Fannie Mae Investor Reporting Manual
December 20, 2023
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page ii of 67
Fannie Mae Copyright Notice
(1) © 2023 Fannie Mae. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without
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A full version of this publication is available on Fannie Mae's website. If there should ever be a difference
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difference is an error. In such event, the Fannie Mae version of this publication shall be deemed the correct
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© 2023 Fannie Mae Page iii of 67
Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................... v
Chapter 1, General Requirements .......................................................................... 7
1-01, Using Machine-Processable Input (12/20/2023) ....................................................................................................... 7
1-02, Performing Monthly Reconciliations (07/15/2020) ................................................................................................... 8
Submitting Formal Reconciliations ................................................................................................................................. 8
Handling Unreconciled Shortages and Surpluses ........................................................................................................... 8
1-03, Requesting Audit Confirmations (11/12/2014) ......................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2, Reporting Payment Transactions .................................................... 11
2-01, Reporting Due Dates (12/20/2023) ......................................................................................................................... 11
Reporting Due Dates for Summary Reporting Mortgage Loans ................................................................................... 11
Reporting Due Dates for Detailed Reporting Mortgage Loans ..................................................................................... 11
2-02, Reporting a Transaction Type 96 (Loan Activity Record) (01/18/2017) .................................................................. 12
2-03, Reporting a Transaction Type 97 (Extended Loan Activity Record) (01/18/2017) .................................................. 14
2-04, Reporting Specific Payment Transactions to Fannie Mae (08/11/2021) ................................................................. 15
Reporting a Payment, Principal Curtailment or No Payment ....................................................................................... 15
Reporting a Payoff to Fannie Mae ................................................................................................................................ 19
Reporting a Repurchase ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Reporting a Mortgage Loan Liquidation to Fannie Mae ............................................................................................... 24
Recovering Advanced Interest on a Liquidated Delinquent Scheduled/Actual Mortgage Loan .................................. 27
Chapter 3, Reporting Non-Payment Transactions ........................................... 28
3-01, Reporting a Transaction Type 32 (Servicing Transfer Record) (10/13/2021) .......................................................... 28
3-02, Reporting a Transaction Type 81 (Lender Loan I.D. Change Record) (01/18/2017) ................................................ 29
3-03, Reporting a Transaction Type 83 (Payment/Interest Rate Change Record) (01/18/2017) ..................................... 30
3-04, Reporting a Transaction 89 (Discontinuance of Mortgage Insurance) (01/18/2017) ............................................. 32
Chapter 4, Special Loan Handling ....................................................................... 33
4-01, Reporting a Mortgage Loan Eligible for a Payment Deferral (10/11/2023) ............................................................ 33
4-02, Reporting a Mortgage Loan After a Payment Deferral (10/11/2023) ..................................................................... 34
4-03, Reporting a Mortgage Loan After Modification (08/15/2018) ................................................................................ 36
4-04, Reporting a Mortgage Loan After Reclassification (01/18/2017) ............................................................................ 37
4-05, Reporting During the First Reporting Cycle for “Same Month” MBS Mortgage Loans (01/18/2017) ..................... 38
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4-06, Reporting Military Indulgence to Fannie Mae (11/12/2014) .................................................................................. 39
4-07, Reporting a Seriously Delinquent Mortgage Loan as Current (01/18/2017) .......................................................... 39
4-08, Reporting When an Error Occurs After the Reporting Period Ends (01/18/2017) .................................................. 42
Reporting an Error for a Removal Transaction ............................................................................................................. 42
Reporting an Error for an ARM Loan ............................................................................................................................. 42
Correcting Interest Rate and Payment Change Errors for an ARM Loan ...................................................................... 43
Correcting an Interest Rate Change Error Only for an ARM Loan ................................................................................ 44
Correcting a Payment Change Error Only for an ARM Loan ......................................................................................... 46
Chapter 5, Formulas and Calculations ................................................................ 47
5-01, Mathematical Formulas (11/12/2014) .................................................................................................................... 47
5-02, Calculations Related to Pass-through Rates (12/20/2023) ...................................................................................... 47
Determining Pass-through Rates for Converted ARMs ................................................................................................ 47
Determining Pass-through Rates for ARM Adjustments .............................................................................................. 48
5-03, Calculations Related to Servicing Fee/Excess Yield (11/12/2014) ........................................................................... 49
5-04, Exhibits (01/18/2017) .............................................................................................................................................. 50
Exhibit 1: Monthly Fixed Installment Formula .............................................................................................................. 50
Exhibit 2: Regular Amortization Formula ...................................................................................................................... 54
Exhibit 3: Negative Amortization Formula .................................................................................................................... 56
Exhibit 4: Reverse Amortization Formula ..................................................................................................................... 58
Exhibit 5: Servicing Fee/Yield Differential Adjustment Formula ................................................................................... 60
Exhibit 6, Mapping Fannie Mae Investor Reporting System Records to EDI Investor Reporting Trans Set 203 .......... 61
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page v of 67
This Investor Reporting Manual (Manual) outlines Fannie Mae's requirements for the mortgage loan
accounting system it uses for reporting on the status of one- to four-unit mortgage loans either held in its
portfolio or pooled in an MBS. (The Fannie Mae investor reporting system is also used for multifamily mortgage
loans that are in MBS pools). This Manual is incorporated into the Servicing Guide by reference. In the event
that the Manual and the Servicing Guide are conflicting, the servicer must follow the requirements set forth in
the Servicing Guide.
Content Organization
This Manual is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1: General Requirements
Chapter 2: Reporting Payment Transactions
Chapter 3: Reporting Non-Payment Transactions
Chapter 4: Special Loan Handling
Chapter 5: Formulas and Calculations
To learn more about the details on the content included in a chapter, see the Table of Contents.
Effective Dates for the Manual
Each topic within the Manual is followed by a date shown in parentheses. With the publication of the new
Manual, this date will represent the date of the most recent Servicing Announcement that amended content
within an individual topic. The servicer must refer to the individual Announcement to locate the policy effective
Access Options
The Manual is available on AllRegs and in Adobe® PDF format on Fannie Mae’s website. Related
Announcements, Lender Letters, and Notices may be obtained through a variety of mediums, including:
using a free electronic version on the AllRegs website through a link from Fannie Mae’s website;
a subscription paid directly to AllRegs for an enhanced electronic version with additional features and a
higher degree of functionality (than the free version); and
in PDF format on Fannie Mae’s website.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page vi of 67
Amendments to the Manual
Fannie Mae may at any time alter or waive any of the requirements of this Manual, impose other additional
requirements, or rescind or amend any and all material set forth in this Manual. The servicer must ensure that
its staff is thoroughly familiar with the content and requirements of the Manual as it now exists and as it may be
Notification of Changes and Manual Updates
Fannie Mae notifies servicers of changes and updates to its Manual policies and procedures, as
communicated in Announcements, Lender Letters, and Notices, in two ways:
posting the documents on Fannie Mae’s website and the AllRegs website, and
emailing notification of those postings to servicers that subscribe to Fannie Mae’s email subscription
service and select the option “Servicing News.”
Forms, Exhibits, and Content Incorporated by Reference
The Manual provides information about the specific forms servicers must use to fulfill Fannie Mae’s
requirements. Servicers can access the actual forms on Fannie Mae’s website.
Some materials are only referenced in the Manual and are posted in their entirety on Fannie Mae’s website.
All forms and exhibits whether it currently exists or is subsequently created referenced in the Manual now
or later are legally a part of this Manual, the Servicing Guide and Fannie Mae’s contract with its servicers.
Technical Issues
In the event of technical difficulties or system failures with Fannie Mae’s website, the delivery of the “Servicing
News” option of Fannie Mae’s email subscription service, or the AllRegs website, users may contact the
following resources:
For Fannie Mae’s website and Fannie Mae’s email subscription service, use the “Contact Us” link on
the website to ask questions or obtain more information or contact Fannie Mae’s Single-Family
Technology Support at 1-800-2FANNIE (1-800-232-6643).
For the AllRegs website, submit an email support request from the website or contact AllRegs
Customer Service at 1-800-848-4904.
When Questions Arise
The Manual provides information about normal and routine investor reporting matters. Servicers must address
questions relevant to a particular situation not covered in the Manual to its Fannie Mae Investor Reporting
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 7 of 67
Chapter 1, General Requirements
The Fannie Mae investor reporting system is an integrated investor reporting system used to capture loan-level
detail for all regularly amortizing mortgage loans serviced for Fannie Mae. Although all of these mortgage loans
are accounted for under a single reporting system, Fannie Mae's investor reporting system separates
mortgage loans by remittance type to ensure the servicer can easily recognize and account for procedural or
policy differences.S
1-01, Using Machine-Processable Input (12/20/2023)
The servicer must use an automated format to report all loan-level transactions. This includes reporting
corrections to erroneous transactions previously reported to the Fannie Mae investor reporting system. The
electronic transmission of Fannie Mae's investor reporting system reports can be accomplished by:
Business-to-Business (B2B) electronic file transfer, or
Loan Servicing Data Utility (LSDU), a web application that is available for reporting the different
types of transactions.
Access to LSDU is available on Fannie Mae’s website.
Fannie Mae also accepts a common format for the electronic data interchange (EDI) of investor reporting
information. The action that a servicer must take to ensure it satisfies Fannie Mae's requirements for using the
EDI format will vary depending on how it submits its Fannie Mae investor reporting system reports to Fannie
Mae, as shown in the following table.
If the servicer…
Then the servicer must…
submits its monthly loan-level Fannie Mae investor
reporting system reports through LSDU or through
electronic file transfer
have its own EDI translation software or translation
services to convert its flat files to the ANSI X12 format.
uses a service bureau to transmit its monthly Fannie
Mae investor reporting system reports
confirm that its service bureau will have the appropriate
translation software in place before the servicer begins
reporting under the ANSI X12 format.
Fannie Mae addresses its investor reporting system requirements in terms of the transaction types and data
element identification that is part of the Fannie Mae investor reporting system record. To assist in converting
this information into EDI references, see 34TUExhibit 6: Mapping Fannie Mae Investor Reporting System Records to
EDI Investor Reporting Trans Set 203U34T.
Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2023-06
December 20, 2023
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1-02, Performing Monthly Reconciliations (07/15/2020)
Each month, the servicer must reconcile the Fannie Mae investor reporting system records it receives from
Fannie Mae to its internal records. Further instructions for the monthly reconciliation process are provided in
the following table.
Loan Type
Portfolio mortgage loans with an
actual/actual remittance type
MBS mortgage loans with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance
type, and
portfolio mortgage loans with a
scheduled/scheduled or
scheduled/actual remittance type
Submitting Formal Reconciliations
Reconciliations must be prepared using the following forms (or an acceptable equivalent format):
Schedule 1 - Reconciliation of Mortgage Portfolio (34TForm 47334T),
Schedule 2 - Reconciliation of Interest Rate/Pass-Through Rate (34TForm 473A34T), and
Schedule 3 - Reconciliation of Shortage/Surplus (34TForm 47234T)
Reconciliation of Mortgage PortfolioS/S MBS and MRS (34TForm 51234T).
Handling Unreconciled Shortages and Surpluses
A shortage or surplus in the Fannie Mae investor reporting system represents the cumulative difference
the cash the servicer remitted to Fannie Mae, and
the interest and principal the servicer reflected in its monthly loan-level reports as being applied
to the portfolio mortgage loans serviced for Fannie Mae.
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Unreconciled shortages are payable to Fannie Mae. The following table provides the servicer with instructions
for the reconciliation of a shortage.
The servicer must…
Remit the amount of the unreconciled shortage to Fannie Mae immediately.
Contact its Fannie Mae Investor Reporting Representative (see TServicing Guide F-4-02, List of Contacts) for
instructions on handling subsequent adjustments and corrections, before transmitting its Fannie Mae investor
reporting system transactions for the next reporting period.
Unreconciled surpluses are income items for Fannie Mae. The following table provides additional information
to the servicer regarding surpluses.
If the servicer
And the servicer
Then Fannie Mae
is unable to reconcile the
surplus within 90 days after it
first appears on its Fannie Mae
investor reporting system report
cannot explain any
extenuating circumstances
related to the unreconciled
may adjust the servicer's shortage/surplus account
to zero out the surplus.
Note: Fannie Mae will give the servicer advance
notification and advise it on how subsequent
adjustments and corrections must be handled.
Fannie Mae produces reports to assist the servicer in reconciling information generated from the Fannie Mae
investor reporting system with its internal records. To ensure the accuracy of Fannie Mae's records, the
servicer must reconcile the records reflected in the reports Fannie Mae generates to its internal records.
Occasionally, Fannie Mae may ask the servicer to submit these reconciliations to Fannie Mae. For additional
support or information on Fannie Mae-generated reports, servicers may contact their Investor Reporting
Representative (see Servicing Guide F-4-02, List of Contacts).
Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
1-03, Requesting Audit Confirmations (11/12/2014)
A servicer may instruct its external auditors to contact Fannie Mae directly about providing confirmation of the
servicer's portfolio composition and outstanding balances as they are carried in Fannie Mae's records. Fannie
Mae will respond to such requests as promptly as possible although there can be a delay of up to one month.
The request for audit confirmation must be sent to: 34TInvestor_Reporting_[email protected]34T.
Issue Date
34TAnnouncement SVC-2020-03
July 15, 2020
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All requests for audit confirmations must include the information shown in the following table.
Requirements for Audit Confirmation Requests
The servicer's name and address.
An authorized signature of an officer of the financial institution.
The servicer's 9-digit Fannie Mae lender identification number.
The name and telephone number of the auditor's contact person (either with the servicer's institution or
The effective date for the confirmation.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
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Chapter 2, Reporting Payment Transactions
A payment transaction is required for all summary reporting mortgage loans each month regardless of
whether a payment is received or not. A payment transaction for detailed reporting mortgage loans is only
required when a payment is received.
2-01, Reporting Due Dates (12/20/2023)
Reporting Due Dates for Summary Reporting Mortgage Loans
For summary reporting mortgage loans, the servicer is required to submit a monthly Loan Activity Record or
(LAR) by 8 p.m. eastern time on the twenty-second calendar day of the month of the reporting period. The
reports are due on the preceding business day if the twenty-second calendar day falls on a weekend or
holiday. This due date is termed the “Interim Reporting End Date.” A LAR must be reported regardless of
whether payment was received from the borrower. Corrections to reported activity and any additional activity
that occurs from the Interim Reporting End Date through the end of the reporting period must be submitted by
8 p.m. eastern time on the first business day of the month following the reporting period.
Note: The servicer is authorized to submit loan activity daily as the activity occurs. Activity recorded by
Fannie Mae is not cumulative; the last LAR processed successfully is the activity recorded.
The following example illustrates the reporting requirement. The published Investor Reporting and Remitting
Calendar posted on Fannie Mae’s website details the dates for every month.
1TExample: For the June 2017 reporting period, the servicer must report all payment or no payment activity
that occurred between June 1 and June 21 and transmit the transaction types that reflect this activity in time
to reach Fannie Mae by June 22 (interim reporting end date). The servicer must report all activity that
occurred between June 22 and June 30 and transmit the transaction types that reflect this activity in time to
reach Fannie Mae by July 3 BD1 (July 1 and 2 are weekend days).
The servicer is required to submit removal transactions (i.e. payoffs, repurchases, foreclosures, short sales,
deeds-in-lieu, and third party sales) by 8 p.m. eastern time on the first business day after the servicer
processes the removal transaction on their system, when that business day is not the second business day of
the month following the reporting period. If that business day is the second business day of the month,
following the reporting period, the removal transaction must be submitted to Fannie Mae by 5 p.m. eastern
time. Removal transaction corrections must be submitted in time to reach Fannie Mae by 5 p.m. eastern time
on the second business day of the month following the reporting period in which the activity occurred.
Note: Bulk submission of transactions cannot be performed via B2B electronic file transfer or through LSDU
upload function after 3 p.m. eastern time on the second business day of the month.
Reporting Due Dates for Detailed Reporting Mortgage Loans
For detailed reporting mortgage loans, the servicer is required to submit the payment activity as it is received
from the borrower. Both a LAR 96 and a LAR 97 must be submitted in accordance with the timing outlined in
Reporting Due Dates for Summary Reporting Mortgage Loans.
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Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
2-02, Reporting a Transaction Type 96 (Loan Activity Record)
The servicer must use Transaction Type 96 (LAR) to provide loan-level detail for each mortgage loan on the
servicer's trial balance. The loan-level information can be broken down into three categories described in the
following table.
Transaction Type
96 (LAR) Category
Information that must be reported
Payment amount
Relates to the status of a borrower payment. The
LAR should reflect receipt and application of the
mortgage loan payment if the borrower made a
full payment. If the borrower did not make a full
payment, then a LAR must be reported to reflect
non-receipt of the full payment.
The LPI date, UPB, and the remittance
amount (distributed between interest and
Mortgage loan activity
Provides information about the activity that has
occurred on the mortgage loan for the reporting
time period payment, payoff, repurchase, or
other liquidation
An action codethere are several codes
available. See 34T2-04, Reporting Specific
Payment Transactions to Fannie Mae34T for
additional details.
An action date to specify when the
reported action occurred.
Fee collection
Relates to any special feessuch as late
charges, assumption fees, or prepayment
premiumsthat were collected from the borrower
during the reporting period
The combined total of the special fees, if
Record specifications and additional descriptions for Transaction Type 96 are shown in the following table.
Data Element
Lender Number
Alphanumeric; Always F = Fannie Mae
Record Identifier
Numeric; Always 96
Source Code
Numeric; Always zero (0)
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2023-06
December 20, 2023
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 13 of 67
Data Element
Fannie Mae Loan
LPI Date
Numeric; MMYY format
Alphanumeric; S9(9)V99; zone signed; code $50,000.01 as
Alphanumeric; S9(9)V99; zone signed; code $800.02 as
Alphanumeric; S9(9)V99; zone signed; code -$9.91 as
Action Code
Action Date
Numeric; MMDDYY format
Other Fees
Alphanumeric; S9(6)V99; zone signed; may be zero-filled
Alphanumeric; blanks or zeroes
The following table provides the zone signed mappings.
Zone Sign
Numeric Value
Zone Sign
Numeric Value
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
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2-03, Reporting a Transaction Type 97 (Extended Loan Activity
Record) (01/18/2017)
Transaction Type 97 (Extended Loan Activity Record) is an extended LAR that includes the date of payment.
This date must be included in reporting for all daily simple interest mortgage loans and actual/actual biweekly
loans. This transaction must be reported in addition to a Transaction 96 for these mortgage loan types. The
interest accrual is driven by the date of payment. Record specifications and descriptions for Transaction Type
97 are shown in the following table.
Data Element
Lender Number
Numeric (Must be the Servicer Number assigned for DSI
loans or actual/actual biweekly mortgage loans)
Alphanumeric; Always F = Fannie Mae
Record Identifier
Numeric; Always 97
Reversal Flag
Zero (0) - normal
One (1) - reversal
Fannie Mae Loan Number
Numeric (The unique 10-digit Fannie Mae assigned loan
Gross Actual Payment
Numeric; 9(9)v99; Full payment amount sent by borrower
(P&I). If reporting principal curtailment, this is the
curtailment amount.
Payment Effective Date
Numeric; MMDDYYYY (Effective date the payment is
being applied). Must equal reported LAR 96 action date,
month and year.
Alphanumeric, blanks or zeroes
Full LPI Date
Numeric; MMDDYYYY Month and year must agree with
the month and year reported in LAR 96 position 24 (LPI
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
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2-04, Reporting Specific Payment Transactions to Fannie Mae
Reporting a Payment, Principal Curtailment or No Payment
Each reporting period the servicer is required to inform Fannie Mae of any borrower payment activity (or no
payment) that occurred for the Reporting Period. This information includes the Loan Activity Status, the
Payment Collection Activity, and any Fees that were collected, if applicable. For all payment transactions that
are not liquidations, the servicer must report the following for the Loan Activity Status:
Action Code = either 00 for eighty character fixed width file format or 02 for ANSI X12 file format.
Action Date = any date within the month of the Reporting Period for which the activity is to be applied
(monthly reporting).
Note: When reporting an Action Code of 00 or 02, the Action Date Month and Year must be aligned to the
Activity Period being reported.
In order to report the Payment Collection activity, the servicer must know the characteristics of the mortgage
loan and how it was delivered to Fannie Mae. The calculation of P&I will vary depending on the remittance type
and reporting method. The different calculation methods are explained below.
Calculating Monthly Principal Payments
If the mortgage loan is…
To determine the principal remittance amount for a monthly
payment mortgage loan, the servicer must…
actual/actual or a scheduled/actual
remittance type
subtract the current month's actual UPB from the prior month's actual UPB
and multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage interest.
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
(regardless of whether it is a portfolio
mortgage loan or an MBS mortgage loan)
subtract the current month's scheduled UPB from the prior month's
scheduled UPB and multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage interest.
Calculating Biweekly Principal Payments
If the mortgage loan is…
To determine the principal remittance amount for a biweekly
mortgage loan, the servicer must…
a scheduled/actual biweekly mortgage
subtract the current month's actual UPB from the prior month's actual UPB
and multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage interest.
an actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan
subtract the current actual UPB from the UPB as of the last reported loan
activity and multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage interest.
Calculating Monthly Interest Payments
Interest payments due to Fannie Mae each month for monthly payment mortgage loans vary depending on the
remittance type of the mortgage loan. For an actual/actual remittance type mortgage loan, the servicer must
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send Fannie Mae interest only if it is actually collected from the borrower. For a scheduled/actual or a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type mortgage loan, the servicer must send Fannie Mae interest whether or
not it is collected from the borrower. The calculations used for determining the amount of interest due are
similar, except that the interest for a scheduled/scheduled remittance type mortgage loan will be based on a
scheduled UPB since principal payments for that type of mortgage loan must be sent to Fannie Mae whether
or not they are collected.
The following table provides further instructions to determine the interest payment for a monthly payment
mortgage loan depending upon the mortgage loan remittance type.
If the mortgage loan is…
Then the servicer must use this calculation…
an actual/actual or a scheduled/actual remittance
(Prior Month's Actual UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x Fannie Mae's
Percentage Interest = Pass-through Interest Remittance Amount
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type
(Prior Month's Scheduled UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x Fannie
Mae's Percentage Interest = Scheduled Interest Remittance Amount
actual/actual remittance type that is prepaid
(Prior Months Actual UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x (number of
months prepaid) x (Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest) = Pass-
through Interest Remittance Amount
is a scheduled/actual remittance type that is
(Prior Months Actual UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x (Fannie
Mae's Percentage Interest) = Pass-through Interest Remittance
Note: The receipt of a principal curtailment in a given month will not affect the interest calculation for that
month. The servicer must compute interest for the current month based on the previous month's ending UPB
(if the mortgage loan has an actual/actual or a scheduled/actual remittance type) or on the prior month's
scheduled UPB (if the mortgage loan has a scheduled/scheduled remittance type).
Calculating Biweekly Interest Payments
Interest payments related to scheduled/actual biweekly mortgage loans must be sent to Fannie Mae each
month whether or not they are collected from the borrower. Interest payments related to actual/actual biweekly
mortgage loans must be reported to Fannie Mae as received. Because biweekly mortgage loans in Fannie
Mae's portfolio are accounted for as the scheduled/actual and actual/actual remittance types and those in MBS
pools as the scheduled/scheduled remittance type, the calculations for determining the amount of interest due
differ slightly (since the interest for an MBS mortgage loan is based on a scheduled UPB because the
payments had to be sent to Fannie Mae even though they may not have been collected from the borrower).
The following table provides further instructions to determine the interest payment for a biweekly mortgage
loan depending upon the mortgage loan remittance type.
If the biweekly mortgage loan is…
Then the servicer must use this calculation…
a scheduled/actual remittance type
(Prior Month's Actual UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x Fannie
Mae's Percentage Interest = Pass-through Interest Remittance
an actual/actual remittance type
(Actual UPB x Pass-through Rate/365) x 14 days x Fannie Mae's
Percentage Interest = Pass-through Interest Remittance Amount*
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 17 of 67
If the biweekly mortgage loan is…
Then the servicer must use this calculation…
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type MBS
mortgage loan
(Prior Month's Scheduled UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x
Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest = Scheduled Interest
Remittance Amount
Interest on the regularly scheduled biweekly payment, which is reported separately from the principal
curtailment, is calculated as described in the following table.
Servicer Actions
Use the UPB prior to receipt of the principal curtailment and calculate interest up to but not including the date
of the curtailment.
Use the UPB after the principal curtailment to calculate the remaining interest for the payment period.
Report the total interest calculated.
1TNote: Actual/actual biweekly loans are amortized every 14 days using a 365-day basis year for interest
Calculating Actual UPB
The actual UPB of a mortgage loan in a given month is calculated the same way for all remittance or delivery
types except actual/actual biweekly. To determine the current month's actual UPB of a mortgage loan except
actual/actual biweekly, the servicer must use the following calculation:
Previous Month's UPB
Current Month's Principal Collection
Current Month's UPB
To determine the current actual UPB of an actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan, the servicer must use this
Previous reported UPB
Current principal collected
Current UPB
This current UPB must equal the UPB on the servicer's trial balance at the end of the activity month.
Calculating Scheduled UPB
The servicer must calculate a scheduled UPB only for:
monthly payment portfolio mortgage loans that are the scheduled/scheduled remittance type,
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biweekly and monthly payment scheduled/scheduled remittance type mortgage loans that are in
MBS pools.
The calculations are the same for both delivery types; however, they will differ depending on the due date of
the mortgage loan installments and whether the mortgage loan payments are:
delinquent, or
1TA. Monthly payments due on first day of month. When a monthly payment mortgage loan has payments
due on the first day of each month, the scheduled UPB is generally equal to the actual UPB of the mortgage
loan amortized to one month beyond the reporting period. The different calculation methods are explained in
the following table.
If the mortgage loan is…
The servicer must calculate the ending scheduled UPB as follows:
1. (Ending Actual UPB x Note Rate) ÷ 12 = Gross Interest Amount
2. Monthly Installment Gross Interest Amount = Principal
3. Ending Actual UPB Principal = Ending Scheduled UPB
1. Repeat steps 1 3 shown above for each month the mortgage loan is
delinquent, then
2. Add the additional month required to take the amortization one month beyond
the reporting period.
prepaid for one month
No calculation is necessary. The scheduled UPB is equal to the actual UPB.
prepaid two or more months
1. Ending Actual UPB + Monthly Installment = Adjusted UPB
2. Interest Rate ÷ 12 = Interest Factor (to 9 decimal places)
3. Adjusted UPB ÷ (1+Interest Factor) = Scheduled UPB
Note: These steps must be repeated for each prepaid installment (beyond
one) that needs to be “reversed amortized.”
1TB. Monthly payments due on any other day of the month. When a monthly payment mortgage loan has
payments due on any day other than the first day of each month, the scheduled UPB will differ based on the
mortgage loan status. The different calculation methods are explained in the following table.
If the mortgage loan is…
The servicer must calculate the ending scheduled UPB as follows:
No calculation is necessary. The scheduled UPB is equal to the actual UPB.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 19 of 67
If the mortgage loan is…
The servicer must calculate the ending scheduled UPB as follows:
1. (Ending Actual UPB x Note Rate) ÷ 12 = Gross Interest Amount
2. Monthly Installment Gross Interest Amount = Principal
3. Ending Actual UPB Principal = Ending Scheduled UPB
1TNote: These steps must be repeated for each delinquent installment that
needs to be amortized to bring the balance to the correct scheduled UPB for
the reporting period.
1. Ending Actual UPB + Monthly Installment = Adjusted UPB
2. Interest Rate ÷ 12 = Interest Factor (to 9 decimal places)
3. Adjusted UPB ÷ (1 + Interest Factor) = Scheduled UPB
1TNote: These steps must be repeated for each prepaid installment that needs
to be “reverse amortized.”
1TC. Biweekly payments. When a mortgage loan provides for biweekly payments, the scheduled UPB is equal
to the actual UPB after all biweekly payments due on or before the first day of the month following the reporting
month are credited (whether or not they were actually collected).
1TD. Calculations Related to Daily Simple Interest Loans. Interest accrues daily (based upon a 365-day year)
up to but not including the date a payment is received that reduces principal. Then, starting on the date the
principal was reduced, interest accrues on the new balance. The following example provides an illustration of
the calculation the servicer must complete.
Balance as of March 5 (and assuming interest is fully satisfied to this date): $10,000.00
Payment of $500.00 received on March 24 (effective date = March 24 with interest accrued through
March 23)
Interest rate = 5.5%
Fannie Mae's system will calculate interest on $10,000.00 for 19 days (March 5 to March 24) @ 5.5%.
10,000.00 x 0.055/365 x 19 = 28.63
$28.63 would be applied to interest and $471.37 would go to principal, bringing the new UPB to $9,528.63.
1TStarting on March 24, Fannie Mae's system would calculate interest on the new UPB, $9,528.63.
When a payment is made by the borrower, the servicer must satisfy accrued interest first, then principal with
the payment effective, driving the interest calculation.
Reporting a Payoff to Fannie Mae
Upon receiving P&I that will satisfy the outstanding UPB of the mortgage loan, the servicer must submit a LAR
with an Action Code 60 on the first business day after the servicer processes the transaction on its system.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 20 of 67
Calculating the Principal Balance Paid Off
The amount of principal paid when a borrower pays off their mortgage loan is the same regardless of the
remittance or delivery type of the mortgage loan. However, the principal payment to Fannie Mae will differ
depending on whether the servicer is required to send Fannie Mae:
actual principal collections, or
scheduled principal reductions.
The different calculation methods are explained in the following table.
If the mortgage loan is…
To determine the principal balance paid off, the
servicer must…
an actual/actual (except actual/actual biweekly) or
scheduled/actual remittance type
multiply the prior month's actual UPB by Fannie Mae's
percentage interest.
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type (regardless of
whether it is a portfolio mortgage loan or an MBS
mortgage loan)
multiply the prior month's scheduled UPB by Fannie Mae's
percentage interest.
an actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan
multiply the actual UPB, as of the last reported loan activity,
by Fannie Mae's percentage interest
Note: If the mortgage loan has principal forbearance, the servicer must add the forbearance amount to the
UPB before multiplying by Fannie Mae’s percentage interest.
Calculating Interest Paid Off
The amount of interest collected when a borrower pays off their mortgage loan is determined by:
the type of mortgage loan, and
the date of the payoff.
The interest due Fannie Mae, however, also will differ depending on the remittance type of the mortgage loan.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 21 of 67
The various calculation methods for mortgage loans that are actual/actual remittance type are shown in the
following table.
If the mortgage loan is actual/actual
remittance type and…
Then the servicer must compute interest…
a VA, RD, FHA Title I, FHA mortgage loans
closed on or after 1/21/2015, or conventional
first- or second lien mortgage loan
from the LPI date up to, but not including, the date the payoff funds are
received, using this calculation:
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 = One
Month's Interest
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 365 = One
Day's Interest
One Month's Interest x Number of Full Months of Interest
Due (if mortgage loan is delinquent) = Accrued Monthly
Interest Due
One Day's Interest x Number of Days of Partial Month of
Interest Due = Accrued Daily Interest Due
(Accrued Monthly Interest Due + Accrued Daily Interest
Due) x Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest = Total Payoff
an FHA mortgage loan or HUD-guaranteed
Section 184 mortgage loan
from the LPI due date up to the date of payoff (if the funds are received
on an installment due date) or through the end of the month due date (if
the funds are received after an installment due date), using this
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 = One
Month's Interest
(One Month's Interest x Number of Full Months of Interest
Due) x Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest = Total Payoff
1TNote: When the installment due date of an FHA mortgage loan
falls on a non-work day, the receipt of the payoff funds shall be
considered received on the installment due date if received on the
next working day.
Note: A full month of interest will be based on a 360-day year, while a partial month's interest will be based
on a 365-day year.
For mortgage loans that are scheduled/actual remittance type and for mortgage loans that are
scheduled/scheduled remittance type, the type of mortgage loan and the date of the payoff has no effect on the
interest due Fannie Mae. The calculations to be used for scheduled/actual and scheduled/scheduled
remittance types are shown in the following table.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 22 of 67
If the mortgage loan is…
Then Fannie Mae is due…
scheduled/actual remittance type
one-half of one month's interest, this servicer must calculate this
amount as follows:
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 24 x Fannie Mae's
Percentage Interest = Payoff Interest
1TNote: The interest calculation for FHA Title I loans that are the
scheduled/actual remittance type is the same as the calculation
for FHA Title I loans that are the actual/actual remittance type
(as discussed in the preceding table).
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
one full month's interest, the servicer must calculate this amount as
(Prior Month's Scheduled UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x Fannie
Mae's Percentage Interest = Scheduled Payoff Interest (also see
34TServicing Guide C-3-02, Remitting Payoff Proceeds34T.
Reporting a Repurchase
As outlined in the Servicing Guide, Fannie Mae must approve a mortgage loan to be repurchased. Once
approved, the servicer must adhere to the following guidelines when submitting the repurchase LAR
The servicer must report this Action Code …
With an Action Date
In the next Transaction Type 96 it transmits to Fannie
Mae through Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system
that is within the current activity period.
Repurchasing an ARM loan where the modification
feature is being exercised
that is within the current activity period.
Calculating the Principal to Repurchase
Mortgage loans sold to Fannie Mae as cash purchases may have been purchased at par, at a discount or at a
premium price. Mortgage loans sold to Fannie Mae as part of a SWAP MBS pool are purchased at par. When
determining the principal that needs to be repurchased, the price of the mortgage loan will need to be
considered. The following table explains how to calculate the principal to report on the LAR Transaction Code
If the mortgage loan is…
To determine the principal to be repurchased, the
servicer must…
an actual/actual (excluding biweekly) or a
scheduled/actual remittance type portfolio
mortgage loan (sold as cash)
multiply the prior month's actual UPB by the original
purchase price, then
multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 23 of 67
If the mortgage loan is…
To determine the principal to be repurchased, the
servicer must…
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type portfolio
mortgage loan (sold as cash)
multiply the prior month's scheduled UPB by the
original purchase price, then
multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage
an actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan
multiply the UPB as of the last reported loan activity,
by the original purchase price, then
multiply the result by Fannie Mae's percentage
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type loan sold
into SWAP MBS security
multiply the prior month's scheduled UPB by Fannie
Mae's percentage interest.
an actual/actual remittance type loan that was
reclassified from a SWAP MBS security
multiply the prior month’s actual UPB by Fannie
Mae’s percentage interest.
Note: If the mortgage loan has principal forbearance, the servicer must add the forbearance amount to the
UPB before multiplying by the purchase price and/or Fannie Mae’s percentage interest.
Calculating Interest Repurchased
When an actual/actual remittance type mortgage loan is repurchased, Fannie Mae is due interest from the LPI
date up to, but not including, the repurchase date. However, when a scheduled/actual or a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type mortgage loan is repurchased, Fannie Mae is due a full month of interest
in all cases. A full month of interest will be based on a 360-day year, while a partial month's interest will be
based on a 365-day year. The following table provides additional instructions for calculating the repurchase
interest due Fannie Mae based on the remittance type of the mortgage loan.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 24 of 67
If the mortgage loan is…
Then the servicer must calculate repurchase interest as follows…
an actual/actual remittance type
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 = One Month's
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 365 = One Day's
One Month's Interest x Number of Full Months of Interest Due (if
mortgage loan is delinquent) = Accrued Monthly Interest Due
One Day's Interest x Number of Days of Partial Month of Interest
Due = Accrued Daily Interest Due
(Accrued Monthly Interest Due + Accrued Daily Interest Due) x
Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest = Total Repurchase Interest
a scheduled/actual remittance type
(Prior Month's UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x Fannie Mae's Percentage
Ownership = Repurchase Interest
a scheduled/scheduled remittance
type portfolio or MBS mortgage loan
(Prior Month's Scheduled UPB x Pass-through Rate) ÷ 12 x Fannie Mae's
Percentage Interest = Scheduled Repurchase Interest
Reporting a Mortgage Loan Liquidation to Fannie Mae
A loan liquidation is classified as an event that removes the mortgage loan from the Fannie Mae investor
reporting system without full payment. Actions included in this category are Foreclosure Sales, a Mortgage
Release, Third Party Sale, Short Sale, etc. The Action Codes and related descriptions are provided in the
following table.
The servicer must report this Action Code for
Charge-off/Liquidated Held for Sale for Uninsured Properties:
including those in redemption,
acquired through a Mortgage Release, or
for a VA No Upset case.
Note: The servicer must transmit a Transaction Type 96 LAR to Fannie Mae if the servicer
repurchases an acquired property after it submits an REOgram to Fannie Mae.
Note: The servicer must not report an action code that reflects “repurchase” or “payoff” since the
liquidation actually relates to the disposition of the property that was “held for sale.” The servicer also
must report the repurchase proceeds as “special remittance.”
Liquidated Third-Party Sale / Condemnation / Short Sale, including when:
a third-party purchaser has acquired the property,
a condemnation of the property has occurred,
a short sale has been completed, or
Fannie Mae authorized the charge-off of the second-lien mortgage debt.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 25 of 67
The servicer must report this Action Code for
Charge-off/Liquidated Foreclosure Sale Held for Insured Properties:
including those in redemption, or
for a property acquired through a Mortgage Release pending conveyance to FHA/VA/MI.
1TNote: Upon completion of a foreclosure and acceptance of the foreclosure LAR, Fannie Mae will reimburse the
servicer for advanced P&I for scheduled/scheduled remittance type mortgage loans for which Fannie Mae bears
the foreclosure loss risk or those which are shared risk with Fannie Mae responsible for marketing the property.
Calculating the Principal to Liquidate the Mortgage Loan
The amount of principal required to be reported to Fannie Mae to effectively pay off the mortgage loan varies
based on the remittance type of the mortgage loan. The different calculation methods are explained in the
following table.
If the mortgage loan is…
The principal amount to report to liquidate the
loan is…
an actual/actual (except actual/actual biweekly) or
scheduled/actual remittance type
the prior month’s actual UPB multiplied by Fannie Mae’s
percentage interest.
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type
the prior month’s scheduled UPB multiplied by Fannie
Mae’s percentage interest.
an actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan
the prior months actual UPB, as of the last reported loan
activity multiplied by Fannie Mae’s percentage interest.
Note: For an actual/actual, scheduled/actual or an actual/actual biweekly remittance type loan, if there is
movement in the Loans LPI date or Actual UPB, the change in the UPB will need to be accounted for in the
principal amount to be reported.
Also, if the mortgage loan has principal forbearance, the servicer must add the forbearance amount to the UPB
before multiplying by the purchase price and/or Fannie Maes percentage interest.
Calculating the Interest to Liquidate the Mortgage Loan
The amount of interest the servicer must report when a mortgage loan is liquidated is also dependent upon the
remittance type of the mortgage loan. The calculation method used to determine the amount of interest to
report is shown in the following table.
If the mortgage loan is…
The principal amount to report to liquidate the
loan is…
an actual/actual remittance type (excludes biweekly loans)
No LPI Movement
Forward LPI Movement
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 26 of 67
If the mortgage loan is…
The principal amount to report to liquidate the
loan is…
Sum of the (Prior period Actual UPB x Pass-
through Rate) / 12 for the number of payment
made times Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
Backward LPI Movement
Sum of the (Prior period Actual UPB x Pass-
through Rate) / 12 for the number of payment
made times Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
times (-1)
an actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan
No LPI Movement
Forward LPI Movement
Sum of the (Prior period Actual UPB x Pass-
through Rate) / 24 for the number of payment
made times Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
Backward LPI Movement
Sum of the (Prior period Actual UPB x Pass-
through Rate) / 24 for the number of payment
made times Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
times (-1)
a scheduled/actual remittance type
The prior month’s scheduled UPB multiplied by
Fannie Mae’s percentage interest times the
Lender Pass Through Rate / 12
If there is no LPI movement, then interest amount
to report is = the Total Advanced Interest
multiplied by (-1).
With forward LPI movement, then (prior scheduled
UPB multiplied by Fannie Mae’s percentage
interest times the Lender Pass Through Rate / 12)
times the number of periods from the prior LPI
date to the reported LPI date
With backward LPI movement, then ((total
advanced interest plus (prior scheduled UPB
multiplied by Fannie Mae’s percentage interest
times the Lender Pass Through Rate / 12) times
the number of periods form the prior LPI date to
the Reported LPI date) times (-1).
Not advancing
Regardless of LPI movement, then
interest amount is = (prior actual UPB *
Lender Pass Through Rate / 12) times (-1)
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 27 of 67
If the mortgage loan is…
The principal amount to report to liquidate the
loan is…
a scheduled/scheduled remittance type
The prior month’s scheduled UPB multiplied by Fannie
Mae’s percentage interest times the Lender Pass Through
Rate / 12.
Recovering Advanced Interest on a Liquidated Delinquent Scheduled/Actual
Mortgage Loan
For scheduled/actual remittances, the servicer must pass through one more months’ worth of interest than the
number of delinquent installments.
The servicer must pass through to Fannie Mae:
one month's interest for the reporting period that includes the LPI date for the mortgage loan, and
one month's interest for each successive month of delinquency.
For delinquent mortgage loans, the servicer is authorized to recover its advances for delinquent interest during
the fourth month of delinquency. To recover this interest advance, the servicer must report a negative interest
remittance amount for the mortgage loan when reporting the Transaction Type 96 LAR for the month in which
the mortgage loan becomes four months delinquent. This amount represents the first three months of
advanced interest. Fannie Mae will reimburse the servicer for the additional month of interest it advances
(fourth month) after the servicer reports the loan liquidation (as Action Code 70, 71, or 72) with Transaction
Type 96 (Summary Loans) or Transaction Type 96 and 97 (Detailed Reporting Loans) LAR.
The following table illustrates the correct timing for reporting delinquencies, advancing interest, and recovering
advanced interest for an S/A whole mortgage loan or a participation pool mortgage loan (other than one that
was part of a concurrent mortgage loan sale) that had an LPI date of April 2017:
Mortgage LPI
Reporting Period
Date: April 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
Mortgage Status
1 mo. Delq.
2 mo. Delq.
3 mo. Delq.
4 mo. Delq.
Interest Sent to
Fannie Mae
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
-3 mos.*
Delinquent Interest
Advanced for 3 Months
Note: The remaining one month of interest will be paid to servicer after it reports the liquidation of the
mortgage loan.
Related Announcements
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 28 of 67
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
Chapter 3, Reporting Non-Payment Transactions
In addition to Payment Transactions, the servicer is required to update Fannie Maes records with other
mortgage loan information. These reportable non-payment transactions include:
Transaction Type 32 (Servicing Transfer Record),
Transaction Type 81 (Lender Loan I.D. Change Record),
Transaction Type 83 (Payment/Rate Change Record), and
Transaction Type 89 (Discontinuance of Mortgage Insurance).
3-01, Reporting a Transaction Type 32 (Servicing Transfer Record)
A servicer that has received approval for transfer of servicing must transmit loan-level information for the
mortgage loans that will be included in the transfer to the Fannie Mae investor reporting system. The following
table provides additional instructions regarding these transactions.
The servicer must…
Complete a Request for Approval of Servicing or Subservicing Transfer (Form 629)34T and email it to the Regional
Office at least 60 days prior to the Effective Date.
Note: Form 629 is only required for external transfers where the first five digits are different and it does
not impact a sub-servicer transfer.
Finalize the transfer request by the 25P
P calendar day of the month prior to the transfer effective date.
Use Transaction Type 32 (Servicing Transfer Record) to provide this information.
Submit this loan-level information in time for Fannie Mae to receive it no later than 15 days before the effective
date of the transfer; although it may be submitted as early as six months before the proposed effective date.
Record specifications and descriptions for Transaction Type 32 are shown in the following table.
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2021-05
August 11, 2021
34TAnnouncement SVC-2018-01
February 14, 2018
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 29 of 67
Data Element
Transferor Lender Number
Alphanumeric; blank
Record Identifier
Numeric; Always 32
Source Code
Numeric; Always zero (0)
Fannie Mae Loan Number
Numeric; Fannie Mae loan number
Request Effective Date
Numeric; CCYYMM format; for a transfer that is
effective January 31, 2003, use 200301
Transferee Lender Number
Lender Loan I.D.
Transfer Request Type Code
Numeric; as detailed below:
00 Non-MBS Loan
10 MBS Loan
Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
3-02, Reporting a Transaction Type 81 (Lender Loan I.D. Change
Record) (01/18/2017)
Transaction Type 81 (Lender Loan I.D. Change Record) must be used to add, delete, or change the
information Fannie Mae is carrying in its records for the servicer's unique identifier for the mortgage loan. The
servicer can determine the I.D. that Fannie Mae is carrying in its records by reviewing the trial balance report
that Fannie Mae provides. (See Detailed Reporting Trial Balance Report (DRTB) Job Aid, which is available on
Fannie Mae’s website.) Record specifications and descriptions for Transaction Type 81 are shown in the
following table.
Data Element
Lender Number
Alphanumeric; Always F = Fannie Mae
Record Identifier
Numeric; Always 81
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2021-07
October 13, 2021
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 30 of 67
Data Element
Source Code
Numeric; Always zero (0)
Fannie Mae Loan Number
New Lender Loan I.D.
Alphanumeric; Blanks
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
3-03, Reporting a Transaction Type 83 (Payment/Interest Rate Change
Record) (01/18/2017)
The Transaction Type 83 is used to update Fannie Mae’s loan records of changes to the rate and/or payment
for a mortgage loan. Changes to the rate or payment that must be reported include:
Scheduled Interest Rate Change/Payment Changes
Scheduled Interest Rate Changes Only
Scheduled Payment Changes Only
ARM to Fixed Rate Loan Conversions
Borrower Requested Payment Recast (excludes I/O loans in Interest Only period)
The following table provides a list of servicer requirements for reporting Transaction Type 83 (Trans 83).
If the loan has a...
The servicer must…
Scheduled Interest Rate Change / Payment
Report the Transaction Type 83 to Fannie Mae prior to 8 PM eastern
standard time on the 5P
P Business Day after the Scheduled Interest Rate
Calculation Date (Rate Effective Date minus the Look Back Period.
Scheduled Interest Rate Change Only
Report the Transaction Type 83 to Fannie Mae prior to 8 PM eastern
standard time on the 5P
P Business Day after the Scheduled Interest Rate
Calculation Date (Rate Effective Date minus the Look Back Period).
Scheduled Payment Change Only
Report the Transaction Type 83 to Fannie Mae prior to 8 PM eastern
standard time on the 5P
P Business Day after the Scheduled Payment
Calculation Date
ARM to Fixed Conversion
Report a Transaction Type 83 for the conversion by no later than the due
date of the Fannie Mae investor reporting system reports for the reporting
period that includes the effective date for the new monthly payment, but
may report the Transaction Type 83 to Fannie Mae when it transmits its
first Fannie Mae investor reporting system reports after it knows the
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 31 of 67
If the loan has a...
The servicer must…
effective date of the conversion and the new converted interest rate and
monthly payment.
Unscheduled Interest Rate/Payment Change
Use the Transaction Type 83 to report any unscheduled change event for
a loan, including:
a change to the loan’s P&I due to a principal curtailment
made by the borrower, or
a change to the loan’s interest rate and P&I due to the
borrower’s qualifying for an interest rate reduction (such as
a Timely Payment Reward loan).
Record specifications and descriptions for Transaction Type 83 are included in the following table.
Data Element
Lender Number
Alphanumeric; Always F = Fannie Mae
Record Identifier
Numeric; Always 83
Source Code
Numeric; Always zero (0)
Fannie Mae Loan Number
Effective with Payment Due on
Numeric; MMYY format
Index Value
Alphanumeric; 99v9999; Index Value or blank;
code 6.5% as 065000
New Interest Rate
Alphanumeric; 99v9999; Interest Rate or blank;
code 8.25% as 082500
Pass-Through Rate
Alphanumeric; 99v9999; Pass-Through Rate or
blank; code 7.25% as 072500
New Payment
Alphanumeric; New Payment Amount or blank;
code $700.25 as 000070025
Extended Term
Alphanumeric; Extended Term or blank
Converted to Fixed Rate
Alphanumeric; Uppercase Y if converted;
otherwise blank
Alphanumeric; Blanks
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 32 of 67
3-04, Reporting a Transaction 89 (Discontinuance of Mortgage
Insurance) (01/18/2017)
The servicer must notify Fannie Mae about an automatic termination or a borrower-initiated cancellation of
mortgage insurance coverage via a Transaction Type 89. The termination or cancellation must be reported by
the last reporting day of the reporting period in which the effective date of the termination occurs.
The reason for the MI Discontinuance is distinguished by action codes. The proper action code that must be
reported differs based on whether the MI is automatically terminated or is canceled based on the borrower’s
request to do so.
Action codes are further described in the following table.
Action Code
The servicer must use this code…
to report a borrower-initiated cancellation based on the original value of
the property (or, in the case of a second-lien mortgage loan, the value of
the property at the time the second-lien mortgage loan was originated)
to report a borrower-initiated cancellation based on the current appraised
value of the property
to report an automatic termination (regardless of whether the termination
is based on the scheduled LTV ratio or the date that is the mid-point of the
amortization period).
to report termination due to high risk.
Record specifications and descriptions for Transaction Type 89 are included in the following table.
Data Element
Lender Number
Alphanumeric; Always F = Fannie Mae
Record Identifier
Numeric; Always 89
Source Code
Numeric; Always zero (0)
Fannie Mae Loan Number
Action Code
Action Date
Numeric; MMDDYY format
Alphanumeric; Blanks or zeroes
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 33 of 67
Chapter 4, Special Loan Handling
4-01, Reporting a Mortgage Loan Eligible for a Payment Deferral
Loan activity reporting must continue on a delinquent mortgage loan that is subject to a payment deferral. If the
mortgage loan is in an MBS pool, then the servicer must not request a reclassification.
The final pre-payment deferral UPB and LPI values in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system must match
the last reported UPB and LPI in Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system. If the values do not match, this will
cause an exception in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system and the payment deferral case cannot close
until this discrepancy is resolved.
The following table provides instruction for when the borrower must make their full monthly contractual
payment during the month of solicitation and/or during the processing month for a payment deferral or a
disaster payment deferral, as applicable.
If the servicer is evaluating the borrower for
Then the borrower must make their full
monthly contractual payment during the
month of solicitation and/or the processing
month if, as of the date of the evaluation…
payment deferral
the mortgage loan is 6 months
delinquent, or
the payment deferral would cause the
mortgage loan to exceed 12 months of
cumulative deferred past-due P&I
payments over the life of the mortgage
disaster payment deferral
The mortgage loan is 12 months delinquent.
In the above instances, the servicer must report a payment LAR reflecting the updated UPB and delinquent LPI
date at least one business day prior to the last day of such calendar month. Failure to do so will result in the
payment deferral not being processed in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system.
The following table provides additional instructions based on what is processed in the current reporting month
prior to acceptance of the payment deferral in Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system.
no LAR or a LAR without LPI and UPB movement
is processed by CD22 in the current reporting
month prior to the payment deferral’s acceptance
the servicer must report a subsequent LAR with LPI
and UPB movement reflecting the “pre- payment
deferral” activity. The payment LAR must be reported
at least one business day prior to the last day of the
calendar month.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 34 of 67
NOTE: The above is only applicable in
instances where a full monthly contractual
payment is required in the evaluation or
processing month.
a LAR with LPI and UPB movement was
successfully processed and the payment deferral is
accepted in the current reporting month
any subsequent LAR received in the same reporting
month will be deemed “Invalid” and will be reflected
as such in the Loan Activity Summary Report. A
detailed list can be obtained from your Investor
Reporting analyst.
NOTE: The first LAR that Fannie Mae will
accept after the payment deferral terms are
reflected in the Fannie Mae’s investor
reporting system will be in the next reporting
Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
4-02, Reporting a Mortgage Loan After a Payment Deferral (10/11/2023)
A payment deferral creates a non-interest bearing balance (referred to in this Manual as “principal
forbearance”), due and payable at the maturity of the mortgage loan, or earlier upon the sale or transfer of the
property, refinance of the mortgage loan, or payoff of the interest-bearing UPB. The servicer must not calculate
interest on the principal forbearance amount.
In the reporting month following the acceptance of a payment deferral, the servicer must report the mortgage
net UPB (gross UPB minus the principal portion of the payment deferral amount) in the “Actual UPB”
field on the LAR if there is no LPI movement; or
amortized UPB based on the net UPB (gross UPB minus the principal portion of the payment deferral
amount) in the “Actual UPB” field on the LAR if there is LPI movement.
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2023-05
October 11, 2023
Announcement SVC-2021-03
June 9, 2021
34TAnnouncement SVC-2020-07
December 9, 2020
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 35 of 67
NOTE: The initial reduction in UPB caused by the principal forbearance must not be reported to Fannie
Mae as a principal curtailment.
The following table provides additional instructions related to reporting requirements for mortgage loans that
were subject to a payment deferral and have an outstanding principal forbearance at the time of a principal
curtailment, a payoff, or a repurchase.
a principal curtailment is received
if the principal curtailment being applied is less
than the interest-bearing UPB, the servicer must
apply such curtailment to the interest-bearing UPB.
if the principal curtailment is greater than or equal
to the interest-bearing UPB, then the servicer must
apply such curtailment in the following order:
1. to the principal forbearance, if any; and
2. to the interest-bearing UPB.
a payoff or a repurchase is received
the servicer must include the principal forbearance
amount when reporting the principal remittance amount.
NOTE: Principal forbearance reported on the
liquidation LAR consists of the deferred principal
amount, the gross interest amount, escrow
advances, servicing advances, and any prior
principal forbearance on the mortgage loan.
NOTE: Attempting to report a payoff or a
repurchase without including the principal
forbearance amount will generate an exception
(hard reject) upon submission of the LAR.
NOTE: With regard to mortgage loans for which the
payment deferral remains in effect, servicing fees,
guaranty fees, and excess servicing fees (if
applicable) will be reimbursed when the loan
matures or the payoff LAR has been accepted in
Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system.
NOTE: Generally, servicer P&I advances will be reimbursed within three to four business days after a
payment deferral has been accepted in Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system.
Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 36 of 67
4-03, Reporting a Mortgage Loan After Modification (08/15/2018)
Loan activity reporting must continue on a delinquent loan that is being modified. If, in the final month of the
trial period, the sum of unapplied trial period payments is equal to or greater than a full contractual payment on
the underlying mortgage loan, and the mortgage loan modification is closed in the same month, the servicer
must report the contractual payment before the post-modification balances can be reported. This will require
two LARs and two reporting cycles to complete.
The final pre-modification UPB and final pre-modification LPI values in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions
system must match the last reported UPB and LPI in Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system. If the values do
not match this will cause an exception in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system and the case cannot close
until this discrepancy is resolved.
In the reporting period that Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system successfully reports the final modification
to Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system, the servicer must report a LAR. The following table provides
additional instructions based on what is processed in the current reporting month prior to acceptance of the
Delinquency Modification.
a LAR with LPI and UPB movement was processed
in the current reporting month prior to the
Delinquency Modification’s acceptance
the first LAR that Fannie Mae will accept will be in
the next reporting month.
a LAR without LPI or UPB movement, or No LAR is
processed, in the current reporting month prior to the
Delinquency Modification’s acceptance
a LAR with after modification activity can be reported
in the current reporting month.
any additional LARs are received after a LAR with
LPI and UPB movement was processed in the
current reporting month prior to the Delinquency
Modification’s acceptance
the additional LARs will be deemed “Invalid” and be
reflected as such in the Loan Activity Summary
Report. A detailed list can be obtained from your
Investor Reporting Analyst.
Note: This is applicable to Bankruptcy Cramdowns as well.
The servicer must report the modification of any mortgage loan in the first delinquency status information it
transmits to Fannie Mae after Fannie Mae approves the mortgage loan modification. Existing monthly LAR
reporting requirements for Fannie Mae servicers apply for a mortgage loan that has been modified.
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2023-05
October 11, 2023
Announcement SVC-2021-05
August 11, 2021
34TAnnouncement SVC-2020-07
December 9, 2020
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 37 of 67
The following table provides additional instructions related to special reporting requirements for loan
modifications that include a principal forbearance.
If a mortgage loan modification includes…
Then the servicer must…
a principal forbearance
report the net UPB (full UPB minus the forbearance
amount) in the “Actual UPB” field in the LAR for the
reporting month that the mortgage loan modification
becomes effective, and
report interest on the LAR based on the net UPB.
Note: The initial reduction in UPB caused by the principal
forbearance must not be reported to Fannie Mae as a
principal curtailment.
a principal forbearance resulting in a balloon
payment due upon the borrower's sale of the
property or payoff, or maturity of the mortgage loan
include the principal forbearance amount when
reporting principal on the LAR, when reporting a
payoff or repurchase of the mortgage loan, but
never compute interest on the principal forbearance
amount, including at the time of liquidation.
Note: Attempting to report a payoff or repurchase without
including the principal forbearance amount will generate an
exception (hard reject) upon submission of the LAR.
a principal forbearance for which a principal
curtailment is received
apply such principal curtailment to the interest-bearing UPB,
if the curtailment is less than the interest-bearing UPB.
apply such principal curtailment in the following order if the
curtailment is greater than or equal to the interest-bearing
1. to the principal forbearance, if any; and
2. to the interest-bearing UPB.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
4-04, Reporting a Mortgage Loan After Reclassification (01/18/2017)
If Fannie Mae reclassifies a delinquent scheduled/scheduled remittance type special servicing option MBS
mortgage loan as an actual/actual remittance type mortgage loan that Fannie Mae will hold in its portfolio,
Fannie Mae will reimburse the servicer its delinquency advances for scheduled P&I once Fannie Mae
completes the reclassification.
With the exclusion of PFP mortgage loans with a scheduled/scheduled remittance type, MBS mortgage loans
(regular and special servicing option mortgage loans) removed from MBS pools in this manner will become
actual/actual remittance type mortgage loans that Fannie Mae will hold in its portfolio, identifying them by
the Fannie Mae loan number,
the servicers loan number, and
the property address.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 38 of 67
The servicer must adjust the remittance type in their systems to actual/actual and report a LAR reflecting the
loan as actual/actual before the interim reporting end date. If a valid A/A LAR has not been processed by the
interim reporting end date, the Loan Activity Rejects report will show an exception of “Missing LAR Loan
Reclass” in the first report produced for the day.
PFP mortgage loans with an original scheduled/scheduled remittance type will remain a scheduled/scheduled
remittance type even after being removed from the pool. The servicer does not need to report a LAR after the
reclassification unless the servicer has not reported a LAR for the reporting period.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
4-05, Reporting During the First Reporting Cycle for “Same Month”
MBS Mortgage Loans (01/18/2017)
When a mortgage loan in an MBS pool is closed in the same month that the pool is issued, the borrower does
not owe the servicer a monthly payment until after the servicer's first monthly remittance must be made to
Fannie Mae. Therefore, the servicer must use its own funds to advance the interest that is scheduled to be
passed through to Fannie Mae for the mortgage loan in that month and to make the first guaranty fee
remittance. The interest advance represents one month's interest, calculated on the issue date principal
balance of the mortgage loan and using either:
the pass-through rate for the pool (for a fixed-rate mortgage loan),
the pool accrual rate (for an ARM in a stated-structure pool), or
the accrual rate for the mortgage loan (for an ARM in a weighted-average structure ARM Flex®
The servicer's first remittance for a mortgage loan submitted for “same month” pooling will be an interest-only
remittance, unless the borrower sends the servicer a principal curtailment before the first payment is due on
the mortgage loan. This means that the servicer must not report a scheduled principal reduction.
The following table provides additional scenarios and Fannie Mae’s requirements for each of those scenarios
associated with “same month” MBS mortgage loans.
If the servicer…
reports a regular scheduled principal payment for one
of these mortgage loans for the first reporting cycle
the transaction will “hard reject.
receives a principal curtailment for one of these
mortgage loans
the servicer must reduce the actual mortgage loan balance by
the amount of the principal curtailment as well as report the
curtailment in the Principal Remittance.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 39 of 67
If the servicer…
receives a prepaid installment for one of these
mortgage loans during the month the MBS pool is
issued, but after the pool was delivered to Fannie
the servicer must report the reduced mortgage loan balance to
Fannie Mae as the “actual UPB” but not report any principal
1TNote: Not reporting a Principal Remittance on this LAR
ensures that the Scheduled UPB will continue to equal the
issue date balance.
The following chart illustrates how a servicer would report a Transaction Type 96 (Loan Activity Record) for its
December reports (for mortgage loans in a pool that had a November issue date) to reflect the application for a
current mortgage loan (one for which no payment has come due), a prepaid mortgage loan, and a current
mortgage loan that has had a $100 principal curtailment applied.
Actual Unpaid
January 2017
February 2017
January 2017
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
4-06, Reporting Military Indulgence to Fannie Mae (11/12/2014)
In order to facilitate the servicer in taking appropriate action in cases where military indulgence is warranted or
required, the servicer must follow the procedures in 34TServicing Guide, F-1-19, Processing Military Indulgence34T,
which provides a consolidated presentation of all of the relevant material on Fannie Mae's specific procedures
for providing relief to U.S. servicemembers under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and its additional
forbearance policies.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
4-07, Reporting a Seriously Delinquent Mortgage Loan as Current
1TWhen a whole mortgage loan or any other participation pool mortgage loan that is more than three months'
delinquent is brought current (fully reinstated) before the foreclosure sale is held, the servicer will have been
reimbursed for a portion of its interest advances. Therefore, the servicer must make appropriate adjustments to
ensure that Fannie Mae receives all of the monthly interest payments that it is due. If an interest adjustment
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 40 of 67
date occurs while an ARM is delinquent, the servicer must consider any changes to the pass-through rate for
the mortgage loan when calculating the amount of interest due Fannie Mae. The formulas for determining the
interest remittance appear in the following table.
Interest Recovery (For FRMs and Unadjusted ARMs)
Previously Reported UPB x Pass-through Rate ÷ 12
Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
Number of Months that have elapsed from the Previously Reported LPI Date through the end of the
Reporting Period
Interest Amount Required to Bring Mortgage Current
Interest Recovery (For Adjusted ARMs)
Previously Reported UPB x Pass-through Rate ÷ 12
Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
Number of Months that have elapsed from the Previously Reported LPI Date until the LPI Date that the
New Pass-through Rate becomes effective.
Interest Amount to be Remitted at Previous Pass-through Rate
Previously Reported UPB x New Pass-through Rate ÷ 12
Fannie Mae's Percentage Interest
Number of Months that have elapsed from the LPI Date that the New Pass-through Rate became
effective through the end of the Reporting Period
Interest Amount to be Remitted at New Pass-through Rate
Interest Amount to be Remitted at Previous Pass-through Rate
Interest Amount to be Remitted at New Pass-through Rate
Total Interest Amount Required to Bring Mortgage Current
To bring a seriously delinquent mortgage loan current under Fannie Mae's investor reporting system, the
servicer must report the interest remittance with its Transaction Type 96 (Summary Loans) or Transaction
Type 96 and 97 (Detailed Reporting Loans) LAR as interest from the previously reported LPI date through the
end of the reporting period. The following table illustrates the relationship between the mortgage loan status,
the interest due, and the interest remitted.
Mortgage LPI
Reporting Period
Date April 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
Sept. 2017
Mortgage Status
1 mo. Delq.
2 mo. Delq.
3 mo. Delq.
4 mo. Delq.
Interest Due
Fannie Mae
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 41 of 67
Mortgage LPI
Reporting Period
Date April 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
Sept. 2017
1 mo.*
1 mo.
1 mo.
1 mo.
(-3 mos.)
5 mo.
3 mos.
1 mo.
1 mo.
In the preceding example, the interest due Fannie Mae covers:
the three months that the servicer has already recovered,
the one month that the servicer has not recovered,
interest for the month when the servicer reimbursed itself, and
interest due for the reporting period.
Since the servicer has not recovered interest advanced for one of the months, it must only remit five months of
interest to Fannie Mae.
If the interest adjustment date for an ARM occurs during the delinquency period, the servicer must calculate
the amount of interest due to Fannie Mae when the mortgage loan is brought current in two steps, as shown in
the following table.
Servicer Actions
Using the earlier pass-through rate.
Using the new pass-through rate that results from the interest rate adjustment.
1TNote: A new pass-through rate goes into effect for reporting purposes in the month that the monthly
payment changes for the mortgage loan. Other than that, the interest remittance must be determined as
previously described.
In the preceding example, if the effective date for the interest adjustment is June 2017; the servicer must
two of the five months of interest due Fannie Mae at the previous pass-through rate, and
three months of interest at the new pass-through rate.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 42 of 67
4-08, Reporting When an Error Occurs After the Reporting Period Ends
Reporting an Error for a Removal Transaction
The servicer must not change either the action code or action date through the regular investor reporting
process if a payoff, repurchase or liquidation error is discovered after the final transactions for the reporting
period have been transmitted to Fannie Mae.
The servicer must report these errors to either its Fannie Mae Investor Reporting Representative or through
Fannie Mae's SF CPM division (or both), depending on the nature of the change (seeServicing Guide F-4-02,
List of Contacts.
The removal of an MBS mortgage loan from an MBS pool cannot be reversed. However, the servicer may
send a written explanation to its Fannie Mae Servicing Representative (see 34TServicing Guide F-4-02, List of
Contacts34T) that provides the reason for the removal. At Fannie Mae’s sole discretion, the mortgage loan may be
held as a portfolio mortgage loan.
To inform Fannie Mae of a change an action date for an Action Code 60, 65, or 67, the servicer must submit
written notice and justification for the change to its Fannie Mae Investor Reporting Representative (see
34TServicing Guide F-4-02, List of Contacts34T).
The following table provides additional information on requirements for changing the action code.
If the original action code was…
And the new action code is…
Then the servicer must…
a 70 or 72
notify Fannie Mae’s SF CPM division
to cancel any REOgram notice that
was submitted previously.
a 71
a 70 or 72
submit an REOgram to notify Fannie
Mae’s SF CPM division about the
property acquisition.
Reporting an Error for an ARM Loan
In accordance with 34TServicing Guide C-2.2-01, Identifying and Disclosing Adjustment Errors34T the servicer must
verify all previous interest rate and payment adjustments were correctly handled for a mortgage loan before it
corrects an identified adjustment error. Once the servicer verifies the correct interest rate or monthly payment
for each adjustment date that has occurred, it must re-amortize the mortgage loan from the date of the first
erroneous adjustment through the date the LPI was applied to determine whether the borrower has been
overcharged or undercharged. The servicer must follow the procedures in 17TRe-Amortizing the Mortgage Loan17T in
34TServicing Guide F-1-01, Servicing ARM Loans34T to complete the re-amortization.
The servicer must determine whether the borrower’s monthly payment needs to be changed as a result of any
ARM adjustment error. If the net effect of correcting an adjustment error is an undercharge, it cannot be
collected from the borrower, nor can the UPB of the mortgage loan be changed to offset it.
The servicer must provide the following information to its Fannie Mae Investor Reporting Representative (see
Servicing Guide F-4-02, List of Contacts) to support a request for a correction of any ARM adjustment error:
a brief cover letter that explains the exact nature of the error, and
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 43 of 67
supporting documentation for the proposed corrective action (such as copies of the servicer's ARM
audit analysis for the mortgage loan, the mortgage note and ARM rider, payment history records,
corrected amortization schedules, the lender's negotiated contract, purchase advices etc.).
See also 34TServicing Guide F-4-02, List of Contacts34T for additional information. After the servicer confirms ARM
adjustment error(s) and has re-amortized the mortgage loan, the servicer must correct the error(s) in its and
Fannie Mae’s records.
Correcting Interest Rate and Payment Change Errors for an ARM Loan
When an ARM adjustment error involves an interest rate and payment change error and the error results in the
use of a lower interest rate (and related monthly payment, if applicable):
the mortgage loan amortizes at a faster pace, and
the UPB is lower than it would have been from the amortization of the borrower's actual payment
at the correct, higher interest rate.
Since Fannie Mae has decided that the borrower will not be required to make up undercharges, the servicer
must not change the mortgage loan balance in Fannie Mae's investor reporting system records even though
too little of the borrower's payment would have been applied to interest and too much to principal. The
following table provides additional information depending on mortgage loan type.
If the interest rate and payment change
error pertains to…
a portfolio mortgage loan with an actual/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will treat the over-application of principal as a principal
curtailment that was previously applied and will either
adjust the servicer's shortage/surplus account to
reflect the servicer's under-remittance of interest,
or advise the servicer to increase its next remittance
by the amount of additional interest due Fannie Mae.
a portfolio mortgage loan with a
scheduled/scheduled or scheduled/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will adjust the loan level draft by the amount of
additional interest due or the servicer's under-remittance of
a mortgage loan in an MBS pool with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
The servicer's principal over-remittance cannot be recovered from
the security holdereven though the security balance will be lower
than it should have beensince the over-remittance will have been
considered as the remittance of an “unscheduled principal
The servicer must send Fannie Mae the difference between the
interest that was applied using the incorrect balance and the
interest that should have been applied using the “correct” balance
and rate.
When an ARM adjustment error involves an interest rate and payment change error and the error results in the
use of a higher interest rate (and related monthly payment) than was required
the mortgage loan amortizes at a slower pace, and
the UPB is higher than it would have been from the amortization of the borrower's actual payment
at the correct interest rate.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 44 of 67
Although the servicer would have applied too much of the borrower's payment to interest and too little to
principal, the servicer must not change the mortgage loan balance in Fannie Mae's investor reporting system
records since Fannie Mae does not require it to change the borrower's actual UPB. Fannie Mae will recover
the principal under-remittance as the higher UPB amortizes. Fannie Mae is not obligated to pay the servicer
any interest on the amount of its over-remittance because the servicer is responsible for the accuracy of its
ARM adjustments. The following table provides the servicer with additional information on how Fannie Mae will
treat the error depending on mortgage loan type.
If the interest rate and payment change
error pertains to…
Then Fannie Mae…
a portfolio mortgage loan with an actual/actual
remittance type
will either:
adjust the servicer's shortage/surplus account to
reflect the servicer's over-remittance of interest, or
advise the servicer to reduce its next remittance by
the amount of the overpaid interest.
a portfolio mortgage loan with a
scheduled/scheduled or scheduled/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will adjust the loan level draft by the amount of
additional interest due or the servicer's under-remittance of
a mortgage loan in an MBS pool with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
will not refund the servicer's over-remittance of interest since it is
not recoverable from the security holder.
Correcting an Interest Rate Change Error Only for an ARM Loan
When an ARM adjustment error involves an interest rate change error only and the error results in the use of a
lower interest rate than was required:
the mortgage loan amortizes at a faster pace, and
the UPB is lower than it would have been from the amortization of the borrower's actual payment
at the correct, higher interest rate.
Since Fannie Mae has decided that the borrower will not be required to make up undercharges, the servicer
must not change the mortgage loan balance in Fannie Mae's investor reporting system records even though
too little of the borrower's payment would have been applied to interest and too much to principal. The
following table provides additional information depending on mortgage loan type.
If the interest rate and payment change
error pertains to…
a portfolio mortgage loan with an actual/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will treat the over-application of principal as a principal
curtailment that was previously applied and will either
adjust the servicer's shortage/surplus account to
reflect the servicer's under-remittance of interest, or
advise the servicer to increase its next remittance by
the amount of additional interest due Fannie Mae.
a portfolio mortgage loan with a
scheduled/scheduled or scheduled/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will adjust the loan level draft by the amount of
additional interest due or the servicer's under-remittance of
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 45 of 67
If the interest rate and payment change
error pertains to…
a mortgage loan in an MBS pool with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
The servicer's principal over-remittance cannot be recovered from
the security holdereven though the security balance will be lower
than it should have beensince the over-remittance will have been
considered as the remittance of an “unscheduled principal
The servicer must send Fannie Mae the difference between the
interest that was applied using the incorrect balance and, the
interest that should have been applied using the “correct” balance
and rate.
When an ARM adjustment error involves an interest rate error only and the error results in the use of a higher
interest rate than was required by the mortgage note:
the borrower has not actually paid too much, but
their actual payment has been misallocated between principal and interest.
The servicer must report a principal curtailment to Fannie Mae to reduce the UPB of the mortgage loan by the
amount of the interest overcharge, rather than refunding the overcharge to the borrower. The following table
provides additional information depending on mortgage loan type.
If the interest rate error pertains to…
Then the servicer must
a portfolio mortgage loan with an actual/actual
remittance type
not remit the funds for the principal curtailment since it has already
over remitted interest to Fannie Mae.
However, if the servicer cannot process a principal curtailment
(which is normally a “cash” transaction) without remitting funds, it
must report a “noncash” adjustment for the amount by which the
UPB in Fannie Mae's records needs to be reducedas long as its
Fannie Mae Investor Reporting Representative (see 34TServicing
Guide F-4-02, List of Contacts34T) agrees to this approach.
1TNote: The principal under-remittance and the interest over-
remittance will be offsetting entries so there is no effect on
the servicer's shortage/surplus account and neither Fannie
Mae nor the servicer owes the other any money.
a portfolio mortgage loan with a
scheduled/scheduled or scheduled/actual
remittance type
remit the amount of the principal under-remittance to Fannie Mae
as an “unscheduled principal payment.
Fannie Mae will refund that over-remittance to the servicer.
a mortgage loan in an MBS pool with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
remit the amount of the principal under-remittance to Fannie Mae
as an “unscheduled principal payment.
Even though the servicer over remitted interest to Fannie Mae,
Fannie Mae will not refund that over-remittance to the servicer
since it is not recoverable from the security holder.
Fannie Mae is not obligated to pay the servicer any interest on the amount of its over-remittance for either a
portfolio mortgage loan or an MBS mortgage loan because the servicer is responsible for the accuracy of its
ARM adjustments.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 46 of 67
Correcting a Payment Change Error Only for an ARM Loan
When an ARM adjustment error involves a payment change error only and the error results in the use of a
higher monthly payment than was required:
the mortgage loan amortizes at a faster pace, and
the UPB is lower than it would have been from the amortization of the mortgage loan using the
correct monthly payment.
In these cases, Fannie Mae treats the over-application of principal as a principal curtailment that was
previously applied and leaves the existing UPB in place. However, if the borrower elected to receive a refund
of the principal overcharge (or was otherwise given credit for the overcharge), the servicer must increase the
UPB of the mortgage loan by the amount of the overcharge by reporting the reversal of a principal curtailment.
The following table provides additional details depending upon the mortgage loan type.
If the payment change error pertains to…
a portfolio mortgage loan with an actual/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will either:
adjust the servicer's shortage/surplus account to
reflect the previous principal over-remittance, or
advise the servicer to decrease its next remittance
by the amount of the overpaid principal.
a portfolio mortgage loan with a
scheduled/scheduled or scheduled/actual
remittance type
Fannie Mae will adjust the loan-level draft to allow the servicer to
recover the principal over-remittance.
a mortgage loan in an MBS pool with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
The servicer's principal over-remittance (which results from the
principal curtailment reversal) cannot be recovered from the
security holder since it will have been considered as the remittance
of an “unscheduled principal payment.”
When an ARM adjustment error involves a payment change error and the error results in the use of a lower
monthly payment than was required:
the mortgage loan amortizes at a slower pace, and
the UPB is higher than it would have been from the amortization of the mortgage loan using the
correct monthly payment.
Although the servicer would have applied too much of the borrower's payment to interest and too little to
principal, the servicer must not change the mortgage loan balance in Fannie Mae's investor reporting system
records since Fannie Mae will not require the borrower to make up the principal undercharge. The following
table provides additional information for correcting the error depending on mortgage loan type.
If the payment change error pertains to…
Then Fannie Mae…
a portfolio mortgage loan with an actual/actual
remittance type
will either:
adjust the servicer's shortage/surplus account to
reflect the servicer's over-remittance of interest, or
advise the servicer to decrease its next remittance
by the amount of the overpaid interest.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 47 of 67
If the payment change error pertains to…
Then Fannie Mae…
a portfolio mortgage loan with a
scheduled/scheduled or scheduled/actual
remittance type
will refund the servicer’s over-remittance of interest.
a mortgage loan in an MBS pool with a
scheduled/scheduled remittance type
will not refund the servicer's over-remittance of interest since it is
not recoverable from the security holder.
Fannie Mae is not obligated to pay the servicer any interest on the amount of its over-remittance for either a
portfolio mortgage loan or an MBS mortgage loan because the servicer is responsible for the accuracy of its
ARM adjustments.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
Chapter 5, Formulas and Calculations
5-01, Mathematical Formulas (11/12/2014)
The Fannie Mae investor reporting system uses a number of mathematical formulas in the update process for
either computational or editing purposes. The servicer may incorporate use of these formulas into its own
systems to reduce the potential for rejected transactions.
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
5-02, Calculations Related to Pass-through Rates (12/20/2023)
Generally, the pass-through rate for a mortgage loan is established when Fannie Mae purchases or securitizes
the mortgage loan and remains in effect for the life of the mortgage loan. However, this is not true for ARMs
since the servicer must determine a new pass-through rate at any time the interest rate of the mortgage loan
changes (including a change related to the conversion of the mortgage loan to a fixed interest rate).
Calculations for determining the applicable pass-through rates in these situations are included in this Section.
Determining Pass-through Rates for Converted ARMs
When an ARM in Fannie Mae's portfolio converts to a fixed-rate mortgage loan, the servicer must determine:
a new interest rate, and
a new pass-through rate.
The calculation for these rates is the same regardless of whether the mortgage loan has an actual/actual or a
scheduled/actual remittance type.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 48 of 67
The servicer must calculate the new interest rate and pass-through rate for the converted ARM loan by
completing the steps shown in the following table.
Servicer Action
Increase the applicable Fannie Mae required yield by 0.625% (or 0.875% if the property is a co-op unit). For
Fannie Mae’s required net yield, contact your Investor Reporting Representative (see F-4-02, List of Contacts).
Round the result to the nearest 0.125%.
Reduce this new interest rate by a servicing fee of 0.375% (or the applicable negotiated servicing fee rate) to
develop the new pass-through rate for the converted mortgage loan.
Determining Pass-through Rates for ARM Adjustments
There are two methods for determining the new pass-through rate when the interest rate for an ARM changes:
the “top-down” method, and
the “bottom-up” method.
For ARM whole loan commitments dated prior to September 11, 2017, the “bottom-up” method can be used,
but for commitments dated on or after September 11, 2017, the “top-down” method must be used when
calculating the pass-through rate at rate reset.
The “top-down” method must be used for mortgage loans in most weighted-average structure MBS pools
(excluding ARM Flex Plus® pools), while the “bottom-up” method must be used for mortgage loans in stated-
structure MBS pools and ARM Flex Plus MBS pools.
1TA. “Top-down” method. The following table illustrates the “top-down” method of determining the new pass-
through rate for an ARM after an interest rate change:
New Interest Rate
Servicing Fee Rate
Guaranty Fee Rate (for MBS Mortgage Loans only)
Excess Yield (if applicable)
New Pass-through Rate
1TB. “Bottom-up” method. The calculation for determining the new pass-through rate for an ARM after an
interest rate change under the “bottom-up” method involves six steps. The servicer must complete the steps as
shown in the following table.
Servicer Action
Determine the net mortgage margin by subtracting the servicing fee (and, if the mortgage loan is in an MBS
pool, the guaranty fee) from the mortgage margin.
Verify Fannie Mae's required margin (as reflected on the Trial Balance Report).
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 49 of 67
Servicer Action
Determine the “uncapped” pass-through rate by adding the lesser of:
Fannie Mae's required margin, or
the net mortgage margin
to the index value used to determine the new mortgage loan interest rate.
Determine the minimum pass-through rate by selecting the greater of:
the current pass-through rate less the per adjustment downward cap, or
the pass-through rate floor (as reflected on the Trial Balance Report).
Note: In the absence of a stated pass-through rate floor, Fannie Mae’s required margin becomes
the pass-through rate floor.
Determine the maximum pass-through rate by selecting the lesser of:
the current pass-through rate plus the per adjustment upward cap, or
the pass-through rate ceiling (as reflected on the Trial Balance Report).
Determine the new pass-through rate by comparing the “uncapped” pass-through rate to the minimum and
maximum pass-through rates.
If the “uncapped” pass-through rate is less than the minimum pass-through rate, the minimum
pass-through rate will be the new pass-through rate.
If the “uncapped” pass-through rate is greater than the minimum pass-through rate and less
than the maximum pass-through rate, it will be the new pass-through rate.
If the “uncapped” pass-through rate is greater than the maximum pass-through rate, the
maximum pass-through rate will be the new pass-through rate.
Related Announcements
The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.
5-03, Calculations Related to Servicing Fee/Excess Yield (11/12/2014)
All mortgage loans have a servicing fee that is specified at the time the mortgage loan is purchased or
securitized and that generally remains constant over the life of the mortgage loan (although it may change
when an ARM is converted to a fixed-rate mortgage loan). Some ARM MBS pools allow variances in the
individual servicing fee for a mortgage loan from time to time to achieve a fixed margin for the MBS pool. In
addition, some mortgage loans have excess yield because the mortgage loan interest rate is higher than the
sum of Fannie Mae's required yield and the minimum required servicing fee. Excess yield is not always
guaranteed over the life of the mortgage loan.
Issue Date
Announcement SVC-2023-06
December 20, 2023
34TAnnouncement SVC-2019-04
June 12, 2019
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 50 of 67
To calculate the servicing fee for an ARM in an MBS pool that has a fixed MBS margin, the servicer must use
the formula shown in the following table.
Mortgage Margin
Fixed MBS Margin
Guaranty Fee Rate
Servicing Fee Rate
To calculate excess yield for any mortgage loan, the servicer must use the calculation shown in the following
Note Rate
Pass-through Rate
Servicing Fee Rate
Guaranty Fee Rate (for MBS Mortgage Loan only)
Excess Yield
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.
5-04, Exhibits (01/18/2017)
Exhibit 1: Monthly Fixed Installment Formula
Step 1
Determine the monthly interest rate factor by dividing the annual interest rate by 12. Carry the quotient out
to 10 decimal places and then round to 9 decimal places by adding .0000000005.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 51 of 67
Step 2
Calculate the payment for each $1,000 of the loan amount. The calculation is carried out to 7 decimal
places, and then rounded to 6 decimal places by adding .0000005.
Note: This formula cannot be used to determine the monthly payment per $1,000 for GPM loans. HUD
publishes factors for the FHA GPM loans. Those factors are also used for VA GPM loans.
Step 3
Divide the original loan amount by 1,000 and multiply by the payment per $1,000 of loan amount. Round the
result to 2 decimal places by adding .005. The final answer is the monthly fixed installment.
Note: When calculating a new payment for an ARM, use the UPB instead of the original loan amount.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 52 of 67
The monthly fixed installment for a $70,000 30-year mortgage loan with an interest rate of 15.5% would be
determined as follows:
Note: Calculation of the actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan is different than that of a regular amortizing
loan. The following represents the actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan installment formula.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 53 of 67
The monthly fixed installment for a $100,000 30-year actual/actual biweekly mortgage loan with an interest
rate of 7% would be determined as follows:
Actual/Actual biweekly loans are amortized every 14 days using a 365-day basis year for interest
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 54 of 67
Exhibit 2: Regular Amortization Formula
Step 1
Determine the monthly interest rate factor by dividing the annual interest rate by 12. Carry the quotient out
to 10 decimal places and then round to 9 decimal places by adding .0000000005.
Step 2
Calculate the interest portion of the monthly payment by multiplying the UPB by the monthly interest rate
factor. Add .005 for rounding.
Step 3
Determine the principal portion of the monthly payment by subtracting the interest portion from the monthly
fixed installment.
Step 4
Reduce the present unpaid balance by the principal portion of the monthly payment to determine the UPB
after amortizing for one payment.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 55 of 67
The first month's amortization for a $70,000 30-year mortgage loan with an annual interest rate of 15.5%
and a monthly fixed installment of $913.16 would be computed as follows:
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 56 of 67
Exhibit 3: Negative Amortization Formula
Step 1
Determine the monthly interest rate factor by dividing the annual interest rate by 12. Carry the quotient out
to 10 decimal places and then round to 9 decimal places by adding .0000000005.
Step 2
Calculate the interest portion of the monthly payment by multiplying the UPB by the monthly interest rate
factor. Add .005 for rounding.
Step 3
Determine the monthly payment shortage by finding the difference between the calculated interest and the
monthly fixed installment.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 57 of 67
Step 4
Develop the new UPB by increasing the present UPB by the amount of the monthly payment shortage.
The first month's amortization for a $70,000 30-year GPM loan (or an ARM that has negative amortization
under the first payment) with an interest accrual rate of 15.5% and a monthly fixed installment of $717.19
would be computed as follows:
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 58 of 67
Exhibit 4: Reverse Amortization Formula
Step 1
Determine the monthly interest rate factor by dividing the annual interest rate by 12. Carry the quotient out
to 10 decimal places and then round to 9 decimal places by adding .0000000005.
Step 2
Develop the UPB that will result from the reversal of the payment.
Step 3
Subtract the new UPB from the old UPB to determine the amount of principal that was reversed.
Step 4
Subtract the amount of principal that was reversed from the fixed installment to determine the amount of
interest that was reversed.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 59 of 67
The reversal of one month's amortization for a loan that has a UPB of $69,991.01, an annual interest rate of
15.5%, and a monthly fixed installment of $913.16 would be determined as follows:
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 60 of 67
Exhibit 5: Servicing Fee/Yield Differential Adjustment Formula
Step 1
Divide the annual servicing fee rate by the annual interest rate to determine the monthly servicing fee factor.
Carry the quotient out to 7 decimal places and round to 6 by adding .0000005.
Step 2
Determine the calculated monthly interest amount by multiplying the UPB by the annual interest rate and
dividing by 12. Limit the answer to 3 decimal places.
Step 3
Multiply the calculated monthly interest amount by the monthly servicing fee factor to determine the amount
of the monthly servicing fee due the servicer. Add .005 for rounding.
Note: Always use calculated interest instead of interest collected to ensure a servicing fee on any deferred
interest that is capitalized.
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 61 of 67
The first month's servicing fee for a $70,000 30-year mortgage loan that has an annual interest rate of
15.5% and an annual servicing fee of 0.375% would be determined as follows:
Note: Use this same method to calculate yield differential due the servicer. Just substitute the monthly yield
differential rate for the servicing fee rate in Step 1.
Exhibit 6, Mapping Fannie Mae Investor Reporting System Records to EDI
Investor Reporting Trans Set 203
Fannie Mae also accepts the ANSI x12 EDI format, transaction set 203, Secondary Mortgage Market Investor
Report for reporting of loan activity. The transaction set 203 consists of the following:
EDI Segment - identifies the transaction segment which includes a two or three digit code assigned to identify
the segment and the name of the segment.
EDI Position - specifies the order in which the segment appears in the transaction set.
EDI Reference - indicates the segment and position.
EDI Data Element and Description - indicates the data element name and what it is.
EDI Requirement Designation - indicates if the field and/or segment is mandatory
Value - indicates mandatory value(s).
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 62 of 67
Segment ID
EDI Data
EDI Description
EDI Requirement
EDI Value
Code &
of Data
Identifier Code
Code uniquely
identifying a transaction
Mandatory Field
203 (Secondary
Mortgage Market
Investor Report)
Control Number
Identifying control
number that must be
Mandatory Field
Assigned by the
Purpose Code
Code identifying the
purpose of the
transaction set
Mandatory Field
00 (Original)
41 (Corrected
and verified)
Reference number or
identification number
Mandatory Field
LAR (Loan
Activity Report)
Mandatory Field
Current date
formatted as
Time expressed in 24-
hour clock notation
Optional Field
Time formatted
as HHMM where
H = hours (00-
23) and M =
minutes (00-59)
Time Code
Code identifying the
Optional Field
LT (Local Time)
DTP (Date
or Time or
Code specifying the
type of date or time, or
both date and time
Mandatory Field
730 (Reporting
Cycle Date)
Date Time
Period Format
Code indicating the date
format, time format, or
date and time format.
Mandatory Field
Reporting Cycle
Date formatted
Date Time
Expression of a date, a
time, or range of dates,
times or dates and
Mandatory Field
Date of report
formatted as
Code qualifying the
reference identification
Mandatory Field
V8 (Institution
Reference information
as defined for a
particular transaction
set or as specified by
the reference
identification qualifier
Mandatory Field
The Fannie Mae
servicer number
Fannie Mae
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 63 of 67
Segment ID
EDI Data
EDI Description
EDI Requirement
EDI Value
Code &
of Data
Number assigned for
differentiation within a
transaction set. The LX
segment should be
used each time a
unique loan number is
reported as well as
when reporting multiple
curtailments for one
Mandatory Field
The value
reported in the
first instance
should be one.
From there,
increment by a
value of 1 for
subsequent use
of the LX
Code qualifying the
reference identification
Use the REF segment if
the Subservicer number
for the loan is being
added, modified or
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
When it is
necessary to
report this
optional segment,
3 iterations of the
segment are
required to report
the necessary
19 (Division
T8 (Description
of Change
V9 (Subservicer)
P iteration
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
For REF 01
value V9, report
the Fannie Mae
P iteration
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
For REF01 value
T8, report an
“A”, “C” or “D” for
add, change or
P iteration
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
For REF01 value
19, report “00”
(zero zero) for
one loan
identified in RLT
loop; report “01”
for all mortgage
loans, “04” for
one MBS pool
and :09: for one
remittance type
Type Code
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 64 of 67
Segment ID
EDI Data
EDI Description
EDI Requirement
EDI Value
Code &
of Data
RLT (Real
Estate Loan
The number assigned
by the investor to the
mortgage when the
investor is different from
the insured or payee
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
Reference information
as defined
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
Fannie Mae
Loan Number
(96) Fannie
Mae Loan
Code qualifying the
reference identification
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
VO (Institution
Loan Number)
Reference information
as defined for a
particular transaction
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
Lender Loan
(81) New
Loan I.D.
DTP (Date
or Time or
Code specifying type of
date or time, or both
date and time
Mandatory Field
731 (Last Paid
Installment Date)
733 (Date of
Last Payment
734 (Curtailment
Date Time
Period Format
Code indicating the
date format, time
format, or date and time
Mandatory Field
Date expressed
Date Time
Expression of a date, a
time, or range of dates,
times or dates and
Mandatory Field
Last Paid
Installment Date
(96) LPI
Mandatory Field
Date of Last Full
Mandatory Field
Curtailment Date
Qualifier Code
Code to qualify amount
Mandatory Field
YB (Actual
Unpaid Principal
YD (Principal
Due to Investor)
V2 (Interest Due
to Investor)
YF (Other Fee
(96) UPB
(96) Interest
(96) Other
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 65 of 67
Segment ID
EDI Data
EDI Description
EDI Requirement
EDI Value
Code &
of Data
YK (Prepayment
YJ (Curtailment
Monetary amount
Mandatory Field
Express as a
data type Real
Number “R”.
Display the
decimal point
and sign
(96) UPB
(96) Interest
(96) Other
Action Code
Code identifying the
type of investor
reporting action
Mandatory Field
09 (Payoff)
10 (Payoff
1B (Real Estate
1D (FHA or VA
1H (Third Party
Sale, Pre-
Foreclosure Sale
and Short
1M (Mortgage
Cancellation by
1O (Mortgage
Cancellation by
servicer based
on automatic
1P (Mortgage
based on
termination for
high risk loan
(96) Action
Code for
, REO,
Third Party
(89) Action
Code for MI
(96) 61-
(89) 24-
Date Time
Period Format
Code indicating the
date format, time
format, or date and time
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
D8 (Action Date
expressed as
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 66 of 67
Segment ID
EDI Data
EDI Description
EDI Requirement
EDI Value
Code &
of Data
Date Time
Expression of a date, a
time, or range of dates,
times or dates and
Conditional Field
(96) Action
Code specifying type of
date or time, or both
date and time
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
Date Time
Period Format
Code indicating the
date format, time
format, or date and time
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
D8 (Effective
date is
expressed in a
Date Time
Expression of a date, a
time, or range of dates,
times or dates and
Mandatory Field
Optional Segment
Effective date of
the change
Date of
Rate or
Index Rate
The index rate
Optional Field*
Optional Segment
Index value
(expressed with
a decimal point.
Ex. Index value
of 04.2500%
would be
reported as
(83) Index
Interest Rate
The pass through
interest rate
Optional Field*
Optional Segment
New pass
through rate
(expressed with
a decimal point.
Ex. 5.5% would
be reported as
(83) Pass-
Thru Rate
Interest Rate
The new interest rate
Optional Field*
Optional Segment
New interest rate
(expressed with
a decimal point.
Ex. 9.375%
would be
reported as
(83) New
Qualifier Code
Code to qualify amount
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
YI (New principal
and interest
The new P&I payment
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
Expressed as a
real number
using a decimal
point (Ex. A
payment amount
(83) New
© 2023 Fannie Mae Page 67 of 67
Segment ID
EDI Data
EDI Description
EDI Requirement
EDI Value
Code &
of Data
of $1,020.30
would be
expressed as
Condition or
Response Code
Indicates whether the
loan interest rate has
been converted
Optional Field
Optional Segment
Y (Yes, the loan
has been
converted from
an ARM to a
Fixed Rate loan)
to Fixed
Code specifying the
type of quantity
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
ZR (Extended
term of the loan
as a result of the
New extended term of
the loan
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
Expressed in
number of
Composite Unit
of Measure
Identifies a composite
unit of measure
Conditional Field
Optional Segment
MO (months)
Related Announcements
There are no recently issued Announcements related to this topic.