Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 1 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
Successful completion of patient-based periodontal examination is required for
all exams; minimum score of 75% in each section of the exam:
CDCA - the Board will accept a passing score on the manikin-based operative
section of the CDCA exam as an alternative to a passing score on the
traditional patient-based operative exam.
CITA - if taken on or after January 1, 2014
CRDTS - if taken prior to July 1, 2009
SRTA - if taken between Jan. 1, 2013 and Aug. 9, 2015
CDCA DSE and CITA if taken prior to Jan 1, 2014
CDCA DSE and CRDTS if taken on or after July 1, 2009
CDCA DSE and SRTA if taken prior to Jan. 1, 2013 or after Aug. 9, 2015
CDCA DSE and WREB the Board requires a passing score (a score of at least
3 out of a possible score of 5) on ALL sections of the WREB exam including the
optional periodontics and prosthodontics sections and two restorative
procedures in the operative section, e.g. one Class II and one Class III
restoration OR two Class II restorations.
WREB - The Board will accept a passing score on the manikin-based operative
section of the WREB as an alternative to a passing score on the traditional
patient-based operative exam. The applicant must score at least a 3 out of a
possible score of 5 on all required sections of the WREB exam, e.g. the CTP,
operative, endodontics and prosthodontics sections and must complete two
operative procedures, e.g. one Class II and one Class III restoration OR two
Class II restorations.
Source: Regional and State Clinical Exam Requirements on Massachusetts
Board of Dentistry web site
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 112, Section 45: Registration of
dentists; applications; examinations and re-examinations
Applications for registration hereunder shall be in writing upon blanks furnished
by the board, which shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant, presenting
proof of the requirements herein specified. Any such applicant eighteen years of
age or over and of good moral character who shall furnish the board with
satisfactory proof that he has received a diploma from the faculty of a dental
college accredited or recognized as accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation of Dental and Dental Auxiliary Educational Programs of the
American Dental Association as defined in section forty-six, shall, upon payment
of a fee to be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under
the provision of section three B of chapter seven, be entitled to be examined by
the board. An applicant failing in his examination shall be entitled to two re-
examinations within three years, for which he shall pay a fee determined under
the aforementioned provision for each one taken. Thereafter, upon filing a new
application for registration and paying a fee determined under the
aforementioned provision, he shall be entitled to like re-examinations. If found
competent, the applicant shall be registered by the board and shall receive a
certificate of registration signed by the members of the board or a majority of
them, which shall be prima facie evidence of the right of the holder to practice
dentistry. In proof of this right the certificate or a duplicate shall be kept in his
office in plain view of his patients, and, on application, shall be shown to any
member or agent of the board.
The board shall require as a condition of granting or renewing a dentist's
certificate of registration, that the dentist apply to participate in the medical
assistance program administered by the secretary of health and human services
in accordance with chapter 118E and Title XIX of the Social Security Act and any
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 2 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
federal demonstration or waiver relating to such medical assistance program for
the limited purposes of ordering and referring services covered under such
program, provided that regulations governing such limited participation are
promulgated under said chapter 118E. A dentist who chooses to participate in
such medical assistance program as a provider of services shall be deemed to
have fulfilled this requirement.
The board shall examine an applicant who is an alien only if he presents to it a
certificate from the court in which he shall have filed his declaration of intention
to become a citizen of the United States, or from the Immigration and
Naturalization Service of the United States, showing that he has declared his
intention to become such a citizen, or a copy of such declaration of intention,
certified by the clerk of such court. In case the applicant is subsequently
registered, unless he shall present to the board, within five years following the
filing of the certificate or certified copy hereinbefore referred to, his completed
naturalization papers showing that he is a citizen of the United States his
certificate of registration shall be revoked and his registration cancelled. The
foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to limited registration under
section forty-five A.
Section 46: Reputable dental college; definition
A dental college shall be considered reputable which possesses the following
First, It shall be incorporated and authorized by its charter to confer degrees of
doctor of dental medicine, doctor of dental surgery or doctor of dental science.
Second, It shall have a competent faculty and corps of instructors. The teaching
staff shall deliver a comprehensive and satisfactory course of lectures
supplemented by adequate clinical and laboratory exercises in all subjects
pertaining to modern dentistry.
Third, It shall give a course of not less than four separate academic years to
matriculants who are graduates of accredited high schools or who present proof
of equivalent training, or a course of not less than three separate academic
years to matriculants who present satisfactory proof of having successfully
completed two years of appropriate pre-dental training in a college or university
authorized to grant degrees. Each academic year shall consist of not less than
thirty-two weeks.
The administrative policy of the dental college shall be such as to accomplish the
requirements of this section.
Section 46A: Reexamination for competency
If any applicant for registration, either by examination or under the provisions of
section forty-eight, is registered and issued a certificate of registration by the
board, and does not practice dentistry in the commonwealth within five years
from the date of the certificate of registration, or does not maintain a current
license to practice dentistry in the commonwealth for a period of five consecutive
years, may be required by the board to be reexamined for competency.
Section 47: Examination
The examination may be written or oral or both, at the option of the board, and
may include the principal subjects taught in reputable dental colleges.
Demonstrations in operative and prosthetic dentistry, diagnosis and prognosis
may be required.
234 CMR 4.00: Licensure and license renewal requirements
§4.03: Initial Dentist Licensure by Examination
The Board may grant a license by examination to an applicant, who is of good
moral character, has met all eligibility requirements and has submitted the
following information to the Board:
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 3 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(1) An accurate, complete and signed application, as specified by the Board for
that purpose;
(2) Payment of a non-refundable licensing and application fee as determined by
the Executive Office of Administration and Finance, unless waived in accordance
with M.G.L. c. 112, § 1B;
(3) An original transcript with the college seal stating the degree granted and the
date of issue from a CODA-accredited dental school or any successor
accrediting agency approved by the Board, or a letter including the college's seal
signed by the appropriate authority attesting to the applicant's degree and date
of graduation;
(4) A physician's statement made after an examination conducted within one
year of the date of application, attesting to the health of the applicant and to any
impairments that may affect the ability of the applicant to practice dentistry;
(5) Documentation of a passing score on each of the following exams:
(a) Parts I and II of the ADA National Board Examination;
(b) The CDCA or other state or regional examination approved by the Board;
(c) Massachusetts Dental Ethics and Jurisprudence Examination or a Board-
approved successor examination.
(6) Documentation of current BLS certification or CPR/AED certification, except
an applicant applying for an individual anesthesia permit shall provide
documentation that complies with
234 CMR 6.00: Administration of Anesthesia and Sedation;
(7) A passport-size color photograph;
(8) A statement disclosing any and all disciplinary, civil, or criminal action taken
or filed against the applicant any time after reaching the age of majority and prior
to the date of application, with supporting documentation as the Board may
(9) Proof satisfactory to the Board of good moral character;
(10) An attestation, signed under pains and penalties of perjury, that the
applicant has complied with all state tax laws pursuant to M.G.L. c. 62C, § 49A
and child support laws pursuant to M.G.L. c. 119A, § 16(a); and
(11) Proof satisfactory to the Board of completion of training required pursuant to
M.G.L. c. 94C, § 18(e) as a condition precedent for obtaining licensure.
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 112, Section 48: Reciprocity
certificate for dentist lawfully in practice for at least five years in another
state; fee
The board may, without examination upon payment of a fee determined annually
by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of
chapter seven, register, and issue a certificate to, a dentist who has been
lawfully in practice for at least five years in another state, if he presents to the
board a certificate of registration, and duration of practice, from the board of
dental examiners or other like board of said state; provided, that such other state
shall require a degree of competency equal to that required of applicants in this
commonwealth. Subject hereto, the board may waive written examination with
respect to a dentist who has received a certificate of qualification from the
National Board of Dental Examiners.
234 CMR 4.00: Licensure and license renewal requirements
§4.04: Initial Dentist Licensure by Credentials
The Board may grant a license by credentials, without further professional
examination, to a dentist currently licensed in another jurisdiction, provided the
applicant is of good moral character, has met all eligibility requirements and has
submitted the following information to the Board:
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 4 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(1) An accurate, complete and signed application on forms specified by the
Board for that purpose; (2) Payment of a non-refundable licensing and
application fee as determined by the Executive Office of Administration and
Finance, unless waived in accordance with M.G.L. c. 112, § 1B;
(3) An original transcript with the college seal stating the degree granted and the
date of issue from a CODA-accredited dental school or any successor
accrediting agency approved by the Board, or a letter including the college's seal
signed by the appropriate authority attesting to the applicant's degree and date
of graduation;
(4) A physician's statement made after an examination conducted within one
year of the date of application, attesting to the health of the applicant and to any
impairments that may affect the ability of the applicant to practice dentistry;
(5) Proof satisfactory to the Board of a minimum of five years of practice in
dentistry or dental education immediately preceding the application for licensure
by credentials. An applicant may include private practice; the practice of
dentistry in the armed forces; federal, state, and municipal programs; and intern
and residency programs as part of this five year dental practice requirement;
(6) Proof satisfactory to the Board that the applicant is currently licensed and in
good standing in another jurisdiction based on passing a Board-approved
(7) Documentation of a passing score on each of the following exams:
(a) Parts I and II of the ADA National Board Examination;
(b) The CDCA or other state or regional examination approved by the Board;
(c) Massachusetts Dental Ethics and Jurisprudence Examination or a Board-
approved successor examination.
(8) Certified letters of standing from all jurisdictions in which the applicant has
been issued a license to practice dentistry attesting to the standing of the
applicant's license, including report of any past or pending disciplinary action, or
any pending complaints against the applicant;
(9) Letters of endorsement from two licensed dentists who are in good standing
and familiar with the applicant and his or her practice of dentistry which attest to
the applicant's professional competency and good moral character;
(10) Original report from the NPDB Self-query;
(11) Documentation of current BLS certification or CPR/AED certification, except
an applicant applying for an individual anesthesia permit shall provide
documentation that complies with
234 CMR 6.00: Administration of Anesthesia and Sedation;
(12) A statement disclosing any and all disciplinary action, civil or criminal action,
or restriction of privileges taken or filed against the applicant at any time after
reaching the age of majority and prior to the date of application, with supporting
documentation as the Board may require;
(13) A passport-size color photograph;
(14) Proof satisfactory to the Board of good moral character;
(15) An attestation, signed under pains and penalties of perjury, that the
applicant has complied with all state tax laws pursuant to M.G.L. c. 62C, § 49A
and child support laws pursuant to M.G.L. c. 119A, § 16(a); and
(16) Proof satisfactory to the Board of completion of training required pursuant to
M.G.L. c. 94C, § 18(e) as a condition precedent for obtaining licensure.
Specialty Practice
234 CMR 5.00 Requirements for the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene,
and dental assisting
5.03: Dental Specialties
(1) A dentist may hold him/herself out as an ADA specialist in a particular area of
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 5 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
practice only if he/she: (a) Has completed a specialty education program
approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) and the Commission on
Dental Accreditation or the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada; and
(b) Is eligible for examination by a national specialty board recognized by the
ADA; or (c) Is a diplomate of a national specialty board recognized by the ADA.
(2) A dentist is prohibited from holding him/herself out in directories, listings or
other written or electronic publications as a practitioner in any specialty
recognized by the ADA unless his or her practice is limited only to the specialty
area(s) that is being advertised, listed, or otherwise noted or published.
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 112, Section 52A: Illegal Advertising
Section 52A. No registered dentist, person practicing dentistry, or dental
hygienist shall include, or permit, or cause to be included, in any newspaper,
radio, or television advertisement, or in any display sign, personal solicitation or
other manner of advertising, any written or spoken words or statements of a
character tending to deceive or mislead the public, or claiming professional
superiority or the performance of professional services in a superior manner, or
the performance of painless operations of a dental or oral surgical nature, or
shall advertise with signs or printed advertisements, or by means of show cases,
containing the representation of a tooth, teeth, dental restoration of any kind or
of whatsoever design or description or any portion of the human head or neck or
photograph of any person, or shall make or set forth any promises, guarantees,
representations, or statements that satisfaction or a cure will result from the
performance of professional services; provided, however, that the foregoing shall
not be construed to prevent the publication of truthful advertisements concerning
the availability and price of routine dental services by persons subject to this
section. No such registered dentist, person practicing dentistry, or dental
hygienist shall include, or permit, or cause to be included, in any newspaper,
radio or television advertisement or in any display sign, personal solicitation or
other manner of advertising, any written or spoken words or statements of a
character that: (1) contains a statement of opinion as to the quality of dental
services; (2) refers to benefits or other attributes of dental procedures or
products that involve significant risks but that do not include realistic
assessments of the safety and efficacy of such procedures or products; (3)
contains statistical data, representations, or other information that is not
susceptible to reasonable verification by the public; (4) refers to a fee or fees for
dental services and fail to disclose that additional fees may be involved in
individual cases, if the possibility of incurring such additional fees may be
reasonably foreseen; (5) offers a discount for dental services without disclosing
the total fee from which the discount will apply; (6) fails to make a disclosure of
the source and authorship of any message published under a dentist's byline; or
(7) contain a statement concerning the availability of specialty services to
make the public believe that specialty care is rendered in a dental office by
a qualified specialist when such is not the case. Nothing in the provisions of
this section shall be construed to apply to or prohibit, restrict or limit the
operations of the business of a dental laboratory. The board may, by regulation,
in a manner consistent with the foregoing, further regulate advertising by
persons subject to this section.
If a registered dentist contracts with a referral service and a fee is required for
the registered dentist to be part of the referral service network, the referral
service shall disclose the existence of the fee arrangement in any newspaper,
radio or television advertisement, or in any display sign, personal solicitation or
other manner of advertising. The disclosure shall plainly state the existence of
the fee arrangement between the referral service and the dentists belonging to
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 6 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
the referral service network and shall further state that only dentists who pay a
fee are participants in such service.
Section 52B. The clerk of a court in which a registered dentist or dental hygienist
is convicted under the preceding section shall forthwith certify such conviction to
the board, and the board may, after a hearing, revoke or suspend the
registration of the convicted registrant. The board may also revoke or suspend
the registration of a dentist or dental hygienist for conviction in any court of the
commonwealth of a crime involving moral turpitude.
Section 52C. No person engaged in the business of supplying, constructing,
reproducing, relining, repairing, adding or directing the application of any
substance of a permanent nature to dentures, bridges, appliances or other
structures to be worn as substitutes for natural teeth shall advertise his services,
technique or materials to the general public by means of advertisements in
public newspapers, magazines or by radio or television display advertisements
excepting, advertisements in professional or trade papers, trade journals, trade
directories, trade periodicals, trade magazines, and in the public telephone
directories; nor shall any person so engaged in any way directly solicit the
patronage of the general public for any dental services, dental materials or
dental appliances.
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 112, Section 51A: Continuing
The board shall adopt rules and regulations for a system of continuing
education, compliance with which shall be a requirement and condition
precedent to the renewal of licenses issued by the board.
234 CMR 4.00: Licensure and license renewal requirements
§4.14: License Renewal, Reactivation and Reinstatement
(1) A licensed dentist shall renew a dental license biennially no later than March
31st of even-numbered years. A licensed dentist shall include with a renewal
application, an attestation, signed under the pains and penalties of perjury, the
applicant participates in, or had applied to participate in, MassHealth as either a
provider of services or as a nonbilling provider for the
purpose of ordering and referring services covered by MassHealth, in
accordance with M.G.L. c. 112, § 45.
(2) A licensed dental hygienist shall renew a dental hygiene license biennially no
later than March 31st of odd-numbered years.
(3) A licensed dental assistant shall renew a dental assistant license biennially
no later than st October 31 of odd-numbered years. The first renewal date for
individuals licensed as a dental assistant shall be October 31, 2015.
(4) Continuing Education Required for Renewal, Reactivation or Reinstatement.
A licensee shall not renew, or petition for reinstatement or reactivation of a
license unless and until all continuing education required for renewal,
reactivation or reinstatement set forth in 234 CMR 8.00: Continuing Education is
(5) Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, § 1B(c), the license of a dentist, dental hygienist
or dental assistant who is engaged in active service in the armed forces remains
valid until 90 days following the release from active duty. The continuing
education requirement in 234 CMR 4.14(4) shall not apply to any biennial cycle
in which the licensee was in active duty service within 90 days immediately
preceding the applicable renewal deadline.
(6) A licensee shall not practice dentistry, dental hygiene or dental assisting with
an expired, suspended, surrendered or revoked license. A licensee who
engages in such unlicensed practice may be subject to a civil administrative
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 7 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
penalty pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, § 65(b) and may be subject to Board
(7) Renewal on or Prior to License Expiration Date. A licensee shall renew a
license by filing a properly completed license renewal application and providing
all related information to the Board, on forms and in accordance with instructions
specified by the Board, and paying the license renewal fee(s) established by the
Executive Office of Administration and Finance.
(8) Renewal after License Expiration Date Within Two Renewal Cycles.
(a) An individual whose license is expired for less than two renewal cycles may
apply for renewal of a license only by:
1. Filing an accurate, complete and signed license renewal application and
providing all related information as required by the Board on forms and in
accordance with instructions specified by the Board;
2. Paying license renewal fee for each intervening renewal cycle and paying the
late renewal fee established by the Executive Office of Administration and
3. Submitting to the Board required documentation to prove completion of
continuing education credits required for each renewal cycle pursuant to 234
CMR 8.00: Continuing Education; and
4. Submitting to the Board a satisfactory written explanation of the reasons for
the licensee's failure to renew the license in a timely manner.
(b) The Board may require the licensee to submit additional information or
documentation before approving or denying the licensee's renewal application.
The Board may require a licensee to provide such additional information either in
person or in writing. Failure to respond to or cooperate with such requests shall
constitute grounds to deny the application.
(9) Renewal of Expired License Greater than Two Renewal Cycles.
(a) A licensee whose license is expired for longer than two renewal cycles, may
apply for renewal of a license by:
1. Filing an accurate, complete and signed license renewal application and
providing all related information as required by the Board on forms and in
accordance with instructions specified by the Board;
2. Paying license renewal fee(s) for each intervening renewal cycle and paying
the late renewal fee as established by the Executive Office of Administration and
3. Submitting to the Board certificates for continuing education credits required
for each renewal cycle, pursuant to 234 CMR 8.00: Continuing Education; and
4. Submitting to the Board a satisfactory written explanation of the reasons for
the licensee's failure to renew the license in a timely manner.
(b) The Board may require the licensee to submit additional information or
documentation before approving or denying the licensee's renewal application.
Failure to respond to or cooperate with such requests shall constitute grounds to
deny the application.
(c) The Board may, in its discretion, require a licensee to be re-examined for
competency when a dentist has not practiced dentistry in the Commonwealth
within five years from the date of initial licensure, or if a dentist does not maintain
a current license for a period of five consecutive years.
(d) A licensee shall fulfill such other conditions as the Board may require.
(10) The Board may, in its discretion, decline to renew, reactivate or reinstate an
expired license and may refer cases of unlicensed practice of dentistry, dental
hygiene or dental assisting to appropriate law enforcement authorities for
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 8 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
234 CMR 8: Continuing Education
8.01: Purpose
8.02: General Requirements
8.03: Required Continuing Education
8.04: Criteria for Acceptance: Responsibilities of Licensees and Sponsors of
Continuing Education Programs
8.05: Categories of Continuing Education Programs and CEUs Allowed in Each
8.06: Certification of Compliance with CEU Requirements
8.07: Waiver of CEU Requirements
§8.01: Purpose
234 CMR 8.00 describes the continuing education requirements for license
renewal. Each dentist, dental hygienist and dental assistant shall complete
continuing education as a condition precedent to license renewal.
§8.02: General Requirements
(1) A dentist licensed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, § 45 must complete a minimum
of 40 CEUs during the 24 months immediately preceding March 31st in even
numbered years.
(2) A limited license dental intern or limited license faculty licensed pursuant to
M.G.L. c. 112, § 45A must complete a minimum of 20 CEUs during the 12
months immediately preceding the renewal of a limited license. For each
category in 234 CMR 8.05 where a maximum number of CEUs is allowed for a
dentist per cycle, the maximum for a limited license dental intern or limited
license faculty is ½ the maximum number of CEUs allowed for a dentist.
(3) A dental hygienist licensed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, § 51 must complete a
minimum of 20 CEUs during the 24 months immediately preceding March 31st in
odd numbered years.
(4) A dental assistant licensed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, § 51½, must complete
a minimum of 12 CEUs during the 24 months immediately preceding October
31st in odd numbered years.
(5) A dental student licensed as a dental hygienist pursuant to M.G.L. c. 112, §
51 is exempt from CEU requirements while he or she is enrolled in a CODA-
accredited dental school.
(6) New Graduates. A new graduate of a CODA-accredited dental school, dental
hygiene program, or Board-approved dental assisting program is exempt from
the CEU requirements forthe licensing period in which the licensee graduates.
(7) No licensee shall be eligible to renew a license without first completing the
requisite number of CEUs.
(8) A licensee renewing a license shall submit to the Board a statement, signed
under pains and penalties of perjury, that the applicant has completed the
requisite number of CEUs.
(9) CEUs may not be carried over from one renewal cycle to the next.
(10) CEUs required by a consent agreement or final decision and order shall not
be used to satisfy the CEU requirement for license renewal.
(11) A licensee seeking reinstatement of an expired, suspended or revoked
license shall, upon the Board's request, submit documentation of completion of
CEUs equal to the number of renewal cycles in which the license has been
expired, suspended or revoked. (MA REG. # 1363, Dated 4-20-18)
§8.03: Required Continuing Education
(1) A licensee shall complete continuing education as a condition precedent to
the biennial renewal of a license in the following areas:
(a) CDC Guidelines; and
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 9 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(b) Continuous certification in CPR/AED, or BLS, or, if the licensee has an
anesthesia permit issued pursuant to 234 CMR 6.00: Administration of
Anesthesia and Sedation, then the licensee must maintain continuous
certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support or Pediatric Advanced Life
Support commensurate with the level of anesthesia permit obtained..
(2) A dentist who holds a Massachusetts Controlled Substance Registration, a
DEA Registration or who otherwise prescribes within the meaning of M.G.L. c.
94C, shall complete training required pursuant to M.G.L. c. 94C, § 18(e) as a
condition precedent to renewing a license.
§8.04: Criteria for Acceptance: Responsibilities of Licensees and Sponsors of
Continuing Education Programs
(1) To be accepted for credit, continuing education activities shall have
significant intellectual or practical content related to the practice of dentistry or
dental auxiliary functions, or with the professional responsibilities or ethical
obligations of the profession. Non-clinical subjects necessary to provide dental
or dental auxiliary services and supportive of clinical services (e.g. patient and
practice management, legal and ethical responsibilities, third party billing, stress
management) may be credited in the Board's discretion. Courses not acceptable
include, but are not limited to, personal financial planning or retirement planning.
(2) Standards. To qualify under 234 CMR 8.00 a continuing education program
shall require attendance or participation, be at least one class hour (50 minutes)
in length, be conducted by an instructor qualified by education or experience and
retain a written course description.
(3) Certificate of Attendance and Course Description. The licensee may only
receive continuing education credit for those courses in which the sponsor or its
agent (e.g. a nationally recognized professional registry) certifies and maintains
attendance records for at least five years.
(a) Certification of attendance must include:
1. The name and address of the sponsor;
2. The name, address and license number of the licensee;
3. A brief statement of the subject matter;
4. Number of lecture and clinical or laboratory participation contact hours;
5. Whether the course fulfills CEU requirements for dentists, dental hygienists or
dental assistants;
6. The date and location of the program; and
7. Verification by the sponsor that licensee completed the program.
(b) The sponsor, or its agent, shall keep the following records for a period of five
years. All records shall be furnished to the Board upon request:
1. Course description;
2. Faculty;
3. Date of the course;
4. Location of the course;
5. Number of contact hours; and
6. Roster of attendees.
§8.05: Categories of Continuing Education Programs and CEUs Allowed in
Each Category
(1) Educational and Scientific Courses, Examinations, and Specialty Boards. A
licensee may obtain CEUs in these categories:
(a) Educational and scientific courses sponsored or approved by any of the
1. Accredited educational or service institutions;
2. Professional associations and societies;
3. Accredited postdoctoral programs;
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 10 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
4. Local, state and federal governmental health agencies and health institutions;
5. Accredited community and teaching hospitals.
(b) Completion of Part II of the National Board Examination for dentists or the
National Board Dental Hygiene Examination for dental hygienists.
(c) Completion of the CDCA Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, Radiology and
Comprehensive Treatment Planning examination for dentists or the CDCA
Dental Hygiene Comprehensive examination for dental hygienists, or other
Board approved clinical competency examination.
(d) Completion of continuing education requirements for maintaining certification
of ADA-recognized board specialties.
(2) Self-instruction. A dentist may earn a maximum of 20 CEUs, a dental
hygienist may earn a maximum of ten CEUs and a dental assistant may earn a
maximum of six CEUs per renewal cycle by completing an individual study
course (home study, on-line, correspondence, audio or video). All such courses
must include a test, which the licensee shall pass to obtain credit.
(3) Teaching and Research.
(a) Continuing Education Instructor. A dentist may earn a maximum of 20 CEUs,
a dental hygienist may earn a maximum of ten CEUs and a dental assistant may
earn a maximum of six CEUs per renewal cycle as an instructor of continuing
education courses that satisfy criteria in 234 CMR 8.04. Two CEUs may be
earned for every hour taught and only for the first presentation of the program.
The Board will not accept CEUs for repeat presentations.
(b) Academic Participation. A dentist, dental hygienist or dental assistant who
conducts research or who is an appointed member of the faculty at a CODA-
accredited dental school, dental hygiene program or dental assisting program
may receive three CEUs for the following:
1. Faculty Appointments. A dentist may receive a maximum of ten CEUs, a
dental hygienist may receive a maximum of five CEUs and a dental assistant
may receive a maximum of three CEUs per renewal cycle through a faculty
appointment for teaching at a CODA-accredited dental school, a dental hygiene
program or dental assisting program.
2. Research Appointments. A dentist may receive a maximum of ten CEUs, a
dental hygienist may receive a maximum of five CEUs and a dental assistant
may receive a maximum of three CEUs through a research appointment at a
CODA-accredited dental school, dental hygiene program or dental assistant
program or other research institution. Documentation of the research conducted
by the licensee shall be provided, upon request, to the Board and may include:
a. Results of research conducted;
b. Publications authored by the licensee and published in a professional
scientific journal;
c. Presentation of research studies at professional conferences; or
d. A written statement by the licensee's supervisor of the research, estimated
number of hours and a description of the licensee's role in research.
(4) Papers, Publications and Scientific Presentations. A dentist may receive a
maximum of 20 CEUs, a dental hygienist may receive a maximum of ten CEUs
and a dental assistant may receive a maximum of six CEUs per renewal cycle in
the following categories:
(a) A maximum of ten CEUs for a dentist, five CEUs for a dental hygienist and
three CEUs for a dental assistant will be given for each original scientific paper
authored by the licensee and published in a scientific professional journal.
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 11 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(b) For each original presentation of a paper, essay or formal lecture to a
recognized group of fellow professionals, the presenter shall receive two hours
of CEUs for every hour of presentation.
(5) Table Clinics and Scientific Exhibits. A maximum of eight CEUs may be
obtained in this category. The original presentation of a table clinic or scientific
exhibit at a professional meeting will provide a maximum of two hours of CEUs
per clinic or exhibit.
(6) General Attendance at Conferences. A dentist may receive a maximum of
five CEUs, a dental hygienist may receive a maximum of four CEUs and a dental
assistant may receive a maximum of three CEUs per renewal cycle for general
attendance at a multi-day professional conference.
(7) Pro Bono Service. A dentist may earn a maximum of five CEUs, a dental
hygienist may earn a maximum of three CEUs and a dental assistant may earn a
maximum of two CEUs per renewal cycle for pro bono services provided in
public health settings as defined in 234 CMR 2.00: Purpose And Definitions.
(a) A CEU may be earned for each hour of service, and may include, but not be
limited to, direct patient care and oral health education programs.
(b) A licensee seeking to earn CEU credit for pro bono service must submit,
upon request of the Board, documentation from the dental facility director or
person responsible for the program or institution attesting to the licensee's
participation, including the date(s), location(s), and number of hours of service.
(8) Non-clinical Practice-related Courses. A dentist may earn a maximum of five
CEUs and a dental hygienist or dental assistant may earn a maximum of two
CEUs per renewal cycle for non-clinical practice-related courses.
§8.06: Certification of Compliance with CEU Requirements
(1) Each licensee shall maintain documentation of CEUs for four years or two
renewal cycles following renewal of the license, which shall be furnished to the
Board upon request. Such documentation must comply with the requirements of
234 CMR 8.00.
(2) The Board may conduct random CEU audits and initiate disciplinary
proceedings after written notice to the licensee for non-compliance with CEU
§8.07: Waiver of CEU Requirements
(1) The Board may upon written request and a demonstration of good cause
waive the CEU requirements. Good cause may include, but may not be limited
(a) Full-time service in the armed forces of the United States or the U.S. Public
Health Service;
(b) Service in the armed forces of the United States during a substantial part of
such period;
(c) An incapacitating illness documented by a licensed physician;
(d) Undue hardship (e.g., prolonged hospitalization, physical and/or
(e) Disability and inability to practice dentistry or dental hygiene on a temporary
(f) Matriculation in a program of advanced or specialty study in dentistry, dental
hygiene or dental assisting.
(2) The Board may request the licensee to appear before the Board to determine
whether good cause exists to waive or otherwise modify the CEU requirements.
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 112, Section 52A: Illegal Advertising
No registered dentist, person practicing dentistry, or dental hygienist shall
include, or permit, or cause to be included, in any newspaper, radio, or television
advertisement, or in any display sign, personal solicitation or other manner of
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 12 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
advertising, any written or spoken words or statements of a character tending to
deceive or mislead the public, or claiming professional superiority or the
performance of professional services in a superior manner, or the performance
of painless operations of a dental or oral surgical nature, or shall advertise with
signs or printed advertisements, or by means of show cases, containing the
representation of a tooth, teeth, dental restoration of any kind or of whatsoever
design or description or any portion of the human head or neck or photograph of
any person, or shall make or set forth any promises, guarantees,
representations, or statements that satisfaction or a cure will result from the
performance of professional services; provided, however, that the foregoing shall
not be construed to prevent the publication of truthful advertisements concerning
the availability and price of routine dental services by persons subject to this
section. No such registered dentist, person practicing dentistry, or dental
hygienist shall include, or permit, or cause to be included, in any newspaper,
radio or television advertisement or in any display sign, personal solicitation or
other manner of advertising, any written or spoken words or statements of a
character that: (1) contains a statement of opinion as to the quality of dental
services; (2) refers to benefits or other attributes of dental procedures or
products that involve significant risks but that do not include realistic
assessments of the safety and efficacy of such procedures or products; (3)
contains statistical data, representations, or other information that is not
susceptible to reasonable verification by the public; (4) refers to a fee or fees for
dental services and fail to disclose that additional fees may be involved in
individual cases, if the possibility of incurring such additional fees may be
reasonably foreseen; (5) offers a discount for dental services without disclosing
the total fee from which the discount will apply; (6) fails to make a disclosure of
the source and authorship of any message published under a dentist's byline; or
(7) contain a statement concerning the availability of specialty services to make
the public believe that specialty care is rendered in a dental office by a qualified
specialist when such is not the case. Nothing in the provisions of this section
shall be construed to apply to or prohibit, restrict or limit the operations of the
business of a dental laboratory. The board may, by regulation, in a manner
consistent with the foregoing, further regulate advertising by persons subject to
this section.
If a registered dentist contracts with a referral service and a fee is required for
the registered dentist to be part of the referral service network, the referral
service shall disclose the existence of the fee arrangement in any newspaper,
radio or television advertisement, or in any display sign, personal solicitation or
other manner of advertising. The disclosure shall plainly state the existence of
the fee arrangement between the referral service and the dentists belonging to
the referral service network and shall further state that only dentists who pay a
fee are participants in such service.
Section 52B: Conviction for illegal advertising; revocation or suspension
of registration of dentist or dental hygienist
The clerk of a court in which a registered dentist or dental hygienist is convicted
under the preceding section shall forthwith certify such conviction to the board,
and the board may, after a hearing, revoke or suspend the registration of the
convicted registrant. The board may also revoke or suspend the registration of a
dentist or dental hygienist for conviction in any court of the commonwealth of a
crime involving moral turpitude.
Section 52C: Illegal advertisement by persons engaged in dental business
relating to dentures and bridges
Massachusetts Laws & Rules Page 13 of 13
Updated: 4 July 2024
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
No person engaged in the business of supplying, constructing, reproducing,
relining, repairing, adding or directing the application of any substance of a
permanent nature to dentures, bridges, appliances or other structures to be worn
as substitutes for natural teeth shall advertise his services, technique or
materials to the general public by means of advertisements in public
newspapers, magazines or by radio or television display advertisements
excepting, advertisements in professional or trade papers, trade journals, trade
directories, trade periodicals, trade magazines, and in the public telephone
directories; nor shall any person so engaged in any way directly solicit the
patronage of the general public for any dental services, dental materials or
dental appliances.
234 CMR 5.00 Requirements for the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene,
and dental assisting
§5.18: Advertising
(1) Illegal Advertising Practices. A dentist may advertise truthful and accurate
information pertaining to dental services. Unfair, misleading, deceptive and
fraudulent advertising is prohibited.
(2) Advertising Dental Services and Dental Fees.
(a) A dental service is one that a dentist and/or dental auxiliary performs for a
specific fee. (b) Dental services advertised as free or no charge must describe
the specific services offered and the comparative monetary value.
(c) The period of time during which the advertised fees will be in effect must be
included in the advertisement. Advertised fees for all dental services must be in
effect for a reasonable period of time from the initial date of the advertisement.
(3) Content of Advertisements.
(a) Any advertisement for dental services, regardless of medium, must include
the following:
1. The name of at least one owner of the practice who is currently licensed to
practice dentistry in the Commonwealth; and
2. If the dental practice is organized as a professional corporation pursuant to
M.G.L. c. 156A, the name of at least one of the owners who is licensed to
practice dentistry in the Commonwealth.
(b) The information disclosed by the advertising dentist in a publication or a
broadcast shall comply with M.G.L. c. 112, § 52A, and other provisions of 234
CMR 2.00: Purpose ,Authority, Definitions.