Welcome to the Lombard Park District Adult Softball League!
This program is designed to meet the softball needs of the residents of Lombard and participating non-
residents. Leagues are organized in an effort to meet a variety of skill levels.
Although we open our leagues to skill levels from recreational to competitive, remember this is for FUN. Have
a safe and enjoyable softball season!
Any questions concerning this booklet, please call (630) 620-7322.
Registration Information:
Registration will be done as follows:
Please be ready at the time of registration, to supply the Park District with the captain’s and co-
captain’s names, addresses, home and work phone, and email address. You may pay by cash, check, or
credit card. Checks are to be made payable to the Lombard Park District. You will not be guaranteed a
spot in the league until full payment is received.
Teams may pay $100 deposit to hold spot in league plus credit card #. If full payment is not received
by 2 weeks before the first game, the card will be charged the balance of league fee. Please call (630)
620-7322 to confirm payment. Teams whose credit card is declined will lose spot in league if payment
is not received in 2 business days.
Completed rosters are due at the first game. Changes may be made to rosters up until the conclusion
of the second week of play.
The Lombard Park District is not responsible for incorrect information on registration or roster forms.
Please inform the Park District of any change in address phone numbers, or email so you will receive
correct information about schedule changes, meetings, or make-ups.
The season begins the week of May 5.
The program manager reserves the right to adjust leagues as necessary. Leagues may be combined based on
Games cancelled due to unplayable field conditions may be scheduled on alternate days when needed or
available. Game times will be posted the Monday prior.
Teams claiming resident status will need to provide proof of residency (copy of driver's license) for all players
at time of registration.
Adult Softball Manual
Table of Contents
Important Contact Information 4
Rainout Line 4
General Rules 4
Conduct 5
Team Captain Responsibilities 5
Alcohol 3-Stike Policy 6
Eligibility 7
Equipment 7
Schedules 9
Game Play 9
Scoring 10
Post-Season Play Playoffs 10
Promotion and Relegation 10
Rosters 11
League Specific Rules 11
Liability Statement 12
Softball Field Locations 13
Important Contact Information
Weather Reporting Application for Games:
Rainout Line
For cancellation information you can:
Download the free app (recommended*)
View online at rainoutline.com and search for ‘Lombard Park District’
Call the rainout line automated phone message at 630-995-9491
*This app will be used for game cancellations, game schedule & league updates.
Field condition information is updated after 4:00 pm on the weekdays and after 7:45 am on the weekend.
QuickScores: the website used to view and schedule all the games for the season.
Lombard Park District Main Office (630) 620-7322
Program Manager: Martha Houston (630) 519-5852 [email protected]
Main Website: www.lombardparks.com
Sports Information: www.lombardparks.org/programs-3/athletics
League Website: www.quickscores.com/lombardparks
Visit www.lombardparks.com and scroll along “Recreation” on the menu at the top of the page. Then click
“Athletics.” This will take you to the “Adult Athletics and Leagues” tab where schedules can be found.
General Rules*:
1. An initial roster is due by your first game and finalized rosters and waivers are due by the end
second week of scheduled games. A player can be replaced for medical reasons if a doctor’s note is
given. No other additions can be made during the season. Failure to turn in roster will result in
removal from league.
2. Rosters are limited to 20 players. All players must bring proof of identification to every game. If a
player does not have their ID or they are not on the roster, they are considered illegal. If a roster
check is called for by either team, all players on both teams will be checked and must provide an ID.
3. Team members must wear the same colored shirts.
4. All umpires decisions will be considered final. No protests will be allowed, except for eligibility
5. The Lombard Park District does not assume responsibility for any type of injury or loss of property.
6. The Lombard Park District and/or league supervisor reserves the right to change team names or
refuse entry of any player, sponsor, spectator, or team if in our opinion it is contrary to Park District
ordinances, rules, or philosophies.
7. A ten-minute grace period will be allowed for the first game played every day/night only.
8. If a game is tied at the end of seven innings and there is still time remaining in the 60 minute time
limit, international tiebreaker rules will be used for all future innings.
9. Result sheets will be final. After each game, the winning team captain must sign off on the results.
If there is no signature, the results cannot be contested.
10. A team may start or end with 9 players. If a player is ejected and this brings the team to 8 or fewer
legal players, the game is considered a forfeit. If a player is injured the team can play with 8
players, but the injured player’s batting position will be considered an out.
11. No metal spikes will be permitted in any league.
12. Smoking is not permitted on softball fields, dugouts, and surrounding area.
13. If a ball hits any object (tree, light pole, fence, etc.) other than the outfield fence or foul pole, the
ball will be ruled a foul ball dead ball. The batter will receive a strike as they would with any other
foul ball.
14. Ejections/leavers count as an out in batting order if the team cannot provide a sub. If a player is
ruled injured and cannot continue, he will not be considered an out as long as the team is still
batting a minimum of 9 players.
15. A strike zone mat will be used to call balls and strikes. Legal pitches striking any portion of the mat
will be strikes. If the ball only touches home plate, the pitch will be called a ball. The strike mat will
not be used as an extension of home plate for base running or force outs.
16. Any player who slides into a base being covered by a player must avoid contact at all costs. Rough
play in this situation is grounds for immediate ejection.
Violation of any rule may result in forfeit and/or removal from league without refund.
*After league rules, ASA rules apply.
Team Captain Responsibilities
Team captains are the only players that may address the umpire. If an umpire does not act appropriately, or
if there is consistently poor officiating and/or knowledge of the rules, please contact the Program Manager.
Team captains are responsible for the conduct of their spectators and participants.
**If at any point during the season the captain is changed to someone new, an email must be sent to the
Program Manager containing the name, email address, and phone number of the new captain.
Use of an Illegal Bat
If a bat is found to be illegal then it must be removed from the game. If this is during an at bat then the batter
will be considered out. If the ball is hit and the bat is found to be illegal once the play is dead then the batter is
out and any other base runners would return to their previous base. Any prior at bats cannot be overturned.
Ejection from a Game
Any player who is ejected from a game for any reason will receive an automatic minimum one game
suspension. This suspension will be served during the team’s next league games. Any player ejected from a
game must leave the bench and the field area in a prompt manner. If they do not, they will face further
disciplinary action up to and including removal from the league. The Park District reserves the right to
lengthen suspension or remove a player from a league depending on severity of incident or repeated
Illegal Players
The use of an illegal player is prohibited. It is grounds for an immediate forfeit. If a team should request
identification of a player, that player must provide a picture I.D. to the field supervisor or the official at the
time of the request or be ejected from the game. Any team who uses an illegal player puts themselves in
jeopardy of being expelled from the league.
Team captain MUST notify Program Manager of a forfeit at least 24 hours before scheduled game. This can be
by phone call or email. Notification of forfeit less than 24 hours may result in a penalty. If the game is to take
place on Sunday, the league commissioner must be notified by Friday at 5:00pm.
Teams who do forfeit:
Forfeit: Team must pay $25 cash before next game.
Forfeit: Team will be dropped from league without a refund. (No exceptions)
Alcoholic Beverages
No alcoholic beverages are allowed. If any members of a team or the team’s fans are seen consuming alcohol
Park District property (including parking lot) before, during or after their game risk forfeiture and disciplinary
action up to and including removal from the league without refund. Teams are responsible for their fans. It is
up to the team to inform their fans of this policy.
The Lombard Park District will be implementing a 3-strike policy for alcohol in all our adult athletic leagues.
Strike 1 First time an umpire sees alcohol they will stop the game and ask team(s) to remove the alcohol
from the fields, coolers need to be removed and placed in cars.
Strike 2 Second time an umpire sees alcohol they will stop the game and ask team(s) to remove the alcohol
from the fields, The Park District prohibits any type of alcohol on park district property.
Strike 3 Third time, the umpire will stop the game due to team(s) refusing to comply with the park districts
rule on alcohol, game will result in a forfeit for the team not complying with the rules. If both teams do not
comply with the rules the game will still end in a forfeit.
*Spectators can and will be escorted from the park if caught with alcohol.
*Any games forfeited due to the 3-Strike policy will not be open for appeal and will not be rescheduled
Player Conduct
Players must respect the umpire, Lombard Park District staff, spectators, other players, and park users.
Player’s behavior is the responsibility of the player and captain of the team.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Any team or individual exhibiting unsportsmanlike acts towards members of another team, a umpire,
spectators or any Park District representative before, during, or after the game, risks disciplinary action. The
Park District reserves the right to administer disciplinary action including suspension, forfeit or expulsion if in
our opinion any team or individual displays inappropriate behavior.
Behavior Management
All participants and spectators are expected to adhere to the Lombard Park District rules and philosophies as
well as local, state and federal statutes at all times. Any individual who violates these rules will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including removal from the program. Team captains/manager will be notified by
email, phone, or written correspondence when a player is in violation.
Players must be 18 years of age at the team’s first scheduled game.
All players must have a photo ID at all games to verify that they are a rostered player.
No player will be allowed to be rostered on more than one team in the same league.
If a player is ruled ineligible, all games in which he/she participated will be forfeited.
Official Scorebook
To avoid confusion throughout the game, the home team will have the official scorebook. Any questions
regarding scores, outs, or innings will be the responsibility of the home team. The home team will be listed
second on the schedule. Scorebooks will be provided at the Captain’s meeting and at the field.
Only official ASA certified bats may be used. The site supervisor and umpire will check all bats before each
game. Please be there 15 minutes early for bat check.
This list can be found on the ASA website (www.softball.org). Along with the approved bats, you will find a
list of illegal bats that cannot be used in league play. At any point throughout the season this list can change.
Teams are responsible for checking the site to ensure all bats are legal. Use of an illegal bat may result in
forfeit and/or removal from the league without refund.
The official bat in ASA Championship Play must meet all of the requirements of Rule 3, Section 1 and:
1. Must bear either the ASA approved 2000 certification mark , the ASA 2004 certification mark as shown
below, or the new certification mark for 2013 and Beyond for SLOW PITCH as shown below and must
not be listed on an ASA non approved list, and
2. Must be included on a list of approved bat models published by the ASA National Office; or
3. Must, in the sole opinion and discretion of the umpire, have been manufactured prior to 2000 and if
tested, would comply with the ASA bat performance standards then in effect.
NOTE: USA Softball has begun transitioning to the new USA Softball Certification Marks for the 2020
calendar year. On behalf of equipment manufacturers, the USA Softball Equipment Testing and
Certification Committee requested that the new certification marks be approved for the 2019 calendar
year and the USA Softball Board of Directors approved the new marks (seen here) for 2019 USA
Softball Championship Play. The Official Rules of Softball, Rule 3, Sections 1 and 3 will be updated for
2020 to identify the new Certification Marks for Championship Play.
All Games
Adult Fast Pitch/All Slow Pitch
1. must be included on a list of approved bat models published by USA Softball
2. must, in the sole opinion and discretion of the umpire, have been manufactured prior to 2000 and if
tested, would comply with USA Softball Bat Performance Standard. This includes wooden bats.
Illegal Bats
Teams are responsible for checking the site to ensure all bats are legal.
Use of an illegal bat may result in forfeit and/or removal from the league without refund.
Bats that do not meet ASA standards.
Please go to www.teamusa.org for a complete listing of illegal bats.
Altered Bats
Altered bats are prohibited. If a bat is found to be altered the individual will be ejected from the game and risk
removal without refund from the league.
Illegal Ball
Umpires must check the ball about to be played with at the start of every half inning. If the ball is found to not
be an official game ball, an official game ball must be brought into play before the start of the half inning. If
the ball is found to be not an official game ball during the inning, the ball must be replaced by an official game
ball immediately. All prior at bats cannot be overturned.
Captain’s information will be entered by the park district. This is the information provided at the time of
registration. If information is entered incorrectly, it is the responsibility of the captain to have the information
Games schedules will not change unless both captains agree on the changes being made.
Link: https://www.quickscores.com/lombardparks
Teams are NOT guaranteed an equal number of games at each time slot.
If a team needs to reschedule a game, the league commissioner MUST be notified at least 24 hours in
advance. If the game is to take place on Sunday, the league commissioner must be notified by Friday at
Game Play
The pitcher must take a position with one foot on the ground and one or both feet in contact with the
pitcher’s plate. The pitch must have a 6’ to 10’ arc and must clear the white of the plate. A pitch may hit the
black on the back of the plate and may drop in the well for a strike.
Each batter begins with a 1-1 count.
League Pitching Bases
12” 50’ 70’
Courtesy Runner
Teams who have injured players, who can bat but cannot run, will be allowed a courtesy runner. The courtesy
runner will be the batter who made the last out. Players needing courtesy runners need to be identified
before the start of the game.
Any starting player may be withdrawn provided players occupy the same batting positions whenever in the
line-up. The starting player and substitute may never be in the game simultaneously.
Game length
All scheduled games will be seven innings or the one (1) hour time limit, whichever comes first. No new inning
will be started after 55 minutes. If the game is tied after seven innings and the time limit has not been met,
extra innings will be played with international rules until the time limit or a winner is determined. If the time
limit has been met and the game is tied then it will be ruled a tie.
A game called by the umpire due to rain will be considered regulation if five or more complete innings have
been played (4 ½ if home team is winning). If fewer innings have been completed the game will be
rescheduled and start over from the top of the first inning. In the rescheduled game, the score as of the last
fully completed inning will be included.
Games will be rescheduled on regular game days. Every effort will be made to give one week notice for
rescheduled games.
Teams should be prepared to make up games on alternate week days/weekend days when deemed necessary
by the Athletic Program Manager.
Slaughter Rule
After the 4
inning - Twenty (20) or more runs shall be declared the winner
After the 5
inning Fifteen (15) or more runs shall be declared the winner
After the 6
inning Ten (10) or more runs shall be declared the winner
Once a slaughter occurs the teams can agree to continue play but it will not impact the score and the umpire
does not need to be involved. If the next game is ready to go or if it is the last game of the night, the teams
must leave the field.
Tie Breaker Rules
Tie breakers will be determined in the following order:
1. Forfeits
2. Head-to-Head
3. Head-to-Head Run Differential
4. Schedule Strength
5. Average Run Differential
6. Coin Flip
If more than one team is tied, the rules above will be used to decide the first position. Once the first position is
decided, the initial tie breaker rules will be used, going back to head-to-head, for all remaining tied teams. This
process will continue until all positions have been decided.
No protests
All umpire decisions are final.
Post-Season Play - Playoffs
A post-season tournament is conducted at the end of the league play.
Prize earnings over $600/year will be taxed.
Regular Season Minimums
Place $200
Place $125
Place $125
Promotion and Relegation
If a team finishes in first or second place during the regular season, then they will be promoted to a higher
division for future seasons. If a team places last or second to last in the regular season they have the option to
relegate themselves down to a lower division regardless of new players.
Playoff games that get rained out before they are made official, will start from where they left off.
Tournament Format
League standings determine the seeding for each team in the tournament.
Playoff Game Length
Games do not have a time limit in the semi and championship rounds of playoffs unless otherwise noted. The
slaughter rules will still be used. Playoff schedules may be 1-2 days long depending on the number of teams.
No changes to the roster allowed after the second week of games. Except in the case of an injury. A doctor’s
excuse is required, and the replacement player must be of similar ability to the injured player.
Random roster checks can be completed at any time throughout the season.
Teams may request a roster check prior to the game time. Roster protests must be made prior to the first
pitch of the game.
Final rosters are due after the teams second scheduled game. Late rosters will not be accepted.
Player Maximum
Roster maximum of 20 players.
League Specific Rules
Men’s 12” Softball Rules
General Rules apply in all situations not covered below
Home Run Rule
-1 per inning will be allowed in Men’s A
-5 per game will be allowed in Men’s B
-3 per game will be allowed in Men’s C
Each successive home run will result in an out being issued.
**Home Run Ladder Rule Once both teams have reached the maximum allowed home runs for their league,
additional home runs can be hit as long as the difference of home runs between the two teams does not
exceed 1. In the bottom of the last inning, meaning the seventh inning, any extra innings, or if the one hour
time limit has occurred, the home team is not allow to exceed by 1.
Outfield positions can be abandoned to help secure infield positioning. (more than six players can play the
Coed 12” Softball Rules
General Rules apply in all situations not covered below
Home Run Rule
-1 per inning. Each successive home run will result in an out.
1. Batting order alternates Male/Female, Female/Male, or Female/Female.
2. When batting an odd number of players, the gender with the most participants will bat first. An out will
be assessed in the last spot only for a team that is batting more men than women. If there are more
males and the team is using more than 10 in their batting order, the males can bat in an AB batting
3. There must be a minimum of two (2) females playing outfield positions. They can be arranged in the
outfield however the team chooses.
4. There must be a minimum of three (3) females playing infield positions. At least two of the following
positions must be occupied by females: 1
base, 2
base, 3
base, and short stop.
5. Outfielders cannot be on the skin of the infield prior to the pitch crossing the plate.
6. If a male batter is walked on 3 straight balls, the female batting next may choose to bat or accept a
walk. If a strike was thrown to the male batter, then the women must bat. The walked batter only
advances to 1
base when the female up next either has to bat or chooses to bat.
Liability Statement
The Lombard Park District does not assume responsibility for any personal injury or loss that any team
member or spectator may incur as a result of this program.
Softball Field Locations
Madison Meadow Park
# 14 & 15 Corner of Fairfield and Harding