ebraska Public Power District will host a second round
of open houses in September for the R-Project. The
R-Project consists of routing and siting a new electrical
transmission line that will run from NPPD’s Gerald
Gentleman Station near Sutherland north to the Cherry
County area, and then east to near the Holt/Antelope
County line. The line is needed to enhance transmission
system reliability, relieve congestion from existing lines
within the transmission system, and provide opportunities
for additional renewable energy generation.
The rst round of open houses provided a project overview
and identied the project’s study area. Nearly 600 people
attended the rst round of open houses, which were held
in January at six different locations within the study area.
Now, the study area has been narrowed to corridors (see
inside pages). The corridors were identied through a
specic narrowing-down process (utilizing public input) of
the original study area and reect areas where a potential
line route could be sited.
Please stop by one of the following meeting locations
anytime between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. and allow
at least 30 minutes to walk through the open house.
Monday, September 9
Thedford Public Schools (old gym)
304 Maple Street, Thedford, Nebraska
Tuesday, September 10
Sutherland Public School (south gym)
401 Walnut Street, Sutherland, Nebraska
Transmission line open houses set for September
Transmission Line
R-Project 345-kV
August 2013
Wednesday, September 11
Sandhills Public School (gym)
107 Gandy Avenue, Dunning, Nebraska
Thursday, September 12
Community Center
236 Main Street, Stapleton, Nebraska
Monday, September 16
American Legion
657 G Street, Burwell, Nebraska
Tuesday, September 17
Wheeler Central High School (old gym)
600 Randolph West, Bartlett, Nebraska
All landowners within the study area received this
newsletter. Those within the corridors also received an
invitation letter to the open houses.
If you are unable to attend the public open house meetings,
please visit the online open house meeting on nppd.com.
Abbreviated information, maps and drawings from the open
house meeting will be available, as well as an opportunity
for you to provide comments. The online meeting will be
accessible beginning September 9, 2013.
You may also share your feedback by emailing powerline@
nppd.com or by calling the project hotline at 1-888-677-
3412. All feedback will be taken into consideration before a
nal line route is chosen.
The R-Project 345-kV
Transmission Line Newsletter
is published by NPPD’s
transmission project team. It is
intended to provide a project
overview and communicate project
Contributors: Project Manager
Craig Holthe.
Project Team: Al Beiermann,
Brenda Blatchford, Ross
DeBower, Larry Linder, Tom
Pillen, Dennis Schroeder and
Ron Starzec.
Printing and artwork:
Bill Haack, Dan Zastera and
Scott Margheim.
Editor: Jill Novicki
Contact us:
Mailing address:
R-Project 345-kV Transmission
Line Project,
NPPD, P.O. Box 499
Columbus, NE 68602-0499
Attention Jill Novicki
Phone (toll-free): 888-677-3412
From start to nish, the R-Project 345-kV transmission line
project is expected to take about ve years to complete.
Project Milestones
January 2013
First Round of Open Houses (Study Area announced)
September 2013
Second Round of Open Houses (Corridors announced)
Spring 2014
Third Round of Open Houses (Alternative and Preferred
Routes announced)
Fall/Winter 2014
Public Hearing (Proposed Route communicated)
Winter 2014/Spring 2015
Final Route announced
Engineering/Survey/Easement Acquisition
Spring 2016/Winter 2017
January 1, 2018
Transmission Line In Service
Throughout the entire process, public involvement is a key
component to the project’s success. If you have comments or
questions, please contact us via any of the methods listed at the
bottom of this newsletter.
Stay connected.
Follow us online.
P.O. Box 499
Columbus, NE 68602-0499
Address Service Requested
Public involvement key to project’s success