Updating a Microsoft Word
Document with Laserfiche
White Paper
Table of Contents
Updating a Microsoft Word Document with Workflow ..................................................... 3
Configuring the Word Document............................................................................................. 3
Adding merge fields to a Word document......................................................................... 3
Adding a field merge table to a Word document ............................................................. 4
Tips for working with merge fields ..................................................................................... 5
Using conditions and formulas in merge fields ............................................................... 5
Configuring the Update Word Document activity ............................................................... 6
Selecting the Word Document ............................................................................................. 6
Defining the action.................................................................................................................. 6
Find and Replace ................................................................................................................ 6
Simple Field Merge ............................................................................................................ 7
Table Field Merge ............................................................................................................... 9
Advanced Settings ................................................................................................................ 11
Using the Updated Word Document ................................................................................. 12
Emailing the resulting document .................................................................................. 12
Adding the resulting document to your repository ................................................... 12
Resources .................................................................................................................................... 13
Updating a Microsoft Word
Document with Workflow
Laserfiche Workflow's Update Word Document activity makes use of Word's find
and replace and field merging options to add information gathered throughout the
course of a workflow to a Word document. This activity makes it easy to
dynamically interact with Word documents, letting you generate line-item
documents, update customer records, fill out agendas or forms, and much more.
Configuring the Word Document
If you plan to use the Simple Field Merge or Table Field Merge features of the
Update Word Document activity, you must first prepare your Word document with
merge fields.
Merge fields in Word are similar to tokens in Workflow: they are placeholders in the
Word document that will be updated with information from a database, table, or
application. In our case, we want to update the merge fields with information from
Note: These instructions assume Word 2007 or later.
Adding merge fields to a Word document
1. Select the spot in the Word document where you want to add the field.
2. On the Insert tab, select Quick Parts, and then Field.
Tip: Instead of navigating through the toolbar, you can also add merge
fields to your document by selecting a bit of text and pressing
CTRL+F9. Then, right-click the text and select Edit Field.
3. The Field dialog box will open. In the Categories list, select All.
4. In the Field names list, select MergeField.
5. In the Field properties column, type a name for the field in the Field name
6. Click OK.
7. The field will be inserted into the document. Repeat this process until you've
added all desired fields.
Note: The angle brackets Word automatically generates with the above
steps are not equivalent to the angle brackets you can insert from your
keyboard. If you want to manually add merge fields to your document
(without going through steps 2-5 above), use this syntax: {{ FIELD
NAME }}. If you chose to manually create merge fields with curly
brackets, Workflow will display a prompt when importing fields. You
will be asked if you want to load non-standard merge fields. Click Yes
to proceed. Note that these manually created fields will only be
imported if there are no standard merge fields in the document. You
cannot mix standard merge fields with manually created merge fields.
Learn more about merge fields in the Microsoft Office help files.
Adding a field merge table to a Word document
Workflow can fill out tables in Word documents with information from a data
source. To make use of this functionality, you will need to configure a field merge
table in Word, using regions instead of using normal merge fields.
1. Create a table in the Word document.
2. In the first cell of the table, insert a merge field with the name
TableStart:MyObject, where MyObject corresponds to the name of a your
region. Learn how to add a merge field
3. In the last cell of the first row, insert a merge field with the name
4. Between the TableStart and TableEnd fields, insert the merge fields that
correspond to the fields you want in your table's columns. These merge fields
will be populated with data from the first row of the data source Workflow is
retrieving data from, then the following rows will be populated with
additional data from the data source.
Tip: You can nest regions by defining one region inside another.
Nesting regions let you replicate the parent-child relationship of
imported data. Learn more.
Tips for working with merge fields
The Microsoft Office help files provide a lot of information about merge fields. At
any point while configuring your Word document, click ALT+F9 to see all the field
codes for the fields in your document. You can edit these field codes as needed.
Learn more about field codes
Additionally, see the Resources section of this paper for more information about
working with merge fields.
Using conditions and formulas in merge fields
Workflow supports formulas and conditions in merge fields.
Formulas allow you to perform basic math and other formatting with field values.
Workflow uses Open Office formulas, the same formulas as Microsoft Excel, Google
Sheets, and Laserfiche Forms. See a list of available formulas.
Learn more about
formulas in merge fields.
Conditions allow you to show or hide text. They use the following syntax:
{ IF Expression1OperatorExpression2TrueTextFalseText}
Learn more about conditions
Example: If a customer makes a purchase that totals over $500, you
want to display a coupon code on their invoice for 10% off their next
purchase. First, use a formula to total the amounts on the invoice. E.g.,
{={MERGEFIELD Amount1} + {MERGEFIELD Amount2}} where
Amount1 and Amount2 are the fields' names. Then, use conditions to
display the coupon code if the amount is over $500. If they don't spend
over $500, then just thank them for their order. E.g., { IF
{={MERGEFIELD Amount1} + {MERGEFIELD Amount2}}>=500 "Use the
coupon code A1234 for 10% off your next purchase." "Thank you for your
Configuring the Update Word
Document activity
The Update Word Document activity creates a copy of an existing document and
updates it either by finding and replacing words or by performing a field merge.
Selecting the Word Document
To configure the Update Word Document activity, you must first specify where
Workflow can find the master document.
1. Add the Update Word Document activity to the Workflow
2. In the Properties Pane, use the Source drop-down menu to select the master
document's location: Workflow Server local disk, Server attachment
, or
another workflow activity.
3. Click the Browse button to locate the document. Alternatively, if you selected
the Workflow Server local disk you can specify a path manually.
Defining the action
The second step in configuring the Update Word Document activity is to define the
changes Workflow will make to the document. Workflow can perform a
straightforward find and replace in the document or it can interact with Word's
fields and tables.
1. Ensure the Update Word Document activity is selected on the Workflow
2. In the Modifications section of the Properties Pane, click New.
3. In the New Modification dialog box, select Find and Replace, Simple Field
Merge, or Table Field Merge from the drop-down.
Find and Replace
The Find and Replace option lets you automate the same find and replace
functionality that's available in Microsoft Word. This option does not require your
document to contain merge fields or any special formatting.
Example: The Acme Insurance Company has a new client information
packet they like to customize with the client's and the account
manager's name. When a new client is brought in, their name and their
account manager's name are added to the metadata on the Client's
folder. Once those two fields are filled out, a workflow starts that runs
an Update Word Document activity. This activity automatically looks
for "ClientName" and "AccountManagerName" in each document in the
folder and replaces those values with the client and account manager's
actual names.
To configure Find and Replace
1. Select the Update Word Document activity, and in the Properties Pane, select
New under Modifications.
2. In the New Modification dialog box, ensure Find and Replace is selected from
the Type drop-down menu.
3. Type the characters or words that you want Workflow to find in the document
next to Find what. Then type the characters or words that Workflow will
replace the found values with next to Replace with. Use the token buttons to
find or replace words found in other parts of your workflow.
4. If you select the Match case option, the activity will only find results with the
same capitalization pattern as the value you type next to Find what. Clear this
option to find matches regardless of capitalization.
5. If you select the Match whole word option, the activity will only find whole
words, not partial words. For example, if you select this option and configure
the activity to find the word "book," it will find all instances of the word book
but not "bookmark," "bookkeeping," or "booking."
6. If you select the Use regular expressions option, you can use regular
expressions to extract specific information from a token you've added to your
"Find" value. For example, if you put an address token in the Find what field,
you can use regular expressions to only find the zip code from the address.
Learn more about regular expressions
Simple Field Merge
While the Find and Replace option offers basic updating functionality, if you have a
document that is going to be updated by a database as well as a workflow, or if you
have more complicated updating needs, then select the Simple Field Merge option.
To configure a simple field merge
1. Select the Update Word Document activity, and in the Properties Pane, select
New under Modifications.
2. In the New Modification dialog box, ensure Simple Field Merge is selected
from the Type drop-down menu.
3. While you can manually input the names of the merge field columns from
your Word table, it's more efficient to click the Import field names from
document link below the table. Clicking this list will automatically populate
the table with all the merge fields Workflow can interact with.
a. If Workflow doesn't find any merge fields, then it will prompt you to
import other types of fields from the document. If you click Yes at this
prompt, any items in the document that are wrapped in double curly
brackets {{ }} will be returned.
b. If a field you expected to use doesn't appear on the list, ensure you
have configured your Word document correctly. See the Configuring
your Word Document with Updateable Fields section above.
4. In the Value column, type a value or insert a token. The field will be replaced
with this value when the workflow runs.
5. In the Type column, choose the type of data that will be entered into the field.
Setting the type is important if you are inserting a token whose value could be
one of multiple types (e.g., it could be interpreted as a string or a number),
and you want to ensure Word interprets the token correctly. In most cases,
leaving Default in this column is sufficient.
6. In the Options column, click Default to provide custom formatting for the
field. You have the option to use the default formatting, render the field as a
checkbox, or render it as a barcode. Additionally, you can define custom
properties for barcodes not listed in the Barcode Type drop-down menu.
Example: Susan has created a label template in Word and uses the
barcode option in the Update Word Document activity to print
barcodes onto the labels. She then sticks these barcode labels onto
incoming reports, applying different barcodes to different reports.
When the reports are scanned, Quick Fields recognizes the barcodes
and is able to process the documents accordingly. The Update Word
Doc activity supports
these barcode symbologies. Learn more about
using barcodes with Quick Fields.
7. To add more fields to the table in the New Modification dialog box, start
typing in the last row. To delete a field, click the gray space to the left of the
field's row and press DELETE.
8. Below the table of fields are several options for cleaning up the Word
document after the merge runs.
You can remove empty paragraphs, fields, regions, containing fields,
and static fields.
Note: The entire field will be removed from the document you
are modifying with this activity, not just the empty space an
empty field produces. To see all the fields in the document and
their values, open the Word document and press Alt + F9.
You can also clear mail merge settings configured in the Mail Merge
Select the Replace non merge fields option if you have other types of
fields in your document (e.g., text wrapped in double curly brackets {{
}}) that you want this activity to replace.
Table Field Merge
The Table Field Merge option lets you populate a table in a Word document from a
data source. If you select this option, you must have a Custom Query or Query Data
activity earlier in your workflow that retrieves the data you want to insert into the
Example: You have a database containing transaction history from
different accounts in your company. Periodically, you need to send a
transaction history for the last month to a client. You configure a
Custom Query activity in Workflow to query the database, and then use
an Update Word Document activity with the Table Field Merge option
to fill out a table with the transaction history. You then configure the
activity to
save the resulting document as a PDF and use an Email
activity to send the document to the client.
To configure a table field merge
1. Select the Update Word Document activity, and in the Properties Pane, select
New under Modifications.
2. In the New Modification dialog box, ensure Table Field Merge is selected
from the Type drop-down menu.
3. Under Source Data File, click the Select link. Choose Results from the Query
Data or Custom Query activity that performs the database lookup for the
values you want to insert into the Word table.
4. Next to Merge Region Name, insert the name of the region that corresponds to
the table in Word. The region is the value you specified after the TableStart
and TableEnd fields in your table. Learn more about configuring this table
5. While you can manually input the names of the merge field columns from
your Word table, it's more efficient to click the Import field names from
document link below the table. Clicking this list will automatically populate
the table with all the merge fields Workflow can interact with.
a. If Workflow doesn't find any merge fields, then it will prompt you to
import other types of fields from document. If you click Yes at this
prompt, any items in the document that are wrapped in double curly
brackets {{ }} will be returned.
b. If a field you expected to use doesn't appear on the list, ensure you
have configured your Word document correctly. See the
your Word Document with Updateable Fields section above.
6. In the Value column, type a value or insert a token. The field will be replaced
with this value when the workflow runs.
7. In the Type column, choose the type of data that will be entered into the field.
Setting the type is important if you are inserting a token whose value could be
one of multiple types (e.g., it could be interpreted as a string or a number),
and you want to ensure Word interprets the token correctly. In most cases,
leaving Default in this column is sufficient.
8. In the Options column, click Default to provide custom formatting for the
field. You have the option to use the default formatting, render the field as a
checkbox, or render it as a barcode. Additionally, you can define custom
properties for barcodes not listed in the Barcode Type drop-down menu.
Example: Susan has created a label template in Word and uses the
barcode option in the Update Word Document activity to print
barcodes onto the labels. She then sticks these barcode labels onto
incoming reports, applying different barcodes to different reports.
When the reports are scanned, Quick Fields recognizes the barcodes
and is able to process the documents accordingly. The Update Word
Doc activity supports
these barcode symbologies. Learn more about
using barcodes with Quick Fields.
9. To add more fields to the table in the New Modification dialog box, start
typing in the last row. To delete a field, click the gray space to the left of the
field's row and press DELETE.
10. Below the table of fields are several options for cleaning up the Word
document after the merge runs.
You can remove empty paragraphs, fields, regions, containing fields,
and static fields.
Note: The entire field will be removed from the document you
are modifying with this activity, not just the empty space an
empty field produces. To see all the fields in the document and
their values, open the Word document and press Alt + F9.
You can also clear mail merge settings configured in the Mail Merge
Select the Replace non merge fields option if you have other types of
fields in your document (e.g., text wrapped in double curly brackets {{
}}) that you want this activity to replace.
Advanced Settings
The advanced settings for the activity let you define if the activity will create a new
document or just update the source document. These settings also allow you to
convert the created document to PDF, rename the created document, create a token
with the document's content, and report warnings in the instance details.
1. Click the Advanced button at the top of the Properties Pane.
2. Under Advanced in the Properties Pane, select or clear the following options:
Create new document: Creates a new document that contains the changes
made by the activity instead of updating the existing document.
o Convert to PDF: Converts the resulting document to PDF format.
o Rename Document: Changes the name of the document to the value
you provide here.
Overwrite source document (activity source files only): Overwrites the
source document. This option is only available if you configured the
activity to update a document from another activity in the workflow. You
cannot overwrite a document on the Workflow Server local disk or a server
Emit Email Token: Creates a token containing the resulting content of the
Word document.
Report serialization warnings: Displays serialization warnings in the
Messages tab of the workflow's instance details. Learn more
Using the Updated Word Document
When the Update Word Document activity runs, by default, it creates a new
document from the source document
it used as a template. To access this document,
you will need to pair the Update Word Document activity with an Email or Attach
Electronic Document activity.
Note: The Advanced Settings for the Update Word Document activity
has an option to overwrite the source document instead of creating a
new document. With this option, the source document will become
available to the Email and Attach Electronic Document activities.
Emailing the resulting document
1. Add the Email activity to your workflow below the Update Word Document
2. Click the Attach button.
3. In the New Attachment dialog box, select File from the drop-down menu next
to Attachment type.
4. Under Select a file to attach, select Result File under the Update Word
Document activity.
5. Click OK.
Adding the resulting document to your repository
1. Add a Create Entry activity to your workflow, below the Update Word
Document activity.
2. In the Create Entry activity's Properties Pane, configure the entry's name, type,
destination, and volume. Ensure you specify Document for the entry type.
3. Add an Attach Electronic Document activity to your workflow, below the
Create Entry activity.
4. In the Attach Electronic Document activity's Properties Pane, under File to
Attach, select Activity from the drop-down menu.
5. Click the Browse button, and select Result File under the Update Word
Document activity.
6. Under Attach File To, select Other Entry and click the Select link.
7. Select OutputEntry under the Create Entry activity.
8. Click OK.
The resources below provide more insight into the Update Word Document activity
and Words merge feature:
For instructions for how to create and fill out an invoice using the Update
Word Document activity, see this Laserfiche Answers post:
How to Create
Dynamic Document Line Items Using Laserfiche 10.
For information about Workflow in general, see the Workflow help files.
For more information about merge fields in Microsoft Word, see the Microsoft
Office help files.
For more information about how merge fields and regions are handled, see
Aspose help files. The Update Word Document activity relies on the Aspose
library for some of its functionality.
Updating a Microsoft Word Document with Laserfiche Workflow
March 2016
Author: Sarah Seene
Editor: Misty Blair
Technical Editor: Kevin Roberts, Winston Kao
This white paper describes how to use the Update Word Document activity in Laserfiche Workflow.
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