Technical Project Lead (TPL) Review
Products Subject
this Review;
Submission tracking
(6) (~) I
Appendix A
Common Attributes
Submission date September 7, 2020
date September 7, 2020
Product manufacturer
Product category
Product subcategory
Cross-Referenced Submission
All new products None
ing denial orders
new tobacco
ducts subject
s review.
Technical Project Lead (TPL):
Signatory Decision:
Digitally signed by David
Date: 2021.09.17 10:42:36 -04'00'
Portnoy, Ph.D., M.P.
Branch Chief,
cial Science Branch 2
Concur w
recommendation and
Date: 2021.09.17 10:59:24 -04'00'
w R. Holman,
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references (if any)
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TPL Review of PMTAs: Page 2 of 20
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 3
2. BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. NEW PRODUCTS .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2. REGULATORY ACTIVITY.................................................................................................................... 4
The Risk to Youth of Flavored ENDS Products ................................................................. 5
Balancing Known Risks to Youth with a Potential Benefit to Adults............................... 9
2.4. SCOPE OF REVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 13
3. SCIENTIFIC REVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 14
4. ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION ........................................................................................................... 14
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................................................................... 14
6. APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 16
7. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 17
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These applications for flavored ENDS
products lack evidence to demonstrate that permitting the
marketing of these products would be appropriate for the protection of the public health (APPH).
Given the known and substantial risk of flavored ENDS with respect to youth appeal, uptake, and
use, applicants would need reliable and robust evidence of a potential benefit to adult smokers
that could justify that risk. Accordingly, in order to show that a flavored ENDS is APPH, the applicant
must show that the benefit to adults switching from or reducing cigarettes outweighs the risk to
Based on existing scientific evidence and our experiences in conducting premarket review employing
the APPH standard over the last several years, FDA has determined for these applications that, to
effectively demonstrate this benefit in terms of product use behavior, only the strongest types of
evidence will be sufficiently reliable and robust —most likely product specific evidence from a
randomized controlled trial (RCT)
or longitudinal cohort study, although other types of evidence
could be adequate, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Moreover, tobacco-flavored
ENDS may offer the same type of public health benefit as flavored ENDS, i.e., increased switching
and/or significant reduction in smoking, but do not pose the same degree of risk of youth uptake.
Therefore, to demonstrate the potential benefit to current users, FDA has reviewed these
applications for any acceptably strong evidence that the flavored products have an added benefit
relative to that of tobacco-flavored ENDS in facilitating smokers completely switching away from or
significantly reducing their smoking.
We have reviewed the subject applications to determine whether they contain sufficient evidence of
the type described above to demonstrate APPH. Our review determined that the applications do not
contain evidence from a randomized controlled trial or longitudinal cohort study regarding the
impact of the ENDS on switching or cigarette reduction that could potentially demonstrate the
benefit of their flavored ENDS over tobacco-flavored ENDS. The PMTAs do contain other evidence
regarding the potential benefit to adult users; however, for the reasons explained below, this other
evidence is not adequate.
The term flavored ENDS in this review refers to any ENDS other than tobacco-flavored and menthol-flavored ENDS.
Tobacco-flavored ENDS are discussed below. Applications for menthol-flavored ENDS will be addressed separately. When
it comes to evaluating the risks and benefits of a marketing authorization, the assessment for menthol ENDS, as compared
to other non-tobacco-flavored ENDS, raises unique considerations. The term flavored ENDS also includes unflavored
“base” e-liquids that are designed to have flavors added to them. This includes e-liquids made for use with open systems
as well as closed system ENDS (e.g., cartridges or disposable ENDS) containing e-liquids.
The standard described in Section 910 requires an accounting of the risks and benefits to the population as a whole,
balancing the potential impacts to both current tobacco users and non-users. This review is focused on the risk to youth
nonusers as well as the potential benefit to adult smokers as current users, as they are the group through which the
potential benefit to public health is most substantial and could overcome the known risk to youth.
A randomized controlled trial is a clinical investigation or a clinical study in which human subject(s) are prospectively, and
randomly assigned to one or more interventions (or no intervention) to evaluate the effect(s) of the intervention(s) on
behavioral, biomedical, or health-related outcomes. Control or controlled means, with respect to a clinical trial, that data
collected on human subjects in the clinical trial will be compared to concurrently collected data or to non-concurrently
collected data (e.g., historical controls, including a human subject's own baseline data), as reflected in the pre-specified
primary or secondary outcome measures.
A longitudinal cohort study is an observational study in which human subjects from a defined population are examined
prospectively over a period of time to assess an outcome or set of outcomes among study groups defined by a common
characteristic (e.g., smoking cessation among users of flavored ENDS compared with users of tobacco-flavored ENDS).
For example, we would consider evidence from another study design if it could reliably and robustly assess behavior
change (product switching or cigarette reduction) over time, comparing users of flavored products with those of tobacco-
flavored products. In our review of PMTAs for flavored ENDS so far, we have learned that, in the absence of strong
evidence generated by directly observing the behavioral impacts of using a flavored product vs. a tobacco-flavored product
over time, we are unable to reach a conclusion that the benefit outweighs the clear risks to youth.
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As a result, the applicant has failed to provide evidence to overcome the risk to youth and show a
net population health benefit necessary to determine that permitting the marketing of the new
tobacco product is APPH.
The applicant submitted information for the new products listed on the cover page and in Appendix
FDA issued an Acceptance letter to the applicant on October 8, 2020. FDA issued a Filing letter to
the applicant on November 9, 2020.
The rationale for FDA’s decision for these flavored ENDS applications is consistent with previous
decisions for other flavored ENDS and is set forth below.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act or Act) requires that “new tobacco products”
receive marketing authorization from FDA under one of the pathways specified by the Act in order
to be legally marketed in the United States. Under one pathway, the applicant submits a PMTA to
FDA. Section 910 of the FD&C Act requires that, for a product to receive PMTA marketing
authorization, FDA must conclude, among other things, that the marketing of the product is APPH.
The statute specifies that, in assessing APPH, FDA consider the risks and benefits to the population
as a whole including both tobacco users and nonusers, taking into account the increased or
decreased likelihood that existing users of tobacco products will stop using such products and the
increased or decreased likelihood that those who do not use tobacco products will start using such
It is well recognized that ENDS, and particularly flavored ENDS, pose a significant risk to nonusers,
especially youth.
After observing a dramatic increase in the prevalence of ENDS use among U.S.
youth in 2018, FDA’s Commissioner characterized the problem as a youth vaping epidemic. FDA has
initiated a series of actions to address the risk and reduce youth use. Since August 2016, FDA has
issued more than 10,000 warning letters and more than 1,400 civil money penalty complaints to
retailers for the sale of ENDS products to minors. FDA has also issued a guidance that described a
policy of prioritizing enforcement of non-tobacco/non-menthol flavored ENDS, “Enforcement
Priorities for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) and Other Deemed Products on the
Market without Premarket Authorization” (2020 Enforcement Priorities Guidance). In this guidance,
FDA described evidence that shows flavors (other than tobacco and menthol) were a key driver of
This review focuses on risk to youth nonusers and the potential benefit to adult smokers as current tobacco product
users, given that these are the subpopulations that raise the most significant public health concerns and therefore are the
most relevant in evaluating the impact on the population as a whole. FDA has also considered the APPH standard with
respect to the likelihood that an authorization will increase or decrease the number of tobacco users in the overall
population. The availability of such products has generally led to greater tobacco use among youth overall,
notwithstanding the decrease in cigarette smoking for youth, which reinforces the focus in this review on having
sufficiently reliable and robust evidence to justify authorization of these PMTAs. Cullen, K.A., B.K. Ambrose, A.S. Gentzke,
et al., “Notes from the Field: Increase in e-cigarette use and any tobacco product use among middle and high school
students – United States, 2011-2018,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 67(45);1276-1277, 2018.
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the surge in ENDS use among youth and thus prioritized enforcement against certain flavored ENDS
products, with the goal of protecting youth from these products.
After FDA implemented this enforcement policy prioritizing enforcement against a subset of ENDS
products known to appeal to youth, there was a meaningful reduction in youth use prevalence.
Youth ENDS use peaked in 2019 when these products were widely available. Although several other
policy changes and interventions were occurring during this same time period,
it is reasonable to
infer that prioritizing enforcement against many flavored products resulting in their removal from
the market contributed to the decline in use in 2020. Despite this decline, ENDS remained the most
widely used tobacco product among youth, with youth use at levels comparable to what originally
led FDA to declare a youth vaping epidemic. Moreover, despite the overall reduction in ENDS youth
use observed in 2020, there was simultaneously a substantial rise in youth use of disposable ENDS,
products that were largely excluded from the enforcement policy described in the 2020
Enforcement Priorities Guidance because, at that time that policy was developed, those products
were the least commonly used device type among high school ENDS users and therefore remained
on the market as a flavored option.
Section 910(c)(2)(A) of the FD&C Act requires that FDA deny a PMTA where it finds “there is a lack of
a showing that permitting such tobacco product to be marketed would be [APPH].” Through the
PMTA review process, FDA conducts a science-based evaluation to determine whether marketing of
a new tobacco product is APPH. Section 910(c)(4) requires FDA, in making the APPH determination,
to consider the risks and benefits to the population as a whole, including users and nonusers of
tobacco, and take into account, among other things, the likelihood that those who do not use
tobacco products will start using them. FDA’s scientific review is not limited to considering only
information in a PMTA, but also extends to any other information before the Agency, including the
relevant existing scientific literature (See Section 910(c)(2)). As described in greater detail below, in
reviewing PMTAs for flavored ENDS, FDA evaluates, among other things, the potential benefit to
adult smokers who may transition away from combustible cigarettes to the ENDS product, weighed
against the known risks of flavored ENDS to youth.
The Risk to Youth of Flavored ENDS Products
As noted, the APPH determination includes an assessment of the risks and benefits to the
population as a whole, and for ENDS (as well as many other tobacco products) the application of
that standard requires assessing the potential impact of the marketing of a new product on youth
use. As a group, youth are considered a vulnerable population for various reasons, including that
the majority of tobacco use begins before adulthood
and thus youth are at particular risk of
tobacco initiation. In fact, use of tobacco products, no matter what type, is almost always started
and established during adolescence when the developing brain is most vulnerable to nicotine
addiction. Indeed, almost 90 percent of adult daily smokers started smoking by the age of 18.
Adolescent tobacco users who initiated tobacco use at earlier ages were more likely than those
initiating at older ages to report symptoms of tobacco dependence, putting them at greater risk for
maintaining tobacco product use into adulthood.
On the other hand, youth and young adults who
Due to the overwhelming amount of evidence showing a substantial increase in youth use of flavored ENDS products, as
well as their demonstrated popularity among youth, in January 2020, FDA finalized a guidance prioritizing enforcement
against flavored (other than tobacco or menthol) prefilled pod or cartridge-based e-cigarettes, as well as other categories
of unauthorized products.
The change in ENDS product availability coincided with other events such as the enactment of legislation raising the
federal minimum age for sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years (Tobacco 21), the outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping,
product-use associated lung injury (EVALI), and public education campaigns which also may have contributed to the
decline in ENDS use.
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reach the age of 26 without ever starting to use cigarettes will most likely never become a daily
Because of the lifelong implications of nicotine dependence that can be established in
youth, preventing tobacco use initiation in young people is a central priority for protecting
population health. Youth use of flavored ENDS
ENDS are now the most commonly used type of tobacco product among youth. In 2020,
approximately 19.6% of U.S. high school students and 4.7% of middle school students were current
users of ENDS, corresponding to 3.6 million youth and making ENDS the most widely used tobacco
product among youth by far.
As noted above, this was a decline from 2019, when 27.5% of high
school and 10.5% of middle school students reported ENDS use,
which necessitated the FDA
enforcement policy described above.
The evidence shows that the availability of a broad range of flavors is one of the primary reasons for
the popularity of ENDS among youth. The majority of youth who use ENDS report using a flavored
ENDS product, and the use of flavored ENDS has increased over time. In the 2014 National Youth
Tobacco Survey (NYTS), 65.1% of high school and 55.1% of middle school e-cigarette
users reported
using a flavored e-cigarette.
By the 2020 NYTS, the proportion of e-cigarette users reporting using
a flavored product
increased to 84.7% of high school users and 73.9% of middle school users.
Among high school e-cigarette users, the most common flavors used in 2020 were fruit (73.1%);
mint (55.8%); menthol (37.0%); and candy, dessert, or other sweets (36.4%).
Among middle school
e-cigarette users, the most common flavors used in 2020 were fruit (75.6%); candy, desserts, or
other sweets (47.2%); mint (46.5%); and menthol (23.5%).
Youth ENDS users are also more likely to use flavored ENDS compared to adult ENDS users. In PATH
Wave 5.5 from 2020, 66.8% of youth ENDS users aged 13 to 17 reported using fruit, followed by
53.8% for mint/menthol
, 23.5% for candy/dessert/other sweets, and 13.3% for tobacco flavor
(internal analysis). In the 2020 PATH Adult Telephone Survey, 51.5% of adult ENDS users 25 and
older used fruit, 30.4% used mint/menthol, 23.8% used candy/dessert/other sweets, and 22.3%
used tobacco flavor (internal analysis). Youth current ENDS users were also more likely than adult
current ENDS users to use more than one flavor and to use combinations that did not include
tobacco flavors.
Studies show that flavors influence youth initiation of ENDS use. In particular, data show that
flavors are associated with product initiation, with the majority of users reporting that their first
experience with ENDS was with a flavored product. For instance, in Wave 1 of the PATH Study from
2013-2014, over 80% of youth aged 12-17, 75% of young adults 18-24, and 58% of adults 25 and
older reported that the first e-cigarette that they used was flavored.
In another PATH study, more
youth, young adults and adults who initiated e-cigarette use between Wave 1 and Wave 2 reported
use of a flavored product than a non-flavored product.
Finally, in PATH Wave 4 from 2016-2017,
93.2% of youth and 83.7% of young adult ever ENDS users reported that their first ENDS product
was flavored compared to 52.9% among adult ever users 25 and older.
In addition, nationally representative studies find that when asked to indicate their reasons for using
ENDS, youth users consistently select flavors as a top reason.
In fact, among Wave 4 youth
current ENDS users, 71% reported using ENDS "because they come in flavors I like.”
We use “e-cigarette” here to be consistent with the survey, but we interpret it to have the same meaning as ENDS.
Flavored product use in these studies means use of flavors other than tobacco.
The PATH Study Questionnaire from Wave 5.5 did not assess mint and menthol separately. However, subsequent data
collections (ATS and Wave 6) have separated the two flavors.
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One explanation for this high prevalence and increase in frequency of use is that flavors can
influence the rewarding and reinforcing effects of e-liquids, thereby facilitating ENDS use and
increasing abuse liability. Research shows that flavored ENDS are rated as more satisfying than non-
flavored ENDS, and participants will work harder for and take more puffs of flavored ENDS
compared to non-flavored ENDS.
Research also shows that flavors can increase nicotine exposure
by potentially influencing the rate of nicotine absorption through pH effects and by promoting the
reward of ENDS use.
Together, this evidence suggests flavored ENDS may pose greater addiction
risk relative to tobacco-flavored ENDS, which increases concerns of addiction in youth, particularly
due to the vulnerability of the developing adolescent brain, which is discussed further below.
Finally, existing literature on flavored tobacco product use suggests that flavors not only facilitate
initiation, but also promote established regular ENDS use. In particular, the flavoring in tobacco
products (including ENDS) make them more palatable for novice youth and young adults, which can
lead to initiation, more frequent and repeated use, and eventually established regular use. For
example, regional studies have found that the use of flavored e-cigarettes was associated with a
greater frequency of e-cigarettes used per day among a sample of adolescents in Connecticut in
and continuation of e-cigarette use in a sample of adolescents in California from 2014-
Use of non-traditional flavors (vs. tobacco, mint/menthol, flavorless) was associated with
increased likelihood of continued use and taking more puffs per episode.
Data from a regional
survey in Philadelphia, PA found initial use of a flavored (vs. unflavored or tobacco-flavored) ENDS
was associated with progression to current ENDS use as well as escalation in the number of days
ENDS were used across 18 months.
Finally, similar effects have been found in the nationally
representative PATH study among young adults (18-24 years), where “ever use” of flavored e-
cigarettes at Wave 1 was also associated with increased odds of current regular ENDS use a year
later at Wave 2.
In sum, flavored ENDS facilitate both experimentation and progression to regular
use, which could lead to a lifetime of nicotine dependence. The appeal of flavors across ENDS devices
The role of flavors in increasing the appeal of tobacco products to youth — across tobacco product
categories — is well-established in the literature.
The published literature is sufficient to
demonstrate the substantial appeal to youth of flavored ENDS, because it is robust and consistent.
As described above, the preference for use of flavored ENDS among youth is consistently
demonstrated across large, national surveys and longitudinal cohort studies.
National surveillance data suggest that, within the ENDS category, there is variability in the
popularity of device types among youth, suggesting there may be differential appeal of certain
product styles. Still, across these different device types, the role of flavor is consistent. As described
above, the majority of youth ENDS use involves flavored products: in 2020, the majority of high
school and middle school current e-cigarette users reported use of non-tobacco-flavored products
and flavored use was favored among both users of closed (87%) and open (76%) ENDS
(internal analysis). In particular, across device types, including prefilled pods/cartridges,
disposables, tanks, and mod systems, fruit was the most commonly used flavor type among youth,
with 66.0% for prefilled pods/cartridges, 82.7% for disposables, 81.7% for tanks, and 78.9% for mod
systems among youth reporting using a fruit flavor.
It is also worth noting that the preference for device types and popularity of certain styles is likely
fluid and affected by the marketplace, that is, the options, especially flavors, that are available for
consumers to choose from. Some evidence for this was observed in the trends both leading up to,
and coinciding with, the shifting marketplace following the 2020 Enforcement Priorities Guidance.
In particular, the enormous rise in youth ENDS use from 2017-2019 coincided with the ascendance
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of JUUL (and copy-cat devices) in the marketplace, suggesting a relationship between the availability
of JUUL as an option, and the sudden popularity of pod-based devices.
Then, as noted earlier,
when FDA changed its enforcement policy to prioritize pod-based flavored ENDS, which were most
appealing to youth at the time, we subsequently observed a substantial rise in use of disposable
flavored ENDS
--a ten-fold increase (from 2.4% to 26.5%) among high school current e-cigarette
This trend illustrates that the removal of one flavored product option prompted youth to
migrate to another ENDS type that offered the desired flavor options, underscoring the fundamental
role of flavor in driving appeal. The harms of youth ENDS use: The adolescent brain and risk for addiction
In addition to the high prevalence of youth ENDS use, the data also suggest this use is leading to
increases in nicotine dependence.
Indeed, responding to concerns related to youth ENDS
dependence, at the end of 2018, FDA held a public hearing to discuss the potential role of drug
therapies to support e-cigarette cessation.
In 2019, an estimated 30.4% of middle and high school student ENDS users reported frequent use
(i.e., use on 20 of the past 30 days).
By school type, 34.2% (95% CI, 31.2%-37.3%) of high school
student ENDS users and 18.0% (95% CI, 15.2%-21.2%) of middle school student ENDS users reported
frequent use.
Among current ENDS users, 21.4% of high school users and 8.8% of middle school
users reported daily ENDS use.
Additionally, in a study that examined changes in ENDS use in
youth ages 13-18 over a 12-month period, nicotine dependence (measured using the Penn State
Electronic Cigarette Dependence Index (PS-ECDI)
and salivary cotinine concentrations increased,
indicating continued ENDS use and greater nicotine xposure over time.
Youth and young adult brains are more vulnerable to nicotine’s effects than the adult brain due to
ongoing neural development.
Adolescence is a developmental period consisting of major
neurobiological and psychosocial changes and is characterized by increased reward-seeking and risk-
taking behaviors (e.g., experimentation with drugs), coupled with heightened sensitivity to both
natural and drug rewards and an immature self-regulatory system that is less able to modulate
reward-seeking impulses (e.g., diminished harm avoidance, cognitive control, self-regulation).
Furthermore, evidence from animal studies suggests that nicotine exposure during adolescence
enhances the rewarding and reinforcing effects of nicotine in adulthood
; and can induce short
and long-term deficits in attention, learning, and memory.
42-45 Risk of progression from ENDS to other tobacco products of different health risk
Among youth who use ENDS, there is a risk of progression to other tobacco products of generally
greater health risk. A 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis that summarized nine prospective
cohort studies found significantly higher odds of smoking initiation (OR = 3.50, 95% CI: 2.38, 5.16)
and past 30-day combusted cigarette use (OR = 4.28, 95% CI: 2.52, 7.27) among youth who had used
ENDS at compared to youth who had not used ENDS.
Similar associations have been observed in
longitudinal studies that have been published since the Soneji et al. review.
The 2018 NASEM
report concluded that there is substantial evidence that ENDS use increases risk of ever using
combusted tobacco cigarettes among youth and young adults.
The transition from non-cigarette
This is borne out by the data from 2019 NYTS, in which 59.1% of high school ENDS users reported use of this one brand.
Cullen KA, Gentzke AS, Sawdey MD, et al. e-Cigarette Use Among Youth in the United States, 2019. Jama.
In July 2020, FDA issued Warning letters to three companies for illegally marketing disposable e-cigarettes and for
marketing unauthorized modified risk tobacco products.
On December 5, 2018, FDA hosted a public hearing on “Eliminating Youth Electronic Cigarette and Other Product Use:
The Role of Drug Therapies.”
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product use to combusted cigarette use has been observed for other non-cigarette products, such
as cigars, as well.
Although it is challenging to empirically separate causality from shared risk
factors among youth combusted cigarette and ENDS users, some studies have found an association
between ENDS and subsequent combusted cigarette use while controlling for similar risk profiles.
The precise relationship between youth ENDS use and youth smoking remains undetermined. On
the one hand, the prevalence of combusted cigarette smoking in youth has continued to
suggesting that youth use of ENDS has not significantly slowed or impeded that positive
public health trajectory. On the other hand, there is a growing body of evidence showing a link
between ENDS use and subsequent smoking among youth that raises significant concerns. This
evidence also increases concern that over time—and particularly if youth ENDS use were to return
to the rates seen in 2019 or worsen--the trend of declining cigarette smoking could slow or even
reverse. Other health risks associated with ENDS use
In addition to the risk of tobacco initiation and progression among youth, there is epidemiologic
evidence from the cross-sectional
Behavioral Risk Factor Survey system (BRFSS) suggesting positive
associations between ENDS use among those who never smoked and some health outcomes. Two
studies found associations between ENDS use and self-reported history of asthma, chronic
bronchitis, emphysema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with increased ENDS use (i.e.,
daily use) relating to increased odds of disease.
6 62
Another found an association between ENDS
use and respiratory symptoms in younger adults (ages 18-34) but not in older adults.
ENDS use
has also resulted in acute harm to individuals through battery explosion-related burns and e-liquid
nicotine poisoning.
Ultimately, as this is still a relatively novel product category, much remains
unknown about other potential long-term health risks. Conclusion
The exponential growth in youth ENDS use observed from 2017 to 2019, and the enduring
prevalence of youth ENDS use in the U.S. is alarming. Despite a reduction in youth use of ENDS from
2019 to 2020, there were still 3.6 million youth ENDS users in 2020 and the majority used a flavored
ENDS product. Youth users are more likely to use flavored ENDS than adult ENDS users. Flavors are
associated with ENDS initiation and progression among youth. The full extent of the harms of ENDS
use are not yet known, but evidence to date suggests they include permanent effects of nicotine on
the developing adolescent brain and the risk of nicotine addiction. Studies indicate an additive
effect of e-liquid flavorings on the rewarding and reinforcing effects of nicotine containing e-liquids.
Studies also demonstrate that e-liquid flavors affect nicotine exposure. Among youth who use
ENDS, there is a risk of progression to other tobacco products with greater health risks including
combustible cigarettes. Finally, though long-term health risks are not fully understood, studies
suggest an association between never-smoking ENDS users and respiratory and cardiovascular
health effects. This evidence demonstrates that flavored ENDS pose a significant risk to youth.
Balancing Known Risks to Youth with a Potential Benefit to Adults
Determining whether marketing a new product is APPH includes evaluating the risks and benefits to
the population as a whole. This requires FDA to balance, among other things, the negative public
health impact for nonusers against the potential positive public health impact for current tobacco
users. Accordingly, for marketing of a new product to be found to be APPH, any risks posed by a
new product to youth would need to be overcome by a sufficient benefit to adult users, and as the
Cross-sectional surveys examine these relationships at a single point in time, and as a result, do not establish causality.
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known risks increase, so too does the burden of demonstrating a substantial enough benefit. In the
case of a new flavored ENDS product, the risk of youth initiation and use is substantial, given the
clearly documented evidence described above. In order for marketing of a new flavored ENDS
product to be found APPH, an applicant would have to show that the significant risk to youth could
be overcome by likely benefits substantial enough such that the net impact to public health would
be positive, taking into account all relevant evidence and circumstances, including whether there
are effective limitations on youth access. Potential benefit of new flavored ENDS
Current scientific literature demonstrates that ENDS are generally likely to have fewer and lower
concentrations of harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) than combustible
cigarettes, and biomarker studies demonstrate significantly lower exposure to HPHCs among current
exclusive ENDS users than current smokers.
However, whether this is true for any particular new
ENDS product, and the implications for health risks from a particular product, are considered on a
case-by-case basis during the course of FDA’s scientific review of a PMTA.
FDA also considers the potential that current cigarette smokers may experience a reduction in
health risks if they switch completely to an ENDS, or if they use both products but substantially
reduce their cigarette smoking. For a flavored ENDS product, assuming that the evaluation of the
product shows the likelihood for lower HPHC exposure, then to demonstrate the likely individual
and population benefit, applicants must demonstrate that current smokers are likely to start using
the new ENDS product exclusively or predominantly (e.g., dual use with a significant smoking
64 Behavioral evidence appropriate to demonstrate the potential benefit to smokers
FDA’s PMTA review includes an evaluation of any potential benefits of the product for the likely
users, such as a possible reduction in health risks. In general, as FDA stated in its guidance for
an assessment of how a new product may be used by current smokers can be
derived from a variety of sources. FDA may consider direct behavioral evidence on the specific
products under review or indirect evidence derived from studies of behavioral intentions;
pharmacological studies of nicotine delivery, abuse liability, and/or use topography; and bridging
from studies based on comparable products. Further, in the case of a flavored ENDS product, to
demonstrate that the marketing of the new product is APPH, the magnitude of the likely benefit
would have to be substantial enough to overcome the significant risk of youth uptake and use posed
by the flavored ENDS product.
Section 910(c)(5) of the FD&C Act provides that determining whether marketing of a new tobacco
product is APPH shall, when appropriate, be based on “well-controlled investigations, which may
include one or more clinical investigations by experts qualified by training and experience to
evaluate the tobacco product.” FDA believes well-controlled investigations are “appropriate” for
demonstrating that permitting the marketing of specific flavored ENDS would be APPH given the
significant risks to youth of flavored ENDS. One type of well-controlled investigation that could
effectively demonstrate a potential benefit of a flavored ENDS product would be an RCT. In
addition, as CTP has previously described,
another well-controlled investigation that could serve
as an alternative to conducting an RCT to demonstrate adequate benefit is a longitudinal cohort
Premarket Tobacco Product Applications for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: Guidance for Industry (p.47); October
2019 Public Meeting on Deemed Tobacco Product Applications
Premarket Tobacco Product Applications for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: Guidance for Industry (p.47); October
2019 Public Meeting on Deemed Tobacco Product Applications
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For flavored ENDS, the known and substantial risk to youth in particular is high. Therefore, to show
a net population health benefit, FDA has determined that these applications must demonstrate
potential benefits to smokers from marketing such products with robust and reliable evidence –
including both robust study design and methods and the strength of the study results. In other
words, because the potential benefit to adults is gained through its impact on smoking behavior,
FDA is reviewing these applications to determine whether they demonstrate that a benefit of a new
product is significant enough to overcome the risk to youth. In particular, FDA’s review of these
applications has considered the degree of benefit to a flavored ENDS product over a tobacco-
flavored variety in facilitating smokers completely switching or significantly reducing their smoking,
given the significant increase in risk of youth initiation associated with flavored ENDS compared to
tobacco-flavored ENDS. Note that applications with this type of information may still not be APPH:
applications containing this evidence would still be evaluated to determine that the totality of the
evidence supports a marketing authorization. As it relates to the risk to youth, for example, this
assessment includes evaluating the appropriateness of the proposed marketing plan.
We have been using the APPH standard for several years in reviewing previous PMTAs for non-ENDS
products. Our substantive review of PMTAs for ENDS and our completion of numerous scientific
reviews over the last 10 months have deepened our understanding of the APPH evaluation with
respect to behavior. In these reviews, the expectations for scientific evidence related to potential
adult benefit can vary based on demonstrated risk to youth. Although indirect evidence or bridged
data from the literature may still be appropriate for many new products, including tobacco-flavored
ENDS, robust and direct evidence demonstrating potential benefit has been needed when the
known risks are high as with all flavored ENDS products. At the same time, we have learned from
experience that, in the absence of strong direct evidence, we are unable to reach a conclusion that
the benefit outweighs the clear risks to youth. For instance, applicants who do not conduct their
own behavioral studies must rely on, and bridge to, the general ENDS category literature to inform
an evaluation of the potential benefit to adult users. To date, that approach has not been sufficient
in our evaluation of flavored ENDS PMTAs because, in contrast to the evidence related to youth
initiation—which shows clear and consistent patterns of real-world use that support strong
conclusions--the evidence regarding the role of flavors in promoting switching among adult smokers
is far from conclusive.
In fact, the findings are quite mixed and as a result the literature does not
establish that flavors differentially promote switching amongst ENDS users in general. Aside from
differences in study design/methods, the heterogeneity of the existing literature is likely due, at
least in part, to differences in the products studied. Therefore, given the state of the science on
flavored ENDS, and the known risks to youth, FDA has reviewed these applications for any
acceptably strong product-specific evidence.
Limiting youth access and exposure to marketing is a critical aspect of product regulation. It is theoretically possible that
significant mitigation efforts could adequately reduce youth access and appeal such that the risk for youth initiation would
be reduced. However, to date, none of the ENDS PMTAs that FDA has evaluated have proposed advertising and promotion
restrictions that would decrease appeal to youth to a degree significant enough to address and counter-balance the
substantial concerns, and supporting evidence, discussed above regarding youth use. Similarly, we are not aware of access
restrictions that, to date, have been successful in sufficiently decreasing the ability of youth to obtain and use ENDS.
Accordingly, for the sake of efficiency, the evaluation of the marketing plans in applications will not occur at this stage of
review, and we have not evaluated any marketing plans submitted with these applications.
This discrepancy between the literature for youth initiation and adult switching also likely reflects fundamental
differences in the two outcomes being assessed—youth initiation and switching among adult smokers—and their
determinants. For switching among adult smokers, the behavior change is occurring in the context of nicotine
dependence. Thus, the specific product’s ability to provide adequate reinforcement and continue to satisfy a smoker’s
cravings over time, which is a function of the design of the specific product itself, are critical factors in determining
likelihood of continued use and the product’s ability to promote switching. Whereas for youth initiation, experimentation
among naïve or novice users is not driven by these factors.
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More specifically, in order to adequately assess whether such an added benefit has been
demonstrated, FDA has reviewed these applications for product-specific
evidence that would
enable a comparison between the applications’ new flavored products and an appropriate
comparator tobacco-flavored product (both ENDS) in terms of their impact on tobacco use behavior
among adult smokers. Consistent with section 910(c)(5), evidence generated using either an RCT
design or longitudinal cohort study design is mostly likely to demonstrate such a benefit, although
other types of evidence could be adequate if sufficiently reliable and robust, and will be evaluated
on a case-by-case basis.
CTP will consider other types of evidence if it is sufficiently robust and direct to demonstrate the
impact of the new ENDS on adult switching or cigarette reduction. Uptake and transition to ENDS
use is a behavioral pattern that requires assessment at more than one time point. In addition, the
transition from smoking to exclusive ENDS use typically involves a period of dual use. Therefore,
evaluating the behavioral outcomes needed to show any benefit of the product requires observing
the actual behavior of users over time. With both RCT and cohort study designs, enrolled
participants are followed over a period of time, with periodic and repeated measurement of
relevant outcomes.
In contrast, cross-sectional surveys entail a one-time assessment of self-reported outcomes:
although participants can be asked to recall their past behavior, the single data collection does not
enable reliable evaluation of behavior change over time. Consumer perception studies (surveys or
experiments) typically assess outcomes believed to be precursors to behavior, such as preferences
or intentions related to the new products, but are not designed to directly assess actual product use
behavior. Moreover, the general scientific literature, though informative for evaluation of some
types of products, is not adequate to address this assessment because it does not provide product-
specific information. This is because the effectiveness of a product in promoting switching among
smokers arises from a combination of its product features—including labeled characteristics like
flavor and nicotine concentration—as well as the sensory and subjective experience of use (taste,
throat hit, nicotine delivery), and can also be influenced by how the device itself looks and feels to
the use.
While RCTs and cohort studies both enable direct assessment of behavioral outcomes associated
with actual product use over time, there are pros and cons to each type of design. While RCTs
afford greater control and internal validity; cohort studies enable stronger generalizability because
By product-specific, we mean the data are based on studies using the specific new products that are the subject of the
application(s). If the applicant has a large number of product variants (e.g., nicotine concentration and/or flavor options),
it may be justifiable to bridge data from a study including a subset of their products to one or more of their other products
(not included in the study). In contrast, because of the need for product-specific information, bridging from a different set
of products (not the subject of the application) would not be appropriate here.
Conversely, such longitudinal or product-specific data are not necessarily required to assess experimentation and
appeal among youth. The available literature on youth initiation contains valid scientific evidence sufficient to evaluate the
risk to youth of ENDS. The literature includes longitudinal cohort studies, such as the PATH study, which have been used
to assess uptake of tobacco products, including flavored ENDS, among youth and young adults. These studies have
evaluated the impact of flavors on the promotion of established regular use. Additionally, the literature includes large,
nationally representative cross-sectional surveys, which are among the best available evidence to understand patterns of
youth ENDS use and the key characteristics associated with such use These studies enable observation of youth behavior
as it naturally occurs in representative samples of the U.S. population. These data available in the literature provide clear
and overwhelming evidence that ENDS are the most widely used products by youth, the majority of youth users use a
flavored ENDS, and that youth users are more likely to use flavored ENDS than adult ENDS users. We note that, in
assessing the risks to youth from flavored ENDS, RCTs are not possible because it would be unethical to randomize youth
never or naive users to try a particular ENDS to examine what impact it would have on initiation, experimentation, or
progression to regular use.
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conditions are closer to real-world. We are aware of these as trade-offs and generally do not favor
one type over the other for addressing this question.
To be informative, a study using one of these two designs would measure the impact of use of the
new or appropriate comparator product tobacco-flavored ENDS and flavored products on adult
smokers’ tobacco use behavior over time
; include outcomes related to ENDS use and smoking
behavior to assess switching and/or cigarette reduction; and enable comparisons of these outcomes
based on flavor type. In some cases, evidence on each individual flavor option may not be feasible;
bridging data from one of the applicant’s flavors to other flavors of the applicant’s in the same flavor
category (e.g., “fruit”) may be appropriate. Furthermore, consistent with previous FDA guidance,
we would expect the applicant to provide justification to support this bridging.
Likewise, if a
flavor is tested with one nicotine concentration, it may be feasible for the applicant to bridge the
study results to other nicotine concentrations, under certain circumstances, and with the
appropriate justification for bridging.
Data from one of these studies could support a benefit to adult users if the findings showed that,
compared to the new tobacco-flavored product, use of (each) new flavored product is associated
with greater likelihood of either of these behavioral outcomes for adult smokers: (1) complete
switching from cigarettes to exclusive new product use or (2) significant reduction in cigarettes per
day (CPD). Conclusion
Given the known and substantial risk to youth posed by flavored ENDS, FDA has reviewed these
applications for the presence of particularly reliable product-specific
evidence to demonstrate a
potential for benefit to adult smokers that could justify that risk. Based on our current
understanding, a demonstration with sufficiently reliable and robust evidence that the flavored
ENDS have an added benefit relative to tobacco-flavored ENDS in facilitating smokers completely
switching or reducing their smoking could demonstrate the potential benefit to current users that
would outweigh the risk to youth posed by flavored ENDS.
The reviews evaluated whether the subject PMTAs contain evidence from a randomized controlled
trial, longitudinal cohort study, and/or other evidence regarding the impact of the new products on
switching or cigarette reduction that could potentially demonstrate the added benefit to adult users
of their flavored ENDS over an appropriate comparator tobacco-flavored ENDS. These reviews
included a search of the PMTAs to determine whether the evidence is found anywhere within the
PMTAs, and if present, if certain conditions were met (e.g., was the randomized controlled trial
conducted using the new products that are the subject of the PMTA). Our review also included a
This could include studies that are long-term (i.e., six months or longer). In FDA’s (2019) Guidance to Industry,
“Premarket Tobacco Product Applications for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems”, FDA has previously stated that it did
not expect that applicants would need to conduct long-term studies to support an application for ENDS. Because the
behavior change of interest (switching or cigarette reduction) occurs over a period of time, it is possible that to observe
these outcomes, investigators designing these studies may decide to follow participants over a period of six months or
longer. However, it is also possible that studies with a shorter duration would be adequately reliable.
Bridging is discussed in FDA’s 2019 Guidance to Industry cited above (fn xxiii).
By product-specific, we mean the data are based on studies using the specific new products that are the subject of the
application(s). If the applicant has a large number of product variants (e.g., nicotine concentration and/or flavor options),
it may be justifiable to bridge data from a study including a subset of their products to one or more of their other products
(not included in the study). In contrast, because of the need for product-specific information, bridging from a different set
of products (not the subject of the application) would not be appropriate here.
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search for other studies that provided product-specific evidence related to the potential benefit to
adult users.
Reviews were completed by Allison Hoffman and Willa Dong on September 17, 2021.
The reviews determined that, although the PMTAs includes a RCT and longitudinal cohort study, the
studies did not include the actual use of the new products or compare tobacco-flavored products to
other flavored products. In particular, the data from the RCT did not sufficiently demonstrate the
relative effect of the flavored products as compared to a tobacco-flavored product or include
outcomes assessing switching or cigarette reduction and the data from the cohort study not
sufficiently demonstrate the relative effect of the flavored products as compared to a tobacco-
flavored product. Therefore, these are insufficient to evaluate the magnitude of the potential
benefit to adult users that is needed to complete our assessment.
The PMTAs referenced studies including those that that assessed exposure biomarkers and
physiological response following use, the effects of on health outcomes such as lung
function, and surveys on consumer perceptions and intentions to use , but this evidence is
not sufficiently strong to support the benefit to adult smokers of using these flavored ENDS because
it was not clear that the referenced studies included the specific products in the application(s);
evaluate product switching or cigarette reduction resulting from use of these products over time; or
evaluate these outcomes based on flavor type to enable comparisons between tobacco and other
flavors. Accordingly, this evidence is not adequate and therefore, we did not assess other aspects of
the application as part of this scientific review.
Under 21 CFR 25.35(b), issuance of an order under section 910(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act that a new product may not be introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate
commerce (i.e., a marketing denial order) falls within a class of actions that are ordinarily
categorically excluded from the preparation of an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental
impact statement (EIS). To the best of our knowledge, no extraordinary circumstances exist that
would preclude application of this categorical exclusion. FDA concludes that categorical exclusion is
warranted and no EA or EIS is required.
FDA has reviewed these applications for evidence demonstrating that the new flavored products will
provide an added benefit to adult smokers relative to tobacco-flavored products. Based on our
review, we determined that the PMTAs for the applicant’s new products, as described in the
applications and specified in Appendix A, lack sufficient evidence to demonstrate that permitting the
marketing of the new products would be APPH. Thus, a Denial letter should be issued to the
applicant. The applicant cannot introduce or deliver for introduction these products into interstate
commerce in the United States. Doing so is a prohibited act under section 301(a) of the FD&C Act,
the violation of which could result in enforcement action by FDA.
The following deficiency should be conveyed to the applicant as the key basis for our determination
that marketing of the new products is not APPH:
1. All of your PMTAs lack sufficient evidence demonstrating that your flavored ENDS will
provide a benefit to adult users that would be adequate to outweigh the risks to youth. In
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light of the known risks to youth of marketing flavored ENDS, robust and reliable evidence is
needed regarding the magnitude of the potential benefit to adult smokers. This evidence
could have been provided using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and/or longitudinal
cohort study that demonstrated the benefit of your flavored ENDS products over an
appropriate comparator tobacco-flavored ENDS. Although your PMTA includes a RCT and
cohort study, it is unclear if they included the actual use of the new products. Additionally,
the RCT and cohort studies did not compare tobacco-flavored products to other flavored
products or include outcomes assessing switching or cigarette reduction. In particular, the
data from your RCT did not sufficiently demonstrate the relative effect of your flavored
products as compared to a tobacco-flavored product or the effects on switching or cigarette
reduction and the cohort study did not sufficiently demonstrate the relative effect of your
flavored products as compared to a tobacco-flavored product. Therefore, these are
insufficient to evaluate the magnitude of the potential benefit to adult users that is needed
to complete our assessment.
Alternatively, FDA would consider other evidence but only if it reliably and robustly
evaluated the impact of the new flavored vs. tobacco-flavored products on adult smokers’
switching or cigarette reduction over time. Although your PMTAs referenced studies
including those that that assessed exposure biomarkers and physiological response
following use, the effects of on health outcomes such as lung function, and
surveys on consumer perceptions and intentions to use , this evidence is not
sufficient to show a benefit to adult smokers of using these flavored ENDS because it was
not clear that the referenced studies included the specific products in the application(s);
evaluate product switching or cigarette reduction resulting from use of these products over
time; or evaluate these outcomes based on flavor type to enable comparisons between
tobacco and other flavors. Without this information, FDA concludes that your application is
insufficient to demonstrate that these products would provide an added benefit that is
adequate to outweigh the risks to youth and, therefore, cannot find that permitting the
marketing of your new tobacco products would be appropriate for the protection of the
public health.
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date September 7, 2020
date September 7, 2020
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Product manufacturer
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