In May of 2018, The United States Department of Interior
published a list of 35 minerals considered crical to economic and
naonal security. Included on this list was the prime ingredient of
a well-established party favor, the element helium (g. 1). Helium
is produced by the radioacve decay of uranium and thorium and
accumulates below Earth’s surface in natural gas deposits. These
gas accumulaons have been developing throughout Earth’s
history, but it is now esmated that more helium is produced
each year than is generated as a decay product.
The United States is the world’s leading producer of helium, with
fourteen extracon plants in operaon in the states of Arizona,
Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. These plants
extracted an esmated 64 billion cubic feet (1.8 billion cubic
meters) of helium from natural gas in 2018 (Peterson, 2019).
Much of this producon comes from the Panhandle-Hugoton eld
which stretches from southwestern Kansas across the panhandles
of Oklahoma and Texas (Brown, 2019). The U.S. currently supplies
over half of the world’s producon, but its share has been
Helium Listed as a Critical Mineral
Ned W. Kruger
decreasing in recent years, with increased producon coming
from Qatar and Algeria.
Helium Properes – a second place element?
Helium is the second-most abundant element, esmated to
account for approximately 24% of the total elemental mass in the
observable universe, as well as the second lightest, ranking behind
hydrogen in both cases. While hydrogen is seven percent more
buoyant than helium, it is a very reacve element, eagerly sharing
its lone electron with heavier elements like carbon and oxygen to
form molecules which eecvely anchor hydrogen atoms down.
Helium on the other hand is monatomic and nonreacve. Helium
is so light that Earth’s gravitaonal pull is insucient to contain
it, or stated dierently, once an atom of helium reaches the
atmosphere it will eventually be lost to space. It has only one
electron shell, which is full and has never been observed bonding
to another element to form a compound. As such helium is placed
in the 18th column on the Periodic Table, perched atop the other
non-reacve “noble elements” with full outer shells. Fellow noble
element neon is the least reacve of all elements, followed by…
helium. Second again. But there are characteriscs for which
helium rises (pun intended) to the very top.
Figure 1. A longme staple of birthday pares, proms,
and other celebraons, bouquets of helium balloons are
becoming harder to nd at party supplies stores due to
shortages in helium supply.
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Helium has the lowest boiling and melng points of all elements,
becoming a liquid at -450.3 degrees Fahrenheit (5.2 ᵒK) and
remaining a liquid at absolute zero. This property makes it
extremely useful in the eld of cryogenics, the producon and
behavior of materials at very low temperatures. Cryogenic uses
include magnec resonance imaging (MRI) machines (g. 2),
semiconductor processing, and both large-scale research (such
as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN) and small-scale scienc
research. Being the smallest of all elements, non-toxic, and inert,
helium is a useful medium for leak detecon. Its nonreacvity and
low cost make it an eecve shielding gas in welding. Helium is
also used for pressurizing and purging rocket tanks, in complex
fabricaon processes, as a liing gas, and other uses (like making
your voice sound funny).
If you are someone who has regularly purchased balloons for
birthday and graduaon pares or other special occasions, over
the past decade you may have noced that it is geng a lile bit
harder to nd helium-lled balloons, and if you do nd them, that
the prices have, well… ballooned. At least some of the reasons
for this can be traced back to a history of public policy enacted to
promote helium gas as advantageous to naonal defense and in
the development of commercial aeronaucs.
The Helium Acts
On March 3, 1925 President Calvin Coolidge signed into law
the Helium Act of 1925, a law concerning the conservaon,
producon, and exploitaon of helium gas. The law authorized
the federal government to acquire lands with potenal for helium
gas producon, established the Naonal Helium Reserve within
a vast underground reservoir (Bush Dome) near Amarillo, Texas,
and assigned the United States Department of the Interior and
the United States Bureau of Mines regulatory power over it.
The build-up of the Naonal Helium Reserve at Bush Dome and the
infrastructure of the associated Cliside storage facility connued
with Helium Acts Amendments of 1960, signed by President
Dwight Eisenhower. These amendments made provisions for the
Bureau of Mines to construct 425 miles (684 km) of pipeline from
Kansas to the Cliside facility, connecng the Naonal Helium
Reserve to plants which separate helium from natural gas.
A deang of previous policy took place via the Helium
Privazaon Act of 1996, signed into law by President William
Clinton. Aer more than a decade of price and supply stability,
this law required the federal government to begin liquidang
its stake in the Naonal Helium Reserve and let private industry
gradually meet all producon needs for the resource. However,
when federal sales began, price was determined by a
formula meant to recover the debt of approximately 1.4
billion dollars which had been incurred while building
the Reserve, rather than selling at a true market price.
Inially this formula resulted in a price for federal helium
that was approximately 25% above the market price, but
as me passed and more uses for helium came online
the market price eventually exceeded the formula-based
price. This resulted in federal helium being sold at a low
price and likely held back private industrys exploraon
for and producon of new supply (Naonal Resource
Council, 2000). By 2009, shortages of helium began to
be noced.
A proposed remedy for this problem was legislated
by the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013, signed by
President Barack Obama, which opened aucons for a
poron of federal helium sales. While this did restore
compeve market forces to the industry, it has not fully
re-established the desired stability in helium prices or
Helium in the Williston Basin
An indicaon of helium potenal in the Canadian poron of the
Williston Basin was rst discovered in southwestern Saskatchewan
in 1952, and producon occurred from four wells north of the
town of Swi Current during the years of 1963 to 1977. Recent
reporng of gas analysis from wells in southwestern Saskatchewan
suggests the Deadwood Formaon and other lower Paleozoic
formaons tend to have the highest helium concentraons
(Yurkowski, 2016).
In 2018, the NDGS began a search through the digital well le
records stored in the DMR Oil & Gas website for addional
laboratory reports of gas samples which include an analysis for
helium. Part of this search included targeng wells near the
Canadian border and wells completed in the Deadwood Formaon.
More than 200 well les were searched, but no helium analyses
were found. The United States Bureau of Mines has published
analycal results of 14,242 gas samples collected naon-wide
Figure 2. Liquid helium is necessary to cool the superconducng magnets used in
magnec resonance imaging (MRI) machines.
Figure 3. Map view of wells with helium concentraons generated from data reported in the U.S. Bureau of Mines Informaon
Circular 9129. Sample locaon dots provide informaon on the stragraphic units the gas samples were collected from and the range
of helium concentraons measured. The highest concentraon reported came from a commingled sample from the Winnipegosis
Formaon (Devonian) and Red River Formaon (Ordovician).
from 1917 through 1985 (Moore & Sigler, 1987), 55 of which
were from wells in North Dakota. The NDGS generated a map
highlighng the stragraphic units from which these gas samples
had been collected, and the range of helium concentraons
(g. 3). This map indicates that late Paleozoic rocks, such as those
of the Deadwood Formaon, are more likely to produce natural
gas with higher levels of helium concentraon in the North Dakota
poron of the Williston Basin.
Natural gas with a helium concentraon of at least 0.3 percent
is considered potenally economic for helium producon as a
primary product. Only one of the 55 samples from North Dakota
reported by Moore & Sigler (1987) exceeds this threshold, a
commingled sample collected from Devonian and Ordovician
source rocks. Three of the ve samples collected from either
the Winnipeg Group or the Deadwood Formaon had helium
concentraons greater than 0.16 percent.
As any child waking to the disappointment of nding his birthday
balloon resng on the oor has learned, helium is prone to escape.
The same is true for gas samples, which must be collected and
handled with care to migate loss. Without knowing the sample
collecon and laboratory procedures ulized to collect this data,
they might be more appropriately viewed to be minimum helium
concentraons of these sources.
Brown, A., 2019, Origin of helium and nitrogen in the Panhandle-
Hugoton eld of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, United
States: AAPG Bullen, v. 103, no. 2, pp. 369-403.
Moore, B.J., and Sigler, S., 1987, Analyses of Natural Gases, 1917-
85; United States, Bureau of Mines, Informaon Circular
9129, 1197p.
Naonal Research Council, 2000, The Impact of Selling the Federal
Helium Reserve. Washington, DC: The Naonal Academies
Peterson, J.B., 2019, Mineral Commodity Summaries – Helium
2019: United States Geological Survey, p. 76-77.
Yurkowski, M.M., 2016, Helium in southwestern Saskatchewan:
accumulaon and geological seng; Saskatchewan Ministry
of the Economy, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Open File
Report 2016-1, 20p.
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