Arizona Game and Fish Department, 3500 S. Lake Mary Road,
Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
The Peregrine Fund, 5668 West Flying Hawk Lane, Boise, ID 83709, USA.
ABSTRACT.—Lead exposure is a significant factor affecting the success of the California Condor (Gym-
nogyps californianus) reintroduction program in northern Arizona and southern Utah. Lead toxicity is the
leading cause of mortality, with 12 confirmed cases, and the primary obstacle to a self-sustaining condor
population. Research has identified incidental ingestion of spent lead ammunition found in animal car-
casses and gut piles as the major lead exposure pathway. Peaks in condor lead exposure rates have corre-
sponded with big game hunting seasons on the Kaibab Plateau in northern Arizona.
In response, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) initiated a public education campaign in
2003 promoting voluntary lead reduction actions within condor range, including the use of non-lead am-
munition by hunters. In addition, the AGFD implemented a free non-lead ammunition program for the 2005
and 2006 fall big game hunting seasons. This program resulted in 50–60% voluntary participation from
Kaibab deer hunters. Although this represented an unprecedented voluntary effort, condor lead exposure
data suggested that a 50–60% reduction in lead-laden carrion was not sufficient to maintain a self-
sustaining population of free-foraging condors. Consequently, the Arizona Game and Fish Department in-
tensified lead reduction efforts in 2007. Modifications included improved hunter outreach in the form of
articles in sportsman’s publications; distribution of an educational DVD and brochure; increased field
communication; and added incentives for gut pile retrieval. Despite non-lead ammunition supply problems,
2007 voluntary efforts were successful and yielded over an 80% compliance rate from hunters. No lead tox-
icity fatalities occurred during the 2007 hunting season and preliminary data revealed that condor lead ex-
posure rates declined. Voluntary lead reduction efforts must be further augmented to achieve a self-
sustaining condor population. Future lead reduction efforts should also include southern Utah. Received 16
May 2008, accepted 18 June 2008.
SIEG, R., K. A. SULLIVAN, AND C. N. PARISH. 2009. Voluntary lead reduction efforts within the northern
Arizona range of the California Condor. In R. T. Watson, M. Fuller, M. Pokras, and W. G. Hunt (Eds.). In-
gestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans. The Peregrine Fund,
Boise, Idaho, USA. DOI 10.4080/ilsa.2009.0309
Key words: ammunition, Arizona, condor, hunting, lead, non-lead, voluntary.
FOR NEARLY TWO DECADES, biologists have linked
lead poisoning in wild California Condors (Gym-
nogyps californianus) to the ingestion of spent lead
ammunition in animal carcasses (Janssen et al.
1986, Weimeyer et al. 1988, Snyder and Snyder
1989, 2000, Pattee et al. 1990). More recently lead
from spent ammunition has been linked to lead ex-
posure and lead toxicity in recently reintroduced
condors in both California and Arizona (Meretsky
et al. 2000, Snyder and Snyder 2000, Fry and
Maurer 2003, Cade et al. 2004). In Arizona, signifi-
cant efforts to verify the association between spent
lead ammunition and condor lead exposure, as well
as to educate the public and engage hunters in vol-
untary lead reduction efforts, began in 2003.
The first release of California Condors in Arizona
occurred on 12 December 1996. As of 15 March
2008, 102 condors have been released in northern
Arizona. Sixty-three condors, including six wild-
hatched chicks, inhabit northern Arizona and south-
ern Utah. Although the project is making progress
towards its goal of 150 free-flying birds, 40 condors
have died since the initial release. The leading
cause of death is lead toxicity with 12 confirmed
cases. The first major lead exposure event in Ari-
zona occurred in June 2000, resulting in the death
of three condors (Woods et al. 2007). Since that
time extensive trapping and testing of condors for
lead exposure has occurred in Arizona. Condor
blood tests have identified over 300 cases of lead
levels indicative of lead exposure, while in 124
cases condors have been treated with chelation
therapy to reduce dangerously high lead levels. Fur-
ther, ingested lead pellets or more frequently bullet
fragments have been recovered from 14 individual
condors (Parish et al. 2007). Without the interven-
tion of chelation therapy and other measures, addi-
tional condors would have succumbed to lead poi-
As elsewhere in their current range, the condors are
supplied with a clean lead-free supplemental food
source of calf carcasses at the release site in Ari-
zona. As condors disperse from the release site,
they forage on carcasses of wild animals such as
Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus), Elk (Cervus
elaphus) and Coyotes (Canus lantrans). Since
2000, the highest frequency of lead exposure in
condors has been associated with increased condor
movements away from the release site, and the con-
sumption of non-proffered carcasses potentially
containing lead (Hunt et al. 2007). Although field
biologists have managed to reduce the number of
condor deaths due to lead toxicity by pursuing a
rigorous monitoring and treatment protocol (Parish
et al. 2007), these efforts are highly invasive, labor
intensive and costly. Moreover, the long-term sub-
lethal effects of lead exposure and chelation therapy
in condors are unknown (Snyder 2007). It is un-
likely that condors in Arizona will achieve a self-
sustaining population at the current lead exposure
While California has implemented a ban on the use
of lead ammunition within the condor range starting
in July 2008, efforts in Arizona have focused on
voluntary measures to reduce the amount of lead
from spent ammunition available to condors in the
wild. This is due to a consensus among the main
project cooperators that voluntary measures are the
best course of action to take in Arizona. Also, un-
like releases in California, condors in Arizona are
released under Section 10(j) of the Endangered
Species Act, which provided assurances to people
in the release area that no changes would occur in
land management practices, including hunting (US
Fish and Wildlife Service, 1996).
In May 2003, the lead mitigation subcommittee of
the California Condor Recovery Team produced a
report on condor-lead issues (Redig et al. 2003). As
one of several recommendations, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) contracted with Wildlife
Management Institute (WMI) to conduct surveys of
hunters’ knowledge and attitudes on the condor-
lead issue in California, Arizona and Utah. WMI
contracted with Responsive Management for the
phone survey and D. J. Case and Associates (D. J.
Case) for the focus group work in Arizona.
In late fall 2003, Responsive Management con-
ducted phone surveys of 205 hunters who held tags
that year in the core condor range (Responsive
Management 2003). There were three key questions
for the hunters in these phone surveys, 1) were they
aware that lead poisoning was a problem faced by
condors; 2) were they aware of any educational ef-
forts to try and raise awareness of this issue; and 3)
would they be willing to take action to help reduce
lead exposure in condors (Responsive Management
2003). Key findings from this survey were that only
23% of surveyed hunters were aware that lead poi-
soning was a problem faced by condors and only
nine percent were aware of any educational efforts
to reduce condor deaths from lead poisoning (Re-
sponsive Management 2003). At this time, informa-
tion had been published in the 2003 Arizona Hunt-
ing Regulations, each hunter surveyed had been
mailed a letter regarding this issue and any success-
ful hunter had been asked questions about use of
lead ammunition when they completed the manda-
tory check in of their harvested deer. The survey
did reveal that between 83 and 97% of surveyed
hunters would be somewhat to very willing, de-
pending on the requested action, to take some ac-
tion to help condors (Responsive Management
2003). The actions requested included removing all
carcasses from the field, burying or hiding all gut
piles, removing bullets and surrounding impacted
flesh, and using non-lead ammunition (Responsive
Management 2003).
Once the survey results were in, D. J. Case inter-
viewed condor professionals and reviewed the lit-
erature to develop some conservation and lead re-
duction test messages. In December 2003, they
conducted three focus group meetings in Arizona
where the test messages were discussed and rated
on a five-point scale (D. J. Case 2005). The best
scoring (1.89) communication message based on
these focus groups was “Hunters and ranchers have
a long history of caring for the land and conserving
all kinds of wildlife. They can continue this tradi-
tion and help prevent lead poisoning in California
Condors by taking one or more of the following ac-
tions in condor range: remove all carcasses from
the field; hide or bury carcasses and gut piles; re-
move bullet and surrounding affected flesh or use
non-lead ammunition” (D. J. Case 2005).
Focus groups also revealed that hunters and ranch-
ers were not yet convinced that lead from spent
ammunition was a problem for condors and re-
quested credible data linking lead from spent am-
munition and condor lead poisoning (D. J. Case
2005). They expressed a willingness to help con-
dors if shown the data link and if asked by a credi-
ble source, such as the Arizona Game and Fish De-
partment or sportsman’s groups (D. J. Case 2005).
Based on this information, D. J. Case proposed a
communications strategy that included increased
education, communication and cooperation between
program partners and the hunting community, con-
tinued research on the condor-lead link, and con-
sider implementation of a non-lead ammunition
program (D. J. Case 2005).
Based on the phone survey and focus group infor-
mation, it was apparent that more information on
the link between lead from spent ammunition and
condor lead poisoning needed to be provided to
hunters (D. J. Case 2005). AGFD and The Pere-
grine Fund (TPF) responded by funding and con-
ducting research projects related to the issue. First,
TPF biologists detailed lead exposure and lead
ammunition ingestion by condors starting in 1999
(summarized to 2005 in Parish et al. 2007). Second,
TPF condor biologists summarized lead mortality
rates (Woods et al. 2007). Data from these two
studies verified that lead exposure was a critical
management issue for the Arizona condor program.
Third, starting in 2003, AGFD purchased 21 GPS
satellite transmitters to more precisely track condor
movements and relate movements to lead exposure
rates (Hunt et al. 2007). This comparison showed
that the highest lead exposure period coincided with
the hunts on the Kaibab Plateau (Game Manage-
ment Unit 12A Figure 1). Fourth, TPF conducted
research from 2002 to 2004 to determine the extent
of lead bullet fragmentation in rifle-killed deer
(Hunt et al. 2006). This study demonstrated that
standard lead bullets fragment into hundreds of
pieces before exiting the deer and that these frag-
ments remain in the deer carcasses as well as the
gut pile. The study also confirmed that pure copper
bullet fragmentation is minimal (Hunt et al. 2006).
The final study is an ongoing lead isotope study
funded by AGFD and conducted by the University
of Arizona in Tucson using TPF provided biologi-
cal samples as well as lead fragments removed
from condors. Lead isotope ratios of condor blood
and the removed fragments are being compared to
lead isotope ratios from ammunition and other envi-
ronmental sources (Chesley et al. 2006). Prelimi-
nary results have established a direct match be-
tween lead ammunition and lead found in condor
blood samples and digestive tracts (Chesley, pers.
Figure 1. Game Management Units (B) within the condor range in Arizona (A). Hunters drawn for deer,
pronghorn, buffalo, and bighorn sheep hunts in Units 12AE, 12AW, and 12B qualified for the free non-lead
ammunition program. Hunters drawn for big game hunts in Units 9, 10, 13A, and 13B were mailed letters
asking them to take voluntarily lead reduction actions.
Using the information from both the phone survey
and focus groups AGFD set out to create an educa-
tion and communication strategy to encourage
hunters to support voluntary lead reduction efforts
in Arizona’s condor range. In 2003 and 2004, these
efforts included a full page information piece in the
annual hunting regulations booklet as well as mail-
ings to between 2,000 and 7,000 hunters drawn for
a big-game tag in the condor range (Figure 1). Dur-
ing this same period, AGFD made presentations to
all the major sportsmen’s organizations in the state
asking them to join the “condor coalition” and lend
their name and support for voluntary lead reduction
efforts in the condor range. The current members of
the Arizona coalition are the Arizona Antelope
Foundation, the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep So-
ciety, the Arizona Deer Association, the Arizona
Elk Society and the Arizona Chapter of the Na-
tional Wild Turkey Foundation. Also in August
2005, WMI and D. J. Case presented two sessions
of “one-voice” communication training for program
partners and hunter group representatives to en-
courage uniform, consistent and accurate informa-
tion dissemination in all outreach efforts regardless
of who initiates the outreach. In addition to these
efforts, the general public started to receive the
condor conservation and lead reduction message in
all outreach forums such as educational presenta-
tions, wildlife fair displays, legislative contacts, the
AGFD web page and through general media out-
lets, including the AGFD Wildlife Views magazine
and television program.
In the fall 2005, using money allocated to AGFD
through the Arizona State Lottery, AGFD imple-
mented a voluntary free non-lead ammunition pro-
gram for hunters in the core condor range. AGFD
partnered with Sportsman’s Warehouse
for in
store purchases and Cabela’s
for mail order sales
and sent each hunter drawn for a deer, pronghorn,
sheep or bison tag in Game Management Units 12A
and 12B (Figure 1) a coupon they could redeem for
two free boxes of non-lead ammunition. These
coupons came with a letter outlining condor lead
poisoning issues and asking hunters to voluntarily
help in reducing the amount of lead available to
condors from spent ammunition. In 2005, 65% (n =
1,551) of eligible hunters redeemed their coupons
with 50% of those harvesting deer using non-lead
To evaluate the first year of this program, AGFD
worked with D. J. Case to develop two post-hunt
surveys, one for non-lead ammunition program par-
ticipants and one for non-participants. Surveys were
mailed to all 2,393 eligible hunters with 46%
(1,105) surveys returned, including 943 participants
(61%) and 162 non-participants (19%). For the par-
ticipants, 85% tested the ammunition before their
hunt, 60% rated the ammunition accuracy as excel-
lent or above average, 70.5% said it performed as
well as lead with 22.6% saying it performed better
than lead. Most would use it again if provided free,
with 55.8% saying they would use it again even if
not provided free. The majority (72%) said they
would recommend the ammunition to other hunters
and 81 percent used it on their hunt with 41.6% us-
ing it to harvest their deer. When asked why they
participated, the majority said because AGFD asked
them to, followed by it helped condors, because it
was free and because they had heard or read that
non-lead ammunition had good ballistics (D. J.
Case 2006).
The primary reason for those not participating in
the program was that the non-lead ammunition was
not available in their caliber. The next most impor-
tant reasons were that the non-lead ammunition was
not available in their preferred bullet weight and
that it takes too long to sight in new ammunition.
The next most important reasons were that redeem-
ing the coupon was too complicated or too much
hassle, that they were not convinced that lead from
spent ammunition is a problem for condors and that
they think the program is an effort by anti-hunters
to ban the use of lead. Other reasons were that they
hand load their own ammunition, non-lead bullets
were not covered by the program, they had heard
that non-lead didn’t perform as well as lead and
they had tried non-lead and it didn’t meet their ex-
pectations (D. J. Case 2006).
When non-participants were asked what could be
done to encourage more participation they offered
that the ammunition should be offered in more
calibers and bullet weights, that more information
should be provided on how lead from spent ammu-
nition is a problem for condors, that bullets for re-
loading should be offered and that sports groups
should endorse the program (D. J. Case 2006). For-
tunately, at least Federal Ammunition, using Barnes
bullets was increasing the variety of calibers and
bullet weights each year and AGFD started offering
reloading components as part of the program.
In 2006, the voluntary free non-lead ammunition
program was continued in nearly the same manner
as 2005. The primary difference was an effort to
provide significantly more information about the
link between lead from spent ammunition and con-
dor lead poisoning. Along with the free ammunition
program, individual mailings to hunters in non-core
areas were sent information which also requested
their voluntary help. Although we were responding
to what we thought hunters wanted on providing a
link between lead and condors (D. J. Case 2006) we
received negative responses to providing too much
information and found that most hunters did not
read it. Participation in the voluntary free non-lead
ammunition program was similar to the previous
year, but due to increased field outreach during
hunts, 60% of successful Kaibab deer hunters took
lead reduction actions during their hunt, an increase
of 10% from 2005. Even with this level of partici-
pation, 95% of the birds were exposed to lead (Par-
ish et al. 2009, this volume). One factor that is
likely contributing to this continued high exposure
is that the condors are increasing their use of south-
ern Utah habitats (Figure 2). To date Utah has not
implemented any extensive outreach or programs
for raising awareness on this issue, but are working
on plans to do this in 2009.
Figure 2. Condor roost locations by region. Condor
foraging in southern Utah (Zion/Kolob region) has
increased steadily since 2004 and several lead ex-
posure incidents have been directly linked to this
area. To be effective, future lead reduction efforts
should therefore include southern Utah.
With this high lead exposure rate and only slightly
increasing participation, we gathered a group of
people involved in the program and brainstormed
ideas for trying to achieve at least 80% participa-
tion for 2007. This effort resulted in eight new ac-
tions to improve outreach efforts. First, we asked
our sports group supporters to publish articles in
their magazines about the program because they
were viewed as credible sources of information.
Second, we increased general media stories about
how hunters were helping to recover condors
through their voluntary efforts and this was another
example of how hunters were aiding recovery of a
species. Third, we decided to simplify our outreach
message to “use non-lead ammunition.” Previous
outreach had included options such as hiding or
burying gut piles or removing impacted flesh but
these messages seemed to confuse people and were
not clear enough direction. Fourth, we developed an
11-minute DVD, with Nolan Ryan as host, entitled
“How to be successful in your upcoming deer
hunt.” The DVD provided about 6 minutes of suc-
cessful hunt information followed by 5 minutes of
information on lead exposure, and asked hunters for
their help. Based on field visits with hunters, the
majority of people said they had viewed the video
before their hunt. Fifth, we combined the outreach
material and the DVD in the mailing with their tag.
In previous years the information had been mailed
separately. Sixth, any hunter not redeeming their
coupon within two months of their hunt dates was
sent follow up information encouraging them to
participate in the program. Seventh, we dramatically
increased our field staff to directly contact hunters
in the field during all hunt weekends between Oc-
tober and December. One staff member for each
200 permitted hunters allowed us to achieve be-
tween 60 and 70% direct field contact with hunters
in the field. And finally, we implemented a gut pile
raffle. This came from the realization that once a
hunter was in the field with lead ammunition, op-
tions for asking for their help were more limited.
Trash bags were provided, along with a flyer, dur-
ing field contacts and hunters were asked to bring
their gut pile, if shot with lead ammunition, to the
mandatory check station when they checked in their
deer. The Peregrine Fund provided $1,000 to pur-
chase gift certificates to a sporting goods store as an
incentive for hunters assisting with this effort. In
2006, without the incentive, only a handful of hunt-
ers brought in gut piles. In 2007, the number rose to
170, resulting in 54% of hunters who used lead
ammunition to kill their deer to carry their gut pile
out of field. Overall, with these changes, participa-
tion in the voluntary program increased to 83%,
with 62% of successful hunters using non-lead
ammunition and 21% participating in the gut pile
raffle. One of the biggest obstacles to increasing
participation was the lack of available non-lead
ammunition from our vendors for anyone who
waited until close to their hunt and then looked for
the free ammunition. This was in spite of the fact
that this was the third year of the program, and the
number of eligible hunters was provided early to
the vendors. Plans are underway to continue the
program in 2008, retaining all of the 2007 outreach
changes while at the same time working with ven-
dors to increase supply and make it easier to find
non-lead ammunition in the stores with displays
located in one area of the store.
There are many factors to consider when designing
an outreach program that asks people to do some-
thing different. Using social psychology and mar-
keting principles can aid in outreach design. We
used six principles of influence identified from the
field of social psychology (Cialdini 1993) to design
our outreach program:
1. Reciprocity—give someone something in ex-
change for their action—achieved through the
free ammunition program.
2. Commitment and consistency—insure dedica-
tion to what you are asking for—achieved by a
multi-year dedication to a voluntary program
and a consistent message.
3. Social proof—show that others are also par-
ticipating—achieved by use of sports group
publications for outreach.
4. Liking—show that others like them are also
participating—achieved by the use of hunter
quotes in outreach materials and also by con-
sistently thanking hunters for their help.
5. Authority—exert influence on the decision—
achieved through the use of AGFD, the regula-
tory agency for hunting and fishing, doing pri-
mary outreach.
6. Scarcity—indicate that not participating might
limit future actions—achieved by stating that
voluntary efforts could reduce calls for man-
dates or regulations.
We also incorporated lessons learned from similar
experiences in the past. In the early 1990s, a ban
was put in place on the use of lead ammunition for
waterfowl hunting throughout the United States. A
survey among people involved in that ban revealed
useful ideas on what they would have done differ-
ently in hindsight (Association of Fish and Wildlife
Agencies 2007). Among their ideas were:
1. More thought, study, and action should have
been invested in obtaining input from hunters
before any decision was made.
2. There should have been more analysis of sup-
ply issues.
3. Moving too fast on the issue didn’t allow
groups to be informed, educated, and con-
vinced, and this included agencies, nongov-
ernmental organizations, manufacturers, deal-
ers, and the media.
4. Education is the key to a smooth transition.
5. One negative media article can nullify all the
factual information.
6. Training sales people, especially in large
stores, is important because they may be the
main sources of information for buyers.
7. Unlike the 1990s, there is an increased empha-
sis today on hunter recruitment and retention
throughout the nation, and mandates could be
an obstacle to this objective.
8. Any program needs to establish sources for re-
liable, accurate information, and a common
understanding of the goal.
9. Ideas should be advanced through leaders of
change in hunting and sports groups as well as
outdoor retailers.
10. Having a consistent, united voice by all parties
is important.
11. Hunter education instructors can play an im-
portant role in getting the message to new
12. The use of focus groups to develop and refine
messages can aid the process.
13. Technical articles can hinder, rather than help,
the process so using marketing professionals to
tailor messages is important.
In Arizona, we have found that manufacturers re-
spond slowly to demand, so a significant transition
time is needed to reach appropriate production and
distribution levels. We have found that, like us,
people respond better to requests so we should ask
for their help and bring them along, rather than tak-
ing the short term fix of a mandate. We realize that
the cost of non-lead ammunition is going to be a
continuing issue. While non-lead ammunition is
comparable in price to premium lead ammunition,
and moving those using premium lead over to non-
lead ammunition may be relatively easy, many
hunters buy the cheapest lead ammunition available
and non-lead ammunition can be up to three times
more expensive. Focus groups can help refine out-
reach messages, but more importantly they can
also aid in determining who should do the out-
reach. A continuing challenge is working with
those groups and organizations that the focus
groups view to be non-credible to keep them en-
gaged in the program while limiting their outreach
efforts. We are proud of the response of our hunt-
ers and partners to the call for a voluntary effort to
reduce the amount of lead from spent ammunition
available to condors, and think our program can
serve as an example to others.
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Mee and L. S. Hall (Eds.). California Condors
in the 21
Century. Series in Ornithology, no. 2.
The Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, and The American Ornitholo-
gists’ Union, Washington, DC, USA.