DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork Merges
Jacob Krüger
Eindhoven University of Technology
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Alex Mikulinski
Otto-von-Guericke University
Magdeburg, Germany
Sandro Schulze
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Köthen, Germany
Thomas Leich
Harz University of Applied Sciences
Wernigerode, Germany
Gunter Saake
Otto-von-Guericke University
Magdeburg, Germany
Developers use the forking mechanisms of modern social
platforms to evolve and maintain their systems. Using such mecha-
nisms often leads to a larger number of independent variants with
individual features or bug xes that the developers may want to
merge after a longer period of co
evolution. At this point, they may
have forgotten (or never had) knowledge about dierences between
the variants. Tackling this problem, we built on the idea of on
demand documentation to develop a technique that automatically
extracts and presents information for merging a class from two
forks. We implemented our technique as a prototype called DSD-
Gen and evaluated it through an experimental simulation with 10
students who should comprehend two real
world merge requests.
Using DSDGen instead of code dis only, more of the students could
correctly comprehend the merges (6 / 10 versus 2 / 10) within a simi-
lar time. The students actively inspected the additional information
provided by DSDGen and used it to comprehend the dierences be-
tween the forked classes. So, DSDGen can help developers recover
information for comprehending the dierences caused by fork co
evolution during merges, with our results indicating opportunities
for future research and improvements.
Software and its engineering
Software version control;
Software evolution; Maintaining software.
program comprehension, software documentation, merging, fork
ecosystems, software evolution, variant-rich systems
ACM Reference Format:
Jacob Krüger, Alex Mikulinski, Sandro Schulze, Thomas Leich, and Gunter
Saake. 2023. DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork
Merges. In 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Con-
ference - Volume B (SPLC ’23), August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3579028.3609015
SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
© 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0092-7/23/08.
Most of today’s software systems are developed using version
control systems, such as Git, and social
coding platforms, such as
GitHub [
]. Social
coding platforms extend the concepts of
distributed collaboration and revisions in version
control systems
by providing enhanced tooling and traceability, for instance, via
issues or forks with pull requests. Developers use particularly the
forking mechanisms (i.e., creating a copy of the system that an
independent group of developers can evolve) to structure their
development and manage its complexity. For instance, forks (or
branches) are used for developing individual features, testing a
system, or managing variant
rich systems [
After implementing their changes in a fork, the respective fork
developers can create a pull request to ask the main developers
to integrate these changes into the original system. While smaller
changes are often continuously integrated and deployed, there are
many use cases in which the integration becomes more challenging,
for instance, longer co
evolution causing divergence between the
main and forked system version [
]. Such
cases occur when an organization is unsure whether an innovative
product or feature ts its integrated platform and develops that
product independently, or when open
source developers customize
a fork to their needs. In such cases, the integration of a fork may
occur weeks or even years after it was forked from the main system.
Due to the long co
evolution of the main system and its fork, their
dierences may be signicant, particularly if changes have not been
properly communicated or cause side eects with other changes in
the main system, for instance, because of feature interactions.
For merging, it is key to comprehend the dierences between
the main and forked system, which is an expensive and cognitively
challenging activity when only source code is available and knowl-
edge is missing [
]. Unfortunately,
other sources of information may be unavailable (e.g., developer
who left [
]), hard to nd (e.g., natural
language discussions in
an unknown issue [
]), or mistrusted (e.g., outdated code com-
ments [
])—among many other issues [
]. This can easily cause
problems when merging forks. For instance, Brindescu et al
. [7]
report that almost 20 % of the merges (
6.5 % of 556,911 commits) in
143 open
source projects cause a conict, with the respective code
being twice as likely to involve a bug. In more than 75 % of these
cases, a developer needs to inspect the code and it becomes 26 times
more likely that a bug is involved. So, merging diverging versions
of a system (forks) can easily become expensive and cognitively
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.
SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan Jacob Krüger, Alex Mikulinski, Sandro Schulze, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake
challenging [
]. Specically, McKee et al
. [45]
found that program comprehension is the primary challenge for
developers during merges; with getting and displaying the right
information being two of the other top four challenges. This high-
lights the need for techniques that help developers collect, explore,
and compare information of the dierent forks involved in a merge.
Inspired by the idea of on
demand software documentation [
we have developed a technique to facilitate developers’ compre-
hension during fork merges by recovering and displaying such
information. We rely on dierent information sources (e.g., project
data, pull requests, commits) that developers use to discuss, report,
or document their changes. Using our prototype Dynamic Software
Documentation Generator (DSDGen), we performed an evaluation
based on an experimental simulation [
] with 10 student develop-
ers. The results indicate that DSDGen helped the students recover
important information to support their program comprehension
of the implemented changes, resulting in more students correctly
answering our questions within a comparable time.
In detail, we contribute the following in this paper:
We introduce DSDGen, a prototype for generating documen-
tation to compare two forked variants of a class.
We report an experimental simulation with which we evalu-
ated DSDGen’s impact on comprehending fork merges.
We publish our prototype in an open-access repository.
Based on our results, we argue that DSDGen can help developers
(e.g., novices or those lacking knowledge about the forks), and pro-
vides a foundation for designing new techniques for creating on
demand documentation and supporting program comprehension
when merging forks.
In this section, we present our technique for extracting and display-
ing documentation about two forked les. We refer to base system as
the one a fork is merged into—but base may also be another fork in-
stead of the actual base system (e.g., to synchronize between forks).
2.1 Overview
Based on our motivation and existing research (cf. Section 1), we
dened ve requirements (Req) for our technique:
Documentation on class/le level: We argue that a class has
the appropriate size, scope, and complexity to provide in-
formation on-demand without overwhelming a developer
compared to packages, modules, or subsystems.
Highlighting dierences: Our technique extracts and displays
commonalities as well as dierences to allow developers to
easily identify and understand these.
Multiple data sources: While source code is perceived the
most reliable specication of software [
], further
valuable sources of information exist in social-coding or other
platforms (e.g., Stack Overow if the project is prominent
enough) [35, 37], which we integrate into our technique.
Dynamically extracted information: To reect the most recent
state, we extract all pieces of information in an on-demand
fashion to minimize the risk of missing important details or
making wrong suggestions due to outdated information.
pull requests
list of forks
posts about project
pull requests
parse data
extract information
start DSDGen
analyze documentation
project details
class details
class code
class commits
class issues
class pull requests
project details
class details
class code
class commits
class issues
class pull requests
class Stack Overow posts
code di
crawl data
generate documentation
input information
GitHub login (optional)
forks to merge
classes to merge
Stack Overow keywords
lter data
Figure 1: The overall workow of DSDGen.
Graphical user interface: To provide the information in an
intuitive way, while also allowing a developer to explore it
easily (e.g., scrolling, searching), we use a simple graphical
user interface instead of a plain command line interface. For
our prototype, we create the user interface as a separate doc-
ument, but envision its integration into development tools
(e.g., into IDEs) with further improvements in the future.
Guided by these requirements, we designed DSDGen.
In Figure 1, we display the general workow of DSDGen. A de-
veloper starts DSDGen to access its graphical user interface, and
inputs basic information, namely the base system, fork, and class
for which the documentation shall be generated. Optionally, infor-
mation for the ltering step can be provided (e.g., what information
is needed). After crawling the corresponding data (cf. Section 2.2),
our technique parses and lters the input to preprocess the raw
data (cf. Section 2.3). Based on the preprocessed data, our technique
extracts all information relevant for the class (cf. Section 2.4) and
subsequently presents it to the developer (cf. Section 2.5).
2.2 Data Sources
For DSDGen, we decided to limit our scope to GitHub (social-cod-
ing platform) and Stack Overow (community
question answering
platform), since these two are the most popular for software devel-
opment. In detail, we collect the following pieces of data (Req
Commits are the most important data source besides the source
code itself. They reect how code has changed over time, allowing
a developer to track, analyze, and compare the evolution in detail
or to identify whom to contact for more information. Commit mes-
sages can contain valuable information about changes, for instance,
whether a feature has been modied, added, or bug xed [
Issues provide insights into the communication between develop-
ers [
]. For instance, issues can involve bug reports or feature
requests, and keep a history of the involved developers’ discussion.
DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork Merges SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Pull Requests are used to request that changes are merged from
a fork into the base system, and they may involve references to
external documentation [
]. Understanding what pull requests
have been submitted for and integrated into each fork allows de-
velopers to identify dierences in the forks’ co-evolution (e.g., bug
xes existing only in one of the two).
Forks are used to create a new variant of a software system, for
example, to implement a new feature, x a bug, or manage inde-
pendent variants [
]. In parallel, forks can easily result in
duplicate or redundant development eorts [
], which is valuable
information for a developer.
Posts on community-question answering systems like Stack Over-
ow are used to discuss all types of questions on a topic [
Some posts are related to prominent systems, and thus can be help-
ful for developers to better understand a change, for example, if it
xes a bug discussed or even solved on Stack Overow [42, 70].
2.3 Crawling, Parsing, and Filtering
Once a developer has specied which of the previous sources they
consider relevant, DSDGen downloads the respective data. After-
wards, DSDGen parses and lters the data, since we aim to present
the documentation on class and not on system level (Req
). For
forks, DSDGen asks the developer to specify the fork they want
to merge into their base system, if they did not provide this in-
formation in the beginning. Note that we support this scenario to
allow any developer to inspect and pick any forks of their system
even when there are no explicit merge requests. In contrast, this
information is already provided when merging dedicated forks dur-
ing a pull request. To support the former, we display a list of all
existing forks for the developer to select relevant ones. We ease
this inspection by allowing to lter out inactive forks or to lter
based on the forks’ descriptions (e.g., new feature, bug x).
Then, DSDGen collects all commits of the base and fork sys-
tem. So, we obtain all information on the common and diverging
evolution of the two systems, together with what classes have been
aected in each commit. Next, we lter out commits from either
system that do not concern the specied class. DSDGen uses the
class name to further lter for relevant issues and pull requests.
Specically, we collect all issues and pull requests that mention the
specied class in their description, title, or comments. Using this
ltering, we can enrich our documentation with additional informa-
tion provided by developers, if they (correctly) mention the class in
these elds. For instance, a bug x reported in an issue may be linked
to a dierent class, but the developers identied and discussed that
the consequent changes would also impact the specied class.
For ltering Stack Overow posts, we rely on the fact that
popular systems have own tags on this platform to ensure the per-
formance of DSDGen (i.e., ltering all data would require too many
resources). Of course, this data source is limited to certain systems.
From all relevant (i.e., tagged) posts, we identify any that mention
the relevant class in their title or the discussion (i.e., questions, com-
ments). If the class name is contained, we store the respective post
together with a link to its discussion. However, this may lead to a
vast amount of posts (e.g., if the class relates to an API). To manage
this situation, DSDGen allows developers to further lter based on
keywords, such as “bug” to nd discussions about a certain bug
or “example” to nd code examples related to the class. Also, the
developer can lter based on whether a post is closed or open, is
answered or unanswered, and has a certain score.
2.4 Information Extraction
DSDGen extracts and displays (cf. Figure 2) the following informa-
tion as concise as possible to avoid overwhelming developers [
Project Information. We extract meta information about the base
and fork system, namely links to their repositories, their descrip-
tions, and the number of “watchers” as an indicator of relevance.
Also, we collect the date each of the two systems has been created,
last pushed, and last updated to indicate activity.
Class Information. For the class itself, we extract the fully qual-
ied name and a description for the class, which is important to
understand the context in which changes have been employed [
We assume that the class description is provided in the rst com-
ment at the top of the class (e.g., recommended by Oracle
); if such a comment exists.
Class Information. For each commit, we extract the date it has
been committed (for sorting) as well as the message to help a devel-
oper understand the changes, and thus decide on the relevance of a
commit. We also collect the link to the original GitHub commit as
well as the name and email of the committer as specied.
Class Information. We extract the status of each issue and pull
request, which allows a developer to focus on current problems
and changes (i.e., the status is “open”). Additionally, we extract the
title, assuming that it is shorter than an issue’s or pull request’s
description, while still providing a valuable overview about what
is being addressed. We collect a link to every issue and pull request
on GitHub, enabling the developer to read the full description and
comments if needed. Finally, we extract the labels (e.g., bug report,
feature request) belonging to an issue, which typically provide more
information about the nature of an issue.
Stack Overow Posts. For Stack Overow posts, we extract the
date they have been posted to identify recency, their title as an in-
dicator for the topic discussed, and their score to highlight received
attention. To enable developers to inspect a post, we collect the link
to each post on Stack Overow.
2.5 Presentation
In Figure 2, we show the layout of the documentation (Req
). Note
that we use a simple, clearly structured layout to avoid confusion
and clutter; and that we use a separate HTML document for our
prototype, which is why there is no integration into development
environments, yet. We decided to use a browser-based solution us-
ing HTML and JavaScript, as this does not require additional tooling
and allows developers to reuse certain browser capabilities, such as
searching. Moreover, we present the documentation about a class on
one page, so that developers can intuitively jump between dierent
pieces of information—similar to reading websites or books [
The documentation involves three columns: On the left (
), we
display a typical menu that allows developers to observe the general
structure of the document and jump to dedicated sections. In the
SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan Jacob Krüger, Alex Mikulinski, Sandro Schulze, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake
Figure 2: Snapshot of the documentation generated by DSDGen for the CA example of our simulation (cf. Section 3).
center (
), we display the information on the base system. On the
right (
), we show the information on the fork. As we can see, we
display the same types of information in a side-by-side two-column
format (i.e., a developer compares
) to enable developers
to easily grasp the commonalities and dierences between the two
system variants (Req
). This view is inspired by the typical side-by-
side di view supported in development tools and on social-coding
platforms. However, we argue that it is less distracting to provide
all pieces of information together in one document. In each section,
we summarize the extracted information, structured in the same
fashion and order to facilitate their interpretation. For the section
class information, we also display the source code of the two system
variants individually and as a unied di. Across all sections, we
provide hyperlinks to the original sources (e.g., commits, issues,
pull requests, Stack Overow posts) to check details.
We now report the design of our evaluation of DSDGen.
3.1 Research Questions
We evaluated whether the documentation by DSDGen helps com-
prehend forks and merges based on three research questions (RQs):
Does DSDGen facilitate understanding a pull request?
We analyzed whether our participants could understand the
purpose of a pull request more easily using DSDGen compared
to a plain di view. So, we evaluate to what extent developers
can become more eective in terms of correctly solved tasks.
Does DSDGen facilitate analyzing a pull request?
We analyzed how much time our participants needed to under-
stand the purpose of a pull request. So, we evaluate their per-
formance in terms of the time required to solve tasks. Note that,
because our participants needed to familiarize with DSDGen
and to inspect the documentation, we would not necessarily
expect them to be faster compared to a di view.
Does DSDGen provide helpful information?
We elicited our participants’ perceptions regarding DSDGen
and inspected our session recordings to see whether they used
its additional information. So, we aimed to understand the
perceived usefulness and limitations of our technique.
To answer these questions, we conducted an experimental simula-
tion [
], combining quantitative (i.e., correctness for RQ
, time for
) and qualitative data (i.e., perceptions and actual usage for RQ
We refrain from hypothesis testing, since the goal of our experimen-
tal simulation is to shed light into the usefulness of our technique
and identify directions for improvements—not to verify explicit hy-
potheses. For this reason, we decided not to conduct a full-edged
controlled experiment and have a smaller number of participants;
which does not allow us to perform statistical tests reliably.
3.2 Study Design
We used a between-subject design by half of our participants using
DSDGen and the other half using a plain (unied) di view for one
of two examples. Between the examples, we switched the groups
to avoid learning biases, while also gaining within-subject insights.
DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork Merges SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
Table 1: Overview of the systems from which we selected our examples.
id project fork link forks commits issues pull requests
CA Signal
base https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android 3,020 4,405 6,867 2,071
fork https://github.com/mcginty/TextSecure/tree/convo-ab-stateless 0 1,240 0 0
SLL Algorithms
base https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Java 5,971 802 108 697
fork https://github.com/ojasiiitd/Java/tree/patch-2 0 741 0 0
Requirements for Examples. We aimed to use real-world pull re-
quests from dierent systems and of varying complexity. This way,
we intended to avoid biases, for instance, of participants becom-
ing familiar with a system from which two pull requests stemmed,
or too simplistic examples. To identify candidates, we analyzed
GitHub projects in Java (due to our participants’ background and
our prototypical implementation analyzing Java only) and identi-
ed accepted pull requests. An accepted pull request ensures that
the changes were deemed meaningful by the original developers,
and we could use the code as well as additional comments of the
merge for evaluating our participants’ correctness. Consequently,
we considered only pull requests that occurred in the past. During
our simulation, we ensured that DSDGen provided only informa-
tion that is older than the respective pull request to simulate the
real-world scenario. For this purpose, we reset the main repository
to the state of the pull request and considered only older informa-
tion, also checking dates on issues, the pull-request comments, as
well as potential Stack Overow posts.
We dened six selection criteria for a pull request:
The changes should not be too large in terms of lines of code
to limit the time our participants need to analyze them.
The changes should be part of a single class, since our proto-
type focuses on comparing classes and to avoid that partici-
pants need to switch between documents.
The changes should modify (e.g., x a bug) an existing class
(i.e., not add a new one, remove one) so that it is necessary
to understand the changes and their context.
The system is actively maintained and information is avail-
able through additional sources (e.g., tags on Stack Overow,
issues) to exploit dierent sources.
The system should have a larger number of forks (i.e., hun-
dreds), commits, issues, and pull requests related to the
changed class to ensure a larger data basis; simulating its
use case of analyzing and merging co-evolving forks.
The changes must be comprehensible without knowing de-
tails of the systems for our participants to work on them.
One problem that limited the number of candidates for our simula-
tion was that the fork of the pull request had to still be available.
In practice, developers may delete forks after they have been suc-
cessfully merged, which does not allow us to use these forks. To
identify candidates, we manually searched through Java projects
on GitHub ordered by stars and the number of forks.
Selected Examples. We selected two examples based on our crite-
ria. In Table 1, we display an overview of the base systems and forks
from which these examples stem (at the point in time when we se-
lected them). As we can see, they have substantial sizes in terms of
commits, forks, issues, and pull requests, indicating active commu-
nities. Moreover, these systems match our initial use case of support-
ing developers in merging long-living forks. Unfortunately, while
both systems are discussed on Stack Overow, the classes involved
in our particular examples are not. Thus, DSDGen could not retrieve
information from this data source for our simulation. Nonetheless,
the two examples represent the fork-analysis and merging scenario
we envisioned, and are well-suited for our simulation.
First, we picked a bug-xing pull request
from the Android
version of the Signal App. The merged bug x involves 39 changed
lines in the method
that is part of the
, and is responsible for displaying the
correct conversation names (e.g., group chats). According to the pull
request, the title of the conversation would sometimes not adapt
according to the change of the conversation type. Besides xing
this bug, the changes simplify and refactor the code to improve
readability. Consequently, the actual purpose of the pull request
(xing the bug) is not apparent when looking only at the code,
and thus is complex to understand. DSDGen identied 22 relevant
issues, eight pull requests, and 161 commits for the class in the
base system (162 in the fork, due to the pull request). We assessed a
participant to correctly comprehend this example if they were able to
identify the xed bug. In the following, we refer to this example via
its id “CA,” and consider it to be the more complicated one.
Second, we picked a code-improvement pull request
from the
Java algorithms collection. The collection provides various data
structures and algorithms. We picked a pull request that improves
implementation by removing a global vari-
able and introducing an alternative method to return the list’s size.
This change should reduce the error proneness of the code. More-
over, the pull request improves the performance of inserting or
removing an element at the beginning, removed an unneeded tem-
porary code element, and introduced a method for removing an
element at a certain position. While there are a few changes in this
pull request, they are rather simple and easy to identify, which is
why we consider this example to be the easier one. For the base
system, DSDGen identied two issues, six pull requests, and 13
commits (14 in the fork) that are connected to the class. We assessed
a participant to correctly comprehend this example if they were able
to identify that the size computation was changed for what reason,
the newly introduced method, and the performance improvement.
Consequently, a correct solution depends on three issues, which
compensates for the more simplistic code example. In the following,
we refer to this example via its id “SLL.
Questions. During our simulation, we asked each participant the
18 questions we display in Table 2. To address RQ
, we dened three
questions aimed at measuring their program comprehension of each
example. With these questions, we checked whether a participant
understood the functionality of the changed class (C
), why the
pull request was created (C
), and the implemented change (C
SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan Jacob Krüger, Alex Mikulinski, Sandro Schulze, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake
Table 2: Overview of the questions we used in our simulation.
id question answer
Regarding correctness ( RQ
) and performance (RQ
) for each example
What functionality has the changed class/method? free text
What was the purpose of the pull request? free text
What does the change implement? free text
Regarding the participants’ perceptions (RQ
Did you have any comprehension problems during the experiment? 1 (no problems) – 10 (signicant problems)
What do you think about the concept of DSDGen? 1 (very good) – 10 (very bad)
What do you think about the usability of DSDGen? 1 (very good) – 10 (very bad)
How useful was the additional information? 1 (very useful) – 10 (not useful)
What was your strategy to comprehend the code? free text
What was (not) helpful about DSDGen? free text
What information was missing? free text
For what purposes would DSDGen be useful? free text
Any other comments? free text
Regarding the participants’ background
How do you rate your programming experience? 1 (experienced) – 10 (inexperienced)
How do you rate your experience with Java? 1 (experienced) – 10 (inexperienced)
How do you rate your experience of using a version-control system? 1 (experienced) – 10 (inexperienced)
For how many years have you been programming? number
For how many years have you been programming professionally? number
What is your highest degree of education? free text
Answering these questions requires that a participant comprehends
the code itself as well as the di, and can explain them in their own
words. For RQ
, we measured the time until a participant considered
their answers to these three questions complete.
After they worked on the two examples using DSDGen and
a standard di view, we asked our participants about their per-
ceptions (RQ
). First, we checked whether they had any problems
understanding our simulation (P
) to check for threats to the va-
lidity of our results. Then, we asked them to rate the overall idea
), usability (P
), and information provisioning (P
) of DSDGen.
Moreover, we asked each participant to elaborate on their strategy
for comprehending the examples (P
), the usefulness of DSDGen
), missing information (P
), and relevant use cases (P
). Via these
questions, we aimed to identify whether our technique was helpful
and what potential improvements exist. In the end, we asked for
any other comments the participants may have had (P
In the end, we elicited background information for each partic-
ipant, following established guidelines [
]. Specically, we rst
asked our participants to self-evaluate their programming experi-
ence (B
), knowledge about Java (B
), and familiarity with version-
control systems (B
) to understand our participants’ composition in
terms of experience. Then, we asked for how many years they have
been programming in general (B
) and professionally, for instance,
in a company or on established open-source projects (B
). Lastly,
we asked for their highest degree of education (B
Audio Recording. To understand how the participants used DSD-
Gen (RQ
), we audio recorded each session. Note that we did not
have the equipment for screen or video recordings in a proper qual-
ity. We informed the participants when inviting them to a session
that these would be recorded (they could decline without any con-
sequences) and asked each one to think-aloud [
] while working
on the examples. The rst author of this paper listened to each
recording and coded labels with time stamps. Via open coding and
open-card sorting to synthesize codes, we dened eight activities:
Inspection of DSDGen itself (e.g., scrolling through it for
familiarizing, exploring general system data).
Inspection of pull requests via DSDGen as well as the linked
information (e.g., description, comments, date).
Inspection of issues via DSDGen (e.g., status, discussion).
Inspection of commits via DSDGen (e.g., iterating through
the list, reading messages, dates).
Inspection of code via DSDGen or the di view (i.e., reading
the plain class code or the di).
Inspection of unclear elements via DSDGen (two occasions
in which we could not reliable assign a category, due to
participants not speaking for a longer time while scrolling).
Discussions with the experimenter (e.g., answering a ques-
tion about DSDGen or the experiment, feedback).
Documenting solutions (e.g., typing answers to the questions
or comments, reading the questions).
Our activities abstract from highly specic instances, and were
quite good to identify. The rst author relied on the participants’
think alouds (examples in parentheses) as well as other recorded
sounds to identify activities and switches (e.g., scrolling, longer typ-
ing). We argue that, while not fully detailed, the abstract activities
are useful and provide reliable insights into the use of DSDGen.
Assignment. We randomly assigned each of our ten participants
into one of two groups: The rst group worked on the rst example
(CA) using the plain di and on the second example (SLL) using
DSDGen. The second group had the ipped setup, namely DSDGen
for the rst and the di for the second example. This design allowed
each participant to work with DSDGen and the di view without
introducing bias due to learning or dierences in the examples.
3.3 Conduct
We conducted individual sessions with each participant, supervised
by the second author to clarify any questions a participant may have
had. Following guidelines on experiments with human participants,
DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork Merges SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
we performed a short discussion on each participant’s performance
after a session [26]. In detail, we
welcomed each participant (i.e., purpose of the simulation;
setup; DSDGen; how to navigate on a small toy example;
terminology; task; consent),
conducted the session with both examples (i.e., we provided
the general context for each example; the participant in-
spected each example until they answered C
in Table 2),
(3) asked our remaining survey questions (cf. Table 2), and
(4) performed the follow-up discussion.
Depending on the group and example, we displayed either the
respective pull request on GitHub or the HTML document generated
by DSDGen in a web browser. We allowed the participants to use
the browser’s search functionality and to inspect all links provided
by DSDGen or GitHub. On a second screen, they could see the
questions they had to answer and could enter their answers. Using
this design, we aimed to mitigate comprehension problems and
avoid that a participant may misunderstand something. We stopped
the required time for each example, but did not tell the participants
about this to not cause stress.
3.4 Participants
We recruited ten volunteering computer-science students with prac-
tice experience via personal contacts of the second author (conve-
nience sample). Instead of professional developers, we relied on
students due to availability and because they are feasible partici-
pants in software engineering [
]. Also, students mimic
our target audience: Developers that are new to a system (or fork)
or even novices in software development, and thus may benet
more from additional documentation.
Our participants (cf. Table 3) had an average of 7.9 years of pro-
gramming experience, with 2 years of professional programming
knowledge. Two students were undergraduates, six had a Bachelor
degree, and two a Master degree. The students rated their experi-
ence with Java at around 4.2 and with version-control at around
4.1. They indicated only little comprehension problems. When dis-
cussing these problems, we found that they were mainly related
to the subject source code, not the study design. Reecting upon
their experience, we argue that our participants represent a reliable
sample, seeing their extensive programming experience.
Next, we report the results of our simulation and discuss their impli-
cations. We display visualizations of the recordings of each session
in Figure 3 (rst example) and Figure 4 (second example). In these,
we highlight the dierent activities and the periods they cover in
the recordings (each pixel represents one second). At the end of
each bar, we show whether the respective participant could answer
the comprehension questions correctly (C
in Table 2), and how
much time they needed. We can already see that our assumption of
the rst example (CA) being more complicated than the second one
(SLL) is represented in the results: Fewer participants have been
able to correctly understand the pull request (2 versus 6), and they
used more time (2:15 mins on average). Moreover, we can see that
the individual participant’s performance changed between the ex-
amples, indicating that any changes we can see are likely caused by
Table 3: Our participants’ self-assessments (B
) and experi-
ences (B
) based on the questions in Table 2.
part. B
(prog. L) (Java L) (VCSs L) (prog. Y) (prof. Y)
1 6 4 7 5 0
2 2 2 4 10 5
3 6 4 4 5 0
4 3 4 4 6 3
5 4 7 2 5 0
6 1 1 1 10 4
7 3 2 3 12 3
8 5 7 5 15 0
9 5 3 3 6 3
10 7 8 8 5 2
mean 4.2 4.2 4.1 7.9 2
participant, programming experience, prof essional experience
Likert scale, Years
the treatment (i.e., DSDGen or di) rather than the participant’s ex-
perience. So, we argue that we designed a feasible setup to study the
impact of DSDGen on our participants’ program comprehension.
: Correctness. We can see for both examples that more par-
ticipants have been able to comprehend the dierences between
the two forks using DSDGen. In the rst, more complex, example
(cf. Figure 3), none of the participants could correctly comprehend
the dierences using the di view only. However, using DSDGen,
two of the participants were able to provide correct answers. In
the second example (cf. Figure 4), the number of correct solutions
increased from two (di) to four (DSDGen). This supports that our
technique can help developers when comprehending the dierences
between forks, and thus can facilitate fork merges.
Using DSDGen, more of our participants could comprehend the
two examples correctly (i.e., 6 / 10 versus 2 / 10).
: Correctness
: Performance. We can see that the participants using DSD-
Gen took on average
2:21 mins more to solve their tasks. During
the sessions, we found that this additional time is a result of getting
used to DSDGen (i.e., yellow coloring in Figure 3 and Figure 4), in-
specting the additional information and tool views (blue, green, and
black), and a more careful analysis. So, some of the time dierences
may be caused by additional attention and eort of the participants
rather than DSDGen itself. As noted, these were the particular rea-
sons for which we did not necessarily expect faster solutions from
our participants. Arguably, by getting more used to DSDGen, the ad-
ditional time required will reduce. Since the time dierences are not
large, and DSDGen leads to correct solutions more often than the
di view, we do not perceive the worse performance as a negative re-
sult. Still, we clearly see potential to improve DSDGen, particularly
to facilitate its use and decrease the time needed to familiarize.
Our participants needed more time for the examples using DSD-
Gen (2:21 mins), due to getting familiar with the documentation.
: Performance
: Perception. When asking for qualitative feedback (P
Table 2), most of our participants liked the concept of DSDGen, with
SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan Jacob Krüger, Alex Mikulinski, Sandro Schulze, Thomas Leich, and Gunter Saake
Figure 3: Results and coded recordings for the example CA in our simulation.
Figure 4: Results and coded recordings for the example SLL in our simulation.
an average scoring of 1.3 on a scale of 1 (very good) to 10 (very bad).
Since we implemented only a prototype, DSDGen currently is not a
polished or user-friendly tool. This is reected by the more varying
scores regarding the usability of DSDGen, which is on average 2.9
on the same scale. For the usefulness of the information DSDGen
provides in comparison to the plain di, our participants provided
an average rating of 2.2. Note that the few participants who mostly
ignored the additional information (i.e., participants 8 and 10, see
Figure 4), graded this question based on their retrospective of the
problems they faced, and potential benets the information would
have had to resolve these problems.
As additional information (for DSDGen, but also in general)
that would have been useful, our participants mentioned: (1) line
numbers for every code excerpt, (2) displaying omitted lines of
code in all di views, (3) the time when a pull request was created,
(4) links between issues and corresponding pull requests, (5) dis-
playing the Git history, and (6) visualizing when the forks started
to dier (e.g., highlighting the information). Most of these requests
are simple extensions and rather an engineering than a scientic
problem, but we plan to implement them in the future. As particu-
larly useful information provided in DSDGen, our participants
mentioned: (1) links to the GitHub repositories, (2) additional meta
information, (3) visualization on a single page, (4) an interactive
user interface, (5) displaying multiple forks next to each other, and
(6) the visuals of the prototype itself. This feedback improves our
condence that DSDGen is a helpful technique for developers and
that we tackled our requirements (cf. Section 2.1). As use cases
in which DSDGen would be useful, our participants mentioned
various scenarios in the context of fork merging: (1) analyzing
systems with many pull requests, (2) support for handling poor
project management or missing documentation, (3) getting a better
overview over many commits and additional pieces of information,
and (4) analyzing a class and its commit history.
DSDGen received mainly positive feedback and was perceived
helpful for fork merging, with most issues relating to extensions
that can be added easily.
: Perception
Discussion. In Figure 3 and Figure 4, we can see that most partici-
pants inspected the additional information provided by DSDGen.
By analyzing the recordings, we found that they often inspected a
certain piece of information, matched it to the code, and thereby
improved their comprehension. Of course, any dierence could be
understood through the code if needed, but our participants often
found relevant information much easier in DSDGen. As an extreme
example, participant 9 basically used DSDGen only when inspect-
ing our example CA (cf. Figure 3). They immediately identied
that the documentation provided and linked to the information
needed to comprehend the dierences, and only skimmed the code
for conrmation—leading to the shortest analysis time overall and
a correct solution.
Our participants inspected the systems’ issues in the greatest
detail, followed by pull requests, and occasionally commits. Two par-
ticipants did not use any of this information when analyzing the sec-
ond example with DSDGen (participants 8 and 10 in Figure 4)—one
DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork Merges SPLC ’23, August 28-September 1, 2023, Tokyo, Japan
of them being the only participant using DSDGen and not answer-
ing our questions correctly for this example. Seeing the results and
reecting upon our participants’ perceptions, it seems that particu-
larly the high-level change summaries in issues and pull requests are
helpful to facilitate fork comprehension. Nonetheless, we can also
see that our participants generally tended to focus on comprehend-
ing the source code; potentially because they mistrust other pieces
of (potentially not maintained [
]) information. Overall, we
argue that DSDGen is helpful for developers despite such concerns.
Threats to Validity. Since we are concerned with program com-
prehension, we cannot control all variables related to the individual
characteristics of our participants [
]. For instance, developers
in the real world rely on various tools that may infer with DSDGen
and some cognitive biases may not manifest in a laboratory setting.
Instead, we aimed to avoid control and confounding variables by
dening a controlled setup, and thus to improve our condence
that any observed dierences are caused by our intervention (i.e.,
DSDGen). However, this also means that our simulation is not fully
representative of the real world, for instance, because our examples
did not involve added/deleted or changes to multiple classes.
We relied on student participants, who are typically considered
to perform similar to developers in practice [
]. Still,
practitioners with more experience about the programming lan-
guage, version-control systems (particularly dis), and the actual
subject system may have yielded dierent results. Moreover, the
students have been personal contacts of the second author, which
may mean that their perceptions of DSDGen (e.g., P
, P
) could be
more positive. We mitigated this threat by involving more qualita-
tive questions and measuring the participants’ actual performance,
which hint in the same direction as their responses. While both
threats regarding our participants remain, we could clearly show
that DSDGen helped the students understand the subject source
code, and similar improvements are likely for less experienced or
novice developers (e.g., during on-boarding).
There is extensive research showing how forks (co-)evolve and that
it can take a lot of time until they are merged [
Moreover, dierent researchers have focused on the challenges de-
velopers face when merging forks [
], particularly merge con-
icts [
]. These studies highlight the comprehension problems
fork merges can cause, and motivate the need for our technique.
The idea of on-demand documentation has been proposed by Ro-
billard et al
. [54]
, and there have been many proposals for it. Most
of these focus on a single class and analyzing its source code or evo-
lution [
]. Closely related, researchers have worked
on integrated software documentation [
]. Finally, visu-
alizations for the dierences between complete software variants
have been proposed in product
line engineering [
None of such techniques is concerned with our use case, and thus
we contribute a complementary technique.
Similarly, reverse-engineering techniques have been proposed,
but they typically go beyond recovering documentation and aim
to create new artifacts instead, for instance, in the form of class
diagrams or API usage summaries [
Most of these techniques employ static or dynamic program anal-
ysis to create novel documentation artifacts. We complement the
existing works by providing a means for recovering and displaying
documentation that can be further expanded with such techniques.
Analyzing and merging forks is a challenging process. We built on
the idea of on-demand documentation to design DSDGen, which
extracts information from various sources and provides a compar-
ative overview to support developers when understanding fork
dierences. Our results show that more participants could compre-
hend two dierent fork merges (6 / 10 versus 2 / 10) using DSDGen,
but they required more time (2:21 mins on average) due to familiar-
izing with the additional documentation. The overall feedback on
DSDGen was positive and indicates that it is a helpful technique,
which we plan to extend based on that feedback in future work.
The research reported in this paper has been partially supported
by the German Research Foundation (DFG) project EXPLANT (LE
3382/2-3, SA 465/49-3) [34].
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