Windy City Podiatry Conference
Exhibit Space Application
Oct 17-20, 2024
The Westin Chicago Lombard
Lombard, IL
To confirm your reservation submit this form to Karen Daniel at or fax to 404-508-8539.
Registration received less than 2 weeks prior to meeting will not be included in conference materials.
Exhibitor Fee (Table Top, No Sharing) = $1350 by check or credit card. Full payment must accompany this completed
form. $1500 if application received after September 7, 2024 or onsite.
Payment Method
My Check in the amount of $____________ Payment enclosed
Please make check payable to
: The Podiatry Institute Federal Tax ID #58-1906272
Charge Visa Master Card American Express Discover
Credit Card Number ________________________________ Exp. Date _____ / _____
Cardholder Name _______________________________ Signature ____________________________
Mail Check & Application to: The Podiatry Institute
2675 North Decatur Rd. Suite 309 Decatur, GA 30033
The Following Company Information Will Be Printed In The Conference Program:
Company Name)
Street Address)
) _____________________________________ (
_______ (
) ______________
Office Phone
) ______ - ______ - __________ (
) ____________________________
25-word description of product or service ___________________________________________________________
Representative(s) Name _____________________ Email _______________________ Cell Phone ________________
at Conference:
Name _____________________ Email _______________________ Cell Phone ________________
Send email to
names/emails of any additional representatives
Information For Your Company Virtual Booth: Attach or send link of PDF(s) to us (call if you have questions)
(Optional) Attach 5-min. max promo video, or put link here to video: _______________________________________
Company Contact ________________________________ Title _______________________________
Email ______________________________________________
Companies You Prefer Not To Exhibit Next To: __________________________________________
Electricity Required? Yes No
For more sponsorship information contact: Dan Vickers at The Podiatry Institute
PI W-9 Form
Windy City Podiatry Conference
Exhibitor Prospectus
Oct 17-20, 2024
The Westin Chicago Lombard
Lombard, IL
All food functions will be held in the exhibit hall to maximize your contact with attendees.
There are a number of opportunities available to sponsor conference events & speakers. Call Dan
Vickers at 770-939-0393 for more information.
CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellation/rescheduling requests must be made in writing.
Cancellation requests can be sent via fax to 404-508-8539 or email to
Cancellations requiring a refund will be assessed a $250 cancellation fee. Transfer requests are not
subject to a cancellation fee and will be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue.
Registration fees are non-refundable/non-transferrable within two weeks of the conference start date.
The Podiatry Institute reserves the right to refuse exhibit space if the vendor’s product, service, or
display/booth is not consistent with the character of the event.
Exhibit Table Top Fee = $1350 by check or credit card. Includes 6’ draped table, two chairs and electricity if
needed. $1500 if application received after September 7, 2024 or onsite. No sharing.
Exhibit materials weighing 150 lbs. or more and/or being shipped via pallet/crate may be subject to additional
charges from the hotel’s receiving department
Exhibit Registration Full payment for your exhibit must accompany space confirmation agreement.
Applications will be accepted until space is sold out.
Exhibit Schedule: Thursday, October 17 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Setup
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Exhibit Hall Opens
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Afternoon Break
7:00 PMExhibit Hall Closes
Friday, October 18 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Break
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM Lunch with Exhibitors
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Afternoon Break
5:00 PM Exhibit Hall Closes
Saturday, October 19 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Morning Break
11:00 AM Exhibit Hall Closes
Sunday, October 20 Optional
Conference Hotel The Westin Chicago Lombard
70 Yorktown Center
Lombard, IL 60148
Podiatry Institute Rate: $169
Please make your reservation NOW! Cut-off date 09-25-2024
Shipping Information For Further Information
The Westin Chicago Lombard Dan Vickers, CAE
70 Yorktown Center Executive Director
Lombard, IL 60148 The Podiatry Institute
Attn: Dan Vickers, Podiatry Institute Conference 2675 North Decatur Rd., Suite 309
October 17-20, 2024 Decatur, GA 30033
Please arrange ahead with your shipping company
for pickup from the hotel at the end of the meeting.