The NHS Long Term Plan
January 2019
3The NHS Long Term Plan
1. We will boost ‘out-of-hospital’ care, and finally dissolve the historic divide
between primary and community health services
A new NHS offer of urgent community response and recovery support
Primary care networks of local GP practices and community teams
Guaranteed NHS support to people living in care homes
Supporting people to age well
2. The NHS will reduce pressure on emergency hospital services
Pre-hospital urgent care
Reforms to hospital emergency care – Same Day Emergency Care
Cutting delays in patients being able to go home
3. People will get more control over their own health and more personalised
care when they need it
4. Digitally-enabled primary and outpatient care will go mainstream
across the NHS
5. Local NHS organisations will increasingly focus on population health –
moving to Integrated Care Systems everywhere
Air pollution
Antimicrobial resistance
Stronger NHS action on health inequalities
A strong start in life for children and young people
Maternity and neonatal services
Children and young people’s mental health services
Learning disability and autism
Children and young people with cancer
Redesigning other health services for children and young people
The NHS Long Term Plan4
Better care for major health conditions
Cardiovascular disease
Stroke care
Respiratory disease
Adult mental health services
Short waits for planned care
Research and innovation to drive future outcomes improvement
1. A comprehensive new workforce implementation plan
2. Expanding the number of nurses, midwives, AHPs and other staff
3. Growing the medical workforce
4. International Recruitment
5. Supporting our current NHS staff
6. Enabling productive working
7. Leadership and talent management
8. Volunteers
1. Empowering people
2. Supporting health and care professionals
3. Supporting clinical care
4. Improving population health
5. Improving clinical efficiency and safety
Test 1: The NHS (including providers) will return to financial balance
Test 2: The NHS will achieve cash-releasing productivity growth of at least
1.1% per year
Test 3: The NHS will reduce the growth in demand for care through better
integration and prevention
Test 4: The NHS will reduce unjustified variation in performance
Test 5: The NHS will make better use of capital investment and its existing assets
to drive transformation
A new way of working
Possible legislative change
Engaging people
5The NHS Long Term Plan
Health and employment
Health and the justice system
Veterans and the Armed Forces
Care leavers
Health and the environment
The NHS as an ‘anchor institution’
The NHS Long Term Plan6
Overview and summary
The NHS has been marking its 70th anniversary, and the national debate this has
unleashed has centred on three big truths. There’s been pride in our Health Service’s
enduring success, and in the shared social commitment it represents. There’s been
concern – about funding, staffing, increasing inequalities and pressures from
a growing and ageing population. But there’s also been optimism – about the
possibilities for continuing medical advance and better outcomes of care.
In looking ahead to the Health Service’s 80th birthday, this NHS Long Term Plan takes all three
of these realities as its starting point. So to succeed, we must keep all that’s good about our
health service and its place in our national life. But we must tackle head-on the pressures our
staff face, while making our extra funding go as far as possible. And as we do so, we must
accelerate the redesign of patient care to future-proof the NHS for the decade ahead. This Plan
sets out how we will do that. We are now able to because:
first, we now have a secure and improved funding path for the NHS, averaging 3.4% a year
over the next five years, compared with 2.2% over the past five years;
second, because there is wide consensus about the changes now needed. This has been
confirmed by patients’ groups, professional bodies and frontline NHS leaders who since
July have all helped shape this plan – through over 200 separate events, over 2,500
separate responses, through insights offered by 85,000 members of the public and from
organisations representing over 3.5 million people;
and third, because work that kicked-off after the NHS Five Year Forward View is now
beginning to bear fruit, providing practical experience of how to bring about the changes
set out in this Plan. Almost everything in this Plan is already being implemented successfully
somewhere in the NHS. Now as this Plan is implemented right across the NHS, here are the
big changes it will bring:
Chapter One sets out how the NHS will move to a new service model in which
patients get more options, better support, and properly joined-up care at the right
time in the optimal care setting. GP practices and hospital outpatients currently provide
around 400 million face-to-face appointments each year. Over the next five years, every patient
will have the right to online ‘digital’ GP consultations, and redesigned hospital support will
be able to avoid up to a third of outpatient appointments - saving patients 30 million trips to
hospital, and saving the NHS over £1 billion a year in new expenditure averted. GP practices -
typically covering 30-50,000 people - will be funded to work together to deal with pressures in
primary care and extend the range of convenient local services, creating genuinely integrated
teams of GPs, community health and social care staff. Now expanded community health
teams will be required under new national standards to provide fast support to people in
their own homes as an alternative to hospitalisation, and to ramp up NHS support for people
living in care homes. Within five years over 2.5 million more people will benefit from ‘social
prescribing’, a personal health budget, and new support for managing their own health in
partnership with patients' groups and the voluntary sector.
These reforms will be backed by a new guarantee that over the next five years, investment in
primary medical and community services will grow faster than the overall NHS budget. This
commitment – an NHS ‘first’ - creates a ringfenced local fund worth at least an extra £4.5
billion a year in real terms by 2023/24.
7The NHS Long Term Plan
We have an emergency care system under real pressure, but also one in the midst of profound
change. The Long Term Plan sets out action to ensure patients get the care they need, fast,
and to relieve pressure on A&Es. New service channels such as urgent treatment centres are
now growing far faster than hospital A&E attendances, and UTCs are being designated across
England. For those that do need hospital care, emergency ‘admissions’ are increasingly being
treated through ‘same day emergency care’ without need for an overnight stay. This model
will be rolled out across all acute hospitals, increasing the proportion of acute admissions
typically discharged on day of attendance from a fifth to a third. Building on hospitals’ success
in improving outcomes for major trauma, stroke and other critical illnesses conditions, new
clinical standards will ensure patients with the most serious emergencies get the best possible
care. And building on recent gains, in partnership with local councils further action to cut
delayed hospital discharges will help free up pressure on hospital beds.
Chapter Two sets out new, funded, action the NHS will take to strengthen its
contribution to prevention and health inequalities. Wider action on prevention will
help people stay healthy and also moderate demand on the NHS. Action by the NHS is
a complement to - not a substitute for - the important role of individuals, communities,
government, and businesses in shaping the health of the nation. Nevertheless, every 24 hours
the NHS comes into contact with more than a million people at moments in their lives that
bring home the personal impact of ill health. The Long Term Plan therefore funds specific new
evidence-based NHS prevention programmes, including to cut smoking; to reduce obesity,
partly by doubling enrolment in the successful Type 2 NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme; to
limit alcohol-related A&E admissions; and to lower air pollution.
To help tackle health inequalities, NHS England will base its five year funding allocations to
local areas on more accurate assessment of health inequalities and unmet need. As a condition
of receiving Long Term Plan funding, all major national programmes and every local area across
England will be required to set out specific measurable goals and mechanisms by which they
will contribute to narrowing health inequalities over the next five and ten years. The Plan also
sets out specific action, for example to: cut smoking in pregnancy, and by people with long
term mental health problems; ensure people with learning disability and/or autism get better
support; provide outreach services to people experiencing homelessness; help people with
severe mental illness find and keep a job; and improve uptake of screening and early cancer
diagnosis for people who currently miss out.
Chapter Three sets the NHS’s priorities for care quality and outcomes improvement
for the decade ahead. For all major conditions, results for patients are now measurably
better than a decade ago. Childbirth is the safest it has ever been, cancer survival is at an
all-time high, deaths from cardiovascular disease have halved since 1990, and male suicide
is at a 31-year low. But for the biggest killers and disablers of our population, we still have
unmet need, unexplained local variation, and undoubted opportunities for further medical
advance. These facts, together with patients’ and the public’s views on priorities, mean that
the Plan goes further on the NHS Five Year Forward View’s focus on cancer, mental health,
diabetes, multimorbidity and healthy ageing including dementia. But it also extends its focus to
children’s health, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, and learning disability and autism,
amongst others.
The NHS Long Term Plan8
Some improvements in these areas are necessarily framed as 10 year goals, given the
timelines needed to expand capacity and grow the workforce. So by 2028 the Plan commits
to dramatically improving cancer survival, partly by increasing the proportion of cancers
diagnosed early, from a half to three quarters. Other gains can happen sooner, such as halving
maternity-related deaths by 2025. The Plan also allocates sufficient funds on a phased basis
over the next five years to increase the number of planned operations and cut long waits. It
makes a renewed commitment that mental health services will grow faster than the overall
NHS budget, creating a new ringfenced local investment fund worth at least £2.3 billion a year
by 2023/24. This will enable further service expansion and faster access to community and
crisis mental health services for both adults and particularly children and young people. The
Plan also recognises the critical importance of research and innovation to drive future medical
advance, with the NHS committing to play its full part in the benefits these bring both to
patients and the UK economy.
To enable these changes to the service model, to prevention, and to major clinical
improvements, the Long Term Plan sets out how they will be backed by action on workforce,
technology, innovation and efficiency, as well as the NHS’ overall ‘system architecture’.
Chapter Four sets out how current workforce pressures will be tackled, and staff
supported. The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe, and the world’s largest employer of
highly skilled professionals. But our staff are feeling the strain. That’s partly because over the
past decade workforce growth has not kept up with the increasing demands on the NHS.
And it’s partly because the NHS hasn’t been a sufficiently flexible and responsive employer,
especially in the light of changing staff expectations for their working lives and careers.
However there are practical opportunities to put this right. University places for entry into
nursing and medicine are oversubscribed, education and training places are being expanded,
and many of those leaving the NHS would remain if employers can reduce workload pressures
and offer improved flexibility and professional development. This Long Term Plan therefore sets
out a number of specific workforce actions which will be overseen by NHS Improvement that
can have a positive impact now. It also sets out wider reforms which will be finalised in 2019
when the workforce education and training budget for HEE is set by government. These will
be included in the comprehensive NHS workforce implementation plan published later this
year, overseen by the new cross-sector national workforce group, and underpinned by a new
compact between frontline NHS leaders and the national NHS leadership bodies.
In the meantime the Long Term Plan sets out action to expand the number of nursing and
other undergraduate places, ensuring that well-qualified candidates are not turned away as
happens now. Funding is being guaranteed for an expansion of clinical placements of up
to 25% from 2019/20 and up to 50% from 2020/21. New routes into nursing and other
disciplines, including apprenticeships, nursing associates, online qualification, and ‘earn and
learn’ support, are all being backed, together with a new post-qualification employment
guarantee. International recruitment will be significantly expanded over the next three years,
and the workforce implementation plan will also set out new incentives for shortage specialties
and hard-to-recruit to geographies.
9The NHS Long Term Plan
To support current staff, more flexible rostering will become mandatory across all trusts,
funding for continuing professional development will increase each year, and action will
be taken to support diversity and a culture of respect and fair treatment. New roles and
inter-disciplinary credentialing programmes will enable more workforce flexibility across an
individual’s NHS career and between individual staff groups. The new primary care networks
will provide flexible options for GPs and wider primary care teams. Staff and patients alike will
benefit from a doubling of the number of volunteers also helping across the NHS.
Chapter Five sets out a wide-ranging and funded programme to upgrade technology
and digitally enabled care across the NHS. These investments enable many of the wider
service changes set out in this Long Term Plan. Over the next ten years they will result in
an NHS where digital access to services is widespread. Where patients and their carers can
better manage their health and condition. Where clinicians can access and interact with
patient records and care plans wherever they are, with ready access to decision support and
AI, and without the administrative hassle of today. Where predictive techniques support local
Integrated Care Systems to plan and optimise care for their populations. And where secure
linked clinical, genomic and other data support new medical breakthroughs and consistent
quality of care. Chapter Five identifies costed building blocks and milestones for these
Chapter Six sets out how the 3.4% five year NHS funding settlement will help put the
NHS back onto a sustainable financial path. In ensuring the affordability of the phased
commitments in this Long Term Plan we have taken account of the current financial pressures
across the NHS, which are a first call on extra funds. We have also been realistic about
inevitable continuing demand growth from our growing and aging population, increasing
concern about areas of longstanding unmet need, and the expanding frontiers of medical
science and innovation. In the modelling underpinning this Long Term Plan we have therefore
not locked-in an assumption that its increased investment in community and primary care will
necessarily reduce the need for hospital beds. Instead, taking a prudent approach, we have
provided for hospital funding as if trends over the past three years continue. But in practice
we expect that if local areas implement the Long Term Plan effectively, they will benefit from a
financial and hospital capacity ‘dividend’.
In order to deliver for taxpayers, the NHS will continue to drive efficiencies - all of which are
then available to local areas to reinvest in frontline care. The Plan lays out major reforms to
the NHS’ financial architecture, payment systems and incentives. It establishes a new Financial
Recovery Fund and ‘turnaround’ process, so that on a phased basis over the next five years not
only the NHS as a whole, but also the trust sector, local systems and individual organisations
progressively return to financial balance. And it shows how we will save taxpayers a further
£700 million in reduced administrative costs across providers and commissioners both
nationally and locally.
The NHS Long Term Plan10
Chapter Seven explains next steps in implementing the Long Term Plan. We will build
on the open and consultative process used to develop this Plan and strengthen the ability of
patients, professionals and the public to contribute by establishing the new NHS Assembly
in early 2019. 2019/20 will be a transitional year, as the local NHS and its partners have the
opportunity to shape local implementation for their populations, taking account of the Clinical
Standards Review and the national implementation framework being published in the spring,
as well as their differential local starting points in securing the major national improvements
set out in this Long Term Plan. These will be brought together in a detailed national
implementation programme by the autumn so that we can also properly take account of
Government Spending Review decisions on workforce education and training budgets, social
care, councils’ public health services and NHS capital investment.
Parliament and the Government have both asked the NHS to make consensus proposals for
how primary legislation might be adjusted to better support delivery of the agreed changes
set out in this LTP. This Plan does not require changes to the law in order to be implemented.
But our view is that amendment to the primary legislation would significantly accelerate
progress on service integration, on administrative efficiency, and on public accountability. We
recommend changes to: create publicly-accountable integrated care locally; to streamline the
national administrative structures of the NHS; and remove the overly rigid competition and
procurement regime applied to the NHS.
In the meantime, within the current legal framework, the NHS and our partners will be moving
to create Integrated Care Systems everywhere by April 2021, building on the progress already
made. ICSs bring together local organisations in a pragmatic and practical way to deliver
the ‘triple integration’ of primary and specialist care, physical and mental health services,
and health with social care. They will have a key role in working with Local Authorities at
‘place’ level, and through ICSs, commissioners will make shared decisions with providers on
population health, service redesign and Long Term Plan implementation.
Our National Health Service was founded in 1948 in place of fear - the fear that many
people had of being unable to afford care for themselves and their families. And it was
founded in a spirit of optimism - at a time of great uncertainty, coming shortly after the
sacrifices of war. At its best our National Health Service is the practical expression of a
shared commitment by the British people: over the past seven decades, there when we
need it, at the most profound moments in our lives. But as medicine advances, health
needs change, and society develops, the Health Service continually has to move forward.
This Long Term Plan shows how we will do so. So that looking forward to the NHS’ 80th
Birthday, in a decade’s time, we have a service that is fit for the future.
11The NHS Long Term Plan
Chapter 1: A new service model
for the 21st century
1.1. Compared with many other countries, our health service is already well designed. We
have high levels of patient satisfaction, generally improving outcomes, strong overall efficiency,
and relatively high levels of care coordination
. You’re far less likely to be unnecessarily
hospitalised for a chronic health condition here than in most other European countries
Indeed, you’re more than twice as likely to have your leg amputated in Germany because
your diabetes hasn’t been well managed than you are on the NHS
. An NHS where funding
is apportioned to population need; where most care is provided through list-based general
practice; where we take a planned approach to local and specialist hospital provision; and with
a strong scientific tradition of evidence-based decisions about care these are all organising
principles which have stood the test of time.
1.2. But if we were starting from scratch, there are other aspects of the way the NHS works
that we’d now design quite differently. This Plan shows how the NHS is going to be using
its new funding to improve staffing and expand needed services. But – critical as they are –
they’re not the only reason for current pressures in the system. The longstanding aim has been
to prevent as much illness as possible. Then illness which cannot be prevented should where
possible be treated in community and primary care. If care is required at hospital, its goal is
treatment without having to stay in as an inpatient wherever possible. And, when people
no longer need to be in a hospital bed, they should then receive good health and social care
support to go home. Yet, despite improvements, too often when, where and how care is being
delivered is a source of frustration, waste and missed opportunity for patients and the teams
looking after them.
1.3. It’s frustrating for the ambulance paramedic unable to answer the next 999 call, because
she’s stuck on a hospital ramp waiting to hand over a patient to the accident and emergency
(A&E) team. For the emergency patient in A&E waiting for a bed still occupied by someone
stuck in hospital waiting for a social care package at home. For the GP whose time is wasted
writing prescriptions that could have been given when their patient was discharged from
hospital. For the physiotherapist who – with the right continuing professional development
(CPD) – could also have helped her patients with their anxiety and depression. For the child
rushed to hospital with an asthma attack because she wasn’t helped to use her nebuliser
correctly. For the patient with a long-term condition called back for a pointless outpatient
appointment every six months. Or for the young man in mental health crisis who ends up
at A&E because there isn’t a local community crisis team. And, while most people don’t
experience these problems most of the time, every single one of them occurs every single day
across our NHS.
The NHS Long Term Plan12
1.4. To respond to these challenges, improve care for patients and reduce pressure on staff,
this plan means that the NHS will increasingly be:
more joined-up and coordinated in its care. Breaking down traditional barriers between
care institutions, teams and funding streams so as to support the increasing number of
people with long-term health conditions, rather than viewing each encounter with the
health service as a single, unconnected ‘episode’ of care;
more proactive in the services it provides. The majority of initial medical contacts
with the NHS occur when a patient calls NHS 111 or 999, or visits their pharmacist, GP
practice, A&E or Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC). At that point the NHS response kicks
into action. But increasingly we are supplementing that with the move to ‘population
health management’, using predictive prevention (linked to new opportunities for tailored
screening, case finding and early diagnosis) to better support people to stay healthy and
avoid illness complications;
more differentiated in its support offer to individuals. This is necessary if the NHS is
to make further progress on prevention, on inequalities reduction, and on responsiveness
to the diverse people who use and fund our health service. Individual preferences on type
and location of care differ quite widely – as for example with end of life choices, or on
use of ‘multichannel’ digital services. More fundamentally, with the right support, people
of all ages can and want to take more control of how they manage their physical and
mental wellbeing
. There is no contradiction between wider collective action on health
determinants, and a recognition that different individuals will benefit differently from
tailored prevention. Indeed one-size-fits-all statutory services have often failed to engage
with the people most in need, leading to inequalities in access and outcome.
This chapter therefore sets out five major, practical, changes to the NHS service model
to bring this about over the next five years:
1. We will boost ‘out-of-hospital’ care, and finally dissolve the historic divide between
primary and community health services.
2. The NHS will redesign and reduce pressure on emergency hospital services.
3. People will get more control over their own health, and more personalised care
when they need it.
4. Digitally-enabled primary and outpatient care will go mainstream across the NHS.
5. Local NHS organisations will increasingly focus on population health and local
partnerships with local authority-funded services, through new Integrated Care
Systems (ICSs) everywhere.
Here’s how:
13The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 1: Growth in emergency admissions per capita 2014/15 to 2017/18: MCP
and PACS Vanguards vs. the rest of the NHS.
rest of the NHS
Primary & Acute
Care Systems
Multispecialty Community
Provider Vanguards
Note: The MCP and PACS combined emergency growth rate is 1.6% which is statistically
significantly lower than the rest of the NHS with 95% CI (the upper limit for a significant
value is 3.1%).
1. We will boost ‘out-of-hospital’ care, and finally dissolve the
historic divide between primary and community health services
1.5. Community health services and general practice face multiple challenges –
with insufficient staff and capacity to meet rising patient need and complexity. GPs
are retiring early and newly-qualified GPs are often working part-time. Reform of the GP
contract in 2004 improved the quality and income of primary care practitioners, but relative
investment in primary care then fell for the rest of the decade before beginning to recover
after the creation of NHS England from 2014/15, and then more substantially in 2017/18 and
2018/19. Use of locum GPs has increased and there is shortage of practice and district nurses.
The traditional business model of the partnership is proving increasingly unattractive to early
and mid-career GPs. Patient satisfaction with access to primary care has declined, particularly
amongst 16-25 year olds.
1.6. Following three years of testing alternative models in the Five Year Forward
View through integrated care ‘Vanguards’ and Integrated Care Systems, we now
know enough to commit to a series of community service redesigns everywhere. The
Vanguards received less than one tenth of one percent of NHS funding, but made a positive
impact on emergency admissions, and demonstrated the benefits of proactively identifying,
assessing and supporting patients at higher risk to help them stay independent for longer.
Source: NHS England analysis of Secondary Uses Service (SUS) data.
The NHS Long Term Plan14
1.7. In this Long Term Plan we commit to increase investment in primary medical and
community health services as a share of the total national NHS revenue spend across
the five years from 2019/20 to 2023/24. This means spending on these services will be
at least £4.5 billion higher in five year’s time. This is the first time in the history of the
NHS that real terms funding for primary and community health services is guaranteed
to grow faster than the rising NHS budget overall. And this is a ‘floor’ level of investment
that is being nationally guaranteed, that local clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and
ICSs are likely to supplement further. This investment guarantee will fund demand pressures,
workforce expansion, and new services to meet relevant goals set out across this Plan.
A new NHS offer of urgent community response and recovery support
1.8. Over the next five years all parts of the country will be asked to increase the capacity and
responsiveness of community and intermediate care services to those who are clinically judged
to benefit most. Extra investment and productivity reforms in community health services will
mean that within five years all parts of the country will be expected to have improved the
responsiveness of community health crisis response services to deliver the services
within two hours of referral in line with NICE guidelines, where clinically judged to
be appropriate. In addition, all parts of the country should be delivering reablement
care within two days of referral to those patients who are judged to need it. This
will help prevent unnecessary admissions to hospitals and residential care, as well as ensure
a timely transfer from hospital to community. More NHS community and intermediate health
care packages will be delivered to support timely crisis care, with the ambition of freeing up
over one million hospital bed days. Urgent response and recovery support will be delivered by
flexible teams working across primary care and local hospitals, developed to meet local needs,
including GPs and specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors, allied health professionals
(AHPs), district nurses, mental health nurses, therapists and reablement teams. Extra recovery,
reablement and rehabilitation support will wrap around core services to support people with
the highest needs.
Primary care networks of local GP practices and community teams
1.9. The £4.5 billion of new investment will fund expanded community
multidisciplinary teams aligned with new primary care networks based on
neighbouring GP practices that work together typically covering 30-50,000 people. As part
of a set of multi-year contract changes individual practices in a local area will enter into a
network contract, as an extension of their current contract, and have a designated single fund
through which all network resources will flow. Most CCGs have local contracts for enhanced
services and these will normally be added to the network contract. Expanded neighbourhood
teams will comprise a range of staff such as GPs and SAS doctors, pharmacists, district nurses,
community geriatricians, dementia workers and AHPs such as physiotherapists and podiatrists/
chiropodists, joined by social care and the voluntary sector. In many parts of the country,
functions such as district nursing are already configured on network footprints and this will
now become the required norm.
15The NHS Long Term Plan
1.10. The result will be the creation for the first time since the NHS was set up
in 1948 of fully integrated community-based health care. This will be supported
through the ongoing training and development of multidisciplinary teams in primary and
community hubs. Community hospital hubs will play their full part in many of these integrated
multidisciplinary teams. From 2019, NHS 111 will start direct booking into GP practices across
the country, as well as refer on to community pharmacies who support urgent care and
promote patient self-care and self-management. CCGs will also develop pharmacy connection
schemes for patients who don’t need primary medical services.
1.11. To support this new way of working we will agree significant changes to the
GP Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). This will include a new Quality Improvement
(QI) element, which is being developed jointly by the Royal College of GPs, NICE and the
Health Foundation. The least effective indicators will be retired, and the revised QOF will also
support more personalised care. In 2019 we will also undertake a fundamental review of GP
vaccinations and immunisation standards, funding, and procurement. This will support the
goal of improving immunisation coverage, using local coordinators to target variation and
improve groups and areas with low vaccines uptake.
1.12. We will also offer primary care networks a new ‘shared savings’ scheme so that
they can benefit from actions to reduce avoidable A&E attendances, admissions and delayed
discharge, streamlining patient pathways to reduce avoidable outpatient visits and over-
medication through pharmacist review.
Guaranteed NHS support to people living in care homes
1.13 One in seven people aged 85 or over permanently live in a care home. People resident in
care homes account for 185,000 emergency admissions each year and 1.46 million emergency
bed days, with 35-40% of emergency admissions potentially avoidable
. Evidence suggests
that many people living in care homes are not having their needs assessed and addressed as
well as they could be, often resulting in unnecessary, unplanned and avoidable admissions to
hospital and sub-optimal medication regimes.
1.14. NHS England’s Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) Vanguards have shown how to
improve services and outcomes for people living in care homes and those who require support
to live independently in the community. For example, in Nottinghamshire, people resident in
care homes within the Vanguard experienced 29% fewer A&E attendances and 23% fewer
emergency admissions than a matched control group
The NHS Long Term Plan16
Table 1: Life expectancy and proportion of life in poor health, from birth
and age 65 years, males and females, largest EU countries, 2016.
at birth
(%) in poor
at age 65
(%) in poor
at birth
(%) in poor
at age 65
(%) in poor
Note: Poor health is defined as the difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy.
Source: European Statistics (EUROSTAT). Healthy life years and life expectancy at age 65 by sex. 2018.
Males Females
1.15. We will upgrade NHS support to all care home residents who would benefit
by 2023/24, with the EHCH model rolled out across the whole country over the coming
decade as staffing and funding grows. This will ensure stronger links between primary care
networks and their local care homes, with all care homes supported by a consistent team of
healthcare professionals, including named general practice support. As part of this, we will
ensure that individuals are supported to have good oral health, stay well hydrated and
well-nourished and that they are supported by therapists and other professionals in
rehabilitating when they have been unwell. Care home residents will get regular clinical
pharmacist-led medicine reviews where needed. Primary care networks will also work with
emergency services to provide emergency support, including where advice or support is
needed out of hours. We will support easier, secure, sharing of information between care
homes and NHS staff. Care home staff will have access to NHSmail, enabling them to
communicate effectively and securely with NHS teams involved in the care of their patients.
Supporting people to age well
1.16. People are now living far longer, but extra years of life are not always spent in good
, as Table 1 shows. They are more likely to live with multiple long-term conditions, or
live into old age with frailty or dementia, so that on average older men now spend 2.4 years
and women spend three years with ‘substantial’ care needs
17The NHS Long Term Plan
1.17. Extending independence as we age requires a targeted and personalised approach,
enabled by digital health records and shared health management tools. Primary care
networks will from 2020/21 assess their local population by risk of unwarranted
health outcomes and, working with local community services, make support available
to people where it is most needed. GPs are already using the Electronic Frailty Index
to routinely identify people living with severe frailty. Using a proactive population health
approach focused on moderate frailty will also enable earlier detection and intervention to
treat undiagnosed disorders, such as heart failure. Based on their individual needs and choices,
people identified as having the greatest risks and needs will be offered targeted support for
both their physical and mental health needs, which will include musculoskeletal conditions,
cardiovascular disease, dementia and frailty. Integrated primary and community teams will work
with people to maintain their independence: for example, 30% of people aged 65 and over,
and 50% of those aged 80 and over, are likely to fall at least once a year
. Falls prevention
schemes, including exercise classes and strength and balance training, can significantly reduce
the likelihood of falls and are cost effective in reducing admissions to hospital
1.18. The connecting of home-based and wearable monitoring equipment will
increasingly enable the NHS to predict and prevent events that would otherwise have
led to a hospital admission. This could include a set of digital scales to monitor the weight
of someone post-surgery, a location tracker to provide freedom with security for someone with
dementia, and home testing equipment for someone taking blood thinning drugs. Currently
available technology can enable earlier discharge from hospital and transform people’s lives if
it is connected to their Personal Health Record (PHRs) and integrated into the NHS' services.
We will support advances in these care models over the next five years. To do so requires major
work to digitise community services, as set out in Chapter Five. As well as deploying technology
to support community staff, we will expand the scope of the existing Community Dataset to
standardise information across the care system and integrate it with Local Health Care Records
1.19. Carers will benefit from greater recognition and support. The latest Census found
that 10% of the adult population has an unpaid caring role, equating to approximately 5.5
million people in England – around 1.4 million of whom provide upwards of 50 hours care
per week. 17% of respondents to the GP patient survey identified themselves as carers. Many
carers are themselves older people living with complex and multiple long-term conditions. We
will improve how we identify unpaid carers, and strengthen support for them to address their
individual health needs. We will do this through introducing best-practice Quality Markers for
primary care that highlight best practice in carer identification and support.
1.20. We will go further in improving the care we provide to people with dementia
and delirium, whether they are in hospital or at home. One in six people over the age
of 80 has dementia and 70% of people in care homes have dementia or severe memory
problems. There will be over one million people with dementia in the UK by 2025, and there
are over 40,000 people in the UK under 65 living with dementia today
. Over the past
decade the NHS has successfully doubled the dementia diagnosis rate and halved the
prescription of antipsychotic drugs
. We have continued to improve public awareness
and professional understanding. Research investment is set to double between 2015 and
2020, with £300m of government support
. We will provide better support for people with
dementia through a more active focus on supporting people in the community through our
enhanced community multidisciplinary teams and the application of the NHS Comprehensive
The NHS Long Term Plan18
2. The NHS will reduce pressure on emergency hospital services
1.21. Boosting ‘out-of-hospital’ care in the way set out above makes sense in its own right.
But there are also very substantial pressures across the NHS in looking after emergency
patients. The greater efficiency and lower costs to taxpayers of the NHS mean that it has
a lower level of hospital beds than other major European countries. To the credit of NHS
staff over the past five years, on a like-for-like-basis, a patient’s chance of having to
be admitted to hospital as an emergency has fallen by 12%
. There have also been
substantial reductions in the proportion of people with medium and high dependency who live
in care homes
. This implies that sicker patients are being successfully looked after without
hospitalisation by GPs, community health and social care services, none of whom have seen
their expenditure grow at the same rate as acute services.
1.22. Since publication of Next Steps on the Forward View, the NHS over the past
two years has:
Rolled out evening and weekend GP appointments nationally, ahead of schedule, so
that accessing primary care is easier and more convenient for all patients;
Enhanced NHS 111, so over 50% of people calling the service now receive a clinical
assessment and can be offered immediate advice or referred to the right clinician for a
face-to-face consultation;
Achieved 100% of the population now able to access urgent and emergency care
advice through the NHS 111 online service;
Begun rolling out UTCs across the country, offering a consistent service to patients at
110 locations and introducing the ability to book appointments in UTCs through
NHS 111;
Introduced new standards for ambulance services to ensure that the sickest patients
receive the fastest response, and that all patients get the response they need first time
and in a clinically appropriate timeframe;
Introduced comprehensive clinical streaming at the front door of A&E departments, so
patients are directed to the service best suited to their needs on arrival;
Begun implementing Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), (also known as ambulatory
emergency care), increasing the proportion of people who are not admitted overnight in
an emergency;
Reduced the number of people delayed in hospital – reducing the length of stay of
patients who remain in hospital for more than 21 days, and freeing up nearly 2,000 beds;
As a result, in the first half of this year hospitals have used fewer, not more, inpatient
bed days for their non-elective patients;
Continued rapid growth in the number of whole time equivalent A&E consultants,
which are up by 30% over the past five years – the fastest growth of any consultant
specialty in the NHS;
Rolled out the Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) to all major A&E departments to
enable better tracking of the quality and timeliness of care.
Model of Personal Care. We will continue working closely with the voluntary sector, including
supporting the Alzheimer’s Society to extend its Dementia Connect programme which offers a
range of advice and support for people following a dementia diagnosis.
19The NHS Long Term Plan
1.23. However we have an emergency care system under real pressure, in the midst
of profound change. The number of A&E patients successfully treated within four hours is
100,000 per month higher than five years ago. New ways of delivering urgent care such
as UTCs are growing far faster than hospital A&E attendances, which are up by around
1.5% year-to-date. For those that do need hospital care, emergency admissions requiring
an inpatient stay (up by 2.7% year-to-date) are increasingly being replaced by Same Day
Emergency Care (up by 10.5%). That, plus good results from action to cut delayed hospital
discharges, means inpatient emergency bed days are now actually falling.
1.24. Over the period of this Long Term Plan, by expanding and reforming urgent
and emergency care services the practical goal is to ensure patients get the care they
need fast, relieve pressure on A&E departments, and better offset winter demand
spikes. In looking forward to the next five years, the balance of need for hospital beds will
be a product of continuing pressures from an ageing population partially balanced against
further gains from changing the model of care, as set out in this chapter. In the ‘base case’
funding, activity and staffing model underpinning this Long Term Plan, we have not built-in as
a core assumption potential offsets in hospital beds from increased investment in community
health and primary care. Instead we have provided both for the hospital funding and the
staffing as if trends over the past three years continue. So to the extent that local areas are
able to do better than recent emergency hospitalisation trends – which if the reforms set out
in this chapter are implemented effectively should be possible – that will deliver for them an
additional local financial, hospital capacity and staffing upside ‘dividend’.
Pre-hospital urgent care
1.25. To support patients to navigate the optimal service ‘channel’, we will embed
a single multidisciplinary Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) within integrated NHS
111, ambulance dispatch and GP out of hours services from 2019/20. This will provide
specialist advice, treatment and referral from a wide array of healthcare professionals,
encompassing both physical and mental health supported by collaboration plans with all
secondary care providers. Access to medical records will enable better care. The CAS will
also support health professionals working outside hospital settings, staff within care homes,
paramedics at the scene of an incident and other community-based clinicians to make
the best possible decision about how to support patients closer to home and potentially
avoid unnecessary trips to A&E. This includes using the CAS to simplify the process for GPs,
ambulance services, community teams and social care to make referrals via a single point of
access for an urgent response from community health services using the new model described
at paragraph 1.8 above.
1.26. We will fully implement the Urgent Treatment Centre model by autumn 2020
so that all localities have a consistent offer for out-of-hospital urgent care, with the
option of appointments booked through a call to NHS 111. UTCs will work alongside
other parts of the urgent care network including primary care, community pharmacists,
ambulance and other community-based services to provide a locally accessible and convenient
alternative to A&E for patients who do not need to attend hospital.
The NHS Long Term Plan20
Figure 2: In recent years, acute hospital A&E attendances have been growing
at a much slower rate than other urgent care services.
Hospital A&E attendances (Type 1 and 2)
Urgent treatment centres, walk in centres, minor injuries centres attendances (Type 3 and 4)
Sep 15
Nov 15
Jan 16
Mar 16
May 16
Jul 16
Sep 16
Nov 16
Jan 17
Mar 17
May 17
Jul 17
Sep 17
Nov 17
Jan 18
Mar 18
May 18
Jul 18
Sep 18
1.27. Ambulance services are at the heart of the urgent and emergency care system. We
will work with commissioners to put in place timely responses so patients can be treated
by skilled paramedics at home or in a more appropriate setting outside of hospital. We
will implement the recommendations from Lord Carter’s recent report on operational
productivity and performance in ambulance trusts, ensuring that ambulance services are
able to offer the most clinically and operationally effective response. We will continue to
work with ambulance services to eliminate hospital handover delays. We will also increase
specialist ambulance capability to respond to terrorism. Capital investment will continue to
be targeted at fleet upgrades, and NHS England will set out a new national framework to
overcome the fragmentation that ambulance services have experienced in how they are locally
Source: NHS Digital. Secondary Uses Service (SUS) data. 2018.
21The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 3: Relative growth in emergency admissions: zero day and 1+ day length
of inpatient stay.
Zero day length of stay
Sep 15
1+ day length of stay
Nov 15
Jan 16
Mar 16
May 16
Jul 16
Sep 16
Nov 16
Jan 17
Mar 17
May 17
Jul 17
Sep 17
Nov 17
Jan 18
Mar 18
May 18
Jul 18
Sep 18
Non-elective spells (indexed)
Reforms to hospital emergency care Same Day Emergency Care
1.28. New diagnostic and treatment practices allow patients to spend just hours in hospital
rather than being admitted to a ward. This also helps relieve pressure elsewhere in the
hospital and frees up beds for patients who need quick admission either for emergency care,
or for a planned operation. This is a model co-developed by the Royal College of Physicians
and the Society of Acute Medicine, which is being successfully deployed in an increasing
number of hospitals. As a result, reported growth in non-elective hospital ‘admissions’ are
now disproportionately being driven by so-called ‘zero day admissions’ (patients who are not
actually admitted to an inpatient overnight acute bed).
Data source: NHS Digital. Secondary Uses Service (SUS) data. 2018.
The NHS Long Term Plan22
Figure 4: Variation in percentage of initial medical assessments undertaken in
ambulatory emergency care.
Acute Medical Units (AMU)
Percentage (%)
Source: The Society for Acute Medicine. Society for Acute Medicine Benchmarking Audit.
SAMBA18 Interim Report. September 2018
1.30. Under this Long Term Plan, every acute hospital with a type 1 A&E department
will move to a comprehensive model of Same Day Emergency Care. This will increase
the proportion of acute admissions discharged on the day of attendance from a fifth
to a third. At the same time we should not see the proportion of non-SDEC zero length of
stay admissions rise. Hospitals will also reduce avoidable admissions through the establishment
of acute frailty services, so that such patients can be assessed, treated and supported by skilled
multidisciplinary teams delivering comprehensive geriatric assessments in A&E and acute
receiving units. The SDEC model should be embedded in every hospital, in both medical and
surgical specialties during 2019/20.
1.31. We will also, as part of the NHS Clinical Standards Review being published in
the spring, develop new ways to look after patients with the most serious illness
and injury, ensuring that they receive the best possible care in the shortest possible
timeframe. For people who arrive in A&E following a stroke, heart attack, major trauma,
severe asthma attack or with sepsis, we will further improve patient pathways to ensure timely
assessment and treatment that reduces the risk of death and disability. As set out in Chapters
Three and Six, we are working with clinical experts and patient groups nationally to ensure
that these pathways deliver improvements in patient outcomes, so that the NHS continues to
lead the world in the quality of care that it provides for those with the greatest need.
1.29. There are however large differences in the extent to which SDEC has so far been
adopted by individual hospitals:
23The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 5: Differences in where people are discharged compared to
where would be best for them.
Where people are discharged vs where
would be best for them
At home with
At home with
At home with
no support
Actual outcome
Best outcome
Percentage (%)
Source: Newton Europe.
1.32. We will develop a standard model of delivery in smaller acute hospitals who
serve rural populations. Smaller hospitals have significant challenges around a number
of areas including workforce and many of the national standards and policies were not
appropriately tailored to meet their needs. We will work with trusts to develop a new
operating model for these sorts of organisations, and how they work more effectively with
other parts of the local healthcare system.
1.33. Without access to timely and accurate data we cannot maximise the opportunities to
improve care for all patients. The new ECDS is enabling us to better understand the needs of
patients accessing A&E departments. We will embed this into UTCs and SDEC services from
2020. We will develop an equivalent ambulance data set that will, for the first time, bring
together data from all ambulance services nationally in order to follow and understand patient
journeys from the ambulance service into other urgent and emergency healthcare settings.
Cutting delays in patients being able to go home
1.34. The NHS and social care will continue to improve performance at getting
people home without unnecessary delay when they are ready to leave hospital,
reducing risk of harm to patients from physical and cognitive deconditioning complications.
The goal over the next two years is to achieve and maintain an average Delayed Transfer of
Care (DTOC) figure of 4,000 or fewer delays, and over the next five years to reduce them
further. As well as the enhanced primary and community services response set out earlier in
this Chapter, we will achieve this through measures such as placing therapy and social work
teams at the beginning of the acute hospital pathway, setting an expectation that patients will
have an agreed clinical care plan within 14 hours of admission which includes an expected
date of discharge, implementation of the SAFER patient flow bundle and multidisciplinary
team reviews on all hospital wards every morning.
The NHS Long Term Plan24
Milestones for urgent and emergency care
In 2019 England will be covered by a 24/7 Integrated Urgent Care Service,
accessible via NHS 111 or online.
All hospitals with a major A&E department will:
Provide SDEC services at least 12 hours a day, 7 days a week by the end of
Provide an acute frailty service for at least 70 hours a week. They will work
towards achieving clinical frailty assessment within 30 minutes of arrival;
Aim to record 100% of patient activity in A&E, UTCs and SDEC via ECDS by
March 2020
Test and begin implementing the new emergency and urgent care standards
arising from the Clinical Standards Review, by October 2019
Further reduce DTOC, in partnership with local authorities.
By 2023, CAS will typically act as the single point of access for patients,
carers and health professionals for integrated urgent care and discharge from
hospital care.
3. People will get more control over their own health and more
personalised care when they need it
1.35. When the NHS was set up seventy years ago, the first choice patients were offered was
which GP practice to register with, and that choice continues today. In the intervening seven
decades, informed consent and changing social attitudes have significantly expanded the
choices and control that people have over their own care – from maternity to end-of-life.
And in the 2000s the NHS successfully extended patient choice to elective care, so that people
could choose where and when to have their outpatient appointment or planned operation.
As set out in Chapter Three, as part of a renewed focus on short waits for routine operations,
patients will continue to have choice at point of referral and anyone who has been waiting
for six months will be specifically contacted and given the option of faster treatment at an
alternative provider, with the NHS money following the patient to fund their care.
1.36. Advances in precision medicine also mean treatment itself will become increasingly
tailored to individuals, and patients will be offered more personalised therapeutic options.
For example, this summer new research showed that, based on their tumour genetics,
thousands of women with breast cancer could now avoid chemotherapy. And this autumn the
NHS became the first national health system in Europe to give the go ahead to a breakthrough
cancer treatment based on modifying a patient’s own CAR-T cells. Chapters Three and Six set
out how the NHS is going to be capitalising on further opportunities like these.
1.37. But the NHS also needs a more fundamental shift in how we work alongside patients
and individuals to deliver more person-centred care, recognising – as National Voices has
championed – the importance of ‘what matters to someone’ is not just ‘what’s the matter with
someone’. Since individuals’ values and preferences differ, ensuring choice and sharing control
can meaningfully improve care outcomes. Creating genuine partnerships requires professionals
25The NHS Long Term Plan
to work differently, as well as a systematic approach to engaging patients in decisions about
their health and wellbeing. We will support and help train staff to have the conversations
which help patients make the decisions that are right for them.
1.38. For many health conditions, people are already taking control themselves supplemented
with expert advice and peer support in the community and online. As part of wider move to
what The King’s Fund has called ‘shared responsibility for health’, over the next five years
the NHS will ramp up support for people to manage their own health
. This will start
with diabetes prevention and management, asthma and respiratory conditions, maternity and
parenting support, and online therapies for common mental health problems.
1.39. The NHS Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care, developed in partnership
with over 50 stakeholder groups, is now being implemented across a third of England. By
September 2018, over 200,000 people had already joined the personalised care programme
and over 32,000 people had Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) – nearly a quarter of which were
jointly funded with social care. We will roll out the NHS Personalised Care model across
the country, reaching 2.5 million people by 2023/24 and then aiming to double that
again within a decade.
1.40. As part of this work, through social prescribing the range of support available to
people will widen, diversify and become accessible across the country. Link workers within
primary care networks will work with people to develop tailored plans and connect them to
local groups and support services. Over 1,000 trained social prescribing link workers will be in
place by the end of 2020/21 rising further by 2023/24, with the aim that over 900,000 people
are able to be referred to social prescribing schemes by then.
1.41. We will accelerate the roll out of Personal Health Budgets to give people
greater choice and control over how care is planned and delivered. Up to 200,000
people will benefit from a PHB by 2023/24. This will include provision of bespoke wheelchairs
and community-based packages of personal and domestic support. We will also expand our
offer in mental health services, for people with a learning disability, people receiving social care
support and those receiving specialist end of life care.
1.42. With patients, families, local authorities and our voluntary sector partners at
both a national and local level, including specialist hospices, the NHS will personalise
care, to improve end of life care. By rolling out training to help staff identify and support
relevant patients, we will introduce proactive and personalised care planning for everyone
identified as being in their last year of life. A consequence of better quality care will be a
reduction in avoidable emergency admissions and more people being able to die in a place
they have chosen.
4. Digitally-enabled primary and outpatient care will go
mainstream across the NHS
1.43. Digital technology will provide convenient ways for patients to access advice
and care. For patients and staff the starting point is interoperability of data and systems, as
set out in Chapter Five. Then, building on progress already made on digitising appointments
and prescriptions, a digital NHS ‘front door’ through the NHS App will provide advice, check
symptoms and connect people with healthcare professionals – including through telephone
The NHS Long Term Plan26
and video consultations. Patients will be able to access virtual services alongside face-to-face
services via a computer or smart phone. We will continue to invest in the platform
so that everyone can find helpful advice and information regarding their conditions. As
technology advances, we will also trial the use of innovative devices such as smart inhalers for
better patient care and remote monitoring of conditions. We will also continue to support the
development of apps and online resources to support good mental health and enable recovery.
1.44. Under this Long Term Plan, digital-first primary care will become a new option
for every patient improving fast access to convenient primary care. There are about
307 million patient consultations at GP surgeries each year. Some GPs are now offering
their patients the choice of quick telephone or online consultations, saving time waiting and
travelling. Over the next five years every patient in England will have a new right to
choose this option – usually from their own practice or, if they prefer, from one of
the new digital GP providers. In other walks of life, mobile phones and apps have already
transformed services. New digital-first primary care is proving convenient and popular, and is
bound to grow. There is also emerging experience that digital GP models can help expand the
GP workforce participation rate by offering flexible opportunities to part-time GPs. The NHS
will deliver on this new commitment through three approaches. First, we will create a new
framework for digital suppliers to offer their platforms to primary care networks on standard
NHS terms. Second, and in parallel, we will ensure that new ‘digital first’ practices are safe and
create benefit to the whole NHS. This means reviewing current out-of-area arrangements and
adjusting the GP payment formulae to ensure fair funding without inequitably favouring one
type of GP provider over another. Third, we will review GP regulation and terms and conditions
to better support the return to practice and increased participation rates by GPs wanting to
work in this way.
Percentage of respondents
Age range
25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Advice on a minor ailment Advice on an ongoing problem or condition
For immediate or emergency medical advice None of these Don’t know
Figure 6: Public willingness to use video consultations with their own GP.
Source: Castle-Clarke S. What will new technology mean for the NHS and its patients? Four big
technological trends. The Health Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, The King’s Fund and the
Nuffield Trust, 2018.
“In which, if any, of the following circumstances would you be willing to use a video consultation with your GP.”
n=2,083 UK adults aged 15 and over.
1.45. Outpatient services will be fundamentally redesigned. While GPs have been
highly successful in constraining referral growth for new outpatients over the past two years
(with referral growth flat), hospital outpatient visits have nearly doubled over the past decade
from 54 to 94 million, at a cost of £8 billion a year.
27The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 7: Outpatient appointments and attendances, England, 2007/08 to 2017/18.
1.46. Outpatients traditionally serve at least three purposes, and in each case there are
opportunities for redesign. An outpatient appointment can provide: advice and diagnosis for a
patient and their GP; follow-up review after a hospital procedure; and ongoing specialist input
into a long-term condition. Technology means an outpatient appointment is often no longer
the fastest or most accurate way of providing specialist advice on diagnosis or ongoing patient
care. The Royal College of Physicians has rightly argued that outpatients needs a radical
Figure 8: Outpatient services:
Experiences of doctors.
Source: Royal College of Physicians. Outpatients: The
future. Adding value through sustainability. 2018.
Source: NHS Digital. Hospital Outpatient Activity, 2017-18. October 2018.
The NHS Long Term Plan28
Tower Hamlets Chronic Kidney Disease e-Clinics
Tower Hamlets CCG, working with City and Hackney and Newham CCGs, established
e-Clinics to improve management of Chronic Kidney Disease and reduce End Stage Renal
Disease. The new service supports timely provision of advice from the hospital specialist to
the GP, to enable better management of the patient either in the community or with more
specialist care where needed. A single pathway from primary to secondary care with rapid
access to specialist advice provided by consultant led e-clinics have transformed the way
the outpatient service is delivered. Since the e-Clinic began in December 2015, 50% of
referrals are managed without the need for a hospital appointment. The average waiting
time for a renal clinic appointment has fallen to five days, from 64 days in 2015.
1.47. In some hospitals patients are already benefitting from the redesign of outpatient
services. These include better support to GPs to avoid the need for a hospital referral, online
booking systems, appointments closer to home, alternatives to traditional appointments
where appropriate including digital appointments and avoiding patients having to travel
to unnecessary appointments. This is better for patients, supports more productive use of
consultant time and enables the capacity of outpatient clinics to be used more efficiently.
1.48. In short, the traditional model of outpatients is outdated and unsustainable. We will
therefore redesign services so that over the next five years patients will be able to
avoid up to a third of face-to-face outpatient visits, removing the need for up to 30
million outpatient visits a year. This will save patients time and inconvenience, will free up
significant medical and nursing time, will allow current outpatient teams to work differently,
and will avoid spending an extra £1.1 billion a year on additional outpatient visits were current
trends simply to continue. These resources will instead be used to invest in faster, modern
diagnostics and other needed capacity.
1.49. It’s easy to be cynical about the achievability of these big technology-driven shifts in
outpatient care. But there are now at least four reasons not to be. They are already happening
in parts of the NHS, so this is clearly ‘the art of the possible’. There is strong patient ‘pull’ for
these new ways of accessing services, freeing-up staff time for those people who can’t or
prefer not to. The hardware to support ‘mobile health’ is already in most people’s pockets –
in the form of their smart phone – and the connection software is increasingly available for
the NHS to credential from third party providers. And the Long Term Plan provides dedicated
funding to capitalise on these opportunities, as detailed in Chapter Five.
29The NHS Long Term Plan
Table 2: Doctors' views on the need for integration of primary and secondary care.
Percentage of doctors agreeing with the following statements:
Collaboration between primary and secondary care doctors will
improve the quality of patient services and experience
GPs and hospital doctors should work together more directly in
a collaborated and coordinated manner
There should be shared pathways across primary and secondary
care, with resources fairly directed to where care is delivered
Source: British Medical Association. Caring, supportive, collaborative?
Doctors’ views on working in the NHS. November 2018.
5. Local NHS organisations will increasingly focus on population
health – moving to Integrated Care Systems everywhere
1.50. ICSs are central to the delivery of the Long Term Plan. An ICS brings together local
organisations to redesign care and improve population health, creating shared leadership and
action. They are a pragmatic and practical way of delivering the ‘triple integration’ of primary
and specialist care, physical and mental health services, and health with social care, consistent
with what doctors report is needed:
1.51. We will continue to develop ICSs, building on the progress the NHS has
already made. By April 2021 ICSs will cover the whole country, growing out of the
current network of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs). ICSs will have a key
role in working with Local Authorities at ‘place’ level and through ICSs, commissioners will
make shared decisions with providers on how to use resources, design services and improve
population health (other than for a limited number of decisions that commissioners will need
to continue to make independently, for example in relation to procurement and contract
award). Every ICS will need streamlined commissioning arrangements to enable a single set of
commissioning decisions at system level. This will typically involve a single CCG for each ICS
area. CCGs will become leaner, more strategic organisations that support providers to partner
with local government and other community organisations on population health, service
redesign and Long Term Plan implementation.
The NHS Long Term Plan30
1.52. Every ICS will have:
1.53. NHS Improvement will take a more proactive role in supporting collaborative
approaches between trusts. We will support trusts that wish to explore formal mergers
to embed these benefits, supported by a new fast-track approach to assessing proposed
transactions involving trusts that have been accredited as ‘group’ leaders. Each ICS will be
required to implement integral services that prevent avoidable hospitalisation and tackle the
wider determinants of mental and physical ill-health.
1.54. Funding flows and contract reform will support the move to ICSs as set out
in Chapters Six and Seven. Service integration can be delivered locally through collaborative
arrangements between different providers, including local ‘alliance’ contracts. Another option
is to give one lead provider responsibility for the integration of services for a population. A new
Integrated Care Provider (ICP) contract will be made available for use from 2019, following
public and provider consultation. It allows for the first time the contractual integration of
primary medical services with other services, and creates greater flexibility to achieve full
integration of care. We expect that ICP contracts would be held by public statutory providers.
a partnership board, drawn from and representing commissioners, trusts, primary care
networks, and with the clear expectation that they will wish to participate - local
authorities, the voluntary and community sector and other partners;
a non-executive chair (locally appointed, but subject to approval by NHS England and
NHS Improvement) and arrangements for involving non-executive members of boards/
governing bodies;
sufficient clinical and management capacity drawn from across their constituent
organisations to enable them to implement agreed system-wide changes;
full engagement with primary care, including through a named accountable Clinical
Director of each primary care network;
a greater emphasis by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on partnership working and
system-wide quality in its regulatory activity, so that providers are held to account for
what they are doing to improve quality across their local area;
all providers within an ICS will be required to contribute to ICS goals and performance,
backed up by a) potential new licence conditions (subject to consultation) supporting
NHS providers to take responsibility, with system partners, for wider objectives in
relation to use of NHS resources and population health; and b) longer-term NHS
contracts with all providers, that include clear requirements to collaborate in support of
system objectives;
clinical leadership aligned around ICSs to create clear accountability to the ICS. Cancer
Alliances will be made coterminous with one or more ICS, as will Clinical Senates and
other clinical advisory bodies. ICSs and Health and Wellbeing Boards will also work
closely together.
31The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 9: Growth in Delayed Transfers of Care from hospital due to
waiting for packages in the home.
Growth in DTOCs due to waiting packages in the home
Awaiting care package in own home
Percentage (%)
1.55. A new ICS accountability and performance framework will consolidate the
current amalgam of local accountability arrangements and provide a consistent
and comparable set of performance measures. It will include a new ‘integration index’
developed jointly with patients groups and the voluntary sector which will measure from
patient's, carer’s and the public’s point of view, the extent to which the local health service and
its partners are genuinely providing joined up, personalised and anticipatory care.
1.56. ICSs will agree system-wide objectives with the relevant NHS England/NHS
Improvement regional director and be accountable for their performance against
these objectives. This will be a combination of national and local priorities for care quality
and health outcomes, reductions in inequalities, implementation of integrated care models and
improvements in financial and operational performance. ICSs will then have the opportunity to
earn greater authority as they develop and perform.
1.57. Both the wellbeing of older people and the pressures on the NHS are also linked to how
well social care is functioning. When agreeing the NHS’ funding settlement the government
therefore committed to ensure that adult social care funding is such that it does not impose
any additional pressure on the NHS over the coming five years. That is basis on which the
demand, activity and funding in this Long Term Plan have been assessed.
Source: NHS England. Delayed Transfers of Care: Monthly Situation Reports.
The NHS Long Term Plan32
1.58. We will continue to support local approaches to blending health and social care
budgets where councils and CCGs agree this makes sense. Consistent with emerging
good practice across the country, there are four optional models that have been shown to
work individually or in combination when supported by local partners:
voluntary budget pooling between a council and CCG for some or all of their responsibilities;
individual service user budget pooling through personal health and social care budgets;
the Salford model where the local authority has asked the NHS to oversee a pooled budget
for all adult health and care services with a joint commissioning team; or
the model where the CCG and local authority ask the chief executive of NHS England to
designate the council chief executive or director of adult social care as the CCG accountable
The government will set out further proposals for social care and health integration in the
forthcoming Green Paper on adult social care.
1.59. In the meantime, the Better Care Fund (BCF) has provided an opportunity
for councils and the NHS to work together to reduce delays, but is now in need of
review. The BCF is regarded as a success in many areas, with local authorities and CCGs
contributing more than their minimum required investment to support integration. However
the National Audit Office has reported that the funding mechanism is overly complex, and
there is a lack of clarity on the return from investment. The funding has also sometimes been
used to replace core council funding rather than add to investment at the interface between
health and care services. The Department of Health and Social Care and the Ministry of
Housing, Communities and Local Government with NHS England are therefore reviewing
the BCF to ensure it meets its goals. The review will conclude in early 2019, and 2019/20
will continue to include clear requirements to continue to reduce DTOCs and improve the
availability of care packages for patients ready to leave hospital.
1.60. Chapter Two now sets out the action we – the NHS, will be taking specifically on
prevention and inequalities.
33The NHS Long Term Plan
Chapter 2: More NHS action on
prevention and health inequalities
2.1. Demand for NHS services continues to grow, for at least five separate reasons. The first
three are either desirable or unavoidable:
our growing and ageing population, inevitably increasing the number of people needing
NHS care and the intensity of support they require;
growing visibility and concern about areas of longstanding unmet health need (for
example in young people’s mental health services);
expanding frontiers of medical science and innovation, introducing new treatment
possibilities that a modern health service should rightly be providing (for example, new cell
and gene therapies).
2.2. But the second set of demand drivers are potentially modifiable by:
action set out in the previous chapter to redesign healthcare so that people get the right
care at the right time in the optimal care setting (for example, providing better support
to people living in care homes to avoid emergency hospital admissions; providing better
social care and community support to slow the development of older people’s frailty; and
fundamentally redesigning outpatient services so that both patients’ time and specialists’
expertise are used more appropriately);
improving upstream prevention of avoidable illness and its exacerbations. So for example,
smoking cessation, diabetes prevention through obesity reduction, and reduced respiratory
hospitalisations from lower air pollution. This can also be achieved through better support
for patients, carers and volunteers to enhance ‘supported self-management’ particularly of
long-term health conditions.
2.3. This Long Term Plan sets out new commitments for action that the NHS itself will
take to improve prevention. It does so while recognising that a comprehensive approach to
preventing ill-health also depends on action that only individuals, companies, communities and
national government can take to tackle wider threats to health, and ensure health is hardwired
into social and economic policy. Indeed, the extra costs to the NHS of socioeconomic inequality
have been calculated as £4.8 billion a year in greater hospitalisations alone
2.4. Action by the NHS is a complement to, but cannot be a substitute for, the
important role for local government. In addition to its wider responsibilities for planning,
education, housing, social care and economic development, in recent years it has also become
responsible for funding and commissioning preventive health services, including smoking
cessation, drug and alcohol services, sexual health, and early years support for children such as
school nursing and health visitors. These services are funded by central government from the
public health grant, and funding and availability of these services over the next five years which
will be decided in the next Spending Review directly affects demand for NHS services
. As
many of these services are closely linked to NHS care, and in many case provided by NHS trusts,
the Government and the NHS will consider whether there is a stronger role for the NHS in
commissioning sexual health services, health visitors, and school nurses, and what best future
commissioning arrangements might therefore be.
2.5. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study quantifies and ranks the contribution
of various risk factors that cause premature deaths in England
. The top five are:
smoking, poor diet, high blood pressure, obesity, and alcohol and drug use. Air pollution and
lack of exercise are also significant
. These priorities guide our renewed NHS prevention
The NHS Long Term Plan34
2.6. As described in Chapter One, our new integrated care systems (ICSs) will help deliver
these programmes as the NHS continues to move from reactive care towards a model
embodying active population health management. ICSs – including the devolved health
and care systems in Greater Manchester and Surrey Heartlands – will also provide stronger
foundations for working with local government and voluntary sector partners on the broader
agenda of prevention and health inequalities. They will in turn be supported by expanded
teams across groups of neighbouring GP practices who work together under the primary care
network contract and with local NHS, social care and voluntary services, funded by the new
Long Term Plan investment guarantee for primary and community services.
2.7. The role of the NHS includes secondary prevention, by detecting disease early, preventing
deterioration of health and reducing symptoms to improve quality of life. Every 24 hours,
the NHS comes into contact with over a million people at moments in their lives that
bring home the personal impact of ill health. This Long Term Plan sets out practical
action to do
more to use these contacts as positive opportunities to help people
improve their health. This will contribute to the government’s ambition of five years of extra
healthy life expectancy by 2035.
2.8. Smoking rates have fallen significantly, but smoking still accounts for more years of life
lost than any other modifiable risk factor. Around 6.1 million people in England still smoke
Smokers see their GP over a third more often than non-smokers, and smoking is linked to
nearly half a million hospital admissions each year
. Current estimates are that nearly a quarter
of women in the UK smoke during pregnancy
Figure 10: Smoking at any time during pregnancy in the UK and EU15+, 2015.
Smoking at any time during pregnancy
in the UK and EU15+, 2015
Percentage (%)
Source: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Child Health in 2030: Comparisons
with other wealthy countries. October 2018.
35The NHS Long Term Plan
2.9. First, the NHS will therefore make a significant new contribution to making England a
smoke-free society, by supporting people in contact with NHS services to quit based on a proven
model implemented in Canada and Manchester
. By 2023/24, all people admitted to hospital
who smoke will be offered NHS-funded tobacco treatment services.
2.10. Second, the model will also be adapted for expectant mothers, and their partners,
with a new smoke-free pregnancy pathway including focused sessions and treatments.
2.11. Third, a new universal smoking cessation offer will also be available as part of
specialist mental health services for long-term users of specialist mental health, and
in learning disability services. On the advice of PHE, this will include the option to switch to
e-cigarettes while in inpatient settings.
Low birth weight
Preterm birth
Heart defects
Sudden infant death
Maternal smoking
Average 250g lighter
Double the likelihood
24-32% more likely
27% more likely
50% more likely
3 times more likely
Second-hand smoke exposure
Average 30-40g lighter
Increased risk
Possible risk
Increased risk
Increased risk
45% more likely
Table 3: Impact of smoking in pregnancy.
The Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation
The Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation in 120 hospitals across Canada
the smoking status of all admitted patients, followed by brief advice, personalised
bedside counselling, timely nicotine replacement therapy and/or pharmacotherapy,
and follow-up after discharge
. It improves long-term quit rates by 11%
. The Royal
College of Physicians has modelled the impact of implementing the Ottawa Model for
Smoking Cessation intervention within the NHS
, which this Long Term Plan will now be
Source: Action on Smoking and Health. Smoking in pregnancy challenge group. Review of the
Challenge 2018. July 2018.
The NHS Long Term Plan36
2.12. Global obesity rates have tripled since 1975, and the UK ranks among the worst in
. Obesity and poor diet are linked with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol and increased risk of respiratory, musculoskeletal and liver diseases. Obese people
are also at increased risk of certain cancers, including being three times more likely to develop
colon cancer.
2.13. Nearly two-thirds of adults in England are overweight or obese. In 2016/17, 617,000
admissions to NHS hospitals recorded obesity as a primary or secondary diagnosis
. A third
of children leaving primary school are overweight or obese and, on average, consume up to
500 extra calories per day. Children are heavily exposed to television advertising for food and
drinks high in salt, fat or sugar
; fast food shops are a growing presence on high streets
increasingly cluster around schools
. The government has pledged to halve childhood obesity
and significantly reduce the gap in obesity between children from the most and least deprived
areas by 2030.
Figure 11: The widening socio-economic inequality in childhood obesity at
year 6 of primary school.
Childhood obesity at Year 6 of primary school
2012/13 2014/15
Most deprived
Least deprived
Percentage (%)
Source: NHS Digital. Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet. April 2018.
37The NHS Long Term Plan
2.14. The burden of obesity isn’t experienced equally across society
. The NHS will therefore
provide a targeted support offer and access to weight management services in primary
care for people with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or hypertension with a BMI of 30+
(adjusted appropriately for ethnicity), where we know we can have a significant impact on
improving health, reducing health inequalities and reducing costs. By 2022/23, we also expect
to treat up to a further 1,000 children a year for severe complications related to their obesity,
such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, sleep apnoea and poor mental health. These
services will prevent children needing more invasive treatment.
2.15. The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme supports those at high risk of type 2 diabetes
to reduce their risk. A joint commitment by NHS England, Public Health England (PHE) and
Diabetes UK, the programme is the largest undertaking of its kind in the world and over
100,000 people have already benefited since its introduction in 2016. In many areas demand
has outstripped supply, and it has proven highly effective. We are now committing to fund
a doubling of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme over the next five years,
including a new digital option to widen patient choice and target inequality.
2.16. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is up to six times higher in certain Black, Asian
and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups. Expanding the Diabetes Prevention Programme is a key
vehicle for tackling health inequalities, with a significantly higher take up from BAME groups
than the general population. We will also continue to support local health systems to address
inequality of access to multidisciplinary foot care teams and specialist nursing support for
people who have diabetes.
2.17. Medical research has shown that some people with type 2 diabetes can achieve
remission through adoption of a very low calorie diet. This allowed nearly half of patients to
stop taking anti-diabetic drugs and still achieve non-diabetic range glucose levels
. We will
therefore test an NHS programme supporting very low calorie diets for obese people
with type 2 diabetes.
2.18. The NHS will continue to take action on healthy NHS premises. In 2016, NHS
England introduced a financial incentive for hospitals to encourage healthier food options to
be available for staff, limiting the proportion, placement and promotion of foods high in fat,
salt and sugar (HFSS). Our action has also reduced the sale of sugar-sweetened beverages
across the NHS, from 15.6% in July 2017, to 7.4% in June 2018. The next version of hospital
food standards will be published in 2019, strengthening these requirements and pushing
further in securing healthy food for our staff and patients. They will include substantial
restrictions on HFSS foods and beverages. All trusts will be required by the NHS standard
contract to deliver against these standards.
2.19. Nutrition training, and an understanding of what is involved in achieving and
maintaining a healthy weight, varies between medical schools. Some courses have
just eight hours, at most, over a five- or six-year degree. This is not about doctors becoming
nutritionists or dieticians. It is about making sure staff on the frontline who are in contact
with thousands of patients a year feel equipped to talk to them about nutrition and achieving
a healthy weight in an informed and sensitive way. They should feel able to refer patients
appropriately in cases where a nutrition support could help, if they are overweight, and have
type 2 diabetes, or high blood pressure for example. Together with the professional bodies and
universities we will ensure nutrition has a greater place in professional education training.
The NHS Long Term Plan38
2.20. Alcohol contributes to conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer and liver
disease, harm from accidents, violence and self-harm
, and puts substantial pressure on the
. Hospitals in Bolton, Salford, Nottingham, Liverpool, London and Portsmouth have
improved the quality of alcohol-related care, by establishing specialist Alcohol Care Teams
(ACTs). ACTs significantly reduced accident and emergency (A&E) attendances, bed days,
readmissions and ambulance call-outs
. Over the next five years, those hospitals with
the highest rate of alcohol dependence-related admissions will be supported to
fully establish ACTs using funding from their clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) health
inequalities funding supplement, working in partnership with local authority commissioners of
drug and alcohol services. Delivered in the 25% of worst affected hospitals, this could prevent
50,000 admissions over five years
Air pollution
2.21. While wider action on air pollution is for government to lead, the NHS will
work to reduce air pollution from all sources. Specifically, we will cut business
mileages and fleet air pollutant emissions by 20% by 2023/24. Almost 30% of
preventable deaths in England are due to non-communicable diseases specifically attributed
to air pollution. More than 2,000 GP practices and 200 hospitals are in areas affected by toxic
. In 2017, 3.5% (9.5 billion miles) of all road travel in England was related to patients,
visitors, staff and suppliers to the NHS
. At least 90% of the NHS fleet will use low-emissions
engines (including 25% Ultra Low Emissions) by 2028, and primary heating from coal and
oil fuel in NHS sites will be fully phased out. Redesigned care and greater use of ‘virtual’
appointments as set out in Chapter One will also reduce the need for patient and staff travel.
Figure 12: Opportunity cost of air pollution: Cumulative new cases of disease
avoided by 2035 for 1 µg/m
reduction in PM
, England.
Coronary Heart
Cumulative new cases of diseas avoided by 2035
for 1µg/m3 reduction in PM 2.5, England
Cases avoided
Stroke Asthma Lung Cancer
Source: Public Health England. Estimation of costs to the NHS and social care due to the
health impacts of air pollution. May 2018.
39The NHS Long Term Plan
Antimicrobial resistance
2.22. Although the number of antibiotic prescriptions dispensed in primary care has reduced
by 13.2% in five years (between 2013 and 2017), further progress is required. The health
service will continue to support implementation and delivery of the government’s
new five-year action plan on Antimicrobial Resistance. We will continue to optimise
use, reduce the need for and unintentional exposure to antibiotics, as well as supporting
the development of new antimicrobials. We will ensure access to old and new treatments,
preventative measures (including vaccines) and appropriate tools (including diagnostics and
electronic prescribing in both hospitals and community settings). And we will continue to
support system-wide improvement, surveillance, infection prevention and control practice,
and antimicrobial stewardship, ensuring resources are available for clinical expertise and senior
leadership at all levels.
Stronger NHS action on health inequalities
2.23. The NHS was founded to provide universal access to healthcare, though healthcare
is only one of many factors that influence our health. The social and economic environment
in which we are born, grow up, live, work and age, as well as the decisions we make for
ourselves and our families collectively have a bigger impact on our health than health
care alone. While life expectancy continues to improve for the most affluent 10% of our
population, it has either stalled or fallen for the most deprived 10%. Premature mortality
in Blackpool, the most deprived part of the country, is twice as high as in the most affluent
. Women in the most deprived parts of England spend 34% of their lives in poor health,
compared to 17% in the wealthiest areas
. Multimorbidity is more common in deprived
, and some parts of our population including BAME communities are at substantially
higher risk of poor health and early death. On average, adults with a learning disability die 16
years earlier than the general population – 13 years for men, 20 years for women
. People
with severe mental health illnesses tend to die 15-20 years earlier than those without
2.24. For reasons both of fairness and of overall outcomes improvement, the
NHS Long Term Plan therefore takes a more concerted and systematic approach to
reducing health inequalities and addressing unwarranted variation in care. In order to
do so and reflecting our Public Sector Equality Duties and other public duties:
The NHS Long Term Plan40
2.25. NHS England will continue to target a higher share of funding towards
geographies with high health inequalities than would have been allocated using solely
the core needs formulae. This funding is estimated to be worth over £1 billion by 2023/24. For
the five-year CCG allocations that underpin this Long Term Plan, NHS England will introduce
from April 2019 more accurate assessment of need for community health and mental health
services, as well as ensuring the allocations formulae are more responsive to the greatest
health inequalities and unmet need in areas such as Blackpool. Furthermore, no area will be
more than 5% below its new target funding share effective from April 2019, with additional
funding growth going to areas between 5% and 2.5% below their target share. NHS England
will also commission the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation to conduct and publish a
review of the inequalities adjustment to the funding formulae.
2.26. To support local planning and ensure national programmes are focused on
health inequality reduction, the NHS will set out specific, measurable goals for
narrowing inequalities, including those relating to poverty, through the service
improvements set out in this Long Term Plan. All local health systems will be expected
to set out during 2019 how they will specifically reduce health inequalities by 2023/24 and
2028/29. These plans will also, for the first time, clearly set out how those CCGs benefiting
from the health inequalities adjustment are targeting that funding to improve the equity of
access and outcomes. NHS England, working with PHE and our partners in the voluntary and
community sector and local government, will develop and publish a ‘menu’ of evidence-based
interventions that if adopted locally would contribute to this goal. We will expect CCGs to
ensure that all screening and vaccination programmes are designed to support a narrowing of
health inequalities.
Figure 13: Breakdown of the life expectancy inequality gap between the
most and least deprived deciles, males, England, 2014 to 2016.
Breakdown of the life expectancy inequality gap
between the most and least deprived deciles, males,
England, 2014 to 2016
Cause of death
Life expectancy (years)
4.16 83.3
Most deprived
Heart disease
Dementia &
Alzheimer’s disease
Lung cancer
Chronic lower
respiratory diseases
Influenza &
Prostate cancer
Colorectal cancer
Leukaemia &
Cirrhosis & other
liver diseases
Least deprived
Contribution to the gap (years)
Source: Public Health England. Health Profile for England: 2018. September 2018.
41The NHS Long Term Plan
2.27. While we cannot treat our way out of inequalities, the NHS can ensure that action to
drive down health inequalities is central to everything we do. For example:
2.28. In maternity services, we will implement an enhanced and targeted continuity
of carer model to help improve outcomes for the most vulnerable mothers and
babies. By 2024, 75% of women from BAME communities and a similar percentage of
women from the most deprived groups will receive continuity of care from their midwife
throughout pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period. This will help reduce pre-term births,
hospital admissions, the need for intervention during labour, and women’s experience of care.
2.29. Women from the most deprived communities are 12 times more likely to smoke during
pregnancy than women from more affluent areas. In addition to the enhanced midwife
model, we will offer all women who smoke during their pregnancy, specialist smoking
cessation support to help them quit.
2.30. People with severe mental illnesses are at higher risk of poor physical health. Compared
with the general patient population, patients with severe mental illnesses are at substantially
higher risk of obesity, asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and
cardiovascular disease
and make more use of urgent and emergency care
. People with
a long-standing mental health problem are twice as likely to smoke, with the highest rates
among people with psychosis or bipolar disorder. By 2020/21, the NHS will ensure that at least
280,000 people living with severe mental health problems have their physical health needs
met. By 2023/24, we will further increase the number of people receiving physical
health checks to an additional 110,000 people per year, bringing the total to 390,000
checks delivered each year including the ambition in the Five Year Forward View for Mental
2.31. Over 1.2 million people in England have a learning disability and face significant health
inequalities compared with the rest of the population
. Autism is a lifelong condition and a
part of daily life for around 600,000 people in England. It is estimated that 20-30% of people
with a learning disability also have autism
. Despite suffering greater ill-health, people with a
learning disability, autism or both often experience poorer access to healthcare
. In 2017, the
Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme (LeDeR) found that 31% of deaths in people
with a learning disability were due to respiratory conditions and 18% were due to diseases
of the circulatory system. Across the NHS, we will do more to ensure that all people
with a learning disability, autism, or both can live happier, healthier, longer lives. This
means that we will provide timely support to children and young people and their families. We
will do more to keep people well with proactive care in the community. We will ensure that
reasonable adjustments are made so that wider NHS services can support, listen to, and help
improve the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities and autism, and their
families. Over the next five years, we will invest to ensure that children with learning disabilities
have their needs met by eyesight, hearing and dental services, are included in reviews as part
of general screening services and are supported by easily accessible, ongoing care. For people
with the most complex needs, we will continue to improve access to care in the community, so
that more people can live in or near to their own homes and families. Finally, we will accelerate
the LeDeR initiative to identify common themes and learning points and provide targeted
support to local areas. Further action on top of this is also set out in Chapter Three.
The NHS Long Term Plan42
2.32. The number of people sleeping rough has been increasing in recent years. People
affected by homelessness die, on average, around 30 years earlier than the general
. Outside London, where people are more likely to sleep rough for longer,
support needs may be higher. 31% of people affected by homelessness have complex needs,
and additional financial, interpersonal and emotional needs that make engagement with
mainstream services difficult. 50% of people sleeping rough have mental health needs,
but many parts of the country with large numbers of rough sleepers do not have specialist
mental health support and access to mainstream services is challenging. We will invest
up to £30 million extra on meeting the needs of rough sleepers, to ensure that the
parts of England most affected by rough sleeping will have better access to specialist
homelessness NHS mental health support, integrated with existing outreach services.
UCLH Pathway Programme
University College London Hospitals has developed the Pathway Programme for
homeless patients admitted to hospital. It involves in-hospital GPs and dedicated
Pathway nurses working with others to address the housing, financial and social issues
of patients. Following its introduction, A&E attendances by supported individuals fell
by 38% with a 78% reduction in bed days
. Pathway, now a charity, helps the NHS to
create hospital teams to support homeless patients and ten hospitals in London, Leeds,
Bradford, Manchester and Brighton have since adopted the model
2.33. We will continue to identify and support carers, particularly those from
vulnerable communities. Carers are twice as likely to suffer from poor health compared to
the general population, primarily due to a lack of information and support, finance concerns,
stress and social isolation. Quality marks for carer-friendly GP practices, developed with the
Care Quality Commission (CQC), will help carers identify GP services that can accommodate
their needs. We will encourage the national adoption of carer's passports, which identify
someone as a carer and enable staff to involve them in a patient’s care, and set out guidelines
for their use based on trials in Manchester and Bristol. These will be complemented by
developments to electronic health records that allow people to share their caring status with
healthcare professionals wherever they present.
2.34. Carers should not have to deal with emergencies on their own. We will ensure that
more carers understand the out-of-hours options that are available to them and have
appropriate back-up support in place for when they need it. Up to 100,000 carers will
benefit from ‘contingency planning’ conversations and have their plans included in Summary
Care Records, so that professionals know when and how to call those plans into action when
they are needed.
43The NHS Long Term Plan
2.35. Young carers feel say they feel invisible and often in distress, with up to 40% reporting
mental health problems arising from their experience of caring. Young Carers should not
feel they are struggling to cope on their own. The NHS will roll out ‘top tips’ for general
practice which have been developed by Young Carers, which include access to
preventive health and social prescribing, and timely referral to local support services.
Up to 20,000 Young Carers will benefit from this more proactive approach by 23/24.
2.36. We will invest in expanding NHS specialist clinics to help more people with
serious gambling problems. Over 400,000 people in England are problem gamblers and
two million people are at risk, but current treatment only reaches a small number through one
national clinic. We will therefore expand geographical coverage of NHS services for people
with serious gambling problems, and work with partners to tackle the problem at source.
2.37. The NHS will continue to commission, partner with and champion local
charities, social enterprises and community interest companies providing services and
support to vulnerable and at-risk groups. These organisations are often leading innovators
in their field. Many provide a range of essential health, care and wellbeing services to groups
that mainstream services struggle to reach. Of 100,000 social enterprises in the UK, 31%
work in the 20% most deprived communities
, creating jobs and filling gaps in support as
well as addressing wider determinants of health and wellbeing such as debt and housing. For
example, Bevan Healthcare, a social enterprise in Bradford, provides NHS GP services alongside
wider support to meet the needs of people who are homeless
. Community Catalysts, a
community interest company, works with people with long term health and care needs to help
them develop and run their own micro community enterprises with over 1,800 enterprises
being launched across the country
. This kind of innovation will need to be encouraged and
supported by ICSs to address health inequalities in their populations.
2.38. A major factor in maintaining good mental health is stable employment. This Plan sets
out how the NHS is improving access to mental health support for people in work and our
commitment to supporting people with severe mental illnesses to seek and retain employment.
As the largest employer in England, we are also taking action to improve the mental health
and wellbeing of our workforce and setting an example to other employers.
2.39. As well as moderating growth in demand for healthcare, NHS action on health
and health inequalities relieves pressure on other essential public services. Detail of
some of these actions supported by this Long Term Plan are set out in the Appendix.
The NHS Long Term Plan44
Chapter 3: Further progress on
care quality and outcomes
3.1. For all major conditions, the quality of care and the outcomes for patients are
now measurably better than a decade ago. Childbirth is the safest it has ever been,
cancer survival is at an all-time high, deaths from cardiovascular disease have halved
since 1990, and male suicide is at a 31-year low. But there is good evidence to suggest
that over the next decade the NHS should be doing even better. Partly that’s because there’s
currently too much variation in service quality between clinical teams and between different
parts of the country. Partly we’ll need to improve by tackling previously unmet need – for
example in young people’s mental health services. And partly we’ll be able to do better
because the worldwide frontier of medical possibility will continue to advance.
3.2. This Long Term Plan therefore sets out clear and costed improvement priorities
for the biggest killers and disablers of our population. It largely does so using the latest
epidemiological evidence from the Global Burden of Disease
(GBD) study for England,
supplemented by the views of patients and the public on their priorities for improvement
These confirm that the Plan needs to stick with and make further advances on our current
improvement agenda for cancer, mental health, multimorbidity and healthy ageing including
dementia, while intensifying the NHS’ focus on children’s health, cardiovascular and respiratory
conditions, and learning disability and autism, amongst others. It also affirms the importance
of therapies and planned surgical services for conditions that limit independence and affect
quality of life.
3.3. The Plan sets out work programmes in these areas, which will be further detailed over
the coming year. Some are necessarily framed as 10-year goals given the timelines needed
to expand capacity and grow the workforce. So by 2028 the Plan commits to dramatically
improving our cancer survival, by increasing the proportion of cancers diagnosed early, from
a half to three quarters. Other goals will happen sooner, such as halving maternity-related
deaths by 2025. And some are set to happen over the next two years, including significant
improvements in mental health and primary care. This chapter sets out the detail, though it
does not, of course, describe everything the NHS will do in these and other improvement areas
over the coming five and ten years.
45The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 14: Infant mortality, England and Wales, 1921-2016.
Infant mortality in England and Wales, rate per
1,000 live births, 1921-2016
1926 1931 1936 1941 1946 1951 1956 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Infant deaths per 1,000 live births
Source: Office for National Statistics. Child Mortality in England and Wales. March 2018.
A strong start in life for children and young
3.4. Children and young people represent a third of our country. Their health and wellbeing
will determine our future. Recent years have seen improvements in certain services
which have been singled out for action, but a mixed picture overall. Now, over the
next five and ten years we need to build on that and broaden our focus.
3.5. The last decade has seen sustained reductions in stillbirths and neonatal deaths,
alongside significant improvements in women’s experience of care
. Community-based mental
health services for children and young people are now expanding, and the number of children
and young people with well-controlled diabetes has improved substantially over the last five
. However, 1.7 million children have longstanding illnesses, including asthma, epilepsy
and diabetes, and England lags behind international comparators in some important aspects
of child health
. And our young people are increasingly exposed to two new childhood
epidemics – obesity and mental distress.
Note: Infant mortality under 1 year.
3.6. The health of children and young people is determined by far more than healthcare.
Household income, education, housing, stable and loving family life and a healthy environment
all significantly influence young people’s health and life chances. By itself, better healthcare
can never fully compensate for the health impact of wider social and economic influences.
The NHS Long Term Plan46
Figure 15: Infant mortality rate by deprivation decile, England, 2014 to 2016.
Infant mortality rate by deprivation decile*,
England, 2014 to 2016
Rate per 1,000 live births
Deprivation decile
Most deprived
Least deprived
= 3.9
6 7
Deprivation deciles based on groups of lower super output areas in England (index of Multiple Deprivation 2015)
Compared to England average: Significantly below Similar Significantly above
Note: Deprivation deciles based on groups of lower super output areas in England.
Source: Analysis by Public Health England based on mortality, births and population data from
ONS and the index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 (DCLG).
3.7. Nevertheless, the NHS plays a crucial role in improving the health of children and young
people: from pregnancy, birth and the early weeks of life; through supporting essential physical
and cognitive development before starting school; to help in navigating the demanding
transition to adulthood. Working closely with local government and other public services, the
NHS can also play an important role in tackling obesity and improving mental health. The
first part of this chapter sets out new action to improve the health and wellbeing of
children and young people.
Maternity and neonatal services
3.8. Having a baby is now safer than 10 years ago. Since 2010, despite increases in some
risk factors such as age and comorbidities of mothers, there has been an 18.8% reduction
in stillbirths
, a 5.8% reduction in neonatal mortality
and an 8% reduction in maternal
. Maternal mortality occurs in fewer than 1 in 10,000 pregnancies. But we can
do even better. Significant regional variation in extended perinatal mortality still exists
. Of
the term babies who died in 2016, different care might have led to a different outcome for
. Women from the poorest backgrounds and mothers from Black, Asian and Minority
Ethnic (BAME) groups are at higher risk of their baby dying in the womb or soon after birth
Approximately 700-900 pregnancies a year are affected by neural tube defects – in early
2019, the government will consult on the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid to
prevent foetal abnormalities
. As foetal and neonatal care has developed, pre-term birth is
more common and the survival rate of sick newborn babies is continuing to improve. Neonatal
critical care capacity needs to keep pace with these advances to improve short and long-term
outcomes for these children.
47The NHS Long Term Plan
3.9. Through the Long Term Plan, the NHS will accelerate action to achieve 50%
reductions in stillbirth, maternal mortality, neonatal mortality and serious brain injury
by 2025. In order to do so:
3.10. An independent evaluation of the Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle (SBLCB), which
supports the ambitions set out in Better Births, has shown a 20% reduction in the stillbirth
rate at maternity units where it was implemented. We aim to roll out the care bundle
across every maternity unit in England in 2019. We will also support the establishment
of Maternal Medicine Networks, which will further ensure women with acute and chronic
medical problems have timely access to specialist advice and care at all stages of pregnancy.
And the Maternity Incentive Scheme will, for the second year running, reward the delivery of
10 key maternity safety actions through a Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) rebate.
3.11. However, the prevalence of pre-term birth is increasing
, and more focus on pre-term
mortality is needed to achieve substantial reductions in overall perinatal mortality rates and
meet our national ambition
. An expansion to the SBLCB will be published in 2019. This will
include a focus on preventing pre-term birth, which will minimise unnecessary intervention
and define a more holistic approach to risk assessment during labour, alongside further
improvements to cardiotocography monitoring, and reductions in smoking during pregnancy.
To care for women with heightened risk of pre-term birth, including younger mothers and
those from deprived backgrounds, we will encourage development of specialist pre-term
birth clinics across England. The SBLCB will also encourage clinically appropriate use of
magnesium sulphate – estimated to help reduce the number of pre-term babies born with
cerebral palsy by up to 700 per year. We will support maternity services to fully implement the
expanded SBLCB in 2020.
3.12. Recommendations from the National Maternity Review: Better Births are being
implemented through Local Maternity Systems. These systems bring together the NHS, local
authorities and other local partners with the aim of ensuring women and their families receive
seamless care, including when moving between maternity or neonatal services or to other
services such as primary care or health visiting. By spring 2019, every trust in England with
a maternity and neonatal service will be part of the National Maternal and Neonatal
Health Safety Collaborative. Every national, regional and local NHS organisation involved
in providing safe maternity and neonatal care has a named Maternity Safety Champion.
Through the Collaborative and Maternity Safety Champions, the NHS is supporting a culture of
multidisciplinary team working and learning, vital for safe, high-quality maternity care. Twenty
Community Hubs have been established, focusing on areas with greatest need, and acting as
‘one stop shops’ for women and their families. These hubs work closely with local authorities,
bringing together antenatal care, birth facilities, postnatal care, mental health services,
specialist services and health visiting services.
The NHS Long Term Plan48
3.13. Continuity of carer teams are being developed and launched across the country – with
the aim that in 2019, 20% of pregnant women will be offered the opportunity to have the
same midwife caring for them throughout their pregnancy, during birth and postnatally. These
teams will deliver more personalised care plans for pregnancy. We will continue to work
with midwives, mothers and their families to implement continuity of carer so that,
by March 2021, most women receive continuity of the person caring for them during
pregnancy, during birth and postnatally. Women who receive continuity of carer are 16%
less likely to lose their baby, 19% less likely to lose their baby before 24 weeks and 24% less
likely to experience pre-term birth
. This will be targeted towards women from BAME groups
and those living in deprived areas, for whom midwifery-led continuity of carer is linked to
significant improvements in clinical outcomes
3.14. The NHS will continue to improve how it learns lessons when things go wrong
and minimise the chances of them happening again. The Healthcare Safety Investigation
Branch reviews all term stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and cases of severe brain injury in
babies, as well as all maternal deaths. A Perinatal Mortality Review Tool is now used by all
maternity providers, supporting high quality reviews of the circumstances and care leading up
to and surrounding each stillbirth and neonatal death.
3.15. Maternity digital care records are being offered to 20,000 eligible women in
20 accelerator sites across England, rising to 100,000 by the end of 2019/20. We will
continue to expand the roll-out of maternity digital care records. By 2023/24, all women
will be able to access their maternity notes and information through their smart
phones or other devices. Maternity Pioneers have commissioned and rolled out apps to
help women to make choices about their care and access services and information in a more
convenient and efficient way. Women’s experiences of maternity care are also improving,
with improvements across almost every question in the latest Care Quality Commission (CQC)
. Involving service users has been at the heart of these improvements with over 100
Maternity Voice Partnerships in place across England to ensure that maternity services are
rooted in, and responding to, what women and their families need and want.
3.16. Around one in four women experience mental health problems in pregnancy and
during the 24 months after giving birth
. The consequences of not accessing high-quality
perinatal mental health care are estimated to cost the NHS and social care £1.2 billion per
. The Long Term Plan will improve access to and the quality of perinatal mental health
care for mothers, their partners and children by:
Increasing access to evidence-based care for women with moderate to severe perinatal
mental health difficulties and a personality disorder diagnosis, to benefit an additional
24,000 women per year by 2023/24, in addition to the extra 30,000 women getting
specialist help by 2020/21. Care provided by specialist perinatal mental health services will
be available from preconception to 24 months after birth (care is currently provided
from preconception to 12 months after birth), in line with the cross-government ambition
for women and children focusing on the first 1,001 critical days of a child’s life
49The NHS Long Term Plan
Expanding access to evidence-based psychological therapies within specialist perinatal
mental health services so that they also include parent-infant, couple, co-parenting and
family interventions;
Offering fathers/partners of women accessing specialist perinatal mental health services
and maternity outreach clinics evidence-based assessment for their mental health and
signposting to support as required. This will contribute to helping to care for the 5-10% of
fathers who experience mental health difficulties during the perinatal period
Increasing access to evidence-based psychological support and therapy, including digital
options, in a maternity setting. Maternity outreach clinics will integrate maternity,
reproductive health and psychological therapy for women experiencing mental health
difficulties directly arising from, or related to, the maternity experience.
3.17. We will improve access to postnatal physiotherapy to support women
who need it to recover from birth. About one in three women will experience urinary
incontinence after childbirth
, one in ten faecal incontinence
, and one in twelve pelvic
organ prolapse. Physiotherapy is by far the most cost-effective intervention for preventing
and treating mild to moderate incontinence and prolapse
. We will ensure that women have
access to multidisciplinary pelvic health clinics and pathways across England via referral. Clinics
can also provide training and support for local clinicians working with women, such as GPs
and midwives.
3.18. All maternity services that do not deliver an accredited, evidence-based infant
feeding programme, such as the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative, will begin the
accreditation process in 2019/20. Only 57% of babies in England are currently born in an
accredited ‘baby friendly’ environment. Our breastfeeding rates compare unfavourably with
other countries in Europe
. There is substantial variation between parts of England, with over
80% of babies breastfed at 6-8 weeks in some parts of London compared with 32% in parts
of the North East
3.19. We will redesign and expand neonatal critical care services to improve the
safety and effectiveness of services and experience of families. In particular, we will
address the shortage of neonatal capacity through the introduction of more Neonatal Intensive
Care Cots where the Neonatal Critical Care Review has identified under capacity. We will
improve triage within expert maternity and neonatal centres so that the right level of care is
available to babies as close to the family home as possible. This will improve survival, safety
and the quality of outcomes for babies.
3.20. We will develop our expert neonatal nursing workforce. This will mean extra
neonatal nurses and expanded roles for some allied health professionals to support neonatal
3.21. We will enhance the experience of families during the worrying period of
neonatal critical care. From 2021/22, care coordinators will work with families within each of
the clinical neonatal networks across England to support families to become more involved in
the care of their baby and invest in improved parental accommodation.
The NHS Long Term Plan50
Children and young people’s mental health services
3.22. Mental health problems often develop early and, between the ages of 5-15, one in
every nine children has a mental disorder
. Half of all mental health problems are established
by the age of 14, with three quarters established by 24 years of age
. Prompt access to
appropriate support enables children and young people experiencing difficulties to maximise
their prospects for a healthy and happy life. While the latest prevalence survey has shown only
a modest increase in diagnosable problems since 2004 – from 10.1% to 11.2% – this overall
figure includes concerning rates of mental distress particularly amongst late teenage girls
3.23. We are delivering on our commitments to expand mental health services for
children and young people. The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health set out plans
for improving mental health services so 70,000 more children and young people will access
treatment each year by 2020/21. Access is rising in line with our plans and, in 2017/18, around
30.5% of children and young people then estimated to have a mental health condition were
able to benefit from treatment and support, up from an estimated 25% two years earlier.
3.24. Under this Long Term Plan, the NHS is making a new commitment that funding
for children and young people’s mental health services will grow faster than both
overall NHS funding and total mental health spending. This means that children and
young people’s mental health services will for the first time grow as a proportion of all mental
health services, which will themselves also be growing faster than the NHS overall.
3.25. Over the next five years, the NHS will therefore continue to invest in
expanding access to community-based mental health services to meet the needs of
more children and young people. By 2023/24, at least an additional 345,000 children and
young people aged 0-25 will be able to access support via NHS funded mental health services
and school or college-based Mental Health Support Teams. Over the coming decade the goal is
to ensure that 100% of children and young people who need specialist care can access it.
3.26. Over the next five years, we will also boost investment in children and young
people’s eating disorder services. The NHS is on track to deliver the new waiting time
standards for eating disorder services by 2020/21. Four fifths of children and young people
with an eating disorder now receive treatment within one week in urgent cases and four
weeks for non-urgent cases. As need continues to rise, extra investment will allow us to
maintain delivery of the 95% standard beyond 2020/21.
3.27. Children and young people experiencing a mental health crisis will be able
to access the support they need. Expanding timely, age-appropriate crisis services will
improve the experience of children and young people and reduce pressures on accident and
emergency (A&E) departments, paediatric wards and ambulance services. Evaluations of urgent
and emergency care services for children and young people in Vanguard sites found that, on
average, 83% of children and young people referred to crisis and liaison services were seen
within four hours. Children and young people who received intensive community follow-on
support subsequently made less use of crisis services compared to less integrated services. With
a single point of access through NHS 111, all children and young people experiencing crisis will
be able to access crisis care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
51The NHS Long Term Plan
3.28. Mental health support for children and young people will be embedded in
schools and colleges. The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Green Paper set out
proposals to improve mental health support in schools and colleges. Over the next five years
the NHS will fund new Mental Health Support Teams working in schools and colleges, building
on the support already available, which will be rolled out to between one-fifth and a quarter
of the country by the end of 2023. These school and college-based services will be supervised
by NHS children and young people mental health staff and will provide specific extra capacity
for early intervention and ongoing help. Teams will receive information and training to help
them support young people more likely to face mental health issues – such as Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT+) individuals or children in care, and as they are rolled out, we will
test approaches to support children and young people outside of education settings. The NHS
work with schools, parents and local councils will reveal whether more upstream preventative
support, including better information sharing and the use of digital interventions, helps
moderate the need for specialist child and adolescent mental health services. It will thereby
test approaches that could feasibly deliver four week waiting times for access to NHS support,
ahead of introducing new national waiting time standards for all children and young people
who need specialist mental health services.
3.29. In selected areas, we will also develop new services for children who have complex
needs that are not currently being met, including a number of children who have been subject
to sexual assault but who are not reaching the attention of Sexual Assault Referral Services. For
6,000 highly vulnerable children with complex trauma, this will provide consultation, advice,
assessment, treatment and transition into integrated services.
3.30. A new approach to young adult mental health services for people aged 18-25
will support the transition to adulthood. Between the ages of 16-18, young people are
more susceptible to mental illness, undergoing physiological change and making important
transitions in their lives. The structure of mental health services often creates gaps for young
people undergoing the transition from children and young people’s mental health services
to appropriate support including adult mental health services. We will extend current service
models to create a comprehensive offer for 0-25 year olds that reaches across mental health
services for children, young people and adults. The new model will deliver an integrated
approach across health, social care, education and the voluntary sector, such as the evidenced-
based ‘iThrive’ operating model which currently covers around 47% of the 0-18 population
and can be expanded to 25 year olds. In addition, NHS England is working closely with
Universities UK via the Mental Health in Higher Education programme to build the capability
and capacity of universities to improve student welfare services and improve access to mental
health services for the student population, including focusing on suicide reduction, improving
access to psychological therapies and groups of students with particular vulnerabilities.
The NHS Long Term Plan52
Learning disability and autism
3.31. Action will be taken to tackle the causes of morbidity and preventable deaths
in people with a learning disability and for autistic people. To help do so, we will
improve uptake of the existing annual health check in primary care for people aged over 14
years with a learning disability, so that at least 75% of those eligible have a health check
each year. We will also pilot the introduction of a specific health check for people with
autism, and if successful, extend it more widely. Psychotropic medicine is more likely to be
inappropriately prescribed to people with a learning disability or autism
. We will expand the
Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability autism or both and Supporting
Treatment and Appropriate Medication in Paediatrics (STOMP-STAMP) programmes to stop
the overmedication of people with a learning disability, autism or both. And we will continue
to fund the Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme (LeDeR), the first national
programme aiming to make improvements to the lives of people with learning disabilities.
3.32. The whole NHS will improve its understanding of the needs of people with
learning disabilities and autism, and work together to improve their health and
wellbeing. Following a consultation on the options for delivering awareness training
staff will receive information and training on supporting people with a learning disability and/
or autism. Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) and integrated care systems
ICSs will be expected to make sure all local healthcare providers are making reasonable
adjustments to support people with a learning disability or autism. Over the next five years,
national learning disability improvement standards will be implemented and will apply to all
services funded by the NHS. These standards will promote greater consistency, addressing
themes such as rights, the workforce, specialist care and working more effectively with people
and their families. By 2023/24, a ‘digital flag’ in the patient record will ensure staff know a
patient has a learning disability or autism. We will work with the Department for Education
and local authorities to improve their awareness of, and support for, children and young
people with learning disabilities, autism or both. And we will work with partners to bring
hearing, sight and dental checks to children and young people with a learning disability,
autism or both in special residential schools.
3.33. Children and young people with suspected autism wait too long before being provided
with a diagnostic assessment
. Over the next three years, autism diagnosis will be included
alongside work with children and young people’s mental health services to test and implement
the most effective ways to reduce waiting times for specialist services. This will be a step
towards achieving timely diagnostic assessments in line with best practice guidelines. Together
with local authority children’s social care and education services as well as expert charities, we
will jointly develop packages to support children with autism or other neurodevelopmental
disorders including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their families,
throughout the diagnostic process. By 2023/24 children and young people with a learning
disability, autism or both with the most complex needs will have a designated keyworker,
implementing the recommendation made by Dame Christine Lenehan
. Initially, keyworker
support will be provided to children and young people who are inpatients or at risk of being
admitted to hospital. Keyworker support will also be extended to the most vulnerable children
with a learning disability and/or autism, including those who face multiple vulnerabilities such
as looked after and adopted children, and children and young people in transition between
53The NHS Long Term Plan
3.34. Children, young people and adults with a learning disability, autism or both, with the
most complex needs, have the same rights to live fulfilling lives. Since 2015, the number of
people in inpatient care has reduced by almost a fifth
and around 635
people who
had been in hospital for over five years were supported to move to the community. However
the welcome focus on doing so has also led to greater identification of individuals receiving
inpatient care with a learning disability and/or autism diagnosis, so increasing the baseline
against which reductions are tracked. To move more care to the community, we will support
local systems to take greater control over how budgets are managed. Drawing on learning
from the New Care Models in tertiary mental health services
, local providers will be able
to take control of budgets to reduce avoidable admissions, enable shorter lengths of stay
and end out of area placements. Where possible, people with a learning disability, autism or
both will be enabled to have a personal health budget (PHBs). By March 2023/24, inpatient
provision will have reduced to less than half of 2015 levels (on a like for like basis and taking
into account population growth) and, for every one million adults, there will be no more than
30 people with a learning disability and/or autism cared for in an inpatient unit. For children
and young people, no more than 12 to 15 children with a learning disability, autism or both
per million, will be cared for in an inpatient facility.
3.35. Increased investment in intensive, crisis and forensic community support will
also enable more people to receive personalised care in the community, closer to home, and
reduce preventable admissions to inpatient services. Every local health system will be expected
to use some of this growing community health services investment to have a seven-day
specialist multidisciplinary service and crisis care. We will continue to work with partners to
develop specialist community teams for children and young people, such as the Ealing Model,
which has evidenced that an intensive support approach prevents children being admitted into
institutional care
3.36. We will focus on improving the quality of inpatient care across the NHS and
independent sector. By 2023/24, all care commissioned by the NHS will need to meet the
Learning Disability Improvement Standards
. We will work with the CQC to implement
recommendations on restricting the use of seclusion, long-term segregation and restraint
for all patients in inpatient settings, particularly for children and young people. As well as
focusing on the number of people in inpatient settings, we will closely monitor and – over
the coming years – bring down the length of time people stay in inpatient care settings and
support earlier transfers of care from inpatient settings. All areas of the country will implement
and be monitored against a ’12-point discharge plan’ to ensure discharges are timely and
effective. We will review and look to strengthen the existing Care, Education and Treatment
Review (CETR) and Care and Treatment Review (CTR) policies, in partnership with people
with a learning disability, autism or both, families and clinicians to assess their effectiveness in
preventing and supporting discharge planning.
Children and young people with cancer
3.37. Survival rates for children with cancer have doubled over the past 40 years, but because
mortality has fallen for other conditions, cancer is now the biggest cause of premature death
among children and young people aged 5-14 years. We will therefore develop and implement
networked care to improve outcomes for children and young people with cancer, simplifying
pathways and transitions between services and ensuring every patient has access to specialist
The NHS Long Term Plan54
3.38. From 2019, we will begin to offer all children with cancer whole genome
sequencing to enable more comprehensive and precise diagnosis, and access to more
personalised treatments. This will reduce the use of harmful medications and interventions,
support increased access to clinical trials and reduce the number of young patients who
experience lifelong health problems caused by high doses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Children and young people in England will also be amongst the very first in Europe
to benefit from a new generation of CAR-T cancer therapies. And children who need
proton beam therapy are now for the first time beginning to be able to access the most
sophisticated modern precision treatment in the world here in the NHS without needing to
travel abroad.
3.39. We will actively support children and young people to take part in clinical
trials, so that participation among children remains high, and among teenagers and
young adults rises to 50% by 2025. More effective consent processes for using data and
tissue samples in research will contribute to improving survival outcomes. We will seek the
views of patients aged under 16 to ensure the NHS continues to offer the very best services for
children and young people. This will be used, alongside other cancer data, to inform service
design and transformation.
3.40. From September 2019, all boys aged 12 and 13 will be offered vaccination
against HPV-related diseases, such as oral, throat and anal cancer. This will build on
the success of the girls’ programme, which has already reduced the prevalence of human
papilloma virus (HPV) 16 and 18, the main cancer-causing types, by over 80%. This will reduce
cervical and other cancers in both men and women in the future.
3.41. Children’s palliative and end of life care is an important priority for the NHS. But
local NHS funding has not kept pace with growth in clinical care costs or inflation, and NHS
England’s children’s hospice grant programme currently provides an annual contribution of
£11m. Over the next five years NHS England will increase its contribution by match-funding
clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) who commit to increase their investment in local
children’s palliative and end of life care services including children’s hospices. This should more
than double the NHS support, from £11 million up to a combined total of £25 million a year
by 2023/24.
Redesigning other health services for children and young people
3.42. A key message from stakeholders during the development of the Long Term Plan was
that the needs of children are diverse, complex and need a higher profile at a national level.
We will therefore create a Children and Young People’s Transformation Programme which
will, in conjunction with the Maternity Transformation Programme, oversee the delivery of the
children and young people’s commitments in this Plan.
3.43. We will prioritise improvements in childhood immunisation to reach at least the
base level standards in the NHS public health function agreement. The programme will also
work closely with other areas of government and key programmes such as the Healthy Child
55The NHS Long Term Plan
3.44. Children and young people account for 25% of emergency department
and are the most likely age group to attend A&E unnecessarily
. Many
of these attendances could be managed effectively in primary care or community settings
As set out in Chapter One, local areas will design and implement models of care that are age
appropriate, closer to home and bring together physical and mental health services. These
models will support health development by providing holistic care across local authority and
NHS services, including primary care, community services, speech and language therapy,
school nursing, oral health, acute and specialised services. The Starting Well Core initiative is
supporting 24,000 dentists across England to see more children from a young age to form
good oral health habits, preventing tooth decay experienced by a quarter of England's five
year olds.
3.45. From 2019/20 clinical networks will be rolled out to ensure we improve the
quality of care for children with long-term conditions such as asthma, epilepsy
and diabetes. This will be achieved though sharing best clinical practice, supporting the
integration of paediatric skills across services and bespoke quality improvement projects.
3.46. Over the next five years, paediatric critical care and surgical services will evolve
to meet the changing needs of patients, ensuring that children and young people are
able to access high quality services as close to home as possible. Paediatric networks,
which will involve hospitals, NHS staff and patients and their families, will ensure that there is a
coordinated approach to critical care and surgical services, enabling children and young people
to access specialised and non-specialised services in times of urgent, emergency and planned
3.47. Selectively moving to a ‘0-25 years’ service will improve children’s experience
of care, outcomes and continuity of care. Currently children can ‘transition’ to adult
services from as young as 12 years old. Failure to achieve a safe transition can lead to
disengagement, failure to take responsibility for their condition and ultimately poorer health
outcomes. By 2028 we aim to move towards service models for young people that offer
person-centred and age appropriate care for mental and physical health needs, rather than an
arbitrary transition to adult services based on age not need.
The NHS Long Term Plan56
Better care for major health conditions
3.48. In the seventy years since the founding of the NHS, life expectancy has
increased by around 13 years
. But different types of diseases are becoming more
common. More people are living with cancer or dementia largely due to increases in life
expectancy and falls in the rate of premature death
. With advances in prevention and
medical care the UK mortality rate from heart and circulatory diseases has declined by more
than three quarters in the last 40 years
. But cardiovascular disease remains the biggest cause
of premature mortality and the rate of improvement has slowed
3.49. Longer-term health conditions also make an increasing contribution to the overall
burden of disease
. Mental health, respiratory and musculoskeletal conditions are responsible
for a substantial amount of poor health, and place a substantial burden on the NHS and other
care services
3.50. The latest Global Burden of Disease study shows that the top five causes
of early death for the people of England are: heart disease and stroke, cancer,
respiratory conditions, dementias, and self-harm
. It also reveals that the slower
improvement since 2010 in years-of-life-lost is “mainly driven by distinct condition-specific
trends, predominantly in cardiovascular diseases and some cancers”. We have therefore
used these GBD findings to help frame the improvement priorities in the Long Term
Plan. Here is the action the NHS will now take:
3.51. Cancer survival is the highest it’s ever been and thousands more people now
survive cancer every year. For patients diagnosed in 2015, one year survival was 72%
– over 11 percentage points higher than in 2000. Despite this progress, one of the biggest
actions the NHS can take to improve cancer survival is to diagnose cancer earlier. Patients
diagnosed early, at stages 1 and 2, have the best chance of curative treatment and long-term
57The NHS Long Term Plan
3.52. This Long Term Plan sets a new ambition that, by 2028, the proportion of
cancers diagnosed at stages 1 and 2 will rise from around half now to three-quarters
of cancer patients. Achieving this will mean that, from 2028, 55,000 more people each year
will survive their cancer for at least five years after diagnosis. We will build on work to raise
greater awareness of symptoms of cancer, lower the threshold for referral by GPs, accelerate
access to diagnosis and treatment and maximise the number of cancers that we identify
through screening. This includes the use of personalised and risk stratified screening and
beginning to test the family members of cancer patients where they are at increased risk of
Figure 16: 1- and 5-year net survival for all adult cancers (15 to 99 years),
England, 2000 to 2015 (age, sex and cancer-type standardised).
Source: Figure adapted from Health Foundation. Unfinished Business. November 2018.
Calendar year of diagnosis
Net survival (%)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
The NHS Long Term Plan58
Year of death
Rate per 100,000 population
1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2016
Figure 17: Age-standardised mortality rates for all cancers combined, England,
1979 to 2016.
Source: Health Foundation. Unfinished Business. November 2018.
3.53. We will modernise the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme to detect more
cancers, earlier. The Faecal Immunochemical Test for haemoglobin will be easier to use for
patients. In trials it has been shown to improve take up rates by 7%, including among groups
with low participation rates such as men, people from ethnic minority backgrounds and people
in more deprived areas. We will lower the starting age for screening from 60 currently to 50.
3.54. We will implement HPV primary screening for cervical cancer across England
by 2020. This method of testing is more sensitive and more reliable than liquid-based cytology
so will detect more women at risk of cervical cancer and facilitate their treatment to prevent
cancer developing.
3.55. NHS England has asked Sir Mike Richards to lead a review of the current cancer
screening programmes and diagnostic capacity. This will make initial recommendations
by Easter 2019 and be finalised in the summer 2019, to further improve the delivery of the
screening programmes, increase uptake and learn the lessons from the recent issues around
breast and cervical screening, and modernise and expand diagnostic capacity. We will take
forward the findings of the review as part of this Plan.
3.56. Over the next two years, we will extend the lung health checks that have
already produced strong results in Liverpool and Manchester. Patients will have a breath
test and a discussion to assess their individual lung cancer risk. Any patient assessed as being
at high risk of lung cancer will have an immediate low-dose CT scan. During the Manchester
trial, 65% of lung cancers were diagnosed at stage 1 and 13% at stage 4, compared to 18%
at stage 1 and 48% at stage 4 before the trial. From 2019, we will deploy more mobile lung
59The NHS Long Term Plan
CT scanners – taking the support to people in supermarket car parks – starting in parts of the
country with the lowest lung cancer survival rates. This will identify more cancers quickly, pick
up a range of other health conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
and help reduce inequalities in cancer outcomes.
3.57. For fast growing cancers, shortening intervals between referral to treatment saves lives.
For every person with suspected cancer, shortening the anxious wait between suspicion and
exclusion or confirmation of cancer will deliver a far better experience of care.
More cancers are
being diagnosed following a GP referral or from screening, with reductions in diagnosis through
emergency presentation
. We want to ensure that all GPs are using the latest evidence-
based guidance from NICE to identify children, young people and adults at risk of cancer
Primary care networks will be required to help improve early diagnosis of patients in their own
neighbourhoods by 2023/24.
3.58. We will begin introducing a new faster diagnosis standard from 2020 to ensure
most patients receive a definitive diagnosis or ruling out of cancer within 28 days of
referral from a GP or from screening. For people diagnosed with cancer, it will mean they
can begin their treatment earlier. For those who aren’t, this will put their minds at rest more
quickly at a very stressful time. To support the delivery of the new standard, we will align
our Cancer Alliances with STP and ICS footprints and NHS England and NHS Improvement
regions. They will implement a new timed diagnostic pathway for specific cancers, building
on the timed pathways already being introduced in lung, colorectal and prostate cancer. Data
collection for all patients will start in 2019, with full monitoring against the standard beginning
in April 2020, and performance ramping up as additional diagnostic capacity comes online.
3.59. The new faster diagnosis standard will be underpinned by a radical overhaul
of the way diagnostic services are delivered for patients with suspected cancer. From
2019, we will start the roll-out of new Rapid Diagnostic Centres (RDCs) across the country to
upgrade and bring together the latest diagnostic equipment and expertise, building on ten
models piloted with Cancer Research UK, which have focused on diagnosing cancers where
patients often present with non-specific symptoms and may go to their GP many times before
being sent for tests, such as blood and stomach cancers. In time, RDCs will play a role in the
diagnosis of all patients with suspected cancer, including self-referral for people with red-flag
symptoms. For patients with cancer, this will mean they can get quicker access to an accurate
diagnosis and begin their treatment. The majority of patients who do not have cancer, but may
have other conditions, will be referred on quickly to get the right support.
3.60. The NHS will use its capital settlement to be negotiated in the 2019 Spending
Review in part to invest in new equipment, including CT and MRI scanners, which
can deliver faster and safer tests.
Broader reforms of the way that diagnostic services are
organised – including pathology and imaging networks – will also mean test results can be
turned around quickly and staff time and skills will be used most effectively, so that patients can
have multiple successive tests in one visit. As set out in Chapter Six, this will improve quality of
care (including patient experience) and efficiency, while reducing variation in clinical outcomes.
The NHS Long Term Plan60
Figure 18: International comparison of the number of CT scanners per million
population in 2015 (or nearest year).
United States
Slovak Republic
New Zealand
Czech Republic
Russian Fed.
United Kingdom
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of CT scanners (per million population)
Note: The OECD average is calculated for the 34 OECD countries for which data were available.
The UK data used in this comparison are from 2014.
Source: Health Foundation. Unfinished Business. November 2018.
3.61. We will speed up the path from innovation to business-as-usual, spreading
proven new techniques and technologies and reducing variation. As part of the NHS'
contribution to the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission, 5-ALA – which enables more accurate
surgery on brain tumours – will be available in every neurosurgical centre in England. New
investment will ensure the next generation of treatments are implemented rapidly across the
3.62. Safer and more precise treatments including advanced radiotherapy techniques
and immunotherapies will continue to support improvements in survival rates. We will
complete the £130 million upgrade of radiotherapy machines across England and commission
the NHS new state-of-the-art Proton Beam facilities in London and Manchester. Reforms to
the specialised commissioning payments for radiotherapy hypofractionation will be introduced
to support further equipment upgrades. Faster, smarter and effective radiotherapy, supported
by greater networking of specialised expertise, will mean more patients are offered curative
treatment, with fewer side effects and shorter treatment times. Starting with ovarian cancer,
we will ensure greater access to specialist expertise and knowledge in the treatment of cancers
where there are fewer or more risky treatment options.
61The NHS Long Term Plan
Milestones for cancer
From 2019 we will start to roll out new Rapid Diagnostic Centres across the
In 2020 a new faster diagnosis standard for cancer will begin to be
introduced so that patients receive a definitive diagnosis or ruling out of
cancer within 28 days.
By 2020 HPV primary screening for cervical cancer will be in place across
By 2021, where appropriate every person diagnosed with cancer will have
access to personalised care, including needs assessment, a care plan and
health and wellbeing information and support.
By 2022 the lung health check model will be extended.
By 2023, stratified, follow-up pathways for people who are worried their
cancer may have recurred. These will be in place for all clinically appropriate
By 2028, the NHS will diagnose 75% of cancers at stage 1 or 2.
3.63. We will extend the use of molecular diagnostics and, over the next ten years,
the NHS will routinely offer genomic testing to all people with cancer for whom it
would be of clinical benefit, and expand participation in research. The NHS will begin
from 2020/21 to offer more extensive genomic testing to patients who are newly diagnosed
with cancers so that by 2023 over 100,000 people a year can access these tests.
3.64. By 2021, where appropriate every person diagnosed with cancer will have
access to personalised care, including needs assessment, a care plan and health
and wellbeing information and support. This will be delivered in line with the NHS
Comprehensive Model for Personalised Care. This will empower people to manage their care
and the impact of their cancer, and maximise the potential of digital and community-based
support. Over the next three years every patient with cancer will get a full assessment of
their needs, an individual care plan and information and support for their wider health and
wellbeing. All patients, including those with secondary cancers, will have access to the right
expertise and support, including a Clinical Nurse Specialist or other support worker.
3.65. After treatment, patients will move to a follow-up pathway that suits their
needs, and ensures they can get rapid access to clinical support where they are
worried that their cancer may have recurred. This stratified follow-up approach will be
established in all trusts for breast cancer in 2019, for prostate and colorectal cancers in 2020
and for other cancers where clinically appropriate by 2023. From 2019, we will begin to
introduce an innovative quality of life metric – the first on this scale in the world – to track and
respond to the long-term impact of cancer.
The NHS Long Term Plan62
Cardiovascular disease
3.66. Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD),
causes a quarter of all deaths in the UK
and is the largest cause of premature
mortality in deprived areas. This is the single biggest area where the NHS can save
lives over the next 10 years. CVD is largely preventable, through lifestyle changes and a
combination of public health and NHS action on smoking and tobacco addiction, obesity,
tackling alcohol misuse and food reformulation. Chapter Two sets out more detail. Eating too
much salt remains a leading cause of raised blood pressure, leading to thousands of heart
attacks, strokes and early deaths. Reducing salt in foods by 1 gram/day, for example, could
prevent 1,500 premature deaths each year and save the NHS over £140 million annually. The
government has been clear that salt intake needs to reduce. Some – but insufficient – progress
has been made with the voluntary salt reduction programme. The government has agreed to
set out by Easter 2019 the details of how the programme's targets will be met.
3.67. Early detection and treatment of CVD can help patients live longer, healthier
lives. Too many people are still living with undetected, high-risk conditions such as high
blood pressure, raised cholesterol, and atrial fibrillation (AF). Other countries have made more
progress on identification and diagnosis working towards people routinely knowing their ‘ABC’
(AF, Blood pressure and Cholesterol). Replicating this approach will be increasingly possible with
digital technology, and major progress could be achieved working with the voluntary sector,
employers, the public sector and NHS staff themselves.
3.68. Working with local authorities and PHE, we will improve the effectiveness
of approaches such as the NHS Health Check, rapidly treating those identified with
high-risk conditions. Working with voluntary sector partners, community pharmacists and GP
practices will also provide opportunities for the public to check on their health, through tests
for high blood pressure and other high-risk conditions. Expanding access to genetic testing
for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH), which causes early heart attacks and affects at least
150,000 people in England
, will enable us to diagnose and treat those at genetic risk of
sudden cardiac death.
Currently only 7% of those with FH have been identified
, but we will
aim to improve that to at least 25% in the next five years through the NHS genomics programme.
3.69. Where individuals are identified with high risk conditions, appropriate
preventative treatments will be offered in a timely way. We will support pharmacists and
nurses in primary care networks (see Chapter One) to case find and treat people with high-risk
Where 100 people with AF are identified and receive anticoagulation medication, an
average of four strokes are averted, preventing serious disability or even death. The creation of a
national CVD prevention audit for primary care will also support continuous clinical improvement.
3.70. People with heart failure and heart valve disease will be better supported
by multi-disciplinary teams as part of primary care networks. 80% of heart failure is
currently diagnosed in hospital, despite 40% of patients having symptoms that should have
triggered an earlier assessment
. When admitted to hospital, we will improve rapid access to
heart failure nurses so that more patients with heart failure, who are not on a cardiology ward,
will receive specialist care and advice
. Better, personalised planning for patients will reduce
nights spent in hospital and reduce drug spend. Greater access to echocardiography in primary
care will improve the investigation of those with breathlessness, and the early detection of
heart failure and valve disease.
63The NHS Long Term Plan
CPR and GoodSAM
Apps and mobile technology are increasingly helping people to play a role in their own
care and that of others. The GoodSAM app platform allows members of the public
who can deliver basic life support (CPR) and use a defibrillator to receive alerts from
anyone in their local area who needs urgent assistance. It integrates with ambulance
dispatch systems and also features a crowdsourced map of defibrillators – including
those in vehicles. The platform now has over 19,000 volunteers and partnerships with
80 organisations, including many NHS ambulance trusts. This is being supported to scale
3.72. Cardiac rehabilitation is an intervention recommended by NICE which can save
lives, improve quality of life and reduce hospital readmissions
. Access to and uptake
of cardiac rehabilitation services varies across England, and only 62,822 patients (52%) of the
121,500 eligible patients per year take up offers of cardiac rehabilitation
. Scaling up and
improving marketing of cardiac rehabilitation to be amongst the best in Europe will prevent up
to 23,000 premature deaths and 50,000 acute admissions over 10 years.
Milestones for cardiovascular disease
The NHS will help prevent up to 150,000 heart attacks, strokes and dementia
cases over the next 10 years.
We will work with our partners to improve community first response and
build defibrillator networks to improve survival from out of hospital cardiac
By 2028 the proportion of patients accessing cardiac rehabilitation will be
amongst the best in Europe, with up to 85% of those eligible accessing care.
3.71. Fast and effective action will help save lives of people suffering a cardiac
arrest. The chance of survival from a cardiac arrest that occurs out of hospital doubles if
someone receives immediate resuscitation (CPR) or a high energy electric shock to the heart
. A national network of community first responders and defibrillators will help
save up to 4,000 lives each year by 2028. This will be supported by educating the general
public, including young people of school age, about how to recognise and respond to out-of-
hospital cardiac arrest. We also will work with partners such as the British Heart Foundation
to harness new technology and ensure the public and emergency services are able to rapidly
locate this life saving equipment in an emergency. More effective mapping of data on
incidence will help direct community initiatives to areas where they are most needed, with the
British Heart Foundation’s national Outcomes Registry allowing us to track survival rates and
target unwarranted variation.
The NHS Long Term Plan64
Stroke care
3.73. Stroke, a preventable disease, is the fourth single leading cause of death in
the UK and the single largest cause of complex disability
. Stroke mortality has halved
in the last two decades
. However, without further action, due to changing demographics,
the number of people having a stroke will increase by almost half, and the number of stroke
survivors living with disability will increase by a third by 2035
3.74. There is strong evidence that hyper acute interventions such as brain scanning and
thrombolysis are best delivered as part of a networked 24/7 service
. Areas that have
centralised hyper-acute stroke care into a smaller number of well-equipped and staffed
hospitals have seen the greatest improvements
. This means a reduction in the number
of stroke-receiving units, and an increase in the number of patients receiving high-quality
specialist care. Integrated Stroke Delivery Networks (ISDNs) involving relevant agencies including
ambulance services through to early supported discharge will ensure that all stroke units will,
over the next five years, meet the NHS seven-day standards for stroke care and the National
Clinical Guidelines for Stroke.
3.75. Mechanical thrombectomy and clot-busting treatment (thrombolysis) can significantly
reduce the severity of disability caused by a stroke. These treatments carefully remove a blood
clot from the blood vessel causing an interruption to the brain’s blood supply, or use drugs to
dissolve the clot. ISDNs will support STPs and ICSs to reconfigure stroke services into specialist
centres, improve the use of thrombolysis and further roll out mechanical thrombectomy. This
will ensure 90 percent of stroke patients receive care on a specialist stroke unit and that
all patients who could benefit from thrombolysis (about 20 percent) receive it, up from just over
half of eligible patients now. Expanding mechanical thrombectomy – from 1% to 10% of stroke
patients – will allow 1,600 more people to be independent after their stroke each year. This
combination of specialist stroke care, thrombolysis and thrombectomy would result in the NHS
having the best performance in Europe for people with stroke
3.76. The NHS will work with Health Education England to modernise the stroke
workforce with a focus on cross-specialty and in some cases cross-profession
accreditation of particular ‘competencies’. This will include work with the medical Royal
Colleges and specialty societies to develop a new credentialing programme for hospital
consultants from a variety of relevant disciplines who will be trained to offer mechanical
3.77. Implementation and further development of higher intensity care models for
stroke rehabilitation are expected to show significant savings that can be reinvested
in improved patient care. This includes reductions in hospital admissions and ongoing
healthcare provision.
Out of hospital, more integrated and higher intensity rehabilitation for
people recovering from stroke, delivered in partnership with voluntary organisations including
the Stroke Association, will support improved outcomes to six months and beyond. The existing
national stroke audit (SSNAP) provides high quality information on the acute and inpatient
rehabilitation care of stroke patients to improve stroke services. An update to SSNAP will provide
a comprehensive dataset that meets the needs of clinicians, commissioners and patients by
describing the quality of care provided for stroke patients from symptom onset through to
rehabilitation and ongoing care.
65The NHS Long Term Plan
Milestones for stroke care
In 2019 we will, working with the Royal Colleges, pilot a new credentialing
programme for hospital consultants to be trained to offer mechanical
By 2020 we will begin improved post-hospital stroke rehabilitation models,
with full roll-out over the period of this Long Term Plan.
By 2022 we will deliver a ten-fold increase in the proportion of patients who
receive a thrombectomy after a stroke so that each year 1,600 more people
will be independent after their stroke.
By 2025 we will have amongst the best performance in Europe for delivering
thrombolysis to all patients who could benefit.
3.78. National support for the scaling of technology will assist the expansion of
life-changing treatments to more patients. This includes the use of CT perfusion scans to
assess the reversibility of brain damage, improved access to MRI scanning and the potential
use of artificial intelligence interpretation of CT and MRI scans to support clinical decisions
regarding suitability for thrombolysis and thrombectomy. Interoperable information systems
supported by telehealth will aid more timely transfer of information between providers,
enabling more effective hyper-acute pathways and improving access to and intensity of
3.79. Chapters One and Two set out a range of actions the NHS will be taking to prevent
type 2 diabetes and reduce the variation in the quality of diabetes care. For those people living
with a diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes the NHS will enhance its support offer. We will
support people who are newly diagnosed to manage their own health by further expanding
provision of structured education and digital self-management support tools, including
expanding access to HeLP Diabetes an online self-management tool for those with type 2
3.80. The NHS will ensure that, in line with clinical guidelines, patients with type 1 diabetes
benefit from life changing flash glucose monitors from April 2019, ending the variation
patients in some parts of the country are facing. In addition, by 2020/21, all pregnant women
with type 1 diabetes will be offered continuous glucose monitoring, helping to improve
neonatal outcomes.
3.81. Through continuing investment in supporting delivery across primary care we will
enable more people to achieve the recommended diabetes treatment targets and drive
down variation between CCGs and practices to minimise their risk of future complications.
Further, for those who periodically need secondary care support we will ensure that all
hospitals in future provide access to multidisciplinary footcare teams and diabetes inpatient
specialist nursing teams to improve recovery and to reduce lengths of stay and future
readmission rates.
The NHS Long Term Plan66
Respiratory disease
3.82. Lung conditions, including lung cancer, are estimated to cost wider society
around £9.9 billion each year
. Respiratory disease affects one in five people in England,
and is the third biggest cause of death
. Hospital admissions for lung disease have risen over
the past seven years at three times the rate of all admissions generally
and remain a major
factor in the winter pressures faced by the NHS. Over the next ten years we will be targeting
investment in improved treatment and support for those with respiratory disease, with an
ambition to transform our outcomes to equal, or better, our international counterparts.
3.83. Incidence and mortality rates for those with respiratory disease are higher in
disadvantaged groups and areas of social deprivation
, where there is often higher smoking
incidence, exposure to higher levels of air pollution, poor housing conditions and exposure
to occupational hazards. Chapter Two detailed the NHS’ contribution to tackling these risk
3.84. The NHS will do more to detect and diagnose respiratory problems earlier.
Currently around a third of people with a first hospital admission for a COPD exacerbation
have not been previously diagnosed
. From 2019 we will build on the existing NHS RightCare
programme to reduce variation in the quality of spirometry testing across the country. Primary
care networks (detailed in Chapter One) will support the diagnosis of respiratory conditions.
More staff in primary care will be trained and accredited to provide the specialist input required
to interpret results.
3.85. Pulmonary rehabilitation offers a structured exercise and education programme
designed for those with lung disease or breathlessness. 90% of patients who complete the
programme experience improved exercise capacity or increased quality of life
. However,
it is currently only offered to 13% of eligible COPD patients, with a focus on those with
more severe COPD
. By expanding pulmonary rehabilitation services over 10 years, 500,000
exacerbations can be prevented and 80,000 admissions avoided. To increase access to
pulmonary rehabilitation, a population-management approach will be used in primary care
to find eligible patients from existing COPD registers who have not previously been referred
to rehabilitation. New models of providing rehabilitation to those with mild COPD, including
digital tools, will be offered to provide support to a wider group of patients with rehabilitation
and self-management support. We will increase the number of patients with COPD who are
referred to pulmonary rehabilitation where this is appropriate through the use of the COPD
discharge bundle.
67The NHS Long Term Plan
Figure 19: How respiratory conditions add to NHS ‘winter pressures’. Average
fluctuation in monthly admissions, 2010 to 2017.
Average fluctuation in monthly admissions
over financial years 2010 to 2017
Source: Hospital Episode Statistics, NHS Digital. Acquired through Parliamentary Questions
% fluctuation from flat annual average
Respiratory conditions Other 19 most common first recorded diagnoses in A&E
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Note: These figures are based on the average monthly unplanned accident and emergency attendances,
resulting in admission, over the nancial years 2010-11 to 2016–17. The gures expressed are proportional rise
or fall in admissions in each month, for each diagnosis, compared to a at average if all admissions of that
diagnosis were consistent throughout the year.
The 20 most common rst recorded diagnoses in A&E are: Diagnosis not classi able; Dislocation/fracture/ joint
injury/amputation; Gastrointestinal conditions; Soft tissue in ammation; Sprain/ligament injury; Laceration;
Respiratory conditions; Cardiac conditions; Contusion/abrasion; Ophthalmological conditions; Head injury;
Nothing abnormal detected; ENT conditions; Urological conditions (inc cystitis); Local infection; Central
nervous system conditions (exc stroke); Muscle/tendon injury; Infectious disease; Poisoning (inc overdose);
Gynaecological conditions.
Source: British Lung Foundation. Lung disease, the hidden driver of NHS winter pressure.
December 2017.
3.86. We will do more to support those with respiratory disease to receive and use
the right medication. 90% of NHS spend on asthma goes on medicines
, but incorrect
use of medication can also contribute to poorer health outcomes and increased risk of
exacerbations, or even admission. Pharmacists in primary care networks will undertake a
range of medicine reviews, including educating patients on the correct use of inhalers and
contributing to multidisciplinary working. As part of this work, they can also support patients
to reduce the use of short acting bronchodilator inhalers and switch to dry powder inhalers
where clinically appropriate, which use significantly less fluorinated gases than traditional
metered dose inhalers
. Pharmacists can also support uptake of new smart inhalers, as
clinically indicated.
3.87. Pneumonia continues to place a huge burden on the NHS – improving our
response will help to relieve the pressure, particularly during winter. Community-
acquired pneumonia is a leading cause of admission to hospital, despite being avoidable in
many cases
. Pneumonia also disproportionally affects older people, with incidence doubling
for those aged 85-95 compared with 65-69
. For every degree drop in temperature below
five degrees Celsius, there is a 10.5% increase in primary care respiratory consultations
a 0.8% increase in respiratory admissions
. Acute pneumonia admissions have risen by 35%
since 2013 with stays in hospitals getting shorter, indicating admission may not have always
been essential
. Consistent use and application of risk scoring for deteriorating patients
may reduce avoidable admissions to hospital. Patients identified with community acquired
pneumonia in emergency departments will be supported to be cared for safely out of hospital
by receiving nurse-led supported discharge services, as set out in Chapter One.
The NHS Long Term Plan68
3.88. Enabling more people with heart and lung disease to complete a programme of
education and exercise based rehabilitation will result in improved exercise capacity
and quality of life in up to 90% of patients. Breathlessness is a very common symptom
that is shared by a number of cardiac and lung conditions as well as psychological and mental
health conditions, and is compounded by physical de-conditioning. Generic pulmonary and
cardiac rehabilitation programmes have been shown to be effective for both conditions,
providing an opportunity for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation groups to join forces and
manage the groups collaboratively
. Test and learn demonstrators will be used to establish
an evidence base for joint cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation models, which will then be
promulgated across the NHS.
Adult mental health services
3.89. The Long Term Plan makes a renewed commitment to grow investment in
mental health services faster than the NHS budget overall for each of the next five
years. The NHS in England is already meeting the goal set in the recently launched Lancet
Commission on Global Mental Health that high income countries should be spending at least
10% of their health services budget on mental health
, and NHS England will be the only
major Western health service to have made and sustained such a funding pledge for what will
have been eight years by 2023/24. NHS England’s renewed pledge means mental health
will receive a growing share of the NHS budget, worth in real terms at least a further
£2.3 billion a year by 2023/24. As a result mental health investment will be growing faster
over the next five years than over the past five years. It is also the ‘floor’ level of uplift now
being set nationally, and we expect it will be further increased by local investment decisions.
We will ensure this translates into additional funding for frontline services, including locally
agreed spending and delivery plans signed-off by commissioners and providers.
Common disorders
3.90. Nine out of ten adults with mental health problems are supported in primary care. The
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme to treat common mental health
conditions is world-leading. Mental illness is a leading cause of disability in the UK
. Stress,
anxiety and depression were the leading cause of lost work days in 2017/18
. The cost of
poor mental health to the economy as a whole is estimated to be far in excess of what the
country gives the NHS to spend on mental health. So reducing the impact of common mental
illness can also increase our national income and productivity
3.91. The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health set out plans for expanding IAPT services
so at least 1.5 million people can access care each year by 2020/21. We will continue to
expand access to IAPT services for adults and older adults with common mental
health problems, with a focus on those with long-term conditions. IAPT services have
now evolved to deliver benefits to people with long-term conditions, providing genuinely
integrated care for people at the point of delivery. More than half of patients who use IAPT
services are moving to recovery, and nine out of ten people now start treatment in less than
six weeks
. By 2023/24, an additional 380,000 adults and older adults will be able to access
NICE-approved IAPT services.
69The NHS Long Term Plan
3.92. The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health also set new waiting time standards
covering the NHS’ IAPT services, early intervention in psychosis and children and young
people’s eating disorders. All of these standards are being achieved or on track for delivery in
2020/21. Alongside work to explore the effectiveness of different approaches to integrated
delivery with primary care, we will test four-week waiting times for adult and older
adult community mental health teams, with selected local areas. This will help build our
understanding of how best to introduce ambitious but achievable improvements in access,
quality of care and outcomes. We will then set clear standards for patients requiring
access to community mental health treatment and roll them out across the NHS over
the next decade.
Severe mental health problems
3.93. The life expectancy of people with severe mental illnesses can be up to 20 years less
than the general population. An independent review of the Mental Health Act, chaired by
Professor Sir Simon Wessely has now made recommendations on improving legislation and
. It has examined rising detention rates, racial disparities in detention and concerns
that the Act is out of step with a modern mental health system. The government is now
considering the findings of the review in detail, including the need for better crisis services and
improved community care for people with serious mental illness. Investment in these services
forms a major part of this Long Term Plan.
3.94. New and integrated models of primary and community mental health care will
support adults and older adults with severe mental illnesses. A new community-based
offer will include access to psychological therapies, improved physical health care, employment
support, personalised and trauma-informed care, medicines management and support for
self-harm and coexisting substance use. This includes maintaining and developing new services
for people who have the most complex needs and proactive work to address racial disparities.
Local areas will be supported to redesign and reorganise core community mental health
teams to move towards a new place-based, multidisciplinary service across health and social
care aligned with primary care networks. By 2023/24, new models of care, underpinned by
improved information sharing, will give 370,000 adults and older adults greater choice and
control over their care, and support them to live well in their communities.
Emergency mental health support
3.95. We will expand services for people experiencing a mental health crisis. Three
years ago, only 14% of adults surveyed felt they were provided with the right response when
in crisis, and only half of community teams were able to offer an adequate 24-hour, seven-day
crisis service
. In 2016, only 12% of hospital A&E departments had an all-age mental health
liaison service meeting the ‘core 24’ service standard
The NHS Long Term Plan70
3.96. The NHS will ensure that a 24/7 community-based mental health crisis response
for adults and older adults is available across England by 2020/21. Services will be
resourced to offer intensive home treatment as an alternative to an acute inpatient admission.
We are also working to ensure that no acute hospital is without an all-age mental health
liaison service in A&E departments and inpatient wards by 2020/21, and that at least 50% of
these services meet the ‘core 24’ service standard as a minimum. By 2023/24, 70% of these
liaison services will meet the ‘core 24’ service standard, working towards 100% coverage
3.97. In the next ten years we are committed to ensuring the NHS will provide a
single point of access and timely, universal mental health crisis care for everyone.
We will ensure that anyone experiencing mental health crisis can call NHS 111 and have
24/7 access to the mental health support they need in the community and we will set clear
standards for access to urgent and emergency specialist mental health care. This will include
post-crisis support for families and staff who are bereaved by suicide, who are likely to have
experienced extreme trauma and are at a heightened risk of crisis themselves.
We will also increase alternative forms of provision for those in crisis. Sanctuaries,
safe havens and crisis cafes provide a more suitable alternative to A&E for many people
experiencing mental health crisis, usually for people whose needs are escalating to crisis point,
or who are experiencing a crisis, but do not necessarily have medical needs that require A&E
admission. They are commissioned through the NHS and local authorities, provided at relatively
low costs, high satisfaction, and usually delivered by voluntary sector partners. While these
services now exist in a number of areas, we will work to improve signposting, and expand
coverage to reach more people and make a greater impact.
3.99. Models such as crisis houses and acute day care services, host families and clinical
decision units can also prevent admission. The NHS will work hand in hand with the voluntary
sector and local authorities on these alternatives and ensuring they meet the needs of patients,
carers and families.
3.100. The Clinical Review of Standards will make recommendations for embedding urgent
and emergency mental health in waiting time standards. This means that everyone who needs
it can expect to receive timely care in the most appropriate setting, whether that is through
NHS 111, accessing a liaison mental health service in A&E, or a community-based crisis service.
Specific waiting times targets for emergency mental health services will for the first
time take effect from 2020.
71The NHS Long Term Plan
3.101. Ambulance staff will be trained and equipped to respond effectively to
people in a crisis. Ambulance services form a major part of the support people receive in a
mental health emergency. For example, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation
Trust reports that at least 10-15% of all calls are related to mental health. We will introduce
new mental health transport vehicles to reduce inappropriate ambulance conveyance or
by police to A&E. We will also introduce mental health nurses in ambulance control rooms
to improve triage and response to mental health calls, and increase the mental health
competency of ambulance staff through an education and training programme. A six-month
pilot in the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust showed that 48% of mental health calls
were usually conveyed to A&E, but only 18% when triaged by a mental health nurse.
Inpatient care
3.102. For people admitted to an acute mental health unit, a therapeutic environment
provides the best opportunity for recovery. Purposeful, patient-orientated and recovery-focused
care is the goal from the outset. Units operating beyond capacity may struggle to offer such
care and cannot admit new patients, who are then looked after further away from home or
in non-specialist settings. The recent Crisp Commission highlighted a wide variation in the
quality and capability of these acute mental health units across the country
. The Five Year
Forward View for Mental Health programme is working to eliminate inappropriate out of area
placements for non-specialist acute care by 2021. We will work with those units with a long
length of stay and look to bring the typical length of stay in these units to the national average
of 32 days. This will contribute to ending acute out of area placements by 2021, allowing
patients to remain in their local area – maintaining relationships with family, carers and friends.
In addition, as recommended by Professor Sir Simon Wessely’s Mental Health Act review,
capital investment from the forthcoming Spending Review will be needed to upgrade the
physical environment for inpatient psychiatric care
Suicide prevention
3.103. Since 2015, the suicide rate has reduced from 10.1 to 9.2 per 100,000 of the
population, but certain groups of people remain at heightened risk. Suicide is more
common in men than women, though male suicide rates are now at their lowest rates in over
30 years, and considerably lower than many other comparable countries.
The NHS Long Term Plan72
Figure 20: Age-standardised suicide rates by sex, England, 1981 to 2017.
Age-standardised suicide rates by sex,
England, 1981 to 2017
Rate per 100,000 population
Source: Office for National Statistics. Suicides in the UK: 2017 registrations. September 2018.
3.104. The multi-agency suicide prevention and reduction programme implemented as
part of the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health was the first of its kind. As part of this
programme, we are on track to deliver a 10% reduction in suicide rates by 2020/21 and all
local areas across the country now have multi-agency suicide prevention plans in place. We
also now have a dedicated quality improvement programme to implement the findings from
the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, and learn from
deaths in NHS settings, to prevent future suicides.
3.105. We will continue to build on this progress with the Long Term Plan, so that reducing
suicides will remain an NHS priority over the next decade. With the support of partners
in addressing this complex, system-wide challenge, we will provide full coverage across the
country of the existing suicide reduction programme. Through an enhanced mental health
crisis model, anyone experiencing a crisis will be able to call NHS 111 and have 24/7 access to
mental health support as well as the services described earlier in this chapter. We will expand
specialist perinatal mental health services so that more women who need it have access to the
care they need from preconception to two years after the birth of their baby. We are investing
in specialist community teams to help support children and young people with autism and
their families, and integrated models of primary and community mental health care which will
support adults with severe mental illnesses, and support for individuals who self-harm.
3.106. We will design a new Mental Health Safety Improvement Programme, which
will have a focus on suicide prevention and reduction for mental health inpatients.
Building on the model used in Cambridge and Peterborough’s crisis pathway, we will put
in place suicide bereavement support for families and staff working in mental health
crisis services in every area of the country. Finally, building on the work of the Global Digital
Exemplar (GDE) programme, we will use decision-support tools and machine learning to
augment our ability to deliver personalised care and predict future behaviour, such as risk of
self-harm or suicide.
73The NHS Long Term Plan
Milestones for mental health services for adults
New and integrated models of primary and community mental health
care will give 370,000 adults and older adults with severe mental illnesses
greater choice and control over their care and support them to live well in
their communities by 2023/24.
By 2023/24 an additional 380,000 people per year will be able to access
NICE-approved IAPT services.
By 2023/24, NHS 111 will be the single, universal point of access for people
experiencing mental health crisis. We will also increase alternative forms
of provision for those in crisis, including non-medical alternatives to A&E
and alternatives to inpatient admission in acute mental health pathways.
Families and staff who are bereaved by suicide will also have access to post-
crisis support.
By 2023/24, we will introduce mental health transport vehicles, introduce
mental health nurses in ambulance control rooms and build mental health
competency of ambulance staff to ensure that ambulance staff are trained
and equipped to respond effectively to people experiencing a mental health
Mental health liaison services will be available in all acute hospital A&E
departments and 70% will be at ‘core 24’ standards in 2023/24, expanding
to 100% thereafter.
Short waits for planned care
3.107. Low back and neck pain is the greatest cause of years lost to disability
, with chronic
joint pain or osteoarthritis affecting over 8.75 million people in the UK. Over 30 million
working days are lost due to musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions every year in the UK
and they
account for 30% of GP consultations in England
. We will build on work already undertaken
to ensure patients will have direct access to MSK First Contact Practitioners (FCP). 98%
of STPs have confirmed pilot sites for FCP and 55% of pilots are already underway. We will
expand the number of physiotherapists working in primary care networks, enabling people to
see the right professional first time, without needing a GP referral. We will also expand access
to support such as the online version of ESCAPE-pain (Enabling Self-management and Coping
with Arthritic Pain through Exercise), a digital version of the well-established, face-to-face
group programme
The NHS Long Term Plan74
3.108. For those patients that do need an operation, whether for MSK or any other
condition, short waits are important. Cataract extraction, joint replacements and other planned
surgery all help people stay independent and yield important quality of life gains. In the 1990s
and 2000s the NHS made large investments in reducing waiting times for planned surgery.
Waiting times remain low by historic standards, and GP referrals are flat, but in recent years
treatment capacity has not grown fast enough to keep up with patient need, and the number
of patients waiting longer than 18 weeks has been steadily increasing. Under the Long
Term Plan, the local NHS is being allocated sufficient funds over the next five years
to grow the amount of planned surgery year-on-year, to cut long waits, and reduce
the waiting list. The phasing of this improvement will partly be shaped by the availability of
staff to expand treatment capacity in hospitals, and will be determined annually through the
planning guidance process.
3.109. The ability of patients to choose where they have their treatment remains a powerful
tool for delivering improved waiting times and patient experiences of care. The NHS will
continue to provide patients with a wide choice of options for quick elective care,
including making use of available Independent Sector capacity. This will be supported by
continued roll out of Capacity Alerts as a tool for CCGs to use to support GPs and patients to
make informed decisions about where to have their treatment. Patients will continue to have
choice at point of referral and anyone who has been waiting for six months will be reviewed
and given the option of faster treatment at an alternative provider, with money following the
patient to fund their care.
3.110. Given that two thirds of referral to treatment (RTT) ‘clock stops’ are outpatient
appointments, the effect of removing up to a third of these (as set out in Chapter One)
will be to distort how RTT waiting times performance is calculated. This is something the
NHS National Medical Director’s Clinical Standards Review will take into account in its
recommendations in the spring. In the meantime, given that there will now, over the coming
years, be sufficient funding available to CCGs and hospitals to eliminate long waits, we will
reintroduce the incentive system under which hospitals and CCGs will both be fined for any
patient who breaches 12 months.
3.111. Although inpatient elective admissions (as against day-cases or outpatients) constitute
under 5% of RTT ‘clock stops’, separating urgent from planned services can make it easier for
NHS hospitals to run efficient surgical services. Planned services are provided from a ’cold‘ site
where capacity can be protected to reduce the risk of operations being postponed at the last
minute if more urgent cases come in. Managing complex, urgent care on a separate ’hot‘ site
allows trusts to provide improved trauma assessment and better access to specialist care, so
that patients have better access to the right expertise at the right time. So we will continue to
back hospitals that wish to pursue this model. In those locations where a complete site shift to
‘cold’ elective services is not feasible, we will also introduce a new option of ‘A&E locals’.
75The NHS Long Term Plan
Research and innovation to drive future outcomes improvement
3.112. Patients benefit enormously from research and innovation, with
breakthroughs enabling prevention of ill-health, earlier diagnosis, more effective
treatments, better outcomes and faster recovery. Linking and correlating genomics,
clinical data and data from patients provides routes to new treatments, diagnostic patterns
and information to help patients make informed decisions about their care. ‘Research-active’
hospitals have lower mortality rates, with benefits not limited to those patients who participate
in research.
3.113. Research and innovation are also important for the UK economy, bringing
jobs and services. The Government’s Industrial Strategy set an ambition for R&D spending
to reach 2.4% of GDP by 2028, which could see health R&D spending hit £14 billion. The Life
Sciences Industrial Strategy
highlights that the UK is one of the best places in the world to
do biomedical research, with globally renowned scientists and institutions in a rich, connected
ecosystem making new discoveries every day. The government’s ambition is to treble industry
contract and R&D collaborative research in the NHS over ten years, to nearly £1 billion. The
UK has outstanding capabilities for research and innovation: our universities and science base,
leading NHS providers, genomics programme and the UK Biobank. These assets, combined
with better data infrastructure, have the potential to lock in the UK as a global force in data-
driven scientific advances in healthcare. The NHS endorses and will play its full part in the
recently announced Life Sciences sector deal.
3.114. We will work to increase the number of people registering to participate in
health research to one million by 2023/24. People will be able to view opportunities to
participate and register their interest on the NHS App by 2020. We will continue to make it
faster, cheaper and easier to undertake research in England through simpler standardised trial
set-up processes and prices, initiated as part of NHS England’s 12 Actions
Gloucestershire Hospital
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust faced significant challenges, with poor
A&E performance and high numbers of cancellations and delays to planned operations.
The Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT) programme supported the trust to split its ‘hot’
emergency work and ‘cold’ planned trauma and orthopaedics work onto two separate
sites. Senior clinical decision makers were introduced at the A&E ‘front door’ to help
ensure patients were managed more effectively. During the first six months the trust was
able to achieve its 4-hour A&E target for the first time since 2010 and had halved the
number of cancelled operations. There was a reduction in waiting times for surgeries,
including for hip or knee replacements, and an 8% increase in the amount of elective
surgery performed.
The NHS Long Term Plan76
3.115. We will focus targeted investment in areas of innovation that we believe
will be transformative, particularly genomics. The NHS will be the first national health
care system to offer whole genome sequencing as part of routine care. As part of the NHS’
contribution to the UK government’s broader aims to reach five million genomic tests and
analyses over the same timeframe, the new NHS Genomic Medicine Service will sequence
500,000 whole genomes by 2023/24. This builds on the legacy of the ground-breaking
100,000 genomes programme, that was made possible because of the unique partnership
between Genomics England and the NHS. This project is already delivering results for patients,
with early indications that at least one in four people suffering from a rare disease will have
a diagnosis they would not previously have received. As part of this ambition, during 2019,
seriously ill children who are likely to have a rare genetic disorder, children with
cancer, and adults suffering from certain rare conditions or specific cancers, will begin
to be offered whole genome sequencing.
Figure 21: Recruitment of patients with a cancer diagnosis into
clinical research studies in England.
Source: Health Foundation. Unfinished Business. November 2018.
Number of cancer patients
recruited (thousands)
77The NHS Long Term Plan
3.116. We will speed up the pipeline for developing innovations in the NHS, so that
proven and affordable innovations get to patients faster. We will create a simpler, clearer
system for medtech and digital that will apply across England. This will include a new advisory
service for innovators, linked to the Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs). We will
bring together in one place all ‘horizon-scanning’ activities. And we will simplify health-related
national innovation programmes, backing those that are most successful under a single multi-
stakeholder governance structure. For medicines, the government and industry have agreed a
new voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access. The new scheme will mean
patients benefit from faster adoption of cutting-edge and best value drugs, demonstrating our
commitment to innovation while also supporting the sustainability of the NHS.
3.117. To expand the NHS infrastructure for real world testing, we will expand the
current NHS England ‘Test Beds’ through regional Test Bed Clusters from 2020/21.
These will develop clear operational and business models that are easy for other systems to
adopt and adapt, backed by real world data on benefits and costs. The primary measure of the
success of the Test beds will be the number of other NHS systems that decide to adopt their
models. We want to see an increasing share of total NHS R&D funding spent on real world
3.118. Uptake of proven, affordable innovations will be accelerated through a
new Medtech funding mandate. This would apply to health tech products, other than
pharmaceuticals, which have been assessed as cost saving by NICE. We will also significantly
increase the number of NICE evaluations for these products, giving greater scope for
assessment of digital products in particular. Products that are ‘ready for spread’ across the
NHS will be given individualised support to increase adoption, coordinated by NHS England
and NHS Improvement.
3.119. We will invest in spreading innovation between organisations. Funding for
AHSNs, subject to their success in being able to spread proven innovations across England,
will be guaranteed until April 2023. AHSNs will also link ever more closely with other regional
support (e.g. Rightcare and GIRFT) to ensure adoption of innovation and service improvement
are addressed in tandem. Performance on adopting proven innovations and on research
including in mental health services will become part of core NHS performance metrics and
assessment systems, as well as benchmarking data. Innovators working in the NHS will
continue to be supported through our Clinical Entrepreneurs and NHS Innovation Accelerator
programmes. Through a major expansion, these will include those seeking to drive quality
improvement through non-commercial models.
3.120. As UK-led innovations are proven as ‘ready for spread’ in England, we will
support their global export through the work of Healthcare UK. We will also form an
NHS Export Collaborative with Healthcare UK by 2021, working with selected trusts to export
NHS innovations.
The NHS Long Term Plan78
Chapter 4: NHS staff will
get the backing they need
4.1. The performance of any healthcare system ultimately depends on its people
– the NHS is no exception. The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe and the world’s
largest employer of highly skilled professionals. 1.3 million people across the health service in
England are devoting their working lives to caring for others. That is one in every 25 working
age adults, three quarters of whom are women. Working in the NHS demands the highest
levels of skill and compassion, and the NHS attracts some of the very best people from home
and abroad. But, over the past decade, workforce growth has not kept up with need, and the
way staff have been supported to work has not kept up with the changing requirements of
4.2. Our staff are feeling the strain due, in part, to the number of vacancies across
many roles and in many parts of England. There will always be a background number
of vacancies as staff move between employers and advance their careers, but the current
number is unsustainable, with the biggest shortfall in nursing
. NHS staff have continued
to put patients first despite growing demand and rising pressure. We recognise this, and are
committed to improving the working lives of all staff over the next few years and beyond.
4.3. To make this Long Term Plan a reality, the NHS will need more staff, working in
rewarding jobs and a more supportive culture. By better supporting and developing staff,
NHS employers can make an immediate difference to retaining the skills, expertise and care
their patients need. They can, and will, also do more to improve equality and opportunities for
people from all backgrounds to work in the NHS.
4.4. New NHS roles and careers will be shaped to reflect the future needs and
priorities set out in the rest of this Plan. As we invest in our workforce, we need to ensure
the NHS has primary care and generalist skills, to complement what has been a major move
to more specialised hospital-based care in recent decades. To date workforce planning has
been too disjointed at a national and local level. This will now change as HEE is better aligned
nationally with NHS Improvement which now has lead responsibility for the NHS workforce.
Locally, the Local Workforce Action Boards will become more accountable to health service and
social care employers.
4.5. The challenge is substantial, but there are real opportunities to make improvements.
More people want to train to join the NHS than are currently in education or
training. Many of those leaving the NHS would remain if they were offered improved
development opportunities and more control over their working lives.
4.6. This Long Term Plan sets out a number of specific workforce actions developed
by NHS Improvement and others that can have a positive impact now. The Plan also
sets out our wider reforms for the NHS workforce which will be finalised by NHS
Improvement and the Department of Health and Social Care when the education and
training budget for HEE is set in 2019.
4.7. As a service, we will now take sustained and concerted action to:
ensure we have enough people, with the right skills and experience, so that staff have the
time they need to care for patients well;
ensure our people have rewarding jobs, work in a positive culture, with opportunities to
develop their skills and use state of the art equipment, and have support to manage the
complex and often stressful nature of delivering healthcare;
79The NHS Long Term Plan
strengthen and support good, compassionate and diverse leadership at all levels –
managerial and clinical – to meet the complex practical, financial and cultural challenges a
successful workforce plan and Long Term Plan will demand.
1. A comprehensive new workforce implementation plan
4.8. NHS workforce planning will always be complex and never an exact science, whether led
nationally, regionally, or locally. But we must ensure plans work locally and add up nationally.
Workforce plans need to be highly adaptive over the next ten years, and attentive to both the
detail and the wider context.
4.9. Our aim is to ensure a sustainable overall balance between supply and demand across
all staff groups. For doctors, we will focus on reducing geographical and specialty imbalances.
For the wider workforce, we aim to ensure sufficient supply of nurses and to address specific
shortages for AHPs and other key groups.
4.10. The funding available for additional investment in the workforce, in the form of training,
education and continuing professional development (CPD) through the HEE budget has yet
to be set by government. A workforce implementation plan will therefore be published
later in 2019. NHS Improvement, HEE and NHS England will establish a national workforce
group to ensure that such workforce actions agreed are delivered quickly. This will include the
new NHS Chief People Officer, the NHS National Medical Director, the Chief Nursing Officer
and the other Chief Professions Officers. The group will show how the future challenges can
be addressed for the total workforce, as well as looking at each group individually. The group
will also include our first ever Chief Midwifery Officer, along with representatives from
staff side organisations, the Social Partnership Forum, Royal Colleges, The King's Fund, Health
Foundation and Nuffield Trust.
2. Expanding the number of nurses, midwives, AHPs
and other staff
4.11. Nurses play a key role in delivering person-centred care in all parts of the NHS and have
been the largest clinical workforce since 1948. Global demand for nurses remains strong and,
while UK-based training is an asset, we are not yet training sufficient nurses to meet demand.
4.12. The NHS Improvement-led workforce group will agree action to improve supply over
the course of the Long Term Plan. This will centre on increasing the number of undergraduate
nursing degrees, reducing attrition from training and improving retention, with the aim of
improving the nursing vacancy rate to 5% by 2028.
4.13. The NHS remains a highly attractive career choice. The main source of new nurses is
through undergraduate education and, while other routes are important, restoring growth in
this route is central to the success of the Long Term Plan. 22,200 applicants were accepted
onto English nursing courses in 2018, a higher number than in seven of the last ten
years. And while the total number of applications fell, there were still nearly two applicants
for each place offered
The NHS Long Term Plan80
4.14. However, across the UK, 14,000 applicants to nursing were not accepted onto courses.
At a time of staff shortage across the NHS it is – to say the least – paradoxical that many
thousands of highly motivated and well-qualified applicants who want to join the health
service are being turned away. A number of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have
entry tariffs well above the levels set by other HEIs
and deemed to meet appropriate
standards by the Nursing and Midwifery Council
. In other cases the rationalising factor
has been that HEE hasn’t been able to guarantee the clinical placements needed to give
hands-on experience. Both reasons now need to change.
4.15. To facilitate the Department of Health and Social Care’s intended 25% increase in nurse
undergraduate places, clinical placements for an extra 5,000 places will be funded from
2019/20, a 25% increase. From 2020/21, we will provide funding for clinical placements
for as many places as universities fill, up to a 50% increase. And every nurse or midwife
graduating will also be offered a five-year NHS job guarantee within the region where they
4.16. We also need to make training more accessible. We will establish a new online
nursing degree for the NHS, linked to guaranteed placements at NHS trusts and
primary care, with the aim of widening participation. This could be launched from 2020
depending on the speed of regulatory approvals. And to both minimise student debt and
incentivise mature applicants, it will be offered for substantially less than the £9,250-a-year
cost to current students.
Figure 22: Number of acceptances on to nursing degrees in England,
2010 to 2018.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: UCAS. Applications and acceptances. 2018.
81The NHS Long Term Plan
How some trusts have been able to use the Apprenticeship Levy
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has exceeded the public sector apprenticeship
target by offering six week traineeship with a guaranteed interview for a level one
apprentice clinical support worker role, with the option of progressing through
apprenticeship levels until reaching a band 5 nurse role or level 6 degree in nursing with
NMC registration.
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust offers 145 apprenticeships a year,
including level 4 ambulance associate practitioner apprenticeships. This has now been
developed for all 10 ambulance trusts.
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust developed level 6 leadership and
management apprenticeships to support clinical leaders, improve the number of BAME
staff in senior roles and improve staff retention.
4.17. Mature students are more likely to have family and other commitments that make it
harder to retrain without financial support. This has particularly affected mental health and
learning disabilities fill rates – key priorities for the NHS. This is why ‘earn and learn’ support
premiums for students embarking on more flexible undergraduate degrees in mental health or
learning disability nursing, who are also predominantly mature students will be explored, with
the aim of having an additional 4,000 people training by 2023/24, supported by the increased
funding for clinical placements.
4.18. Apprenticeships offer important opportunities for widening social participation in the
NHS workforce. They also provide career ladders for staff to develop their skills, expand the
contribution they can make to patient care and strengthen their commitment to continue
working for the NHS. NHS organisations should look to take on the lead employer model,
setting up the infrastructure to deliver apprenticeships on behalf of several trusts, and
providing training and education. We will continue to invest in the growth of nursing
apprenticeships with 7,500 new nursing associates starting in 2019, a 50% increase on
2018. We will also provide the necessary investment in training to create meaningful career
ladders for these staff to develop and progress. This means that we will now be investing over
half of the £200 million levy back into the NHS in 2019/20. But the terms of the levy may need
to change if the NHS is to provide opportunities to more clinical staff in future. We will be
providing evidence to the Government’s review of the operation of the levy in 2020.
4.19. In the meantime, we will also seek to grow wider apprenticeships in clinical and
non-clinical jobs in the NHS, with an expectation that employers will offer all entry-level
jobs as apprenticeships before considering other recruitment options. We will continue to
discuss a fair pay framework for apprenticeships with the Social Partnership Forum, balancing
affordability against the need to grow these roles as quickly as we can and provide greater
opportunities for people from less advantaged backgrounds to get a first foot on the NHS
career ladder.
The NHS Long Term Plan82
4.20. 170,000 Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) in 14 professions work independently across
the spectrum of care from primary to specialist care provision. AHPs can significantly support
the demand profile the NHS faces and we have recently published 15 studies demonstrating
how AHPs currently support patient flow across the whole system
. The national workforce
group will build on these to make specific recommendations for AHPs, in particular those in
short supply – paramedics, podiatrists, radiographers, and speech and language therapists. The
Chief Allied Health Professions Officer will further develop the national AHP strategy AHPs into
Action to focus on the delivery of the Long Term Plan.
4.21. Pharmacists have an essential role to play in delivering the Long Term Plan. In hospitals,
clinical pharmacists have for many years worked closely with other clinicians, seeing patients,
taking part in ward rounds, and monitoring and reviewing treatment with medicines. In
primary care, clinical pharmacists are now a key part of the general practice team in primary
care networks, working alongside GPs and nurses, seeing patients and using their expertise
to get the best health outcomes for people from medicines. The funding for the new primary
care networks will be used to substantially expand the number of clinical pharmacists. In
community pharmacy, we will work with government to make greater use of community
pharmacists’ skills and opportunities to engage patients, while also exploring further
efficiencies through reform of reimbursement and wider supply arrangements.
4.22. National recruitment campaigns are effective, and take pressure off individual trusts to
develop local campaigns that struggle to have the same impact. In the first two months of the
‘We are the NHS’ campaign an additional 203,069 people sought out more information on a
future career as a nurse, and national campaigns can be equally effective for other roles. As a
commitment to helping recruit more staff, attract returners and retain those we already have,
we will develop annual campaigns in conjunction with Royal Colleges and the trade unions for
those roles that the NHS most urgently needs.
3. Growing the medical workforce
4.23. We are now growing medical school places from 6,000 to 7,500 per year.
Depending on the HEE training budget to be agreed in the Spending Review, the number of
medical school places could grow further. The national workforce group will examine further
options, including:
more part-time study options;
expanding the number of accelerated degree programmes which would allow people to
train in four years rather than five years to widen access;
greater contestability in allocating the 7,500 medical training places to universities so as
to drive improvements in curricula (formal and informal), and the production of medical
graduates who meet the primary care and specialty needs of the NHS.
83The NHS Long Term Plan
4.24. The way doctors are trained and the way they work will be a key component of the
workforce implementation plan. We want to accelerate the shift from a dominance of
highly specialised roles to a better balance with more generalist ones. A quarter of
adults currently live with two or more long-term conditions
, and medical training needs to
support doctors to manage comorbidities, alongside single conditions. A survey of 50 smaller
hospitals found only five had more than 60% ‘generalist’ doctors with no correlation between
medical patient case mix and skill mix expressed as the percentage of generalist staff
4.25. So we will test a wide range of new incentives to ensure the balance between specialist
and generalist doctors, and the balance of specialties within medicine, better matches patient
needs. We will also work to ensure specialty choices made by doctors are better aligned to
geographical shortages.
4.26. The workforce implementation plan will build on the General Practice Forward
View to increase the number of doctors working in general practice. While the number
of new recruits has been increasing well, the number of early retirements and part-time
working has more than offset this. We still believe we need a net increase of 5,000 GPs as
soon as possible and are committed to this. In addition, the workforce implementation plan
will continue recent provision for a range of other roles – including pharmacists, counsellors,
physiotherapists, nurse practitioners – building on the success in expanding these numbers
by nearly 5,000 over the past three years – and hence building the skill mix to relieve pressure
on GPs. Chapter One sets out how primary care networks will be able to attract and
fund additional staff to form an integral part of an expanded multidisciplinary team.
Initially, this will focus on clinical pharmacists, link workers, first contact physiotherapists
and physician associates. Over time, it will be expanded to include additional groups such as
community paramedics.
4.27. Additionally, newly qualified doctors and nurses entering general practice will
be offered a two-year fellowship, a scheme suggested by the GP partnership review
This would offer a secure contract of employment alongside a portfolio role tailored, where
possible, to the aims of the individual and the needs of the local primary care system. This will
enable newly qualified nurses to consider primary care as a first destination role. There is also
evidence that such approaches will, for example, increase the number of GP registrars taking
up substantive roles in primary care.
4.28. The government has also committed to a new state-backed GP indemnity
scheme from April 2019, as part of a five-year funding and reform package. The purpose of
the indemnity reform is to address concerns about rising NHS indemnity costs, in a cost neutral
way, as well as extending the scope of coverage to support the expanded multidisciplinary
teams described above.
The NHS Long Term Plan84
4.29. Working with the British Medical Association, the medical Royal Colleges, the General
Medical Council and providers, we will also address:
how the wider NHS can support the implementation of HEE’s work to improve the working
lives of doctors in training, including providing adequate time for supervision, accelerating
implementation of ‘step out and step in’ training programmes and further work to enable
trainees to switch specialties without re-starting training;
how to accelerate the development of credentialing, which has been piloted by HEE, to
enable doctors to broaden the scope of their practice, both during and after training;
how to reform and re-open the Associate Specialist grade as an attractive career option in
line with the HEE led strategy for Specialist and Associate Specialist doctors;
the acceleration of work to ensure doctors are trained with the generalist skills needed to
meet the needs of an ageing population, alongside the development of specialist knowledge
and skills;
the development of incentives to ensure that the specialty choices of trainees meet the
needs of patients by matching specialty and geographical needs, especially in primary
care, community care and mental health services;
the consideration of any further proposals from the work on reforming medical education
which will support the delivery of the Long Term Plan.
4. International recruitment
4.30. From the inception of the NHS 70 years ago, patients have benefited from the
expertise, commitment and compassion of staff who have come to work in the NHS. The
Windrush anniversary this year was an important opportunity to celebrate the contribution
of staff from the Caribbean. We owe a considerable debt to our staff from the European
Economic Area (EEA), who – whether consultants, community nurses or catering assistants
– play their part in keeping the NHS running. We want staff from the EEA that are currently
working across the NHS to stay after the UK exits the European Union. Many trusts are now
meeting the cost of applying for settled status for their staff from the EEA. NHS England and
NHS Improvement will directly monitor NHS staffing flows post-Brexit to advise government on
any necessary consequential action.
4.31. In the longer-term, we need to ensure we are training more of the people we need
domestically. But this will take time given it takes three years to train a nurse and at least
five years of training before a doctor can work in the NHS, so in the short-term we must
also continue to ensure that high-skilled people from other countries from whom it is
ethical to recruit are able to join the NHS. This will mean a step change in the recruitment of
international nurses to work in the NHS and we expect that over the next five years this will
increase nurse supplies by several thousand each year.
4.32. We recognise that doing so will require central support. The workforce implementation
plan will set out new national arrangements to support NHS organisations in recruiting
overseas. We will explore the potential to expand the Medical Training Initiative so that more
medical trainees from both developed and developing countries can spend time learning and
working in the NHS.
85The NHS Long Term Plan
4.33. The changes to the immigration rules in 2018, which exempted all doctors and nurses
from the immigration cap, have facilitated more responsive routes for recruiting staff in these
professional groups. We will work with government to ensure the post-Brexit migration system
provides the necessary certainty for health and social care employers, particularly for shortage
4.34. The professional regulatory bodies have a significant role in enabling the recruitment
and employment of appropriately trained overseas professionals in the UK. It is critical that
individuals looking to register to work in the UK can move through regulatory processes
quickly, while upholding the high standards the public expects. The NMC will update the
English Language testing requirements for 2019 and we will continue to work with regulators
to ensure that language competency and international registration processes are proportionate
to risk and responsive to need.
5. Supporting our current NHS staff
4.35. People are proud to work in the NHS. Three-quarters of respondents to the 2017 staff
survey reported they are enthusiastic about their job, and nine in 10 agreed their role makes a
difference to patients and service users. However, the leaver rate for nurses was 8% in 2017 –
up from 6.8% in 2013. Growing the NHS workforce will partly depend on retaining the
staff we have. Training lead-times mean new investment in staff will not deliver additional
supply for at least three years. This means concerted action to support employers in retaining
staff is an urgent priority now and will remain a necessity throughout the next decade.
4.36. NHS Improvement’s Retention Collaborative has already delivered substantial
measurable improvements through targeted support for trusts with high turnover. We will
extend this support to all NHS employers, and NHS Improvement is committed to improving
staff retention by at least 2% by 2025, the equivalent of 12,400 additional nurses.
4.37. One of the top reasons for people leaving is that they do not receive the
development and career progression that they need. CPD or more specifically
workforce development - has the potential to deliver a high return on investment. It offers
staff career progression that motivates them to stay within the NHS and, just as importantly,
equips them with the skills to operate at advanced levels of professional practice and to
meet patients’ needs of the future. HEE has committed to increase the proportion of its total
budget spent on workforce development in the short-term, with a focus on primary care and
community settings. Support from employers is also key – in particular ensuring that staff are
given the time out to develop their skills. Following agreement of the HEE training budget in
this year’s Government Spending Review, we will expect to increase investment in CPD over
the next five years.
The NHS Long Term Plan86
4.38. We will expand multi-professional credentialing to enable clinicians to develop
new capabilities formally recognised in specific areas of competence. This will allow
clinicians to shift or expand their scope of practice to other areas more easily, creating a
more adaptable workforce. With partners, we have already developed several credentials,
for example the Royal College of Nursing’s Advanced Level Nurse Practitioner credentialing
scheme and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s credentialing for Emergency Care
Advanced Clinical Practitioners. We will accelerate development of credentials for mental
health, cardiovascular disease, ageing population, preventing harm and cancer, with the
intention of publishing standards in 2020.
4.39. Inflexible and unpredictable working patterns make it harder for people to balance
their work and personal life obligations. To make the NHS a consistently great place to
work, we will seek to shape a modern employment culture for the NHS – promoting
flexibility, wellbeing and career development, and redoubling our efforts to address
discrimination, violence, bullying and harassment. Many of the building blocks for this
work are already in place in parts of the NHS. The Social Partnership Forum has set out an
important programme on bullying and harassment.
4.40. It is unacceptable that a quarter of staff experienced harassment, bullying or abuse
from other staff in the last 12 months. The workforce implementation plan will aim to shape
a new deal for frontline staff. It is an opportunity to work with staff, employers and trade
unions to build a modern working culture where all staff feel supported, valued and respected
for what they do. And where the values we seek to achieve for our patients – kindness,
compassion, professionalism – are the same values we demonstrate towards one another.
4.41. The NHS has recently launched a new programme to tackle violence. This includes
working with the police and Crown Prosecution Service to secure swift prosecutions, improved
training for staff to deal with violence and prompt mental health support for staff who have
been victims of violence. As part of our action on violence in the NHS, we will pilot and
evaluate the use of body worn cameras by paramedics. We will not tolerate violence against
NHS staff and, where justified, will always seek to prosecute incidents of verbal and physical
abuse. We will invest up to £2 million a year from 2019/20 in these programmes to reduce
violence, bullying and harassment for our staff. We will invest a further £8 million by 2023/24
to pilot the use of body cameras to keep our staff safe.
4.42. Respect, equality and diversity will be central to changing the culture and
will be at the heart of the workforce implementation plan. The NHS draws on a
remarkably rich diversity of people to provide care to our patients. But we fall short in valuing
their contributions and ensuring fair treatment and respect. Through the Workforce Race
Equality Standard, we are making progress in addressing these issues from the perspective
of BAME staff. However, two years is not long enough to achieve the necessary change and
so NHS England will invest an extra £1 million a year to extend its work to 2025.
Each NHS organisation will set its own target for BAME representation across its leadership
team and broader workforce by 2021/22. This will ensure senior teams and Boards more
closely represent the diversity of the local communities they serve. We will also develop a new
Workforce Disability Equality Standard with the aim of the NHS becoming a model employer in
this regard.
87The NHS Long Term Plan
4.43. We need to ensure equality for women, who make up three quarters of our workforce.
The review of the Gender Pay Gap for doctors will contribute to gender equality in the
NHS. However, the issue is broader and more complex and, in addition, concerns about the
experiences of LGBT+ staff are highlighted by the staff survey. To strengthen our existing
programme to support equality and diversity in the NHS, the new Chief People Officer will
consider what more we need to do involving the Social Partnership Forum, NHS Employers,
and members of the NHS Equality and Diversity Council.
4.44. The best solutions come from staff themselves. Talk Health and Care allows staff to post
ideas, questions and challenges, and is already providing useful insights into the experiences of
our people. NHS England is also backing #ProjectA, a 12-month, staff-led engagement exercise
with 2,000 staff across all 10 ambulance trusts in England. Teams of ambulance staff and
patients identified six priorities to be implemented across the country, including how to reduce
stress and isolation for frontline staff.
4.45. An expanded Practitioner Health Programme will help all NHS doctors access specialist
mental health support, providing a safe, confidential non-stigmatising service to turn to when
they are struggling and need help. This means the NHS will have the most comprehensive
national mental health support offer to doctors of any health system in the world
4.46. The NHS Chief People Officer, working with the national workforce group will take
action for all NHS staff to:
improve health and wellbeing, building on the NHS Health and Wellbeing Framework
that includes recommendations from the Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and
employers, and to support improved health and wellbeing of staff and management of
sickness absence;
support flexible working, including clarity on the proportion of roles to be advertised as
flexible; and the ability to express preferences about shifts further in advance enabled by
e-rostering technology introduced over the next year and associated applications;
clarify expectations on induction and other mandatory training;
enable staff to more easily move from one NHS employer to another;
set expectations for the practical help and support our staff should receive to raise concerns,
or inappropriate behaviours, confidentially.
6. Enabling productive working
4.47. Ensuring staff are making the most of their skills and expertise will form a
critical component of the NHS workforce implementation plan. We need to work at
national and local levels to put in place changes that remove wasted time and irritating tasks,
so that staff are able to focus on patient care. HEE’s Workforce STAR is an online, interactive
workforce transformation tool designed to support Trusts finding workforce solutions in this
area. The rapid development of technology is a key opportunity to free up staff time. Staff
report technology often delays access to the information they need, and that the personal
technology in their pockets is more useful and functional than the technology they are
provided at work. Improving technology will free up expensive staff time and provide safety
prompts that will improve the quality of care. Professor Eric Topol is currently leading work to
consider what education and training changes may be needed to maximise the opportunities
of technology, artificial intelligence and genomics in the NHS. His conclusions will inform our
workforce implementation plan.
The NHS Long Term Plan88
Figure 23: Doctors’ views on ‘smarter’ working practices.
“In the past two years have you considered or implemented any of the following to adjust
your working practices, in order to try and alleviate pressure on workload and capacity?”
Very confident
46% 29% 25%
Online access to blood test results
Reviewed working practices
to gain efficiencies
75% 12% 14%
59% 29% 13%
53% 28% 19%
52% 23% 25%
51% 28% 21%
44% 32% 24%
Allocated tasks previously only undertaken
by doctors to other healthcare staff
Increased number of telephone
consultations over face-to-face
Used online technology to gain
efficiencies in administration
Implemented telephone triage
Used online technology to gain
efficiencies in service delivery
Considered and implemented Considered but not implemented
Neither considered nor implemented
Online access to imaging results
66% 15% 19%
Source: General Medical Council (GMC). The state of medical education and practice in the UK.
December 2018.
4.48. By 2021, NHS Improvement will support NHS trusts and foundation trusts to
deploy electronic rosters or e-job plans. The adoption of these tools such as e-job planning
and e-rostering across the NHS will help ensure staff use their time optimally to provide patient
care. This technology also helps providers make the most of their available workforce, thereby
reducing the reliance on costly temporary staff.
4.49. To inform the work of the national workforce group, we will also commission a review
of NHS workforce data, to ensure that the information available on the electronic staff record,
NHS workforce data collections and other sources such as the Model Hospital databases,
provide both local and national bodies with real time access to a single source of trusted
information to guide and support both day-to-day and strategic workforce decision making.
89The NHS Long Term Plan
7. Leadership and talent management
4.50. Great quality care needs great leadership at all levels. Evidence shows that the
quality of care and organisational performance are directly affected by the quality of leadership
and the improvement cultures leaders create
. While some parts of the NHS have
created and sustained the leadership cultures necessary for outstanding performance and the
big service changes set out in this Long Term Plan, this is not yet commonplace. We also do
not currently have a sufficient pipeline of highly skilled and readily deployable senior leaders – a
2018 survey by The King’s Fund and NHS Providers found 8% of Executive Director roles were
filled by an interim or vacant, while 37% of trusts had at least one vacant Executive Director
4.51. There will be a new compact with our most senior leaders. We will better support
them, particularly those undertaking the most challenging roles; ensuring they have both
the time and space to make a difference, and appropriate ‘air cover’ when taking difficult
decisions. NHS England and NHS Improvement are already aligning our operating models,
and we will continue to work closely with other regulatory bodies to ensure our expectations
are clear and consistent, and to keep our assurance and oversight proportionate. We will
consistently model the behaviours we expect to see from leaders in our interactions with them.
These commitments will be enshrined in a new ‘NHS leadership code’ which will set out the
cultural values and leadership behaviours of the NHS and will be used to underpin everything
from our recruitment practices to development programmes.
4.52. We will also do more to nurture the next generation of leaders by more
systematically identifying, developing and supporting those with the capability and
ambition to reach the most senior levels of the service. The national workforce group will
look at options for improving the NHS leadership pipeline. This will build on the recent Kerr
and Kark
reviews. It will include:
a systematic regional and local approach for identifying, assessing, developing, deploying and
supporting talent, to be in place from early 2019;
proposals to ensure that more senior clinicians take on executive leadership roles building on
the recent Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management report on clinical leadership;
expansion of the NHS graduate management training scheme, and support for graduates
from the scheme, while also identifying high-potential clinicians and others to receive career
support to enable progression to the most senior levels of the service;
a consideration of the potential benefits and operation of a professional registration scheme
for senior NHS leaders, similar to those used in other sectors of the economy and amongst
other NHS professionals, which would recognise the role of NHS management and help the
NHS attract and retain the best people for the most challenging jobs;
measures to support transitions from other sectors into senior leadership positions in the
4.53. We will do more to develop and embed cultures of compassion, inclusion, and
collaboration across the NHS. Building on the ambitions of Developing People: Improving
Care we will work to support all parts of the NHS to create an inclusive and just culture that
leads to outstanding staff engagement and patient care, including:
The NHS Long Term Plan90
programmes and interventions to ensure a more diverse leadership cadre, and more inclusive
cultures, to improve the experience and representation of all staff and the population they
leadership development offers available to staff at all levels, and the establishment of a
faculty of coaches and mentors available to support senior leaders;
developing the knowledge of improvement skills and how to apply them for all levels of
leadership in the NHS.
Examples of specific requirements in the Workforce Implementation Plan
The mental health sector is already delivering innovative workforce solutions to meet
the needs of patients. As well as an increase in the recruitment and retention in mental
health medical training, new roles, such as physician associates, nursing associates, AHP
associates and Advanced Clinical Practitioners are an important part of meeting current
and future workforce demands. The evidence for these approaches is strong – introducing
Peer Support Workers to acute settings has been shown to reduce readmissions.
We will work with HEE to modernise the stroke workforce with a focus on cross-specialty
and in some cases cross-profession accreditation of particular competencies. This will
include work with the medical Royal Colleges and specialty societies to introduce a new
credentialing programme for hospital consultants from a variety of relevant disciplines
who will be trained to offer mechanical thrombectomy.
For cancer, we need to recruit an additional 1,500 new clinical and diagnostic staff across
seven priority specialisms between 2018 and 2021. Since 2017, there has been a net
increase of 833 FTE staff across the seven priority specialisms.
8. Volunteers
4.54. Staff, patients and volunteers benefit from well-designed volunteering
initiatives. Volunteers contribute across a range of NHS roles, from first responders and
care companions to trust governors and transport volunteers. They enable staff to deliver
high-quality care that goes above and beyond core services. Well-designed and managed
volunteering programmes improve satisfaction and wellbeing ratings for staff, as well as
volunteers and patients. Local volunteering allows older people to stay physically active and
connected to their communities
, and younger people to develop skills and experience for
work and education
. But not all NHS organisations offer these opportunities for their local
community, as the ratio of staff to volunteers in acute trusts ranges from 2:1 to 26:1
. We
will therefore encourage NHS organisations to give greater access for younger volunteers
through programmes such as #iWill and an increased focus on programmes in deprived areas,
and for those with mental health issues, learning disabilities and autism. And we will back
the Helpforce programme with at least £2.3 million of NHS England funding to scale
successful volunteering programmes across the country, part of our work to double
the number of NHS volunteers over the next three years.
91The NHS Long Term Plan
Chapter 5: Digitally-enabled care
will go mainstream across the NHS
5.1. Virtually every aspect of modern life has been, and will continue to be, radically reshaped
by innovation and technology – and healthcare is no exception. Sustained advances in
computing and the democratisation of information are driving choice and control throughout
our daily lives, giving us heightened expectations around digital services. Technology is
continually opening up new possibilities for prevention, care and treatment. Premature
babies, who would have died ten years ago, live long and healthy lives; people who would
have been house-bound in pain now walk thanks to new drugs; and genomic testing is
increasingly available to help diagnosis and treatment. The NHS is a hotbed of innovation and
technological revolution in clinical practice.
5.2. This country has a rich heritage of pioneering research and invention in healthcare.
Around 25% of the world’s top 100 prescription medicines were discovered and developed
here. As a priority launch market for new cancer drugs, the UK is one of only three countries
(with Germany and the USA) to have access to more than 40 of the 55 oncology medicines
initially launched between 2012 and 2016
5.3. Good progress has been made in achieving the ambitions set out in the Five Year
Forward View and the Wachter report, with many new or enhanced digital and technology
systems and services delivered over the last three years. Citizens have access to high quality
NHS information and digital services through the transformed website. Citizens and
health professionals can access over 70 apps that have been assessed and approved via the
NHS Apps Library. WiFi is being installed across the NHS estate. The national roll-out of the
NHS App has begun, and will provide citizens with access to NHS 111 online, their GP record,
the ability to book appointments, update data sharing preferences and register for organ
donation, all from their computer or smart phone.
5.4. The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is now used in 93% of England’s 7,300 GP
practices, with more than 67% of their prescriptions delivered via EPS. This has improved
patient experience and saved the NHS £136 million in the three years from 2013 to 2016.
People can book hospital appointments online via the NHS e-Referral Service, which now
covers every hospital and every GP practice, creating expected savings for the NHS in excess of
£50 million a year.
5.5. The Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) programme has supported 16 acute, seven mental
health and three ambulance trusts to lead the national drive to make our hospitals the most
IT-advanced in the world. Seventeen, soon to rise to 24, trusts have been designated ‘Fast
Followers’ to work with and learn from the GDEs so these advances can be spread through
the NHS. The Local Health and Care Record (LHCR) programme has started the work to create
integrated care records across GPs, hospitals, community services and social care. Digital
innovation hubs are set to provide a world class environment for clinical research, reinforcing
England’s position at the forefront of life sciences invention and innovation.
5.6. However, we have not yet enabled the wholesale transformation of the NHS that
patients have a right to expect. As set out in Chapter One, the way we deliver care remains
locked into the service model largely created when the NHS was founded in 1948. Technology
will play a central role in realising the Long Term Plan, helping clinicians use the full range of
their skills, reducing bureaucracy, stimulating research and enabling service transformation.
The NHS Long Term Plan92
People will have more control over the care they receive and more support to manage their
health, to keep themselves well and better manage their conditions, while assisting carers in
their vital work.
5.7. The NHS is made up of hundreds of separate but linked organisations, and the burden
of managing complex interactions and data flows between trusts, systems and individuals
too often falls on patients and clinicians. Digital services and data interoperability give us the
opportunity to free up time and resources to focus on clinical care and staying healthy.
5.8. In ten years’ time, we expect the existing model of care to look markedly different.
The NHS will offer a ‘digital first’ option for most, allowing for longer and richer face-to-face
consultations with clinicians where patients want or need it. Primary care and outpatient
services will have changed to a model of tiered escalation depending on need. Senior clinicians
will be supported by digital tools, freeing trainees’ time to learn. When ill, people will be
increasingly cared for in their own home, with the option for their physiology to be effortlessly
monitored by wearable devices. People will be helped to stay well, to recognise important
symptoms early, and to manage their own health, guided by digital tools.
Practical priorities will drive NHS digital transformation
Create straightforward digital access to NHS services, and help patients and
their carers manage their health.
Ensure that clinicians can access and interact with patient records and care
plans wherever they are.
Use decision support and artificial intelligence (AI) to help clinicians in
applying best practice, eliminate unwarranted variation across the whole
pathway of care, and support patients in managing their health and
Use predictive techniques to support local health systems to plan care for
Use intuitive tools to capture data as a by-product of care in ways that
empower clinicians and reduce the administrative burden.
Protect patients’ privacy and give them control over their medical record.
Link clinical, genomic and other data to support the development of new
treatments to improve the NHS, making data captured for care available for
clinical research, and publish, as open data, aggregate metrics about NHS
performance and services.
Ensure NHS systems and NHS data are secure through implementation of
security, monitoring systems and staff education.
Mandate and rigorously enforce technology standards (as described in The
Future of Healthcare) to ensure data is interoperable and accessible.
Encourage a world leading health IT industry in England with a supportive
environment for software developers and innovators.
93The NHS Long Term Plan
1. Empowering people
5.9. People will be empowered, and their experience of health and care will
be transformed, by the ability to access, manage and contribute to digital tools,
information and services. We will ensure these technologies work for everyone, from the
most digitally literate to the most technology averse, and reflect the needs of people trying to
stay healthy as well as those with complex conditions.
5.10. We will provide a trustworthy place for people to find health information,
apps and register to access NHS services. The NHS Apps Library, NHS App and NHS login
will enable easy access to personalised content and digital tools and services. Following its first
public release last year, we will continue to develop the NHS App to create a consistent way for
people to access the NHS digitally.
5.11. The NHS App will create a standard online way for people to access the NHS.
The app will work seamlessly with other services at national and local levels and,
where appropriate, be integrated into patient pathways. We will create an open
environment to make it easier for developers to build enhancements that support specific
communities, conditions, demographic groups or languages. The NHS login will allow for a
single way for patients to identify themselves to a range of services.
5.12. In 2019/20, 100,000 women will be able to access their maternity record
digitally with coverage extended to the whole country by 2023/24. Additionally a
digital version of the ‘red book’ will help parents record and use information about their child,
including immunisation records and growth. This will be made available in a mobile format
that follows the family and removes the need for a paper record. It will also help children start
life with a digital Personal Health Record (PHR) that they can build on throughout their lives.
5.13. We will work with the wider NHS, the voluntary sector, developers, and
individuals in creating a range of apps to support particular conditions. We will develop
and expand the successful Diabetes Prevention Programme to offer digital access from 2019.
People newly diagnosed with diabetes will be supported through expanded pilots for digital
structured education as well as a roll-out of HeLP – an evidence-based, self-directed self-
management programme. By 2020, we aim to endorse a number of technologies that deliver
digitally-enabled models of therapy for depression and anxiety disorders for use in IAPT services
across the NHS. And we expect this to expand to include therapies for children and young
people and other modes of delivery, such as virtual and augmented reality, which are already
demonstrating early success through the mental health GDE programme. We will also create
the Application Programming Interface (API) and appropriate governance models to underpin
this work, so that technical barriers won’t stand in the way of innovation.
The NHS Long Term Plan94
5.14. Support for people with long-term conditions will be improved by
interoperability of data, mobile monitoring devices and the use of connected home
technologies over the next few years. By 2020, every patient with a long-term condition
will have access to their health record through the Summary Care Record accessed via the NHS
App. This will also be available to all urgent and emergency care services, with appropriate
permission. By 2023, the Summary Care Record functionality will be moved to the PHR held
within the LHCR systems, which will be able to send reminders and alerts directly to the
5.15. Patients’ Personal Health Records will hold a care plan that incorporates
information added by the patient themselves, or their authorised carer. Making care
plans available to the patient and all clinicians caring for them will help ensure care is not
duplicated, tests are not repeated and appropriate actions are taken in a timely manner.
The PHRs will also hold data that the patient chooses to share with the NHS, including from
monitoring devices such as digital scales or blood pressure cuffs. Patients who choose to join
a condition monitoring programme will be able to benefit from insights from these data and
will be monitored for combinations of symptoms that may indicate clinical events and result in
contact from a health adviser or clinician to help the individual stay well. Patients and clinicians
will also be able to add information about living circumstances which may require reasonable
adjustments to be made.
2. Supporting health and care professionals
5.16. The information technology revolution in the NHS also needs to make it a
more satisfying place for our staff to work. At present, too much of the technology in
the NHS is a burden on our staff – slow to log in, clunky to use and unreliable in moments of
crisis. We will ensure that health and care professionals have the tools they need to efficiently
deliver safe and effective patient care, and require vendors to meet usability standards to
match those we expect in the rest of our lives. We will enable staff to capture all health
and care information digitally at the point of care, and optimise clinical processes to reduce
administrative burden. We will support the workforce to develop the digital skills they need to
make effective use of these tools and mobile access to digital services to allow health and care
workers to work more flexibly.
5.17. Supporting moves towards prevention and support, we will go faster for
community-based staff. Over the next three years we want all staff working in the
community to have access to mobile digital services, including the patient’s care record and
plan, that will help them to perform their role. This will allow them to increase both the
amount of time they can spend with patients and the number of patients they can see.
Ambulance services will also have access to the digital tools that they need to reduce avoidable
conveyance to A&E.
95The NHS Long Term Plan
5.18. We will also invest in enhancing the digital leadership of the NHS by further
expanding the successful NHS Digital Academy programme. We will expect informatics
leadership representation on the board of every NHS organisation, with chief executives
capable of driving the transformation of their organisations and non-executive directors able
to support and demand increasing digital maturity over the next five years. We will increase
training in digital capabilities for the health and care workforce and focus on attracting
excellent technical expertise and skills, particularly in ‘newer’ digital fields so that our
workforce can continue to deliver our technology strategy.
3. Supporting clinical care
5.19. Digital transformation will enable us to make big strides towards forging a
lifelong relationship between people and the NHS. Alongside the face-to-face contacts
that remain important to many people and for many conditions, people will be able to use
technology to access and interact with health and care services seamlessly.
5.20. Patients, clinicians and the carers working with them will have technology
designed to help them. They will have a digital service for managing their interactions with
the NHS, a view of their record, care plan, expectations, appointments and medications, to
enable care to be designed and delivered in the place that is most appropriate for them.
5.21. If people need NHS advice or care, they will have increasing digital options.
A secure NHS login will provide access and a seamless digital journey. The NHS App and its
browser-based equivalent will enable people to follow a simple triage online to help them
manage their own health needs or direct them to the appropriate service. If needed they
will be able to be connected with their local services; get an appointment with an urgent
treatment centre, out of hours services or GP, or be prescribed medicine to be collected from
their nearest pharmacy. Increasingly, automated systems and AI will make these services
smarter, but in-person services will always be there to do what computers can’t and provide
personal contact for those who need or want it. And as set out in Chapter One, over
the next five years, every patient will be able to access a GP digitally, and where
appropriate, opt for a ‘virtual’ outpatient appointment.
Table 4: Challenges to effective mobile working by community nurses in
patient’s homes.
Poor connectivity when in patient’s home
Cannot access GP electronic record
Limited or no training to use devices
Mobile device not compatible with other software
Uploading onto systems that do not talk to each other leading to multiple data entry
Source: The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI). Nursing in the digital age: Using technology to support
patients in the home. 2018.
The NHS Long Term Plan96
Figure 24: Current share of GP appointments by phone, video or online, by STP.
Source: NHS Digital. Appointments in General Practice. October 2018.
Cambridgeshire And Peterborough STP
Devon STP
Herefordshire And Worcestershire STP
Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire And Berkshire West STP
Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight STP
Bristol, North Somerset And South Gloucestershire STP
Frimley Health STP
Northamptonshire STP
Somerset STP
Gloucestershire STP
Bath, Swindon And Wiltshire STP
South East London STP
Suffolk And North East Essex STP
Nottinghamshire STP
Sussex And East Surrey STP
North Central London STP
South West London STP
Cheshire And Merseyside STP
Derbyshire STP
Cumbria And North East STP
Dorset STP
Kent And Medway STP
North West London STP
North East London STP
West Yorkshire STP
Coventry And Warwickshire STP
Surrey Heartlands STP
Lincolnshire STP
Leicester, Leicestershire And Rutland STP
Shropshire And Telford And Wrekin STP
Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire And Luton STP
South Yorkshire And Bassetlaw STP
Humber, Coast And Vale STP
Cornwall And The Isles Of Scilly STP
Norfolk And Waveney STP
Mid And South Essex STP
Hertfordshire And West Essex STP
Lancashire And South Cumbria STP
The Black Country STP
Greater Manchester STP
Birmingham And Solihull STP
Staffordshire STP
Share of video/online appointmentsShare of telephone appointments
Percentage (%)
5.22. The NHS cannot fully embrace the opportunity offered by new technologies if many
hospitals and services remain largely paper-based. The Secretary of State has announced
that NHS organisations will from 2020 no longer use fax machines to communicate with
other NHS organisations or patients. All providers, across acute, community and mental
health settings, will be expected to advance to a core level of digitisation by 2024.
This will cover clinical and operational processes across all settings, locations and departments
and be based on robust, modern IT infrastructure services for hosting, storage, networks and
cyber security. To support this, we will accelerate the roll out of Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
systems and associated apps, including a spectrum of Software as a Service (SaaS)/Cloud-
based variants. Provider digitisation will be implemented to nationally agreed standards to
enable integration with the LHCR to provide patient-centric and clinician-centric digital user
journeys across all health settings.
5.23. A new wave of Global Digital Exemplars will enable more trusts to use world-
class digital technology and information to deliver better care, more efficiently. The
continued roll-out of GDE blueprints to more Fast Followers will ensure the NHS achieves
maximum value by reducing duplication and sharing systems between organisations where
possible based on open standards and interoperability. Central funding will be made available
to trusts (subject to an upper limit) to help them meet mandated standards and technical
97The NHS Long Term Plan
5.24. Technology will enable the NHS to redesign clinical pathways. Easy access
to referral decision trees, referral templates and direct access to investigations that reflect
evidence-based best practice and universal access to 'one click away' specialist advice and
guidance for GPs, will avoid many patients from requiring referral for an appointment. Triaging
(and potentially completing) some specialist referrals such as in dermatology with photos and
questionnaires will allow some patients to be managed entirely digitally. Virtual clinics with
escalation to face-to-face appointments where needed – such as the virtual fracture clinics run
in Bradford and renal care in Tower Hamlets – can replace follow-up appointments for many
conditions, as set out in Chapter One.
5.25. By 2022, technology will better support clinicians to improve the safety of
and reduce the health risks faced by children and adults. An integrated child protection
system will replace dozens of legacy systems and we will deliver a screening and vaccination
solution that is worthy of the NHS' world leading services.
4. Improving population health
5.26. During 2019, we will deploy population health management solutions to
support ICSs to understand the areas of greatest health need and match NHS services
to meet them. Over the coming years these solutions will become increasingly sophisticated
in identifying those groups of people who are at risk of adverse health outcomes and predict
which individuals are most likely to benefit from different health and care interventions, as well
as shining a light on health inequalities. We will be able to routinely identify missed elements
of pathways of care for individuals and ensure that those gaps are filled. This will also support
greater transparency of health and social care data on population health outcomes and
organisational performance.
5.27. The use of de-personalised data extracted from local records, in line with
information governance safeguards, will enable more sophisticated population health
management approaches and support world-leading research. We will make frictionless
APIs available to industry and the developer community to stimulate innovation and support
integration with other products. We will enable the NHS to work with suppliers to develop
user journeys, supplemented with data and insights, that help clinicians to do their jobs more
effectively and more efficiently. The initial API and workflow integration initiatives will develop
towards full integration with smart home and wearable devices.
The NHS Long Term Plan98
5. Improving clinical efficiency and safety
5.28. Digital technology can support the NHS to deliver high quality specialist care
more efficiently. Early examples of what will be a much more profound shift include:
By 2021, pathology networks will mean quicker test turnaround times, improved access to
more complex tests and better career opportunities for healthcare scientists at less overall
cost. Mandated open standards in procurement will ensure that these networks are ready to
exploit the opportunities afforded by AI, such as image triage, which will help clinical staff to
prioritise their work more effectively, or identify opportunities for process improvement;
By 2023, diagnostic imaging networks will enable the rapid transfer of clinical images
from care settings close to the patient to the relevant specialist clinician to interpret. This
open standards-based infrastructure will enable both the rapid adoption of new assistive
technologies to support improved and timely image reporting, as well as the development of
large clinical data banks to fuel research and innovation.
5.29. Decision support and artificial intelligence are developing all the time. These
technologies need to be embraced by the NHS, but also subjected to the same scrutiny that
we would apply to any other medical technology. In the coming years AI will make it possible
for many tasks to be automated, quality to increase and staff to focus on the complexity of
human interactions that technology will never master.
5.30. We have seen that the NHS is a potential target for cyber criminals. We will ensure NHS
systems and data are secure through the implementation of security and monitoring systems
across the whole estate, the education of all staff, and the design of systems and services to be
resilient and recoverable. We will mandate and continually update cyber security standards and
behaviours for our systems and staff.
5.31. To achieve these digital advances, we need to create the right environment and
infrastructure for innovation to thrive by:
creating a secure and capable digitally literate workforce;
requiring every technology supplier to the NHS to comply with published open standards to
enable interoperability and continual improvement;
making solutions that are commissioned and developed by the NHS available as ‘open
source’ to the developer community so that they can build on and enhance them to meet
the evolving needs of the NHS and our patients;
ensuring that LHCR data platforms provide open and free APIs for developers to create new
solutions that can compete with and, where appropriate, replace the traditional solutions
used by the NHS;
making available a set of central capabilities that are rapidly deployable and can be used as
the basis for future local innovation and development, such as the NHS Login or the national
record locator service.
99The NHS Long Term Plan
Milestones for digital technology
During 2019 we will introduce controls to ensure new systems purchased by
the NHS comply with agreed standards, including those set out in The Future
of Healthcare.
By 2020, five geographies will deliver a longitudinal health and care record
platform linking NHS and local authority organisations, three additional
areas will follow in 2021.
In 2020/21, people will have access to their care plan and communications
from their care professionals via the NHS App; the care plan will move to the
individual’s LHCR across the country over the next five years.
By summer 2021, we will have 100% compliance with mandated cyber
security standards across all NHS organisations in the health and care system.
In 2021/22, we will have systems that support population health
management in every Integrated Care System across England, with a Chief
Clinical Information Officer (CCIO) or Chief Information Officer (CIO) on the
board of every local NHS organisation.
By 2022/23, the Child Protection Information system will be extended to
cover all health care settings, including general practices.
By 2023/24 every patient in England will be able to access a digital first
primary care offer (see 1.44).
By 2024, secondary care providers in England, including acute, community
and mental health care settings, will be fully digitised, including clinical and
operational processes across all settings, locations and departments. Data
will be captured, stored and transmitted electronically, supported by robust
IT infrastructure and cyber security, and LHCRs will cover the whole country.
The NHS Long Term Plan100
Chapter 6: Taxpayers’ investment
will be used to maximum effect
6.1. The new funding settlement announced by the Prime Minister in June 2018
promised NHS England’s revenue funding would grow by an average of 3.4% in real
terms a year over the next five years
delivering a real terms increase of £20.5 billion
by 2023/24. This represents a step change on recent years, which have averaged 2.2%, and
moves closer to returning to the NHS long-term average funding trend of 3.7% per year since
6.2. This extra spending will need to deal with current pressures and unavoidable
demographic change and other costs, as well as new priorities. Over the coming
decade, the NHS will inevitably need to look after more people, with greater needs, as a
result of our growing and ageing population. For example, the number of people over 85 is
projected to increase from 1.3 million to 2 million – an amazing achievement – and they will
need proper and increasing support. The growth in average costs with age is projected to
increase at a faster rate, due to the growing number of long-term conditions and particularly
multiple conditions.
6.3. Putting the NHS back onto a sustainable financial path is a key priority in
the Long Term Plan and is essential to allowing the NHS to deliver the service
improvements in this Plan. This means:
the NHS (including providers) will return to financial balance;
the NHS will achieve cash-releasing productivity growth of at least 1.1% a year, with all
savings reinvested in frontline care;
the NHS will reduce the growth in demand for care through better integration and
the NHS will reduce variation across the health system, improving providers’ financial and
operational performance;
the NHS will make better use of capital investment and its existing assets to drive
6.4. This chapter sets out how the NHS is meeting these five ‘tests’. The commitments
in this Plan are stretching but feasible. They flow from a coherent and robust set of costed
propositions, grounded in evidence, and based on a comprehensive assessment of future
demand, moderated where possible by practical and evidence-based action. To repay the
continued investment of taxpayer funding, the NHS will continue to lead the way in driving up
productivity, reducing unwarranted variation and eliminating waste.
101The NHS Long Term Plan
Test 1: The NHS (including providers) will return to financial
6.5. The NHS will use the five-year funding settlement to ensure rigorous and
disciplined financial management across all NHS organisations. Over the next five years,
this means achieving three interrelated objectives:
continuing to balance the NHS’ books nationally across providers and commissioners;
reducing the aggregate provider deficit each year, with NHS Improvement committing to
return the provider sector to balance in 2020/21;
reducing year-on-year the number of trusts and CCGs individually in deficit, so that all NHS
organisations are in balance by 2023/24.
6.6. Changes to payment arrangements and allocations will take better account of
the costs of delivering efficient services locally. This will be achieved by phasing in an
updated Market Forces Factor over the next five years.
6.7. Reforms to the payment system will move funding away from activity-based
payments and ensure a majority of funding is population-based. This will make it easier to
redesign care across providers, support the move to more preventive and anticipatory care
models, and reduce transaction costs. We do, however, envisage retaining appropriate volume-
related payments for elective care for now, alongside new incentives for improvements in
quality (including patient experience).
6.8. We will move to a blended payment model, beginning with urgent and
emergency care, with a single set of financial incentives aligned to the commitments
in the Long Term Plan. The CQUIN framework will be reformed for both CCG-commissioned
and specialised services. The scheme will become simpler, more impactful and easier for
providers to implement. The revised approach will remove, on a cost neutral basis, two
national variations to the tariff: the marginal rate for emergency tariff and the emergency
readmissions rule, which will not form part of the new payment model.
6.9. 2019/20 will be a transitional year, with one-year, rebased control totals. The
rebased control totals, which will be financially neutral in aggregate at the national level,
will take into account the impact of distributional effects from any changes agreed following
engagement in areas such as price relativities, the Market Forces Factor and national variations
to the tariff. There will be greater flexibility for all STPs and ICSs to agree financially neutral
changes to control totals within their systems, where this will improve overall financial and
operational performance.
The NHS Long Term Plan102
6.10. NHS Improvement will deploy an accelerated turnaround process in the 30 worst
financially performing trusts that, between them, account for all the net total of the trust
provider deficit.
6.11. As set out in Chapter One, ICSs will become the level of the system where
commissioners and providers make shared decisions about financial planning, and
prioritisation. Beyond 2019/20 we will introduce further financial reforms that will
support ICSs to deliver integrated care. Through a process of earned financial autonomy
we will give local health systems greater control over resources on the basis of a track record of
strong financial and performance delivery, assessed in part through the new ICS accountability
and performance framework.
6.12. We will also create a new Financial Recovery Fund (FRF) to support systems’
and organisations’ efforts to make all NHS services sustainable. As a result of this
funding, we expect the number of trusts reporting a deficit in 2019/20 to be reduced by
more than half, and by 2023/24 no trust to be reporting a deficit. We also expect the size of
the FRF to reduce over the course of the five-year financial settlement with funding replaced
by recurrent efficiency improvements delivered through multi-year recovery plans. Any FRFs
released by over-delivery against plans will, where possible, be redeployed locally. The FRF will
only be accessible for trusts where deficit control totals indicate a risk to financial sustainability
and continuity of services, and where financial recovery plans, agreed with NHS Improvement
and NHS England regional teams, are in place to deliver significant year-on-year improvement
in sustainability and financial performance including NHS Improvement’s requirement of
additional efficiency of at least 0.5% per annum over and above the sector 1.1% minimum
requirement. This multi-year financial recovery plan, agreed with NHS England and NHS
Improvement, will set out the actions required to make services sustainable at both trust and
system level and agreed responsibilities to make this happen within the ICS or STP. These plans
will draw on local understanding of the health system, but we expect that all systems and
trusts will implement proven initiatives, including the Model Hospital, Rightcare and GIRFT and
the major opportunities identified within the Long Term Plan, such as redesigning over time
outpatients to be able to avoid up to a third of face-to-face outpatient visits. The FRF will mean
the end of the control total regime and Provider Sustainability Fund for all trusts which deliver
against their recovery plans by 2021 at the latest.
103The NHS Long Term Plan
Test 2: The NHS will achieve cash-releasing productivity growth
of at least 1.1% per year
6.13. Last year the NHS delivered over £6 billion of quality and cost improvements
, and
in recent years, NHS productivity has improved at a faster rate than the overall UK economy:
Figure 25: NHS versus whole economy productivity growth.
Productivity growth in the NHS and whole
economy, 2010/11-2017/18
Total productivity (index, 2010/11 = 100)
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
Whole UK economy (ONS MFP)
Public sector healthcare (ONS)
Whole UK economy (ONS LP) Public sector healthcare (NHSI)
6.14. The government has set the NHS an objective of making re-investable efficiency and
productivity gains of at least 1.1% a year over the next five years. Because we have an agreed
NHS revenue funding settlement, all these gains can be retained by the NHS and reinvested in
more and better patient care. This section summarises some of the steps we will take to deliver
these improvements for patients, in the short, medium and long-term.
Reducing waste and increasing time to care
6.15. Despite the overall efficiency of the NHS, there is still waste and an
opportunity to improve efficiency. A recent survey of leaders of NHS trusts and foundation
trusts found that a majority agreed that opportunities still exist for greater efficiency even in
their own organisation.
Source: Unpublished NHS Improvement data.
The NHS Long Term Plan104
6.16. We have worked with staff across the NHS to identify opportunities to deliver
more effective patient care. Our approach is to deliver clinically-led improvement and put
the patient in the heart of the system. We deliver this through an approach called Getting It
Right First Time (GIRFT). GIRFT will combine with other clinically-led programmes such as NHS
RightCare and an increased investment in Quality Improvement (QI) to accelerate work to end
unjustified clinical practice variation.
6.17. Over the next two years we will focus on ten priority areas as part of a
strengthened efficiency and productivity programme:
i. Improving the availability and deployment of the clinical workforce to ensure the
right clinicians are available to patients at all times, further reducing bank and agency
costs. By 2021, all clinical staff working in the NHS will be deployed using an electronic
roster or e-job plan. By 2023, all providers will be able to use evidence-based approaches to
determine how many staff they need on wards and in other care settings. This will provide
staff with opportunities for flexible working while helping reduce unwarranted variation and
improve safety.
Table 5: Doctors’ views on the need for integration of primary and secondary care.
Percentage of English doctors agreeing that…
“Collaboration between primary and secondary care
doctors will reduce bureaucracy and transaction costs.”
Source: British Medical Association survey. Doctors’ views on
working in the NHS. November 2018.
Similarly doctors agree that the joining up of primary and secondary services as set out in this
Long Term Plan will reduce waste:
Figure 26: Trust leaders' views on the question “To what extent do you
that your trust wastes too much money through inefficiency?”
0 75%50% 100%25%
Strongly agree Agree
Neither agree or disagree
Disagree Strongly disagree
4% 22% 21%48% 4%
Source: NHS Providers: Making the most of the money. Efficiency and the long-term plan.
October 2018.
105The NHS Long Term Plan
ii. Procurement savings by aggregation of volumes and standardising specifications.
The NHS spends nearly £6 billion a year on hospital consumables, including syringes and
gloves, and common goods. We have introduced a new centralised NHS procurement
organisation, Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL), to help use this purchasing power
on a national scale to get the best deals and deliver high quality affordable care for patients.
By 2022, we will double the volume of products bought through SCCL to 80%, extend
the number of nationally contracted products and consolidate the way local and regional
procurement teams operate.
iii. Over 1.5 billion diagnostic tests are undertaken every year and feature in four in every
five patient pathways. Capacity in diagnostic services has not kept pace with the growth in
demand. We have fewer MRI and CT scanners per capita than most OECD countries
, for
example, while vacancy rates are 12.5% for radiologists and 15% for radiographers
. Yet,
the number of patients referred for diagnostic tests has risen by over 25% over the last five
years. So delivering an effective, high-quality service requires investment in new equipment
and staff, underpinned by a new model of diagnostic provision. Delivering pathology and
imaging networks to improve the accuracy and turnaround times on tests and scans
will make best use of the expanding workforce, and reduce unit costs. In 2018, seven
Genomic Laboratory Hubs were established with mobilisation towards consolidated provision.
By 2021, all pathology services across England will be part of a pathology network and, by
2023, we will have introduced new diagnostic imaging networks. The pathology networks will
mean quicker test turnaround times, improved access to more complex tests at a lower overall
cost and better career opportunities for healthcare scientists and clinicians. The investment in
a new digital diagnostic imaging service will enable clinical images from care settings close to
the patient to be rapidly transferred to the relevant specialist clinician to interpret regardless of
geography. This infrastructure will enable the rapid adoption of new assistive technologies to
improve and speed up image reporting, as well as the development of large clinical data banks
to fuel research and innovation.
iv. The NHS will improve efficiency in community health services, mental health and
primary care, which together cost around £27 billion a year. This Long Term Plan sets
out the new investment we will make to improve these services. We will also support staff to
increase the amount of time they can spend with patients to reduce the unacceptable variation
as, for example, documented in Lord Carter's review of community services. To enable this,
over the next three years, we want all staff working in the community to have access to
mobile devices and digital services as set out in Chapter Five. Ambulance services will be able
to reduce avoidable conveyance to A&E by accessing patients records, alternative services and
have the right clinical support and training. We will also ensure primary care networks can be
most effective by introducing extended roles such as physiotherapists, clinical pharmacists and
pharmacy technicians as set out in Chapter One. The GIRFT programme has already started
work in mental health and will be extended across to community health services and primary
care from April 2019.
The NHS Long Term Plan106
v. Delivering value from the £16 billion we spend on medicines. Over the next five
years, all providers will be expected to implement electronic prescribing systems to reduce
errors by up to 30%. Up to 10% of hospital admissions in the elderly population are
medicines-related, so pharmacists will routinely work in general practice helping to relieve
pressure on GPs and supporting care homes. Research shows as many as 50% of patients
do not take their medicines as intended and pharmacists will support patients to take their
medicines to get the best from them, reduce waste and promote self-care. We will reduce
the prescribing of low clinical value medicines and items which are readily available over
the counter to save over £200 million a year. This aim is supported by agreed measures to
manage branded health service medicines through the new statutory and voluntary pricing
and access schemes. The new voluntary scheme has been agreed between industry, DHSC
and NHS England, and is intended to ensure access to innovative new medicines coupled with
affordability. We will use digital technology to ensure that best practice is followed, generics
are used where possible and duplication is eliminated. Augmented intelligence to analyse data
on medicines prescribing will also help us to eliminate fraud.
vi. Making further efficiencies in NHS administrative costs across providers and
commissioners, both nationally and locally. This will save over £700 million by 2023/24,
comprising £290 million from commissioners and over £400 million from providers. We
will ensure that an increasing share of the NHS budget is invested in frontline services by
simplifying costly and overly bureaucratic contracting processes, supported by reforms to the
Figure 27: Average number of days per working year spent on different activities
by a frontline healthcare professional delivering services in the community.
Lord Carter’s review into unwarranted variations in mental health and community health
services. NHS Improvement 2018.
facing time
and patient
Sickness absence
Other non-working time
107The NHS Long Term Plan
payment system as we progressively move away from episode-based payments. We will require
commissioners and providers to continue to redesign and reduce the costs of transactional
services. All core transactional services, such as processing invoice payments, will be automated
over the next five years.
vii. The NHS will improve the way it uses its land, buildings and equipment. This
will mean we improve quality and productivity, energy efficiency and dispose of
unnecessary land to enable reinvestment while supporting the government’s target
to build new homes for NHS staff. We will work with all providers to reduce the amount
of non-clinical space by a further 5%, freeing up over one million square metres of space for
clinical or other activity. By 2020, we aim to reduce the NHS’ carbon footprint by a third from
2007 levels including by improving energy efficiency through widespread implementation of
LED lighting and smart energy management. We will also improve the way we manage our
estate and modernise and standardise our ambulance fleet to help to reduce emissions and to
improve air quality (see the Appendix).
viii. Research evidence shows some interventions are not clinically effective or only
effective when they are performed in specific circumstances. And as medical science
advances, some interventions are superseded by those that are less invasive or more effective.
The NHS needs to ensure that the least effective interventions are not routinely performed, or
only performed in more clearly defined circumstances. This summer, the Academy of Medical
Royal Colleges, NICE, NHS Clinical Commissioners, NHS England and NHS Improvement joined
forces to consult on how best to reduce inappropriate interventions. This will potentially
avoid needless harm to patients, and free up scarce professional time for performing other
interventions - including creating headroom for proven innovations. The time and resources
saved will all be reinvested in patient care.
ix. Improving patient safety will reduce patient harm and the substantial costs
associated with it through a new ten-year national strategy, to be published in
2019. We aim to be the best healthcare system in the world at drawing insight from multiple
sources of patient safety information. Our existing National Reporting and Learning System
(NRLS) is uniquely able to detect themes, patterns and issues that are not recognised locally
but require national action. A new Patient Safety Incident Management System will replace
the current NRLS by 2020. We will use machine learning from incident data, which has the
potential to create better insights from the data we collect and introduce a more effective
system of Patient Safety Alerts. The Government’s new Medical Examiner system and the
Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch should also improve NHS investigation and support
implementation of recommendations. Improving patient safety requires people to have the
capability and capacity to take action. We will develop a shared and consistent Patient Safety
Curriculum that will support current and future NHS staff and patients. We will develop Patient
Advocates for Safety to ensure patients are fundamentally involved throughout the system. We
will also develop a network of senior Patient Safety Specialists who will be the backbone of
patient safety in the NHS. We will build on existing work on preventing patient deterioration
including Sepsis and NEWS2 implementation. We will continue our maternal and neonatal
safety improvement programme, our work on infection prevention and control and the ‘Stop
the Pressure’ programme to prevent pressure ulcers, aligned with the new National Wound
Care Strategy. We will design new Medication Safety and Mental Health Safety Improvement
The NHS Long Term Plan108
Programmes. We will work on falls and fracture prevention, where we know that a 50%
improvement in the delivery of evidence-based care could deliver £100 million in savings. NHS
Resolution reported total provisions for all indemnity schemes of £77 billion at the end of
2017/18. We will also continue to use elements of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts
to drive improvements in care, building on the success of the maternity incentive scheme
delivered in 2017/18.
x. The NHS Counter Fraud Authority will continue to tackle patient, contractor,
payroll, or procurement fraud. These initiatives include large scale patient eligibility
checking services, managed by NHS Business Services Authority.
Test 3: The NHS will reduce the growth in demand for care
through better integration and prevention
6.18. Chapters One, Two and Three of this Long Term Plan describe in detail how this is
being done.
Test 4: The NHS will reduce unjustified variation in performance
6.19. Chapters Two, Three and Six of this Long Term Plan describe in detail how this is being
done. As set out elsewhere in this Plan, we will radically improve transparency including
through the Model Hospital work. We will reduce unwarranted variation across the NHS,
improve providers’ operational and financial performance as well as clinical practice variations.
Wherever possible, individual programmes have been designed to narrow variation in health
outcomes and reduce inequalities. For example, the modernisation of the Bowel Cancer
Screening Programme will improve participation rates in previously marginalised populations.
The expansion of lung health checks is similarly aimed at populations at higher risk of lung
cancer and respiratory disease. Our clinically-led national GIRFT programme generates
comparative information that facilitates the identification of best practice, supported by tools
such as the Model Hospital. The NHS RightCare programmes take an evidence-based approach
to assist in the design of optimum pathways of care. By investing in QI, we will ensure our staff
have the skills and methodology to simultaneously improve care and reduce costs. Reducing
unwarranted variation will be a core responsibility of ICSs. We expect all ICSs, supported
by our national programmes, to bring together clinicians and managers to implement
appropriately standardised evidence-based pathways.
Test 5: The NHS will make better use of capital investment and
its existing assets to drive transformation
6.20. The NHS already uses its capital assets and infrastructure more intensively than most
other western countries and, in recent years, has invested less capital than these other
countries and our historic track record.
109The NHS Long Term Plan
6.21. Much of our estate consists of world-leading facilities that enable the NHS to deliver
outstanding care for patients. But some of our estate is old, in parts significantly older
than the NHS itself, and would not meet the demands of a modern health service even
if upgraded. Equally, meeting our future aspirations will require our digital capability and
diagnostic equipment to be enhanced significantly. At the Spring and Autumn budgets in
2017, the government announced an additional allocation of £3.9 billion to accelerate estates
transformation, tackle critical backlog maintenance issues and support efficiency. All STPs now
have estates plans to support their clinical and service strategies, and include proposals for a
pipeline of possible capital investments. The Chancellor has confirmed that NHS long-term
capital investment will be considered in the 2019 Spending Review. In return, we will continue
to maximise the productivity benefits we generate from our estate, through improving
utilisation of clinical space, ensuring build and maintenance is done sustainably, improving
energy efficiency and releasing properties not needed to support the government’s target of
building new houses.
6.22. We are also considering a number of reforms to the NHS’ capital regime to ensure
capital funding is prioritised and allocated efficiently, supports the transformation of services
and increased productivity, and allows for effective planning and control. These reforms will
be set out in detail alongside the capital settlement at the Spending Review, and will remove
the existing fragmentation of funding sources, short-termism of capital decision making
and uncertainty for local health economies. As part of this work we will implement the
forthcoming premises review for primary care.
Figure 28: Gross fixed capital formation in the health sector as a share of GDP
2016 (nearest year).
Source: OECD. Health at a Glance 2018: Europe 2018. State of Health in the EU Cycle.
November 2018.
1. Refers to gross fixed capital formation in ISIC 86: Human health activities (ISIC Rev.4).
Slovak Republic1
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
2. Refers to gross fixed capital formation in ISIC Q: Human health and social work activities (ISIC Rev.4).
1. Refers to gross fixed capital formation in ISIC 86: Human health activities (ISIC Rev.4).
Slovak Republic1
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
2. Refers to gross fixed capital formation in ISIC Q: Human health and social work activities (ISIC Rev
The NHS Long Term Plan110
Chapter 7: Next steps
7.1. This Long Term Plan is built on the work and insight of leaders, clinicians, patients, the
public and other experts from across the NHS, the voluntary sector and beyond. To support
delivery, we will develop a new operating model, based on the principles of co-design and
collaboration, working with leaders from across the NHS and with our partners.
7.2. It provides the framework for local planning for the next five years and beyond. Existing
commitments in the Five Year Forward View and national strategies for cancer, mental health,
learning disability, general practice and maternity will all continue to be implemented in
2019/20 and 2020/21 as originally planned. And as set out in Chapter Six, 2019/20 will be a
transition year, with every NHS trust, foundation trust and CCG expected to agree single year
organisational operating plans and contribute to a single year local health system-level plan.
7.3. The Government’s Spending Review will set out details of the NHS capital budget and
funding for education and training, as well as the local government settlement to cover public
health and adult social care services. In spring, the national implementation framework and
the Clinical Review of Standards will be published with testing and evaluating of any new and
revised standards occurring prior to implementation from October 2019. To support local
planning, local health systems will receive five-year indicative financial allocations
for 2019/20 to 2023/24 and be asked to produce local plans for implementing the
commitments set out in the Long Term Plan in 2019. They will be expected to engage
with their local communities and delivery partners in developing plans, which will be based
on a comprehensive assessment of population need. We expect that they will build on their
existing plans and set out proposals for how they will deliver the outcomes set out in the Long
Term Plan. They will also take account of the different starting points and phasing of progress
in different parts of the country. We will however require all NHS organisations delivering
health services to adopt interventions proven to deliver benefits for patients and staff. This
will particularly apply where we need to deliver improvements consistently and as one NHS to
secure these benefits. We will set out a single list of essential interventions, including effective
e-rostering and e-job planning and processes for standardising and aggregating procurement
demand for products and services to make the most of the NHS pound. Local health systems
will also have access to expert advice and support through the regions including clinically
focused transformation programmes and access to technical expertise such as on rostering,
mobile working, procurement, estates, and corporate services. Local implementation plans will
then be brought together in a detailed national implementation programme in the autumn.
7.4. Our approach to delivering the Long Term Plan will balance national direction with local
autonomy to secure the best outcomes for patients. Local implementation will be led by the
clinicians and leaders who are directly accountable for patient care and making efficient use
of public money. This will ensure local health systems have the ability and accountability for
shaping how the Plan is implemented.
7.5. ICSs will be central to the delivery of the Long Term Plan and by April 2021 we
want ICSs covering all of the country. As local systems are in different states of readiness,
we will support each developing system to produce and implement a clear development plan
and timetable. This will include an intensive support programme for the most challenged
systems with peer support from more developed systems.
111The NHS Long Term Plan
7.6. Delivering the Long Term Plan will rely on local health systems having the capability
to implement change effectively. Systematic methods of Quality Improvement (QI) provide
an evidence-based approach for improving every aspect of how the NHS operates. Through
developing their improvement capabilities, including QI skills and data analytics, systems
will move further and faster to adopt new innovations and service models and implement
best practices that can improve quality and efficiency and reduce unwarranted variations in
performance. A programme to build improvement capability is established in around 80% of
the trusts rated ‘outstanding’ by the CQC. We will, in partnership with the Health Foundation,
support an increase in the number of ICSs building improvement capability to implement new
ideas and practices.
A new way of working
7.7. As local health systems work more closely together, the same needs to happen at
national level. NHS England and NHS Improvement will implement a new shared
operating model designed to support delivery of the Long Term Plan. There will be
a reduction in duplication through shared regional teams accountable for managing local
systems and the providers within them. The new way of working will draw together people
and capabilities, resources, activities and leadership to collectively deliver greater value for the
NHS and for patients. The revitalised culture of support and collaboration will be underpinned
by a new approach. The key commitments to deliver this approach are:
a reorientation away from principally relying on arms-length regulation and performance
management to supporting service improvement and transformation across systems and
within providers;
strong governance and accountability mechanisms in place for systems to ensure that the
NHS as a whole can secure the best value from its combined resources;
a reinforcement of accountability at Board, Governing Body and local system ICS level
for adopting standards of best practice and making their contribution to critical national
improvement programmes, on a comply or explain basis;
making better use and improving the quality of the data and information that local systems
and providers have access to improve patient services.
7.8. The establishment of ICSs everywhere from 2021 will be built on strong and
effective providers and commissioners, underpinned by clear accountabilities. Trust
boards are responsible for the quality of care they provide for patients and for the financial
resources and staff they manage. Many initiatives will require cross-organisational actions, and
it is only through working collaboratively that trusts and commissioners will agree the services
that each organisation will provide and the cost they will reasonably incur in providing those
services – ensuring these are affordable within the system’s collective financial budgets.
The NHS Long Term Plan112
7.9. As ICSs take hold, we will support organisations to take on greater collaborative
responsibility. There will be a clear expectation that strong, successful organisations not
only provide high-quality care and financial stewardship from an institutional perspective, but
also take on responsibility, with system providers, for wider objectives in relation to the use of
NHS resources and population health. This will mean that neither trusts nor CCGs will pursue
actions which, whilst potentially improving their institutional financial position, would result in
a worse position for the system overall. This will be supported by a system oversight approach
which reviews organisational and system objectives alongside the performance of individual
organisations, whereby our regions seek to understand the drivers of challenges facing
organisations and ensure that solutions reflect the wider system changes required.
7.10. Mutual Aid will be an integral part of the role of leaders, both managers and
clinicians. As we move to an NHS which is deeply interconnected, leaders in all parts of the
NHS will be encouraged to support one another across and beyond their organisations. This
will be especially the case for thriving, successful organisations which will increasingly be asked
to support their neighbours develop capabilities and build resilience. This will form part of a
‘duty to collaborate’ for providers and clinical commissioning groups alike.
7.11. The NHS has an almost unrivalled ability to bring together data to inform care,
and we will build on the Model Hospital by increasing its transparency and extending
it into the model health system. We will do this by automating and standardising the
generation and storage of data to reduce the burden on frontline services and eradicate
unnecessary and duplicative assurance templates.
7.12. Our new regional structures will play a key role in locally devolved initiatives.
The collaborative work which will need to underpin the development of local plans, and the
detailed understanding of the services that each provider will need to deliver to meet the
trajectory of outcomes, will be supported by the new regional teams. In particular, these
teams will play a key role in ensuring the system is securing the best value from its combined
resources to deliver the Long Term Plan.
Possible legislative change
7.13. The changes set out in this Long Term Plan can generally be achieved within
the current statutory framework, but legislative change would support more rapid
progress. The Acts of Parliament that currently govern the NHS give considerable weight to
individual institutions working autonomously, when the success of our Plan depends mainly
on collective endeavour. Local NHS bodies need to be able to work together to redesign care
around patients, not services or institutions, and the same is also true for the national bodies.
And the rules and processes for procurement, pricing and mergers are skewed more towards
fostering competition than to enabling rapid integration of care planning and delivery.
113The NHS Long Term Plan
7.14. In response to the formal request earlier in the year from the cross-party House of
Commons Health and Social Care Committee and from the Prime Minister, we have in
discussion with NHS colleagues, therefore developed a provisional list of potential
legislative changes for Parliament’s consideration. These proposals are based on what
we’ve heard from clinicians and NHS leaders, as well as national professional and
representative bodies. These proposals would:
Give CCGs and NHS providers shared new duties to promote the ‘triple aim’ of
better health for everyone, better care for all patients, and sustainability, both for
their local NHS system and for the wider NHS. These statutory duties on CCGs and
trusts would further support them to work in tandem with their neighbours for the benefit
of their local population and wider NHS. These new reciprocal duties would also contribute
to supporting our wider goal of securing a stronger chain of accountability for managing
public money within and between local NHS organisations;
Remove specific impediments to ‘place-based’ NHS commissioning. The 2012 Act
creates some barriers to ICSs being able to consider the best way of spending the total
‘NHS pound’. Lifting a number of restrictions on how CCGs can collaborate with NHS
England would help, as would NHS England being able to integrate Section 7A public health
functions with its core Mandate functions where beneficial;
Support the more effective running of ICSs by letting trusts and CCGs exercise
functions, and make decisions, jointly. This is simpler and less expensive than creating
an additional statutory tier of bureaucracy. It would mean giving NHS foundation trusts
the power to create joint committees with others. It would allow – and encourage – the
creation of a joint commissioner/provider committee in every ICS, which could operate as
a transparent and publicly accountable Partnership Board. To manage conflicts of interest,
any procurement decisions – including whether to procure – would be reserved to the
commissioner only;
Support the creation of NHS integrated care trusts. Since the repeal of NHS trust
legislation in 2012, the NHS has limited options if it wants to create a new NHS integrated
care provider (ICP), for example to deliver primary care and community services for the
first time under a single, streamlined ICP contract. Remedying this would both reduce
administration costs and help with clinical sustainability. It should also be easier for proposed
organisational mergers to progress, without diluting any of the current safeguards on
frontline service changes;
Remove the counterproductive effect that general competition rules and powers
can have on the integration of NHS care. We propose to remove the Competition and
Markets Authority’s (CMA) duties, introduced by the 2012 Act, to intervene in NHS provider
mergers, and its powers in relation to NHS pricing and NHS provider licence condition
decisions. This would not affect the CMAs critical investigations work in tackling abuses and
anti-competitive behaviour in health-related markets such as the supply of drugs to the NHS.
We propose similarly dispensing with Monitor’s 2012 Act competition roles, so that it could
focus fully on NHS provider development and oversight;
The NHS Long Term Plan114
Cut delays and costs of the NHS automatically having to go through procurement
processes. We propose to free up NHS commissioners to decide the circumstances in which
they should use procurement, subject to a ‘best value’ test to secure the best outcomes
for patients and the taxpayer. The current rules lead to wasted procurement costs and
fragmented provision, particularly across the GP/urgent care/community health service
workforce. This would mean repealing the specific procurement requirements in the Health
and Social Care 2012 Act. We also propose to free the NHS from wholesale inclusion in the
Public Contract Regulations. We would instead set out our own statutory guidance for the
NHS to follow. At the same time, we propose to protect and strengthen patient choice and
control, including through our wider programme to deliver personalised care;
Increase flexibility in the NHS pricing regime. This would provide further flexibility in
the setting of national prices, support the move away from activity-based tariffs where that
makes sense, facilitate better integration of care and make it easier to commission Section
7A public health services as part of a bundle with other related services, on a nationally
consistent basis;
Make it easier for NHS England and NHS Improvement to work more closely
together. We propose that as a minimum, NHS England and NHS Improvement should
be free to establish a joint committee and subcommittees to exercise their functions, with
corresponding streamlining of non-executive and executive functions.
“That is always the process of legislation in this country.
It starts off by voluntary effort, it starts off by empirical
experiment, it starts by improvisation. It then establishes
itself by merit, and ultimately at some stage or other the
State steps in and makes what was started by voluntary
action and experiment a universal service
Aneurin Bevan, April 1946
115The NHS Long Term Plan
Engaging people
7.15. The NHS Long Term Plan has been developed based on the advice and experience of
clinical experts and other stakeholders, patients and the public. Engagement has been integral
at all points of the developing the Plan.
7.16. We are grateful to everyone who shared their time, energy, expertise and experience
through this process which included:
14 working groups that ensured our proposals benefited from a breadth of expertise and
experience, with membership drawn from a range of organisations including patient groups,
staff and clinical representatives and senior doctors, nurses or Allied Health Professionals
(AHPs), and local NHS leaders;
200 distinct engagement events, and over 2,500 responses to our engagement questions
from a range of respondents and organisations together representing a combined total of
3.5 million individuals or organisational members/supporters;
work in partnership with the Patients Association and Healthwatch England to engage
patients and the public, with Healthwatch England submitting evidence from over 85,000
7.17. We will build on the open and consultative process that this Plan is built on,
and strengthen the ability of patients, professionals and the public to contribute,
by establishing an NHS Assembly in early 2019. The NHS Assembly will bring together
a range of organisations and individuals at regular intervals, to advise the boards of NHS
England and NHS Improvement as part of the ‘guiding coalition’ to implement this Long
Term Plan. The Assembly membership will bring insight and frontline experience to the forum
where stakeholders discuss and oversee progress on the Long Term Plan. Its members will be
drawn from, among others, national clinical, patient and staff organisations; the Voluntary,
Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector; the NHS Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs); and
frontline leaders from ICSs, STPs, trusts, CCGs and local authorities.
Our National Health Service was founded in 1948 in place of fear - the fear that many
people had of being unable to afford care for themselves and their families. And it was
founded in a spirit of optimism - at a time of great uncertainty, coming shortly after the
sacrifices of war. At its best our National Health Service is the practical expression of a
shared commitment by the British people: over the past seven decades, there when we
need it, at the most profound moments in our lives. But as medicine advances, health
needs change, and society develops, the Health Service continually has to move forward.
This Long Term Plan shows how we will do so. So that looking forward to the NHS’ 80th
Birthday, in a decade’s time, we have a service that is fit for the future.
The NHS Long Term Plan116
Appendix: How the NHS Long Term
Plan supports wider social goals
Health and employment
1. For people in work, fast and convenient access to health services plays an
important role in maintaining employment. Mental health and musculoskeletal conditions
remain the main reason for sickness absence. NHS provision of services for both is increasing.
Digital provision of mental health support is also increasing, providing more flexibility in
accessing services around work. Expansion of physiotherapists working in primary care
networks will be one way in which patients will see the right professional first time. People
who are off work for more than four weeks are more likely to fall out of work permanently.
Personalised care plans that support people to manage their condition in work, with
reasonable adjustments where needed, will reduce this.
Figure 29: Percentage of the population who are employed, by disability status,
England, 2016 to 2017.
Source: Public Health England. Health profile for England: 2018. September 2018.
Percentage employed
020406080 100
People with long
term conditions
People in contact with secondary
mental health services
People with a
learning disability
2. Stable employment is a major factor in maintaining good mental health, and is
an important outcome for recovery for people with a mental health problem. For
people being supported by secondary mental health services, there is a 65% employment
gap compared with the general population. And people with mental health problems are also
often over-represented in high-turnover, low-pay and often part-time or temporary work.
3. The NHS is on track to support up to 20,000 people with severe mental illness
to find and retain employment by 2020/21. Based on over 20 years of research, the
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employment model is internationally recognised as
the most effective way to support people with mental health problems to gain and keep
paid employment. On average, people who receive IPS show employment rates of 30-40%
compared to rates in the control group of 10-12%. Those supported by IPS work significantly
more hours per month, and have higher earnings and better job tenure. Some show reduced
rates of hospital admission and less time spent in hospital. Follow-up studies over 8-12 years
confirm these better outcomes are maintained over the longer term. These schemes have also
been shown to be cost-effective.
117The NHS Long Term Plan
4. In May 2018, with the government, Sheffield City Region and the West Midlands
Combined Authority, the NHS launched the world’s largest trial of IPS services. This trial is
evaluating whether IPS can be equally as valuable and cost effective for people who have
any health condition and are using primary and community care services. A trial providing
employment support via IAPT will also offer support to 24,000 people by 2021. Where these
health and work trials are effective, the NHS will work with government to secure investment
for future provision.
5. Through increasing access to IPS, the NHS will support an additional 35,000
people with severe mental illnesses where this is a personal goal to find and retain
employment by 2023/24, a total of 55,000 people per year. This investment will support
people to get back into or gain access to employment. It will improve outcomes and recovery
for people, meaning they spend less time in hospital and live healthier, happier lives. By
2028/29, we aim to extend this to 50% of the eligible population to benefit up to 115,000
6. We will continue to offer more opportunities for people with a learning disability
and for people with autism. Supported internship opportunities targeted at people with a
learning disability and/or autism will increase by 2023/24, with at least half converted to paid
employment over the first five years of the Long Term Plan. The number of NHS internship
and employment programmes/sites delivered through ‘Project Search’ and ‘Project Choice’ will
increase as will the number of NHS organisations making the Learning Disability Employment
Programme pledge.
7. Employers have a key role to play in supporting their staff to stay well and in
work. The government has published a framework to help employers record and voluntarily
report information on disability, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
. The
framework invites employers to report on training and support provided to staff, uptake
of support, recruitment and retention rates and results from staff surveys. It also links
in recommendations from Thriving at Work and Disability Confident. This framework
sits alongside the Campaign to End Loneliness pledge that asks employers to commit to
supporting their employees’ social wellbeing. There is still more to do and we welcome the
government’s commitment to consulting on measures to encourage and support all employers
to play their part in this agenda and to improve access to occupational health.
8. Sickness absence rates in the NHS are higher (4% in 2017) than other public sector
organisations (2.9% in 2016) and the private sector (1.9% in 2016)
. Our new Chief
People Officer will lead work to improve our staff health and wellbeing, and help close this
gap to the public sector average. Building on existing work with 70 organisations, we will
provide targeted support to trusts to access fast track occupational health services and a line
management development programme. This complements the recent publication of the NHS
Health and Wellbeing Framework
, which includes recommendations from Thriving at Work:
The Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers
The NHS Long Term Plan118
Health and the justice system
9. Additional investment in services for people experiencing a mental health crisis
will make a real difference for people who need support, and will help ease pressures
on police services. The NHS also commissions health care for children, young people and
adults across secure and detained settings, which include prisons, secure facilities for children
and young people, police and court Liaison and Diversion services and immigration removal
centres. Adults, children and young people will receive health screening on entering prison
and a follow-up appointment within seven days, or sooner as required. This will be supported
by the full roll-out of the health and justice digital patient record information system across all
adult prisons, immigration removal centres and secure training centres for children and young
people. This will include the digital transfer of patient records before custody, in custody and
on release.
10. Health and justice services are provided to some of the most vulnerable members
of our society. Many people within the justice system experience greater problems than
the rest of the population but do not regularly access timely healthcare. The NHS is already
working with partners across government to improve the wellbeing of people in prison, reduce
inequalities and address health-related drivers of offending behaviours
. A priority in services
for this group of patients is improving continuity of care. The care after custody service,
RECONNECT, starts working with people before they leave prison and helps them to make the
transition to community-based services that will provide the health and care support that they
need. 250,000 people churn through prison annually and 57% serve sentences of 12 months
or less. Over the next five years RECONNECT will engage and support more people after
custody per year.
11. Since 2017, five parts of England have been testing a new Community Service
Treatment Requirement (CSTR) programme. This enables courts to require people to
participate in community treatment, instead of a custodial sentence. CSTR sites have provided
community treatment for people who would otherwise have been sentenced inappropriately.
We will build on this by expanding provision to more women offenders, short-term offenders,
offenders with a learning disability and those with mental health and additional requirements.
12. We will invest in additional support for the most vulnerable children and
young people in, or at risk of being in, contact with the youth justice system. The
development of a high-harm, high risk, high vulnerability trauma-informed service will provide
consultation, advice, assessment, treatment and transition into integrated services. This will
provide support to, and help to address the complex and challenging needs of vulnerable
children and young people.
13. The NHS also supports the justice system to provide healthcare support to
victims. Across England, 47 sexual assault referral centres currently provide health support for
people who have been a victim of sexual assault. We will expand provision to ensure survivors
of sexual assault are offered integrated therapeutic mental health support, both immediately
after an incident and to provide continuity of care where needed.
119The NHS Long Term Plan
Veterans and the Armed Forces
14. We will expand our support for all veterans and their families as they transition
out of the armed forces, regardless of when people left the services. Local transition,
liaison and treatment services provide support for a range of healthcare and social needs. By
2023/24, these services will expand access to complex treatment services as well as targeted
interventions for veterans in contact with the criminal justice system. To ensure all GPs in
England are equipped to best serve our veterans and their families, over the next five years we
will roll out a veterans accreditation scheme in conjunction with the Royal College of GPs.
Care leavers
15. The most vulnerable children, who need extra help from the state to safeguard their
wellbeing, do not reliably get the support or access to the services that their needs demand.
This results in poorer health outcomes, particularly for care leavers, despite the commitment
of dedicated health and care professionals. We must ensure that these vulnerable children
and young people benefit from the improvements that we are making to health services. The
NHS, together with partners at national and local level, will commit to improve outcomes for
our most vulnerable children and young people, by targeting early help for adults living in
households with vulnerable children, and by improving access to targeted support for these
children, especially during transition to adult services, building on the current assessment pilots
for children entering the care system.
Health and the environment
16. Looking beyond healthcare provision, the NHS has a wider role to play in
influencing the shape of local communities. Through the Healthy New Towns programme,
the NHS is playing a leading role in shaping the future of the built environment. In spring 2019
we will set out the principles and practice for Putting Health into Place guidelines for how local
communities should plan and design a healthy built environment. These have been developed
with a network of 12 housing developers who are committed to developing homes that fit
these principles. This covers approximately 70,000 homes over the next five years. In 2019/20,
NHS England will build on this by working with government to develop a Healthy New Towns
Standard, including a Healthy Homes Quality Mark to be awarded to places that meet the
high standards and principles that promote health and wellbeing. Embedding these principles
within local planning guidance would ensure all future developments have a focus on design
that support prevention and wellbeing.
The NHS Long Term Plan120
17. The NHS is leading by example in sustainable development and reducing use
of natural resource in line with government commitments. In 2016/17 NHS providers
generated nearly 590,000 tonnes of waste. Of this only 15% goes directly to landfill, with
23% of waste recycled
. Between 2010 and 2017 the health and care sector reduced water
consumption by 21%, equivalent to around 243,000 Olympic swimming pools. The carbon
footprint of health and social care has reduced by 19% since 2007, despite a 27% increase
in activity. This leaves a significant challenge to deliver the Climate Change Act target of 34%
by 2020 and 51% by 2025. A shift to lower carbon inhalers will deliver a reduction of 4%,
with a further 2% delivered through transforming anaesthetic practices. Additional progress
in reducing waste, water and carbon will be delivered by ensuring all trusts adhere to best
practice efficiency standards and adoption of new innovations. Key to this will be delivering
improvements, including reductions in single use plastics, throughout the NHS supply chain.
The NHS as an ‘anchor institution’
18. As an employer of 1.4 million people, with an annual budget of £114 billion
in 2018/19, the health service creates social value in local communities. Some NHS
organisations are the largest local employer or procurer of services. For example, nearly one
in five people employed in Blackpool work for the NHS and the Gross Value Added (GVA)
from health spending is significantly higher than in areas in the south (over 17% vs 4% in
London). Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust has committed to deploying
2% of its future annual budget with local suppliers, estimating it will add £5-8 million to the
local economy. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is supporting the city’s inclusive growth
strategy by targeting its employability and schools outreach offer at neighbourhoods in the
most deprived 1% nationally and is increasing its apprenticeship programmes by 51% year-on-
year. In partnership with the Health Foundation, we will work with sites across the country to
identify more of this good practice that can be adopted across England.
121The NHS Long Term Plan
A&E Accident and Emergency
ACT Alcohol Care Team
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
AF Atrial fibrillation
AHP Allied health professional
AHSN Academic Health Science Network
AI Artificial intelligence
ALB Arm’s Length Body
API Application programming interface
BAME Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
BCF Better Care Fund
BMA British Medical Association
BMI Body mass index
CAS Clinical Assessment Service
CCG Clinical commissioning group
CCIO Chief Clinical Information Officer
CETR Care, Education and Treatment Review
CI Confidence interval
CIO Chief Information Officer
CMA Competition and Markets Authority
CNST Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPD Continuing professional development
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CQC Care Quality Commission
CQUIN Commissioning for Quality and Innovation
CRN Clinical Research Network
CSTR Community Service Treatment Requirement
CT Computerised tomography
CTR Care and Treatment Review
CVD Cardiovascular disease
DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
DTOC Delayed transfer of care
ECDS Emergency Care Data Set
EEA European Economic Area
EHCH Enhanced Health in Care Homes
EPR Electronic patient record
EPS Electronic Prescription Service
ESCAPE-pain Enabling Self-management and Coping with Arthritic Pain through Exercise
FCP First Contact Practitioners
FH Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
FRF Financial Recovery Fund
FTE Full-time equivalent
GBD Global Burden of Disease
GDE Global Digital Exemplar
GDP Gross domestic product
GIRFT Getting It Right First Time
GMC General Medical Council
GP General practitioner
Glossary of terms
The NHS Long Term Plan122
GVA Gross Value Added
HEE Health Education England
HEI Higher Education Institution
HFSS High in fat, salt and sugar
HPV Human papilloma virus
IAPT Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
ICP Integrated Care Provider
ICS Integrated Care System
IPS Individual Placement and Support
ISDN Integrated Stroke Delivery Network
LeDeR Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme
LGBT+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
LHCR Local Health and Care Records
LoS Length of stay
LTP Long Term Plan
MCP Multispeciality community provider
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
MSK Musculoskeletal
NEWS2 National Early Warning Score 2
NHS National Health Service
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NIHR National Institute for Health Research
NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council
NRLS National Reporting and Learning System
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PACS Primary Acute Care Systems
PHB Personal health budget
PHE Public Health England
PHR Personal health record
QI Quality Improvement
QNI Queen’s Nursing Institute
QOF Quality and Outcomes Framework
R&D Research and development
RDC Rapid Diagnostic Centre
RTT Referral to treatment
SaaS Software as a Service
SAS Specialty and associate specialist
SBLCB Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle
SCCL Supply Chain Coordination Limited
SDEC Same Day Emergency Care
SSNAP Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
STOMP Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability autism or both
STAMP Supporting Treatment and Appropriate Medication in Paediatrics
STP Sustainability and Transformation Partnership
SUS Secondary Uses Service
UCLH University College London Hospitals
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UTC Urgent Treatment Centre
VCSE Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise
123The NHS Long Term Plan
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