Iowa Association of REALTORS®
1370 NW 114th St. Suite 100
Clive, IA 50325
Phone: 800-532-1515
Fax: 515-453-1070
Opening an Office
A guidebook for REALTORS® considering
opening their own office.
Because there is no set business plan that works for everyone, your own personality will be
reflected in the business operation you select. Any inquiries through the association will be
kept confidential and you should use your own professional discretion what to reveal to oth-
ers. If you are currently employed in a brokerage firm - prepare for potential bitterness
when you leave and start your own business.
To begin with, you must have a brokers license. Also remember that all previous listings
belong to your previous company. You may not “take” your listings with you. You will have
to transfer your license to your new office, or have your current broker mail the license to
the Iowa Real Estate Commission and they will re-issue a license to your new firm. A new
firm also requires a license.
Fees: Iowa Administrative Rules 193E 9.1
9.1(1) Original license or renewal
Salesperson license: $125
Broker license: $170
Firm license: $170
Branch office license: $50
Trade name license: $50
Additional office or partner license: $50
9.1(2) Fee for renewal of license between January 1 and January 30 following
expiration of license
Salesperson: $125 renewal fee plus $25 penalty fee: $150
Broker: $170 renewal fee plus $25 penalty fee: $195
Additional officer or partner license: $30
Reinstatement fee is not applicable to a firm license, additional officer license,
additional partner licensed, trade name license, or branch office license.
9.1(3) Fee for certification of license: $25
Iowa Real Estate Commission
1920 SE Hulsizer
Ankeny, IA 50021
Phone number: 515-281-7393
Fax: 515-281-7411
Website: www.state.ia.us/irec
Are You Really Ready?
Most lenders require a written business plan before committing.
There are several resources available to formulate a plan.
Search the Internet under search terms business plan, biz plan or starting a business.
You can find helpful resources in libraries and bookstores.
For example:
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurial Emphasis
- Text
Allow your thinking and thoughts to be ready to adapt to continuing changes in the
business environment.
Financial Resources
Lines of credit
Iowa Department of Economic Development
· Iowa Department of Commerce
· Iowa Area Development Group
· Iowa Association of Business and Industry
· Iowa Business Network
· Iowa Bankers Association
· Small Business Administration
1. Financial Backing
Business Resource Links
Competitors - How many active listings are in the area?
Will you be serving a niche market?
Joining a family run operation - pros and cons
Assembling agents who have been in different offices.
Economic forecast - Which stage of business cycle presently?
Local, state and national cycle.
Other persons possible to join a new business
Other licensees interested in sharing benefits/costs?
The Iowa Secretary of State office has a very good website that describes many
of the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of incorporation, and it
has most of the forms you would need to file in downloadable form.
Refer to the business center at www.sos.state.ia.us/business. There is great
information on this website.
Examples include:
Sole proprietorship
Limited liability corporation
Your accountant/attorney may have a recommendation on how you should
2. Business and Market Conditions
3. How to Incorporate
Office license - Filed with the Iowa Real Estate Commission
Broker license - Required to supervise any office/licensee in Iowa
Reciprocal licenses needed/helpful - check reciprocity with the Iowa Real Estate Commission or
visit their website for licensing information index.
Office manger - If any.
Work arrangements
Relevant Iowa Code Sections:
543B.1 License mandatory.
A person shall not, directly or indirectly, with the intention or upon the promise of receiving any
valuable consideration, offer, attempt, agree to perform, or perform any single act as a real estate
broker whether as a part of a transaction or as an entire transaction, or represent oneself as a real es-
tate broker, broker associate, or salesperson, without first obtaining a license and otherwise comply-
ing with the Iowa Code.
543B.2 Individual licenses necessary.
A partnership, association, or corporation shall not be granted a license, unless every member or of-
ficer of the partnership, association, or corporation who actively participates
in the brokerage busi-
ness of the partnership, association, or corporation, holds a license as a real estate broker or sales-
person, and unless every employee who acts as a salesperson for the partnership, association, or cor-
poration holds a license as a real estate broker or salesperson. At least one member or officer of
each partnership, association, or corporation shall be a real estate broker.
543B.3 Broker -- definition.
As used in this chapter, "real estate broker" means a person acting for another for a fee, commission,
or other compensation or promise, whether it be for all or part of a person's time, and who engages
directly or indirectly in any of the following acts:
1. Sells, exchanges, purchases, rents, or leases real estate.
2. Lists, offers, attempts, or agrees to list real estate for sale, exchange, purchase, rent, or lease.
3. Advertises or holds oneself out as being engaged in the business of selling, exchanging, purchas-
ing, renting, leasing, or managing real estate.
4. Negotiates, or offers, attempts, or agrees to negotiate, the sale, exchange, purchase, rental, or
lease of real estate.
5. Buys, sells, offers to buy or sell, or otherwise deals in options on real estate or improvements on
real estate.
6. Collects, or offers, attempts, or agrees to collect, rent for the use of real estate.
7. Assists or directs in the procuring of prospects, intended to result in the sale, exchange, purchase,
rental, or leasing of real estate.
8. Assists or directs in the negotiation of any transaction intended to result in the sale, exchange,
purchase, rental, or leasing of real estate.
9. Prepares offers to purchase or purchase agreements, listing contracts, agency disclosures, real
property residential and agricultural rental agreements, real property commercial rental agreements
of one year or less, and groundwater hazard statements, including any modifications, amendments,
or addendums to these specific documents.
543B.4 Real estate -- definition. As used in this chapter, "real estate" means real property wher-
ever situated, and includes any and all leaseholds or any other interest or estate in land, and business
opportunities which involve any interest in real property.
4. License Requirements
Home office - Check municipal and county zoning restrictions.
Stand alone building
Common office building - Review the terms of rental.
i. Signage regulations
ii. Municipal business regulations/permits
iii. Overall appearances - accessibility
iv. Janitorial and maintenance
5. Selection of Office Site
Iowa Administrative Rules 193E - 7.1(543B)
Real estate offices and licenses required.
7.1(1)Every Iowa resident real estate firm or self–employed broker shall maintain an office for the transac-
tion of business in the state of Iowa, which shall be open to the public during business hours or by appoint-
A nonresident Iowa real estate broker or firm is not required to maintain a definite place of business within
Iowa, provided the nonresident broker or firm maintains an active place of business within the state or juris-
diction of domicile as provided in Iowa Code section 543B.22.
7.1(2)Sharing office space. It shall be acceptable for more than one broker to operate in an office at the
same address if each broker maintains all records and trust accounts separate from all the others. Each bro-
ker shall operate under a business name, which clearly identifies the broker as an individual within the
group of brokers.
7.1(3)Branch office. A resident Iowa real estate firm or proprietor maintaining a branch office shall display
two branch office licenses in that location. One branch office license is issued in the name of the firm or
proprietor and one is issued in the name of the designated broker or broker associate assigned to supervise
the branch office. (EXCEPTION: A sole–proprietor broker who is the designated broker for a branch of-
fice location and not the main office location is required to display only one branch office license in that
location.) The main office and every branch office shall be directly supervised by a broker or broker asso-
ciate assigned to that location as the designated broker. No broker or broker associate shall be the desig-
nated broker of more than one location.
7.1(4)When a real estate brokerage firm closes, the principal broker or a designated representative shall fol-
low procedures as provided in 193E—Chapter 8.
7.1(5)A licensed officer of a corporation or partnership may be licensed as an officer or partner of more
than one corporation or partnership. The main or primary license for which the full license fee was paid
must be maintained in active status to keep any additional licenses that were issued at a reduced fee active
and in effect.
Continuing education is required only for renewal of the main or primary license.
7.1(6)When the designated broker of a branch office transfers to a different office, terminates employment,
or otherwise ceases to be in charge of the branch location, the branch office license must be returned to the
commission. A new designated broker for the branch must be assigned before a new branch license can be
issued. If the branch office is assigned to a corporation or partnership, the corporation or partnership li-
cense displayed in the branch office must also be returned to the commission.
7.1(7)A broker associate employed or engaged to be in charge of the branch office shall have the same re-
sponsibilities of supervision of the licensees working from that location as are imposed on the employing,
sponsoring, or affiliated broker.
7.1(8)Each actively licensed broker associate and salesperson shall be licensed under a broker.
7.1(9)A broker associate or salesperson shall not be licensed under more than one broker during the same
Current needs
Future needs - additional salespersons/administrative staff planned.
Storage/work room needs - Never have enough?
Office supplies and equipment - lead time to acquire.
Electronic Data Processing - What Computer system will you use? Intra-
office system capability, Internet Service Provider, ability to up/
download Multiple Listing Service information.
Handheld (Palm) compatible. Digital Camera usefulness.
Software to utilize - programs which
Invest in best virus protection available.
Ensure hardware/software have customer support - helps avoid lost time
and frustration.
Wire office with modern cables/technology for computer networks
Phone line - ability to roll over to cell phone, etc.
Internet line - dial-up, DSL, cable, T1, wireless, etc.
Email access
Fax line
Customized number? Always available to be reached?
Phone system, voicemail
6. Office Planning
Errors and Omission Insurance
For state offered insurance, call the commission at 281-7393 or you may
“shop around” for your own insurance carrier.
American Home Shield 708-271-2858
General Business Insurance
Contact your local insurance agent.
Health Insurance
Information on the Iowa Association plan is available on
www.iowarealtors.com under membership benefits. Call 575-270-8178.
Inquire with Secretary of State Office regarding obtaining a trademark for your name.
(Website: www.sos.state.ia.us)
Review Chapter 10 - Iowa Administrative Rules and NAR Code of Ethics.
Go to association conventions and trade shows and talk to vendors regarding their
products and services. Recent vendors have included Lowen Sign Company, Gateway
Computers, Sprint PCS and UPS.
In general, professional service companies pay off in the long run.
Franchise assistance
Agency Promotion - company name, logo, colors
Efficient and effective advertising dollars
Phone directory
Business publications
“Reasonable and Necessary” business deductions - tax de-
Office supplies
Initial and one time costs
Reoccurring expenses
Apparel w/ logo
Trinkets - marketing exposure
Any reasonable expenses you incur in operating your business
7. Insurance
8. Advertising
Contact local bank
Open trust account(s)
Trust Account Manual available from the Iowa Real Estate Commission
(Website: www.state.ia.us/irec)
Fill out Consent to Examine
Forms also available on iowarealtors.com
See Brokerage Forms
Open General Ledger accounts
Interest to IAR Foundation?
Set up accounting system
Hire accounting firm?
Software available
State association forms are available
Go to www.iowarealtors.com and click the “Online Forms” link
User name is your last name.
Password is the last four digits of you Social Security number.
There many different categories of forms available, such as: offers, agency,
farm and land, non-residential, property management, listing, and disclosures.
Customized forms
Must be prepared with attorney approval
Franchise forms available
Local REALTOR® boards draft forms
9. Financial
10. Forms
Written procedure book - How is your firm going to operate?
You must decide and have all broker/salespersons follow:
Agency Policy Disclosure and Acknowledgement
i. Client Single Seller Agency
ii. Client Single Buyer Agency
iii. Clients Dual Agency
iv. Client Appointed Agency
v. Customer self representation
Presentation of offers
i. Multiple offer situation
ii. Informed consent by clients
Sales records and procedures
i. Maintain for a minimum of five years
Independent contractor staff
i. Independent contractor agreements signed and on file (form available at
Paid employee staff
Taking an active role in the association network has many direct and indirect benefits.
Board Membership
Call IAR at 800-532-1515 for a list of local boards available to join.
Multiple Listing Membership
Local board fees - separate from regular board dues
Orientation/ new initiation fee -
Optional but helpful for local boards to conduct
12. Local, State and National Association of REALTORS®
11. Company Policy and Procedures
Recruiting Agents
Visit Chapter 6 - Iowa Administrative Rules
Transfer and Termination Rules/Forms
Meet new seal requirements from Secretary of State
Psychological/mental aspects
Ability to work alone
Ability to meet a payroll
Ability to be a boss
Who to cover business when away
Vacation, unexpected time away from office
Info available on www.IowaRealtors.com and
Iowa Association of REALTORS®
1370 NW 114th St. Suite 100
Clive, IA 50325
Phone: 800-532-1515 ext. 334
Fax: 515-453-1070
Questions? E-mail [email protected]
13. Miscellaneous
©2004 Iowa Association of REALTOR