Brand Usage and
Trademarks Infringement
Brand Usage and Trademarks Infringement
© The Guide Association 2013
Brand usage and trademarks .................................................................. 3
Who can commission merchandise featuring Girlguiding trademarks? ............... 5
As a registered guiding body, how do I use Girlguiding trademarks? ................. 5
Why is it important that suppliers conform to these standards? ...................... 6
How do I find a supplier? ...................................................................... 6
What if I have an idea for merchandise? ................................................... 6
Brand Usage and Trademarks Infringement
© The Guide Association 2013
Brand usage and trademarks
Girlguiding has a number of valuable trademarks, such as images, logos, phrases and
designs. They form a crucial part of our identity and are protected so that only the
organisation and its members may use them to identify a link with our organisation and its
What are Girlguiding’s trademarks?
Girlguiding has protected as far as possible the use of a number of its terminologies and
designs. No manufacturer of any goods for sale may use the following terms without written
permission from Girlguiding:
‘Rainbow’ or ‘Rainbows
‘Brownie’ or ‘Brownies
‘Guide’ or ‘Guides
‘Rainbow Guide’ or ‘Rainbow Guides
‘Brownie Guide’ or ‘Brownie Guides’
‘Girl Guide’ or ‘Girl Guides’.
Manufacturers may also not use any of the following trademarked designs without having
obtained prior permission.
Our trademark registrations protect the following designs:
Brand Usage and Trademarks Infringement
© The Guide Association 2013
The trefoil design is also trademarked and may not be used without having obtained prior
Old trademarked designs no longer used:
Brand Usage and Trademarks Infringement
© The Guide Association 2013
Who can commission merchandise featuring
Girlguiding trademarks?
Trademarks such as the trefoil, the logos for the different sections of Girlguiding, such as
Brownies, and images may be reproduced on merchandise for sale only when guiding
directly benefits from all of the profits made (as a charitable organisation all of our
activities should benefit our members). Therefore, only the following may use Girlguiding
registered trademarks on merchandise.
Our professional retail and wholesale operation wholly owned by Girlguiding, whose
purpose is to source and sell guiding-related merchandise, all the profits from which go
back to Girlguiding. This merchandise is available directly from Girlguiding, through the
Guiding Essentials catalogue, on our online shop, from local/volunteer shops and our
Trading and Activity Centres, or by calling the Sales team on 0161 941 2237.
Our official licensee David Luke Ltd, who pays a royalty to Girlguiding in return for
permission to manufacture and sell uniform to selected high street retailers.
Local guiding areas, which create or commission trademarked products to be sold either
to raise funds which will wholly be used to support guiding in their area (eg units
producing badges to fund overseas trips, Counties selling souvenirs at a local event or
camp, etc) or to fundraise for another cause as agreed by the unit members. Local
guiding areas must use their local area/unit name or event in any merchandise they
Anyone else who uses our trademarks without permission, and/or produces items to sell
to guiding members for personal profit, via any route including but not limited to the
web, mail order, shop or any other retail channels, is committing a criminal offence and
will be required to cease and desist from doing so immediately. Legal proceedings,
including the possibility of criminal sanctions, may ensue if the supplier fails to comply.
The law is here to protect Girlguiding and its members from those seeking to associate
themselves with us illegally for their own profit or otherwise to get some advantage for
If you discover a supplier or a seller using our trademarks to make profit for themselves,
please contact the Sales and Information Team at Girlguiding on 0161 941 2237.
As a registered guiding body, how do I use
Girlguiding trademarks?
Girlguiding recognises the importance of promoting a strong, professional and recognisable
identity at all levels, from CHQ to local. Registered guiding bodies (units, Districts,
Divisions, Counties, Countries, Regions, Trefoil Guilds, Friends of Guiding) may use our
trademarks provided that:
they are reproduced accurately
the item is not a replica or near replica of an item produced by Girlguiding
items are commissioned and paid for by the guiding body
it is made clear that the item is locally produced this means the name of the local area
or local area and specific event is used with the trefoil. We have developed very specific
Brand Usage and Trademarks Infringement
© The Guide Association 2013
and stringent rules on how to apply logos to products, and they must be adhered to.
Please see the Girlguiding Identity Guidelines for more information on localised logos.
they are used on suitable, safe and good-quality items as befits our famous name and
brand values. Being recognised as a brand signifies many things:
- being safe and suitable for young people
- being of a superior quality intended to offer a fair compromise between cost and
- being made to, and by, an ethical standard preventing the exploitation of the
environment and of others, particularly, but not exclusively, children, young people and
the proceeds of sale go directly to the guiding body that ordered them
any intermediate wholesaler understands that they are not free to market the products
to any other customers other than the guiding body that ordered them.
Why is it important that suppliers conform
to these standards?
Usage standards
It is important that suppliers adhere to our brand usage guidelines. If our trademarks are
infringed, we may take the necessary legal action to protect our charity’s rights, including,
but not limited to, asking that all the infringing products be immediately destroyed.
Safety standards
Our customers expect a trusted brand such as Girlguiding to provide excellent quality
products that have been sourced solely from companies that meet our rigorous and
stringent safety standards and ethical sourcing, production and trading policies. We also
have a duty of care to our members to ensure that any products they buy are safe and fit
for purpose, and to ensure that the reputation of Girlguiding is not brought into disrepute.
How do I find a supplier?
Girlguiding offers a bespoke service to help you produce personalised badges, clothing and
gift stationery. Call the Sales and Information Team at Girlguiding on 0161 941 2237 to find
out more about this exciting service.
Some suppliers of popular items such as casual clothing and badges advertise in guiding
magazine. Alternatively, you may hear of a reputable supplier by word of mouth. Please
note that Girlguiding cannot guarantee the quality of products or services from any
external supplier that advertises in guiding magazine.
What if I have an idea for merchandise?
Girlguiding is committed to making products and merchandise that reflects what our
members really want. If you have a great idea for a product that you’ve had made locally
and you think should be produced at a national level, please contact the Sales and
Information Team at Girlguiding on 0161 941 2237. The team will be pleased to investigate
procuring the product and marketing it so that all of guiding in the UK can benefit.