APPLIED Exam Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Content Outline
Each OSCE scenario will address one of the following skills.
A. Communications & Professionalism
1. Discussion of Treatment Options and Informed Consent (Obtain informed consent from a patient or
authorized health care proxy)
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following behaviors:
Demonstrates understanding of and concern for the situation of the patient
Explains the indications for the proposed treatment options
Explains conduct of proposed treatment options in lay terms
Explains benefits and risks of treatment options, including both less severe/more
common and more severe/less common relevant risks
Discusses strategies for minimizing risks of the treatment options
Elicits questions and responds appropriately in lay terms
Confirms a final decision with the patient or authorized health care proxy regarding the
treatment options and obtains affirmative consent without coercion
2. Peri-procedural complications (Conduct a focused evaluation of a peri-procedural
complication, formulate an action plan, and discuss this plan with the patient or designee)
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following behaviors:
Elicits history relevant to the complication and current symptoms
Performs focused physical evaluation
Discusses potential causes and contributing factors
Discusses anticipated, likely, and potential outcomes
Presents plan for further evaluation and/or treatment
Elicits questions and responds in lay terms
Demonstrates understanding of and concern for the situation of the patient
3. Ethical issues (Frame and discuss appropriate plans to address common ethical dilemmas in clinical care
Anesthesiologists face ethical issues related to patients, colleagues, organizations, and society. To
identify and frame ethical questions productively, anesthesiologists must understand ethical
principles and act in a manner consistent with current ethical practices including core principles of
respect for patient autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, accountability, ethical fidelity (promise
keeping, trustworthiness), and social and distributive justice.
A successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to identify and address ethical issues by
obtaining relevant information, clarifying options, determining preferences, negotiating differences,
and arriving at a decision with patients, families, and other stakeholders as they relate to, for
Allocation of resources
Barriers to access to healthcare
Care decisions involving family members or surrogate decision makers
Confidentiality and privacy
Decision-making capacity, informed consent, informed refusal, and voluntariness
Diversity, equity, and inclusion identification and management in clinical and
organizational situations
Ethical obligations toward fellow clinicians
Treatment of patients receiving investigational therapies or research protocols
Life-sustaining medical treatment (e.g. end-of-life management)
Procurement and allocation of organs
Potentially inappropriate treatment
Recognized or potential conflicts of interest
4. Communication with other professionals (Effectively communicate with other healthcare team
members in a professional manner)
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following behaviors:
Communicate in a clear and professional manner
Prioritize communication of information most relevant to patient care
Demonstrate understanding of the concerns and perspective of other health care
professionals through active listening
Recognize the potential for conflict and initiate conflict resolution
Candidates may also be asked to demonstrate understanding and application of team- related skills,
Leadership - team orientation and coordination
Mutual performance monitoring
Backup behavior
Providing formative feedback and facilitated debriefing
5. Practice-based Learning and Improvement (Articulate and apply principles of patient safety and quality
improvement to a clinical scenario)
The successful candidate will demonstrate behaviors consistent with the application of commonly
accepted elements of quality improvement processes, including those directed toward patient
safety; these elements include the following:
Measure current outcomes and benchmarks
Devise change in practice in collaboration with stakeholders
Educate and train clinicians regarding change in practice
Implement change in practice
Measure outcomes after change in practice
B. Technical Skills
1. Interpretation of monitors (Identify clinical conditions associated with patterns of data presented on
The candidate will be presented with simulated monitors which will include relevant parameters from the
list below:
Arterial blood pressure: non-invasive (value) or invasive (waveform and value)
Central venous pressure waveform and value
Pulmonary arterial pressure waveform and value
Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure - value
Cardiac output - value
Mixed venous oxygen saturation - value
Pulse oximetry waveform and value
Capnography waveform and end tidal value
Qualitative and quantitative neuromuscular blockade value (testing to start in 2026)
Fetal heart rate monitor waveform and value (testing to start in 2026)
Airway pressure waveform and peak, PEEP values
Airway flow - waveform
Tidal volume waveform and end-tidal values
Respiratory rate, Inspiratory and Expiratory Times
Flow-volume loops - waveform
Temperature - value
The successful candidate will integrate this information to identify clinical conditions chosen from among
the following areas:
a. Perioperative cardiac events
b. Perioperative respiratory events
c. Other perioperative/peripartum events
d. Ventilatory modes used in normal and critically ill patients
2. Interpretation of echocardiograms and surface ultrasound of lung (Interpret basic transthoracic or
transesophageal, lung and pleura images relevant to anesthesia practice)
The successful candidate will be able to use 2-dimensional and color flow Doppler, and M-mode (lung
ultrasound) to identify relevant anatomy, make qualitative diagnostic assessments, and provide
treatment recommendations. Exam will not include pulsed-wave and continuous-wave Doppler.
Scenarios may include the following:
a. Biventricular function and wall motion
b. Presence or absence of an atrial septal defect
c. Volume status assessment- hypovolemia and response to volume therapy
d. Pulmonary emboli
e. Air emboli
f. Basic valvular lesions
g. Pericardial effusions
h. Aortic dissection
i. Pleural effusion
j. Pneumothorax
k. Pulmonary edema
Transesophageal echocardiography images may include any of the following 11 standard views:
a. Midesophageal Four Chamber
b. Midesophageal Two Chamber
c. Midesophageal Long Axis
d. Midesophageal Ascending Aortic Long Axis
e. Midesophageal Ascending Aortic Short Axis
f. Midesophageal Aortic Valve Short Axis
g. Midesophageal Right Ventricular Inflow-Outflow
h. Midesophageal Bicaval
i. Transgastric Midpapillary Short Axis
j. Descending Aortic Short Axis
k. Descending Aortic Long Axis
Transthoracic echocardiography images may include any of the following 5 standard views:
a. Parasternal Long Axis
b. Parasternal Short Axis (Left Ventricle Midpapillary)
c. Apical Four Chamber
d. Subcostal Four Chamber
e. Subcostal IVC Assessment
Lung and diaphragm images may include:
a. Lung
b. Pleura
c. Diaphragm
d. Artifacts (A-lines, B-lines)
Abdominal ultrasound images will include (testing to start in 2026)
a. Right Upper Quadrant
b. Left Upper Quadrant
c. Pelvis
d. Gastric
3. Application of ultrasonography (Identify relevant normal anatomy using ultrasonography)
The successful candidate will identify the relevant anatomy using an ultrasound probe with a simulated
patient and, where applicable, may be asked to demonstrate simulated needle placement technique for
scenarios chosen from among the following procedures:
a. Vascular cannulation
i. Internal jugular vein
ii. Cubital fossa vessels
iii. Radial artery
iv. Femoral vessels
b. Nerve blocks
i. Interscalene brachial plexus
ii. Supraclavicular brachial plexus
iii. Infraclavicular brachial plexus
iv. Axillary brachial plexus
v. Transversus abdominis plane (TAP)
vi. Femoral
vii. Adductor canal (saphenous)
viii. Popliteal sciatic
c. Point of care ultrasound
i. Heart
Parasternal Long Axis
Parasternal Short Axis (Left Ventricle Midpapillary)
Apical Four Chamber
Subcostal Four Chamber
Subcostal IVC View
ii. Lung Pleura
Artifacts (A-lines, B-lines)
iii. Abdomen (testing to start 2025)
Right upper quadrant (assessment for free fluid)
Left upper quadrant (assessment for free fluid)
Pelvis (assessment for free fluid)
Gastric (assessment of content and volume)