First Name
Middle name(s)
Address line 1
Address line 2
Add category
Exchange non IOM driving licence*
Address line 3
D.O.B and
Place of Birth
UK & NI Rep. of Ireland Guernsey Jersey
Other (please specify)
Update my photograph
Change my name or address
Post Code
Other (please specify)
Section 1 - Your details
What is the number of your Isle of Man driving licence?
(if you know what it is)
Section 2 - What licence are you applying for?
(select all options that apply with a cross)
Section 3 - Your health
Please confirm if you have been advised by a Doctor or Consultant that you have a
disability or medical condition that may affect your fitness to drive. You must tick
YES even if you have previously declared it.
It is important that you read the accompanying leaflet Applying for a driving licence before
completing this form. Please use upper case letters and black ink. (select options with a x )
Application for a Driving Licence
*There are different requirements depending on the issuing authority of your driving licence.
For UK licence exchange please see page 4 of the Guide to applying for a Driving Licence. if unsure please phone 01624 686827
Do you wear glasses, contact lenses or other corrective lenses for driving?
Yes No
Are you able, with or without the aid of corrective lenses in good daylight, to read a
number plate with character sizes 79 x 57 mm from a distance of 20.5m; or from
12.3m in the case of a licence application for a pedestrian controlled vehicle or
mowing machine?
Yes* No
*If you select Yes, then you must complete and include a Supplementary Medical Information form MI1 with your application.
Forms can be downloaded from or collected from the Vehicle Test Centre, Tromode, Douglas, Isle of Man
Upgrade from provisional to full
General advice relating to the completion of this application form can be obtained by calling 01624 698525
For exchange licences please state in which
country you passed your driving test.
International Driving Permit
Remove Endorsement
DVLA Check Code (only applicable
for UK Exchanges)
Method of
Adoption certificate
Current passport
Current proof of age card Marriage certificateBirth certificate
Deed poll or statutory declarationCivil partnership certificate
MI1 form
Decree nisi or absolute
Section 5 - To be completed by the person endorsing your photograph
The photograph that I have endorsed with “I certify that
this is a true likeness of (insert name of applicant) and
signed is a person whom I have known for at least 2
years and I agree to any checks being made in relation to
this application.
Full name
Telephone Number
Profession /
Section 6 - Checklist
The required fee and supporting documentation depends on your application: please refer to the driving licence application guide and price
guide for more information.
(select all that apply with a cross)
Section 8 Your statement
By signing this application form I confirm that:
· the information I have given in this application is, to the
best of my knowledge, true and correct.
· I reside in the Isle of Man.
· I am not disqualified from driving by order of any court.
(please keep your signature within
the box)
Section 4 - Organ donation
As of 1
February 2022 we no longer retain Organ Donation information.
If you wish to register your details you can directly at: or Telephone: 0300 123 2323
It is a criminal offence to:
· Make a false statements in connection with licences under
the Road Traffic Act 1985. The penalty for contravention is
up to 3 months imprisonment or a fine of up to £2,500 or
Road Traffic Act 1985 49 (1)
· obtain a driving licence whilst disqualified from driving. The
penalty for contravention is a fine of up to £2,500.
Traffic Act 1985 Sch 3 18 (a)
· fail to notify the onset of a disability. The penalty for
contravention is a fine of up to £1,000.
Road Traffic Act 1985
Sch 3 5A(3)
Your application will not be accepted unless
it is signed and dated.
Cash (do not send by post) Cheque or Postal Order* Credit/debit card
*If you are submitting your application to a Post Office, please make payable to IOM Post Office; if submitting to the licensing centre, please
make payable to IOM Government
I.D. ____________________________________
Fee: £___ - ___Medical
Issuing Officer & Signature:
Section 7 - Payment
Your photograph Current driving licence MiCard
NHS card
Our Privacy Notice explains how we collect, store and handle your personal data in line with current data
protection legislation as applied in the Isle of Man. If you would like to find out more please visit our
website at
or contact our Data Protection Officer on 686785 for a paper copy