This regulation supersedes ER 1110-1-1807, dated 1 March 2006
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-CE Washington, DC 20314-1000
No. 1110-1-1807 31 December 2014
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose. This regulation establishes policy and requirements and provides guidance for
drilling in dam and levee earth embankments and/or their earth and rock foundations. The
primary purpose of this regulation is to prevent damage to embankments and their foundations
from hydraulic fracturing, erosion, filter/drain contamination, heave, or other mechanisms during
drilling operations, sampling, in-situ testing, grouting, instrumentation installation, borehole
completion, and borehole abandonment.
2. Applicability. This regulation applies to all major subordinate commands (MSC), district
commands, laboratories, and field operating activities having Civil Works and/or Military Program
responsibilities. It applies to in-house and contracted drilling efforts for earth embankments or
foundations associated with all dams and levees that have a federal interest.
3. Distribution. This regulation is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
4. References. References are listed in Appendix A.
5. Background. Drilling into, in close proximity to, or through embankment dams and levees
and their foundations may pose significant risk to the structures. Water, compressed air, and
various drilling fluids have been used as circulating media while drilling through earth
embankments and their foundations. Although these methods have been successful in
accomplishing the intended purposes, there have been incidents of damage to embankments and
foundations. While using air (including air with foam), there have been reports of loss of
circulation with pneumatic fracturing of the embankment as evidenced by connections to other
borings and blowouts on embankment slopes. While using water and drilling mud as the
circulating medium, there have been similar reports of erosion and/or hydraulic fracturing of the
embankment or foundation materials. Conversely, there have been cases where heave, borehole
collapse and significant disturbance have occurred while drilling in granular materials below the
groundwater level. This typically has been the result of not using a proper drilling fluid to balance
the water pressures in the soil or using high energy systems that induce heave in order to evacuate
the cuttings. There is a delicate balance between too much induced fluid pressure that will cause
hydraulic fracture and not enough fluid pressure that will result in borehole instability, heave, or
significant sample disturbance. Other potential damaging effects include: creating preferential
seepage paths due to improper backfilling, inadequate protection of embankment from drilling
fluids during foundation rock coring, erosion and widening of cracks, and inadvertently clogging
filters or drains with drilling fluid or grout. All drilling and associated activities that use fluid or
other circulation or stabilization media need to be evaluated for the potential to hydraulically
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fracture the embankment or foundation. These activities include but are not limited to the use of
drilling fluids, backfilling borings after completion, backfill grouting of instrumentation, backfill
grouting of casings, water testing for permeability, piezometer rehabilitation, etc. The risk will
vary with the selected methods and the site conditions. Every drilling operation must be well
thought out and must have benefits of successful completion that confidently outweigh the risk of
potential negative impacts. The following paragraphs describe the general concerns associated
with each type of potential damage.
a. Hydraulic Fracturing. Excessive pressures from water, air, drilling fluid, or grout can
fracture embankment and foundation materials. Hydraulic fracturing problems have occurred
while drilling in embankments as evidenced by reports of loss of fluid circulation, blowouts into
nearby borings, seepage of drilling fluids on the face of the embankment, and other similar
situations. Hydraulic fracture can occur in both cohesive materials and cohesionless materials,
and bedrock. It has been found that in soils, hydraulic fracturing can occur when the borehole
pressure exceeds the lowest total confining stress (minimum principal stress σ
) plus some
additional strength. The additional strength can be approximated by the undrained strength of the
soil. The minor principal confining stress (σ
) in a normally consolidated soil with a level ground
condition is typically the horizontal stress, which can be reasonably estimated. However, the
minor principal confining stress in and under an embankment is difficult to determine and can vary
significantly from idealized geostatic conditions. Effects from the side slope geometry,
piezometric surface, abutment configuration, foundation rock geometry, embedded structures,
compaction stress, and settlement history all are significant and can influence in-situ stress
conditions. Typical drilling methods that use circulation fluids can quickly create induced fluid
pressures that exceed the minimum confining stress. This often occurs when the return path for
the fluid clogs and the induced pressures quickly increase. The use of non-pressurized stabilizing
fluids is preferable, yet in some subsurface conditions, hydraulic fracture can occur under gravity
pressure. Low stress zones may exist within and under embankments. It is possible for the
confining stress in these locations to be much less than the gravity pressure exerted by a drilling
fluid or grout. Certain embankment locations and conditions have a higher potential for hydraulic
fracturing due to geometric configurations that create zones of low confining stress. Sherard 1973
and 1986 are good references that provide a comprehensive evaluation of the issues along with
numerous case histories. Locations and conditions where hydraulic fracturing by drilling media is
more likely to occur and have the higher potential of damaging the structure include the following:
(1) Near and over steep abutments that create low confining or tensile stress conditions.
(2) Adjacent to rock overhangs on abutments.
(3) Adjacent to buried structures or abrupt foundation geometry change that creates a
differential settlement condition and a zone of lower soil stress transfer.
(4) Adjacent to conduits where narrow zones of soil backfill were placed between the
structure and rock face.
(5) Dam cores that can experience more settlement than the adjacent shells.
(6) Dams in very narrow valleys. Arching keeps full confining stresses from developing.
(7) Near abutments where abrupt changes in geometry occur.
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(8) In areas where the embankment is subject to differential settlement due to large
differences in thickness of adjacent compressible foundation or embankment soils.
b. Erosion. The introduction of drilling fluids into cracks, either existing or formed by
hydraulic fracture, can potentially cause erosion along the crack walls. This will enlarge the crack
and could lead to an increased potential for internal erosion. Existing subsurface cracks are
common in many dams and are often the result of differential settlement. The locations most at
risk for existing cracks are typically the same areas that have low confining stress and have the
highest risk for hydraulic fracture to occur.
c. Contamination of Filter/Drainage Features. In addition to hydraulic fracturing, the use of
drilling fluids can pose a contamination risk for internal drainage features if the drill fluid or
sealing grout migrates into and clogs the drain materials. Avoid drilling near drains or seepage
blankets that may become contaminated by fluids. If drain penetration is justified, special
provisions must be taken to prevent contamination. Special provisions may also be required for
protecting the drainage features while backfilling the hole (such as placement of filter material
through the zone of the drain or filter and installing lower and upper seals).
d. Heave and Sample Disturbance. Drilling programs that include performing in-situ tests or
undisturbed sampling may require the use of drilling fluid to offset the confining stress relieved by
the drilling of the hole. There have been cases where the failure to prevent stress relief or heave of
granular soils below the water table have led to invalid in-situ test results and subsequently invalid
interpretation of the subsurface conditions. This has occurred for both tests performed in drill
holes and test performed in casings installed by methods that did not control heave or disturbance.
Reclamation DSO 98-17 (1999) contains methods to deal with heaving sands while drilling and
performing Standard Penetration Tests. If high quality undisturbed samples of fine grained soils
are required for shear strength testing, then drilling mud may be required to prevent the soil from
failing in undrained triaxial extension. See Ladd and DeGroot (2004) for a discussion on clay
sample disturbance due to drilling.
6. Policy. This regulation provides guidance for investigation, maintenance, and remediation
drilling in and near embankment dams and levees and/or their earth and rock foundations.
including investigation planning, site preparation, borehole advancement, subsurface testing,
instrumentation installation, piezometer and well rehabilitation, grouting, and borehole
completion. It identifies drilling program plan requirements, restrictions on drilling fluids,
drilling procedures to minimize risk of damage, borehole completion requirements, and prescribes
personnel requirements, and the review and approval processes. It is the responsibility of the
District Dam or Levee Safety Officer (DSO or LSO) to assure compliance with the restrictions and
procedures outlined in this regulation.
a. Drilling Program Plan. An approved Drilling Program Plan (DPP) is required prior to any
drilling, sampling, grouting, or any other invasive in-situ testing or exploration. This includes
drilling activities related to investigation, maintenance, and remediation. When planning an
investigation or remediation program, the data needs must be weighed against the potential risks of
damage created by the drilling process. In general, all drilling and investigation should be
targeted to obtain information related to a specific failure mode identified from a Potential Failure
Mode Analysis (PFMA). For dams, the justification for drilling must include an approved
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recommendation from a risk assessment performed in support of the Dam Safety risk management
process described in ER 1110-2-1156 Safety of Dams - Policy and Procedures. If the structure has
not had a PFMA, a thorough evaluation similar to the PFMA process must be performed and
presented in the DPP to show that the drilling is justified. It is paramount that all existing
subsurface information is thoroughly evaluated and understood by the exploration team prior to
developing a plan for additional drilling. In order to understand and communicate subsurface
conditions and estimate drilling risks, the existing subsurface information must be assimilated into
essential plan and section drawings showing the proposed drill holes, target sample areas and/or
proposed instrumentation. For critical or complicated drilling programs the Geotechnical and
Geology Community of Practice leads can be contacted to obtain recommendations for subject
matter experts to assist in developing the DPP. Specific requirements for the DPP are included in
Appendix B.
b. Restrictions on the Use of Drilling Fluids. All drilling programs in dams and levees
should be designed to minimize the need for any drilling fluid such as air, gas, water, mud,
polymers, slurries or any other drilling fluid that could pressurize the borehole soils. If the drilling
objective can be performed using dry methods such as augers or sonic drilling they should be
employed in lieu of methods that require fluids. If drilling fluids must be used due to the drilling
objective or the subsurface conditions, the DPP must contain an analysis of the potential to cause
damage and a plan that covers the measures that will be used to minimize the risk. The use of
pressurized air or foam should only be considered when drilling in materials that will not transmit
pressures to the soil core or other critical features or when the air pressure is reliably isolated from
the borehole soils. Drilling in an open graded rockfill shell may be an example of when using air
may be appropriate. All DPPs that propose the use of stabilizing or circulating fluids or other
media will require additional review and approval as described in paragraph 6f.
c. Drilling Procedures. As there are many existing and potentially new methods for drilling
and sampling that may be implemented on dams and levees, this regulation will not provide
specific procedures. Most procedures are documented in applicable standards and reference
documents. There are however, some general procedures that should be followed when using
drilling fluids to limit the risk of damage.
(1) Tools should be sized and designed to minimize the likelihood of the return flow clogging.
Methods that require the cuttings to flow through a small annulus between the tools or casing and
the borehole wall should not be used.
(2) If possible, fluid discharges from the bit should be upward. A downward discharge
increases the chance of clogging which could lead to a pressure spike. A lateral discharge into the
sidewalls could lead to excessive disturbance or erosion.
(3) Lower and raise drill tools slowly to avoid pressure changes in the drill hole; this is
especially important when using tools with restricted annulus space below the groundwater table as
the pressure changes are more severe and can lead to suction and surging problems.
(4) Drilling feed rate must be slow enough to avoid crowding the bit and, thus, minimize the
chance of inducing fracturing. The bit must be of a design such that pressure buildup is
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(5) Drilling media properties, pressure, and return should be continuously monitored. A
floating needle pressure valve is required to record maximum pressure spikes that can occur
instantaneously and are often unnoticed.
(6) In some conditions, casing can be advanced ahead of the drilling bit to reduce the risk of
hydraulic fracturing by confining the drilling fluids within the casing.
(7) When core drilling rock, the embankment or foundation soil above top of rock must be
protected and isolated from the circulating drilling fluid. Fractures in the bedrock must be
considered as potential flow paths in contact with the overlying soil.
(8) In situations where the presence of significant artesian pressure is suspected, which are
common at the toe of dams, it may be necessary to use weighted drilling muds or raise the drill rig
or install surface casing for pressure control along with the use of drilling mud. In some cases
there may be a high risk of initiating internal erosion by drilling borings or excavating test pits in
these areas. Emergency materials to stop progressive erosion in an excavation, a trench, or a
borehole must be on site and readily available. For this situation, it is recommended to stockpile
fine (C33 concrete sand) and coarse processed aggregates to filter and plug the excavation.
Specific details such as height of the drill pad and amount of surface casing must be developed on
a case-by-case basis dependent upon specific site conditions.
d. Borehole Completion. All boreholes and other penetrations (including direct push
sampling, Cone Penetration Test soundings, Standard Penetration Testing, Becker Penetration
Testing,) in and around embankment dams and levees must be sealed after completion.
Completing a borehole by backfilling with drill cuttings is not acceptable. All boreholes and
similar penetrations in the impervious portions of an embankment dam or levee and their
foundations must be backfilled by tremie placed cement-bentonite grout or bentonite pellets/chips.
The DPP must address the possibility of confined and separate ground water aquifers and
demonstrate safe completion which avoids cross-contamination and leakage. The grout must be
designed to obtain strength equal to or greater than the soil. Note that some instrumentation
installations may require additional considerations for the grout strength. Gravity grouting
techniques should be used for backfilling boreholes. For borings that penetrate zones with low
confining stress it is possible to induce hydraulic fracturing from the gravity pressure. When
grouting borings in these locations or if significant grout losses are observed, the grout backfilling
should be done in stages allowing the grout to set between stages. For pervious portions of the
dam or levee, the borehole must be backfilled by tremie placement of granular materials that are
sized to provide drainage without being susceptible to migration through the pervious embankment
or foundation materials or segregation during placement. Lutenegger, (1995) is a good source
for borehole backfill guidelines. Special procedures and materials may be required for installation
of instrumentation in boreholes.
e. Drilling Personnel. Drill rig operators must have a minimum of 5 years experience drilling
with the equipment and procedures described in the drilling program. The drill rig operator must
also be familiar with these guidelines. All drilling activities on USACE dams or levees must be
conducted in the presence of a geotechnical engineer that is a licensed professional engineer or a
licensed professional geologist who will be responsible for maintaining the integrity of the
Approval Requirements. Drilling Program Plans must be reviewed and approved by the
District Dam Safety Officer (Dams) or Levee Safety Officer (Levees).
any drilling fluid or
other stabilizing or circulating media is proposed, a technical review performed by the
Geotechnical and Materials Community
Practice (G&M CoP) Standing Committee on Drilling
and Instrumentation is required. The plan will then require approval from the District
pending satisfactory resolution
the technical review comments. The Standing Committee on
Drilling and Instrumentation will be chaired by the G&M
CoP Lead, co-chaired and managed by
the Risk Management Center, and staffed with G&M
CoP expetis.
Repmiing. All incidents
damage or potential damage related to drilling and associated
activities for dams must be reported following procedures outlined in Chapter
Evidence ofDistress in Civil Works Structures
1110-2-1156 Safety ofDams- Policy and
Procedures. Damage in levees must be repmied to the Levee Safety Officers and Levee Safety
Program Managers in the District,
MSC, and Headquatiers.
Exemptions. Drilling required for immediate emergency measures where delays required
to develop the DPP and obtain approvals would result in unacceptable risk
damage or failure,
may be exempted from the requirements to prepare a
DPP by the District DSO/LSO. Emergency
drilling should be appropriately expedited but should follow the general guidelines presented in
this regulation. No other exemptions or deviations from these requirements may be made.
Environmental Operating Principles. The user
this ER, as a member
a Project Delivery
Team, is responsible for seeking oppmiunities to incorporate the Environmental Operating
(EOPs) wherever possible. A listing
the EOPs is available at:
http://www. usace. anny .mil/Missions/Environmental/Environmental OperatingPrinciples.aspx.
2 Appendices
Appendix A - References and Resources
Drilling Program Plan
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References and Resources
Drilling Procedures
EM 1110-1-1804 Geotechnical Investigations (including Appendix F EM 1110-1-1906 Soil
EM 1110-2-1908 Instrumentation of Embankment Dams and Levees.
EM 1110-2-1914 Design, Construction and Maintenance of Relief Wells.
EM 1110-2-2300 General Design and Construction Considerations for Earth and Rock-Fill Dams.
EM 1110-2-3506 Grouting Technology.
UFGS-02210 (August 2004) Subsurface Drilling, Sampling, and Testing.
ASTM D1452-09 Standard Practice for Soil Exploration and Sampling by Auger Borings, 2009.
ASTM D1586-11 Standard Test Method for Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of
Soils, 2011.
ASTM D1587-08 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for Geotechnical
Purposes, 2012.
ASTM D2113-08, Standard Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for Site
Investigation, 2008.
ASTM D5781/D5781M-13, Standard Guide for Use of Dual-Wall Reverse-Circulation Drilling
for Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring
Devices, 2013.
ASTM D5782-95, Standard Guide for Use of Direct Air-Rotary Drilling for Geoenvironmental
Exploration and the Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices, 2012.
ASTM D5783-95, Standard Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Drilling with Water-Based Drilling
Fluid for Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality
Monitoring Devices, 2012.
ASTM D5872-95, Standard Guide for Use of Casing Advancement Drilling Methods for
Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring
Devices, 2006.
ASTM D5875-95, Standard Guide for Use of Cable-Tool Drilling and Sampling Methods for
Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices,
ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
ASTM D5876-95, Standard Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Wireline Casing Advancement
Drilling Methods for Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation of Subsurface
Water-Quality Monitoring Devices, 2012.
ASTM D6066-11, Determining the Normalized Penetration resistance for Sands for Evaluation of
Liquefaction Potential, 2011.
ASTM D6151-08, Standard Practice for Using Hollow-Stem Augers for Geotechnical Exploration
and Soil Sampling, 2008.
ASTM D6286-12, Standard Guide for Selection of Drilling Methods for Environmental Site
Characterization, 2012.
ASTM D6914-04, Standard Practice for Sonic Drilling for Site Characterization and the
Installation of Subsurface Monitoring Devices, 2010.
Standard Penetration Test: Drillers/Operators Guide, Report Number DSO 98-17, J. Farrar,
Bureau of Reclamation, Dam Safety Office, Denver, Colorado, May 1999.
Earth Manual, Parts I & II, Third Edition, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado.
Australian Drilling Manual, Third Edition, Australian Drilling Industry Training
Committee, NSW 2113 Australia, 1992.
Drillers Manual, accessed at, National Drilling Association, Brunswick, Ohio
Lutenegger A.J., D.J. Degroot, C. Mizra and M. Bozozuk, “Recommended Guidelines for Sealing
Geotechnical Exploratory Holes”, Report 378, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995.
Hydraulic Fracture
Albritton, J., Jackson, L., and Bangert, R., “Foundation Grouting Practices at Corps of Engineers
Dams”, Technical Report GL-84-13, US Army Corps of Engineers, October 1984.
Alfaro, M.C., and Wong, C.K., “Laboratory studies of fracturing of low-permeability soils”,
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 38, 303-315, 2001.
Andersen, K.H., Rawlings, C.G. Lunne, T.A., and By, T.H., “Estimation of hydraulic fracture
pressure in clay”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 31, 817-828, 1994.
Bjerrum, L., Nash, J. K. T. L., Kennard, R.M. & Gibson, R.E., “Hydraulic fracturing in field
permeablity testing”, Geotechnique, 22, 319-32, 1972.
ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
Bozozuk, M., “Minor principal stress measurements in marine clay with hydraulic fracture tests”,
Proceedings, Engineering Foundation Conference on Subsurface Exploration for Underground
Excavation and Heavy Construction, Henniker, N.H., August 1974.
Calcagno, Frank, Jr., USBR, “Hydraulic Fracture Study of the Tiber Spillway Cofferdam”, AEG
Newsletter 26/4 October 1983.
Casagrande, A. and Covaarrubias, S.W., “Cracking of earth and rockfill dams, tension zones in
embankments caused by conduits and cutoff walls”, Contract Report S-70-7, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, July 1970.
Chang, H., “Hydraulic fracturing in particulate materials, Doctoral Thesis, Georgia Institute of
Technology, November 2004.
Chen, Yu-jiong, and Zhang, Shu-lu, “Test embankment of fracture grouting”, Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 11, November 1989.
Clough, R.W. and Woodward, R.J. III, “Analysis of embankment stresses and deformations”,
Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Proceedings of ASCE, Vol. 93, No. SM4,
July 1967.
Elwood, D., and Moore, I., “Hydraulic fracture experiments in sand and gravel and approximations
for maximum allowable mud pressure”, North American Society for Trenchless Technology, No
Dig Show, Mar-Apr 2009.
Hamouche, K.K., Leroueil, S., Roy, M., and Lutenegger, A.J., “In situ evaluation of K
in eastern
Canada clays”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol 32, pgs 677-688, 1995.
Independent panel to review cause of Teton Dam failure, 1976, Failure of Teton Dam: Report to
the U.S. Department of Interior and State of Idaho.
Kulhawy, F.H., and Duncan, J.M., “Stresses and movements in Oroville dam”, Journal of Soil
Mechanics and Foundations Division, Proceedings of ASCE, Vol. 98, No. SM7, July 1972.
Lo, K.Y. and Kaniaru, K., Hydraulic fracture in earth and rock-fill dams, Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, Vol 27, 496-506, 1990.
McCook, D.K, and Grotrian, K.O., “Using SIGMA/W to predict hydraulic fracture in an earthen
embankment”, Proceedings: Dam Safety, ASDSO, September 2010.
Mori, A. and Tamura, M., “Hydrofracturing pressure of cohesive soils”, Soils and Foundations,
Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 1, 14-22, Mar 1987.
Schmertmann, J. H., “Measure and use of the insitu lateral stress”, The Practice of Foundation
Engineer, Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, 1985.
ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
Seed, H.B., and Duncan, J.M., 1981, The Teton Dam - a retrospective review”, Proceedings of the
Tenth international Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm,
Sweden, June 1981, p. 219-238.
Sherard, J.L., “Embankment Dam Cracking,” Embankment Dam Engineering, S. Poulos and R.
Hirschfeld, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y., 1973,pp. 272-353.
Sherard, J.L., “Loss of water in boreholes in impervious embankment sections”, Proceedings, 10
ICOLD Congress, Montreal, Vol. VI, 1970, 377-381.
Sherard, J.L., Decker, R.S. and Ryker, N.L., “Hydraulic fracturing in low dams of dispersive clay,”
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures,
ASCE, June, 1972, Vol. 1, Part I, pp. 563-590.
Sherard, James L., “Hydraulic fracturing in embankment dams,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, Volume 112, No. 10, October, 1986, pp. 905-927.
Staheli, K., Price, C.G., and Wetter, L., “Effectiveness of hydrofracture prediction for HDD
design”, North American Society for Trenchless Technology, No Dig Show, May, 2010.
US Army Corps of Engineers, “Foundation completion report Patoka lake dam, Indiana”,
Appendix E, Analysis of Grouting Effectiveness and Distribution as Observed During Excavation,
July 1979.
US Army Corps of Engineers, “Installation of Pipelines Beneath Levees Using Horizontal
Directional Drilling, Technical Report CPAR-GL-98-1, April 1998.
Xia, H. and Moore, I.D., “Estimation of Maximum Mud Pressure in Purely Cohesive Material
during Directional Drilling, Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, Vol. 1,
No.1, 3-11. 2006.
Yanagisawa, E. and Panah, A.K., “Two dimensional study of hydraulic fracturing criteria in
cohesive soils”, Soils and Foundations, Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1-9, Mar. 1994.
Sample Disturbance
Ladd, C. C., and D.J DeGroot, 2004 (revised). “Recommended Practice for soft ground site
characterization, Arthur Casagrande lecture, Proc. 12th Pan-American Conf. on Soil Mech. and
Geot. Engineering.
ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
Filter Design
Filter for Embankment Dams – Best Practices for Design and Construction, Federal Emergency
Management Agency,, December 2011.
Dam Safety Guidance
ER 1110-2-1156 Safety of Dams- Policy and Procedures.
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ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
Drilling Program Plan
An approved drilling program plan (DPP) is required for any exploration or remedial drilling
(including grouting) work to occur in or near an embankment dam or levee or their foundations.
When drilling is justified, an exploration team must be formed to determine and document the
drilling program components required to adequately and safely address the project needs. The
exploration team must thoroughly discuss the drilling program to ensure that the program
minimizes risk and meets the project goals. The drilling program must be prepared by experienced
geotechnical engineers and/or engineering geologists familiar with subsurface exploration
techniques and methods, with advice from drilling specialists. The Lead engineer on the
exploration team must be a registered professional engineer. This section describes the basic
information that must be developed and included in the drilling program.
a. Objective and Justification. The objective of the drilling program must be clearly
summarized including the purpose of the drilling and how the borings, samples, testing,
instrumentation, etc. will be used. The need for the drilling must be thoroughly justified. Drilling
should be minimized by first utilizing non-destructive methods including parametric analysis, the
use of published correlations, and non-destructive geophysical testing. The justification must
include documentation that shows the purpose is based obtaining information related to potential
failure modes identified in an approved risk assessment in support of the dam or levee safety
program. If an approved PFMA or risk assessment has not been performed, the exploration team
must perform a thorough evaluation similar to the PFMA process and present a valid justification
demonstrating that the drilling is required to obtain information related to a credible potential
failure mode.
b. Exploration Team. List members of the exploration team used in developing the DPP.
Include name, organization, title, registration, and years of experience.
c. Existing Information Review. In order to understand subsurface conditions, justify
additional drilling, and estimate drilling risks, all relevant existing information must be
assimilated and reviewed by the exploration team and then concisely summarized in the DPP.
Information review typically includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Geologic mapping, boring logs, driller’s notes, and reports portraying information from
previous investigations and construction.
(2) Geotechnical files and reports including Site Characterization Reports.
(3) Foundation Completion Reports.
(4) Embankment Construction Reports.
(5) Periodic Inspection or Periodic Assessment Reports.
(6) As-built drawings.
(7) Archived records.
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(8) Other construction reports.
(9) Construction photos for both original embankment construction and any subsequent
(10) Instrumentation plans, data, and reports.
(11) Project records available in district and project offices.
d. Essential Geologic and Engineering Drawings. The DPP must include a set of drawings
depicting the current understanding of subsurface conditions, as they relate to the proposed work.
This detailed set of foundation and embankment drawings typically requires a plan showing all
previous and proposed subsurface investigation locations, profile drawings, and sections of the
embankment in the areas proposed for exploration. The sections must be drawn to scale with no
vertical exaggeration and must show the proposed borings along with all available factual
information and appropriate geologic or engineering interpretations. The drawings should be
updated regularly during the drilling operations to show conditions encountered and adjust
geologic interpretations to help guide the program. The information on the plan, profile and
sections must be detailed and include a summary of all data significant to the analytical and
exploration needs such as:
(1) Embankment zones, including added berms, blankets, filters, and drains.
(2) Details of subsurface material classification.
(3) Geologic contacts and continuity interpretations supported by all nearby drilling and
sampling details.
(4) Depth of the top of rock and all other zones of importance.
(5) Piezometer locations showing screened influence zones and recorded piezometric levels
tied to the reservoir water level.
(6) Other instrumentation such as inclinometers, movement monuments, etc., shown in the
context of the foundation geology contacts and interpretations.
(7) SPT blow counts or other test results defining engineering properties.
(8) Geophysical data, where useful (e.g. cross hole shear wave velocity profiles).
(9) Estimated extent of any zones of interest, including natural and made-made (grout holes).
(10) Seepage areas tied to geologic units, where possible.
(11) Location of all structures, including seepage control features, outlet works, etc.
(12) Location and types of any distress features (seepage, wet spots, sand boils, sinkholes,
Maintaining updated geologic sections and a plan during the drilling operations is important for
making exploration changes and for responding to unusual or unexpected conditions or events.
The process for accomplishing this must be outlined in the drilling program.
ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
e. Drilling Scope and Methodology. The drilling program must include a summary of the
scope and methods that will be used, including the following:
(1) Number and location of proposed borings.
(2) Utilities, surface and underground obstacles, and accessibility.
(3) Materials expected to be drilled, sampled, and tested.
(4) Depth, diameter, bearing, and inclination of borings.
(5) Required sample type (disturbed or undisturbed), size, location, and reason for sampling.
(6) Proposed laboratory testing.
(7) Drilling, sampling, and testing methods.
(8) Details of the proposed tools and drilling equipment.
(9) Instrumentation and borehole completion requirements (influence zone, seals, etc.). Drill
rig operators: Name and years of experience.
(10) Field Supervision Personnel: Name, organization, title, registrations, years of
(11) Personnel responsible for logging materials and assuring geologic drawings are updated
regularly during the drilling program.
f. Risk Evaluation. Include an evaluation of the risk of hydraulic fracturing, erosion,
contamination of drainage features, heave, or any other damage. This should include:
(1) A detailed description of any drilling fluid used including details on the circulation system,
locations where fluid will contact soil, and circulation pressures that will be used.
(2) Monitoring needs during drilling, and a contingency plan if loss of drilling fluid or other
complications are observed during drilling.
(3) Measures to minimize the risk of damage to the dam or foundation.
(4) Measures to prevent the possibility of cross-contamination and leakage from confined and
separate ground water aquifers.
(5) Measures to prevent drill contact with structural features, such as conduits.
(6) Nearby instruments whose behavior will be monitored during the investigation and the
expected response including threshold and limit values, and contingency plans for unexpected
(7) An emergency action plan including a list of emergency equipment and supplies to have
onsite (phone/radio, filter materials, grout materials, etc.).
ER 1110-1-1807
31 Dec 14
g. DSO/LSO Certification. Provide a certification page with the signature of the appropriate
DSO/LSO. The certification must state: This Drilling Program Plan has been developed and
reviewed by experienced professionals and is in compliance with all the requirements of ER
1110-1-1807. The proposed actions are justified and have been developed to minimize the
likelihood of damage to the existing structure.