Climate Vulnerability Assessment 1312 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
As the climate
continues to
change, three
major climate
hazards will
impact Boston:
extreme heat,
ooding, and
coastal and
riverine fl ooding.
Image courtesy of Sasaki
Stormwater fl ooding and extreme heat
are evaluated as frequent or chronic
that gradually degrade personal
and economic well-being and directly
expose parts of every neighborhood in
Boston. Coastal and riverine fl ooding is
expected to be an acute hazard for much
of the remainder of the century,
experienced through major storm events
with immediate and long-lasting impacts.
Moreover, as sea levels continue to rise,
coastal fl ooding from high tides is
expected to become a chronic hazard,
potentially fl ooding many low-lying
neighborhoods along the waterfront on a
monthly basis. This is in addition to acute
storm events, which are expected to become
more severe and cause greater damage
over time. This chapter, the Climate Ready
Boston Vulnerability Assessment, analyzes
how people, buildings, infrastructure,
and the economy are aff ected by climate
hazards. Vulnerability Assessment fi ndings
are reported at two scales: fi rst, at the city
scale (referred to herein as the Citywide
Exposure and Consequence Analysis);
and second, at the scale of neighborhoods
or groups of neighborhoods, referred to as
focus areas. The Citywide Exposure and
Consequence Analysis includes a discussion
of socially vulnerable populations in the
city: people who are more vulnerable to
climate hazards due to life circumstances
such as poverty, poor health, and limited
English profi ciency. The citywide
assessment also considers the nature of
the three climate hazards, as well as their
separate and diverse expected eff ects on
Bostons people, buildings, infrastructure,
and the economy. The Exposure and
Consequence Analysis for Focus Areas was
developed to provide deeper insight into
exposure and consequences as a result of
coastal fl ood hazards in specifi c vulnerable
areas within the Boston community. Climate
Ready Boston is able to address coastal fl ood
hazard for coastal focus areas due to the
robust nature of the information available,
quality of evaluation possible at that scale,
and magnitude of expected consequences
throughout this century. The following
focus areas have been examined for coastal
ood hazard beyond the details provided at
the citywide scale:
Charles River neighborhoods
East Boston
South Boston
South End
An eighth focus area, Roxbury, serves as
an illustrative example of the interplay
of the three hazards reviewed in this
Vulnerability Assessment with multiple
social vulnerability factors and their eff ects
on collective risk and resilience planning.
Both heat and stormwater fl ooding also have the capacity to impact
the city through severe, acute events. Boston currently experiences heat
indexes greater than 90 degrees more than once a year. Over time, the
number of days at which this heat index is reached will continue to grow,
increasing an already chronic issue. Climate Ready Boston evaluates
stormwater fl ooding at the 10-year, 24-hour frequency event, though more
and less severe and frequent events are known to occur. This evaluation is
in line with the assessment led by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission,
as well as the target level of performance for drainage systems within the
City of Boston.
The Charles River neighborhoods include Allston/Brighton, Back Bay,
Beacon Hill, and Fenway/Kenmore. These neighborhoods are expected to
be exposed to overtopping or anking of the Charles River Dam.
Each of these hazards impacts the city’s people, buildings,
infrastructure, environment, and economy in different ways.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 1514 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
The Climate Ready Boston Vulnerability
Assessment evaluates three climate hazards
and their plausible changes over time due to
climate change:
Chronic extreme heat
Frequent stormwater fl ooding
Acute and chronic coastal and riverine
Climate Ready Boston developed a
methodology unique to each hazard to evaluate
impacts on people, buildings, infrastructure,
and the economy. Boston’s socially vulnerable
populations, which are less able to prepare for,
adapt to, and bounce back from climate impacts,
received particular a ention.
Methodologies vary for each hazard due to the
quality and granularity of data available. In the
case of extreme heat, for instance, a detailed risk
assessment of infrastructure and the economy is
impractical due to data limitations. Accordingly,
the impacts to people and buildings are the
primary focus. In the case of the stormwater
ooding, the evaluation of buildings and
infrastructure is largely qualitative. In contrast,
a rich coastal and riverine fl ooding dataset is
available for multiple sea level rise conditions
and coastal storm fl ood probabilities that can
be used to quantitatively assess exposures,
vulnerabilities, and consequences.
Quantitative results presented in this report are preliminary and are based
on data with inherent uncertainties, as well as generalized assumptions, as
opposed to site-specifi c assessment of assets, structures, and population
present within specifi c buildings. For example, the fi rst-fl oor elevation of a
structure is assumed to be at grade. In actuality, many residential structures are
split, and steps at grade may descend to the fi rst fl oor (potentially increasing
ood loss), and other structures may be elevated or fl ood-proofed above
grade. Site-specifi c evaluations of vulnerability are beyond the scope of
this assessment and should be reserved for detailed evaluation of specifi c
adaptation measures. Values should be interpreted as indicators of relative risk
among different areas within the city.
Heat is a chronic hazard, a stress
that the city faces every year. As
average temperatures rise and
the frequency, duration, and
intensity of heat waves increase,
heat mortality rates will also rise.
Temperatures are hottest in areas
of the city that experience the
urban heat island effect, but on
very hot days, the entire city is
at risk for the health impacts of
extreme heat, especially those
with health or other physical
challenges, such as older adults
or those with medical illness. The
heat will increasingly stress the
city’s energy supply and related
infrastructure as people seek ways
to cool down.
Coastal and riverine fl ooding is
expected to lead to the most
signifi cant climate hazard
consequences. Flooding will
be concentrated in low-lying
waterfront neighborhoods,
particularly Charlestown,
Downtown, East Boston, South
Boston, and, later in the century,
the South End and Dorchester.
Due to sea level rise, late in the
century, coastal and riverine
ooding will affect Boston both
during storm events and during
high tides, which will cause
large-scale fl ooding in some
Building upon previous work
by the City, other government
agencies, and private entities,
the Climate Ready Boston
Vulnerability Assessment uses
the best available hazard data,
adjusted in some cases to align
with the climate projection
consensus developed by the
Boston Research Advisory Group
(BRAG), the fi rst component of the
Climate Ready Boston initiative
(see Climate Projection Consensus
chapter, p.01).
The Vulnerability Assessment evaluates 10-year, 24-hour storm
events. It does not evaluate more severe events, like the 100-
year, 24-hour storm events.
The extent of frequent stormwater
is expected to grow
over time, further limiting access
and mobility during ood events
across the city. Due to limitations in
available data, this study assesses
frequent stormwater ooding
only. Though high-severity, low-
probability rain events are not
assessed, the impacts of frequent
ooding are informative to long-
term planning as they can have
broad societal effects and can be
particularly disruptive for people
who already face signifi cant
challenges due to poverty, illness,
or other social vulnerability factors.
Frequent stormwater ooding is a
citywide concern in Boston, with 7
percent of the total land area in the
city likely to be exposed to the 10-
year, 24-hour event as soon as the
2050s and 9 percent by the end of
the century. West Roxbury, Allston,
Brighton, East Boston, and South
Dorchester have the largest areas
of land affected by stormwater
ooding, while the South End and
South Boston can expect to see
the greatest increase in land area
exposed to stormwater ooding
as sea levels rise and precipitation
events become more extreme.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 1716 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Exposure signifi es people, buildings,
infrastructure, and other resources (assets)
that are within areas that are most likely to
experience hazard impacts. Nevertheless,
exposure analysis does not provide insight
into the extent or severity of exposure or
even whether the people, buildings, or
infrastructure will experience loss, as it does
not consider site specifi c conditions (e.g.,
building fl ood-proofi ng) that may prevent or
limit impacts.
Vulnerability refers to how and why people or
assets could be affected by a hazard or how
and why the effects could be exacerbated or
limited. Assessing vulnerabilities requires site-
specifi c or demographic information, such as
existing fl ood-proofi ng measures or whether
people have vehicles that could facilitate
Consequence analysis illustrates to what
extent people or assets can be expected
to be affected by a hazard, as a result
of combined vulnerability and exposure.
Consequences are qualitative and
quantitative impacts to exposed and
vulnerable people, buildings, or infrastructure,
and many can be communicated in terms
of economic losses. Categories of loss
quantifi ed for this analysis include direct
physical damages to buildings (including
structure, contents, and inventory damage),
human impacts or stress factors (mental stress,
anxiety, and lost productivity), displacement
costs (the cost to relocate a business or
household as a result of fl ood impacts), and
losses to the city’s economy due to business
interruption. The consequence analysis
also evaluates shelter needs expected as
a result of a coastal fl ood event, but these
consequences are not separately monetized.
Risk is essentially the combination of exposure,
vulnerability, and consequences. Risk is often
defi ned as the product of both the probability
and consequences of an impact and is
expressed in this report as annualized losses.
Climate Factors for Climate
Projection Consensus
Climate Hazards from
Vulnerability Assessment
Two climate hazards—extreme heat and
stormwater fl oodinggenerally pose similar
threats citywide; thus, the challenges and basic
principles of many preparedness eff orts related to
heat and stormwater hazards remain largely the
same across neighborhoods. In contrast, coastal
and riverine fl ooding hazards vary widely by
neighborhood and throughout time. Possible
adaptations are dependent on the location in
the city, community context and the people
and businesses that reside in the area, the entry
point along the waterfront leading to fl ooding,
variation in topography, and the coastal or riverine
conditions de ning the fl ood hazard (e.g., the
duration of fl ooding).
Level of detail also varies spatially (e.g.,
neighborhood versus citywide) based on best
available data and methodological approaches by
hazard. Exposure to each hazard is assessed in the
Citywide Exposure and Consequence Analysis.
Coastal fl ood hazard details are further explored
in the Exposure and Consequence Analysis for
Focus Areas, which were selected for additional
assessment at a more granular level due the robust
nature of the information available, quality of
evaluation possible at that scale, and magnitude of
expected consequences throughout this century.
The Roxbury neighborhood has been selected as
a case study example of the interplay of multiple
hazards with multiple social vulnerability factors
and their eff ects on both collective risk and
resiliency planning.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 1918 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
to understand future UHIs and temperature
severity in Boston areas. Since extreme heat will be
experienced across the city, there are no “exposure”
statistics to report, and focusing only on the
exposure to heat islands would be misleading;
populations and infrastructure across the city will
be at risk of the impacts of ho er temperatures.
Many of the consequences of extreme heat are
not readily quantifi able. Instead, understanding
that loss of life is a severe risk that a city or
community can face, the assessment focuses
on quantifying an increase in heat mortality
and analyzing qualitatively the other
consequences of extreme heat, including
increased morbidity (illness), increased
energy use, and environmental impacts.
For the purposes of this study, frequent stormwater
ooding has been assessed using a 10-year, 24-hour
design storm. Changes in frequent stormwater
ooding over time were evaluated based on
projected changes to extreme precipitation and
sea level rise but assuming no changes to the
current stormwater drainage system.
Even with
current sea levels and precipitation intensities,
Bostons existing stormwater drainage system is
designed to handle 4.8 inches of rain in 24 hours
and can become overwhelmed by fairly frequent
rain events (e.g., the 10-year, 24-hour storm,
approximately 5.24 inches of rain in 24 hours
leading to pooling of water on streets and localized
ooding. Conveying collected stormwater will
prove even more challenging with the addition
of sea level rise and more intense precipitation.
This design storm was selected because the
Boston Water and Sewer Commissions (BWSC)
A description of each of the three hazards
evaluated as part of this Vulnerability Assessment,
the motivation for assessing a given hazard,
the Climate Ready Boston climate projections
analyzed, and hazard data available from previous
studies are outlined below.
Boston will experience both an increase in
average temperatures and more extreme heat
events. Heat waves can cause risks to health,
but the negative consequences of heat on the
population can be mitigated with eff ective
measures to prepare individuals and communities.
Heat is especially dangerous to those with health
challenges, and it puts strain on the natural and
built environment, including through energy
demands and damage caused by heat expansion
in building and road materials.
This assessment outlines anticipated increases
in average temperature and extreme heat events
and the impact these changes will have on
public health. The Climate Ready Boston Climate
Projection Consensus evaluated data from many
recent studies performed across the northeast;
data sources used include projections for average
temperatures and heat waves, as well as analysis
of the urban heat island (UHI) eff ect.
Locally, a heat wave is defi ned most often
(and for the purposes of this study) as three or
more days in a row with maximum ambient
temperatures greater than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Vulnerability Assessment used data and
projections created as part of the City of Cambridge
Vulnerability Assessment, supplemented by the
Kopp and Rassmussen 2014 projections to best
understand and analyze frequency, intensity,
and duration of extreme temperatures in Boston.
The Vulnerability Assessment uses the Trust for
Public Land’s (TPL) base heat island analysis
While Climate Ready Boston has not analyzed future heat island projections in this
report, Rossi et al. observed a general trend that UHIs tend to remain in place (and
increase in severity) in warmer future scenarios, which were applied in this UHI analysis.
UHI is understood through spatial analysis conducted by the TPL to identify specifi c
localities in Boston that experience higher temperatures than the city average locality
during days with hot temperatures. The TPL maps show relative land surface temperature
data from MODIS/Aqua radiometer satellite (MODIS MYD11A2) from the warmest summer
months. They identify the specifi c locations in urban areas that meet the characteristics
of UHI isotherms and have land surface temperatures averaging at least 1.25 degrees
Fahrenheit above the mean temperature for both day and night scenarios.
Wastewater Facilities Study
used the storm to
conduct a climate assessment; the BWSC data are
the best available set of comprehensive stormwater
ooding data throughout the city.
the BWSC data align with the Climate Ready
Boston climate projections for sea level rise (SLR)
and precipitation.
Specifi cally, three BWSC
10-year, 24-hour stormwater fl ood extents were
evaluated citywide.
10-YEAR, 24-HOUR
Due to model and data limitations associated with
the BWSC analysis, stormwater fl ooding exposure
is reported at the citywide scale. The Vulnerability
Assessment estimates direct exposure to buildings
and the residents within those buildings but does
not describe impacts to individual buildings or
infrastructure assets.
Additional qualitative
assessments are made where possible. In contrast,
the available coastal and riverine fl ooding data
allow for an assessment of individual buildings
and infrastructure and a more detailed discussion
both at the citywide and neighborhood scale.
Consistent with the BWSC Wastewater Facilities Study,
the Vulnerability Assessment uses the 10-year, 24-hour
design storm to approximate stormwater fl ooding
extents due to changing sea levels and extreme
precipitation over time.
A 10-year storm has a 10 percent chance of being
equaled or exceeded any given year. A 24-hour
design condition defi nes the duration of intense
rainfall. Though rainfall can be less or more intense,
and the duration can last hours to days, only 10-
year, 24-hour design storm data are available for this
analysis. More intense rainfall, like 100-year events (i.e.,
those with a 1 percent chance of occurring in a given
year), are not considered due to data limitations but
are important to understanding the full spectrum of
vulnerabilities related to stormwater fl ooding.
The analysis assumes that the current stormwater drainage system remains as it is
today, though the Boston Water and Sewer Commission has plans to improve the
system incrementally over time.
Source: Sullivan, John “Climate Adaptation Challenges for Boston’s Water and
Sewer Systems.” Presentation for the National Association of Flood and Stormwater
Management Agencies. October 15, 2014.
Source: Jewell, Charlie, John Sullivan, Bill McMillin. “BWSC Climate Change Risk
Assessment: Findings and Mitigation/Adaptation Strategies for Wastewater and Storm
Drainage.” Presentation for the NEWEA Annual Conference and Exhibit. January 28,
Source: “Wastewater and Storm Drainage System Facilities Plan.” CH2M Hill
Companies, Ltd. Final Report to Boston Water and Sewer Commission. June, 2015.
BWSC examined multiple stormwater ooding conditions, including the impacts
of coastal storms on stormwater ooding. Because coastal and riverine fl ooding is
addressed separately using the recently developed MassDOT-FHWA analysis data,
the BWSC data carried forward into this Vulnerability Assessment are the stormwater
ooding data that combined future sea level rise and extreme precipitation conditions
BWSC Wastewater Facilities Study data considered two climate change scenarios,
B2 (medium) and A1FI (precautionary). For extreme precipitation, the BWSC medium
climate scenario aligns with the BRAG moderate emissions reduction projections, while
the precautionary scenario aligns with the BRAG business-as-usual emissions projections.
See Appendix for a comparison of the fl ood data used in this analysis to current
conditions, as well as a description of system current conditions.
Climate condition and stormwater hazard ooding data are the BWSC Wastewater
Facilities Study medium sea level rise scenario for 2035. The exact BWSC sea level rise
value examined is 0.87 feet above 2010 tide levels, in combination with a 10-year, 24-
hour rainfall of 5.55 inches.
Climate condition and stormwater hazard ooding data are the BWSC Wastewater
Facilities Study medium sea level rise scenario for 2060. The exact BWSC sea level rise
value examined is 1.71 feet above 2010 tide levels in combination with a 10-year, 24-
hour rainfall of 5.76 inches.
Climate condition and stormwater hazard ooding data are the BWSC Wastewater
Facilities Study precautionary sea level rise scenario for 2060. The exact BWSC sea level
rise value examined is 2.76 feet above 2010 tide levels in combination with a 10-year,
24-hour rainfall of 6.03 inches.
Per the BWSC Wastewater Facilities Study: “It is not appropriate to use [these data] for
detailed analysis (i.e., at the community or parcel-level) and [these data] should not be
used as the sole source of fl ood elevation information. It does not necessarily identify
all areas subject to fl ooding particularly from local drainage sources of small size. Users
should be aware that inundation areas are calculated by mathematical models with
precision that is limited to historical calibrations.”
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 2120 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Sea levels, or the difference in elevation between the sea
surface and land surface, have risen in Boston over the past
century due to multiple, complex, and simultaneous processes.
These processes include thermal expansion and ice-sheet melt,
the gravitational effect of ice-sheet melt, ocean dynamics,
and vertical land movement (such as local subsidence).
From 1921 to 2015, the overall trend in sea level rise was
approximately 1.1 inches per decade. From 1990 to 2010,
the average rate increased to 2.1 inches of sea level rise per
decade. This means that Boston’s 2015 sea levels are about 3
inches higher than 2000.
The pace of sea level rise is accelerating. Sea level rise
projections by 2030 are consistent across all emissions scenarios
evaluated in Climate Ready Boston, with likely sea level rise rates
ranging from historic rates to 3 inches per decade (a nearly 50
percent higher rate of increase than the last two decades).
Later in the century, the rate of sea level rise is expected to
further accelerate, with signifi cant variation between emissions
scenarios (see the Climate Projection Consensus for more
information on this topic).
Coastal and riverine fl ood hazard data used in
this Vulnerability Assessment defi ne estimated
ood depths and extents as a result of tide levels,
riverine fl ows, coastal storms, and sea level rise.
The fl ood hazard data were selected to capture a
spectrum of acute events (e.g., severe coastal storms
combined with sea level rise) and chronic fl ooding
(e.g., potential frequent fl ooding due to high tide
and sea level rise alone, without storms).
In order to defi ne a range of possible fl ood
conditions for Climate Ready Boston (higher
probability / lower impact through lower
probability / higher impact), 10 percent, 2 percent,
1 percent, and 0.1 percent annual chance fl ood
extents and depths were generated for three
sea level rise conditions using data provided by
MassDOT-FHWA. The Climate Ready Boston fl ood
data (all four probabilities) for 9 inches
and 36
of sea level rise are largely identical to the
MassDOT-FHWA data, and the data for 21 inches
of sea level rise were created specifi cally for
Climate Ready Boston.
The Climate Ready Boston evaluation also considers
ood hazards from high tides and sea level rise
alonemeaning “blue sky” conditions, without
storms. Because the Boston area has a large tide
range, a combined sea level rise and high tide
ood exposure evaluation must also consider
the frequency of occurrence of tide levels. This
Vulnerability Assessment combines an average
monthly high tide level
with sea level rise to defi ne
future high-tide fl ooding exposure. Average monthly
high tide is approximately two feet higher than the
commonly used mean higher high water (MHHW,
the average of the higher high water levels of each
tidal day), and lower than king tides (the twice-a-
year high tides that occur when the gravitational
pulls of the sun and the moon are aligned).
Three sea level rise conditions have been used in the
evaluation: 9 inches, 21 inches, and 36 inches above
current sea levels.
These selected conditions refl ect
a range of sea level rise conditions likely to occur before
the end of the century in the three emissions scenarios
By the end of the 2050s, 9 inches of sea level rise is
expected consistently across emissions scenarios and is
likely to occur as early as the 2030s.
In the second half of the century, 21 inches is expected
across all emissions scenarios.
The highest sea level rise considered, 36 inches, is highly
probable toward the end of the century. This scenario has
a greater than 50 percent chance of occurring within this
time period for the moderate emissions reduction and
business-as-usual scenarios and a nearly 50 percent chance
for the major emissions reduction scenario.
Climate scenario and coastal/riverine hazard fl ooding data are the MassDOT-FHWA
high sea level rise scenario for 2030. Actual sea level rise value is 0.62 feet above 2013
tide levels, with an additional 0.74 inches to account for subsidence.
The BRAG Climate Projection Consensus report documented sea level changes relative
to a year 2000 reference level, while the Vulnerability Assessment assumes current (2016)
sea levels as a reference level. Current sea levels are about three inches higher than
those in 2000. See the Climate Projection Summary in this report for more information.
Climate scenario and coastal/riverine hazard ooding data are the MassDOT-FHWA
high sea level rise scenario for 2070/intermediate sea level rise scenario for 2100. Actual
sea level rise value is 3.2 feet above 2013 tide levels, with an additional 2.5 inches to
account for subsidence.
Data were interpolated from the MassDOT-FHWA 2030 and 2070/2100 data.
Average highest tide for each month in 2015.
Relative sea level rise, including subsidence, is considered in this document. Though
the term “sea level rise” is used throughout the document, this Vulnerability Assessment
is referring to relative sea level rise, and not just rise in sea levels alone. Additionally, in
many graphs and tables, the acronym “SLR” is used.
(above current sea level)
Major Emissions
Moderate Emissions
Business as usual
9 inches 2030s–2050s 2030s–2050s 2030s–2050s
21 inches 2060s–2100s 2060s–2090s 2050s–2080s
36 inches 2090s OR LATER 2080s OR LATER 2070s OR LATER
These three sea level rise conditions do not
include the worst-case scenarios but instead
together defi ne a likely range before the end
of the century. Though these three scenarios
are used for qualitative and quantitative
assessment in this study, more severe and even
worst-case sea level rise scenarios should also
be considered as part of future climate-related
studies. Evaluation and design of adaptation
measures should consider that more severe sea
level rise conditions are possible; the BRAG’s
“business as usual” scenario estimates that
seven feet of sea level rise is within the likely
range by the end of the century.
Bosma, Kirk, et al. “MassDOT-FHWA Pilot Project Report: Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability
Assessments and Adaptation Options for the Central Artery.” MassDOT FHWA Report. June 2015. https://www.
The majority of the coastal fl ood hazard data created as part of this assessment
are a reanalysis of the coastal fl ood hazard data developed as part of the
MassDOT-FHWA analysis.
In 2015, MassDOT released an analysis of coastal fl ood
hazards using state-of-the-art numerical models capable of simulating thousands
of potential nor’easters and tropical storms coincident with a range of tide levels,
riverine fl ow rates in the Charles and Mystic Rivers, and sea level rise conditions.
The City of Boston used a similar approach and the same technical team as the
MassDOT-FHWA analysis when working with the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) in the development of fl ood insurance rate maps (FIRM)
that went into effect on March 16, 2016. The FEMA FIRMs defi ne current fl ood
risk from a regulatory perspective. Nevertheless, the data available from the
MassDOT-FHWA analysis are used in this study because unlike the FEMA FIRMs,
the MassDOT-FHWA data account for sea level rise and other climate related
factors. More details can be found in the Appendix.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 2322 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Observation Data from NOAA Gauge Observations (Station 8443970 in Fort Point Channel) “Average Monthly High Tide” is an average of the highest monthly tides
A “1 percent annual
chance fl ood” is a fl ood
event that has a 1 in 100
chance of occurring in
any given year. Another
name for this fl ood, which
is the primary coastal fl ood
hazard delineated in FEMA
FIRMs, is the “100-year
ood.” Experts prefer not
to use the “100-year” term,
since it gives the impression
that a certain level of
ooding will reliably occur
once every 100 years. In
fact, it has a 1 percent
chance of occurring in
any given year and can
even occur multiple times
in a single year or decade,
or it can occur less
frequently. Over a 30-year
period, there is almost a
one in three chance that
a 1 percent annual
chance fl ood will occur
at least once.
Image courtesy of Sasaki
Boston enjoys a richly diverse population; a key
part of Climate Ready Boston is analyzing how
climate hazards will impact Bostons residents.
The Vulnerability Assessment quantifi es exposures
to populations as a whole, with an additional
qualitative focus on vulnerable populations
expected to be disproportionately aff ected by
each hazard.
Not all residents are equally able to prepare
for, adapt to, and bounce back from temperature
and fl ood hazards. Those most vulnerable to
current hazards are expected to be impacted
the most as hazards worsen with climate change.
Climate Ready Boston specifi cally considers the
populations in Boston more vulnerable to these
hazards. The Climate Resilience Initiatives chapter
(see p.74) describes options for increasing resiliency
for these groups.
Seven groups who tend to be especially vulnerable
to heat and fl ood hazards have been considered:
Older adults (65+)
People of color
People with limited English profi ciency
People with low to no income
People with disabilities
People with chronic and acute medical illness
These groups are not necessarily independent.
For example, immigrants are often those with
limited English profi ciency.
Each vulnerability
can be thought of as a stressor that the individual
or household experiences, limiting that person or
household’s ability to adapt to and absorb chronic
or frequent stresses from climate hazards (e.g., heat
or stormwater fl ooding hazards) or recover from
acute events (e.g., coastal storm fl ooding).
Data regarding social vulnerability to climate
change face some limitations; it can be di cult
to diff erentiate between inherent challenges
to socially vulnerable populations and climate-
speci c challenges and impacts. Similarly,
solutions to create more resilient neighborhoods
often overlap with solutions to strengthen the
community as a whole. In-depth research into
how diff erent social vulnerabilities correlate and
overlap is in somewhat early stages, making it
diffi cult to quantify how much belonging to one or
more socially vulnerable group changes the way a
person is aff ected by climate hazards. Overlapping
groups can lead to over-counting; the assessment
quanti es how many people in one speci c
vulnerable group live in a neighborhood but not
the total number of vulnerable residents, due to
the potential for one individual to belong to
multiple groups.
In its evaluation of exposure to and consequences
of impact as a result of heat or frequent stormwater
ooding, the Vulnerability Assessment takes a
Social vulnerability is defi ned as the disproportionate
susceptibility of some social groups to the impacts
of hazards. These impacts could include death,
injury, loss, or disruption of life or livelihood. Social
vulnerability also affects a population’s resilience:
ability to adequately recover from or avoid
impacts. Vulnerability is a function of demographic
characteristics of the population, as well as
environmental and community conditions such as
healthcare provision, social capital, access to social
networks, and social isolation.
Several studies and methodologies surrounding social vulnerability informed this
analysis, including the Social Vulnerability Index and a 2015 study by Dr. Atyia Martin,
which used advanced Boston-specifi c data to assess how various determinants of
social vulnerability relate to one another (co-occurrences) and to identify primary
variables that capture the full range of vulnerabilities. Source: Martin, S. Atyia. “A
Framework to Understand the Relationship between Social Factors That Reduce
Resilience in Cities: Application to the City of Boston.” International Journal of Disaster
Risk Reduction 12:53–80. 2015.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 2524 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
more qualitative approach, though it also explores
numbers and demographics of people expected
to be aff ected. The coastal and riverine fl ood-risk
evaluation considers potential consequences in
a more quantitative fashion. It looks not just at
the number of people exposed or expected to be
displaced as the result of an event but reviews
expected economic costs resulting from mental
stress and anxiety as well as lost productivity.
Shelter needs expected for each evaluated event
in each sea level rise scenario have been calculated
based on the following factors:
Expected fl ood depths within occupied
Population residing in those structures
The share of the current population within a
given area that is identi ed as low to moderate
income or as older adults
Mental stress and Anxiety
Lost Productivity
Natural disasters threaten or cause the loss of
health, social, and economic resources, which
leads to psychological distress. Stress factors are a
product of damage to people’s homes and are
quantifi ed as treatment costs and as lost income.
Number of people and
households in need of
public shelter
Shelter needs for coastal and riverine fl ood events
are calculated as a function of fl ood depth and
certain social vulnerability factors, such as age and
income of the affected population.
Structure Damage
Content Loss
Inventory Loss
Direct physical damages include the destruction
and degradation of buildings as a result of coastal
or riverine fl ooding and are quantifi able as
monetary losses.
One time displacement and
relocation costs
Displacement costs are associated with moving
a household or a business to a new location and
resuming activity in that new location.
Mental stress and anxiety calculations are based
on the percent share of the impacted population
expected to seek mental health treatment as a
result of disruption caused by direct physical fl ood
impacts to the structures within which they reside,
as well as the expected costs of such treatment.
Lost productivity
refers to lost work productivity
as a result of mental stress and anxiety alone, and it
is calculated based on expected earnings lost over
time as a result of decreased work productivity or
performance. Both fi gures only consider impacts
for the 30-month period following a fl ood event
and are considered highly conservative (low
estimates), particularly given that results only
Methodology is detailed in the Appendix and follows process described in FEMA’s
Hazus Flood Technical Manual 2.1. Source: “Hazus Flood Technical Manual.” Federal
Emergency Management Agency. Hazushtt
See Appendix for detailed methodology and sources.
Both mental stress and anxiety and lost productivity are calculated using FEMA
methodologies approved for benefi t-cost analyses to federal funding for mitigation
projects. See Appendix for detailed methodology and sources. Source: “Final
Sustainability Benefi ts Methodology Report.” Federal Emergency Management Agency.
August 23, 2012. /pii/S22124291400119
Values are considered conservative as they only incorporate the percent of the
population expected to seek treatment, as opposed to the entire population expected
to experience mental stress and anxiety. Further, only near-term effects are evaluated.
Refer to the Appendix for a more detailed description of the approach.
consider the portion of the population expected to
actively seek treatment and not all of those who
will likely experience some sort of impairment as
a result of the stress from an event.
Additional consequence calculations related
to the citys population are captured within the
coastal and riverine evaluations for buildings
and the economy and should be considered when
planning for both the general population and
vulnerable people. Such calculations include
relocation and displacement costs as well as
potential job loss. More information on these
topics is provided below.
Climate Ready Boston developed an understanding
of both exposure and potential consequences
of climate hazard impacts to the citys current
building stock through a number of steps described
in detail in the Appendix and briefl y described
here. First, Climate Ready Boston compiled a
comprehensive building stock inventory from a
variety of sources. The information gathered from
these sources was reconciled and reviewed for
overlap, inaccuracies, and need for clarity. Data
elds used for the evaluation were extensive and
include such structure characteristics as location,
footprint, use, number of stories, and real estate
market value. Based on the location, use, size,
and type of structure, analysts developed building
construction and replacement costs,
disruption costs
for the structure, and expected
contents and inventory
as well as rental rates
and other assumptions that would be needed to
understand potential fi nancial consequences in
the case of fl ood impacts. Grade-elevation data
was combined with the building stock in order
to analyze the extent and depth of fl ooding that
could occur at and within each structure based
on the fl ood hazard data described above.
Flood exposure was determined by cross-
referencing structure location data with
stormwater, coastal, and riverine fl ood hazard
overlays and has been calculated based on
structures shown to currently exist within areas
identi ed as future fl ood hazard areas. Exposure
results for fl ood hazard can be reported based on
any number of structure characteristics and are
provided in this report by number and type of
structures exposed, exposed square footage, and
real estate market value exposed. Exposure to heat
hazard is pervasive across the city, with higher
heat indexes expected within urban heat islands.
Consequences of coastal and riverine fl ood
damage were evaluated based on depth damage
functions developed by the United States Army
Corps (USACE) for this region following Hurricane
Sa ndy.
Flood depths at each structure are cross-
referenced with depth damage functions that
provide expected percent loss and expected
displacement times (number of days that the
structure is expected to be uninhabitable) for
the structure.
Costs of displacement
and direct
physical damage to buildings were then calculated
based on percent loss and displacement time
combined with structure replacement costs and
disruption costs and rental rates, respectively.
Building replacement values per square foot were obtained by analysts from
RSMeans2016 square footage costs for building types in the Boston area. See Appendix
for more detail.
One-time disruption costs are essentially costs to move people or contents from one
location to another and have been developed using FEMA Hazus values. See Appendix
TBD for more detail.
The contents replacement value is based on the contents-to-structure ratio values
(CSRV) for residential and non-residential structures from data obtained through surveys
in the West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction
Study. Source: “West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk
Reduction Study—Final Integrated Feasibility Study Report and Environmental Impact
Statement.” USACE. November 2014.
Based on 2016 local market rates. See Appendix for more detail.
Source: “North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (NAACS).” U.S. Army Corps of
One-time disruption costs are essentially costs to move people or contents from one
location to another and have been developed using FEMA Hazus values. See Appendix
TBD for more detail.
Displacement or relocation costs are calculated based on numerous factors to
include local rental rates, owner occupancy rates, structure fl ood depths, and others.
See Appendix for full methodology.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 2726 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Consequences of impact from heat- and
stormwater-related fl ood hazards are assessed
more qualitatively based on structure types
and occupancies, as well as lessons learned.
For example, certain structures are more likely
to experience stress to their power supply as a
result of excessive heat.
Infrastructure refers to facilities and assets that
provide a public service to the City of Boston and
its population. Infrastructure may be publicly or
privately owned and operated and include the
following, for example:
Critical facilities, such as water treatment
facilities and generating plants
Transportation infrastructure, such as
roads, bridges, and public transportation
Essential facilities, such as hospitals
and emergency operations centers
Public facilities, such as schools and
civic structures
Climate Ready Boston developed a detailed
asset inventory to capture infrastructure and to
supplement the general building stock described
above. This combined inventory was based on
over 130 separate datasets from a variety of
sources (see Appendix for more detail). This
dataset was merged with the general building
stock, where appropriate, in order to fi ll in data
gaps and confi rm property uses. Members of the
Infrastructure Advisory Group (IAG) supported
the identifi cation of infrastructure assets, as well
as relationships and interdependencies between
diff erent assets and entities, individual and system
vulnerabilities, and existing resiliency measures
in place or planned.
The infrastructure analysis for stormwater
and coastal and riverine fl ooding presents
exposure statistics accompanied by largely
qualitative descriptions of potential impacts
that may result from service interruptions,
including interdependencies between diff erent
infrastructure networks. Due variably to data
limitations or privacy and security concerns, the
Vulnerability Assessment does not include site-
Example Adapted from FEMA’s Benefi t Cost Analysis Training Unit 3
speci c information necessary to individually
assess infrastructure vulnerability.
Only direct
physical damages to buildings have been captured
for coastal and riverine fl ood hazard using
the method explained above in the Buildings
section, with potential impacts to service and
line routes (such as transportation, pipelines,
electrical lines) described qualitatively.
hazard vulnerability is assessed qualitatively
and refers predominantly to impacts on energy
infrastructure as well as public and other facilities
without air conditioning or that may house
vulnerable populations (such as nursing homes
or public housing).
While the focus of this analysis is on impacts to
Bostons infrastructure, much infrastructure is
systemic in nature and will have broader regional
impacts that need to be considered in future
planning e orts. Similarly, the impacts of regional
infrastructure on Bostons people and economy
should be considered in future eff orts.
Infrastructure and community stakeholders supported the
development of the Vulnerability Assessment and climate
resilience initiatives through participation in the IAG and
the Community Climate Resilience Focus Groups.
Infrastructure Advisory Group: IAG members included
representatives from the following:
Utility companies
Hospitals, including Medical and Scientifi c
Community Organization, Inc. (MASCO)
Public agencies, such as the Massachusetts Port
Authority (Massport), MassDOT, Boston Housing
Authority, and the Boston Water and Sewer
City agencies such as the Department of Public Works
(DPW), the Parks and Recreation Department (BPRD),
the Boston Transportation Department (BTD), the Boston
Conservation Commission, the Boston Public Health
Commission, and the Commission for Elderly Affairs
Through a series of group planning discussions and
workshops, IAG members supported the process by
providing insight on the greater Boston area infrastructure
(e.g., transportation, utilities, buildings, environmental
and recreational assets, public housing, and schools)
and key interdependencies between different types of
infrastructure. Cascading impacts of interruption in the
transportation network rose as a major concern across
IAG members from all sectors.
Community Climate Resiliency Focus Group: Focus group
members included representatives from the following:
Community and neighborhood development
corporations (e.g., the Neighborhood of Affordable
Housing [NOAH])
Government agencies and commissions (i.e., the
Boston Public Health Commission] and the Boston
Elderly Commission)
100 Resilient Cities Steering Committee and Working
Group (led by City of Boston Chief Resilience Offi cer
Dr. Atyia Martin)
Goals included providing input to the Vulnerability
Assessment and Climate Resilience Initiatives and
providing an opportunity for groups to learn from one
another. Discussions focused on community infrastructure,
ongoing resilience work, and opportunities for partnerships
on implementation of community initiatives. Key fi ndings
included the importance of sensitivity around mapping
efforts and the need to be equitable when prioritizing
climate readiness solutions.
It should be noted that calculations typically involve the 10 percent, 2 percent,
1 percent, and 0.2 percent annual chance events. Climate Ready Boston has
substituted the 0.2 percent annual chance event with the 0.1 percent annual chance
event in order to understand impacts at that severity of storm. As such, damage-cost
calculations may be conservative compared to if the 0.2 percent annual chance had
been incorporated.
At a minimum, site-specifi c information needed to make conclusions about asset
or system vulnerability include the critical fl ood elevation and any mitigation or
emergency protection measures in place.
It should be noted that service loss can be quantifi ed.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 2928 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Impacts to people, structures, and infrastructure
as a result of climate hazards can also disrupt
the broader Boston economy. Severe impacts can
have regional, national, and even international
consequences. As a result, Climate Ready
Boston has sought to quantitatively capture
the potential impacts of business interruption
within Boston as a result of coastal and riverine
ooding, although results are conservative (low
estimates). Calculations use a combination of
expected building restoration times sourced by
FEMA, output and employment values by zip
code for Suff olk County from 2014 (most recent
available data), and input output modeling
through IMPLAN.
Only loss impacts within the
city are considered, and restoration times used
to determine business interruption assume only
oors of the structure that are directly impacted
experience disruption. It further assumes that all
businesses will eventually reopen and that all real
estate will return to value production. It reality,
almost 40 percent of small businesses never reopen
following a disaster.
Exposure and consequences to the citys economy
as a result of heat- or stormwater-related fl ood
hazard is explored qualitatively.
Loss of Employment
Output Loss
Business interruption is associated income lost as
a result of an event that disrupts the operations of
the business or the removal of a piece of real estate,
both rental and sale properties, from the market as
a result of disaster impacts.
All loss estimations are reported by imposing
future climate conditions on the present
population and built environment. Neither
population nor development have been projected
into the future.
Loss estimations for people, property, and the
economy presented in this assessment are reported
both as one-time costs by event in total, by loss
category, and as an annualized value for each sea
level rise condition.
Annualized values represent
the total of the product of single losses expected
for each projected sea level rise condition and
its chance of occurring in any given year.
method facilitates resiliency planning by allowing
for comparison across areas and events, as well as
expected losses in each sea level rise scenario.
Detailed methodology provided in the Appendix.
Source: “National Flood Insurance Program: Protecting Your Business.” Federal
Emergency Management Agency.
Annualized values consider four of the fi ve frequencies considered in this Vulnerability
Assessment, including the 10 percent, 2 percent, 1 percent, and 0.1 percent annual
chance fl ood. Direct damages for each of the ood frequencies for one sea level rise
condition were multiplied by their percent chance of occurrence and then added
together to yield the annualized value for one sea level rise condition. Thus annualized
values do not consider frequent ood events such as high tides or storms with a chance
of occurrence greater than 10 percent.
Annualized losses should not be interpreted as the losses expected annually. Refer
to the Appendix for a more detailed description of the approach taken to evaluate
damage factors.
Annualizing losses is one method used to “normalize” results of
an evaluation (or even historical losses) in order to communicate
risk. In fact, the defi nition of “risk” is often communicated
as “probability times consequence”; this is exactly how
annualized losses are calculated. Annualized losses can be
used to compare the impacts of different events across time
for mitigation-planning purposes and can even be used to
compare the effects of entirely different hazards (so long as a
probability of impact and costs of such impact can be derived).
Expected relocation costs within the city as a result of 9 inches
of sea level rise (near-term sea level rise scenario) can be used
to illustrate this point:
By annualizing the losses of this event, it becomes apparent
that the risk (probability times consequence) associated with
the 10 percent annual chance event is higher than the lowest
probability event evaluated, despite the fact that one-time
event costs for the 10 percent chance are expected to be
signifi cantly lower. This information informs the resiliency planner
that, in combination with other factors, properties within the 10
percent annual chance fl ood area should perhaps be prioritized
for action prior to those at risk only to lower-probability events.
Risk prioritization should take into consideration a variety of factors.
percent annual chance
probability x consequence
high probability
$12,000,000 10% $1,200,000
2% 30,500,000 2% $600,000
lower probability
$35,600,000 1% $400,000
very low probability
$155,200,000 0.1% $200,000
Total cannot be calculated - $2,400,000
When the frequency of occurrence is
considered, the total economic cost of high
probability events is signifi cantly higher. These
events have a lower cost each time they
occur, but occur much more frequently.
The one-time economic consequences
are larger for lower probability storms.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 3130 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Older adults (those over age 65) have physical
vulnerabilities in a climate event; they suff er
from higher rates of medical illness than the rest
of the population and can have some functional
limitations in an evacuation scenario, as well as
when preparing for and recovering from a disaster.
Furthermore, older adults are physically more
vulnerable to the impacts of extreme heat. Beyond
the physical risk, older adults are more likely
to be socially isolated. Without an appropriate
support network, an initially small risk could be
exacerbated if an older adult is not able to get help.
Families with children require additional
resources in a climate event. When school is
cancelled, parents need alternative childcare
options, which can mean missing work. Children
are especially vulnerable to extreme heat and
stress following a natural disaster.
People of color make up a majority (53 percent)
of Boston’s population. People of color are more
likely to fall into multiple vulnerable groups as
well. People of color statistically have lower levels
of income and higher levels of poverty than the
population at large. People of color, many of whom
also have limited English pro ciency, may not
have ready access in their primary language to
information about the dangers of extreme heat or
about cooling center resources. This risk to extreme
heat can be compounded by the fact that people of
color often live in more densely populated urban
areas that are at higher risk for heat exposure due
to the urban heat island eff ect.
Without adequate English skills, residents can
miss crucial information on how to prepare
for hazards. Cultural practices for information
sharing, for example, may focus on word-of-mouth
communication. In a fl ood event, residents can also
face challenges communicating with emergency
327, 2 8 4
response personnel. If residents are more socially
isolated, they may be less likely to hear about
upcoming events. Finally, immigrants, especially
ones who are undocumented, may be reluctant to
use government services out of fear of deportation
or general distrust of the government or emergency
A lack of fi nancial resources impacts a household’s
ability to prepare for a disaster event and to
support friends and neighborhoods. For example,
residents without televisions, computers, or data-
driven mobile phones may face challenges ge ing
news about hazards or recovery resources. Renters
may have trouble fi nding and paying deposits for
replacement housing if their residence is impacted
by fl ooding. Homeowners may be less able to
aff ord insurance that will cover fl ood damage.
Having low or no income can create diffi culty
evacuating in a disaster event because of a higher
reliance on public transportation. If unable to
evacuate, residents may be more at risk without
supplies to stay in their homes for an extended
period of time. Low- and no-income residents
can also be more vulnerable to hot weather if
running air conditioning or fans puts utility
costs out of reach.
People with disabilities are among the most
vulnerable in an emergency; they sustain
disproportionate rates of illness, injury, and death
in disaster events.
People with disabilities can
nd it diffi cult to adequately prepare for a disaster
event, including moving to a safer place. They are
more likely to be left behind or abandoned during
evacuations. Rescue and relief resourceslike
emergency transportation or shelters, for example
may not be universally accessible. Research has
revealed a historic pa ern of discrimination
against people with disabilities in times of resource
scarcity, like after a major storm and fl ood.
Social vulnerability is de ned as the disproportionate susceptibility
of some social groups to the impacts of hazards, including death,
injury, loss, or disruption of livelihood.
Numbers show a representation
of citywide populations or cases.
Socially vulnerable populations were mapped by number of people per land acre
in each census tract in the City of Boston. Census tracts whose concentrations of
vulnerable populations in each group fall in the top quartile (25 percent) of census
tracts are highlighted in the series of maps.
For example, research indicates the mortality rate among people with disabilities was
twice that of the rest of the population during the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 3332 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Symptoms of existing medical illnesses are often
exacerbated by hot temperatures. For example,
heat can trigger asthma a acks or increase already
high blood pressure due to the stress of high
temperatures put on the body. Climate events can
interrupt access to normal sources of healthcare
and even life-sustaining medication. Special
planning is required for people experiencing
medical illness. For example, people dependent on
dialysis will have di erent evacuation and care
needs than other Boston residents in a climate
The Vulnerability Assessment analyzes personal
characteristics (like income or race) that heighten
vulnerability in a climate event and also considers
vulnerabilities that occur at a neighborhood
scale. If a neighborhood has less access to a
certain resource, its residents can be even more
vulnerable. Neighborhoods need redundancy
in their resource networks in the same way that
individuals do.
Communities with overlapping vulnerabilities
are at greater risk. Risk is increased even further
in the context of chronically under-resourced
Neighborhood connectivity is a signi cant factor
in community resilience. Neighborhoods that are
less well served by public transit or with fewer
# % # % # % # %
Allston/ Brighton 75,000 6,100 8% 4,600 6% 25,400 34%
9,700 13% 21,000 28% 6,200 8% 29,200 n/a
Back Bay/ Beacon Hill 22,600 2,800 12% 1,900 8% 3,600 16%
600 3% 2,600 11% 1,000 5% 9,500 n/a
Charlestown 16,400 1,800 11% 3,300 20% 4,000 24%
1,600 10% 4,200 25% 1,500 9% 6,500 n/a
Dorchester 87,400 8,500 10% 21,000 24% 62,500 72%
35,100 40% 26,600 30% 12,400 14% 31,800 36%
Downtown 30,000 4,100 14% 2,000 7% 9,400 31%
4,000 13% 6,800 23% 2,600 9% 12,400 n/a
East Boston 40,500 4,100 10% 8,700 21% 25,500 63%
17,400 43% 13,700 34% 5,200 13% 14,800 n/a
Fenway/ Kenmore 44,300 2,100 5% 600 1% 14,400 33%
3,700 8% 11,200 25% 2,700 6% 16,000 n/a
Harbor Islands - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Hyde Park 32,300 4,200 13% 7,000 22% 23,200 72%
4,600 14% 5,700 18% 3,800 12% 12,500 n/a
Jamaica Plain 42,100 4,100 10% 6,300 15% 19,200 46%
4,900 12% 14,500 34% 4,200 10% 16,400 n/a
Mattapan 33,700 3,900 11% 9,600 29% 32,100 95%
5,800 17% 11,900 35% 6,000 18% 12,500 n/a
Roslindale 37,700 3,800 10% 7,100 19% 16,700 44%
5,400 14% 6,800 18% 4,100 11% 12,500 n/a
Roxbury 71,600 5,800 8% 16,700 23% 59,200 83%
11,400 16% 27,700 39% 10,400 15% 24,000 n/a
South Boston 31,800 3,200 10% 4,900 15% 7,100 22%
2,600 8% 8,200 26% 3,000 9% 13,500 n/a
South End 38,600 3,300 9% 4,900 13% 16,500 43%
5,800 15% 11,600 30% 4,300 11% 12,800 n/a
West Roxbury 30,400 5,400 18% 6,100 20% 8,100 27%
3,000 10% 3,500 11% 3,000 10% 12,400 n/a
Boston Total 634,400 63,200 104,700 327,300
98,200 176,100 70,700 236,900
Percent of Boston 100% 10% 17% 52%
15% 28% 11% 37%
road connections overall are more vulnerable in a
climate event. If a neighborhood only has one bus
or subway line connecting it to the transportation
system, residents who depend on transit can
more easily be cut o from their employment or
healthcare. The GoBoston 2030 planning eff ort is
evaluating and planning for Bostons neighborhood
Neighborhood connectivity spans more than just
transportation access; connections between people
also create more resilient communities. Strong
community organizations reduce risk from social
isolation and connect residents to resources and
information regarding climate change impacts.
Limited access to resources at a neighborhood scale
can also exacerbate social vulnerability. East Boston,
for example, has high concentrations of medical
illness but no hospitals. If the tunnels and bridges
became inaccessible in a fl ood event, those in need
of acute medical care could be less able to access it;
access to much-needed medications has historically
been an issue in large coastal fl ood events.
The daily stresses socially vulnerable residents
face can also make recovery and adaptation more
diffi cult. For example, residents living in an area
without a grocery store may have less access to
healthy food. In such areas, classifi ed as “food
deserts,” residents may face challenges to eating
healthily on a daily basis as well as acquiring
adequate food supplies for sheltering in place
in a climate event. Bostons food deserts include
the Seaport, Roslindale, East Boston, Roxbury, and
West Roxbury.
# % # % # % # %
Allston/ Brighton 75,000 6,100 8% 4,600 6% 25,400 34%
9,700 13% 21,000 28% 6,200 8% 29,200 n/a
Back Bay/ Beacon Hill 22,600 2,800 12% 1,900 8% 3,600 16%
600 3% 2,600 11% 1,000 5% 9,500 n/a
Charlestown 16,400 1,800 11% 3,300 20% 4,000 24%
1,600 10% 4,200 25% 1,500 9% 6,500 n/a
Dorchester 87,400 8,500 10% 21,000 24% 62,500 72%
35,100 40% 26,600 30% 12,400 14% 31,800 36%
Downtown 30,000 4,100 14% 2,000 7% 9,400 31%
4,000 13% 6,800 23% 2,600 9% 12,400 n/a
East Boston 40,500 4,100 10% 8,700 21% 25,500 63%
17,400 43% 13,700 34% 5,200 13% 14,800 n/a
Fenway/ Kenmore 44,300 2,100 5% 600 1% 14,400 33%
3,700 8% 11,200 25% 2,700 6% 16,000 n/a
Harbor Islands - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Hyde Park 32,300 4,200 13% 7,000 22% 23,200 72%
4,600 14% 5,700 18% 3,800 12% 12,500 n/a
Jamaica Plain 42,100 4,100 10% 6,300 15% 19,200 46%
4,900 12% 14,500 34% 4,200 10% 16,400 n/a
Mattapan 33,700 3,900 11% 9,600 29% 32,100 95%
5,800 17% 11,900 35% 6,000 18% 12,500 n/a
Roslindale 37,700 3,800 10% 7,100 19% 16,700 44%
5,400 14% 6,800 18% 4,100 11% 12,500 n/a
Roxbury 71,600 5,800 8% 16,700 23% 59,200 83%
11,400 16% 27,700 39% 10,400 15% 24,000 n/a
South Boston 31,800 3,200 10% 4,900 15% 7,100 22%
2,600 8% 8,200 26% 3,000 9% 13,500 n/a
South End 38,600 3,300 9% 4,900 13% 16,500 43%
5,800 15% 11,600 30% 4,300 11% 12,800 n/a
West Roxbury 30,400 5,400 18% 6,100 20% 8,100 27%
3,000 10% 3,500 11% 3,000 10% 12,400 n/a
Boston Total 634,400 63,200 104,700 327,300
98,200 176,100 70,700 236,900
Percent of Boston 100% 10% 17% 52%
15% 28% 11% 37%
“People with limited English profi ciency” = ACS survey respondents who indicated
they speak English less than “very well.”
Health data at the local level in Massachusetts not available beyond zip codes. EASI
modeled the health statistics for the U.S. population based upon age, sex, and race
probabilities using U.S. Census Bureau data. The probabilities are modeled against the
census and current-year and fi ve-year forecasts. “Medical illness” is the sum of asthma
in children, asthma in adults, heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis, cancer, diabetes,
kidney disease, and liver disease. A limitation is that these numbers may be over-
counted as the result of people potentially having more than one medical illness. These
statistics refl ect the number of incidences of each illness, not the number of residents.
Neighborhood percentages are not available due to potential for over-counting.
Food deserts are areas located greater than one mile away from a grocery store.
Source: “Food Access Research Atlas.” USDA Economic Research Service.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 3534 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
The citywide fi ndings of the Vulnerability
Assessment are summarized within this section.
Based on the hazard data and methodologies
previously discussed, the exposures and
consequences of all three hazards are presented
and compared by neighborhood. The fi ndings
for each hazard are organized based on expected
impacts to people, buildings, infrastructure,
and the economy. Where possible, quantitative
analyses were conducted, though due to
limitations in the available data, some fi ndings
only include a qualitative assessment of exposure.
This section includes analyses of the following:
1. Extreme Heat: Public health and other
impacts of rising temperatures
2. Stormwater Flooding: Quantitative and
qualitative impacts on people, buildings,
infrastructure, and economy
3. Coastal and Riverine Flooding: Quantitative
and qualitative impacts on people, buildings,
infrastructure, and economy
Heat impacts are some of the most well-
understood, measurable, and preventable impacts
of climate change on human health.
Negative health impacts often accompany extreme
heat. These consequences may include direct loss
of life, increases in respiratory and cardiovascular
diseases, and challenges to mental health. Weather
and climate can also infl uence health stressors,
such as air pollution and vector-borne diseases.
Given the steady rise in temperatures that has been
occurring in Boston1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since
1970 (see Climate Projection Consensus within
this report)it is probable that corresponding
health risks will become an even greater challenge
in the future. Climate Ready Boston examined
current climate health risks faced by Boston and
considered how climate change may worsen these
risks. The assessment draws on related assessments
completed over the past several years.
While some health impact pathways are rather
directsuch as the immediate consequences of
high temperature or severe stormsmost operate
through complex systems involving urban land
use, infrastructure, ecology, and other systems.
Compromised infrastructure can magnify health
vulnerabilities. For example, air conditioning
requires reliable delivery of electricity, which, in
turn, depends on the integrity of the electrical
grid system and associated power-generating
facilities. Access to healthcare services depends
on a functioning transportation system. Thus,
understanding the impact that future extreme
weather events may have on health in Boston
requires considerations of the vulnerabilities of
critical infrastructure systems.
Heat extremes can cause death in addition to
exacerbating chronic health conditions and disease.
Emergency room visits and hospital admissions
increase during heat waves. Consequences of heat
are some of the most well-understood, measurable,
and preventable impacts of climate change on
human health. While everyone is vulnerable
when temperatures spike, some members of
the population are particularly vulnerable,
including older adults (especially if living alone),
the very young, low- and no-income residents,
Some members of
the population are
particularly at risk
when temperatures
spike, including
older adults, the
very young, outdoor
workers, and those
with pre-existing
health conditions.
The maps above show both daytime and nighttime heat
islands as measured by changes in land surface temperature
across the City of Boston. The dots help show concentrations
of populations vulnerable to heat.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 3736 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
outdoor workers, and those with preexisting
chronic diseases.
In addition to these individual
characteristics, research shows that living in
neighborhoods with less tree canopy leads to
greater risk.
The link between less tree canopy and warmer
temperatures in urban neighborhoods is part of the
“heat island eff ect.” The concept of the heat island
eff ect refers to the higher temperatures observed
in city centers as compared with surrounding
regions; these higher temperatures are particularly
hazardous at nigh ime, when it is important for
the body to cool off .
Most of the scienti c evidence on the health eff ects
of heat has focused on increases in daily death
counts during and following extreme heat events.
Even a single day of high temperatures may
increase death rates, but a sequence of hot days,
as in the case of a heat wave, brings even more
risk. Extremes of heat will become more severe and
more prolonged and extend into the spring and fall
seasons, leading to greater exposures of vulnerable
people. This exposure may be exacerbated given
the aging of the population.
Morbidity and mortality e ects of heat may be
especially severe if the power goes out during an
extreme heat event. Power failures are more likely
during heat waves due to the increased demand
for electric power for air conditioning, as well as
the added stress of the heat on mechanical and
electrical assets. At the same time, air conditioning
provides important protection from exposure to
extreme heat, especially for those who are most
vulnerable. The loss of power during extreme
events, which may be more likely with climate
change, could signi cantly amplify heat-related
health impacts in the future.
Researchers at Columbia University examined
the potential future health impacts from warming
temperatures by linking together future climate
projections with information on the health
responses that occur in a city when temperatures
The historical relationship
heat and deaths in the summer in Suff olk County,
Massachuse s,
shows that death rates increased
signifi cantly with high temperatures. The analysis
projected future health impacts for future
temperatures in the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s.
Since climate change will be aff ected by
greenhouse gas emissions now and into the
future, and projected emissions are uncertain,
moderate upper- and lower-bound greenhouse
gas projections were used to drive the climate
The following fi gure shows annual
heat-related mortality rates for Boston.
The fi gure shows the way that historical death rates from the baseline
period of 1985–2006 changed as a function of temperature. A relative
risk of 2.0, for example, would indicate that the heat-related mortality
rate for a day of that temperature would be twice as high as a normal
(1.0) day.
Source: Petkova et al., “Projected Heat-Related Mortality in the U.S. Urban
Northeast.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2013.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph10126734.
Using daily data from 1985 to 2006.
Suffolk County includes the cities of Boston, Revere, Chelsea, and Winthrop.
Values derived from a combination of multiple climate studies. See the Climate
Projection Summary in this report for more information.
The high-emissions scenario assumes the continuation of business as usual (no
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions).
50 Source: Kinney et al., “Approaches for Estimating Effects of Climate Change on
Heat-Related Deaths: Challenges and Opportunities.” Environmental Science and
Policy 11, 2008. Note: data for medically ill people double-counts people with multiple
illnesses and thus represents total cases of medical illness of various types as opposed to
a total number of people.
51 Source: Madrigano et al., “A Case-Only Study of Vulnerability to Heat Wave–Related
Mortality in New York City (2000–2011).” Environmental Health Perspectives 123, no. 7.
July 2015.
Mortality rates due to extreme heat
are expected to triple with the
impacts of climate change in Boston.
In the baseline period (19852016), heat-related
mortality rates were estimated to be 2.9 per 100,000
people in Boston. During the 2020s, median heat-
related mortality rates for the low and high GHG
emission scenario are expected to be 5.9 and 6.5
per 100,000, respectively.
By the 2050s, Boston
could experience median mortality rates of 8.8
and 11.7 per 100,000, for the low and high scenarios,
respectively. By the 2080s, the median heat-related
mortality rates will increase to 10.5 and 19.3
per 100,000.
Air pollution in Boston is negatively
impacted by rising average temperatures.
Boston currently faces challenges in keeping levels
of air pollution below health-based standards,
especially for ozone and fi ne particulate ma er
(PM2.5). Boston’s challenges with these pollutants
are also related to its position downwind of
much of the urban northeast corridor, along
with power plants and factories throughout
the mid-western states.
Ozone is a strong oxidant gas that occurs at high
levels during the warm half of the year and is
the major contributor to urban smog. Ozone
exacerbates respiratory illnesses like asthma
and has also been linked with premature deaths
in cities. PM2.5 measures the quantity of tiny,
invisible particles suspended in the air due
to emissions from a wide variety of sources.
Combustion of fossil fuels (e.g., from cars, trucks,
furnaces, or power plants) produces large amounts
of toxic PM2.5 emissions. PM2.5 exposure over the
long term contributes to the development of heart
and lung diseases, similar to cigare e smoking.
(1985–2016) and
projected future
annual heat-
related mortality
rates for Boston
according to 33
global climate
models and two
greenhouse gas
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 3938 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Maps show the reported cases of Lyme disease in 2001
in 2014 for the areas of the country where lyme disease is
most common (the Northeast and Upper Midwest). Both the
distribution and the numbers of cases have increased. (Figure
source: adapted from CDC 2015)
Studies suggest that climate change alone (absent
changes in pollution-precursor emissions) could
lead to higher concentrations of air pollution in
the northeastern United States, especially for
ozone, leading to increasing health risks. Holding
emissions constant, climate changes could worsen
air quality, and health, by up to 5 percent by mid-
centur y.
By reducing emissions from fossil fuel
combustion, we can achieve benefi ts both for
health and for climate.
Changes in average temperatures
can also impact transmission of
vector-borne diseases.
Mosquitoes and the diseases they carry are
highly sensitive to weather phenomena such as
temperature, rainfall, and humidity. For example,
rain provides still water for mosquitoes to breed,
while drought conditions decrease survival; rising
temperatures can enhance the rates of larval
development, adult feeding behavior, and pathogen
development within the mosquito. Climate change
and associated warmer, we er conditions may
increase the risk of vector-borne disease infection,
including Lyme disease. Of particular concern are
potential future impacts related to the diseases
carried by the mosquito Aedes albopictus, which is
present in the northeastern United States but has
not thrived to date because of the constraining
in uence of cold winters. This mosquito transmits
dengue fever and chikungunya and may also carry
Zika virus.
Bostons transportation infrastructure
could be at risk from increased frequency,
duration, and intensity of heat waves.
High temperatures can cause steel railroad tracks
to expand. The expansion causes stress to ties,
ballasts, and rail anchors that keep the tracks fi xed
In extreme heat, the air-conditioned built
environment is where the city takes shelter, but our
built environment also faces impacts from heat.
Though the exact impacts of increased temperatures
and increasing frequency, duration, and intensity
of heat waves on energy use in Boston are not
quantifi ed in this report, higher average temperatures
will increase energy use in all building categories. Air
conditioning is energy intensive; if the city’s energy
infrastructure does not keep pace with increasing
demand (especially a more sudden spike in energy
use as a result of a heat wave), then brownouts or
blackouts are probable. Furthermore, this increased
energy usage can strain the individual building
infrastructure of some of Boston’s aging building stock
that may not have adequate electrical capacity for
suffi cient cooling.
Source: Knowlton, Kim et al. “Assessing Ozone-Related Health Impacts under a
Changing Climate.” Environmental Health Perspectives 112 (15): 1557–1563. 2004.
to the ground. Under enough force of expansion,
tracks will buckle in an impact sometimes called
a “sunk kink.” More frequent and severe heat
waves may require track repairs or speed
restrictions to avoid derailments. Many rail
networks require trains to reduce their speed in
temperatures over 90 degrees. With more annual
days over 90 expected in the future, the effi ciency
of the rail system in the city and in the Northeast
Corridor could be impacted.
Thermal expansion can also occur in asphalt
and concrete roads in hot temperatures, causing
roads to buckle. Road buckling is more common
in concrete than in asphalt since it is a less
exible material. Buckling is most common in the
early summer months when there is subsurface
moisture. Road buckling is di cult to predict
and diffi cult to prepare for aside from cautioning
drivers to be aware of the road condition and
having repair crews ready. Some bridges and
railroad tracks are constructed with expansion
joints designed to safely absorb heat-induced
expansion of construction materials without
any cracking or buckling. Control joints, on the
other handmuch less expensive than expansion
jointsare strategic cuts in concrete used to allow
any cracking from thermal expansion to occur in
a controlled fashion for predictability and ease of
Finally, regular road upkeep can be negatively
impacted by construction crews’ ability to work
safely outdoors to maintain roads in the ho er
summer months.
In Boston, this challenge could
be somewhat mitigated by workers being able to
work longer into the winter months.
Increased average temperatures will also impact
natural systems and green infrastructure in
Boston. Natural systemsincluding the urban
tree canopy, public parks and open space, and
private and commercial green spaceplay a
signifi cant role in mitigating extreme heat events.
These systems can also suff er from chronic stress
related to increased average temperatures, drought,
and abnormally warm winter seasons.
While tree species near the southern end of their
native range and those which are intolerant of
urban conditions will be particularly stressed,
increased temperatures, mild winters, and
dramatic temperature fl uctuations may disrupt
the seasonal cycles of many species. This would
potentially lead to damage or death. These
stressors can also leave urban forests particularly
vulnerable to pest and pathogens that more freely
proliferate with reduced frost depth and increased
frost-free days.
Heat-related vulnerabilities to the urban tree
canopy and natural systems are a compounding
issue. As rising temperatures lead to a potential
increase in tree mortality, any loss of canopy
coverage or green space will only contribute to
the urban heat island eff ect, reduced air quality,
increased stormwater runoff , and decreased
quality of life.
Source: “The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on U.S. Transportation.”
Transportation Research Board Special Report 290. National Research Council (NRC).
Source: “Workers at Risk from Excessive Heat.” Occupational Safety and Health
Administration. United States Department of Labor.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 4140 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Without improvements, the existing
stormwater system will not be capable of
conveying a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event,
causing untreated stormwater runoff to
pond in the streets. Further, the system
currently struggles to convey the current
10-year, 24-hour rainfall event.
By mid-century, 7 percent of the total land area in
the city could be exposed to stormwater fl ooding
for the 10-year, 24-hour event, with that percentage
increasing to 9 percent by the end of the century.
West Roxbury, Allston, Brighton, East Boston, and
South Dorchester have the largest areas of land
expected to be aff ected by stormwater fl ooding,
while the South End and South Boston can expect
2030S–2050S 2050S–2100S 2070S OR LATER
NEIGHBORHOOD 2030S–2050S 2050S–2100S 2070S OR LATER
West Roxbury 3,350 240 240 260
West Roxbury 7% 7% 8%
Allston/Brighton 2,940 200 200 220
Allston/Brighton 7% 7% 8%
Dorchester 3,780 330 360 410
Dorchester 9% 10% 11%
East Boston 3,430 180 210 260
East Boston 5% 6% 8%
Jamaica Plain 2,260 170 180 190
Jamaica Plain 8% 8% 9%
Hyde Park 3,260 170 170 180
Hyde Park 5% 5% 6%
Roslindale 2,250 170 170 180
Roslindale 7% 7% 8%
Roxbury 2,770 170 170 180
Roxbury 6% 6% 7%
Mattapan 1,560 130 130 140
Mattapan 8% 8% 9%
South Boston 1,940 120 150 190
South Boston 6% 8% 10%
South End 640 70 90 160
South End 11% 14% 26%
Charlestown 870 60 60 70
Charlestown 7% 7% 8%
Fenway/Kenmore 620 50 50 60
Fenway/Kenmore 8% 8% 9%
Downtown 770 40 40 50
Downtown 5% 6% 7%
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 460 30 30 30
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 6% 6% 7%
Harbor Islands 820 90 100 120
Harbor Islands 11% 12% 15%
Boston Total 31,720 2,200 2,350 2,720
Boston Total 7% 7% 9%
The Wastewater Facilities Study completed by
BWSC has greatly improved understanding of
stormwater fl ood risk in Boston.
Data and insight provided by BWSC has
been instrumental in the completion of the
Vulnerability Assessment and the development
of the resilience initiatives. As discussed in the
Process Overview above, the BWSC’s analysis
of current and future fl ooding for 10-year, 24-
hour rainfall events has provided a foundation
for this Vulnerability Assessment. Though the
BWSC stormwater fl ooding exposure data are
not specifi c enough to approximate structural
damage or other direct consequences, the
data provide ample details to assess areas
impacted by frequent (10-year, 24-hour) and
nuisance fl ooding. Additionally, BWSC has been
an active partner through the Climate Ready
Boston process, providing insights necessary to
develop impactful resilience initiatives.
Top Three Affected by Acres in the Near TermTop Affected by Percentage in the Near Term
Land areas are based on the three 10-year, 24-hour stormwater fl ood extents
developed by BWSC and outlined in the Process Overview section. Sea level rise is
accounted for in future climate conditions.
2030S–2050S 2050S–2100S 2070S OR LATER
NEIGHBORHOOD 2030S–2050S 2050S–2100S 2070S OR LATER
West Roxbury 3,350 240 240 260
West Roxbury 7% 7% 8%
Allston/Brighton 2,940 200 200 220
Allston/Brighton 7% 7% 8%
Dorchester 3,780 330 360 410
Dorchester 9% 10% 11%
East Boston 3,430 180 210 260
East Boston 5% 6% 8%
Jamaica Plain 2,260 170 180 190
Jamaica Plain 8% 8% 9%
Hyde Park 3,260 170 170 180
Hyde Park 5% 5% 6%
Roslindale 2,250 170 170 180
Roslindale 7% 7% 8%
Roxbury 2,770 170 170 180
Roxbury 6% 6% 7%
Mattapan 1,560 130 130 140
Mattapan 8% 8% 9%
South Boston 1,940 120 150 190
South Boston 6% 8% 10%
South End 640 70 90 160
South End 11% 14% 26%
Charlestown 870 60 60 70
Charlestown 7% 7% 8%
Fenway/Kenmore 620 50 50 60
Fenway/Kenmore 8% 8% 9%
Downtown 770 40 40 50
Downtown 5% 6% 7%
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 460 30 30 30
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 6% 6% 7%
Harbor Islands 820 90 100 120
Harbor Islands 11% 12% 15%
Boston Total 31,720 2,200 2,350 2,720
Boston Total 7% 7% 9%
All fi gures
presented based
on current
available land.
Any change to
the landscape
from present
conditions, such
as subsidence or
land loss as a result
of sea level rise,
are not taken into
to see the greatest increase in land area exposed
to stormwater fl ooding as sea levels rise and
precipitation events become more extreme. Sea
level rise exacerbates stormwater fl ooding issues
by preventing outfl ow or even causing backfl ow,
resulting in backup of water a empting to fl ow
toward lower ground.
Every neighborhood in Boston will be
exposed to frequent stormwater fl ooding.
Throughout every neighborhood in the city, there
are multiple areas at risk of stormwater fl ooding
for the 10-year, 24-hour design storm, ranging in
size from hundreds of square feet along streets
to multiple city blocks. The largest areas of
stormwater fl ooding generally are concentrated
at low points and in areas with poor hydraulic
conveyance or insuffi cient storage capacity. Key
areas include along the coast, where outfalls
may be unable to discharge (sea level rise will
exacerbate such conditions), transportation
corridors with impervious surfaces where water
cannot percolate, and designed drainage areas that
may be overwhelmed. In total, these fl ooded areas
impact large portions of neighborhoods; 5 percent
or more of the land area in each of Bostons 17
neighborhoods will be exposed to fl ooding from
a 10-year, 24-hour storm as early as the 2030s.
Direct exposure to stormwater fl ooding
increases steadily over time due to climate
This trend is expected for frequent hazards like the
10-year, 24-hour storm and may not be consistent
for other, more severe events. When planning ways
to address stormwater fl ooding, the long-term
rate of expected change in stormwater fl ooding
(including potential planned system upgrades) is
important for implementation timing.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 4342 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Near term
Mid term
Late term
(2070s onwards)
Near term (2030s-2050s)
Mid term (2050s-2100s)
Late term (2070s onwards)
Major Roads
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 4544 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Future frequent stormwater
ooding will require gray and
green infrastructure investments.
Even with some improvements to the existing
stormwater system, untreated runoff is expected to
pond. According to the BWSC Wastewater Facilities
Study, adding storage to the conveyance systems,
making major upgrades in individual pump station
capacities, or combinations of these alternatives
will improve hydraulics but may not be able to
mitigate stormwater fl ooding in the future caused
by climate change. Further analyses are necessary
to examine the projected severity of ponding for
future climate projections after improvements are
made to the stormwater system.
Over 85,000 people
currently live in
areas expected to be directly exposed
to frequent stormwater fl ooding by the
end of the century.
Of the existing structures exposed to expected
stormwater fl ooding, 80 percent are either
residential or mixed-use buildings, impacting
tens of thousands of residents and workers in the
exposed buildings and many more that use nearby
streets and open spaces that would be fl ooded.
Stormwater fl ooding can lower indoor air
quality and worsen asthma symptoms.
Because people spend at least 90 percent
of their time indoors, the quality of the air
indoors heavily a ects health status. Moisture
and air humidity as well as the dampness of
building materials can signifi cantly impact
indoor air quality.
Any residential or commercial structures that
experience fl ooding will face potential long-term
challenges related to mold growth and resulting
respiratory problems. This risk is exacerbated in
buildings that are adjacent to poorly drained soils,
have poorly sealed exterior windows and roofs, or
use forced hot air, which can become a conveyor
of air from damp basement areas.
Some socially vulnerable populations
may face signifi cant challenges with
nuisance fl ooding.
The presence of residential buildings in fl ooded
areas likely translates to nuisance fl ooding, which
rarely damages property but impacts road access
and mobility. Nuisance fl ooding aff ects quality of
life for people in general, with a higher probability
of impacting socially vulnerable populations.
Flooded sidewalks, for example, can especially
impact someone in a wheelchair or someone who
has di culty walking, making it more diffi cult to
get to a bus stop, to work, to a shop for groceries,
or to a healthcare appointment. Flooded roads and
sidewalks also disrupt neighborhood connectivity
and isolate residents from one another,
contributing to social isolation. For populations
burdened with signifi cant stresses and fewer
resource redundancies, this hazard will cause
disproportionate impacts.
Without stormwater system improvements,
over 11,000 structures citywide
be directly exposed to late-century
stormwater fl ooding as a result of sea level
rise and increased precipitation. Many
more will be indirectly impacted.
Though stormwater fl ooding exposure is primarily
a nuisance and largely does not imply structural
damage even with direct exposure, ponding water
may compromise access to buildings, present
transportation challenges, and damage yards and
other landscaped areas. In addition, buildings
that are still connected to the combined sewer
system may experience wastewater backup issues.
Current building stock in areas expected to be exposed. The change in building stock
has not been projected.
Current population residing in areas expected to be exposed. The population has not
been projected into the future.
Although not evaluated within this Vulnerability
Assessment, rain events more extreme than the
10-year, 24-hour rainfall will have more severe
impacts in Boston, though the impacts would be
NEIGHBORHOOD 2030S–2050S 2060S–2090S 2070S–2100S
Dorchester 1,200 1,260 1,390
South End 1,110 1,320 2,040
Roslindale 880 890 960
Roxbury 870 900 950
East Boston 670 820 1,000
Allston/Brighton 660 660 730
Mattapan 640 670 710
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 530 580 600
Fenway/Kenmore 440 460 490
West Roxbury 420 420 450
Hyde Park 410 420 460
Jamaica Plain 340 350 390
South Boston 340 370 490
Downtown 260 310 350
Charlestown 200 210 240
Harbor Islands <10 <10 <10
Boston Total 8,970 9,610 11,230
(2070s TO 2100s)
less frequent. Additional analysis on extreme event
ooding and the sensitivity to climate change is
recommended for future analyses.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 4746 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Access and mobility can be impacted
at multiple scales ranging from building
entrances to local streets to major
thoroughfares like highways and
MBTA lines.
Without improvements to the stormwater
management system, frequent stormwater fl ooding
is projected near major thoroughfares, such as
Columbus Avenue, Tremont Street, and Morrissey
Boulevard, as well as Interstates 90 and 93 and
along the MBTA Orange and Red Lines. Because
data resolution is not great enough, this analysis
may not be well suited to accurately refl ect
stormwater fl ooding extents along these MBTA
lines, roadways, and highways. Nevertheless, it is
clear that, at a minimum, the fl ood data highlight
potential nuisance fl ooding at intersections and
onramps providing access to these transportation
routes. Many of these transportation routes are also
designated evacuation routes, which may become
increasingly more fl ood prone to heavy rainfall.
Increased precipitation may impact
emergency response time throughout
the city.
Several hospital campuses, fi re stations, and
police stations are expected to experience frequent
stormwater fl ooding in their vicinity and possibly
within structures in the future, including Carney
Hospital, Massachuse s General Hospital, Boston
Children’s Hospital, Boston Medical Center, and
the Boston Police Headquarters. Impeded vehicle
access to and from such facilities may impact
the timeliness of response vehicles to emergency
situations. Access issues due to stormwater
ooding may also impact shift changes
essential services operate around the clock, and
a delay in shift change could potentially result
in a diminished quality of service due to tired
employees. Every minute counts with essential
services, and extended service time is associated
with increased risk of mortality and harm in health
and safety situations.
Frequent stormwater fl ooding will
inconvenience customers and discourage
them from using nearby businesses.
Though this analysis does not have suffi cient
data to quantify economic impacts, it is expected
that local business may be negatively impacted
by frequent stormwater fl ooding. Around 800
commercial buildings are expected to be within
late-century frequently fl ooded areas, with greatest
concentrations of exposed commercial buildings
located in Downtown and Dorchester. Businesses
can expect brief closures during and after fl ood
events, with the potential for prolonged closure if
there is direct damage to property. Even without
damages to buildings, continued fl ood damage to
parking lots, sidewalks, and landscaping can cause
these assets to deteriorate more rapidly, potentially
contributing to uneven surfaces and negative
appearances that would impact safety, as well as
customer choices.
The probability of high-impact
storms in the City of Boston is
increasing over time.
Coastal and riverine fl ooding is expected
to lead to the most signifi cant increases in
climate hazard consequences to people,
buildings, infrastructure, and the economy.
Over the course of the twenty- rst century,
Boston will become incrementally more exposed
to extensive coastal and riverine fl ooding in
neighborhoods fronting Boston Harbor, Fort Point
Channel, Dorchester Bay, and the Chelsea, Mystic,
and Charles Rivers. Neighborhoods fronting the
coastline, like Downtown, East Boston, and South
Boston, are especially vulnerable currently and
will grow more vulnerable in the coming decades.
Coastal and riverine fl ooding
consequences will increase dramatically
by the middle and end of the century as
storm frequency increases and fl ooding
via new pathways becomes more
Many areas impacted by lower probability events
(i.e., 1 percent annual chance fl oods) in the early
to mid-century are expected to face exposure to
ooding from the monthly highest tides by the
mid- to late century. As sea levels rise in Boston
Harbor, coastal fl ooding is also signi cantly
more likely to penetrate inland through Fort
Point Channel to much of the South End and
the northern portion of Roxbury. Additionally,
neighborhoods along the Charles River, including
Allston/Brighton, Back Bay/Beacon Hill, and
Fenway/Kenmore, are more likely to face exposure
to fl ooding late in the century when the Charles
River Dam is at a higher risk of being fl anked or
Flood hazard data and adaptation recommendations
developed as part of the 2015 MassDOT-FHWA study
are an essential component of the Climate Ready
Boston analysis.
As discussed in this section and the Focus Areas
chapter, the rich MassDOT-FHWA fl ood hazard
dataset has been critical to quantifying exposure
and consequences. Coupled with the Climate Ready
Boston general building stock and asset inventory, a
comprehensive assessment of coastal and riverine
ooding exposure and consequences is possible
within Climate Ready Boston, while creating a
foundation for future studies.
The factors driving risk from coastal and
riverine fl ooding vary greatly along the
Boston could manage much of the coastal fl ooding
projected early in this century by addressing low
points at the waterfront through which water could
penetrate inland. This kind of approach could
be particularly e ective in Charlestown and East
Boston, where the length of waterfront sections
with low elevations is comparatively limited.
South Boston, in contrast, will be challenged
early in the century even with relatively moderate
increases in sea levels. In this neighborhood,
signifi cant portions of the waterfront serve as
ood entry points, so developing strategies to
increase protection would require more signifi cant
investments in infrastructure or more complex
coastal fl ood resiliency planning. Other fl ood entry
points, such as the fl anking of the Charles River
Dam or Fort Point Channel, are likely to require
large-scale infrastructure improvements to reduce
ood risk but would likewise result in signifi cant
benefi ts, reducing fl ood exposure across multiple
neighborhoods. See the Protected Shores resilience
initiatives (p.98) and the Focus Areas chapter (p.
148) for more details on potential fl ood protection
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 4948 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
As the sea level continues to rise, the likelihood of major fl oods
will increase from a 1% annual chance to a monthly reality
For each of the three sea level rise scenarios considered,
Climate Ready Boston also evaluated expected exposure
and impacts for four modeled fl ood events, as well as the
average monthly high tide (see Process Overview for more
on the average monthly high tide). The modeled fl ood events
coincide with the 10 percent, 2 percent, 1 percent, and 0.1
percent annual chance fl ood events, plus appropriate sea
level rise. The lower probability the event, the higher the
magnitude and severity of impact can be expected from
the storm when it arrives.
The 1 percent annual chance fl ood has a 1 in 100 chance
of being equaled or exceeded in any given year and is the
primary coastal fl ood hazard delineated in FEMA FIRMs. Percent
annual chance fl ood elevations do not imply a period of time
between occurrences. Though the chance of occurrence each
year may seem relatively low, a 1 percent annual chance event
could occur multiple times in a given year, decade, or century.
Climate Ready Boston uses a 1 percent annual chance fl ood
nomenclature rather than the “100-year” fl ood, in order to
limit confusion related to the possible time horizon of an event
occurring. The 100-year fl ood event terminology can more
easily be misinterpreted to imply that 100-year events occur
only once every 100 years. In reality, these events have close
to a one in three chance of occurring at least once during a
30-year period.
2050s-2100s: 21 INCHES OF SEA LEVEL RISE
Future fl ood extents shown only within City of Boston for all conditions.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 5150 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Neighborhoods Total
Land Area
9” SLR
1% annual
21” SLR
1% annual
36” SLR
1% annual
36” SLR
9” SLR
1% annual
21” SLR
1% annual
36” SLR
1% annual
36” SLR
I. Greatest Exposure & increasing throughout century
Charlestown 870 120 310 460 110 14% 36% 54% 12%
Downtown 770 110 240 350 70 14% 31% 45% 10%
East Boston 3,340 540 1,040 1,680 480 16% 30% 49% 14%
Harbor Islands 820 200 230 260 200 25% 28% 32% 24%
South Boston 1,940 470 930 1,220 360 24% 48% 63% 19%
II. Lower Exposure today, but signifi cant jump late century
Allston / Brighton 2,940 30 70 240 20 1% 2% 7% 1%
Back Bay / Beacon Hill 460 <10 <10 80 <10 <1% 1% 17% <1%
Roxbury 2,770 <10 <10 130 <10 <1% <1% 5% <1%
Dorchester 3,780 240 430 750 220 6% 11% 20% 6%
South End 640 <10 20 450 <10 <1% 3% 71% <1%
III. Other Neighborhoods
Fenway / Kenmore 620 <10 <10 <10 <10 <1% <1% <1% <1%
Hyde Park 3,260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamaica Plain 2,260
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mattapan 1,560
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Roslindale 2,250
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Roxbury 3,350
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston Total 31,720
1,720 3,280 5,630 1,470 8% 10% 18% 8%
AMHT is the Average monthly highest tide
Ten percent of Bostons land area
is expected face exposure to 1
percent annual chance coastal
and riverine fl ooding as soon as
the 2050s. In the late century, this
increases to 18 percent.
As soon as the 2070s, almost 5
percent of Bostons land area
is expected to face exposure
to inundation from the average
monthly high tide.
East Boston and South Boston have
the most land area affected by
coastal fl ooding and sea level rise.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 5352 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Landmarks nearest the coast, like the Institute
for Contemporary Art, the New England
Aquarium, and Boston Children’s Museum, lie
in some of the most exposed parts of the city.
Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market are slightly
farther inland but without additional actions
are also at risk of fl ooding during future high
tides. Many of the city’s oldest landmarks, such
as the Old State House, Paul Revere House, and
Old North Church, sit on higher ground, above
ood risk. Why are many of the Boston’s oldest
landmarks out of the projected fl oodplains?
The relative safety of these older landmarks
refl ects the history of our city: transformed
through centuries of landfi ll, the original islands
and peninsula of the city remain higher and
more protected than areas built on fi lled
tidelands. Comparison of Boston’s original
landforms to the 1 percent annual chance
oodplain late in the century shows a close
parallel; large portions of the original landforms
in Charlestown, the North End, Downtown,
East Boston, and South Boston remain out of
the coastal fl oodplain even late in the century
while areas that were fi lled over time are at
higher risk of fl ooding from coastal storms.
However, some fi lled areas, like parts of
Columbia Point, were fi lled to higher elevations
and therefore face less exposure to future
The impacts of climate change are not only
isolated to coastal storms. By late in the
century, the most noticeable changes to our
current landscape will likely be seen during
high tides, which will creep higher and higher
over the decades. By 2100, the extent of future
high tide could be similar to fl ooding caused by
a major storm early in this century.
In the late century, 75 percent of
buildings exposed will be either residential
or mixed-use, potentially exposing over
88,000 people (nearly 15 percent of
Bostons population) to coastal and
riverine fl ooding.
The majority of the more than 88,000 Bostonians
who will be exposed to late-century 1 percent
annual chance coastal storms and sea level rise
impacts reside in four neighborhoods: Downtown,
East Boston, South Boston, and the South End.
Projected future 10-year, 24-hour stormwater
ooding for the same time period has similar
building and population exposure statistics.
Nevertheless, coastal and riverine fl ooding is
considered more dangerous, as it is more likely
to result in massive property damage and injury
and can require years for full recovery. Further,
unresolved impacts following coastal storms can
become long-term chronic issues.
For late-century climate conditions, estimates
show that more than 9,000 people in these four
neighborhoods will be in need of public shelter due
to a coastal fl ood. The existing emergency shelters
located in these neighborhoods have a combined
capacity of just over 1,000 people.
All population, structure, and infrastructure exposure fi gures refer to potential future
hazards projected onto current conditions. No projections have been completed for
the purposes of the quantitative analysis due to inherent uncertainty.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 5554 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
At the 36-inch sea level rise condition,
10 percent of Bostons K–12 schools
are exposed to lower-probability fl ood
Closure of these schools as a result of fl ooded
access or direct damage would aff ect over 11,500
current students15 percent of all of Bostons
school-age population.
Coastal fl ooding is particularly disruptive
and dangerous for those living in
chronically stressed neighborhoods,
without resources or education for disaster
preparedness and recovery.
Coastal fl ooding will have a signifi cant near-term
impact on socially vulnerable populations living
in waterfront areas like East Boston. Moreover,
with 36 inches of sea level rise, a major coastal
storm will impact even inland neighborhoods
Neighborhood Total AMHT 10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10%
East Boston 40,500 280 820 7,020 16,670 770 9,090 16,700 18,500 6,300 18,180 19,070 20,410
Downtown 30,020 630 2,190 4,680 9,600 860 3,770 9,940 12,810 2,990 11,120 13,950 16,090
South Boston 31,780 100 1,680 2,330 6,400 100 3,090 7,340 9,210 2,270 8,750 10,960 12,260
Dorchester 87,380 0 150 340 5,740 20 3,530 5,100 6,590 160 5,760 6,820 9,700
Charlestown 16,430 350 420 1,340 3,600 350 2,530 3,730 4,750 1220 3,920 5,180 5,540
South End 38,600 0 0 0 230 0 0 240 23,350 0 24,980 27,400 35,940
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 22,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,920 0 10 4,630 13,650
Roxbury 71,580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 1060 1,830 3,590
Allston/Brighton 74,990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 190 2,380
Fenway/Kenmore 44,260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 31,400
Harbor Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hyde Park 32,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamaica Plain 42,070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mattapan 33,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Roxbury 30,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Roslindale 37,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston Total 634,440 1,360 5,260 15,700 42,250 2,110 22,010 43,060 78,055 12,930 73,790 90,080 150,950
9” SLR (2030s - 2050s) 21” SLR (2050s - 2100s) 36” SLR (2070s or later)
like Roxbury and portions of Dorchester. This
is a concern because of the multiple layers of
vulnerability that these neighborhoods are
already facing.
The risk of major storms is very diffi cult for
members of the population to conceptualize if
they have not experienced one in their lifetime. As
such, risk may be underappreciated, and residents
may fail to prepare adequately or evacuate
on time. In communities with lower levels of
education and income, people may simply lack
the resources to adequately prepare. Additionally,
large-scale fl ood defense infrastructure can result
in a false sense of security for some communities;
ood defense systems, like in New Orleans, can
never fully eliminate risk of inundation, making
multiple mitigating lines of defense, as well as
preparedness and evacuation measures, vitally
important. Such factors together exacerbated
impacts of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana in 2005.
Percentage of all schools mapped by Climate Ready Boston thus far.
Neighborhood Total AMHT 10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10%
East Boston 40,500 280 820 7,020 16,670 770 9,090 16,700 18,500 6,300 18,180 19,070 20,410
Downtown 30,020 630 2,190 4,680 9,600 860 3,770 9,940 12,810 2,990 11,120 13,950 16,090
South Boston 31,780 100 1,680 2,330 6,400 100 3,090 7,340 9,210 2,270 8,750 10,960 12,260
Dorchester 87,380 0 150 340 5,740 20 3,530 5,100 6,590 160 5,760 6,820 9,700
Charlestown 16,430 350 420 1,340 3,600 350 2,530 3,730 4,750 1220 3,920 5,180 5,540
South End 38,600 0 0 0 230 0 0 240 23,350 0 24,980 27,400 35,940
Back Bay/Beacon Hill 22,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,920 0 10 4,630 13,650
Roxbury 71,580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 720 0 1060 1,830 3,590
Allston/Brighton 74,990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 190 2,380
Fenway/Kenmore 44,260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 31,400
Harbor Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hyde Park 32,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamaica Plain 42,070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mattapan 33,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Roxbury 30,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Roslindale 37,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston Total 634,440 1,360 5,260 15,700 42,250 2,110 22,010 43,060 78,055 12,930 73,790 90,080 150,950
In a major fl ooding emergency, eff ective
communication of information becomes
essential to safety and even survival. Those
lacking information because of social isolation
or limited technology, literacy, or English
pro ciency are at risk of missing crucial
information, and preparedness plans must
take this into consideration. Flooding carries
physical risk of bodily harm, even after the
immediate storm danger has passed. Within the
week following Hurricane Sandy, more than 10
percent of the population in the fl ooded area
suff ered some sort of injury; injuries occurred
during evacuation and cleanup or repair of
damaged or destroyed homes.
The South End and East
Boston both have signifi cant
populations of low- to no-
income residents within future
ood extents.
Areas outlined on the map
in black represent census
tracts with the top quartile
of concentrations of low- to
no-income residents. Census
tracts falling in the top quartile
had concentrations of over
170 low-income households
per acre of land area.
A major storm at 36 inches
of sea level rise impacts the
vulnerable neighborhoods
of East Boston, Dorchester,
Roxbury, and the South End.
The South End and East
Boston both have signifi cant
populations of low- to no-
income residents within future
ood extents.
Those with impaired mobility (older adults,
people with medical illness, and people with
disabilities) may need special transportation and
are at risk of being left behind. Recovery resources
must be accessible to those with mobility or other
issues. Evacuation of hospitalized or long-term
care patients carries with it additional risks of
death or injury.
Source: “Nonfatal Injuries 1 Week after Hurricane Sandy.” CDC Report. October 2014.
Map highlights census tracts falling within top quartile for density of low- to no-income
residents. Flood extents shown are with 36 inches of sea level rise.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 5756 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
By number of structures alone (as
opposed to square footage or market
value), more than 10 percent of Bostons
existing buildings will be exposed to
late-century fl ooding.
Of exposed buildings late century, the majority
(almost 80 percent) are concentrated in the four
neighborhoods of the South End, East Boston,
South Boston, and Downtown, in that order.
Offi ce, retail, and service-based
commercial buildings are among
the top impacted buildings in terms of
numbers for all sea level rise conditions.
After residential and mixed-use buildings,
commercial structures make up the highest
percentage of structures exposed to sea level rise
and coastal storms (20 percent, 12 percent, and 10
percent for the early-, mid-, and late-century sea
level rise conditions, respectively). Commercial
buildings vulnerable to sea level rise and coastal
storms are most concentrated in Downtown and
South Boston.
Toward the end of the century, 5 percent of Bostons
real estate market value is expected to suff er fl ood
exposure to high tides, increasing to 25 percent for
less frequent but more severe events.
Another way to view buildings’ exposure is through
real estate market value. Market value exposure
takes into consideration the size and relative
desirability of location and features of structures
exposed to future fl ood risk, and considers land
Neighborhood Total AMHT
10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10%
East Boston 6,930 20
90 1,070 2,540 70 1,420 2,570 2,920 990 2,830 3,080 3,330
Downtown 2,960 60
160 390 830 80 390 850 1,150 300 1,050 1,240 1450
South Boston 6,800 20
160 350 730 30 420 1,000 1,360 280 1,270 1,530 1,750
Dorchester 15,740 30
90 170 820 60 360 610 1,090 120 850 1,210 2,000
Charlestown 3,420 20
70 140 410 30 170 420 610 140 470 680 780
South End 3,980 0
0 0 50 0 0 50 2,950 0 3,120 3,440 3,730
Allston/Brighton 22,600 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1,920 0 10 4,630 13,650
Harbor Islands 130 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
Back Bay/ Beacon Hill 3,470 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 <10 600 1,940
Roxbury 10,000 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 90 240 460
Fenway/ Kenmore 2,000 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <10 1,440
Hyde Park 8,490 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamaica Plain 6,690 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mattapan 6,090 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Roslindale 7,660 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Roxbury 9,390 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston Total 101,980 150
580 2,130 5,380 260 2,750 5,530 10,430 1,830 9,710 1,2100 1,7140
9”SLR (2030s - 2050s)
Neighborhood Total AMHT
10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10% AMHT 10% 1% 0.10%
East Boston 6,930 20
90 1,070 2,540 70 1,420 2,570 2,920 990 2,830 3,080 3,330
Downtown 2,960 60
160 390 830 80 390 850 1,150 300 1,050 1,240 1450
South Boston 6,800 20
160 350 730 30 420 1,000 1,360 280 1,270 1,530 1,750
Dorchester 15,740 30
90 170 820 60 360 610 1,090 120 850 1,210 2,000
Charlestown 3,420 20
70 140 410 30 170 420 610 140 470 680 780
South End 3,980 0
0 0 50 0 0 50 2,950 0 3,120 3,440 3,730
Allston/Brighton 22,600 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1,920 0 10 4,630 13,650
Harbor Islands 130 <10
<10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
Back Bay/ Beacon Hill 3,470 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 <10 600 1,940
Roxbury 10,000 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 90 240 460
Fenway/ Kenmore 2,000 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <10 1,440
Hyde Park 8,490 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jamaica Plain 6,690 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mattapan 6,090 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Roslindale 7,660 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Roxbury 9,390 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston Total 101,980 150
580 2,130 5,380 260 2,750 5,530 10,430 1,830 9,710 1,2100 1,7140
9”SLR (2030s - 2050s) 21” SLR (2050s - 2100s) 36” SLR (2070s or later)
Building exposure is based on present-day building stock currently located within projected fl ood area.
value. Land value is an important consideration
when looking at exposure of buildings to recurrent
ooding, particularly ooding of the sort that may
occur with high tides. Studies have shown that
real estate market values can decrease signi cantly
with increased perception of ood risk. The area
identi ed as the Special Flood Hazard Area on
FEMA ood maps is subject to mortgage-related
ood insurance requirements, as well as higher
ood insurance premiums. As such, fl ood risk
exposure to lower-probability events may not only
aff ect the cost of ownership of exposed buildings
in the future but also aff ect their desirability.
By the end of the century, mixed-use buildings
will occupy about half of real estate market value
exposure to fl ooding from high tides alone,
followed (by a wide margin) by commercial,
general government, and residential uses, in that
order. High tide exposure of the market value of
transportation-related buildings
increases by
signifi cant orders of magnitude from mid- to late
century. Transportation-related structures and
essential facilities (such as Fire, EMS, police stations,
and hospitals) are expected to have over $1.3 billion
in property value exposed to average monthly high
tide fl ood events during that same period.
Any structure can experience cascading impacts as a
result of direct losses to other infrastructure service
sectors, regardless of whether the site experiences
direct fl ood impacts. This concept is further
described in the Interdependencies section below.
Transportation-related buildings are those defi ned by the Boston Assessing Department
as terminals for trucks, air freight, bus and rail, and the airport, in addition to Port Authority
property, piers and docks, hangars, and railroad structures.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 5958 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Key components of Bostons transportation
system, most notably MBTA T service
and evacuation routes, may be at risk to
coastal and riverine fl ood impacts in the
near future.
Many residents depend on Bostons public transit
system to get to work, school, or healthcare, and
this system is one of the fi rst to face exposure
to coastal fl ooding. Twelve MBTA stations face
exposure to sea level rise impacts from lower-
probability events in the near term. This includes
four Blue Line stations that connect East Boston to
Downtown and eight Silver Line stations in South
Boston. With increasing sea level rise, almost a
third of MBTA T stations face exposure as soon as
the 2070s. Any MBTA Blue and Orange Line station
could restrict travel between East Boston,
Downtown, and Charlestown; MBTA Silver Line
station closures would aff ect South Boston and the
South End. Service interruptions at one station may
impact service for an entire line.
Alternative transportation options may
be especially dif cult for East Boston and
Charlestown residents to take advantage
of, as these areas are physically separated
from other Boston neighborhoods.
Major roads and evacuation routes, as well as
Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) facilities, are
expected to face signifi cant sea level rise impacts,
and bus transit can expect to be interrupted in the
case of fl ooded roadways or tunnels. Even in the
near future, one-third of the evacuation routes
serving the city are expected to have at least some
portion impacted during storm events. As soon
as the 2070s, the majority of identifi ed evacuation
routes may have some portion fl ooded during low-
probability storms. In addition, two-thirds of the
2070s or later
This analysis considers exposure as opposed to expected site-specifi c impacts to
infrastructure assets. Site-specifi c analysis will determine to what extent assets may
already be resistant to fl ood impacts and should be conducted as part of resiliency
planning efforts.
CA/T assets
are within identifi ed fl ood extents of
coastal storms by the end of the century. CA/T and
major road vulnerability poses potential threats
to evacuation processes, and fl ood repairs to these
routes would extend gridlock and traffi c-delay
issues, aff ecting air quality and quality of life for
commuters. Moreover, for those who do not have
access to a personal vehicle or cannot aff ord a taxi
or similar option in the case that alternate forms of
transportation are needed, ge ing around may not
be possible.
MassDOT is currently working on resilience
plans for the Sumner, Callahan, and Ted Williams
Tunnels to combat coastal storm and sea level rise
impacts expected in the near future. Additional
consequences of transportation failures are
described in the Interdependencies section below.
Two hundred and forty essential and
public facilities currently lie within late-
century coastal fl ood extents for lower-
probability storms.
Together, law enforcement stations, fi re stations,
and EMS stations are expected to have the greatest
share of their facilities exposed throughout the
century. A quarter of Bostons law enforcement
stations alone are within late-century projected
ood extents for low-probability events. All
essential facilities, by regulation, must have
emergency protective measures in place to
ensure operations continue during fl ood events.
If an essential facility such as a fi re station, EMS
station, or law enforcement station is temporarily
inoperable, a common practice is for the closest
station to assume responsibility for covering
the service population. As distance between
essential service stations and locations that
Facility Type 9”SLR 21”SLR 36”SLR
Major Evacuation
21 (33%) 30 (48%) 39 (62%)
CA/T Assets
18 (19%) 30 (48%) 61 (66%)
Water Transportation
6 (24%) 15 (60%) 18 (72%)
MBTA Stations
6 (24%) 18 (17%) 32 (30%)
Exposed infrastructure assets portrayed in this table are based on the information
gathered and mapped by Climate Ready Boston as of July 2016. Climate Ready
Boston recognizes gaps in the asset inventory exist and recommends that future
assessments confi rm existing data and continue to refi ne the dataset.
MBTA stations include commuter rail and T stations, including Silver Line surface
bus stations.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 6160 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
require public safety assistance increases, so does
the response time. As response time increases,
the chance of a successful outcome decreases.
Associated costs could include more fi re losses,
an increase in completed crime, and an upturn in
casualties during life-safety related incidents. The
Massachuse s State Police Turnpike Headquarters
is expected to face exposure to coastal storm and
sea level rise impacts in the near future, while the
Harbor Patrol and Suff olk County Sherriff s offi ce
will be exposed mid- to late century.
Emergency Response
13 (4%) 23 (8%) 57 (20%)
Medical Facilities
9 (2%) 32 (7%) 70 (16%)
Educational and Childcare
12 (1%) 46 (5%) 110 (13%)
Several Boston Medical Center campus
buildings in the South End and Spaulding
Rehabilitation Hospital structures in
Charlestown will face exposure to sea level
rise in the mid- to late century.
The Boston Medical Center is the largest safety-
net hospital and Level I trauma center in New
England, and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
is the o cial teaching hospital for Harvard
Medical Schools Department of Physical Medicine.
Together, the two facilities have over 600 beds.
Both facilities are exposed to coastal and riverine
ooding and sea level rise. Flooding of hospitals
could have a signifi cant impact on the regions
healthcare system, as most hospitals within the
system are currently at capacity. Existing patients
may require evacuation, and incoming patients
may be redirected to other medical facilities in
the region, which could create overcrowding
issues at other hospitals and emergency facilities,
potentially resulting in delays in healthcare.
Evacuation of patients carries its own risks to
health and life safety, particularly to critically ill
and at-risk patients, which are carefully considered
prior to and during an event. Partners Healthcare
is currently in the process of conducting an
independent risk evaluation and actively planning
appropriate resiliency measures. Partners
Healthcare designed Spaulding to be climate
resilient, and it is expected to be prepared for
lower-probability fl ood events in the near future.
Most currently mapped water, wastewater,
and stormwater facilities are not directly
exposed to coastal and riverine fl ooding
until late in the century.
Of the existing MWRA and BWSC water and
wastewater facilities mapped by Climate Ready
Boston, only the Sullivan Square Pump Station
in Charlestown is currently exposed to coastal
Of the 27 water and wastewater facilities
identi ed within the city limits, three combined
sewer overfl ow (CSO) facilities, nine stormwater
pump stations, and three sanitary sewer pump
stations are located within late-century fl ood
extents for lower probability storms. The
stormwater pump stations service evacuation
routes and other transportation infrastructure;
if these pumps fail, fi nding alternative routes
would be necessary. At-risk sanitary sewer and
CSO assets service growing areas within Boston
and already have protection measures in place
or planned to ensure continuity of operations,
including redundant pumps and generators.
Exposed infrastructure assets portrayed in this table are based on the information
gathered and mapped by Climate Ready Boston as of July 2016. Climate Ready Boston
recognizes gaps in the asset inventory exist and recommends future assessments serve
to confi rm existing data and fi ll in gaps.
Emergency Response Facilities include emergency medical services, law
enforcement, fi re stations, hospitals, and emergency shelters.
Educational and Childcare Facilities include child care centers, K–12 schools, and
colleges and universities.
The BWSC Wastewater Facilities Study identifi ed the Sullivan Square Pump Station
exposure, noting the consequence of failure for the pump station as roadway fl ooding
and the required use of alternate routes.
Bostons natural and recreational
resources, particularly waterfront parks,
are highly vulnerable to coastal fl ooding.
Bostons waterfront parks, as expected, are very
exposed to coastal fl ooding. Also exposed are
large recreation areas like Victory Park and the
Neponset River Estuary Area in Dorchester, the
Neponset River Reservation in Ma apan, and the
Charles River Esplanade. Park structures are at risk
to a fl ood event, and trees and other vegetation in
parks can be susceptible to damage from frequent
saltwater exposure. Other natural resources, like
Belle Isle Marsh, serve as protective barriers in a
storm surge event. These assets are susceptible to
a changing climate and fl ooding, and the City
must take care to maintain them as habitats and
ood protection resources. Landmark open spaces
like the Boston Public Garden are at risk from
future storms, while the Boston Common sits on
higher ground and is not expected to be exposed to
even the 1 percent annual chance fl ood with
36 inches of sea level rise.
Bostons energy systems are critical in a
ood situation, and all essential operations
rely on private companies as the fi rst
source of energy. Vulnerabilities to some
energy infrastructure are understood, but
additional assessments are needed.
Bostons energy system is composed of many
private companies that operate natural gas,
petroleum, electricity, and renewable energy.
Veolia Kneeland Street Plant is currently exposed
to high-probability fl ood impacts in the near
term, and approximately 250 steam delivery and
distribution points could experience temporary
service curtailments if the plant is to be impacted.
Nevertheless, Veolia is currently planning the
potential replacement of the facility; MassDOT
redevelopment e orts and the new facility would
be designed for climate resiliency.
The Charlestown Wind Turbine and Mystic
Generating Station are exposed to mid-century
sea level rise impacts for lower probability storms.
Resilience plans are in place for each of these
facilities, but specifi c impacts for mid- to late
century are not currently known. As soon as
the 2070s, all of Veolia’s steam supply points are
expected to experience signifi cant fl ooding as the
result of a 1 percent annual chance event, but they
could be quickly stabilized following an event, as
the steam distribution system is not expected to
experience impacts. Further, Veolia is currently
pursuing system resilience by modifying plants to
upgrade emergency and alternate power systems.
National Grid, an electricity and gas utility, has
many distribution mains and gas regulator stations
in Boston that will be exposed to sea level rise and
coastal and riverine fl ooding. Half of the regulator
stations that will be exposed are already protected
against current storm surge, and the utility has
performed its own vulnerability assessment to
identify and prioritize resiliency upgrades to assets
over the next three years. National Grid operates
throughout Massachuse s, and infrastructure
investments will not be targeted solely toward
Eversource, an electric and gas utility, has
conducted an assessment of potential power
outages during severe coastal storms (e.g., 1 percent
to 0.1 percent annual chance) expected late century.
Expected outage durations vary throughout Boston
based on the vulnerability of individual electrical
grid assets. The longest durations of outage due to
system fl ood impacts are expected in East Boston
and Back Bay, while Beacon Hill, Fenway/Kenmore,
and South Boston are expected to have both the
shortest duration and only partial outages.
Information provided herein has been collected directly from the private
energy companies.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 6362 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
To mitigate the eff ects of sea level rise and
climate change, Eversource is making signifi cant
investments in the local electrical grid to harden
and make it more resilient to coastal storms
and climate change. This is exemplifi ed in the
construction of Substation 99 on the South Boston
Waterfront. The substation, which was built as a
response to the rapid development and growth in
the South Boston Waterfront, sits on a reinforced,
elevated steel platform. Si ing nearly 26 feet above
mean sea level, this substation is designed to
withstand signifi cant storm surge and fl ooding
Telecommunications providers in Boston
share critical infrastructure networks to
provide service. Few redundancies exist,
other than those built directly by providers,
and essential and critical facilities
could fi nd themselves limited to radio
communication in a fl ood event.
Telecommunication is a critical service to essential
and critical facilities, particularly in times of
emergency, when systems may be compromised.
The timeliness of emergency medical and public
safety calls and data transfer is critical for
successful outcomes. Providers such as Comcast
and Verizon typically deliver their services
through satellite or fi ber networks. Cable, land
telephone lines, and cellular service for multiple
carriers is often provided over shared fi ber
networks, reducing system redundancy between
providers. Compromised fi ber networks would
slow communications and require customers
to rely on backup communication options,
such as satellite cellular services not reliant on
ber or radio frequencies. Wireless services are
relied upon heavily in an emergency or fl ood
event; this can lead to delays in the transfer
of phone calls and data, particularly if fi ber
networks are compromised. For this reason,
individual providers work to introduce multiple
redundancies within the fi ber network system,
and the system is continually assessed and
prioritized for vulnerabilities. Fiber networks are
versatile and can be quickly rerouted through
alternate shared lines.
Providers indicate they maintain a robust risk-
management program in order to limit service
interruptions. For example, if a single distribution
facility is compromised, fi ber networks allow
rapid rerouting and redistribution of service, and
outages are tracked via sophisticated programs
that identify sites of loss. Certain providers, such
as Comcast, maintain use of mutual aid and
service agreements to ensure rapid distribution of
generators and fuel in the case of regional disaster
situations in order to speed repair services, as
would be the case in a hurricane, nor’easter, or
blizzard. Telephone service is prioritized as the
most important communication option to maintain
after emergency alert systems. Nevertheless,
individuals and government agencies must
consider communication backups to supplement
the eff orts of the providers.
Exposure of regional assets, such as the
Chelsea and Everett food distribution
markets and oil re neries on Chelsea
Creek, will have an effect on Boston
resiliency and should be considered in
planning efforts.
Though not covered within the exposure and
consequence analysis, Boston is dependent upon
resources and assets located outside the city limits.
For example, two fresh-food distributors located in
Chelsea and Evere (New England Produce Center
and Boston Market Terminal, respectively) have
been fl agged as potential vulnerabilities in Bostons
food distribution system because of current and
future fl ood risk. Furthermore, the majority of food
that comes into Boston is trucked in through I-93,
which is expected to be exposed to coastal and
riverine fl ooding throughout this century.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 6564 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
The relationships and dependencies between different
infrastructure networks are complex and intertwined. Each
infrastructure system depends on others to sustain operation,
as illustrated through the descriptions above. As part of the
development of the Vulnerability Assessment, IAG members
provided input regarding potential interdependencies between
infrastructure assets and systems.
The Vulnerability Assessment
identifi ed infrastructure systems that IAG organizations rely on for
their core functions, as well as anticipated consequences of full
or partial system failures.
Members of the IAG have identifi ed continued functionality of
the city’s transportation infrastructure as a top resiliency priority.
Many members have identifi ed road and bridge functionality as
a key critical requirement so citizens can evacuate; emergency
vehicles can pass; maintenance trucks can reach impacted
electric, communication, and water/wastewater assets for
swift repair; and hospitals and other emergency facilities can
continue to receive food, water, and medical supplies. In
turn, the transportation system relies on continued access to
electricity and communications systems, so tunnels may remain
open, and any blocked paths are cleared quickly or detours
swiftly communicated.
Boston’s energy systems are also critical in a fl ood situation, and
all critical and essential operations rely on private companies
as the fi rst source of energy. Though critical and essential
operations most often have redundancies in their energy
systems, back-up energy sources have limited capacity and
cannot sustain operations for an extended period of time.
For example, water and sewer systems rely on energy to
operate pump stations and process and treat wastewater;
communication systems require signifi cant amounts of electricity
to run and to keep equipment cool; emergency shelters require
heat, water and wastewater, and communication systems to be
operational at all times; and hospitals need energy to continue
to operate life-saving equipment.
Nonessential assets are also affected by energy loss. Many
buildings house primary and redundant energy assets, such as
generators, in basements, which will likely be the fi rst portions
of buildings to fl ood. If commercial buildings are without power
for long periods of time, major productivity and revenue losses
may be experienced. If private energy assets are impacted by
ooding, repair crews require clear roads and bridges to access
sites and transport heavy equipment. Steam-generating plants
also rely on continuous water supply for operations.
MWRA and BWSC are highly dependent on each other to
ensure continued operation of Boston’s water and wastewater
system. MWRA operates water supply and treatment facilities
within Boston, while BWSC handles potable water delivery and
water/wastewater conveyance and pumping. If one of the
two operations fail, then potable water and sewage treatment
operations in Boston will be impacted. Uninterrupted service
of water and wastewater systems is essential for public health
and safety facilities, such as hospitals and emergency shelters.
Although water and wastewater operations rely on energy
systems, failure to the system may be mechanical and require
on-site repairs. As such, clear transportation routes are critical
for continued operations of water and wastewater systems,
particularly in the case of fl ood events.
All of these facilities require fuel to run generators in the case
of power outages as well as to operate key equipment at
their facilities. Fuel is often a key area of concern post-disaster,
and critical shortages are common simply because of the
compounded need. These shortages can be signifi cantly
exacerbated when fuel provider facilities themselves are
compromised or transportation pathways are blocked,
damaged, or submerged, leading to more severe cascading
impacts across the infrastructure system.
Communication assets are critical in any emergency situation.
Radio, telephone, and television-transmitting stations are
necessary to keep lines of communication open between
public safety agencies and the public so situational updates
can continue to be conveyed. Moreover, communication
interruptions can result in the loss of information distribution and
potentially disrupt interactions among hospitals, government
agencies, police, and EMTs.
Many details related to site-specifi c interdependencies are not described within this
report due to data limitations and privacy or security concerns.
Our daily lives depend on
a complex, interconnected system.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 6766 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
For all sea level rise conditions, restaurants,
real estate, retail and wholesale trade, and
transportation industries are consistently the
most affected by business interruption due
to coastal and riverine fl ooding.
Combined, the top four economic industries
in Boston expected to be aff ected by business
interruption account for over 50 percent of the
expected business interruption impacts for the
city (averaged across all sea level rise conditions).
Business interruption also impacts jobs in Boston,
as a reduction in sales and revenues, as well
as temporary business closure, may ultimately
reduce the number of jobs required to support the
economy. The restaurant and retail industries lead
with the most jobs impacted for each sea level rise
condition, accounting for 80, 48, and 52 percent of
the total annual jobs expected to be lost for early-,
mid-, and late-century impacts, respectively. That
these industries are aff ected by coastal and riverine
ooding is another demonstration of how vulnerable
populations will be impacted more signifi cantly by
climate change. Restaurant and retail sectors tend
to provide jobs for low- to moderate-income people,
and those who lose their jobs or experience reduced
work hours may struggle fi nancially, even more so
if they are also burdened with structural damage or
relocation costs.
Late-century sea level rise conditions
combined with coastal storms make South
Boston, Downtown, and the South End
the top three impacted neighborhoods
in terms of expected costs of structure
damage, contents losses, relocation costs,
and stress factors in that time period, by a
wide margin.
Annualized losses are calculated by multiplying
the potential consequence in dollars (such as
damage costs for the 1 percent annual chance
event) by the probability of occurrence for that
consequence (1 percent annual chance). This
allows for comparisons of different events across
time. Depending on the circumstances, smaller but
higher-probability storm events may actually yield
more costs to the community over time than larger,
lower-probability storm events. The graphic below
displays this effect; the 10 percent annual chance
events consistently carry the highest annualized
values throughout the century within the City of
As fl ood risk increases this century and beyond,
total expected annualized losses increase
dramatically; severe storms are expected to
become increasingly more frequent.
Losses to South End are not expected to begin in earnest until late in the century.
Even considering only 9 inches of sea level rise,
Boston is expected to experience roughly $137
million in annualized direct physical damage,
stress factor, and displacement costs. These
impacts are expected to increase tenfold to nearly
$1.39 billion by late in the century for the four
event scenarios considered in the Vulnerability
Assessment (10 percent, 2 percent, 1 percent, and
0.1 percent annual chance fl ood events). Costs
related to structural damage and contents losses
make up the majority of these damage costs,
averaging 95 percent of all direct damage costs
across all three sea level rise conditions. South
Boston accounts for the highest annualized
damages for each sea level rise condition,
comprising between 32 and 47 percent of the city’s
total annualized direct damage costs. The sharpest
increase in loss between mid- and late century is
expected to take place in the South End, with a
hundredfold increase in total annualized losses
Losses in the bar graph are expected total loss costs for
direct damage, relocation, mental stress and anxiety, lost
productivity, and business interruption. All values consider
only present assets located within projected fl ood area.
2070s or later
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 6968 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
9” SLR 21” SLR 36” SLR
Neighborhood $
% Boston
% Boston
% Boston
South Boston $64.6M 48% $191M 37% $450M 27%
Downtown $44M 31% $104M 20% $289M 17%
East Boston $13.3M 8% $87.1M 17% $179M 11%
Charlestown $8.9M 6% $42.8M 8% $120M 7%
Dorchester $6.2M 4% $26.9M 5% $92.5M 6%
South End $27k <1% $2.2M <1% $218M 13%
Roxbury <$1k <1% $189K <1% $33.8M 2%
Back Bay <$1k <1% $72K <1% $7.4M <1%
Allston/Brighton <$1k <1% $254K <1% $7.1M <1%
Fenway/Kenmore <$1k <1% <$1k <1% $1.6M <1%
Harbor Islands $252k <1% $284K <1% $328K <1%
Citywide Business
$19.7M 13% $63.8M 12% $283M 17%
Boston Total $157M $518M $1.68B
Note: Values consider only present-day people and structures currently located within the projected fl ood area
South Boston $431M $4.7M $14.3M $450M
Downtown $276M $5.4M $7.3M $289M
South End $193M $14.1M $10.9M $218M
East Boston $163M $10.2M $6.4M $179M
Charlestown $115M $2M $3.4M $120M
Dorchester $86M $3.2M $3.4M $92.5M
Roxbury $32.6M $240K $970K $33.8M
Back Bay $6.6M $470K $310K $7.3M
Allston/Brighton $7M $30K $120K $7.1M
Fenway/Kenmore $1.5M $120K $50K $1.6M
Harbor Islands $320K - $10K $330K
Boston Total $1.3B $40.4M $47.1M $1.4B
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 7170 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
The above map demonstrates
expected annualized structure
and contents losses per building
for the 36-inch sea level rise
High-rise buildings, concentrated in Downtown
and South Boston, show heavier impacts for several
reasons. Not only are these structures larger, but
they typically penetrate more deeply into the
earth to accommodate their size and have more
sophisticated and costly mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing systems, often located in the basements
of these structures. Impacts to residential
structures, however, should not be discounted.
The majority of loss expected throughout the city
will be to residential properties.
These expected losses only address the building stock current to 2016 and do not
take into consideration development changes or adaptation. Each bubble depicts a
single structure, with the size of the bubble demonstrative of the magnitude of expected
impacts to that structure. Concentrations of loss are depicted with darker colors.
Climate Vulnerability Assessment 7372 City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston
Business interruption is expected to
total nearly $250 million in annualized
damages, accounting for 15 percent
of mid- to late century total damages.
In addition to the $1.4 billion in expected
annualized direct physical damage, stress factor,
and displacement costs for the 36-inch sea level
rise condition, annualized economic output losses
caused by business interruption within Boston total
at least $283 million.
This includes $201 million in
direct output losses, which are sales and revenues
lost by businesses that must close or relocate while
they repair fl ood-damaged structures or restock
inventory. It also includes $82 million of losses
in industries that support the directly impacted
businesses and losses due to decreased consumer
spending. This brings the total annualized losses
expected for the 36-inch sea level rise condition
to $1.7 billion, with business interruption losses
accounting for 17 percent of this total.
Business interruption values only consider businesses on fl oors that are directly
impacted by fl ood events and assume that all businesses eventually reopen. Direct
losses are calculated within Boston, and indirect and induced losses are only modeled
throughout Suffolk County. In actuality, the entire building will often experience business
interruption (though no reliable resource exists to consistently calculate business
interruption impacts to an entire structure), many fl ooded businesses may not ever
reopen after being directly fl ooded, and economic impacts could extend nationally
or internationally, depending upon industries affected. As such, these results are
considered the minimum business interruption consequences of a regional fl ood event.
See Appendix for more detail on methodology.
All damage fi gures presented in this Exposure and
Consequence Analysis may be considered the lower
bound of actual economic losses that can result
from regional and site-specifi c
coastal and riverine
ooding for the below reasons. A full explanation of the
limitations associated with this assessment can be found
in the Appendix.
Short- and long-term impacts to the local and
federal government that follow a fl ood event, such
as dispensing additional public aid and mobilizing
emergency management crews, are not refl ected
in the damage costs. Such costs are based on
a variety of factors (including the scale and
magnitude of the event, as well as the built and
natural environment and population contexts) and
are extremely diffi cult to predict.
Businesses located above the second fl oor of
a multistory building are not considered in this
analysis, even though those businesses may
also experience closures or damage (such as
mold accumulation) if power and water are not
operating in the building. Further, code compliance
actions that may be triggered by repairs (such as
electrical and fi re suppression systems) can run
through the entirety of a building, depending on
the specifi cs of the structure, further increasing
restoration costs; such costs are not considered in
this analysis.
Impacts to the economy assume all businesses will
eventually reopen, yet in reality almost 40 percent
of all small businesses never reopen following a
Impacts to supporting economic industries and
spending patterns are only acknowledged within
the context of Suffolk County. Boston has broader
economic relationships, which would increase
the reverberation of impacts to the regional and
broader economy.
Calculations consider zero growth or change from
the present-day population and built environment.
Values are based on the imposition of current
climate conditions on the current-day built
Most losses, except for business interruption, are calculated on
a per-structure basis.
Source: “National Flood Insurance Program: Protecting Your Business.”
Federal Emergency Management Agency.