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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Handbook of principles of organizational behavior/edited by Edwin Locke.
p. cm.
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1. Organizational behavior. I. Locke, Edwin A. II. Blackwell handbook of principles of
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Broaden the Decision Frame
to Make Effective Decisions
No decision process can guarantee a perfect outcome. Humans are not omniscient. There
is some uncertainty in both what we know and in what can be controlled. For example,
as a company contemplates a set of project investments, organizational decision makers
are making a number of judgments about both the nature of the projects – the quality of
the personnel involved, the size of an untapped market, the reliability of a new product
design – and the nature of the future changes in demand or changes in the economy
over time.
In light of this uncertainty, what characterizes an effective decision? This chapter
will argue that a major barrier to good decisions is overly narrow views of a decision, or
narrow frames, which pretend that knowledge is complete. The principle for effectively deal-
ing with narrow representations is to follow a process that broadens the decision frame.
A broad decision frame takes into account (1) multiple objectives – not just the most sali-
ent one at the moment; (2) multiple alternatives not just the fi rst option that lands on the
table; and (3) multiple outcomes that could arise in the near and long term – not just
the expected state of the world.
Both the psychological and organizational literatures have identified many tendencies that
produce narrow decision representations (Bazerman and Moore, 2009; Miller, 2008). Over
the decades, these processes have gone by a variety of technical names that include func-
tional fixedness, ” “ satisficing, ” “ selective perception, ” “ concreteness, ” “ anchoring, ” “ availabil-
ity, ” “ confirmation bias, ” “ predecisional distortion, ” “ framing, ” “ accessibility, ” and “ focalism. ”
Recent theoretical work on decision making has placed these tendencies in a more general
framework (Kahneman, 2003 ; Stanovich, 1999 ; see also Arkes, 1991 ; Kahneman and Lovallo,
1993 ), arguing that the mind is wired with many System 1 processes that are intuitive, fast,
and automatic, with more deliberate and conscious processes ( System 2 ) attempting to
monitor and correct these intuitive processes. I will not review all of these intuitive, automatic
tendencies but will instead focus on their consequences for decision representations overly
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narrow views of objectives, alternatives, and future states of the world. I will then consider a
set of tools for broadening the decision frame, including formal tools of decision making, but
also many informal practices that range from organizational rules of thumb ( “ the Five Whys ” )
to tapping the “ Wisdom of Crowds. I will consider limitations and exceptions to broadening
the decision frame before closing with a few illustrative cases of narrow and broad frames.
In 1772, Benjamin Franklin gave the following advice to Joseph Priestley on how to make
a diffi cult decision he was facing:
In the affair of so much importance to you, wherein you ask my advice, I cannot, for want of
sufficient premises, advise you what to determine, but if you please I will tell you how. When
these difficult cases occur, they are diffi cult, chiefly because while we have them under consid-
eration, all the reasons pro and con are not present to mind at the same time; but sometimes
one set present themselves, and at other times another, the first being out of sight. Hence the
various purposes or inclinations that alternatively prevail, and the uncertainty that perplexes
us. To get over this, my way is to divide half a sheet of paper into two columns; writing over
the one Pro, and over the other Con. Then, during three or four days consideration, I put
down under the different heads short hints of the different motives, that at different times
occur to me, for or against the measure. When I have thus got them all together in one view,
I endeavor to estimate their respective weights; and where I find two, one on each side, that
seem equal, I strike out the two . . . And, though the weights or reasons cannot be taken with
the precision of algebraic quantities . . . I have found great advantage from this kind
of equation, in what may be called moral or prudential algebra. (Isaacson, 2003 , p. 236)
There are two interesting insights in this passage. First, it sketches a formal if simple
decision process that has been frequently celebrated as an early model of more sophisti-
cated decision techniques (Dawes and Corrigan, 1974 ; Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa,
1997 ). It lays out a rough version of what would now be called cost benefit analysis. ”
The 20th century has witnessed the birth and maturation of many heirs to Franklins
simple technique across a range of elds, including economics, statistics, and business disci-
plines such as operations research. Over the past few decades, each era ’s most popular
organizational best practice (Total Quality Management, Six Sigma) has tried to spread
formal decision frameworks to a broad organizational base. In this chapter, I will give
some examples of formal decision techniques to illustrate the principle of “ broadening the
decision frame without attempting to be exhaustive (or exhausting).
A second, more subtle insight in Franklin’s passage is his explanation for why he con-
ducts his “ prudential algebra over three or four days. In his words, decisions are dif-
cult because all the reasons pro and con are not present to mind at the same time; but
sometimes one set present themselves, and at other times another, the first being out of
sight. Hence the various purposes or inclinations that alternatively prevail, and the uncer-
tainty that perplexes us. A key psychological insight in this passage is at the heart of why
decisions makers need broad decision frames: the initial representation of a decision is
often incomplete. In Franklin’s view, all the relevant motives and reasons are not imme-
diately salient, but come into view over time. Recent cognitive psychology on memory
(Anderson and Spellman, 1995 ) and inference (Sanbonmatsu, Posavac, Kardes, and
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Mantel, 1998 ) suggest the source of the problem: decision makers get stuck in one way
of thinking about a situation and cannot easily generate and entertain new thoughts. Yet,
even as their thinking gets stuck, decision makers are confident that their understanding
is complete and their resulting judgments are accurate (Soll and Klayman, 2004 ). Three
illustrations of narrow frames follow. This section closes with a description of how the
social environment will often reinforce narrow individual frames.
Narrow view of the future
When people are asked to make predictions about future events, they typically have
an overly narrow view of what could happen. For example, imagine a company that is
weighing a series of investments that each hinge on future inflation. The company relies
on internal experts to provide a forecast. One form of narrowness occurs when decision
makers accept a point estimate a single best guess number and act on that number.
Point estimates fail to capture the range of outcomes that could result. But a second
manifestation of narrowness can occur even when forecasters try to give a range of plaus-
ible outcomes. The resulting picture of the future is too narrow. Decades of laboratory
research on overconfidence (see Buehler, Griffin, and Ross, 2002 and Soll and Klayman,
2004 for reviews) has shown that people overestimate the predictability of the future, and
these results have held up well in field settings. For example, recent research has shown
that when corporate financial experts are asked to give a range of values that has an 80%
chance of capturing some future economic variable, the experts give a range that captures
the true outcome less than 40% of the time (Ben - David, Harvey, and Graham, 2007 ).
The “ truth ” is a regular surprise.
Although people make a good faith attempt to use evidence to form an accurate expec-
tation about the future, they focus too much on evidence that is consistent with a single
scenario (often an extension of the status quo), and fail to imagine the wider range of poss-
ible scenarios that could happen. This is potentially costly to the extent that a wider, more
accurate range would dictate pursuing a different, better course of action. For example,
an unexpectedly high or low inflation rate might change the valuation of different project
investments. Moreover, anticipating the full range of possible future outcomes can lead
decision makers to develop a contingency plan that can best meet the opportunities and
challenges of different circumstances.
Narrow set of objectives
People often pursue a narrow list of objectives in their decisions. For example, in hiring
new employees, managers will typically focus on the goals of nding someone with technical
ability, appropriate training, and at the right salary, as they should. But a variety of other
objectives might also matter to the hiring decision, such as a new hire s leadership potential,
ability to work in teams, or ability to shift to new tasks later. Similarly, in evaluating new
product lines, senior- level managers will no doubt focus on profitability; however, they might
also wish to consider less obvious objectives, such as diversification of product lines, develop-
ment of new organizational capabilities, and development opportunities for personnel.
Where does the process of weighing objectives go wrong? One problem is that individu-
als evaluate choice options without considering their objectives at all (effectively shooting
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from the hip ). Even when decision makers generate specifi c objectives, however, the list is
typically incomplete. Often the most salient or easily measured objectives block consider-
ation of other objectives.
In a recent article, Bond, Carlson, and Keeney ( 2008 ) provided a compelling empirical
demonstration that people generate a narrow set of objectives. In one study, Bond et al.
had MBA students generate objectives for a highly self - relevant decision: the things they
cared about in choosing an internship. They found that students listed about seven objec-
tives on average and felt satisfied that they had covered everything important. However,
when they were then presented with both their own objectives along with a list of objec-
tives generated by others, the students tended to fi nd another seven objectives that were as
important as the ones they had generated on their own. Left to their own devices, students
had spontaneously generated about half of the objectives that they themselves acknowl-
edged to be most relevant for one of the most important decisions of their life.
In business decisions, this narrow search for objectives is compounded by other
organizational and social factors (Cronin and Weingart, 2007 ). Differences in training,
experience, and function lead individuals to focus on only a subset of the objectives that
are relevant to a decision from an organizational perspective (e.g. product costs, develop-
ment time, materials, features, service support, etc.). Organizational mechanisms, such as
cross - functional teams or job rotations, are designed precisely to ensure that decisions are
made with a broader set of objectives.
Narrow set of alternatives
As a final example, people often consider an overly narrow set of choice alternatives. The
alternatives might be narrow in number (e.g. considering only one job candidate) or nar-
row in scope (e.g. considering only job candidates with an accounting degree). One reason
for a narrow consideration of choice options is due to organizational dynamics: a new
hire or a new project may be suggested at a meeting without any prior consideration of
objectives or options, and is then considered in isolation.
A more subtle form of narrowness, however, arises from individual cognitive processes.
Research on creativity has shown that once one approach to solving a problem is gener-
ated, it is hard to generate new approaches (Chrysikou and Weisberg, 2005 ). Similarly,
research in marketing has shown that thinking of one brand for a consumer good can
actually block thinking of other brands (Alba and Chattopadhyay, 1986). By extension,
organizational decisions that involve generating a range of options (e.g. job candidates,
solutions to a manufacturing problem, etc.) are likely to suffer from the same functional
xedness once initial alternatives are generated. However, just as with objectives, decision
makers do not recognize their limited ability to generate alternatives. Research has found
that decision makers report being satisfied that they have generated a broad and complete
set of choice alternatives even when they fail to generate many relevant options (Gettys,
Pliske, Manning, and Casey, 1987 ).
The compounding influence of the social environment
In all of the foregoing examples, the basic cause of narrow framing in individuals is cogni-
tive: associative memory processes lead people to start with a set of assumptions and then
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recruit evidence in a way that is consistent with the initial view. There is no compensating
psychological tendency to spontaneously search broadly for a differing mix of objectives,
alternatives, and scenarios. In part, failure to search further is a product of minimizing
effort; but the more subtle obstacle is that the information that comes to mind seems com-
plete and coherent, reducing the feeling of uncertainty that would prompt further search.
These individual cognitive tendencies are only part of the story. These individual fac-
tors then tend to be reinforced through social and organizational processes. Common
training, common experiences, and frequent interaction all have the effect of leading to
shared views on problems (Cronin and Weingart, 2007 ). Although shared views can be
beneficial because they facilitate communication and coordination of efforts, they can
be harmful when they perpetuate narrow perspectives on a decision problem. For example,
marketers who are trained at the same school and work at the same firm on the same
product at the same time will undoubtedly develop expertise, but it is an expertise that
will be largely overlapping. Through training, experience, and discussion, they will tend to
think about problems in the same way which product features are best, which markets
are most promising, which form of media to emphasize, which analysis to follow, etc. To
the degree that the group members possess a particular insight, that insight will be shared.
However, to the degree that the group members possess blindspots in their thinking, they
too will be shared. Ironically, a like - minded group is a poor source for new objectives,
alternatives, and future scenarios, but more confident in its ability – the consistency of
perspective across colleagues leads each individual to feel validated and confi dent in his or
her view of decisions.
Network sociologists have made similar arguments about how social structure limits
diversity of perspective. They argue that dense network structures in which clusters of
people frequently interact lead to overlapping individual perspectives on problems (Burt,
1992 ). Empirical research has shown that decision makers who depend on dense networks
alone perform more poorly than those who are connected to non - redundant knowledge
from outside that dense network (see Chapter 16 ).
Other organizational and social processes reinforce narrow frames because they dis-
courage independence and dissent. A group that starts a brainstorming session without
rst asking each member to generate his or her own views on a problem risks having a
specific view emerge early in the discussion that then frames everyone s view of the prob-
lem. Finally, even when there are divergent, independent perspectives, they may not be
expressed if the group environment focuses on harmony or conformity to a boss ’s opinion
over debate (see Chapters 17 and 18 ). In sum, although narrow representations may occur
at the individual level for basic cognitive reasons, they are often compounded by the social
environment. People surrounded by like - minded peers, who follow poor group processes,
or who are located in dense networks will tend to share the same narrow frame.
Formal techniques
This section reviews three representative formal techniques for broadening the frame.
Although not exhaustive, the three techniques have been chosen for their applicability to
many common decisions.
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Considering multiple attributes and alternatives. Choosing among alternatives is typically
diffi cult because there is no alternative that is superior on all dimensions. Instead, one
has to forego an alternative that may be superior on a less important dimension to gain
superiority on more important dimensions. Multiattribute choice techniques prescribe that
you think through a wide range of objectives you care about and the attributes that would
predict achieving those objectives.
To make this problem concrete, imagine a prototypical organizational hiring process.
A set of candidates has applied and your unit has information on each candidate (degree,
past work experience, letters of recommendation, and so on). You also have a set of objectives
in mind in the hiring process: you need to hire someone who has strong accounting
training but who can also manage a team and can, with time, move into a leadership role.
The information you have on each candidate defines the attribute levels for a given can-
didate (accounting degree versus marketing degree; five years of managing others versus
three years of managing others). These attribute levels help you evaluate how well each
candidate can meet an objective. If a person’s attribute level for accounting experience
consists entirely of prior experience with spreadsheets, that person does not fare well on
an important attribute.
With this information in hand, you can evaluate each candidate on the level they dem-
onstrate for each attribute. With luck, someone has strong levels on all attributes. More
likely, however, one alternative will be strong on some but not all attributes. The decision
maker must then make tradeoffs and decide whether accounting skills are more or less
important than team skills. This last step is essentially a weighting step how impor-
tant are the differences between candidates on each attribute to achieving your objectives?
It should be noted that attributes need not be quantitative or objective if there is an
important subjective dimension, such as collegiality, this can be assessed and weighed in
the decision.
This very general form of a choice process, anticipated by Franklin’s quote, is the raw
structure for a host of decision - making techniques. The basic structure is to break a prob-
lem down into alternatives and attributes and think about the importance of the attributes.
The actual application of the method can take a variety of forms. When there is a large
set of data that allows one to connect the attributes of past alternatives to subsequent suc-
cess and failure, one can statistically regress outcomes on attributes to see which attributes
are important in predicting success. The attribute weights in this case are derived statisti-
cally and can be applied in subsequent decisions – with a few caveats. The method does
assume that the predictive value of attributes is reasonably stable and that one is predict-
ing to other cases inside the range of what has been observed in the past. Various crises
in the 1990s and 2000s, such as the failure at Long Term Capital Management and the
subprime mortgage credit crisis, have illustrated problems of predicting outside the range
of what was observed in the past (often compounded by other problems created by
misaligned incentives and insuffi cient monitoring).
When there are no past data, there are decision analytic techniques for putting weights
on attributes (see Clemen and Reilly, 2004 ; Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa, 1997 , for a
user- friendly starting point). Some of these processes are top down ” – one consciously
weighs the importance of tradeoffs across attributes and some are bottom up ” – one
simply ranks a set of alternatives that differ across attributes and captures the implicit
weights one is giving to each attribute (this technique is known as conjoint analysis ” in
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marketing). It can be quite useful to use both steps to see whether the head ( top down )
and gut ( bottom up ) agree. If they do not agree, it can help identify a missing objective
or force one to reconsider weights on attributes.
Once a multiattribute analysis is done, it can help inform subsequent decisions. And,
in some cases, it can serve as a formula for future decisions that could replace individual
discretion. When would this be desirable? First, a good deal of research in psychology has
shown that when decision makers make a series of choices intuitively without an explicit
formula decision makers make less consistent and accurate choices. By looking at alter-
natives case by case, decision makers inconsistently apply weights across cases (Arkes,
2003 ) and over - react to eeting bits of information about specifi c alternatives (echo ing
Franklin’s insight about the vagaries of what comes to mind ). Second, basic issues of
fairness can actually support the use of formulas over individual choice. For example,
when mortgage decisions are left to individual loan officers, various prejudices can infl u-
ence their judgments; even if they have no prejudices, officers can still create procedur-
ally unfair outcomes if they weight the same attributes differently for different potential
customers. These inconsistencies may be even more damaging in promotion and raise
decisions inside an organization, since the shadow of the future is longer between employee
and company, and friends share private information. A formula can be an organizational
tool for ensuring neutrality and consistency in decisions (Arkes, 2003 ).
The multiattribute choice process broadens the decision frame by making explicit the
need to consider multiple objectives, multiple attributes that help you achieve the objec-
tives, and multiple alternatives. It directly avoids the trap of paying attention to only one
objective or alternative. By making tradeoffs salient, it prevents decision makers from
being surprised later when unattractive aspects of an alternative become apparent ( this
person is good with numbers but lousy with people what do we do now? ). By paying
attention to all attributes, good and bad, early in the decision process, steps can be taken
to mitigate weaknesses. It may be easier to give someone relevant management experience
on the job than to teach them accounting (or vice versa), and a plan can be made accordingly.
Finally, by calling attention to the good and bad early on, it can lead decision makers to
be more creative to acknowledge that there is no superior alternative at this point, and
to explore in new ways (or with more investment) for an alternative that is strong on all
relevant attributes. A clear understanding of multiple objectives creates a necessity that
becomes the mother of invention.
Assessing and weighing future states of the world. A second formal technique for broadening the
frame is thinking through the range and likelihood of different uncontrollable events that could
influence the outcome of a decision. A course of action that is attractive under one state of
the world (e.g. demand for our product stays strong) could be disastrous under another state
of the world (e.g. demand declines). The first step in assessing risk is to generate the range of
possible scenarios that could arise in the future that influence achieving your objectives. With
such an understanding, one can then assess both the likelihood of each scenario and how it
would affect the outcomes attached to each alternative under consideration. Finally, one can
generate new, contingent ways of responding to each scenario (Schoemaker, 2004 ).
To continue the hiring decision example, a company may be facing an increase in
demand for a product at the moment, but needs to anticipate the need for work over vari-
ous periods of time (a quarter, a year, etc.). Decisions about hiring for a current increase in
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demand depend on how controllable decisions (e.g. opening a new market) and uncontrol-
lable factors (e.g. changes in demand) affect long - term needs. Uncontrollable factors, such
as a change in demand, require that the company assess the range of plausible changes in
demand and attach probabilities to each change. This picture of the uncertain future can
then be used to calculate the expected value of various hiring options for dealing with a
current increase in demand, such as paying overtime to current employees, hiring temps,
or hiring new permanent employees. Flexibility in reducing staff is valuable if there is a
significant risk of a decline in demand over the long term; adding well - trained, permanent
employees is more valuable if there is a strong likelihood of continued demand.
Risk assessment broadens the decision frame by forcing the decision maker to imagine a
range of scenarios, think through their likelihoods, and assess their impact on the value of
different choice alternatives. It overcomes a basic habit of planning for one future state of
the world. Often the envisioned future is a rosy one (Buehler et al., 2002 ), which is especially
likely for people who are pushing a specific plan or course of action, but it can also be a
gloomy one that leads decision makers to be unprepared for unexpected opportunities. Having
assessed scenarios, likelihoods, and outcomes, one can then formally calculate expected
values that weight outcomes by their likelihoods. One can also assess whether an alternative
could lead to a wide range of good and bad outcomes and decide whether one would prefer a
safer alternative that has a smaller range of highs and lows (technically, an alternative that has
lower variance). Most importantly from a decision - making perspective, anticipating future
scenarios allows one to make contingent plans to create alternatives that have known
decision points at which a planned new course of action would be pursued.
Using “ all four cells to make accurate predictions. The nal formal tool is the simplest: do the right
checks to see whether an attribute predicts an outcome. Consider one more example related
to predicting job performance. Many years ago, Management Focus Magazine reported a
research study claiming that pet ownership as a child predicted future success as a leader.
How did the researchers reach this conclusion? They surveyed 74 Fortune 500 CEOs and
found that 94% had owned a dog, cat, or both as a child. In interviews, the CEOs
observed that pet ownership had helped them to develop many of the positive charac-
ter traits that make good managers today, including responsibility, empathy, respect for
other living beings, generosity, and good communication skills. ” (One is tempted to ask
whether communication skills include beg, sit, and heel . . . . ) Should pet ownership be
an attribute in hiring decisions?
A little reflection reveals two shortcomings with this study. First, the study is looking
at only two cells in a four cell table. Specifically, it is examining the presence or absence
of pet ownership among CEOs. The remaining two cells of interest are the presence or
absence of pet ownership among non- CEOs. If most people have a dog or cat at some
point in their childhood, then we have not learned much from the 94% fi gure among
CEOs. This is a classic problem of sampling on the dependent variable, and there are
many famous examples. For example, the research underlying In Search of Excellenc e in
the 1980s looked at a sample of successful firms to uncover their common practices, such
as “ management by walking around. ” One danger with this “ two cell method is that it
invites imbuing ordinary activities with special qualities. Until all four cells are examined,
one cannot even tell if there is a relationship between the attribute and the outcome. (For
example, managers may also be walking around unsuccessful companies, but there it is
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called “ micromanaging. ) In the extreme, we can observe that all CEOs brush their teeth
and all successful companies have buildings, but we have not learned anything about pre-
dicting success. (See also Denrell, 2003 , for how managers draw poor conclusions from
“ survivors ” in risky environments.)
The second shortcoming of the pet study is that, even if CEOs show a higher rate
of childhood pet ownership, this may not be the causal factor in their success (despite
enhanced communication skills, etc.). Families that have other characteristics that lead to
success in business money, educational opportunities, job opportunities, and social net-
works may be more likely to own pets. This is a classic problem of interpreting corre-
lation as causation.
The business press and our day - to - day decisions often rely on casual observation that
sees a relationship based on only two cells. GE seems to produce a large number of
managers who go on to run other companies. Should other companies copy their system
for training and promoting leaders? It is also the case that GE produces a staggeringly
large number of non - CEOs as well. The key question in evaluating their ability to train
and promote is whether they produce at a higher rate given their employee base. In
using attributes in a decision, one must broaden the decision frame by checking all four
cells in a covariation table to see if there is a relationship, and then, if there is, asking
what additional factors might be serving as causes of the relationship.
Barriers to adopting quantitative techniques. Highly quantitative versions of the techniques
described above are, in theory, already present in many organizations. These tech-
niques have been taught in business and engineering schools for years. They have also
been part of the major management movements of the past two decades. For example,
both Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma have major components that focus
on risk assessment, causal analysis, and processes for weighing attributes and alternatives.
However, the everyday organizational reaction to using formal, quantitative techniques is
quite mixed (Zbaracki, 1998 ). Employees are cynical when such techniques are proposed in
new programs because they are often introduced by outsiders or from above. The mathemat-
ical nature of the techniques appeals to some employees, but requires extensive training for
many employees. Once learned, the techniques are time consuming to use. And, fi nally, these
formal techniques face a classic problem described in the diffusion of innovation literature:
the benefi ts of adoption are not easily demonstrated. Thus there is a tendency for the formal,
quantitative aspects of these practices to wither in the process of adoption (Zbaracki, 1998 ).
The major benefits of the practices described above do not depend on rigorous quan-
tification but on attempting to follow the general process. The more important factor in
broadening the frame is to strive for a complete representation of the decision problem.
Breadth is accomplished by thinking about attributes, alternatives, tradeoffs, and scen-
arios. Because extensive quantification in decision making can be offputting to many
organizational decision makers, I next consider informal techniques that also preserve the
benefi ts of broadening the frame with even less formality.
Informal techniques
Heath, Larrick, and Klayman ( 1998 ) have proposed that many of the most effective decision
techniques that are actually used in organizations are less formal than the abstract,
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quantitative techniques described in economics and statistics. Instead, these informal decision
techniques, which they called cognitive repairs,” fix narrow frames by being simple, specifi c,
home - grown, and social. This section briefly describes several of these informal practices.
Informal techniques for broadening the search for information. Some simple techniques force decision
makers to search for more information without directing decision makers to specifi c
information. For example, one basic technique that has proven to help a variety of
decision shortcomings is to “ consider an alternative to the current conclusion (Hirt and
Markman, 1995 ). The technique simply requires a person to ask why might my favorite
answer be wrong? This question can be applied to a range of decision problems. If a
future scenario seems likely, one can ask why it might not happen. If a single best alterna-
tive has been proposed, one can ask how other options might be better. If pets seem to
predict being a CEO, one can ask whether they also predict not being a CEO. This is
one of the few informal techniques that has proven to have broad utility (summarized in
Larrick, 2004; see also Herzog and Hertwig, 2009; Kray and Galinsky, 2003 ).
A second simple technique for broadening search is the Five Whys which has been a
regular component of TQM and Six Sigma. The process is simply one of starting with
a problem, asking why, and then following up each answer with an additional why. The goal
is to go beyond a superficial, narrow understanding of a situation to a deeper understanding.
For example, the Five Whys can be used to identify a decision maker s basic objectives.
In a hiring decision, one can ask: Why do we need someone with an accounting degree?
Because the person needs to have a good understanding of the financials. Why does the
person need a good understanding of the financials? Because he or she will have primary
responsibility for cutting costs. Why is the emphasis on cutting costs? There has been no
revenue growth in recent years. And so on. The result of asking Five Whys will be more
fundamental objectives that could be pursued through a wider variety of attributes than
initially considered. It can reveal that an accounting degree is not the only way to address
the fundamental objectives, allowing one to consider alternatives that are strong on other
attributes to be considered. Of course, like any informal technique, the Five Whys is
coarse and can go wrong: one can easily ask why owning pets would make one a better
CEO and talk oneself into an elaborate (false) theory of communication skills.
Informal techniques for using a broader set of attributes and alternatives in decisions. A second
class of informal techniques overcomes narrow frames by requiring decision makers to
use checklists for gathering information and evaluating alternatives. For example, one bank ’ s
commercial loan department required that officers evaluate potential customers on the 5
Cs ” – Collateral, Capacity, Capital, Conditions, and Character (Heath et al., 1998 ). Although
necessarily imprecise, specifying these attributes helps officers avoid over- reacting to one fav-
orable or unfavorable piece information as they assess a given loan candidate. Similarly,
recent research in medicine has shown that what should be habitual decisions for doctors
can also be helped by checklists. For example, a simple five - point hygiene checklist helped
reduce infection rates at Johns Hopkins hospital from 11% to 0% (Gawande, 2007 ).
Similar protocols have proved useful in diagnosis by encouraging doctors to systematically
consider a wider range of symptoms and disease scenarios (Heath et al., 1998 ). Checklists,
of course, are not perfect. They are likely to provoke resistance from users at fi rst, since
they seem controlling. They will be more acceptable if they are home - grown or inherited
from experts. Moreover, checklists are only as good as the validity of the items on the
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checklist and run the risk of omitting important considerations. The bet one makes with
a checklist is that individuals with narrow frames would omit even more of the important
Informal techniques for broadening diversity of perspective. A nal set of informal techniques
takes advantage of the fact that combining multiple narrow frames can create a broad,
complete understanding of a decision. Specifically, if the independent perspectives of
multiple people are pooled together, the resulting knowledge is broader and more com-
plete than the view of any one person. However, the benefi t of drawing on multiple people
is highly contingent on tapping a set of people who hold diverse perspectives initially and
then following procedures that preserve it.
Consider a technique used in TQM, known as a Kokai watch (Walton, 1990), that
involved assembling a team to evaluate a current procedure and look for improvements.
The team was deliberately assembled with “ non - experts ” people who were managers
or employees in another department and not expert in the domain they were studying.
The logic of using non - experts is that those wrapped up in a routine cannot step back to
question the process; people with fresh eyes, however, can reason by analogy to a broader
set of knowledge and experience. In general, decisions that involve diagnosing problems
and generating new alternatives can benefit by having non - experts provide fresh eyes. In
a similar vein, Motorola would compose cross - functional teams for new product designs
to ensure diversity of perspective (on objectives, attributes, alternatives, future scenarios,
etc.), but would then break up the team at the end of an assignment (Heath et al., 1998 ).
One could argue that once a team meshes and especially if it is successful it should
be preserved for the next assignment. Motorola, however, recognized that even cross -
functional teams can come to share a common perspective on decisions that could limit
the objectives and alternatives in subsequent assignments. By mixing teams, there was a
constant tension created by different perspectives coming into contact.
The value of using groups (see Chapters 15 18 ) to broaden frames has received
increasing recognition in recent years, and was popularized as the wisdom of crowds
in a book with that title (Surowiecki, 2004 ). The main factors that make a crowd wise
are diversity and independence. Unfortunately, classic brainstorming can undermine
independence of thought to the extent that early suggestions can entrain everyone s sub-
sequent ideas. Thus, the best group techniques preserve initial differences in perspective
by having individuals think about a problem alone (this stage is often called a nominal
group), but then pool the information so that others can react to it. Empirical research
shows that nominal groups will generate a much broader set of objectives and alternatives
than any individual can (Bond et al., 2008; Gettys et al., 1987 ). If desired, one can use the
frequency of naming specific objectives and alternatives as a “ vote ” for their importance,
with the caveat that truly creative ideas will tend to be rare ones.
Nominal groups are also superior to individuals in estimating unknown, uncertain
outcomes. Each persons glimpse of the unknown is imperfect. However, when a large
number of such imperfect estimates are averaged together, extreme errors cancel out,
and the resulting group average will be closer to the truth than the answer of the average
individual (this holds whenever the extremes in the group bracket the truth), which is a
common pattern (Larrick, Mannes, and Soll, 2009). By way of illustration, the Wall Street
Journal publishes twice - yearly economic forecasts from 50 professional economists. These
data are useful for seeing the range of outcomes they think are possible (providing a sense
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of possible future scenarios); moreover, the mean estimate tends to be more accurate than
the majority of judges in the panel. Although the WSJ routinely celebrates which economist
wins in a given six month period after the fact, there is no reliable way to pick a single
expert a priori that can beat the group average over time (Larrick et al., 2008). Averaging
judgments is also helpful in quantifying subjective attributes in a multiattribute choice
process: one can ask multiple interviewers to rate different job candidates on collegiality
and use their average judgment for each candidate in a decision.
Although brainstorming is the prototype for group techniques, many hybrid group
processes are possible with the advent of new forms of electronic communication
(Chapter 32 ). Organizations are finding increasing ways to tap the wisdom of their own
employees, customers, and partners in events like innovation jams and prediction markets.
These can be efficient (even fun) ways for organizations to aggregate hundreds of narrow
individual frames to broaden the decision frames of individual decision makers higher in
the organization.
Groups, of course, can talk themselves into poor decisions that they then hold with
high confidence because of the perceived widespread support of the conclusion. To pre-
vent conformity pressures and groupthink, it is essential that groups encourage diversity
of perspective, independence of thinking, and a willingness to express dissent (Chapters
15 to 18 ).
This chapter has argued for taking a broad view of objectives, attributes, alternatives, and
scenarios in making decisions. This picture of effective decision making is consistent with
a large body of theoretical and empirical work. However, there are potential limitations
to using the principle. This section considers two possible challenges to the principle of
broadening the frame. The first challenge is practical considerations about implementation.
The second challenge is recent proposals to rely on quick, automatic, intuitive processes; in
short, to “ blink ” rather than think.
Practical limits on broad frames. There are several practical limitations to broadening the frame:
Elaborate techniques, such as multiattribute choice processes, are time consuming,
and risk “ analysis paralysis. (How do you know when you have reviewed enough
attributes and alternatives?) As decisions become more complex, decision makers
often rely on simplifying processes to make the task manageable (Payne, Bettman,
and Johnson, 1993 ). Recent research has found that too much choice can lead
decision makers to avoid making a choice at all. The diminishing marginal benefi t
of considering more attributes and alternatives needs to be balanced against the
potential cost of overwhelming people with information. Traditionally, decision
makers suffered from too little information. It may be the case that technology is
able to capture so much information that selecting alternatives and attributes rather
than seeking them – is the greater challenge.
Recommendations that involve soliciting objectives and alternatives from many differ-
ent parties risk introducing conflict, politics, and negotiation. However, even in
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a politically charged environment, an awareness of objectives and alternatives
can lead to better decisions through negotiation specifically, good decisions can
be made if each party sacrifices unimportant attributes to gain more desirable
attributes. And participation at least has one silver lining. Broad participation in
generating objectives, alternatives, and scenarios will tend to increase commitment
to a final decision, especially if the process of collecting and weighing information
is seen as procedurally fair.
More comprehensive processes may increase confidence and satisfaction with a
decision, but, if the processes make obvious stark tradeoffs, they may dampen satis-
faction with a fi nal decision.
Blinking rather than thinking. In his book Blink , the New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell
( 2005 ) popularized the notion that sometimes very quick decisions are highly accurate.
This idea has also received serious academic attention in recent years, perhaps as a bit of
a backlash to the rational, deliberate models that had been studied in earlier work. Three
major academic claims in the spirit of Blink seem to challenge the broaden the frame
The rst claim is that many decisions can be made better and more quickly by focusing
on a single attribute or predictor and then incorporating additional information only if
that first piece is inconclusive (a strategy termed Take the Best, or TTB, Gigerenzer
and Goldstein, 1999 ). If TTB were generally effective, it would directly undermine the
prescription to use a broad frame. Many studies have shown that TTB is effective
specifically, it works well in situations when one attribute is much more important than
other attributes, and it works well when the most important attribute is obvious. The
problem with these demonstrations, however, is that they are selective. One of the main
difficulties in decision making is the uncertainty around identifying the most important
attributes and in knowing how much weight to place on them. Empirical research shows
that people have a hard time learning which attributes are most important (or predictive).
If there is error in identifying the most important attribute, TTB performs much less well
than broad strategies that use multiple attributes (Hogarth and Karelaia, 2007 ; Payne
et al., 1993 ). The case for TTB also has other weaknesses, such as testing it only with
attributes that have two levels. In short, using multiple attributes or multiple predictors is a
better strategy when information is known with uncertainty.
A second claim that challenges the principle of broaden the frame is that many expert
decisions are done quickly and automatically, without extensive weighing of options.
Expert decision making has been studied in a number of domains, ranging from tasks
such as chess to fi refighting. Research by Klein and colleagues (Lipshitz, Klein, Orsaanu,
and Salas, 2001 ) makes a convincing case that experts do process information differently
than novices. Specifi cally, experts have a wide array of experience in their particular task that
allows them to quickly recognize a situation and retrieve an effective course of action.
The main question for organizational decision making is what conditions support the
development of these skills? First, it should be noted that the skills of experts are domain
specific chess masters and fi reghters do not develop general decision - making skills
that apply to new domains, but only to their own. Second, experts are able to develop
skills because they face a very favorable environment for learning an environment in
which a person can experience a broad but recurring set of situations and see the immediate,
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unambiguous results of his or her actions (Hogarth, 2001 ). If situations were constantly
novel, or feedback were ambiguous or delayed, it would be very difficult to learn how to
react effectively – and “ experts in many judgment domains make predictions that are no
better than those of novices (Camerer and Johnson, 1991; Tetlock, 2005 ).
Moreover, it is not quite accurate to say that experts use narrow frames; it is more accu-
rate to describe them as quickly taking in relevant attributes and automatically generating
alternatives. These automatic responses are based on broad experience that is quite costly
to gain. Research indicates that expertise takes about 10 years of hard, conscious practice to
develop (Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Römer 1993 ). Finally, despite the ability to rapidly
recognize situations, it is interesting to note that chess experts make a fast initial assessment
but then broaden the frame by weighing different alternative actions and anticipating a
range of possible scenarios that might follow (Makridakis, Hogarth, and Gaba, 2009).
A third claim that challenges the principle of broaden the frame is the proposal that
“ unconscious ” decision making is superior to “ conscious ” decision making (Dijksterhuis,
Bos, Nordgren, and van Baaren, 2006 ). In these studies, people were presented with four
apartments that differed on 12 attributes, creating 48 pieces of information. Participants
saw each piece of information once, in random order; the information was then taken
away and decision makers were either told to think about the decision for four minutes or
asked to complete a filler task for four minutes. All participants then reported a decision.
The fi ller- task group was more likely than the deliberation group to select the apartment
that was superior on more attributes. This paradigm, however, has not stood up well to
additional empirical tests. First, deliberating for four minutes on a fairly simple decision is
an unusual task; when decision makers are allowed to self - pace their decision (which
is often relatively quick), they perform as well as the “ unconscious ” decision makers. Second,
when the task is changed so that the magnitude of the differences between alternatives
on some attributes is quite large, conscious decision making correctly favors the better
option – in this case, an option that has fewer positive attributes but that has a higher
expected value (Payne, Samper, Bettman, and Luce, 2008). The Dijksterhuis paradigm
also has practical weaknesses. First, it is not a pure instantiation of unconscious decision
making – it involved a great deal of conscious consideration of both alternatives and
attributes prior to the unconscious decision process. Second, the paradigm does not pass
a day - to - day plausibility test if attribute and alternative information is both available to a
decision maker and unfamiliar, why would the person not be able to examine the informa-
tion as he or she made a decision?
A more compelling argument against deliberation was made in research by Wilson and
colleagues (Wilson, Lisle, Schooler, Hodges, Kaaren, and LaFleur, 1993 ). In this study,
student participants listed reasons as they chose a poster for their dorm or apartment; a
control group chose a poster without any deliberation. Three weeks later, the group that
listed reasons was less happy with their poster than the “ gut reaction ” group. The authors
argue that articulating pros and cons for the poster decision is a poor strategy because
the important attributes are hard to articulate (the beauty and style of a poster), leading
decision makers to focus on less important but easier to articulate attributes (the color,
size, or subject). This is a fair critique of broadening the frame if broadening the frame
brings in irrelevant attributes that distract decision makers from relevant attributes, it will
hurt decisions. As I mentioned in the section on multiattribute choice, however, subjective
dimensions are fair game for inclusion in the choice process. It would be reasonable when
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choosing a poster to capture a gut reaction in addition to reasons pro and con and weigh
them against each other if they are in conflict. Recent research has started to examine the
benefits of combining intuitive and analytic judgments (much like averaging judgments in
a crowd) because each type of judgment can compensate for weaknesses in the other.
In popularizing the idea of blinking, Gladwell himself does not take a clear stand on
when it makes sense to blink and when it makes sense to think. He describes how many
intuitive processes, such as stereotyping, are inaccurate and harmful. It is also interesting to
note that many of his examples of successful blinking support the principle of broadening
the frame. For example, Gladwell reviews John Gottmans startling research on couples.
Gottman is able to watch short videotaped segments of couples interacting early in their
relationship and predict whether they will stay together over subsequent years. Moreover,
he has identified a handful of specific cues, or attributes, that predict whether couples will
stay together (when they have a disagreement, for example, do they show a lack of respect
for each other?). As amazing as these results are, however, they are not compelling illustra-
tions of blinking over thinking. First, untrained observers cannot watch the brief clips and
make accurate predictions in this case, fast, automatic, intuitive processing fails. Second,
trained observers can make accurate predictions, but they only know what to look for
because cues and outcomes were carefully measured for decades in Gottmans lab. Large
regression models were then performed on the data to identify which cues or attributes
were most predictive. Regression is the quintessential multiattribute choice technique.
In this section, we consider two cases that illustrate varying degrees of narrow and broad
frames. The first case, the Challenger space shuttle analysis, is an infamous example of a
narrow frame for checking information. The second case, Seagate, illustrates how indi-
viduals often hold narrow objectives, but an organizational process of gathering objectives
can broaden the fi nal decision frame.
The Challenger launch decision
After years of glory striving for and reaching the moon, the National Aeronautic and
Space Administration (NASA) found itself in the early 1980s slipping from the national
limelight. To slip from the limelight meant not only to lose glory, but also to lose stature
when requesting funding in each year s federal budget. NASA had made space travel more
economical with the creation of the reusable space shuttle in the late 1970s and had fl own
over 20 successful missions by 1986. However, orbital flights did not attract the attention
of lunar missions and sporadic delays had diluted the interest of NASAs remaining
audience. In the early 1980s, NASA decided to send a civilian into space a teacher named
Krista McAuliffe to help recapture the imagination of teachers and school children.
Even while NASA was having success with the space shuttle it was discovering problems
with the shuttle design. Engineers from the firm that designed the shuttle s fuel boosters,
Morton - Thiokol, had gathered data on various physical problems observed after
shuttle flights. In particular, they noted that large rubber gaskets known as O - rings fre-
quently showed wear and signs of blow- by” (escaped exhaust). These O - rings played a
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critical role in containing the burning fuel in the shuttle boosters. By the early 1980s, the
engineers had suspicions that temperature was related to O - ring problems. (It was later
recognized that cold temperatures made the rubber of the O - rings brittle, thereby pre-
venting them from sealing.) As they approached the February 1986 Challenger launch,
engineers were concerned that the below - freezing launch temperature was far below that
of any previous launch. The engineers raised their concerns with NASA administrators,
but they gathered and presented data in a piecemeal fashion which blocked the ability to
see any overall picture.
As importantly, all of the data the engineers presented were focused on past problem
ights, seven in number, which had occurred at a wide range of temperatures and provided
a murky picture. To quantify it, four problem flights had occurred when temperatures
were below 65 degrees; three had occurred when temperatures were above 65 degrees.
NASA administrators decided that staying on schedule was more important than acting
cautiously based on such ambiguous evidence. However, as Tufte ( 1997 ) notes in his
retrospective analysis, the evidence was not ambiguous it was incomplete. (And, to be
fair, the engineers also did not have access to all the temperature data.) Tufte notes that
“ the ights without damage provide the statistical leverage necessary to understand the
effects of temperature . . . and no single chart contained data on both in relation to each
other (pp. 44 45). In other words, to see all four cells in the Challenger example, one needs
to know how many past fl ights were fl own without damage at warm and cold temperatures.
The answer: 17 flights had been flown at temperatures above 65 degrees with no problems;
no fl ights were own at temperatures below 65 degrees without a problem. Using all
24 historical cases, the conditional probability of a problem was 15% above 65 degrees
and 100% below 65 degrees. (These results hold for alternative cuts of the data: problems
arose on 41% of ights flown at temperatures below 75 degrees (7/17 cases) compared to
0% for fl ights above 75 degrees (0/7 cases).)
The Challenger incident has become the most famous example of a failure to broaden the
frame when assessing a relationship. It shows why it is not enough to look at the relation-
ship between a variable of interest, temperature, and one outcome, failure. One must also
look at the relationship between temperature and success. The combined data all four
cells supported the suspicion of a link between temperature and O - ring failure and
made a convincing case for caution when the temperature was below freezing.
Defining objectives at Seagate
In the early 1990s, Seagate Technology was the largest manufacturer of disk drives in
the world. It had recently acquired a dozen companies and was working to create a single,
integrated company from the disparate parts. Ralph Keeney was approached to help
the company identify a comprehensive set of objectives that would help Seagate defi ne
its mission (Bond et al., 2008 ). Keeney started by meeting with each high - level executive
separately. In each discussion, he asked the executive to identify any objectives, hopes,
desires, aspirations, or plans (s)he had for the new organization (p. 65). This open - ended
questioning was followed by more tailored questioning that helped respondents consider
objectives that he or she touched on only lightly. Keeney then summarized the objectives
and sent the summary to each respondent to see if they accurately represented his or her
views. Obviously, the future of the firm was an important issue to each of the executives.
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Executives committed a substantial amount of time to the task and had a chance to refl ect
on their answers.
By pooling the objectives together, Keeney identified eight overarching objectives ( con-
tribute customer value, ” “ help employees achieve satisfaction, and so on) with 39 specifi c
objectives tied to meeting the larger objectives ( increase customer productivity, ” “ provide
opportunities for career growth, and so on). On average, each individual executive men-
tioned five of the eight overarching objectives, and 14 of the 39 specific objectives. When
the entire set of objectives was organized and presented to senior management, there was
a consensus that the aggregate list was what Seagate wanted to achieve. Only one indi-
vidual had close to half the overall picture.
The Seagate example illustrates how individuals tend to have an incomplete represen-
tation of firm objectives. As importantly, it shows one example of a process for broadening
the frame – anoint a specific individual to gather information (in this case, a neutral out-
sider trained in eliciting information). However other processes could substitute for hiring
a consultant. A trusted inside member could play the same role. Or electronic mechanisms
(see Chapter 32 ), such as a jam or bulletin board, could be used to gather insights over a
period of time. All of these mechanisms will lead to a more complete representation of
objectives that should guide both company and, at times, department - level decisions.
This chapter has focused on narrow frames as a general problem in decision making.
It has not focused on enumerating the many specific biases that have been identi-
ed through research, such as honoring sunk costs, forming probability judgments
based on what is available in memory, and treating gains and losses differently
(interested readers should see Bazerman and Moore, 2009 , for a useful review of
these specific biases). These specific biases are important and worth knowing about.
Most of them, such as availability, are examples of how fast, automatic cognitive
processes yield an incomplete cognitive representation. The premise of this chapter
is that the fundamental problem in decision making is accepting such incomplete
representations as complete.
The prescription to decision makers therefore is to use processes that broaden
the frame for important decisions. By incorporating more complete information,
broad frames will, on average, be more accurate than narrow frames. In the spirit of the
chapter s principle, however, I must acknowledge that future research may identify pre-
dictable contingencies when narrow frames rapid, intuitive, simple representations
are more accurate than broad frames. The bet based on current evidence is on broad
frames. Future research will broaden the frame of our understanding.
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Generating alternative causes
Have a group of participants think about the following scenario: The Delta Corporation
is in trouble. One of its best products, the portable z - phone, is not selling well even while
related products from Apple and other companies are selling very well.
Divide the participants into groups of about five. First, have each person work alone to
list all the reasons why the product might not be selling. Then have each group combine
ideas from all members (discarding those they think are preposterous). Count how many
more ideas the group as a whole had as compared to each individual member, including
the best member. If there is time, see if the groups combined did better than any one
group. Further, there could be a discussion of what actions to take on each of the ideas
Generating objectives
This exercise is modeled after research conducted by Bond et al. ( 2008 ). In this exercise,
participants are asked to generate objectives for an important decision. If this is conducted
in a group, try to identify a decision of common interest and importance. For example,
ask participants “ What objectives are relevant to you when buying a house? (Depending
on the audience, other topics might include business unit objectives, choosing a major, or
choosing a job.)
Have participants independently generate a list of objectives. Then break them into
teams to compare lists of objectives. If you wish to conduct a formal exercise, you can
have a note - taker list all of the objectives for each team, which will involve grouping and
eliminating redundant objectives. Have participants assess the completeness of their own
list of objectives were there important objectives generated by other group members
that they overlooked? Expand the conversation by having participants discuss how a list of
objectives could be used as a decision tool in an organization.