streamers,
windblown devices, spinners, temporary or portable signs,
pennants or flags other than those permitted by specific action
of the Planning Commission.
3. Portable and vehicle advertising signs are hereby prohibited
regardless of form, size, character, or placement. A portable
sign is a freestanding sign not permanently anchored or secured
Page | 76
to either a building or the ground. A vehicle sign is a vehicle
advertising sign, other than a vehicle “for sale” sign (4 square
feet maximum), when the vehicle upon which the sign is
painted or attached is parked or placed upon the owner’s or
tenant’s premises primarily for advertising purposes.
4. No sign, except those established and maintained by the
Village, County, State or Federal government, shall be located
in, project into, or overhang a public right-of-way or dedicated
public easement.
5. All directional signs required for the purpose of orientation,
when established by the Village, County, State or Federal
government, shall be permitted in all use districts.
6. No sign, unless otherwise permitted, shall project above
twenty-five (25) feet in height or be greater in sign area than
one hundred (100) square feet. All calculation of total sign area
shall be measured on one side of the face of the sign for one and
two-sided signs. The area of a sign that is irregular in shape
shall be calculated by multiplying its tallest dimension times its
longest dimension.
7. No sign above a height of thirty (30) inches shall be located
within, project into, or overhang the triangular area formed at
the intersection of street right-of-way lines at a distance along
each line of twenty-five (25) feet from their point of
intersection or in any location that may hinder driver sight
8. Except for freestanding signs all signs shall be displayed flat
against the wall of the building or parallel to the wall of the
building and shall not project from or be perpendicular to said
9. All signs shall be lighted by internal illumination only unless
the lighting equipment is designed as an integral part of the
display. This means that the lights themselves are not visible
and will in no way interfere with driver visibility or project onto
adjoining property.
10. Signs used for advertising land or buildings for rent, lease,
and/or sale shall be permitted when located on the land or
building intended to be rented, leased, and/or sold. Such sign(s)
area shall be no greater than sixteen (16) square feet in non-
residential districts and no greater than six (6) square feet in
residential districts.
Page | 77
11. Wall signs shall not project beyond or overhang the wall, or any
permanent architectural feature, by more than one (1) foot, and
shall not project above or beyond the highest point of the roof
or parapet.
12. Freestanding signs shall not be located closer than twenty-five
(25) feet to any property line or any adjacent residential district.
In addition, no freestanding sign shall be constructed in a
manner as to impair the vision of pedestrians and vehicles.
13. Parking lot directional signs that are not illuminated and do not
exceed two (2) square feet are exempt from calculation of total
allowable sign area.
14. No signs or advertising devices shall be permitted which:
a) Contain statements, words, or pictures of an obscene,
indecent or immoral character, such as will offend public
morals or decency.
b) Contain or are in imitation of any official traffic sign or
signal or contain the words: “stop,” “go slow,” “caution,”
“danger,” “warning,” or similar words, except for official
governmental signs
c) Are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or
manner of illumination which may be confused with or
construed as a traffic control device or which hide from
view any traffic or street sign or signal, except of official
government signs.
d) Turn in any manner or have moving parts, have flashing
lights, have exposed illuminated vacuum tubes or bulbs,
or are portable in nature; provided however, that
permanent electronic changeable copy signs are
permitted provided they meet the requirements of this
ordinance and do not change displays more frequently
than once every 30 seconds
e) Are not maintained in condition and repair at all times
f) Are erected or suspended from the roof of a building
g) Project into a public right-of-way or easement, or
constitute a traffic hazard or a detriment to traffic safety
by obstructing the vision of drivers necessary to safely
operate a vehicle or by reflecting light so as to be a safety
hazard to drivers.
Page | 78
h) Signs and billboards, as defined in the “Highway
Advertising Act of 1972” (1972 PA 106), as amended,
bordering interstate highways, freeways, or primary
highways as defined in said Act shall be regulated and
controlled by the provisions of such statute and the
provisions of this ordinance. Non-accessory signs
(billboards) shall not be permitted in any district.
B. Permits
1. No person shall erect, construct, enlarge, move, convert or
substantially alter any sign within the Village of Metamora, or
cause the same to be done, without first obtaining from the
Planning Commission site plan approval, followed by a sign
permit from the Zoning Administrator or his/her designated
agent. Approvals shall be obtained fro each sign, as required by
this ordinance. This requirement shall not be construed to
require a permit for a change in copy on a changeable copy
sign, or the re-painting, cleaning or other normal maintenance
or repair of a sign or sign structure for which a permit has
previously been issued, so long as the sign or sign structure is
not substantially altered. A new permit will not be required for
signs heretofore erected in conformity with the ordinance of the
Village of Metamora prior to the date of the adoption of this
2. A sign permit issued by the Zoning Administrator or his/her
designated agent shall become null and void if the construction
permitted thereon is not commenced within 180 days from the
date of issuance. If the work which is authorized by such
permit is suspended, a new permit shall first be obtained before
construction is again commenced.
3. Failure to obtain a permit under this article or to pay a required
fee, shall subject a sign to removal or fines/imprisonment, as
provided for in the Zoning Ordinance.
4. The Zoning Administrator may order the removal of any sign
which is abandoned or erected or maintained in violation of this
ordinance. He or she shall give thirty (30) days’ notice in
writing to the owner of such sign or billboard or of the building,
structure, or premises on which such sign or billboard is
located, to remove the sign or billboard or to bring it into
Page | 79
compliance. The Zoning Administrator or his/her designated
agent may remove a sign or billboard immediately and without
notice if, in his/her opinion, the condition of the sign or
billboard is such as to present an immediate threat to the safety
of the public. The cost of removal shall be paid by the owner of
the sign or billboard of the building, structure or premises on
which it is located.
5. Exemptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of
such signs from the responsibility of complying with certain
applicable provisions of this ordinance. The exemptions shall
apply to the requirements for sign permit only, and no sign
permit shall be required for the erection of the following signs:
a) Signs erected by an official government body or
agency and deemed necessary for the protection of
the public health, safety or welfare
b) Official flags of government
c) Signs required to be maintained by law or
government order, rule or regulation
d) Signs directing pedestrian and vehicular traffic on
private property and, to the maximum extent
practical, consistent with Michigan Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices, up to a maximum
of four (4) square feet of display surface area per
sign. One informational sign at each entrance or
exit on a lot parcel stating “entrance” or “exit,”
provided such sign does not constitute a traffic
hazard and is no larger than four (4) square feet.
The restrictions on the location and number of
freestanding signs prescribed by this Section shall
not apply to the traffic-related signs noted above.
e) All signs located within a building that are not
visible to the public outside said building
f) Any single, non-illuminated sign with a display
surface area of four (4) square feet or less provided
no other sign exists on the lot or parcel (excluding
traffic control signs and house/building address
Page | 80
g) Any sign which sets forth the house or building
address, provided that the individual characters on
the sign do not exceed twelve (12) inches in height
h) Scoreboards on athletic fields
i) Price, volume, warnings and similar information
required to be displayed by law including, but not
limited to; information on pay phones, warnings on
equipment (e.g., gas pumps), price and
volume/quantity displays on machines (e.g., price
and volume on gas pumps and digital displays
showing the amount of money deposited in a coin-
operated vending machine); provided, however, that
(1) the information is displayed at the minimum size
required by law up to a maximum of four (4) square
feet and (2) the information is not intended to be
legible to a person of average eyesight standing on
the property line
j) Memorial tablets, building dedication tablets,
historical markers, and similar signs incorporated
into the architecture of the building by moldings,
embossing or engraving on the face of the building
or when constructed of bronze or other non-
combustible material, up to a maximum of four (4)
square feet
k) Holiday decorations and greetings in season without
any commercial message
C. Signs permitted in R-1, R-2, MH, and M districts
1. For each lot or parcel, one non-illuminated sign with a display
surface area of six (6) square feet or less and is a maximum of
four (4) feet above grade is permitted, exclusive of building
house numbers and traffic control signs. Such sign shall be
temporarily or permanently affixed to the ground or
permanently attached to the building as a wall sign. Said sigh
shall not advertise a business, product, service or similar use
not offered on the site.
2. One (1), permanent subdivision sign may be placed at each
entrance to a residential subdivision. None of the signs may be
illuminated. The sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square
Page | 81
feet. One additional sign may be permitted if the subdivision
has access to two thoroughfares. Non permanent subdivision
sign shall exceed a height of five (5) feet.
3. Approved Special Land Uses may have a single, non-
illuminated sign that does not exceed sixteen (16) square feet
nor exceed ten (10) feet in height above the ground.
D. Signs permitted in CBD, O and I districts
1. For each lot or parcel, one ground-mounted or freestanding sign
not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in total area is
permitted. All ground-mounted and freestanding signs shall be
set back at least ten (10) feet from all property lines. If a lot
contains more than six hundred (600) feet of frontage on a
public road, a second sign meeting the criteria above may be
erected. No freestanding sign or ground-mounted sign shall be
located closer than fifty (50) feet to another sign along the same
2. The base of a ground-mounted or freestanding sign shall not be
more than four (4) feet above grade level and the top of the sign
shall not be more than twenty (20) feet above grade level.
3. In addition to a freestanding or ground-mounted sign for each
lot (see 1. above), each business establishment may have one
wall sign not to exceed ten (10) percent of its wall area facing
the front lot line, up to a maximum of one hundred (100) square
As illustrated above, a building with a 12’ x 30” wall (360
square feet) facing the front lot line and containing one tenant
would get one wall sign up to thirty-six (36) square feet. If the
same building has two tenants, which divide the building in half
(equal frontage), each tenant would have one sign up to
eighteen (18) square feet maximum (36 square feet total).
At the discretion of the owner/applicant, up to eight (8) square
feet on the allotted wall sign space may be used for a projecting
sign, provided that the bottom of the sign is at least ten (10) feet
above grade and the sign does not project more than five (5)
feet from the side of the building.
Page | 82
4. A building mounted sign that projects from the face of building
shall have a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet above grade.
5. Signs placed inside a window shall be permitted to advertise
special events for up to fourteen (14) days; however, the
aggregate area of such sign or signs shall not exceed twenty
(20) percent of the aggregate area of the window glass facing
the front lot line.
E. Obsolete signs
All signs that are obsolete, due to discontinuance of the business or
activity advertised thereon, shall be removed within thirty (30)
days of the close of said business or activity.
All single family dwellings, whether site-built or factory built, shall comply
with the following:
A. All such dwelling units must meet the current construction
standards of the State of Michigan and Metamora Village prior to
being brought into the Village and prior to issuance of a building
permit. The minimum acceptable standard for factory-built homes
shall be the Department of Housing and Urban Development
“Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards” being
24 CFR 3280, and as from time to time such standards may be
B. All such dwelling units must meet the minimum floor area
requirements of this ordinance for the district in which they are
located. Any addition to a factory-built home must be designed
and constructed by the original manufacturer or an architectural
plan for a compatible addition may be submitted to the Village
Council for review/approval. All additions shall be constructed
with similar quality workmanship as the original structure, shall be
permanently attached to the principal structure, and permanently
supported by and anchored to an approved foundation.
C. All such dwelling units shall be firmly attached to a permanent
foundation constructed on the site in accordance with the building
code in effect in the Village and shall have a wall of the same
perimeter dimensions as the dwelling, and constructed of such
Page | 83
materials and type as required in the building code for single-
family dwellings. In the event that the dwelling is a manufactured
home, as defined herein, such dwelling shall be installed pursuant
to the manufacturer’s setup instructions and shall be secured to the
premises by an anchoring system or device complying with the
rules and regulations of the Michigan Mobile Home Commission
and shall have a perimeter wall as required above.
D. All wheels, axles and towing apparatus must be removed from a
manufactured home prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
E. All such dwellings shall be connected to a public sewer and water
system or private facilities approved by the local health
F. All such dwellings shall be compatible in appearance with other
site-built homes in the Village. To this end, a roof with a
minimum pitch of 3/12 shall be required with overhangs or eaves
of at least six (6) inches. There shall not be less than two (2)
exterior doors, on different sides of the dwelling, with access to
both doors by means of exterior steps or porches, where a
difference in elevation requires the same. All such dwelling units
shall have a minimum width on all sides of at least twenty-three
(23) feet.
G. All such dwellings shall contain a storage capability area in a
basement under the dwelling, in an attic area, in closet areas, or in
a separate structure of standard construction similar to or of better
quality than the principal dwelling, which storage area shall be
equal to ten percent (10%) of the square footage of the dwelling or
one hundred (100) square feet, whichever shall be less.
H. The foregoing standards shall not apply to a manufactured home
located in a licensed manufactured home park except to the extent
required by State Law or Federal Law.
A. Scope
Page | 84
A site plan shall be prepared and submitted for every construction
project and every proposed change in land use, except that no site plan
shall be required for single-family dwellings, farm buildings, or
buildings which are accessory to single-family dwellings.
B. Procedure
All site plans shall be submitted first to the Zoning Administrator who
shall review the plans for compliance with the requirements of the
Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator shall then refer the site
plan review and recommendation(s) to the Planning Commission for
consideration and decision. Once a site plan is approved by the
Planning Commission, it shall not be altered without the consent of
the Planning Commission. Projects involving minor alterations,
accessory uses or structures or additions that do not diminish the
purpose or any required standard of this ordinance may be approved
by the Zoning Administrator without action by the Planning
C. Supplemental Reviews
The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may also require
reviews by the Village Attorney, Village Engineer, or Village Planner
and all costs shall be paid by the applicant for said reviews.
D. Submission Requirements
All site plans shall be drawn to a minimum scale of 1” = 20’ or
1” = 100’ for sites over five acres with benchmarks and shall include
the Base Flood Elevation. The Site Plan Review Package shall be
submitted with a minimum of ten (10) copies, the application and site
plan review fees to the Village Clerk’s office. The site plan shall
include the entire site under the control or ownership of the applicant
with all areas proposed for improvement and all unplanned areas also
E. Design Requirements
Page | 85
All site plans shall be prepared by and carry the seal and signature of
the design professional responsible for the development of the site
plan. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to waive this
requirement when it constitutes an undue burden on the developer in
view of the size and scope of the proposed project.
F. Content Requirements
Each site plan shall include the following:
1. Area of the site
2. Date, north point, and required scale
3. Dimensions of all property lines with complete legal description
4. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures on
the property or adjacent properties within one hundred (100’) feet
of the property lines with zoning classifications
5. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed roads
including right-of-ways, driveways, sidewalks, and parking areas
(see Section 10.14 – 10.17)
6. Location of all existing and proposed utilities including electrical,
gas, water and sanitation
7. Location, dimensions and details of proposed plantings, greenbelts
and landscaped areas (see Section 10.11)
8. Exterior elevational drawings of proposed new buildings or
existing buildings to which major additions are proposed
9. Location, dimensions and drawing of existing or proposed signs
(see Section 10.23)
10. Site drainage and storm water management plan and methods
G. Standards
Page | 86
In determining whether to approve, modify, or deny a site plan, the
Planning Commission shall consider the following:
1. Adequacy of traffic ingress, egress, circulations, and parking
2. Adequacy of landscaping to protect adjoining properties and
enhance the environment of the community
3. Location and design of proposed structures so as to ensure the
detrimental effects on adjacent properties will be minimized
4. Adequacy of storm drainage
5. Location and design of signs so as to prevent highway viability
obstructions, driver distractions, encroachments, and other adverse
impacts of the community environment
H. Site Plan Bond
A cash deposit shall be posted with the Village Treasurer as a
guarantee that the project will be completed in accordance with the
approved site plan. Upon completion of the project in accordance
with the approved site plan, the bond shall be released. The amount
of the bond shall be five percent (5%) of the site improvement cost
and shall be based on true cost estimates, but in no case shall the bond
be less than twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).
I. Time for Completion
Each site plan shall be fully complied with and all construction
completed within one (1) year of the date the building permit is
issued. Site plan approval shall expire two (2) years from the date of
Planning Commission approval, unless the site plan has been fully
completed, or unless an extension has been granted by the Planning
No garage, tent, trailer, basement, or similar fixed or moveable structure
shall be used as a dwelling except under the following conditions:
Page | 87
A. A tent, travel trailer, motor home or similar enclosure may be
occupied for periods up to thirty (30) days only within an approved
and licensed campground or other overnight camping facility.
B. The owner of a property in an R-1 district may obtain approval
from the Building Inspector for placement of one (1) manufactured
home on the property for not more than six (6) months from the
date of issuance of a building permit, during the actual
construction on the property of the owner’s single-family dwelling.
The temporary dwelling shall be connected to an approved water
supply and sewage disposal system.
A. Every building and principal structure hereafter erected, or moved
upon any premises and used in whole or in part for dwelling,
recreational, camping, business, commercial, farming, agricultural
or industrial purposes, including churches, schools, and other
buildings and structures in which persons customarily congregate
shall be provided with a safe and sanitary water supply, and safe
means of sewage collection and disposal. All industrial wastes
shall be pre-treated for hazardous contents. Under no conditions
shall such waste be deposited upon the surface of the ground or in
lagoons in such manner as to create a nuisance or health hazard.
B. Every dwelling hereafter erected, altered or moved shall be
connected to a public sanitary sewer or to a private sewage
disposal system approved by the Lapeer County Health
All businesses and facilities which use, store, or generate hazardous
substances in quantities greater than 100 kilograms per months (equal to
approximately 25 gallons or 220 pounds) shall comply with the following
A. Aboveground storage:
1. Primary containment of hazardous substances shall be product-
Page | 88
2. Secondary containment of hazardous substances shall be
provided for all facilities. Secondary containment shall be
sufficient to store the substance for the maximum anticipated
period of time necessary for the operator to recover any
released substance.
3. Outdoor storage of hazardous substances is hereby prohibited.
4. At a minimum, State of Michigan and Federal agency
requirements for storage, leak detection, recordkeeping, spill
prevention, emergency response, transport, and disposal shall
be met.
B. Underground storage:
1. Existing and new underground storage tanks shall be registered
with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)
in accordance with Federal and State requirements.
2. Installation, operation, and maintenance of underground tanks
shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Fire
Department, the Michigan State Police, Fire Marshall Division,
and the MDNR.
3. Out-of-service and/or abandoned underground tanks shall be
emptied and removed from the ground if they have been out of
service for more than nine (9) months, unless an extension is
approved by the Village Council, after consultation with the
Fire Chief.
The following standards are adopted to insure than Condominium
Subdivisions comply with the Condominium Act, the City or Village Zoning
Act, and the requirements of the Village.
All condominium developments (including site condominiums)
shall be submitted to the Metamora Village Planning Commission
for review and approval, pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance
and all building sites and condominium units created from the
subdivision or development of land under Condominium Act shall,
at a minimum, contain the required square footage, dimensions,
Page | 89
ratios, setbacks and other requirements of a lot as provided in the
Zoning Ordinance.
A variance from the terms and conditions herein may be obtained,
as provided for in the Zoning Ordinance, from the Zoning Board of
1. All condominiums submitted for review by the Planning
Commission shall contain all required information for the site
plan review as set forth in Section 10.25 of this Ordinance.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a
condominium subdivision (site condominium) to obtain plat
approval under the Subdivision Control Act.
2. A copy of the proposed Master Deed and By Laws shall be
submitted to the Planning Commission for review.
3. All condominium plans submitted for review by the Planning
Commission shall include the information required by Section
66 of the Condominium Act and the following:
(a) a survey plan of the condominium development
(b) a flood plain plan when appropriate
(c) a site plan showing the location, size, shape, area and
width of all condominium units and building sites,
including building setback lines showing the width of
each lot/building site at the front setback line
(d) the boundaries of all wetlands as determined by an
individual recognized by the MDNR as a Wetlands
(e) a utility plan showing all sanitary sewer, water and
storm sewer lines and easements granted to the Village
for installation, repair and maintenance of all utilities
(f) a street construction, paving, and maintenance plan for
all private and public streets within the proposed
condominium subdivision showing conformance with
the requirements of the Village Road Ordinance
Page | 90
(g) a storm drainage and storm water management plan,
including all lines, swales, drains, basins and other
(h) easements for utilities; the Condominium shall include
all necessary easements granted to the Metamora
Village for the purpose of constructing, operating,
inspecting, maintaining, repairing, altering, replacing
and/or moving pipelines, mains, conduits, and other
installations of a similar character (hereinafter
collectively called “Public Structures”) for the purpose
of providing public utilities, including conveyances of
sewage, water and stormwater runoff across, through
and under the property subject to said easement, and
excavating and refilling ditches and trenches necessary
for the location of such structures
Where there is no equivalent term or phrase defined in this
Ordinance, the Planning Commission shall interpret the
appropriate equivalent term in the Zoning Ordinance and/or
Subdivision Ordinance for the purpose of applying the standards
and requirements of those Ordinances to the proposed site
condominium so as to carry out the purpose of the Ordinance as set
forth in the introductory paragraph in this Ordinance.
Where there is any ambiguity in the application of minimum
setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance to a condominium
subdivision plan, the individual condominium units shall maintain
the following minimum separation requirements between
individual units and from individual units to the center of all
internal streets:
Page | 91
Minimum Building Separation From:
Front to
Side to
Side to
Rear to
Side to
Rear to
Center of
R-1 88’ 20’ 35 50’ 43’ 58’
R-2 63’ 20’ 35 50’ 43’ 58’
M 58’ 20’ 35’ 50 43’ 58’
MH 58’ 20’ 35’ 50’ 43 58’
C 33’
0’ 15’ 30’ 33’
O 63’ 20’ 35 50’ 43’ 58
I 83 0’ 10’ 10’ 33’ 38’
* These figures are based on a standard of 33 feet half right-of-way from
the street centerline (Local Street). Increase by 10 feet if street is
classified as a collector street and increase by 27 feet if street is classified
as a secondary or major thoroughfare.
** In the CBD district, no front or side setback is required. Hence the
separation from the center of the street would be 33 feet; or, if greater,
the width of the right-of-way from the centerline
Encroachment of one condominium unit upon another as described
in Section 40 of the Condominium Act shall be prohibited by the
Condominium Bylaws and shall be recorded as part of the Master
Deed. In addition, no common elements shall be permitted within
the limited common elements utilized as part of the building site.
Manufactured Home Condominium Projects shall conform to all
requirements of this Ordinance and shall be located only in
manufactured home park districts.
Page | 92
If a condominium subdivision is proposed to have private streets,
they shall be developed to the minimum design and construction
standards, and maintenance requirements of the Road Ordinance.
The Master Deed for condominium subdivisions shall be approved
by the Village Council and shall contain a provision that the
Master Deed shall not be amended without the prior approval of
the Metamora Planning Commission.
Approval by the Planning Commission of a condominium
subdivision plan shall confer upon the applicant the right to a
building permit for a period of twelve (12) months from and after
approval. Upon receipt of a building permit, reasonable
construction shall be commenced within twelve (12) months and
reasonably continued or the site plan and the building permit shall
be declared invalid, unless the applicant requests and obtains a new
approval from the Planning Commission.
Any amendments or renewals to a condominium plan, including its
Master Deed, shall require the approval of the Planning
Commission. The Planning Commission shall apply, as its
standards in determining whether to grant a renewal or
amendment, the Village’s then existing condominium standards
and requirements.
Any amendments to the Zoning Ordinance shall, where applicable,
be the zoning ordinance provision to be applied under this section,
Condominium Approval.
Page | 93
Where other sections of the Zoning Ordinance are in conflict with
this Section, the provisions of this Section shall control.
Because of the unique nature of earth-sheltered and underground buildings,
all such buildings, including single-family residences, shall submit the
following for approval by the Building Inspector:
A. Structural integrity of the building, particularly the increased wall
and roof loads involved in building underground, shall be certified
by a Registered Architect or Professional Engineer (Structural)
licensed by the State of Michigan.
B. Special attention shall be given to the design of the systems for
waterproofing all areas of the building to be located cracks and
accommodate minor structural movements, resist temperature
extremes, soil chemicals and aging in underground service, and
have the ability to locate a leak should it be necessary; the Building
Inspector may seek the advice of the Village’s engineers in
evaluation such systems.
C. Guard rails should be provided on or near the edge of any
accessible roof where there is a grade change greater than thirty
(30) inches.
D. Alternative fire-fighting entrance provisions should be made for
inner courts below grade, such as a stairway within the court
leading directly to the exterior ground level.
E. Total window area must exceed 8% of total inhabitable floor area,
but individual rooms may be windowless where ventilation and
exit requirements are met.
F. Setbacks shall be the same as those for above-ground buildings.
Large animals may be kept by the occupant of a property in the R-1 and R-2
districts only. The keeping of large animals may be permitted as an
Page | 94
accessory use only, and the following shall apply to the keeping of large
animals in the Village:
A. Large animals shall be defined as including horses, ponies, cattle,
and similar animals (not including pigs).
B. The minimum required parcel size for keeping up to two (2) large
animals shall be three (3) acres with an additional two (2) acres for
each additional large animal.
C. All buildings or areas used to house large animals shall maintain a
fifty foot (50’) setback from any property line or dwelling.
D. A suitable fence or other enclosure shall be erected around the
entire premises for outside use by all large animals.
Special land uses are uses which would ordinarily not be appropriate in a
particular district but at certain locations can be compatible with other uses
in the district subject to meeting special standards and any specific
conditions imposed by the Planning Commission that are designed to insure
their compatibility with neighboring uses.
For all special land uses, a site plan shall be submitted for approval by the
Planning Commission and shall conform to the requirements and procedures
for site plan review set forth in Section 10.25. If the plans meet the required
standards of this Ordinance and indicate no adverse effects, which in the
opinion of the Planning Commission cause injury to the residents, users, or
owners of adjoining property, or the Village as a whole, the Commission
shall approve the use. In consideration of all applications for special land
use approval, the Planning Commission shall review each case individually
as to its applicability and must find affirmatively to each of the following
standards of the proposed special land use if it is to be approved. Such uses
shall be subject to conditions, restrictions and safeguards deemed necessary
within the scope of the law as set forth below:
Page | 95
A. The proposed special land use shall be of such location, size and
character that it will be in harmony with the appropriate and
orderly development of the surrounding neighborhood and/or
vicinity and applicable regulations of the zoning district in which it
is to be located.
B. The proposed use shall be of a nature that will make vehicular and
pedestrian traffic no more hazardous than is normal for the district
involved, taking into consideration vehicular turning movements in
relation to routes of traffic flow, proximity and relationship to
intersections, adequacy of sight distances, location of an access to
off-street parking, and provisions for pedestrian safety.
C. The location, size, intensity, site layout and periods of operation of
any such proposed use shall be designed to eliminate any possible
nuisance emanating therefrom which might be noxious to the
occupants of any other nearby permitted uses, whether by reason
of dust, noise, fumes, vibration, smoke or lights.
D. The proposed use shall be such that the proposed location and
height of building or structures and location, nature and height of
walls, fences and landscaping will not interfere with or discourage
the appropriate development and use of adjacent land and
buildings or unreasonably affect their value.
E. The proposed use shall relate harmoniously with the physical and
economic aspects of adjacent land uses as regards prevailing
shopping habits, convenience of access by prospective patrons,
continuity of development, and need for particular services and
facilities in specific areas of the Village.
F. The proposed use is necessary for the public convenience at the
proposed location.
G. The proposed use is so designed, located, planned and to be
operated that the public health, safety and welfare will be
H. The proposed use shall not cause substantial injury to the value of
other property in the neighborhood in which it is to be located and
will not be detrimental to existing and/or other permitted land uses
in the zoning district.
A. Approval
Page | 96
If the Planning Commission determines that the particular special land
use(s) should be allowed, it shall endorse its approval thereof on the
written application and clearly set for the in writing thereon the particular
use(s) which have been allowed. Thereafter, the enforcing officer may
issue a building permit in conformity with the particular special land use
so approved. In all cases where a particular special land use has been
granted as provided herein, application for a building permit in pursuance
thereof must be made and received by the Village not later than one
hundred twenty (120) days thereafter, or such approval shall
automatically be revoked; however, the Planning Commission may grant
an extension thereof for good cause shown under such terms and
conditions and for such period of time not exceeding six (6) months as it
shall determine to be necessary and appropriate.
B. Denial
If the Planning Commission shall determine that the particular special
land use(s) requested does not meet the standards of this Ordinance or
otherwise will tend to be injurious to the public health, safety, welfare or
orderly development of the Village, it shall deny the application by a
written endorsement thereon which clearly sets forth the reason for such
denial. The decision to deny the special land use may be appealed before
the Metamora Village Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals
shall prepare a transcript of the proceeding of any such appeal which
shall constitute the official record of appeal.
C. Record
The decision on a special land use shall be incorporated in the minutes of
the Planning Commission meeting at which it was considered. The
minutes shall specify any conditions imposed.
D. Hearings
The Planning Commission shall investigate the circumstances of each
such application and give notice of any hearing, meeting or review which
may be held relative thereto. The notice shall do all of the following:
1) Describe the nature of the request
Page | 97
2) Indicate the property that is the subject of the
request, including a listing of all existing street
addresses within the property. If there are no street
addresses, other means of identification may be
3) State when and where the request will be
4) Indicate when and where written comments will be
received concerning the request.
5) Indicate that a public hearing on a special land
request may be requested by any property owner or
the occupant of any structure located within three
hundred (300’) feet of the property being considered
for a special land use regardless of whether the
property or occupant is located within the zoning
The notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
Village not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing. In
addition, the notice shall be sent not less than fifteen (15) days before the
date of the hearing via mail or through personal delivery to all owners of
property and occupants of any structure within three hundred (300) feet
of the subject property, regardless of whether the property is located
within the zoning jurisdiction. Notice need not be provided to more than
one (1) occupant of the structure, except that if a structure contains more
than one dwelling unit or spatial area owned or leased by different
persons, one occupant of each unit or spatial area shall be given notice.
If a single structure contains more than four (4) dwelling units or other
distinct spatial areas owned or leased by different persons, notice may be
given to the manager or owner of the structure, who shall be requested to
post the notice at the primary entrance of the structure.
E. Conditions
The Planning Commission may impose such conditions or limitations in
granting approval as may be permitted by State Law and this Ordinance
which it deems necessary to fulfill the spirit and purpose of this
Ordinance. The conditions may include conditions necessary to insure
that public services and facilities affected by a proposed land use or
activity will be capable of accommodating increased service and facility
Page | 98
loads caused by the land use or activity, to protect the natural
environment and conserve natural resources and energy, to insure
compatibility with adjacent uses of land and to promote the use of the
land in a socially and economically desirable manner. Conditions
imposed shall be all the following:
1. be designed to protect natural resources, the health, safety, and
welfare, as well as the social and economic well-being of those
who will use the land use or activity adjacent to the proposed
land use or activity, and the community as a whole
2. be related to the valid exercise of the police power and purposes
which are affected by the proposed use or activity
3. be necessary to meet the intent and purpose of the zoning
regulations; be related to the standards established in this
ordinance for the land use or activity under consideration; and
be necessary to insure compliance with those standards
The conditions imposed with respect to the approval of a land use or
activity shall be recorded in the record of the approval action and shall
remain unchanged except upon the mutual consent of the approving
authority and the landowner. The Planning Commission shall
maintain a record of changes granted in conditions.
One (1) accessory apartment per single family dwelling unit may be
permitted in R-1 and R-2 districts subject to the following:
A. The dwelling unit must be situated on a lot or parcel in
conformance with the minimum lot area and setback requirements
of the Schedule of Regulations.
B. Either the principal unit or the accessory apartment must be owner-
occupied. The Zoning Board of Appeals may modify this
requirement only when it is clearly demonstrated that the single
family character of the neighborhood will not be affected.
C. The Health Department shall certify that the on-site septic system
is properly designed to handle the anticipated additional load.
D. Exterior changes to the dwelling shall be kept to a minimum and
shall not change the overall single family character of the dwelling
unit or the surrounding neighborhood.
Page | 99
E. Only one accessory apartment shall be permitted per lot and per
single family dwelling.
F. One (1) additional off-street parking space shall be provided,
exclusive of the driveway.
G. Only one entrance to the building shall face the street on which the
dwelling is located.
H. An accessory apartment shall contain at least 550 square feet and
shall not exceed 35% of the total floor area of the principal unit
and the accessory apartment combined. This shall be construed to
prohibit the creation of an accessory apartment in a single family
dwelling unit with a total floor area of less than 1,600 square feet.
I. No accessory apartment shall include more than 2 bedrooms or
exceed 650 square feet.
Agribusiness uses, such as but not limited to, cider mills, farmers markets,
farm dairies and pick-your-own farms, may be permitted in I district, subject
to the following:
A. All such uses shall be located on a paved, major or secondary
thoroughfare unless the use is seasonal in nature and has no
permanent buildings for use by the public.
B. All buildings, any equipment, materials or produce being stored or for
sale shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from all property
C. One (1) non-illuminated sign, not exceeding a total of thirty-two (32)
square feet and eight (8) feet in height, is permitted for all
agribusiness uses on the same parcel.
D. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the expected
number of patrons and shall have at least a gravel surface properly
graded and dust-free at all times. In determining the adequacy of the
number of spaces being proposed, the Planning Commission shall
compare the proposed use to similar uses.
E. Whenever the proposed use is adjacent to a Residential Zoning
District (R-1, R-2 or M), a fifteen (15) foot wide landscaped greenbelt
shall be provided along the entire property line between the
Residential Zoning District and the agribusiness use.
Page | 100
Auto service centers such as muffler and brake shops, new tire sales, tune-up
shops, quick oil change shops, and similar establishments for minor repairs,
routine maintenance and auto accessories, may be permitted in the CBD and
I Districts subject to the following:
A. The use shall be completely enclosed within a building.
B. No vehicles awaiting repair shall remain on-site for more than 72
C. All parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of an
abutting residential district by a 4 foot 6 inch high masonry wall of
face brick or precast masonry panels with the appearance of face
D. All trash storage areas shall be screened from view by a 6 foot high
enclosure approved by the Planning Commission. Old parts such as
tires, mufflers, pipes, and the like, shall be kept inside the enclosure
and shall not be permitted to accumulate for periods longer than 1
week unless stored within the building.
E. Management plans shall be submitted for the collection, storage, and
recycling or proper disposal of all used or waste automotive fluids
resulting from repair or service operations.
Auto service stations for sale of gasoline, oil, minor accessories and minor
repairs, but not including body repair, engine rebuilding, rust-proofing, and
similar activities, may be permitted in the CBD and I districts, subject to the
A. No vehicles awaiting service shall remain on-site for more than 36
B. All repair services shall be conducted within a completely enclosed
C. All trash storage areas shall be screened from view by a 6 foot high
enclosure approved by the Planning Commission. The trash containers
shall be emptied at least once each week.
D. All parking areas shall be paved and screened from view of an
abutting residential district by a 4 foot 6 inch high masonry wall of
face brick or precast masonry panels with the appearance of face
Page | 101
E. Management plans shall be submitted for the collection, storage, and
recycling or proper disposal of all used or waste automotive fluids
resulting from repair or service operations.
Campgrounds and overnight camping parks for tents, campers, travel
trailers, and similar recreational vehicles may be permitted on a minimum
site of twenty (20) acres in R-1 and R-2 districts, subject to the following:
A. There will be no permanent storage of tents, campers, or travel
trailers, and manufactured home units will not be allowed in the
development. No individual tent or recreational vehicle may occupy
the same site in any campground for periods longer than 30 days.
B. Accessory commercial uses, such as convenience food stores, gift
shops, self-service laundries, and similar uses, shall be housed in a
single building and designed to serve primarily the needs of park users
and shall provide off-street parking in accordance with the standards
of this ordinance.
C. Where a campground site abuts property zoned residential, the entire
perimeter shall be properly fenced. In addition, no active use areas
shall be situated within 100 feet of the abutting residential zone and a
30 foot wide greenbelt shall be provided unless a dense growth of
natural vegetation already exists.
One caretaker's residence, where such residence is accessory to a permitted
agricultural use, may be permitted in R-1 district, subject to the following:
A. Where a caretaker's residence will be located within or attached to a
permitted agricultural building, it shall not be constructed prior to a
permanent residence on the same parcel.
B. Where a caretaker's residence will be located as a separate building on
the property, it shall meet all requirements of the appropriate zoning
district for lot size, house size, setbacks and height limits.
A car wash may be permitted in the CBD district, subject to the following:
A. Where the site abuts a residential district, a 4 foot 6 inch high masonry
wall of face brick or precast masonry panels with the appearance of
Page | 102
face brick shall be provided around all off-street parking and waiting
B. The design of the facility shall insure that vehicles entering or leaving
the site will not have to stand in the public right-of-way.
Cemeteries may be permitted in all Residential districts, subject to the
A. Minimum site size shall be 20 acres with a minimum lot width of 330
B. There shall be no burial plots within 50 feet of any property line.
C. No service building shall be located closer than 100 feet to any
property line and all service and storage yards shall be screened from
view by an obscuring wall or fence at least 6 feet high.
D. On all sides abutting property in a zoning district that permits
residential uses, there shall be a landscaped greenbelt at least 25 feet
Churches and other places of worship may be permitted in all
Agricultural and Residential districts, subject to the following:
A. The site shall have direct access to a major or secondary thoroughfare
as designated on the Village's adopted Master Plan.
B. All parking areas shall be screened from adjoining properties by a
four foot six inch high masonry wall or similar material suitable to the
Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may permit the
substitution of a landscaped greenbelt or earth berm after submission
and review of a Landscape Plan.
C. A Drainage and Retention Plan shall be submitted for the parking area
and all other impervious surfaces showing the method of holding
storm water and preventing it from flowing onto or otherwise
affecting adjoining properties.
D. The principal building shall comply with all setback requirements of
the district in which it is located provided, however, that in no case
shall the principal building be located closer than twice its height to
any property line.
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E. The applicant shall provide evidence of Health Department approval
of all on-site water supply and sewage disposal facilities to be used by
the public.
Yard Waste Composting Facilities, those that manage the biological
decomposition of organic matter under controlled, aerobic conditions, may
be permitted in Industrial districts only, subject to the issuance of a Special
Land Use Permit and compliance with the following conditions and
A. Only yard wastes shall be composted at such facilities, typically
including leaves, grass clippings, brush, and tree or shrub trimmings.
B. The decomposition process shall be properly managed and maintained
in an aerobic condition to prevent all unnecessary odors.
C. Ponded water shall not be permitted to collect on a yard waste
composting site. A plan for collection, retention and drainage of storm
water shall be provided for review and approval. Vegetation filtration
of runoff prior to discharge off-site shall be accomplished by use of a
50 foot wide (minimum) perimeter strip/swale of grass, or similar
D. The operator shall provide sufficient equipment on-site to properly
manage the composting process. As a minimum this shall include a
front end loader or similar machinery for loading, unloading, turning,
and aeration operations; a shredder for reducing new material to a
smaller particle size for faster decomposition; a source of water or
watering trucks; and a screen to improve the quality and marketability
of the final product.
E. The site shall be level and well-drained. If the site abuts property
shown as residential on the Village Zoning Map or Master Plan, a
buffer zone shall be maintained where no composting, storage,
transfer or loading activities will take place equal to 500 feet from
existing residences and 50 feet from adjoining property lines. All
buffer areas shall be maintained as vegetative strips to facilitate the
filtration of pollutants.
F. All site access roads or drives and all areas for employee parking shall
be paved with asphalt or concrete.
G. The volume of yard wastes handled by the facility shall not exceed
7,000 cubic yards of incoming yard wastes per acre of active
Page | 104
composting area on-site, exclusive of access roads, service areas,
parking areas, required buffer zones, and similar areas.
H. The operator shall provide a name, address, and phone number of the
person responsible for operation of the site and who is also
responsible for correcting all operational problems that may result in
complaints being made to the Village.
I. The operator understands and agrees that failure to maintain and
operate the site in a responsible manner that minimizes the potential
for adverse impacts on neighboring properties shall constitute grounds
for enforcement action by the Village.
J. Access to the site shall be controlled to prevent unauthorized dumping
during non-business hours. The operator shall establish a procedure
and mechanism for proper disposal of non-yard wastes at an approved
sanitary landfill.
K. Treated yard wastes shall be actively rotated in an aerobic condition.
It shall not be allowed to accumulate for longer than 3 years before
being finished and removed from the site.
L. The operator shall provide plans showing all equipment maintenance
and storage areas. Plans shall show the location of all fuel storage
facilities and shall detail primary and secondary containment for all
hazardous materials, including product-tight containers for primary
M. Because of the level of truck traffic associated with this use, direct
access to a paved public roadway is required.
N. An annual inspection/permit fee for all yard waste composting
facilities shall be established by resolution of Village council.
O. Copies of all Michigan Department Natural Resources
applications/permits, if required, shall be provided to the Planning
Commission as part of the application package.
P. All internal roads and operation areas shall be kept dust-free at all
Q. The use must conform with the Performance Standards of this
R. A landscaped greenbelt shall be provided along all property lines
abutting residential districts and public right-of-way.
Colleges, universities and other such institutions of higher learning, public
and private, offering courses in general, technical, or religious education
may be permitted in R-1 districts subject to the following:
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A. All ingress and egress from said site shall be directly onto a major or
secondary thoroughfare.
B. No building other than a single family residential dwelling shall be
closer than 100 feet to any property line and/or existing or proposed
public right-of-way.
C. All service and storage areas shall be screened from view by a
masonry wall or a decorative fence of pressure-treated wood panels at
least 6 feet high, approved by the Planning Commission.
D. All areas for student and staff parking shall be set back at least 100
feet from an abutting residential district or residential use.
A commercial greenhouse may be permitted in I districts, subject to the
A. Accessory retail sales shall be limited to only those products which
are grown
B. All areas for customer and employee parking shall be set back at least
100 feet from all property lines. A Drainage and Retention Plan shall
be submitted for proper control of storm water run-off from the
parking areas.
C. All greenhouse buildings shall be set back at least 50 feet from any
property line.
D. All service and storage areas for equipment and materials shall be
screened from view of an abutting residential district or residential use
by a 6 foot high masonry wall or obscuring fence approved by the
Planning Commission.
E. One (1) non-illuminated sign may be placed no closer than twenty-
five (25) feet to any lot line.
Commercial outdoor recreation such as, golf driving ranges, miniature golf,
batting practice cages, water slide parks, tourist-oriented outdoor
amusements, and similar uses, may be permitted in CBD districts, subject to
the following:
A. No activities shall take place within 100 feet of an abutting residential
Page | 106
B. Use of loudspeaker or public address systems for broadcasting music
or continuous announcements shall be prohibited.
C. An outdoor lighting plan shall specify the type of fixtures to be used,
light intensity, and method of shielding the fixtures so that light does
not project onto adjoining properties or interfere with driver visibility
on any public or private street or public right-of-way.
D. Hours of operation may be restricted by the Planning Commission
where protection of abutting residential areas is desirable and
A convalescent or rest home, orphanage, or home for the elderly may be
permitted, in the R-1 and M districts, subject to the following:
A. All vehicular ingress and egress shall be directly onto a major or
secondary thoroughfare.
B. The minimum site size shall be twenty (20) acres in R-1 districts and
five (5) acres in M districts.
C. All buildings shall be set back at least 75 feet from all property lines.
Because drive-in or outdoor movie theaters possess the unique
characteristics of being used only after darkness and since they develop a
concentration of vehicular traffic in terms of ingress and egress from their
parking area, they shall be permitted in I districts only, subject to the
A. The proposed internal layout shall be designed to properly collect and
store storm water so that it is not allowed to run off onto adjoining
B. All vehicular access shall be directly from an abutting major
C. All vehicles, waiting or standing to enter the facility, shall be provided
off-street waiting space in the ratio of one (1) space for every ten (10)
viewing spaces within the drive-in. No vehicle shall be permitted to
wait or stand within a public right-of-way.
D. The entire site shall be completely screened with an obscuring wall or
fence with a minimum height of eight (8) feet. Such wall or fence may
be modified in height to not less than six (6) feet, depending upon
Page | 107
terrain features of the site and adjacent uses, as determined by the
Planning Commission.
Because of the auto-oriented character of drive-in restaurants and similar
establishments, they shall be permitted in CBD Districts only, provided the
following conditions are met:
A. A setback of at least sixty (60) feet from the planned future street
right-of-way lines shall be maintained.
B. Ingress and egress points shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from
the intersection of any two (2) street right-of-way lines or abutting
residential district.
C. Lighting shall be shielded so that it does not project onto abutting
residential districts, nor shall it interfere with driver visibility on
nearby streets.
D. The side and rear of the parcel abutting any residential district shall be
screened from view by a 6 foot high masonry wall of face brick or
precast masonry panels with the appearance of face brick. The
Planning Commission may substitute a decorative, pressure treated
wood fence where a fence is determined to be more appropriate.
Golf courses which do not include driving ranges or miniature golf courses,
may be permitted in R-1, and R-2 districts, subject to the following:
A. Major accessory uses such as a restaurant and bar shall be housed in a
single building with the club house. Minor accessory uses strictly
related to the operation of the golf course itself, such as maintenance
garage and pro shop may be located in separate structures. No
structure shall be located closer than seventy-five (75) feet from the
lot line of any adjacent residential district or public right-of-way.
B. All maintenance, service, and storage yards shall be screened from
view by a 6 foot high masonry wall or pressure treated wood fence
approved by the Planning Commission.
C. All parking areas shall be paved and shall be located or screened so as
not to affect any adjoining residential district.
D. All ingress and egress from the site shall be directly onto a major or
secondary thoroughfare.
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E. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded to reduce glare and arranged so
as to reflect the light away from abutting residential areas.
F. Whenever included, swimming pools shall be provided with a
protective fence not less than six (6) feet in height, and entry shall be
provided by means of a controlled gate or turnstile.
Commercial kennels, animal hospitals, offices of a veterinarian and the like,
may be permitted in CBD and I districts only, subject to the following:
A. The site shall abut a public road shown as a major or secondary
thoroughfare on the Village's adopted Master Plan.
B. Pens and runs shall be located no closer than one hundred fifty (150)
feet to any property line.
C. All runs and breeding areas shall be enclosed.
D. All animals shall be adequately housed, fenced and maintained so as
not to be or become a public or private nuisance. The premises shall
be maintained in such a manner so as not to be harmful to surrounding
properties, or create any hazard or detriment to public health, safety or
general welfare.
E. Kennels housing more than 10 dogs shall provide one (1) off-street
parking space for each five (5) kennel runs. Other uses shall provide
parking to accommodate the maximum number of patrons using the
facility at any one time. The parking area shall be screened from view
of an abutting residential district in a manner that is satisfactory to the
Planning Commission.
F. All objectionable noise shall be controlled as required by the
Performance Standards of this ordinance.
G. Any use permitted by the Village under this section shall terminate
immediately when the lot area requirements herein set forth are
decreased in any manner or the provisions of this ordinance violated.
Private kennels for housing only those animals owned by the proprietor may
be permitted in R-1 districts, subject to the following:
A. A private kennel must be accessory to a permitted single family
B. No animal shall be allowed to run free. Pens and runs shall be located
no closer than one hundred (100) feet to any property line.
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C. The minimum site size shall be 5 acres with a minimum width of three
hundred (300) feet.
D. The proprietor shall not keep more than four (4) dogs over the age of
one year. No animal shall be housed that is not the personal property
of the proprietor except for incidental breeding.
E. All animals shall be adequately housed, fenced and maintained so as
not to be or become a public or private nuisance. The premises shall
be maintained in such a manner so as not to be harmful to surrounding
properties, or create any hazard or detriment to public health, safety or
general welfare.
Limited business uses that are primarily engaged in producing a product or
providing a service, where the external physical effects will not extend
beyond the property lines, may be permitted in R-1 and R-2 districts subject
to the following:
A. Only owner/operator types of businesses shall be allowed.
B. All such uses shall be completely enclosed within a building and shall
be designed and operated by the owner/operator as a use accessory to
his or her permitted residential use.
C. There shall be no open storage of equipment, vehicles, materials, or
D. The product manufactured on-site shall not be sold primarily at retail
on-site, rather, the product should be distributed elsewhere by the
E. The building used for production or servicing shall not exceed six
thousand (6,000) square feet in floor area and shall be no more than
one (1) story or twenty (20) feet in height.
F. All areas for employee and customer parking shall be designed and
arranged so as to be screened from public view. Where necessary, the
Planning Commission may require screening of the parking area.
G. One non-illuminated sign, no larger than 12 square feet and stating
only the name of the business or profession of the owner/operator
shall be displayed flat against the wall of the building.
H. The minimum size parcel required for all limited business uses in R-1
districts shall be five (5) acres and in R-2 districts shall be 10 acres,
both requiring a minimum width of three hundred (300’) feet.
I. The owner/operator shall have restroom facilities available for all
employees on-site.
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Group Child Care Facilities and similar uses shall be permitted in the CBD
and O districts, subject to the following:
A. All such uses shall provide adequate drop-off and waiting spaces so
that parents' cars are not required to stand in a public right-of-way.
B. Outdoor play space shall be provided in the ratio of 100 square feet
per child to be cared for, to a maximum required of 10,000 square
feet. No outdoor play area shall be less than 1,000 square feet.
C. To insure child safety, all outdoor use areas shall be enclosed by a 4
foot 6 inch high chain link fence. On those sides abutting residential
property, it shall be a 6 foot high obscuring fence of masonry or
pressure treated wood.
D. The site layout shall be designed to insure pedestrian safety by
separating play areas from parking and driveways.
Outdoor sales lots for automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, manufactured
homes, and similar uses may be permitted in CBD districts subject to the
A. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded from projecting onto or into an
adjoining residential district and shall not interfere with driver
visibility on a public right-of-way.
B. There shall be no strings of flags, pennants or bare light bulbs
C. No vehicles or merchandise for sale shall be displayed within any
required yard.
D. There shall be no broadcast of continuous music or announcements
over any loudspeaker or public address system.
E. On all sides adjacent to a residential district, there shall be provided a
masonry wall of face brick or a pressure treated, completely obscuring
wood fence, as approved by the Planning Commission.
Private residential ponds, and agricultural or farm ponds may be permitted
on a minimum of five (5) acres in the R-1 and R-2 districts, subject to the
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A. There shall be a setback of at least one hundred (100) feet from the
edge of the excavation to all property lines.
B. There shall be a minimum setback from any septic tank and/or tile
disposal field of at least one hundred (100) feet.
C. Where a pond will be used for swimming, there shall be no slope in
excess of 5:1 (five feet horizontal to one foot vertical) until the water
reaches a depth of five (5) feet, on the beach side of the pond. In no
case shall any slope exceed 3:1.
D. Excavated materials, in excess of 1,000 cubic yards, may not be
hauled off the site.
E. All applications for pond approval shall be accompanied by a permit
fee, in an amount established by resolution of the Village Council.
F. A performance bond, in an amount established by resolution of the
Village Council, shall be posted by the applicant prior to issuance of a
permit to insure completion of all required improvements.
G. All approved ponds shall be completed within six (6) months of
issuance of a permit. The Planning Commission may grant a six (6)
month extension of the permit for just cause.
H. Use of any residential, agricultural or farm pond by the public for
swimming, fishing or the like, shall be prohibited.
Public buildings such as libraries, fire stations, recreation centers, and
similar uses, may be permitted in any agricultural or residential district,
subject to the following:
A. There shall be no storage yard or uses like a public works garage.
B. The site shall have all access from a major or secondary thoroughfare.
C. All off-street parking shall be screened from abutting residential
property by a brick wall, decorative wood fence, or a landscaped
greenbelt at least 15 feet wide.
Retail uses may be permitted by the Planning Commission in the I district
upon a finding that they meet one of the following two standards:
A. Retail uses which have an industrial character in terms of either their
outdoor storage requirements or activities, such as lumber yards,
building materials outlets, outdoor boat, house trailer, automobile or
agricultural implement sales, and similar uses.
Page | 112
B. Retail uses which serve the convenience needs of the establishments
and employees of the I district such as, restaurants, branch offices of
financial institutions, automotive service stations and service centers,
motels, trade or industrial schools, medical offices and clinics, and
similar uses.
Commercial riding academies and stables may be permitted only in the R-1
districts, subject to the following:
A. All buildings, corrals, or other enclosures for animals shall be set back
at least 250 feet from any property line abutting a residential use.
B. The entire area of the site used for riding trails shall be fenced to
prevent horses and riders from entering adjoining properties.
C. There shall be no storage of customers' trailers or other vehicles for
transporting horses except in a completely enclosed building.
D. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for customers in the
ratio of one space for every horse boarding stall. All parking areas
shall be screened from view of an abutting residential use by either a
greenbelt, obscuring fence, or masonry wall, whichever is determined
by the Planning Commission to be the most appropriate and effective.
E. All areas for stockpiling manure shall be screened from view, shall
not be located closer than 200 feet to any property line, and shall not
be allowed to become a nuisance.
Because roadside markets are seasonal in character and utilized on a
temporary basis, roadside markets may be allowed in R-1 districts, for
periods not to exceed six (6) months subject to the following:
A. The sale of farm products in a roadside market shall not take place
within the dedicated right-of-way of any road within the Village, and
assurances shall be made to the Village that ample off-street parking
has been provided, and adequate ingress and egress provided to the
B. No permanent structure of any type shall be erected, and upon
discontinuance of the temporary use, the temporary structures shall be
removed from the roadside.
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Public and private primary and secondary schools (Prekindergarten through
grade 12) may be permitted in all Residential districts, subject to the
A. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for all teachers,
employees, and visitors.
B. Off-street waiting space shall be available so that school buses and
parents' automobiles are not forced to stand within the right-of-way of
any public street.
C. The layout of all parking lots, driveways, waiting areas and loading
zones shall be designed with pedestrian safety as the primary
D. All buildings shall be set back at least 50 feet from all lot lines
abutting a residential use.
Shooting ranges, gun clubs, and similar uses, such as survival and other air-
gun games, may be permitted in I districts subject to the following:
A. The minimum site size shall be eighty (80) acres with a minimum
width of one thousand three hundred twenty (1320) feet.
B. Off-street parking shall be provided in the ratio of one (1) space for
each three (3) users at capacity. All parking areas shall be kept dust-
free at all times so as not to become a nuisance to adjoining
C. All parking areas shall be screened from view of an adjoining
residential district or use by either a greenbelt, obscuring fence, or a
masonry wall, whichever is determined by the Planning Commission
to be the most appropriate and effective.
D. The hours when shooting is permitted at a gun club or shooting range
shall be limited from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and
12 noon to 6 p.m. Sundays. The Planning commission may apply
more restrictive hours where protection for adjoining residents is
E. The design of the facility shall clearly show that safety of persons on
and off the site is guaranteed. This shall mean that no projectile of any
kind may be permitted to leave the site. Unless this safety requirement
is clearly indicated by the design plans, a permit shall not be issued.
Page | 114
The design of all ranges shall incorporate the recommended safety
features of the National Rifle Association or similar safety features.
F. The firing range shall be fenced on all sides except the firing line, by a
fence no less than 8 feet in height. Such a fence shall be either of a
chain-link type or of board construction sufficient to prevent persons
from passing over or through the fence.
G. The firing line or other area from which firearms are discharged shall
be located no closer than 150 feet from any property line, nor closer
than 500 feet from any existing residential structure other than those
on the premises.
H. Properties used for survival games or other air-gun games shall be
completely fenced to prevent participants from trespassing on
adjoining properties. Signs warning participants not to cross the fence
shall be placed every two hundred (200) feet along its perimeter.
Failure to follow this requirement shall be grounds for immediate
revocation of the applicant's Special Land Use Permit.
A. Local Utility Structures
Utility structures, such as but not limited to, electric transformer
stations and sub-stations, gas regulator stations, sewer lift stations, and
the like, shall be permitted in all districts subject to Site Plan
Approval by the Planning Commission and the following standards:
1. Operating requirements necessitate the proposed location in
order to serve the residents of the Village.
2. All such uses shall be completely enclosed and without storage
3. No structure shall exceed the height limit of the district in
which it is to be located.
4. All buildings shall be designed to be compatible in style and
materials with other uses permitted in the district.
5. No building shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to any
property line abutting land zoned for residential use.
6. A minimum fifteen (15)-foot landscaped greenbelt shall be
provided around the entire perimeter of the utility building site.
7. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for any service
personnel and all drives and parking areas shall be paved with
Page | 115
asphalt or concrete.
B. Utility Transmission Systems
Utility transmission systems, such as but not limited to, high voltage
electric transmission lines, high pressure gas pipelines, and oil
pipelines shall require Special Land Use Approval by the Planning
commission subject to the following requirements and standards:
1. All such utility lines shall follow existing utility corridors
where possible, and reasonable, as determined by the
Planning Commission.
2. Selective clearing techniques shall be used throughout a
utility corridor or property for installation of towers, lines,
pipelines, service roads, drainage facilities, and similar
facilities. Existing vegetation shall be maintained, whenever
possible, throughout the remainder of the corridor not
affected by the actual installation of approved facilities.
3. Any area destroyed by necessity in the construction of such
approved facilities, may be subject to conditions imposed by
the Planning Commission for its immediate restoration by
replanting or similar techniques.
4. During construction or repair of any facilities approved
hereunder, the following shall be required:
a. All internal roads shall be kept dust-free by chemical
b. Any damages to public or private roads, fences,
structures, or facilities shall be repaired immediately.
c. No wastes or spoils of any kind, such as tree stumps,
construction wastes, trash and the like, shall be left after
construction or repair operations are complete.
d. All construction operations shall be confined to
daylight hours, Monday through Saturday, unless
permitted in writing by the Planning Commission.
5. The existence of one line or facility approved hereunder
does not imply permission to erect any other lines or
facilities other than those originally permitted.
C. Utility Transmission Structures
Utility transmission structures, such as but not limited to, high voltage
electric stations, gas compressor stations, oil well pumping/storage
Page | 116
facilities, and wireless communications, receiving or transmitting
towers, shall require Special Land Use Approval by the Planning
commission subject to the following requirements and standards:
1. The following types of utility transmission structures shall
be permitted only in the listed districts:
Electric Stations R-1, I
Gas Compressor Stations
Oil Storage Facility
Wireless Communications Tower
R-1, I
2. In order to provide a pleasing community appearance and to
prevent noise levels, odors, dust, and similar external
physical effects from adversely affecting adjoining
properties, all equipment shall be completely enclosed
within a building, unless the setback and screening
guidelines specified in subsection "3" below are followed, as
approved by the Planning Commission.
3. If the equipment proposed will not be enclosed within a
building, a setback of three hundred (300) feet from all
property lines shall be required. In addition, an obscuring,
landscaped buffer shall be provided, based on the following
guidelines, as determined by the Planning Commission after
considering the type, size, height, and anticipated noise
levels of all equipment being proposed:
a. A landscaped earthen berm at least eight (8) feet high,
along all sides of the equipment.
b. A landscaped greenbelt at least twenty-five (25) feet in
width, along all sides of the equipment.
c. An obscuring fence or a masonry wall at least six (6)
feet high, completely surrounding the equipment.
d. Any combination of the above requirements approved
by the Planning Commission.
4. All buildings and equipment permitted under this section
shall be setback at least one hundred (100) feet from all
adjoining property lines. Expansions of transmission
facilities, which facilities existed prior to the effective date
of this amendment, may be placed within one hundred (100)
feet of an adjoining property line only after approval of the
Page | 117
Zoning Board of Appeals and only when fully enclosed
within a building.
5. Where there will be employees stationed at the utility
building on a permanent or intermittent basis, adequate off-
street parking shall be constructed with an asphalt or
concrete surface.
6. There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment and/or
materials which are not necessary for daily operations of any
utility building site, except those which are necessary for
safety or emergency repairs at that particular utility
transmission structure site.
7. Where the utility transmission structure proposed is a
wireless transmission, receiving or relay tower which
exceeds the height limit of the particular zoning district in
question, it shall comply with the following special
a. No wireless transmission tower in excess of one
hundred (100) feet in height shall be located closer than
2,000 feet to any other such tower.
b. All wireless transmission towers not subject to the
regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration shall
be painted with a color designed to cause the tower to
blend in with the surrounding landscape.
c. No new wireless transmission tower shall be
constructed where there exists another tower that could
reasonably be used to carry the transmission or
receiving equipment proposed. The purpose of this
section is to require the sharing of tower space by more
than one company where broadcast and receiving
frequencies do not prohibit such sharing of tower space.
Self-storage or mini warehouses may be permitted in the CBD district,
subject to the following requirements:
A. The owner and/or operator shall not permit any business activity to be
conducted from an individual storage unit or units. The purpose of
self-storage warehouses shall be limited to storage of private property
by individuals.
Page | 118
B. The minimum spacing between self-storage buildings shall be thirty
(30) feet where a one-way traffic pattern is used and sixty (60) feet for
two-way movement of customer vehicles.
C. If an office and caretaker's quarters are proposed on-site, they shall
occupy a single building.
D. If the site of a self-storage warehouse directly abuts or lies across the
street from a residential district, a masonry screen wall, obscuring
fence and/or a landscaped greenbelt shall be provided, at the
discretion of the Planning Commission. In deciding what type of
screening to require, the Commission shall evaluate which would be
most appropriate to the neighborhood area in question.
E. Every self-storage warehouse shall have an employee on-site at all
times during business hours.
F. No individual storage unit shall have an interior width greater than ten
(10) feet and there shall be no electrical service to individual units that
could be used by customers.
Bed & Breakfast Inns may be permitted in the R-1, M, and R-2 districts,
subject to approval by the Planning Commission and the following special
A. All guest rooms shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet
for double occupancy, equipped with a smoke detector/alarm, and
shall have lavatory and bathing facilities available to the overnight
B. The Bed & Breakfast Inn shall have a minimum of two (2) means of
exit directly to the outdoors. A floor plan and elevation drawings (or
photographs) shall accompany the application.
C. There shall be no exterior alterations to the dwelling that are not
customary for other principal single family residences in the Village.
If guest rooms are not part of the original structure but are proposed to
be added, plans prepared by a Registered Architect shall be submitted
to the Planning Commission for approval which demonstrate the
1. The addition is compatible in style and design with the
original structure.
2. The rooms proposed to be added could be incorporated into
the structure for single family residential use in the future, if
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the owner chooses to terminate the use of the dwelling as a
Bed & Breakfast Inn.
D. Two (2) off-street parking spaces for the dwelling and one (1) for each
double-occupancy room shall be provided. All off-street parking shall
be designed and arranged to maintain the residential character of the
principal use. To that end, parking "lots" are to be avoided and the use
of grass pavers or similar materials is encouraged.
E. One (1) non-illuminated sign, not to exceed four (4) square feet may
be displayed flat against the wall of the building or within the non-
required front yard only.
F. The applicant shall submit proof of the local Health Department's
evaluation regarding the adequacy of the on-site sewage disposal
system, in relation to the number of guest rooms proposed, in addition
to the principal residential use.
G. The maximum length of stay of any guest(s) shall be fourteen (14)
H. The permit shall be issued to an owner/operator only and shall not run
with the land.
The Cluster Housing Option may be permitted in the R-1 and R-2 districts.
The purpose of this option is to preserve certain natural features such as
wetlands, water bodies, mature tree stands (woodlands), unusual topography,
flood plains and similar natural features by providing for variation in
minimum lot sizes and widths and the types of single family dwellings
permitted. A proposal for cluster housing must comply with the following:
A. The land must be platted and subdivided under the Subdivision
Control Act or developed as a site condominium under the
Condominium Act.
B. The parcel of land must possess one or more of the following physical
or locational characteristics:
1. Topography of the site exceeds twenty (20) percent slope on at
least 20 percent of the site.
2. Street slopes would exceed six (6) percent without mass
grading of the site.
3. The area of open space planned (not including paved surfaces)
accounts for at least twenty-five (25) percent of the total
horizontal development area of the parcel (land under water
shall not be included in this calculation).
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C. The parcel must contain a readily identifiable physical resource which
is to be conserved by the developer. Items classified as a physical
resource may include streams / watercourses, wetlands, areas of
unique topography having a slope of 20 percent on at least 20 percent
of the site, mature tree stands and/or other native vegetation areas and
similar items.
D. The development plan should encourage a more efficient, aesthetic,
and desirable use of the land by preserving certain natural features,
thereby allowing a consolidation of the developed areas that could
result in lower overall development costs.
E. Sanitary sewers must be available to all lots within the proposed
cluster development.
F. The following guidelines shall be used in designing a cluster
1. Individual lots may be reduced to not less than 17,200 square
feet in the R-1 district and to not less than 7,900 in the R-2
district. Minimum lot widths may be reduced to 80 feet in the
R-1 district and to 70 feet in the R-2 district.
2. For every square foot reduction in lot size, an equal area shall
be dedicated as public, subdivision, or condominium open
space. No individual open space shall be less than 4 acres in
3. Up to 20 percent of the housing units may be attached, provided
that no 2 units shall share more than 30 percent common wall
and no more than 3 units may be attached in any one group.
4. Deed restrictions shall provide for common ownership of all
open space and shall provide an approved mechanism and
financing for permanent maintenance.
5. All dwelling units in a cluster development shall meet the
minimum floor area requirements of the applicable zoning
Essential services, as defined in this Ordinance, shall be permitted, as
authorized and regulated by State Law and other ordinances of the Village, it
being the intent to exempt essential services from the provisions of this
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The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be construed as to interfere with
the temporary use of any property as a voting place in connection with a
Village or other public election.
The height limitations of this Ordinance shall not apply to farm buildings,
chimneys, church spires, flag poles or public monuments, provided,
however, that the Board of Appeals may specify a height limit for any such
structure when it requires authorization as a special land use.
Any lot existing and of record at the time this Ordinance became effective
may be used for any principal use permitted, other than special land uses for
which special lot area requirements are specified in this Ordinance, provided
all yard area and setback requirements of the specific zoning district are
complied with, and provided that not more than one (1) principal building
occupies the lot.
An open, unenclosed, and uncovered porch or patio may project into a
required front yard for a distance not exceeding ten (10) feet, but this shall
not be interpreted to include or permit fixed canopies or other roof-like
Architectural features, not including vertical projections, may extend or
project into a required side yard not more than two (2) inches for each one
(1) foot of width of such side yard; and may extend or project into a required
front yard not more than three (3) feet.
For the purpose of this Ordinance, access drives may be placed in the
required front or side yards so as to provide access to rear yard and/or
accessory or attached structures. These drives shall not be considered as
structural violations in front and side yards. Further, any walk, terrace, or
other pavement servicing the like function, and not in excess of nine (9)
inches above the grade upon which placed, shall for the purpose of this
Ordinance not be considered to be a structure, and shall be permitted in any
required yards.
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The provisions of this ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the
Village Zoning Administrator, appointed by the Village Council for such
term and to such conditions and at such rate of compensation as the Board
shall determine.
If the Zoning Administrator is personally interested in the construction of a
building subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the Village Council
shall designate some other person to examine the plans, and to issue the
necessary permits, approvals, and certificates.
A. Certificate of Approval Required. No building or structure
subject to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be erected,
altered, enlarged, or moved upon any premises until a
“Certificate of Approval” has been issued to the owner of
the premises by the Zoning Administrator, certifying that the
proposed undertaking is in conformity with the provisions of
the Ordinance. No certificate shall be transferrable. The
certificate shall be obtained before any work, excavation,
erection, alteration, enlargement, or movement is begun. No
certificate shall be required for any agricultural building or
structure on bonifide farms except for buildings used for
dwelling purposes. The certificate shall be posted in a
prominent place on the premises during the period of
construction, alteration, enlargement, or movement.
B. Application for Certificate of Approval. An application for
a Certificate of Approval shall be made at least ten (10) days
prior to the commencement of any construction, alteration,
enlargement or movement. The application shall be
accompanied by the following:
1. Proof of ownership
2. Two (2) copies of a plot plan, drawn to scale, showing
the actual dimensions of all existing and proposed
structures, the location and width of all abutting public
and private streets, rights-of-way, easements, and
public open spaces, the location of all buildings on
Page | 123
abutting properties that are within eight (8) feet of the
common property line, location of the domestic water
well, septic tank, and tile field disposal system.
C. Issuance of Certificate of Approval. Whenever the Zoning
Administrator shall determine that the building or structure
is in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance, he
shall issue a Certificate of Approval to the applicant within
ten (10) days after receipt of the application, and when such
certificate is refused, he/she shall state the reasons for such
refusal in writing. The Zoning Administrator shall deposit
one (1) copy of the application with the Village Clerk with
notations relative to its approval or disapproval, including
the date thereof, and one (1) copy shall be returned to the
applicant with similar notations.
D. Fees. For each Certificate of Approval issued, a fee shall be
paid by the applicant, said fee to be established by the
Village Board. No Certificate of Approval shall be issued or
be valid until the required fee has been paid.
E. Expiration of Certificate of Approval. Any Certificate of
Approval issued by the Zoning Administrator under which
no work has been done above the foundations within one (1)
year from the date of issuance shall expire; but upon request,
such permit shall be renewable fro an additional one (1) year
from the date of expiration of the original permit, after
payment of a renewal fee subject however, to the provisions
of the Zoning Ordinance in force at the time of such
F. Cancellation of Certificate of Approval. The Zoning
Administrator shall have power to revoke and cancel any
Certificate of Approval in case of failure or neglect to
comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance or in
case of any false statement or misrepresentation made in the
application for a Certificate of Approval. The owner or his
duly authorized agent shall be notified of such revocation
and cancellation in writing.
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There is hereby established a Zoning Board of Appeals of which the Village
Council shall constitute the same, in accordance with Section 5(a) of Act
207 of the Public Acts of 1921, as amended. The Zoning Board shall
annually select its own Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary.
Meetings of the Board shall be heard at the call of the Chairman and at such
other times as the Board may determine by rule. Such Chairman, or in his
absence the Acting Chairman, may administer oaths and compel the
attendance or witnesses. The Board shall adopt its own rules or procedures
and shall maintain a record of its proceedings which shall be filed in the
office of the Metamora Village Clerk and shall be a public record. The fees
to be charged for appeals shall be set by resolution of the Village Council.
In those instances wherin lot area and yard requirements in lots existing of
record cannot be complied with and must therefore be reviewed by the
Board, the required fees for appeal, in whole or in part, may be refunded to
the petitioner at the discretion of the Board of Appeals.
An appeal to the Board of Appeals based in whole or in part on the
provisions of this Ordinance may be taken by any person, firm or
corporation aggrieved or by any governmental officer, department, board, or
bureau affected by the decision of the Zoning Administrator. Such appeal
shall be taken by filing a notice of appeal with the Board of Appeals on
appropriate forms provided by the Zoning Administrator; payment of the
required fee, and shall specify the grounds for such appeal. The Zoning
Administrator shall transmit all papers constituting the records of such
appeal to the Board. The Board may require the applicant to furnish such
surveys, plans, or other information as may be reasonably required to said
Board for the proper consideration of the matter. Upon a haring before the
Board, any person or party may appear in person, or by agent, or by
The Board of Appeals shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the
appeal and give due notice thereof to all persons to whom any real property
within three hundred (300) feet of the premises in question shall be assessed,
and to the occupant of all single- and two-family dwellings within three
Page | 125
hundred (300) feet, such notice to be delivered personally or by mail
addressed to the respective owners and tenants at the address given in the
last assessment roll, and shall decide the same within a reasonable time. If
the tenant’s name is not known, the term “occupant” may be used. Upon the
hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. The
Board may reverse or affirm wholly or partly, or may modify the order,
requirement, decision or determination as in its opinion ought to be made in
the premises, and to that end shall have all the power of the officer from
whom the appeal is taken. The concurring vote of two-thirds of the Board of
Appeals shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or
determination of the Zoning Administrator or to decide in favor of the
applicant any matter upon which they are required to decide under this
Ordinance or to effect any variation in this Ordinance. An appeal shall stay
all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the Zoning
Administrator certifies to the Board of Appeals after notice of appeal shall
have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a
stay would cause imminent peril to life and property, in which case the
proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which
shall be granted by the Board of Appeals or by the Circuit Court on
application, on notice to the Zoning Administrator and on due cause shown.
The Board of Appeals acting in that capacity, shall not have the power to
alter or change the Zoning District classification of any property, shall not
make any change in the terms of this ordinance, and shall not grant any land
use variances. The Board does have power to act on those matters where
this Ordinance provides for an administrative review, interpretation, or
exception and to authorize a variance as defined in this Section and laws of
the State of Michigan. Said powers include:
decide appeals where it is alleged by the applicant
that there is an error in any order, requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by the Zoning
Administrator or any other administrative official
in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this
Page | 126
(2) EXCEPTIONS. To hear and decide in
accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance,
requests for exceptions, for interpretations of the
Zoning Map, and for decisions on special
situations on which this Ordinance specifically
authorizes the Board to pass. Any exception
permit shall be subject to such conditions as the
Board may require to preserve and promote the
character of the Zoning District in question, and
otherwise promote the purpose of this Ordinance.
(3) VARIANCE. To authorize, upon an appeal, a
variance from the strict applications on the
provisions of this Ordinance where by reason of
exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape or
area of a specific piece of property at the time of
enactment of this Ordinance or by reason of
exceptional topographic conditions or other
extraordinary or exceptional conditions of such
property, the strict application of the regulations
enacted would result in peculiar or exceptional
practical difficulties to, or exceptional undue
hardship upon the owner of such property,
provided such relief may be granted without
substantial detriment to the public good and
without substantially impairing the intent and
purpose of this Ordinance. In granting a variance,
the Board may attach thereto such conditions
regarding the location, character, and other
features of the proposed uses as it may deem
reasonable in furtherance of the purpose of this
Ordinance. In granting a variance, the Board
shall state the grounds upon which it justifies the
granting of a variance.
Each case before the Board of Appeals shall be considered as an individual
case and shall conform to the detailed application of the following standards
in a manner appropriate to the particular circumstances of such case. All
uses as listed in any district requiring Board approval for a permit shall be of
such location, size, and character, that, in general, it will be in harmony with
Page | 127
the appropriate and orderly development of the district in which it is situated
and will not be detrimental to the orderly development of adjacent districts.
The Board shall give consideration to the following:
(1) The location and size of the use
(2) The nature and intensity of the operations involved in or
conducted in connection with it
(3) Its size, layout, and its relation to pedestrian and vehicular
traffic to and from the use
(4) The assembly of persons in connection with the use so that it
will not be hazardous to the neighborhood or be incongruous
therewith or conflict with normal traffic of the neighborhood
(5) Taking into account, among other things, convenient routes of
pedestrian traffic, particularly of children
(6) Vehicular turning movements in relation to routes of traffic
flow; in relation to street intersections, site distance and the
general character and intensity of development of the
(7) The location and height of building, the location, nature and
heights of walls, fences and the nature and extent of
landscaping of the site shall be such that the use will not hinder
or discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent
land and buildings or impair the value thereof
(8) The nature, location, size and site layout of the uses shall be
such that it will be a harmonious part of the district in which it
is situated taking into account, among other things, prevailing
shopping habits, convenience of access by prospective patrons,
the physical and economic relationship of one type of use to
another and related characteristics
(9) The location, size, intensity and site layout of the use shall be
such that its operations will not be objectionable to nearby
dwellings, by reason of noise, fumes or flash of lights to a
greater degree than is normal with respect to the proximity of
commercial to residential uses, nor interfere with an adequate
supply of light and air, nor increase the danger of fire or
otherwise endanger public safety
No order of the Board of Appeals permitting the erecting or alteration of
buildings shall be valid for a period longer than one (1) year, unless a
Page | 128
building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period
and such erection or alteration is commenced and proceeds to completion in
accordance with the terms of such permit.
No order of the Board of Appeals permitting a use of a building or premises
shall be valid for a period longer than one (1) year unless such use is
established within such period; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the use of
such permit is dependent upon the erection or alteration of a building, such
order shall continue in full force and effect if a building permit for such use,
erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erections or
alterations are commenced and proceed to completion in accordance with
the terms of such permit.
The Village of Metamora Planning Commission is designated and created as
the commission specified in Public Act 33 of 2008 and Public Act 110 of
2006 to have all the authority to perform all of the duties of said
Commission as provided in such statutes. The Village of Metamora
Planning Commission consists of seven (7) members, and is created
pursuant to and shall perform its duties and shall be organized pursuant and
subject to Public Act 33 of 2008 and Public Act 110 of 2006. The
Metamora Village Council hereby ratifies the creation of the existing
Planning Commission and further establishes what shall be in the future
known as the “Village of Metamora Planning Commission.”
Amendments to the Zoning Map and/or the text of this Ordinance shall
follow the requirements and procedures of the City or Village Zoning Act, as
Any use of land or buildings, and any building or structure that is erected,
altered or maintained in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance is
hereby declared to be a nuisance per se. The Village, the Prosecuting
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Attorney for Lapeer County, the Zoning Administrator, or any citizen may
take action in any court of competent jurisdiction to cause the abatement of
such nuisance.
Any person, person who violates a provision of this Ordinance shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fines not to exceed five hundred
dollars ($500.00) and/or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days.
Any zoning administrator retained by the Village, any elected or appointed
Village official, and any police officers or police agencies which provide
police protection for the Village of Metamora shall be authorized to issue
appearance tickets for violations of this ordinance. Upon authorization of
the Village Council, the Village attorney may also initiate enforcement
action and seek injunctive, equitable or any other relief by civil action. The
Village may institute an action for injunction, mandamus, abatement or any
other appropriate action or actions, proceedings to prevent, enjoin, abate, or
remove any violation of this Ordinance provided by this Ordinance and the
person or entity violating the Ordinance shall be responsible to pay for the
attorney fees, expert fees and other costs and expenses incurred by the
Village in such enforcement action. The rights and remedies provided
herein are cumulative and in addition to all other remedies provided by this
The Village Council shall establish by resolution a schedule of fees and
charges and a collection procedure for zoning compliance permits, site plan
review, special land uses, appeals, and other matters pertaining to this
Ordinance. The schedule of fees shall be posted in the office of the Village
Clerk, and may be altered or amended from time to time by resolution of the
Village Council.
Until all applicable fees and charges have been paid in full, no action shall
be taken on any application or appeal.
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Each and every part of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be severable.
Should any Article, Section, subsection or provision be declared by the
Courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so
declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.
Metamora Village Zoning Ordinance, which became effective on May 9,
1977, and all amendments thereto, is hereby repealed in its entirety.
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Ordinance shall
be held to be the minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of
public health, safety, morals, or general welfare. Wherever the requirements
of this Ordinance are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully
adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances, the more restrictive or that
imposing the higher standards shall govern.
This Ordinance shall take effect 7 days after publication in a newspaper of
general circulation with in the Village a notification of adoption which
complies with MCL 125.3401.
I, ________________________, Metamora Village Clerk, hereby certify
that this Zoning Ordinance was adopted by the Metamora Village Council at
a meeting held on __________________ after a public hearing had been
held by the Metamora Village Planning Commission on ________________
and a recommendation for adoption was transmitted to the Metamora
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Village Council, pursuant to the requirements of the City of Village Zoning
Act, as amended.
_____________, Clerk
Village of Metamora