JEFS CIVIL User Manual
District, Circuit, Family, Land, and Tax Appeal Courts
as of January 25, 2022
RG-AC-508(02/2022) WF
1. JEFS Civil User Manual - 2022 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Navigation to JEFS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 JEFS Creating a Civil Case............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 JEFS Case Information Section ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 JEFS Party Information Section ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
1.5 JEFS Document Information Section .............................................................................................................................................. 23
1.6 JEFS Applicable Fees Section ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
1.7 JEFS Make Payments .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
1.8 JEFS Search for Existing Cases ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
1.9 JEFS Submit a Case or Filing ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
1.10 JEFS Manage Cases - My Case View ........................................................................................................................................... 38
1.11 JEFS My Case View - Search ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
1.12 JEFS My Case View - Viewing and Updating Cases ..................................................................................................................... 42
1.13 JEFS My Case View Pod - Manage Payments .............................................................................................................................. 46
1.14 JEFS Manage Payments - Search ................................................................................................................................................ 47
1.15 JEFS Manage Payments - Fee Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 49
1.16 JEFS Manage Payments - Payment Gateway ............................................................................................................................... 50
1.17 JEFS Other Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
1.17.1 JEFS Helpful Hints and FAQs ............................................................................................................................................. 55
1.17.2 JEFS Self Registration ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
1.17.3 JEFS Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................
1.17.4 JEFS User Administration ................................................................................................................................................... 63
1.17.5 JEFS Firm Administration ................................................................................................................................................... 67
1.17.6 JEFS Nature Of Action (NOA) Reference ............................................................................................................................ 68
1.17.7 JEFS Docket Category Codes ............................................................................................................................................ 74
1.17.8 State Department and Agency PartyIDs .............................................................................................................................. 101
JEFS Civil User Manual - 2022
The capabilities outlined in this manual presume that:
The user has registered and received confirmation of registration for access to the Judiciary Electronic Filing Service System (JEFS).
Has filed documents, or is part of a firm which has filed documents on civil cases which carry a filing fee.
Filings that are to be uploaded are saved in the required PDF file format and are within file size limits.
Submit Case Filing
1. Creating a Civil Case
2. Case Information
3. Party Information
4. Document Information
5. Applicable Fees
6. Submit a Case or Filing
7. Make Payment
My Case View
1. My Case View - Manage Cases
2. My Case View - Search
3. Viewing and Updating Cases
4. My Case View - Manage Payments
5. Manage Payments - Search
6. Manage Payments - Selection
7. Manage Payments - Payment Gateway
User Administration
1. Manage My Profile
Document Subscriptions
1. Existing Subscription Information
2. Purchase Subscriptions
3. View Documents
Other Information
1. Helpful Hints and FAQ's
2. JEFS Self Registration
3. Firm Administration
Navigation to JEFS
Navigation to JEFS
JEFS is accessible from the Judiciary Internet at: http://www.courts.state.hi.us/
1. Cl
ick Efiling from the home page, using the links on the side bar.
2. Next, select the Judiciary Electronic Filing and Service System (JEFS) Login Page link.
3. Enter your login credentials.
JEFS Creating a Civil Case
JEFS - Creating a Civil Case
1. To create a Civil case, begin by clicking the Create Case link in the Submit Case Filing pod.
2. The Case Initiation screen will be displayed.
3. Select the Court Type* (District Court or Circuit Court) from the dropdown.
4. S
elect the Case Type* from the dropdown.
5. Cl
ick the Continue button.
6. T
he Case Initiation screen will refresh to display the four Information Sections for data entry. Click on a link below to go to that page:
a. Case Information containing case details such as Case Title, Court, Location, Nature of Action.
b. Party Information for creation and assignment of parties to the case.
c. Documents Information where document(s) may be attached to the case.
d. Applicable Fees for the selection and optional online payment of Civil filing fees.
Family Court Civil
All Other Civil Case Types
1. The Circuit Court Case Initiation screen contains the base fields for all case-type screens.
a. For Circuit Court cases of Case Type "CV - Circuit Court Civil", when the Nature of Action of "02402 - Environmental" is selected, an additional
i. Environmental Nature Of Action*
1. This field does not display a name but is a required field.
2. Select the specific code from the dropdown.
3. A full list of codes is provided here (link to list of Environmental codes)
JEFS Case Information Section
JEFS - Case Information Section
There are five different Case Information screens, based on the Court and Case type, as some fields are displayed only for the relevant case type
Select a tab below to view the different screens.
Circuit Court Screen
1. The District Court Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of the field: District
a. Select the statutory District in which the property is present.
1. The Land Court Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of four fields:
a. Application Number
b. Consolidation Number
c. TCT Number
d. Map Number.
2. Enter a value for each of these fields, then click (Add) to add a number to the case.
3. Click (Remove) to delete an entry.
4. Multiple values can be added for each field.
District Court Screen
Land Court Screen
1. The Tax Appeal Court Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of one field:
a. Taxing County
i. Select the Taxing County of the property in the case.
The Family Court - Divorce Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of two required fields:
a. C
i. Select the Circumstance from the dropdown.
b. Number of Minor Children*
i. Select the Number of Minor Children from the dropdown.
Tax Appeal Court Screen
Family Court Civil - Divorce
1. The Family Court - Civil Union Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of three required fields:
a. In/Out Hawaii*
i. Select a value from the In/Out Hawaii dropdown.
b. Issue*
i. Select an Issue from the dropdown.
c. Number of Minor Children*
i. Select the Number of Minor Children from the dropdown.
1. The Family Court - Adoption Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of the required field:
a. Petitioner Type*
i. Select the Petitioner Type from the dropdown.
Family Court Civil - Civil Union
Family Court Civil - Adoption
1. The Family Court - Gun Violence Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of two required fields:
a. Petitioner Type*
i. Select the Petitioner Type from the dropdown.
b. Degree of Danger*
i. Select the Degree of Danger from the dropdown.
1. The Family Court Civil - Unif Interst Fam Supt Act Case Initiation screen is the same as the Circuit Court screen with the addition of one required field
a. Number of Minor Children*
i. Select the Number of Minor Children from the dropdown.
Family Court Civil - Gun Violence
Family Court Civil - Unif Interst Fam Supt Act
In Family Court, the following case types will default to Confidential:
i. AB - Adult Abuse
ii. AN - Adoption
iii. FM - Family Court Miscellaneous
iv. GD - Guardianship
v. TM - Termination of Parental Rights
For Land Court and Tax Appeal Court Case types, the Court will default to 1C, and is not editable.
District Court Case Initiation screen includes the field District*. Select the District in which the case will be heard from this
For Circuit Court cases of Case Type "CV - Circuit Court Civil", where a Nature of Action of "02402 - Environmental" is selected, the
additional field, Environmental Nature Of Action, is available for selection.
(Click the Circuit Court tab above to view screen)
For Family Court cases, the Nature of Action field will automatically reflect the Case Type selection and is not editable.
Common Case Type Fields
a. If
this case is confidential, select the Confidential checkbox. Confidential cases will not be displayed in eCourt Kokua.
b. Select a Court* (Circuit) from the dropdown list.
c. Select the Location* (filing location) from the dropdown list.
d. Court Type
i. This was selected on the previous screen and is not editable here.
e. Case Type
i. This was also selected on the previous screen and is not editable here.
f. Se
lect the Nature of Action* from the dropdown list. To view the complete list of Nature of Action codes, Click here.
1. The following fields are required only for Family Court cases:
a. DV - Divorce case type
i. Select the Circumstance* from the dropdown.
ii. Select the Number of Minor Children* from the dropdown.
b. CU - Civil Union case type
i. Select a value from the In/Out Hawaii* dropdown.
ii. Select an Issue* from the dropdown.
iii. Select the Number of Minor Children* from the dropdown.
c. AN - Adoption case type
i. Select the Petitioner Type from the dropdown.
d. GV - Gun Violence case type
i. Select the Petitioner Type from the dropdown.
ii. Select the Degree of Danger from the dropdown.
e. UF - Unif Interst Fam Supt Act case type
i. Select the Number of Minor Children from the dropdown.
2. S
elect the Method of Case Initiation* from the dropdown list.
3. T
he Land Court Case Initiation screen includes four additional fields: Application Number, Consolidation Number, TCT Number, and Map
Number. (Click the Land Court tab above to view screen)
a. Enter a value for each of these fields, then click (Add) to add the value to the case.
b. Click (Remove) to delete an entry.
c. Multiple values can be added for each field.
4. T
he Tax Appeal Court Case Initiation screen includes the additional field: Taxing County*. Select the Taxing County of the property in the
case. (Click the Tax Appeal Court tab above to view screen)
5. Enter the Tax Map Key Number without dashes.
6. Enter Premises Address.
7. Enter a Short Case Title*. This field is limited to 50 characters.
8. Enter an Extended Case Title*.
a. Click (Add) to add the number. Multiple Tax Map Key numbers may be added.
b. Click (Remove) to delete an entry.
Clicking the Add Me
available during Case Initiation.
button during Case Initiation, adds the logged-in user to the case. This feature is only
JEFS Party Information Section
Party Information Section
The Party Information Section in JEFS is where participants in a legal proceeding are identified.
At least one party is required in order to create a Civil case.
After the case is created, parties may be added to the case when new filing occurs.
1. Adding a party
a. To add a party, click the Add button
From the Case Initiation screen
From the Submit Filing on Existing Case screen
b. There are 3 methods of adding a party:
i. Search and add an existing party
ii. Create a new party
iii. Import parties
2. H
ow to search and add an existing party.
a. Click the Search radio option at the top of the screen.
b. Select the Search Type using the radial buttons below the Search Criteria bar.
i. Searches are separated into categories to make searching easier.
ii. Enter the search information for the selected Search Type.
1. Attorney
a. First Name and Last Name
b. Bar ID
c. Organization (Firm)
2. Party
a. First Name and Last Name
b. The following checkboxes are used in criminal cases:
SID#, Date of Birth, Driver License fields, Include Alias
3. Case ID
a. Case ID
4. Business
a. Name
5. Government Agency
a. Name
Court Reporter
a. First Name and Last Name
iii. The Partial Search and Phonetic Search checkboxes are available on all search options.
1. If the First Name, Last Name or Middle Name is known in part, enter the partial Name and click the Partial Search
checkbox. The system will display all parties containing those characters in the Name.
2. If the spelling of the First Name, Last Name or Middle Name are not known, enter a probable spelling and check the
Phonetic Search checkbox. All parties with names that sound like the entered value will be displayed.
c. A list of matching entries will display in a table below the search box.
All Other Case Types
Family Court Civil Case Types
d. Select the desired party by clicking on the row in the results table.
e. A
ssign the party's role from the Party Role* dropdown.
i. For Family Court Civil case types, once the user selects the Party Role, if the party is a Person then additional fields will display
which require user's input.
ii. Indicate whether the Party is Active Military*.
The above fields are not applicable to Attorneys on the case.
1. If Yes, select the appropriate branch of the military from the dropdown list.
iii. Indicate whether Party is a Law Enforcement Agent*.
iv. Indicate in Gun Possession* whether the Party is in possession of a firearm.
f. If the party is a juvenile, click the Juvenile checkbox. The case information of cases with Parties marked as Juvenile will not be available
in eCourt Kokua.
g. When adding an Attorney, click (Add) in the Parties table for each party being represented by the attorney.
i. When added, the Party will appear in the Attorney For section.
ii. I
f the selection was made in error click (Remove) to remove the association. The Party will return to the Parties table.
h. Click Assign to complete adding the party to the case. A confirmation message will appear.
1. C
reate a new Party
a. If the case party is not found, a new party may be created.
b. Click the Add radio option. This displays the fields necessary to create a new party.
All Other Civil Case Types
Family Court Civil Case Types
The above fields are not applicable to Attorneys on the case.
The party is available in JIMS immediately; however, the party will be assigned to the case only once the filing is completed.
c. Select the type of party: Person or Business/Gov't Agency.
d. Select the Party Role* from the dropdown for the party being created. The roles available depend on the type of case being created.
e. Enter the Name.
First Name* and Last Name* if a party type of person was selected.
Name of Business/Gov't Agency* if a party type of Business/Gov't Agency was selected.
f. In
Family Court Civil cases, if the party is a person, then:
Indicate whether the Party is Active Military*.
1. If Yes, select the appropriate branch of the military from the dropdown list.
Indicate whether Party is a Law Enforcement Agent*.
Indicate in Gun Possession* whether the Party is in possession of a firearm.
g. Enter the Address.
Select the Address Type.
Enter the Address.
1. If an address is not known, select the Default c
heckbox and click the Add button. This will update the Address field
with "NO ADDRESS ON FILE" and the City field with "NO CITY".
2. When the party is created, the address will display as "No Address on File".
Enter any additional information.
h. Click the Submit button to create the party and add it to the case.
i. A confirmation message with the new Party ID will display.
2. Import Parties
a. Add multiple parties at once using the Import Parties function.
b. Click the Import Parties radio option.
c. Download and Save the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, "Template.xls" to your computer.
d. Do not modify the format of the spreadsheet.
e. Open the Excel spreadsheet. Depending on the user’s computer security setting, the user may see a Security Warning message
“Macros have been disabled.” Click the Enable Content button as shown below.
f. Do not add any information beyond the formatted area.
g. Complete all the mandatory information for each Party in the spreadsheet. Mandatory information is indicated below with an * next to the
field name.
To create new parties, enter the following information for each party per row in the spreadsheet:
1. Case Type*
a. The dropdown lists all the civil case types including retired case types.
b. The Case Type will be used to determine the available Party Roles.
c. The Case Type selected in the spreadsheet must match the Case Type the user is creating or filing on.
2. Party Type*
a. From the dropdown, select Person, or Business/Gov't Agency.
3. Party Role*
a. Select the appropriate role from the dropdown. The values shown are dependent on the Case Type selected.
4. Name Fields:
a. If the Party Type is Person:
ter the First Name* - up to 15 characters only.
Enter the Middle Name - up to 15 characters only.
Enter the Last Name - up to 60 characters only.
Select the Prefix from the list. This is optional.
Select the Suffix from the list. This is optional.
Enter an Alias. This is optional. Only one alias per party is allowed in the spreadsheet.
i. Enter the Alias_First name - up to 15 characters only.
ii. Enter the Alias_Middle Name - up to 15 characters only.
iii. Enter the Alias_Last Name - up to 60 characters only.
b. If the Party Type is Business/Gov't Agency:
i. Enter the entity's name in Last Name - up to 60 characters only.
ii. Do not enter the First Name and/or Middle Name.
5. In Address Known*
a. Select "Y" if the party address is known. This makes other Address fields mandatory.
Select the Address Type* from the dropdown.
Enter the Address* - Text field limited to 30 characters.
Enter the City* - Text field limited to 20 characters.
Select the State - The dropdown will contain all the States and Territories in the USA.
The button's name may appear as Browse depending on the web browser.
Enter the Postal Code* - Enter either a 5-digit or a 9-digit postal code. Do not enter any special
Select the Country from the list. This is optional
b. Select "N" if the party address is not known.
c. No further Address fields need entries. The Default Address values in JIMS will be used.
To assign existing parties to the case, enter the following information:
1. Case Type*
a. The dropdown lists all the civil case types including retired case types.
b. The Case Type will be used to determine the available Party Roles.
c. The Case Type selected in the spreadsheet must match the Case Type that user is creating or filing on.
2. Do not select Party Type*. If selected, it will be ignored.
3. Party Role*
a. Select the appropriate role from the dropdown. The values shown are dependent on the Case Type selected.
4. Party ID
a. Enter the Party ID for only non-judicial party roles like Plaintiff, Defendant, Petitioner etc.
b. Enter the Party ID without the "@" symbol.
i. For example, if the Party ID is "@12345", enter "12345".
c. Do NOT use the Import Parties spreadsheet to add Attorneys and Judicial Parties like Judges, Court Clerks,
Bailiffs, etc. in the spreadsheet.
If the user enters incorrect information in the rows, error messages will be displayed describing the error.
1. For example, if the user enters less than 5 digits in the Postal Code for a party and moves to another cell in the
spreadsheet, an error message is displayed as shown below.
Save the updated spreadsheet on your computer by clicking the Save button or pressing Ctrl+S on the keyboard.
1. If errors are found, an error message will be displayed and the cells in which the errors occurred are highlighted in red.
Click the OK button on the popup and correct the errors.
2. The spreadsheet cannot be uploaded with errors. The parties will not be added to the case if there are any errors in
the spreadsheet.
When you are ready to add the Party information in JEFS, click Choose File.
Locate the spreadsheet on your computer and click the Upload File button.
Once the spreadsheet is uploaded, click Import. Confirmation messages are displayed once the parties are imported and added
into JEFS.
Active Military*, Law Enforcement Agent*, and Gun Possession* fields are not available in the spreadsheet. Whe
n using this feature, these 3 fields, Active Military, Law Enforcement Agent, and Gun Possession, will default to the
"Unknown" option.
the user needs to change the answers to these fields, click the Edit link for the Party from the Party Information
section. Update the answers to the fields as needed, click the Save button, then click the Return button.
The parties are added to the case.
1. If the spreadsheet has a Party ID that is already added to the case, then the party will not be added a second time and
an error message will display along with the confirmation message. The remaining parties in the spreadsheet will be
Click the Return button.
Due to the large number of dockets available in JEFS, Docket Codes are organized by categories to reduce the
number of available codes on the dropdown.
See JEFS Docket Category Codes in Other Information for a list of all JEFS Categories and Docket Codes.
JEFS Document Information Section
JEFS - Document Information Section
The Document Information Section will contain a list of all case documents and their related information.
At least one document must be filed to create a civil case in the JEFS system.
Documents must be in Adobe PDF format as required per Rule 2.2 of the Hawaii Electronic Filing and Service Rules (HEFSR).
Whether Creating a Case or Submitting on an Existing Case, to add documents to a case, locate the Documents Information section of the case.
1. eFiling Civil documents in JEFS is a 4-step process.
a. Providing document and filing information (category, type, name, etc.).
b. Locating and uploading the document.
c. Assessing and paying any applicable filing fees.
d. Adding the document and receiving a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) from the system.
2. A document will not be eFiled in JEFS until all steps are completed.
a. First, select the Document Category* from the dropdown.
i. In this example, Complaint is selected.
c. Enter the Document Name* (up to 400 characters) for this document.
i. The name entered will be displayed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF).
d. In Response To
i. If the document being filed has no relationship to any documents previously filed in this case, then the In Response To field
should be left with the value "None".
b. Select the Document Type* from the dropdown. Only those dockets included in the Document Category* selected in step 1 will display.
ii. If the document being filed is related to previously filed documents, then the In Response To dropdown provides 5 relationship
descriptions. The options are:
a. In Connection With
b. In Opposition To
c. In Response To
d. Joinder
e. Supporting Doc For
2. Select the appropriate option for the relationship between the documents.
3. Once the relationship has been selected, in the field to the right is a dropdown list of previously filed documents on the
case. Select the previous filing related to the document being filed.
e. Select the Filing Parties* from the dropdown.
i. The field identifies the party responsible for this filing. All the parties and attorneys on the case are available.
ii. Multiple parties may be added as filing parties.
iii. Select a party and click (Add) to add them. The party is not be added until the (Add) is clicked.
iv. After adding, clicking (Remove) will remove a party.
f. Select the Docket For* from the dropdown.
i. This field identifies on whose behalf the document was filed. All the parties on the case are available. Attorneys and other
judicial parties will not be available.
ii. Select a party and click (Add) to include the name.
iii. After adding, clicking (Remove) deletes the entry.
iv. Multiple values may be selected individually, using the same process.
v. To associate all parties, select the "All Unassociated Parties" option which is the last option in the dropdown. Clicking the (
Add) will include all parties not previously added.
g. Enter any Notes for this document. All text entered in the notes field will be visible to the public via eCourt Kokua.
h. Attach Document
i. To attach a document, click the Browse button.
1. Locate and select the PDF document on your computer or local network.
ii. Click the Upload button.
iii. If you uploaded an incorrect document, click (Remove) to remove the document from the upload field.
iv. Click the Add button to attach the document to the case.
v. Once added, the document sequence number, Filing Party, and PDF name will appear below a divider line at the bottom of the
Document Information section.
The PDF Document size must be less than 10 MB as required by HEFSR 2.3.
In Camera documents will be visible only to the Judge assigned to the case and those staff the Judge
Sealed documents are not available for purchase via eCourt Kokua, but are visible in JEFS to all parties on
the case
vi. The document information fields will be cleared.
vii. To remove the document, click the
(Remove) to remove the document.
i. Three checkboxes are available, to the right of the document name for further document classification:
1. The first document uploaded in a case is automatically designated as a Lead Document, but may be unchecked if
desired. The Lead Document designation may be set on any document.
i. Lead Document
ii. In Camera
1. Checking this checkbox will result in this popup:
2. Click the Ok button to acknowledge and proceed.
iii. Seal
1. Clicking the Seal checkbox will seal the document.
iv. Additional case documents may be added following the same procedure in steps above
v. Clicking the Reset button will clear all values in the Document Information section, but will not remove any
added documents.
Attorneys for State of Hawai`i government agencies are exempt from filing fees.
Under certain circumstances, Estate and Probate cases may be created without assessing an Admin or Indigent Surcharge Fee.
These fees will appear as separate check boxes for these case types and may be selected as appropriate.
JEFS Applicable Fees Section
Applicable Fees Section
Before a case is created or a document is filed, the applicable fees must be selected. It is the JEFS user's responsibility to correctly assess and pay all
applicable filing fees.
Applicable Fees Screen
Applicable Fees Screen for Estate and Probate Case Types
1. Select a fee from a blank row of the Select Required Fee column. The dropdown will contain values relevant to the case type.
2. T
he following fields populate automatically:
a. Amount per Unit
i. Each fee carries a designated per unit cost.
ii. The user cannot change this value.
iii. Except for Estate and Probate case types, the fee includes the Indigent Surcharge and the Admin Fee depending upon the Fee
b. Number of Units
i. The field defaults to 1 unit and accepts only whole numbers.
ii. If the user is paying for multiple units of the same fee, they should set the correct number of units. For example, if filing three
exhibits, select the fee type as exhibits and increase the number of units to 3.
iii. This field cannot be blank or zero.
c. Total Assessed
i. This field is automatically calculated. The user cannot enter any value in this field.
ii. The value in this field is calculated using the following formula: Total Assessed = [Amount per Unit X Number of Units]
3. Check the Fee Waiver Request checkbox if the intent is to petition the court for a full fee waiver.
a. By checking the Fee Waiver Request checkbox, the filer is indicating that a motion will be made to waive the fees.
i. The system will not automatically file this motion, the user must file it. This may be done in the Document Information section.
b. When the filer submits the case with a Fee Waiver checkbox selected, the system will validate that a docket has been filed with a
qualifying type.
i. For Circuit Court, the Document Type must be "Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis." (Document Category = Motion)
ii. For District Court, the Document Type may be either "Fee Exemption" (Document Category = Document) or "Request for Relief
From Court Filing Fees." (Document Category = Application).
iii. If no fee waiver request document is found this message will be displayed.
4. Enter any Notes.
a. This fields is optional and may be left blank.
5. To clear a fee entry, click (Remove).
6. T
o add more than 3 fees, click the Add Row button.
a. An additional row will be displayed along with a vertical scroll enabled at the right side of the table.
b. Clicking the Add Row button again will continue to display additional blank rows.
For Estate and Probate case types, two additional checkboxes are displayed for Admin Fee and Indigent surcharge. Cl
ick on the tab above to
view these checkboxes.
8. S
elect the Owed By party.
a. The dropdown will display all the attorneys and the Self-represented Parties on the case.
9. Ve
rify the Grand Total.
a. This field is automatically calculated. It is a sum of all values in the Total Assessed column.
b. On Estate and Probate case types, the Grand Total includes the Indigent Surcharge and Admin Fee if selected.
c. The user cannot make changes directly to this field.
10. O
nce all applicable fees have been selected, click the Submit button and proceed to JEFS Submit a Case or Filing.
JEFS Make Payments
JEFS Make Payments
1. Complete the following steps to make a payment immediately via credit card.
2. Payments in JEFS are processed by NIC Hawaii's Kala payment processing platform.
Case Initiation
Submit Filing on Exiting Case
A. Pay Now
1. Click the Pay Now button. The Credit Card Payment screen will be displayed.
B. Review Fees
1. Click View Details to review fee details. All fees selected for payment will be displayed.
a. In addition to the itemized fees associated to the case, NIC Hawaii applies a Processing Fee of 2.6% and provides an updated total
due This Service Fee is part of the credit card payment feature and is not a Judiciary fee. If you do not wish to pay this fee, please
make your payment in person.
If the browser window is closed at any time during the payment process, and the credit card payment has not been confirmed,
the user can make the payment online from the Manage Payments screen or pay in person. Please refer to the Pay Later
section of this manual for the details and timeline for making the payment in person.
b. If the user decides to pay in person and not by Credit Card, clicking the browser's Back button will re-display the Case Initiation/Filing
Confirmation Screen where both payment options, Pay Now and Pay Later, are available.
C. Enter Contact Information
1. The JEFS user that is logged on to the system will be displayed in the Contact Information.
a. The Contact Name can be modified.
b. Enter Contact Email Address.
i. This email address will be used to provide an electronic receipt after completion of the payment process.
c. Enter a Phone Number.
d. Enter the required data for processing the payment.
e. Enter Credit Card Information.
f. Enter Billing Address.
g. Click the Continue button.
h. If all required fields have not been properly populated a prompt will display to correct the required data entry before continuing to the
payment confirmation.
E. Confirm Payment
1. The Confirm Payment screen will display the Total Price of the transaction. Click the View Details link for an itemized list of fees that will be
2. In order to complete the transaction, the user must complete the following steps:
a. Click the Pay Now button.
b. Alternately, the user can return to the Payment Information screen by clicking the Back button. This alternate step would be used to:
i. Correct or change the payment information that has been entered.
ii. Cancel the Pay by Credit Card option or to return to the payment options to opt to Pay Later.
1. If returning to Payment Options to choose Pay Later, the user may also need to click the browser Back button.
3. The payment screen will indicate that the payment is being processed.
F. Print Receipt
1. Upon completion of the payment process, the completed payment details are shown.
2. Click the "print this receipt" link to print a hard copy of the payment receipt. In addition, an electronic receipt will be emailed to the contact as
entered in step C.
a. The email will be sent from the following email address: kala@ehawaii.gov
b. The
user may also print the itemized receipt by clicking the "View Itemized Receipt" link. This displays a popup window with the itemized
fee details.
If the browser window is closed at any time during the payment process, and the credit card payment has
not been confirmed by clicking the Pay Now button, the user can make the payment online from the
Manage Payments screen or pay in person. Please refer to the Pay Later section of this manual for the
details and timeline for making the payment in person.
c. Click the Print button to save or print the receipt.
d. Click the Close button to return to the Payment Receipt screen.
3. To Return to JEFS
a. To return to JEFS Home Page click the Continue button.
Civil cases in JEFS will include older cases migrated from the legacy HAJIS system as well as cases created in JEFS. The
Case ID format differs depending on which system the case originated.
For cases created in HAJIS and migrated to JEFS, the case ID must be entered fully, with no dashes, and
embedded zeros so the serial number portion is 7 digits . For example: 1CCV1610000002.
For cases created in JEFS, the case ID must include the dashes but may omit the leading zeros in the serial number
portion of the ID. For Example: 1CCV-19-000025 or 1CCV-19-25.
JEFS Search for Existing Cases
JEFS Search for Existing Cases
There are two ways to search for a case:
By Case ID (Find Case)
Other search criteria (Advanced Search)
1. Search by Case ID
a. Enter the Case ID.
b. Click the Find Case button.
i. If the Case ID is found, the case information will display.
ii. If the Case ID entered is not found, the Advanced Search screen will display.
2. Advanced Search
a. If the Case ID is not known, any or all of the search fields may be used.
i. Party Type - This selection will change the search fields available.
ii. Person - Selecting Person will make First Name and Last Name fields available.
iii. Business - Selecting Business will make the Business Name field available.
iv. Government Agency - Selecting Government Agency will make the Government Agency field available.
b. C
ourt/Case selections are linked in that the dropdown will not appear until the field above it is selected. Select from the dropdown list for
one or more of these options to further refine the search results.
i. Court Type
ii. Court
iii. Location - Select a courthouse
iv. Case Type
c. Filing
i. Enter or select the Case Filing Start Date and/or Case Filing End Date to include only those cases to further refine the search
d. C
heck boxes
i. Include Closed Cases - By default, only active cases are included in the search. Select this checkbox to include closed cases,
such as cases with a Terminated status.
ii. Phonetic Search - When searching by name, if the full name or exact spelling is not known, select Phonetic Search for wider
search results.
e. Click the Search button to perform the search.
f. Click Reset to clear entered values.
View Search Results
a. Cases which match the search criteria entered will be listed in the Search Results table which displays below the Advanced Search
b. Select the desired Case ID by clicking on that row.
c. Click the Submit button to proceed to file on the case.
d. Click the Done button to start the case search over.
JEFS Submit a Case or Filing
JEFS Submit a Case or Filing
When Submit is clicked the entered data is validated.
1. If no fee was selected, or a fee waiver request was selected for all fees, the system does the following:
a. If this is a new case, the case is created.
b. New filings are docketed to the case.
c. A Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) is generated and docketed to the case.
d. A notification is displayed as confirmation of the submitted case or filing.
e. The notification is the confirmation that the case has been created and the documents have been filed.
f. Click the Printable View link in the upper right corner to download a PDF of the notification.
g. Click Close to return to the JEFS home page.
2. I
f the case filing carries a filing fee, then the system displays a popup that includes fees assessed.
i. Click the Yes button to proceed.
ii. Or, click the Cancel button to return to the Case Information screen.
b. If Yes is selected the system will do the following:
i. Create the case and file the initial documents to the case.
ii. Send a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) and docket it to the case.
iii. File a Payment Due to Court (PYD) notice to the case.
iv. Display a Notification screen with Pay Now and Pay Later payment options.
Family Court Civil
All Other Civil Case Types
v. The notification is the confirmation that the case has been created and the documents have been filed.
vi. Click the Printable View link in the upper right corner to download a PDF of the notification.
c. Cl
ick the Pay Now button to make the payment with a credit card using the payment gateway.
i. The Payor message will be displayed.
ii. Select a Payor* from the list.
1. This defaults to the name selected in the Owed By field on the Applicable Fees screen.
iii. Click the Ok button to begin the payment process.
1. Click here to go to JEFS Make Payments.
iv. Verify that the fee amount is correct then click the Yes button to continue.
v. Once the payment is completed using the Payment Gateway, the system dockets the case with "PY - Payment" and the
payment receipt from the Judiciary is included as a PDF on the case.
1. The user may obtain the Judiciary receipt from Manage Cases.
d. C
lick Pay Later to view other payment options.
i. The Fee Owed amount will be displayed.
ii. Payment Options:
1. The JEF user can pay online by locating the Payment Due entry from Manage Payment.
2. Pay in person by cash.
3. Pay in person by cashier's check or money order payable to "Clerk of the Court".
4. Pay by mail by cashier's check or money order payable to "Clerk of the Court".
iii. The Address where payment can be made is shown at the bottom of the notice.
iv. Payment must be made within 10 calendar days of the notice.
v. Click the Close button to return to the JEFS Home page.
When visible, clicking the (Collapse) icon will collapse the section and will change to (Expand) icon. Clicking
(Expand) will expand a section. This is most useful when a section is lengthy such as Parties or Documents in large cases.
JEFS My Case View Pod - Manage Cases
Manage Cases - My Case View
1. Click Manage Cases in the My Case View pod.
2. The My Case View page will be displayed.
In My Case View, the My Cases and All Firm Cases searches display case information for ongoing cases and cases that are less than
90 calendar days since the case was terminated. Use eCourt Kokua to find cases that have been terminated for over 90 days.
Terminated cases are not visible in My Documents and All Firms Documents.
JEFS My Case View - Search
My Case View - Search
1. My Case View allows searching and filtering of the JEFS filer's cases, both active and recently terminated. There are 4 ways to search and filter.
2. Select the radio button corresponding to the search desired.
a. My Cases - This is the default search. This option searches for cases where the JEFS user is a party or an attorney.
b. My Documents - This option searches for filed documents on the JEFS user's cases including all cases where the JEFS user is a party
or an attorney.
c. All Firm Cases - This is similar to My Cases, except that if the user is part of a firm, all cases with users from that firm will be searched.
d. All Firm Documents - This is similar to My Documents, except that if the user is part of a firm, all cases with users from that firm will be
Searches may be refined by entering additional search criteria.
My Cases/All Firm Cases screen
My Documents/ All Firm Documents Screen
1. Common Searches fields
a. Enter a Case ID if the case ID is known.
i. Either a Case ID or Case Type field is required.
ii. For All Firm Cases searches, Filing Date (Start) is also required.
b. If the Case ID is not known, enter a Case Type from the dropdown which lists all case types available in JEFS.
i. Only 1 case type at a time may be selected.
c. For faster results, select a Filing Date (Start) and Filing Date (End).
i. Enter dates to limit the search to only those cases with documents filed within the selected date.
ii. Or, select a date using the (Calendar) to bring up a calendar/date picker.
iii. Dates cannot be in the future and the Filing Date (End) cannot occur prior to the Filing Date (Start).
d. M
y Cases / All Firm Cases specific filter
i. Case Status
1. Select a case status from the dropdown to filter the search results.
2. Multiple statuses can not be selected. Only a single status may be used to filter a search.
e. My Documents / All Firm Documents specific filter
i. Docket Code
1. Select a docket code from the dropdown list.
2. Multiple docket codes cannot be selected. Only a single code may be used to filter a search.
2. C
lick the Search button to perform the search.
a. All matching cases or documents will be displayed in a results table.
b. The table can be sorted by clicking on the column header.
My Cases Search Results
My Documents / All Firm Documents Search Results
3. For My Cases and All Firm Case searches, the results table displays all cases that match the search criteria.
a. The columns include:
i. Case ID
ii. Court
iii. Location
iv. Type - This is the Case type.
v. Status - This is the Case status.
vi. Description - This is the Short Case title.
vii. Initiation Date - This is the date the case was initiated.
4. For My Documents and All Firm Documents, the table displays all PDF documents that match the search criteria.
a. The columns include:
i. - displays if the PDF document is available. Click the (PDF) to view or download the document. The icon may not
display if the document is In Camera or Restricted.
ii. Case ID - ID of the case the document is filed in.
iii. Dkt. # - system-generated docket sequence number.
iv. Dkt. Code - docket code assigned to the filing.
v. Description - text description of the docket code used. If any Notes have been entered with the docket, these are also
vi. Document Name - text entered by users at the time of filing.
1. It will display "In Camera" if the document was filed as In Camera.
2. It will display "Restricted" if you do not have access to the document.
vii. Docket For - the name of the case parties on whose behalf the docket was filed.
viii. Filing Date - date the docket was filed.
ix. Filing Time - time the docket was filed.
x. Sealed - displays "Y" if the document is Sealed.
xi. In Camera - displays "Y" if the document is In Camera.
5. Clicking on data in any row of the table will select a case and display details for that case below the Search Result table.
6. Click the Reset button to reset the search fields.
7. Or, click the Search button again select a different search type.
The table displays 10 cases per page. Use the navigation options at the bottom of the table to see more results.
JEFS My Case View - Viewing and Updating Cases
My Case View - Viewing and Updating Cases
1. Select the desired case from the search results by clicking on that row in the Search Results table.
All Other Civil Case Types
Family Court Civil
1. Clicking on a case will display the case information below the Search Results table. Case information is arranged in 5 sections:
End Dating a party may be used to signify a variety of status depending on the Court. Please check with your local
court directly if you have any questions regarding an individual party which has been end dated.
Time is a required field when creating an event, but some Circuits use set times to indicate AM or PM sessions.
Please check with your local court to confirm the actual hearing time.
a. Case Summary for <Case ID>: Displays the Extended Case Title.
b. Parties for <Case ID>: Displays all parties on the case and some specific party information.
i. # - system generated sequence number.
ii. PartyID - JIMS system ID for that party.
iii. Role - party's role on this specific case.
iv. Name - party's name.
v. Start Date - date when the party was added to the case.
vi. End Date - date when the party was ended on the case.
vii. Associated Party - other parties an attorney is representing. The sequence # (column 1) of the party is shown.
viii. Juv - Juvenile indicator for that party.
c. Even
ts for <Case ID>: All events scheduled for the case and specific event information.
i. # - system generated sequence number.
ii. Event - description of the event code entered in JIMS.
iii. Event For - lists any attorneys on the case selected when the event was created.
iv. Date - scheduled date of the event.
v. Time - scheduled time of the event.
vi. Room/Division - court room or the division where the event will take place.
vii. Location - courthouse location of the event.
viii. Associated Dockets - any filed documents which has been added to the event. The document sequence number will be shown.
While Document Name is required in JEFS, it is not required by internal Judiciary files; thus this field may
be blank
d. Dockets for <Case ID: All dockets filed on the case.
i. Dkt # - system generated sequence number
ii. Dkt. Code - docket code filed on the case.
iii. Description - text description of the docket code used. Notes (if any) entered with the docket are also displayed.
iv. Document Name - text entered by users at the time of filing.
1. It will display "In Camera" if it was filed as In Camera.
2. It will display "Restricted" if you do not have access to the docket.
v. Docket For - name (Party ID) of the case parties on whose behalf the docket was filed.
vi. Filing Date - date of the filing
vii. Filing Time - time of the filing.
viii. Filing Party - name of the party who filed the docket.
ix. Sealed - displays a "Y" if the document is sealed.
x. In Camera - displays a "Y" if the document is In Camera.
While Document Name is required in JEFS, it is not required by internal Judiciary files; thus this field may
be blank.
e. Documents for <Case ID>: As all dockets do not contain PDF documents, JEFS has 2 separate tables, one for all dockets and one for
documents filed in JIMS.
i. The first column will display a (PDF) icon if the document is viewable. The column will be blank if the document is not
available (In Camera or Restricted).
ii. Dkt # - system generated sequence number.
iii. Category - JEFS document grouping the docket belongs to.
iv. Dkt. Code - docket code filed on the case.
v. Description - text description of the docket code used. Notes (if any) entered with the docket are also displayed.
vi. Document Name - text entered by users at the time of filing.
1. It will display "In Camera" if the document was filed as In Camera.
2. It will display "Restricted" if you do not have access to the docket.
vii. Docket For - name (Party ID) of the case parties on whose behalf the docket was filed.
viii. Filing Date - date of the filing
ix. Filing Time - time of the filing.
x. Filing Party - name of the party who filed the docket.
xi. Sealed - displays a "Y" if the document is sealed.
xii. In Camera - displays a "Y" if the document is In Camera.
2. From the Parties and Documents sections, click the Add button to add parties or file new documents on the case.
When visible, clicking the (Collapse) icon will collapse the section and will change to (Expand) icon. Clicking (Expan
d) will expand a section. This is most useful when a section is lengthy such as Parties or Documents in large cases.
JEFS My Case View Pod - Manage Payments
JEFS users may pay the Civil filing fees online. Fees may be paid at the time of filing or at a later time.
Outstanding Civil Filing fees, either fees assessed but not paid at the time of filing, or those assessed later by the Court, will appear in Manage Payments.
1. Click Manage Payments in the My Case View pod.
2. The Manage Payments page will be displayed.
3. From this page, a search can be made for all payments due for the user and other users associated with the user's firm.
ntinue by proceeding to JEFS Manage Payments - Search
Manage Payments will only allow payment of Civil Filing Fees at this time. Payment for other court costs as well as Filing Fees for other case
types must be made directly at the court.
JEFS Manage Payments - Search
1. The Manage Payment screen provides two options when searching for outstanding fees:
a. My Filings - All outstanding Civil filing fees owed by an attorney are displayed. If the JEFS user is not an attorney, this section will be
b. All Firm Filings - All outstanding Civil filing fees owed by all the attorneys in firm are displayed. JEFS users who are not attorneys will see
fees here.
2. Select My Filing or All Firm Filings radio button.
3. Enter the Search Criteria.
a. Either Case ID* or Case Type* is required.
b. Optional filters are available:
i. Filing Date (Start)
ii. Filing Date (End)
iii. Case Status
c. Click the Search button to process the search and display results.
d. All cases that meet the search criteria will be displayed. The following columns in the table are displayed:
i. Case ID - qualifying case number.
ii. Checkbox - used to select the case fee for payment.
iii. Fee Description - text description of the fee.
iv. Outstanding Balance - amount remaining to be paid for that fee.
v. Owed By - name of the person who was identified as owing the fee.
vi. Initiation Date - date the case was started.
vii. Due Date - payment is due 10 days after the fee was assessed.
viii. Payor - dropdown field where the payor of the fee can be selected.
For instructions on making a payment continue to JEFS Manage Payments - Fee Selection
JEFS Manage Payments - Fee Selection
From the Manage Payments Search Results table, a single fee or multiple pending fees may be paid at the same time.
1. All selected fees will be summed in the Grand Total field at the bottom of the page.
a. The amount shown is calculated and is immediately updated as fees are added or removed.
2. Clicking the selection checkbox in the header at the top of the table (second column from the left) will select all the fees in the table.
a. Individual fees may be removed by unchecking the box next to it, or all fees may be removed by unchecking the selection checkbox in
the header.
3. Select the Payor.
a. A Payor selection is required for every fee.
b. The dropdown contains all parties and attorneys on the case.
c. If applicable, any refund of the fee will be made to the Payor selected unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
d. One Payor may be selected for multiple cases, but do not select multiple Payor(s) when paying multiple case's fees at once.
4. Clicking the Pay button will take you to the Payment Gateway to complete the payment using a credit card.
a. To view the Payment Gateway instructions go to JEFS Manage Payments - Payment Gateway
b. Onc
e the payment is completed using the Payment Gateway:
i. The system dockets the case with "PY - Payment"; and
ii. The payment receipt from the Judiciary is included as a PDF.
iii. JEFS users may obtain the Judiciary receipt from Manage Cases.
5. Clicking on the Reset button will clear the selection checkboxes and Payor field.
6. Click Search again or enter new Search Criteria to look for other cases.
7. Click Home to return to the JEFS pod screen.
NIC Hawaii applies a Processing Fee of 2.6% and provides an updated total due. This Processing Fee is not a Judiciary fee.
If you do not wish to pay this fee, please make your payment in person.
JEFS Manage Payments - Payment Gateway
JEFS users may pay pending Civil filing fees online using Manage Payments or they may pay at a later time in person.
1. Selecting Pay
a. Payments in JEFS are processed by NIC Hawaii's Kala payment processing platform.
b. Clicking the Pay button will launch the Kala payment screen.
c. Fees and fee amounts are transferred from JEFS and itemized. Click My Cart to see the itemized list of fees.
d. Complete the form
i. The name of the JEFS ID will be copied to the Contact Information.
ii. Enter a valid Phone Number and Email Address
iii. Enter the Credit Card Information and the Billing Information.
iv. The payment receipt will be sent only to the email address entered.
v. Click the Continue button.
e. C
onfirm Payment information
i. Verify the payment information.
ii. Click Payment Details if any information was entered incorrectly.
iii. Click the Pay Now button to complete the transaction.
iv. Once the transaction has been approved, the Payment Receipt will be displayed.
v. A
copy of the receipt will be emailed to the address entered in the Contact Info. The user may also download and print the
receipt by clicking the link "print this receipt" in the Payment Information section.
1. The receipt will be emailed from kala@ehawaii.gov. You may need to add this address to your email spam filter or
whitelist to prevent the receipt from being delivered to your junk/spam folder.
JEFS Other Information
JEFS Helpful Hints and FAQs
JEFS Self Registration
JEFS Troubleshooting
JEFS User Administration
JEFS Firm Administration
JEFS Nature Of Action (NOA) Reference
JEFS Docket Category Codes
State Department and Agency PartyIDs
JEFS Helpful Hints and FAQs
1. JEFS Case Filing Hours of Operation
a. Users can initiate or submit filings on a case daily between the hours of:
i. Monday Saturday: 4 am Midnight HST
ii. Sunday: Noon to Midnight HST
2. JEFS users can Reset their Password
a. Users can reset their password by clicking the Reset my Password link below the Login button and performing
the following steps.
b. Enter the Primary Email Address of the registered User ID.
c. Click the Submit button.
d. A temporary one-time password will be sent to the email address provided.
e. This password may be used to log on. Upon successful log on, the user will be prompted to change their password before continuing to
the JEFS landing page.
Self-Registration Missing Required Fields
a. Users will receive an error message if the required data fields have not been populated for the selected Role.
b. An error message, similar to the one shown here, will be displayed listing the missing required data.
4. Required Fields
a. Fields that required an entry will be denoted with an * and/or be shown in bold text.
a. Web application hot keys have been provided and are available for the screen buttons as an alternative to a mouse click.
b. Each button will have a letter in the word underlined.
c. Use the key combination of ALT+Underlined Letter to perform the function of the button press. This combination will work in Internet
Explorer, Firefox and Chrome browsers.
d. To invoke the hot key, using IE 6, the user will select "Alt+Letter". The letter combination is defined on the button and indicated with an
underline, such as .
Search Results Sort Capabilities
a. The sort order of the Search results is indicated by a small yellow triangle in the column header.
b. The users may re-sort the table by any column. To do so, click on any of the other column headers for different sort options to sort by,
such as Case ID.
c. The sort order, ascending or descending, will be indicated by the direction of the triangle. Clicking the sort triangle in the column header
will reverse the sort order.
Search Again
a. The user can submit another search or return to the original search by clicking the link. This action returns the
eFiler to the previously executed search screen. Search Again will reset the search selections without leaving the page.
8. Printable View
a. The Printable View link is provided throughout the Judiciary Electronic Filing and Services System (JEFS) navigation. It is represented
as: .
b. When available, Printable View allows the screen to be saved and/or printed as a PDF file.
c. The user may print the results or save the information based on the presence of the Printable View link, such as:
i. Case Initiation confirmation:
ii. Or search results:
d. To print from this link, click the Printable View link.
i. The file can be opened or saved to the desktop by selecting the appropriate button.
ii. By
selecting the Open button, the PDF will be displayed.
iii. The user can choose to Save, Print or Close from this screen.
iv. The PDF file can be printed from this view by clicking (Print).
Navigating to the JEFS Home Page
a. The Home link (at the top of the page) and the eFiling and Service System link (at the bottom of the page) are available from all JEFS
screens. Clicking either will return the user to the JEFS Home screen.
b. Navigate to the Judiciary Electronic Filing and Services System (JEFS) Home by clicking the Home link located in the upper right-hand
corner of the screen.
c. Navigate to the Judiciary Electronic Filing and Services System (JEFS) Home by clicking the eFiling and Service System link located in
the footer portion of the screen.
JEFS Self Registration
JEFS allows self-registration for specific users under the Hawaii Electronic Filing and Service Rules.
1. Self-Registration
JEFS self-registration is accessible from the Judiciary Internet at: http://http://www.courts.state.hi.us//
1. Click Efiling from the left-hand column on the Hawaii State Judiciary home page.
2. Click the Judiciary Electronic Filings and Service System (JEFS) Login Page link
Fields marked with an * are required.
The Business/Org Code information is available from your Org Admin.
3. Click the Register for Access link to begin the registration process.
4. Complete the eFiling - Self Registration screen.
5. Roles*
a. Access to JEFS is governed by the HEFSR. The role selected will determine what the user may do in JEFS. This manual is concerned
with the Attorney, Firm Staff and Pro Se roles.
b. Attorney
i. Attorneys must be active with the Hawaii State Bar Association to successfully register as an Attorney in JEFS.
ii. When the Attorney role is selected, the user must also enter their active Hawaii State Bar Association Number.
iii. If the attorney completes the Business/Org field, their Firm's Organization Administrator (Org Admin) can activate their ID;
otherwise they will need to contact the court to activate their ID.
c. Firm Staff
i. Firm Staff must select a Business/Org when registering.
ii. Firm staff will be able to file but, under the HEFSR, must be under the direction of an attorney who is responsible for their
actions in JEFS.
iii. Firm Staff will require account activation after registration either by their JEFS Org Admin or by the court.
d. Pro Se
i. Self-represented Litigants (SRL) may sign up for JEFS access. Please contact your court to make sure that the court's
requirements are met.
ii. All Pro Se/SRL registrants IDs will need to be activated by the court.
6. Bus
a. Click the Search button to display the Business/Org search screen.
b. If you know the Business/Org Code, enter it here.
c. If you do not have the Business/Org Code, enter the organization or business name in the Business/Org Name field.
While the primary email address for a JEFS account must be unique, the Secondary email address does
not. This allows, for example, several attorneys to have NEFs sent to a single paralegal, secretary or office
manager in a firm.
i. If the full name of the Business/Org is not known, check Partial Search.
1. For example, Smith might return the following:
ii. If the correct spelling of the name is not known check Phonetic Search. This retrieves all organizations which have names that
sound like the search text.
1. For example, Smit.
iii. Select the desired name from the list.
iv. Verify the Name and address of the Organization and click the Assign button to associate the Organization or Business Name
with the User ID.
d. E
nter optional Contact information
i. The user can provide additional information based on preference, such as:
1. Middle Name
2. Contact phone numbers
3. Secondary email address
7. Complete Self-Registration.
a. Click the Submit button to complete the registration process.
b. A confirmation message will display and an email will be sent.
JEFS Troubleshooting
The following are some common issues JEFS users encounter:
1. Primary Email Address Already Exists error
a. JEFS requires each user to have a unique primary email address. The self-registration process prevents the user from creating a User
ID with the same Primary Email Address of another User ID. This message is displayed during self-registration when an existing JEFS
ID is already associated with an email address that the user is trying to associate to a new JEFS ID.
i. If the existing JEFS ID is the actual ID needed, cancel the self-registration process and use the password recovery link. You
may also email ITCD Help Desk (helpdesk.reque[email protected]aii.gov) for assistance in recovering your existing JEFS ID.
ii. If the ID being created is still needed, the Primary Email Address must be changed in order to continue the self-registration
Organization or Business Name not Found
a. If the selected Role requires the user to assign an Organization or Business Name and it cannot be found via search, please contact
the ITCD Help Desk (helpdesk.request@courts.hawaii.gov) for assistance.
b. Self-registration cannot be completed until the Organization or Business Name is entered.
Credit Card Payment Receipt not Emailed/Received
a. Filing Fee payments are processed via the NIC Hawaii's Kala payment system. When the Payment by Credit Card process completes,
an electronic receipt is emailed to the address provided in the Contact Information. Receipts are emailed within 10 minutes of payment. If
receipt is not received in that time, it may be due to the following:
i. Email application issues
1. Verify that your email application did not classify the receipt as spam and route it to your junk/spam folder.
2. To avoid this in the future, add address kala@ehawaii.gov to your email filter or whitelist.
ii. Other issues
1. If you have confirmed that the receipt was not delivered to your spam/junk folder, contact NIC Hawaii at info@ehawaii.
for assistance.
2. Include as much information about the transaction as possible. Preview receipt printed from web payment completion
screen to ensure that the email address was entered correctly.
JEFS User Administration
Existing JEFS Users will use User Administration to update their personal information.
Users may update the following details:
General Information
Contact Information
To go directly to instructions on updating profile click here
1. Navigate to Manage My Profile
a. L
og in to JEFS by entering User ID and Password.
b. Click the Manage My Profile link in the User Administration pod on the JEFS Home screen.
c. This will bring up the eFiling - User Profile Self Service screen.
Users are prevented from changing their Role and Bar ID (for Attorneys).
Update Profile
a. Update General Information
i. To c
hange the First Name, clear the data in the field and enter a new First Name*. This is a required field.
ii. To change the Middle Name, clear the data in the field and enter a new Middle Name.
1. The Middle Name field is optional and can be left blank.
iii. To change the Last Name, clear the data and enter a new Last Name*. This is a required field.
iv. For Attorneys and Firm staff, the affiliated Business or the Organization may be updated by clicking the Search button next to
the Business / Org.
1. The Search Criteria page is displayed to locate the Business / Org Name.
2. Enter the Business / Org Code.
a. This information is available from the Organization’s Administrator.
3. I
f you do not have the Business / Org Code, enter the organization or business name in the Business / Org Name fiel
a. If the full name or the exact name of the Business/Org is not known, select the Partial Search checkbox. This
retrieves all organizations that contain characters in the name.
i. Example: Smith.
b. If correct spelling of the of the Business / Org is not known, select the Phonetic Search checkbox. This
retrieves all organizations that sound like the characters in the name.
Once the user is done updating the Organization name, the user must contact their Organization’s
Administrator to activate their profile in order to continue filing cases.
i. Example, Smit.
d. Select the Organization or Business Name from the search results by click the row containing the
e. Verify the Name and address of the Organization and click the Assign button to associate User ID to the
Organization or Business.
f. Upon successful assignment of the Organization or Business Name, the user is redirected to the eFiling -
User Profile Self Service screen and the Organization field will be populated.
Click the Search button. The search results will be presented in the Search Results table
b. Update Contact Information
i. Update phone numbers if they have changed.
1. Enter Home phone number.
2. Enter Business / Org phone number.
3. Enter Cellular phone number.
ii. If there is a change in the Primary Email address, enter the new Primary Email*.
1. The Primary email address must be unique and should not be associated with any other JEFS User ID.
iii. Add Secondary Email. This is optional.
iv. Changes may be made in the Mailing Address*, City*, State* and ZIP* fields.
v. Once all required data has been entered, the complete the update process by clicking the (update) button.
1. A confirmation message is displayed when the details are updated.
The JEFS Help line is open during normal business hours, Monday through Friday (8:00 am 4:00 pm, except state holidays).
JEFS Firm Administration
In JEFS, a firm is a grouping of users who are part of the same business or organization.
JEFS functions for My Firm Case and All Firm Documents allow all Attorneys in a firm to have access to cases and filings when any attorney in
the firm is on or represents a party to the case.
Further, JEFS users who are not attorneys (Firm Staff) will not be able to access documents or file on behalf of an attorney unless they
are in the same Firm as an attorney on the case.
Firms are created by the JIMS support staff. To assist with Firm management, a member of a firm may be designated as that firm's Organization
Administrator (Org Admin). The Org Admin will be responsible for maintaining the Firm's users.
Once registered in JEFS, a user may request to be given the Org Admin role by contacting the JEFS Help Line.
The Org Admin will have a second option in the User Administration pod.
Org Admin functions
1. A
a. This function allows the Org Admin to accept and activate the JEFS user who has registered and selected the Org Admin's organization.
A newly registered user will not be able to file on a case unless the Org Admin has accepted the user into the firm.
b. During the registration process, it is very important to select your correct Organization by first searching for your firm's name. If your firm
is not found in the list, contact the ITCD Help Desk (helpdesk.reques[email protected]aii.gov).
2. Reject
a. Selecting this option allows the Org Admin to reject the registration request from a user that is not part of the organization.
b. The rejected user will be able to log into JEFS, but will not have access to My Case/All Firm Cases, My Documents/All Firm Documents
until they change their organization and are activated by their new Org Admin or by the court. If an attorney on a case is rejected, the
attorney will remain on the case but will NOT receive NEF emails. On any subsequent filing, the rejected attorney will be shown on the
NEF as requiring conventional service.
3. Remove
a. This will allow the Org Admin to remove the user from the Firm. The user will no longer appear on the list of Firm members.
JEFS Nature Of Action (NOA) Reference
Nature of Action (NOA) Reference Page
Circuit Court
Case Type Code Description
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02000 CC Court Civil
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02101 Contract
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02201 Motor Vehicle Tort
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02301 Assault & Battery
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02302 Construction Defect
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02303 Medical Malpractice
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02304 Legal Malpractice
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02306 Product Liability
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02399 Other Non-Vehicle Tort
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02401 Condemnation
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02402 Environment
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02501 Foreclosure
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02503 Agency Appeal
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02504 Declaratory Judgment
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02511 Agreement of Sale Foreclosure
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02511 Civil Rights
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02511 Quiet Title
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02511 Partition/Real Property
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02599 Other Civil Action
CG - Conservatorship & Guardianship 26000 Appointment of Conservator & Guardian
CG - Conservatorship & Guardianship 26001 Appointment of Special Conservator/Emergency Guardian
CG - Conservatorship & Guardianship 26002 Ex Parte Petitions
CG - Conservatorship & Guardianship 26998 Other (Multiple Relief(s) Requested)
CG - Conservatorship & Guardianship 26999 Other Action
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27000 Appointment of Conservator
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27001 Appointment of Special Conservator
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27002 Ex Parte Petitions
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27101 Large Guardianship
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27201 Small Guardianship
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27301 Guardianship/Property
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27998 Other (Multiple Relief(s) Requested)
CP - CC Conservatorship Proceeding 27999 Other Action
LP - Probate 03000 Probate
LP - Probate 03004 Temporary Letters of Admin
LP - Probate 03006 Other Action
LP - Probate 03007 Application for Issuance of Ack of Auth
LP - Probate 03008 R93-Prob of Will w/o Admin Assets
LP - Probate 03009 R94-Disclaimers
LP - Probate 03010 Petition for Probate of Will
LP - Probate 03011 Petition for Adjudication of Intestacy
LP - Probate 03013 Application/Petition for Appt of Special Admin
LP - Probate 03014 App for Inf Appt of Specl Admin
LP - Probate 03015 Ancillary Application/Petition
LP - Probate 03016 Petition for Determination of Death
LP - Probate 03017 Petition for Determination of Heirs
LP - Probate 03018 Small Estate Petition
LP - Probate 03019 Demand for Notice
LP - Probate 03020 Will Deposits
LP - Probate 03021 Application for Informal Probate of Will
LP - Probate 03022 Application for Probate (without Will)
LP - Probate 03023 Ex Parte Petitions
LP - Probate 03023 App for Inf Appt of Pers Rep
LP - Probate 03025 Ancillary Proceedings (Inf)
LP - Probate 03033 Letters of Administration
ML - Mechanic's and Materialman's Lien 17601 Mechanic Lien
PN - Special Prisoner Proceeding 31000 Prisoner Rights
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18000 Special Proceeding
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18001 Non-Judicial Foreclosure to Judicial
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18002 Extradition
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18004 Mandamus (Mandate to Government Officials)
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18007 Arbitration
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18010 Release Sex Offender Information
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18011 Habeas Corpus/Petition
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18022 Other Causes
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18031
Petition to Perpetuate Testimony, Ad Testificandum, &
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18051 Others (Petition)
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18052 Others (Non-Petition)
SP - CC Special Proceeding 18062 Uniform Enforcement for Judgment
TR - Trust 21000 Trust
TR - Trust 21010 Trust Registration Statement
TR - Trust 21011 Petition for Appt of Trustee
TR - Trust 21012 Petition for Appt of Successor Trustee
TR - Trust 21013 Petition for Resignation of Trustee
TR - Trust 21014 Petition for Instructions
TR - Trust 21015 Petition for Approval of Investment
TR - Trust 21016 Petition for Approval of Disposition of Property
TR - Trust 21017 Petition for Approval of Compromise Claim
TR - Trust 21018 Petition for Removal of Trustee
TR - Trust 21019 Petition to Compel an Accounting
TR - Trust 21020 Petition to Invalidate Action by Trustee(s)
TR - Trust 21021 Petition for Termination of Trust
TR - Trust 21022 Petition for Approval of Account(s)
TR - Trust 21023 Petition for Vesting Order
TR - Trust 21024 Ex Parte Petitions
TR - Trust 21101 Equity
TR - Trust 21201 Tax Appeal
TR - Trust 21998 Petition for Other Multiple Relief(s)
TR - Trust 21999 Other Action
District Court
Case Type Code Description
RC- DC Regular Civil 62805 Assumpsit - Money Owed
RC- DC Regular Civil 62806 Summary Possession/Landlord Tenant, Damages
RC- DC Regular Civil 62807 Personal Injury/Property Damages
RC- DC Regular Civil 62808 Replevin
RC- DC Regular Civil 62809 Ejectment
RC- DC Regular Civil 62899 Other Civil Action
SC - Small Claims 61801 Assumpsit
SC - Small Claims 61802 Damages
SC - Small Claims 61803 Tort
SC - Small Claims 61804 Disagreement about Security Deposit - Residential
SC - Small Claims 61899 Other Civil Action
SD - DC Special Proceeding 64040 Post Conv Judg Relief - HRPP 40
SD - DC Special Proceeding 64102 Agency Appeal
SD - DC Special Proceeding 64103 Foreign Judgment
SD - DC Special Proceeding 64104 Judicial Review
SD - DC Special Proceeding 64105 Civil Enforcement for Restitution/Fine
SD - DC Special Proceeding 64299 Other Civil Action
SN - Ignition Interlock 65000 Petition for Ignition Interlock
SS - Temporary Restraining Orders 63000 Temporary Restraining Order
SS - Temporary Restraining Orders 63001 TRO Utility Cut Off
SS - Temporary Restraining Orders 63002 TRO Lock Out
Land Tax
Case Type Code Description
LD - Land Case 30101 Ex Parte Petitions
LD - Land Case 30201 Maps
LD - Land Case 30301 Other
LD - Land Case 30401 Hearing Petitions
TX - Tax
29101 General Excise
TX - Tax
29201 Income
TX - Tax
29301 Insurance
TX - Tax
29401 Liquor
TX - Tax
29501 Real Property
TX - Tax
29601 Others
TX - Tax
29701 Premium Tax
TX - Tax
29801 Utility Tax
TX - Tax
29901 Franchise Tax
Case Type Code Description
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02500 Type Not Assigned Yet
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02520 Protection Of Caves
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02521 Historic Preservation
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02522 Kaho'olawe Island Reserve
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02523 Environmental Response Law
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02524 Renewable Energy Siting
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02525 Litter Control
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02526 Electronic Waste
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02527 Solid Waste
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02528 Safe Drinking Water
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02529 Air Pollution
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02530 Ozone Layer Protection
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02531 Water Pollution
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02532 Nonpoint Source Pollution
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02533 Noise Pollution
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02534 Integrated Solid Waste
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02535 Solid Waste Pollution
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02536 Special Waste Recycling
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02537 Hazardous Waste
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02538 Underground Storage Tanks
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02539 Asbestos and Lead
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02540 Environmental Impact
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02541 Uniform Environmental
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02542 Public Lands
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02543 Water and Land Development
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02544 Mining and Minerals
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02545 Forestry and Wildlife
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02546 Aquatic Resources
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02547 General Misc Program
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02548 Enforcement
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02549 Ocean Recreation and Coastal
CV - Circuit Court Civil 02550 Agency Appeals
Family Court
Case Type NOA
DV - Divorce/Domestic Relations 01000 Divorce
DV - Divorce/Domestic Relations 01017 Separation
DV - Divorce/Domestic Relations 01045 Annulment
CU - Civil Unions 04010 Civil Union
CU - Civil Unions 04060 Separation
CU - Civil Unions 04070 Annulment
AA - Adult Abuse 06000 Adult Abuse
AN - Adoption 07000 Minor Adoption - Consent
AN - Adoption 07005 Minor Adoption - Non-Consent
AN - Adoption 07010 Adult Adoption
AN - Adoption 07020 Foreign Adoption
AN - Adoption 07030 Adoption Records
GV - Gun Violence 09000 Gun Violence
GD - Guardianship 11010 Incapacitated Adult - Private
GD - Guardianship 11020 Incapacitated Adult - Office of Public Guardian
GD - Guardianship 11030 Guardianship of a minor
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12000 Other
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12010 Emergency Examination - adult
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12015 Emergency Examination - minor
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12020 Involuntary Hospitalization - Adult
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12025 Involuntary Hospitalization - Minor
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12030 Administrative Findings and Order Support
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12040 Child Custody
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12050 Register of Foreign Documents
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12051 Request for Decree
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12052 Foreign Custody
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12053 Register Foreign Document
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12060 Name Change
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12070 Complaint for Support
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12080 Habeas Corpus
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12090 Garnishment
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12100 Juvenile Expungement
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12120 Involuntary Outpatient Treatment (Adult mental health)
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12121 ACT Program (effective 1/1/14)
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12125 Involuntary Outpatient Treatment (Minor mental health)
FM - Family Court Miscellaneous 12130
Involuntary Outpatient Treatment (adult substance
abuse) (effective 7/1/04)
UF - Uniform Interstate Family Support Act 22000 Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
UJ - Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and
Enforcement Act
25000 Registration and Filing of Foreign Document [Child
Custody] Act 124 --> HRS 583 effective 1/1/2003
DA - Domestic Abuse 33000 Domestic Abuse - Self
DA - Domestic Abuse 33010 Domestic Abuse - on behalf of
TP - Termination of Parental Rights 35000 Termination of Parental Rights
AP - Family Court Appeal 36000 Family Court Agency Appeal
PA - Parentage Act 37000 Parentage Act
Updated as of 04 Jan 2022
JEFS Docket Category Codes
JEFS Docket Category Codes as of April 25, 2022
Category Docket
y Code
Category Description Docket
Docket Description
APP Application APPCF Appl Re Confid Fam Crt Recds
APP Application AC Applic for Writ of Certiorari
APP Application APP Application
APP Application AT Application for Transfer
APP Application APPM Application-Minor
APP Application ETD Ex Parte App-Depo Writ Interog
APP Application APPRC Filing Fee Waiver Request
APP Application RACR Rqst Access Court Record-HCCR
BAR Bar Application DEFER Applicant's Request for Deferral
BAR Bar Application AREC ARC Decision
BAR Bar Application BA Bar Application
BAR Bar Application BA2 Bar Application
BAR Bar Application BI Bar Application Info Sheet
BAR Bar Application BAS Bar Application Supplemental
BAR Bar Application BREC BOE Recommendation
BAR Bar Application CLOGS Certificate/Letter of Good Standing
BAR Bar Application CHAR Character Check Report
BAR Bar Application CHARN Character Check Report Not Satisfactory
BAR Bar Application CHARR Character Check Report Not Satisfactory Resolved
BAR Bar Application CHARS Character Check Report Satisfactory
BAR Bar Application CHARO Character Check Rpt Ongoing
BAR Bar Application CHART Character Check Termination
BAR Bar Application TAS Driving Record/Traffic Abstract
BAR Bar Application BCOA Form 1 - Change of Address
BAR Bar Application DC Form 2 - Deans Certificate
BAR Bar Application AAR Form 3 - Authorization and Release
BAR Bar Application GE Form 4 - General Explanation
BAR Bar Application MIL Form 5 - Military Service
BAR Bar Application ADA Form 6 - ADA Request
BAR Bar Application ADAC Form 7-ADA Certif Med Psy Educ
BAR Bar Application ADAA Form 8-ADA Certif of Employmnt
BAR Bar Application ADAT Form 9-ADA Certif frm Test Org
BAR Bar Application NCBEA Form A - NCBE Request
BAR Bar Application NCBEB Form B - Authorization and Release
BAR Bar Application NCBEC Form C - Character Check Waiver
BAR Bar Application TYP Form E - Typist Information
BAR Bar Application LAP Form E-LT Bar Exam Laptop Test
BAR Bar Application NCBEF Form F-Authorization & Release
BAR Bar Application HRGP Hearing Pending
BAR Bar Application HSBA HSBA Information Sheet
BAR Bar Application INCNR Incomplete Application Not Resolved
BAR Bar Application INCR Incomplete Application Resolved
BAR Bar Application LI License Issued
BAR Bar Application NCBEH NCBE Hawaii Application
BAR Bar Application NDNSA Notice Denying or Dismissing NSA Request
BAR Bar Application NGNSA Notice Granting NSA Request
BAR Bar Application NDF Notice of Deferral
BAR Bar Application NXSR Notice of Exam Site Rules
BAR Bar Application NPRF Notice of Failing MPRE
BAR Bar Application NINC Notice of Incomplete Bar App
BAR Bar Application NPRI Notice of Invalid MPRE
BAR Bar Application NPRNR Notice of MPRE Not Received
BAR Bar Application NNOP Notice of Not Passing Bar Exam
BAR Bar Application NNP Notice of Not Passing Bar Exam
BAR Bar Application NPPCM Notice of Passing but Pending Char and MPRE
BAR Bar Application NPPC Notice of Passing but Pending Character
BAR Bar Application NPPM Notice of Passing but Pending MPRE
BAR Bar Application NPRP Notice of Passing MPRE
BAR Bar Application NQAD Notice of Qualified for Admission
BAR Bar Application NWD Notice of Withdrawal
BAR Bar Application NSBE Notice to Sit in the Bar Exam
BAR Bar Application ODCF Order Denying Application - C&F
BAR Bar Application ODFE Order Denying Application - Failed Exam
BAR Bar Application ODFTA Order Denying Application - Failed to Appear
BAR Bar Application OGPS Order Granting Permission to Sit for Exam
BAR Bar Application REQCO Req & Consent to JEFS
BAR Bar Application RHRG Request for Hearing
BAR Bar Application NINCR Res to Ntce of Incomplete App
BRF Brief AMAB Amended Answering Brief
BRF Brief AMOB Amended Opening Brief
BRF Brief AMRB Amended Reply Brief
BRF Brief AMSB Amended Supplemental Brief
BRF Brief AB Answering Brief
BRF Brief BAM Brief of Amicus Curiae
BRF Brief OB Opening Brief
BRF Brief RB Reply Brief
BRF Brief RACB Rspnse to Brf of Amicus Curiae
BRF Brief SACB Supplemental Amicus Curiae Bri
BRF Brief SAB Supplemental Answering Brief
BRF Brief SB Supplemental Brief
BRF Brief SOB Supplemental Opening Brief
BRF Brief SRB Supplemental Reply Brief
BW Bench Warrant WOAA Amd Warrant of Arrest
BW Bench Warrant BWR Bench Warrant Case Reschedule
BW Bench Warrant BWCC Bench Warrant Circuit Criminal
BW Bench Warrant BWFC Bench Warrant Family Criminal
BW Bench Warrant BWGR Bench Warrant Geographic Restriction
BW Bench Warrant BWJD Bench Warrant Jail Diversion
BW Bench Warrant BWO Bench Warrant Ordered
BW Bench Warrant BWRC Bench Warrant Recalled
BW Bench Warrant BWS Bench Warrant Served
BW Bench Warrant BWA Bench Warrant Set Aside
BW Bench Warrant BWT Bench Warrant Traffic
BW Bench Warrant BWWS Bench Warrant Weed & Seed
BW Bench Warrant BWAC Bench Warrant-Addtl Chrg
BW Bench Warrant BWJ Bench Warrant-Juvenile
BW Bench Warrant BWACT BW Addt'l Charge Created
BW Bench Warrant BWU BW Returned Unserved
BW Bench Warrant BWDC Criminal Bench Warrant Create
BW Bench Warrant EBWDC Expedited District Court Benc
BW Bench Warrant GBW Grand Jury Bench Warrant
BW Bench Warrant SWAR Search Warrant
BW Bench Warrant WOA Warrant of Arrest
CDL (Commercial Drivers
REVCC Reverse FTA sent City&County
CDL (Commercial Drivers
REV Reversed
CIT Citation CCIT Criminal Citation
CIT Citation PMC Post Motorist Copy
CNF Confidential Documents ACOMP Amended Complaint
CNF Confidential Documents CONF Confidential
CNF Confidential Documents 9LTR Confidential Letter - HCCR9
CNF Confidential Documents INCAM In Camera
CNF Confidential Documents 9INFC Info Confidential Doc - HCCR9
CNF Confidential Documents 9INF Info Confidential Ntc - HCCR9
COL Collection Agency CATL
Collection Agency Transmittal Letter (MSB Transmittal
COM Complaint AFO Administrative Findings & Ord
COM Complaint AWCJ Advise Waiv & Consnt Jdg Pater
COM Complaint FINCA Amd Felony Inf & NonFelony Cmp
COM Complaint FIA Amd Felony Info
COM Complaint CMPSA Amended Complaint and Summons
COM Complaint ANSC Answer to Complaint
COM Complaint CUDA Civil Union Divorce Info
COM Complaint CMP Complaint
COM Complaint CAMD Complaint Amended
COM Complaint CMPS Complaint and Summons
COM Complaint CIR Complaint InvoluntaryRetiremnt
COM Complaint CL Complaint Letter
COM Complaint CMPL Complaint Letter
COM Complaint CCLAI Counterclaim
COM Complaint XCL Cross Claim
COM Complaint EFJ Exempl Foreign Judgment
COM Complaint FINC Felony Inf & NonFelony Cmp
COM Complaint FI Felony Info
COM Complaint FC Formal Complaint
COM Complaint FCMP Formal Complaint
COM Complaint IND Indictment
COM Complaint MAI Matrimonial Action Info
COM Complaint NAF Not Of Appeal To Family Court
COM Complaint KIDS Notice Kids First
COM Complaint RFCC Reg Of Foreign Child Cust Ord
COM Complaint RSUPO Registration Of Support Order
COM Complaint USP Uniform Support Petition
COR Correspondence COR Correspondence - 3rd Party
COR Correspondence LTRC Court Letter
COR Correspondence LTRP Party Letter
COR Correspondence RM Returned Mail
COU Counsel ADFC Affid/Dec Re: Atty Fees,Cost
COU Counsel MWA Mtn for Withdrawal of Appeal
COU Counsel MWSA Mtn for Withdrawal/Sub of Cnsl
COU Counsel MFC Mtn/Req for Atty's Fees/Costs
COU Counsel RAFEE Request for Attorney Fees and
COU Counsel WC Waiver of Counsel
COU Counsel WSC Withdrawal & Sub of Counsel
COU Counsel WSUB Withdrawal & Substi Of Counsel
COU Counsel WTFEE Witness Fees
CS Case Status ADCL Administrative Close Case
CS Case Status ADOP Administrative Open Case
CS Case Status AFM Affirmed
CS Case Status CCCA Amd Commit to Circuit Court
CS Case Status MITCA Amd Committal Mittimus
CS Case Status CHV Change of Venue
CS Case Status CCC Commitment to Circuit Court
CS Case Status MITC Committal Mittimus
CS Case Status DCHV Drug Crt Change of Venue
CS Case Status JCS Judgment Complete
CS Case Status CCR Remanded from Circuit Court
CS Case Status TAD Transfer to Another Division
CS Case Status TCC Transfer to Circuit Court
DOC Document MITTA Amd Mittimus
DOC Document OAMDP Amended Order/Notice Printed
DOC Document OAMD Amended Order-Notice of Entry
DOC Document ARF Arrest Report
DOC Document CLB Certificate Of Live Birth
DOC Document COP Change of Plea
DOC Document CCCT Commit to Circuit Ct Created
DOC Document CADD Counsel Appear/Discovery/COS
DOC Document DRMIP Defendant Req Materials & Inf
DOC Document DEPO Deposition
DOC Document DOC Document
DOC Document DRIBW Drg Crt Req for Issuance of BW
DOC Document DMITA Drug Crt Amd Mittimus
DOC Document DMITT Drug Crt Mittimus
DOC Document ERR Errata Re:
DOC Document EL Exhibit List
DOC Document ELC Exhibit List-Court
DOC Document ELD Exhibit List-Deft
DOC Document ELO Exhibit List-Other
DOC Document ELP Exhibit List-State
DOC Document FRPD Finding and Recommendation of
DOC Document GP Guilty Plea
DOC Document ICR In Camera Document
DOC Document IR Interpreter Request
DOC Document JDG Judgment
DOC Document JAMD Judgment Amended
DOC Document JAMDP Judgment Amended Printed
DOC Document JNEJ Judgment and Notice
DOC Document JNEJP Judgment and Notice Printed
DOC Document JDPC Judic Determ of Probable Caus
DOC Document JQ Juror Questions
DOC Document JCO Jury Communication
DOC Document JIJ Jury Instructions Jury Delib
DOC Document JIR Jury Instructions Read
DOC Document JID Jury Instructions-Deft
DOC Document JIS Jury Instructions-State
DOC Document JIWR Jury Instructions-WD/REF
DOC Document LE List of Exhibits
DOC Document LW List of Witnesses
DOC Document MITT Mittimus
DOC Document NCP No Contest Plea
DOC Document ONEO Order & Notice of Entry of Or
DOC Document ONEOP Order/Notice of Entry Printed
DOC Document PBM Plea by Mail
DOC Document DPSIF Pre-Sent Investigation Filed
DOC Document DPSIO Pre-Sent Investigation Ordere
DOC Document PFOF Prop Find Facts, Cncl Of Law
DOC Document PROP Proposed
DOC Document PDOC Proposed Document
DOC Document PJI Proposed Jury Instructions
DOC Document PORD Proposed Order
DOC Document REC Receipt
DOC Document RAV Req for Audio-Video Recording
DOC Document WDWE Req Wdwl of Exhs & Receipt
DOC Document RT Request for Transcript
DOC Document RPBM Requested Plea by Mail
DOC Document ROSC Response to Order to Show Cau
DOC Document RSVC Return of Service
DOC Document SEL Sealed Document
DOC Document SOCMP Statement of Compliance
DOC Document MPA Temporary Mittimus
DOC Document VER Verdict
DOC Document VAP Verified Application
DOC Document WE Waiver of Extradition
DOC Document WI Waiver of Indictment
DOC Document WJT Waiver of Jury Trial
DOC Document WPH Waiver of Preliminary Hearing
DOC Document W48 Waiver/HRPP R48/Speedy Trial
DOC Document WDW Withdrawal
DOC Document WEL Witness and Exhibit Lists
DOC Document WL Witness List
DOC Document WRD Written Request for Disclosure
DOC Document WSP Written Submission of Plea
EVS Event Status ARP Arraignment and Plea
EVS Event Status APT Arraignment, Plea and Trial
EVS Event Status BH Bail Hearing
EVS Event Status TRLB Bench Trial
EVS Event Status BWC Bench Warrant Criminal
EVS Event Status CON Case Continued
EVS Event Status CONP Case Continued - PM Calendar
EVS Event Status CHD Change of Court Date
EVS Event Status CEVNT Close Event
EVS Event Status EOD Entry Of Default
EVS Event Status PLEA Entry of Plea
EVS Event Status EXJL Execution of Jail
EVS Event Status EXJ Execution of Judgment
EVS Event Status EXS Execution of Sentence
EVS Event Status FOP For Payment
EVS Event Status FOC For Payment of CIF
EVS Event Status FPF For Payment of Probation Fee
EVS Event Status HRG Hearing
EVS Event Status HMT Hearing on Motion
EVS Event Status JR Judicial Review
EVS Event Status MH Mental Health
EVS Event Status POA Perfection of Appeal
EVS Event Status PH Preliminary Hearing
EVS Event Status PTC Pretrial Conference
EVS Event Status PTH Pre-Trial Hearing
EVS Event Status PCDS Proof CDS
EVS Event Status PDAG Proof DAG
EVS Event Status PDNC Proof DANC
EVS Event Status POC Proof of Compliance
EVS Event Status POM Proof of Mailing
EVS Event Status POS Proof of Service by mail
EVS Event Status SEN Sentencing
EVS Event Status GJW Service of Grand Jury Warrant
EVS Event Status STA Status No Witnesses
EVS Event Status SRV Status Review
EVS Event Status TRL Trial
EVS Event Status TRLS Trial Setting
FIS Fiscal Status BCFJA Amd Ord Bail Jgt Forfeiture
FIS Fiscal Status BSFJA Amd Ord Bond Surety Jgt Forf
FIS Fiscal Status OVBFA Amd Ord Vacating Jgt Bail/Bond Forf
FIS Fiscal Status AFD Authorization for Disbursement
FIS Fiscal Status BCFF Bail - Cash Forfeiture Final
FIS Fiscal Status BTC Bail - Transfer Circuit
FIS Fiscal Status BTD Bail - Transfer District
FIS Fiscal Status BTRF Bail Transferred From
FIS Fiscal Status BTRT Bail Transferred To
FIS Fiscal Status BTF Bail-Transfer Family
FIS Fiscal Status BAPP Bond Applied
FIS Fiscal Status BAPF Bond Applied by Fiscal
FIS Fiscal Status BPFJ Bond Property Forfeiture Jgt
FIS Fiscal Status BPR Bond Property Reinstated
FIS Fiscal Status BREF Bond Refunded
FIS Fiscal Status BSFF Bond-Surety Forfeiture Final
FIS Fiscal Status BCK Bounced Check
FIS Fiscal Status LTRBC Bounced Check Letter
FIS Fiscal Status CAS Collection Agency Submitted
FIS Fiscal Status BCRV Credit Card Reversal
FIS Fiscal Status FS Financial Satisfied
FIS Fiscal Status LTRUP Letter of Underpayment
FIS Fiscal Status BNS No Bail Set
FIS Fiscal Status OVJBF Ord Vacatng Jgt Bail/Bond Forf
FIS Fiscal Status PY Payment
FIS Fiscal Status POP Proof of Payment
FIS Fiscal Status RFIS Refer to Fiscal
GR Geographic Restriction GR Geographical Restrictions Wai
GR Geographic Restriction GRO Ord/Decree of Crt T&C for GR
IGI Ignition Interlock IIP Ignition Interlock Permit
IGI Ignition Interlock IIE Ignitionl Interlock Employee
ISC Intake Service Center BS Bail Study Filed
ISC Intake Service Center PBR Pretrial Bail Report
JD Jail Diversion JDD Jail Diversion
JDG Judgment BSFJ Bond Surety Forfeiture Judgme
JDG Judgment CEXP Cert Of Expung Juv Arrest Rec
JDG Judgment DJ Default Judgment
JDG Judgment DJOCA Drug Crt Judg of Convict Amd
JDG Judgment DJOC Drug Crt Judg of Conviction
JDG Judgment IJ ICA Judgment on Appeal
JDG Judgment JNEOJ Judgment & Not Entry Of Judg
JDG Judgment JOA Judgment of Acquittal
JDG Judgment JOC Judgment of Conviction
JDG Judgment JOCA Judgment of Conviction Amended
JDG Judgment JA Judgment on Appeal
JDG Judgment PJDG Proposed Judgment
JDG Judgment SCJ SC Judgment
JDG Judgment SJ SC Judgment on Appeal
JDG Judgment SJUDG Stipulated Judgment
MED Media OAECA Amd Order on App for Extd Cvrg
MED Media AEC Application for Extended Cove
MED Media OAEC Order on App for Extended Cvrg
MEM Memorandum MER Memo in Reply/Response to
MEM Memorandum MSUSF Memo/Fr-Suspense
MEM Memorandum MSUST Memo/To-Suspense
MEM Memorandum MEMO Memorandum
MEM Memorandum MEO Memorandum in Opposition
MEM Memorandum MES Memorandum in Support of
MEM Memorandum MEP Memorandum of Pretrial
MEM Memorandum MO Memorandum Opinion
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR8 Amending T&C of Cond Release
MHF Mental Health Forms MH18 Amending T&C of Cond Release
MHF Mental Health Forms DC4 Commit to DOH
MHF Mental Health Forms DC5 Conditional Release
MHF Mental Health Forms DC3 Cont Susp Of Proceedings HRS
MHF Mental Health Forms CSOP Cont Susp Of Proceedings HRS 704
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR2 Continued Hearing for Teporar
MHF Mental Health Forms DC3A Continued Suspensionof Procee
MHF Mental Health Forms DC7 Defendant Remains Unfit and D
MHF Mental Health Forms DRUD Defendant Remains Unfit and D
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR7 Discharge from DOH and Court
MHF Mental Health Forms DDOH Discharge from DOH and Court
MHF Mental Health Forms DSMC Dismiss and Civil Commitment
MHF Mental Health Forms DC14 Dismissal and Civil Commitmen
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR4 Exam Def Seeking Cond Rel/Dsc
MHF Mental Health Forms DC2A Exam for Only Penal Responsib
MHF Mental Health Forms EOPR Exam for Only Penal Responsib
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR3 Exam of Def Seeking Cond Rel
MHF Mental Health Forms MH13 Exam of Def Seeking Cond Rel
MHF Mental Health Forms DC1 Fitness and Capacity HRS 704
MHF Mental Health Forms MH1 Fitness and Capacity HRS 704
MHF Mental Health Forms DC2 Fitness Only HRS 704
MHF Mental Health Forms FFIT Further Fitness Exam
MHF Mental Health Forms DC5A Further Fitness Examination
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR2A Further Temporary Hospitaliza
MHF Mental Health Forms FTH Further Temporary Hospitaliza
MHF Mental Health Forms DC10 Judgment Accquit Discharge
MHF Mental Health Forms JAD Judgment Accquit Discharge
MHF Mental Health Forms DC9 Judgment Acquit Conditional R
MHF Mental Health Forms MH7 Judgment Acquit Conditional R
MHF Mental Health Forms DC8 Judgment Acquite Commit to DO
MHF Mental Health Forms MH6 Judgment Acquite Commit to DO
MHF Mental Health Forms MOTH Mental Health Other Order
MHF Mental Health Forms DC4A Non-Violent Charge Commitment
MHF Mental Health Forms DC5B Non-Violent Charge Release on
MHF Mental Health Forms MH12 Ord Cont Hrng Tmp Hsptlztn
MHF Mental Health Forms MH14 Ord for Exam of Def Seek Disc
MHF Mental Health Forms MH12B Ord Grnt Mot to Ext Beyond 72H
MHF Mental Health Forms MH19 Ord Mtl Exam of Def Prior to
MHF Mental Health Forms OJDC Ord of Jgmt of Dism-Civil Com
MHF Mental Health Forms OJAC Ord of JOA & Commitment
MHF Mental Health Forms ORLS Ord of Release from HSH
MHF Mental Health Forms OOCE Ord-Cont Out Patient Mental E
MHF Mental Health Forms OSCR Ord-Cont Susp of Proc/Cond Re
MHF Mental Health Forms MH1A Order Committing Defendant to
MHF Mental Health Forms MH1B Order Ext Ddlne for Exam Rpt
MHF Mental Health Forms MH3 Order finding Defendant Unfit
MHF Mental Health Forms MH4 Order Finding Defendant Unfit
MHF Mental Health Forms OMEC Order for Cont Mental Eval
MHF Mental Health Forms MH4A Order for Re-examination as t
MHF Mental Health Forms MH11A Order for Temp Hosp 704-406
MHF Mental Health Forms MH20 Order for Transport
MHF Mental Health Forms MH1C Order Grant Motion to WD Exam
MHF Mental Health Forms MH17 Order Granting Defendant's Ap
MHF Mental Health Forms MH3A Order Granting Release on Con
MHF Mental Health Forms MH4C Order of Dismissal and Civil Commit to DOH
MHF Mental Health Forms MH3C Order of Dismissal and Commit to DOH
MHF Mental Health Forms MH4B Order of Dismissal and Discharge from CR
MHF Mental Health Forms MH3B Order of Dismissal and Release
MHF Mental Health Forms MH2 Order Suspending Proceedings
MHF Mental Health Forms MH12a Order Terminating Temporary H
MHF Mental Health Forms OOPE Ord-Out Patient Mental Exam
MHF Mental Health Forms DC15 Pre-Fit Dsm Civil Commit HRS
MHF Mental Health Forms PREC Pre-Fit Dsm Civil Commit HRS
MHF Mental Health Forms DC16 Pre-Fit Dsm/Dischg/Rel HRS 70
MHF Mental Health Forms PRED Pre-Fit Dsm/Dischg/Rel HRS 70
MHF Mental Health Forms MH5 Resum Proceedings After Fit H
MHF Mental Health Forms DC6 Resuming Proceedings After Fi
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR6 Revok Cond Rel After Temp Hos
MHF Mental Health Forms MH16 Revok Cond Rel After Temp Hos
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR5 Revok Cond Rel/Commit to DOH
MHF Mental Health Forms MH15 Revok Cond Rel/Commit to DOH
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR6A Revok Rel on Cond/Commit to D
MHF Mental Health Forms MH15A Revok Rel on Cond/Commit to D
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR1A Temp Hospitalization
MHF Mental Health Forms THOS Temp Hospitalization
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR1 Temp Hospitalization/Transpor
MHF Mental Health Forms MH11 Temp Hospitalization/Transpor
MHF Mental Health Forms THAT Temp Hospitalization/Transpor
MHF Mental Health Forms THRP Term Hosp Rel on Pre Term of
MHF Mental Health Forms DCR9 Term Hosp Rel on Prev Term of
MIN Minutes FTA Failed to Appear
MIN Minutes HH Hearing Held
MOT Motion CX Clerk's Extension
MOT Motion EXSMP Epm-Svc By Mail&Posting By Pub
MOT Motion EXPUB Ex Parte - Svc By Publication
MOT Motion EPEG Ex Parte Mot-Emerg Guardshp
MOT Motion EMOE Ex Parte Mot-Exam Judg Debtor
MOT Motion EXPM Ex Parte Motion
MOT Motion EXREI Ex Parte Motion to Reinstate
MOT Motion EXPMP Ex Parte Motion/Petition
MOT Motion EPIC Ex Parte-Iss Out Of State Depo
MOT Motion MIGS Ex Parte-Issue Garnishee Sumns
MOT Motion EPSUM Ex Parte-Serv By Cert Mail
MOT Motion EMCOR ExP Mot to Correct the Record
MOT Motion EMCDE ExP Mot to Crt Data Entry Err
MOT Motion EPSWO Expm Mot/Dec Svc W/O State;Ord
MOT Motion EPSPO Expm Svc Mail & Post Lieu Pub
MOT Motion EXEXP Expm-Advance/Expedite
MOT Motion EPCC Expm-Custody Pendente Lite
MOT Motion EXWAI Expm-Waive Fees & Surcharges
MOT Motion XD Extension to Docket Record
MOT Motion MMCS Mot & Dec To Mod Child Support
MOT Motion MEXT Mot Extend Ord For Protection
MOT Motion MICR Mot for In Camera Review
MOT Motion MMGT Mot Mod Ord Appt Guard Or Term
MOT Motion MFIRE Mot Ret Firear Ammu Perm & Lic
MOT Motion MTAD Mot To Amd/Extend/Dissolve Eo
MOT Motion MCS Mot to Convert Comm Service
MOT Motion MCDE Mot to Corrct Data Entry Erro
MOT Motion MCOR Mot to Correct the Record
MOT Motion MDBA Mot to Decrease Bail
MOT Motion MIBA Mot to Increase Bail
MOT Motion MRPR Mot to Revk Prob Resent Del C
MOT Motion MRSR Mot to Revoke Supervised Rel
MOT Motion MSPF Mot to S/A Property Forfeitur
MOT Motion MSSF Mot to S/A Surety Forfeiture
MOT Motion MSEL Mot to Seal Record
MOT Motion MHRA Mot to Set Hrg Remand App Ct
MOT Motion MSALE Mot-For Confirmation Of Sale
MOT Motion MAPO Motion Amend Protective Order
MOT Motion AMOT Motion Amended
MOT Motion MA Motion Argument Notice
MOT Motion MEPO Motion Extend Protective Order
MOT Motion MOT Motion for
MOT Motion MBA Motion for Bail
MOT Motion MDS Motion for Discharge of Suret
MOT Motion MXT Motion for Extension of Time
MOT Motion MAM Motion for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae
MOT Motion MMEN Motion for Mental Evaluation
MOT Motion MNT Motion for New Trial
MOT Motion MNPW Motion for NP With
MOT Motion MNPO Motion for NP Without
MOT Motion MOSC Motion for Order to Show Caus
MOT Motion MPOR Motion For Post Decree Relief
MOT Motion MPRR Motion For Pre Decree Relief
MOT Motion MR Motion for Reconsideration
MOT Motion MRES Motion for Restitution
MOT Motion MOSM Motion For Serv By Mail; Order
MOT Motion MSTA Motion for Stay
MOT Motion MTR Motion for Temporary Remand
MOT Motion MW Motion for Waiver of Costs
MOT Motion MLN Motion In Limine
MOT Motion MLD Motion In Limine - Deft
MOT Motion MLO Motion in Limine - Other
MOT Motion MLS Motion in Limine - State
MOT Motion MME Motion Mandatory/Extend Term
MOT Motion MPRE Motion Pre-Decree/Judgment
MOT Motion MVOL Motion Re: Voluntariness
MOT Motion MRO Motion Sent of Repeat Offender
MOT Motion MADV Motion to Advance
MOT Motion MPHV Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOT Motion MTCD Motion to Compel Discovery
MOT Motion MOC Motion to Consolidate
MOT Motion MCON Motion to Continue
MOT Motion MCR Motion To Continue - Deft/Resp
MOT Motion MCP Motion To Continue - Pltf/Petr
MOT Motion MFIN Motion to Convert Fine
MOT Motion MJUD Motion to Convert Judgment
MOT Motion MSGF Motion to Convert SGF
MOT Motion MCIS Motion to Correct Illegal Sen
MOT Motion MD Motion to Dismiss
MOT Motion MDSM Motion to Dismiss
MOT Motion MDIS Motion To Dissolve
MOT Motion MXSN Motion to Execute Sent
MOT Motion MEA Motion to Expedite Appeal
MOT Motion MEXP Motion To Expunge
MOT Motion MXSRA Motion to ext time to supp ROA
MOT Motion MI Motion to Intervene
MOT Motion MMOD Motion to Modify Sentence
MOT Motion IFP Motion to Proceed in Forma Pauperis
MOT Motion MQSH Motion to Quash
MOT Motion MRBW Motion to Recall BW
MOT Motion MRLS Motion to Reconsider Lic Susp
MOT Motion MRCS Motion to Reconsider Sentence
MOT Motion MOTR Motion To Reinstate
MOT Motion MRE Motion to Return Evidence
MOT Motion MRP Motion to Return Property
MOT Motion MRPB Motion to Revoke Probation
MOT Motion MSCF Motion to S/A Cash Forfeiture
MOT Motion MSPJ Motion to S/A Paid Judgment
MOT Motion MSET Motion To Set
MOT Motion MSA Motion to Set Aside
MOT Motion MSTR Motion to Strike Brief
MOT Motion MSUP Motion to Suppress
MOT Motion MSES Motion to Supress Evidence/St
MOT Motion MVAC Motion To Vacate
MOT Motion MWP Motion To Withdraw Plea
MOT Motion MSJ Motion/Summary Judgment
MOT Motion MPOST Moton Post-Decree/Judgment
MOT Motion MPSJ Mot-Partial Summary Judgment
MOT Motion MAC Mtn for Lv to File Amicus Brf
MOT Motion MTWC Mtn For Withdrawal/Sub Of Cnsl
MOT Motion MROA Mtn Retention of Oral Argument
MOT Motion MS Mtn to Supp Record on Appeal
MOT Motion MSP Mtn to Susp-Fail to Cooperate
MOT Motion NHM Non-Hearing Motion
MOT Motion OMOT Oral Motion
MOT Motion OM Other Procedural Motion
MOT Motion REP Repetition For Invol Hosp
MOT Motion ROF Reply to Opposition to Request for Fees and Costs
MOT Motion RXT Req for ext to File Transcrpt
MOT Motion REQ Request
MOT Motion EXREQ Request For Default By Clerk
MOT Motion REXC Request To Excuse Appearance
MOT Motion STIPD Stipulation to Dismiss
MSC Miscellaneous AOR Acknowledgment of Receipt
MSC Miscellaneous ABS Add Brief Schedule
MSC Miscellaneous AP Appearance of Counsel
MSC Miscellaneous AMOI Appellate Mediation Opt-In
MSC Miscellaneous AMST Appellate Mediation Settled
MSC Miscellaneous APPX Appendix
MSC Miscellaneous BR Bankruptcy Notice
MSC Miscellaneous BRV Bankruptcy Stay Vacated
MSC Miscellaneous CONS Case Consolidated
MSC Miscellaneous CONSC Case Consolidated and Closed
MSC Miscellaneous CCER Case Created in Error
MSC Miscellaneous CNT Certificate No Transcript will be filed
MSC Miscellaneous CR Certificate of Recusal
MSC Miscellaneous COA Change of Address
MSC Miscellaneous CSA Citation to Supplemental Authorities (letter)
MSC Miscellaneous COM Comment
MSC Miscellaneous CRPT Committee Report
MSC Miscellaneous *OTH Converted Document Records
MSC Miscellaneous RACK Crt Rpt Ack Rcpt of Req Trans
MSC Miscellaneous DMR Divorce Mediation Referral
MSC Miscellaneous DCAA DWI Court Admissn Agreement
MSC Miscellaneous DCPR DWI Court Progress Report
MSC Miscellaneous XB Ext for Brief
MSC Miscellaneous XT Ext to File Trnscrpt
MSC Miscellaneous XS Ext to Supp RA
MSC Miscellaneous FORMD Form D - Acknowledgement
MSC Miscellaneous ROS3 Generic Summons Return
MSC Miscellaneous ROS2 Genl Elect Summons return
MSC Miscellaneous JN Joinder
MSC Miscellaneous LT Letter
MSC Miscellaneous MOP Minutes of Proceeding
MSC Miscellaneous ONFF No Further Filing
MSC Miscellaneous AJ Notice of Assgnmt of Sub Judge
MSC Miscellaneous OATH Oath of Attorneys
MSC Miscellaneous OJP Objection to Judicial Participation
MSC Miscellaneous OAICA Order Affirming Judgment of CA
MSC Miscellaneous PADC Petn for Admissn to DWI Court
MSC Miscellaneous ROS1 Primary Summons Return
MSC Miscellaneous PRDIV Property Division Chart
MSC Miscellaneous PRU Proposed Rule
MSC Miscellaneous RS Rcv Mtn Suppl Rec
MSC Miscellaneous RX Rcv Mtn to Extend
MSC Miscellaneous RW Rcv Mtn Waive Cost
MSC Miscellaneous RJ Rcv Notice & Judgmnt
MSC Miscellaneous RO Rcv Other Motions
MSC Miscellaneous RC Receipt-Document Transmitted
MSC Miscellaneous RESB Record/Exhibit Sent Back
MSC Miscellaneous REF Referral to Committee
MSC Miscellaneous ROFC Reply to Oppo to Req Fees/Cost
MSC Miscellaneous ROD Restraint Order
MSC Miscellaneous RE Return of Records/Exhibits
MSC Miscellaneous RUL Rule Proposal
MSC Miscellaneous TOP Transcript Of Proceedings
MSC Miscellaneous UNDM Undeliverable Mail
NOT Notice AMNA Amended Notice of Appeal
NOT Notice ANOA Amended Notice Of Appeal
NOT Notice AMNXA Amended Notice of Cross-Appeal
NOT Notice ANH Amended Notice Of Hearing
NOT Notice NAMP1 AMP Notice to Parties
NOT Notice NAMP2 AMP Notice to Trial Crt/Agncy
NOT Notice RAMP2 AMP Ntc to Clk Rtn Dckt af RA
NOT Notice RAMP1 AMP Ntc to Clk Rtn Dckt bf RA
NOT Notice RAMP3 AMP Ntc to Parties Rtn Dckt
NOT Notice NCA CADS Dfncy Ntc - No CADS Stmnt
NOT Notice NCA2 CADS Dfncy Ntc - No Ord/Jt&COS
NOT Notice DOC2 Certificate of Standing
NOT Notice ACXD Clerks Ext on Cert-Denied
NOT Notice ACXG Clerks Ext on Cert-Granted
NOT Notice ND6 Default of Amended Answering Brief
NOT Notice ND3 Default of Amended Opening Brief
NOT Notice ND4 Default of Answering Brief
NOT Notice ND2 Default of Opening Brief
NOT Notice ND1 Default of Record on Appeal
NOT Notice ND5 Default of Statement of Jurisdiction & Opening Brief
NOT Notice DFN Demand For Notice
NOT Notice NAPG Not Appt Guard & Right Req Mod
NOT Notice NICC Not Re Invol Civil Commitment
NOT Notice NWDL Not W/Drawal Of Mtn Filed On
NOT Notice NIR Not/Incomplete Rec/Req Prod
NOT Notice NTCE Notice
NOT Notice NJ Notice and Judgment on Appeal
NOT Notice PA Notice ICA Merit Panel Members
NOT Notice NOBR Notice No Answer/Reply Brief
NOT Notice NAA Notice of Admin Appeal
NOT Notice NAD Notice of Alibi Defense
NOT Notice NA Notice of Appeal
NOT Notice NAG Notice of Appeal-Agency
NOT Notice NACP Notice of Assigning Case to A
NOT Notice NAMP Notice of Assigning Case to Ap
NOT Notice NCON Notice of Conflict
NOT Notice NXAG Notice of Cross Appeal-Agency
NOT Notice NXA Notice of Cross-Appeal
NOT Notice ND Notice of Default
NOT Notice DISM Notice Of Dismissal
NOT Notice NOPD Notice Of Dismissal - Partial
NOT Notice DQ Notice of Disqualification
NOT Notice NC Notice of Entrng Case on Clndr
NOT Notice NEJ Notice Of Entry Of Judgment
NOT Notice NEXT Notice of Extension
NOT Notice CXM Notice of Extension on a Motion
NOT Notice NFR Notice Of Filing Report
NOT Notice NOH Notice of Hearing
NOT Notice NIU Notice of Intent to Use/Provid
NOT Notice NLA Notice Of Limited Appearance
NOT Notice DOC1 Notice of Non-Payment
NOT Notice NP Notice of Passing Bar Exam
NOT Notice NRD Notice of Reciprocal Discipline
NOT Notice NRJ Notice of Rejection
NOT Notice NREMV Notice of Removal
NOT Notice NRAMP Notice of Return to Appellate
NOT Notice NRET Notice of Return to Appellate Docket
NOT Notice NSET Notice of Setting
NOT Notice NSAP Notice of Setting Appellate Conference
NOT Notice NCI Notice of Staff Conflict of Interest
NOT Notice NTDEP Notice Of Taking Deposition
NOT Notice NT Notice Placed on Ready Calndar
NOT Notice NPC Notice Seeking Public Comment
NOT Notice NAPP Notice-Appearance /Counsel
NOT Notice NBR Notice-Bankruptcy
NOT Notice NDO Notice-Dismissal W/O Prejudice
NOT Notice NDW Notice-Dismissal W/Prejudice
NOT Notice NEJO Notice-Entry Judgment/Order
NOT Notice NPA Notice-Pendency Of Action
NOT Notice NOR Notice-Resetting
NOT Notice NSUB Notice-Submission
NOT Notice NO Ntc No Oral Argmnt (Min. Ordr)
NOT Notice AR Ntc Settng Oral Argmnt (Merit)
NOT Notice ABEY Ntce Bar App Held in Abeyance
NOT Notice WON Waiver-Notice
OOR Oral Order CO Dismissed by Court Order
OOR Oral Order OORD Oral Order Motion Denied
OOR Oral Order OORG Oral Order Motion Granted
OOR Oral Order SA Prior Disposition Set Aside
OOR Oral Order RPD Referred to Public Defender
OPN Opinion AMOCD Amend Dissent/Concur Opinion
OPN Opinion AMOPC Amended Concurring Opinion
OPN Opinion AMOPD Amended Dissenting Opinion
OPN Opinion AMMO Amended Memo Opinion
OPN Opinion AMOP Amended Opinion
OPN Opinion OPCD Concurring & Dissenting Opini
OPN Opinion CDOP Concurring and Dissenting Opinion
OPN Opinion CROP Concurring Opinion
OPN Opinion OPC Concurring Opinion
OPN Opinion OPD Dissenting Opinion
OPN Opinion MOA Memorandum Opinion Affirming ICA
OPN Opinion OPA Opinion Affirming ICA
OPN Opinion OCT Opinion of the Court By
OPN Opinion OPP Per Curiam Opinion
OPN Opinion OPPC Per Curiam Opinion
OPN Opinion OP Published Opinion
ORD Order TR *Decision on Application for Transfer
ORD Order DA *Decision on Application for Writ of Certiorari
ORD Order DM *Decision on Motion for Reconsideration
ORD Order ATERM Adm Ord Terminat Child Support
ORD Order ORIPA Amd Ord for ID Processing
ORD Order OICA Amd Ord Imposing Conditions
ORD Order OPBA Amd Ord Pertaining to Bail
ORD Order OSCA Amd Ord to Show Cause
ORD Order OVJA Amd Ord Vacating Judgment
ORD Order AMIJ Amended ICA Jgmnt on Appeal
ORD Order AMORD Amended Order
ORD Order AMSCJ Amended SC Jgmnt on Appeal
ORD Order AMSDO Amended Summary Disp Order
ORD Order ORDCD Concurring & Dissenting Order
ORD Order ORDC Concurring Order
ORD Order DO Decision And Order
ORD Order ORDDS Dissenting Order
ORD Order AADC Drg Crt Admis Agrmt to Drg Crt
ORD Order DODMR Drg Crt Ord Deny Mot for Recon
ORD Order DCDCV Drg Crt Ord Deny Mot-Chg Vne
ORD Order DOADC Drg Crt Ord Grnt Adm into DgCt
ORD Order DOGMM Drg Crt Ord Grnt Mot Modif Snt
ORD Order DOGCH Drg Crt Ord Grnt Mot-Chg Vne
ORD Order DORS Drg Crt Ord of Resent Revk Prb
ORD Order DFSO Drug Crt Free Std Ord of Rest
ORD Order DODD Drug Crt Ord Dischrg & Dismiss
ORD Order DOEXP Drug Crt Ord Expunge
ORD Order DOGCR Drug Crt Ord Grant Cond Rel
ORD Order DOGCP Drug Crt Ord Grant CR/CD-Cmmit
ORD Order DOGMR Drug Crt Ord Grant Mot for Rec
ORD Order DOFT Drug Crt Order for Transport
ORD Order DOSA Drug Crt Stay Away Order
ORD Order DOVL Drug Crt Violation Order
ORD Order FFCL Findings of Fact, Conclusions
ORD Order FSO Free Stand Ord of Restitution
ORD Order IFPD In Forma Pauperis Denied
ORD Order IFPG In Forma Pauperis Granted
ORD Order INDI Indicted
ORD Order ICP Insufficient Cause to Proceed
ORD Order JC Judgment for Fees and Costs
ORD Order NCTO No-Contact Order
ORD Order ODWS Ord Deny Mtn for WD/Sub ofCnsl
ORD Order ODCHV Ord Denying Mot-Chg of Venue
ORD Order ODMR Ord Denying Mtn for Reconsider
ORD Order ODNHM Ord Denying Non-Hrg Mot & Not
ORD Order ODDP Ord DenyingDismissing Petition
ORD Order ODD Ord Discharge & Dismissal
ORD Order O48 Ord Dismiss R48
ORD Order ODSAC Ord Dismissing App Certiorari
ORD Order ODSAT Ord Dismissing App fr Transfer
ORD Order ODSLJ Ord Dismissing-Lack Jurisdctn
ORD Order OEXP Ord Expunge
ORD Order OGL Ord Grant Issuance of License
ORD Order OGMM Ord Grant Mot Modif Sentencing
ORD Order OGRR Ord Grant SOH Oral MotCond of
ORD Order OGAC Ord Grant/Accept App for Cert
ORD Order OGAT Ord Grant/Accept App Transfer
ORD Order OGDFC Ord Grant/Deny InPart Fee/Cost
ORD Order OGDMR Ord Grant/Deny InPart MtnRecon
ORD Order OADC Ord Granting Adm to Drug Court
ORD Order OGCR Ord Granting Cond Release
ORD Order OGCP Ord Granting CR/CD-Committed
ORD Order OGCHV Ord Granting Mot-Chg of Venue
ORD Order OGNHM Ord Granting Non-Hrg Mot & No
ORD Order OGWSC Ord Grnt Mtn Wthdr & Subst Csl
ORD Order OXT Ord Grnt/Dny Ext File Trnscrpt
ORD Order ORS Ord of Resetencing, Revoke Prb
ORD Order OMD Ord Re: M/Dismiss
ORD Order OMLD Ord Re: M/Limine-Deft
ORD Order OMLO Ord Re: M/Limine-Other
ORD Order OMLS Ord Re: M/Limine-State
ORD Order OMR Ord Re: M/Reconsideration
ORD Order OSUP Ord Re: M/Suppress
ORD Order OSCT Ord to Show Cause Created
ORD Order ODTCP Ord/Decree of Crt T&C of Probation
ORD Order ONPQ Ord/Nolle-Prosequi
ORD Order ONW Ord/Not W/Hold Inc Child Supp
ORD Order ORD Order
ORD Order OAQ Order Accepting Question
ORD Order OAC Order Appointing Legal Counse
ORD Order OALC Order Appointing Legal Counsel
ORD Order OMX Order Appointing Medical Examiner
ORD Order OASC Order Appointing Special Cnsl
ORD Order OAFC Order Approving Fees & Costs
ORD Order OAWST Order Apprv Withdrw/Stp to Dsm
ORD Order ORDD Order Denied
ORD Order ODAB Order Denying App for BarAdmsn
ORD Order ODAT Order Denying App for Transfer
ORD Order ODT Order Denying Application for
ORD Order ODNT Order Denying Application for Transfer
ORD Order ODFC Order Denying Fees & Costs
ORD Order ODIFP Order Denying Motion for IFP
ORD Order ODR Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration
ORD Order ODAC Order Denying/Rej App for Cert
ORD Order ORC Order Denying/Rejecting Application for Writ of Certiorari
ORD Order ODSD Order Dismissing Appeal - Defa
ORD Order ODA Order Dismissing Application for Writ of Certiorari
ORD Order ORDS Order Dismissing for Lack of Jurisdiction
ORD Order ODSM Order Dismissing Motion
ORD Order ODSMR Order Dismissing Mtn for Recon
ORD Order OASAN Order for Attorney Sanctions
ORD Order ORIP Order for Identification Proc
ORD Order ORP Order for Return of Property
ORD Order OTEMP Order for Temporary Remand
ORD Order OFT Order for Transport
ORD Order OGXRA Order Grant Ext to Docket ROA
ORD Order ORDG Order Granted
ORD Order OGT Order Granting Application fo
ORD Order OGIFP Order Granting Motion for IFP
ORD Order OGR Order Granting Motion for Reconsideration
ORD Order OGWS Order Granting Motion for Wit
ORD Order OGMR Order Granting Mtn for Recon
ORD Order OGMD Order Granting Mtn to Dismiss
ORD Order OGP Order Granting Petition
ORD Order OGNC Order Granting State's Oral M
ORD Order OGDR Order Granting/Denying Motion for Reconsideration
ORD Order OXD Order Grnt/Dny Ext Docket ROA
ORD Order OIC Order Imposing Conditions
ORD Order OCOR Order of Correction or Amd Ord
ORD Order DB Order of Disbarment
ORD Order DOPC Order of Public Censure
ORD Order OSUS Order of Suspension
ORD Order SD Order of Suspension
ORD Order OPB Order Pertaining to Bail
ORD Order OFIRE Order Re Return Of Firearms
ORD Order OCSO Order Re: Consolidation
ORD Order OCNT Order Re: Continuance
ORD Order RMD Order re: Remand
ORD Order ORCS Order Rec Cntrl Sch (General)
ORD Order ORCS1 Order Rec Cntrl Sch1 (SC/ICA)
ORD Order ORCS2 Order Rec Cntrl Sch2 (CC)
ORD Order ORCS3 Order Rec Cntrl Sch3 (DC)
ORD Order ORCS4 Order RecCntrl Sch4 (Land/Tax)
ORD Order OREF Order Refusing to Entertain
ORD Order ORDQ Order Returning/Declining Question
ORD Order OSEL Order Sealed and Confidential
ORD Order OCON Order to Consolidate Appeal
ORD Order OSC Order to Show Cause
ORD Order OSR Order to Show Cause Recalled
ORD Order OSS Order to Show Cause Served
ORD Order OSRA Order to Supplement ROA
ORD Order OVS Order Vacating a Prior Stay
ORD Order OVIJ Order Vacating ICA Judgment
ORD Order OVJ Order Vacating Judgment
ORD Order ODXRA Ordr Denying Ext Docket ROA
ORD Order PM Procedural Mtn Ord
ORD Order POAC Prop Order Apptg Legal Counse
ORD Order PWSUB Prop W/Drawal & Subst Of Couns
ORD Order PFFCL Proposed FOF/COL
ORD Order PROD Proposed Order
ORD Order PO Published Order
ORD Order SC Sanction Order
ORD Order SOPST Scheduling Order - Postdecree
ORD Order SOPRE Scheduling Order - Predecree
ORD Order OSA Stay Away Order
ORD Order SCP Sufficient Cause to Proceed
ORD Order SO Summary Disposition Order
ORD Order SOA Summary Disposition Order Affirming ICA
ORD Order VJ Vacate ICA Judgment
ORD Order OVL Violation Order
OTH Other Documents APOST Affidavit Of Posting
OTH Other Documents ACLA Agreemnt & Consnt Limitd Apper
OTH Other Documents AFOF Amd Findings/Fact Concl Of Law
OTH Other Documents CRECU Cert Of Recusation & Reassign
OTH Other Documents CHV5 Change Venue To Fifth Circuit
OTH Other Documents CHV1 Change Venue To First Circuit
OTH Other Documents CHV2 Change Venue To Second Circuit
OTH Other Documents CHV3 Change Venue To Third Circuit
OTH Other Documents BWCV Civil Bench Warrant
OTH Other Documents ODWP Dismissal-With Prejudice
OTH Other Documents EXEMP Exemplification
OTH Other Documents EXTRO Ext Temp Restraining Order
OTH Other Documents FIRFI Final Notice Dispose Materials
OTH Other Documents FOD Findings/Fact And Decision
OTH Other Documents FOF Findings/Fact Concl Of Law-Ord
OTH Other Documents FLAG Flag Sheet
OTH Other Documents GO Garnishee Order
OTH Other Documents GS Garnishee Summo Declarat & Ord
OTH Other Documents NCAS New Case Assignment
OTH Other Documents NJA Notice And Judgment On Appeal
OTH Other Documents NPFD Notice-Payment-Waiver Denied
OTH Other Documents NSC Notice-Settlement Conference
OTH Other Documents OR Official Receipt
OTH Other Documents ODTRO Ord Dissolv Temp Rest Ord
OTH Other Documents OGACG Ord Grt Pet Appt Of Con&Guard
OTH Other Documents OSNP Ord Striking Document Non-Pay
OTH Other Documents OAKK Order Appointing Kokua Kanawai
OTH Other Documents OAMTR Order Appointing Master
OTH Other Documents ODEWO Order Denying W/O Prejudice
OTH Other Documents ODEWP Order Denying With Prejudice
OTH Other Documents OASGN Order Of Assignment
OTH Other Documents OSTPH Order Set Date Time Hrg/Pet
OTH Other Documents OBS Order-Briefing Schedule
OTH Other Documents ODEP Order-Denying Ex Parte
OTH Other Documents OGDP Order-Grant/Deny In Part
OTH Other Documents ORMUT Order-Mutual Inj Harassment
OTH Other Documents OT Other
OTH Other Documents CCP Papers Fowarded To Cir Court
OTH Other Documents *MIC Prior Microfilmed
OTH Other Documents PDD Proposed Divorce Decree
OTH Other Documents OSD Summary Disposition Order
OTH Other Documents TRO Temporary Restraining Order
OTH Other Documents WLA Withdrawal Of Limitd Appear
PET Petition AMPET Amended Petition
PET Petition DC11 Committed Defendant Seeking R
PET Petition MH8 Committed Defendant Seeking R
PET Petition DC13 Defendant Application for Con
PET Petition MH10 Defendant Application for Con
PET Petition DC12 DOH Application Conditional R
PET Petition MH9 DOH Application Conditional R
PET Petition EMEPP Emergency Ex Parte Petition
PET Petition EPP Ex Parte Petition
PET Petition EPTRO Ex Parte Petition For Tro
PET Petition PEXFA Pet (Ex Pte) Est Foreign Adopt
PET Petition PVEP Pet Cust Visit Sup Ord Aft Vep
PET Petition PFPD Pet Disestablish Paternity
PET Petition PFAA Pet For Adoption (Adult)
PET Petition POBF Pet On Behalf Of Hshld Member
PET Petition PFP Pet Pat/Cust Visit & Supp Ord
PET Petition PDC1 Pet/Adm to Drug Court TI
PET Petition PDC2 Pet/Adm to Drug Court TII
PET Petition PDC3 Pet/Adm to Drug Court TIII
PET Petition PDC4 Pet/Adm to Drug Court TIV
PET Petition PDC5 Pet/Adm to Drug Court TV
PET Petition PFACH Pet-Adopt (Child Protect Act)
PET Petition PET Petition For
PET Petition PIS Petition for Interim Suspension
PET Petition PJR Petition for Judicial Review
PET Petition PFR Petition for Reinstatement
PET Petition PTI Petition for Transfer to Inactive Status
PET Petition PMAN Petition for Writ of Mandamus
PET Petition PROP Petition for Writ of Prohibition
PET Petition PTR Petition to Resign and Surrender License
PET Petition PRP Petition to Restrain from the Practice of Law
PET Petition PETM Petition-Minor
PET Petition PPCR Petition-Post Convict Relief
PET Petition PAT Petn for Apptmt of Trustee
PET Petition PHC Petn for Writ of Habeas Corpus
PET Petition PPRO Petn for Writ of Prohibition
PET Petition PRLD Petn Resign in Lieu of Discip
PET Petition PDC Petn to Determine Capacity
PET Petition PRPL Petn to Restrain Practice Law
PET Petition PTIA Petn Transfer Inactive Status
PET Petition REPET Re - Petition
PRB Probation OCDSA Amd Ord Granting Cndl Disch
PRB Probation ODAGA Amd Ord Granting DAGP
PRB Probation ODNCA Amd Ord Granting DANCP
PRB Probation CRS Case Record Summary
PRB Probation CDP Cert of Dischrg from Probation
PRB Probation COMD Compliance Document
PRB Probation DOCDA Drg Crt Amd Ord Grt Cndl Dschg
PRB Probation DODNA Drug Crt Amd Ord Grant DANCP
PRB Probation DODGA Drug Crt Amd Ord Granting DAGP
PRB Probation DODAG Drug Crt Ord Granting DAGP
PRB Probation DODNC Drug Crt Ord Granting DANCP
PRB Probation DOCDS Drug Crt Ord Grnt Cndl Dischg
PRB Probation NCOMD Non-Compliance Document
PRB Probation OCDS Ord Granting Cndl Discharge
PRB Probation ODAG Ord Granting DAGP
PRB Probation ODNC Ord Granting DANCP
PRB Probation PCOMD Partial Compliance Document
PRB Probation PSI Presentence Investigation
PRB Probation PSREC Presentence Recommendation
PRB Probation PSRPT Presentence Report
PRB Probation POREC Probation Officer Rec Letter
PRB Probation PORPT Probation Officer Report
PRB Probation RRPT Restitution Report/Ability to
PRB Probation TCDAG T&C of DAGP/DANCP/Cond Dschg
PS Penal Summons PSPA Amended Penal Summons by Pros
PS Penal Summons PSAMD Penal Summons Amended
PS Penal Summons PSAG Penal Summons by AG
PS Penal Summons PSDPA Penal Summons by DPA
PS Penal Summons PSP Penal Summons by Prosecutor
PS Penal Summons PSR Penal Summons Case Reschedule
PS Penal Summons PST Penal Summons Created
PS Penal Summons PSO Penal Summons Ordered
PS Penal Summons PSRC Penal Summons Recalled
PS Penal Summons PSS Penal Summons Served
QST Question CQ Certified Question
QST Question RQ Reserved Question
RCD Record VTP Video Telephone Proceeding
REF Referral DRES Drug Crt Refer Restitution
REF Referral DRACS Drug Crt Refer to ACSB
REF Referral RACSB Ref Adult Client Srvc Branch
REF Referral RCS Refer for Community Service
REF Referral RDE Refer to Driver Ed
REF Referral RES Referred for Restitution
RPT Reports and Findings ARG Annual Rpt Of Guardian
RPT Reports and Findings AMI Appellate Mediation Include
RPT Reports and Findings AMNI Appellate Mediation not Includ
RPT Reports and Findings AMMR Appellate Mediator's Report
RPT Reports and Findings BKSR Bankruptcy Status Rpt
RPT Reports and Findings CCH Catholic Char Hawaii Stat Rep
RPT Reports and Findings CFR CJC's Findings/Recommendations
RPT Reports and Findings CER Custody Evaluators Report
RPT Reports and Findings CIUR Custody Investigation Unit Rpt
RPT Reports and Findings CWS Cws Disp To Family Crt Refer
RPT Reports and Findings DHSR Depart Of Human Services Reprt
RPT Reports and Findings RR
Disciplinary Board Report and Recommendation for
RPT Reports and Findings DRR Disciplinary Board's Rpt/Recom
RPT Reports and Findings EXC Exceptions to Commission's Rpt
RPT Reports and Findings FCRF Family Court Referral Form
RPT Reports and Findings GALR Guardian Ad Litem Report
RPT Report IRGIP Init Rpt Guardian Incap Per
RPT Reports and Findings MDRPT Mediator's Report re Appellate Conference Program
RPT Reports and Findings MED Medical Examiner's Report
RPT Reports and Findings RFSO Report Of The Fact Finder
RPT Reports and Findings RKK Report-Kokua Kanawai
RPT Reports and Findings RVSM Rept Fr Volunteer Settle Mstr
RPT Reports and Findings SCR Special Counsel's Report
RPT Reports and Findings SRR Status Report/Recommendation
RS Release Status BBR Bail Bond Rel-Ack & N/Appear
RS Release Status BCFJ Bail Cash Forfeiture Judgment
RS Release Status BDN Bail Denied
RS Release Status BRCBL Bail Receipt (Cash,Bond,Lost)
RS Release Status BAC Bond - Amount Confirmed
RS Release Status BAI Bond - Amount Increased
RS Release Status BAR Bond - Amount Reduced
RS Release Status BCP Bond - Cash Posted
RS Release Status BCPA Bond - Cash Posted Aggregate
RS Release Status BCR Bond - Cash Reinstated
RS Release Status BCS Bond - Cash Stayed
RS Release Status BDS Bond - Discharge of Surety
RS Release Status BPF Bond - Property Forfeited
RS Release Status BPP Bond - Property Posted
RS Release Status BSF Bond - Surety Forfeited
RS Release Status BSP Bond - Surety Posted
RS Release Status BSPA Bond - Surety Posted Aggregat
RS Release Status BSR Bond - Surety Reinstated
RS Release Status BCF Bond Cash Forfeited
RS Release Status BDSU Bond Surrender
RS Release Status CUS Custody
RS Release Status NBFF Notice Bail Bond Forfeiture
RS Release Status BFOR Order fo Bail Forfeiture
RS Release Status ROR Released Own Recognizance
RS Release Status RTA Released to Appear
RS Release Status SVR Supervised Release
RS Release Status WAB Waived Appearance Bond
RSP Response ANSW Answer
RSP Response AAD Answer & Disclosure
RSP Response ANCMP Answer To Complaint
RSP Response AW Appearance & Waiver
RSP Response CONST Consent
RSP Response REPLY Reply
RSP Response RESP Response
RSP Response RAT Response to App for Transfer
RSP Response RBA Response to Brief of Amicus Curiae
RSP Response RL Response to Letter
RSP Response RP Response to Petition
RSP Response RPET Response to Petition
RSP Response RAC Rspnse to App for Writ of Cert
SBP Subpoena SUB Subpoena
SBP Subpoena SDT Subpoena Duces Tecum
SPT Supporting Documents AOA Acceptance Of Appointment
SPT Supporting Documents ATC Acknowledgment of Rcpt of Cnd
SPT Supporting Documents AOS Acknowledgment of Service
SPT Supporting Documents AFS Adopt Hrg Flag Sheet
SPT Supporting Documents AFSIC Adopt Hrg Flag Sheet (Icpc)
SPT Supporting Documents AFICW Adopt Hrg Flag Sheet (Icwa)
SPT Supporting Documents ADBS Adoption Decree By Step-Parent
SPT Supporting Documents AIS Adoption Info Sheet
SPT Supporting Documents AFFW Affid Re Waiver Med Info Form
SPT Supporting Documents AF Affidavit
SPT Supporting Documents AFF Affidavit Filed
SPT Supporting Documents APL Affidavit Of Plaintiff
SPT Supporting Documents ATCD Agreemnt Contemplation Div
SPT Supporting Documents AITD Agreemnt Incident To Div
SPT Supporting Documents AMRA Amended Record on Appeal
SPT Supporting Documents AMSR Amended Supp Record on Appeal
SPT Supporting Documents ARW Appr Req & Waiver Of Notice
SPT Supporting Documents ADSB Asset & Debt Stmnt Both
SPT Supporting Documents ADSD Asset & Debt Stmnt Deft
SPT Supporting Documents ADSP Asset & Debt Stmnt Pltf
SPT Supporting Documents ADS Asset And Debt Statement
SPT Supporting Documents ATTCH Attachment
SPT Supporting Documents ATA Attorney Affirmation
SPT Supporting Documents BC Birth Certificate
SPT Supporting Documents CD Certificate Of Death
SPT Supporting Documents COS Certificate of Service
SPT Supporting Documents CROA Certified Record On Appeal
SPT Supporting Documents CSGW Child Support Guide Wksht
SPT Supporting Documents MCCH Child'S Medical Certificate
SPT Supporting Documents CIS Civil Information Sheet
SPT Supporting Documents CCGW Consen Co-Guard & Waiv Of Not
SPT Supporting Documents CONC Consent Of Child
SPT Supporting Documents CPH Copy Of Cert Of Physician
SPT Supporting Documents JD Copy of Degree
SPT Supporting Documents CDROA Counter Designation Of Roa
SPT Supporting Documents DJCGW Decla Jdg Cred Garnish Wages
SPT Supporting Documents DEC Declaration
SPT Supporting Documents DECP Declaration Of Posting
SPT Supporting Documents DECRE Decree
SPT Supporting Documents DST Distribution St & Acct Of Comm
SPT Supporting Documents ERRAT Errata Re:
SPT Supporting Documents EXH Exhibit
SPT Supporting Documents FCR Federal Court Record
SPT Supporting Documents FIN Financial Information Sheet
SPT Supporting Documents GCON General Consent To Adoption
SPT Supporting Documents GEN Genetic Test Results
SPT Supporting Documents HPAI Hawaii Paternity Action Infor
SPT Supporting Documents IES Income And Expense Statement
SPT Supporting Documents IESD Income Expense Stmnt Deft
SPT Supporting Documents IESP Income Expense Stmnt Pltf
SPT Supporting Documents IWS Income Withholding For Support
SPT Supporting Documents RTSC Index to Record Transmitted to Hawaii Supreme Court
SPT Supporting Documents JOIN Joinder
SPT Supporting Documents KFDEP Kids 1St Mandatory Div Edu Pgm
SPT Supporting Documents KFIS Kids First Info Sheet
SPT Supporting Documents LOG Letters Of Guardianship
SPT Supporting Documents MEDRE Medical Records & Info
SPT Supporting Documents DHS Not To Dhs Of Pendency Of Acti
SPT Supporting Documents OBJ Objections
SPT Supporting Documents OCTRA Ord For Cert And Trans Of Roa
SPT Supporting Documents PFIS Paternity Financ Inform Sheet
SPT Supporting Documents PPP Proposed Parenting Plan
SPT Supporting Documents QDRO Qualified Domestic Rel Order
SPT Supporting Documents RA Record on Appeal
SPT Supporting Documents RELC Release Of Child For Adoption
SPT Supporting Documents RMSTR Report Of Master
SPT Supporting Documents RLT Response to Letter
SPT Supporting Documents SCADO Specific Consent To Adoption
SPT Supporting Documents SUG Suggestion Of Death
SPT Supporting Documents SUMM Summons
SPT Supporting Documents SAP Supp Aff Direct Pay Child Supp
SPT Supporting Documents SCROA Supp Cert Record On Appeal
SPT Supporting Documents SADP Suppl Affidavit Direct Payment
SPT Supporting Documents SUP Supplement
SPT Supporting Documents SR Supplemental Record on Appeal
SPT Supporting Documents SAFF Supporting Affidavit
SPT Supporting Documents TIWO Terminat Of Income W/Hold Ord
SPT Supporting Documents TRANS Transcript
SPT Supporting Documents TRNA Transcript Request
SPT Supporting Documents TRC Trial Court Record
SPT Supporting Documents VEDTH Verification Of Death
SPT Supporting Documents WNC Waiv Of Not & Consnt To Grdshp
SPT Supporting Documents WDHS Waiver Of Notice To Dhs
STI Stipulations SCSC Stip Child Supp Credit
STI Stipulations SFDWO Stip Dis W/Oprej All Cla & Pty
STI Stipulations SFDW Stip Dism W/Prej All Cla & Pty
STI Stipulations SADV Stip to Advance Case
STI Stipulations SCON Stip to Continue Case
STI Stipulations SDSM Stip to Dismiss Case
STI Stipulations SDC Stip to Dismiss Count(s)
STI Stipulations SRBW Stip to RC BW/Reset for Hrg
STI Stipulations STIP Stipulation to
STI Stipulations STDSM Stipulation To Dismiss
STI Stipulations SCH Stipul-Continue He/Order
STM Statements AMCA Amended Civil Appeals Docketin
STM Statements AMJS Amended Jurisdictional Stateme
STM Statements CA Civil Appeal Docketing Statement
STM Statements CADS Civil Appeals Docketing Statement
STM Statements CVS Custody/Visitation Statement
STM Statements FDS Financial Disclosure Statement
STM Statements JS Jurisdictional Statement
STM Statements PSTMT Position Statement
STM Statements JSC Statement Contesting Jurisdict
STM Statements CJS Statement Contesting Jurisdiction
STM Statements ST Statement Of
STM Statements SPTS Statement of Points of Error
STM Statements STNP Stmt No Position & Non-Appear
STM Statements SAF Submisn Statmnt of AgreedFacts
SVC Service ACKRT Acknowledgment Of Receipt
SVC Service AS Acknowledgment of Service
SVC Service AOM Affidavit Of Mailing
SVC Service AOP Affidavit Of Publication
SVC Service AFOS Affidavit Of Service
SVC Service AFMLP Affidavit-Mail In Lieu Publish
SVC Service AWS Appear & Ack Of Service
SVC Service AAC Appear & Acknowledgment
SVC Service CM Certificate Of Mailing
SVC Service CS Certificate of Service
SVC Service DECM Dec Intent To Serve By Mail
SVC Service DECAS Declaration Re: Attempt Svc
SVC Service MSM Motion for Svc By Mail
SVC Service PMAIL Proof Of Mailing
SVC Service POS Proof Of Service
SVC Service POSM Proof Of Service By Mail
SVC Service POSLE Proof Of Svc - Fr Law Enforc
SVC Service ROS Return of Service or Summons
SVC Service RAS Service-Return/Acknowledgement
SVC Service SM Statement Of Mailing
SVC Service SM12 Statement Of Mailing; Exh 1&2
SVC Service SMAB Statement Of Mailing; Exh A&B
SVC Service SOS Statement Of Service
Vehicle License Stopper or
OLS License Stopper
Vehicle License Stopper or
OLC OP License Stopper Clearance
Vehicle License Stopper or
OLCI Operator License Clearance Is
Vehicle License Stopper or
RLC Restricted License Cleared
Vehicle License Stopper or
RLD Restricted License Denied
Vehicle License Stopper or
RLG Restricted License Granted
Vehicle License Stopper or
RLS Restricted License Suspended
W&S Weed and Seed OWS Ord/Decree of Crt T&C for WS
W&S Weed and Seed WSE Weed and Seed Ewa
W&S Weed and Seed WSH Weed and Seed Honolulu
W&S Weed and Seed WSW Weed and Seed Waipahu
WR Writ WR Writ
State Department and Agency PartyIDs
State Department and Agency PartyIDs
The listed JIMS Party ID's should be utilized for case initiation or case update when the State Department or Agency is assigned/associated to a case.
This list was last updated as of 11/27/17. It is also available on the Judiciary Internet Efiling page under JEFS Training and Information, see General
Information: https://www.courts.state.hi.us/jefs-training-and-information
Government Department or Agency Description JIMS Party ID Notification? Updated
1 City and County of Honolulu CTYHONO
2 Commission on Judicial Conduct (JUD) CJC
3 Commission on Water Resource Management (DLNR) SOHCWRM Yes
4 Corporation Counsel
5 Department of the Corporation Counsel C&C of Honolulu DPTCCHN
6 Department of the Corporation Counsel, County of Maui DPTCCMA
7 Office of the Corporation Counsel County of Hawaii OFFCCHA
8 Office of the County Attorney, County of Kauai OFFCAKA
9 County of Hawaii CTYHAWAII
10 County of Kauai CTYKAUAI
11 County of Maui CTYMAUI
12 Department of Accounting & General Services SOHDAGS
13 Department of Agriculture SOHDOA
14 Department of the Attorney General SOHATG Yes
15 Department of Budget and Finance SOHDBF
16 Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism SOHDBEDT
17 Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs SOHDCCA
18 Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Fraud Branch SOHDCCAI Yes 3/1/2017
19 Department of Defense SOHDOD
20 Department of Education SOHDOE
21 Department of Finance, Maui County CNTYFIS2
22 Department of Hawaiian Home Lands SOHDHHL
23 Department of Health SOHDOH
24 Department of Human Resource Development SOHDHRD
25 Department of Human Services SOHDHS
26 Department of Labor and Industrial Relations SOHDLIR
27 Department of Land and Natural Resource SOHLAND
28 Department of Public Safety SOHDPS
29 Department of Taxation SOHDOTAX
30 Department of Transportation SOHDOT
31 Disciplinary Board of the Hawaii Supreme Court DBHSC
32 Hawaii Housing Finance and Development SOHHHFDC
33 Labor and Industrial Relations Appeals Board (DLIR) SOHLIRAB Yes
34 Land and Tax Appeal Court (JUD) LTAC Yes
35 Land Use Commission (DBEDT) SOHLUC
36 Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection LFCP
37 Office of Disciplinary Council (JUD) ODC
38 Office of Elections Board of Registration-Hawaii (DAGS) SOHBR3
39 Office of Elections Board of Registration-Kauai (DAGS) SOHBR5
40 Office of Elections Board of Registration-Maui (DAGS) SOHBR2
41 Office of Elections Board of Registration-Oahu (DAGS) SOHBR1
42 Office of the Public Defender (OPD)
43 OPD Appellate Courts OPD-APPLT Yes
44 OPD Hilo District Court OPD-HILO Yes
Government Department or Agency Description JIMS Party ID Notification? Updated
45 OPD Kauai District Court OPD-KAUAI Yes
46 OPD Kona District Court OPD-KONA Yes
47 OPD Maui District Court OPD-MAUI Yes
48 OPD Oahu District Court OPD-OAHU Yes
49 OPD Hilo Circuit Court OPD-HICC Yes 1/23/2017
50 OPD Kauai Circuit Court/Family Court OPD-KACF Yes 1/23/2017
51 OPD Kona Circuit Court/Family Court OPD-KOCF Yes 1/23/2017
52 OPD Maui Circuit Court/Family Court OPD-MACF Yes 1/23/2017
53 OPD Oahu Circuit Court OPD-OACC Yes 1/23/2017
54 OPD Oahu Circuit Court Hope OPD-OAHOP Yes 1/23/2017
55 OPD Hilo Family Court OPD-HIFC Yes 1/23/2017
56 OPD Oahu Family Court OPD-OAFC Yes 1/23/2017
57 Public Utilities Commission (Dept. of Budget and Finance) SOHPUC
58 State of Hawaii - as civil party represented by Attorney General SOH
59 State of Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources SOHBLNR
60 State of Hawaii Chief Election Officer SOHCEO
61 State of Hawaii Child Support Enforcement Agency SOHCSEA
62 State of Hawaii - Criminal Prosecution by Attorney General SOHCRAG
63 Douglas S. Chin SOHCRATY Yes 2/21/2017
64 State of Hawaii - Criminal First Circuit Prosecutor SOHCR1 Yes
65 Keith M. Kaneshiro SOHCR1ATY Yes
66 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 01 SOHCR101 Yes 1/23/2017
67 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 02 SOHCR102 Yes 1/23/2017
68 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 03 SOHCR103 Yes 1/23/2017
69 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 04 SOHCR104 Yes 1/23/2017
70 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 05 SOHCR105 Yes 1/23/2017
71 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 06 SOHCR106 Yes 1/23/2017
72 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Specialty Courts SOHCR107 Yes 11/27/2017
73 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 08 SOHCR108 Yes 1/23/2017
74 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 09 SOHCR109 Yes 1/23/2017
75 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 10 SOHCR110 Yes 1/23/2017
76 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Felony 11 SOHCR111 Yes 1/23/2017
77 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Misdemeanor/Traffic Division SOHCR1DIS Yes
78 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Environmental SOHCR1ENV Yes 1/23/2017
79 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-MT Div. Traffic Branch SOHCR1HNT Yes
80 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-MT Div. Criminal Branch SOHCR1HNC Yes
81 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-HOPE SOHCR1HOP Yes 1/23/2017
82 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-MT Div. Rural Branch SOHCR1RUL Yes
83 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-Sex Assault SOHCR1SA Yes 1/23/2017
84 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-TRIALS DIVISION SOHCR1TRI Yes
85 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-CAREER CRIMINAL DIV. SOHCR1CCD Yes
86 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-SCREENING & INTAKE DIV. SOHCR1SID Yes
87 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-ELDER ABUSE BRANCH SOHCR1EA Yes
88 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Felony SOHCR1DVF Yes
Government Department or Agency Description JIMS Party ID Notification? Updated
89 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Misd. SOHCR1DVM Yes
90 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-JUVENILE OFFENDER SOHCR1JO Yes
91 C&C Honolulu Prosecutors-ASSET FORFEITURE SOHCR1AF Yes
92 State of Hawaii - Criminal Second Circuit Prosecutor SOHCR2
93 John D. Kim SOHCR2ATY Yes
94 Maui County Prosecutors-District Court SOHCR2DC Yes
95 Maui County Prosecutors-Circuit Court SOHCR2CC Yes 1/23/2017
96 Maui County Prosecutors-Family Court SOHCR2FC Yes 1/23/2017
97 Maui County Prosecutors-Felony Screening SOHCR2FS Yes
98 State of Hawaii - Criminal Third Circuit Prosecutor SOHCR3
99 Mitchell D. Roth SOHCR3ATY Yes
100 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney Hilo Circuit SOHCR3HCC Yes 1/23/2017
101 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-Hilo District SOHCR3HDC Yes
102 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney Hilo Family Circuit SOHCR3HFC Yes 1/23/2017
103 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-Kona District SOHCR3KDC Yes
104 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-N. Hawaii SOHCR3NDC Yes
105 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-Puna SOHCR3PDC Yes
106 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-Kona Circuit SOHCR3KCC Yes 1/23/2017
107 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-Kona Family Circuit SOHCR3KFC Yes 1/23/2017
108 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-Kona Family District SOHCR3KFD Yes 1/23/2017
109 Hawaii County Prosecuting Attorney-North Hawaii Family District SOHCR3NFD Yes 1/24/2017
110 State of Hawaii - Criminal Fifth Circuit Prosecutor SOHCR5
111 Justin F. Kollar SOHCR5ATY Yes
112 Office of the Prosecuting Attorney-County of Kauai Criminal SOHCR5CR Yes
113 Office of the Prosecuting Attorney-County of Kauai Family SOHCR5FC Yes 1/23/2017
114 Office of the Prosecuting Attorney-County of Kauai Circuit SOHCR5PC Yes 1/23/2017
115 Office of the Prosecuting Attorney-County of Kauai Traffic SOHCR5TF Yes
116 State of Hawaii - Special Compensation Fund SOHSCF