Oracle Responsys
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Event Notification REST API Guide
Update 20D
Z NOTICE: These interfaces are only available to Oracle Customers that have
received Responsys Management approval.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Data used as
examples in this document is fictitious. No part of this document may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior
written permission of Oracle Responsys. Address permission requests, comments, or
suggestions about Oracle Responsys documentation by creating a My Oracle Support
(MOS) Service Request at
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3 of 67
What's new to the Event Notification API 6
Changes for 22B 6
Changes for 22A 6
Changes for 21D 6
Changes for 21C 7
Changes for 21B 7
Changes for 21A 7
Changes for 20D 8
Overview 9
Conventions used in this document 9
Before you begin 10
AboutEvent NotificationAPIs 11
Use Case Example 11
Callbacks 14
Create Callback 14
Verify a Callback 19
Retrieve a Callback 21
Update a Callback 23
Delete a Callback 28
Subscriptions 31
Create Subscription 31
Get a Subscription 36
Get all Subscriptions 38
Get all Subscriptions for a Callback 42
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Update a Subscription 46
Event List 52
Retrieve a List of Supported Events 52
Event Responses 54
Email Bounced 54
Email Clicked 54
Email Complaint 55
EmailFailed 55
Email Opt In 56
Email Opt Out 56
EmailSkipped 57
MMSFailed 57
MMSSkipped 58
PushBounced 58
Push Failed 58
Push Opt In 59
Push Opt Out 59
Push Skipped 59
SMSFailed 60
SMS Opt In 61
SMS Opt Out 61
SMS Receipt 62
SMS Skipped 62
Web Push Bounced 63
Web Push Closed 63
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WebPush Failed 63
WebPush Opt In 64
WebPush Opt Out 64
WebPush Skipped 64
Frequently Asked Questions 66
How are custom event properties sent from Responsys to my callback URL? 66
What event types are supported? 67
Are there any plans to support other events in the future? 67
Is Basic Authentication the only authentication method supported? 67
How can I whitelist the callback service? 67
Do callbacks expire? 67
How does the callback service retry connections? 67
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What's new to the Event Notification API
This section describes changes and enhancements to the Oracle Responsys Event
Notification APIs in product updates during the past year.
Update 22B
Update 22A
Update 21D
Update 21C
Update 21B
Update 21A
Changes for 22B
There are no significant updates to the Event Notification API.
Changes for 22A
There are no significant updates to the Event Notification API.
Changes for 21D
There are no significant updates to the Event Notification API.
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Changes for 21C
There are no significant updates to the Event Notification API.
Changes for 21B
There are no significant updates to the Event Notification API.
Changes for 21A
We've added 13 new event types to enable you to extend the capabilities of the Event
Notification API. The new event types are:
Web Push Failed (WEBPUSH_FAILED)
Web Push Skipped (WEBPUSH_SKIPPED)
Web Push Bounced (WEBPUSH_BOUNCED)
Web Push Closed (WEBPUSH_CLOSED)
Email Opt Out (EMAIL_OPTOUT)
Email Opt In (EMAIL_OPTIN)
Email Complaint (EMAIL_COMPLAINT)
Push Opt in (PUSH_OPT_IN)
Push Opt Out (PUSH_OPT_OUT)
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You can see the list of supported events using the Retrieve a List of Supported Events
Changes for 20D
A new property, filters, has been added for subscriptions APIs that allows events to only be
triggered for certain campaigns. See Subscriptions for more details.
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This document is for customers that use the Oracle Responsys Web Services REST
APIs. It is a supplement to the standard Responsys Web Services REST API Guide.
Please refer to either of the following for information about the standard API:
Oracle Responsys REST API Developer’s Guide – A PDF version of our standard Responsys
Web Services REST API Guide.
REST API for Oracle Responsys Marketing Cloud Service – An HTML version of our standard
Responsys Web Services REST API Guide. This guide contains the full request and response
parameter descriptions for the API endpoints.
Conventions used in this document
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates
terms defined in the text or
italic Italic type indicates book
titles, emphasis, or
placeholder variables for
which you supply particular
monospace Monospace type indicates
URLs, code, text that
appears on the screen, or
text that you enter.
{endpoint variable} Indicates a variable in the
REST endpoint; for example
{campaignName} should be
substituted with the name
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Convention Meaning
of the campaign as defined
in Responsys.
<code variable> Indicates a variable in the
header, request, or
Before you begin
Ensure that your Responsys account is properly configured by the Oracle Responsys
Support team to have access to the Responsys Web Services Event Notifications REST
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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AboutEvent NotificationAPIs
Real-time campaign event data is now available with the new Responsys Event
Notifications API endpoints. Using this service, when events happen in Responsys,
Responsys notifies you at a URL you specify.
This provides newer automation opportunities, real-time customer data
synchronization, and more marketing intelligence capabilities.
The general flow to use the Event Notification API endpoints follows:
1. Create and verify your callback URL.
2. Create a subscription to your callback URL to events.
3. When events are triggered, Responsys calls your callback URL with the payloads outlined
in Event Responses.
Use Case Example
A ficitious company named Durham Denim wants to be notified at whenever an email message fails, bounces, or
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skips. Durham Denim creates a callback.
POST /rest/api/v1.3/notifications/callbacks
"name": "Email_Callback",
"url": "",
"batchSize": 100
"authentication": {
"type": "B",
"data": {
"userName": "john_doe",
"password": "Oracle1234"
Next, the callback is verified.
GET /rest/api/v1.3/notifications/callbacks/Email_Callback?action=verify
Durham Denim creates a subscription, subscribing to email bounces, fails, and skips.
POST /rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions
"name": "Email_Subscription",
"callBackName": "Email_Callback",
"eventTypes": [
If a Durham Denim email campaign message bounces, fails, or skips, Responsys will
send a notification to Durham Denim’s callback URL. The notification for email
bounces resembles:
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"campaignId": "193897761",
"riid": "3738409741",
"failureReason": "MAILBOX_FULL",
"customerId": "10",
"recipient": "[email protected]",
"failureType": "EMAIL_BOUNCED",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
In this case, the email bounced because the recipient’s mailbox was full. Now that you
have an understanding of how these APIs work, details about each endpoint is detailed
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The Callback API is used to manage callbacks. Callbacks inform Responsys of the URL
you want to receive notifications for events that happen in Responsys.
Callbacks will tell Responsys that after an event happens, send an event notification to
a callback URL. Here are some use cases where you might implement callbacks:
In the event a failed, bounced, or skipped email event happens, notify the callback URL so
that marketers can take action
After successful email delivery, notify the callback URL so that marketers can implement
subsequent marketing activities
Create Callback
Use this endpoint to create a callback. You must specify details about the callback,
such as the callback URL and the authentication details used to connect to the URL.
After creating a callback, it must be verified before it can be used in an event
A successful response returns the details of the callback such as the callback name,
callback URL, and batch size.
Service URL:
Request Method:
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Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
name – Name of the callback to create.
url – URL location for the callback. Responsys must be able to connect and authenticate to
this URL.
batchSize – Determines the maximum number of events sent in a callback. Must be
positive integer. Maximum 200.
authentication – Authentication details used to authenticate to the callback URL. Basic
authentication (B) is supported. The userName and password credentials will be used to
authenticate to the callback url.
Request Body - Optional Properties:
backupUrl – A back up callback URL for Responsys to call, in the event the url is
unreachable. After 3 unsuccessful attempts at the url, Responsys will call the back up URL.
The back up URL can be on the same domain as the primary URL, but cannot be the exact
Sample Request Body
"name": "<callback_name>",
"url": "<callback_url>",
"backupUrl ": "<backupCallbackUrl>",
"batchSize": <batch_size>,
"authentication": {
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"type": "B",
"data": {
"userName": "<username>",
"password": "<password>"
Sample Response Body - Success
"name": "<callback_name>",
"url": "<callback_url>",
"backupUrl ": "<backupCallbackUrl>",
"batchSize": 1,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "PUT"
"rel": "getCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "deleteCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "DELETE"
Sample Response Body - Failure
400 Bad Request
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Callback already exists: Requests fail if a callback with the same name specified
already exists. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Callback with name [<callback_name>] already exists",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid callback URL: Requests fail if the system cannot connect to the callback URL.
Error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Could not connect to callback url [<callback_url> ]",
"errorDetails": []
URL already exists: Requests fail if a callback with the URL specified already exists.
The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Callback url <callback_url> ] already exists",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid credentials: Requests fail if the credentials specified in the request cannot be
used to connect to the URL specified. The error resembles:
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"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Could not connect to callback url [<callback_url>]",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid authentication: Requests fail if the authentication method specified is invalid.
Only Basic Authentication (B) is supported. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Only Basic Authentication is supported currently and value should be 'B' ",
"errorDetails": []
Empty batch size: Requests fail if the batch size specified is less than 0. The error
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Batch Size cannot be less than 0",
"errorDetails": []
Empty callback name: Requests fail if a callback name is not specified. The error
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"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "callback name cannot be empty or null",
"errorDetails": []
Empty URL: Requests fail if a callback URL is not specified. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "callback url cannot be empty or null",
"errorDetails": []
Empty authentication: Requests fail if an authentication type is not specified. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid field name",
"errorCode": "INVALID_FIELD_NAME",
"detail": "The following field names [invalid_field_names_list] are invalid",
"errorDetails": []
Verify a Callback
Use this interface to verify a callback. A callback must be verified before it can be
subscribed to event notifications. A successful response returns a message indicating
the verification was successful, and you can subscribe the callback to subscriptions.
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Service URL:
callbackName – Name of the callback to verify.
Request Method:
Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
Sample Request Body
Not applicable
Sample Response Body - Success
"status": "Successfully verified [<callback_name>] "
Sample Response Body - Failure
400 Bad Request
Callback already exists: Requests fail if a callback with the same name specified
already exists. The error resembles:
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"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Callback with name [<callback_name>] already exists",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid callback URL: Requests fail if the system cannot connect to the callback URL.
Error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Could not connect to callback url [<callback_url> ]",
"errorDetails": []
Retrieve a Callback
Use this endpoint to retrieve an existing callback. A successful response returns the
callback’s name, URL, and batch size.
Service URL:
callbackName – Name of the callback to retrieve.
Request Method:
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Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
Sample Request Body
Not applicable
Sample Response Body - Success
"name": "<callback_name>",
"url": "<callback_url>",
"batchSize": <batch_size>,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "deleteCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "DELETE"
"rel": "createCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "POST"
"rel": "updateCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
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"method": "PUT"
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
Callback not found: Requests fail if the callback name specified is not found. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "CallBack [<callback_name>] not found",
"errorDetails": []
Update a Callback
Use this endpoint to update an existing callback. You must specify the callback name,
URL, and authentication details in the request body. Using this endpoint, you can
update an existing callback’s URL or batch size.
A successful response returns the updated details for the callback.
Service URL:
callbackName – Name of the callback to update.
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Request Method:
Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
name – Name of the callback to update.
authentication – Authentication credentials to connect to the callback URL. Basic
authentication (B) using a username and password is the only authentication method
currently supported.
One of:
url – New URL location for the callback.
batchSize – New callback batch size.
Request Body - Optional Properties:
backupUrl – A back up callback URL for Responsys to call, in the event the url is
unreachable. After 3 unsuccessful attempts at the url, Responsys will call the back up URL.
The back up URL can be on the same domain as the primary URL, but cannot be the exact
Sample Request Body
"url": "<callback_url>",
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"backupUrl ": "<backupCallbackUrl>",
"batchSize": <batch_size>,
"authentication": {
"type": "B",
"data": {
"userName": "<username>",
"password": "<password>"
Sample Response Body - Success
"name": "<callback_name>",
"url": "<callback_url>",
"backupUrl ": "<backupCallbackUrl>",
"batchSize": 1,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "PUT"
"rel": "getCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "deleteCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "DELETE"
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
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Callback not found: Requests fail if the callback name specified is not found. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "CallBack [<callback_name>] not found",
"errorDetails": []
400 Bad Request
URL already exists: Requests fail if a callback with the URL specified already exists.
The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Callback url <callback_url> ] already exists",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid credentials: Requests fail if the credentials specified in the request cannot be
used to connect to the URL specified. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Could not connect to callback url [<callback_url>]",
"errorDetails": []
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Invalid authentication: Requests fail if the authentication method specified is invalid.
Only Basic Authentication (B) is supported. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Only Basic Authentication is supported currently and value should be 'B' ",
"errorDetails": []
Empty batch size: Requests fail if the batch size specified is less than 0. The error
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Batch Size cannot be less than 0",
"errorDetails": []
Empty callback name: Requests fail if a callback name is not specified. The error
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "callback name cannot be empty or null",
"errorDetails": []
Empty URL: Requests fail if a callback URL is not specified. The error resembles:
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"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "callback url cannot be empty or null",
"errorDetails": []
Empty authentication: Requests fail if an authentication type is not specified. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid field name",
"errorCode": "INVALID_FIELD_NAME",
"detail": "The following field names [invalid_field_names_list] are invalid",
"errorDetails": []
Delete a Callback
Use this endpoint to delete an existing callback. A callback can only be deleted if there
are no active subscriptions.
A successful response returns a 200 response code and a response body indicating
the callback was deleted.
Service URL:
callbackName – Name of the callback to delete.
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Request Method:
Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
Sample Request Body
Not applicable
Sample Response Body - Success
"message": "CallBack [<callback_name> ] deleted successfully",
"status": true
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
Callback not found: Requests fail if the callback name specified is not found. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "CallBack [<callback_name>] not found",
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"errorDetails": []
400 Bad Request
Subscriptions exist for the callback: Requests fail if subscriptions exist for the
callback. Delete all subscriptions for the callback before deleting the callback. The error
"title":"Invalid request parameters",
"detail":"Subscription with same name already exists",
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Subscriptions are used to subscribe a callback to event notifications.
To create a subscription, you must specify the events for which you want to receive
notifications. After a subscription is created, Responsys will then notify the callback
URL when the event types subscribed to happen in Responsys. This enables marketers
to take action when they are notified of the event.
The Retrieve a List of Supported Events API enables you to retrieve a list of supported
event types in Responsys.
Create Subscription
Use this endpoint to create a Subscription. Subscriptions are created for existing
callbacks. In the request body, you must specify the name of the new subscription, the
name of the callback you are creating the subscription for, and the event types for the
A successful response returns information about the subscription.
Service URL:
Request Method:
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Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
name – The name of the subscription you want to create. This name must be unique.
callbackName – The name of the existing callback for which you want to associate
with the subscription.
eventNames – Comma-separated list of fully qualified event names for which you want
to receive event notifications for. You can retrieve a list of supported events using the
Retrieve a List of Supported Events API.
filters - Optional. This is an array of filters that ensures a specific event is only
triggered for certain campaigns. Contains an array of eventTypes and an array, values,
of criteria to matched. As on 20D, the only supported criteria is a campaignNames
Sample Request Body
"name": "<subscription_name>",
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"eventTypes": [
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"filters": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
"campaignNames": [
Sample Response Body - Success
"subscriptionName": "<subscription_name>",
"callBackUrl": "<callback_url>",
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"batchSize": <batchsize>,
"eventTypes": [
"status": "ACTIVE"
"filters": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
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"campaignNames": [
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
Event type not supported: Requests fail if any events specified are not supported.
The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "Event Type [ WEBPUSH_ ] not found or is not supported",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid callback URL: Requests fail if the system cannot connect to the callback URL.
Error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Could not connect to callback url [<callback_url> ]",
"errorDetails": []
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Empty callback URL: Requests fail if a callback with the URL specified already exists.
The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "Callback [<callback_name> ] not found ",
"errorDetails": []
400 Bad Request
No events specified in the request: Requests fail if any events specified are not
supported. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Atleast one event type should be defined in the request",
"errorDetails": []
Empty subscription name specified: Requests fail if any events specified are not
supported. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Subscription name is empty on null",
"errorDetails": []
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Subscription already active: Requests fail if any event types specified in the request
are already active for the specified callback. If an active subscription already exists with
any event types specified, update the current subscription instead. The error
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "There's an active subscription for event [ EMAIL_FAILED ]",
"errorDetails": []
Get a Subscription
Use this endpoint to retrieve information about an existing subscription. A successful
response returns the subscription name, callback URL, batch size, status of the
subscription, and the event types associated with the subscription.
Service URL:
subscriptionName – Name of the subscription to retrieve.
Request Method:
Request Header:
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Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
Sample Request Body
Not applicable
Sample Response Body - Success
"subscriptionName": "<subscription_name>",
"callBackUrl": "<callback_url>",
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"batchSize": 2,
"eventTypes": [
"status": "ACTIVE"
"filters": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
"campaignNames": [
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
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Subscription not available: Requests fail if the subscription is not found. Verify the
subscription exists. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "Subscription with name [<subscription_name>] not found",
"errorDetails": [ ]
Get all Subscriptions
Use this endpoint to retrieve all active Subscriptions within your Responsys account. A
successful response returns a list of all active subscriptions, the associated callback url,
callback name, batch size, subscription status, and subscription event types.
Service URL:
Request Method:
Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
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Sample Request Body
Not applicable
Sample Response Body - Success
"subscriptionName": "<subscription_name>",
"callBackUrl": ""<callback_url>",
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"batchSize": 200,
"eventTypes": [
"status": "ACTIVE",
"filters": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
"campaignNames": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
"campaignNames": [
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"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "createSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions",
"method": "POST"
"rel": "deleteSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions/<subscription_name>",
"method": "DELETE"
"rel": "updateSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions/<subscription_name>",
"method": "PUT"
"rel": "getSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions/<subscription_name>",
"method": "GET"
"subscriptionName": "<subscription_name>",
"callBackUrl": "<callback_url>",
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"batchSize": 200,
"eventTypes": [
"status": "ACTIVE",
"links": [
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"rel": "self",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "createSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions",
"method": "POST"
"rel": "deleteSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions/<subscription_name>",
"method": "DELETE"
"rel": "updateSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions/<subscription_name>",
"method": "PUT"
"rel": "getSubscription",
"href": "/rest/api/v1.3/notifications/subscriptions/<subscription_name>",
"method": "GET"
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
No Subscriptions: Requests fail if no subscriptions are found within the account. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
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"title": "No Subscriptions found in this account",
"detail": "No subscription found in this account",
"errorDetails": []
Get all Subscriptions for a Callback
Use this endpoint to retrieve all subscriptions associated with a callback.
A successful response returns the callback name, callback URL, and batch size. For the
specified callback, all subscriptions associated with the callback are returned.
Subscription details returned include the subscription name, subscription status, and
subscription event types.
Service URL:
callbackName – Name of the callback to retrieve subscriptions for.
Request Method:
Request Header:
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Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
Sample Request Body
Not applicable
Sample Response Body - Success
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"callBackUrl": "<callback_url>",
"batchSize": 200,
"subscriptions": [
"name": "Subscription_MMS",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"eventTypes": [
"filters": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
"campaignNames": [
"name": "Subscription_EmailSMS",
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"status": "ACTIVE",
"eventTypes": [
"name": "Subscription_WebPush",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"eventTypes": [
"name": "Subscription_Push",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"eventTypes": [
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "deleteCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "DELETE"
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"rel": "getCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "verifyCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "createCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "POST"
"rel": "updateCallBack",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "PUT"
"rel": "getAllCallbacks",
"href": "<callback_url>",
"method": "GET"
For callbacks with subscriptions with no event types, or callbacks with no
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"callBackUrl": "<callback_url>",
"batchSize": 100,
"subscriptions": []
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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Sample Response Body - Failure
400 Bad Request
Invalid callback: Requests fail if the specified callback name cannot be found. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "CallBack [<callback_name> ] does not exist",
"errorDetails": []
Update a Subscription
Use this interface to update an existing subscription. You might want to use this
endpoint to update the event types for an existing subscription.
A successful response returns details about the updated subscription.
Service URL:
subscriptionName – Name of the subscription to update.
Request Method:
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Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
callBackName – Required. Unique name of the callback.
eventTypes – Required. Array of events to update the subscription. Comma-separated
list of event types.
status – Optional. Indicates the status of the callback subscription. Possible values
include: ACTIVE or PAUSED.
statusReason – Optional. Describes a reason for changing the status.
filters - Optional. This is an array of filters that ensures a specific event is only
triggered for certain campaigns. Contains an array of eventTypes and an array, values,
of criteria to matched. As on 20D, the only supported criteria is a campaignNames
Sample Request Body
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"eventTypes": ["EMAIL_BOUNCED"],
"status": "PAUSED"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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Sample Response Body - Success
"subscriptionName": "<subscription_name>",
"callBackUrl": "<callback_url>",
"callBackName": "<callback_name>",
"batchSize": 100,
"eventTypes": [
"status": "PAUSED"
"filters": [
"eventTypes": [
"values": [
"campaignNames": [
Sample Response Body - Failure
404 Not Found
Invalid subscription: Requests fail if the specified subscription cannot be found. The
error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"detail": "Subscription with name [<subscription_name> ] not found",
"errorDetails": []
Callback not found: Requests fail if the callback cannot be found. The error
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "Subscription [<subscription_name> ] does not exists",
"errorDetails": []
Event not supported or invalid: Requests fail if any events specified are not found or
are not supported. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Object not found",
"errorCode": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "Event Type [ SMS_FAILED1 ] not found or is not supported",
"errorDetails": []
No events specified: Requests fail if no events are specified in the request. The error
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Event type is empty or null",
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"errorDetails": []
Status is not specified: Requests fail if no subscription status is specified in the
request. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Subscription status cannot be empty or null",
"errorDetails": []
Invalid status: Requests fail if the subscription status specified in the request is
invalid. Subscription status must either be ACTIVE or PAUSED. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Subscription status can only be ACTIVE or PAUSED",
"errorDetails": []
Duplicate events: Requests fail if duplicate event types are specified in the request.
The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "Duplicate event types found in the request",
"errorDetails": []
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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Event already subscribed: Requests fail if any specified events are already being
used in other active subscriptions. The error resembles:
"type": "",
"title": "Invalid request parameters",
"detail": "There's an active subscription for event [ SMS_MO_FW_FAILED ] with other
"errorDetails": []
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
52 of 67
Event List
This endpoint retrieves supported event types in Responsys. A successful response
returns a list of all supported event types. The events returned are the event types for
which you can create subscriptions.
Retrieve a List of Supported Events
This endpoint retrieves supported event types in Responsys. A successful response
returns a list of all supported event types. The events returned are the event types for
which you can create subscriptions.
Service URL:
Request Method:
Request Header:
Request Body - Required Properties:
Not applicable
Sample Request Body
Not applicable
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Sample Response Body - Success
The payloads Responsys will send for each event type are outlined here.
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Event Responses
When a subscribed event is triggered in Responsys. Responsys will call your callback
URL. The payloads Responsys will send for each event type are outlined below.
Email Bounced
"campaignId": "193897761",
"riid": "3738409741",
"failureReason": "MAILBOX_FULL",
"customerId": "10",
"recipient": "[email protected]",
"failureType": "EMAIL_BOUNCED",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
"campaignId": "193897761",
"riid": "3738409741",
"failureReason": "USER_NOT_FOUND",
"recipient": "[email protected]",
"failureType": "EMAIL_BOUNCED",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
Email Clicked
"campaignId": "194527041",
"riid": "3780835341",
"customerId": "123",
"failureType": "EMAIL_CLICKED",
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer_Campaign",
"optionalData": {
"props": {
"prop": {
"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
Email Complaint
"campaignId": "76686941",
"riid": "95628461",
"customerId": "1141676",
"failureType": "EMAIL_COMPLAINT",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Campaign",
"optionalData": null
"campaignId": "193897821",
"riid": "3738409721",
"failureReason": "Failing Reason",
"recipient": "[email protected]",
"failureType": "EMAIL_FAILED",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions",
"optionalData": {
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"props": {
"prop": [
"name": "CUSTOM_COLUMN1",
"value": "John 1"
"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
Email Opt In
"riid": "25667",
"customerId": "100AB",
"failureType": "EMAIL_OPTIN",
"channelType": "Email",
"optionalData": null
Email Opt Out
"riid": "25667",
"customerId": "100AB",
"failureType": "EMAIL_OPTOUT",
"channelType": "Email",
"optionalData": null
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"campaignId": "193897761",
"riid": "3738409721",
"failureReason": "Expression resulted in an empty value",
"recipient": "[email protected]",
"failureType": "EMAIL_SKIPPED",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions",
"optionalData": {
"props": {
"prop": [
"name": "CUSTOM_COLUMN1",
"value": "John"
"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
"campaignId": "193898101",
"riid": "3658253801",
"failureReason": "failing",
"recipient": "US - 16502229405",
"failureType": "MMS_FAILED",
"channelType": "Mms",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"campaignId": "193898281",
"riid": "3658253801",
"failureReason": "Error personalizing field: EXAMPLE.CUSTOMER_ID_: empty field
"recipient": "US - 16502229405",
"failureType": "MMS_SKIPPED",
"channelType": "Mms",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
"campaignId": "193558821",
"riid": "3721112141",
"failureReason": "InvalidParameters",
"failureType": "PUSH_BOUNCED",
"channelType": "Push",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
Push Failed
"campaignId": "193293541",
"riid": "3732406721",
"failureReason": "Message Expiry time has passed. Message Expiry time must be
sometime in the future.",
"failureType": "PUSH_FAILED",
"channelType": "Push",
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
59 of 67
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
Push Opt In
"riid": "138435587",
"customerId": null,
"failureType": "PUSH_OPT_IN",
"channelType": "Push",
"optionalData": null
Push Opt Out
"riid": "138435587",
"customerId": null,
"failureType": "PUSH_OPT_OUT",
"channelType": "Push",
"optionalData": null
Push Skipped
"campaignId": "193561021",
"riid": "3728082761",
"failureReason": "Error personalizing field: NEW_PUSH_LIST_APP.ADVERTISER_ID_:
empty field value;",
"failureType": "PUSH_SKIPPED",
"channelType": "Push",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
60 of 67
"campaignId": "193897941",
"riid": "3658253801",
"failureReason": "failing",
"recipient": "US - 16502229405",
"failureType": "SMS_FAILED",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "SMS_Fail",
"optionalData": {
"props": {
"prop": [
"name": "CUSTOM_COLUMN1",
"value": "CUSTOM_COLUMN1"
"name": "MOBILE_NUMBER_",
"value": "16502229405"
"campaignId": "883221",
"riid": "3558989401",
"failureReason": "java.lang.NullPointerException",
"recipient": "-1 - -1",
"failureType": "SMS_FAILED",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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"campaignId": "218604367",
"riid": "287229527",
"recipient": "US - 16502882154",
"failureType": "SMS_MO_FW_FAILED",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "SMS_MO_FW"
SMS Opt In
"campaignId": "0",
"riid": "2774307",
"customerId": "CUST_2774307",
"failureType": "SMS_OPT_IN",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "N/A",
"optionalData": null
SMS Opt Out
"campaignId": "0",
"riid": "2774307",
"customerId": "CUST_2774307",
"failureType": "SMS_OPT_OUT",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "N/A",
"optionalData": null
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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SMS Receipt
"campaignId": "15648030",
"riid": "29074598",
"customerId": null,
"failureType": "SMS_DELIVERY_RECEIPT",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions",
"optionalData": null
SMS Skipped
"campaignId": "193897881",
"riid": "3738409701",
"failureReason": "Skipped Record - skipped because the country associated with this
record is not served by the Short/Long code used in this campaign.;",
"recipient": "IN - 919632155746",
"failureType": "SMS_SKIPPED",
"channelType": "Sms",
"campaignName": "SMS_SKipped",
"optionalData": {
"props": {
"prop": [
"name": "CUSTOM_COLUMN1",
"value": "John"
"name": "MOBILE_NUMBER_",
"value": "9632155746"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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Web Push Bounced
"campaignId": "151332521",
"riid": "23309",
"failureReason": "Subscription is expired/Endpoint Not Found",
"failureType": "WEBPUSH_BOUNCED",
"channelType": "WebPush",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
Web Push Closed
"campaignId": "151367801",
"riid": "835122601",
"failureType": "WEBPUSH_CLOSED",
"channelType": "WebPush",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
WebPush Failed
"campaignId": "151354081",
"riid": "836412861",
"failureReason": "Fail Launch",
"failureType": "WEBPUSH_FAILED",
"channelType": "WebPush",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
64 of 67
WebPush Opt In
"campaignId": "-1",
"riid": "334235767",
"customerId": null,
"failureType": "WEBPUSH_OPTIN",
"channelType": "WebPush",
"campaignName": "N/A",
"optionalData": null
WebPush Opt Out
"campaignId": "-1",
"riid": "334235767",
"customerId": null,
"failureType": "WEBPUSH_OPTOUT",
"channelType": "WebPush",
"campaignName": "N/A",
"optionalData": null
WebPush Skipped
"campaignId": "151354081",
"riid": "836212461",
"failureReason": "Skip Launch;",
"failureType": "WEBPUSH_SKIPPED",
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
65 of 67
"channelType": "WebPush",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions"
©2022 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
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Frequently Asked Questions
How are custom event properties sent from Responsys to my callback
Responsys will include all custom event properties in the optionalData array. Let’s say
for example an email failed to send, and Responys sent the following response to your
callback URL.
"campaignId": "193897821",
"riid": "3738409721",
"failureReason": "Failing Reason",
"recipient": "[email protected]",
"failureType": "EMAIL_FAILED",
"channelType": "Email",
"campaignName": "Summer Promotions",
"optionalData": {
"props": {
"prop": [
"name": "CUSTOM_COLUMN1",
"value": "John 1"
"name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
The optionalData includes your custom event properties.
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What event types are supported?
Currently in Responsys 20B, there are 15 event types supported. You can always use
the Retrieve a List of Supported Events API endpoint to see what event types you can
Are there any plans to support other events in the future?
We plan to add more events to this list based on our product roadmap, customer
requests, and new event availability within Responsys. Speak to your customer
support representative to submit requests for new event types to support your
marketing activities.
Is Basic Authentication the only authentication method supported?
Yes. Basic Authentication is the only authentication method currently supported.
How can I whitelist the callback service?
Add * to your whitelist.
Do callbacks expire?
There is no callback expiry.
How does the callback service retry connections?
If a customer’s callback service is unavailable, Responsys will retry in 3000
milliseconds, up to 3 times. After 3 times, Responsys will move the payload from our
callback service to an event archive on the Responsys platform. You must contact
Support to get this data extracted.