2022 Girl Scout Cookie Price Increase
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did Girl Scouts of Louisiana-Pines to the Gulf need to increase the
cookie price?
To maintain and expand our high-quality programming and services for girls and adults,
the price for cookies has been increased by $1 to $5 for core cookies and $6 for specialty
cookies (S’mores, Toffee-tastic). This price increase is based on high production costs
from the bakery, requests for troop profits, and increased expenses to provide
outstanding girl programming.
Why raise it now?
After careful consideration, reviewing and planning, the council decided that the 2022 Girl
Scout Cookie season was the optimal time to make the increase in conjunction with the
release of a new Girl Scout Cookie. Historical data shows that when a price increase is
introduced with the release of a new Girl Scout Cookie, the possible decrease in sales can
be offset by the excitement of the new cookie.
We expect the Cookie Program to continue to be successful in 2022 and beyond.
Why was the price increased by $1?
Looking at national cookie trends, and consulting with industry experts, it was the
recommendation to increase by $1 to stay in alignment with national Girl Scout Cookie
pricing and avoid multiple price increases in the future.
How are we supposed to charge someone $5 for a box of cookies? They
could get cookies for much less at Walmart!
Remember- this is not a “value of goods” based pricing model. Our customers
they are supporting Girl Scouts. On average, 30% of customers have a Girl
affiliation. Girls are learning 5 Key Skills (Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money
Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics) and can tell the customer their cookie
plans - encourage the girls to share when a consumer approaches them.
In a recent national survey of Girl Scout cookie customers specifically, most customers
responded that they did not remember what they paid for a box of cookies from year to
year, and many already assume it was $5, even if it was not.
How does a retail price increase mirror a common business decision, and
how can this be communicated to girls?
The main focus of the Girl Scout Cookie Program is to teach girls five skills essential to
leadership, success and life: goal setting, decision making, money management, people
skills and business ethics. To best communicate the price increase to girls, it can be
presented as a business lesson; a common practice that takes place in business to ensure
financial sustainability. By explaining the reasons behind why the decision was made at
the council level including inflation to increase the retail price along with the full picture of
the return benefits in terms of proceeds and rewards, girls can further their money
management for the 2022 cookie sale through informed goal setting and decision making
of their own.
Will Girl Scout troops see an increase in proceeds as a result of the retail
price increase?
With the price increase, girls and their troops will be able to earn more funds to power
their Girl Scout experience. Troops can expect to receive a minimum of $0.50 for each box
sold next
Why don’t the troops get all or most of the funds from the Cookie
After the council has paid the baker for Girl Scout Cookies, revenue generated through the
program provides troop proceeds, girl rewards, and the remainder of the proceeds go to
support expenses associated with services and programs for girls and
volunteers, along
with the operation of the council.
What does the council do with its part of the Girl Scout Cookie proceeds?
The portion of funds not given as proceeds to the troops covers a variety
of program-
related expenses, including: the direct cost of the cookies themselves from
Little Brownie
Bakers (this cost encompasses making the cookies, transportation and
cookie program materials, eBudde, Digital Cookie, etc.), girl rewards,
recognitions, product
sales volunteer training, and council staffing. After
covering these program costs, the remaining funds are critical towards maintenance and
improvements at our Girl Scout camps, providing quality girl programming and adult
learning opportunities, enhanced technology, staff to provide support to all members,
general membership resources, and so much more. And it’s important to remember that
aside from the direct cost of the cookies, 100% of the proceeds from the Cookie Program
stay within our council, GSUSA does not receive funding from the council cookie program.
How are other councils pricing their cookies?
Every council is different and has different pricing structures based on their operating
budgets. Girl Scouts of Louisiana-Pines to the Gulf will join a number of other councils with
cookie prices at $5 for core
cookies and $6 for specialty cookies (S’mores, Toffee-tastic).
Other councils surrounding
are also adopting new cookie prices for the 2022
cookie season.
Why are S’mores and Toffee-tastic specialty cookies priced at $6?
Our two specialty flavors cost more to produce, so the bakery charges us more for those
cookies more than double the cost than the core flavors.
Gluten free Toffee-tastic price includes: Special food safety testing protocols of the
production line and the product, and higher-priced, specially-sourced ingredients.
Third-party gluten-free certification.
Girl Scout S’mores price includes: Natural, organic and non-GMO ingredients are
higher-priced, specially-sourced around the world. Natural flavors require twice the
recipe quantity to deliver same flavor intensity consumers expect. And special
storage conditions to extend shelf life.
How will the general public find out about the retail price increase?
The general public will receive typical Girl Scout Cookie Program information as they have
in the past through print and online articles, radio and TV features, public service
announcements, and more as we get closer to the launch of next year’s program. As
always, we will be bringing awareness to our Girl Scout Cookies through advertising, digital
promotions and media coverage to further support girls’ efforts and promote the many
benefits of the program. Though the price will be included in the announcements, and we
will openly discuss it, it will not be the focus as more interest will likely be on the new
cookie, our ever-improving Digital Cookie and other incentives.
Do we have to sell at the established retail price?
All Girl Scout Cookie Program participants must abide by our council’s established retail
price of $5 for the core cookies (Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Trefoils,
Lemon-Ups and
the NEW Adventurefuls) and $6/box for specialty cookies ( S’mores
and Toffee-tastic). This is a great example of business ethics because by selling at the
retail price, which is established to benefit all girls in our council, girls build trust with
consumers by reinforcing what they may have encountered in terms of Girl Scout
Program promotions or advertising all information which will include the
retail price. Additionally, selling at the established retail price ensures an
even playing field,
in terms of revenue, for all girls within our council participating in the
Girl Scout Cookie
Will this affect the number of cookies in the box?
Absolutely not. The price increase is a council decision and has no bearing on the actual
product. It’s also important to note that, although the packaging itself has recently
become smaller as a way to address environmental concerns and cut down on waste, the
number of cookies has not changed.
Why does my support of this retail price increase important?
This retail price increase is a good thing, and it should be shared in a positive manner.
Statistics show that the price of cookies is not a negative factor in terms of revenue
generated through the program; however, how the price increase is communicated will
affect sales. Plus, there are so many positives like the fact that the girls and service units
will see an increase in the funds they receive that will further aid them in their Girl Scout
Our goals are to continue elevating the many positive benefits of the Girl Scout Cookie
Program and increasing girl participation in 2022. With your support, we are confident that
we can positively address the retail price increase and achieve these goals!
Thank you for your continued support of Girl Scouts of
Louisiana- Pines to the Gulf
through the Girl Scout Cookie
If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please contact us at
(800) 960-2093 or email us at info@gslpg.org.
We thank you for your continued support and dedication to Girl Scouts.