Sales Store Clerical Series, GS-2091 TS-46 June 1963
Position Classification Standard for Sales
Store Clerical Series, GS-2091
Table of Contents
SERIES DEFINITION....................................................................................................................................2
INCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................2
NATURE OF THE WORK.............................................................................................................................3
CLASSIFICATION FACTORS......................................................................................................................6
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This series includes all classes of positions the duties of which are to supervise or perform
check-out, sales clerk, customer assistance, or other clerical duties that are involved in the retail
sale of merchandise or stock items and that require the application of clerical knowledge,
procedures, and/or practices that are peculiar to sales store operations.
This standard describes only the principal levels of nonsupervisory positions in this series.
Supervisory positions are evaluated by reference to the General Schedule Supervisory Guide.
This series includes all positions for which the paramount qualification requirements are the
knowledge and skills required for the performance of the clerical duties peculiar to such retail
sales store operations as commissary stores, self-service supply centers, and clothing sales stores.
Some duties characteristic of sales store operations require ability to perform manual-labor types
of work. Positions that consist wholly of sales store duties requiring manual-labor ability are
excluded from this series. Such positions are exempt from the provisions of the Classification
Act of 1949, as amended, under Section 202(7) of the Act. Positions in which sales store duties
requiring manual-labor ability are combined with clerical sales store duties are excluded from
this series when the requirement for manual-labor ability is the paramount qualification
requirement for the position.
Also excluded from this series are the following kinds of positions:
1. Positions that involve sales store duties of a managerial, advisory, or planning nature.
Positions of this kind require knowledge of retail procurement and distribution methods,
commercial retail store management techniques and practices, and other sales store
knowledge and abilities of a non-clerical nature. These positions are classified in the
Sales Store Management Series, GS-1144.
2. Positions of tellers, cash clerks, and others which involve the clerical processing of cash
items when such work requires knowledge of the financial regulations governing the
processing of cash items and of the acceptability requirements of the documents upon
which cash transactions are based. Positions of this kind are classified in the Cash
Processing Series, GS-0530.
3. Positions concerned with accounting clerical work performed in connection with sales
store operations. In positions of this kind the required clerical knowledge and abilities
are those generally applied in the maintenance of accounting records and are not peculiar
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to sales store operations. Such positions are classified in an appropriate accounting
clerical series, e.g., the Accounting Technician Series, GS-0525; or the Voucher
Examining Series, GS-0540.
At the present time sales store clerical work is typically concerned with items that are in such
common usage that no specialized knowledge or training is required for their identification. This
does not mean that there may not be sales store clerical positions that require specialized item
knowledge which differ significantly in extent or degree from the knowledge requirements
described in this standard. However, many positions requiring specialized item knowledge are
classifiable in another series in the Supply Group and standards for such series may be used to
evaluate the grade-level worth of such knowledge. In addition, careful consideration should be
given to the question of series determination in classifying positions of this kind.
Titles for positions in this series are based upon differences in required knowledge and abilities
which affect recruitment, transfer, or other personnel processes.
The title, Sales Store Checker, is established for nonsupervisory positions in which check-out
duties constitute the sole or principal function of the position.
The title, Sales Store Clerk, is established for nonsupervisory positions which include clerical
sales store duties other than check-out duties or in which the check-out duties involved are not
significant in terms of qualification requirements and, hence, do not affect recruitment or other
personnel processes. Sales Store Clerk positions may include any sales store clerical duty or any
combination of such duties provided that (a) the requirements stated in the series definition are
met and (b) any check-out duties involved are of an incidental nature and, hence, not the most
important duty in the position in terms of qualification requirements. Among the duties which
may be included in Sales Store Clerk positions are waiting on customers, preparing sales slips,
providing customer assistance service, pricing individual items, maintaining inventory records,
preparing stock replenishment orders, maintaining price lists, etc.
The word, Supervisory, is prefixed to either of the above titles, as appropriate, for positions in
which supervisory duties and responsibilities are significant.
Clerical sales store work consists of the clerical duties that are involved in the sale of items in
single-unit or small-lot quantities directly to consumers. Typically, commissary, self-service
supply centers distributing supplies to and within agencies, and other retail sales stores are
operated on a self-service basis but a substantial number of sales store operations provide some
customer services. Such duties as checking-out purchases, waiting on customers, preparing sales
slips, and maintaining retail price lists are characteristic of work classifiable in this series.
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One of the most important clerical functions involved in sales store operations is the checking or
check-out function. The basic check-out function consists of operating a cash register to list and
total the prices of individual items purchased, collecting cash and making change, and
reconciling cash receipts with the cash register tape. Variations from these basic check-out
duties have developed as the result of changes in sales store operations and the availability of
different kinds of mechanical equipment. Among such variations are check-out duties that are
concerned with both charge and cash purchases, those which are concerned only with charge
purchases (and, hence, do not involve the handling of cash items), and those which involve the
operation of bookkeeping, billing, or similar machines instead of cash registers.
Operation of a cash register differs according to the kind of equipment used and the kind of
entering operation performed. Cash registers vary in number and types of keys, number of
accumulating banks, kinds of printing mechanism, and other mechanical features. Differences in
the mechanical features affect the kind of entries that can be made on a cash register tape. Some
cash registers can be used only to record a simple listing of item prices without classification or
other additional information. Multiple cash registers are normally used to departmentalize prices
in various categories, enter surcharges, indicate whether purchases are cash or charge, identify
customers or account numbers to be charged, or provide other information used for accounting,
stock control, or similar purposes. Bookkeeping or billing machines may be used to accomplish
any or all of these purposes. When these machines are used, the purchase totals and other related
information involved are normally entered directly on ledger or stock control cards.
Certain clerical knowledge and abilities must be applied simultaneously with the operation of
mechanical equipment in order to perform check-out duties with acceptable speed and accuracy.
Check-out work characteristically includes responsibility for insuring that the prices charged are
accurate. This requires knowledge of the current prices of stock items in order to determine
whether (a) prices marked on items are correct or (b) reference to price lists is necessary. The
work also requires knowledge of the nature, quality differences, size and pack variations, and/or
other characteristics of stock items. This knowledge is essential in order to identify stock items
rapidly and to distinguish quickly between closely similar items. In addition, competent
performance of check-out work requires knowledge of established procedures describing the
kind of entries to be made, the order in which entries are to be recorded, the action to be taken in
cases of operator error or of machine malfunctioning, the practices involved in respect to returns
and exchanges, and other matters of a similar nature. To the extent such procedures describe
these procedures in only general terms, or do not describe all of the matters involved in the work,
the use of judgment may be required in carrying out the work. The time pressures under which
check-out duties are usually performed are such that the checker is seldom able to consult
written guides or the supervisor on these matters. The extent to which these knowledge and
abilities are required in check-out work is reflected in the number and variety of stock items
involved, in the number and kind of entries recorded, and in the number and specificity of
applicable procedures.
The complexity of reconciling the cash register (or other machine) tape or total with cash
receipts or with charge entries varies. In its simpler form this reconciliation normally involves
comparison of the total of the cash items or charges with the total shown on the cash register or
other tape as adjusted for over- or under-rings. Errors causing failure to balance are located by
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recount and review of any adjustments that have been made. More complex reconciliations
typically involve various types of segregation and subtotaling to balance to intermediate totals
and ultimately to the grand totals involved; for example, cash items may be segregated and
totaled by denomination and/or kind; separate totals may be obtained for each category of items
used in departmentalizing; cash and charge purchase entries may be grouped under separate
headings and each of these may be subdivided into classes with subtotals and intermediate
balances for the various groupings. Reconciliation duties require the application of a knowledge
of the fundamental arithmetic operations and of the forms and procedures prescribed for use in
the balancing process. The more complex reconciliation duties require, in addition, the use of
limited judgment in selecting for recount or review the particular group of cash items,
documents, or entries that is most likely to yield results in locating errors.
Positions concerned with check-out work typically include personal work contacts with
purchasers. These contacts are made for such purposes as (1) advising on the nature, use, current
and anticipated availability, quality and size differences, and other characteristics of stock items,
(2) receiving requests for returns, exchanges, or refunds, (3) giving the bin or shelf location of
items, (4) explaining price changes, and (5) checking identification cards or other authorization
to purchase etc. Ability to deal effectively and courteously with people is required in all
check-out work. The difficulty and responsibility involved in such contacts vary with the extent
of various required knowledge described above and the extent to which the use of limited
judgment in resolving problems is required.
Check-out duties in positions concerned with cash purchases typically include responsibility for
safeguarding the change fund and the cash received for purchases and, in some cases, for making
restitution from personal funds for shortages and counterfeits accepted during the check-out
process. These duties require knowledge of the characteristics of genuineness in such cash items
as are in common usage and the application of established safeguarding procedures. Differences
in the extent of these required knowledge are usually not sufficiently great to be significant in
distinguishing between the grade levels of positions concerned with check-out work.
Differences in the degree of manual skill required to operate the mechanical equipment involved
in performing check-out duties are normally not significant from the standpoint of grade-level
classification. For this reason, these differences are not discussed in detail in this standard.
Check-out work is the only kind of sales store clerical work described in this standard. The total
number of positions concerned with other kinds of sales store clerical work (e.g., sales persons in
clothing stores) is so small and the pattern of individual duties and responsibilities which
comprise these positions is so varied at this time that standards for these positions have not been
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Distinctions between the grade levels of positions concerned with clerical sales store work are
based on differences in the clerical knowledge required and the difficulty and responsibility
involved in the work. Variations in these factors are reflected in such elements as the extent of
the required knowledge of stock items, the complexity of the reconciliation functions involved,
the nature of the personal work contacts involved, the variety and specificity of applicable
procedures, the extent to which the use of judgment is required or permitted, and the kind of
supervisory control exercised over the work.
Sales Store Checker GS-2
Positions at this level normally include the performance of check-out duties which provide
training and experience to develop technical competence in (a) the operation of a multiple cash
register, bookkeeping machine, or other multi-register, machine and (b) sales store clerical
knowledge and abilities of the kind, variety, and level described for positions of sales store
checker at the GS-3 level. The work is performed in accordance with specific instructions and is
reviewed for the purpose of evaluating the trainee's aptitude, competence, and capacity to
perform higher level work.
Sales Store Checker GS-3
Positions in this class normally include the performance of check-out duties which require the
application of a knowledge of a wide variety of stock items; the ability to operate a multiple cash
register, bookkeeping machine, or other multi-register machine with acceptable speed and
accuracy; and the exercise of judgment in the application of established sales store clerical
Positions in this class normally involve the full range of check-out duties and have the following
A. Machine operation duties typically require the clerical knowledge and manual
skill necessary for (1) competent operation of a multiple cash register,
bookkeeping machine, and/or other multi-register machine to (a) list unit prices
for a wide variety (approximately 1000 or more) of items in a number (usually 3
or more) of categories and/or (b) enter into the machine item prices and, in
addition, surcharges, customer identification, charge plate numbers, or other
similar types of information, and/or (c) enter item prices into the machine and
post directly to ledger or similar records in card or other form to show previous
balance, current purchase amount, and new balance; and (2) concurrent
application of established procedures governing the kind of entries made, the
order in which the entries are recorded, the methods used in correcting operator
errors, and other matters of a similar nature.
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B. Reconciliation duties normally require (1) the application of established
procedures in the subtotaling and intermediate balancing of such elements as cash
receipts by denomination, purchases by type of item, sales by cash or charge
purchase, etc., and (2) in cases of failure to balance, the use of judgment in
selecting for review those entries, cash items, or forms most likely to contain
error in order to make the corrections necessary and obtain the grand totals and
final balance. These duties may involve the use of a cash register tape or other
machine total in balancing to either cash receipts, sales slips, other recorded
evidence of charges or any combination of these.
C. The items involved normally include a relatively wide variety (e.g.,
approximately 1000 or more) of such items as food and household items,
clothing, office supplies and standard forms, hardware, and other items which (1)
are in common usage so that no specialized knowledge or training is required for
their identification, (2) are readily identifiable through common knowledge or by
reference to immediately available catalogs, and (3) are normally stocked in bins
or on shelves involving no special wrapping, bagging, or handling problems.
D. The work typically requires such knowledge of the characteristics and the current
prices of the stock items involved as is necessary to check the accuracy of prices
marked on items, record the correct current price of unmarked items, suggest
possible substitute items to purchasers, recognize differences in closely similar
items quickly, and perform related duties.
E. Characteristically, personal work contacts with purchasers are made for the
purpose of providing assistance with regard to any question or problem which
may arise. These contacts typically (1) include responsibility for resolving
routine matters on the basis of knowledge of current prices and well-established
sales store operations and procedures and (2) require the exercise of judgment in
determining whether established procedures clearly cover and may properly be
applied to resolve specific problems or the problem involved should be referred to
the supervisor. These personal contacts typically involve such matters as (a)
giving information on current and anticipated availability of stock items, (b)
suggesting possible substitute items, (c) explaining price changes, (d) making
refunds or exchanges or referring these matters to the supervisor in accordance
with whichever action is prescribed in established procedures or specific
instructions, and (e) receiving complaints and, if unable to provide customer
satisfaction, referring such cases to the supervisor.
F. The established procedures and instructions characteristically applied in
performing the work include both (1) those that describe the duties to be
performed in general terms and require the use of judgment in their application
(e.g., procedures pertaining to the kind of advice or assistance to be provided to
purchasers) and (2) procedures which prescribe in detail the specific actions to be
taken (e.g., procedures governing the kind of entries to be recorded by machine).
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G. Supervisory control over the work is usually exercised by a supervisory sales
store checker, a cashier, or other employee in a higher-grade position.
Supervisory control normally includes (1) the assignment of work, (2)
instructions regarding such matters as price changes, new stock items, revised
delivery schedules, and any matters not included in established procedures or
practices, (3) assistance in any matter of a nonroutine nature when requested by
the Sales Store Checker GS-3, and (4) check for agreement of the machine total or
tape and the total amount of cash received and/or charges made. The supervisor
takes appropriate action in such matters as the authorization of refunds or
exchanges, the acceptance of check payments in lieu of cash, the correction of
operator errors by the adjustment of or to the machine tape, and any unusual
problem that is referred by the Sales Store Checker GS-3.
Positions in this class may include, in addition to the performance of check-out duties, the
performance of such other duties as waiting on customers, maintaining inventory records, taking
inventory, replacing depleted bin or shelf stock, pricing individual items, maintaining price lists,
preparing stock replenishment orders, etc., provided that such additional duties do not constitute
the most important duty or duties in the position.