Rainbows New starter form July 2024 1!
Welcome to
Rainbows welcomes all girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in
a colourful, safe space. Find out more about out Rainbows on our website.
Rainbows New starter form July 2024 2!
Unit details
Unit name
Meeting place
Meeting day/time
Unit email (if applicable)
Unit social media (if applicable)
Unit subscription details
How often it is paid
How much
Your child’s subscription
(please check one)
partly pays for
the Girlguiding annual membership subscription
You can pay it by
Leader details
Unit main contact
Phone number(s)
Unit secondary contact
Phone number(s)
Area support
Your child’s unit is part of a wider Girlguiding family.
The unit is part of
District and/or Division
Local commissioner
Phone number(s)
We take your concerns seriously. If you ever need to talk about an issue with someone other
than your unit leader, contact the local commissioner in the first instance. Or you can contact
us at www.girlguiding.org.uk/about-us/contact-us.
Buying Girlguiding uniform, gifts and resources
To find your nearest Girlguiding or volunteer shop ask your leader, call 0161 941 2237 or visit
girlguidingshop.co.uk > Find a Volunteer Shop. You can buy your guiding essentials online at
girlguidingshop.co.uk. To order by phone from your latest Guiding Essentials catalogue call
0161 941 2237. For any buying queries please email us at tradingshop@girlguiding.org.uk
Your local shop
Parents and carers: please keep pages 1 and 2 for your information.
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Essential information
It’s essential the information we collect, store and use for your child’s membership is
accurate. Please tell the unit leaders about any changes and keep your personal details
up to date on our membership system GO. You can find our parent and carers' guide to
GO on our website.
Young person’s name
Young person’s preferred name
Young person’s date of birth
Parent/carer details – required
This must be the person who has legal responsibility for this member. This person must sign
this form.
Relationship to young person
Phone number(s)
Health information
To make sure your child is able to participate and enjoy a range of guiding opportunities
during her membership, we ask that you complete the following health information. Any
information that you give about a child’s disabilities or health condition will be used to help
volunteers make guiding more accessible for your child. We recommend that you speak to
your unit leader about support and adjustments the unit can provide.
Please tell your leader if there is anything else happening in your Rainbow’s life which will help
our volunteers to support her and look after her safety.
Required information
Do you consider your child to be disabled or to have a health condition?
This could include physical impairments, learning difficulties or disabilities,
mental health difficulties, sensory impairments, or any other medical
conditions including epilepsy, asthma and diabetes. If your child would
benefit from adjustments in order to help her participate fully please also
see our adjustment plans on our website.
conditions or
Note: There will always be at least one person at every unit meeting, activity or event with a valid first aid
qualification. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please speak to the unit leader. Please label any
medication with your child’s name and provide clear instructions for its use. If applicable, ensure that a spare,
clearly labelled inhaler or adrenaline auto-injector is brought to the event to be held by the first aider.
Leaders: once completed, please ensure the information on pages 3, 4 and 5 is recorded on GO.
Paper copies should be securely destroyed.
Rainbows New starter form July 2024 4!
Health information - continued
Unit meeting activities can often involve equipment, materials and food. So please add any
allergies or dietary requirements here.
Dietary requirements
Photo preferences - required
We sometimes take photos and/or videos during our activities. Please let us know your
preference for the way in which we can use photos of your child. Choose one option only.
[a] ‘Photos/videos can be shared and published and used for marketing - this means I
am happy for photos, videos, storytelling and other visual and audio content of my child
to be taken/collected, used for promotional and marketing purposes, published in public-
facing media and shared within Girlguiding and with partners and local newspapers’.
[b] ‘Photo/videos can be used for unit use only - this means I am happy for photos,
videos, storytelling and other visual and audio content of my child to be taken/collected,
used as a record of unit activities, not published in any public-facing media and not
shared outside the unit’. This may include unit specific social media channels (that are
closed to the public).
[c] ‘Do not take photo/videos - this means I do not want photos, videos, storytelling and
other visual and audio content featuring my child to be taken’.
Photo/video permissions differ for large scale events (where over 100 participants are present).
Consent forms will state clearly if an event is large scale, and will request parents/carers to tell
leaders if they don’t wish photos/videos of their child to be taken at the event.
To deliver good quality guiding, local leaders will need to communicate with members or
young member’s parents/carers. We need to be able to tell you information about planned
activities so that together we can participate in great local guiding. The unit leader may also
need to contact you about any last minute changes to our plans. Please speak to your unit
leader to find out more.
Phone number
I’m happy for my child’s leader to save my telephone number on her personal mobile phone.
Transport arrangements – required
Nothing is more important than your child’s safety, so we need to know who’ll be
accompanying her to and from meetings. If this information changes, or if there’s someone
who shouldn’t be accompanying your child, please tell your leader immediately. When
dropping off, please make sure that there’s a responsible adult present before you leave.
Dropping off
Picking up
Please tell us which school your Rainbow attends:
Leaders: once completed, please ensure the information on pages 3, 4 and 5 is recorded on GO.
Paper copies should be securely destroyed.
Rainbows New starter form July 2024 5!
Additional parent/carer details
Please give details of your child’s 2
and 3
parents or carers if applicable
parent/carer details optional
Relationship to young person
Phone number(s)
parent/carer details optional
Relationship to young person
Phone number(s)
Emergency contact details
Emergency contact(s) should be available during unit meeting times, but we’ll always try to
contact a parent/carer first in an emergency. It’s best to choose two people who don’t live
together to maximise the chance of getting hold of someone immediately.
1st emergency contact details – required
Relationship to young person
Phone number(s)
2nd emergency contact details optional
Relationship to young person
Phone number(s)
Leaders: once completed, please ensure the information on pages 3,4 and 5 is recorded on GO.
Paper copies should be securely destroyed.
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Girlguiding wouldn’t exist without our volunteers. Every extra adult helping out makes a massive
difference is this something you’d consider?
Could you help at meetings?
Can you help occasionally with
any of the following?
!Camps or holidays
Other - if you have interests, skills, equipment or
anything else that you’d be prepared to share
with your Rainbow unit at some point, we’d love
to hear from you. Let us know here.
You can also register your interest to volunteer on our website at Girlguiding.org.uk/interested
As part of the Girlguiding programme, your child will take part in varied activities. The unit may
visit indoor and outdoor spaces local to the unit meeting place during unit meetings. The unit
leadership team will let you know about these activities ahead of time and risk assess them. By
allowing your child to attend a unit meeting, you consent to their participation in any planned
activities. If you have any questions or concerns about any planned activities, please speak to
the unit leadership team. You’ll be asked to give additional parent or carer consent for
adventurous activities, activities outside unit meeting times, day trips and residential stays.
I confirm that the information that I’ve provided for this form is correct at the time provided and
that I’ve read the information about supporting my child and the unit volunteers. I’m happy for
Girlguiding to contact me in the ways I’ve indicated above. I understand that the Girlguiding
community treats everyone with respect and dignity and I understand my role in helping to
uphold the values of Girlguiding.
Name of child
Signature of parent/carer*
*Both electronic and wet ink signatures are acceptable
Leaders: once completed, this page should be kept in a secure location
for the duration of membership +1 year.
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Gift Aid declaration
We have the opportunity to boost the money going into our unit by as much as 25%.
Due to government legislation on Gift Aid, we can claim back 25p for every £1 of the money you
donate - including your child’s subscription. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax
you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK
Young member’s name:
In order to Gift Aid your donation you must complete the following:
I want to Gift Aid
donations made
Please tick all that apply
In the past 4 years
In the future
Leaders: please fill in your unit name and unit charity number (if applicable)
For England and Wales, this is only applicable if your unit is registered as an individual charity
with the Charity Commission. For Scotland and Northern Ireland, you must include your charity
Donor’s details
First name
Post code
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax
than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my
responsibility to pay any difference.
*Both electronic and wet ink signatures are acceptable
Please notify your Girlguiding leader if you:
Want to cancel this declaration
Change your name or home address
No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
If you pay income tax at the higher rate or additional rate and want to receive additional tax
relief, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your self-assessment tax return or ask HM
Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Leaders: once completed this page should be kept in a secure location
for 7 years after the last claim made.
Unit name (required)
Unit charity number (if applicable)