Durham Public Schools
*Return this completed form to your assigned counselor in the Student Services Office.
My parent/guardian and I, as a student, understand that by requesting to participate in distance learning, I
am making a commitment to the following:
1. I understand that some of the factors used to determine if I am eligible for online learning include,
but are not limited to the following - good attendance, good academic standing, good
discipline record, adequate computer skills, and ability/willingness to work independently.
2. I will complete any online orientation to online learning prior to beginning my online
3. I will attend classes and fully participate in the enrolled course(s) as required by the online course
AND my home high school.
(Students will receive assignments via the Internet and will be required to
complete them according to the online teacher’s time schedule. Students will be working independently.)
o I understand that if I do not log into my online course within the first 7 days, I will
be automatically dropped from the course.
4. I understand the minimum time requirements for an online course:
o Fall and spring block courses: 90 MINUTES OF WORK EACH DAY (depending on the course), MONDAY
o Yearlong courses: 50 - 60 MINUTES OF WORK EACH DAY (depending on the course), MONDAY THROUGH
o Summer School: 3 - 5 HOURS OF WORK EACH DAY (depending on the course), MONDAY THROUGH
FRIDAY. You must have daily access to the Internet for the duration of summer school. With NCVPS, there
are NO exceptions made for students who attend camps or go on vacations where they do not have access
to the Internet. Exceptions can be made for Apex Learning Courses per the principal and building DLA’s
5. Calendars:
o I understand that NCVPS’s calendar may not match Durham Public Schools’ calendar
and I will submit assignments as required by NCVPS’s calendar.
6. I understand that once enrolled in an online course, I must stay in that course for the duration of
the course.
o I understand that I can drop the course in days 1 - 9 without penalty. After day 10, I
will receive a failing grade for the course.
o Should I not complete the course; my transcript will include a failing grade.
7. I understand online courses will be included in my GPA at the conclusion/completion of the
o I understand that DPS will only allow me to repeat a failed online course ONE TIME.
After that, I will be placed into a regular teacher led course at my building.
8. I will inform my online instructor, on-site facilitator and on-site advisor in a timely manner if I am
experiencing difficulty in my course (e.g. technical difficulties, navigational difficulties, or
comprehension difficulties.
o I will seek the assistance of my building level DLA, teacher mentor, and peer mentor (if
available) to be successful.
9. I will inform my online instructor and building level DLA of any scheduled or unscheduled
absences and make up missed work as required.
o I understand that if I am absent from an online course for 10 consecutive days, the
teacher can email the following people: student/parent/DLA/principal informing of
my absence.
I will have 10 days from that point to being participating in the course or I
will receive a WF grade.
10. I will exhibit appropriate netiquette while communicating with my peers and online instructor.
11. I will use the school network and equipment in compliance with the Durham Public Schools
Acceptable Use Policy.
12. I agree to follow the EOC testing schedule (courses that have EOCs or VOCATS testing) that my
home school provides for me.
13. I agree to return textbooks to the designated location not more than one day after the final course
Durham Public Schools
*Return this completed form to your assigned counselor in the Student Services Office.
Please return this form fully completed to your School Counselor
*This form will be kept on file for one academic year with the building level DLA.
A new contract will need to be completed each academic year.
*I affirm that I, the student, will complete assignments, projects, and tests without the assistance of another
person or resource, unless permitted by the online instructor. I further affirm that all work will be of my own
origin; I will cite sources when required. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by this contract.
Student’s Name (print): _____________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date ___________________
Student’s Email Address:
Phone Number: ____________________________________________
Course(s) student plans to take: _____________________________ Credit Recovery First Time Credit
_____________________________ Credit Recovery First Time Credit
As parent/guardian I, have read, understand, discussed with my child, and agree to abide by this contract.
Parent/Guardian’s Name (print): ______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature __________________________________ Date ___________________
Parent/Guardian’s Email Address:
Phone Number: _____________________________________
For Student Services/DLA Use ONLY!
School Counselor: ____ Date:
Grade Level: Does student have an IEP or 504?
Student has completed any necessary pre-requisites for the requested online course.
LMS Platform: Edmentum NCVPS
Academic Year: Academic Term: Fall Spring Year-long Summer
DLA: Date:
Performed quality check that student is being recommended for appropriate course. (TRANSCRIPT ATTACHED)
Student HAS been registered for requested online course(s). GPA: ______________________________
Student HAS NOT been registered for requested online course(s). ESL or LEP: _________________________