Chapter 6: Conditional Statements
6.0.1 Objectives
Students typically find conditional statements (also known as selection, or decision statements) easy to
understand when compared to other constructs. The main area of confusion involved with conditionals
occurs when students begin using Boolean combinations: for example, the word “and” as it Is used
casually in English can have a different for the formal word “and” in Boolean logic. At the end of this unit,
students should be able to apply conditionals, creating Boolean expressions with comparisons, and they
should be able to reason correctly about the use of the Boolean operators “and” “or” and “not.”
6.0.2 Topic Outline
6.0 Chapter Introduction
6.0.1 Objectives
6.0.2 Topic Outlines
6.0.3 Key Terms
6.0.4 Key Concepts
6.1 Lesson Plans
6.1.1 Suggested Timeline
6.1.2 CSTA Standards
6.1.3 Lesson Plan I on using the control block- If, If… Else.
6.1.4 Lesson Plan II on re-visiting the spiral assignment on the Question Bot.
6.1.5 Lesson Plan III on using Boolean expressions.
6.1.6 Lesson Plan IV to designing a hi-lo game and the race car game.
6.2 Resources
6.2.1 Additional exercises.
6.0.3 Key Terms
Boolean Values: true / false
If then else, If then else if else
Simple & Complex expressions
match functionality
AND / OR Operators
is (comparison), isnt, < ,>
Numerical comparisons
String comparisons
6.0.4 Key Concepts
Controlling Code Using Conditions
The word if can be used to put a block of code under the control of a condition, so it only runs when the
condition is true.
Below is an example that uses if to control turtle motion by testing keyboard presses.
The indented code fd 2 only runs when the condition pressed('W') is true, that is, when the user is
pressing the W key. Similarly, the two lines of code rt 2; dot blue, 5 only run when the user is
pressing the D key.
If neither key is pressed, neither block of indented code is run. If both keys are pressed, both blocks are
forever ->
if pressed('W')
fd 2
if pressed('D')
rt 2
dot blue, 5
Testing key presses using if.
Using “else” For the Other Alternative
The “else” keyword allows you to program a second action to take when the “if” does not happen. The
second block of code will run when the condition is false.
forever ->
if pressed('W')
fd 2
rt 2
Providing two alternatives using if/else.
This program moves the turtle forward when W is pressed. When W is not pressed, it spins the turtle.
Chaining “else if” for Multiple Alternatives
When there are three or more actions, if and else can be chained.
forever ->
if pressed('W')
fd 2
else if pressed('S')
bk 2
rt 2
Chaining if, else if, and else for three alternatives.
This code moves forward if W is pressed and backward if S is pressed. It spins right if nothing is pressed.
A chained if/else only chooses the first condition that is true, so if both W and S are pressed at the same
time, this program will just do “fd 2” and not move backward.
Using “and”, “or” and “not” to Combine Boolean Expressions
The words and, or, and not are Boolean operators that can be used to combine conditions. For
example, the following program uses “and” and “not”. It draws a blue ring and then only moves the turtle
forward if W is pressed and the turtle is not already touching the blue ring.
dot blue, 500
dot white, 400
forever ->
if pressed('W') and not touches('blue')
fd 2
rt 2
Combining tests using and and not.
Although Boolean operators usually work in the same way as when reading them as English words, it is
important to understand exactly how they work as mathematical operators because it is easy to get
unexpected effects.
Confusing “and” With “or”
Consider a program that where up” and “W” keys need to work equivalently, both working in the same
way to move the turtle forward. We might be tempted to use the “and” combiner to capture both cases
with a single “if” like this:
Incorrectly using “and” to combine two alternatives.
This code, however, will not generate the desired effect! To understand why, we need to understand how
and and or operate on truth values.
Boolean Values and Boolean Tables
The words and, or and not are Boolean operations that combine “true” and “false” values (similar to the
arithmetic rules you get when using “+”, “*” to combine regular numbers). Just as we can learn about
addition and multiplication by creating addition and multiplication tables, we can understand and and or
by writing truth tables. Here are two truth tables related to the program above:
pressed('up') and pressed('W')
pressed 'up' = false
pressed 'up' = true
pressed 'W' = false
pressed 'W' = true
pressed('up') or pressed('W')
pressed 'up' = false
pressed 'up' = true
pressed 'W' = false
pressed 'W' = true
The conjunction and combines two Boolean values and creates “true” only when both of the values are
true. For example, pressed('up') and pressed('W') is true only when both the up and W keys are
pressed at the same time.
The disjunction or combines two Boolean values and creates “true” when either or both of the values are
true. For example, pressed('up') or pressed('W') is true when just the W key is pressed, or just the
up key is pressed, or both. This is what we want for our program.
To fix the program, the and should be switched to or.
Testing Numbers Using Comparison Operators
Boolean expressions can be used to test the properties of numbers. Most of the comparison operators
you would see in math class work in a programming language, but they may be written with slightly
different punctuation. For example, “is less than or equal to” is written <=. Here is a summary of some
common Boolean tests for numbers:
What if x =
What if x =
What if x =
x is 3
x is equal to 3
x isnt 3
x is not equal to 3
x < 3
x is less than 3.
x <= 3
x is less than or equal to 3
x > 3
x is greater than 3
x >= 3
x is greater than or equal to 3
0 < x <= 6
x is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 6
x % 2 is 1
x is odd (because it has remainder 1 when
divided by 2)
x % 3 is 0
x is divisible by 3
Confusing “or with Comparisons
Numerical comparisons can be combined with Boolean operators. For example, (x > 6 and x isnt 9)
means that x is a number greater than 6 other than 9, and (x is 5 or x is 11) means that x is either
5 or 11. It is important, though, to remember that the word or operates on truth values and not on
numbers, so the version of the program on the left does not do produce the desired result.
await readnum 'How many items?', defer n
if n is 1 or 2
write 'Come to the speedy checkout.'
await readnum 'How many items?', defer n
if n is 1 or n is 2
write 'Come to the speedy checkout.'
The program on the left incorrectly results in the speedy checkout line no matter what number you enter.
To understand why, remember that or operates on truth values, so when you say “or 2”, it begins with
the question “is 2 true or false?” By convention, any number that is not zero is treated as “true”, so “or 2
makes the expression always true regardless of the value of num. On the other hand, the program on the
right produced the desired result: “or n is 2” only makes the expression true when the number is 2.
Another way to think about the difference is with precedence of operators. The word “or” has lower
precedence than the word “is”, so the expression on the left reads like this: ((n is 1) or 2) and the
expression on the right reads like this: ((n is 1) or (n is 2)).
Testing Strings Using Pattern Matching
Text strings can also be tested to create Boolean values. It is common to test strings by comparing them
exactly (looking at their length) or by testing if the string matches a pattern using the “match” method.
Pattern matching can be used to determine if a string contains a particular pattern of letters within it.
The following table shows several examples.
x is "pear"
x is exactly equal to the string "pear"
x.length is 6
x has exactly 6 characters
x contains the substring “pp”.
x contains the substring “pea”
x contains the substring “PEA”
x contains the substring “Pea”, ignoring case
x contains “pea” at the start of the string
x contains “ear” at the end of the string
x contains “a” followed by either “p” or “ch”
x contains “a”, then zero or more “p”, then “e”
The patterns used between the “/” symbols are called regular expressions.
A regular expression can be used to test whether a string contains a fixed pattern, for example whether it
contains the letters “pp”. Normally regular expressions are case-sensitive, so “PEA” does not match
“pea”, but putting an “i” after the regular expression makes it case-insensitive.
Regular expression patterns have several powerful features. For example, in a regular expression, “^”
matches the beginning of the string, “$” matches the end of the string, “(one|other)” is used to match
alternatives, and “*” allows a sub-pattern to be repeated zero or more times.
Although the types of patterns shown above are enough for most situations, regular expressions have
several more features. There are many excellent resources about regular expressions on the Internet if
you search for regular expression lessons”. When exploring, it is important to know that the symbols
used in regular expression patterns are standardized, and the same pattern language is used in
JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Python, Perl, Java, C# and other languages.
6.1.1 Suggested Timeline: 1 55-minute class period
Instructional Day
2 Days
Lesson Plan I: If, If Then Else statements using fun visual elements
1 Day
Lesson Plan II: Question Bot & Lesson Plan III Complex If Statements
1 Day
Lesson Plan IV: Pair programming for the HiLo Game
1 Day
Lesson Plan V: Race Car Track game
6.1.2 Standards
CSTA Standards
CSTA Strand
CSTA Learning Objectives Covered
Level 3 A
(Grades 9 12)
Thinking (CT)
Explain how sequencing, selection, iteration and recursion
are building blocks of algorithms.
Level 3 A
(Grades 9 12)
Explain the program execution process.
Level 3 A
(Grades 9 12)
Describe how mathematical and statistical functions, sets,
and logic are used in computation.
6.1.3 Lesson Plan I
This lesson focuses on the Control Block, If statements and If Else statements. The lesson should take
about 30 to 40 minutes of a class period, providing time for students to code programs similar to the ones
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
x = random [1..3]
write x
if x is 1 or x is 2
write 'Today is your lucky
if `` is ``
write 'Stay low. Let
everything happen tomorrow'
write 'I cannot see your
# Demonstrate complex IF
Explain the key concept of the evaluation of
a Boolean expression.
Show the Control Block and the ‘IF
Type the code shown on the left column.
(Note: You will need speakers for this
program. You can use the write block
instead of say block.)
Teaching Tips: You can extend this lesson
further by adding a loop around the entire
code for the tune to be played for a fixed
period (e.g. 5 times). Explain that the
program gives an output based on the value
the variable to which “Day” is set.
20 minutes
Give another example using patterns.
Demonstrate how the conditional can impact
20 minutes
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
speed 50
pen red, 10
for x in[1..20]
fd 90
rt 100
if x is 8
pen purple, 10
if x is 12
pen lightsalmon, 10
the color in which the pattern is drawn.
Teaching Tips: Change the values within the
conditional to show how the pattern
Add another if statement to show another
color. (Point out the use of a nested if
Add an if statement to change the speed.
Here is the copy of the program:
Now students can start writing their own
programs. Students are expected to write
both the programs that were demonstrated.
Students should complete both programs by
the end of the class period (15 minutes of
class time).
Student Practice:
15 minutes
speed 10
answer = 'yes'
while answer is 'yes'
diceRoll = (random 6)
String.fromCharCode(9856 +
diceRoll), 100
say 'Rolling dice now!'
if diceRoll is 6
say 'You made a 6!! Roll
answer = no
write diceRoll
say 'Tool Bad! Want to
Add a few fun elements to the program to
show that how using a loop and a
conditional increases a program’s power.
Here is the code to simulate the roll of a die.
(This is a starter program for a Yahtzee
game. The Additional Exercises section
provides the specifications for Yahtzee.)
Demonstrate and walk students through the
code. Point out the use of random numbers,
how the assignment of an exit condition lets
the loop exit eventually, and the If… Else
55 minutes
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
try again?'
await read 'Roll
again?', defer answer
say 'Good bye!'
6.1.4 Lesson Plan II
This lesson revisits the Spiral assignment Question Bot introduced in the Chapters 3, 4, and 5. Students
will extend this program using all of the previously-learned concepts and add conditional statements.
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
# chatbot
# CS1004 example chatbot using
loop and variable prompts
write 'Bob: Hi! My name is Bob.'
await read 'Bob: What\'s your
name?', defer name
write 'Bob: Hello ' + name
done = false
while not done
prompt = name + ' can you
guess who I am?' + ':'
await read prompt, defer q
if (q.match /quit|give up/)
write 'Bob: OK, nice talking
to you!'
done = true
else if (q.match /bot/)
write 'Bob: Close... But I
am a human, of course.'
write 'Bob: Good guesswork!'
Pull up the Question Bot (Loops version)
program. Ask students how its
functionality can be expanded.
Even though the program asks four
people’s names, it does not “remember”
Making the lesson more interesting by
asking students for a good question.
Walk through the code and emphasize
the power of conditionals.
This example also introduces the
operator x.match () functionality.
In block-mode it looks like this:
20 minutes
6.1.5 Lesson Plan III
This lesson plan demonstrates the use of complex if statements, specifically, combining multiple Boolean
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
x = random [1..3]
write x
if x is 1 or x is 2
write 'Today is your lucky day!'
write 'I cannot see your
# Demonstrate complex IF
Explain the key concept of the
evaluation of multiple Boolean
expressions. Explain how an AND /
OR operator combines two
expressions and evaluates them.
The example provided here is a
simple program that acts like a
“Genie” and predicts the day based
on the random number generated.
Teaching Tip: Explain how an OR
operator works. Explain using the
example that the if statement will
get executed even if one of the
expressions is true.
Ask the students to copy the code
provided and test the program.
20 minutes
x = random [1..3]
write x
if x is 1 or x is 2
write 'Today is your lucky
if `` is ``
write 'Stay low. Let
everything happen tomorrow'
write 'I cannot see your
# Demonstrate complex IF
Now explain in-depth using the
modified program as show in the left
Teaching Tip: Explain how an AND
operator works. Explain using the
example that the if statement will
get executed IF AND ONLY IF both
expressions are true.
Ask students to copy the code
provided and test the program.
Give students 10 minutes to
experiment with if statements and
modifications of the code. Let them
test other programmers’ code and
see what kind of day the genie
predicts for them!
20 minutes.
10 minutes
6.1.6 Lesson Plan IV
Students will now work with a partner to design a Hi-Lo Guessing game. The Additional Exercises section
provides the problem description. Students will watch a short video on pair programming before beginning
the exercise. The lesson plan below focuses on how to design a project with a partner. Students will take
about half a class period to design the program. They will have the rest of the class period and one more
class period or homework to complete the assignment. (Note: Homework may not result in true
collaborative work because it increases the temptation to find answers on the Internet and from people
outside of the team.)
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
Have students watch the video on pair programming.
Student Practice:
5 minutes
Split students into groups. The References section provides resources on forming successful
collaborative groups.
Using the “Rally Robin” co-operative learning® structure, have the students write the pseudocode for the
HiLo game. Their pseudocode should indicate:
i. Variables used
ii. Control structures needed
iii. Input / Output statements
Student Practice: 20 minutes
Rally Robin instructions:
On a piece of paper, take turns writing instructions on how to design the guessing game.
Each instruction should be a numerical bullet (e.g. 1,2,…)
Student 1 writes the first instruction.
Student 2 writes the second instruction.
Keep repeating this process until all of the instructions have been recorded.
Next, go back and take turns revising the instructions until both partners are satisfied.
Submit your work your teacher for grading.
Here is a sample Hi-Lo program.
Student Practice: 20 minutes
On your computer, type the program with your partner using the pair programming methods presented in
the pair programming video.
Student Practice: 40 minutes
6.1.7 Lesson Plan V
This interactive lesson involves having the students design a racecar game. We recommend that
students type this in text using CoffeeScript. Encourage the students to toggle between text-mode and
block-mode to venture out of their comfort zone and increase their confidence. Follow the activity Turtle
Race track as provided in this activity sheet
Content details
Teaching Suggestions
Teaching Tip:
Have all the students in the class start
on the worksheet at the same time.
Print out the worksheet and give it to
the students. This will eliminate the
temptation to copy-paste the code.
Follow the link to complete steps 1
and 2.
Instruct students to type the text and
stay in text-mode.
10 mins
Ask students to answer Questions 1
and 2 verbally in the classroom.
15 mins
Now let the students venture out at
their own pace as they respond to
Challenges 1 through 4. Students can
stay in text-mode or switch back to
block-mode. If they do switch to
block-mode, encourage them to
toggle to text and see how their code
The solution code is given in
Teaching Tip: If the students type the
text, encourage them to indent their
code to convey intent. All good
programming practices (Refer
Appendix A) should be followed.
20 mins
The race car game activity can be completed by students.
1. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race.html - the basic game
2. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race-car.html - making the car look like a car,
and this emphasizes the idea of an “object” whose behavior your control
3. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race-two.html - here you introduce a “second
object” - two instances - and now you can controls them separately
4. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race-track.html - this is a review of drawing, but
used for a very different purpose - to create a track shape
5. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race-speed.html - this is an introduction to
variables, used to keep track of how fast each car goes.
6. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race-time.html - this is another use of variables,
this time to keep track of how much time has passed
7. http://activity.pencilcode.net/home/worksheet/race-menu.html - this is an example of use of
functions to divide your program into subprograms.
6.2 Resources
Additional Exercises:
Design a modified version of Yahtzee where you roll three dice and the score is calculated based on
which of the following categories are satisfied. The game ends after each user has had three turns. The
user who has the largest point value at the end of three turns is the winner. The three categories are:
i. Three of a kind 5 points
ii. Two of a kind 10 points
iii. Yahtzee You Win! Game over!
Hi-Lo- Guessing Game
Design a simple game where the computer generates a random number and the user must guess the
number. The computer helps the user by giving responses such as “too high or too low”. The user has a
fixed number of tries to guess the right answer. Once the allowed number of tries are completed, the
game displays the computer-generated number and says “Game Over”. You can get up to extra five
creativity points if you have added a new feature to the game.