July 1, 2021-June 30, 2024
ARTICLE 1 Effective Dates 3
ARTICLE 2 Recognition, Parties 3
ARTICLE 3 No-Strike Clause 3
ARTICLE 4 Rights of Management 4
ARTICLE 5 Non-Discrimination 4
ARTICLE 6 Rights of Association 4
ARTICLE 7 Work Hours and Shift Bidding 6
ARTICLE 8 Compensation (Wages) 7
ARTICLE 9 Compensation (Non-Wage Benefits) 15
ARTICLE 10 Leave of Absence 21
ARTICLE 11 Personnel Actions 24
ARTICLE 12 Disciplinary Action 27
ARTICLE 13 Grievance Arbitration 29
ARTICLE 14 Miscellaneous 32
ARTICLE 15 Light Duty Assignments 34
ARTICLE 16 Payroll Deduction 34
ARTICLE 17 Technical Matters 35
ARTICLE 18 Adoption 36
APPENDIX A Salary Schedules
APPENDIX B Grievance Form
(July 1, 2021- June 30, 2024)
WHEREAS, Lyon County (“County”) and the Lyon County Sheriff’s Employee
Association (“Association”) are engaged in providing public services essential to the
health, safety and welfare of the residents of County; and
WHEREAS, County, its employees and representatives of its employees have a
high degree of responsibility to the general public; and
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement and the employees covered by this
Agreement recognize their responsibility to provide the services for which they are
involved without interruption; and
WHEREAS, the parties understand that the Board of Lyon County Commissioners
is charged by law with the duty and responsibility of operating and providing county
government services and in carrying out those duties and responsibilities in employing
county employees in its operations. The terms and conditions of employment of
employees and County regulations and rules affecting the employment of those
employees are matters of mutual concern to County and Association. It is the intent and
purpose of this Agreement to assure sound and mutually beneficial economic and
employment relations between the parties hereto; to attempt to provide an orderly and
peaceful means of conducting negotiations, exchange of communications and views, and
resolutions of any misunderstandings or grievances, and to set forth in writing hereinafter
the Agreement between the parties covering rates of pay, wages, hours of work and other
conditions of employment so that both parties are accorded the rights granted to them by
Nevada Revised Statutes and that each party recognizes and respects the statutory rights
of the other party.
This agreement is entered into between the County and the Association. It is the
intent and purpose of this Agreement to assure sound and mutually beneficial working
and economic relationships between the parties hereto, to provide an orderly and
peaceful means of resolving any misunderstandings or differences which may arise, and
to set forth herein, pursuant to the provisions of NRS 288, the basic and full agreement
between the parties concerning rates of pay, wages, hours of employment and other
conditions of employment.
This Agreement shall be effective as of the 1st day of July, 2021, and shall remain
in full force and effect to and including the 30th day of June, 2024. This Agreement shall
thereafter remain in full force and effect until a successor Agreement is reached, except
that the County shall have no obligation to pay any longevity payment or step increase
under this Agreement after June 30, 2024, and shall have no obligation to increase any
other rate of pay or benefit under this Agreement after June 30, 2024, unless and until
the parties expressly agree otherwise by way of a negotiated amendment to this
The Association is hereby recognized as the sole and exclusive collective
bargaining representative pursuant to NRS 288 for the following bargaining units:
(1) Non-Supervisory Bargaining Unit. This bargaining unit is composed of all
full-time employees in the Deputy classification.
(2) Supervisory Bargaining Unit. This bargaining unit is composed of all full-
time employees in the Sergeant and Lieutenant classifications.
The parties recognize that additional sworn classifications at or below the rank of
Lieutenant may be established which share a community of interest with the positions in
the above bargaining units. In the event that the County establishes a new classification
which is to be assigned to the bargaining unit or changes an existing bargaining unit
classification, the Association will be notified in writing of the proposed new established
wage rate and job description or changed classification prior to adoption to allow the
Association an opportunity for discussion.
If within thirty (30) days of notification of the proposed wage rate for the new
classification, the Association provides written notification of their disagreement with the
rate established, the wage rate shall be subject to mandatory bargaining.
The Association will not promote, sponsor or engage in any strike against the
County, slow down or interruption of operation, concentrated stoppage of work, absence
from work upon any pretext or excuse such as illness, which is not founded in fact; or any
other intentional interruption of the operations of the County, regardless of the reason for
so doing; and will use its reasonable efforts to induce all employees covered by this
Agreement to comply with this pledge.
The County will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as
a result of a labor dispute with the Association.
The County, Sheriff, and Commissioners retain, and do not waive in any respect,
all rights conferred upon them, jointly and severally, by NRS Chapter 288, as may be
amended from time to time, and any other applicable legal authority.
A. The County will not discriminate against any employee because of
membership in the Association or interfere with the exercise of an employee’s rights under
this Agreement. The County will not encourage membership in another employee
bargaining organization.
B. The Association recognizes its responsibility as the exclusive negotiating
agent and agrees to represent all employees in the negotiating unit without discrimination,
interference, restraint, or coercion.
C. In Accordance with NRS Chapter 613 and all other applicable state and
federal laws, the provisions of this Agreement shall be applied equally to all covered
employees without discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, age, political affiliation or disability, except
when based upon a bona fide occupational qualification.
A. County recognizes and agrees to deal with representatives of Association
on all matters covered by this Agreement and pursuant to the provisions of NRS 288.010
et seq., so long as the subject matter does not impinge upon County's management rights
provided by NRS 288.150.
B. Selection of representatives of non-supervisory employees and supervisory
employees shall be the responsibility of Association. Association shall provide County
with a list of its representatives and shall be responsible to maintain and provide County
with notification of all changes.
C. Release time during work hours for Association business shall be limited to
Association executive board members, grievance representatives, and/or members of the
Association’s negotiation team. The purposes for which such employees may be released
include labor negotiations, labor relations workshops, processing grievances concerning
discipline and/or contract interpretation, and personnel matters in which Association
representation has been requested. Release time shall be subject to the approval of the
Sheriff; provided, however, that such approval shall not be unreasonably denied.
Employees shall be compensated at their normal rate of pay during release time, up to
an Association-wide aggregate limit of two hundred (200) hours in any fiscal year. The
County shall not provide more than a total of two hundred (200) hours of paid release
time to the Association and/or its members in any fiscal year, except that if an officer-
involved shooting (OIS) occurs the Sheriff may authorize up to an additional fifty (50)
hours of release time per each bargaining unit member who requests Association
representation in the OIS investigation. All release time in excess of the limit established
in this paragraph shall be taken as vacation leave or, at the released employee’s option,
as leave without pay. Release time shall not count as hours worked for overtime
purposes. Any time any employee spends on Association business while off duty and/or
outside of scheduled work hours shall not count as release time or as hours worked in
any respect, and the County shall owe no compensation to the employee for such time.
D. Non-Employee Access: Authorized non-employee Association
representatives will be given access to work locations during working hours to investigate
and process grievances or post bulletins on bulletin board(s) without unreasonable
interference with employee work. The Association shall give the Sheriff a written list of
such authorized Association Representatives. Only those people whose name appears
on the current list shall be granted access, with prior notification to and approval by the
Sheriff or designee, under this provision.
E. The Association will be provided space for a bulletin board not exceeding 3
x 4 feet at location the Sheriff’s Office and Substations subject to location approved by
the Sheriff or designee. The location approved shall not include areas that are hidden
from the membership including locked rooms or closets. Materials to be posted subject
to review and approval by the Sheriff or designee and shall not contain any obscene,
defamatory, derogatory or of a partisan political nature nor shall pertain to public issues
which do not involve the County or its relationship with the Association. The Association
may use county telephones and County e-mail as approved by the Sheriff regarding
processing grievances and Association meetings and negotiations. The Association is
authorized to use County copiers to reproduce materials regarding grievances and
negotiations and will reimburse County for actual costs. County-owned meeting facilities
may be made available to Association upon the same basis as the facilities are made
available to the public. If a rental or use fee is charged to the public, the same rental or
use fee shall be charged to Association.
F. The Sheriff, or his designee, and the Association will meet quarterly, or
more or less frequently by mutual agreement, for the purpose of engaging in labor
management meetings. The purpose of said meetings is to informally discuss matters of
concern and/or interest to either party. Up to three (3) employee representatives may be
approved for release time if meeting is scheduled during regular work hours, subject to
the operational requirements of the Sheriff’s Office as determined by the Sheriff or
(1) Work Hours
A. The normal work period of employees covered by this Agreement shall be
a period of fourteen (14) consecutive days commencing at 12:01 am Saturday and ending
at 12:00 midnight two (2) Fridays later.
B. Employees shall be placed on one of the following schedules:
1. Eight-hour shift schedule. Employees on this schedule work an eight (8)
hour shift, five (5) days per week, totaling eighty (80) hours for the work
2. Ten-hour shift schedule. Employees on this schedule work a ten (10)
hour shift, four (4) days per week, totaling eighty (80) hours for the work
C. The Sheriff or his/her designee shall have sole discretion to determinework
assignments and scheduling of work shifts, including start/quit times and days on/off.
D. Duty hours shall be devoted fully to the performance of assigned duties.
Periods of absence for non-work-related matters shall not be credited toward duty hours
and must be approved and charged to vacation leave, compensatory leave, sick leave,
or other approved forms of leave in accordance with this Agreement.
E. The employee shall record time worked and/or leave used on the actual day
that the time is worked and/or leave is used. For the purpose of this paragraph, a "day”
means the period between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00. When an employee’s shift begins on
one day and ends on the next day, the employee shall enter time worked and/or leave
taken on both days to ensure time entered accurately reflects time worked and/or leave
taken on the respective days.
(2) Shift Bidding
A. Shift bidding will be conducted every four (4) months among Deputies and
Sergeants assigned to all patrol areas and to the jail. A separate bidding process will be
conducted in each area, i.e., there will be separate processes for Dayton patrol, Walker
River patrol, Fernley patrol, and the jail. In all areas, the process will conform to this Article
B. The shift bidding process in each area will commence with the
dissemination of a document showing available shifts for the upcoming four (4) month
period in that area. This document shall be posted and e-mailed to all Deputies and
Sergeants assigned to that area no later than forty five (45) days before the four (4) month
period being bid upon. (E.g., for a shift bid covering the months of January through April,
the document shall be posted and e-mailed no later than November 16
.) The document
shall be posted for at least seven (7) days.
C. During the period the foregoing document is posted, the Deputies and
Sergeants in each area may submit, on a form approved by the Sheriff, their bids for the
shift of their choice for the upcoming four (4) month period.
D. No later than thirty (30) days before the four (4) month period being bid
upon, the Sheriff or his designee(s) shall release the schedule for each area for the
upcoming four (4) month period. In assigning Deputies and Sergeants to shifts on the
schedule, the primary consideration shall be the needs of the agency. Where all else is
equal and operational or fiscal needs would in no way be compromised, the Sheriff or his
designee(s) will make shift assignments in accordance with employees’ bidded
preferences in order of seniority. For the purpose of this Section, seniority means total
continuous service within the employee’s current classification of Deputy or Sergeant.
E. Once shift assignments are made for the upcoming four (4) month period
pursuant to Paragraph D above, the parties acknowledge and agree that changes may
occur as needed at the sole discretion of the Sheriff or his designee(s). In the event of a
change, the affected Deputy or Sergeant will receive prompt notice of the change by
telephone call or e-mail as soon as practicable after the need for the change becomes
F. All decisions regarding assignment of personnel are ultimately the sole
prerogative of the Sheriff and shall not be subject to the grievance procedure in this
Agreement. These include but are not limited to: assignment of personnel to a given shift
(whether or not such assignment accords with the employee’s bidded preference, and
whether or not the employee is more or less senior than others assigned to the shift of
the employee’s choice); any change in hours or shift assignments; any change to area
assignment; and any other scheduling decisions that are reasonably based on the needs
of the agency.
(1) Pay Days
Employees shall be paid bi-weekly, every other Friday, with wages computed through
the work period ending on the preceding Friday. If a payday falls on a holiday, employees
are paid on the preceding work day. Direct deposit is required for all employees; however,
exceptions may be granted for good cause by the County Manager.
(2) Base Pay
Base pay rates shall be as specified in the attached Appendix A. Annual base pay
rates for all employees in the bargaining units are based upon a work year of 2,080 hours.
The employee’s base hourly rate of pay shall be the base annual rate divided by 2,080.
As reflected in the attached Appendix A:
FY 2021-2022: There will be an increase to the FY 2020-2021 base pay rates of 2%
effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2021. The salary tables for the
classifications of Sergeant and Lieutenant will be increased by an additional 2.5% (i.e.,
a total salary table increase of 4.5% for these classifications). Employees shall be
eligible for step advancement on their anniversary dates.
FY 2022-2023: There will be an increase to the FY 2021-2022 base pay rates of 4%
effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2022. Employees shall be eligible for step
advancement on their anniversary dates.
FY 2023-2024: There will be an increase to the FY 2022-2023 base pay rates of
1.75% effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2023. Employees shall be eligible
for step advance on their anniversary dates.
(See attached Appendix A).
All new employees, including employees who begin above Step 1, must still serve
a probationary period in accordance with Article 11, Section 2.
(3) Promotion
Upon promotion to a different classification with a higher pay grade (i.e., from
Deputy to Sergeant or Lieutenant, or from Sergeant to Lieutenant), the employee shall be
placed at the lowest step in the new classification which provides at least a ten (10.0%)
percent pay increase; provided, however, that the employee’s pay shall not exceed the
top step in the salary schedule of the new classification.
(4) Longevity
Employees who have met or exceeded the standard performance on their annual
evaluation and are at the top step of their salary grade will receive a longevity bonus of
two and one-half percent (2.5%) of their base pay, once a year, on the first pay period
following the employee’s anniversary date. Longevity bonus is not added to base salary.
(5) Incentive Compensation
On the recommendation of the Sheriff, and if budgeted by the Lyon County
Commissioners, periodic bonus increases may be granted to employees in accordance
with this Section as recognition for the duties assigned to their position in the form of a
bonus payment. Any bonus granted to an employee shall not be considered an increase
to base pay.
Bonuses shall be paid at the rate of $3.00 per hour, in addition to the base hourly
wage, while the employee is actively engaged in the following duties:
a. Field Training Officer (FTO) duties.
b. Rangemaster duties.
c. POST Certified Instructor Training.
d. Bilingual communication. This applies to work situations in which
employees spend at least eight (8) minutes communicating in a language
other than English in the course and scope of their job duties. The Sheriff
reserves the right to require any proof he/she reasonably deems necessary
to substantiate that employees are sufficiently fluent in another language.
Work time spent performing any of the above activities shall be entered to the
nearest fifteen (15) minute increment under the appropriate pay code in Lyon County’s
electronic payroll system.
(6) Shift Differential
All employees shall receive shift differential pay on all hours worked between 6pm
and 6am. Shift differential shall be paid at $2.00 per hour.
(7) Overtime
It is the policy of Lyon County that overtime shall be kept to an absolute minimum
consistent with the basic functions and purposes of the Sheriff’s Office. Nothing contained
herein shall be interpreted to restrict, in any fashion, the right of the Sheriff’s Office to
require employees to work overtime as determined appropriate by management.
A. Overtime shall be defined as any time worked in excess of: (i) eighty (80)
hours in a work period, or (ii) the number of hours in a shift that the employee is normally
scheduled to work per shift (i.e., eight (8) or ten (10) hours). Time worked for overtime
purposes shall include vacation, County-approved personal days, and CTO.
B. Overtime shall be compensated at one and one half (1.5) times the
employee’s regular rate of pay as defined under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
C. Employees may elect compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay.
Compensatory time off will be earned at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) hours of
compensatory time for each hour of overtime worked. Compensatory time may be
accrued up to a maximum of two hundred and forty (240) hours. Requests to use
compensatory time are subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor, which shall
not be unreasonably denied. Compensatory time shall be taken within one hundred and
twenty (120) days of accrual, or else compensated in cash.
D. All overtime must have prior authorization of the on-duty supervisor except
when, due to an emergency, such authorization cannot be obtained and it reasonably
appears that overtime is necessary.
(8) Stand-By and Phone Calls
A. Standby:
Standby time is defined as any time other than time when the employee is actually
working, which has been specifically scheduled and directed by the Sheriff or his
designee, during which the employee is restricted in order to be immediately available for
call to duty. Immediately available means the employee will have a less than ninety (90)
minute response time to their normally assigned duty station. Exceptions for inclement
weather and other unforeseen circumstances will be taken into account.
Standby time does not include any time where an employee carries a pager to
respond to calls when available. Employees on scheduled standby shall be compensated
at the rate of one-eighth (1/8) hour pay at the base hourly rate for each one (1) hour period
of standby.
B. Phone Calls:
If an employee receives a duty related telephone call during non-duty hours from
a supervisor, or at the request of a supervisor, the employee shall receive a minimum of
fifteen (15) minutes of work time. If the work time actually extends beyond 15 minutes,
the work time shall be rounded to the nearest 15-minute increment. This provision is
intended to apply to situations where it is necessary to obtain information from the
employee regarding a work situation. It is not intended to apply to calls on matters such
as requests to work overtime, or directives given to the employee to report to work early
or other reporting instructions. For purposes of this article, supervisor means one rank or
more higher, someone acting as the watch commander or as approved by the Sheriff or
his designee.
(9) Call-Back
A. Any employee who, after completing his/her regular shift and being relieved
from duty for any period of time, is called back to duty before his/her next scheduled shift
shall be paid at the overtime rate with a minimum of two (2) hours pay, except that the
two (2) hour minimum shall not apply in the following situations: (i) where the overtime is
scheduled with more than twelve (12) hours’ notice; (ii) where the employee is held
beyond his/her regular shift without being relieved from duty; and (iii) where the employee
is required to start the next upcoming shift less than two (2) hours before the normal start
time of that shift. There will be no overlapping of call-back pay and standby pay.
B. If an employee is called back on a holiday, the employee shall be
compensated at triple (3 times) base hourly pay for the call-back hours worked. Holiday
call-back shall be subject to the same two (2) hour minimum, and the same exceptions
thereto, as set forth in paragraph A of this Section above. Employees are responsible for
documenting holiday callback on timesheets.
C. In lieu of callback compensation paid pursuant to this Section, employees
may elect compensatory time off. Compensatory time off for call-back time worked under
Paragraph A of this Section shall be earned at the rate of one and one half (1 ½) hours
of compensatory time off for each hour of call-back time worked. Compensatory time off
for holiday call-back time worked under Paragraph B of this Section shall be earned at
the rate of three (3) hours of compensatory time off for each hour of holiday call-back time
worked. The accrual and use of compensatory time off shall be in accordance with Section
7(c) of this Article.
D. Retirement contributions on callback compensation, if any, will be made in
accordance with NRS 286.025 and the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)
Official Policies, as may be amended from time to time.
(10) Holiday Pay
A. Holidays for the purpose of this Section shall be as follows:
January 1 (New Year's Day);
Third Monday in January (Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday);
Third Monday in February (President’s Day);
Last Monday in May (Memorial Day);
July 4 (Independence Day);
First Monday in September (Labor Day);
Last Friday in October (Nevada Day);
November 11 (Veterans' Day);
Fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day);
Friday following the fourth Thursday in November (Family Day);
December 25 (Christmas Day); and
Any day that may be appointed by the President of the United States
for public fast, thanksgiving, or as a legal holiday except for any
Presidential appointment of the fourth Monday in October as
Veterans Day.
B. On holidays, employees shall receive the following holiday pay at their base
rate of pay irrespective of whether they actually work the holiday:
1. For employees working an eight hour shift schedule, eight (8) hours of holiday
2. For employees working a ten hour shift schedule, ten (10) hours of holiday pay.
C. If an employee is required to work a holiday, the employee shall receive, in
addition to the holiday pay provided in Paragraph B above, compensation for all hours
worked on the holiday at one and a half (1.5) times base rate of pay.
NOTE: If the date that the State of Nevada recognizes a holiday differs from
the date for the same holiday defined under Paragraph A and the employee
works both of these days, the employee may choose which of the two days to
enter as holiday worked on the employee’s timesheet. The date not chosen
should be entered as base pay on the timesheet. If an employee works only
one of the days, the employee shall report holiday worked on his/her timesheet
for the day they actually worked. PERS contributions will be made in
accordance with applicable law.
D. If a holiday occurs during a work period in which the employee takes at least
one full shift of vacation leave, the holiday pay provided under paragraph B of this Section
will not count as hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime. Otherwise, holiday
pay will count as hours worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.
E. If an employee is on paid administrative leave for an entire work period
during which a holiday occurs, the employee shall receive eighty (80) hours of pay for
that work period inclusive of the holiday.
F. For employees scheduled to work an eight-hour shift schedule on Monday
through Friday, holidays falling on a Saturday shall be celebrated as paid time off (and
compensated pursuant to Paragraph B) on the preceding Friday. For such employees,
holidays falling on a Sunday shall be celebrated as paid time off (and compensated
pursuant to Paragraph B) on the following Monday.
(11) Special Pay Practices
A. Temporary Supervisor Pay:
In the unforeseen event an employee is assigned by the Sheriff or his designee to
assume the duties of a shift supervisor for two (2) hours or more, he/she shall be paid at
the lowest step of the higher rank that provides at least a 5% pay increase, for the duration
of the assignment. Preference shall be given to employees on current promotional
eligibility lists, then FTOs. No employee shall be assigned such duty nor permitted to
assume such duty until he/she has completed probation. This is intended for unforeseen
events not lasting longer than one (1) shift.
For longer periods, an employee assigned by the Sheriff or his designee in an
acting capacity to work in a higher job classification than the employee’s regular
classification, shall be paid at the lowest step of the higher classification that provides at
least a 5% pay increase, for the duration of the assignment.
B. Court Appearances: All employees, including supervisory Bargaining Unit
employees, required to appear before courts or administrative agencies on County
business shall be paid their regular pay, including overtime as appropriate. No employees
shall receive or retain any witness fees for such appearances. If the employee is in an off
duty status a minimum two (2) hours will be paid at the overtime rate of pay.
C. Cancellation of Court Appearances: If an employee is in an off duty status
and does not receive at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice of cancellation of said court
appearance, he/she shall be paid 2 hours at the employee’s regular hourly rate. Notice of
cancellation may be in writing, by telephone, in person or by message left on the
employee’s answer phone or other electronic means. In order to be eligible for this benefit
the employee must have called the Lyon County District Attorney between thirty six (36)
and twenty four (24) hours prior to the scheduled court appearance.
D. Canine Handlers:
1. Canine handlers that provide for the off-duty care and maintenance of
the canine will be paid an additional three and one half (3.5) hours of
compensable time per week (.5 hours per day for care and maintenance
of the canine).
2. This canine handler pay will not be subject to shift differential pursuant
to Article 8(6) of this Agreement or holiday pay pursuant to Article 8(10)
of this Agreement. Canine handler pay is not eligible for compensatory
time as defined in Article 8(7)(C) of this Agreement. Canine handler
hours (i.e., three and one half hours per week) will count as time worked
for purposes of calculating overtime in the eighty (80) hour work period
but will not be included towards the hours or major fractions thereof
worked in excess of the daily shift as provided in Article 8(7)(A) of this
3. Canine handler pay shall be the exclusive compensation for the off-duty
care and maintenance of the canine. No further hours for the off-duty
care and maintenance of the canine will be worked without prior written
approval from the Sheriff or the Sheriff’s designee. Such pay shall
continue for the duration of the assignment. The Sheriff shall have full
discretion to assign or remove an employee from such assignment
which assignment is not subject to the negotiated grievance procedure.
4. The canine handler employee is not entitled to canine handler pay on
any day when the canine is not in possession of the employee during
off-duty hours.
5. The County and Association agree pursuant to 29 CFR 785.23 that they
have reviewed the pertinent facts regarding a reasonable amount of off-
duty time required to provide for the care and maintenance of the canine
including but not limited to joint consultation with the assigned canine
handler and have agreed that three and one half (3.5) off duty hours per
week is a reasonable amount of time to accomplish such tasks, and no
additional off-duty time is necessary to accomplish such tasks without
written approval of the Sheriff or the Sheriff’s designee.
(12) Educational Incentive
Those employees who have the following Nevada POST Certificates at the
beginning of each fiscal year shall receive the following incentive pay based on the
highest POST Certificate obtained:
Intermediate POST: $250/year
Advanced POST: $500/year
Supervisor POST: $600/year
Management POST: $750/year
Those employees who have the following degrees at the beginning of each fiscal
year shall receive the following incentive pay based on the highest degree obtained:
Associates in Criminal Justice: $250/year
Bachelors: $500/year
Masters: $750/year
Degrees must be from an institution accredited by the US Department of
Education. Employees are eligible for educational incentive pay for a collegiate degree
upon the completion of their initial probation period.
This bonus will be paid in the second pay period of July of each Fiscal Year.
Educational incentive payments will not be cumulative. If employee becomes eligible for
this benefit after July 1st in any year he/she will not be entitled to this benefit until July 1st
of the Fiscal Year following the year in which the employee became eligible.
(13) Physical Fitness
Employees who successfully complete the physical fitness evaluation adopted by
Nevada P.O.S.T. for category 1/3 P.O.S.T. certification administered by the Lyon County
Sheriff’s Office, shall receive $250 the first pay period of the new fiscal year. A signature
by the Sheriff on the physical fitness evaluation form and request for payment will satisfy
the County’s need for proof of completion. The standards for successful completion of the
physical fitness evaluation and any denial are not negotiable or subject to the negotiated
grievance procedure.
(1) Vacation
a. Employees shall earn vacation leave at the rate of 3.333 hours per month (40
hours per year) for the first year of continuous employment with the County. An
employee is entitled to take vacation time after six (6) months service with
b. After one year of continuous employment with the County, employees shall
earn vacation benefits at the rate of ten (10) hours of vacation pay for each
calendar month or major fraction thereof. Employees who have completed five
(5) or more years of consecutive service shall earn vacation benefits at the rate
of fourteen (14) hours of vacation for each calendar month or major fraction
thereof. Vacation credits shall accrue for each pay period the employee is in
full pay status for a major portion of regular scheduled biweekly hours.
c. An employee shall be paid at his/her base rate of pay for each hour of vacation
time taken. Vacation shall be charged on the basis of one hour for each full
hour or major portion of an hour of vacation time taken.
d. Vacation dates shall be granted and scheduled at the discretion of the Sheriff
or his/her designee. Where possible Sheriff will grant vacation dates on the
basis of seniority within the job classification -- Deputy, Sergeant, Lieutenant.
e. Vacations taken during a bi-weekly pay period shall be charged before vacation
earned during the pay period is credited.
f. An employee's accrued vacation shall not exceed two hundred forty (240)
hours as of the end of the pay period which includes June 30
. In the event
that an employee is not authorized to take vacation time to reduce accrued
vacation time to the maximum permitted accrual, he/she shall be paid for all
excess hours above two hundred forty (240). This maximum vacation accrual
of two hundred forty (240) hours is mandated by Nevada Revised Statute
245.210 section 2. (a).
g. Upon separation of employment County shall compensate employees for all
accrued vacation time.
h. Employee's becoming ill while on vacation leave may have leave charged to
sick leave upon request and upon presentation of proper documentation.
i. Sheriff in his discretion shall make available a reasonable period of time for
employees to take earned vacation. In the event that scheduled leave shall be
canceled or denied, the employee shall be paid for that amount of leave lost in
excess off maximum accrual.
j. In the event of an employee death, the employee’s accrued, unused vacation
leave shall be paid out in the final paycheck.
(2) Sick Leave
a. Each employee shall earn sick and disability leave with pay at the rate of ten
(10) hours of leave for each calendar month, or major fraction thereof. A
maximum of one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) hours of sick leave
may be accumulated.
b. Sick leave with pay may be granted upon approval of the Sheriff in event of a
bona fide illness of an employee or member of his/her immediate family
(defined as spouse, parent, brother, sister, child, adopted child, step-child living
with the employee, grandparent, grandchild, or corresponding relation by
affinity). Family sick leave shall be counted as part of regular sick leave.
Employees may exhaust sick leave concurrent with any leave they are granted
under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
c. Sheriff may require a physician's statement as to the authenticity of the reasons
for absence on sick leave when such sick leave is for more than three (3)
consecutive days, or is taken more than twice in any two consecutive pay
periods. If Sheriff shall have cause to believe sick leave is being abused, Sheriff
shall require the employee taking sick leave to submit a physician's statement.
d. The parties agree to abide by all state and/or federal laws applicable to leave
for maternity/paternity, including the FMLA.
e. After exhausting accumulated and applicable sick leave an employee may take
accumulated vacation leave if employee needs additional time off from work
due to an illness or injury. When vacation leave is exhausted, leave without pay
may be granted by Sheriff at his discretion in accordance with applicable law.
f. In the event of death of an immediate family member as defined in Paragraph
B of this Section, the employee shall be entitled to take leave for the purpose
of attending a funeral or other last rites for a period of five (5) days. Such leave
shall be charged to sick leave, or to any other appropriate leave of absence,
including leave without pay if no paid leave is accrued. At the discretion and
approval of the Sheriff or designee based on extenuating circumstances the 5
day maximum may be extended with use of accrued vacation leave. No
reasonable request will be denied unless it would interfere with operations of
the Sheriff’s Office as determined by the Sheriff or designee.
g. Upon Nevada PERS retirement from Lyon County the employee shall be
entitled to payment for unused sick leave in excess of two hundred forty (240)
hours, according to his/her number of years of Lyon County public service,
calculated using the employee's base hourly rate of pay as of the effective date
of the Nevada PERS retirement as follows:
1. For ten (10) years of service or more, but less than fifteen (15) years,
employee will be paid for their accrued sick hours over 240 hours not to
exceed $5,000.
2. For fifteen (15) years of service or more, but less than twenty (20) years,
employee will be paid for their accrued sick hours over 240 hours not to
exceed $6,000.
3. For twenty (20) years of service or more, but less than twenty-five (25),
employee will be paid for their accrued sick hours over 240 hours not to
exceed $7,000.
4. For twenty-five (25) years of service or more, employee will be paid for
their accrued sick hours over 240 hours not to exceed $8,000.
To be eligible for this benefit the employee must be approved for a Nevada
PERS retirement, be in good standing with Lyon County and not subject to
disciplinary discharge or resignation to avoid a disciplinary discharge. The
employee must repay any sick leave payoff received pursuant to this Article
prior to the employee being eligible for reemployment with Lyon County. The
employee is not entitled to reinstatement of any sick leave on reemployment
other than that sick leave covered by the above repayment.
h. Any employee using twenty four (24) hours or less of any combination of
sick/family sick leave during current or future calendar years shall be entitled
to one (1) personal day off with pay to be used or lost within one (1) year.
Scheduling personal day off shall be in the same manner as scheduling
vacation leave. The employee is responsible for requesting any earned
personal day. Personal days are not payable upon separation of employment.
i. The Sheriff or designee may grant permission to a probationary employee to
utilize unaccrued sick leave with pay subject to deduction from future sick leave
accruals for approved workers’ compensation claims for which there is no
workers compensation salary coverage.
(3) Contractual Excess to Workers Compensation
An employee who suffers an injury or illness in the line of duty with County, and
such injury or illness prevents the employee from performing normal or light duties (if
available in accordance with Article 15), and who is being compensated under the
workers compensation benefits of the State, shall be compensated additionally by County
so that the employee's workers' compensation insurance pursuant to NRS Ch. 616/617
and additional County compensation shall total employee's regular take-home pay for the
period of injury or illness. Effective on ratification of this Agreement by the Association
and approval by the County Commissioners the County will only pay contractual excess
to workers compensation for the first ninety (90) calendar days following the date of the
work related injury or illness. Thereafter the employee at his option may continue to
receive full salary by utilizing accrued sick and the vacation time. Once such accrued sick
and vacation time is exhausted the employee will only receive his worker's compensation
salary entitlement pursuant to NRS Ch. 616/617. It is expressly understood that all
authorized activities connected with the range (qualification or practice), whether on or off
duty, are covered by applicable provisions of NRS Ch. 616/617. Authorized activity
requires the presence of a Rangemaster.
(4) Health Insurance
The County and the Association agree that the County will continue to pay
100% of the cost of the employee's health insurance through the County’s group policy.
The County and The Association agree that the topic of funding dependent health
insurance may be discussed and acted upon during open budget workshops.
The County agrees to invite the Association to those workshops.
The County will continue to pay thirty percent (30%) of dependent health insurance
premium up to a maximum of $300.00 per month per employee for employees who elect
dependent health insurance coverage under the County plan. The thirty percent (30%)
up to $300.00 per month maximum may not be combined for employees married to
another County employee. This contract provision regarding the County paying thirty
percent (30%) of dependent health insurance premium up to a maximum of $300.00 per
month per employee expires and is of no further effect after June 30, 2024 without further
action if the parties do not mutually agree in writing to continue this benefit in the
successor agreement on or before June 30, 2024.
The employee will pay the entire cost of dental, vision and life coverage for his or
her spouse and/or dependents under the group insurance program.
The employee will pay any sums due under this Article via automatic payroll
deduction or other arrangement. This will include the seventy percent (70%)—or more if
thirty percent (30%) of total dependent medical premium exceeds $300.00 per month—
of the cost for his or her spouse or dependent’s coverage under the group health
insurance program. This contract provision regarding the County paying thirty percent
(30%) of dependent health insurance premium up to a maximum of $300.00 per month
per employee expires and is of no further effect after June 30, 2024 without further action
if the parties do not mutually agree in writing to continue this benefit in the successor
agreement on or before June 30, 2024.
(5) Life Insurance
County shall provide a death benefit policy for each employee in the face amount
of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). This insurance shall be in addition to worker’s
compensation and health insurance death benefits.
(6) Retirement
a. All employees covered by this Agreement shall be included in the State of
Nevada Public Employees Retirement System providing benefits granted to
firemen and policemen, pursuant to NRS Ch. 286.
b. County agrees to pay retirement contributions for employees to the Nevada
Public Employees Retirement System as provided by law under the employer-
paid retirement plan, including the full payment of any increase in contribution.
c. County agrees to make health insurance coverage available to all employees
who retire from the Lyon County Sheriff's Office and who are eligible to receive
retirement benefits. Participation in the health plan shall be by election and at
the expense of the retired employee.
d. Employees who have attained the age of seventy (70) years shall be eligible
for continued employment on a year-to-year basis upon recommendation of the
Sheriff and approval of the Commissioners.
(7) Uniform Allowance
a. The County shall pay each new employee a uniform allowance of sixteen
hundred dollars ($1,600.00).
b. Lyon County shall pay to every employee, employed by Lyon County at least
twelve months, a uniform allowance at the rate of five hundred dollars ($500)
per quarter, payable quarterly the first payday in April, July and October and
the last payday in December.
c. In the event Sheriff should alter, modify, or change the existing uniform, County
shall pay the cost of any such modification or changes unless the Association
agrees that members will pay for some or all of the costs of the modifications
or changes.
d. In the event of biohazard contamination, smoke/fire damage, or any other
damage that renders an item purchased under the uniform allowance in this
agreement unusable, that item shall be replaced by the County. The Sheriff
shall have sole discretion to determine whether an item is unusable and
warrants replacement, and that determination shall not be subject to the
grievance procedure.
e. The County will purchase ballistic vests for all sworn employees who do not
have serviceable ballistic vests as determined by the Sheriff subject to the
The vests purchased pursuant to this article remain County property and
will be returned to the County whenever the employee separates
employment with the County unless the employee reimburses the
County for full initial cost of the vest.
The County will replace ballistic vests purchased under this Section or
previously purchased by sworn employees when the County, in
consultation with the Association and manufacturer of the vest,
determines the vest is no longer serviceable.
Probationary employees receiving ballistic vests purchased under this
Section shall return the vest in serviceable condition in the event they
do not successfully complete the probationary period. If the employee
does not do so, the employee shall reimburse the County for the full cost
of the vest via automatic payroll deduction from the employee’s final
Employees purchasing ballistic vests will be reimbursed in the amount
that the County would normally pay for a ballistic vest. Vest purchases
shall be subject to all other provisions of this Section, including the vests
becoming the property of the County upon presentation of valid dated
receipt to the Sheriff or his designee.
The parties agree that the Sheriff will solely determine through general
orders or written policy when protective vests will be worn by Sheriff's
(8) Weapon, Holster, and Magazine Pouch
a. The County shall furnish a weapon, holster, and magazine pouch to each
employee in the bargaining unit. The County shall own this equipment and will
be responsible to maintain and service the weapon. The employee must qualify
with the County-provided weapon as directed by the Lyon County Sheriff’s
Office. Upon termination of employment, an employee shall return the County-
purchased weapon, holster, and magazine pouch to the County.
(1) General Provisions - Unpaid Leaves
a. A leave of absence may be granted to an employee in a regular
(nonprobationary) position who indicates in writing intention to return to County
service and who has a satisfactory service record at the time the leave is
b. Leaves of absence for up to thirty (30) working days may be granted by the
Sheriff. Leaves for longer periods, up to one (1) year, may be granted by the
County Commissioners.
c. Sheriff may grant an educational leave of absence, leave for temporary loan to
another governmental agency for a specific assignment, leave for illness or
pregnancy not covered by sick leave, or for other similar reasons. A leave of
absence shall not be granted to an employee who is accepting another position
in the classified service or who is leaving County service to accept other
employment except as provided in this subsection c.
(2) Investigatory Leaves
a. Any employee who uses deadly force in the line of duty may be placed on
administrative leave with pay pending investigation of the incident by the Sheriff
or his designee(s). If the investigation requires more than three (3) days, the
Sheriff may assign the employee to other duties where carrying or use of a
weapon is not required until completion of the investigation. If the Sheriff or his
designee determines that the weapon use was justified the employee shall be
restored to regular duty. If the investigation indicates that the weapon use was
not justified the employee shall be placed on unpaid leave pending final
disposition of the matter. If the employee finally is found not culpable, the
employee shall be restored to regular duty with back pay to the date of
b. Any employee charged with any criminal act may be placed on paid or unpaid
administrative leave forthwith pending final disposition of the matter at the
discretion of the Sheriff. If the employee's innocence is found the employee
shall be restored to regular duty with back pay to the date of suspension.
(3) Jury Duty
a. Any employee called for jury duty regardless of their assigned shift shall be
granted a leave of absence with pay. The employee shall retain any travel pay
ordered by the court unless the employee's travel has been at County expense,
but shall pay to the County any other fees received. Such leave shall not be
charged against employee's vacation credit.
(4) Extended Education Leave
a. Upon recommendation of Sheriff an employee may be granted an unpaid leave
of absence in excess of one (1) year to attend extended courses at an
accredited college or university.
(5) Use of Accumulated Vacation Leave
a. Any employee granted and taking an unpaid leave of absence may, at
employee's option, utilize accumulated vacation leave to continue to receive
pay during all or part of unpaid leave.
(6) Military Leave
Any employee who is an active member of the Nevada National Guard, U.S. Army
Reserve, U. S. Air Force Reserve, U.S. Naval Reserve, U.S. Marine Corp Reserve,
U.S. Coast Guard Reserve or U.S. Public Health Service Reserve shall be entitled
to leave of absence to service under orders on training duty up to fifteen (15)
working days with pay in any one calendar year.
(7) Voting
Employees shall be granted leave of absence with pay for voting purposes,
pursuant to NRS 293.463.
(8) Catastrophic Leave
a. Establishing the Catastrophic Leave Account
The Lyon County Manager will maintain a catastrophic leave account for
employees covered by this Agreement. The leave available in the account will be
exclusively from voluntary donations by bargaining unit employees, and may only
be used by bargaining unit employees.
b. Donating to the Catastrophic Leave Account
An employee may request, in writing, that a specified number of hours of his/her
accrued vacation or sick leave be donated to the catastrophic leave account. All
vacation or sick leave donated to the catastrophic leave account will be transferred
at the rate of one (1) hour leave of leave in the account for every one (1) hour of
leave donated. All donated leave will be placed in a general catastrophic leave
account; however, the donating employee may at the time of the donation request
that the donated hours be allocated to a particular employee who has been
approved for catastrophic leave in accordance with this Section. All donations
shall be subject to the following limitations:
i. An employee may not donate sick leave to the catastrophic leave account
if the employee’s sick leave balance after the donation would be less than
two hundred forty (240) hours.
ii. If an employee choses to donate, the minimum number of hours an
employee may donate in any one (1) calendar year is eight (8) hours
vacation leave and twenty-four (24) hours sick leave.
iii. The maximum number of total hours an employee may donate in any one
(1) calendar year is forty (40) hours.
iv. All donations are irrevocable. Any hours of vacation or sick leave donated
by any employee to the catastrophic leave account may not be returned or
restored to that employee.
c. Eligibility
An employee is who is completely unable to work for a period of at least six (6)
weeks because of a serious illness or injury may apply for catastrophic leave in
accordance with this Section. Catastrophic leave may not be used when the
subject of the catastrophe is anyone other than the employee (e.g., the employee’s
family member). Catastrophic leave is limited to catastrophes which befall the
employee. In addition, catastrophic leave is limited to situations where the
employee has exhausted all paid time off and is not receiving any workers’
compensation or wage replacement benefits.
d. Requesting Catastrophic Leave
An employee who is eligible for catastrophic leave under subsection 3 of this
Section may request that a specified number of hours of leave be transferred from
the catastrophic leave account to his/her account. The request must be submitted
in writing to the Human Resources Department. The maximum number of hours
that may be requested is two hundred forty (240) hours per catastrophe. The
request must include: (i) the employee's name, title and classification; and (ii) a
statement from the employee’s attending provider substantiating the catastrophe
and the period of incapacity resulting therefrom. The cost of all substantiating
medical information submitted by the employee shall be borne by the employee.
e. Approval and Transfer of Catastrophic Leave
The County may approve the transfer of a specified number of hours of
catastrophic leave, not to exceed two hundred forty (240) hours, to any employee
who satisfies all requirements for eligibility set forth in subsection 3 of this Section.
An employee who receives catastrophic leave is entitled to payment for each hour
of leave at the employee’s base rate of pay. An employee shall not receive any
catastrophic leave until the employee has exhausted any and all of his/her own
paid accruals (sick leave, vacation leave, compensatory time off, etc.). The County
Manager or his/her designee shall have the final decision on the approval of
catastrophic leave requests, and that decision is final and is not subject to the
grievance procedure in this Agreement, judicial review, or review by the Board of
County Commissioners.
f. Review of Status of Catastrophe
The County may periodically request any additional information from the employee
reasonably needed to determine or confirm whether the catastrophe still exists. All
such information, including additional physician statements, shall be provided at
the expense of the employee.
g. Cessation of Catastrophe or Employment
If the County determines that the catastrophe no longer exists, i.e., if it determines
that all requirements in subsection 3 of this Section are no longer satisfied, no
further hours of catastrophic leave shall be used and any unused catastrophic
leave shall be forfeited and returned to the catastrophic leave account. This
determination is final and not subject to the grievance procedure, judicial review or
review by the Board of County Commissioners. If the employee who is receiving
catastrophic leave resigns or is terminated, no further hours of catastrophic leave
shall be used and any unused catastrophic leave shall be forfeited and returned to
the catastrophic leave account. Any catastrophic leave not otherwise used at the
time the catastrophe ceases to exist or upon cessation of employment shall be
forfeited and returned to the catastrophic leave account.
(1) General Policy
The parties to this Agreement confirm that the general employment policy of
County with respect to employees shall be that County in all instances shall attempt to
hire and retain the most competent and best qualified applicants and employees. The
parties recognize that County believes that NRS 281.370 mandates that all County
personnel actions "be based solely on merit and fitness". If two or more employees are
equally competent and qualified, then seniority shall be used to determine which
employee is to be retained. Sheriff shall determine questions of merit and fitness
(competence and qualifications). Ability to work well with the public and fellow employees
shall be given substantial weight as a qualification.
An employee shall be entitled to retain employment with County only so long as
the employee shall perform assigned duties satisfactorily and so long as employee's
public and private conduct conforms to the high standards of conduct expected of a law
enforcement officer. No permanent employee shall be discharged without just cause.
(2) Hiring Policy
The parties agree that hiring is not subject to the terms of this Agreement, that a
prospective employee is not subject to this Agreement until after the prospect has
accepted employment with County. All hiring decisions are the sole prerogative of Sheriff.
County may hire a new employee at the entry level, or at any other level, as to County
may see proper. All new employees, regardless of the step at which they are hired, shall
be classified as probationary employees. During the probationary period a probationary
employee may be terminated in the sole discretion of Sheriff, with or without cause. The
duration of the probationary period for employees who upon hire are not POST-certified
(Category 1 or Category 3) shall be eighteen (18) months. The duration of the
probationary period for employees who upon hire are POST-certified (Category 1 or
Category 3) shall be twelve (12) months but may be extended to eighteen (18) months at
the sole discretion of the Sheriff.
(3) Promotions
a. County shall offer promotion to the most competent and best qualified
employees ("merit and fitness" per NRS 281.370). Sheriff shall determine which
employees are most competent and best qualified, meriting promotion. The
Sheriff shall post notice of a promotional opportunity for at least ten (10)
business days. To apply for the promotion, an employee shall present a written
resume and statement of interest to the Sheriff on or before the deadline.
Seniority shall not be a factor in promotion, per NRS 281.370, except that if two
or more employees are equally competent and qualified then the more senior
employee shall be promoted.
b. Employees who have been promoted shall be on probation in the new position
for a period of twelve (12) months for evaluation, during which time Sheriff at
his sole discretion may retain the employee in the new position or demote
employee to employee's former position.
(4) Reduction in Force (Layoff/Recall)
A. General Policy
The parties agree that the County and Sheriff shall in all instances attempt to retain
the most competent and best qualified employees and to provide services to the public in
an efficient and effective manner. Determinations as to which employees are most
competent and qualified shall not be subject to the grievance procedure in this
B. Layoff Process
i. In event of a layoff or reduction in force due to lack of funds or lack or work,
temporary or probationary employees shall be laid off first.
ii. If it is necessary to lay off permanent employees, employees determined to
be the least competent and least qualified shall be laid off first. If two or
more employees who perform the same essential job functions are equally
competent and qualified then seniority shall be used to determine which
employee(s) are laid off.
iii. Layoffs shall be made separately in the supervisory and non-supervisory
bargaining units; provided, however, that a supervisory employee who is to
be laid off may "bump" a non-supervisory employee and return to non-
supervisory status if the supervisory employee is more competent and
qualified to perform the non-supervisory position. In the event that a
supervisory employee and a non-supervisory employee are equally
competent and qualified to fill a non-supervisory position the employee with
greater seniority shall be retained.
iv. An employee who has been laid off may give notice to County that the
employee wishes to be considered for rehire. The employee shall leave
his/her name, current address, and telephone number on file with the Sheriff
and the County's Human Resources Department. It is the employee's
obligation to provide the Sheriff and the County's Human Resources
Department with any address changes. Any laid off employee shall be
considered for rehire for a period not to exceed twelve months from the date
of lay off. In the event that a job opportunity shall arise in the employee's
former classification, or a lesser classification, for which the employee is
qualified, the laid off employee shall be given first consideration for rehire
before other persons who have filed applications for employment in the
vacant position. The laid off employee is not entitled to automatic rehire; as
in all other hiring decisions County will employ the candidate who appears
to be most competent and best qualified.
v. For the purpose of this section, seniority is the total length of continuous full
time paid employment with the Sheriff’s Office as a sworn law enforcement
vi. The County shall provide thirty (30) calendar days’ notice to employees who
are subject to layoffs under the provisions of under this Section, except in
the event of a fiscal emergency.
(5) Shift Assignments and Transfers
a. Sheriff in his sole discretion shall determine shift assignments and days off, the
number of employees to be assigned to each shift, division, unit, bureau, or
specialized position, and duty locations, as well as other determinations which
affect the amount and quality of service to be provided to the public.
b. Sheriff's authority as set forth in subparagraph a, shall not be used in
discriminatory fashion nor for purpose of harassment.
c. An employee transferred to a new duty location shall be given as much notice
of the transfer as County reasonably can provide. Notice is not required when
transfer is required to serve the public in an emergency.
(6) Resignation/Termination
a. An employee who wishes to resign shall notify Sheriff in writing. Whenever
possible, employee shall provide Sheriff with at least two (2) weeks’ notice prior
to the effective date of resignation. Failure to give notice at least two (2) weeks
prior to the effective date of resignation, without good cause, may be cause to
deny future employment with the Sheriff's Office.
b. The term "Resignation" shall be used if an employee voluntarily ends his
employment with County, and the termination of employment shall be recorded
in employee's personnel file as "Resigned".
c. The term "Termination" shall be used if an employee's employment with County
is terminated involuntarily, and the termination of employment shall be recorded
in the employee's personnel file as "Terminated".
(1) General Policy
No discipline shall be imposed except for just cause. All discipline shall, where
appropriate, be progressive in nature and be accompanied by counseling to the end that
the competence and qualifications of the disciplined employee will improve so that further
discipline will not be necessary. Authorized discipline shall range from written reprimand
through and including termination of employment with County. The initial form of discipline
and punishment shall be appropriate to the seriousness of the initial offense or condition.
(2) Forms of Discipline
a. Written Reprimand. In situations where counseling and/or remedial training has
not resulted in correction of the condition, or where more severe initial action is
warranted, a written reprimand shall be sent to the employee and a copy placed
in the employee's personnel file maintained at County's Personnel Office.
b. Suspension. If the written reprimand is not effective, or in those cases where
the seriousness of the offense or condition warrants, an employee for just
cause may be suspended without pay by Sheriff for a period not to exceed thirty
(30) calendar days.
c. Involuntary Demotion. When other forms of disciplinary or corrective action
have proven ineffective, or when the seriousness of the offense or condition
warrants, Sheriff may demote for just cause.
d. Termination. As a final disciplinary measure when other forms of discipline or
corrective action have proven ineffective, or when the seriousness of the
offense or condition warrants, Sheriff may terminate an employee for just
(3) Notice of Written Reprimand, Suspension, Involuntary Demotion or Termination
All notices of written reprimand, suspension, involuntary demotion or termination shall be
given to the employee in writing specifying the action to be taken, detailing the grounds
upon which the action is based, including specification of standards, rules, regulations or
policies violated, and date of action taken. Sheriff or County may serve notice upon an
employee by mail or personal service. Mailed notice shall be mailed to the employee at
his last known address by certified mail, return receipt requested. Receipt shall be
deemed the date of delivery as indicated on the return receipt. Should notice be returned
to sender, receipt shall be deemed to be on the third day after the date of mailing of the
(4) Specification of Charges
The Specification of Charges to be noticed pursuant to paragraph 3 shall include a
Statement of Facts constituting conduct for which discipline is to be imposed, together
with a Statement of Specific Rules, regulations, ordinances, laws, policies, or
performance standards which the employee is alleged to have violated. The Specification
of Charges shall be signed by the Sheriff or his designee.
(5) Grievance Review of Disciplinary Actions
All disciplinary actions as defined in this Article may be appealed to grievance arbitration
as set forth in Article 13.
(6) Right to Representation. Employees may request representation at any
disciplinary interrogation or hearing as required by NRS Chapter 289. Representation is
at the sole cost of the employee or Association if the employee is represented by the
(1) No grievance resolution accomplished at a level below a decision by the
Sheriff shall be cited as or established precedent with respect to any other grievance or
interpretation of this Agreement. Working days in this article are defined as Monday
through Friday excluding recognized holidays as listed in Article 7 of this agreement. This
procedure does not preclude, and the parties are encouraged to engage in, informal
discussion in an attempt to resolve problems without filing a formal grievance, even
though such discussions are not part of this procedure.
(2) Individual/Association Employee Grievance Procedures
a. Any employee may file a grievance relating to any condition arising
out of the employer-employee relationship or any dispute which involves the
interpretation, application or compliance with the provisions of this
Agreement that is not the exclusive right of management and the Sheriff as
provided by NRS Ch. 288.150 Section 3. Those subject matters which are
not within the scope of mandatory bargaining and which are reserved to the
local government employer without negotiation include:
1. The right to determine:
(i) Appropriate staffing levels and work performance
standards (this includes employee performance
evaluations / appraisals / and employee counseling
under Lyon County policies), except for safety
(ii) The content of the workday, including without limitation
workload factors, except for safety considerations;
(iii) The quality and quantity of services to be offered to the
public; and
(iv) The means and methods of offering those services.
2. Safety of the public and other relevant statutes, case law, rules
and regulations and general orders of the Sheriff’s Office. The
parties agree that the specific subject matters listed under NRS
288.150 above will change as the law changes.
b. Within twenty (20) working days after an employee discovers or
reasonably should have discovered that a grievance exists, the employee
shall submit to the employee's immediate supervisor a completed grievance
form (see Appendix B) duly signed and dated which shall contain the
1. A detailed statement of the grievance, including factual
information detailing the issue being grieved, date(s) on which
the incident(s) occurred, individual(s) involved, and provision(s)
of this Agreement, if any, that the employee believes were
2. The signature of the employee; and
3. The date of submission to the immediate supervisor.
c. The employee’s immediate supervisor shall respond to the grievance
within ten (10) working days. In the event the immediate supervisor does
not respond, the grievance shall be deemed denied.
d. In the event the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the
grievant by the immediate supervisor, the grievant shall have ten (10)
working days from the date of the response or denial to appeal in writing to
the next supervisory level in the chain of command. In the event the
grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction at that level, the
employee may appeal successively through each additional level of the
chain of command up to the Sheriff. At each successive level, the employee
will have ten (10) working days to appeal from the denial or response at the
previous level. At each successive level, the responder shall have ten (10)
working days to respond, and, if no response is issued, the grievance shall
be deemed denied at that level.
e. If the appeal reaches the Sheriff, the Sheriff shall respond in writing
within ten (10) working days. If the Sheriff does not respond within this
timeframe, the grievance shall be deemed denied. The Sheriff’s response
or denial shall be deemed the final administrative decision of the agency.
f. If the employee is not satisfied with the final administrative decision
of the agency, the employee may demand arbitration. To demand
arbitration, the employee must serve the Sheriff with written notice
demanding arbitration within ten (10) working days of receiving the final
administrative decision of the agency.
g. In the event of a timely demand for arbitration, the parties shall
mutually select a disinterested third person to serve as arbitrator. In the
event agreement cannot be reached to select a neutral arbitrator, the parties
agree to solicit a list of seven (7) professional neutrals from the FMCS and
alternatively strike names from such list until one name remains. That
remaining person so selected shall serve as arbitrator. The party to strike
first shall be determined by lot.
h. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by
the parties. Each party, however, shall bear the costs of its own
presentation, including preparation and post-hearing briefs and legal fees,
if any.
i. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding upon both parties.
The arbitrator's authority shall be limited to the application and interpretation
of the provisions of this Agreement and no arbitrator shall have the power
to modify, amend or alter any terms or conditions of this Agreement.
j. Any employee may be represented by an individual of their choice at
any step of the grievance-arbitration procedure. The grievant and two (2)
Association representative and any necessary witness shall be released
from work for attendance at all grievance-arbitration hearings if the
hearing(s) is conducted during the employees' regular shift.
k. All time limitations in this Section pertaining to the filing of grievances
and to the appeal of grievance denials or responses shall be strictly adhered
to. Failure to file a grievance or appeal a grievance denial or response within
these time limitations shall be considered a forfeiture of the grievance.
(3) County or Association Grievance Procedure. The County or the Association may file
a grievance using the following procedure:
a. Each party appoints a grievance representative and an alternate to be the primary
channel through which a grievance is processed.
b. When a dispute over a contract clause arises or an interpretation is needed, the
party initiating the grievance will through its representative contact the second
party's grievance representative and pose the problem or complaint. Each
representative should keep a log of grievances.
c. The notified representative will have fifteen (15) working days to research the
problem and develop a position and respond. The two grievance representatives
will attempt to resolve the problem informally at this level within fifteen (15) working
d. If it cannot be resolved or a timely response is not received, then either or both
parties may submit a formal statement including position and argument to the
e. The Sheriff and County and the Association's Board will consider the formal
position papers and formally respond to each other within twenty (20) working days
from the initial complaint.
f. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, then it will be submitted to the
Arbitrator as provided in Section (2)(c)-(f) above.
g. Failure to respond to the formal notice within the designated period will cause the
grievance to proceed to the next step.
(1) Safety
a. County shall make every reasonable effort to provide and maintain safe
conditions of employment. Employees shall be alert to unsafe practices,
equipment or conditions and report same to their immediate supervisors.
County agrees to pay for any testing procedure to test for HIV/AIDS at the
request of any employee who has been involved in a job related incident, within
the scope of the employee's normal duties, that could reasonably be viewed as
posing a legitimate threat of contact with the HIV/AIDS virus. County agrees to
pay for Hepatitis B vaccinations for all employees covered by the agreement
who consent to the vaccination and who make an affirmative request for the
b. For the purposes of officer safety, the Sheriff will meet and confer with the
Association quarterly, or more or less frequently by mutual agreement, for the
purpose of consulting on patrol and jail staffing levels. The Sheriff retains the
management prerogative to set minimum staffing levels for patrol and the jail.
c. Absent exigent circumstances as determined in the sole discretion of the Sheriff
or his designee(s), employees shall have an eight (8) hour rest period between
the end of one scheduled shift and the start of the next scheduled shift. The
following are excluded: emergency call-outs, court appearances, and optional
training opportunities (i.e., training not mandated by law or not ordered or
approved by a supervisor).
(2) Use of Bulletin Boards and County Facilities
a. County-owned meeting facilities may be made available to Association upon
the same basis as the facilities are made available to the public. If a rental or
use fee is charged to the public, the same rental or use fee shall be charged to
b. County shall provide and designate bulletin boards at all major duty locations
throughout Lyon County for the use of all County employees within the
bargaining unit(s), whether Association has or not. Employees shall not post
materials at any other location except the designated bulletin boards. Material
posted shall not be obscene, defamatory, of a partisan political nature,
concerning public issues which do not involve the County or its relationships to
County employees. All posted material shall include the identity of the sponsor,
the signature of the employee posting, a date for removal, and neatly displayed
and removed when no longer timely. It is the responsibility of the person posting
the material to remove it in timely fashion.
(3) Access To Information
Upon written request from the Association, or from any employee within the
bargaining units who is not a member of the Association, County shall provide one copy
of the following:
Tax rates;
Classification information, including grade, step, and salary anniversary for
each employee in the bargaining unit(s);
Relevant budgetary information filed with the Nevada Tax Commission;
Periodic financial printouts;
Any other relevant material required by NRS Ch. 288 to be provided as a basis
for collective bargaining or representation of employees by themselves or
(4) Personnel Files
a. Any employee covered under this Agreement shall, upon request, by
appointment, be permitted to examine that employee's personnel file. An
employee may copy any material in the file.
b. No material derogatory to an employee covered hereunder may be placed in
the employee's personnel file unless a copy is provided to the employee. An
employee may submit explanatory remarks which shall be placed in the file.
(5) Notification of Leave
a. Each employee shall be notified by County, not less than quarterly, of the
amount of employee's accrued sick leave and vacation leave.
(6) Rights of Peace Officers
a. County expressly recognizes and incorporates by reference as part of this
Agreement the provisions of NRS Ch. 289, "Rights of Peace Officers".
(7) Personal Property
a. Subject to the approval of the Sheriff, the County will pay the full cost of
replacing employees’ prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, and watches
destroyed in the line of duty up to $500 per incident. In addition to the per-
incident cap of $500, there shall also be an aggregate cap of $3,500 per fiscal
year for all personal property reimbursements to employees covered by this
agreement. In no event shall the per-incident cap or the aggregate cap be
a. For any bargaining unit employee whose physical condition prevents them from
performing their normal duties, the Sheriff agrees to make reasonable efforts to
place the employee in an assignment which they can safely perform work
consistent with the employee's condition.
b. Employees who have been authorized injury leave due to work related injuries,
may upon release from their attending physician and upon presentation of said
release to the Sheriff return to work in a light duty assignment if one is available.
Any assignments to light duty shall be in conformance with limitations imposed by
the employee's doctor and no employee shall be assigned light duty tasks that
would predictably prolong the rehabilitative process or otherwise increase the risk
of further injury.
c. The intent of this Article is to permit employees to return to work as soon as is
medically possible within the requirements of State of Nevada workers
compensation. Further, the parties understand that light duty refers to duty other
than the full range of normal duties within the Sheriff's Office.
d. Nothing in this Article shall require the County or the Sheriff to create a light duty
assignment. The determination of light duty assignments is the sole right of the
Sheriff or designee. The Sheriff agrees that light duty assignments for personnel
injured on-duty is probably in the best interest of the County, the agency and the
employee. Light duty assignments following off-duty injuries or illnesses will be
considered on a case-by-case basis, with the needs of the agency as the
determining factor, and will not be considered as precedent in any event. This is a
management right and not an item that may be grieved.
a. County shall deduct dues from the salaries of Association members and pay over
to the proper officer of the Association the money so collected on a monthly basis.
All payroll deductions for dues shall only be made in accordance with a voluntary
deduction authorization form individually executed by the employee for whom the
deduction will be made.
b. The Association shall indemnify and hold County harmless against any and all
claims, demands, suits and all other forms of liability which might arise out of or by
reason of action taken under the provisions of this Article.
c. The Association shall certify to County in writing the current rate of membership
dues. The County will be notified of any change in the rate of membership dues,
in writing, thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such change.
(1) Savings Clause
It is not the intent of either party hereto to violate any laws, rulings, or regulations of any
governmental authority or agency having jurisdiction of the subject matter of this
Agreement. The parties agree that, in the event that any provision(s) of this Agreement
are finally held or determined to be illegal or void as being in contravention of such laws,
ruling, or regulations, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
unless the part so found to be void cannot be separated from the provision(s) of this
Agreement held to be legal. The parties expressly affirm that they would have enacted
the remainder of the Agreement without the provision(s) found to be illegal and void. Upon
such finding of illegality and nullity the parties shall promptly meet to enter into lawful
negotiations concerning the substance of the provision(s) found to be illegal and void.
(2) Adoption and Amendment Procedure
a. This Agreement shall be deemed adopted and binding upon execution by
authorized representatives of Association and County. Adoption shall terminate
negations during its term.
b. If either Association or County desires to modify or change this Agreement during
it term, the party shall serve written notice on the other party setting forth the nature
of the modifications or changes. The proposed modifications or changes shall be
deemed rejected unless expressly approved by the other party within thirty (30)
days. Any amendment proposed by one party and expressly approved by the other
party shall become a part of this Agreement on the mutually agreed date.
(3) Copy of Contract
The County will provide each employee with a copy of this Agreement within thirty (30)
days after the signing of this Agreement or have it posted online at the County’s website.
If the County does not post a copy of this Agreement within the thirty (30) days required
by this Article, the County shall bear the entire cost of reproducing and distributing the
Agreement in writing, to each employee.