ore selecting your category, make sure the presentation does not fit
better in another educational presentation category. All presentation
categories have been updated with what we hope are more clear
The relationship between agriculture and natural resources is essential because
agriculture relies heavily on natural resources like fertile soil, water, and sunlight.
Sustainable agricultural practices aim to manage these resources in ways that ensure
their long-term availability while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.
Topics could include:
Topics related to agriculture:
o Practice of cultivating plants for food, fiber, medicinal plants, and other
products used by humans.
o Farm and ranch economics
o Meat science
o Dairy cattle
o Topics related to activities such as planting, growing, harvesting, and
managing crops.
o Ag technology
o Farm Safety
o Topics related to the breeding and raising of livestock or small
animals should be under those specific categories: Beef, Sheep &
Goats, Swine, Horse, Animal Science
Topics related to natural resources:
o Entomology
o Forestry
o Range Science
o Water Conservation
o Horticulture
o Wildlife & Fisheries
o Shooting Sports
o Soil & land management
o Outdoor education
o Environmental Stewardship
o Food Production and Food Security
2023 - 2027
o Other ANR field of study
Youth will relate information to knowledge or skills learned in the field of Agriculture and
Natural Resources. Note : You must choose only one category but Ag Technology
related topics could be submitted under the STEM category. Farm Safety related
topics could be submitted under the Safety & Injury Prevention category.
The topic focuses on the study of animals that are smaller in size and often kept as
pets, including but not limited to dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and birds. This
presentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related
to the care, behavior, health, training, and well-being of small animals.
Topics could include:
Anatomy and Physiology
Housing and Enrichment
Healthcare and Preventive Medicine
Behavior and Training
Reproduction and Breeding
Common Diseases and Vet Care
Pet Selection and Responsible Ownership
Presentations focused on large animals must be entered respectively in the Beef,
Sheep & Goats, Swine or Horse category or those focused on Wildlife should be
in the Agricultural and Natural Resources category.
A beef educational presentation pertains to the delivery of information regarding a range
of relevant subjects, both present and future-oriented, that encompass:
Advanced reproductive technologies
Animal Husbandry
Effective nutritional management practices
Optimal animal health strategies
Considerations in breeding and genetics
Behavioral insights in beef cattle
Understanding beef carcasses and end-products
Analysis of production costs
Fundamental aspects of overall herd management
Insights into cattle marketing strategies
These presentations may be tailored to specific sectors within the beef industry,
including cow-calf, stocker, or feedlot segments. The aim is to provide comprehensive
knowledge to individuals engaged in beef production and management, enabling them
to make informed decisions that enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and profitability
of their operations.
Family and Consumer Education (FCE) is a subset of Family and Consumer Sciences
(FCS) that specifically focuses on educational programs and initiatives aimed at
enhancing the knowledge, skills, and well-being of individuals and families. The subject
matter of Family and Consumer Education encompasses a range of topics designed to
empower individuals with practical life skills, promote healthy family dynamics, and
contribute to the overall betterment of society.
Topics should be centered around improving the well-being of individuals and families
by addressing various aspects of daily life. Topics can include, but are not limited to:
Life skills education
Family dynamics and relationships
Financial literacy and management
Consumer education and decision making
Nutrition and healthy eating
Culinary arts and food science
Fashion and interior design
Home management and organization
Parenting and child development
Consumer education and decision making
Communication and Conflict Resolution
Please review the description for Health & Wellness and Safety and Injury
Prevention for topics pertaining to those subject areas.
Health and wellness refer to the state of well-being that encompasses physical, mental,
emotional, and social well-being. Health and wellness involve the conscious pursuit of
optimal health through lifestyle choices, practices, and attitudes that promote vitality,
resilience, and a high quality of life. The topics covered encompass a range of subjects
relevant to youth health and wellness, encouraging active living, and chronic disease
Topics could include:
Physical Activity and Exercise
Mental Health and Stress Management
Sleep Health
Substance Abuse Prevention
Disease Prevention
Heart Health
Environmental Health
Preventing the spread of the cold and flu / Covid-19
Body Image and Self-Esteem
Presentations should focus on healthy lifestyles, chronic disease prevention and
wellness, not illness/treatment. It is suggested that project experiences in this area
include topics aimed at youth health/wellness, the promotion of active living, and chronic
disease prevention.
Please review the description for Family Consumer Education and Safety and
Injury Prevention for topics pertaining to those subject areas.
The educational presentation aims to encompass the theoretical and hands-on
proficiencies acquired within the 4-H horse project. The presentation can cover various
aspects of horse care, management, training, and usage. It aims to provide both
theoretical understanding and practical insights to the audience. The goal is to empower
the listeners with valuable information and techniques that they can apply in real-life
scenarios involving horse projects, such as improving their ability to care for horses,
manage their well-being, enhance their training, and make informed decisions about
horse-related activities.
Topics could include:
Health and Veterinary Care
Behavior and Training/Showmanship
Grooming and Maintenance
Tack and Equipment
Housing and Facilities
Riding Skills and Techniques
Breeding and Reproduction
Equine Careers
Ethics and Welfare
Horse-Related Legislation and Regulations
Equine Industry Trends
These topics provide a well-rounded understanding of horse care, management, and
horsemanship, catering to both newcomers and experienced individuals in the 4-H
horse project. The presentation aims to empower participants with the knowledge and
skills needed for responsible horse ownership, successful project management, and
participation in horse-related activities.
This category serves as an option for youth participants when their presentation does
not align with the predefined categories. This category enables participants to showcase
their unique ideas, creativity, and skills. It encourages innovative thinking and provides
an opportunity for youth to explore subjects that are important to them even if those
subjects do not fit within the existing educational presentation category.
Make sure your topic does not fit better within another category before selecting
Participants are encouraged to select a target audience not affiliated with 4-H and
exhibit a promotional approach that effectively communicates the principles and values
of the 4-H program. The presentation should demonstrate their marketing and
promotional skills by effectively showcasing and explaining the essence of 4-H. The
presentation serves as a delivery method to enhance the visibility of 4-H among
audiences in and outside the 4-H community.
An educational presentation on safety and injury prevention addresses the importance
of safeguarding oneself from potential hazards and minimizing the risk of injuries. This
presentation aims to inform and educate the audience about strategies and practices
that contribute to their well-being in various environments, including home, school, work,
and recreational settings. The goal of this presentation is to empower individuals with
information and tools that enable them to make informed decisions, minimize risks, and
create safer environments for themselves and those around them.
Suggested presentation topics include:
Safety Awareness
Safe Practices
Home Safety
Fire Safety
First Aid/Emergency care
Transportation Safety
Digital Safety
Recreational Safety
Emergency Preparedness
Farm Safety
Please review the description for Family Consumer Education and Health and
Wellness for topics pertaining to those subject areas.
Note : You must choose only one category but Farm Safety related topics could
be submitted under the Safety & Injury Prevention category.
This presentation aims to illuminate the synergies between STEM disciplines by
examining how technology, research, and cutting-edge ideas converge, it fosters an
understanding of the ways in which scientific advancements can revolutionize methods,
boost efficiency, and address contemporary challenges in the field. Through this
exploration, the presentation seeks to inspire an appreciation for the dynamic
relationship between STEM evolution.
Ag technology
Mechanical Engineering
Space Exploration and Astrophysics
Green Energy and Sustainable Technologies
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
Robotics and Automation
Coding and Programming
Note : You must choose only one category but Ag Technology related topics
could be submitted under the STEM category.
A sheep and goat educational presentation involves providing information on a wide
array of pertinent subjects, encompassing both current and forward-looking aspects
related to the raising of sheep and/or goats, as well as the utilization of their meat, milk,
or fiber. These presentations can include discussions on:
Animal Husbandry
Reproductive technologies
Effective practices for nutritional management
Optimal strategies for animal health
Considerations in breeding and genetics
Behavioral insights specific to sheep and goats
Analysis of production costs
Fundamental elements of comprehensive herd management
Insights into marketing strategies for sheep and goats
Reproduction and breeding techniques
These informative sessions can be tailored to focus on either sheep or goats or both,
and topics may span various aspects, such as diverse breeds, lambing or kidding and
care of ewes and does, wool production and processing (if applicable), and approaches
to marketing lamb meat and wool products.
Swine related presentations can coversa diverse range of topics, from basic swine
anatomy and breeds to advanced swine management practices, ensuring that
attendees gain valuable insights into every aspect of swine care and production.
These presentations can include discussions on:
Animal Husbandry
Health and disease management
Market trends
Reproduction and breeding
Market trends/economics
These presentations should provide a comprehensive exploration of swine care and
production, covering topics from swine breeds and anatomy to advanced management
practices, fostering a deeper understanding of the world of pigs for participants of all
levels of experience.
The category of Ag Technology and Farm Safety was discontinued for 2023-2027.
Those presentations that have been entered in this category in the past, will still have a
place under either Ag & Natural Resources, STEM, or Safety and Injury Prevention.