Arts Program Curriculum
 ..........................73
Resources .......................................73
Accessible Arts Educaon
Materials .......................................73
Resource Evaluaon ......................74
Oregon District-Based Spotlight on
Resource Evaluaon ......................75
Open Educaonal Resources:
Oregon Open Learning and the
Oregon Arts Group ........................75
Oregon Instruconal Materials
Adopon Cycle .............................. 76
Oregon Standards Alignment
in Arts Curriculum ..........................76
Applied Arts Standards and Career
and Technical Educaon ................76
Standards Crosswalks ....................77
Arts Lesson Plan Template ............77
Addional Arts Lesson Materials
and Resources ...............................78
Arts Program Curriculum Resources
This resource provides arts educators:
A scope and sequence example for K-12 arts learning pathways
Instruconal materials and resources to apply in arts educaon courses and learning opportunies
Informaon around standards alignment in the arts curriculum
Through arts programs that provide high
quality, relevant, and culturally arming
content and curriculum, and K-12 pathways
for students to build on their arsc
learning in various disciplines, students gain
access to essenal skills and knowledge
needed to grow as arsts, communicate
eecvely, develop their creavity, and make
meaningful change in our complex world.
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit 72
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Scope and Sequence: Pathways for Arts Learning K-12
In order to develop a full range of skills in a parcular art form, students must work on and rene their skills over me, just as in all content areas. A scope
and sequence for K-12 art programs is a crical component to ensuring that students build on their learning in developmentally appropriate ways as they
grow, and have access to a rich set of arts learning and experiences at all grade levels. It can also ensure consistency across buildings and help establish arts
pathways within a district program.
Consider providing opportunies for arts educators to connect across the district to assist in the development of pathways and a K-12 scope and sequence in
the various arts disciplines. The Chicago Public Schools Skyline Arts Educaon Scope & Sequences
for arts educaon provides a framework for developing a
scope and sequence, addressing the areas of Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts.
1 Although these resources are aligned to the Illinois state arts standards, they are provided here as resources for educators to consider when craing Oregon arts standards aligned scope and
sequence plans.
Instructional Materials and Resources
Connecng curriculum to areas of relevance for students and authenc
learning opportunies across mulple content areas increases program
access. More students are likely to see themselves in the lesson materials,
share their stories and voice, and experience tangible examples of the
relevance of arts learning to their lives. This secon provides ideas and
resources around strengthening an arts curriculum and making connecons
to district arts pathways in service of programmac goals.
Planning is essenal in order to provide quality resources for students, and
is necessary to provide learning supports for each individual student that
comes into a program.
Students experiencing disabilies must be provided the proper
modicaons or support to parcipate fully in arts program acvies. This
can include modifying materials, tools, seang arrangements, or equipment
as necessary to meet student needs and address student Individual
Educaon Plans (IEPs). Plan in advance and discuss with the student and
Special Educaon Department.
Oregon Open Learning’s Accessible Educaon Materials Group hosts
mulple resources to explore and understand accessibility with educaonal
materials and learn about creang accessible arts instruconal materials for
all students.
Access the Oregon Open Learning’s Accessible Educaon Materials
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit 73
When determining which curriculum to purchase for an art program or to evaluate the quality of a program in use, it is helpful to have an assessment
framework. The OER Quality Framework Evaluaon Tool is one example of such a tool. This framework was developed to guide the curaon and creaon of
Open Educaonal Resources to be shared with educaon networks.
Access the OER Quality Framework Evaluaon Tool
The basic criteria highlighted in the assessment of content through the OER
Quality Framework are:
Alignment to Standards
Aligns to Oregon State Standards and CTE Oregon Skill Sets
Equitable and Socially Responsible Material
Cultural and Linguisc Responsiveness
Student Agency
Guidance and Purpose for Instrucon
Culturally and Linguiscally Responsive Teaching
Mental, Social & Emoonal Well-Being
Disciplinary Literacy and Content Area Literacy
Formave Assessment Process
Opportunies for Self and Peer Assessment
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit 74
The Portland Public Schools Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) team
developed evaluaon resources to assist arts educators in choosing high-
quality arts instruconal materials. The PPS Music Literature and Sheet
Music Evaluaon Tool can assist music educators in choosing high-quality
resources for the music classroom.
Photo credit: Portland Art Museum.
The Cleveland High School Saxophone quartet performing at the
Portland Art Museum.
The Oregon Open Learning Hub (‘the Hub’)
is an online resource database to nd and
share open educaonal resources (OER) that
are curated and created for and by Oregon
educators. The Hub features both local
resources such as the Tribal History/Shared
History lessons developed in partnership
with the nine federally recognized Tribes in
Oregon, as well as naonal resources from
organizaons like the Smithsonian.
The Oregon Arts Group is a working space for arts educators to share, remix,
and curate lessons to ulize in their classrooms. Anyone can view the group
to access resources and search for lessons by age group and arts domain to
ulize or remix for their curriculum. Educators that join the group will be
able to curate and submit lessons and connect on the group message board.
This group connues to grow as new resources are added.
Access the Oregon Arts Group on the Oregon Open Learning Hub
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit 75
Oregon conducts a seven-year, content-area-specic adopon schedule.
Currently, there are no adopted instruconal materials for the arts, and
the next evaluaon of arts instruconal materials is due to occur in 2026.
Find more informaon for publishers of instruconal materials on Oregon
Department of Educaon’s Announcements & Noces page, where
informaon related to upcoming instruconal materials adopons will be
Oregon Standards Alignment in Arts
The Oregon Arts Standards, adopted by the State Board of Educaon, are
Oregon’s guide to what students should be able to know and do in their
arts courses throughout their learning journey. Academic Standards and
Requirements for the Arts in Oregon provides more informaon about
teaching the Oregon Arts Standards, and requirements to provide access to
learning aligned to these standards in Oregon schools.
Access the Academic Standards and Requirements for the Arts in Oregon
Some arts courses may be oered through Career and Technical Educaon
(CTE) Programs. Oregon’s Career and Technical Educaon Skill Sets provide
a framework for what students should learn in these courses. Arts courses
including ne and performing arts and digital arts, align to the Oregon Skill
Set for the Arts, A/V Technology and Communicaons Pathway. CTE courses
have further guidance around what students should learn and be able to do
when engaging in arts-related CTE courses, that are specic to many disnct
technical courses such as Technical Theatre and Audio/Visual Design.
For more informaon about the Arts, A/V Technology and Communicaons
CTE Pathway, and iniang and supporng CTE programs in this pathway,
contact Je Rhoades, Arts, Informaon and Communicaon Technology
Educaon Specialist.
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit 76
Individual sets of academic standards are divided by content area, but
this does not mean that learning naturally occurs in a compartmentalized
fashion. The arts standards are focused on students learning specic arsc
languages, expressing themselves eecvely through them, and engaging
in inquiry around the use and place of the arts in human society. For this
reason, connecons exist between the Oregon Arts Standards to standards
in virtually all other subjects.
Educators can tap into this potenal. For example, plenful opportunies for
social-emoonal learning (SEL) exist within arts content. This Arts and SEL
crosswalk from the Center for Arts Educaon and Social Emoonal Learning
highlights common learning goals in the CASEL competencies and arsc
processes of the Naonal Core Arts Standards.
The Arts Educaon Program Models resource provides addional examples
of arts content integrated with various addional subject standards.
The Oregon Department of Educaon’s Oregon Arts and Ethnic Studies
Standards Crosswalk highlights connecons between arts content and the
newest 2021 Integrated Social Science and Ethnic Studies standards.
Access the Oregon Arts and Ethnic Studies Standards
This editable lesson plan template, developed to share on the Oregon Open
Learning Plaorm, can guide the creaon of lessons that address the Oregon
Arts Standards, are culturally and linguiscally responsive, and incorporate
Universal Design for Learning Guidelines. Make a copy of the template to
begin creang and customizing lessons.
Access the Oregon Open Learning Art Lesson Plan Template
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit 77
This work is funded by the Expanding
Access to Well-Rounded Courses Grant,
a 5-year, 9.8 million dollar Federal grant
that ODE received from the US
Department of Educaon in 2020. The
Arts Access Toolkit is a poron of the
work of the Well-Rounded Access
Program, along with supporng access
projects for courses in the arts and
STEAM across the state. Over me, the
Well-Rounded Access Program team
hopes to connue to develop and
rene this resource with the
collaboraon of administrators and
educators statewide. If districts or
schools have addional resources,
examples, or success stories to
contribute, please contact the Well-
Rounded Access Program team at
ODE.WRCoursesGr[email protected]
2 Note: These curricular resources have not been endorsed by ODE, but are being shared as relevant resources for arts educaon professionals
to consider.
Arts Impact oers free arts integraon curriculum
for mulple arts disciplines
Ok You provides free lessons for all ages, with a
focus on learning about and caring for mental
health through the arts
Carnegie Hall Music Educators Toolbox features
free lesson materials for music educators
The Oregon Game Project has compiled a list of
free media arts and game design programs for
Instute for Arts Integraon and STEAM oers
free content geared towards cross-curricular
instrucon in the arts
The Oregon Open Learning Arts Group is an
evolving set of open educaonal resources for
K-12 arts educators, sorted by arts discipline and
grade level
FilmEd Lesson Plans are a lm-based K-8
curriculum designed to provide meaningful arts
engagement and support media literacy
Portland Art Museum Poster Project provides
lesson plans based around artwork found in the
Portland Art Museum collecon
Kennedy Center: Digital Resources Library oers
online lessons and teaching arst resources for
mulple arts disciplines
Praccing Musician is a free plaorm that oers
curriculum to provide a ipped classroom model
in music courses.
Music Will features free downloadable music
teacher resources including charts, songbooks
and lessons
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Educaon
Resources oers a multude of resources for
educators based on the arts collecons at the
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Naonal Dance Instute ndiLIVE! oers online
dance lessons from NDI teaching arsts
Stage Partners Free Classroom Resources provide
free monologues, scenes, and lesson plans for
theatre educators
Arts Program Curriculum Resources | Arts Access Toolkit
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