Putting people first, with the goal of helping all Michiganders lead healthier and more productive lives, no matter their stage in life.
C o m m u n i t y P a r t n e r s
P i c k i n g a P l a n : M e d i c a r e
T h e w e b i n a r w i l l b e g i n s h o r t l y
Where you can find handouts for today’s
Where you can make comments and ask
Get to know
how it works
The Michigan Numbers
Over 2 million seniors here in Michigan
are on Medicare to help pay for their prescription
drugs, doctor visits, and hospitalizations.
One in five Michigan residents - 20%
Medicare basics
Medicare choices
Resources and tools
A smooth transition to Medicare
10,000 Boomers a day are turning
age 65
Enrollment path and timing is not
the same for everyone
Important to enroll at the right time
When to enroll?
Initial Enrollment Period:
3 months before the month you turn 65
The month you turn 65
3 months after the month you turn 65
Exceptions to enrolling at 65
If your employer has 20 or more employees
You can choose to sign up at 65 or later
If your employer has 20 or fewer employees
You could be required to join when you
turn 65
You can stay on your employer’s
plan until…
You stop working
You drop your employer coverage
Your employer coverage ends
Other times to
enroll are limited
General Enrollment Period
January 1
March 31
every year
Coverage starts July 1
Late enrollment penalties
Late enrollment penalties can happen when you don’t sign up within the
enrollment windows (a life-changing event
will allow for enrollment outside the regular windows)
Part A (hospital coverage) penalty
10% for twice the number of years you could have had part A, but didn’t sign up
Part B (medical coverage) penalty
10% for each 12 - month period you could have had part B
These penalties are PERMANANT!
Late enrollment penalties
Part D (prescription drug coverage) penalty
1% per month for each month you did not signup or have credible
coverage, i.e. employer cover, etc.
If you did not take drugs at age 65 when you signed up for Medicare and
did not have other prescription coverage and signed up when you start
taking drugs at age 70, your penalty would be 60% per month as long as you
had Part D
How can you apply
for Medicare?
Apply in person at your local Social
Security office
Apply by phone
1-800-325-0778 TTY
Apply online
Medicare Choices
1) Original Medicare
Parts A and B
Part D (if you want prescription drug coverage)
2) Medicare Advantage (Part C)
Combines Parts A, B, and D
Original Medicare
Fee-for-service health plan
Includes Parts A and B
You can go to any provider that accepts Medicare
Pays for many health care services, but not all
You must choose and join a Medicare Prescription Drug plan
to get prescription drug coverage
What is Medicare?
A Federal Health Insurance Program for:
People 65+
People under 65 with
certain disabilities
People of any age with
End-Stage Renal Disease
or Lou Gehrig’s Disease
What Medicare Does Not Cover
Medicare does not cover all health care costs. (No vision, dental, hearing coverage
for example)
You are responsible for:
Monthly premiums
The Different Parts of Medicare
Part A
Part A (Hospital Insurance)
Part B
Part B (Medical Insurance)
Part D
Part D (Medicare
Prescription Drug Coverage)
Part A - Hospital
Helps cover inpatient hospital care
Other Part A services include:
Some skilled nursing facility care
Hospice and home health care
Part B - Medical
Helps cover medical care
Doctor visits
Outpatient hospital services
Durable medical equipment
preventive services
Emergency room visits
Lab tests
X-rays & CT scans
Part B - Costs for 2021
Standard premium is $148.50 per month for those enrolling in 2021
Premiums go up for those with higher incomes
Individuals who earn more than $88,000
Couples who earn more than $176,000
Deductible: Annual deductible is $ 203
Coinsurance: 20% for most services
Part D - Prescription
Drug Coverage
Helps cover the cost of prescription
Run by Medicare-approved private
insurance companies
What Part D Covers
Each plan has a list of covered
drugs (formulary)
Includes both brand-name and
generic prescription drugs
Plans place drugs into tiers”
Each tier has a different cost
Part D - Costs 2021
People enrolled in Part D may pay:
Monthly premiums
Copayments or coinsurance
Annual deductible up to $445
People with higher incomes pay higher Part
D premiums
Medicare Part D Coverage Gap Closure Timetable
Under the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
Year What You Pay for Brand Name Drugs in the
Coverage Gap
What You Pay for Generic Drugs in the
Coverage Gap
2012 50% 86%
2013 47.5% 79%
2014 47.5% 72%
2015 45% 65%
2016 45% 58%
2017 40% 51%
2018 35% 44%
2019 30% 37%
2020 25% 25%
Options Available To You At Age 65
Traditional (Basic) Medicare
Basic Medicare + Medigap/Supplemental Plan
Basic Medicare + Prescription Plan
Medicare Advantage Plan (may or may not include prescriptions)
How do you determine what is right for you?
Basic/Traditional Medicare
• Includes Part A (Hospital Coverage), and
Part B (Medical Coverage)
• Single
-Payer (Federal Government)
• Fixed premium
• Low deductible per year
• 20% co
-pays for most services
• You need to sign up for a separate Part
D Plan (Prescription Drug Coverage)
Medigap Plan
(purchase in addition to Basic Medicare)
• Marketplace Driven
• Separate premium for Medigap Plan
• Additional benefits covered at 100% for
most services
• Sign
-up for Medigap is through limited
time period
• Limited number of companies offering
Medigap plan
• You need to sign up for a separate Part D
Plan (Prescription Drug Coverage)
Supplemental Plan
(purchase in addition to Basic Medicare)
• Marketplace driven
• Separate premium for Supplemental
• Separate deductibles and co
• You need to sign up for a separate Part
D Plan (Prescription Drug Coverage)
Advantage Plans
• Includes Medicare Parts A, B & D all in
one plan
• Marketplace driven
• Premium for coverage
• Deductibles and Co
• Option to add benefits such as eyeglass,
hearing aid, etc.
Some Advantage plans do not cover
Medigap Plans and Supplemental
The terms Medigap Plan and Supplemental Plan are often used
Even in your Medicare and You handbook!
Medigap Coverage
Medicare Supplement Insurance policies and Medigap
policies, are sold by private companies.
They help pay some of the health care costs that Original
Medicare doesn't cover, like copayments, coinsurance,
and deductibles.
Medigap does not work with Medicare Advantage Plans
How Medigap Works
People can choose to buy a Medigap policy. There are up to 10
standardized plans so people can compare easily.
Must be purchased within 6 months of enrolling in Part B, Must be age
65 or older
After 6 months companies do not have to sell you a plan or you may
subject to higher prices or pre-existing conditions
You pay a monthly premium
Note: Does not cover the costs of prescription drugs
How Medigap
Plans (Part C)
Alternatives to Original Medicare
Plans are offered by private
insurance companies
All plans include Parts A, B, and
in most cases, Part D
What Medicare Advantage Covers
Independent of Original Medicare
Includes both parts A (Hospital) and B (Medical)
Many include Part D (Prescription drug coverage)
May include extra benefits depending on the plan selected
(such as eye glasses, dental, etc.)
Things You Should Be Aware Of
Medicare Advantage Plans
Are subject to possible premium increases
Commercial carrier could decide to get out of the
marketplace and you would need a new plan
May not be accepted everywhere
Things You Should Be Aware Of
Basic Medicare does not cover you when you are traveling
If you plan to travel abroad make sure the plan you choose to
purchase (Medigap, Medicare Supplemental or Medicare
Advantage) covers you when you travel
Private hospitals may not accept Medicare or any Medigap,
Supplemental or Advantage Plan you have
All plans will include a premium of some amount
Medicare Q & A Tool
Assistance Program (MMAP)
Need help figuring out what choices make sense for YOU?
Call MMAP at 1-800-803-7174 to make an appointment with a MMAP counselor.
MMAP provides free, unbiased information and counseling to help individuals navigate the
array of available heath benefits and make informed health benefit decisions.
Assistance Program (MMAP)
MMAP works through the local Area Agencies on Aging to provide high quality health benefit information
and counseling, supported by a statewide network of unpaid and paid skilled professionals.
MMAP is funded by a grant from the state Aging and Adult Services Agency through funding received
from the federal government
MMAP has grants from the Agency for Community Living and from state and federal sources. Nationally,
this program is called the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP).
MMAP is not affiliated with the insurance industry.
Paying for Medicare If You are Low Income
If you are eligible for Medicare but are low income you may also be eligible for
This is called dual eligible
You may also qualify for the Medicare Savings Program or Extra Help
Contact MMAP for assistance 1-800-803-7174
On the web
1-800.Medicare (1-800-633-4227)
By phone
Medicare & You
The official U.S. government Medicare handbook
Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP)
As the schedule is updated, it will be added along with registration information to
Michigan.gov/MIBridgesPartners under the Community Partner Training section. MDHHS will
also email an announcement to registered MI Bridges Community Partners.
Upcoming Webinars
TBD; Tentatively planning for the week
of November 30
TBD; Tentatively planning for the week
of December 14
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