General Contract terms (v2.3, Sept 2017) Page 1 of 7
1. Definitions:
‘City’ means the Council of the City of Sydney ABN 22 636 550 790.
‘City Contact’ means the person identified by the City in Schedule 2
as amended from time to time.
‘Contract means (in order of priority) these Contract Terms
(“Terms”), schedules and any attachments thereto.
‘Deliverables’ means any documents, materials or information
(including, but not limited to any notes, drawings, methodologies,
reports or templates) in any format (whether electronic or otherwise)
which the Supplier is required to provide to the City under this Contract
specified in Schedule 2.
‘Documentation’ means documentation specified in the Schedules or
otherwise required to enable the City to make full use of the Products.
‘GST’ means any goods and services tax, value added tax or sales
tax imposed on the sale or supply of goods, services and rights
including but not limited to a tax imposed by the GST Law.
‘GST Law’ means the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax)
Act 1999 (C’th) and the related imposition Acts of the Commonwealth.
‘IPR’ means all present and future rights conferred in law in relation to
any copyright, trade marks, designs, patents, circuit layouts, plant
varieties, business and domain names, inventions and information
supplied in accordance with clause 20, and other results of intellectual
activity in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic fields,
throughout the world, whether or not registrable, registered or
patentable that exist or that may come to exist anywhere in the world,
but excluding any Moral Rights.
‘Moral Rights’ means all present and future rights of integrity of
authorship, rights of attribution of authorship, rights not to have
authorship falsely attributed and rights of a similar nature conferred by
statute anywhere in the world.
‘Personnel’ of a party means the officers, employees, agents and
contractors (including their employees and contractors) of that party.
Premises’ means any place or thing used by the City in the course of
conducting its business.
‘Products’ unless otherwise specified, means any goods and/or
Services supplied by or on behalf of the Supplier under this Contract.
‘Services’ means all services provided under this Contract.
‘Site’ means Premises or any other workplace controlled by the City.
‘Specifications’ means (in order of priority) (a) any description of or
representation about the Products provided to the City or referred to
in the Schedules, and (b) the Supplier’s published specifications for
the Products.
‘WHS Legislative Requirements’ means all applicable work health
and safety legislation, regulations, rules, Codes of Practice and
Australian Standards as amended from time to time.
‘WHS Obligations’ has the meaning given to it in this Contract.
Any other term that starts with a capital letter and used in these Terms
has the meaning given to it in the Schedules.
2. Contract Formation: This Contract may be sent electronically to
the Supplier. The binding Contract between the City and the
Supplier will come into existence on the earlier of the date the
Supplier confirms acceptance of the Contract (including but not
limited to signing these Terms), or the date the Supplier
commences delivery of any of the Products.
3. Delivery: The Supplier must deliver the Products to the Delivery
Address on the Delivery Date and in accordance with the Supplier
Instructions (if any) and the Schedules.
4. Acceptance: If the Products do not comply with the
Specifications, the City may terminate this Contract or require the
Supplier to promptly modify the Products so that they comply with
the Specifications. Execution of a delivery document or payment
by the City does not constitute acceptance by the City.
5. Price: The Prices are fixed and include all levies, duties, taxes
(except GST, unless expressly stated to be inclusive of GST),
insurance packaging and delivery costs. The total amount payable
by the City under this Contract will not exceed the Total Price.
6. Payment: Unless stated in the Schedules or otherwise agreed,
the Supplier may invoice the City following delivery of the Products
or otherwise as permitted by law. Each invoice must itemise the
GST and other indirect taxes included in the Prices, state the
City’s purchase order and be addressed to the City Contact at the
address for invoices specified in the Schedules. The City will pay
correctly rendered invoices (less any amounts due to the City from
the Supplier) within 30 days of the date that invoice is received.
Method of payment will be Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), with
payments made to the Supplier..
7. Goods and Services Tax: Unless expressly stated to be
inclusive of GST, the consideration for the supply of goods,
services or other things under this Contract has been calculated
exclusive of GST. If GST is imposed on a supply made pursuant
to this Contract, the recipient of that supply must pay, in addition
to the GST-exclusive consideration, an amount equal to the GST
payable by the supplier in respect of the supply. The Supplier must
ensure that any invoice or other request or demand for payment
for supplies provided by it to the City constitutes a tax invoice that
will, where applicable, enable the City to claim any tax credits for
the GST in respect of supplies to which the invoice relates. No
amount will be due and payable by the City in respect of a supply
under this Contract unless the City has received from the party
making the supply an invoice which complies with the GST Law.
8. Risk and Title: Risk in the Products will pass to the City when the
Products are delivered to the Delivery Address. Title in the
Products (other than Product licensed under the clause
10) will
pass to the City on the earlier of acceptance of, or payment for,
the Products by the City.
9. Cancellation: The City may cancel or reduce the quantity of any
Products by notifying the Supplier before the relevant Delivery
Date or if the Supplier fails to supply a Product on the Delivery
Date. The City will not be liable for any amounts or expenses for
cancelled Products.
10. IPR: The parties agree that:
(a) subject to clauses 10(b)and 10(c), the Supplier grants the City
(and its Personnel) an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty free,
perpetual licence to use and copy the Products so that the City
(and its Personnel) can make full use of them anywhere in the
world for any purpose;
(b) the City owns the IPR in any modifications made by the City to
the Products; and
(c) the Supplier assigns (now and in the future) all IPR to the City
in any Products or other material created by the Supplier under
or in connection with this Contract.
11. Moral Rights: The Supplier must obtain from its Personnel all
necessary written unconditional and irrevocable consents and
waivers permitted by applicable law to any act or omission that
would otherwise infringe any of their Moral Rights in the Products
whether occurring before or after a consent or waiver is given for
the benefit of the City, its licensees, successors in title, and
anyone authorised by any of them to do any acts comprised in the
copyright in any Products.
12. Warranty: The Supplier warrants:
(a) that all Products, excluding the Services: (i) are new and in
good condition; (ii) comply with all relevant Australian
standards and industry codes; (iii) are free from defects in
design, materials and workmanship; (iv) are of good and
merchantable quality and fit for their intended purposes; and
(v) comply with the Specifications;
(b) for Services, that the Supplier will: (i) provide the Services with
General Contract terms (v2.3, Sept 2017) Page 2 of 7
the degree of skill, care and diligence that would be expected
of a skilled professional experienced in providing the same or
similar services; (ii) ensure that the Deliverables are fit for the
purposes expressly stated in Schedule 2; (iii) comply with all
reasonable directions of the City Contact; and (iv) comply with
all City conduct policies (as notified to the Supplier by the City
from time to time), relevant Australian standards and industry
codes; and
(c) that the Products and Services and their use and supply will
not breach any obligation of confidence or infringe the IPR of
any person.
13. Breach of Warranty: If the Supplier becomes aware, or the City
notifies the Supplier, that a Product or Service fails to comply with
the warranties given under this Contract, the Supplier must,
without prejudice to any other rights of the City:
(a) in the case of the warranties provided under clause 12(a),
during the Warranty Period (or if no Warranty Period is
specified a period of 12 months from the acceptance of the
Product) fix any non-conformity; and
(b) in the case of any other warranty provided under this Contract,
promptly (at the City’s option) (i) remedy that failure (including
by replacing the Product or resupplying any Services if
necessary), (ii) provide to the City a full refund of the price paid
for the relevant Product or Service, or (iii) deduct in accordance
with the City’s directions the price paid for the relevant Product
or Service from any amounts owing to the Supplier.
14. Indemnity:
Without limiting the City's other rights under this Contract or
otherwise at law, the Supplier must indemnify the City on
demand against any claim, damage, expense, loss, cost
(including reasonable legal costs) or liability (including
liabilities of the City to third parties) arising out of or in
connection with:
(a) loss of, loss of use of, destruction or damage to real or
personal property of the City or any third party, including
existing property;
(b) breach of confidentiality or privacy;
(c) infringement of IPR or Moral Rights; and
(d) injury to, or disease or illness (including mental illness)
or death of, persons,
to the extent that, and in proportion to which, such claim,
damage, expense, loss, cost or liability arises from any
act or omission of the Supplier or its Personnel.
14A. Limit of Liability: (a) Subject to clause 14A(b), the Supplier’s
aggregate liability to the City, whether in contract, tort (including
negligence) or otherwise at law, in relation to this Contract or in
respect of the Services is limited to the amount set out in
Schedule 2. (b) The limitation in clause 14A(a) will not apply to
limit the Supplier’s liability to the City in relation to:
(i) fraudulent or criminal conduct by the Supplier or a
subcontractor engaged by the Supplier with respect to the
(ii) a wilfully wrongful act or omission by the Supplier or a
subcontractor engaged by the Supplier with respect to the
(iii) injury to, or disease or illness (including mental illness) or
death of, persons, or damage to property of third parties;
(iv) breach of confidentiality or privacy by the Supplier or a
subcontractor engaged by the Supplier with respect to the
(v) infringement by Supplier or a subcontractor engaged by the
Supplier with respect to the Services of an intellectual
property right or moral rights; or
(vi) conduct by the Supplier or a subcontractor engaged by the
Supplier with respect to the Services which in the City’s view
exhibits reckless disregard for the consequences.
15. Insurance: The Supplier must at its own expense effect and
maintain the insurances listed in Schedule 2. Policies must be
issued with an insurer licensed by the Australian Prudential
Regulatory Authority in Australia or holding an investment grade
rating from an industry recognised rating agency such as
Moodies, Standard & Poors or Bests. The Supplier must provide
to the City a certificate of currency for each of the insurance
policies listed in Schedule 2:
(a) before signing this Contract or commencing delivery of any of
the Products, whichever occurs first; and
(b) promptly following a request by the City at any other time.
16. Assignment and Subcontracting: The Supplier must not novate
or assign part or all of this Contract. The Supplier must not use
any subcontractors for supply of the Products or Services without
the City’s prior written consent. If the Supplier uses a
subcontractor, the Supplier remains liable for the subcontractor’s
17. Termination: The City may terminate this Contract:
(a) on at least 1 months notice for any reason in its discretion
(without liability);
(b) immediately by giving notice to the Supplier if the Supplier (i)
commits a breach of this Contract which is not remedied within
7 days of written notification by the City or (ii) becomes,
threatens, resolves to become or is likely to become subject to
any form of insolvency, administration, receivership,
bankruptcy or liquidation; or (iii) enters into any composition or
arrangement with its creditors or has a receiver appointed over
any of its assets or is the subject of any resolution or petition
for winding up; or
(c) in whole or in part immediately by giving notice to the Supplier
if: (i) the Supplier fails to meet a Delivery Date; or (ii) the
Supplier fails to remedy any breach of the WHS Obligations; or
(iii) the Supplier breaches its WHS Obligations more than once;
or (iv) a breach of the WHS Obligations by the Supplier results
in the serious injury or illness or death of any person or a
dangerous occurrence (as defined in the WHS Legislative
Requirements) on a Site; or (v) other damage results from the
Supplier's failure to comply with the WHS Obligations.
18. Entire Agreement: This Contract is the entire agreement
between the City and the Supplier in relation to the Products and
prevails over any other terms or conditions issued by either party.
No confirmation, shipment, delivery document or representation
will vary this Contract.
19. Work Health and Safety:
19.1 WHS Obligations: In providing the Services at a Site under this
Contract, the Supplier must comply, and must ensure that its
Personnel comply, with:
(a) its obligations as set out in this clause 19;
(b) the WHS Legislative Requirements;
(c) the City’s WHS Requirements; and
(d) any other directions to the Supplier regarding health, safety or
the environment issued by the City from time to time, (together
the 'WHS Obligations').
19.2 Work Health and Safety Plan:
(a) The City may, at its discretion, require the Supplier to provide
the City with a work health and safety plan in respect of the
Supplier's provision of the Services under this Contract ('WHS
(b) The WHS Plan must address those matters specified by the
City at the time of it requesting the WHS Plan.
19.3 Training: The Supplier must ensure that its Personnel undertake
any training:
(a) required by the City from time to time; or
(b) required by law; or
(c) which is necessary to ensure the safe performance of the
Supplier's obligations under this Contract.
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19.4 Supervision: The Supplier must ensure that its Personnel are
adequately supervised to ensure their health and safety and that
of other persons on the Site at all times while involved in the
provision of the Services on a Site under this Contract.
19.5 Monitoring:
(a) The City may monitor the Supplier's compliance with its WHS
Obligations including: (i) conducting audits of the Supplier's
work health and safety performance; (ii) requiring the Supplier
to provide it with whatever documents and other information
the City requires regarding the Supplier or its Personnel in
relation to: (A) certification of insurances; (B) licences of the
Supplier's Personnel; (C) registration of any vehicles; and (D)
any other matter which it considers appropriate.
(b) The Supplier must cooperate with any monitoring undertaken
by the City under this clause 19.5 and must provide any
documents or information requested by the City from time to
19.6 Breach:
(a) If, at any time, the City Contact is of the opinion that the
Supplier is in breach of its WHS Obligations, the City Contact
may notify the Supplier in writing of the alleged breach and the
City Contact may direct the Supplier to suspend the provision
of the Services in whole or in part.
(b) If the Supplier has been notified by the City Contact of an
alleged breach of its WHS Obligations, the Supplier must: (i) if
directed to do so by the City Contact, immediately suspend the
provision of the Services to the extent directed by the City
Contact; (ii) not resume providing any part or whole of the
Services which has been suspended at the direction of the City
Contact until the Supplier fully satisfies the City Contact that its
WHS Obligations will be fully complied with; and (iii)
immediately remedy the breach at its own expense.
(c) If the Supplier fails to comply with its obligation under clause
19.6(b)(iii) to immediately remedy the breach, the City may, in
addition to its other rights and remedies, have the obligation
performed by others. The cost incurred in doing so will be a
debt due and payable on demand by the Supplier to the City
and may be set off by the City against any amount otherwise
payable to the Supplier by the City.
(d) Without limiting the foregoing, if the City Contact reasonably
believes that a member of the Supplier's Personnel has
breached the WHS Obligations or otherwise endangered the
health or safety of any person on a Site, the City Contact may
take any step it considers appropriate including directing the
Supplier: (i) to remove that member of the Supplier's Personnel
from the Site; and/or (ii) not to allow that member of the
Supplier's Personnel to be involved in providing any Services
under this Contract.
19.7 Suspension of Services: The City will not be required to make
any payment to the Supplier in respect of the whole or part of the
Services which the Supplier has been directed to suspend in
accordance with clause 19.6.
20. Confidentiality: Any information supplied to a party to this
Contract (Recipient) by the other party to this Contract
(Supplying Party) relating to this Contract (whether in writing or
otherwise) and treated by the Supplying Party as confidential will
be the Supplying Party’s confidential information unless it is:
(a) public knowledge at the time of its supply to the Recipient; or
(b) in the Recipient’s lawful possession prior to its supply to the
The Recipient must keep the Supplying Party’s confidential
information confidential, safe and secure, not disclose it to any
person (except Personnel of the Recipient who have a need to
know or if required to disclose the information by law) and return
it when it has performed all of the work under this Contract or this
Contract terminates or expires, whichever is the earlier. The
Supplier may not make any public statement about this Contract
unless it has first obtained written consent from the City.
21. Privacy: The Supplier must not, directly or indirectly collect, use
or disclose any personal information under or in connection with
this Contract except to the extent necessary to provide the
Products. The Supplier must comply with the Privacy Act 1988
(Cth), the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
(NSW) and all other applicable privacy legislation and codes, and
all reasonable directions of the City. On termination or expiry of
this Contract, the Supplier must promptly return to the City or, if
requested by the City, destroy all copies of any such personal
information, in which case any right to collect, use or disclose that
personal information ceases.
22. No fetter: Nothing in this Contract in any way restricts or
otherwise affects the City’s unfettered discretion to exercise its
statutory powers as a public authority.
23. Government information (public access): In accordance with
section 121 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act
2009 (NSW), the Supplier agrees to allow the City immediate
access to the following information contained in records held by
the Supplier:
(a) information that relates directly to supply of the Product by the
(b) information collected by the Supplier from members of the
public to whom the Supplier provides, or offers to provide,
services on behalf of the City; and
(c) information received by the Supplier from the City to enable the
Supplier to provide services to the public.
24. Compliance with Law: Each party must comply with all relevant
legislation and regulations in the performance of this Contract.
25. Applicable Law: The laws of New South Wales apply to this
Contract and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of
the courts of New South Wales.
Signed for and on behalf of the Council of the City of Sydney by its duly authorised officer in the presence of:
Signature of authorised representative Signature of witness
Name of authorised representative Name of witness
Title of authorised representative Address of witness
Date of signing
General Contract terms (v2.3, Sept 2017) Page 4 of 7
Signed by the Supplier in accordance with section 127(1) of the Corporations Act 2001:
Director Director/Secretary
Name (printed) Name (printed)
Date of signing
General Contract terms (v2.3, Sept 2017) Page 5 of 7
(For the purposes of this Schedule, ‘Products means unless otherwise specified, any goods and/or Services
supplied by or on behalf of the Supplier under this Contract’)
Exclusive of
1. Briefing and
scope confirmation
Briefing by City curatorium to
confirm project scope, outline
the research requirements,
communications, aims and
projected outcomes
Confirmation of schedule.
2. Research and
Onsite research of civic and
archives collections, including,
but not limited to the Sydney
Star Observer collection.
Consultation with the artist/s
and external collection/s
Curatorial rationale and
exhibition title devised in
collaboration with City
Research phase complete and
outcomes presented to the City.
3. Exhibition
development, and
content and writing
Exhibition developed according
to the theme, with City and
external/additional exhibition
material identified.
Ongoing consultation with
contributors and City
High-res image files identified
and sourced
Exhibition content selected; first
draft copy prepared
Content approved by the City
Exhibition copy completed and
approved by the City
All exhibition content sourced
Approved copy and high-res
images handed over to
designer (end September)
4. Exhibition
Exhibition content prepared for
Production suppliers and
installation contractors
Exhibition material and design
files sent to print
Exhibition installed: supervised
by Creative City exhibition
coordinator, creative producer,
and designer
5. Public
Public engagement events
developed and delivered
Total Price:
Contract Date:
The date established in accordance with clause 2 of the Contract
General Contract terms (v2.3, Sept 2017) Page 6 of 7
Purpose(s) for
which the
Deliverables will
be fit for
Working in collaboration with the City of Sydney, the creative producer will research, curate and
deliver an exhibition for Sydney WorldPride, according to the Schedule and Project Specifications.
The exhibition will be presented on the ground floor of Customs House, opening in February 2023
and closing June/July 2023. During the exhibition period two public engagement activities will be
1. In collaboration with the City, consult and devise the exhibition premise and title
2. Research exhibition material within the City’s civic and archives collections, and material from
external collections/sources
3. Consult with the exhibiting artist/s
4. Regularly report to the City on the progress of the exhibition
5. With the City, work with the graphic designer on the exhibition visual identity
6. Write clear exhibition copy suitable for a general public, all ages audience
7. Submit the exhibition content and text for City approval by the agreed dates
8. Work with the City exhibition coordinator on all production elements
9. Acquire publishing rights for the reproduction of images (if applicable). The City will pay any
licence fees
10. Liaise with the City marketing team re. promotion of the exhibition and public engagement
11. Ensure all exhibition material is delivered to the City by the agreed deadlines
12. Develop and deliver two public engagement events/activities, approved by the City
City Contact:
Title: Kate Major, Creative City Exhibition Coordinator
Address: Level 3, Town Hall House
Phone: 0459 868 759
Invoices to be
addressed to:
1. Statement of business ethics
Not used
City’s WHS
As part of its duty of care obligations, the City requires the successful applicant employed by the
City under the Contract to comply with WHS Legislation, Australian Standards, relevant Codes of
Practice and the City’s WHS Policy in accordance with:
The legislative obligations placed upon all persons conducting a business or undertaking
with respect to the Work, Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work, Health and Safety
Regulation 2011.
The City’s WHS Policy available through City’s website at
Insurance type
Amount (AUD)
Public liability per occurrence
$10 million
Professional indemnity
$2 million
Statutory workers compensation
As required
Limit of Liability
(Clause 14A)
$5 million
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Project Specification
The Council of the City of Sydney (the City) requests the service of an independent creative producer,
curator, cultural researcher, or historian to research and deliver an exhibition in collaboration with the City
for Sydney for WorldPride 2023 (17 February 5 March). The exhibition will be presented on the ground
floor of Customs House, February June 2023.
Sydney WorldPride 2023 is a significant opportunity for the City to celebrate and acknowledge the
LGBTQIA+ community through an exhibition that reflects on the places and people of the Sydney LGA.
Scope of Work
The scope of the project includes collaborating with the City’s curators, historians and archivists (the
curatorium) to research and deliver an exhibition for display on the ground floor of Customs House.
The exhibition will
Use the research findings as the basis for the exhibition. Content may also be obtained from other
Align with the City’s vision and priorities.
Display content and text that is suitable for a diverse, all-age, general public audience.
Display reproductions of works that already exist. There are no fees to commission new work.
Use the Customs House exhibition fixtures and fittings.
Consider the World Pride festival theme: Gather, Dream, Amplify
Not include an exhibition launch event. Celebration and acknowledgement of the exhibition will be
through Sydney WorldPride channels and public engagement programs.
The creative producer will
Collaborate with the City curatorium to define the exhibition concept and exhibition title. They will
regularly meet with and report to the curatorium on the progress of the exhibition. Max 10 meetings
Undertake research that will include
o The City Archives and the extensive Sydney Star Observer collection and C.Moore Hardy
photographic collection
o Consultation with artist/s, as required
o Research other collections or content sources, as required
o Sub-contracting a research assistant if required for the initial research phase (any sub-
contractors will be approved by the City)
Select exhibition content for display that can include still and moving image formats.
Write clear, professional exhibition copy
in plain English, accessible to a diverse audience and
following the City’s style guide. Copy is required for didactic wall panels (120 words each), labels for
still images and content displayed on the six LCD screens (up to 50 words each label), a press
release, text for the City’s What’s On listing and public program promotional copy. All copy will be
reviewed by the City to ensure it is suitable and accessible to City audiences.
Liaise with the Creative City exhibition coordinator regarding exhibition production and delivery,
including scheduling, budget, image licensing, installation, and loan agreements.
Acquire publishing rights for reproductions of images and material that is published within the
exhibition. The City will pay associated fees.
Submit the exhibition content and copy by the agreed deadlines for City approval.
Meet with the City’s marketing team to discuss promotional opportunities and be available for media
Work with a graphic designer and the curatorium on the exhibition visual identity. The City will
procure the graphic designer. The creative producer can recommend graphic design companies for
Develop and manage the delivery of two City-approved engagement activities and/or associated
programs, for example panel discussion.
The City of Sydney will procure all contractors and suppliers associated with the production and delivery of
the exhibition, including graphic design, installation, technical support, marketing support, and support of
public engagement activities.
[1] Copyright of written material remains with the author; however, the City is granted a non-exclusive license to use the
material in City publications and digital platforms during the exhibition and into the future.