Montana Tenant-Landlord Guide
Revised Edition, 2023
Project Coordinators
Hailey Duffin
Paul Hutton
Edessa Mitzel
Max Nelson
Brandon Smith
Georgia Balius
Madeleine French
Special Thanks to:
Klaus Sitte, Andrew Person, Greg Trangmoe, and Ryan Aikin
First Edition: May 1983. Copyright MontPIRG, Inc.
Revised 1985, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2014, and 2023.
The Montana Public Interest Research Group (MontPIRG) is a student directed and
funded non-partisan organization dedicated to affecting tangible, positive change
through educating and empowering the next generation of civic leaders. Our goal is
to help students become informed and equipped with the knowledge, skills, and
confidence to advocate for the public interest. Get involved and make a difference!
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Landlord-Tenant Statutes in Montana 5
The Basics of Easy Renting 6
I: Choosing a Rental Unit 8
Factors to Consider 8
Bargaining 8
The Holding Deposit 9
Screening Prospective Tenants 10
Discrimination 10
II: Establishing a Rental Agreement 12
Statement of Condition of the Premises 12
The Rental Agreement 12
Verbal Versus Written Rental Agreement 13
Standard (Month-to-Month) and Lease Agreement 14
Special Provisions 15
Repairs 15
Pets 15
Emotional Support Animals 16
Managing Premises for Landlord 16
Subletting Agreements 17
Special Use of the Premises 17
The Security Deposit Agreement 18
III: Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities 19
General Provisions 19
Maintenance of Premises and Property 19
Damages and Repairs 19
Utilities 23
Fire Safety 24
Mold 25
Renter's Insurance 26
Landlords Right to Access; Tenants Right to Privacy 27
Changing the Rental Agreement 29
What Constitutes Notice? 29
IV: Ending the Rental Agreement 31
Termination 31
Security Deposit Refund 32
Eviction Procedures 33
Eviction Process 36
Retaliatory Conduct by the Landlord 37
V: Solving Problems 39
Standard Complaint Letter 40
Consulting an Attorney 41
Civil Court 42
Where to File 43
Filing in Civil Court 43
Counterclaim and Removal 44
At the Trial 45
Judgment 46
Appeal 46
VI: Mobile Home Owners Renting Space in Mobile Home Parks and Their Landlords 47
Rental Agreements 47
Rules 48
Resident Associations 48
Road Maintenance Obligations 49
Reasons for Eviction 49
VII: Section 8 Housing 51
Screening of Tenants 51
Security Deposits 52
Landlord Responsibilities 52
Tenant Responsibilities 53
Payments to Landlords 53
Rent Adjustments 54
Terminations and Evictions 54
VIII: Appendices 56
A: Checklist for Choosing a Rental Unit 56
B: Model Rental Agreement 59
C: Model Statement of the Condition of the Premises 63
D: Model Roommate Rental Agreement 68
E: Model Holding Deposit Agreement 70
F: Model Security Deposit Agreement 71
G: Sample Repairs Letters 72
H: Sample Mold Disclosure 73
I: Additional Resources 74
Glossary 80
Index 83
Welcome to the 10th edition of the Montana Public Interest Research Groups
(MontPIRG) Tenant Landlord Guide. MontPIRG first published this guide in 1983 in
response to a survey of University of Montana students that showed that they faced
many problems as tenants, mostly due to a lack of understanding of Montanas
tenant-landlord law. Though this guide was originally meant to be a source for
student-tenants, it has become the standard source of information on tenant-landlord
law for both landlords and tenants across the state.
Taking its expanding audience into account, the newest edition seeks to provide vital
information for both landlords and tenants in language that is accessible to the
general public. This edition has been updated to include changes to tenant-landlord
law made as of October 2023, with newly added and updated provisions highlighted
in yellow. This guide is designed to help tenants and landlords avoid problems
wherever possible, and if disputes arise, to solve them quickly and inexpensively. The
information and suggestions contained in this guide are based upon Montana law,
consultations with attorneys, and extensive outreach to students to determine what
issues are being faced in their lives today.
This guide is both a resource and a workbook. Use the table of contents and index to
get quick answers to specific questions you may be facing or read it cover-to-cover in
order to gain a detailed understanding of what your rights are as a renter or as a
landlord. This guide will give you comprehensive knowledge of the legal rights and
responsibilities held by tenants and landlords, the remedies provided by law for
resolving disputes, and practical tips on maintaining a good landlord-tenant
Landlord-Tenant Statutes in Montana
Throughout this guide, you will see citations in parentheses, similar to (70-24-101, MCA).
MCA refers to the Montana Code Annotated, which is the collection of laws for the state
of Montana. The first number indicates the title, the second the chapter, and the third
the section of the Montana Code Annotated. For example, in the reference (70-24-101,
MCA) the information was taken from Title 70, Chapter 24, and Section 101 of the
Montana Code Annotated. The sections of the MCA which you will find most frequently
in this guide and in the search for legal information on landlord-tenant issues are the
Montana Residential Landlord and Tenant Act of 1977 (70-24, MCA) and the Residential
Tenants Security Deposits Act (70-25, MCA). ARM refers to the Administrative Rules of
Montana, which are agency regulations that have the force of law. You can find current
versions of these and other Montana statutes at the Montana Legislative website: Current versions of the ARM can be found at
The Basics of Easy Renting
1. Make all agreements and requests in writing, and save photocopies for your
Verbal agreements are legally binding in Montana, but they are much harder to
enforce than written agreements. As such, anytime you communicate with your
landlord or your tenant, it is best to do so in writing. Remember to always keep a
personal copy of any written agreement. You can find model written agreements for
common rental issues in Part VIII of this guide.
2. Read and understand agreements before signing them.
Ensure that you read everything in any contract. If there is something you do not
understand, ask the landlord to explain it to you. If you are not comfortable with the
explanation, do not sign it. Never assume that a verbal explanation accurately
paraphrases what you are about to sign, and never allow yourself to be rushed into a
deal. Part II of this guide explains the most common parts of a rental agreement.
3. Develop a landlord-tenant relationship and attempt to resolve problems
Disputes will rarely arise if both parties understand their rights and fulfill their
obligations. Part III of this guide will help you understand your rights as a landlord or a
tenant. When a problem does arise, ensure that you communicate with the other party
to find a mutually beneficial resolution. Part V of this guide provides some helpful tips
for resolving disputes between a landlord and tenant.
4. If you can not resolve a legitimate grievance, pursue it in court.
Montana tenant-landlord law includes many protections for both landlords and
tenants. However, these protections are meaningless if they are not invoked to protect
the rights of the respective parties. In keeping the landlord accountable to you as a
tenant, you not only help yourself but also future tenants.
As a landlord, if a tenant is in default of the rental agreement, you have straightforward
legal rights to pursue your grievances and resolve disputes with your tenant. Part V of
this guide walks you through the process of taking a landlord-tenant grievance to
5. When you have a question or problem, call Montana Legal Services HelpLine at
Part I: Choosing a Rental Unit /
Choosing a Renter
Factors to Consider When Looking for a Rental
Before looking for a place to live, consider what you can afford
and what you need. Decide how much you are willing to pay
for rent and utilities. When considering a specific unit, find out
how much the utilities will cost. Ask previous tenants and the
landlord what the utilities have cost in the past. If necessary,
ask the landlord to request the information for you from
Northwest Energy or your local power company, which should
have records of the previous years gas and electric bills.
List those assets you want or need, for example laundry
facilities, location in relation to work or school, safety, parking
availability, access to public transportation, pet policy, etc.
Then use the “Checklist for Choosing a Rental Unit” (Appendix
A, page 55) to assist you in choosing a rental unit which meets
your needs.
As you find generally desirable rental units, remember that you can bargain with the
landlord for acceptable terms. For example, a landlord might be willing to lower rent,
spread the security deposit over several monthly payments, or alter pet policies. Too
often tenants mistakenly assume that bargaining is unacceptable; however, many
landlords are willing to bargain for a good renter. See what the landlord wants, vocalize
what you want and negotiate for a rental agreement that works for both parties. If you
do make special arrangements, remember to put them in writing on the rental
agreement. For more information, see “Establishing a Rental Agreement” (page 11).
The Holding Deposit
The Montana Residential Landlord
Tenant Act does not specifically
address holding deposits, but
generally a holding deposit is an
amount of money paid by a
prospective tenant to reserve a
dwelling space until a rental
agreement is formally initiated. In
accepting such a deposit, the
landlord is considered to have given
consent for the person to take
possession of the property. When the
tenant moves out, the deposit is often
returned or applied toward other
rental charges as a credit. If a tenant
pays a holding deposit and then
backs out of the deal, the landlord
often keeps the deposit as payment
for having taken the unit off the
market for the tenant.
Because they lack a legal definition in
state law, holding deposits are
defined by
contract law. This makes it very important to negotiate a
complete rental agreement as well as a written agreement
with the landlord that spells out the terms of the holding
deposit, including the last date that you can opt not to sign the
rental agreement.
Without a written agreement, the purpose and function of the
holding deposit becomes the landlords word against the word
of the prospective tenant. Before you pay a holding deposit,
make sure you have the conditions of the holding deposit
spelled out on paper to your satisfaction. Get a receipt for the
payment, and be sure to keep a copy of the holding
agreement for yourself.
Screening Prospective Tenants
Many landlords screen prospective tenants to ensure that they will maintain the unit
and pay rent on time. Landlords may ask applicants for names, addresses, and phone
numbers of previous landlords or rental agencies to find out about their rental history.
A landlord may also run a credit check, request personal references, and information
on employment and income to determine ability to pay.
Discrimination (49-2-305, MCA)
While screening tenants is important for landlords to ensure that their property will be
cared for and that rent will be paid, landlords may NOT use the screening process to
discriminate against prospective tenants. Unless a landlord is renting a room in their
own house, the landlord is forbidden from discriminating against a potential tenant on
the basis of the individuals race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, marital status, familial
status, national origin, or mental or physical disability (49-2-305(2), MCA).
If you feel you are being discriminated against, or if you have questions about
discrimination, call the Montana Human Rights Bureau at 1-800-542-0807 or visit their
website at Montana Fair Housing can also assist
you in filing a discrimination complaint. They can be reached at their main office in
Butte at (406) 782-2573 or 1-800-929-2611.
The prohibitions against discrimination based on age or familial status mean that it is
illegal to discriminate against tenants with children. The two exceptions to this law:
1) if the residence in question is owner-occupied, provided that the owner
rents no more than three rooms within the residence, or
2) if the residence in question is part of an “all-adult” community that has
adhered to the policies that demonstrate the housing is intended for a certain
age, such as a nursing home (49-2-305(10), MCA).
Federal law also establishes rights to accessible housing for persons with disabilities. If
a rental unit can be made accessible with reasonable changes and/or additions, a
landlord must allow the tenant to make those changes (at the tenants cost). Additional
information on the housing rights of people with disabilities can be obtained by calling
agencies listed in the referrals section of this guide, most notably Montana Fair
A landlord might try to discourage prospective tenants they consider “undesirable” in a
variety of ways. Common tactics include sharply raising the rent or security deposit
above the advertised cost. Upon seeing the tenant in person, the landlord might
announce that the unit “was just rented.
If you feel that a landlord is discriminating against you, contact Montana Fair
Housing at 1-800-929-2611.
Part II: Establishing a Rental Agreement
Statement of the Condition of the Premises (70-25-206, MCA)
At the beginning of the tenancy the landlord must provide the tenant with a written
statement of the condition of the premises. The landlord is also required to provide a
list of damage and cleaning charges assessed to the previous tenant upon the tenant's
request. Many landlords choose to have their tenants fill out a "check-in" sheet or
something similar to the Condition of Premises form in Appendix C (page 57) of this
guide in order to comply with this requirement. It is also recommended that tenants
take pictures of their rental space upon moving in to provide an objective
representation of the condition of the premises. These options are the most beneficial
to renters because they will often highlight defects in greater detail to preserve their
deposit. You should retain copies of these documents for your records. The Condition
of Premises report is important because without it there is no evidence of the condition
of the unit when the tenant moved in. The report protects the tenant from being
charged for conditions that existed prior to the beginning of the tenancy and provides
the landlord with the evidence necessary to withhold money from the security deposit
for damages caused by the tenant.
If the landlord fails to provide a statement of the condition of the premises, they
relinquish their claim to withhold cleaning or damage charges from the security
deposit when the tenancy ends. Without a written condition of premises the legal
burden of proof is on the landlord to prove by "clear and convincing evidence" that the
tenant is responsible for the damage in question. This evidence must be presented
before any part of the deposit can be withheld (70-25-206, MCA).
The Rental Agreement
Montana law defines a rental agreement as any written or verbal agreement
embodying the terms and conditions concerning the use and occupancy of a dwelling
unit and premises (70- 24-103, MCA). The landlord and the tenant must decide
between a verbal or written agreement; and must choose a standard, term, or lease
agreement. The rental agreement should carefully outline any special provisions such
as additional repairs to be performed or tenancy rules.A landlord is not allowed to
require a tenant to provide an email address as a condition of their rental agreement
(70-24-202, MCA). Verbal and written rental agreements are legally binding on both
parties. No rental agreement may contain provisions which violate the law, or waive or
forego the rights or remedies of any party under the law (70-24-202, MCA). Courts in
Montana have considerable discretion in finding provisions of a rental agreement to be
"unconscionable." These are provisions that, while not violating the letter of the law, are
unfair or repressive to one of the parties. Neither party is required to abide by a rule in
a rental agreement that is contrary to Montana law or has been found by a court to be
unconscionable (70-24-404, MCA). Provisions that are unconscionable include
agreeing to limit a landlords legal responsibilities in case of negligence or misconduct,
requiring a tenant to pay a landlords attorneys fees, and discriminatory practices like
raising rent for tenants with children. If a provision violates the federal Fair Housing Act,
it is considered unconscionable.
Verbal Versus Written Rental Agreements
Verbal and written rental agreements are treated differently under the law.
Verbal agreements are agreements in which there is no written documentation of the
terms of your tenancy. The tenant and landlord simply decide upon the amount of
rent, when it will be due, the security deposit amount, and perhaps a few simple rules.
Specific issues not covered by the agreement are set to default terms established by
state and federal law. Verbal agreements are convenient to the extent that they are
usually short and do not involve reading fine print. Technically, they are just as legally
binding as written agreements. However, verbal agreements can be difficult to enforce.
First, you must prove that some agreement exists; then you must prove what the
terms of that agreement are. If a dispute arises later on, it is likely to deteriorate into an
argument pitting the tenant's word against the landlord's. If witnesses are present,
some of these difficulties may be avoided later.
If the person you are entering into a rental agreement with does not wish to sign a written
agreement, make notes as to witnesses present and the substance of the agreement.
Send a signed and dated letter identifying the key points of the agreement to the
other party. Keep a copy of the letter for your records. By sending this letter, you not
only document your understanding of the agreement, but you also create an
opportunity for the other party to clear up disagreements.
A written agreement is a signed document listing the terms and
provisions of your tenancy. The terms of written agreements are
easier to enforce because:
1) They are clearly defined
2) The signatures indicate that both parties
understand and accept the terms of the agreement
Before signing an agreement, make sure that you read and understand all of its
provisions. Under certain circumstances, a written agreement need not be signed by
both parties to be binding. If either the landlord or the tenant does not sign and deliver
a rental agreement which has been duly signed and delivered by the other party, but
acts as though they did, then the agreement has the same effect as if it had been
signed. If a landlord accepts rent money, or if a tenant takes possession of the dwelling
unit, then they act as though the rental agreement was signed. If a rental agreement
concerning a period of tenancy for longer than one year is unsigned, then that
agreement is only binding for one year (70-24-204, MCA).
Montana law requires that rental agreements be written in plain and understandable
language. If you are unsure of the implications of a certain term or provision, ask an
attorney about it or contact another form of legal help. If there is something you do not
like in an agreement, discuss it with your landlord. Come to a mutual agreement, cross
out or revise that section, and initial the modification with your landlord. If there is
something you do not like in an agreement, cross it out and initial the modification with
your landlord. After negotiating and signing a rental agreement, be sure to retain a
copy of it for your records. Be aware that a tenant cannot be bound to provisions in a
lease agreement which are prohibited by the Montana Residential Landlord Tenant
Act (70-24-202, MCA). The law always takes precedent if there is any doubt.
Standard (Month-to-Month) and Lease Agreements
There are two kinds of rental agreements: the standard month-to-month agreement,
and the lease. Standard month-to-month agreements can be terminated by either
the landlord or the tenant on thirty (30) days written notice FOR ANY REASON or FOR
NO REASON, unless the termination is discriminatory or retaliatory (see the sections on
discrimination and retaliation). In addition, the landlord can change the terms of the
rental agreement (including rent) on thirty (30) days written notice. If a rental
agreement is terminated without cause and prior to the expiration of the agreement,
the party receiving the notice of cancellation is entitled to seek monetary
compensation of up to one months rent (70-24-201(2)(f), MCA). If the tenant breaks the
agreement early, the landlord is entitled to rent until a new tenant is found or until the
date the old agreement was supposed to expire, whichever comes first.
Leases are rental agreements which do not allow either the landlord or the tenant to
vary the terms of the rental agreement until the lease expires, unless the terms of the
lease are violated. If either the landlord or the tenant wish to terminate the lease at
the end of the term, a thirty (30) day notice must be given to the other party. If a lease
expires, but the tenant continues to pay rent and live at the rental unit and the
landlord continues to accept rent, the rental agreement continues, unless otherwise
detailed in the lease. The lease then becomes a standard month-to-month
agreement. (70-24-205, MCA).
Sometimes a rental agreement will be referred to as a "term agreement." Provided
neither the tenant nor the landlord can change the terms of the agreement for the
term specified in the rental agreement, then the "term agreement" is for all purposes a
Occasionally, however, a "term agreement" will prohibit the tenant from terminating
the rental agreement before the term specified, but will allow the
landlord to terminate the rental agreement, raise rent, or otherwise change the terms
of the agreement within the term specified. Clearly, such an agreement is in almost all
circumstances not beneficial to the tenant and should be avoided.
Special Provisions
Many times the landlord and tenant will make special
agreements regarding repairs, pets, subletting, etc.
These provisions should be spelled out in a written
1. Repairs. If the landlord has agreed to perform
repairs, the repairs and the dates by which they
will be completed should be listed on the rental
agreement. Each party should initial each repair
that is added.
2. Pets. If a tenant plans to have a pet, it is
recommended to get detailed written
permission from the landlord. Sometimes the
landlord will request an additional pet security
deposit to cover cleaning or damage costs,
which may be associated with the pet. If so,
tenants should make sure the terms of the
deposit agreement are clear, and keep a copy for their records. Under Montana
law, pet deposits are subject to all of the same rules and regulations as security
deposits (70-25-101(4), MCA). Pet deposits cannot be "non-refundable" or have
other terms associated with them that violate the Montana Residential Tenants'
Security Deposits section of the Montana Code (70-25, MCA). However, landlords
are allowed to charge higher rents to tenants with pets.
If a tenant has a pet which is not allowed by the rental agreement, the landlord
may give the tenant a three-day notice specifying
that the tenant must either get rid of the pet or vacate
the premises. For the tenant, temporarily removing or
"hiding" the pet is not a good solution. Following the
initial notice, if the landlord discovers any
unauthorized pet in the rental within the next six (6)
months, they can give the tenant a five (5) day notice
to move out, with no opportunity to remedy the
situation. If any unauthorized pet causes damage,
the landlord may give the tenant a three (3) day notice of termination for
destruction of property, in which case removing the pet would do no good and
the tenant should find another place to live.
3. Emotional Support Animals (70-24, MCA, HB 703). A tenant with a
disability-related need is allowed to request permission from their landlord to
keep an emotional support animal (ESA). The landlord is authorized to request
information that reasonably supports the tenants need for the animal. This
information ought to come from a licensed healthcare professional who has had
an established relationship with the tenant for at least thirty (30) days and has
completed a clinical evaluation of the tenant regarding their need for an ESA. A
landlord may NOT request information that discloses a specific diagnosis or the
severity of any given disability. Any ESA registration, certificate, or identification
card is not considered sufficient supporting information. A landlord is allowed to
reject an ESA request if the animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety
of other residents or if there is a direct threat of physical damage to the property.
The tenant is liable for any damages that occur because of the ESA. However, the
landlord is NOT allowed to charge higher rates for the security deposit or rent, as
an ESA is a reasonable accommodation related to a disability.
4. Managing Premises For Landlords (70-24-303(3)(4), MCA). Tenants may arrange
(in writing) with the landlord to perform repair and maintenance tasks
themselves, providing all of the following conditions are met: a) the agreement is
not made in order for the landlord to evade their responsibilities; b) the work the
tenant does is not necessary to bring the dwelling into compliance with the housing
code; c) the agreement does not diminish the landlord's responsibility to other
tenants. However, in buildings that contain more than three dwelling units, these
kinds of arrangements are prohibited in order to protect the tenant from
becoming a general maintenance person for the complex.
5. Subletting Agreements (70-24-305, MCA). Some landlords allow tenants to
sublet, or rent, their rental unit to someone for a specified period of time. Tenants
normally sublet in order to hold a rental unit for a period in which they will be
gone (as in the case of a tenant who leaves for the summer but wants to keep
their apartment), or in order to complete the time remaining on a term agreement
or lease.
If a tenant decides to sublet, they retain all their rights and responsibilities as a tenant,
but they also take on all the rights and responsibilities of a landlord - the tenant
becomes a landlord to the new tenant. Thus, the tenant is still responsible for the
timely payment of rent, and for any damages caused by the person subletting from
them, but as a landlord they also take on significant new obligations to, for example,
keep the rental unit fit and habitable and to give adequate notice for terminating or
changing the rental agreement.
A tenant may not sublet their rental property unless
1) they have written permission from their landlord and;
2) the subletting agreement is not longer than the period of the rental
contract (i.e. the sublet agreement cannot extend past the end of the lease
or no more than one (1) month's time for a month-to-month agreement.)
If you sublet, use a written rental agreement and include in it all the terms of your
rental agreement with the landlord. Draw up a separate, written agreement stating the
amount and terms of a security deposit. Sublet only to people who recognize the
unique nature and responsibilities of the situation and will conduct themselves
Special (Non-Residential) Uses of the Premises. If a tenant wishes to use the premises
in ways other than as a home to live in-e.g. as an office, day care center, wood- shop,
etc. they must get special permission from the landlord. The tenant and landlord should
put the terms of this permission in writing as part of the rental agreement. Residential
rentals must be used primarily as residences. Small businesses may be run out of a
residential unit only if this activity is secondary to the use of the unit as a residence. The
information in this guide only pertains to residential rental situations. If you rent space
for a business, for storage, or for an art studio, etc., the information in this guide will not
apply to your rental agreement.
The Security Deposit Agreement (70-25, MCA)
Most landlords require the tenant to put down an amount of money, separate from
rent, to protect the landlord from losses due to tenant-caused damages, appropriate
cleaning not performed by the tenant, and unpaid rent and utilities owed by the tenant
after the rental agreement is terminated. This is usually called the “cleaning” or
“security” deposit. It should be noted, however, that any money (or its equivalent)
collected by the landlord to ensure the premises are left clean, no damages have
occurred, and that all rent and utilities are paid is considered to be a security deposit,
regardless of what it is called (70-25-101(4), MCA). Landlords cannot evade security
deposit regulations simply by calling the security deposit, or a portion thereof, by a
different name (i.e. pet deposit, cleaning fee, etc.).
It should also be noted that Montana law defines security deposits as “value given in
money or its equivalent” (70-25-101, MCA). This means that if tenants are required to
perform cleaning on the residence when they move in, an appropriate charge for their
labor is part of the security deposit and must be refunded to them upon termination
of tenancy.
The security deposit is the tenants money throughout the tenancy and is eventually
refunded to them provided they do not owe any rent and leave the rental unit in as
good condition as when they moved in. Before any cleaning charge can be deducted
from the security deposit, a landlord must provide a departing tenant with a written
notice detailing what needs to be cleaned. This notice can be mailed via certified mail
or placed in a clearly visible spot in the rental space, accompanied by notification via
telephone, text, or email. The tenant has twenty-four (24) hours following the delivery
of the notice to complete the indicated cleaning. Non-refundable cleaning and
security deposits are not allowed under Montana law (70-25-201, MCA).
The security deposit agreement should be set down in writing. Refer to Appendix F
(page 64) for a model agreement. If the landlord does not want to sign an agreement,
the tenant should get a receipt for the deposit and save it for future reference.
Part III: Landlord and Tenant Rights and
General Provisions
Montana law recognizes that both tenants and landlords have an interest in
maintaining the rental unit, and that good tenant-landlord relationships are symbiotic.
Tenants need landlords to provide a place for them to live, and without tenants
landlords would be deprived of a source of income. Correspondingly, tenants and
landlords have responsibilities to one another. Tenants have a responsibility to pay the
landlord rent in a timely manner and to maintain and care for the landlords property
(70-24-201, 70- 24-321, MCA). Landlords have a responsibility to provide the tenant with
a fit and habitable dwelling, and to maintain the premises for which the tenant is
paying (70- 24-303, MCA).
Providing a fit and habitable dwelling means that the rental unit must comply with local
building codes concerning health and safety, and must have at least basic amenities
such as heating, hot and cold running water, electricity, proper plumbing, a smoke
detector and adequate ventilation. Landlords must also maintain any and all
appliances supplied as part of the rental agreement (70-24-303, MCA). In addition, rules
and regulations set forth by the landlord must be applied and enforced uniformly and
fairly (70-24-311, MCA).
The tenant has a responsibility to maintain the dwelling, as much as reasonably
possible, and to keep the unit safe and reasonably clean. Tenants must dispose of all
waste in accordance with health and safety codes. The tenant must not destroy,
deface, damage or remove any part of the premises and must use the areas within the
dwelling unit as they are designed to be used. For instance, a kitchen may not be
turned into a ceramics studio. Also, the tenant may not disturb neighbors or use the
rental in such a way so as to interfere with their neighbors peaceable enjoyment of
their premises (70-24-321, MCA).
Maintenance of Premises and Property
Damages and Repairs
As stated above, the landlord must keep the premises in fit and habitable condition.
The tenant has an obligation to treat the rental unit with care. If the tenant or a guest of
the tenant accidentally or intentionally damages the rental property, the tenant is
responsible for covering the cost of repairs and/or replacement. Tenants must
promptly notify the landlord of any damage to the unit. Rental units will be inspected
upon departure of the tenant to ensure no repairs or cleaning is necessary (70-25-202,
Occasionally, repairs will be necessary through no fault of the tenant. Before asking the
landlord to do repairs, tenants should make sure that:
(1) The repairs are not for damages that are the tenants fault, or the fault of a tenants
guest (70-24-406(1)(a)(iii), MCA).
(2) The damages affect the fitness and habitability of the rental unit (70-24-408, MCA).
If the tenant thinks the damages might pose a serious health or safety hazard, and the
landlord does not offer to repair the damage in a reasonable amount of time after
notification of the issue, tenants can arrange for the county or city building inspector to
examine the rental unit. The inspector will normally notify the owner, in writing, of any
defects. Ask your local county or city offices about how to
arrange a visit from a building inspector.
Tenants may never withhold rent to induce the landlord to
perform repairs. While Montana law recognizes that tenants
need effective processes to ensure prompt repairs,
withholding rent in order to force repairs is improper, In
response, the landlord can terminate the rental agreement
with three (3) days prior notice and sue the tenant for up to
three times the amount of lost rental income (see Termination
and Eviction in Ending the Rental Agreement).
If a repair needs to be made and it is the landlord's responsibility to make the repair (i.e.
the tenant did not cause the damage and the repair is necessary to keep the premises
in a habitable condition or to maintain appliances provided by the landlord) the tenants
first step is always to inform the landlord of the problem. Though landlords may be
obligated to maintain the conditions of a rental property under terms in the rental
agreement, none of the tenants rights to have repairs made arise until the landlord has
been notified of the problem.
There are several different ways in which tenants may provide notice of issues to the
landlord. The first of these is delivery to the landlords place of business through which
the rental agreement was made (70-24-108(1)(b), MCA). The second option is
notification via email. With this option, note that notice is considered given on the day
in which an electronic read receipt is received or an electronic mail reply other than an
automated response is given by the landlord (70-24-108(1)(c), MCA). The final option is
notification via physical mail, delivered either by hand, with a certificate of mailing, or
by certified mail. If a mail carrier is used, notice is considered given three (3) days after
the date of mailing (70-24-108(1)(d), MCA). Copies of notice given should be retained for
the tenants records. Like verbal rental agreements, Montana law also recognizes
verbal notification. A landlord may not refuse to make necessary repairs because
notice was not given in writing. However, a tenant who gives verbal notification should
also send the landlord a certified letter documenting the prior notification so as to
avoid the possibility of a landlord claiming that notification was not given
(70-24-108(1)(a), MCA).
Montana law specifies that landlords have fourteen (14) days after receiving notice
to repair problems that materially affect health and safety on the premises. In the
initial notification letter, the tenant may specify that if the repair is not completed within
fourteen (14) days the rental agreement will terminate in thirty (30) days. If the problem
creates an emergency situation, the problem must be fixed in three (3) days
(70-24-406(1)(a), MCA). In the case of an emergency, the notification letter may specify
that the rental agreement will terminate immediately if the repair is not completed in
three (3) days. If the landlord fails to have the necessary repairs made within the proper
time period the tenant may terminate the agreement and move out immediately or
exercise one of the following options to have the repair made and remedy the
emergency situation:
Option 1: Repair & Deduct
If the cost of the repair is less than one (1) month's rent, the tenant may arrange to have
the repair made, pay for it, and deduct the cost from the next month's rent. A
professional must make the repair and a copy of the receipt should be included with
the next month's rent payment. This method, commonly known as "repair and deduct",
may not be used to make repairs costing more than one (1) month's rent
(70-24-406(1)(b), MCA). The tenant may file a lawsuit against the landlord to recover
any damages they incurred due to the landlord's failure to repair the damage.
Option 2: Injunctive Relief
If the cost of the repairs is more than one month's rent, the tenant may seek “injunctive
relief to force the landlord to comply with their responsibilities to maintain the
premises. To do this, the tenant must file a complaint in the Justice Court specifying
the repairs that are necessary and requesting a court order requiring that the landlord
have the repairs made in a timely manner. As in option one above, the tenant may
recover any damages incurred due to the landlord's negligence through the court
(70-24-406(2), MCA).
Options one and two are generally employed by tenants to have minor repairs made
that do not affect the delivery of essential services. If the failure of the landlord to
make the required repairs results in the interruption or loss of essential services such
as heating or running water, the tenant may either utilize option one or two or pursue
one of the following options. It is important to note that in pursuing options three, four,
or five, the tenant gives up the right to pursue options one or two. In all cases, the
landlord must first be notified of the problem and be given proper notice.
Option 3: Obtaining Service
The tenant may obtain appropriate and necessary service from another source and
deduct the cost of the service from the next month's rent, provided that the costs do
not exceed the amount of rent. The tenant may continue to obtain services in this
manner until the landlord has made the necessary repairs. For example, if the landlord
fails to repair a furnace in the appropriate amount of time following notice of the
problem, the tenant may purchase a space heater and withhold the cost of the space
heater from the next months rent. This option differs from option one in that the tenant
is remedying a situation by obtaining a replacement service until repairs are made;
whereas in option one, the tenant is paying for the repairs themselves and deducting
the cost from rent (70-24-408(1)(a), MCA).
Option 4: Substitute Housing
The tenant may procure substitute housing until such time as the landlord has made
the necessary repairs. During this time the tenant is not required to pay rent to the
landlord (70-24-408(1)(c), MCA). For example, if the water heater stops working the
tenant may give the landlord notice that the problem needs to be fixed in a reasonable
time, perhaps five (5) days. If the water heater is not fixed after five (5) days, the tenant
may find substitute housing until the problem is fixed and the rent payment may be
prorated for the time substitute housing was needed.
Option 5: Diminished Fair Rental Value
The tenant may recover damages from the landlord based on the diminished fair
rental value of the unit. If a unit is worth $300 per month when everything is in good
working order, it is worth less when everything isn't working. If the running
water has stopped working, the unit may only be worth $150 per month. Montana law
doesn't specify diminished fair rental value for specific situations, so it is up to the
tenant and the landlord to work out the diminished value of the rental. If they cannot
come to an agreement, a court may ultimately decide the matter (70-24-408(1)(b),
The rental agreement should specify which utilities the landlord provides and which
the tenant is responsible for. Unless otherwise specified in the rental agreement, the
landlord must provide garbage cans and arrange for the removal of waste
(70-24-303(e), MCA).
If the landlord controls the heat, they must supply
it between October 1 and May 1 (70-24-303(f),
MCA). If the tenant is responsible for paying
heating bills, utility companies regulated by the
Montana Public Service Commission (such as
NorthWestern Energy) cannot shut the heat off
from November 1 through April 1, or if the U.S.
Weather Service forecasts a snowstorm or freezing
temperatures for the succeeding twenty-four (24)
hour period, unless permission is received from
the Public Service Commission (38.5.1410(2), ARM).
The Montana Public Service Commission will not
approve a request to disconnect under the
following circumstances (38.5.1410(1), ARM):
1) The account holder is at or below the federal
poverty guideline.
2) The account holder is a recipient of a public assistance program, such as food
3) A member of the customers household is 62 years old or older.
4) A member of the household is a person with a disability.
Even if a renter meets those criteria, it is best to continue paying for utilities if possible.
If you have questions, contact the Montana Public Service Commission.
If you need help paying for your utility bills,
apply through the Human Resource Council
(see Additional Resources in Appendix I) for
assistance from the "Low Income Energy
Assistance Program (LIEAP)" or "Energy Share."
LIEAP is designed to help low income
individuals or families who cannot afford to pay
their full heating bills during the winter, based
on family and house size, annual income, and
the type of heat they use (electric or gas).
Energy Share is a state program, providing
emergency assistance in paying power bills for
those without the funds to pay their own bills.
Assistance is available from October 1 through
April 30.
Fire Safety
Be sure your dwelling conforms to fire safety
codes. If you are not familiar with general fire
prevention practices, consult your local fire
Use stoves and fireplaces properly and
carefully. Plug electric ranges into an outlet,
do not wire them directly into the wall. Make
sure fireplaces and wood stoves have safe,
clean chimneys or other outside ventilation
sources. Keep combustible materials, such as
wood and paper, at least four feet from wood
All landlords are required to install a certified
smoke detector, at their expense, in each
dwelling unit under their control. It is the tenant's responsibility to properly use and
maintain these detectors (i.e. replacing batteries when necessary and reporting to the
landlord if the detector seems to be malfunctioning) (70-24-303(1)(g), MCA). There
should be at least one smoke detector per dwelling unit. The tenant should check to
make sure smoke detectors are properly installed, and they also might want to install
additional smoke detectors as needed. However, if the tenant installs smoke detectors
on the wall they become fixtures and may become the property of the landlord.
Smoke detectors are effective life saving alarms, but they save lives and property
only if maintained properly. Follow these rules to keep your alarm working.
1. Test your alarm once a month. Some smoke alarms have a
"test button," however, this is not always reliable. It may test the
electrical circuit only and not the alarm's ability to detect smoke
adequately. To test properly, hold a candle six inches under the
detector. To test ionization alarms, let the candle burn. To
test photoelectric alarms, extinguish the candle and let the
smoke drift into the detector. The alarm should sound within
twenty (20) seconds. If it does, fan the smoke away to stop
the alarm, and leave as is: the alarm is ready.
2. Replace batteries as needed but at least once a year.
Keep spares handy.
3. Replace light bulbs in photoelectric detectors as needed.
Keep spares handy.
The Montana Mold Disclosure Act recognizes that buildings intended for human
habitation are always vulnerable to mold growth, with moisture being a major factor
influencing growth. Mold is defined as being any mold, fungus, mildew, or spores
(70-16-702, MCA). The Act also recognizes that certain strains of mold may cause
property damage and adverse health reactions among residents, including irritation or
infection of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat (70-16-703(1), MCA).
If a landlord or other leasing agent has actual knowledge of the presence of mold in
the property that they are renting, a mold disclosure statement must be included on at
least one document, form, or application. This must be provided prior to or at the same
time as a leasing offer, and a copy of this disclosure statement should be signed by the
tenant. If the landlord has had mold testing conducted, they must provide a copy of
the results and evidence of any mitigation or treatment techniques they have
employed to the tenant. If the tenant has testing conducted, they must provide the
results to their landlord. Providing this documentation does not convey a promise by
the landlord that the test results are accurate or that the mitigation or treatment efforts
were effective (70-16-703(2), MCA). A landlord who provides a mold disclosure
statement is not liable in any action brought on the basis of mold-related issues
(70-16-703(3), MCA). A sample mold disclosure form is provided in Appendix H of this
guide (page 67).
Renter's Insurance
Renters may have property of considerable value in the apartment or house. The
landlord's insurance probably will not cover damage which occurs to the tenant's
property due to fire, theft, broken water pipes, or natural disaster. Thus, tenants should
consider purchasing renter's insurance. Renter's insurance is designed to cover only
losses of the tenant's property, not the landlord's. Tenant's seeking insurance should
call a variety of insurance agents to get the policy that meets their needs for the best
price. Yearly premiums are based on the value of the property the tenant is insuring
and generally cost $50 or more. If the tenant is a student under age twenty-one, their
property may be covered by their family's homeowner policy. Check with your auto
insurance provider: sometimes a discount is available for getting renters insurance
through the same agent or company. Renters insurance has good value, as it can
greatly reduce the stress and financial strain that unforeseen accidents create.
Landlords Right to Access; Tenant's Right to Privacy (70-24-312,
70-24-410, 70-24-424, MCA)
Both tenant privacy and landlord access are
protected under Montana law. Landlords cannot
abuse their right of access, nor can tenants
unreasonably withhold consent from the landlord
or the landlord's agent to lawfully enter the unit. In
1. If the landlord wishes to exercise their right
of access, they must provide notice to the tenant of
their intent to enter. In addition to the methods
outlined on page 28, a landlords notice is also
considered received by the tenant when the
landlord conspicuously posts their intent to enter
on the main entry door of the dwelling unit
(70-24-312(3), MCA).
2. The tenant cannot unreasonably deny
access to the landlord in order to inspect the
premises, make repairs or improvements, supply
services, or show the dwelling to prospective
tenants, purchasers, workers, contractors, etc.
(70-24-312(1), MCA). If the tenant refuses to allow
lawful access, the landlord may either obtain an
order of injunctive relief from the court or issue a
twenty-four (24) hour notice to correct. If the tenant does not resolve the issue
following receipt of the notice to correct, the landlord may issue a three (3) day notice
to terminate the rental agreement (70-24-424(1), MCA).
3. The landlord cannot abuse the right of access to harass the tenant. Except in
emergencies or unless it is impracticable to do so, the landlord must give the tenant
twenty-four (24) hours notice (verbal or written) of their intent to enter the premises. The
landlord can enter only at reasonable times. Notice may be considered impracticable if the
tenant is absent from the dwelling for an extended period (70-24-312(3), MCA).
4. The landlord can enter the premises without twenty-four (24) hour notice only:
a) in an emergency;
b) if they have a court order or;
c) if the rental agreement contains a provision allowing the landlord access
when reasonably necessary in cases where the tenant is absent more than seven
5. If the landlord makes an unlawful entry or a lawful entry in an unreasonable
manner (such as an entry at an unreasonable time), or makes repeated demands for
access which harasses the tenant (for example, giving the tenant a twenty-four (24) hour
notice every day for a week), the tenant may obtain injunctive (court ordered) relief from
the court or terminate the rental agreement (70-24-410, MCA). In order to avoid requests
for access that are inconvenient to the tenant, it is recommended that the tenant
establishes a positive working relationship with their landlord. This relationship allows
the tenant to communicate with their landlord when a request of access is inconvenient.
If a tenant refuses access to the landlord, the landlord may obtain injunctive relief from
the court to force the tenant to allow access or terminate the rental agreement
(70-24-424, MCA). In cases of abuse by the landlord or refusal by the tenant of access,
the law allows for recovery of actual damages through court.
6. The tenant may not remove, replace or add a lock to the premises without the
written permission of the landlord. If the tenant adds or replaces a lock not supplied by
the landlord, then the tenant must provide a key to ensure that the landlord will continue
to have the right of access (70-24-312, MCA). If the tenant fails to supply a key, then the
landlord may either obtain an order of injunctive relief from the court or issue a
twenty-four (24) hour notice to correct. If the tenant does not resolve the issue following
receipt of the notice to correct, the landlord may issue a three (3) day notice to terminate
the rental agreement (70-24-424(2), MCA).
Changing the Rental Agreement: Raising Rent or Altering the Terms of
the Agreement (70-24-311, MCA)
If a rule is adopted after a tenant enters into a rental agreement that creates a
substantial modification of the tenant's bargain, it is not valid until seven days after
written notice to the tenant in the case of a week to week tenancy, or thirty (30) days'
written notice in the case of tenancies from month to month. In the case of a lease
agreement, the landlord may not alter the terms of the rental agreement until the end
of the term. If a landlord wishes to alter the terms of a lease agreement upon expiration
of that agreement, they must provide the tenant notice of their intent to change the
terms of the agreement thirty days before the lease expires.
Montana law does not place any restrictions or ceilings on how much a landlord can
charge for rent or how much a landlord may raise rent. Generally, the landlord may
charge whatever the rental market will bear. However, rent increases may not be
allowed if they are determined to be retaliatory or intended to discriminate against the
tenant (see sections about discrimination and retaliatory conduct).
If a tenant with a lease receives a rule change letter (for example, new requirements to
maintain the lawn or not play music after a certain time) from their landlord before the
expiration of the agreement, the tenant may send a letter, refusing to recognize the
change. Doing this will prevent the rule change from taking effect. This only pertains to
those residential tenants with leases. If the tenant wants to change the terms of the
agreement or sublet, they must negotiate a new agreement with the landlord.
What Constitutes Notice? (70-24-108, MCA)
Notice is considered received when any of the following is true:
1. The recipient has actual knowledge of the notice.
2. In the case of delivery to a landlord, the notice is delivered at the place of
business of the landlord through which the rental agreement was made.
3. The notice is delivered via email to the email address provided by the recipient in
the rental agreement. Notice by electronic mail is only considered received if the
sender receives a “read” receipt generated by an email system or a reply from the
recipient but not an automatically generated reply. Since MCA 70-24-202 prohibits
landlords or tenants from requiring an email as a condition of the rental
agreement, this method will not work if the receiver has not provided an email
4. The sender delivers the notice by hand to the recipient.
5. The sender mails the notice with a certificate of mailing or by certified mail to the
mailing address provided by the recipient. If the recipient has not provided a
preferred mailing address, the sender may mail the notice to the receiver's
last-known address. Disclaimer: this notice is considered received three (3) days
after the sender mails the notice regardless of the recipient actually seeing it.
Notice is considered effective as soon as the landlord or tenant receives it. This means
that if the landlord or tenant exercises any of the five methods above, their notice is
considered effective.
Part IV: Ending the Rental Agreement
In the case of a standard (non-lease) agreement either the landlord or the tenant can
terminate (end) a rental agreement at any time as long as they provide proper notice.
The party who wishes to terminate the agreement must, under normal circumstances,
give the other party seven (7) days notice for a week to week tenancy, or thirty (30)
days written notice for a month to month tenancy (70-24-441(2), MCA). The party
initiating the termination should sign and date the notice and keep a copy for their
records. Notice can be given any time or day during a tenancy, i.e. it need not be given
at the beginning of the month or when rent is due. If the tenant or landlord completes
the above procedure, unless otherwise agreed, the total cost of rent is reduced to
match the total days the tenant stays on the premises. For example: A tenants rent is
500 dollars for a month to month agreement. Their rent is due at the beginning of the
month. However, per notice, the landlord will terminate the agreement on the fifteenth
(15th) day of the month, then the tenant will pay 250 dollars for the rental period
(70-24-441(3), MCA). In order to prove the notice was received, or at least sent to the
appropriate address, it should be sent with a proof of mailing. A notice sent by certified
mail is presumed to be delivered three (3) days after the date of mailing, regardless of
whether the other party actually received the notice (70-24-108(1)(d), MCA). In order to
prove the notice was received. Notice may also be provided by electronic mail if an
electronic mail address was provided in the rental agreement. Notice provided by
email is considered complete with a read receipt or by an email reply, so long as it was
not an auto-generated reply (70-24-108(1)(c), MCA). However, providing an email
address may not be a required condition of a lease agreement, but may be voluntarily
provided (70-24-202(e), MCA). Additionally, a neutral third party could witness the
delivery of the notice and then sign a written statement of what they witnessed.
In the case of a lease agreement, neither party may terminate the rental agreement
prior to the date specified in the lease unless the other party has violated the
conditions of the lease or state law (70-24-422, MCA). Landlords may terminate a lease
agreement with a five (5) days notice if the tenant has violated the same lease
provision twice within a six-month period and was informed in writing of the
noncompliance and given adequate time to remedy the situation (70-24-422(1)(d),
MCA). If the landlord has breached the same provision twice within a six month period
and has been notified in writing of the breach, the tenant may terminate the agreement
with fourteen (14) days notice (70-24-406(1)(a)(ii), MCA).
Security Deposit Refund
After proper notice has been given by either the tenant or the landlord that the rental
agreement is to be terminated, there are a series of steps that need to be taken to
ensure that the tenant receives all the security deposit due to them and that the
landlord is able to withhold any necessary amount from the deposit.
1) Within seven (7) days of the final termination of the agreement, preferably
after all or most of the tenant's belongings have been removed and cleaning has
been performed, a final inspection of the premises may be requested by either
the landlord or tenant (70-25-201(2), MCA). Ideally, both the tenant and landlord
will be present for this inspection, but if this is not possible then the landlord
may perform the inspection without the tenant being present.
2) After the inspection has been
completed, the landlord must deliver a written
list of additional cleaning to be completed by
the tenant to bring the unit into the same
condition as when it was rented. The landlord
must give the tenant at least twenty-four (24)
hours to complete the required cleaning
However, if the tenant vacates the premises
without notice, the landlord may deduct any
cleaning charges from the deposit or give
proper notice (70-25-201(3), MCA). If, after the
final inspection, there is no further cleaning to
be completed, no damages to the property for
which the tenant is liable, no unpaid rent and
the tenant can prove to the landlord that there
are no outstanding utility bills for which the
tenant is responsible, the landlord must return
the full amount of the security deposit to the
tenant within ten (10) days (70-25-202(2),
3) After the tenant has had the opportunity
to complete any required cleaning and has returned the keys to the landlord,
the landlord must deliver to the tenant, within thirty (30) days, an itemized list
of deductions from the security deposit along with any portion of the security
deposit remaining (70-25-202(1), MCA). If the tenant fails to deliver their
forwarding address to the landlord, this does not forfeit the tenant's claim to
the security deposit. If the landlord does not comply with this requirement, they
forfeit their right to withhold anything from the security deposit for cleaning or
damages (70-25-204, MCA).
Occasionally a situation will arise where the landlord and the tenant disagree as to a
reasonable amount to be withheld from the security deposit. To avoid as many of these
conflicts as possible, landlords should be sure to present every tenant with an initial
Condition of Premises report at the beginning of tenancy. Without the initial Condition
of Premises report, the landlord must be able to show by "clear and convincing
evidence" that the damage caused, or cleaning required is the tenant's fault
(70-25-206, MCA). Additionally, landlords are not permitted to deduct money from the
tenant's security deposit for "normal wear" (70-25-101(1), MCA) or for cleaning that is
performed on a cyclical basis (70-25-201(3), MCA). For instance, if a landlord paints the
walls after every tenancy, they may not charge the tenant for painting.
If a tenant disagrees with the landlord's itemized list of security deposit deductions,
they should send the landlord a letter detailing why they dispute the deduction (e.g.
the damage was preexisting, normal wear) and requesting an additional refund.
Alternatively, cases may occur where the security deposit is insufficient to cover
damages caused by the tenant and unpaid rent and/or utilities. In this case, landlords
must still send the departing tenant an itemized list of deductions and a bill for the
charges exceeding the deposit. If the landlord and the tenant cannot come to an
agreement on the amount of the deduction from the security deposit, a court can set
the deduction amount. (see Part V: Solving Problems).
Eviction Procedures
There are only three ways in which a landlord can attempt to remove a tenant from a
rental unit.
1. Terminating the rental agreement
2. Asking the tenant to leave
3. Taking the tenant to court to get an eviction order
In no instance can the landlord physically remove either the tenant or their possessions
from the dwelling, change the locks, or turn off the tenant's power or other services in
order to force the tenant out. In this situation the tenant may recover an amount not
more than three (3) months periodic rent or treble damages, whichever is greater
(70-24-411, MCA).
1. Terminating the rental agreement
The first way a landlord can remove a tenant from a rental unit is by terminating
the rental agreement. This can be done in the following ways (70-24-422, MCA):
A. Termination in Three (3) days, after notifying the tenant in writing if:
a. Rent is unpaid when due. If the rent is paid within three (3) days then
the notice is void, and the agreement cannot be terminated
(70-24-422(2), MCA).
b. The tenant has physically destroyed, defaced, damaged, impaired
or removed any part of the premises. The landlord does not have to
give the tenant the opportunity to remedy the situation in cases of
property damage (70-24-422(3), MCA).
c. The tenant is keeping an "unauthorized pet", (one not allowed by the
rental agreement) on the premises. The rental agreement
terminates if the pet is not removed from the premises within three
(3) days. However, if the pet is removed then the notice is void, and
the agreement cannot be terminated (70-24-422(1)(b), MCA). If this
breach of the rental agreement occurs again within six (6) months,
the landlord may terminate on five (5) days' written notice, with no
opportunity for the tenant to correct the situation (70-24-422(1)(e)
d. There are unauthorized people (people other than are on the
contract, or that the landlord has not authorized) residing in the
rental. The rental agreement terminates if the unauthorized person
is not removed within those three (3) days. If the unauthorized
person does leave within three (3) days, the notice is void, and the
agreement cannot be terminated (70-24-422(1)(c), MCA). If this
breach of the rental agreement occurs again within six (6) months,
the landlord may terminate on five (5) days written notice with no
opportunity for the tenant to remedy the situation (70-24-422(1)(e),
e. If the tenant verbally abuses the landlord, the landlord may issue a
notice of termination. If the tenant adequately remedies the
noncompliance within three (3) days, the rental agreement does not
terminate (70-24-422(1)(f), MCA). If this breach of the rental
agreement occurs again within six (6) months, the landlord may
terminate on five (5) days' written notice, with no opportunity for
the tenant to correct the situation (70-24-422(1)(e), MCA).
In any of these circumstances, the tenant has the ability to correct the issue,
resulting in the nullification of the termination notice. However, landlords may
recover actual damages for any non-compliance by the tenant (70-24-422(5),
MCA). This means that if a landlord was forced to terminate the rental agreement
because of noncompliance by the tenant, the landlord could recover, in court,
actual losses which the landlord incurred. For example, the landlord could
charge the tenant for rent until the unit was re-rented, assuming the landlord
made a reasonable effort to re-rent the property. Situations involving destruction
of property, wastage, and second offenses within six (6) months do not require
that the tenant be given any "second chances" to remedy the situation.
B. Termination in Fourteen (14) Days, after notifying the tenant in writing if:
a. There has been a non-compliance with the terms of the rental
agreement that is not described by the conditions above
(70-24-422(1)(d), MCA). If the tenant does whatever is necessary to
remedy the non-compliance within the fourteen (14) day period, the
notice is void (70-24-422(1)(a), MCA). If the same act of
non-compliance occurred within the previous six (6) months, a
termination notice can be issued with five (5) days written notice
(70-24-422(1)(e), MCA).
C. Termination In Thirty (30) days after notifying the tenant in writing that
they wish to terminate the agreement in the case of a month-to-month
agreement (70-24-441, MCA).
a. The landlord is not required to provide the tenant with a reason for
the termination if they give the tenant thirty (30) days prior notice of
the termination. There is no law in Montana barring eviction during
the winter. However, termination of the rental agreement is not
allowed, regardless of the amount of notice given, if the termination
is retaliatory or discriminatory (see sections on Retaliatory Conduct
by Landlord and Discrimination).
2. Asking the Tenant to Leave
The second way in which a landlord can remove a tenant from a rental unit is by
asking the tenant to leave the unit. The tenant may refuse to leave the unit until
the term of the billing period is over.
3. Taking the Tenant to Court to Get an Eviction Order
Before the landlord can bring an "Action for Possession" (a legal claim for the
tenant's removal from the rental unit), they must first terminate the rental
agreement (in one of the ways listed above) (70-24-429, MCA).
If the tenant remains on the premises following termination of the agreement,
the landlord can ask a court for an Order of Possession.
If the tenant doesn't move out upon legal termination of the rental agreement,
the landlord can sue the tenant for their court costs, attorney's fees, and three
times the amount of rent due during the time the tenant occupied the rental unit
after the rental agreement was terminated.
If a tenant feels they're being unlawfully evicted (see Retaliatory Conduct by
Landlord and Discrimination), they may dispute the eviction by filing an Answer to
the Landlords Claim to Evict within ten (10) days of being served with the action for
As a tenant, if your landlord is preparing to file an action for possession
(eviction) against you, consider your circumstances carefully before proceeding. If
you are considering contesting the eviction, you might want to consult with an
attorney before taking any action. If the conditions under which the landlord
terminated the rental agreement are legal and proper, move out. If not, try to
pursue your concern with the landlord. Document your attempts to resolve the
issue. If no agreement is possible and further negotiations are useless, and if you
feel the landlord is trying to evict you wrongfully, pursue the problem in court.
It is important to note that Montana law states that acceptance of rent by the
landlord is a waiver of a claimed breach only when the claimed breach is the
nonpayment of rent. The acceptance of partial payment of rent due does not
constitute a waiver of any right (70-24-423, MCA).
Eviction Process (70-24-427, MCA)
Under no circumstances can the landlord personally remove the tenant. Additionally,
the landlord cannot change the locks on the rental or cause the interruption of
essential services in an attempt to oust the tenant.
The typical eviction process is as follows:
1. The landlord delivers a written termination notice to the tenant.
2. The tenant refuses to obey the notice and remains in the rental unit
after the termination date.
3. The landlord files an Action for Possession with the county Justice Court.
4. The sheriff's department delivers a summons and a copy of the
complaint to the tenant.
5. The tenant has five (5) days to respond to the complaint. The tenant
files their response with the Court (70-24-429(4), MCA).
If the tenant fails to file an answer to the action for possession within five (5)
days, the landlord can obtain a default judgment in their favor and obtain a Writ
of Assistance from the justice court to have the tenant removed. The landlord
takes the Writ of Assistance to the sheriff's department to have the tenant
physically removed. The landlord can store any of the tenant's property and
charge for reasonable moving and storage costs.
6. If the tenant responds to the complaint, the judge sets a hearing date within ten
(10) days. For evictions due to illegal tenant activity as defined in MCA 70-24-321(3),
the hearing must occur within five (5) days of the date that the tenants answer was
due (70-24-427(2), MCA).
7. After hearing testimony and arguments, the judge, within five (5)
days, makes a decision (70-24-427(4), MCA).
If the judge decides in favor of the tenant, the tenant can continue to stay at the
rental unit and may collect damages, if any are awarded by the court. If the
judge decides in favor of the landlord, the tenant must move out, and pay the
landlord any damages awarded by the court.
8. A hearing for damages occurring from any breach of the rental agreement
must be held within forty-five (45) days after the initial claim for possession was
decided (70-24-427(2)(b), MCA).
Retaliatory Conduct By Landlord (70-24-431, MCA)
A landlord may not terminate the rental agreement, bring or threaten to bring an action for
possession, raise the rent, or decrease services because the tenant:
1. Submitted a written complaint to the landlord about damages
affecting the habitability, health, or safety of the rental unit, or
2. Submitted a written complaint to federal or state authorities about
damages affecting the habitability, health, or safety of the rental unit, or
3. Joined a tenants union or similar organization.
If the tenant provides evidence of having complained or joined a tenants union within
six (6) months of the alleged retaliatory conduct (eviction, raising the rent), it creates a
"rebuttable presumption" that the landlord's conduct was in retaliation. Unless the
landlord can prove otherwise with clear and convincing evidence, the court will
assume that the action is in retaliation and therefore illegal. It is important for tenants to
communicate with their landlord in writing because oral requests for repairs are not
enough to prove retaliatory conduct.
The rebuttable presumption will not hold, however, in the following cases:
1. The action requested by the tenant involves remodeling or alterations required
to bring the unit into compliance with appropriate building or housing codes that
would require the tenant to move out of the unit.
2. The damages complained about by the tenant were caused by the tenant.
3. The tenant is in default on the rent.
If the landlord takes retaliatory action against the tenant, the tenant is entitled to sue
for treble damages or three months rent, whichever is greater (also see page 34 on
Civil Court).
Part V: Solving Problems
Landlords and tenants should ideally be able to
resolve problems quickly, amicably, and at
relatively little cost. Disputes will rarely arise if
both parties understand their rights and fulfill
their obligations.
If a problem does arise, both parties should
proceed carefully, calmly, and deliberately. This
way, the chances are increased that the problem
will be properly resolved.
It is always better to make requests for repairs or
complaints in writing rather than orally, whether
face-to-face or over the telephone. Written
documents are more likely to get an appropriate
response, and if the case goes to court, they
provide evidence and show that the parties have
tried normal avenues of redress before bringing
the dispute to court.
If negotiations fail, one or both parties may want
to seek assistance. This might be a consumer
advocate or an attorney (see Appendix I:
Additional Resources). A consumer advocate may
be a law student, paralegal, or trained lay person.
While not being able to represent you in court or
give legal advice, they might be experienced in tenant-landlord conflict and can provide
helpful information to you. In contrast, an attorney can provide legal advice and
represent you in court.
Ultimately, if a dispute cannot be solved amicably, you will be forced to take the issue to
court, where a judge will make a decision in the case. In court, written records of events
are highly preferable, in order to avoid having the dispute turn into one party's word
against the other.
Standard Complaint Letter
Many times, the most appropriate first step towards resolving a problem is to deliver a
request/complaint letter to your landlord. In general, it should include the following:
1. A concise statement of the problem(s).
2. A chronology of previous attempts to resolve the problem(s) and responses to those
3. A clear and well-defined statement requesting that the problem is resolved. This should
explain the specific course of action requested and a specific time period within which the
request must be met.
4. A clear indication as to what will be done if the request is not met within the time
Letters should also include a full name, address, phone number, signature, and date.
Always keep a photocopy for your records. When sending out the letter, go to the post
office, purchase a certificate of mailing, and staple the certificate to your copy of the
letter. This certificate provides written proof of the date that the letter was presented to the
post office.
In Montana, if a notice letter is sent with a certificate of mailing or by certified mail, it is
considered to have been delivered three days after the date of mailing, even if delivery has
not yet actually been completed. Certification of mail acts as a written record of proof that a
tenant is attempting in good faith to address and correct issues amicably (70-24-108(1)(d),
Sending notices by certified mail requires a signature for delivery. If the recipient refuses
to sign for the letter, there would be an official record (on file with the post office) that the
letter was not received. Therefore, a certificate of mailing, which requires no signature, is
a better choice for sending complaint notices, as landlord refusal cannot affect the letters
delivery status. Notices by electronic mail are considered complete by a read receipt
generated by an electronic mail system or a reply other than an automatically generated
electronic mail reply (70-24-108(1)(c), MCA).
A sample complaint letter is provided in Appendix G of this guide, page 71.
Consulting an Attorney
Attorneys can give expert advice, negotiate, and represent their client in court. To find
an attorney, check to see if your university, employer, union, or other community group
provides legal services. Financial assistance is typically available when approached
through these avenues. You can also check the yellow pages or the Bar Association
(call the Lawyer Referral Service at (406) 449-6577).
1. Consultations and Advice. An attorney can provide an assessment of the legal
options for action in a particular case. Consultation involves an office visit. Some
lawyers do not charge for the first visit, but ask before setting up an appointment.
2. Negotiation. A lawyer can help you negotiate via a letter, phone call, or meeting.
3. Litigation. If you go to court, an attorney can advise or represent you.
Civil Court
Occasionally after the termination of the
rental agreement, or during the term of
the rental agreement, either the tenant or
landlord may decide that the other party
owes them money. Usually in the case of
the tenant, this money is for a wrongfully
withheld security deposit, meaning the
tenant feels that the landlord has withheld
money from the security deposit for pre-
existing problems or that the landlord has
withheld an unreasonable amount of money for deductions that would otherwise be
acceptable. On the landlord's side, they may feel that the former tenant's security
deposit was not enough to cover the costs of cleaning the unit and making repairs after
the tenant vacated, or that the former tenant owes them for unpaid rent or utilities
beyond the amount of the security deposit. Claims may also be filed for personal
property that is being wrongfully withheld by another party. Claims may also be filed in
court for diminished fair rental value or actual damages incurred due to the other
partys noncompliance with the rental agreement or Montana law.
If the renter feels that their current or former landlord or tenant owes them money or
property, a written complaint must be prepared and filed with the Court. A complaint is
a brief, concise statement of the facts making up your complaint. Thirty (30) days after
the termination of tenancy or surrender of the residential premises OR ten (10) days
after notice is received from the landlord that indicates no additional charges to be
deducted from the security deposit must have passed prior to the preparation of a civil
complaint (70-25-204, MCA). The complaint must include the dollar amount
requested, and/or the return of specific property. The renter will need to prepare a
summons to be served to the opposing party and a Request to Serve document for
the Sheriffs office, Constable, or other official who can serve court documents, or an
acknowledgment of service if documents are served by 1
class mail. Order Setting
Hearing documents are required, which will be delivered to the landlord and tenant
once a judge has set a time for the case to be heard. The filing party will need two
copies of the complaint, two copies of the summons, one request to serve, and three
order setting hearing documents. For each additional defendant being sued, add one
copy of each document. The forms are self-explanatory and easy to fill out. All
necessary forms are available at Justice or City Court, and examples can be viewed
online at
Where to File
Landlord-tenant disputes of any kind should be filed in Civil Court. The Civil Court is a
division of the county Justice Court, tasked with jurisdiction over rent deposits and all
actions brought under MCA Title 70, governing property (3-10-302, MCA). Tenants
seeking wrongfully withheld security deposits and landlords seeking unpaid rent,
utilities, or cleaning fees should file in Civil Court. Claims for monetary reimbursement
for damaged personal property should be filed in Civil Court as well. A person should
also file in Civil Court if their claim arose due to negligence on the part of the other
party. A person may file a claim in Civil Court if they feel that the other party owes them
money or property up to an amount of $15,000 (3-10-301, MCA). Landlords or tenants
who feel that the other party is in possession of property belonging to them worth less
than $7,000 should file in Small Claims Court, which is a division of the Civil Court
intended to solve disputes relatively quickly, without the expenses and intricacies of a
formal jury trial (3-10-1001, MCA).
Another important consideration when filing a claim in Civil Court is the county in
which the claim will be filed. Claims must be filed in the county where the defendant
lives or where they have a place of business, or in the county in which the events of
the dispute occurred. In any case, the defendant must be able to be served in the
county where you file your claim (3-10-304, MCA).
Filing in Civil Court
The filing fee for each complaint varies by county. In Missoula and Yellowstone
counties, the fee is $50. In Silver-Bow County, the fee is $65. In Gallatin, Flathead, and
Cascade counties, the fee is $120. There may be additional court fees and costs for
service of the papers by the Sheriffs office or other serving officials. These costs vary
from area to area and may include mileage costs. A deposit is generally required
before service is completed. If there are additional mileage costs, the plaintiff will be
billed for the excess. Any deposit money not spent will be refunded to you. There are
waivers available for certain fees for those who are low-income or otherwise unable to
afford filing. Check with the local Clerk of Court to receive a Statement of Inability to
Pay Court Costs and Fees form and additional details regarding financial options in
your jurisdiction (25-10-404, MCA). A judge must review the statement and come to a
judgment about the petitioners ability to pay; therefore, it is important to submit this
document as soon as possible to allow adequate time for review. The judge, upon
deciding the case, may order the losing party to fully reimburse the other party for all
fees they paid to pursue the case in court, including attorneys fees (70-24-442, MCA).
While the amount of money able to be recovered depends on the circumstances of
the dispute, the losing party will generally be responsible for paying at least the cost of
actual damages (70-24-4, MCA). Spouses cannot represent each other and each needs
to sign the complaint, if jointly filed.
The defendant or opposing party will be notified of the lawsuit by service of the papers
by the Sheriffs office, Constable, or another person. After the papers are served, the
plaintiff will receive the summons back with a certificate of proof of service and an
accounting of the fees spent, when applicable. The plaintiff MUST return this proof of
service to the Court to continue with the lawsuit and to have its associated costs
included in the judgment amount. In Justice Court, a defendant has twenty (20) days to
file an Answer, after which the court will be able to set a hearing. If the defendant does
not file an Answer within twenty (20) days, the plaintiff can file a Motion for Default
Judgment form, at which point the non-answering party may be found by default
responsible for paying the relief indicated in the original complaint.
Counterclaim and Removal
Once the defendant has been served with the order to appear, the defendant may
decide that the plaintiff actually owes them money or property. In this case, the
defendant may file a counter-claim against the plaintiff at the Small Claims Court.
Counterclaims must arise from the same transaction as the original claim, and the
relief sought in counterclaim can differ in amount or kind than that sought in the
original complaint (25-20-3(13), MCA). For example: a tenant files a claim against their
ex-landlord for wrongfully withholding their security deposit. The landlord, however,
feels that the former tenant's security deposit was not enough to cover reasonable
costs for the amount of time they spent cleaning the apartment and decides to file a
counterclaim for cleaning charges beyond the amount of the security deposit.
Counter-claims must be filed and served to the plaintiff at least seventy-two (72) hours
prior to the date of the trial. There is a $10 fee for filing a counterclaim, but a defendant
who files a counterclaim will not also be required to pay the standard $10 defendant
appearance fee (25-35-608, MCA). Fees may vary based on county.
The defendant may also choose to have the case removed from the Small Claims
Court to the Justice Court. This decision must be made within ten (10) days of service
of the original complaint (25-35-605, MCA). In Justice Court both parties may choose to
be represented by attorneys and the defendant may request a jury trial. If the
defendant chooses to have the case removed to Justice Court, they must first pay the
Small Claims Court a removal fee and then pay the Justice Court a filing fee, as well as
attorneys fees. Fee amounts may vary by county. The prevailing party may recover
these costs. If the defendant does not have the case removed to the Justice Court,
they give up their right to be represented by an attorney and their right to a jury trial
(25-35-605, MCA).
At the Trial
If a case continues to trial, the parties may be given a handout outlining the procedure
that will be expected to be followed at the trial. Each party is responsible for proving to
the Court the facts of their side of the case. At the trial, each party will be expected to
bring all of their witnesses, written documents (i.e., lease, contract, bills of sale,
receipts, etc.), or other evidence needed for judgment. Generally, deadlines to comply
with discovery or exchange of information are set by the Court.
After the trial is held, the Court will issue a judgment based on the facts presented in
the case. Each party will receive a copy of the judgment.
Your evidence is held for thirty (30) days after the judgment is issued. After that time,
you may pick up your evidence from the Court file. The Court will NOT mail the
evidence back to you. If an appeal is filed, the evidence is transferred to the District
Court with all other payers.
If you obtain a judgment, either by default or after a pre-trial hearing or a trial is held,
you may proceed to the actual collection of the judgment.
If the parties wish to negotiate a payment plan for the payment of the judgment, they
may do so. The Court would encourage any payments to be handled directly between
the parties involved (26-1-705, MCA).
Payment of judgment is due immediately, however, it may be best to wait ten (10) days
after judgment before you begin the collection process.
Within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of your case, the judge will issue a written
decision or judgment (25-23-1(21), MCA). The prevailing party is entitled to collect the
amount of money or specific items of personal property set forth in the judgment plus
all court costs. However, it is the responsibility of the prevailing party to collect the
payment from the other party. If the losing party refuses to pay, the prevailing party
may go back to the Small Claims Court and request a Writ of Execution. This is an
order to the Sheriff directing them to take money or specific personal property from
the losing party to pay the judgment. If you have difficulty collecting a judgment, see
an attorney.
If either party is not satisfied with the judgment in the case, they may appeal the case
to the District Court. Appeals must be filed within thirty (30) days of the judgment
(25-33-102, MCA). Within ten (10) days of the filing of the appeal, the record of the trial
and any evidence presented will be sent to the District Court (25-33-104, MCA). The
party appealing will be notified when this happens, but it is their responsibility to
ensure that the records are properly transmitted.
Either party will have thirty (30) days to file a written Notice of Appeal with the District
Court and complete the procedures necessary (25-30A-2200(5), MCA). In a Justice
Court with official court records or transcripts of the proceedings, appeals may only be
filed in matters of law, meaning you can only file an appeal if you believe the judge
applied the law in your case incorrectly. The case will not be retried at the District
Court, and the judge at the District Court will only review the case and rule as to
whether or not the law was correctly applied in the original ruling. Cascade, Lewis and
Clark, and Flathead Counties have courts of record. In a Justice Court without record,
which are the most common courts that see tenant-landlord complaints in Montana,
the case can be retried in District Court on appeal. You will be required to pay a filing
fee to the Clerk of the District Court and post an appeal bond, if set by the judge.
Part VI: Mobile Home Owners Renting Space in
Mobile Home Parks & Their Landlords
(70-33, MCA)
During the 1993 and 1995 legislative sessions,
several laws were passed concerning the rights of
mobile home owners who rent a space in a mobile
home park and their landlords (a mobile home park
consists of two or more mobile homes). This section
covers only the laws concerning tenants
who rent a space in a mobile home park but own their
mobile home (70-33-104, MCA). Unless specified otherwise, all rights applying to
tenants and landlords of non-mobile homes apply to tenants and landlords of
mobile homes.
Rental Agreements (70-33-201, MCA)
Unless otherwise provided in the rental agreement, the following shall be assumed
(70-33-201, MCA):
The rental rate as set by the landlord should be based upon the rental value for use
and occupancy of the lot, and it should be equally apportioned from day-to-day.
Rent must be payable at the landlords address or through electronic transfer in
equal monthly installments. The tenancy is from month-to-month.
If either party terminates the rental agreement without cause before the end of the
lease term, the other party is entitled to monetary damages up to 1-months rent or
an amount agreed to in the rental agreement which cannot exceed one months
rent. Landlords will follow MCA 70-33-426(2) and are entitled to rent from defaulting
tenants up to the date a new tenancy starts or the date the original rental
agreement expires.
A rental agreement cannot require either party to waive their legal rights and remedies
or limit their liability in the case of court proceedings that arose from misconduct or
negligence of the terms of the agreement (70-33-202, MCA).
The tenant has the exclusive rights to sell their mobile home without interference from
the landlord. However, purchasing a mobile home does not grant the new owner the
rights to rent the mobile home lot it resides on. If the buyer wishes to live on the lot,
suitable arrangements must be made with the landlord. The landlord is permitted to
require an application from this prospective tenant. The landlord has a period of thirty
(30) days to review the application, after which they must provide a written acceptance
or denial to both the mobile home seller and purchaser. If denied, the buyer may
request the reasons for denial, which the landlord is required to provide. A denial by
the landlord does not prevent the sale of the mobile home.
Rules (70-33-311, MCA)
Mobile home park landlords may adopt written rules governing the tenant's use and
occupancy of the premises as long as these guidelines are followed:
1. A rule may not be unreasonable. Additionally, a rule that does not apply
uniformly to all mobile home residents is unfair and therefore unenforceable.
2. All rules must be written and given to each existing and new resident of the
mobile home park, especially as existing rules are updated.
3. Each common area facility must be open or available to residents at all
reasonable hours, and the hours of a common recreational facility must be
posted at the facility (70-33-313(2), MCA).
4. A rule will not go into effect until after 30 days prior written notice if it
makes substantive changes to an already active month-to-month rental
Resident Associations (70-33-314, MCA)
The mobile home park landlord may not prohibit meetings by a tenant association or a
group of tenants relating to mobile home living.
All residents may attend meetings, but the mobile home park landlord and the
landlord's employees may not be members and may not attend meetings unless
specifically invited by the tenant association.
A landlord may not retaliate by increasing rent, decreasing services or by bringing or
threatening to bring an action for possession due to a tenant's involvement in a tenant
union, a mobile home park tenant association or similar organization.
Road Maintenance Obligations (70-33-315, MCA)
The landlord of a mobile home park must keep common roads within the park in safe
condition, including arranging for snow plowing when needed to make the roads passable.
Reasons for Eviction (70-33-433, MCA)
Unlike rentals involving a landlord-owned dwelling, rental agreements for spaces in
mobile home parks may only be terminated for good cause. If a rental agreement is
terminated without cause prior to its expiration, the aggrieved party is entitled to
monetary damages of up to one months rent (70-33-201(2)(f), MCA). Below is a list of
reasons for which mobile home space rental agreements may be terminated. The type
of termination notice required for each reason appears in parentheses ( ).
1. Nonpayment of rent, late charges, or common area maintenance
fees as established in the rental agreement (Seven (7) day notice, pay
or quit).
2. Late payment of rent, late charges or common area maintenance fees
three or more times in a twelve (12) month period if the landlord gave written
notice after each non-payment incident (Thirty (30) day notice).
3. Violation of a mobile home park rule that creates an immediate threat to
the health and safety of any resident of the park (Twenty-four (24) hour
notice). Even if the violation is remedied within the twenty-four (24) hour
period, the landlord is subsequently allowed to issue a (Fourteen (14) day
4. Two or more violations within a six (6) month period of the same rule for
which notice has been given for each prior violation, as long as the tenant was
aware of the rule for sixty (60) days prior to the violation, and that rule is not a
significant modification of the existing lease agreement (Thirty (30) day notice).
5. Two or more violations within a six (6) month period of MCA
70-33-321(1), which details the tenants maintenance responsibilities
(Fourteen (14) day notice).
6. Any violation of MCA 70-33-321(3), which holds that a tenant is not
allowed to destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any part of the
premises (Three (3) day notice).
7. Disorderly conduct that results in disruption of the rights of others to the
peaceful enjoyment and use of the premises (Seven (7) day notice).
8. Any other noncompliance or violation that endangers other residents or
park personnel, or that causes substantial damage to the park premises
(Fourteen (14) day notice).
9. Conviction of the mobile home owner or tenant of the mobile home
owner of violation of a federal, state, or local ordinance when the violation is
detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of other residents or the landlord
of the mobile home park OR the landlord's documentation of violations
involving dangerous drugs, as defined and governed by MCA 45-9 (Fourteen
(14) day notice).
10. Changes in the use of the mobile home parkland. In which case each
affected mobile home owner and tenant of a mobile home must receive 15
days notice that the landlord is going before a unit of local government to
request a land use change. Further, if the change of use is approved the
landlord must provide to the mobile home owners 6 months prior notice of
termination of tenancy and shall also describe in detail the change in use. (Six
(6) month notice).
11. A legitimate business reason, so long as it doesnt violate any other
provision. (Ninety (90) day notice).
Part VII: Section 8 Housing
Section 8 housing is a program designed to assist very low-income families in paying
for housing. To be eligible for the Section 8 housing program, an individual must have
an income that is below 50% of the median income for the county. Section 8 is a
federal program administered through state and local agencies, known as Housing
Authorities. In Montana, the Montana Department of Commerce administers Section 8
through a number of local agencies. This section covers a few of the rules and
regulations for Section 8 housing, but should not be considered complete. You should
contact your local Section 8 agent or the Montana Department of Commerce (see
reference section in the back of this book) if you want to inquire about getting on the
Section 8 wait list or if you have any further questions regarding Section 8 housing.
Average time on the Section 8 wait list is 3 to 7 years.
All Section 8 tenants and landlords are required to abide by Montana tenant-landlord laws.
Section 8 regulations are supplements to Montana law, not replacements for it.
Screening of Tenants
If you are a landlord and are considering
acceptance of a Section 8 housing voucher, it is
your responsibility to check the prospective
tenant's rental history, credit report, etc.
Participation in the Section 8 program or being on
the Montana Department of Commerce (MDOC)
wait list is not a representation of the tenants
suitability of tenancy or expected behavior.
MDOC will provide prospective landlords with
the family's current and prior addresses and the
names and addresses, if known, of current and
prior landlords, as they appear in MDOC records.
However, it is the responsibility of the
prospective landlord to seek appropriate
Security Deposits
Section 8 landlords are allowed to collect security deposits from their tenants. However,
MDOC local field agents may prohibit security deposits above private market practice or
above the amount required of non-Section 8 tenants. For Moderate Rehabilitation
Housing, the landlord may collect a security deposit in the amount of one month's
tenant payment, or $50, whichever is greater. The Montana Residential Security Deposit
Act (70-25, MCA) applies in full to all Section 8 security deposits (see Security Deposits).
Landlord Responsibilities
Section 8 landlords are required to maintain their units in accordance with MCA
70-24-303, (see Landlord & Tenant Responsibilities) and with federal Housing Quality
Standards. MDOC local agents may perform inspections of Section 8 housing once a
year, or in response to a tenant complaint, to ensure that all units are meeting the
standards. If a deficiency is found the landlord will receive a deficiency letter stating
what the landlord needs to do to bring the unit into compliance and specifying a
period of time in which the repairs must be made. If the defect is life threatening, the
landlord must correct the problem in twenty-four (24) hours. After the deficiency has
been fixed, the tenant must call the local Section 8 agency to schedule another
inspection to verify that the problem has been fixed. The landlord should verify with
the local agency that a re-inspection has been scheduled. MDOC will not issue a rent
check to the landlord until a re-inspection has been completed.
In Moderate Rehabilitation units, landlords are responsible for repairing all damages to
the unit, even those caused by the tenants. The landlord may, however, seek
compensation for damages to the unit caused by the tenant in Civil Court and/or
terminate the rental agreement.
Landlords are also responsible for enforcing all tenant obligations under the lease. It is
not the responsibility of MDOC or their local field agents to ensure tenant compliance
with the lease. If the unit is to be occupied by a disabled person, it is also the landlord's
responsibility to make any necessary modifications to the unit though these
modifications may be at the tenant's expense.
Tenant Responsibilities
All Section 8 tenants are required to abide by Montana tenant-landlord law in regards
to the care and maintenance of the unit they are renting. Tenants are responsible for
correcting any breach of the Housing Quality Standards that were caused by the
tenant, within the amount of time specified by MDOC. If the breach is life threatening,
the tenant must correct the situation in twenty-four (24) hours.
In addition to these responsibilities, tenants must supply all information that MDOC, its
local agents or HUD determines is necessary for the administration of the program.
The family must also provide local Section 8 agents with at least a thirty (30) day
written notice if they intend to terminate their rental agreement or a copy of any
eviction notice from the owner of the unit. Families are also required to notify their local
agents of any change in the composition of the household. No family members may
be added to the household without prior consent from MDOC.
Payments to Landlords
The portion of rent paid by the Section 8 program is mailed directly from MDOC in
Helena to the landlord on or before the 10th of each month. Local offices have no
control over rent checks. If you are a Section 8 landlord and have not received your
check by the middle of the month, call your local office (see Montana Resource
Directory) and the staff will investigate the delay. If you owe the state money for taxes,
student loans, child support, etc. your check may be withheld. If the check was sent,
MDOC will verify whether the check was cashed or not. If the check was issued and not
cashed, MDOC will require the landlord to sign a bond to reissue the check.
Landlords may never ask the tenant for more money than is stipulated in the rental
contract. If a landlord asks for more than the amount stipulated by the rental contract,
the contract may be canceled and the tenant may sue the landlord for damages.
For tenants on the voucher program, landlords must seek reimbursement through the
Civil or Small Claims Court from the tenant for damages to the unit caused by the
tenant or for cleaning costs, unpaid rent or unpaid utilities owed to the landlord. No
claims for damages or cleaning may be filed with MDOC for tenants on the voucher
program. For Moderate Rehabilitation housing, if the security deposit is insufficient to
cover the amount owed to the landlord, or if the landlord did not collect a security
deposit, the owner may claim reimbursement from MDOC. The reimbursement will be
for the lesser of a) the amount owed to the owner, or b) two (2) month's contract rent
minus the amount of the security deposit collected, or the amount that the landlord
could have collected from the tenant.
Rent Adjustments
Rent adjustments for moderate rehabilitation housing programs may only occur once a
year, on the anniversary date of the contract. For voucher programs, rent may be
adjusted at any time after the expiration of the original six-month contract with at least
a 60 day written notice to the tenants and MDOC. For moderate rehabilitation housing,
all rent adjustments must be approved by MDOC and such approval is contingent on
inspection of the unit, compliance with the contract and evaluation that the adjustment
is reasonable.
Landlords may apply to MDOC for special rent adjustments other than at the times
specified above by submitting to MDOC with the request for rent adjustment all tax
records and utility bills for the current and prior year. Special increases will only be
approved if the landlord can show that their costs have increased due to increased
property taxes, utility rates or assessments.
Terminations and Evictions
All Housing Assistance Payments contracts are in effect for one year. During this
time, both the landlord and the tenant are barred from terminating the rental
contract unless the other party has repeatedly and severely violated the terms of
the lease or Montana law.
Landlords also have the right to terminate the rental agreement during the initial
one year period under good cause, so long as the cause is a harmful or obscene
act committed by the tenant, or a means of upkeep or duty the tenant has failed to
Landlords may not terminate the rental agreement during the first year for private use,
repurposing of the property, or if the tenant will not agree to a revision of the lease.
The landlord may also not terminate the rental agreement with a tenant for
non-payment of the MDOC's responsibility of the rent share.
After the first six (6) months, either tenant or landlord may terminate the rental
agreement for any reason by delivering to the opposite party and the MDOC a written
notice of termination. The notice must be delivered at least thirty (30) days prior to the
termination, but no more than sixty (60) days. If a tenant is to move out of the rental
unit before the end of the month, the landlord is entitled to the entire month's rent
portion from the MDOC, but must return a prorated amount of the rent to the tenant if
the unit is re-rented to an outside party before the month expires.
If at any point the landlord is to sell the property to a new owner, the MDOC must be
immediately notified of the sale. The MDOC cannot issue renters checks to the new
owner until they have filled out the required paperwork for the Section 8 program.
Appendix A
Checklist for Choosing a Rental Unit
Phone: (H) (C) (W)
Or Lease
Date Available:
Pet Provisions:
Special Provisions:
Security Deposit:
Gas/Oil Bill
Gas/Oil Bill
Electric Bill
Electric Bill
Water Bill:
Garbage Pick-up
Housing Features
Heat Source:
Storage Space:
Pets Allowed:
Parking Access:
Nearest Bus Line:
Nearest School:
Center Nearest:
Appendix B
Model Rental Agreement
Parties and Premises: This rental agreement is made and entered into on
by and between , hereinafter referred to as “Landlord, and
, hereinafter referred to as “Tenant, for the premises
located at: with the following furniture and
appliances: . The parties have agreed:
1. Term of Period
This agreement is to begin on and is:
an agreement for the specific term of months, ending .
2. Deposit
(a) If, at the time of termination of this agreement and upon final inspection
of the premises,
(i) there is no unpaid rent owed to the landlord
(ii) no damages or additional cleaning for which the tenant is responsible
(iii) the tenant can prove that there are no unpaid utilities for which the
tenant is responsible; the landlord may deduct these expenses for the
security deposit, within ten (10) days of the termination, the full amount of
the security deposit.
(b) If, at the termination of this agreement, there remains money owed to
the landlord for cleaning or damages for which the tenant is responsible, the
landlord may deduct these expenses from the security deposit. Within thirty
(30) days after termination of this agreement the landlord shall deliver to the
(i) a written statement itemizing all deductions from this deposit
and the specific reasons for the deductions
(ii) any balance of the deposit owed the tenant
The landlord may deduct unpaid rent and the actual and reasonable cost of
repairing damage caused by the tenant, except damage caused by normal
wear and tear, as per Montana law (70-25-201, MCA).
3. Rent
Rent is payable in advance on the day of each month, and will be delivered
to . Initial rent: $ . This amount covers the
period of to . Optional Provision: The landlord also accepts $
as payment for last months rent.
4. Disclosure
The name and address of the owner of the rental unit is: .
The name and address of the manager of the rental unit is: .
5. The Tenant Shall:
A. Pay all rents promptly when due.
B. Pay for any damages to the rental unit, including appliances and
property within the rental unit which belong to the landlord, caused by any act
of negligence of the tenant(s) or any guest. Damage due to ordinary and
reasonable wear and tear, or loss or damage by fire not caused by the tenant
or guest is excepted.
C. Place garbage and refuse inside the containers provided.
D. Refrain from acts or practices which disturb the neighbors peaceful
enjoyment of the premises.
E. Keep the rental unit clean and in sanitary condition.
F. Surrender possession of the premises to the landlord upon the lawful
and proper termination of the rental agreement.
G. Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as set down in Montana law
(70-24- 312, 70-24-321, and 70-24-322, MCA).
6. The Landlord Shall be Responsible For:
A. Repairs to the exterior of the premises.
B. Repairs to sewers, heating, all landlord-owned appliances and
wiring and plumbing fixtures.
C. Repairs to all common area doors, windows and stairs.
D. Providing necessary extermination service for the premises, ensuring
the elimination of all vermin and rodents.
E. Installing and maintaining locks on all doors leading from the entrance
ways into hallways and on the doors to all common areas.
F. Maintaining the premises and common areas in accordance with city or
county housing, building, and zoning codes.
G. Other duties and responsibilities as set down in Montana law
(70-24-301, 70-24-302, and 70-24-303, MCA).
Tenants shall be responsible for all of the above repairs if they are made
necessary by the negligence of the tenant(s) or their guests.
7. Landlords Rights of Entry
Except in case of emergency or pursuant to court order, the landlord must give
at least twenty-four (24) hours notice before entering the rental unit, and then
may enter only with the tenants consent (70-24-312, MCA). The landlord may
enter only at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner. The landlord shall
not abuse the right of access, nor use it to harass the tenant. The tenant shall not
unreasonably withhold consent for access to the premises by the landlord.
8. Alterations
Tenant(s) shall not materially alter the premises without permission of the landlord.
9. Termination
Either party may terminate or change the terms of a month-to-month
agreement by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days written notice. If the
duration of this agreement is to be more than thirty (30) days (month-to-month),
then the terms of the agreement may only be changed at the termination date
listed above, except as provided for by the law.
10. Utilities.
Landlord agrees to pay all utilities except
which shall be paid by the tenant.
11. Subletting
Tenant shall not sublet all or any part of the premises, nor assign this agreement
or any interest in it without the Landlords prior written consent, which will not
be unreasonably withheld.
12. Pets
The following pets will be allowed in the rental
unit: .
13. The landlord will make the following repairs or alterations to the rental unit by
the dates noted:
Repair Date Landlords Initial
Repair Date Landlords Initial
Repair Date Landlords Initial
14. Additional Terms
Further, the following additional terms are agreed to by both parties:
Landlord (Signature)
Tenant 1 (Signature)
Tenant 2 (Signature)
Tenant 3 (Signature)
Tenant 4 (Signature)
Appendix C
Model Statement of the Condition of the Premises
Use this report to record the condition of your unit and its contents when you move in.
If you mark anything as either dirty or damaged, describe it fully on an additional sheet
and take pictures if possible. Also be sure to indicate the quantity of each piece to
avoid miscommunication. Both you and your landlord should have signed and dated
copies of this form after you have filled it out.
Living Room
Not Dirty
End Table
Easy Chair
Floor Lamp
Table Lamp
Coffee Table
Rug or
Bedroom 1
Not Dirty
Bed Frame
Box Spring
Night Stand
Drapes /
Rug or
Bedroom 2
Not Dirty
Bed Frame
Box Spring
Night Stand
Drapes /
Rug or
Not Dirty
Towel Racks
Counter Top
Working Tub
Toilet Seat
Light Fixture
Hot and
Cold Water
Not Dirty
Oven Racks
Boiler Pan
Ice Cube
Range Hood
and Fan
Hot and
Cold Water
Door Keys
Mailbox Key
Appendix D
Model Roommate Rental Agreement
Upon signing below, the tenants living in the rental unit located at
agree to the following:
1. All Roommates shall abide by the terms of the rental agreement with the
landlord as well as with those laws governing tenants and their rights and
2. Rent will be paid as follows:
Roommate 1
Roommate 2
Roommate 3
Roommate 4
3. All rental and security deposits shall be divided, paid and refunded
equally, except that each roommate will be individually responsible for financial
costs associated with any of their actions or negligence resulting in unpaid rent
or costs for cleaning or damages.
4. Utility costs shall be divided and paid equally. Exceptions may
include utilities that are unequally used by roommates, i.e. long distance
phone calls or increased wifi for roommates that work from home.
5. Each roommate shall pay rent, utilities, and other housing costs promptly
and in full.
6. If any roommate does not fulfill the terms of the rental agreement with
the landlord, pay housing costs promptly, or if they otherwise violate the terms
of this roommate agreement, any of the other roommates shall have the right
to: (1) require them to vacate the premises thirty (30) days from receipt of a
written notice, and (2) collect any money due through legal means.
7. Any roommate may terminate their obligation to the rental agreement
only as allowed by the rental agreement with the landlord, and in case of a
month-to-month rental agreement, upon thirty (30) days written notice to all
the other roommates.
8. If a roommate terminates their obligation to the rental agreement, the
remaining roommates shall be refunded their security deposit- minus
appropriate deductions for unpaid rent, damages, or cleaning- within thirty (30)
days of terminating the agreement. Deductions must be in accordance with
Montana law. Before costs for cleaning can be deducted, the remaining
roommates must give notice of cleaning needing to be done, anticipated costs,
and forty-eight (48) hours to the departing roommate to do the cleaning
themself. The remaining roommates must also provide, within thirty (30) days of
the departing roommates termination of the agreement, a written list itemizing
any deductions for damages and cleaning. The departing roommate will
provide a forwarding address in writing.
9. New roommates, if needed, shall be chosen through the consensus of all
roommates who shall continue to live on the premises. Any new roommates
must sign this roommate rental agreement.
10. In signing this agreement, no roommate forfeits any of their rights as a
tenant as specified in the rental agreement or by the law.
11. Special Provisions
______________________________ ________
Roommate 1 (Signature) Date
______________________________ ________
Roommate 2 (Signature) Date
______________________________ ________
Roommate 3 (Signature) Date
______________________________ ________
Roommate 4 (Signature) Date
Appendix E
Model Holding Deposit Agreement
The prospective tenant, , pays the landlord, , a
holding deposit of $ for the rental unit located at . With this
payment, the parties signing below agree to the following:
1. The landlord shall, until , give first priority for rental of the
rental unit to the prospective tenant.
2. If the prospective tenant decides to rent the premises, they must sign
the attached rental agreement with the landlord by the date specified in part
3. If the tenant and landlord sign the rental agreement by the date specified
above, the holding deposit shall be used as partial or full payment of a security
deposit of $ , pursuant to the terms of the security deposit specified in the
rental agreement.
4. If the prospective tenant does not sign the rental agreement by the date
specified above, they relinquish the holding deposit to the landlord as payment
for holding the rental unit for the prospective tenant.
5. If the landlord decides not to rent to the tenant for any reason, they will
return the full amount of the deposit to the prospective tenant no later than five
days after the landlords decision not to rent to the prospective tenant, or the
date specified in (1), whichever occurs first.
Landlord (Signature) Date
Prospective Tenant 1 (Signature) Date
Prospective Tenant 2 (Signature) Date
Prospective Tenant 3 (Signature) Date
Appendix F
Model Security Deposit Agreement
Upon entering into a rental agreement on the rental unit located at
and upon payment by the tenant, , and the landlord,
, a security of $ , the parties signing below agree to
the following:
1. Said deposit may be applied by the landlord toward reimbursement for
any cost incurred because of the tenant's violation of the rental agreement,
including nonpayment of rent and/or any utilities for which the tenant is
responsible. Said deposit is to be returned within thirty (30) days of termination
accompanied by a written statement itemizing deductions. If, after the
completion of the final inspection of the premises, there is no further cleaning
required, no unpaid rent, no damages to the unit, and the tenant can prove to
the landlord that all utilities are paid, the landlord shall return the entire amount
of the security deposit to the tenant within ten (10) days.
2. The landlord shall inspect the premises within one week prior to
termination of the rental agreement and, before the tenant vacates, shall give
the tenant a written statement of needed repairs and the estimated cost
thereof. The tenant shall be responsible only for damage beyond normal wear
and tear and for returning the rental unit to a condition of cleanliness similar to
its condition when the tenant moved in.
3. A written statement as to the condition of the premises upon
occupation by the tenant, as prescribed by MCA 70-25-206, is attached.
4. The landlord shall place the tenants security deposit in an interest
bearing bank account. Earned interest shall be treated as part of the security
Landlord (Signature) Date
Tenant 1 (Signature) Date
Tenant 2 (Signature) Date
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Additional Resources
For Information/Complaints About Housing Discrimination:
Montana Human Rights Bureau
PO Box 8011 (406) 444-6543
Helena MT 59604 1-800-542-0807
For Information and Advice on Discrimination and Disabled Persons Housing
Montana Fair Housing
501 E Front Street #533 (406) 782-2573
Butte MT 59701 1-800-929-2611
To Find a Local Attorney:
Lawyer Referral Service (406) 449-6577
Financial Assistance for Housing or Utilities (Local Section 8 Agencies)
Human Resource Development Council
(Bighorn, Carbon, Sweetgrass, Stillwater, and rural Yellowstone Counties)
7 N 31st St (406) 247-4732
Billings MT, 59101 1-800-433-1411 Fax: (406) 248-2943
Homefront (Billings Area)
2415 1st Ave N (406) 245-6391
Billings, MT 59101 Fax: (406) 245-0387
Human Resource Development Council (Gallatin, Park and Meagher Counties)
32 S Tracy Ave (406) 587-4486
Bozeman, MT 59715 Fax: (406) 585-3538
Action Inc.
25 W Silver St (406) 533-6855
Butte, MT 59701 1-800-382-1325
Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana
Lincoln County Annex (406) 293-2712
66121 Highway 37 Suite 3
Eureka, MT 59917
Action For Eastern Montana (Carter, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, McCone,
Phillips, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sheridan, Treasure, Valley,
Wibaux counties)
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
P.O. Box 1309 (406) 377-3564
2030 N Merrill Ave Fax: (406) 377-3570
Glendive, MT 59330 1-800-227-0703
Great Falls
Opportunities Inc.
Action For Eastern Montana provides several other services, including assistance and companionship
for aging people, employment training, and Head Start. Visit their website to find county-specific
contact information at
(Cascade, Chouteau, Glacier, Pondera, Teton, and Toole Counties)
P.O. Box 2289 (406) 761-0310
905 1st Ave N
Great Falls, MT 59401
Great Falls Housing Authority
1500 Chowen Springs Loop (406) 453-4311
Great Falls, MT 59405 TDD: (406) 453-6327
[email protected]g Fax: (406) 727-5566
Human Resource Council
303 N. Third St (406) 363-6101
Hamilton, MT 59840
Human Resource Development Council
2229 5th Ave (406) 265-6743
Havre, MT 59501 1-800-640-6743 Fax: (406) 265-1312
Helena Housing Authority
812 Abbey St (406) 442-7970
Helena, Montana 59601 Fax: (406) 442-0574
Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana
214 Main Street (406) 752-6565
P.O. Box 88 1-800-344-5979
Kalispell, MT 59904 [email protected]
Human Resource Development Council
300 1st Avenue North, Suite 203 (406) 535-7488
Lewistown, MT 59457 Fax: 406-535-2843
Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana
933 Farm to Market Rd, Suite B (406) 293-2712
Libby, MT 59923 Fax: (406) 293-2979
Human Resource Development Council
121 S. 2nd St (406) 333-2537
Livingston, MT 59047
Human Resource Council
1801 S. Higgins Ave (406) 728-3710
Missoula, MT 59801 Fax: (406) 728-7680
Missoula Housing Authority
1235 34th St (406) 549-4113
Missoula, MT 59801 Fax: (406) 549-6406
Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana
110 Main Suite M-1 (406) 883-3470
Polson, MT 59860 Fax: (406) 883-3481
Human Resource Council
38 Mullan Rd W (406) 822-4251
Superior, MT 59872
Thompson Falls
Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana
2504 Tradewinds Way Suite 1 (406) 827-3472
Thompson Falls, MT 59873 Fax: (406) 827-3327
White Sulphur Springs
Human Resource Development Council
107 E. Main St (406) 547-3775
P.O. Box 327
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645
For Legal Assistance
Montana Legal Services
207 N Broadway Suite 430 (406) 248-7113 or 1-800-666-6899
Billings, MT 59101 Fax: (406) 252-6055
ASMSU Legal Services (Montana State University students only)
221 Strand Union (406) 994-2933
Bozeman, MT 59717 [email protected]
Montana Legal Services
616 Helena Avenue Suite 100 (406) 442-9817
Helena, MT 59601 Fax: (406) 442-9817
Montana Legal Services
1535 Liberty Lane Suite 110D (406) 543-8343
Missoula, MT 59802 Fax: (406) 543-8314
ASUM Legal Services (University of Montana Students Only)
University Center Rm 116 (406) 243-6213
Missoula, MT 59812 Fax: (406) 243-2566
Abatement: To reduce or lower rent. If the lease says there will be a rental
abatement if XYZ happens, it means the tenant will pay a lower rent if XYZ
Action: Legal proceeding in which rights of parties are determined. Most
commonly an Action for Possession, to determine who has the right to
occupy a rental unit.
Casualty Destruction: Accidental damages caused by fire, flood, etc.
Certified Mail: Mail service providing the sender with proof of mailing.
Counterclaim: A claim by a defendant opposing the claim of a plaintiff and
seeking some relief from the plaintiff for the defendant, consisting of
assertions that the defendant could have made by starting a lawsuit, if the
plaintiff had not already begun the action.
Default: Failure by tenant to pay any installment of rent in accordance with
the rental agreement.
Detainer: To keep anothers property against their will.
Unlawful Detainer: (i) When the tenant continues possession of any part of
the property after the expiration of the rental agreement without permission
(ii) if the tenant continues possession of any part of the property without
permission of the landlord after failing to make the required payments on rent
and they have received a three days notice or (iii) or when the tenant
continues possession after failing to perform other conditions of the lease.
(70-27-108, MCA).
Distress and/or Distraint: A landlords acts of securing the tenants property
and the tenants belongings to keep or sell in place of rent the landlord claims
the tenant owes.
Dwelling Unit: A structure or the part of a structure that is used as a home,
residence, or sleeping place by a person who maintains a household or by
two or more persons who maintain a common household. Dwelling unit, in
the case of a person who rents space in a mobile home park and rents the
mobile home, means the mobile home itself (70-24-103, MCA).
Dispossess: To remove a person from land or property.
Landlord: The owner, lessor, or sublessor of the dwelling unit or the building
of which it is a part.
Lessee: The tenant.
Lessor: The landlord.
Liable: Legally responsible; legally required to pay.
The Party of the First Part: The first persons name to appear on the rental
agreement (usually the landlords).
The Party of the Second Part: The second persons name to appear (usually
the tenants) is the party of the second part.
Premises: A dwelling unit and the structure of which it is a part, the facilities
and appurtenances in the structure, and the grounds, areas, and facilities
held out for the use of tenants generally or promised for the use of a tenant.
Prorate: To divide or distribute rent proportionately to the number of days the
tenant spends in the dwelling unit.
Pursuant: In accordance with (law or legal document).
Rental Agreement: All agreements, written or oral, and valid rules adopted
under MCA 70-24-103 embodying the terms and conditions concerning the
use and occupancy of a dwelling unit and premises.
Security Deposit: Value given to the landlord, other than the advance
payment of rent, to provide security and payment for the landlord against any
damages to the property or violations of the lease (70-25-101, MCA).
Subletting: A tenant sublets when they rent the dwelling to someone else
with the written approval of the owner, thus becoming the landlord of the
sublessor (70-24-103, MCA).
Tenant: A person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a dwelling unit
to the exclusion of others (70-24-103, MCA).
Terminate: To bring to an end.
Waiver: An act or instance of giving up a right or a claim. For example, a
rental agreement might state that if the tenant does XYZ, they waive their
right to ABC.
Bargaining 8
Check-in sheet 11, 12
Children 10
Damages 11, 14, 15, 16, 18-21, 24, 27, 31-33, 36-37, 41-43, 48, 50-51
Deposit 5, 8-12, 14-17, 31-32, 41-43, 50-51
Holding Deposit 9, 67
Discrimination 10
Eviction 32-36, 47, 51-52
Fire Safety 23-24
Smoke Detector 18, 23-24
Landlords right to access 26-27
Lease 11-16, 28-30, 44, 50, 52
Maintenance 15, 18-22, 47, 50
Managing premises 15
Pets 8, 14-16, 33
Privacy 26-27
Raising Rent 28, 36
Rental Agreement 6-9, 11-20, 22, 27-36, 41, 47, 50-52, 56-59
Verbal rental agreement 6, 11-12
Written rental agreement 6, 9, 11-13, 16, 56-59
Renters Insurance 24-25
Repairs 11, 14, 18-22, 26, 36, 38, 41, 50, 69
Retaliatory conduct 36-37
Rules 11-12, 14, 18, 46, 41
Security Deposit 5, 8, 10-12, 14-17, 31-32, 41-43, 50-51, 68
Small claims court 42-44, 51
Statement of condition of premises 11, 32, 60-64
Subletting 14-16
Tenants right to privacy 26-27
Term agreement 14-15
Termination 13-16, 19-20, 27, 30-37, 41, 47-48, 50-52
Utilities 8, 16, 22-23, 32, 41-42. 51