Revised: May 27, 2022 Page 1.1
General Rules and Regulations
Animals ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1.6
Application of Fares............................................................................................................................................................................. 1.2
Boarding Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1.11
California Seat Belt Law………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.8
Canadian and Mexican Immigration Regulations ............................................................................................................................... 1.7
Change of Itinerary Fees ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1.3
Dates of Sale ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.2
Exclusive Occupancy of Coaches ....................................................................................................................................................... 1.7
Face Coverings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1.7
Greyhound Mexico ............................................................................................................................................................................1.12
Gift Ticket Order………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....1.9
Greyhound Identification Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………...1.10
Honoring of Tickets ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1.3
Liability................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.6
Limit of Tickets .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.3
Marking of Tickets ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1.3
Objectionable Persons ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1.6
Passenger Facility Fee ......................................................................................................................................................................1.10
Passenger Information ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1.5
Passengers with Disabilities ................................................................................................................................................................ 1.6
Pay Near Me Purchase Option .........................................................................................................................................................1.10
Print at Home Ticketing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1.9
Refund and Exchange Policy .............................................................................................................................................................. 1.4
Reservations........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1.5
Road Reward………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...1.12
Round-Trip Tickets .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1.3
Routing ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1.5
Schedule of Fees ..............................................................................................................................................................................1.10
Special Operations .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1.5
Special Party Fare Tickets .................................................................................................................................................................. 1.8
Standing Passengers .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1.7
Stop-Overs .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1.5
Ticket Couponing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1.3
Troubleshooting Print at Home ........................................................................................................................................................... 1.4
Will Call Ticketing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1.8
Will Call Cancellations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1.8
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The Intercity Bus Directory, issued by National Bus Traffic Association, Inc., contains the industry rules and regulations which govern
passenger travel and baggage and express service. The following general rules and regulations have been extracted from the Directory and
included here.
A. General Fare Application:
1) The following general rules and regulations apply to all passenger travel. Fares and Charges are shown in dollars and
cents and are payable in lawful United States money.
2) When a through Fare is not published, one may be constructed by adding together two or more Fares, via the route over
which the passenger will be traveling. Interstate fares cannot be combined with intrastate fares.
3) If no fares are published the fares to or from intermediate points will be the same as the Fares to or from the next more
distant point unless otherwise indicated.
4) All Reserved Seat Charges or Charges for any other "Additional Services" offered by any Carrier will be in addition to the
Fares named therein.
5) TAXES: All Fares named in Tariff’s subject hereto are subject to applicable Local, State, and/or Federal Sales Taxes,
unless such Fares are specifically exempted from such Tax. Such Tax will be added to fares for transportation and
collected from the passengers.
B. Minimum Fares:
Unless otherwise specifically provided, the Minimum Fare for an Adult Passenger or a Child will be three dollars ($3.00).
All tickets will be on sale daily unless otherwise indicated.
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The following general limits will apply unless a different limit is specified in connection with a specific fare.
All one-way and round-trip tickets are good for 1 year. This includes the date of sale.
Extension of Limit of Tickets:
There will be no extension of time limits.
All round-trip fares are based on one-way fare (The fare/fare type for Outbound may be different from the fare/fare type for the Return.)
Note: Some city-pairs have published round-trip fares. In this instance, the published fare will apply.
Open Return round-trip tickets will not be sold. All round- trip tickets must specify a return date and time. If permitted, return date and time
may be changed in accordance with the Ticket Exchange Rule published in this section.
All tickets will be honored for transportation daily unless otherwise indicated.
Tickets which are blacked out for use during holiday periods will be honored provided the trip started before the specified black-out began.
One-Way tickets will contain a coupon for each Carrier participating in the through movement.
Round-Trip tickets will contain a "Going" and a "Return" coupon for each Carrier participating in the trip.
All tickets will be marked with the Pricing Policy Section Number, along with amount of fare and another endorsement required by the fare
Departure date and time for a Refundable Fare (Flexible) ticket may be changed without charge, origin and destination may not be
changed. Departure date and time for a Non-Refundable Fare (Economy Extra/Economy) ticket may be changed for a charge of $20
per ticket provided the following conditions are met:
1) Ticket has no refund value.
2) A $20 Exchange Fee will apply.
3) Exchange must take place prior to the Scheduled Travel Date.
4) Tickets will be null and void if Exchange Request has not been made prior to the Scheduled Travel Date.
5) Exchanges will be based on schedule availability.
6) Excludes Multi-Ride (Commuter) Fares.
7) A non-refundable fare ticket will remain non-refundable.
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[Effective February 20, 2020] Greyhound offers several economical fare options including Flexible (Refundable), Economy Extra
(Non-Refundable), and Economy (Non-Refundable) tickets.
1) Tickets can be Refunded or Exchanged.
2) Totally unused One-Way and Round-Trip Tickets are 100% Refundable. The unused return portion of a Round-Trip Ticket,
when no portion of the return has been used, is 100% Refundable. Refund is calculated based on fare paid minus fare used.
3) No Exchange Fee applies.
4) Tickets are valid for travel one (1) year from the date purchased. If not refunded or exchanged prior to one (1) year from the
purchase date ticket will be null and void. For a ticket to be valid for one (1) year from the purchased date the exchange must
take place prior to the original scheduled travel date.
5) Exchanges will be based on schedule availability.
6) Flexible Fare allows Same Day Exchange. The customer has an opportunity to switch to an earlier bus (based on seat
7) Flexible Fare tickets offer customer’s Priority Boarding.
8) 2 checked bags free.
1) Ticket has no refund value.
2) A $20 Exchange Fee will apply
3) Exchange must take place prior to the Scheduled Travel Date.
4) Tickets will be null and void if Exchange Request has not been made prior to the Scheduled Travel Date.
5) Exchanges will be based on schedule availability.
6) Excludes Multi-Ride (Commuter) Fares.
7) Same Day Exchange (ONLY applies to Economy Extra). The customer has an opportunity to switch to an earlier bus
(based on seat availability).
8) Free Priority Boarding (ONLY applies to Economy Extra).
9) Exchange of Ticket can be processed by contacting the Greyhound Customer Care Center at (800)268-9000. Change fees
apply ($20 exchange fee and fare differential).
Should the customer show up without their “Print at Home” ticket the following options are available:
1) Via the internet the ticket can be retrieved by doing the following by going to and selecting Retrieve
Your Booking button. Customer will need to provide ticket confirmation number and last name to retrieve ticket.
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General Routing Information:
(1) Fares apply via the direct, scheduled service route only, unless otherwise specifically specified. Should miles exceed the direct
route miles by 20%, the miles via the route traveled will apply and fare determined based on the route traveled.
(2) The Routing must be designated at the time of ticket purchase and can only be changed as indicated below.
Change of Routing:
(1) The routing on a ticket may be changed en route prior to the completion of the passenger's trip. Most tickets are completely
interchangeable and acceptable for transportation via the routes and schedules of the Carriers named herein, whether such tickets
are "closed out" or have diversion stickers thereon. See exceptions in Optional Honoring.
(2) When the route is changed to one which carries the same fare, no additional fare will be charged.
(3) When the route is changed to one which carries a higher fare, the passenger will be required to pay the difference between the fare
originally paid and the fare in effect at the time the original ticket was purchased from the origin to the destination of the new ticket
via the route being traveled.
(4) The Time Limit of a new ticket must be computed from the date of purchase of the original ticket.
Reservation of seats or other special accommodations will not be made, except as specifically indicated in connection with a particular fare.
Any carrier, including Greyhound, reserves full control and discretion as to the seating of passengers and the right to change such seating at
any time during the trip, provided; however, that seating arrangements will be made without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin.
Any carrier including Greyhound reserves the right, when operating conditions require, to transfer passengers from one vehicle to another en
Seat space cannot be guaranteed on stop-over privileges or on sale of tickets at intermediate points and is limited to the seating capacity of
the motor coach passing through such points.
In case of insufficient seating capacity of any schedule, passengers will be placed on succeeding schedules which have available seats.
Stop-Overs at any point along the route, within the limit of the ticket, will be permitted. A proper notation must be made on or coupons
added to the ticket by driver or agent.
Exception: Stop-Overs will be permitted in the Province of Ontario Canada only in accordance with the privileges of the local permit
rights of the carriers in that Province. Passengers should be instructed to decide for stopovers at the Port of Entry.
Operations via some routes and to some destinations are seasonal in character and are subject to road and weather conditions. Carriers
reserve the right to issue or honor tickets only during the season that the service is operated.
Carrier may disclose the passenger's personal information, including ticket and payment information, as required by law, upon order of
the court, by request of a governmental agency, by request of a law enforcement authority, or in the good faith belief that disclosure is
necessary or advisable.
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See Greyhound’s ADA Policies and Procedures Manual for information regarding passengers with disabilities.
The Americans with Disabilities Act defines person with a disability as anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits one or more major life activities: Seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, walking, performing manual tasks, learning, caring for oneself,
and working.
Except as responsibility may be imposed by law, Carriers will not be liable for delays caused by accidents, breakdowns, bad conditions
of the road, storms, and other conditions beyond the carriers’ control, and do not guarantee to arrive at or depart from any point as a
specific time. The time of arrival at and departure from any point shown in published Time Schedules is the schedule a Carrier tries to
maintain but is not guaranteed. However, carrier will make reasonable attempts to minimize the delays and/or make alternate
arrangements to enable bus travel to customer’s destination.
Except as responsibility may be imposed by law, Carriers will not be responsible for lost or stolen tickets.
Tickets are non-transferable and, if presented for transportation by any person other then the one for whom originally purchased, will be void
and may be confiscated by an Agent or authorized employee of any Carrier over which the ticket is issued.
In issuing tickets and checking baggage for passage over the lines of other Carriers, the issuing Carrier acts only as an Agent.
(1) A Carrier will not be liable and does not assume responsibility for death or bodily injury to passengers incurred in
transportation over the lines of other Carriers. If a claim, lawsuit, or other demand for payment, damages or recovery is made
against a Carrier when the alleged loss, damage or injury occurred in transportation over the lines of another Carrier, such
other Carrier agrees to indemnify and hold the first Carrier harmless from all such claims, lawsuits, or other demands for
payment, damages or recovery, including reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs of defending such actions. The same
conditions will apply in instances where ticket may be optionally honored by another carrier.
(2) In checking Baggage for transportation over the lines of other Carriers, the Issuing Carrier does not assume responsibility for
the transportation over the lines of other Carriers, except as responsibility may be imposed by law or agreements between
carriers with respect to Baggage.
In the sale of interline, through transportation of passengers across International Boundaries, the initial carrier assumes no liability for the
transportation by, or the act and neglects of other carriers, beyond such International Borders.
Carriers reserve the right to refuse to transport a person under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or who is incapable of taking care
of him/herself, or whose conduct is such or likely to be such as to make him or her objectionable to other passengers or prospective
passengers, or who refuses to comply with any lawful rule or regulation of the carrier. Such persons may be removed from the bus at any
usual stopping place or at such other place as the driver may select. In event of such removal, the liability of the carrier shall not exceed the
amount of the excess fare paid by the passenger.
Exception: This rule does not apply to persons who are ill and accompanied by an attendant or nurse.
Dogs, cats, birds, or other animals will not be transported.
Exception: A service animal, trained for the purpose of accompanying a disabled person, will be permitted to travel with the disabled
person at no additional charge. For further information, see section on Passengers with Disabilities. (See Page 9 of this
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Passengers en route to Canada who intend to return to the Unites States must carry with them a valid Passport to establish their identities,
to the satisfaction of the Canadian or United States immigration officers, whose duty requires them to examine all passengers entering
Canada from the United States or entering the United States from Canada.
The same documentary evidence should be carried by passengers en route to Mexico who intends to return to the United States, and, in
addition, a Tourist Permit should be secured from a Mexican Consulate in the United States, or Mexican Authorities at point of entry, which
will be issued upon the basis of such documents.
Upon payment of a minimum charge, equivalent to thirty-two (32) adult walk-up fares per coach requested or required, the carrier will grant
exclusive occupancy to a coach to any group moving between any two points where the one-way adult fare is fifteen dollars ($15) or more,
subject to the availability of equipment, as follows:
1) With or without advance notice for movements locally on Greyhound.
2) Twenty-four (24) hours advance notice must be given to the originating carrier for interline movements via the lines of two (2) or
more of the carriers listed herein.
3) Two half-fares will be considered the equivalent of one (1) adult fare.
4) Under this provision, carriers will pick up and discharge passengers at any point within the incorporated limits of the point of origin
or destination, which they are authorized to serve.
5) Exclusive occupancy provisions will not apply in connection with the purchase of any fare that has an advance purchase
It is company policy to board passengers only to the full seating capacity of the bus. The standing of passengers will not be
permitted except in cases where not standing the passenger would create an emergency or a greater safety risk. Passengers
required to stand will be compensated for their inconvenience in accordance with company policy.
Special party fare tickets will be sold to groups of sixteen (16) adult passengers or the equivalent, who travel together on one group ticket
between points within the United States, at fifteen (15) times the applicable one-way or round-trip adult fare as follows:
1) Applicable between points where the one-way fare is twenty-five dollars ($25) or more.
2) Two (2) half-fare passengers will be the equivalent of one (1) adult passenger.
Based on the Federal Law customers are required to wear a mask covering the nose and mouth while at our facilities and onboard all
GLI buses whether passenger has been vaccinated or not vaccinated. Mask must be worn between drinking and eating. Refusal to
wear a mask is in violation of Federal Law and may result in removal of the facilities or buses. Penalties may apply.
Anyone who is not able to bring their own face covering or if it is damaged in route, can ask their driver or one of our other Greyhound
team members for a mask and they will be glad to assist.
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Will call ticketing is designed to allow the passenger the convenience of calling toll free 1-800-231-2222 a minimum of two hours prior
to departure time and paying for a ticket by credit card, then picking it up after arriving at the departure city. Tickets ordered several
days in advance can be picked up anytime prior to departure date but at least two hours after placing the order. Will call tickets will be
governed by the following:
1) Will call ticketing is limited to electronic sales locations only.
2) Locations are indicated with a "W" to the left of the city name on the origin and destination summary screen in TRIPS.
3) Will call ticketing does not apply to E-ticketing locations.
4) Ticket origin (not necessarily the destination) must be an electronic sales location.
5) A service charge may apply to Will Call tickets. See next page for Schedule of Fees.
6) Tickets can be picked up at the counter or from self-serve kiosk (not available at all locations), passenger must present the
credit card used for purchase, the confirmation number (displayed after purchase), and valid photo ID.
7) A password can be created at the time of purchase if someone other than the purchaser is picking up the ticket(s).
8) Alternately, a notice of at least two hours prior to departure is required for any will call purchase.
9) Tickets must be picked up at least one hour prior to departure time.
10) If purchasing multiple tickets at the same time on the same credit card service fee charges are per ticket, not per transaction.
This does not apply to commercial ticket order sales.
Once a will call ticket has been purchased, cancellations, if the ticket has been issued, will be handled by the terminal of origin in
accordance with current cancellation and refund policies. See section on Refund and Exchange Policy. If the ticket has not been
issued (printed) the customer may proceed to the Customer Self - Service Portal at . The Customer Service
Group will verify the status of the Will Call ticket. If ticket has not been printed, a credit to the card used to purchase the ticket will be
issued. Standard cancellation penalties apply.
California passed a law that requires all drivers and passengers in commercial buses to wear a seat belt or face a fine of $20 for the
first offense and $50 for subsequent offenses. Parent, legal guardian, or chartering party is responsible for
passengers under 8 years old and under 4 feet 9 inches in height, unless he or she is acceptably restrained by a safety
belt. If it is not possible to ensure a child who is under eight years of age and under 4 feet 9 inches in
height is acceptably restrained by a safety belt because of his or her size, they shall be secured in an appropriate child
passenger restraint system that meets applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards.
Acceptable Restraints:
The latch plate is securely fastened in the buckle.
The lap belt shall be adjusted to fit low and tight across the hips
or upper thighs, not the stomach area.
The shoulder belt shall be adjusted snugly across the chest and
the middle of the shoulder, away from the neck.
The shoulder belt shall not be placed behind the back of under the
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Print at Home is designed to allow the passenger the convenience of printing tickets in advance of travel and proceed straight to the
gate for boarding. Tickets will immediately appear after purchase in a pop-up window. Customer must ensure all pop-up blockers are
turned off so ticket can be displayed:
1)Print at Home Tickets are available on many routes and locations.
2) Print at Home Tickets can be purchased as Refundable (Flexible) or Non-Refundable (Economy and Economy Extra)
3) Online ticket purchases must be made at least two hours in advance of travel.
4) Each passenger must present a ticket.
5) If a customer is not able to produce a valid ticket, the Driver will ask for identification and match the ID to a name on their
manifest. If the passenger is located on the manifest the driver will swipe them as Boarded. If the passenger is not found on
the manifest, the driver will direct them to a customer service representative for further assistance.
6) If customer has trouble printing ticket and has not received an email confirmation, the customer can use the reprint by going to and select Retrieve Your Booking button. Customer will need to provide the ticket confirmation
number and last name to retrieve the ticket.
Once a print at home ticket has been purchased, cancellations, for Refundable Fare tickets can be handled by the terminal of origin or
the Customer Service Group at in accordance with current cancellation and refund policies. Non-Refundable
Fares are subject to an exchange fee of $20 if request for exchange is made prior to the original travel date; otherwise, the ticket will be
null and void.
Allows purchaser to buy a ticket for someone else using their credit card. The tickets can be printed at home or picked up at the
passengers departing location (GTO is only applicable at Greyhound US locations). Passenger is required to provide a Photo ID or
password along with Ticket Confirmation Number.
1) When you purchase a bus ticket on from your desktop or your smartphone, you can choose to have a
paperless E-Ticket delivered to your smartphone. Print at Home and Will Call tickets can be converted to an E-TICKET. By
selecting the “Get Your E-Ticket button which is provided in your email confirmation or go to “Retrieve Your Booking on our
website and enter your confirmation number and last name.
2) If a customer is not able to produce a valid ticket, the Driver will ask for identification and match the ID to a name on their
manifest. If the passenger is located on the manifest the driver will swipe them as Boarded. If the passenger is not found on
the manifest, the driver will direct them to a customer service representative for further assistance.
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The Pay with Cash option allows you to purchase your Greyhound ticket at a local participating retailer. Participating retailer are 7-11,
ACE Cash Express and Family Dollar. You can either print your confirmation receipt and take it to a participating retailer or follow the
on-screen steps to utilize a Greyhound Card at a participating location. After making your payment at the retailer, your ticket will be
printed on your receipt. Use the receipt as your boarding pass.
1) To choose the option to Pay with Cash at a retailer there must be a participating retailer within 15 miles of the zip
code entered. If there are no participating locations within a 15mile radius of the zip code you entered, then you will
not be able to use this purchase option.
2) The confirmation receipt is to be printed by the customers' own computer and printer after reserving a ticket on Customers will receive their register receipt/boarding pass at the participating retailer of their choice
once they pay for their ticket.
3) It is recommended that Advance Purchase fares be picked up by midnight on the day the ticket was placed on hold.
For specific date and time, please refer to the confirmation receipt at the end of your purchase. All other fares must
be picked up within 2 days of the ticket order or no later than 2 hours before departure.
4) A printed receipt or boarding pass from the participating retailer along with valid photo ID will be required at point of
FEE and Mobile App
E-Ticket (No Charge)
$ 0.00
Will Call (for Pick Up)
$ 5.00
Passenger Call Center (1-800-231-2222)
Service Fee (Purchase)
Ticket Exchange
Prepaid Ticket Order
Passenger Facility Fee
a. A Passenger Facility Fee will be set at $2.99 for one way and $5.98 round trip for Adults/Children.
b. Fee will be billed per passenger and not per transaction.
c. The fee assessed from the terminal and the internet will be the same.
d. Fee will be assessed at ALL GLI and Subsidiary locations.
Customers are not required to show a photo identification when boarding a Greyhound bus unless:
1. The customer is unable to show any of the following ticket types to the Driver (TRIPS, NBTS, Kiosk, Manual,
Print at Home, E-Ticket or Commuter Pass tickets). If a customer is not able to produce a valid ticket, the
Driver should ask for Identification and match the ID to a name on their manifest. When the passenger is
found on the manifest, the driver will swipe the passenger to Boarded status. If the customer is not on the
manifest, the Driver will direct them to a customer service representative for further assistance.
2. The passenger appears to be an unaccompanied minor (under 17 years old). The driver will ask for
identification to confirm the passenger is seventeen (17) or older.
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Greyhound boards in groups Priority Boarding Group and General Boarding Group. In cases where Re-boarders are applicable,
staff will first board Re-boarders and then proceed to board Priority Boarding Group and then General Boarding Groups will follow. If
no Re-boarders are present the staff will board the Priority Boarding Group first and then General Boarding Group will follow. The
boarding process will begin with Pre-Boarding 30 minutes prior to departure (Performed by Facility Staff). Next Boarding
announcement is 15 minutes prior to the departure (Performed by Driver). * Special Exclusion: At the following locations Dallas,
San Antonio, Atlanta, Amarillo, and Portland the 15 minutes prior to departure announcement will be performed by Facility Staff. Final
Boarding Announcement is 5 minutes before departure (Performed by Facility Staff).
The ticket type determines which boarding group will be printed on the customers ticket. Both the Economy Extra and
Refundable fare ticket will have the Priority Boarding Group status.
Uniformed military, wheelchairs, passengers needing assistance and families with children aged 16 and under and
passengers requiring extra time may board with the Priority Group.
Any passenger in General Boarding Group that desires to Upgrade to Priority Boarding may do so for an upgrade fee of $5.
All Greyhound served schedules, offer priority boarding to customers who qualify. This includes Greyhound locations, agency
locations, and foreign carrier locations.
Example of Boarding Coupons
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Refund Process:
Refundable Tickets
Tickets purchased in Mexico will only be refunded in pesos at the origin terminal. (1) Tickets must be unused and must be a
fully refundable purchased ticket. (2) The request for refund must be made before the travel date. If request is made in
advance of travel date the ticket will be fully refunded or may be exchanged at no cost. (3) If travel date has passed the ticket
will be null and void for travel or refund.
Tickets are valid for travel one year from the date purchased. If not refunded or exchanged prior to one year from the
purchase date ticket will be null and void. For a ticket to be valid for one year from the purchased date the exchange must
take place prior to the original scheduled travel date.
Tickets purchased in the USA and Canada for travel into Mexico will adhere to the US refund policy. The Corporate Refunds
Department will validate and conduct these transactions.
Non-Refundable Tickets
Tickets purchased with a (1) non-refundable restriction will not be eligible for a refund. However, (2) the ticket can be
exchanged for another date and time, and the request must be made in advance of travel date, otherwise the ticket will be
void for travel. (3) Excludes Multi-Ride Commuter Fares (4) Advance purchase rates will restrict exchange during Holiday
Blackout periods.
Road Reward:
Road Rewards allows customers to collect points every time they travel. The program is not based on redemption of points
instead it is based on point level. Once customer has gone through the Road Reward enrollment the customer can begin
collecting points.
1 point for each one-way trip for Economy fares
2 points for each one-way trip for Economy Extra fares
3 points for each one-way trip for Flexible fares
Customers will move through different levels of the program as their points add up.
15% off your ticket -This discount can only be applied to one ticket, which can be one-way or round-trip.
Companion Pass (for a friend) the member must purchase a full price ticket to get the companion pass for a second
Free Ticket This reward may be used for a round-trip ticket to anywhere Greyhound stops.