APA Style Guide to Electronic References
Sometimes it can be not only confusing but difficult to reference an electronic source correctly. In 2009, the American
Psychological Association (APA) revised and updated a new 6
edition manual by providing examples and changes in
referencing electronic type media. Writers should keep in mind that they should add as much electronic retrieval
information as needed so that others can locate the source that has been cited. There are a couple of changes that
should be noted:
For journal articles, always include the journal issue number (if available) along with the volume number,
regardless of whether the journal is paginated separately by issue or continuously by volume (p. 2).
No retrieval date is necessary for information that is not going to be changed or updated in the future, such as a
journal article or book (p. 2).
When a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is available, include the DOI instead of the URL in the reference. (A DOI is a
unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency to identify content and provide a persistent link to
its location on the Internet (p. 3).
**For Friends University students enrolled in any general education English courses (Composition 1, Composition 2, or
Masterpieces 1 or 2) should include:
the retrieval date that the information was accessed unless it is journal article or an electronic book.
the name of the database used, but it is not necessary to include the database URL.
1. Journal article with DOI assigned:
Johnson, S. (2009). Integrating therapy modes in the treatment of head traumas. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 81(3), 384-391. doi:10.1097/004-8431.43.492
This is the final published version of this article being referenced, so there is no need to include the retrieval
The article was retrieved from the PsychARTICLES database. Since you have the DOI, it functions as both a
unique identifier of the content (taking the place of the database name) and a link to the content (taking the
place of a URL) (p. 198).
2. Journal article with no DOI assigned:
Shaw, T. E., & Smithson, W. C. (2008). The use of self-esteem to gauge differences between
parental love and adult perceived happiness. Topics in Clinical Psychology, 21(3), 22-29.
Retrieved from http://www.topicsinclinicalpsychology.com
There is no DOI assigned, so give the exact URL.
No retrieval date is necessary because this is the final version of the article being referenced (p. 199).
APA Style Guide to Electronic References
Adam, K. (2005, May). Affirmative action and popular perceptions: The case of South Africa. Society, 37(2),
Retrieved from Proquest online database.
Terrance, M., Castlerook, T., & Colbeck, L. (2007, September). Racial and ethnic diversity in the classroom.
Journal of Higher Education, 72. Retrieved from Blue Skyways online database (Infotrac).
Once again no retrieval date is necessary because this is the final version of the article.
Remember the English department requires that Gen. Ed. classes note the database where the article
was found.
3. Chapter from an electronic book:
Warner, J. L. (1941). Alcoholism and the effect on the brain. In M. Norwood & S. Jollife (Eds.), Current
treatment for nervous and mental illnesses (Vol. 4, pp. 188-195). Retrieved from PsycoBOOKS
The database name is included in the reference to help readers find their electronic version of the book because
it is probably very difficult to find it in print (p. 203).
4. Abstract as original source:
Morris, M. J. (2006). Health benefits for mentally ill inmates for prison (NCJ No. 291947) [Abstract].
Retrieved from National Criminal Justice Reference Service abstracts database.
If a publication number is assigned, include it in parentheses after the title of the report (p. 202).
5. Lecture notes:
Smith, J. A. (2008). Lecture 8: Recruitment of students for campus training [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved
March 9, 2008, from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health OpenCourseWare Web site:
6. Book review:
Cramner, J., & Stillford, N. (2007). How is the brain enriched? [Review of the book Enriching the brain: How
do we get the most out of our learners?] PsycCRITIQUES, 29(3), Article 4. Retrieved from
APA Style Guide to Electronic References
7. Online magazine article
Barclay, E. (2009, July). Research vs. science: Psychologists defend the importance of research. Monitor on
Psychology, 23(5). Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/monitor/
8. Online reference work:
Notram, M. (2007). Behaviorism. In N. Stiles (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved
January 19, 2008, from http://plato.stanford.edu
If an entry has no byline, place the title in the author position.
The date of the most recent change or update may not be clear, so include the retrieval date.
Give the home or index page URL for reference works (p. 2005).
9. Online handbook:
Organization plans for small businesses. (2006). In E. Smith, R. O. Dellwood, & J. L. Morris (Eds.),
Small business success in the corporate world. Retrieved April 9, 2007, from http://www.bussucess.com
10. Fact sheet:
RAND Corporation. (2007). Making the necessary steps to improving health care in America. [Fact sheet].
Retrieved from http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2007/121.pdf
A description of the work is included in square brackets to aid in document identification and retrieval.
11. Print or online brochure:
Starbucks Coffee Company. (2005). You, Starbucks, and nutrition [Brochure]. Seattle, WA: Author.
Kansas Board of Regents. (2008). A guide to picking a Kansas college [Brochure]. Retrieved May 1, 2008,
from http://www.ksboardregents.gov/pubs/consumerbrochure.pdf
12. Presentation slides:
Duke University, Institute of Technology Learning. (2007). Educating others in the new millennium
[PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved January 29, 2008, from http://duke.edu/publications/index.html
APA Style Guide to Electronic References
13. Technical or research report:
Calloway, N., Whitehall, H., & Porter, M. (2006). The future of literacy in our country: Findings from the
2005 Assessment of Adult Literacy (Report No. NCES 2006-491). Retrieved April 1, 2008, from
National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov/pub2006/491.pdf
If the report number is given, insert it in parentheses after the title, as shown (p. 20).
14. White paper:
Miller, R., & Stanford, F. (2007). Developing creative computer science graduates for an increasingly competitive
market [White paper]. Retrieved January 9, 2008, from Columbia University College of Computing:
A white paper is a short document that presents an organization’s philosophy, position, or policy on a particular
15. Newsletter article:
Martin, K. (2008, Winter). Testing the waters for health coverage. Connect Care: Newsletter of the University
of Kansas School of Medicine, 4(2). Retrieved April 21, 2008, from
Use the complete publication date given on the article.
Some online newsletters are unpaginated, so no page numbers can be given in the reference.
In an Internet periodical, volume and issue numbers often are not relevant. If they are not used, the name of
the periodical is all that can be provided in the reference (p. 200).
16. Newsletter article, no author
Federal government initiates anti-gang programs. (2008, November/December). OJJDP News @ a Glance.
Retrieved from http://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojdp/news_at_glance/9939/topstory.html
Alphabetize works with no author by the first significant word in the title (in this case “Federal”).
In text, use a short title if it is a lengthy title (“Federal Government,” 2008).
17. Newspaper article:
Hathoway, P. (2007, March 23). Changing forces in the business world. The New York Times. Retrieved
APA Style Guide to Electronic References
September 29, 2007, from http://www.nytimes.com
Miller, W. (2008, April 9). Scientists study sleeping disorders. The New York Times. Retrieved September
21, 2008, from Lexis-Nexis database (Academic Universe).
In-text citation: Miller (2008) found in several studies that sleeping disorders are common among women over
the age of 50 (para. 39).
18. Television feature, podcast:
Kerner, J. A. (Producer/Director). (2007). The BTK Trial for Murder [Motion Picture]. In C. Stang
(Executive Producer), American murderers. Podcast retrieved from WGBH:http://www.pbs.org/
19. Article on Web site with no date:
Broggleman, V. (n.d.). Think like a marketer to get students to eat healthy. MSNBC. Retrieved January 9, 2008,
from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20204504
When the date of publication is not available, include the retrieval date.
20. Message posted to a newsgroup, online forum, or discussion group:
Smithwood, D. (2008, January 29). Reflecting on student interaction [Msg. 2]. Message posted to
If the author’s full name is available, list the last name first followed by initials. If only a screen name is
available, use the screen name.
Provide the exact date of the posting.
Follow the date with the subject line of the message (also referred to as the “thread”); do not italicize it. Provide
any identifier for the message in brackets after the title.
Provide the address for the archived version of the message (p. 215).
21. Video Weblog post:
Harold, P. (2007, November 9). How to operate on your own dog [Video file]. Video posted to
APA Style Guide to Electronic References
22. CQ Researcher article:
Ketchem, K. (2007, March 14). School violence. C. Q. Researcher, 14(8). 199-224. Retrieved from C. Q.
Researcher Online, http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/cqresrre2007051301
Include the name of the database along with the accession number in the reference to aid readers in
finding the electronic version because it may difficult to find in print.
Make sure that you print out the PDF version so that you won’t have to count paragraphs for the in-
text citation.
In-text citation: According to the McEnulty National Public Violence Report, in 2005 school violence in
middle schools increased 47% (Ketchem, 2007, p. 201).
23. Opposing Viewpoint article from online database:
Bandow, D. (2008). Antiterrorism measures threaten civil liberties. In A. E. Sadler & P. A. Winters (Eds.),
Opposing viewpoints: Urban terrorism. Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
No retrieval date is necessary because this is a book found on this particular database.
You must note the name of the database to fulfill the English department requirement.
Remember that you give the first initial and then the last name for any editors in an anthology.
In-text citation: Bandow agrees that certain measures must be taken to protect Americans in the workforce
(2008, para. 19).
*Citations in Text of Electronic Material*
The following guidelines are from the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual. To cite a specific part of a source,
indicate the page, chapter, figure, table or equation at the appropriate point in text. Always give page or paragraph
numbers for direct quotations (p. 171-172).
(Chandler & Briggs, 2007, p. 39)
“When paraphrasing or referring to an idea contained in another work, you are encouraged to provide a page or
paragraph number, especially when it would help an interested reader locate the relevant passage in a long or complex
text” (Section 6.04, p. 171). For electronic source that do not provide page numbers, use the paragraph number, if
available, preceded by the paragraph symbol or the abbreviation para. If neither paragraph nor page numbers are
visible, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following it to direct the reader to the location of the material.
(Myers, 2008, para. 9)
(Brown, Showder, & Trail, 2007, Conclusion section, para. 2)