Color Scheme Requirements
Dispatch Service Requirements
(h) Additional Requirements Applicable To Color
Scheme Permit Applications.
(1) Color Scheme Permit Transfers. Any transfer of
a Color Scheme permit must be approved in
advance by the SFMTA. Prior to approving a
transfer of a Color Scheme Permit, the SFMTA shall
conduct an investigation to ensure that the
proposed transferee meets all requirements of this
Article. For the purpose of this subsection, the
transfer of a business means the transfer of 50% or
more of an ownership interest in the business to a
person or entity that did not already hold an
ownership interest in the business as of June 19,
2009. In addition to any other documents
establishing compliance with laws and regulations
that the SFMTA may require as a condition of
approval of the transfer, the parties to the transfer
must provide:
(A) An inventory of any City-owned In-Taxi
(B) Proof of all required insurance,
(C) A business license,
(D) Any signed partnership agreement among
multiple purchasers or documentation of current
valid corporate status,
(E) A signed lease establishing the buyer's right of
occupancy at a business premises,
(F) A signed agreement with a permitted dispatch
service, and
(G) A schedule of gate fees.
(2) Permit Renewal Requirements. No Color
Scheme Permit shall be renewed unless the Permit
Holder files the following documents by May 1 of
each year:
(A) Current San Francisco business license;
(B) Completed designated manager form(s);
(C) Current list of all affiliated Drivers, Medallion
Holders and type of Lease for each;
(D) Insurance certificates demonstrating
compliance with the insurance requirements of this
Article for every vehicle and Medallion affiliated
with the Color Scheme;
(E) Copy of company drug-free workplace policy;
(F) Sworn statement attesting to compliance with
this Article and applicable state and federal laws.
(i) Moratorium on Issuance of Permits. The
Director of Transportation may impose a
moratorium on the issuance of new Color Scheme
Permits or Dispatch Service Permits upon his or her
determination that the issuance of such permits
(g) Additional Requirements Applicable To
Dispatch Service Permit Applications.
(1) Dispatch Service Permit Transfers. Any transfer
of a Dispatch Service permit must be approved in
advance by the SFMTA. The Permit Holder shall
give notice to the SFMTA of the intended transfer
at least 30 days prior to such transfer. Prior to
approving a transfer of a Dispatch Service permit,
the SFMTA shall conduct an investigation to ensure
that the proposed transferee meets all
requirements of this Article. For the purpose of this
subsection, the transfer of a business means the
transfer of 50 percent or more of an ownership
interest in the business to a person or entity that
did not already hold an ownership interest in the
business as of September 17, 2013. In addition to
any other documents establishing compliance with
laws and regulations that the SFMTA may require
as a condition of approval of the transfer, the
parties to the transfer must provide:
(A) Proof of compliance with the requirements of
this Article applicable to Dispatch Service Permit
Holders, including all required insurance;
(B) A business license;
(C) A signed partnership agreement among
multiple purchasers or documentation of current
valid corporate status; and
(D) A signed lease establishing the buyer's right of
occupancy at a business premises.
(i) Moratorium on Issuance of Permits. The
Director of Transportation may impose a
moratorium on the issuance of new Color Scheme
Permits or Dispatch Service Permits upon his or
her determination that the issuance of such
permits will not serve the public interest. The
Director of Transportation shall notify the Board of
Directors immediately upon making such a
determination. The notification, which shall be
posted in accordance with Section 1123(a), shall
include the reasons for the Director's
determination that issuance of new permits will
not serve the public interest, and the expected
duration of the moratorium. In no event shall such
a moratorium last for more than a year without the
approval of the Board of Directors.
will not serve the public interest. The Director of
Transportation shall notify the Board of Directors
immediately upon making such a determination.
The notification, which shall be posted in
accordance with Section 1123(a), shall include the
reasons for the Director's determination that
issuance of new permits will not serve the public
interest, and the expected duration of the
moratorium. In no event shall such a moratorium
last for more than a year without the approval of
the Board of Directors.
(a) Conditions Applicable to All Permits.
(1) Permits Required. No person, business, firm,
partnership, association or corporation shall drive,
or operate or cause to be operated any Motor
Vehicle For Hire within the City, nor shall any
person, business, firm, partnership, association or
corporation operate any Dispatch Service or Color
Scheme, without a permit issued by the SFMTA
authorizing such driving or operation in accordance
with this Article.
(6) Compliance with Laws and Regulations. Every
Permit Holder shall comply with, and shall ensure
that their affiliated vehicles, employees, Permit
Holders, lessees, Dispatch Service and Color
Scheme shall comply with the provisions of this
Article, the San Francisco Charter and Municipal
Code, the California Vehicle Code, California
Worker's Compensation laws, the Americans with
Disabilities Act, and all regulations adopted by the
Oakland and San Francisco International Airports,
San Francisco Department of Public Health, and any
other governmental jurisdictions through which the
Permit Holders traverse.
(a)(11) Participation in Paratransit Program. Each
Color Scheme, Dispatch Service, Medallion Holder
and Driver must participate in and shall at all times
operate subject to and in compliance with the
regulations of the SFMTA's Paratransit Program.
12) Shift Change at Color Scheme Required for
Gas and Gates Vehicles; Unattended Vehicles. All
Permit Holders shall ensure that taxi vehicles
operated pursuant to a Gas and Gates Medallion
that they operate begin and end all shifts at the
Color Scheme's place of business, except with the
prior written approval of the SFMTA. When a
vehicle is not being operated for hire, the Permit
Holder shall either leave the vehicle at the Color
Scheme's place of business or make a written
request for SFMTA approval of an alternative
location that is off the public street and sidewalk.
(a) Conditions Applicable to All Permits.
(1) Permits Required. No person, business, firm,
partnership, association or corporation shall drive,
or operate or cause to be operated any Motor
Vehicle For Hire within the City, nor shall any
person, business, firm, partnership, association or
corporation operate any Dispatch Service or Color
Scheme, without a permit issued by the SFMTA
authorizing such driving or operation in accordance
with this Article.
(6) Compliance with Laws and Regulations. Every
Permit Holder shall comply with, and shall ensure
that their affiliated vehicles, employees, Permit
Holders, lessees, Dispatch Service and Color
Scheme shall comply with the provisions of this
Article, the San Francisco Charter and Municipal
Code, the California Vehicle Code, California
Worker's Compensation laws, the Americans with
Disabilities Act, and all regulations adopted by the
Oakland and San Francisco International Airports,
San Francisco Department of Public Health, and any
other governmental jurisdictions through which the
Permit Holders traverse.
(a)(11) Participation in Paratransit Program. Each
Color Scheme, Dispatch Service, Medallion Holder
and Driver must participate in and shall at all times
operate subject to and in compliance with the
regulations of the SFMTA's Paratransit Program.
(b) Electronic Taxi Access System. By a date to be
determined by the SFMTA, each Dispatch Service
Permit Holder shall integrate its dispatch system
with and implement the Electronic Taxi Access
System, and shall electronically transfer all of its
Electronic Trip Data to the Electronic Taxi Access
System in real-time as required by this Section
(b)(1) Each Color Scheme Permit Holder and
Dispatch Service Permit Holder shall cooperate
with the SFMTA and the Electronic Taxi Access
System Provider to ensure integration is conducted
No Taxi vehicle may be left unattended on a public
street for more than four hours.
(13) Current Address Required; Emergency
Contact Notification. All Permit Holders shall keep
contact information current with the SFMTA. All
Medallion Holders and Drivers shall keep contact
information current with their Color Schemes.
Every natural person who holds a permit from the
SFMTA pursuant to this Article shall give written
notice to the SFMTA within ten days of any change
of residence address, and shall accept mail at the
address provided to the SFMTA. Color Scheme and
Dispatch Service changes of address are subject to
the prior written approval of the SFMTA. No Permit
Holder may use a post office box as a current
(14) Service of Process. All Permit Holders agree
to accept service of process, official notices, and
correspondence ("service of process") from the
SFMTA as a condition of retaining a permit. Color
Schemes must accept service of process from the
SFMTA on behalf of any Permit Holder affiliated
with that Color Scheme.
(b)(1) Each Color Scheme Permit Holder and
Dispatch Service Permit Holder shall cooperate
with the SFMTA and the Electronic Taxi Access
System Provider to ensure integration is conducted
in accordance with the security measures and
timeline established by the SFMTA.
(b)(2) Each Color Scheme Permit Holder and
Dispatch Service Permit Holder shall install all
equipment, including dispatch equipment and/or
an OBD device, deemed necessary by the SFMTA, in
its sole and absolute discretion, to implement the
Electronic Taxi Access System and electronically
transfer all Electronic Trip Data to the Electronic
Taxi Access System.
(b)(3) Each Color Scheme Permit Holder and
Medallion Holder shall be required to install an
OBD device prescribed by the SFMTA in each of its
affiliated Taxis if the SFMTA or the Electronic Taxi
Access System Provider determines that installation
of the OBD is necessary to meet the equipment,
data or security requirements of the Electronic Taxi
Access System.
(b)(5) Each Dispatch Service Permit Holder and
Color Scheme Permit Holder shall promptly notify
the SFMTA and the Electronic Taxi Access System
Provider of any equipment, data and/or security
failure that may limit or restrict the ability of the
Electronic Taxi Access System to securely collect
Electronic Trip Data in real time. The Dispatch
Service Permit Holder and Color Scheme Permit
in accordance with the security measures and
timeline established by the SFMTA.
(b)(2) Each Color Scheme Permit Holder and
Dispatch Service Permit Holder shall install all
equipment, including dispatch equipment and/or
an OBD device, deemed necessary by the SFMTA, in
its sole and absolute discretion, to implement the
Electronic Taxi Access System and electronically
transfer all Electronic Trip Data to the Electronic
Taxi Access System.
(b)(5) Each Dispatch Service Permit Holder and
Color Scheme Permit Holder shall promptly notify
the SFMTA and the Electronic Taxi Access System
Provider of any equipment, data and/or security
failure that may limit or restrict the ability of the
Electronic Taxi Access System to securely collect
Electronic Trip Data in real time. The Dispatch
Service Permit Holder and Color Scheme Permit
Holder shall be responsible for taking corrective
measures within 24 hours of any equipment, data,
and/or security failure, and shall promptly inform
the SFMTA and the Electronic Taxi Access System
Provider of the corrective action. In no event shall
the Electronic Taxi Access System Provider or the
SFMTA be responsible for the equipment, data,
and/or security failure.
Holder shall be responsible for taking corrective
measures within 24 hours of any equipment, data,
and/or security failure, and shall promptly inform
the SFMTA and the Electronic Taxi Access System
Provider of the corrective action. In no event shall
the Electronic Taxi Access System Provider or the
SFMTA be responsible for the equipment, data,
and/or security failure.
In addition to all other conditions applicable to a
Color Scheme Permit, each Color Scheme Permit
Holder shall meet the following requirements and
performance standards:
(a) Rights of Color Scheme Permit Holder; Permit
Required. A Color Scheme Permit entitles the
Permit Holder to operate a business that provides
taxi service using vehicles painted with trade dress
authorized by the permit and unique to that
business. Any major change in trade dress colors of
a Color Scheme Permit Holder shall require a
permit application requesting the issuance of a new
Color Scheme Permit. Minor changes in trade dress
may be approved by SFMTA without a new permit
application. SFMTA shall determine, in its sole
discretion, whether a requested change of trade
dress is major or minor. No person shall operate a
Color Scheme business without a valid permit from
the SFMTA.
(b) Color Scheme Trade Dress. Upon request, the
Color Scheme Permit Holder shall provide to
SFMTA electronic, high-resolution copies of color
photographs of the front, sides and rear of each
make and model of Taxi and Ramp Taxi vehicle
affiliated with the Color Scheme.
(c) Use of Dispatch Service. Each Color Scheme
shall ensure that all Medallion Holders affiliated
with that Color Scheme utilize the same Dispatch
Service utilized by the Color Scheme. A Color
Scheme must obtain the prior written approval of
the SFMTA before changing Dispatch Services. A
Color Scheme request for change of Dispatch
Service shall be approved unless the Color Scheme
or the Dispatch Service is on Administrative
(d) Principal Place of Business. All Color Schemes
shall maintain a principal place of business within
the City, which must be staffed by at least one
person Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M., excepting federal holidays. Every Color
Scheme must have the capacity to receive
deliveries during business hours and to send and
(a) In addition to all other conditions applicable to
a Dispatch Service Permit, each Dispatch Service
Permit Holder shall comply with the following
performance standards:
(b) Minimum Dispatch Service Standards.
(1) A Dispatch Service must affiliate with at least
50 medallions and must successfully complete an
average of at least 250 verifiable Dispatch requests
per day with an average of a least three completed
Dispatch requests per medallion, per day, from
November 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
(2) A Dispatch Service must affiliate with at least
75 medallions and must successfully complete an
average of at least 375 verifiable Dispatch requests
per day with an average of a least 3.75 completed
Dispatch requests per medallion, per day, from
January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.
(3) A Dispatch Service must affiliate with at least
100 medallions and must successfully complete an
average of at least 500 verifiable Dispatch requests
per day with an average of a least five completed
Dispatch requests per medallion, per day, from
January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.
(4) Any Dispatch Service that does not meet the
minimum required levels for completion of
Dispatch requests per medallion set forth in
Sections 1107(b)(1) through (3), and all Color
Scheme Permit Holders affiliated with that Dispatch
Service Holder shall be placed on Administrative
Probation for not more than 90 days. If after 90
days the Dispatch Service cannot meet the
applicable minimum required levels for completion
of Dispatch requests per medallion, the Dispatch
Service permit shall be automatically revoked and
all affiliated Color Scheme Permit Holders shall
affiliate with a Dispatch Service that meets
minimum service standards.
(c) Dispatch Service Operational Requirements. A
Dispatch Service must:
(1) Maintain and update an emergency plan that
conforms to SFMTA requirements for Drivers and
Dispatch Service employees to follow in
receive documents and electronic correspondence
at all times, and the street address, telephone
number(s) and/or electronic address(es) for
documents and correspondence must be provided
to the SFMTA.
(e) Change of Business Location. A Color Scheme
must obtain the prior written approval of the
SFMTA before changing its principal place of
(f) Telephone Access. Every Color Scheme shall
subscribe to a telephone service and publish the
name of the business, the Color Scheme Permit
number and the telephone number to which
requests for service and inquiries about Found
Property may be addressed in the Yellow Pages
section of the San Francisco telephone directory.
The published telephone number shall not be used
for the conduct of any business enterprise other
than the business of the Color Scheme. If a change
occurs in the name of the company or telephone
number under which taxi service is provided the
Color Scheme shall promptly request to change the
listing in the Yellow Pages section of the San
Francisco telephone directory. During those times
when the current listing in the Yellow Pages section
of the San Francisco telephone directory is
incorrect or when a new listing cannot be made
until the next printed copy is published, the “Color
Scheme shall maintain a current listing, including
the name of the company and telephone number,
with the San Francisco directory assistance (411)
and the City's 311 system".
(g) Designated Manager.
(1) All Color Schemes shall designate a natural
person as a manager who shall serve as the central
point of contact for all matters of regulatory
compliance. This manager shall be an individual
who has not had Motor Vehicle for Hire Permit
issued by the SFMTA suspended or revoked in the
past five years, except as otherwise approved in
writing by the SFMTA. A Color Scheme may
designate additional managers for specialized
matters subject to the prior written approval of the
(2) The designated manager of a Color Scheme
shall be the agent for service of process for the
Color Scheme.
(3) Designation of a manager for purposes of this
subsection 1106(g)(3) does not qualify the manager
as Key Personnel for the Color Scheme.
(h) Staffing Requirements. Every Color Scheme
shall employ some combination of qualified staff,
contracted services and/or automated devices
emergencies, and file an updated emergency plan
annually at the time of permit renewal.
(2) Answer all calls by human, mechanical or other
device within six rings 365 days per year, 24 hours
per day. At least one person shall be available to
respond to calls at all times.
(3) Assign each dispatcher, operator and/or call
taker employed by the Dispatch Service a unique
individual identifier.
(4) Require all dispatchers, operators and/or call
takers, to answer a call with the name of the
Dispatch Service, and, upon request of the caller,
to identify themselves with either their unique
individual identifier or their legal name.
(5) If two or more Color Schemes share the same
Dispatch Service, the Dispatch Service may not
dispatch a vehicle from a Color Scheme other than
the one requested by the caller to respond to the
call until the Dispatch Service operator first advises
the customer of the Color Scheme of the vehicle
that will respond to the call.
(6) Comply with all applicable state laws and
regulations concerning Workers' Compensation.
(7) Must affiliate with an e-hail application
provider that meets criteria established by the
Director of Transportation.
(d) Found Property.
(1) Dispatch Service Permit Holders shall take
reasonable measures to attempt to return Found
Property to its rightful owner in a timely fashion. If
the owner cannot be contacted, the property shall
be held for safekeeping for a period of not less than
120 days. A receipt shall be issued to the Driver for
each item turned in.
(2) If the Found Property is currency, is of the
value of $100 or more, is either a serialized item or
an electronic device or contains owners
identification information, within 30 calendar days
the Dispatch
Service Permit Holder shall transfer the property to
the SFMTA, make a Police Report, and obtain both
Police Incident Report Number and a receipt of the
items processed.
(3) Dispatch Service Permit Holders shall advise
passengers claiming to have lost property of value
in a Taxi or Ramp Taxi, to make a lost property
police report if their property has not been found.
Color Schemes shall not inform customers to call
311 to report or recover Found Property.
(e) Minimum Dispatch Equipment Requirements.
Each Dispatch Service permit holder must maintain
at a minimum the following dispatch equipment
and dispatch capacity as of February 1, 2014:
adequate to perform at least the following
functions and provide the following capabilities:
(1) Receive inquiries about Found Property on a
24-hour basis.
(2) Receive and respond to communications and
information requests from the SFMTA.
(3) Document and track all Found Property and
turn it over to the Color Scheme's Dispatch Service
for processing.
(4) Comply with all state laws regarding Found
(i) Workers' Compensation Requirements. Color
Scheme Permit Holders shall comply with all
applicable state laws and regulations concerning
Workers' Compensation.
(j) Paratransit Program Minimum Requirements.
All Color Schemes must qualify for the Paratransit
Program and must execute a contract with the
Paratransit Broker defining the rights and
obligations of the parties. Thereafter, each such
Color Scheme shall operate at all times subject to
the Paratransit Program Minimum Requirements
set by the SFMTA, including any rules requiring the
Color Scheme to maintain insurance in excess of
the insurance requirements of this Article. Every
contract entered into between a Color Scheme and
a Driver or Medallion Holder affiliated with that
Color Scheme shall require the Driver to operate at
all times subject to the rules and regulations of the
Paratransit Program.
(k) Vehicle Maintenance and Cleaning.
(1) Every Color Scheme shall provide Drivers free
access to a facility that is adequate to thoroughly
wash all affiliated vehicles and that is in compliance
with all applicable laws and regulations, including
but not limited to environmental and zoning
(2) When a Color Scheme receives notice of a
problem with the equipment of a vehicle affiliated
with that Color Scheme, the Color Scheme and the
Medallion Holder are jointly and severally
responsible for compliance with all of the following
(A) Ensuring that all equipment on the vehicle
that is required by this Article or by the Paratransit
Broker is working properly.
(B) Taking out of service and repairing any vehicle
immediately if the failure of any equipment
presents a safety issue, if communications
equipment is not in working order, or if the
Taximeter seal is broken, removed, destroyed,
marred or otherwise tampered with.
(1) A hard-mounted driver information monitor or
mobile data terminal capable of two-way
communication to display and accept orders, which
must be directly connected to the taximeter or
connected to the taximeter as part of a secondary
system such as a payment system; and
(2) Integrated GPS to allow for nearest taxi
distribution of available orders; and
(3) Ability to dispatch entered orders based on
vehicle type;
(4) Configurable polling time of vehicle data and
(5) Ability to report data on all orders entered into
system, including but not limited to: time and date,
order status, drivers/vehicles rejected and
drivers/vehicles accepted, all timing points of order
(entry time, dispatch time, acceptance or rejected
time, and trip completion time), abandoned and
non-completed jobs, driver login and logout status
while on duty;
(6) Functional direct voice access and two-way
communication with all affiliated Taxis and Ramp
(3) The Color Scheme with which a vehicle is
affiliated and the Medallion Holder are jointly and
severally responsible for complying with any
written order issued by the San Francisco
Department of Public Health that relates to a
Motor Vehicle For Hire.
(4) When a Color Scheme receives notice from a
Driver assigned to a Taxi or Ramp Taxi vehicle that
any equipment in or on that vehicle is unsafe, the
Color Scheme is required to promptly provide the
Driver with another Taxi or Ramp Taxi vehicle that
is in compliance with this Article.
(l) Spare Vehicles.
(1) A spare vehicle may operate with a Medallion
from a Taxi or Ramp Taxi only when necessary to
replace temporarily disabled Taxi vehicles. During
any time a spare vehicle is operating, the vehicle it
is replacing shall be available for inspection by the
(2) During any time a spare vehicle is in operation
as a Motor Vehicle For Hire, the Taxi or Ramp Taxi
it is replacing shall be available for inspection by
the SFMTA.
(3) Each Color Scheme shall be issued a unique
series of "spare numbers" for spare vehicles
operating at that Color Scheme.
(4) All spare vehicles shall be kept at the Color
Scheme's place of business or other location
approved by SFMTA when not in actual use with a
(5) Once a vehicle is designated as a spare, it may
not be re-introduced to the fleet except by
approval of the SFMTA. All spare vehicles must be
owned by the Color Scheme and shall be registered
and insured as required by all applicable law.
(6) Color Schemes may not operate or allow
another entity or individual to drive or operate a
spare vehicle, unless such vehicle is using a
Medallion which is not in use in any other vehicle.
Any Color Scheme found to be violating this Section
shall be deemed to be operating a vehicle without
a permit. Each day of unauthorized operation
under this Section shall be a separate offense.
(7) All spare vehicles shall be equipped with
functional In-Taxi Equipment.
(m) Reduced Emissions by Color Scheme.
Beginning on June 1, 2011, each Color Scheme
Permit Holder shall maintain average per vehicle
greenhouse gas emissions at a level set by the
Department of the Environment to achieve the goal
of a 20% reduction in taxi fleet greenhouse gas
emissions from 1990 levels by the year 2012. For
the purpose of this requirement, Ramp Taxis shall
not be included in calculation of the Color Scheme's
average per vehicle greenhouse gas emissions.
(n) Information Required to be Posted. All Color
Schemes shall post the following information at
their place of business in a place where it is easily
visible to Drivers and Color Scheme employees:
(1) Certificate of Worker's Compensation. A copy
of a current and valid Certificate of Worker's
Compensation Insurance and information about
how to file a claim.
(2) Gate Fees. The current amounts charged for
Gate Fees, including the amount charged for each
available shift over the seven days of the week.
(3) Information Provided by SFMTA. The SFMTA
may require a Color Scheme to distribute
designated materials to each affiliated Driver, and
may require the Color Scheme to obtain written
acknowledgments of receipt from affiliated Drivers,
within a time period specified by SFMTA.
(o) Required Notifications.
(1) By the fifth day of each month, each Color
Scheme must file a report with the SFMTA listing
each accident that occurred during the previous
month involving any Taxi or Ramp Taxi affiliated
with the Color Scheme and resulting in property
damage or bodily injury.
(2) Color Schemes must notify the SFMTA in
advance of any change in the name, address or
telephone number under which taxi service is
provided by the Color Scheme. A change of name
or address require the prior approval of the SFMTA.
(3) Color Schemes have an affirmative obligation
to report to the SFMTA any actual knowledge
that a Driver is engaged in the sale, use, or
possession of drugs or alcohol in a Taxi or Ramp
Taxi vehicle.
(4) Color Schemes must notify the SFMTA
when Found Property is returned to its owner.
(p) Color Scheme Obligations Related To Drivers.
(1) Each Color Scheme shall ensure that every
Driver starts and ends each shift at the Color
Scheme's principal place of business, except with
the prior written approval of the SFMTA.
(2) Each Color Scheme shall ensure that every
affiliated Driver holds a valid A-Card.
(3) A Color Scheme shall not charge an applicant
for a Driver Permit for the statement of affiliation
required by Section 1103(c)(1)(F).
(4) A Color Scheme shall issue receipts for any
payments received from any Driver. A Color
Scheme shall accept payment of Gate Fees by
credit or debit card, and shall impose no charge or
fee on Drivers who pay their Gate Fees by credit or
debit card.
(5) Medical Certification of Drivers. Every Color
Scheme shall ensure that all affiliated Drivers
undergo any medical examination required by the
SFMTA in accordance with SFMTA requirements.
(6) A Color Scheme shall offer cashiering services,
through a third-party merchant account holder that
conforms to PCI DSS standards, to any Driver for
credit and debit card transactions collected by that
Driver as payment of taxi fare while that Driver was
driving a vehicle affiliated with that Color Scheme.
A Color Scheme may charge a Driver a fee for the
cashiering service, which shall not exceed 3.5
percent of the total amount of the credit or debit
card transactions presented to the Color Scheme. A
Color Scheme must require its third-party merchant
account holder to deposit the proceeds of the
Driver's credit and debit card transactions, minus
the fee of up to 3.5 percent, in an account of the
Driver's choice within one business day. A Color
Scheme may not require a Driver to use its
merchant account holder, and may impose no
charge for credit and debit cashiering services in
addition to the 3.5 percent fee on Drivers who
choose to use the Color Scheme's third-party
merchant account holder to cash credit and debit
card payments.
(7) Each Color Scheme shall inform every Driver
operating a Gas and Gates Medallion of the
applicable state and federal laws governing
maximum driving hours for the operators of a
commercial passenger-carrying vehicles, and must
inform every Driver of his or her obligation to
comply with such laws.
(q) Controlled Substance Testing Program;
Controlled Substances.
(1) Reserved: Controlled Substance Testing
(2) A Color Scheme having actual knowledge that a
Driver has tested positive for a controlled
substance as defined in 40 Code of Federal
Regulations Title 49 shall not permit the Driver to
operate a Taxi or Ramp Taxi until such time as the
Driver has tested negative.
(3) Color Schemes shall maintain drug- and
alcohol-free workplaces.
(4) No Color Scheme having actual knowledge that
a Driver has used and is currently under the
influence of a intoxicating or controlled substance,
as defined in 21 Code of Federal Regulations
Section 1308.01 et seq., shall permit that Driver to
operate or continue to operate a Taxi or Ramp Taxi.
(r) Found Property.
(1) Color Scheme Permit Holders shall take
reasonable measures to attempt to return Found
Property to its rightful owner in a timely fashion. If
the owner cannot be found, the property shall be
held for safekeeping for a period of not less than
120 days. A receipt shall be issued to the Driver for
each item turned in.
(2) If the Found Property is currency, is of the
value of $100 or more, is either a serialized item or
an electronic device or contains owners
identification information, within 30 calendar days
the Color Scheme Permit Holder or the designee
shall transfer the property to the SFMTA.
(3) Color Scheme Permit Holders shall advise
passengers claiming to have lost property of value
in a taxicab, to make a lost property police report if
their property has not been found. Color Schemes
shall not inform customers to call 311 to report or
recover Found Property.
(s) Dissolution Plan. Any Color Scheme that will be
terminating its business operations as a Color
Scheme and surrendering its permit shall file a
dissolution plan with the SFMTA at least 30 days
prior to the date that the Color Scheme anticipates
that it will cease to respond to requests for taxi
service. The dissolution plan shall include but not
be limited to plans for the disposition of records
and preservation of Waybills and Driver Rosters,
Driver and Medallion Holder files and Leases,
handling Found Property, notifying the public of
the termination in service and contact information
for future inquiries.
(t) Insurance Requirements. (Reserved)
(3) Color Scheme Identification Card. A Driver's
Color Scheme Identification Card, which must bear
a photograph of the Driver, must be displayed
conspicuously at all times in any Motor Vehicle for
Hire that the Driver is operating in a manner that
the badge number printed on the card is easily
visible to any passenger in the vehicle.
(c) Notification to SFMTA of Change of Affiliation
with Color Scheme.
(1) All Drivers must notify the SFMTA at least three
business days prior to the effective date of any
change of affiliation with a Color Scheme. No
Driver may affiliate with a Color Scheme that is on
Administrative Probation pursuant to Section 1122.
(2) In accordance with California Government
Code Section 53075.5(b)(1)(B), a Driver's Permit
(7) Every Driver must accept dispatch assignments
when available from their Dispatch Service. Drivers
must immediately notify their Dispatch Service if
they are unable to service an accepted call.
(10) Drivers shall comply with any passenger
request to turn down, turn off or change the
channel of any audible device that is not required
for safe operation of the vehicle or communication
with a Color Scheme, Dispatch Service, law
enforcement agency, health care provider, or other
emergency service agency. A Driver is not required
to comply with a passenger request for any
particular audio selection or other passenger
listening preferences.
(11) Except for emergencies, including but not
limited to an emergency call to a Dispatch Service,
shall be suspended for any period during which the
Driver is not affiliated with a Color Scheme.
(10) Drivers shall comply with any passenger
request to turn down, turn off or change the
channel of any audible device that is not required
for safe operation of the vehicle or communication
with a Color Scheme, Dispatch Service, law
enforcement agency, health care provider, or other
emergency service agency. A Driver is not required
to comply with a passenger request for any
particular audio selection or other passenger
listening preferences.
(13) During a shift a Driver may not monitor or
listen to any Dispatch Service other than the
Dispatch Service that provides service to the Color
Scheme with which the vehicle is affiliated. A Driver
must be logged into all in-taxi equipment at all
times while operating a taxi vehicle, using a means
of identification approved by the SFMTA, and a
Driver must be logged into the e-hail application
with which the Dispatch Service is affiliated.
(23) Drivers shall make a visual check of the
interior of the vehicle at the conclusion of each trip
to determine if any property has been left behind.
If any of the passenger's property was loaded in the
trunk, the Driver shall check the trunk area at the
end of the trip to ensure that no property was left
(24) Upon discovery, a Driver shall report Found
Property to the Dispatch Service immediately, and
shall take reasonable measures to attempt to
return Found Property in the vehicle to the rightful
owner during the shift in which it was discovered. If
it is not possible to return the Found Property
before the end of the shift, the Driver shall leave it
with the Color Scheme or Dispatch Service at the
end of the shift. Drivers shall record a description
of the Found Property on a form provided by the
Color Scheme or Dispatch Service, stating whom
they have contacted about the Found Property,
and whether it was returned to the owner during
the shift in which it was discovered, and if not,
where and with whom it was left.
(f) Duties at End of Shift.
(1) Until April 30, 2013, or earlier pursuant to
notice from the SFMTA that the Color Scheme for
which he or she drives is affiliated with a Dispatch
Service that has implemented a system for
generating Electronic Trip Data, Drivers shall turn in
all completed paper waybills to the Color Scheme
at the conclusion of each shift.
(2) The Driver shall remove any litter, personal
a law enforcement agency, health care provider, or
other emergency service agency, Drivers shall
immediately comply with any passenger request to
terminate mobile telephone conversations.
(12) Drivers may only use personal telephones in
the vehicle in accordance with all applicable laws.
While a passenger is in the vehicle, Drivers'
personal conversations must be limited in number
and short in duration, and at no time shall a Driver
allow a personal communication to interfere with
the Driver's full attention to the operation of the
(13) During a shift a Driver may not monitor or
listen to any Dispatch Service other than the
Dispatch Service that provides service to the Color
Scheme with which the vehicle is affiliated. A Driver
must be logged into all in-taxi equipment at all
times while operating a taxi vehicle, using a means
of identification approved by the SFMTA, and a
Driver must be logged into the e-hail application
with which the Dispatch Service is affiliated.
(23) Drivers shall make a visual check of the
interior of the vehicle at the conclusion of each trip
to determine if any property has been left behind.
If any of the passenger's property was loaded in the
trunk, the Driver shall check the trunk area at the
end of the trip to ensure that no property was left
(24) Upon discovery, a Driver shall report Found
Property to the Dispatch Service immediately, and
shall take reasonable measures to attempt to
return Found Property in the vehicle to the rightful
owner during the shift in which it was discovered. If
it is not possible to return the Found Property
before the end of the shift, the Driver shall leave it
with the Color Scheme or Dispatch Service at the
end of the shift. Drivers shall record a description
of the Found Property on a form provided by the
Color Scheme or Dispatch Service, stating whom
they have contacted about the Found Property,
and whether it was returned to the owner during
the shift in which it was discovered, and if not,
where and with whom it was left.
(f) Duties at End of Shift.
(1) Until April 30, 2013, or earlier pursuant to
notice from the SFMTA that the Color Scheme for
which he or she drives is affiliated with a Dispatch
Service that has implemented a system for
generating Electronic Trip Data, Drivers shall turn in
all completed paper waybills to the Color Scheme
at the conclusion of each shift.
(2) The Driver shall remove any litter, personal
items, and any other loose items that do not
belong with the vehicle.
(3) Drivers shall turn any unreturned or unclaimed
Found Property in the Driver's possession at the
end of a shift to the Color Scheme's or Dispatch
Services' place of business, and shall obtain a
receipt for the item regardless of value.
items, and any other loose items that do not
belong with the vehicle.
(3) Drivers shall turn any unreturned or unclaimed
Found Property in the Driver's possession at the
end of a shift to the Color Scheme's or Dispatch
Services' place of business, and shall obtain a
receipt for the item regardless of value.
(a) Affiliation With Color Scheme Required; Color
Scheme Change.
(1) A Medallion Holder must affiliate with a single
Color Scheme Permit Holder. A Medallion Holder
shall be deemed affiliated with a particular Color
Scheme when the SFMTA approves his or her
application pursuant to this Article, and shall entitle
the Medallion Holder to the right to the use of that
Color Scheme's trade dress and place of business.
(2) Affiliation with a Color Scheme and/or the
failure of a Color Scheme to comply with this
Article does not relieve the Medallion Holder of his
or her responsibility to comply with all
requirements of this Article applicable to the
Medallion Holder.
(3) A Medallion Holder may apply to the SFMTA for
a change in affiliation. The applicant's choice of
Color Scheme shall be subject to the prior approval
of the SFMTA. A Medallion Holder's request for
affiliation with a Color Scheme shall be approved
unless the Color Scheme is on Administrative
Probation pursuant to Section 1120(d). The SFMTA
may delay or deny a change in Color Scheme
affiliation by a Medallion Holder if a court of
competent jurisdiction issues a temporary or
permanent order to prohibit or delay the transfer.
The Director of Transportation may waive the color
scheme change fee payable under Section 320 if
the Medallion Holder's current Color Scheme has
ceased operation, or soon will cease operation, or
if the SFMTA has revoked or suspended the Color
Scheme's permit.
(4) A Medallion Holder who purchases his or her
Medallion in accordance with Section 1116 must
affiliate with a Participating Color Scheme.
(6) Exception for Color Scheme Key Personnel.
(C) Number of Key Personnel Designated at a
Color Scheme. Each Color Scheme will be entitled
to designate Key Personnel in accordance with the
number of Medallions affiliated with that Color
Scheme. The number of Medallions affiliated with a
particular Color Scheme for a calendar year shall be
determined as of December 1st of the previous
(b) Use of Dispatch Service. All Medallion Holders
affiliated with a Color Scheme must utilize the
same Dispatch Service.
year, based on the records of the SFMTA. Only
individuals already holding a Medallion by
December 1 of that year may be considered for Key
Personnel designation. The number of designated
Key Personnel at a Color Scheme may not be
increased or decreased during the subsequent
calendar year even if the number of Medallions
affiliated with that Color Scheme changes during
the year.
A Color Scheme with 1 to 10 Medallions may not
designate anyone as Key Personnel.
A Color Scheme with 11 to 20 Medallions may
designate one person.
A Color Scheme with 21 to 40 Medallions may
designate two people.
A Color Scheme with 41 to 60 Medallions may
designate three people.
A Color Scheme with 61 to 80 Medallions may
designate four people.
A Color Scheme with 81 to 100 Medallions may
designate five people.
A Color Scheme with 101 to 150 Medallions may
designate six people.
A Color Scheme with 151 to 200 Medallions may
designate seven people.
A Color Scheme with 201 to 300 Medallions may
designate eight people.
A Color Scheme with 301 to 400 Medallions may
designate nine people.
A Color Scheme with over 400 Medallions may
designate nine people, plus one additional person
for every 100 Medallions over 400.
(D) Statement of Work by Key Personnel. No later
than February 1st of each year, each Color Scheme
that has designated one or more employees as Key
Personnel must submit a written Statement of
Work on a form provided by SFMTA, demonstrating
the number of hours during the previous calendar
year that each of its designated Key Personnel
worked on tasks related to the business of the
Color Scheme, including but not limited to, office
duties, dispatching, cashiering, or performing
management duties. The Statement of Work shall
be signed under penalty of perjury by both the
Color Scheme and the Medallion Holder designated
as Key Personnel. The Color Scheme shall be
responsible for submitting proof of employment
with the Statement of Work, which shall consist of
state or federal tax forms filed with the appropriate
regulatory agency. A Medallion Holder and/or
Color Scheme that submit a falsely sworn
Statement of Work shall be subject to automatic
revocation of his or her Permit.
(E) Partial Completion of Requirements. If a
Medallion Holder performs at least 750 hours of
work as designated Key Personnel for the a Color
Scheme during the year but less than 1,500 hours,
the Permit Holder shall be entitled to partial credit
against the Full-Time Driving requirement on a pro
rata basis. The credit shall correspond to the
percentage of 1,500 hours that the designated
Permit Holder worked for the company in such
capacity. If a Permit Holder does not perform at
least 750 hours of work as designated personnel for
the Color Scheme during the year, the Permit
Holder shall not be entitled to any credit against
the Full-Time Driving requirement.
(e) Medallion Operation.
(1) A Medallion Holder may arrange for the
continuous operation of the Medallion in
compliance with Section 1105(a)(9) only as follows:
(A) By entering into a Lease with a Color Scheme
under which the Color Scheme will operate the
Medallion as a Gas and Gates Medallion.
(ii) The Medallion Holder is prohibited from
charging any Gate Fee other than the Gate Fee
posted for that shift by the Color Scheme with
which the Medallion is affiliated, and is prohibited
from charging Drivers any amounts other than a
Gate Fee.
(iii) The Medallion Holder is responsible for
compliance with all requirements imposed upon
Color Scheme permit holders by Section 1106,
subsections (i), (j), (k), (n), (o)(1), (o)(3), (p)(2),
(p)(4), (p)(5), (p)(7), (q) and (t).
(d) Use Agreements for Ramp Taxi Medallions.
(1) The SFMTA shall authorize the operation of a
Ramp Taxi Medallion that is returned to the SFMTA
for any reason by executing a Use Agreement with
either a Color Scheme Permit Holder or a Driver, at
the discretion of the SFMTA.
(A) With the exception of the circumstances
described in Subsection (d)(1)(B), below, only those
Color Scheme Permit Holders or Drivers that have
demonstrated exceptional performance responding
to requests for service by passengers who use
wheelchairs, or those Color Schemes that do not
have wheelchair pick-up history but have
demonstrated otherwise exceptional dispatch
performance, in accordance with criteria to be
determined by the Director of Transportation, shall
be eligible for such Use Agreements for Ramp Taxi
(d)(2) Any Color Scheme that operates more than
one Ramp Taxi Medallion pursuant to a Use
Agreement with the SFMTA, and that is affiliated
with a Dispatch Service that dispatches at least six
Ramp Taxi Medallions, may operate up to 50
percent of its affiliated Ramp Medallions in a non-
accessible Taxi vehicle during the hours of 4:00
p.m. to 4:00 a.m. daily.
(B) For Dispatch Services that are affiliated with
multiple Color Schemes, the receipt of an excessive
number of substantiated complaints on average,
per medallion per month, regarding any request for
wheelchair service during those hours that was not
fulfilled within 30 minutes of request shall result in
termination of the privilege for all Color Schemes
affiliated with that Dispatch Service.
(B) If a Gas and Gates Ramp Taxi Medallion is
returned to the SFMTA for any reason, the SFMTA
shall allow the Color Scheme with which the Ramp
Taxi Medallion is affiliated to operate the Ramp
Taxi Medallion as a Gas and Gates Medallion for
the remaining life of the Ramp Taxi vehicle if the
SFMTA determines, in accordance with criteria to
be determined by the Director of Transportation,
that the Color Scheme has a record of satisfactory
service to passengers who use wheelchairs. If the
SFMTA determines that the Color Scheme with
which the Gas and Gates Ramp Taxi Medallion is
affiliated has not provided satisfactory service to
passengers who use wheelchairs, or upon
expiration of the Ramp Taxi vehicle's useful life, the
SFMTA may allow another Color Scheme or a Driver
that meets the exceptional performance standard
for wheelchair pick-ups to operate the Ramp Taxi
(2) Any Color Scheme that operates more than one
Ramp Taxi Medallion pursuant to a Use Agreement
with the SFMTA, and that is affiliated with a
Dispatch Service that dispatches at least six Ramp
Taxi Medallions, may operate up to 50 percent of
its affiliated Ramp Medallions in a non-accessible
Taxi vehicle during the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 4:00
a.m. daily.
(a) Vehicle Operation.
(1) Safe Operating Condition. All Taxis and Ramp
Taxis must be maintained in a safe operating
condition. Except as otherwise specified herein, all
Taxi and Ramp Taxi Medallion Holders and Color
Schemes are jointly and severally responsible for
ensuring that all Taxis and Ramp Taxis for which
they hold permits or with which they are affiliated
meet all equipment requirements listed in this
Section. In addition to imposing any applicable
penalty for non-compliance with equipment
requirements, The SFMTA may remove any vehicle
from service for any violation of this Section until
the violation is corrected and the vehicle is
inspected and approved by the SFMTA.
(9) Tobacco Advertising Ban.
(A) Color Schemes and Medallion Holders are
prohibited from placing or maintaining, or causing
or allowing to be placed or maintained, any
advertising or promotion of cigarettes or tobacco
products on any Taxi or Ramp Taxi.
(B) For the purposes of this subsection, "tobacco
(c)(8) Telephone Number for Dispatch. A
telephone number enabling the public to reach the
dispatch service with which the vehicle is affiliated.
product" shall mean any substance containing
tobacco leaf, including but not limited to,
cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco, snuff, chewing
tobacco and dipping tobacco. For the purposes of
this Section, "promote" or "promotion" shall
include a display of any logo, brand name,
character, graphics, colors, scenes, or designs that
are trademarks of a particular brand of tobacco
(2) 311 Information. Information about using the
311 system for complaints and lost property,
including the Vehicle Number and the name of the
Color Scheme.
(e) Communication Equipment. Every Taxi and
Ramp Taxi shall be equipped with direct voice
access and two-way communication with a
Dispatch Service affiliated with the Taxi or Ramp
(s) Inspections.
(1) Inspection Required. All Taxis and Ramp Taxis
shall be inspected by the SFMTA or its designee,
every six months if they are used as spare vehicles
or have 200,000 miles or more on the odometer,
and every 12 months for regular vehicles, at a date
and time designated by the SFMTA, and at any
other time deemed necessary by the SFMTA. At the
time of a scheduled inspection of the vehicle, the
Color Scheme or Taxi or Ramp Taxi Medallion
Holder must provide the following:
(A) Valid and current State of California vehicle
(B) Valid and current Brake Certificate issued by an
official inspection station certified by the State of
California within 60 days prior to inspection.
(C) Proof of insurance meeting the requirements of
all applicable laws and regulations.
(D) A Vehicle Introduction Form signed and
approved by the SFMTA.
(6) Removal of Vehicle from Service.
(A) A Color Scheme shall make any vehicle
available for inspection upon SFMTA request. If a
Color Scheme fails to make a vehicle available for
inspection or if the SFMTA determines that a
vehicle is not in compliance with all applicable laws
and regulations, the SFMTA may order the vehicle
to be removed from service until it passes
(B) If the SFMTA determines that additional repairs
or further inspection of the mechanical condition
or safety equipment of a Taxi or Ramp Taxi is
necessary, the Color Scheme or Medallion Holder
shall make the necessary repairs or arrangements
in order to determine if repairs are necessary, and
must provide a statement of findings to the SFMTA
from the repair person.
(b) Additional Requirements Applicable to
(4) Waybills.
(A) Until April 30, 2013, Drivers at Color Schemes
that are not affiliated with a Dispatch Service that
provides Electronic Trip Data shall be required to
create a paper waybill for each shift, which shall
include the date of the trip, the Driver's name and
badge number, the medallion number and vehicle
license number, the starting and ending mileage for
each shift, the number of passengers on each trip,
and the origin, destination and meter total for each
trip. Such paper waybills shall be signed by the
Driver at the conclusion of the shift and shall be
mechanically or electronically time stamped at the
beginning and end of each shift.
(B) After April 30, 2013, no Driver shall be required
to create paper waybills. Drivers shall continue to
be responsible for maintaining certain manual
documentation for regulatory purposes as required
elsewhere in this Article, including but not limited
to, documenting non-Paratransit Debit Card
wheelchair-using customers, recording any trip
information that the Driver may need to
substantiate his or her position with respect to any
incident occurring in the Taxi, and manually
entering onto the meter the medallion number at
the beginning of each shift, and the number of
passengers for each fare.
(e) Additional Requirements Applicable to Color
(1) Waybills.
(A) A Color Scheme shall retain original paper
waybills for all Drivers and Medallion Holders for at
least one year at its principal place of business; and
shall maintain originals and/or legible copies of
paper waybills and the data generated by
electronic waybills for at least six years to
document driving performed by Drivers affiliated
with the Color Scheme. Color Schemes may store
copies of original paper waybills more than 12
months old in a secure electronic format.
(B) Until such date as they may be discarded
pursuant to Section 1114(e)(1)(A), above, Color
Schemes shall store paper waybills either
alphabetically, numerically or chronologically. If a
(f) Additional Requirements Applicable to
Dispatch Services.
(1) Electronic Trip Data. Each Dispatch Service
Permit Holder shall implement a system or enhance
an existing system to generate Electronic Trip Data
in a format approved by the SFMTA for all affiliated
vehicles no later than April 30, 2013. Such system
must, at a minimum, archive all taxi trip data for at
least six years, produce data that can generate
reports using commonly available database and
spreadsheet software, and record the following
(A) Driver's identification established by
authentication through Driver's license swipe or
other secure system;
(B) Date of shift;
(C) Vehicle number, vehicle license number and
vehicle status (available or hired);
(D) Medallion number (manually entered);
(E) Number of passengers on each trip (manually
(F) GPS-generated origin, incremental, destination
coordinates of each trip;
(G) The fare for each trip including applicable fees
(H) The mileage for each trip;
(I) The total number of trips for each shift;
(J) The time of hire and discharge for each trip;
(K) The starting and ending times and total hours
of each shift.
(2) Integration with Electronic Taxi Access
(A) Each Dispatch Service Permit Holder shall
implement a system or extend an existing system
to integrate and exchange Electronic Trip Data with
the Electronic Taxi Access System.
(B) Each Dispatch Service Permit Holder shall use
systems to share Electronic Trip Data in real-time.
As Drivers start their daily shift, systems used by
Dispatch Service Permit Holders shall exchange
company, Driver, vehicle and day/time data with
the Electronic Taxi Access System. As Drivers begin
and end trips, systems used by Dispatch Service
Permit Holders must share pick-up location, real-
time telemetry during the trip, destination location
and fare payment data, not including personal
Color Scheme's waybills are not so organized, the
SFMTA may require the Color Scheme to reorganize
the waybills either alphabetically, numerically or
chronologically, and the Color Scheme shall order
waybills in accordance with SFMTA direction within
90 days of SFMTA request. A Color Scheme may
request a waiver of such requirement if the Permit
Holder demonstrates to SFMTA's satisfaction that
its waybills are already organized in a different
manner that allows efficient inspection and
auditing by SFMTA. Any waybills presented to
SFMTA for inspection in any manner other than as
required or approved by SFMTA may not be
counted for compliance with the Full-Time Driving
(C) If requested Color Schemes shall provide each
Driver duplicate copies of that Driver's waybills for
a prior year in an electronic or paper format, the
Color Scheme may charge no more than $0.10 per
page, or a flat fee not to exceed $50 for duplication
of all waybills of a Driver for the period of one year.
After April 30, 2013, Color Schemes must make
available Driver Electronic Trip Data to that Driver
in an electronic format upon Driver request for any
date in the year 2013 and forward, including, but
not limited to, any other portable storage medium
or device or via electronic mail at the Color
Scheme's option, and may charge no more than
$10 per year for electronic duplication of Driver
(2) Medallion Holder Files. Color Schemes must
maintain files for each Medallion Holder affiliated
with the Color Scheme. Such files shall at least
contain written copies of all Leases or permits
associated with the Motor Vehicle for Hire at the
Color Scheme's principal place of business, and
employment or other applications initiating
affiliation with the Color Scheme. Color Schemes
shall provide copies of a Lease to any party to the
Lease upon request.
(3) Receipts to Drivers. Color Scheme Holders shall
provide receipts for payments for fuel, Gate Fees,
Lease fees or any other payment made by Drivers
to Color Schemes.
(4) Medical Examination Certificates. Reserved.
(5) Vehicle Inventory Changes. Prior to placing a
Taxi or Ramp Taxi into service for the first time,
when changing one vehicle for another, or when
assigning a new Vehicle Number, the Color Scheme
shall submit the information required by this
Section to the SFMTA on a form provided by the
customer information. As Drivers end their daily
shift, systems used by Dispatch Service Permit
Holders shall exchange company, Driver, vehicle
and day/time data with the Electronic Taxi Access
(C) The systems used Dispatch Service Permit
Holders shall transmit Electronic Trip Data to the
Electronic Taxi Access System at a periodic rate.
The transmission rate must be configurable with a
default setting of every six seconds.
(3) Semi-Annual Service Report. All Dispatch
Services must provide the SFMTA with dispatch
service reports covering the period of January 1
through June 30 due to the SFMTA by August 1,
and covering the period of July 1 through
December 31 by February 1 of each year in a
format approved by the SFMTA.
(4) Reports of Found Property.
(A) Receipt to Drivers. Every Dispatch Service
Permit Holder shall issue a receipt to the Driver for
any Found Property located in an affiliated Taxi or
Ramp Taxi and provided to the Dispatch Service.
(B) Return to Owner. Every Dispatch Service
Permit Holder shall endeavor to return Found
Property to its rightful owner. If after 2 business
days the owner cannot be located, the Dispatch
Service Permit Holder shall give the property to
SFMTA with a receipt that includes an inventory of
the property, the date it was turned in, the name
or badge number of the Driver who turned it in and
the Vehicle Number of the vehicle in which it was
(C) Property Log Book. Every Dispatch Service
Permit Holder shall maintain at the principal place
of business a log book in a form approved by the
SFMTA which records the date, time, vehicle
number, Driver by name or badge number, Incident
Report Number (if applicable), description and
disposition of the property. The log book shall be
retained for a minimum period of one year.
(D) Weekly Property Report to SFMTA. On the
first business day of each week, each Dispatch
Service Permit Holder shall fax or email to the
SFMTA a copy of all entries made in the property
log for the previous week. Those Dispatch Services
having no entries for that week will fax or email a
notice advising the SFMTA that no property was
turned in. Dispatch Service Permit Holders shall
account for all affiliated Color Schemes.
(5) Annual Filings Required for Renewal of Permit.
No Dispatch Service Permit shall be renewed
unless the Permit Holder files the following
documents by May 1 of each year:
(6) Current Information Required to be
Maintained. All Color Schemes shall maintain at
the principal place of business the following
information in a place where it is easily accessible
to dispatchers and for immediate inspection upon
request by SFMTA:
(A) Driver Roster.
(B) List of Affiliated Drivers. A current list updated
at least weekly with all affiliated Drivers, including
Driver's name, home address, cellular telephone
number Driver Permit number, and California
driver's license number.
(C) Vehicles. A current list of all affiliated Taxis and
Ramp Taxis including, but not limited to, the vehicle
number, the vehicle license number, the vehicle
identification number, the Model Year and make of
the vehicle.
(7) Weekly Reporting Requirements. Color
Schemes shall fax or email to the SFMTA the
following reports. Except as otherwise provided,
weekly reports shall be submitted by close of
business on the first business day of each week:
(A) Driver Roster.
(i) Every Color Scheme Permit Holder shall
maintain a Driver Roster, updated after each shift
to reflect actual shift assignments, that must at a
minimum include: the date of the shift assignment,
Driver's name, and the hours worked for that shift,
vehicle number and Medallion number, if different.
This schedule shall include the schedules of all
Medallion Holders affiliated with a Color Scheme.
The Driver Roster shall be provided to the SFMTA
as part of the weekly report, and shall be made
available for inspection by the SFMTA or law
enforcement agencies during business hours.
(ii) All original Driver Rosters shall be retained at
the Color Scheme's principal place of business for a
period of not less than six years. Color Schemes
shall maintain at the principal place of business the
most recent 12 months of Driver Rosters in a paper
format. Color Schemes may store Driver Rosters
more than 12 months old in a secure electronic
format. The SFMTA may excuse a Color Scheme
from retaining schedules for a particular year by
certifying that a Color Scheme has submitted all 12
schedules for that year. The SFMTA may grant
exceptions for submission for companies with
exceptionally large schedules or which have an
electronic timecard system for schedules.
(B) List of Terminated Drivers. Color Schemes shall
list the name and A-Card number of any Driver
terminated during the prior week, and the date of
(A) Copy of current City business license;
(B) Completed Designated Manager Form;
(C) List of all affiliated Color Schemes;
(D) Copy of company drug-free workplace policy;
(E) Insurance certificates demonstrating
compliance with the insurance requirements of this
(F) Sworn statement attesting to compliance with
this Article and applicable state and federal laws.
(C) Mechanical Breakdown Log. A record of all
Taxis and/or Ramp Taxis which have been out of
service for more than 72 hours as of the preceding
week on a form approved by the SFMTA, including
but not limited to the and the spare vehicle, if any,
that was assigned to replace the out-of-service Taxi
and/or Ramp Taxi, the reason for the breakdown
and the estimated date of return to service. (8)
Filings Required for Paratransit Compliance.
(A) Color Schemes must notify the Paratransit
Broker within three working days of making any
alteration to their In-Taxi Equipment.
(B) Color Schemes must provide a monthly
inventory of all SFMTA-owned In-Taxi Equipment to
the Paratransit Broker.
(9) Security Camera Data. Color Schemes are
required to provide the SFPD or SFMTA, upon
demand, with any data captured by the security
camera in a vehicle.
(n) Expiration and Retransfer of a Transferable
Medallion upon Revocation of the Medallion or
Death of the Medallion Holder.
(4) Continued Operation After Revocation or
Death of the Medallion Holder. Upon revocation
or death of the Medallion Holder, and until the
Transferable Medallion is distributed to a new
Medallion Holder, the SFMTA may require the
Participating Color Scheme with which the
Medallion is affiliated to continue to operate the
Medallion. The SFMTA shall deposit any payments
made by the Participating Color Scheme to the
SFMTA during such interim into the Driver Fund.
(o) Participating Color Schemes. Any Color Scheme
Permit Holder who wishes to act as a Participating
Color Scheme through affiliation with Transferable
Medallions must enter into a written agreement
with the SFMTA. The agreement shall include, but
need not be limited to, the agreement of the Color
Scheme Permit Holder to allow any Transferable
Medallion transferred under this Section to affiliate
with the Color Scheme in accordance with all
applicable rules and regulations, and to operate
any such affiliated, Transferable Medallion during
the period commencing on the death of the
Medallion Holder, revocation of the Medallion, or
foreclosure upon the Medallion, and ending on the
Retransfer or other disposition of the Medallion by
the SFMTA. During such periods of operation, the
Color Scheme shall make periodic payments to the
Qualified Lender or to the SFMTA for the right to
operate the Medallion in accordance with the
agreement between the SFMTA and the
Participating Color Scheme.