1 May 2023
Prioritizing the expansion of electronic medical record interoperability
software to rural health care systems
Authors: Dennis Boynton
, Morgan Block
, Madeline Merwin
, Anjali Chandra
, Eneka Lamb
Brian Doerr
, and Ada Pariser
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Community Hospital Corporation, Plano, TX, USA
The transition from paper to electronic medical records (EMR) has modernized and improved health care
delivery systems by enhancing the management of medical data as well as communication between
hospitals, insurers, patients, and clinicians. Recognizing the benefit of EMR software, federal funds were
distributed for the digitization of patient records through the HITECH Act of 2009.
This transition brought
about a myriad of EMR platforms, with hospitals across the country often utilizing differing EMR software,
creating new technology challenges. The advent of a vast number of EMR platforms has led to the
fragmentation of patient data across multiple platforms, making records difficult to access, as one EMR
system may not communicate with another. The lack of communication between different EMRs led to
the next revolution in health care data management through implementation of EMR interoperability
software. This allows providers to access patient records from outside health systems, as well as share
important information with providers at other practices. All data sharing is facilitated by the software
and can be done regardless of the EMR a practice utilizes (such as Epic, Cerner, etc.)
In 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act was passed, mandating that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) prioritize the expansion of EMR interoperability software.
With EMR interoperability,
clinicians more effectively manage patient care with information coming from both inside and outside
their health system. It has been shown that both providers and patients benefit from EMR
interoperability, as workflows are improved and patient care is optimized.
In one medium-sized hospital,
implementation of EMR interoperability in one aspect of patient care increased safety and revenue by a
margin of $370,000 within the first eight months.
Utilizing EMR interoperability software to its full
potential reduces errors in patient care and costs of duplicate testing through better inter-health system
communication, while improving preventative screenings and vaccine administration.
Particularly for rural communities, EMRs are instrumental in delivering quality care to patients and
ensuring smooth transitions of care when patients seek treatment outside of their home community. Given
limitations posed by the small scale of rural health care systems, patients must often travel to larger
urban or suburban health systems that may utilize a different EMR platform. When rural patients seek
care at these larger institutions it is critical that their local providers can access a comprehensive review
of the care they received. Rural hospitals report more challenges in exchanging and receiving data with
health systems using various EHR platforms when compared to hospitals with more resources.
more than 46 million Americans living in rural areas,
hospitals in these regions serve many patients.
Despite their critical role in providing access to care, rural health systems consistently find themselves in
financial distress, with many struggling to keep their doors open.
Already facing this burden, hospitals
serving rural communities often find it unfeasible to purchase the technological infrastructure necessary
for EMR interoperability. Beyond cost, implementation of EMR interoperability software is hindered by
2 May 2023
barriers such as poor integration with older EMR platforms, lack of staff training to solve software and
data issues, and concerns over data privacy and security.
The struggles imposed by lack of EMR interoperability directly affect small, rural clinics in a very personal
way. A small family medicine clinic in Escanaba, Mich., has been facing these challenges for the last year.
During the transition to a new EMR system, clinic staff found they were deficient in appropriate training,
on-site assistance, and ability to transfer old records to the new EMR platform. During the initial rollout
period, they were responsible for the “backloading” of all patient medical charts into the new system, but
without adequate preparation time and no third-party application to transition the records, the clinic still
has not been able to complete this task. According to a nurse coordinator, “If we do not take it upon
ourselves to manually look up in an ‘old system’ when a patient’s last PAP, low-dose CT, mammogram,
or colonoscopy was done, then we miss opportunities to catch abnormalities and due dates for
screening. Navigating past records slows clinic efficiency especially when clinics face staffing shortages,
causing existing staff to have more responsibilities (K. Vandeville, personal communication, Feb. 10,
Improving rural EMR interoperability is more than implementing the EMR system. In a 2017 data brief
from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, only 27 percent of rural
hospitals and critical access hospitals reported having the ability to participate in the four domains of
EHR interoperability: sending, receiving, finding, and integrating summary of care records. This is
significantly less than the 41 percent of hospitals that reported having similar capabilities nationwide.
Additionally, despite some allocated federal funding from CMS and demonstrated benefits of
interoperability, only 24 percent of health care systems use application programming interfaces (API) to
scale, while 90 percent believe that interoperability would be helpful.
When health care teams discuss a
shared patient, they prefer leveraging longitudinal data from an EMR for efficient, timely
The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) recognizes the important groundwork
states have laid out to encourage interoperability among health information systems through health
information exchanges and other mechanisms. However, with a multitude of EMR platforms, accessing
patient data is often burdensome and inefficient, causing significant stress for providers trying to manage
care. Moreover, with the increased fragmentation of patient data over disparate platforms, suboptimal
and compromised patient care due to poor transitions is becoming more common.
Ineffective care
transitions have been implicated in increased hospital readmission rates, contributing to unnecessary
NRHA agrees with health information exchange experts: “Complete participation and achievement of
interoperability is a key element to improving provider care quality and population health
CMS has also expressed their support for enhancing interoperability by releasing their
EMR Incentives Program to the Medicare and Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Programs in April 2018.
This program recommends and, in some cases, requires payers to utilize API to improve the
interoperability of their preferred EMR. It has been argued that the implementation of API will improve
various aspects of patient care and medical office efficiency by reducing administrative roles for prior
authorizations and claims.
Policy recommendations
Establish requirements for EMR vendors to enact a common language or share existing APIs
between EMR systems to ensure interoperability.
3 May 2023
Promote the allocation of funding to resource-poor rural hospitals, community health centers,
rural health clinics, and other rural health providers for the purpose of upgrading and purchasing
infrastructure that allows EMRs to fully utilize API interfaces and become interoperable.
Support federal legislation that enforces standardized security measures for all electronic medical
record software.
Establish and train an IT staff member at each regional hospital dedicated to the maintenance
and optimization of API and EMR interoperability software.
Recommended actions
Develop requirements for EMR vendors to enact a common language or requirements to share
existing APIs between EMR systems to ensure interoperability.
Allocate funding to rural health systems to implement these technologies within their frameworks
through federal and state grant funding, as well as Medicaid programs.
Allocate funding to resource-poor rural hospitals and health systems for hiring experienced EMR
specialists to train physicians and staff on how to better use their EMR.
Develop a federal language regarding security standards for EHR interoperability to enhance
security of personal health information through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology.
Many rural health systems currently do not have any EMR interoperability software or are not utilizing
such software to its full capacity. Studies have shown that this lack of utilization poses unique challenges
for rural facilities. A review of the literature shows that this issue may stem from lack of resources or
training from an EMR specialist. Therefore, we advocate for NRHA-sponsored legislation creating a
stimulus that allocates funds for rural hospitals to better utilize EMR interoperability software. Studies
have shown that through proper utilization of EMR interoperability software, patient care and safety can
be improved and unnecessary use of resources will be reduced, thereby reducing costs for hospitals.
4 May 2023
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