Google Docs, Sheets, and
Slides are apps that let you
create different kids of online
documents (word processor,
spreadsheet & presentation),
share them, work on them
collaboratively with others and
store them in your Google
Drive online (all for free).
You can access your created
documents, spreadsheets, and
presentations from any com-
puter, anywhere.
Google Docs
Google Docs is an online
word processor which allows
you to create and format text
documents and collaborate
with other people in real time.
Here is what you can do with
Google Docs:
Upload a Word docu-
ment and convert it to a
Google document
Add formatting to your
document by adjusting
margins, spacing, fonts,
and colors
Invite other people to
collaborate on your docu-
ment with you, giving
them editing, comment-
ing or viewing access
Collaborate online in real
time and chat with other
collaboratorsall inside
the documents
View you document’s
revision history and roll
back to a previous ver-
Download a Google
document to your desk-
top as a Word, OpenOf-
fice, RTF, PDF, HTML
or zip file
Translate a document to
a different language
Email your document to
others as an attachment
Google Sheets
Google Sheets is an online
spreadsheet app that allows
you to create and format
spreadsheets and simultane-
ously work with other people.
Here’s what you can do with
Google Sheets:
Import and convert Ex-
cel, .csv, .txt and .ods
formatted data to a
Google spreadsheet
Export Excel, .csv, .txt
and.ods formatted data,
as well as PDF and
HTML files
Use formula editing to
perform calculations on
your data, and use for-
matting to make it look
the way you would like it
Chat in real time with
others who are editing
your spreadsheet
Create charts with your
Embed a spreadsheet-or
individual sheets of your
spreadsheet-on your blog
or website
There are different ways of
getting started using Google
1. Create a new online
2. Upload an existing one
3. Use a template from the
To create a new document, go
to your
, click
the red
button, and
the drop-
As soon as you name to docu-
ment (File Menu, Rename) or
start typing, Google Docs will
automatically start saving your
work every few seconds. At
the top of the doc, you will see
text that indicates when you
doc was last saved.
Creating & Saving Documents
What are Google Docs, Sheets & Slides?
Google Docs
Google Slides
Google Slides is an online
presentation app that allows
you to show off your work in a
visual way. Here’s what you
can do with Google Slides:
Create and edit presenta-
Edit a presentation with
friends, students, or co-
workers and share it with
Import .pptx and.pps
files and convert them to
Google presentations
Download your presenta-
tions as a PDF, a PPT or
a .txt file
Insert images and videos
into your presentations
Publish and embed your
presentations in a website
To save a document to your
computer, you can download
it. In your doc, go to the File
menu and point your mouse
to the Download as option.
Select one of the following file
types: HTML, RTF, Word,
OpenOffice, PDF and plain
text. Your document will
download to your com-
You can upload existing docu-
ments to Google documents
any time. When you are up-
loading, you can either keep
your document in its original
file type or convert it to
Google Docs format. Con-
verting your document to
Google Docs format allows
you to edit and collaborate
online from any computer.
You can upload the following:
.html, .txt, .odt, .rtf, .doc
& .docx, and .pdf.
To upload:
1. Click the
icon in the top left corner
of your Documents List.
2. Click Files…, and select
the document you would
like to upload.
3. Click Open.
4. Check the box next to
“Convert documents,
presentations, spread-
sheets, and drawings to
the corresponding
Google Docs format” if
you would like to be able
to edit and collaborate on
the doc online. Up-
loaded doc files that are
converted to Google
documents format can’t
be larger than 1 MB.
5. Click Start upload.
The uploaded file will
appear in your Docu-
ments list.
Templates: If you want to
quickly create a document,
you can pick on one of the
templates in the templates
gallery. Each template has
standard text that you can
replace with your own, and
preset formatting that you can
You can also create a docu-
ment from a template directly
from your Documents List.
Click the red
and select
From template
: When you print in
, your document will
print exactly as it appears in
Google Docs. Because of this
there’s no
Print preview
tion. When you document is
ready to print, follow these
1. From the document you’d
like to print, select
2. A dialog box for your
printer and print settings will
3. When your ready, select
: Once you are done
creating and editing your
document, you can publish it
to a webpage. Go to the
menu and select
the Web…. Then, click
You can send your docu-
ment’s URL to your students,
coworkers, family or friends
and they can enter it in their
browser address bar to view
your document.
1. Select
2. A PDF file containing
your doc will automati-
cally download. When
the download completes,
open the PDF file.
3. In your PDF viewer, go to
menu and select
4. A dialog box for your
printer and print settings
will open. Select
From your document,
click the blue Share but-
ton in the top right of the
1. Under, “Add people,”
type the email addresses
of people you want to
share your document
with. You can add a
single person or a mail
2. To the right of the list of
names, select “Can view,”
Can edit,” or “Can com-
ment” from the drop-
down menu.
3. If you would like to add a
message to your invita-
tion, click Add message
and enter some text.
4. Click Share & save. To
skip sending an invita-
tion, deselect the option
Once you have created your
Google document, you can
share it with your students,
coworkers, friends or family.
You can do this from your
Drive or directly from the
From your Drive, select
the document you want
to share (your can select
multiples) and click the
Share button.
Share Your Document with Others
Publish or Print a document
Uploading Docs & Using a Template
“Send email notifications
(recommended).” Your collabo-
rators and viewers will still be
able to access the document
from their Drive, but will not
receive an email invitation.
In the share settings you can also
see who has access to your docu-
ment, change the level of access
people have, remove editors,
commenter's, and viewers and
change your document’s visibility
Download to another file
format and then print that
1. Select File menu and go
to Download as…
2. From Download as….
Submenu, select the file
format you want to
download your document
3. Find the downloaded file
on your computer, and
open it.
4. Print the downloaded