Petersen, I., Martinussen, T., McGue, M., Bingley, P. & Christensen, K. (2011). Lower marriage and divorce rates among twins than among
singletons in danish birth cohorts 1940–1964.
Twin Research and Human Genetics
, 2, 150–157. DOI 10.1375/twin.14.2.150
In 1976 Zazzo compared the propensity to marry in a
group of French twins and singletons. The study was based
on official registries of marriage in the municipality of
Paris. He found that the proportion of married twins
among 283 pairs from birth cohorts 1883–1902 was sub-
stantially lower than the proportion among 500 singletons.
He did not include any statistical tests to support his
claims but, nonetheless, stated that (Zazzo, 1976):
… the figures seem to confirm the hypothesis that I held
when observing so often in adult twins their hostility or
at least their indifference to marriage, and despair of
some of them when their partner decided to get married.
Initial findings from the Finnish Twin Registry demon-
strated that at all ages fewer twins than singletons were
married in 1976 and that the differences were more pro-
nounced for females than males (Kaprio et al., 1979). In a
small study conducted by Pearlman of 60 twins and 30
RECEIVED 18 October, 2010; ACCEPTED 18 November, 2010.
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Inge Petersen, Institute of Public
Health, Epidemiology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
J. B. Winslows Vej 9B, st.tv., 5000 Odense C, Denmark. E-mail:
singletons from US, the author did not find any evidence
of a lower frequency of marriage among twins compared
with singletons (Pearlman, 1990). Neither did the author
find any statistically significant differences between twins
and singletons with respect to number of years being
married, whether having previously been married,
number of previous marriages, or number of years since
divorce. Johnson et al. analyzed social closeness in a
sample of twins, their spouses, siblings, offspring, and
parents recruited from the Minnesota Twin Register
(7,169 twins and 5,802 relatives). They found higher social
Lower Marriage and Divorce Rates Among
Twins Than Among Singletons in Danish
Birth Cohorts 1940–1964
Inge Petersen,
Torben Martinussen,
Matthew McGue,
Paul Bingley
and Kaare Christensen
The Danish Twin Registry, Epidemiology, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Department of Basic Science and Environment, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, United States of America
The Danish National Centre for Social Research, Denmark
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology and Department of Clinical Genetics, Odense University Hospital,
Odense, Denmark
Few studies have examined differences of civil status of twins and singletons and the conclusions are contradic-
tory. In the present study, based on a linkage between the Danish Twin Register, a random 5% sample of the
total Danish population, and administrative register databases, the authors compare rates of marriage and
divorce in a sample of 35,975 twins and 81,803 singletons born 1940–1964. Cox-regressions are used in order
to control for potential confounders. We find that compared with singletons twins have significantly lower mar-
riage rates: (males: 15–19 years: Hazard Ratio (HR) = 0.66 (95%CI: 0.58–0.76); 20–24 years: 0.85 (0.82–0.88); 25
years or more: 0.96 (0.93–0.98) and females: 15–19 years: 0.70 (0.67–0.75); 20–24 years: 0.83 (0.80–0.85); 25
years or more: 0.94 (0.91–0.97)). There is no difference in divorce rates for males, but a significantly lower
divorce rate for female twins compared with singletons (HR=0.87, 95%CI: 0.83–0.90). These differences offset
each other, thus 57% of both populations remain in their first marriage until censoring. The interpretation may
be that since twins have a partner from birth, they do not have the same need for marriage as singletons but
have more experience in maintaining a relationship if they do marry.
Keywords: twins, singletons, marriage rate, divorce rate, Denmark, register study
Twin Research and Human Genetics
Volume 14
Number 2
pp. 150–157
https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press
closeness in twins compared with singletons, but the
authors stated that this might not necessarily be an obsta-
cle when it comes to the quality of the twins’ social bonds
to others (Johnson et al., 2002):
It is interesting to speculate, nonetheless, whether the
twins’ greater Social Closeness extends to others around
them or is primarily limited to the twin pair bond.
The effect of social closeness within twin pairs on their
relationships to other peers was investigated in a study of
107 Canadian twin pairs where the authors concluded that
(Foy et al., 2001):
… this study does not support the conclusion that
having an intimate twin relationship interferes with the
formation of close relationships with others during late
adolescence or throughout adulthood.
Middeldorp et al. examined the frequency of divorce and
break-up of a relationship in a large sample of adolescent
and young adult Dutch twins and their singleton siblings
(Middeldorp et al., 2005). The authors found that in one
female group (mean age: 27) monozygotic twins were less
likely to be involved in a romantic relationship, dizygotic
twins were intermediate, and singletons were most likely
to be involved in a relationship. Otherwise no significant
differences between the groups were demonstrated.
Contrary to this finding Lykken et al. used a large sample
of twins from the Minnesota Twin Register to compare
the marriage and divorce rates of 4,855 twins from birth
cohorts 1936–55 at age 34–54 (Lykken et al., 1990). They
did not find any significant differences between monozy-
gotic and dizygotic twins.
Risk factors of divorce were examined in a study of
54,178 Norwegian first marriages. This study demon-
strated that couples with an age-difference of more than 4
years, couples married at younger ages (less than 25 years),
without children, and low educational level had a higher
divorce risk (Lyngstad, 2004).
In the present register study we compare marriage and
divorce rates of 35,975 twins with that of 91,803 single-
tons from Danish birth cohorts 1940–1964 controlling for
several potential confounders: birth cohort, age at mar-
riage, age difference within couples, presence of children
within marriage, and educational level.
Material and Methods
The data material was obtained through a linkage of the
Danish Twin Register with administrative databases held at
Statistics Denmark. The Danish Twin Register comprises
more than 75,000 twin pairs born in Denmark since 1870
(Skytthe et al., 2006). Zygosity of same-sex pairs has been
classified by means of a mail-back questionnaire consisting
of four standard questions on physical similarity, a method
with less than 5% misclassification (Christiansen et al.,
2003). Furthermore, the study included a 5% random
sample of the total Danish population from each birth year
from 1870–2002 either alive at the start of the Danish Civil
Person Register (CPR) April 2, 1968 or born thereafter.
Linkage between registries is feasible due to a unique 10-
digit personal identification number given to all residents
of Denmark alive at the establishment of the CPR-register,
at immigration, or birth if born after this date (Pedersen et
al., 2006). Birth cohorts earlier than 1940 were excluded in
order to minimize the risk of not observing first marriage
while birth cohorts later than 1964 were excluded due to
short follow-up time and therefore a low prevalence of
divorce. Date of marriage among immigrants is not regis-
tered in Danish records unless the marriage took place in
Denmark; therefore we restricted the sample to individuals
born in Denmark.
The CPR-register holds event-based information on
marital status (single, married, divorced or widowed), and
linkage to spouses as well as children. At the start of the
CPR-register information on the present marital status,
including date of the last registered change in marital
status, was retrieved from local registries in April 1968.
Age at first marriage as well as the age difference within
the married couple for the sample was calculated from
these data. Furthermore, we obtained information on
whether the married couple had any children in common.
The linkage between parents and children is not complete
for children born in the period from 1960–1968 (approxi-
mately 95% of all children have a link to their father
whereas approximately 99% have a link to their mother)
but approximately 100% for all children born after April 2,
1968 have a link. Hence, we expect that more than 95% of
the children of our study sample are identified.
From the Integrated Database for Labor Market
Research (IDA; Emerek et al., 1990) we have information
on the highest educational qualification obtained. The
IDA database begins in 1980, we therefore used the regis-
tered education from 1980 for birth cohorts 1940–49 and
for the subsequent birth cohorts we used the educational
code for the year of their 30th birthday. From the
International Standard Classification of Education code
(ISCED) (Unesco, 2006) we created a three level educa-
tional code (< 10 years (pre-primary, primary and
secondary), 10–12 years (upper secondary, post-secondary
non-tertiary education), and 13+ years (tertiary)) for the
sample along with their spouses and assigned an ISCED
code for the couple consisting of the maximum educa-
tional level within the pair. We added a fourth category
consisting of those with unknown educational level (edu-
cational level was unknown for 1,803 twins (5.1%) and
4,966 singletons (5.6%)).
The sample comprised 35,975 twins and 91,803 single-
tons from birth cohorts 1940–64 of which 28,495 (79.2%)
twins and 75,276 (82.0%) singletons were ever married.
Marriage and Divorce Rates in Danish Twins and Singletons
https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Inge Petersen, Torben Martinussen, Matthew McGue, Paul Bingley and Kaare Christensen
We had information on date of marriage on 27,675 twins
(97%) and 89,253 singletons (97%), information was
missing either because they were divorced/widowed prior
to April 2 1968 or due to errors in the registration.
Statistical Methods
The frequency of marriage, mean and standard deviation
of age at first marriage as well as the frequency of divorces
among married individuals was calculated separately for
each sex and twin/singleton status as well as by zygosity.
Kaplan-Meier plots for marriage and divorce separately
were generated and Cox regression was used to estimate
the hazard rates (HR) comparing divorce and marriage
rates of twins and singletons. Entry of study was age 15 for
marriage rates and date of marriage for divorce rates,
while exit of study was event (first marriage and divorce,
respectively) or censoring due to death, widowhood or
end of study (January 1, 2003) whatever came first.
Regressions were performed separately for each sex and
controlled for potential confounders. Estimation of HR
for marriage was controlled for educational level (in 1980
or at age 30 for birth cohorts 1950–64) and 5-year birth
cohort; while for divorce rates we controlled for quintiles
of age at first marriage, age difference within the married
couple (four groups: 0–4 years, 4–9 years, 10–19 years, and
20+ years), birth cohort (5-year intervals), educational
level (couples ISCED code), and whether the couple had
any children in common. Educational level, birth cohort
and quintiles of age at marriage and difference of age
within couple were modeled using dummy variables. To
avoid violations of the proportional hazard assumption
we modeled time-varying covariate effects by splitting the
data at specified time points. We used Aalens additive
models (Hosmer & Royston, 2002) to choose the time
points for which the effects of covariates were allowed to
change. Thus, covariate effects were allowed to change at
time points 5 and 10 years for the Cox analyses of mar-
riage rates while for divorce rates we allowed changes at 1
year and 10 years. We clustered the observations on twin
pairs (using Stata’s cluster option on twin pair id) to take
account for potential correlation within pairs. Individuals
with missing information on date of marriage were
excluded from the regression analyses.
We repeated the analyses including a dummy variable
for zygosity in order to investigate the effect of self-
reported zygosity. Unknown zygosity twins were further
divided into 2 subgroups: twins whose zygosity was unre-
solved due to contradicting responses to the questionnaire
and a second group where zygosity was unknown due to
non-response. Furthermore we have performed analyses
comparing same-sex twins with opposite-sex twins.
Stata 10.1 was used for all analyses.
Table 1 gives the overall frequencies of ever marriage as
well as divorce from first marriage, along with summary
of age at first marriage and age of survivors on January
1, 2003 stratified by twin/singleton status and sex. The
results show that age at first marriage for both males and
females is higher for twins compared with singletons
(overall age difference is 0.8 years (p < .001) for males and
1.3 years (p < .001) for females) and fewer twins marry
compared with singletons; the overall marriage frequency
for males was 78.1% for singletons and 76.0% for twins,
the numbers for females were 86.1% respectively 82.9%.
The results for divorce show that fewer twins than single-
tons are divorced (29.6% vs. 30.4% (p = .09) for males and
27.3% vs. 31.3% (p < .001) for females).
The Kaplan-Meier plots for marriage are pictured in
Figure 1. The plots demonstrate a higher marriage rate
among singletons compared with twins for males as well
as females. The differences occur at the beginning of the
observation period and persist at a virtually constant level
throughout the observation period. Figure 2 depicts the
Kaplan-Meier plots for divorce. These plots demonstrate
Mean Age at First Marriage and Overall Frequencies of Ever Marriage and Divorce on January 1, 2003 Among 35,975 Twins and 91,803
Singletons from Danish Birth Cohorts 1940–1964
Males Females
Twins Singletons Twins Singletons
Total number 19,291 47,067 16,684 44,736
Alive on January 1, 2003,
18,366 (95.2) 44,850 (95.3) 16,258 (97.4) 43,663 (97.6)
Age on January 1, 2003, mean (
50.7 (7.2) 50.4 (7.1) 50.3 (7.4) 50.5 (7.2)
14,662 (76.0) 36,742 (78.1) 13,833 (82.9) 38,534 (86.1)
4,346 (29.6) 11,168 (30.4) 3,780 (27.3) 12,076 (31.3)
Divorced or widowed before April 2 1968, n (%)
132 (0.7) 380 (0.8) 173 (1.0) 567 (1.3)
Error in registration,
251 (1.3) 689 (1.5) 264 (1.6) 914 (2.0)
Study base,
18,908 (98.0) 45,998 (97.7) 16,247 (97.4) 43,255 (96.7)
Age at 1st marriage, mean (
31.9 (10.3) 31.1 (10.0) 28.6 (10.0) 27.3 (9.5)
, standard deviation;
Percentage of total number;
Mean age of individuals alive on January 1, 2003;
Percentage of married individuals;
Age at first
marriage of study base
https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Marriage and Divorce Rates in Danish Twins and Singletons
that female twins have a lower divorce rate, and the differ-
ence is increasing over time, compared with male twins,
and male as well as female singletons but only small differ-
ences between these three latter groups.
The frequencies of marriage and divorce according to
zygosity groups are reported in Table 2. The general
picture is that twins with unknown zygosity (UZ) have
lower frequency of marriage and higher frequency of
divorce compared with the twins of known zygosity; the
group of non-responders has the lowest marriage and the
highest divorce rates of all groups. The three groups of
known zygosity exhibit small differences with respect to
frequency of marriage and divorce. The trend for both
sexes is that the monozygotic (MZ) twins have the highest
frequency of marriage and the lowest frequency of
divorce, while opposite-sex (osDZ) twins have the lowest
frequency of marriage (only males) and the highest fre-
quency of divorce.
Comparison — without taking censoring into consid-
eration — of the age at first marriage and frequencies of
marriage and divorce of same-sex with opposite-sex twins
proved quite small, and statistically insignificant, differ-
ences for males (ever married: 76.0% of same-sex and
76.1% of opposite-sex twins (p = .86); mean age at first
marriage: 27.4 years for same-sex and 27.5 years for oppo-
site-sex twins (p = .85); divorce: 29.4% for same-sex and
30.1% for opposite-sex twins (p = .37)). For females we
observed a significantly (p = .04) higher frequency of mar-
riage among opposite-sex twins (83.6%) compared with
same-sex twins (82.4%), opposite-sex twins married on
average slightly younger than same-sex twins (24.7 years
and 25.1 years (p < .001)), and same-sex twins had a lower
frequency of divorces than opposite-sex twins (26.4% vs.
28.7% (p < .01)).
Raw and adjusted hazard ratios (HR) for marriage
obtained through Cox regression using time-varying
covariate effects (15–19 years, 20–24 years, and more than
25 years) are reported for males and females (Table 3). The
Kaplan-Meier plots for divorce from first marriage. Danish twins
= 27,675) and a 5% random sample (
= 72,725) of each birth
cohort from 1940–1964.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Years since first marriage
Twins - males Random sample - males
Twins - females Random sample - females
Kaplan-Meier plots for first marriage. Danish twins (
= 53,155)
and a 5% random sample (
= 89,253) of each birth cohort from
15 25 35 45 55 65
Twins - males Random sample - males
Twins - females Random sample - females
Marital Status on January 31, 2003 (or at Death) of 35,975 Twins from Danish Birth Cohorts 1940–64
Marriage Divorce
Males Females Males Females
Percent Number
Percent Number
Opposite-sex 6,905 76.1 6,690 83.6 5,253 30.1 5,595 28.7
All same-sex 12,386 76.0 9,994 82.4 9,409 29.4 8,238 26.4
Monozygotic 3,650 78.7 3,248 83.7 2,873 28.6 2,719 23.9
Same-sex dizygotic 7,185 76.8 5,791 82.7 5,520 28.7 4,788 26.2
Unknown zygosity 1,551 65.5 955 76.5 1,016 35.3 731 36.5
498 69.1 349 78.2 344 32.6 273 27.8
1053 63.8 606 75.6 672 36.8 458 41.7
Total Sample;
Number of married individuals of the total sample;
Percent of married;
Twins with missing zygosity information due to conflicting
answers on zygosity questionnaire;
Twins with missing zygosity information due to non-response on zygosity questionnaire
https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Inge Petersen, Torben Martinussen, Matthew McGue, Paul Bingley and Kaare Christensen
tables include results for the pooled twin sample as well as
for the four zygosity groups (MZ, ssDZ, osDZ, and UZ) as
well as for a further subdivision of UZ twins (conflicting
answers and non-response). Except for MZ males and
females, who on average stayed unmarried until 25 years
of age, we found lower marriage rate for twins compared
with singletons — most of them highly statistically signifi-
cant. The results reveal that the HR’s converges to 1 with
increasing observation time for all groups of twins except
for the twins of unknown zygosity where the largest HR is
observed in the first time period (corresponding to 15–19
years of age); this opposite trend is mainly due to twins
with unknown zygosity due to non-response. These results
partly reflect that fewer twins marry compared with single-
tons and partly that twins marry at older ages (especially
twins of known zygosity) compared with singletons.
The results of linear Aalen regression showed that there
was no interaction between divorce and observation time
for either sex. Thus we did not model time-varying effects
of the outcome (divorce) in these analyses (but time-
varying effects of the confounding covariates were
included in the models). The results of the regressions are
shown in Table 4. Statistically significant results for divorce
rates are obtained for females (HR: 0.91 (95%CI: 0.87–
0.94)) but not for males (HR: 0.99 (95%CI: 0.96–1.03)).
Table 4 also reports the HR’s of zygosity with singletons as
reference group; the unknown zygosity demonstrates the
highest divorce rates. While for females the higher divorce
rates among twins of unknown zygosity was solely due to
non-responders, we observed high divorce rates for both
groups of male twins of unknown zygosity.
In the present register-based study we found a lower, time-
dependent (HR’s are converging to one with increasing
observation time) marriage rate among twins than among
singletons and those twins that do marry are on average
older at first marriage compared with singletons. We
found non-significant hazard rates (HR) for divorce
among males but we observed that female twins have sig-
nificantly lower divorce rates compared with their
singleton counterparts.
Comparison With Other Studies
In accordance with the French study (Zazzo, 1976) com-
paring the propensity of twins and singletons in Paris to
marry, we demonstrated a lower percentage of ever-
married twins compared with singletons, both for males
(76% vs. 78%) and for females (83% vs. 86%). In contrast,
Zazzo found a larger difference, 65% vs. 78% among 272
traceable twins and singletons. Zazzo’s study concerns
earlier birth cohorts (1882–1902) than the present study
(1940–1964); his results are based on a small selected
sample (566 twins of which 90 were traceable, and 500
randomly selected singletons of which 182 were traceable),
and he did not take account of sex and age in his analyses,
nor did he report any statistical tests. Furthermore, our
study is supported by a cross-sectional study of Finnish
twins by Kaprio et al. that found fewer twins of all ages
Overall Raw as well as Confounder Adjusted Hazard Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals in Three Age Periods: 15–19 Years, 20–24 Years,
25+Years for 1st Marriage Among 35,155 Twins and 89,253 Singletons from Danish Birth Cohorts 1940–64 Using Singletons as Reference Group
— Censoring at Death or End of Study (January 1, 2003)
Raw 15–19 years 20–24 years 25+ years
95%CI HR
95%CI HR
Twins (pooled) 0.93
0.91–0.95 0.66
0.58–0.76 0.85
0.82–0.88 0.96
Monozygotic 0.97 0.93–1.01 0.66
0.48–0.89 0.87
0.80–0.93 1.06
Same-sex dizygotic 0.95
0.92–0.98 0.66
0.53–0.82 0.90
0.86–0.94 0.96
Opposite-sex dizygotic 0.93
0.90–0.95 0.63
0.51–0.78 0.82
0.78–0.86 0.97 0.93–1.00
Unknown zygosity 0.73
0.68–0.79 0.82 0.55–1.20 0.77
0.69–0.86 0.68
0.64–0.81 0.47 0.17–1.24 0.63
0.50–0.79 0.78
0.67–0.81 0.93 0.61–1.42 0.83
0.74–0.93 0.62
Twins (pooled) 0.87
0.85–0.88 0.70
0.67–0.75 0.83
0.80–0.85 0.94
Monozygotic 0.86
0.82–0.90 0.68
0.59–0.78 0.82
0.77–0.88 1.01 0.95–1.08
Same-sex dizygotic 0.86
0.83–0.88 0.72
0.66–0.79 0.82
0.78–0.86 0.93
Opposite-sex dizygotic 0.90
0.87–0.92 0.69
0.64–0.75 0.87
0.83–0.90 0.96 0.91–1.00
Unknown zygosity 0.76
0.69–0.83 0.79
0.65–0.97 0.66
0.58–0.74 0.68
0.67–0.88 0.82 0.59–1.15 0.72
0.58–0.88 0.82 0.66–1.02
0.67–0.85 0.78
0.61–0.99 0.63
0.54–0.73 0.60
Note: CI, Confidence Intervals; HR, Hazard Ratio;
p <
p <
p <
Hazard ratios for marriage are adjusted for education and 5-year birth cohort.
Twins with missing zygosity information due to conflicting answers on zygosity questionnaire
Twins with missing zygosity information due to non-response on zygosity questionnaire
https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Marriage and Divorce Rates in Danish Twins and Singletons
were married in 1976 compared with census data from
1970, and that the differences were smaller for males than
females (Kaprio et al., 1979). The results in the present
study contradicts the findings by Pearlman (1990) and
Middeldorp et al. (2005), both reporting insignificant
association between single-status and twin-singleton
status. The conclusion drawn by Pearlman is based on a
small sample of 60 twins and 30 singletons, and thus study
size might explain why the author did not find significant
results. Though statistically insignificant, the results of a
Dutch study by Middeldorp et al. (2005) reports the same
trend as found in the present study. Furthermore the
authors of that study find — although still statistically
insignificant — that the proportion of MZ twins having a
spouse is lower than that of DZ twins. In the present study
we find the opposite trend (Table 2). In the study per-
formed by Zazzo (1976) a higher marital frequency was
found among male same-sex twins (25%) compared with
opposite-sex twins (15%), but no difference for females.
Our study does not support this finding. For males we
found that 76% of both same-sex and opposite-sex twins
were ever married, while for females we found the oppo-
site trend, that is, 82% of same-sex twins were married vs.
84% of opposite-sex twins. Contrary to the studies by
Pearlman (1990) and Middeldorp et al. (2005) the data in
our study demonstrate a lower frequency of divorces
among twins compared with singletons. The lack of signif-
icance in previous studies might be due to small sample
sizes and follow-up intervals that were too short. We have
not been able to detect any previous studies comparing
the age at first marriage of twins with that of singletons.
Previous studies have demonstrated that twins often
are more closely attached to each other than non-twin sib-
lings (Foy et al., 2001; Johnson et al., 2002). Zazzo (1976)
observed this closeness within twin pairs and felt con-
vinced that the tight bonds were causing the low marriage
frequency among 283 twin pairs compared with the one in
500 singletons born in the municipality of Paris 1883–
1902. The present study is based on register data. Hence,
the interpretation of the results is based on pure conjec-
ture. A possible interpretation is that the close bonds
within twin pairs reduce their desire of bonding to a
partner — thus reducing the marriage rate of twins. The
time-dependent nature of the marriage rates reveals that
the difference is mainly due to a lower teenage marriage
rate. Hence, the twin-bonding may be loosened in adult-
hood, thereby giving room for evolving romantic
relationships. This interpretation is furthermore justified
by the slightly higher average age at marriage among twins
compared with singletons. The interpretation of the lower
divorce rates of female twins compared with singletons
may be that twins are used to show consideration for their
co-twin from the very beginning thereby training their
adaptability of bond making.
Several studies have established an association between
mortality and marital status (Ben-Shlomo et al., 1993;
Ebrahim et al., 1995; Hu & Goldman, 1990; Kotler &
Wingard, 1989; Rosengren et al., 1989; Shaikh, 1990)
probably both due to selection into marriage, that is, those
with poor health and/or low socio-economic status stay
single as well as health promoting effect of marriage.
Previous studies comparing mortality of twins with that
of the total Danish population did not demonstrate any
differences (Christensen et al., 1995; 2001). Thus, it seems
that single status is not as hazardous for twins as for sin-
gletons. This may be because the lower marriage rate of
twins is counterbalanced by their lower divorce rate.
Consequently, 53.5% of male twins and 54.3% male sin-
gletons remain in their first marriage until the end of the
study, death or widowhood. The same numbers for
Raw as well as Confounder Adjusted Hazard Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals for Divorce (From 1st Marriage) of 27,675 Twins (14,279 Males
and 13,396 Females) and 72,725 Singletons (35,673 Males and 37,052 Females) from Danish Birth Cohorts 1940–64 using Singletons as
Reference Group — Censoring at Death, Widowhood, or End of Study (January 1, 2003)
Males Females
Raw Adjusted
Raw Adjusted
HR 95%CI HR 95%CI HR 95%CI HR 95%CI
Twins (pooled) 0.97 0.94–1.01 0.99 0.96–1.03 0.87
0.83–0.90 0.91
Monozygotic twins 0.99 0.91–1.07 1.00 0.92–1.08 0.79
0.73–0.87 0.81
Same-sex dizygotic twins 0.93
0.88–0.98 0.94
0.89–1.00 0.84
0.79–0.89 0.88
Opposite-sex twins 0.98 0.93–1.04 1.01 0.95–1.07 0.89
0.84–0.94 0.94
Unknown zygosity 1.18
1.06–1.32 1.18
1.05–1.32 1.14 0.99–1.32 1.20
1.17 0.95–1.45 1.20 0.97–1.47 0.92 0.72–1.19 0.94 0.72–1.22
1.04–1.36 1.17
1.03–1.34 1.27
1.08–1.51 1.36
Note: CI, Confidence Interval; HR, Hazard Ratio;
p <
p <
p <
Hazard Ratios are adjusted for couple education, 5-year birth cohort, quintiles of age at marriage, age difference within couple (0–4 years, 5–9 years,
10–19 years, and 20+ years), and whether the couple had any children in common.
Twins with missing zygosity information due to conflicting answers on zygosity questionnaire
Twins with missing zygosity information due to non-response on zygosity questionnaire
https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press
females are 60.3% and 59.1%, respectively. Hence it is
unlikely that lower marriage rate among twins is caused by
poorer health of twins compared with that of singletons.
Unknown Zygosity
The unknown zygosity twins are a heterogeneous group
consisting of identified twins who either didn’t respond
to the questionnaire on physical similarities or whose
answers were inconsistent. In a previous register-based
study of school achievements of Danish adolescent twins
from birth cohorts 1986–1989 it was demonstrated that
the parents of unknown zygosity twins had lower educa-
tional level and were slightly younger, and the UZ twins
had significantly worse school achievements compared
with twins of known zygosity (Petersen et al., 2009). In the
present study we demonstrated that the unknown zygosity
twins had lower marriage rates and higher divorce rates
compared with twins of known zygosity, and the disad-
vantage was highest among non-responders. Hence, most
likely it is the general picture that the twins whose zygosity
is not accessible — especially those who didn’t respond to
the questionnaire — are disadvantaged compared to twins
with known zygosity.
Our study only covers legal marriages and not couples
living together without being married. However, since
86% of all individuals from birth cohorts 1940–64 were or
had been legally married in 2002 and furthermore we have
no reason to believe that twins who live together are more
likely to be unmarried than singletons living together, it is
unlikely to introduce a bias to our study.
A second concern is the erroneous registration of date
of marriage. Approximately 2.5% of our sample was
excluded from the Cox analyses, either because they had
ended their first marriage before the start of the CPR-reg-
ister or due to registration errors. We found an uneven
distribution of these exclusions in that more females than
males were excluded and more singletons than twins were
excluded. Still, the twin-singleton difference in exclusion
rate is very small for both males (twins: 2.0%; singletons:
2.3%) and for females (twins: 2.6%; singletons: 3.3%),
thus we do not expect that this causes any substantial bias
in the results.
The Danish Twin Register holds approximately 70% of
the twins born in the period from 1940–64, the remaining
twins are mainly lost due to infant death of one or both of
the twins prior to the start of the CPR register in April
1968 (Skytthe et al., 2002). Since we only include individu-
als surviving to age 15 the loss due to incompleteness is
quite a lot lower: mainly twins surviving to age 15 without
a surviving co-twin are missing in our sample. This might
introduce a bias in our study if infant death is associated
with marital status of the surviving twin.
Due to either non-response or conflicts of the answers,
zygosity was missing for 11.2% of same-sex twins. This
group has, as demonstrated in the present study, lower
marriage as well as higher divorce rates compared with
same-sex twins of known zygosity. Hence, the present
results for MZ and same-sex DZ twins are slightly over-
We have limited the study to first marriage. There may
have been a few individuals who were married at a young
age, and divorced and remarried before April 2, 1968.
Since the oldest in our study are turning 28 in 1968 this
group must be small and therefore we do not expect this
to distort the results of our study.
The size of the study (35,975 twins and 91,803 singletons)
combined with the register-based results are the major
strengths of the study. No prior study has examined such
a large sample with minimal selection bias and loss to
follow up.
We conclude that twins are married at slightly older ages
compared with singletons, that twins have lower marriage
rates compared with singletons, and that female twins
have lower divorce rates compared with singletons, but no
difference is observed for divorce rates among males. The
results might indicate that twins do not have the same
need for marriage as singletons but female twins are better
at maintaining the marriage thereby avoiding divorce.
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https://doi.org/10.1375/twin.14.2.150 Published online by Cambridge University Press