Breast Cancer
Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Breast Cancer Basic Facts 1
Table 1. Estimated New Female Breast Cancer Cases
and Deaths by Age, US, 2017 1
Figure 1. Age-specific Female Breast Cancer Incidence Rates
by Race/Ethnicity, 2010-2014, US 2
Breast Cancer Occurrence 3
Table 2. Age-specific Probability of Developing Invasive
Breast Cancer for US Women 4
Figure 2. Female Breast Cancer Incidence (2010-2014)
and Mortality (2011-2015) Rates by Race/Ethnicity, US 4
Figure 3. Female Breast Cancer Incidence Rates
by Subtype and Race/Ethnicity, 2010-2014, US 5
Table 3. Female Breast Cancer Incidence (2010-2014) and
Mortality (2011-2015) Rates by Race/Ethnicity and State 6
Figure 4. Geographic Variation in Female Breast Cancer
Death Rates by Race, 2011-2015 7
Figure 5. Trends in Incidence Rates of Invasive and In Situ
Female Breast Cancer by Age, 1975-2014, US 8
Figure 6a. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Race/Ethnicity, 1975-2014, US 9
Figure 6b. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Death
Rates by Race/Ethnicity, 1975-2015, US 9
Figure 7. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Tumor Size, 1992-2014, US 9
Figure 8. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Stage and Race/Ethnicity, 1992-2014, US 10
Figure 9. Female Breast Cancer-specific Survival and
Stage Distribution by Race/Ethnicity, 2007-2013, US 11
Figure 10. Trends in Female Breast Cancer 5-year
Relative Survival Rates by Race, 1975-2013, US 11
Breast Cancer Risk Factors 12
Table 4. Factors That Increase the Relative Risk for Breast Cancer in
Women 13
Breast Cancer Screening 19
Table 5. Prevalence of Mammography (%), Women
40 and Older, US, 2015 21
Table 6. Prevalence of Mammography* (%) by State,
Women 40 and Older, 2014 23
Breast Cancer Treatment 24
Figure 11. Female Breast Cancer Treatment Patterns (%),
by Stage, 2013, US 25
What Is the American Cancer Society
Doing About Breast Cancer? 28
Sources of Statistics 32
References 33
Global Headquarters: American Cancer Society Inc.
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©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved,
including the right to reproduce this publication
or portions thereof in any form.
For written permission, address the Legal department of
the American Cancer Society, 250 Williams Street, NW,
Atlanta, GA 30303-1002.
This publication attempts to summarize current scientific information
about breast cancer. Except when specified, it does not represent
the official policy of the American Cancer Society.
Suggested citation: American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer Facts &
Figures 2017-2018. Atlanta: American Cancer Society, Inc. 2017.
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 1
Breast Cancer Basic Facts
What is breast cancer?
Cancer is a group of diseases that cause cells in the body
to change and spread out of control. Most types of cancer
cells eventually form a lump or mass called a tumor, and
are named after the part of the body where the tumor
originates. Most breast cancers begin either in the breast
tissue made up of glands for milk production, called
lobules, or in the ducts that connect the lobules to the
nipple. The remainder of the breast is made up of fatty,
connective, and lymphatic tissues.
What are the signs and symptoms
of breast cancer?
Breast cancer typically produces no symptoms when the
tumor is small and most easily treated, which is why
screening is important for early detection. The most
common physical sign is a painless lump. Sometimes
breast cancer spreads to underarm lymph nodes and
causes a lump or swelling, even before the original breast
tumor is large enough to be felt. Less common signs and
symptoms include breast pain or heaviness; persistent
changes, such as swelling, thickening, or redness of the
skin; and nipple abnormalities such as spontaneous
discharge (especially if bloody), erosion, or retraction.
Any persistent change in the breast should be evaluated
by a physician as soon as possible.
How is breast cancer diagnosed?
Breast cancer is typically detected either during a
screening examination, before symptoms have developed,
or after a woman notices a lump. Most masses seen on a
mammogram and most breast lumps turn out to be
benign (not cancerous), do not grow uncontrollably or
spread, and are not life-threatening. When cancer is
suspected, microscopic analysis of breast tissue is
necessary for a diagnosis and to determine the extent of
spread (stage) and characterize the type of the disease.
The tissue for microscopic analysis can be obtained from
a needle biopsy (fine-needle or wider core needle) or
surgical incision. Selection of the type of biopsy is based
on multiple factors, including the size and location of the
mass, as well as patient factors and preferences and
How is breast cancer staged?
The prognosis of invasive breast cancer is strongly
influenced by the stage of the disease – that is, the extent
or spread of the cancer when it is first diagnosed. There
are two main staging systems for cancer. The TNM
classification of tumors uses information on tumor size
and how far it has spread within the breast and to adjacent
tissues (T), the extent of spread to the nearby lymph nodes
(N), and the presence or absence of distant metastases
(spread to distant organs) (M).
Once the T, N, and M are
determined, a stage of 0, I, II, III, or IV is assigned, with
stage 0 being in situ (abnormal cells have not penetrated
the ducts or glands from which they originated), stage I
being early-stage invasive cancer, and stage IV being the
most advanced disease. The TNM staging system is
commonly used in clinical settings. The latest revision
(8th edition) to the TNM stage for breast cancer also
incorporates biologic factors in order to further refine the
breast cancer staging system and will be implemented by
oncology programs in 2018.
Table 1. Estimated New Female Breast Cancer Cases
and Deaths by Age, US, 2017
In Situ Cases Invasive Cases Deaths
Age Number % Number % Number %
<40 1,610 3% 11,16 0 4% 990 2%
40-49 12,4 40 20% 36,920 15% 3,480 9%
50-59 17, 68 0 28% 58,620 23% 7,590 19%
60-69 17,550 28% 68,070 27% 9,420 23%
70-79 10,370 16% 47,860 19% 8,220 20%
80+ 3,760 6% 30,080 12% 10,910 27%
All ages 63,410 252,710 40,610
Estimates are rounded to the nearest 10. Percentages may not sum to 100
due to rounding.
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
2 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
Summary Stage system is more simplified and is
commonly used in reporting cancer registry data and for
public health research and planning.
According to the SEER Summary Stage system:
In situ stage refers to the presence of abnormal cells
that have not invaded nearby tissues (corresponding
to stage 0 in the TNM staging system).
Local stage refers to cancers that are confined to the
breast (corresponding to stage I and some stage II
Regional stage refers to tumors that have spread to
surrounding tissue or nearby lymph nodes (generally
corresponding to stage II or III cancers, depending
on size and lymph node involvement).
Distant stage refers to cancers that have
metastasized (spread) to distant organs or lymph
nodes above the collarbone (corresponding to some
stage IIIc and all stage IV cancers).
What are the types of breast cancer?
In Situ
There are two main types of in situ breast cancer: ductal
carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ
(LCIS), also known as lobular neoplasia. Other in situ
breast cancers have characteristics of both ductal and
lobular carcinomas or have unknown origins.
Ductal carcinoma in situ. DCIS (83% of in situ cases
diagnosed during 2010-2014) refers to a condition in
which abnormal cells replace the normal epithelial
cells that line the breast ducts and may greatly
expand the ducts and lobules. DCIS may or may not
progress to invasive cancer; in fact, sometimes DCIS
grows so slowly that even without treatment it would
not affect a woman’s health. Long-term studies of
women whose DCIS was untreated because it was
originally misclassified as benign found that 20%-
53% were diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer
over the course of 10 or more years.
Lobular carcinoma in situ. LCIS (13% of in situ
cases) refers to abnormal cells growing within and
expanding some of the lobules of the breast. LCIS is
generally not thought to be a precursor of invasive
cancer, but is a strong risk factor for developing
invasive cancer.
See pages 13 and 24 for additional information on
DCIS and LCIS. More information can also be found in
the Cancer Facts & Figures 2015, Special Section: Breast
Carcinoma In Situ.
Most (80%) breast cancers are invasive, or infiltrating,
which means they have broken through the walls of the
glands or ducts where they originated and grown into
surrounding breast tissue. Although breast cancer
generally has been referred to as a single disease, there
are up to 21 distinct histological subtypes and at least
four different molecular subtypes that differ in terms of
risk factors, presentation, response to treatment, and
Gene expression profiling techniques have
allowed better understanding of the molecular subtypes of
breast cancers; however, this is a costly and complicated
Figure 1. Age-specific Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Race/Ethnicity, 2010-2014, US
Rate per 100,000
Note: Rates are per 100,000 and age adjusted to the 2000 US standard
Sources: Incidence: North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
(NAACCR), 2017. Mortality: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2017.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic Black
Asian/Pacific Islander
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 3
process and is not currently standard practice.
Approximations of molecular subtypes have been
identified using routinely evaluated biological markers,
including the presence or absence of hormone (estrogen
or progesterone) receptors (HR+/HR-) and excess levels of
human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2, a
growth-promoting protein) and/or extra copies of the
HER2 gene (HER2+/HER2-).
The four main molecular
subtypes and their distribution are described here.
Luminal A (HR+/HER2-) (71%). These cancers tend
to be slow-growing and less aggressive than other
subtypes. Luminal A tumors are associated with the
most favorable prognosis, particularly in the short
term, in part because they are more responsive to
anti-hormone therapy (see page 27).
12, 13
Triple negative (HR-/HER2-) (12%). So called
because they are estrogen receptor (ER)-,
progesterone receptor (PR)-, and HER2-, these
cancers are twice as common in black women as
white women in the US, and are also more common
in premenopausal women and those with a BRCA1
gene mutation.
The majority (about 75%) of triple
negative breast cancers fall in to the basal-like
subtype defined by gene expression profiling. Triple
negative breast cancers have a poorer short-term
prognosis than other subtypes, in part because there
are currently no targeted therapies for these tumors.
Luminal B (HR+/HER2+) (12%). Like luminal A
cancers, luminal B cancers are ER+ and/or PR+ and
are further defined by being highly positive for Ki67
(indicator of a large proportion of actively dividing
cells) or HER2. Luminal B breast cancers tend to be
higher grade and are associated with poorer survival
than luminal A cancers.
HER2-enriched (HR-/HER2+) (5%). HER2-enriched
cancers tend to grow and spread more aggressively
than other subtypes and are associated with poorer
short-term prognosis compared to HR+ breast
However, the recent widespread use of
targeted therapies for HER2+ cancers has improved
outcomes for these patients. For more information
about the treatment of HER2+ breast cancers, see the
section on targeted therapy on page 28.
Breast Cancer Occurrence
How many cases and deaths are
estimated to occur in 2017?
In 2017, an estimated 252,710 new cases of invasive breast
cancer will be diagnosed among women (Table 1, page 1)
and 2,470 cases will be diagnosed in men. In addition,
63,410 cases of in situ breast carcinoma will be diagnosed
among women. Approximately 40,610 women and 460
men are expected to die from breast cancer in 2017.
How many women alive today have
ever had breast cancer?
More than 3.5 million US women with a history of breast
cancer were alive on January 1, 2016.
Some of these
women were cancer-free, while others still had evidence
of cancer and may have been undergoing treatment.
Who gets breast cancer?
Breast cancer incidence and death rates generally
increase with age (Figure 1). The decrease in
incidence rates that occurs in women 80 years of age
and older may reflect lower rates of screening, the
detection of cancers by mammography before 80
years of age, and/or incomplete detection.
During 2010-2014, the median age at the time of
breast cancer diagnosis was 62.
This means that
half of women who developed breast cancer were 62
years of age or younger at the time of diagnosis. The
median age of diagnosis is younger for black women
(59) than white women (63).
4 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
A woman living in the US has a 12.4%, or a 1-in-8,
lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer
(Table 2). Conversely, 7 out of 8 women born today will
not be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes.
In the 1970s, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with
breast cancer was 1 in 11. This increase in risk over
the past four decades is due to longer life expectancy,
as well as increases in breast cancer incidence due in
part to changes in reproductive patterns, menopausal
hormone use, the rising prevalence of obesity, and
increased detection through screening. Lifetime risk
reflects an average woman’s risk over an entire
lifetime, including the possibility that she may die
from another cause before she would have been
diagnosed with breast cancer and does not apply only
to women who live to a very old age.
Figure 2 shows breast cancer incidence and death
rates by race and ethnicity during the most recent
time period. Incidence and death rates for breast
cancer are higher among non-Hispanic white (NHW)
and non-Hispanic black (NHB) women than other
racial and ethnic groups. Asian/Pacific Islander (API)
women have the lowest incidence and death rates.
Between the ages of 65 and 84, NHW women have
markedly higher breast cancer incidence rates than
NHB women (Figure 1, page 2). However, NHB
women have higher incidence rates before age 40 and
are more likely to die from breast cancer at every age.
Racial/ethnic variation in incidence rates for specific
breast cancer subtypes are shown in Figure 3. NHW
women have the highest rates of HR+/HER2- breast
cancers, whereas NHB women have the highest rates
of triple negative breast cancers.
Are there geographic differences in
breast cancer rates?
Table 3, page 6 shows the variation in state-level
breast cancer incidence and death rates per 100,000
women by race/ethnicity. Although the overall incidence
rate for breast cancer in the US remains slightly higher in
NHW women compared to NHB women, in 9 of 43 states
with data for both groups, rates are higher among NHB
women. Data for AI/AN women are too sparse to provide
by state; however, a recent study found that rates were
more than 2-fold higher among women in Alaska (141.3
per 100,000) than those living in the Southwest US (59.6
per 100,000) during 1999-2009.
Table 2. Age-specific Probability of Developing Invasive
Breast Cancer for US Women
Current age 10-year probability: or 1 in:
20 0.1% 1,567
30 0.5% 220
40 1.5% 68
50 2.3% 43
60 3.4% 29
70 3.9% 25
Lifetime risk 12.4% 8
Note: Probability is among those free of cancer at beginning of age interval.
Based on cases diagnosed 2012-2014. Percentages and “1 in” numbers may
not be numerically equivalent due to rounding.
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
*Statsitics based on data from Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA)
counties. Note: Rates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population.
Sources: Incidence – NAACCR, 2017. Mortality – National Center for Health
Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017.
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
Rate per 100,000
Incidence Mortality
Pacific Islander
American Indian/
Alaska Native*
Figure 2. Female Breast Cancer Incidence (2010-2014)
and Mortality (2011-2015) Rates by Race/Ethnicity, US
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 5
In contrast to incidence, breast cancer death rates are
higher among NHB women than NHW women in every
state, with rates in some states (e.g., Louisiana and
Mississippi) as much as 60% higher. Death rates reflect
both cancer incidence and survival. Breast cancer
mortality rates among white women tend to be highest in
the North Central, Mid-Atlantic, and Western regions of
the US. Among black women, the highest death rates are
found in some of the South Central and Mid-Atlantic
states, as well as California (Figure 4, page 7). Factors
that contribute to geographic disparities include
variations in risk factors and access to screening and
treatment, which are influenced by socioeconomic
factors, legislative policies, and proximity to medical
How has the occurrence of breast
cancer changed over time?
Incidence trends
Figure 5, page 8 presents trends for in situ and
invasive breast cancer incidence rates since 1975, when
population-based cancer registration began in the 9
oldest Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results
(SEER) registries.
Incidence rates of in situ and invasive breast cancer rose
rapidly during the 1980s and 1990s (Figure 5a, page
8), largely because of increases in mammography
screening. The widespread uptake of mammography
screening inflated the incidence rate because cancers
were being diagnosed 1 to 3 years earlier than they would
have been in the absence of screening, and may also have
led to the detection of indolent (very slow-growing)
tumors. In addition, some of the historic increase in
breast cancer incidence reflects changes in reproductive
patterns, such as delayed childbearing and having fewer
children, which are known risk factors for breast cancer.
The increase in incidence was greater in women 50 years
of age and older than in those younger than 50.
Invasive breast cancer rates stabilized between 1987 and
1994 (Figure 5b, page 8). Incidence rates increased
again in the latter half of the 1990s, which may reflect
further increases in the prevalence of mammography
screening, as well as rising rates of obesity and the use of
menopausal hormones, both of which increase breast
cancer risk. Between 2002 and 2003, invasive breast
cancer rates dropped sharply (nearly 7%), likely due to
the decreased use of menopausal hormones following the
2002 publication of clinical trial results that found higher
risk of breast cancer and heart disease among users.
19, 20
The decline in incidence occurred primarily in white
women, in those 50 years of age and older, and for ER+
19, 21
From 2005 to 2014, the overall invasive breast
cancer incidence rate was stable, but the trends vary by
race and age.
Incidence rates of in situ breast cancer have been stable
since 2000 among women 50 and older and since 2007
among younger women.
HR = hormone receptor, HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2.
Note: Rates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population.
Source: NAACCR, 2017.
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
Rate per 100,000
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic Black
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
14 14
Figure 3. Female Breast Cancer Incidence Rates by
Subtype and Race/Ethnicity, 2010-2014, US
Triple negativeHR-/HER2+HR+/HER2+HR+/HER2-
6 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Table 3. Female Breast Cancer Incidence (2010-2014) and Mortality (2011-2015) Rates by Race/Ethnicity and State
Incidence Mortality
Alabama 118.2 124.9 64.3 87.4 20.0 28.5 * *
Alaska 125.9 133.7 80.4 92.3 20.0 * * *
Arizona 120.5 107. 8 88.9 75.6 20.3 26.2 15.0 12.0
Arkansas 110.5 114. 2 148.1 126.9 20.5 30.3 15.3 *
California 139.0 129.0 89.2 95.7 23.1 31.9 14.5 12.6
Colorado 127.1 119.1 104.2 76.1 19.3 25.5 17.2 7.7
Connecticut 143.3 122.9 127.5 89.2 18.9 20.8 10.3 9.0
Delaware 135.8 130.6 100.0 85.9 21.2 26.0 * *
District of Columbia 157.6 141.6 70.8 90.4 22.6 34.4 * *
Florida 121.3 108.3 98 .1 70.1 20.1 25.8 15.3 9.8
Georgia 125.2 126.3 93.2 74.4 20.1 29.2 10.9 8.8
Hawaii 143.3 120.5 151.6 132.1 21.4 * * 14.4
Idaho 121.9 * 89.1 76.0 21.3 * * *
Illinois 135.7 131.8 89.5 92.7 22.5 31.2 10.9 11.7
Indiana 120.9 130.6 83.7 66.1 21.0 29.6 14.9 *
Iowa 124.7 105.1 6 7.1 68.2 19.3 21.4 * *
Kansas 124.4 126.2 84.2 63.2 19.9 30.1 11.6 *
Kentucky 124.3 127.0 54.2 64.4 21.4 28.5 * *
Louisiana 121.8 132.5 91.5 62.6 20.2 33.6 9.6 *
Maine 126.5 * * 76.3 18.0 * * *
Maryland 135.2 132.4 91.8 84.3 21.2 28.1 10.9 9.2
Massachusetts 141.8 114.7 87. 2 87.7 19.1 20.6 10.9 7.2
Michigan 122.0 127.1 80.0 85.3 21.0 29.8 16.2 9.2
131.5 103.1 103.1 68.9 18.8 23.0 11. 4 7.3
Mississippi 113.4 121.0 41.4 60.6 19.5 31.5 * *
Missouri 126.0 133.4 78.9 88.2 21.3 32.6 10.5 14.4
Montana 122.6 * 134.3 112.5 20.4 * * *
Nebraska 123.7 127.8 93.4 65.6 20.3 27.8 * *
121.3 108.1 75.5 78.5 24.5 29.4 11. 2 14.4
New Hampshire 142.3 * 92.2 72.1 20.2 * * *
New Jersey 142.3 125.9 98.7 92.2 23.0 32.3 13.2 11. 2
New Mexico
123.2 98.8 103.2 65.6 21.2 32.4 16.8 *
New York 139.6 119.5 101.3 92.2 20.2 26.8 14.7 9.6
North Carolina 130.3 134.1 82.5 77.7 19.7 29.1 10.1 12.1
North Dakota 122.2 * * * 17.5 * * *
Ohio 123.7 123.8 64.3 79.8 22.2 31.0 9.9 10.9
Oklahoma 114. 8 122.9 96.9 80.5 23.0 33.6 13.1 *
Oregon 128.5 127.1 97.0 76.9 20.8 30.0 12.1 9.9
Pennsylvania 131.8 130.8 86.5 73.8 21.2 31.7 12.2 11.2
Rhode Island 135.6 113. 4 85.2 68.9 18.8 26.9 * *
South Carolina 128.8 125.7 89.6 76.3 20.5 29.0 9.4 *
South Dakota 132.1 * * * 20.2 * * *
Tennessee 121.8 126.3 66.5 70.2 20.7 31.5 11.5 11.6
Texas 122.5 120.3 88.0 65.0 20.6 30.4 15.5 9.9
Utah 116. 8 90.3 101.8 91.2 20.9 * 11.8 19.2
Vermont 130.5 * * * 19.0 * * *
Virginia 130.0 134.3 80.6 79.0 21.0 29.5 11.7 9.8
Washington 139.3 125.7 93.6 98.3 20.9 25.6 9.7 11.1
West Virginia 115.1 120.1 * 77. 8 22.2 30.5 * *
Wisconsin 129.1 133.5 90.2 74.2 19.8 31.6 7.7 *
Wyoming 116.1 * 85.5 * 19.4 * * *
United States 128.7 125.5 91.9 90.7 20.8 29.5 14.2 11.3
Note: Rates are per 100,000 and age adjusted to 2000 US standard population. *Statistic not displayed due to fewer than 25 cases or deaths. †This state’s registry did
not achieve high-quality data standards for one or more years during 2010-2014, according to NAACCR data quality indicators and are not included in the overall US
incidence rate.
Sources: Incidence: NAACCR, 2017. Mortality: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017.
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 7
Note: Rates are per 100,000 and age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Statistic not displayed for states with fewer than 25 deaths during 2011-2015.
Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017.
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
Deaths per 100,000
17.5 - 19.4
19.5 - 20.2
20.3 - 20.9
21.0 - 21.4
21.5 - 24.5
Deaths per 100,000
20.6 - 23.0
23.1 - 28.1
28.2 - 29.8
29.9 - 31.5
31.6 - 34.4
Data not shown
Non-Hispanic Blacks
Non-Hispanic Whites
Figure 4. Geographic Variation in Female Breast Cancer Death Rates by Race, 2011-2015
8 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Race/Ethnicity: Figure 6a presents trends in invasive
female breast cancer incidence rates by race and
ethnicity. Incidence data are available for white and black
women since 1975 and for women of other races and
ethnicities since 1992. During 2005-2014, overall breast
cancer incidence rates increased among API (1.7% per
year), NHB (0.4% per year), and Hispanic (0.3% per year)
women, but were stable among NHW and AI/AN women.
Age: Trends for invasive breast cancer by age at diagnosis
are shown in Figure 5b. Although long-term data (shown)
suggest breast cancer incidence rates have increased
slightly among women over the age of 50 during the
most recent period (2005-2014), data with broader
coverage indicate that rates are relatively stable in this
age group.
In contrast, among women under age 50,
incidence rates have slowly increased (0.2% per year)
since the mid-1990s.
Tumor size: Incidence rates during 2005-2014 were stable
for smaller (≤ 2.0 cm) tumors and increased by 1.3%
annually for 2.1-5.0 cm tumors and 1.9% annually for
tumors larger than 5.0 cm (Figure 7).
Stage: Incidence rates during 2005-2014 increased for
localized breast cancer among NHW (0.7% per year),
NHB (1.5%), API (2.1%), and Hispanic (0.6%) women;
decreased (NHWs, 1.4% per year) or remained stable for
regional stage tumors; and increased for distant stage
tumors for all groups (NHWs: 2.0% per year; API: 1.7%;
Hispanics: 0.7%) except NHBs (Figure 8, page 10).
Incidence rates for breast cancer with unknown stage
decreased in all groups. The decline for regional stage
disease in NHWs may reflect a shift toward earlier stage
at diagnosis. The increase in distant-stage disease
coupled with the decrease in unknown stage may be due
to more complete staging of advanced tumors.
Mortality trends
Overall breast cancer death rates increased by 0.4% per
year from 1975 to 1989, but since have decreased rapidly,
for a total decline of 39% through 2015. As a result,
322,600 breast cancer deaths have been averted in US
women through 2015. The decrease occurred in both
younger and older women, but has slowed among women
younger than 50 since 2007. From 2006 through 2015,
breast cancer death rates declined annually by 2.6% in
Figure 5. Trends in Incidence Rates of Invasive and In Situ Female Breast Cancer by Age, 1975-2014, US
a. In Situ
Rate per 100,000
b. Invasive
Rate per 100,000
Note: Rates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Invasive breast cancer rates are adjusted for reporting delay.
Source: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, SEER 9 Registries, National Cancer Institute, 2017.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
Ages 20+
Ages 20-49
Ages 50+
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 9
AI/ANs, 1.8% in NHWs, 1.5% in NHBs, 1.4% in Hispanics,
and 0.9% in APIs.
Notably, the decline among AI/AN
women began in 2005, more than a decade later than
other racial and ethnic groups.
The decline in breast cancer mortality has been
attributed to both improvements in treatment and early
However, not all women have benefited
equally, as indicated by the striking divergence in
mortality trends between black and white women
beginning in the early 1980s (Figure 6b). This disparity
likely reflects a combination of factors, including
differences in stage at diagnosis, obesity and comorbidities,
and tumor characteristics, as well as access, adherence,
and response to treatment.
It may also reflect
differences in mammography screening. Although
findings from national surveys indicate current
screening rates are similar between black and white
women, these estimates likely overestimate
mammography rates, especially for blacks.
treatment for breast cancers has improved, the racial
disparity widened; in 2015, breast cancer death rates
were 39% higher in black than white women.
Figure 6a. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Race/Ethnicity, 1975-2014, US
Rate per 100,000
Figure 6b. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Death Rates
by Race/Ethnicity, 1975-2015, US
Rate per 100,000
Asian/Pacific Islander
Asian/Pacific Islander
Note: Rates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population and adjusted
for reporting delays.
Source: SEER Program, National Cancer Institute, 2017. Data for whites and
blacks are from the 9 SEER registries and data for other races/ethnicities are
3-year moving averages from the 13 SEER registries. For Hispanics, incidence
data do not include cases from the Alaska Native Registry. Data for AI/AN not
shown due to small counts and unstable rates.
Note: Rates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population.
Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2017. Rates for Hispanics exclude deaths from Louisiana, New
Hampshire, and Oklahoma. Data for AI/AN not shown due to small counts and
unstable rates.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
Figure 7. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Tumor Size, 1992-2014, US
Rate per 100,000
<2.0 cm
2.0-4.9 cm
5+ cm
Note: Rates are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population and adjusted
for reporting delays.
Source: 13 SEER Registries, National Cancer Institute, 2017.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
10 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Breast cancer survival
Relative survival rates are an estimate of the percentage
of patients who will survive for a given period of time
after a cancer diagnosis, accounting for normal life
expectancy. Survival among cancer patients is compared
to survival among people of the same age and race who
have not been diagnosed with cancer.
Based on the most recent data, relative survival rates for
women diagnosed with breast cancer are:
91% at 5 years after diagnosis
86% after 10 years
80% after 15 years
Relative survival rates should be interpreted with
caution. First, they are based on the average experience
of all women and do not predict individual prognosis
because many patient and tumor characteristics that
influence breast cancer survival are not taken into
account. Second, long-term survival rates are based on
the experience of women diagnosed and treated many
years ago and do not reflect the most recent
improvements in early detection and treatment.
Stage at diagnosis
Breast cancer survival varies by stage at diagnosis
(Figure 9a). The overall 5-year relative survival rate is
99% for localized disease, 85% for regional disease, and
27% for distant-stage disease.
Survival within each
stage varies by tumor size. For example, among women
with regional disease, the 5-year relative survival is 95%
for tumors less than or equal to 2.0 cm, 85% for tumors
2.1-5.0 cm, and 72% for tumors greater than 5.0 cm.
Race/ethnicity and socioeconomic factors
Since 1975, the breast cancer 5-year relative survival rate
has increased significantly for both black and white
women (Figure 10). While there remains a substantial
gap, especially for late-stage diagnoses, the racial
disparity seems to be narrowing. In the most recent
period, the 5-year relative survival rate was 83% for black
women and 92% for white women. The racial disparity in
survival reflects later stage at diagnosis and poorer
stage-specific survival in black women as well as higher
rates of more aggressive, triple negative breast cancer.
Cause-specific survival instead of relative survival is
used to describe the cancer experience of racial and
ethnic minorities because reliable life expectancy is not
available for some groups. Cause-specific survival is the
probability of not dying of breast cancer within five years
of diagnosis. For every stage of disease, API women have
the highest survival and NHB women have the lowest
survival (Figure 9). Poverty, less education, and a lack of
health insurance are associated with lower breast cancer
Figure 8. Trends in Female Breast Cancer Incidence
Rates by Stage and Race/Ethnicity, 1992-2014, US
Rate per 100,000
Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black
Rate per 100,000
Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic
Note: Rates are two year moving averages, age adjusted to the 2000 US
standard population, and adjusted for reporting delay.
Source: 13 SEER Registries, National Cancer Institute, 2017.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
Regional Distant Unknown
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 11
Male breast cancer
Breast cancer in men is rare, accounting for less than 1%
of breast cancer cases in the US. However, since 1975, the
incidence rate has increased slightly, from 1.0 case per
100,000 men during 1975-1979 to 1.3 cases per 100,000
men during 2010-2014. Men are more likely than women
to be diagnosed with advanced-stage breast cancer,
which likely reflects decreased awareness and delayed
detection because screening mammography is not
recommended for men due to the rarity of the disease.
Similar to female breast cancer, the incidence of male
breast cancer increases with age. The death rate for male
breast cancer has decreased slightly from 0.4 (per
100,000) during 1975-1979 to 0.3 (per 100,000) during
2011-2015 due to improvements in treatment.
Due to the infrequency of male breast cancer, much less
is known about the disease than female breast cancer.
Risk factors include radiation exposure, BRCA 1/2 gene
mutations, Klinefelter syndrome, testicular disorders,
family history of breast or ovarian cancer, diabetes,
gynecomastia (enlarged breasts), and obesity.
38, 39
Figure 10. Trends in Female Breast Cancer 5-year
Relative Survival Rates by Race, 1975-2013, US
Survival rates are based on follow-up of patients through 2014.
Source: Howlader et al.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
White Black
Figure 9. Female Breast Cancer-specific Survival and Stage Distribution by Race/Ethnicity, 2007-2013, US
a. Five-year Breast Cancer-specific Survival Rates (%) b. Stage Distribution (%)
0 25 50 75 100
0 25 50 75 100
Survival rates are based on patients diagnosed during 2007-2013 and followed through 2014. Stage distribution percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Sources: Survival – SEER Program, 18 SEER registries, National Cancer Institute, 2016. Stage distribution – NAACCR, 2017.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic Black
American Indian/Alsaka Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
12 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Breast Cancer Risk Factors
About one-third of postmenopausal breast cancers are
thought to be caused by behavioral factors that are
modifiable, such as postmenopausal obesity, physical
inactivity, use of combined estrogen and progestin
menopausal hormones, alcohol consumption, and not
Many risk factors affect lifetime
exposure of breast tissue to hormones (early menarche,
late menopause, obesity, and hormone use). Hormones
are thought to influence breast cancer risk by increasing
cell proliferation, thereby increasing the likelihood of
DNA damage, as well as promoting cancer growth.
Although exposures that influence risk accumulate
throughout a womans life, research suggests that the
time between menarche and first pregnancy may be
particularly critical.
41, 42
Many established risk factors for
breast cancer are specifically associated with HR+/
luminal breast cancer; less is known about risk factors
for HR-, HER2+ or basal-like breast cancers.
associated with an increased or decreased risk of breast
cancer are discussed below.
Family history and personal
Family history
Women and men with a family history of breast cancer,
especially in a first-degree relative (parent, child, or
sibling), are at increased risk for the disease. Compared
to women without a family history, risk of breast cancer
is about 2 times higher for women with one affected
first-degree female relative and 3-4 times higher for
women with more than one first-degree relative.
Risk is further increased when the affected relative was
diagnosed at a young age or if the cancer was diagnosed
in both breasts. It is important to note that the majority
of women with one or more affected first-degree relatives
will never develop breast cancer and that most women
who develop breast cancer do not have a family history
of the disease.
A family history of ovarian cancer is also associated with
increased breast cancer risk in both men and women.
Women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer
should discuss this with their physician or a genetic
counselor because it may signal the presence of a genetic
predisposition to cancer.
Genetic predisposition
Inherited mutations (genetic alterations) in BRCA1 and
BRCA2, the most well-studied breast cancer susceptibility
genes, account for 5%-10% of all female breast cancers,
5%-20% of male breast cancer, and 15%-20% of all familial
breast cancers.
45, 46
These mutations are rare (much less
than 1%) in the general population, but occur slightly
more often in certain ethnic or geographically isolated
groups, such as those of Ashkenazi (Eastern European)
Jewish descent (about 2%).
Compared to women in the
general population who have a 10% risk of developing
breast cancer by 80 years of age, the corresponding risks
for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers are estimated to
be as much as 70%.
Mutations in PALB2, a different gene
that works with BRCA2, appear to confer risk that may be
as high as BRCA2 mutations.
Other inherited conditions associated with a smaller
increase in breast cancer risk include the Li-Fraumeni
and Cowden syndromes.
In addition, more than 150 less
rare genetic variants are associated with slightly elevated
Scientists now believe that much of the occurrence
of breast cancer clustered in families results from the
interaction between lifestyle factors and these low-risk
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends
primary care providers routinely collect and update
family medical history and screen women with a family
history of breast, ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal cancer
with one of several brief questionnaires to determine if
there is a need for in-depth genetic counseling to consider
BRCA testing.
Those who consider testing are strongly
encouraged to talk with a genetic counselor before
making a decision so that the benefits and potential
consequences can be understood and carefully considered.
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 13
Personal history of breast cancer
Women diagnosed with breast cancer have a small
increased risk of developing a new cancer in the opposite
breast; however, rates of second breast cancers have
declined steadily since 1985.
The decrease has
predominantly been among ER+ breast cancer patients
and may reflect the effect of hormone therapy
(e.g., tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors) or other
adjuvant treatments.
DCIS is considered a potential precursor to invasive
cancer, and is also associated with an increased risk for
developing a new invasive breast cancer. Women with a
history of DCIS are about 10 times more likely to be
diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer than women
without DCIS.
Although LCIS seldom becomes invasive cancer, it is a
strong indicator of increased risk. Women with LCIS are 7
to 12 times more likely to develop invasive cancer in either
breast than women without LCIS.
Women with LCIS
have been estimated to have a 2% annual risk of being
diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
Benign breast disease
Doctors often categorize benign breast conditions into 3
general groups reflecting the associated degree of cancer
risk: nonproliferative lesions, proliferative lesions without
atypia (abnormal cells or patterns of cells), and
proliferative lesions with atypia.
Nonproliferative lesions are not associated with
overgrowth of breast tissue and include fibrosis
and simple cysts (also known as fibrocystic changes)
and mild hyperplasia. Nonproliferative conditions
are associated with little to no increased breast
cancer risk.
Proliferative lesions without atypia are associated
with a small increase in the risk of breast cancer (1.5
to 2 times the risk of those who do not have one of
these lesions) and include usual ductal hyperplasia
(without atypia) and fibroadenoma.
Proliferative lesions with atypia are associated with
about 4 times higher than average risk. These include
atypical ductal hyperplasia and atypical lobular
Benign breast conditions are most strongly associated
with risk for HR+ breast cancers. Women should keep
detailed records of any benign breast biopsy results,
as they are valuable for risk assessment, screening,
and counseling for chemoprevention and other risk-
reduction strategies.
Table 4. Factors That Increase the Relative Risk for
Breast Cancer in Women
Risk Factor
>4.0 Age (65+ versus <65 years, although risk increases across
all ages until age 80)
Biopsy-confirmed atypical hyperplasia
Certain inherited genetic mutations for breast cancer
(BRC A1 and/or BRCA2)
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Lobular carcinoma in situ
Mammographically dense breasts (compared to least
Personal history of early-onset (<40 years) breast cancer
Two or more first-degree relatives with breast cancer
diagnosed at an early age
2.1- 4.0 Personal history of breast cancer (40+ years)
High endogenous estrogen or testosterone levels
High-dose radiation to chest
One first-degree relative with breast cancer
1.1-2.0 Alcohol consumption
Ashkenazi Jewish heritage
Diethylstilbestrol exposure
Early menarche (<12 years)
Height (tall)
High socioeconomic status
Late age at first full-term pregnancy (>30 years)
Late menopause (>55 years)
Never breastfed a child
No full-term pregnancies
Obesity (postmenopausal)/adult weight gain
Personal history of endometrium or ovarian cancer
Proliferative breast disease without atypia (usual ductal
hyperplasia and fibroadenoma)
Recent and long-term use of menopausal hormone therapy
containing estrogen and progestin
Recent oral contraceptive use
14 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Breast density
Breast tissue density is a mammographic indicator of the
amount of glandular and connective tissue relative to
fatty tissue. Compared to women with 11%-25% breast
density, those with 26%-50% or 50% or greater breast
density have about a 1.6 or 2.3 times, respectively, higher
risk of breast cancer.
About 43% of US women ages 40-74
have heterogeneously dense or extremely dense breasts
(BI-RADS C or D).
Breast density is influenced by
genetics, but generally decreases with age, pregnancy,
menopause, and higher body weight.
61, 62
Some drugs also
affect breast density, including tamoxifen (decreases
density) and combined menopausal hormone therapy
(increases density).
63, 64
Mammographic detection of breast cancer is impaired in
areas of dense breast tissue.
More than half of US states
now have laws requiring that mammography reports
include information about breast density.
Many states
with these laws also require that women with dense
breasts be told that they may benefit from supplemental
imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI. Digital breast
tomosynthesis is also useful in evaluating dense breasts.
However, there is currently no expert consensus about
what other tests, if any, should be done in addition to
mammograms to screen for breast cancer in women with
dense breasts.
67, 68
Many studies have found that taller women have a higher
risk of breast cancer than shorter women.
69, 70
A recent study
from Europe found that an increase of 2 inches in height was
associated with about a 10% higher risk of breast cancer
diagnosis and death.
Height is also associated with a
number of other cancers, and although the reasons are
not fully understood, it may reflect differences in early
growth as well as hormonal or genetic factors.
Menstrual cycles
Breast cancer risk increases slightly for each year earlier
menstruation begins (by about 5%) and for each year
later menopause begins (by about 3%).
For example,
breast cancer risk is about 20% higher among girls who
begin menstruating before age 11 compared to those who
begin at age 13.
Likewise, women who experience
menopause at age 55 or older have about a 12% higher
risk compared to those who do so between ages 50-54.
The increased risk may be due to longer lifetime exposure
to reproductive hormones and has been more strongly
linked to HR+ breast cancer than other subtypes.
Bone mineral density
High bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
has been associated with a 60% to 80% increased risk for
breast cancer compared to low bone density; risk appears
to be most strongly related to HR+ disease.
74, 75
density is not thought to be an independent risk factor for
breast cancer, but a marker of cumulative estrogen
However, because bone density is routinely
measured to identify women at increased risk for
osteoporosis (high bone density indicates absence of
osteoporosis), it also may be helpful for identifying
women at increased risk for breast cancer.
Endogenous hormone levels
Postmenopausal women with naturally high levels of
certain endogenous sex hormones have about twice the
risk of developing breast cancer compared to women with
the lowest levels, with the strongest relationships found for
HR+ tumors.
77, 78
High circulating hormone levels are
associated with, and may reflect, the effects of other breast
cancer risk factors, such as postmenopausal obesity and
alcohol use.
Although it is challenging to study the
relationship of hormones in premenopausal women
because levels vary across the menstrual cycle, a recent
large review found that high levels of circulating estrogens
and androgens are associated with a small increased risk
of breast cancer in premenopausal women.
Reproductive factors
Having a first child before age 35 and having a greater
number of children is associated with decreased risk of
HR+ breast cancer.
In contrast, there appears to be a
transient increase in HR- breast cancer risk (lasting about
10 years) following a full-term pregnancy, particularly
among women who are older at first birth.
81, 82
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 15
Fertility drugs
More research is needed on the relationship between
breast cancer risk and the long-term effects of ovulation-
stimulating drugs.
A long-term follow-up study of
women seen at 5 US fertility clinics found no association
with ever use of clomiphene or gonadotropins; however,
risk of invasive breast cancer was increased among
women who underwent more than 12 clomiphene
treatment cycles compared to women who had never
used fertility drugs.
Recently published results of a
long-term follow-up study of Dutch women who used
fertility drugs for in vitro fertilization (IVF), found no
overall association of breast cancer risk with IVF and a
significantly reduced risk of breast cancer among women
who had undergone seven or more IVF cycles.
Most studies suggest that breastfeeding for a year or more
slightly reduces a woman’s overall risk of breast cancer,
with longer duration associated with greater risk
In a review of 47 studies in 30 countries, the
risk of breast cancer was reduced by 4% for every 12
months of breastfeeding.
One possible explanation for
this effect may be that breastfeeding inhibits
menstruation, thus reducing the lifetime number of
menstrual cycles.
Another possible explanation relates
to structural changes that occur in the breast following
lactation and weaning.
The protective effect may be
stronger for or even limited to triple negative cancers.
86, 89-90
Hormonal birth control
Studies suggest that recent use of oral contraceptives
(combined estrogen and progesterone) is associated with
a small increase in breast cancer risk, particularly among
women who begin use before 20 years of age or before
first pregnancy.
Risk appears to diminish when women
stop use, and after about 10 years, is similar to those who
have never taken oral contraceptives. Most of this
research considered high-dose estrogen formulations,
which were more common in the past. It is unclear if
newer, low-dose estrogen formulations increase breast
cancer risk.
Some, but not all, studies have found recent use of the
injectable progestin-only contraceptive depot-
medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) to be
associated with increased risk of breast cancer; however,
no association has been found with prior use (5 or more
years ago).
Studies of the levonorgestrel-releasing
intrauterine device (Mirena) have also produced
conflicting results.
Depo-Provera and Mirena have only
been in use since the 1990s, thus studies with additional
years of follow-up data are needed. Importantly, overall
breast cancer risk is low in young women, and most
studies suggest that any elevation in risk is temporary.
Postmenopausal hormones
Recent use of menopausal hormones (also referred to as
hormone therapy or hormone replacement therapy) with
combined estrogen and progestin increases the risk of
breast cancer, with higher risk associated with longer
99, 100
Risk is also greater for women who start hormone
therapy soon after the onset of menopause compared to
those who begin later.
99, 101
Although discontinuation of
hormone use diminishes breast cancer risk, some increase
in risk seems to persist.
The increased risk associated
with estrogen and progestin therapy may be largely due
to increased mammographic density.
Postmenopausal estrogen-only therapy has been
associated with uterine problems (including endometrial
cancer), and is therefore only given to women who have
previously undergone hysterectomy. The effects of
estrogen-only therapy on breast cancer risk is less clear.
The US Preventive Services Task Force has concluded that
the use of estrogen alone is associated with reduced risk of
breast cancer based on results from the Womens Health
Initiative randomized trial, which found that women who
used estrogen-only therapy for an average of 6 years had a
23% lower risk of developing breast cancer.
It should be
noted, however, that some observational studies have
found a slight increase in breast cancer risk among
estrogen therapy users, particularly among lean women
and those who begin therapy soon after menopause.
101, 105, 106
Conflicting results may reflect higher rates of screening
in menopausal hormone users, which were not controlled
for in the observational studies.
16 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Obesity, physical activity, and diet
Obesity and weight gain
Postmenopausal breast cancer risk is about 1.5 times
higher in overweight women and about 2 times higher in
obese women than in lean women.
This is likely due, in
part, to higher estrogen levels because fat tissue is the
largest source of estrogen in postmenopausal women, but
may also be related to other mechanisms, including the
higher levels of insulin among obese women.
109, 110
is a risk factor for type II diabetes, which has also been
linked to increased risk for postmenopausal breast
111, 112
A review of 40 studies concluded that breast
cancer risk was 16% higher in women with type II
diabetes independent of obesity.
Weight gain also increases risk of postmenopausal breast
cancer. A large meta-analysis recently concluded that each
5 kg (about 11 pounds) gained during adulthood increases
risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by 11%.
the increased risk was only observed among women who
did not use menopausal hormones. Although some
studies have found weight loss to be associated with
reduced risk, results are inconsistent.
It is more
difficult to examine the effect of weight loss because it is
often not sustained.
In contrast, studies have found that obesity protects
against premenopausal breast cancer. A large meta-
analysis found that among women between 40 and 49
years of age, the risk for developing breast cancer was
about 14% lower in overweight women and 26% lower in
obese women compared to women who were normal
The underlying mechanisms for this inverse
relationship are not well understood, but the protective
effect may be limited to HR+/luminal A breast cancers.
Physical activity
Women who get regular physical activity have a 10%-20%
lower risk of breast cancer compared to women who are
The protective effect is independent of BMI
and may be limited to women who have never used
menopausal hormone therapy.
A greater reduction in
risk is associated with increasing amounts of exercise and
more vigorous activity; however, even smaller amounts of
exercise, including walking, appear beneficial.
American Cancer Society study that included more than
73,000 postmenopausal women found that breast cancer
risk was 14% lower among women who reported walking 7
or more hours per week compared to women who walked
3 or less hours per week.
The benefit may be due to the
effects of physical activity on systemic inflammation,
hormones, and energy balance.
119, 121
What is the difference between absolute,
lifetime, and relative risks?
Absolute risk: Absolute risk is the likelihood of being
diagnosed with cancer over a certain period of time.
For example, 22 out of 10,000 women ages 50-54 will
be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next year.
Lifetime risk: Lifetime risk is the absolute risk of being
diagnosed with cancer over the course of a lifetime
from birth to death. Lifetime risk of breast cancer
reflects the average probability of a female being
diagnosed with breast cancer in the US. A woman
living in the US has a 12% chance of being diagnosed
with breast cancer in her lifetime (Table 2, page 4).
Another way to say this is that 1 out of every 8 women
will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.
Relative risk: Relative risk compares the absolute risk
of disease among people with a particular risk factor
to the risk among people without that risk factor. If
the relative risk is above 1.0, then risk is higher among
those with the risk factor than among those without
the factor. Relative risks below 1.0 reflect an inverse
association between the exposure and the disease,
or a protective effect. For example, one study found
women ages 50-59 who were current users of combined
estrogen and progestin menopausal hormones had
a relative risk of developing breast cancer of 1.21, or
a 21% increased risk compared to women who have
not used hormone therapy.
While relative risks are
useful for comparisons, they do not provide information
about the absolute risk of the exposed group. In this
example, 33 breast cancers per year would be expected
to be diagnosed among 10,000 women ages 50-59
who use estrogen and progestin (that is the absolute
risk among this group). Among 10,000 women of the
same ages who never used menopausal hormones, 27
cases per year would be expected. Therefore, the 21%
increased relative risk results in a total of 6 additional
breast cancers diagnosed per 10,000 women per year.
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 17
Numerous studies have examined the relationship
between food consumption (including fat, fiber, soy,
dairy, meat, and fruits and vegetables) and breast cancer
with mixed results. Although early diet and breast cancer
studies focused on fat intake, a recent meta-analysis
concluded there was no association.
It has been
suggested that soy consumption may reduce breast cancer
risk, in part because of historically low breast cancer rates
among Asian women. A meta-analysis showed that soy
intake was inversely associated with breast cancer risk in
Asian but not Western populations, perhaps because
Asian women generally consume more soy products
beginning at an earlier age than Western women.
There is growing evidence that high levels of fruit and/or
vegetable consumption may reduce the risk of HR- breast
These findings are supported by studies
linking lower breast cancer risk to higher blood levels
of carotenoids (micronutrients found in fruit and
The effect of diet on breast cancer risk
remains an active area of research, with studies
particularly focused on timing of exposure, specific
dietary components, and risk differences by tumor
hormone receptor status.
Numerous studies have confirmed that alcohol
consumption increases the risk of breast cancer in
women by about 7%-10% for each 10g (roughly one drink)
of alcohol consumed per day on average.
Women who
have 2-3 alcoholic drinks per day have a 20% higher risk
of breast cancer compared to non-drinkers. There is also
evidence that alcohol consumption before first pregnancy
may particularly affect risk.
41, 130
One of the mechanisms
by which alcohol increases risk is by increasing estrogen
and androgen levels.
Alcohol use appears more strongly
associated with increased risk for HR+ than HR- breast
Accumulating research indicates that smoking may
slightly increase breast cancer risk, particularly long-
term, heavy smoking and among women who start
smoking before their first pregnancy.
The 2014 US
Surgeon Generals report on smoking concluded that
there is “suggestive but not sufficient” evidence that
smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.
A review by
American Cancer Society researchers found that women
who initiated smoking before the birth of their first child
had a 21% higher risk of breast cancer than women who
never smoked.
Some studies suggest secondhand
smoke may increase risk, particularly for premenopausal
breast cancer.
133, 134
Environmental and other risk factors
Radiation exposure has been shown to increase breast
cancer risk in studies of atomic bomb survivors and
females treated with high-dose radiation therapy to the
chest between 10 and 30 years of age, such as for Hodgkin
138, 139
This may be because breast tissue is
most susceptible to carcinogens before it is fully
differentiated, which occurs with first childbirth.
Breast cancer risk starts to rise about 8 years after
radiation treatment and continues to be elevated for
more than 35 years.
139, 141
Although radiation treatments
have evolved to include lower doses given over smaller
areas, recent studies suggest that the elevated breast
cancer risk persists.
141, 142
Diethylstilbestrol exposure
From the 1940s through the 1960s, some pregnant
women were given the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES)
because it was thought to lower the risk of miscarriage.
These women have an increased risk (about 30%) of
developing breast cancer compared to women who have
not taken DES.
Some studies also suggest that women
whose mothers took DES during pregnancy also have a
slightly higher risk of breast cancer.
Environmental pollutants
In general, epidemiological studies have not found clear
relationships between environmental pollutants, such as
organochlorine pesticides, and breast cancer. Studies to
date have found no association between increased
concentrations of organochlorines (e.g., dichlorodiphenyl-
18 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
trichloroethane or DDT) in blood and fat tissue and
breast cancer risk,
although a recent study found in
utero exposure to DDT was linked to breast cancer risk
later in life.
Animal studies have demonstrated that
prolonged, high-dose exposure to many industrial
chemicals can increase mammary tumor development,
but it is unknown whether the much lower dose
exposures that occur in the general environment in air,
drinking water, and consumer products increase human
breast cancer risk.
Night shift work
Most studies of nurses who work night shifts and flight
attendants who experience circadian rhythm disruption
caused by crossing multiple time zones have found
increased risks of breast cancer associated with long-
term employment.
151, 152
Elevated risk appears to be most
strongly associated with shift working during early
Exposure to light at night disrupts the
production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.
Experimental evidence suggests that melatonin may also
inhibit the growth of small, established tumors and
prevent new tumors from developing.
Based on the
results of studies in humans and animals, the
International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded
in 2007 that shift work, particularly at night, was
probably carcinogenic to humans.
Shift work at night is
a common exposure, involving about 15% to 20% of
workers in the US and Europe, and much of the
population in industrialized countries is exposed to
artificial light at night.
Factors that are not associated
with breast cancer risk
There are persistent claims that women who have had an
abortion are at increased risk for developing breast cancer
based on early studies that have since been deemed
methodologically flawed by the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecology.
Indeed, a large body of
solid scientific evidence, including a review by a panel of
experts convened by the National Cancer Institute in
2003, confirms that there is no link between breast
cancer and abortion (either spontaneous or induced).
Although internet rumors have suggested that bras cause
breast cancer by obstructing lymph flow, there is no
scientific basis or evidence to support this claim. A recent
population-based study of more than 1,500 women found
no association between wearing a bra and breast cancer.
Breast implants
No association has been found between breast implants
and risk of breast cancer; however, there is evidence that
women with implants are at increased risk of a rare type of
Breast implants can also obstruct the view of
breast tissue during mammography. A woman with breast
implants should inform the mammography facility about
the implants during scheduling so that additional x-ray
pictures (called implant displacement views) may be used
to allow for more complete breast imaging.
Hair dyes, relaxers, and antiperspirants
Although one recent study suggested that selected hair
products may be associated with breast cancer, most
studies have failed to reveal any correlation.
combined analysis of 14 studies found no association
between the use of permanent hair dyes and breast
A study of more than 48,000 black women found
no link to breast cancer with use of hair relaxers.
Although antiperspirant use has been less well-studied,
there is presently no convincing scientific evidence of an
association with breast cancer.
163, 164
Chemoprevention and
prophylactic surgery
The use of drugs to reduce the risk of disease is called
chemoprevention. Currently, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has approved two drugs for the
prevention of breast cancer in high-risk women:
tamoxifen and raloxifene (postmenopausal women only).
These drugs are classified as selective estrogen receptor
modulators (or SERMs) because they block estrogen in
some tissues of the body, but act like estrogen in others.
A recent meta-analysis, including more than 83,000
high-risk women, found that SERMs reduced breast
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 19
cancer risk by 38% over 10 years.
Although the benefit
is limited to ER+ disease, these drugs lower the risk of
both invasive cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ.
However, SERMs are associated with some side effects,
including hot flashes, nausea, and fatigue. Premenopausal
women taking tamoxifen can also experience menstrual
changes. More serious side effects are rare, but include
blood clots and endometrial cancer.
Clinical trials are examining another class of drugs –
aromatase inhibitors – to see if they may also be effective
for reducing breast cancer risk among postmenopausal
women. Currently, these drugs are only approved to
prevent breast cancer recurrence. Aromatase inhibitors
target the enzyme responsible for producing estrogen in
fat tissue, and thus are only effective in women without
functioning ovaries (e.g., postmenopausal women),
because ovaries are the primary source of estrogen before
menopause. Early clinical trial results are promising:
breast cancer risk was reduced by more than half in
high-risk women taking anastrozole or exemestane
compared to placebo.
166, 167
Women taking aromatase
inhibitors must be monitored for osteoporosis, as these
medications can decrease bone density.
Prophylactic surgery
Women at very high risk of breast cancer (such as those
with BRCA gene mutations) may elect prophylactic
(preventive) mastectomy. This operation removes one or
both breasts. Removing both breasts before cancer is
diagnosed reduces the risk of breast cancer by 90% or
Prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy (surgical
removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries) has also been
shown to reduce the risk of both breast and ovarian
169, 170
but a recent study found that the breast
cancer benefit may be limited to women who carry
BRCA2 mutations.
Importantly, however, not all women
who elect to have these surgeries would have developed
cancer. A woman considering prophylactic surgery
should discuss the benefits and limitations with her
doctor and a second opinion is strongly recommended.
See page 25 for further discussion of contralateral
prophylactic mastectomy.
Breast Cancer Screening
American Cancer Society recommendations for the early
detection of breast cancer vary depending on a woman’s
age and include mammography, as well as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) for women at high risk. In 2015,
the American Cancer Society updated its breast cancer
screening guideline for average-risk women.
Mammography is a low-dose x-ray procedure that allows
visualization of the internal structure of the breast. There
are three main types of mammography: screen-film,
digital, and digital breast tomosynthesis. Screen-film
mammography uses x-ray equipment to record images.
Digital mammography, which uses more specialized
computerized equipment to capture a digital image of the
breast and delivers lower doses of radiation, has largely
replaced film mammography. Studies have shown that
digital mammograms are more accurate for women under
the age of 50 and those with dense breast tissue.
In 2011, the FDA approved the use of digital breast
tomosynthesis or 3-dimensional (3-D) mammography,
which constructs a 3-D image of the breast with multiple
high-resolution x-rays, to be used in combination with a
2-D digital mammography image. The benefits and
limitations of tomosynthesis in community practice are
still being assessed. Recent studies suggest that the
addition of breast tomosynthesis to digital mammography
may reduce false positives and slightly improve cancer
detection compared to digital mammography alone.
However, when the 2-D images are produced separately
from the tomographic images, women receive about twice
the radiation dose. Recently, the FDA approved the use of
tomographic images to produce synthetic, conventional
2-D images, thus reducing the radiation dose to that
similar to conventional digital mammography. This
20 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
newer type of mammographic screening is not yet
available in all communities and may not be fully covered
by health insurance.
For women at average-risk of breast cancer, the American
Cancer Society recommends that those 40 to 44 years of
age have the option to begin annual mammography; those
45 to 54 years should undergo annual mammography;
and those 55 years of age or older may transition to
biennial mammography or continue with annual
mammograms. Women should continue screening as
long as their overall health is good and they have a life
expectancy of 10 years or more.
It is especially important that women are regularly
screened to increase the chance that a breast cancer is
detected early before it has spread. Recommended
screening intervals are based on the duration of time a
breast cancer is detectable before symptoms develop.
Combined results from randomized controlled screening
trials suggest that mammography reduces the risk of
dying from breast cancer by about 20%, whereas studies
of modern mammography screening programs in Europe
and Canada found that the risk of breast cancer death
among women exposed to screening was reduced by
more than 40%.
Early detection of breast cancer by
mammography also leads to a greater range of treatment
options, including less-extensive surgery (e.g., breast-
conserving surgery like lumpectomy versus mastectomy)
and the use of chemotherapy with fewer serious side effects,
or sometimes, the option to forgo chemotherapy.
However, mammography screening does have limitations
or potential harms, which are described below.
The Affordable Care Act requires that Medicare and all
new health insurance plans fully cover screening
mammograms without any out-of-pocket expense for
patients. For help locating a free or low-cost screening
mammogram in your area, contact the American Cancer
Society at 1-800-227-2345.
False-positive results
Mammography sometimes leads to follow-up
examinations, including biopsies, when there is no
cancer, referred to as false-positive test results. A false
positive is most likely following a woman’s initial
screening mammogram.
Other factors that increase
the likelihood of a false positive include the use of
postmenopausal hormone therapy and having more
American Cancer Society Guideline for
Breast Cancer Screening, 2015
These recommendations represent guidance
from the American Cancer Society for women at
average risk of breast cancer, i.e., women without
a personal history of breast cancer, a suspected
or confirmed genetic mutation known to increase
risk of breast cancer (e.g., BRCA), or a history of
previous radiotherapy to the chest at a young age.
We recommend that all women should become
familiar with the potential benefits, limitations, and
harms associated with breast cancer screening.
1. Women with an average risk of breast cancer
should undergo regular screening mammography
starting at age 45 years (strong recommendation).
Women should have the opportunity to
begin annual screening between the ages of
40 and 44 (qualified recommendation).
Women who are age 45 to 54 should be screened
annually (qualified recommendation).
Women who are age 55 and older should transition to
biennial screening or have the opportunity to continue
screening annually (qualified recommendation).
2. Women should continue screening
mammography as long as their overall health
is good and they have a life expectancy of 10
years or more (qualified recommendation).
3. The American Cancer Society does not
recommend clinical breast examination for breast
cancer screening among average-risk women
at any age (qualified recommendation).
*A strong recommendation conveys the consensus that the benefits of
adherence to that intervention outweigh the undesirable effects that may
result from screening. Qualified recommendations indicate there is clear
evidence of the benefit of screening but less certainty about either the balance
of benefits and harms, or about patients’ values and preferences, which
could lead to different decisions about screening.
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 21
mammographically dense breast tissue.
182, 183
On average,
1 in 9 women are recalled from each screening
examination for further testing (most often additional
mammographic views), but most (95%) do not have
According to one US study, over the course
of 10 screening examinations, about one-half of women
experience a false positive, and about 19% undergo biopsy
but do not have cancer.
Mammography likely results in some overdiagnosis; that
is, the diagnosis of cancer that would not cause a woman
any harm in her lifetime and that would not have
progressed or otherwise been detected in the absence of
screening. There are two circumstances that can lead to
overdiagnosis. The first is a breast cancer is diagnosed by
screening in a woman who dies shortly afterward from a
cause other than breast cancer. National guidelines
recommend against screening in women who are very ill
or have limited life expectancy. The second, which is
more difficult to measure, is the detection of a truly
non-progressive in situ or invasive cancer. Estimates of
the prevalence of overdiagnosis are highly variable,
ranging from <5% to more than 30%.
Radiation exposure
The dose of radiation during a mammogram is very small
and the risk of harm is minimal.
192, 193
Limitations of mammography
Not all breast cancer will be detected early by a
mammogram, and some cancers that are screen-detected
still have poor prognosis. Most women will never be
diagnosed with breast cancer, but will undergo regular
screening and may experience one or more “false alarms.
In an effort to maximize the benefits and minimize the
harms of screening, some scientists are attempting to
determine which factors could be used to individualize
screening recommendations (e.g., which women could
start screening at older ages and/or be screened less
Despite these limitations, mammography is the single
most effective method of early breast cancer detection
since it can often identify cancer several years before
physical symptoms develop. It is the position of the
American Cancer Society that the balance of benefits to
possible harms strongly supports the value of regular
breast cancer screening in women for whom it is
Table 5. Prevalence of Mammography (%), Women
40 and Older, US, 2015
the past
the past
two years
Overall 50 64
Age (years)
40-44 38 49
45-54 54 69
55+ 53 68
Non-Hispanic White 50 65
Non-Hispanic Black 55 69
Asian American 47 59
American Indian and Alaska Native 46 60
Hispanic/Latina 46 61
Some high school or less 39 51
High school diploma or GED 45 58
Some college/Assoc. degree 51 66
College graduate 58 73
Sexual orientation
Gay/Lesbian 62 78
Straight 50 64
Bisexual * *
Health insurance status (ages 40-64)
Uninsured 21 31
Insured 53 68
Born in US 51 66
Born in US territory 47 59
In US fewer than 10 years 33 46
In US 10 or more years 47 60
Northeast 54 67
Midwest 51 63
South 50 65
West 47 63
GED = General Educational Development high school equivalency. *Estimate
not provided due to instability. Note: Estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 US
standard population. Mammography prevalence estimates do not distinguish
between examinations for screening and diagnosis.
Source: National Health Interview Survey, 2015.
American Cancer Society, Surveillance Research, 2017
22 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Prevalence of mammography
According to the 2015 National Health Interview Survey,
50% of women 40 years of age and older reported having
had a mammogram within the past year and 64%
reported having a mammogram in the past 2 years
(Table 5, page 21).
Among women 40 years of age and
older, mammography prevalence increased from 29% in
1987 to 70% in 2000, and has since gradually declined.
Women who have less than a high school education, who
have no health insurance coverage, or who are recent
immigrants to the US are least likely to have had a recent
mammogram. Efforts to increase screening should
specifically target socioeconomically disadvantaged
women and recent immigrants.
Table 6 shows the percentage of US women 40 years of
age and older who have had a recent mammogram by
state, based on data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System.
Among women of all races
combined 40 years of age and older, reported rates of
mammograms in the past 2 years range from 62% in
Idaho to 82% in Massachusetts.
The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions
National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection
Program (NBCCEDP) was established in 1990 to improve
access to breast cancer screening and diagnostic services
for low-income women and was recently shown to help
save lives from breast cancer.
However, the CDC
estimates that the program is currently only reaching
about 11% of eligible women due in part to funding
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
An expert panel convened by the American Cancer
Society published recommendations for the use of MRI
for screening women at increased risk for breast cancer in
The panel recommended annual MRI screening
in addition to mammography for women at high lifetime
risk (~20%-25% or greater) beginning at 30 years of age.
Women at moderately increased risk (15%-20% lifetime
risk) should talk with their doctors about the benefits
and limitations of adding MRI screening to their yearly
mammogram. MRI screening is not recommended for
women whose lifetime risk of breast cancer is less than
15%. Studies indicates that although MRI is underutilized
among high-risk women, it is often used in women who
are not at high risk for breast cancer.
MRI uses magnetic fields instead of x-rays to produce
very detailed, cross-sectional images of the body. A
contrast material (usually gadolinium) is injected into a
vein to improve the ability to capture detailed images of
breast tissue. It is important that screening MRIs are
done at facilities that can perform an MRI-guided breast
biopsy if abnormalities are found. Otherwise, the scan
must be repeated at another facility if a biopsy is
necessary. Although MRI is more expensive than
mammography, most major insurance companies will
cover some portion of the costs if a woman can be shown
to be at high risk. MRIs should supplement, but not
replace, mammography screening.
Breast ultrasound
Breast ultrasound is sometimes used to evaluate abnormal
findings from a mammogram or physical exam. Studies
have shown that ultrasound detects more cancer than
mammography alone when screening women with
mammographically dense breast tissue; however, it also
increases the likelihood of false-positive results.
67, 201
use of ultrasound instead of mammograms for breast
cancer screening is not recommended.
Clinical breast examination (CBE)
The American Cancer Society no longer recommends
CBE for average-risk asymptomatic women based on lack
of clear benefits for CBE alone or in conjunction with
mammography. Compared to mammography alone, CBE
plus mammography has been shown to detect only a
small additional proportion of breast cancer tumors and
increases the probability of false positives.
202, 203
Breast self-awareness
Although the American Cancer Society no longer
recommends that all women perform monthly breast
self-exams (BSE), all women should become familiar with
both the appearance and feel of their breasts and report
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 23
Table 6. Prevalence of Mammography* (%) by State, Women 40 and Older, 2014
Within the past year Within the past two years
All NH White NH Black
40-64) All NH White NH Black
United States (median)* 56 56 60 27 73 72 77 43
Range 45-68 45-68 40-71 16-46 62-82 62-83 55-89 29-68
Alabama 57 55 65 27 73 71 80 39
Alaska 45 45 * 25 63 62 * 40
Arizona 54 54 55 38 71 72 74 51
Arkansas 49 49 53 21 65 65 66 29
California 60 59 71 44 77 77 89 56
Colorado 51 52 58 28 69 69 86 44
Connecticut 64 64 65 34 80 80 82 54
Delaware 63 64 63 37 79 80 78 68
District of Columbia 53 52 56 * 75 72 79 *
Florida 58 58 62 27 74 74 79 46
Georgia 60 57 67 35 75 73 81 52
Hawaii 65 62 * 34 79 76 * 52
Idaho 47 47 * 19 62 63 * 34
Illinois 55 55 56 17 74 72 79 46
Indiana 52 52 58 22 67 67 74 35
Iowa 62 62 * 28 76 76 * 37
Kansas 56 57 57 26 71 72 75 39
Kentucky 61 60 64 27 75 74 78 37
Louisiana 58 56 61 36 75 74 77 53
Maine 63 63 * 28 78 79 * 43
Maryland 63 62 70 41 79 78 84 60
Massachusetts 68 68 64 46 82 83 75 59
Michigan 58 58 59 26 76 76 80 44
Minnesota 61 61 63 39 77 77 75 56
Mississippi 53 53 58 29 68 67 71 42
Missouri 55 54 64 25 68 67 77 34
Montana 50 51 * 23 69 69 * 41
Nebraska 53 54 56 16 70 71 69 30
Nevada 52 51 40 22 70 69 54 44
New Hampshire 62 62 * 35 79 79 * 51
New Jersey 59 57 64 33 74 74 75 51
New Mexico 49 50 * 24 66 67 * 38
New York 60 59 63 40 75 74 78 53
North Carolina 63 63 65 28 77 77 78 46
North Dakota 56 57 * 33 72 73 * 43
Ohio 56 55 65 25 72 71 82 35
Oklahoma 51 52 51 23 66 66 67 37
Oregon 54 54 * 26 70 71 * 36
Pennsylvania 57 57 60 19 73 73 77 37
Rhode Island 65 66 54 34 81 81 78 47
South Carolina 54 53 59 22 72 71 77 36
South Dakota 61 61 * 27 75 75 * 48
Tennessee 56 55 61 22 73 72 78 37
Texas 54 55 58 35 71 71 76 51
Utah 49 50 * 19 66 67 * 33
Vermont 56 57 * 25 74 75 * 37
Virginia 60 58 69 31 75 74 84 51
Washington 53 54 54 20 71 72 72 32
West Virginia 56 56 50 20 72 72 71 31
Wisconsin 59 60 57 * 74 75 67 32
Wyoming 47 47 * 21 65 66 * 40
NH: non-Hispanic. *Estimate not provided due to instability.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, public use data file, 2014.
©2017 American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research
24 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
any changes promptly to their physician. Experts have
concluded that self-awareness seems to be at least as
effective for detecting breast cancer as structured BSE.
If symptoms develop, women should contact a doctor
immediately, even after a recent normal mammogram.
However, most lumps are not abnormal, and for women
who are still menstruating, they can appear and
disappear with the menstrual cycle. Most breast lumps
are not cancerous.
Breast Cancer Treatment
Treatment decisions are made jointly by the patient and
the physician after consideration of the stage and
biological characteristics of the cancer, the patient’s age,
menopausal status, and preferences, and the risks and
benefits associated with each option.
In Situ
Since there is no certain way to determine the progressive
potential of a DCIS lesion, surgery and sometimes
radiation and/or hormone therapy is the usual course of
action following a diagnosis of DCIS. However, there may
be a group of patients that could safely forgo surgical
treatment for DCIS. Several clinical trials are underway
that are comparing standard treatment to active
monitoring in women with low-risk DCIS.
is also ongoing to identify molecular markers of DCIS
that could predict recurrence or progression to invasive
Classic LCIS does not require surgical treatment, but
there is no consensus about optimal treatment for more
aggressive (pleomorphic) LCIS.
56, 211
Figure 11 shows treatment patterns among US women
with invasive breast cancer in 2013. Most women with
early-stage breast cancer will have some type of surgery,
which is often combined with other treatments to reduce
the risk of recurrence, such as radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and/or targeted
therapy. Patients with metastatic disease are primarily
treated with systemic therapies, which can include
chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormonal therapy.
The primary goals of breast cancer surgery are to remove
the cancer and determine its stage. Surgical treatment
involves breast-conserving surgery (BCS) or mastectomy.
With BCS (also known as partial mastectomy or
lumpectomy), only cancerous tissue, plus a rim of normal
tissue (tumor margin), is removed. BCS is generally not
an option in those with a high tumor-to-breast ratio,
those with multicentric cancers, or those with
inflammatory or locally advanced cancers. In most cases,
BCS needs to be followed by radiation to the breast, and
thus patients who are not candidates for breast
radiotherapy, such as those who had previous breast
radiation, are also not candidates for BCS. Simple or total
mastectomy includes removal of the entire breast.
Modified radical mastectomy includes removal of the
entire breast, plus a full axillary lymph node dissection
(see below for discussion of lymph node procedures).
Radical mastectomy is rarely performed anymore
because removal of the underlying chest muscles is not
necessary to remove all of the cancer in most patients.
Long-term results of multiple international, randomized
clinical trials have found equivalent survival for the
majority of patients with stage I or II breast cancer who
have BCS followed by radiation or mastectomy.
212, 213
Some more recent, observational studies even suggest
possible improved survival and reduced recurrence rates
with BCS.
In addition, risk of complications is nearly
twice as high for women who undergo mastectomy with
reconstruction compared to BCS plus radiation.
Nevertheless, many BCS-eligible women continue to
undergo mastectomy.
219, 220
Reasons include reluctance to
undergo radiation therapy after BCS and fear of
Younger women (those under 40 years of
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 25
age), patients with larger and/or more aggressive tumors,
and those who live farther from their treatment facility
are also more likely to undergo mastectomy.
219, 221-223
Some women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in
one breast choose to have the unaffected breast removed
as well. This is known as contralateral prophylactic
mastectomy (CPM) or bilateral mastectomy. Recent
studies have shown marked increases in the rate of CPM
for women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, as well
as DCIS.
220, 224-226
Although CPM greatly reduces the risk of
developing a new breast cancer, it does not improve
long-term breast cancer survival for the vast majority of
women and doubles the risk of surgical complications.
227, 228
Both BCS and mastectomy are usually accompanied by
removal of one or more regional lymph nodes from the
axilla to determine if the disease has spread beyond the
breast and help stage the cancer. The presence of cancer
cells in the lymph nodes increases the risk of recurrence,
and so can help determine the need for further
treatment. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) involves
removing and testing selected lymph nodes before any
others are excised. Although cancer in sentinel lymph
nodes was traditionally an indication for additional
axillary lymph node surgery, studies have shown that it
may not be necessary when cancer cells are found only in
1 or 2 sentinel lymph nodes in patients undergoing BCS
with whole breast radiation.
229, 230
A full axillary lymph
node dissection (ALND) is often indicated for patients
with one or more axillary lymph nodes found to contain
cancer prior to surgery. Ongoing clinical trials are
investigating the safety of avoiding ALND in patients who
were initially diagnosed with lymph node-positive breast
cancer, but have small tumors or in whom neoadjuvant
chemotherapy appears to have eliminated cancer in the
lymph nodes. Patients should talk with their doctors to
determine what lymph node procedure is planned for
their surgery.
Surgery (and/or radiation therapy) involving the axillary
lymph nodes can lead to lymphedema, a serious swelling
of the arm caused by retention of lymph fluid. It affects
about 20% of women who undergo ALND and 6% of
patients who receive SLNB.
There are several effective
therapies for lymphedema, and some evidence suggests
that upper-body exercise and physical therapy may reduce
the risk and lessen the severity of this condition.
232, 233
Women who undergo mastectomy may have breast
reconstruction, either with a saline or silicone implant,
tissue from another part of the body, or a combination of
the two. Breast reconstruction among US women
undergoing mastectomy has increased from 12% in 1998
Figure 11. Female Breast Cancer Treatment Patterns (%), by Stage, 2013, US
BCS = breast-conserving surgery; RT = radiation therapy; chemo = chemotherapy and includes targeted therapy and immunotherapy drugs.
Source: National Cancer Data Base, 2013.
American Cancer Society, Inc., Surveillance Research, 2017
Stage IVStage IIIStages I and II
1 1 1 1
3 3
7 7
4 4
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
BCS alone
BCS + RT + chemo
BCS + chemo
Mastectomy alone
Mastectomy + RT
Mastectomy + chemo
Mastectomy + RT + chemo
RT and/or chemo
No surgery, RT, or chemo
26 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
to 36% in 2011.
A woman considering breast
reconstruction should discuss this option with her breast
surgeon prior to the mastectomy in order to coordinate
the treatment plan with a plastic surgeon. Some types of
reconstruction can begin during the mastectomy itself,
and reconstruction influences the time spent in the
hospital after a procedure, as well as the recovery time.
The cosmetic appearance of immediate reconstruction
can be negatively affected by subsequent radiotherapy.
Women who do not choose reconstruction prior to
surgery can opt to undergo reconstruction later. Since
1998, the Womens Health and Cancer Rights Act has
required group health plans, insurance companies, and
health maintenance organizations that offer mastectomy
coverage to also pay for reconstructive surgery.
Reconstruction is also covered by Medicare and
Medicaid, though Medicaid benefits vary by state.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy beams or
particles to kill cancer cells and is often used after surgery
to destroy cancer cells remaining in the breast, chest
wall, or underarm area. BCS is almost always followed by
radiation therapy to the breast because it has been shown
to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence by about 50% at 10
years and the risk of breast cancer death by almost 20% at
15 years.
However, radiation is not necessary in women
70 years of age and older with small, lymph node-negative,
HR+ cancers, because it hasnt been shown to improve
survival in patients who take hormonal therapy for at
least five years.
Some mastectomy-treated patients also
benefit from radiation if their tumor is larger than 5 cm,
growing in to nearby tissues, or if cancer is found in the
lymph nodes. Radiation can also be used to treat the
symptoms of advanced breast cancer, especially when it
has spread to the central nervous system or bones.
Radiation therapy may be administered as external beam
radiation, brachytherapy, or a combination of both. The
method depends on the type, stage, and location of the
tumor, as well as patient characteristics, and doctor and
patient preference. External beam radiation is the
standard type of radiation, whereby radiation from a
machine outside the body is focused on the area affected
by cancer. Traditionally, external beam radiation therapy
is administered 5 days per week over 5 to 7 weeks, but in
select patients a 3-week course appears to be as
235, 236
Brachytherapy uses a radioactive source
placed in catheters or other devices that are put into the
cavity left after BCS and is sometimes an option for
patients with early-stage breast cancers. Intracavitary
brachytherapy is typically given daily for 5 days.
Accumulating evidence suggests intracavity brachytherapy
may be as effective as whole breast radiation for selected
patients, but deliverable in less time and with fewer side
However, most studies of intracavitary
brachytherapy have not followed patients for more than 5
years, so its long-term efficacy as compared to whole
breast radiation has not been established.
For intraoperative radiation therapy, a single dose of
radiation is administered to the tumor bed during
breast-conserving surgery. It can be used instead of
intracavitary brachytherapy but is only available at
limited centers.
Systemic therapy
Systemic therapy is treatment that travels through the
bloodstream and affects and treats almost all parts of the
body. Systemic therapy includes chemotherapy, hormone
therapy, and targeted therapy, all of which work through
different mechanisms. For example, chemotherapy drugs
generally work by attacking cells that grow quickly, such
as cancer cells. Hormone therapy works by either blocking
the bodys natural hormones or lowering the levels of
those hormones, which can act to promote the growth of
some cancers. Targeted drugs work by attacking specific
molecules in or on cells that may be more common or
active in cancer cells.
When systemic treatment is given to patients before
surgery, it is called neoadjuvant or preoperative therapy.
For larger breast tumors, it is often used to shrink the
tumor enough to make surgical removal easier and less
extensive (such as BCS in women who would otherwise
have required mastectomy). Neoadjuvant systemic
therapy has been found to be as effective as the same
therapy given after surgery in terms of survival and distant
Systemic treatment given to patients after
surgery is called adjuvant therapy. It is used to kill any
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 27
undetected tumor cells (micrometastases) that may have
migrated to other parts of the body. Systemic therapy is
the main treatment option for women with metastatic
breast cancer.
The benefit of chemotherapy is dependent on multiple
factors, including the size of the tumor, the number of
lymph nodes involved, the presence of estrogen or
progesterone receptors, and the presence of HER2
overexpression on the cancer cells. Triple negative and
HER2+ breast cancers tend to be more sensitive to
chemotherapy than HR+ tumors.
There are also gene
expression panels (such as Oncotype DX, PAM 50, and
MammaPrint) that can help assess the risk of distant
recurrence in women with early-stage, HR+, HER2- breast
cancers, and potentially identify those who would more
likely benefit from chemotherapy, as well as those who
could safely avoid it. The Oncotype Dx 21-Gene
Recurrence Score is used most widely in the United
States; a high score identifies women who would more
likely benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy (in addition to
hormone therapy) whereas a low score identifies women
who could safely avoid it.
These scores are independent
of patient age and tumor size. Clinical trials are currently
underway to further evaluate the predictive value of
some of these tests in women with intermediate risk
scores and those with node positive disease.
Research has established that combinations of drugs are
more effective than one drug alone for treatment of
early-stage breast cancer, and several options exist when
selecting a chemotherapy regimen. Depending on the
combination of drugs used, adjuvant and neoadjuvant
chemotherapy is usually given for 3 to 6 months. This
treatment is most effective when the full dose and cycle
of drugs are completed in a timely manner, without
significant delays or interruption.
Hormone (anti-estrogen) therapy
Estrogen, a hormone produced by the ovaries in addition
to other tissues, promotes the growth of HR+ breast
cancers. Patients with these tumors can be given
hormone therapy to lower estrogen levels or block the
effects of estrogen on the growth of breast cancer cells.
These drugs are different than menopausal hormone
therapies, which actually increase hormone levels.
Hormone therapy for breast cancer can be different in
premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
Tamoxifen is a treatment that blocks the effects of
estrogen in breast tissue but has estrogenic effects in
other tissues, such as the liver, uterus, and bones.
Tamoxifen can be used to treat both early- and
advanced-HR+ breast cancer in both pre- and
postmenopausal women. Adjuvant treatment of early-
stage HR+ breast cancer with tamoxifen for at least 5
years has been shown to reduce the rate of recurrence by
approximately 40%-50% throughout the first decade, and
reduces breast cancer mortality by about one-third
throughout the first 15 years.
More recently, studies
have shown that extended use of adjuvant tamoxifen (10
years versus 5 years) further reduces the risk of breast
cancer recurrence and mortality, so clinical practice
guidelines now recommend consideration of adjuvant
tamoxifen therapy for 10 years.
Aromatase inhibitors (AIs), such as letrozole, anastrozole,
and exemestane, are another class of drugs used to treat
both early- and advanced-HR+ breast cancer. Clinical trials
in postmenopausal women have demonstrated a small
advantage to including an AI initially or over the course
of treatment rather than 5 years of tamoxifen alone.
Treatment guidelines recommend AIs should usually be
included in the treatment of postmenopausal women with
HR+ breast cancer.
Although AIs have fewer serious
side effects than tamoxifen, they can cause osteoporosis
(with resulting bone fractures), joint pain, and other
musculoskeletal symptoms because they completely
deplete postmenopausal women of estrogen. Clinical
trials continue to assess the optimal timing and duration
of these treatments.
The mainstay of treatment for most premenopausal
women with HR+ tumors is tamoxifen. Some women may
also benefit from surgical removal (oophorectomy) or
chemical suppression of the ovaries, which are the main
source of estrogen prior to menopause. Potentially
reversible ovarian suppression can be achieved with a
class of drugs called luteinizing hormone-releasing
hormone (LHRH) analogs. Ovarian suppression can also
28 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
allow the use of AIs in premenopausal women. Initial
results from two ongoing clinical trials comparing
premenopausal early-stage breast cancer patients treated
with ovarian suppression, plus either an AI or tamoxifen,
found greater reduction in risk of recurrence with AIs.
Adding ovarian suppression to tamoxifen or aromatase
inhibitors has been shown to improve survival in
premenopausal women with advanced (metastatic) HR+
breast cancer.
Fulvestrant is another treatment used to
treat metastatic breast cancer. It is an anti-estrogen drug
given by intramuscular injection that reduces the number
of estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen binding.
Targeted therapy
About 17% of breast cancers overproduce the growth-
promoting protein HER2/neu, and multiple medications
are now approved for the treatment of this subtype.
Trastuzumab, the first approved drug, is a monoclonal
antibody that directly targets the HER2 protein. The
combined results of two large trials indicate that adding
trastuzumab to standard chemotherapy for early-stage
HER2+ breast cancer reduces the risk of recurrence and
death by 52% and 33%, respectively, compared to
chemotherapy alone.
This drug is also a standard part
of the treatment for advanced HER2+ breast cancer.
Several newer drugs have been developed that target the
HER2 protein that can be used in combination with
trastuzumab or if trastuzumab is no longer working. All
invasive breast cancers should be tested for the HER2
gene amplification or protein overexpression to identify
women who would benefit from this therapy.
Other types of targeted therapies can be used along with
aromatase inhibitors in women with HR+ breast cancer,
where they have been shown to make these hormone
therapies more effective.
What Is the American Cancer Society
Doing About Breast Cancer?
As an organization of nearly 2 million strong, the American
Cancer Society is committed to a world free from the
pain and suffering of breast cancer – and all cancers.
Prevention, Early Detection,
and Treatment
The American Cancer Society is doing everything in our
power to help prevent breast cancer – and all cancers. We
promote healthy lifestyles by issuing cancer guidelines
for prevention and early detection, helping people avoid
tobacco, and reducing barriers to healthy eating and
exercise. For those who are diagnosed, we’re there every
minute of every day.
Information, 24 hours a day, seven days a week
The American Cancer Society is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week online at
and by calling us at
1-800-227-2345. Callers are connected with caring,
trained American Cancer Society staff who can help
them locate a hospital, understand breast cancer and
treatment options, learn what to expect and how to plan,
address insurance concerns, find financial resources,
find a local support group, and more. We can also help
people who speak languages other than English or
Spanish find the assistance they need, offering services in
more than 200 languages.
People can visit
to find information
on every aspect of the breast cancer experience, from
prevention to survivorship. We also publish a wide variety
of pamphlets and books that cover a multitude of topics,
from patient education, quality-of-life and caregiving
issues to healthy living. Visit
for a
complete list of books that are available for order.
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 29
Help navigating the health care system
Learning how to navigate the cancer journey and the
health care system can be overwhelming for anyone, but
it is particularly difficult for those who are medically
underserved, those who experience language or health
literacy barriers, and those with limited resources. The
American Cancer Society Patient Navigator Program
reaches those most in need. The largest oncology-focused
patient navigator program in the country, it has specially
trained patient navigators at more than 120 sites across
the nation. Patient navigators can help: find rides to and
from cancer-related appointments; assist with medical
financial issues, including insurance navigation; identify
community resources; and provide information on a
patient’s cancer diagnosis and treatment process. We
collaborate with a variety of organizations, including the
National Cancer Institute’s Center to Reduce Cancer
Health Disparities, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, and numerous cancer treatment centers to
implement and evaluate this program.
Breast cancer support
Through the American Cancer Society Reach To
Recovery® program, breast cancer patients are paired
with trained volunteers who have had similar diagnoses
and treatment plans to provide more personal, one-on-
one support.
Finding hope and inspiration
Women with breast cancer and their loved ones do not
have to face their experience alone. The American Cancer
Society Cancer Survivors Network® provides a safe online
connection where cancer patients can find others with
similar experiences and interests. At
members can join chat rooms and build their own
support network from among the members.
Transportation to treatment
The American Cancer Society Road To Recover
program offers cancer patients free transportation to and
from their cancer-related treatment. For those who
cannot drive themselves or have no other means of
getting to treatment, trained volunteers donate their
spare time and the use of their personal vehicle to give
cancer patients in their community a much-needed ride.
Other transportation programs are also available in
certain areas. Call us at 1-800-227-2345 for more
Lodging during treatment
The American Cancer Society Hope Lodge® program
provides a free home away from home for cancer patients
and their caregivers. More than just a roof over their
heads, it is a nurturing community where patients can
share stories and offer each other emotional support.
Through our Hotel Partners Program, we also partner
with local hotels across the country to provide free or
discounted lodging to patients and their caregivers in
communities without a Hope Lodge facility.
Help with appearance-related side effects
of treatment
The Look Good Feel Better® program teaches women how
to cope with appearance-related side effects of cancer
treatment. Group workshops are free and led by licensed
volunteer beauty professionals (cosmetologists,
estheticians, and nail technicians). Skin care, makeup,
and hair loss solution techniques and tips are provided in
a supportive environment. Information and materials are
also available for men and teens. This program is a
collaboration of the American Cancer Society, the Look
Good Feel Better Foundation, and the Professional
Beauty Association. To learn more, visit the Look Good
Feel Better website at
or call 1-800-
395-LOOK (1-800-395-5665).
Hair-loss and mastectomy products
Some women wear wigs, hats, breast forms, and special
bras to help cope with the effects of a mastectomy and
hair loss. The American Cancer Society tlc” Tender
Loving Care® publication offers affordable hair loss and
mastectomy products, as well as advice on how to use
those products. The tlc”
products and catalogs may be
ordered online at
or by calling 1-800-850-
9445. All proceeds from product sales go back into our
survivorship programs and services.
30 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Support after treatment
The end of breast cancer treatment does not mean the
end of a cancer journey. Cancer survivors may experience
long-term or late effects resulting from the disease or its
treatment. The Life After Treatment: The Next Chapter in
Your Survivorship Journey guide may help cancer
survivors as they begin the next phase of their journey.
to download a free copy
of the guide.
The American Cancer Society has also recently published
a follow-up care guideline for breast cancer survivors
that builds upon available evidence, surveillance
guidelines, and standard clinical practice and is designed
to facilitate the provision of high-quality, standardized,
clinical care by primary care providers.
The breast
cancer guideline addresses the assessment and
management of potential long-term and late effects, as
well as recommendations for health promotion,
surveillance for recurrence, screening for second primary
cancers, and the coordination of care between specialists
and primary care clinicians.
The American Cancer Society invests more in breast
cancer research than any other cancer type. Our funded
research has led to the development of potentially
lifesaving breast cancer drugs such as tamoxifen and
Herceptin, as well as improved understanding of genes
linked to breast cancer. We are currently funding more
than $59 million in breast cancer research through 159
research and training grants. These grants are awarded
in multiple areas relevant to the disease, including
genetics, etiology, diagnostics (imaging and biomarkers),
drug development; and preclinical, clinical, and
epidemiological studies in prevention, diagnosis,
treatment, and quality of life.
Specific examples of ongoing breast cancer research
being conducted by American Cancer Society grantees
Researching new ways of treating HER2+ breast
cancer patients who do not respond to or become
resistant to existing targeted therapies
Evaluating psychosocial interventions aimed at
supporting Latinas with breast cancer and their
family partners to reduce distress and improve
quality of life
Exploring how a gene called amphiregulin may cause
a woman with ER+ breast cancer to become resistant
to hormonal therapies
Investigating ways to prevent breast cancer patients
from developing brain metastases by studying
proteins that may be involved in the spread of breast
cancer to the brain
Evaluating whether a non-invasive and inexpensive
technique called auricular point acupressure can
help women with breast cancer manage their pain
at home
Internally, the American Cancer Society also conducts
epidemiologic studies of breast cancer and performs
surveillance research to monitor racial and
socioeconomic disparities in breast cancer screening,
incidence, survival, and mortality. Using information
collected from more than 600,000 women in Cancer
Prevention Study-II (CPS-II), American Cancer Society
epidemiologists study the influence of many risk factors,
including alcohol consumption, diethylstilbestrol (DES),
estrogen hormone use, family history of cancer, obesity,
smoking, and spontaneous abortion on the risk of death
from breast cancer. In order to continue to explore the
effects of changing exposures and to provide greater
opportunity to integrate biological and genetic factors
into studies of other risk factors, more than 304,000 men
and women were enrolled in the American Cancer
Society Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3), and nearly all
provided a blood sample at the time of enrollment. The
blood specimens and questionnaire data collected from
CPS-3 participants will provide unique opportunities for
research in the US.
The American Cancer Societys nonprofit, nonpartisan
advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer
Action Network
(ACS CAN), advocates at the federal,
state, and local levels to increase access to quality breast
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 31
cancer screenings, diagnostic and treatment services, and
care for all women; increase government funding for breast
cancer research; and provide a voice for the concerns of
breast cancer patients and survivors. Following are some
of the efforts that ACS CAN has been involved with in the
past few years to fight breast cancer – and all cancers:
Improving Access to Affordable Care through
Health Care Reform: The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
was signed into law on March 23, 2010, giving cancer
patients access to quality, affordable health care. All
new health insurance plans, including those offered
through state health insurance exchanges, are
required to cover preventive services rated “A” or “B”
by the US Preventive Services Task Force, including
mammography screening, at no cost to patients.
Additionally, the ACA removed cost sharing for any
preventive services covered by Medicare. ACS CAN
advocates for clear, comprehensive coverage of these
preventive services, including breast cancer
screening, and encourages states to broaden access
to health care coverage for all low-income Americans
through state Medicaid programs.
The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early
Detection Program (NBCCEDP): Protecting and
increasing funding for the NBCCEDP is a high priority
for ACS CAN at both the state and federal levels.
Administered by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, this successful program provides
community-based breast and cervical cancer
screenings to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured
women. More than 50% of the women screened are from
racial/ethnic minority groups. Currently, only one in
10 eligible women can be served by the program due
to federal funding cuts. ACS CAN is asking Congress
to increase funding to ensure that more women have
access to cancer screening.
Protecting the Breast and Cervical Cancer
Prevention and Treatment Act (BCCPTA): In 2000,
Congress passed the BCCPTA, ensuring that low-
income women diagnosed with cancer through the
NBCCEDP were provided a pathway to treatment
services through their state Medicaid program.
In recent years, a number of states have considered
proposals to eliminate the treatment program due to
misconceptions around coverage needs following
implementation of the ACA.
The Breast Density and Mammography Reporting
Act: Mammography sensitivity is lower for women
with mammographically dense breasts because dense
breast tissue makes it harder for doctors to see cancer
on mammograms. The federal Breast Density and
Mammography Reporting Act directs an evidence-
based process to inform women about breast density
and risk. Additionally, this legislation encourages
new research to support the creation of clinical
guidelines and best practices for screening of and
reports to women with mammographically dense
Patient Navigation: Patient navigation can improve
quality of cancer care, particularly in vulnerable
populations. ACS CAN supports the federal Patient
Navigation Assistance Act, which would create a
coverage solution that incentivizes providers to
use patient navigators in order to improve care
coordination for patients. The organization also is
working with Congress and federal agencies to help
increase funding for patient navigation programs.
Funding for Cancer Research: ACS CAN continues
to work to increase government funding for cancer
research at the National Institutes of Health, including
the National Cancer Institute and the National
Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
It is important to note that the preceding references to
ACA provisions and other federal laws and guidance
reflect current law as of July 18, 2017, and do not take into
account potential changes to the ACA or other federal
laws and guidance subsequently considered by Congress
and the administration.
32 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018
Sources of Statistics
General information. Unless otherwise stated, the
statistics and statements in this booklet refer to invasive
(not in situ) female breast cancer.
Estimated new breast cancer cases. The overall
estimated number of new in situ and invasive breast
cancer cases diagnosed in the US in 2017 was projected
using a spatiotemporal model based on incidence data
from 49 states and the District of Columbia for the years
1995-2013 that met the North American Association of
Central Cancer Registries’ (NAACCR) high-quality data
standard for incidence. This method considers
geographic variations in sociodemographic and lifestyle
factors, medical settings, and cancer screening behaviors
as predictors of incidence, and also accounts for expected
delays in case reporting. Estimates for specific age groups
are based on the proportions of cases diagnosed in each
age group in the NAACCR data during 2010-2014 applied
to the overall 2017 estimate.
Incidence rates. Incidence rates are defined as the
number of people per 100,000 who develop a disease
during a given time period. All incidence rates in this
publication are age adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population to allow comparisons across populations with
different age distributions. Breast cancer incidence rates
for the US in the most recent time period were calculated
using data on cancer cases collected by NAACCR and
population data collected by the US Census Bureau.
When referenced as such, NAACCR incidence data were
made available on the NAACCR website (
) and
within the Cancer in North America publications.
253, 254
Long-term incidence trends are based on American
Cancer Society analysis of the SEER 9 Registries Public
Use Dataset using SEER*Stat 8.3.4, a statistical software
package from the National Cancer Institute.
255, 256
term trends by race/ethnicity, age, tumor size, and stage
at diagnosis are based on delay-adjusted incidence rates
from the SEER 13 registries.
When referenced as such,
US SEER incidence rates and trends were previously
made available on SEER’s website (seer.cancer. gov) and
within the SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2014.
Note that because of delays in reporting newly diagnosed
cancer cases to the cancer registries, cancer incidence rates
for the most recent diagnosis years may be underestimated.
Incidence rates adjusted for delays in reporting are used
when available and are referenced as such.
Estimated breast cancer deaths. The overall estimated
number of breast cancer deaths in the US is calculated by
fitting the number of breast cancer deaths for 1997-2014
to a statistical model that forecasts the number of deaths
expected to occur in 2017. Data on the number of deaths
are obtained from the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Age-specific estimates were calculated using
the proportions of deaths that occurred in each age group
during 2011-2015 applied to the overall 2017 estimate.
Mortality rates. Similar to incidence rates, mortality
rates are defined as the number of people per 100,000
who die from a disease during a given time period. Death
rates used in this publication were previously made
available by SEER on their website (
) and
within the SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2014.
Death rates were calculated using data on cancer deaths
compiled by NCHS and population data collected by the
US Census Bureau. All death rates in this publication
were age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population.
Survival. Five-year survival statistics are based on
cancer patients diagnosed during 2007-2013; 10-year
survival rates are based on diagnoses during 2001-2013;
and 15-year survival rates are based on diagnoses during
1996-2013. All patients were followed through 2014.
Relative survival rates are used to adjust for normal life
expectancy (and events such as death from heart disease,
accidents, and diseases of old age). Relative survival is
calculated by dividing the percentage of observed 5-year
survival for cancer patients by the 5-year survival
expected for people in the general population who are
similar to the patient group with respect to age, sex, race,
and calendar year of observation. Cause-specific survival
rates are the probability of not dying of breast cancer
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018 33
within 5 years after diagnosis. When referenced as such,
5-year survival statistics were originally published in
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2014.
Probability of developing cancer. Probabilities of
developing breast cancer were calculated using DevCan
6.7.5 (Probability of Developing Cancer Software),
developed by the National Cancer Institute.
probabilities reflect the average experience of women in
the US and do not take into account individual behaviors
and risk factors (e.g., utilization of mammography
screening and family history of breast cancer).
Screening. Prevalence estimates of mammography by
age and state were obtained through analysis of data
from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
The BRFSS is an ongoing system of surveys
conducted by the state health departments in
cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Prevalence estimates of mammography by
race/ethnicity, poverty, and other demographic factors
are from the National Health Interview Survey.
Important note about estimated cases and deaths. The
estimated numbers of new breast cancer cases and
deaths in 2017 should be interpreted with caution. The
projection method is model-based, so the estimated
numbers may vary from previous years for reasons other
than changes in cancer occurrence. Therefore, while
3-year-ahead projections provide a reasonably accurate
estimate of the cancer burden in 2017, we strongly
discourage the use of our estimates to track changes in
cancer occurrence. Age-adjusted incidence and mortality
rates reported by the SEER program and the NCHS,
respectively, are the preferred statistics to track cancer
trends in the US. Rates from state cancer registries are
useful for tracking local trends.
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The production of this report would not have been possible without the efforts of:
Rick Alteri, MD; Ted Gansler, MD, MPH; Mia M Gaudet, PhD; Gretchen Gierach, PhD, MPH; Mamta Kalidas, MD; Joan
Kramer, MD; Katie McMahon, MPH; Kimberly Miller, MPH; Lisa A Newman, MD, MPH; Anthony Piercy; Cheri Richards, MS;
Ann Goding Sauer, MSPH; Scott Simpson; Robert Smith, PhD; Lindsey Torre, MSPH; Dana Wagner; and Jiaquan Xu, MD.
Breast Cancer Facts & Figures is a biennial publication of the American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia.
For more information, contact:
Carol DeSantis, MPH; Rebecca Siegel, MPH; Ahmedin Jemal, DVM, PhD
Surveillance and Health Services Research Program
©2017, American Cancer Society, Inc.
No. 861017
Models used for illustrative purposes only.
The American Cancer Society’s mission
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