8 Kerr Administration Building · (541) 737-4085 · www.oregonstate.edu/career
The purpose of a reference sheet is to have a list of people who can verify and
elaborate on your professional experience for a potential employer. Past
employers, professors, and advisors are the best professional references to have.
It is important to have a reference sheet because potential employers will often
ask for a list of references that they can contact. If you included a statement such
as “References Available Upon Request” on your resume, you should be able to
produce a reference sheet as soon as is requested. In any case, having a
reference sheet will save you time later on during the interview process.
Things to Remember:
Make sure to include people who know what type of person you are and who are
familiar with your work. It is important to select individuals who know your
distinctiveness so that they can provide a positive and accurate description of you
to the employer or company in which you are seeking employment. You should
ALWAYS contact your reference before including them on a reference sheet. It is
also a good idea to give them a copy of your resume and talk about the job you
are seeking so they will know how to best represent you.
Source: Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Reference Sheet Outline OSU Career Services
8 Kerr Administration Building · (541) 737-4085 · www.oregonstate.edu/career
The heading of your reference sheet should be the same as that of your resume
and should include the information listed below:
Your Name
Phone Number
Job Title
Place of Employment
Phone Number
Relation to you (school advisor, past/current employer, etc)
Job Title
Place of Employment
Phone Number
Relation to you (school advisor, past/current employer, etc)
Job Title
Place of Employment
Phone Number
Relation to you (school advisor, past/current employer, etc)
Reference Sheet Outline OSU Career Services