Eighth Grade Memory Book
This project is due Thursday, May 1
! It is worth 900 points! This memory book will be a project you
can look back on to see where you have come from. You must begin now and work on it for in order to
complete it on time without rushing. Your memory book should be full of pictures, so you should start
trying to collect those now! This is an ongoing project and your progress will be checked throughout the
school year.
There are two parts to the memory book. One includes the required pieces that everybody in class must
complete. There is also a section where you must choose five of the options given to include in your
Table of Contents: This should be done last after you have typed your entire memory book and have
included page numbers.
Dedication: To whom or what would you like to dedicate your memory book and why. This should be
written as if you are speaking directly to the person. One Paragraph with a photo of the person.
Monthly Journal Entries: You are to include monthly journals from September-April. You will be given a
particular topic to write about for each month. 3 full paragraphs.
Chapter 1: “My Heritage”- Write a description of your ethnic background, being sure to include both
parents’ genealogy. Do some research. Things you may want to use or include are important or unusual
people in your family, family history pamphlets from family reunions, etc., library or internet research
on your family name or on the country from which your ancestors came. 3 full paragraphs!
Chapter 2: “Who Am I?” This chapter is a descriptive piece of writing and it is all about YOU! Who are
you? Where do you live? What are your life goals? How will you reach these goals? What do you do for
fun? Who are your favorite people? Who do you admire? Why? I want to know all about YOU!
Introduction, Body, and Conclusion paragraphs required. 3 full paragraphs. DO NOT simply answer the
questions; use them as a guideline to tell your story.
Your Top Ten: A list of your favorite movies, songs, artists, foods, things to do, etc. Must have 3 top ten
lists). One of your list must be titled, “A Look at the World When I Was Born,” detailing all things
popular on the day (or of the year) of your birth.
Chapter 3: Besides my Parents, There Were-- Write a mini biography of at least two important
people in your life, besides your parents. Where were they born? How did they grow up? Why are they
so important to you? Two paragraphs! One per person.
An Original Poem: A poem written by you. It is ok if you don’t write poetry. Try your best! 10-16 lines
Chapter 4: Letter To a Favorite Teacher”- Think back from Kindergarten through 8
grade. Think about
the things this particular teacher did for you and write about him/her. Write about how the teacher
made you feel and what his/her support meant to you at the time. Maybe you were going through a
particularly difficult time in 3
grade for example and this teacher really came through for you. This
should be in a friendly letter format. 1 full page
Chapter 5: Junior High SchoolYou are comparing and contrasting yourself. How have you changed
since entering 6
grade? What fears and emotions did you have when entering junior high? Were they
valid? How are the teachers different? How are they the same? Have the types of activities that you and
your friends did in elementary school changed? How? Talk about your successes, failures, friendships,
relationships, etc. that you have had. Three paragraphs!
A Typical Day at Prairie Hills: Write a three paragraph description of what a typical day at PHJH is like
for you. This is not you simply saying, “First period I have Language Arts, then Math…
Chapter 6: “How Could You/I Have Done That?” Write about an incident when you did something mean
or hurtful to someone else. It could also be about what someone did to you. One Page
Editorial: Write a one-page editorial about an issue that you feel strongly about. Include a title!
Chapter 7: “Big News!”- This is a cause and effect (short) essay about a major news event that occurred
this year that affected you in one way or another throughout the school year. It could be a local, state,
national, or worldwide event. Three paragraphs
Chapter 8: “High School”—How do you expect your high school years to be? What high school will you
attend? What are the emotions you feel about entering high school? How do you think it will be
different from junior high school? Do you plan to participate in any extracurricular activities? What are
you looking forward to most? One page
My Favorite Movie This Year- Write a movie review of your favorite movie you’ve seen this school year.
Reviews must be written in a certain way…it is not simply your opinion about the movie. Three
Chapter 9 “I Wish I Could See _______ Again!”Tell about a childhood friend, neighbor, teacher, or
family member that you no longer have contact with but would like to see again. What was your
relationship with this person like back then? What happened to change that? Why would you like to
see this person now? What would you tell that person? Two paragraphs!
Chapter 10: “My Ideal Mate.” What qualities or characteristics would you like your future spouse to
have? Describe the type of spouse you want. One Page
EPILOGUE: Letter To Myself- This letter should discuss some lessons you have learned in life and things
you would change if you could. Maybe you did someone wrong and feel bad about it now. Maybe you
didn’t take a risk and really wish you had. Give yourself some advice on how to be a better person in the
future. 5 paragraphs!!
About the Author: Give a description of the author (you). This is to be written in 3
person (i.e. he,
she). Include information about where you’re from, your age, family, hobbies, etc. Two paragraphs!
Must include a current picture of yourself-Your 8
grade picture or graduation picture would be ideal.
You must include FIVE of the following suggestions. You will do these on your own and include them
in your final product.
Photos of friends and family (with captions)
Ask your friends and family to write letters to you in the present or in the future. (at least two
Honor Roll certificates, movie tickets, school work/tests that you did well on, report cards,
Original artwork (Don’t choose this if you are not successful at drawing!)
Headlines (at least 5) from newspapers for the most important stories of the year.
Thank you to all of the people who have helped make your 8
grade year special. Include
photos of these people.(at least one page)
Descriptions of some of your favorite events/musicians/clothes/friends, etc. Include photos.
(five sentences per style)
Describe the styles of the year and include photos. (one paragraph)
It Takes Money: Save receipts for some of your favorite things, such as your favorite
fast food meal or a new pair of your favorite jeans. When you have children of your
own, they'll be amazed at how cheap things were in the "good old days."
In order to achieve the best grade possible, it is IMPERATIVE that you complete every section. It
must be turned in to me in book form-bound, not stapled! Also, appearance is important. You
have SEVEN MONTHS to complete this book. Any book that appears to be thrown together at
the last minute will not be graded.