Curriculum Vitae Martha Papathanassiou
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Martha Papathanassiou
36-38 Ifikratous St, Pangrati, Athens, 116 33, Greece
+30 210 7560183 +30 6944 75 22 20
Sex Female | Date of birth 04/12/1981 | Nationality Greek
January 2012 Current
June 2012 November 2015
January 2007- January 2012
Press & Communications Officer
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Athens, Greece.
Press & Communications Officer for the FP7 EU-funded project PERSEUS (http://www.perseus- Duties include:
Dissemination of project results to scientists and the general public, including the relevant
Producing professional press releases to ensure appropriate media coverage, writing creative and
comprehensive texts for posters, flyers, leaflets and other communication materials.
Generating website content while maintaining and updating the project’s website;
Responsible for the education action plan including the citizen-scientist campaigns, responsibility
for their dissemination and their overall success among the public;
Organizing, editing, producing and proofreading the projects newsletters (electronic and hard
Dealing with media and public enquiries as required.
Project Assistant in the EU FP7 Sea for Society project (
This project assigned 9 Geographical Area leaders to carry out Citizen/Youth and Stakeholder
Consultations across Europe. As Geographical Area Leader contact point, duties included:
Translating, editing and adapting all project materials including the project brochure, project video
(subtitles) and invitation templates;
Recruitment of Citizens/Youth for the Consultations through targeted dissemination campaigns
using social media and personal invitations;
Overall event management: preparing the Consultations; Translating, managing and updating the
Greek national blog; preparing and sending out Press Releases, Official Invitation Letters and
Facilitation of the Consultation sessions for both citizens/youth as well as stakeholders using the
Collective Intelligence Methodology;
Production of 8 consultation reports and participation in mobilization activities upon completion of
Press & Communications Officer, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Athens, Greece.
Press Officer for EU FP6 project SESAME. Main duties included:
Producing press releases to ensure appropriate media coverage, creative content for posters,
flyers, leaflets and other communication materials as required.
Designing, creating and writing website content while maintaining, updating and upgrading the
project’s website;
Responsible for the educational activities, which consisted of School Competitions and ‘Online
Cruises’, which were broadcast live to the general public through web streaming;
Responsible for internal and external communication of the project, liaising with external project
partners, as well as representing the project at major events;
Organizing, editing, producing and proofreading the project’s newsletters (electronic and hard
Curriculum Vitae Martha Papathanassiou
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March 2005 April 2006 Editorial Coordinator,
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, London, UK.
Responsibilities included:
Running five bimonthly medical review journals, including timely commissioning of
authors, editors and section editors;
Liaising with authors, editors and section editors on issue content and providing
coordinated author support and follow-up;
Working in teams with Production Editors in the London and USA office to deliver
manuscripts under tight deadlines;
Proofreading and editing manuscripts;
Monitoring journal costs and keeping alert to marketing leads in STM publishing
markets; maintaining records of payments and copyright fees.
April 2006 September 2006
Press & Communications Officer, The Dairy Council, London, UK. Responsibilities included:
Monitoring daily media coverage through press cuttings.
Generating creative ideas for press releases and responding to journalists as required.
Building relationships with key journalists in target publications.
Monitoring the regional press by maintaining an article database.
Dealing with media and public enquiries as required.
MA Communication Studies (Merit)
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
B.Sc (Hons) Marine Sciences
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
International Baccalaureate
Copenhagen International School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mother tongue(s)
Greek, English
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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Communication skills
Good communication skills gained through experience in dissemination of project results to diverse
audiences (scientists, policymakers, general public) and interaction with a broad spectrum of users.
The Sea for Society project included organising and facilitating consultations with citizens and
stakeholders, thereby strengthening abilities to deal effectively with stakeholders at all levels.
Organisational / managerial skills
Good organisational skills enhanced through the work done in The Sea for Society project, which
included the entire organisation and facilitation of consultations with citizens and stakeholders.
Similarly, the PEREUS project helped to strengthen organisational skills through the various events
organised for the project.
Computer skills
Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools and CMS systems for managing websites
Other skills
Jewellery making, Internet Radio Show production
Driving licence
Fermeli G., Papathanassiou M., Ermidou E., Streftaris N., Ioakeimidis C., Giannoudi, L., 2015. My
school voyages with Perseus and Andromeda in Mediterranean Sea. (3rd EMSEA Conference,
Crete, Greece, Sept-Oct 2015).
Papathanassiou M., Ermidou E., Streftaris N., Fermeli G., Papathanassiou V., 2014. Promoting
marine education in the Mediterranean & Black Seas: The PERSEUS project. (2
Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 2014).
Papathanassiou, M., Ioakeimidis, C., Streftaris, N., Gogou, A., 2014. Engaging Stakeholders to
formulate Strategies for Sustainable Tourism andClean Seas’ in the Mediterranean Region: a joint
effort of ‘Sea for Society and ‘PERSEUS FP7 projects. (MedCity Conference, Athens, Greece, June
Papathanassiou, E., Streftaris, N., Kaberi, E., Moncheva, S., Papathanassiou, M., 2012.
Mediterranean and Black Seas: a case for disseminating and communicating marine science through
European projects. (1
Conference on Ocean Literacy, Bruges, Belgium, 2012).
European Marine Science Educators Association Conference (EMSEA) 2015
Chair of the 3rd European Marine Science Educators Association's (EMSEA) Conference organised
by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, in Heraklion, Crete, 28 September - 1 October 2015.
Responsible for the organisation of the Conference.
Atlantic Stakeholder Conference, Ocean Literacy Workshop January 2015
Invited speaker at the European Commissions Atlantic Stakeholder Conference for the Workshop:
Ocean Literacy in Europe: Recent Developments and Key Challenges
Transatlantic Ocean Literacy Workshop June 2013
Invited to participate at the EUs Transatlantic Ocean Literacy Workshop co-organized by the
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the European Marine Board at request of the EU Commission
and the Ocean Literacy in Europe consortium which gathered experts to deliver recommendations to
the EC's DG Research & Innovation on mechanisms and initiatives to better support marine science
outreach and education in the Horizon 2020 Programme and beyond.
Member of the European Marine Board Communications Panel
( since October 2012.