Scapula fracture consists of only 1% of all skeletal fracture and
bilateral scapula fracture is even rarest of all. High-velocity
trauma like road traffic injury with injury to the shoulder is the
most common cause for the scapula fracture. Scapula is shielded
from traumatic sources due to the surrounding bulky
musculature. Atraumatic presentation of scapula fractures is
reported in the literature following seizure or electrocution, but
non-traumatic bilateral and reciprocal scapular fractures is
extremely rare occurrence. We report a case of bilateral reciprocal
scapula fracture, who was managed surgically and had an
uneventful and near-complete functional recovery.
Case Report
A 54-year-old retired military professional, known hypertensive
controlled on medication with recent history of recovered
COVID-19 infection, presented in the emergency department
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Dr. Manish PrasadDr. Chetan Sood Dr. Kamparsh Thakur
Case Report
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Department of Orthopaedic, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India, ²Department of Orthopaedic, Indian Field Hospital Level II Plus, UNMISS, Juba,
South Sudan, ³Department of Orthopaedics, 166 Military Hospital, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India, ⁴Department of Orthopaedics, Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Address of Correspondence:
Dr. Amir Ratna Shakya,
Department of Orthopaedics, Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni, Kathmandu, Nepal.
© 2023 Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports Published by Indian Orthopaedic Research Group |
Submitted: 16/02/2023; Review: 19/03/2023; Accepted: April 2023; Published: May 2023
Dr. Amir Ratna Shakya
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports 2023 May:13(5):Page 60-63
Chetan Sood¹, Manish Prasad², Kamparsh Thakur³, Amir Ratna Shakya⁴, Prakrit Chhetri¹
Introduction: Scapula fractures are very rare and bilateral reciprocal involvement is rarest of all. Due to the protective nature of surrounding
musculature, it is least prone to fracture with reported incidence of 1% of all skeletal fractures. However, synchronized firing of the periscapular
muscles could overcome the bone strength resulting into the fracture as in the cases of electrocution and seizure attack.
Case Report: We present a case of 54-year-old ex-military male patient with a history of acute onset seizure of multiple episodes. Magnetic
resonance imaging showed cerebrovascular thrombosis. The patient was admitted in the intensive care and complained pain over bilateral
shoulder with restricted movement in the post-ictal phase. X-ray showed bilateral comminuted extra-articular scapular fractures. The severity of
the injury and displacement of the fracture pronounced operative intervention. Modified Judet approach was used to approach the fractures.
After a successful surgery, rehabilitation protocol constituted of passive range of motion exercises with gradual active exercises of shoulder. One-
year follow-up showed good consolidation of both fracture with full recovery of function.
Conclusion: Periscapular musculature protects the scapula from traumatic events due to the significant bulk that it provides but these can on the
other hand be source of deforming force in the patient who has history of simultaneous contraction as in the case of recurrent episodic seizure or
electrocution. Scapular fracture should always be suspected in the patient with insidious development of shoulder pain following strong seizure
attack. These fractures if indicated should be managed operatively.
Keywords: Scapula, non-traumatic, fracture, seizure.
Learning Point of the Article:
Scapula fracture should be suspected in a patient with insidious development of shoulder pain with restricted movements following a
seizure episode and surgical intervention when indicated with a deliberate planning and execution can provide excellent outcomes.
Atraumatic Reciprocal Scapula Fracture – A Case Report and Review of
Dr. Prakrit Chhetri
with history of recurrent generalized tonic-clonic seizure thrice
in a span of 8 h. Further, evaluation showed features of
cerebrovascular thrombosis on magnetic resonance imaging.
The patient was admitted in the intensive care for further
management, where he started appreciating pain over both the
shoulder on next day with restricted movement. No such
symptoms were appreciated in the interim period between the
Clinical examination revealed painfully restricted active and
passive movements of the shoulder with markedly painful
abduction and external rotation. There was mild swelling over
the back of shoulder with no localized tenderness over the
acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints. There was no
history suggestive of associated injury to other structures.
Subsequent X-ray in the intensive care for both the shoulder
showed bilateral comminuted extra-articular infraspinous
scapular fractures (Fig. 1). Non-contrast computed
tomography scan with 3D
reconstruction of bilateral
scapula for evaluation of the
m o r p h o l o g i c a l
pathoanatomy of the fracture
showed measurements, as
shown in (Table 1 and Fig. 2).
The severity of the injury and
displacement of the fracture
a l on g w i t h t h e a c t i ve
demanding profession of the
patient pronounced operative
i n t e r v e n t i o n . A f t e r a
deliberate pre-operative
planning and optimization of
the physiological profile of
the patient, he was operated
under general anesthesia on
7th day post-injury.
Modified Judet approach in
prone position was taken for both the sides. The fractures were
reduced and fixed using preoperatively contoured locking
plates on the medial side and the lateral borders were
reconstituted using 3.5 mm T-locking plates (Fig. 3). A
sebaceous cyst which was present on the line of the incision was
also excised on the left side. Following a meticulous layered
closure, a compression bandage along with negative suction
drains were applied. The drains were removed 24 h post-
surgery. The surgical wounds healed uneventfully.
Rehabilitation protocol constituted of passive range of motion
exercises for 2 weeks followed by gradual active exercises of
shoulder. At 1-year follow-up, he had full range of motion (Fig.
4). The radiographic evaluation showed a well consolidated
fracture in acceptable alignment (Fig. 5).
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports Volume 13 Issue 5 May 2023 Page 60-63 | | | |
Sood C, et al
Figure 3: Pre-operative contoured plate and intraoperative application of
Figure 4: One-year follow-up with full range of motion of shoulder joint.
Figure 1: Radiograph of bilateral shoulder joint
anteroposterior view showing the fracture of scapula.
Figure 2: Non-contrast computed tomography
scan with 3D reconstruction of bilateral scapula.
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports Volume 13 Issue 5 May 2023 Page 60-63 | | | |
Scapula fracture is one of rarest skeletal injury accounting about
2–3% of the fracture of shoulder girdle and only 1% of fracture
of overall skeletal fractures [1]. Literature describes two
mechanism of scapula fracture: Direct injury or indirect injury.
Former being direct impact to the scapula whereas latter occurs
due to transmission of forces to the scapula during falls through
axial forces from the hand resulting to glenoid region fracture
[2]. Authors have reported vigorous contraction of scapular
musculature following the electrocution or an episode of
seizure as common cause for the non-traumatic bilateral scapula
fracture with very few cases reported so far [3]. Most of these
patients were managed conservatively.
Seizures patients are at risk for injuries which may be due to
direct forceful contraction of musculature or indirectly due to
fall following the episode [4]. Grzonka et al. reported in his
systemic review of 34 case reports of fractures resulting from
seizures; the most common being bilateral posterior
fracture–dislocations of the shoulders followed by thoracic and
lumbar vertebral compression fractures with only one case of
bilateral scapula fracture [5]. Tuček et al. did a review of 17
patients with bilateral scapular fractures of which six patients
had muscle spasm; out of them two were due to seizure and four
were secondary to electrical shock [6].
Scapula fracture is one of the most difficult fractures to be
diagnosed in normal radiograph due to rib bones interface and it
may be initially overlooked [7]. Three-dimensional computed
tomographic scan is considered as gold standard tool [8].
Various measurement tools are required to decide upon
conservative management and surgical fixation to prevent
shortening and medialization of scapular body and to improve
quality of life and shoulder function [9]. Scapula fractures are
broadly classified according to the region involved like body,
neck, glenoid, acromion, and coracoid. Although classification
system exists for others, none exists for body fractures. The
management of scapula body fracture is dictated by the amount
of displacement of the fragments. Our case had sustained a
bilateral extra-articular fracture of the body with increase in
lateral border offset of more than 20 mm with angulation of
fragment of more than 45° and translation of more than 100%
with increased glenopolar angle demanding surgical
management to prevent shortening and medialization of
scapular body (Table 1).
Literature supports non-operative management for most of the
scapula fracture and due to large muscle bulk, healing is decent
[10]. Malunion after non-operative treatment of a displaced
scapula fracture has been shown to be associated with poor
functional and cosmetic outcomes [11]. The severity of the
injury and displacement of the fracture in our patient mandated
operative intervention. We did a thorough literature search, and
we believe our case to be first of non-traumatic reciprocal
scapula fracture to undergo operative management for both
sides and have excellent functional outcome.
Obremskey and Lyman described the modified Judet approach
with boomerang incision preserving infraspinatus attachment
with reduction of fracture fragment and plating of fracture site
[12]. We applied the same principle, and both the side fracture
was fixed with pre contoured
plate with the goal of early
mobilization and full recovery
with full range of motion of
A non-traumatic reciprocal
scapula fracture is an extremely
r a r e e v e n t b u t c a n b e
encountered in orthopedic
practice. Most of the scapular
injuries are managed non-
Sood C, et al
S. No. Parameter Right Left Normal
1 Glenopolar angle 18° 24° =20°
2 Lateral border offset in X-ray 14 mm 22 mm =20 mm
3 Lateral border offset in CT 28 mm 26 mm =20 mm
4 Angulation 55° 52° =45°
5 Translation 110% 100% <100%
Table 1: Radiological parameter of bilateral scapula
Figure 5: Radiograph of bilateral shoulder at 1-year follow-up.
operatively, but at times, the displacement of the fragments may
indicate operative intervention like in our case. A deliberate
approach to such an injury shall result in favorable and excellent
outcome. Our case resulted in excellent outcome after surgery
and shall be a useful guide to any orthopedic surgeon under
similar circumstances.
Clinical Message
Although literature report posterior shoulder dislocation to be the
most common association secondary to the seizure activities, the
presence of the unilateral or bilateral scapular fractures even though
unusual, should be consider as a potential orthopedic injury. When
indicated for the surgery, early intervention with meticulous
planning of open reduction and internal fixation can yield
satisfactory outcome.
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports Volume 13 Issue 5 May 2023 Page 60-63 | | | |
Sood C, et al
Declaration of patient consent: The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. In the form,
the patient has given the consent for his/ her images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patient
understands that his/ her names and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but
anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
Conflict of interest: Nil Source of support: None
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How to Cite this Article
Sood C, Prasad M, Thakur K, Shakya AR, Chhetri P. Atraumatic Reciprocal
Scapula Fracture – A Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of
Orthopaedic Case Reports 2023 May;13(5): 60-63.
Conflict of Interest: Nil
Source of Support: Nil
Consent: The authors confirm that informed consent was obtained
from the patient for publication of this case report