Limited CE/CEAS Pilot Program
Office of Recruitment, Preparation and Certification
Division of Field Support and Services
January 5, 2022
P.L. 2021, c.224 Overview
P.L. 2021, c. 224 requires the NJDOE to establish a five-year pilot
program for individuals to obtain a limited certificate of eligibility
(CE) and limited certificate of eligibility with advanced standing
(CEAS) in an instructional area, provided they meet the criteria
established in the law.
These limited certificates may only be utilized in certain districts
approved by the Commissioner to participate.
“Limited certificate of eligibility (CE)” means an instructional
certificate issued by the State Board of Examiners to candidates who
meet the criteria established pursuant to this law.
“Limited certificate of eligibility with advanced standing (CEAS)”
means an instructional certificate issued by the State Board of
Examiners to candidates who meet the criteria established pursuant
to this law and complete a State-approved college professional
educator preparation program.
Existing Certification Requirements
Bachelors degree
Content coursework (typically 30 credits)
Educator preparation program (for CEAS)
3.0 grade point average (GPA)
Content knowledge assessment
Basic skills assessment
Performance assessment
Limited CE
Limited CE applicants must meet all certification
requirements, except one of the following:
Content coursework;
Basic skills assessment; or
Content knowledge assessment.
The limited CE is only valid for employment in a school district,
charter school, or renaissance school approved to participate in this
pilot program.
Limited CEAS
Limited CEAS applicants must meet all certification
requirements, except one of the following:
GPA; or
Content knowledge assessment.
The limited CEAS is only valid for employment in a school district,
charter school, or renaissance school approved to participate in this
pilot program.
School District Approval
A school district, charter school, or renaissance school seeking
approval from the Commissioner to hire teachers under this pilot
program must demonstrate the capability to support new teachers
and at least one of the following:
A demographic disparity between the district’s or school’s student
population and teachers;
A shortage of bilingual education teachers; or
A critical need to fill teacher vacancies or a hardship caused by
teacher vacancies.
School District Responsibility
Under this pilot program, approved school districts must:
Hire no more than 10% of its total teachers through this pilot
Offer mentoring and induction to efficiently support new/novice
Evaluate new teachers;
Recommend new teachers for provisional certificates; and
Submit annual reports to the Commissioner evaluating the impact
of teachers hired under this pilot program.
School District Annual Reporting
The annual report submitted to the Commissioner must contain the
following information:
The number of teachers hired under a limited CE or CEAS;
The subject areas and courses in which the individuals teach;
Impact on the district’s or school’s demographic disparity between
its student population and the effect on filling teacher vacancies;
Student achievement data for students taught by the teachers who
were issued the limited certificates, as determined by the
Commissioner; and
Any other information the Commissioner deems necessary.
Additional Safeguards
The limited certificates provide an on ramp to the profession, removing a single barrier that may
be preventing otherwise qualified potential teachers from earning certification. However,
safeguards exist to assure teacher quality.
Educator preparation programs
Same tiered certification structure (initial, provisional, standard) as traditional CE/CEAS
Limited CE and CEAS holders will be subject to the same mentoring, supervision,
evaluation, and other requirements as traditional CE/CEAS holders under their provisional
Performance assessment
District vetting and hiring process
Existing district supports: mentoring, induction, evaluation and professional learning
Thank You!
New Jersey Department of Education:
Office of Recruitment, Preparation and Certification
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