MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
JFK Pulse
As construction moves along,
we continue to urge our airport
community and employees to
stay updated with the latest
information as changes
happen regularly.
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Construction Updates..............2
Around the Airport,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.6
Community Outreach...............7
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to the JFK Pulse
With the weather warming up and summer just around
the corner, I wanted to take a moment to express my
gratitude for your unwavering dedication and hard work as we
navigate through the transformative phase of our airport’s
redevelopment. Your commitment and resilience have been
instrumental in driving our progress, and I am incredibly
proud of each and every employee at JFK Airport. As you are
well aware, JFK is currently undergoing a monumental redevelopment initiative
with a substantial investment of $19 billion dedicated to reshaping the future of
air travel. This project isn’t just about rebuilding, it’s about elevating the entire
passenger experience and positioning our airport as a world-class hub for years
to come. The safety and security of our passengers remain our top priority and
we are working tirelessly to maintain the highest standards of safety throughout
our facilities.
In April, we celebrated the beginning of a massive solar project at the airport’s
long-term parking lot. Located in Lot 9, the JFK solar carport will be erected
as a canopy providing the added benet of covered parking for 3,000 vehicles.
The parking lot canopy with solar panels and accompanying battery storage
system will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 6,000
metric tons annually. As stewards of the environment, we are committed to
implementing sustainable practices and initiatives across all aspects of our
operations: whether it’s reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste,
or promoting eco-friendly alternatives, your dedication to sustainability is helping
to create a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.
A Message from our Leaders
I’m thrilled to share that we are making
signicant strides in our redevelopment
eorts, and as we gear up for the
summer season, I wanted to highlight
some of the expected impacts from
construction that we will see. Our
terminals are undergoing a remarkable
transformation, with sleek designs
and upgraded facilities aimed at
enhancing eciency and passenger
comfort. As an entirely new JFK airport
comes together, we recognize the
work being done across all projects
and the potential impact it will have on
customers and employees this summer.
Expect changes to the roads at the
terminals and frontages that will reduce
their capacity to handle vehicles. You
can expect periodic lane closures on
the highways accessing the terminal
areas and long-term trac patterns and
detours. Beginning in June, if you are
traveling from Long Island to Terminal
1, you will be detoured o of the JFK
Expressway and should expect at least
10- 15 minutes of extra travel time. An
entirely new roadway network is under
construction – we are replacing the
old and confusing airport roadways,
with a new and far more ecient road
network to get travelers to the terminals.
Although the next two years will be
challenging, we are condent that once
people see the new JFK, they’ll agree
that the pain will
be worth the gain.
As we continue
on this exciting
journey, I want to
express my heartfelt
appreciation for
your continued hard work, dedication,
and resilience. Each one of you plays a
pivotal role in shaping the future success
of our airport, and I am truly grateful for
the opportunity to work alongside such a
talented and committed team. Together,
there’s no limit to what we can achieve.
Thank you for all that you do, and here’s
to a summer lled with success, growth,
and endless possibilities!
Teresa Rizzuto, General Manager, JFK Airport
Jessica Forse, Program Executive, JFK Redevelopment
P. 2
Construction Updates Go to Page 1
JFK Long term Parking Lot - Solar Project MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
JFK will host the inaugural premium
lounge, a sweeping 38,000-square-
feet space that will feature a full-
service brasserie and a casual,
chef-assisted market with open
kitchens, dedicated wellness areas
and more. Just like Delta Sky Clubs,
no two premium lounges will be alike;
this new location will include elements
inspired by and unique to New York
City. The much-anticipated premium
lounge will make its debut early
summer 2024. At 38,000-square-feet
(including a year-round terrace),
JFK’s premium lounge will be the
largest in the Delta network.
Renderings provided by: TotalEnergies
Coming Soon - Delta One Premium Lounge
JetBlues Terminal 5 - Gate 30
The Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey and the New York Power
Authority just began construction
of New York State’s largest onsite
solar plus storage project: a solar
carport canopy at John F. Kennedy
International Airport. Once operational,
the solar carport project will generate
electricity to help power the AirTrain
and to reduce electricity costs for
residents of low-income neighborhoods
in Queens. The JFK solar carport will
be erected as a canopy, providing the
added benet of covered parking for
approximately 3,000 vehicles.
The Port Authority, in partnership
with the New York Power Authority,
contracted TotalEnergies, a global
leader in solar power, to build
and operate the JFK International
Airport solar project. With enough
solar panels to cover an area large
enough for 11 football elds, the solar
carport will generate approximately
12-megawatts of onsite power and
will include a 6-megawatt community
solar generation facility. The project will
also include 7.5 megawatts of battery
storage that will be used to help reduce
airport energy use during peak periods.
When complete, the JFK solar carport
will produce enough clean energy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
more than 6,000 tons annually – the
greenhouse gas equivalent of 26
million miles driven by an average
gasoline-powered passenger vehicle
– and will contribute substantially to
the Port Authority’s goal of reaching
net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
across the agency’s facilities by 2050.
Additionally, the project will enable
designated low-income communities
in Queens to support clean energy
and reduce their utility bills.
In mid-May, a ribbon cutting was held
at JetBlue’s Terminal 5 celebrating
the reopening of Gate 30. When the
rst T6 gates open in 2026, these
two impeccably designed terminals
will allow customers and employees
seamless connection .When complete,
Terminal 6 will connect seamlessly
between JetBlue, Lufthansa, Swiss
International Airlines, Austrian Airlines,
and Brussels Airlines. This is an
important milestone for the project as
the relocated Gate 30 opens up space
for construction of the future T6 East
Concourse. Once complete it will be
home to three new gates and world-
class passenger amenities. Work on
the area will continue with relocation of
P. 3
Terminal 6 - Curtain Wall
Construction Updates, continued
M/WBE Milestone
Go to Page 1 MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
In mid April, the curtain wall installa-
tion for the future T6 arrivals exit began.
The effort to weathertight the
terminal building will continue during
the summer with the idea to have the
terminal structure weathertight later
this summer to facilitate the start of
interior fit out.
In April, the Port Authority announced
a historic milestone in the ongoing
transformation of JFK International
Airport, where a record $2.3 billion
in contracts have been awarded to
Minority and Women-Owned Business
Enterprises (M/WBE). This is the
largest participation of MWBE rms
on any public-private partnership
project in New York State history. With
construction of new airport facilities
fully underway, M/WBE participation
at JFK will continue to break records
until the redevelopment is substantially
complete, expected in 2028.
JFK redevelopment also
demonstrates a signicant focus
on working with local contractors,
awarding more than $950 million
in contracts to Queens-based
businesses to date. With this
announcement, JFK has surpassed
LaGuardia Airport redevelopment,
which set the previous New York
State record for MWBE participation
in a public-private project with $2.2
billion in contracts awarded.
As the $19 billion JFK project moves
forward, additional contracts with
MWBE rms will be awarded to meet
with the Port Authority’s goal of 30
percent MWBE participation for the
agency’s capital projects. The Port
Authority is working closely with its
private terminal developer partners
– the New Terminal One, Delta Air
Lines and JFKIAT, JFK Millennium
Partners, and American Airlines
– to engage minority and women-
owned businesses along with local
businesses in every aspect of the
redevelopment program. To date,
680 unique M/WBEs have been
awarded contracts at JFK along with
more than 200 unique businesses
based in Queens. The latest M/WBE
and local business participation
milestones were celebrated at
JFK’s Building 111, a 76-year-old
oce building on the airport’s north
side that underwent extensive
renovations in order to create a
collaborative workspace for the JFK
Redevelopment construction and
program management teams to work
alongside each other, including the
private terminal developers who
are nancing and overseeing the
terminal projects. The multi-million
dollar renovation of Building 111 was
designed and constructed mainly
by M/WBE and local contractors.
Sabor Restaurant & Bakery, a local,
Queens-based M/WBE food vendor,
will operate out of a brand new Grab
& Go venue.
To increase M/WBE participation at
the JFK Redevelopment Program,
and across the agency, the Port
Authority and its private terminal
partners at JFK hosted a variety
of capacity-building and technical
training programs that prepared rms
to be successful in navigating what
can at times be complex airport-
related procurements.
Cafeteria Vendor at B111
P. 4
Utility Connections Progress
27kV feeders for New CS2 Substation
Construction Updates, continued Go to Page 1
The Contractor, Grace Industries,
will focus on bringing the Medium
Temperature Hot Water (MTHW),
Chilled Water (CHW), 15kV duct
banks, and 5kV duct banks across
the Van Wyck throughout the rest
of the spring and into mid-summer.
At that point, they will turn East, and
bring the Medium Temperature Hot
Water and Chilled Water across to
JMP, which will take a good part of
the fall. In the fall, they will tie the
CHW and MTHW into the KIAC plant,
thus providing a new connection
between the KIAC plant and the
new T1 and T6. MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
Central Substation 2
The specified gate is required to meet all specified
security, functional, protective and operational
requirements; New Terminal One delivery trucks will
be going through the gates to make delivery to their
loading dock and the gate has to be a high-speed
gate with the required crash rating to meet number
of operation cycles timely and efficiently, while
minimizing required maintenance interval due to
heavy use. The new high speed gate will be installed
at the entrance to the new Central Substation 2, a
new 40MVA substation currently under construction
that will be providing power to the NTO and other JFK
Redevelopment infrastructure.
High Speed Gate
P. 5
Construction Updates, continued Go to Page 1 MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
The Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey recently announced a
package of measures to help pas-
sengers navigate construction-related
trac delays in getting to and from
John F. Kennedy International Air-
port’s airline terminals this summer.
A record number of travelers will take
to the skies while the airport’s $19
billion transformation project, includ-
ing an entirely new roadway network,
reaches peak construction activity.
As the summer travel season unfolds,
additional steps to mitigate the im-
pact of construction on trac will be
deployed as needed. As was done at
LaGuardia Airport, the Port Authority
and its private partners are building
new passenger facilities, parking ga-
rages and roadways while maintaining
full ight operations at JFK. Building
on lessons learned at LaGuardia, the
Port Authority is deploying a coordi-
nated response to manage potential
trac issues with the capability to
predict, assess and quickly adapt to
changing trac conditions. Our trac
management strategy this summer
Proactive trac management:
Airport Operations Center staed
24/7 to support airport-wide coordi-
nation and active trac management,
anticipating peak activity and imple-
menting trac mitigations in response
to increased wait or queues
Real-time coordination 24/7 for
ight activity, trac delays, public
messaging, and mapping platform
Facilitate adjustments in roadway
construction activity to meet opera-
tional needs of airport community
Increased stang to keep trac
and passengers moving to their
Frontline sta will be increased,
including Port Authority police ocers
and Port Authority operations sta,
additional trac managers at terminal
frontages, tow trucks pre-positioned,
additional taxi dispatchers and park-
ing attendants, and customer service
representatives at all terminals and
across the AirTrain system
“From the moment we unveiled
plans to transform JFK Airport with a
once-in-a-generation investment,
our commitment has been to create
the world-class international gateway
this region deserves, and we are
thrilled by all of the momentum,”
said Port Authority Executive Di-
rector Rick Cotton. “As construction
ramps up to peak levels this summer
while a record number of passengers
travel through the airport, we ask our
passengers to use public transit, get
dropped o or picked up at the free
Leerts Blvd. AirTrain station, and if
you must drive yourself, then expect
trac and absolutely pre-book park-
ing to guarantee a spot is available.
We understand there will be inconve-
nience for travelers this summer,
but the end result will be a spectac-
ular new airport that will be easier to
reach and a pleasure to use.”
JFKR Prepares for a Busy Summer
P. 6
Around the Airport Go to Page 1 MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
Milton Hebald’s 1960 Zodiac Maquettes
If you visit Building 111 on airport,
you’ll be greeted by 12 sculptures
strategically placed in the lobby.
The series titled “Zodiac” was created
by Milton Hebald in the early 1960’s
for the Pan Am Worldport.
The bronze sculptures stretched
200 feet long and 24 feet high
depicting the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Hebald disclosed that the architect
Walter Prokosch who designed the
Worldport had asked him to create
a large sculpture for the front of the
terminal. Hebald wrote that he came
up with the idea for the “Zodiac”
because they seemed “the most
universal idea for an air terminal.”
This “imaginary belt in the heavens”
with its 12 gures covers the passage
of time, and space in time.
His greatest vision for the “Zodiac”
was that these mythical gures
and beasts were seen as tiny
stars across the great gulfs of
space, used to guide mariners and
sometimes nations with the prayers
to the various “gods”. The task of
completing these sculptures took
three years while Hebald worked
at the American Academy in Rome.
Each bronze gure ranges from 15 to
20 feet long, so big in fact that he had
to create each sculpture at one-third
their actual size—he called these
models “maquettes”.
The full-size sculptures, over 2500 lbs.
each, that were once in the Pan Am
building were taken down by Delta in
1991 and stored by the Port Authority
of New York and New Jersey in a
hangar at JFK Airport where they
still reside. For more than 30 years
Hebald’s lengthy Zodiac Screen
hung against a curtain of glass at the
entrance to the international terminal
of the old Pan American terminal
at JFK Airport and for many arriving
foreign travelers it was their rst
glimpse of art on American soil.
The maquettes, or small-scale
models, are currently on display in
the lobby of Building 111. The photos
are of the bronze maquettes from the
Zodiac screen. These pictures were
taken by the Nordness Gallery for
their exhibition Sculpture at Idlewild,
May 9 - May 28, 1960.
Original Sculptures at Pan American Terminal
P. 7
Community Outreach Events Go to Page 1
JFK Redevelopment
Community Information Center
144-33 Jamaica Ave. Jamaica, NY
Phone: 718-244-3834
Hours of Operation
Tuesday 9 am – 5 pm
Wednesday 9 am – 5 pm
Thursday 9 am – 5 pm
*Mondays and Fridays are virtual
work days for the Community
Information Center staff
jfkredevelopmen[email protected] MAY 2024 | Eighth Edition
In mid-April, the JFK Redevelopment
along with York College conducted
the nal day of the Spring Cohort
for the JFK Redevelopment Aviation
& Aeronautics Academy at CUNY
York College. Immediately following
the last session was a graduation
hosted for the students to share their
experience and accomplishments
throughout the spring academy
cohort. Also in mid-April, The JFK
Redevelopment Program hosted
the JFK Redevelopment Community
Advisory Council Meeting at Roy
Wilkins Recreation Center in Jamaica,
NY. During the meeting Dr. Stacie
NC. Grant, JFKR Facilitator, delivered
opening remarks. Congressman
Gregory W. Meeks and Queens
Borough President Donovan Richards
welcomed attendees as Co-Chairs.
Rachelle Antoine & Akshar Patel,
Co-Managers of External Aairs
& Community Outreach, greeted
The agenda included a session for
public questions and answers.
Updates were provided by the Port
Authority of New York & New Jersey.
The meeting discussed JFK Re-
development Diversity in Contracting
and Local Workforce Updates given by
the compliance consultants RF Wilkins
and Crescent Consulting.
Further, public questions and answers
were addressed followed by updates
from Terminal Developers and project
progress were shared. Community
initiatives were also discussed.
Lastly, the meeting covered JFK
Redevelopment Community
Engagement & Outreach eorts.
There were over 200 attendees.
Upcoming Events
ACDBE Aiport Concession Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise Certication Webinars
June 13 & July 11th, 12PM
Join us In-Person or Virtual at the JFK Redevelopment
Community Information Center to learn how to obtain
your Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (ACDBE) Certication with the Port Authority
of NY & NJ.
For more information, contact our community outreach
oce. Want more events? Visit our community outreach
public events calendar
Pictured from left to right: Stacey Gilbert, Luis Flores, Natasha Turner, Akshar Patel, Rachelle
Antoine, Hersh Parekh, Bridgette Allen, Carl Lewis